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The Tarvok Patriarchacy:
       Chapter 2
Welcome back, guys! Last time around, Jason moved into
Pleasantview, got a job, married townie Christy Stratton, and
got her pregnant. Got it? Good.
Somebody commented on the thread on Boolprop and mentioned that I don’t have any real close-up
pictures of my Sims, and I apologize. I’ll start off this chapter with some basic ones of Jason and Christy.
They’re still not the best, but I start using Cameraman Mode eventually during this chapter, so the pictures
do get better.
Jason profile.

If you think the quality looks better, it’s because it should. I didn’t realize I had the image quality pretty low
in the game.
jk, no close-ups of Christy yet.

This interaction makes me laugh. It’s like, “YOU DIRTY RAT, YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!” except it’s “YOU
DIRTY RAT, YOU FLUSHED WHILE I WAS IN THE SHOWER!” The first time I ever saw it, I think I literally lol’d.
“Great, now I get to be stalked.”

Yup. Pretty much.
Now for a Christy “close-up”. I changed her hair, and I like this better.

Yes, the wall is down. Get used to it. I don’t care much about walls being up or down, so they’ll change
sporadically throughout.
Aaand Christy’s profile. That’s an… interesting nose you’ve got there, Christy. It’s actually pretty similar to
Jason’s, just broader at the end and flatter.
After Jason went to work, I trundled Christy off to bed and made them a new “house”. (Well, it’s more of a
house then it was before.) Then I kicked Christy out of her old bed and had her go sleep in the new one.

They probably had the money to make at least a slightly nicer house, but I’m really stingy in both games and
real life.
“I can haz paint nao?”

She needs Creativity points for her job, anyways.
You can’t see it very well, but Christy has blue eyes.
Christy’s eating and Jason’s skilling. It will become a common sight in the Tarvok household.

So yeah, I guess Jason came home and slept or something. Because now he’s in his pajamas.
My game isn’t the only one where the ground randomly does stuff like this, is it? Please tell me it isn’t.
This is a nice break from the Pleasant household. I don’t think Angela ever autonomously washed her dishes.
Or anyone else’s dishes, for that matter.

I preferred Lilith over Angela.
Yay baby bump!

…this could actually be her second one, but I’m 99% sure it’s the first.
“Stop painting, my wife! I want to Congratulate you for being attractive!”

All. The. Freaking. Time. And this was when they only had two bolts for each other.
This was supposed to be a picture showing off Jason’s new hair – I went on a downloading spree and got a
bunch of CC – but it looks a heck of a lot more like a SOON picture. Especially with those eyebrows.
“Loo doo doo, the alarm’s going off, which annoys Annamarie as well as tanks my Environment, but I’m just
going to stay here and make the bed, haha!”

Both of them do this. If I cancel the action, they still finish it up before doing anything else.
With Jason off at work, Christy got to paint some more.
Oh, and I got them a table.
Jason came home from work and got a phone call from his work buddy.

“Wouldn’t it be cool if I got arrested?”

“Uh, no, Jason, it wouldn’t.”
Revised Jason’s turn-ons so that Christy could go without glasses.
She looks better, imo.
And she paints some more.
Nice. -sells-

“You’re so kind.”

Aren’t I?
I can’t remember if he did this autonomously or not. Probably.
The same with this one, although Christy is more likely to have initiated it.
“Jason, I know you would do it anyways, but I’m getting aspiration points for doing this, so would you please
clean the house?”

“Of course!”
I actually thought of poking around Christy’s inventory. This is the Criminal career
And here’s a telescope, obviously.

If I stare at it and wish really hard, will Jason get abducted?
Charisma is always an annoying skill for my Sims to get. This should take a while.
But of course, being Jason, he got a skill point in no time. Now on to the books.

No, Jason. Just no. Not right now.
Baby bump 2.0!
Well, why not? It is her item, after all.

Pouty Sims always get to me. I sent her off to bed.
That’s a bit harsh, Jason!
I like sending Jason to bed in his underwear because his underwear is funny.

In CAS, I forgot to set anything except Jason’s everyday wear. So I have no idea what his bathing suit and
formal wear are.

Nothing to see here, folks, move along!
More skillage!
“I don’t like sandwiches.”

You rolled a Want to eat a lunchmeat sandwich. Eat it.

“Fine then, I will. But then I’m going to go read the newspaper.”

Have fun.
Christy! You just randomly stood up and set down the newspaper you were reading! Does this mean -

Screw you, Christy.

“Sorry, but Jason beat you to that.”

Hey! No using my own jokes against me!
Lovely painting there, Jason.


Finally! You have awful pregnancies, Christy.

“Calm down! I know just what to do! My mother is a doctor!”

Jason, I may not have seen a whole lot of TNG, but I don’t recall Dr. Crusher ever delivering any babies.
Anybody else?
Jon Tarvok. Red hair and Christy’s blue eyes, and a skin tone that’s darker than Jason’s.

I read that Christy has dyed hair and actually has double red hair genes. Which means all of their kids will
have red hair. :D
Beverly “Bev” Tarvok. Red hair, Jason’s skin, and Jason’s custom eyes that I still have yet to identify.

I’ve got a theme going here for the legacy, btw. Star Trek names. Jon is just the English spelling of Jean, as in
Captain Jean Luc Picard.
“Had my kids, time to eat spaghetti.”

Dang, Christy. Aren’t you a doting mother.

“Hey. I already had those kids once before. Having them a second time is pretty tiring, and I need food.”

You have no memory of that first time, Christy. It doesn’t count.

Yeah, Christy had already had the twins, but my game crashed and I had to start over pretty much from the end of
chapter 1. When my game got to the point where it would crash after 2 seconds of playing, I gave up on my 2 GB of
RAM and deleted inTeenimator and a hack I had that increases kids’ fun while they’re at school.
“There. I’m feeding my daughter. Happy?’

Meh. It’s better.
Anyways, this is the nursery at the moment. I believe I read somewhere – I’m thinking it was in the Vetinari
Duelegacy, but I’m probably wrong – that putting up a half-wall between cribs keeps twin babies and
toddlers from waking each other up when they’re crying.
Babe, scolding your newborn son for crying because he’s wet his diaper or whatever doesn’t really work.

Not to mention that you’re facing the changing table, not him.
Jason, what is it you’re saying? Your wife is changing your baby’s diaper and it stinks? NO. FREAKING. WAY.
We need to go tell the world about this revelation! We’ll make a million bucks off of it!
“Let’s make more babies.”


If I could go back in time, I’d go and slap myself for doing this. This was more likely the night after the twins were
born, but still. HO-LY CRAP. You’ll see later on.

Kids, don’t try this at home. I’m not what you’d call an expert, but unless you are one, DO NOT have kids this close
together during a legacy. At the least, wait until the babies are a couple of days into toddler-hood. That way, you
won’t have to deal with two, three, four, or whatever number of completely dependent beings at once.
“Gack! Naked person in the shower!”

That’s your husband, Christy.

“Three shy points! Three shy points!”

Three is better than one. And, I repeat, that’s your husband, Christy. Also, I’ve seen those actions in your queue to Make
Out with Jason. You can’t hide anything from me.


Jason does it to her as well, and he has five points. I don’t know what’s up with this family.
“My wife, I’d like to Congratulate you for being attractive.”

“Uh… thanks?”

Like I said. All the freaking time.
More stalkiness.

He wanted to Talk Through to Christy, but she was busy feeding Bev. He actually stood by that doorway and
waited for her – it was so sad looking – but stupid me accidentally pressed the spacebar instead of “C” and I
didn’t get the shot. Finally he gave up and put the bear down.
“My wife put Bev back, so I’m just going to stand here and hold her.”

You do that, Jason.

Both Christy and Jason are such Family Sims. They will randomly go over, open the crib and take one of the
kidlets out, and then just stand there holding them. It’s kind of funny, except when their needs are low and
they won’t cooperate.
…well, that’s a bit harsh, Jason.

Neither he nor Christy know how to throw away bottles. Jason will clean autonomously, but refuses to pick
up trash. So, if I forget to make them do it, the newspapers and bottles build up pretty quickly.

why did I do that.


And Christy has really crap pregnancies, too.
Christy needed new clothes, so I got a nanny.

Even she knows how to throw away bottles.
Uh, Nanny, I wouldn’t do that if I were you, that toilet hasn’t been cleaned since Christy had morning
sickness –

ah, whatever.
“I’m home. Is anyone going to greet me?”

“Hey, Nanny. I would love to do it myself, but Needs and children are more important, so would you clean
my house for me?”

“Of course!”

Oh, the powers of Influence.

The kidlets do this all the time when one of them is crying. Sadface.
Mommy, the ground’s glitching up again!

Those are Jason’s and Bev’s eyes. I think I may know what they are, but I’ll have to doublecheck.
“Hold Beverly +500!”

I love you, Jason.

“I know.”

Who are you, Han Solo?

I have a lot of pictures from when the twins were babies, but they’re all mostly pointless, so I’ll just give you
one last one before they age up.

This is Christy taking Bev to get her a bottle. It’s a pretty pointless picture, besides the look on Christy’s face.
“Mommy, your red plumbob hurts.”

“Just grow up already, frammit!”

This is Jon.
He got the eyebrows. Hurhur :3

Jon is 7-5-6-4-9. Not sure where he got all those nice points from.
Bev, on the other hand, manages to dodge her mother’s plumbob.

I don’t know if that’s Christy or Bev who’s giving the stink fumes.
Eyebrows :3

Bev is 10-3-10-1-8. I’m not kidding with that personality. I wish I was. Argh.
Poor girl. She’s not all that attractive.
This was autonomous. I <3 Jason.
Oh, Jon…
After some quick makeovers, the kiddos look better.

Holy crap Jason, what happened to your arm?
Bev’s makeover, along with her wonky jaw. Or maybe it’s just her overall facial structure that’s wonky.

Both she and Jon got these tiny noses. Do Jason and/or Christy have them too, and I just didn’t notice?
Odd angle, but gah!

These are the times when Vulcan eyebrows are really, really creepy.
Baby bump 1…
Baby bump 2.
I don’t know who’s getting the points here. The twins and the parents are always rolling wants for each
I gave them a slight remodel. I really like color in my houses. On the left is the nursery, the master
bedroom, and the bathroom. On the right is the kitchen – now with real walls! – and the future bedroom
with for the twins. Yes, the carpet is split down the middle xD My Sims are always rebellious, though, and I’ll
bet they’re going to end up sleeping on opposite sides of the bedroom.
It didn’t take long for Jon to find the dollhouse. He’s so cute.

“My goodness! My wife’s having a baby!”

He only looks slightly concerned. xP
Deanna Tarvok has red hair and blue eyes.

I promise, their next kid will have an un-normal name. I’m not going to let Gen 1 hog all the normal ones.
“Yes! I got another kid!”

No joke. After Christy put Deanna in the crib, he cheered for her.
Hey, Christy. Maybe you should, you know, change your baby’s diaper or something. Just a suggestion.

“My needs are crashing. I refuse to cooperate!”

I did actually buy Christy clothes that one time. She just got pregnant before I put her into them.
This kid has 9 nice points. WHY IS HE SLAMMING THE TEDDY BEAR?
Hey look, Bev’s growing up!

I don’t really bother with birthdays too much. It’s a little too much effort for me xD
Why yes, you do have fingers! What an observant girl!
About an hour later, I finally got someone to get Jon out of his crib so he could age up. And yes, he has
fingers, too.
“Yeah! I’m a real boy now!”

This is as close-up as you’ll get of Child Jon this chapter. Sorry about that. I’m still learning how to use
Cameraman Mode.
In typical Tarvok fashion, one of the first things Bev does is cleaning the kitchen sink. Thanks, Bev.

Is it just me, or did she get cute all of the sudden? Especially with that look!
Oh yeah, Deanna had a birthday, too.

Yes, Jason definitely is heart-farting Christy on his way to bed.
After a makeover, she’s not too bad. She’s also 7-5-6-4-9. WHERE ARE THE KIDS GETTING ALL THESE NICE

Because Christy has such crap pregnancies, I would adopt after this point, but this is a patriarchy and I want
another male spare with the eyebrows.
Bev? That’s more than a little bit creepy.
I will leave you with one last picture of Bev, as she pouts over her burnt muffin. Sorry, babe.
CC Credits
• skintone – “Idolatry of Freckles – Pale” from ganchi’s “Idolatry of Freckles” Complete Genetic Skintone Set
• eyes – still don’t know
• hair 1 – AlfredAskew’s Alfie Lied: Backswept Curly Hair (Nouk Remix)
• hair 2 – myos’s
• clothes – “Forge shirt” from dustfinger’s Separated H&M Shirts for the Men

• hair 1 - “ThinBraidsPontyail Short” from Nouk’s Nouk – Braid Pack, one style, 3 versions! For ladies of all ages.
• hair 2 – Hair 30 -
• clothes – Fishie’s Halter Tops for Women in 9 Desaturated Flavors *UPDATED*; Senates’s Unisex Military
    Boots and Skinny Jeans (+Untucked)

• skintone - “Idolatry of Freckles – Pale” from ganchi’s “Idolatry of Freckles” Complete Genetic Skintone Set
• eyes – still don’t know
• hair – Hair 24 -

• skintone - “Idolatry of Freckles – Light” from ganchi’s “Idolatry of Freckles” Complete Genetic Skintone Set
• hair – fanseelamb’s Short Tousled Hair for Boys of All Ages + Bonus Sideburns (obviously sans sideburns)

• skintone - “Idolatry of Freckles – Light” from ganchi’s “Idolatry of Freckles” Complete Genetic Skintone Set
• hair – Hair 42 -

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The Tarvok Patriarchacy - Chapter 2

  • 1. The Tarvok Patriarchacy: Chapter 2 Welcome back, guys! Last time around, Jason moved into Pleasantview, got a job, married townie Christy Stratton, and got her pregnant. Got it? Good.
  • 2. Somebody commented on the thread on Boolprop and mentioned that I don’t have any real close-up pictures of my Sims, and I apologize. I’ll start off this chapter with some basic ones of Jason and Christy. They’re still not the best, but I start using Cameraman Mode eventually during this chapter, so the pictures do get better.
  • 3. Jason profile. If you think the quality looks better, it’s because it should. I didn’t realize I had the image quality pretty low in the game.
  • 4. jk, no close-ups of Christy yet. This interaction makes me laugh. It’s like, “YOU DIRTY RAT, YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!” except it’s “YOU DIRTY RAT, YOU FLUSHED WHILE I WAS IN THE SHOWER!” The first time I ever saw it, I think I literally lol’d.
  • 5. “Great, now I get to be stalked.” Yup. Pretty much.
  • 6. Now for a Christy “close-up”. I changed her hair, and I like this better. Yes, the wall is down. Get used to it. I don’t care much about walls being up or down, so they’ll change sporadically throughout.
  • 7. Aaand Christy’s profile. That’s an… interesting nose you’ve got there, Christy. It’s actually pretty similar to Jason’s, just broader at the end and flatter.
  • 8. After Jason went to work, I trundled Christy off to bed and made them a new “house”. (Well, it’s more of a house then it was before.) Then I kicked Christy out of her old bed and had her go sleep in the new one. They probably had the money to make at least a slightly nicer house, but I’m really stingy in both games and real life.
  • 9. “I can haz paint nao?” She needs Creativity points for her job, anyways.
  • 10. You can’t see it very well, but Christy has blue eyes.
  • 11. Christy’s eating and Jason’s skilling. It will become a common sight in the Tarvok household. So yeah, I guess Jason came home and slept or something. Because now he’s in his pajamas.
  • 12. My game isn’t the only one where the ground randomly does stuff like this, is it? Please tell me it isn’t.
  • 13. This is a nice break from the Pleasant household. I don’t think Angela ever autonomously washed her dishes. Or anyone else’s dishes, for that matter. I preferred Lilith over Angela.
  • 14. Yay baby bump! …this could actually be her second one, but I’m 99% sure it’s the first.
  • 15. “Stop painting, my wife! I want to Congratulate you for being attractive!” All. The. Freaking. Time. And this was when they only had two bolts for each other.
  • 16. This was supposed to be a picture showing off Jason’s new hair – I went on a downloading spree and got a bunch of CC – but it looks a heck of a lot more like a SOON picture. Especially with those eyebrows.
  • 17. “Loo doo doo, the alarm’s going off, which annoys Annamarie as well as tanks my Environment, but I’m just going to stay here and make the bed, haha!” Both of them do this. If I cancel the action, they still finish it up before doing anything else.
  • 18. With Jason off at work, Christy got to paint some more.
  • 19. Oh, and I got them a table.
  • 20. Jason came home from work and got a phone call from his work buddy. “Wouldn’t it be cool if I got arrested?” “Uh, no, Jason, it wouldn’t.”
  • 21. Revised Jason’s turn-ons so that Christy could go without glasses.
  • 23. And she paints some more.
  • 24. Nice. -sells- “You’re so kind.” Aren’t I?
  • 25. I can’t remember if he did this autonomously or not. Probably.
  • 26. The same with this one, although Christy is more likely to have initiated it.
  • 27. “Jason, I know you would do it anyways, but I’m getting aspiration points for doing this, so would you please clean the house?” “Of course!”
  • 28. I actually thought of poking around Christy’s inventory. This is the Criminal career reward.
  • 29. And here’s a telescope, obviously. If I stare at it and wish really hard, will Jason get abducted?
  • 30. Charisma is always an annoying skill for my Sims to get. This should take a while.
  • 31. But of course, being Jason, he got a skill point in no time. Now on to the books. No, Jason. Just no. Not right now.
  • 33. Well, why not? It is her item, after all.
  • 34. Gaaaah. Pouty Sims always get to me. I sent her off to bed.
  • 35. That’s a bit harsh, Jason!
  • 36. I like sending Jason to bed in his underwear because his underwear is funny. In CAS, I forgot to set anything except Jason’s everyday wear. So I have no idea what his bathing suit and formal wear are.
  • 37. Uhhh- Nothing to see here, folks, move along!
  • 39. “I don’t like sandwiches.” You rolled a Want to eat a lunchmeat sandwich. Eat it. “Fine then, I will. But then I’m going to go read the newspaper.” Have fun.
  • 40. Christy! You just randomly stood up and set down the newspaper you were reading! Does this mean -
  • 41. “Lolnope.” Screw you, Christy. “Sorry, but Jason beat you to that.” Hey! No using my own jokes against me!
  • 42. Lovely painting there, Jason. “Shaddup.”
  • 43. “BABYYYY!!!!1!!one!!!eleven!!!!!!1!!!” Finally! You have awful pregnancies, Christy. “NOT MY FAULT!”
  • 44. “Calm down! I know just what to do! My mother is a doctor!” Jason, I may not have seen a whole lot of TNG, but I don’t recall Dr. Crusher ever delivering any babies. Anybody else?
  • 45. Jon Tarvok. Red hair and Christy’s blue eyes, and a skin tone that’s darker than Jason’s. I read that Christy has dyed hair and actually has double red hair genes. Which means all of their kids will have red hair. :D
  • 46. Beverly “Bev” Tarvok. Red hair, Jason’s skin, and Jason’s custom eyes that I still have yet to identify. I’ve got a theme going here for the legacy, btw. Star Trek names. Jon is just the English spelling of Jean, as in Captain Jean Luc Picard.
  • 47. “Had my kids, time to eat spaghetti.” Dang, Christy. Aren’t you a doting mother. “Hey. I already had those kids once before. Having them a second time is pretty tiring, and I need food.” You have no memory of that first time, Christy. It doesn’t count. Yeah, Christy had already had the twins, but my game crashed and I had to start over pretty much from the end of chapter 1. When my game got to the point where it would crash after 2 seconds of playing, I gave up on my 2 GB of RAM and deleted inTeenimator and a hack I had that increases kids’ fun while they’re at school.
  • 48. “There. I’m feeding my daughter. Happy?’ Meh. It’s better.
  • 49. Anyways, this is the nursery at the moment. I believe I read somewhere – I’m thinking it was in the Vetinari Duelegacy, but I’m probably wrong – that putting up a half-wall between cribs keeps twin babies and toddlers from waking each other up when they’re crying.
  • 50. Babe, scolding your newborn son for crying because he’s wet his diaper or whatever doesn’t really work. Not to mention that you’re facing the changing table, not him.
  • 51. Jason, what is it you’re saying? Your wife is changing your baby’s diaper and it stinks? NO. FREAKING. WAY. We need to go tell the world about this revelation! We’ll make a million bucks off of it!
  • 52. “Let’s make more babies.” “Yes’m.” If I could go back in time, I’d go and slap myself for doing this. This was more likely the night after the twins were born, but still. HO-LY CRAP. You’ll see later on. Kids, don’t try this at home. I’m not what you’d call an expert, but unless you are one, DO NOT have kids this close together during a legacy. At the least, wait until the babies are a couple of days into toddler-hood. That way, you won’t have to deal with two, three, four, or whatever number of completely dependent beings at once.
  • 53. “Gack! Naked person in the shower!” That’s your husband, Christy. “Three shy points! Three shy points!” Three is better than one. And, I repeat, that’s your husband, Christy. Also, I’ve seen those actions in your queue to Make Out with Jason. You can’t hide anything from me. “Gah!” Jason does it to her as well, and he has five points. I don’t know what’s up with this family.
  • 54. “My wife, I’d like to Congratulate you for being attractive.” “Uh… thanks?” Like I said. All the freaking time.
  • 55. More stalkiness. He wanted to Talk Through to Christy, but she was busy feeding Bev. He actually stood by that doorway and waited for her – it was so sad looking – but stupid me accidentally pressed the spacebar instead of “C” and I didn’t get the shot. Finally he gave up and put the bear down.
  • 56. “My wife put Bev back, so I’m just going to stand here and hold her.” You do that, Jason. Both Christy and Jason are such Family Sims. They will randomly go over, open the crib and take one of the kidlets out, and then just stand there holding them. It’s kind of funny, except when their needs are low and they won’t cooperate.
  • 57. …well, that’s a bit harsh, Jason. Neither he nor Christy know how to throw away bottles. Jason will clean autonomously, but refuses to pick up trash. So, if I forget to make them do it, the newspapers and bottles build up pretty quickly.
  • 58. urgh. why did I do that. WHY DID I DO THAT? And Christy has really crap pregnancies, too.
  • 59. Christy needed new clothes, so I got a nanny. Even she knows how to throw away bottles.
  • 60. Uh, Nanny, I wouldn’t do that if I were you, that toilet hasn’t been cleaned since Christy had morning sickness – ah, whatever.
  • 61. “I’m home. Is anyone going to greet me?” No.
  • 62. “Hey, Nanny. I would love to do it myself, but Needs and children are more important, so would you clean my house for me?” “Of course!” Oh, the powers of Influence.
  • 64. The kidlets do this all the time when one of them is crying. Sadface.
  • 65. Mommy, the ground’s glitching up again! Those are Jason’s and Bev’s eyes. I think I may know what they are, but I’ll have to doublecheck.
  • 66. “Hold Beverly +500!” I love you, Jason. “I know.” Who are you, Han Solo? “Maybe.”
  • 67. I have a lot of pictures from when the twins were babies, but they’re all mostly pointless, so I’ll just give you one last one before they age up. This is Christy taking Bev to get her a bottle. It’s a pretty pointless picture, besides the look on Christy’s face. She’s all “OMG THIS IS SO SERIOUS I’M GETTING MY BABY A BOTTLE.”
  • 68. “Mommy, your red plumbob hurts.” “Just grow up already, frammit!” This is Jon.
  • 69. He got the eyebrows. Hurhur :3 Jon is 7-5-6-4-9. Not sure where he got all those nice points from.
  • 70. Bev, on the other hand, manages to dodge her mother’s plumbob. I don’t know if that’s Christy or Bev who’s giving the stink fumes.
  • 71. Eyebrows :3 Bev is 10-3-10-1-8. I’m not kidding with that personality. I wish I was. Argh.
  • 72. Poor girl. She’s not all that attractive.
  • 73. This was autonomous. I <3 Jason.
  • 75. After some quick makeovers, the kiddos look better. Holy crap Jason, what happened to your arm?
  • 76. Bev’s makeover, along with her wonky jaw. Or maybe it’s just her overall facial structure that’s wonky. Both she and Jon got these tiny noses. Do Jason and/or Christy have them too, and I just didn’t notice?
  • 77. Odd angle, but gah! These are the times when Vulcan eyebrows are really, really creepy.
  • 80. I don’t know who’s getting the points here. The twins and the parents are always rolling wants for each other.
  • 81. See?
  • 82. I gave them a slight remodel. I really like color in my houses. On the left is the nursery, the master bedroom, and the bathroom. On the right is the kitchen – now with real walls! – and the future bedroom with for the twins. Yes, the carpet is split down the middle xD My Sims are always rebellious, though, and I’ll bet they’re going to end up sleeping on opposite sides of the bedroom.
  • 83. It didn’t take long for Jon to find the dollhouse. He’s so cute.
  • 85. “My goodness! My wife’s having a baby!” He only looks slightly concerned. xP
  • 86. Deanna Tarvok has red hair and blue eyes. I promise, their next kid will have an un-normal name. I’m not going to let Gen 1 hog all the normal ones.
  • 87. “Yes! I got another kid!” No joke. After Christy put Deanna in the crib, he cheered for her.
  • 88. Hey, Christy. Maybe you should, you know, change your baby’s diaper or something. Just a suggestion. “My needs are crashing. I refuse to cooperate!” -headkeyboard-
  • 89. I did actually buy Christy clothes that one time. She just got pregnant before I put her into them.
  • 90. This kid has 9 nice points. WHY IS HE SLAMMING THE TEDDY BEAR?
  • 91. Hey look, Bev’s growing up! I don’t really bother with birthdays too much. It’s a little too much effort for me xD
  • 92. Why yes, you do have fingers! What an observant girl!
  • 93. About an hour later, I finally got someone to get Jon out of his crib so he could age up. And yes, he has fingers, too.
  • 94. “Yeah! I’m a real boy now!” This is as close-up as you’ll get of Child Jon this chapter. Sorry about that. I’m still learning how to use Cameraman Mode.
  • 95. In typical Tarvok fashion, one of the first things Bev does is cleaning the kitchen sink. Thanks, Bev.
  • 96. asdfkjsaldfjasddere Is it just me, or did she get cute all of the sudden? Especially with that look!
  • 97. Oh yeah, Deanna had a birthday, too. Yes, Jason definitely is heart-farting Christy on his way to bed.
  • 98. After a makeover, she’s not too bad. She’s also 7-5-6-4-9. WHERE ARE THE KIDS GETTING ALL THESE NICE POINTS FROM? Because Christy has such crap pregnancies, I would adopt after this point, but this is a patriarchy and I want another male spare with the eyebrows.
  • 99. Bev? That’s more than a little bit creepy.
  • 100. I will leave you with one last picture of Bev, as she pouts over her burnt muffin. Sorry, babe.
  • 101. CC Credits Jason • skintone – “Idolatry of Freckles – Pale” from ganchi’s “Idolatry of Freckles” Complete Genetic Skintone Set • eyes – still don’t know • hair 1 – AlfredAskew’s Alfie Lied: Backswept Curly Hair (Nouk Remix) • hair 2 – myos’s • clothes – “Forge shirt” from dustfinger’s Separated H&M Shirts for the Men Christy • hair 1 - “ThinBraidsPontyail Short” from Nouk’s Nouk – Braid Pack, one style, 3 versions! For ladies of all ages. • hair 2 – Hair 30 - • clothes – Fishie’s Halter Tops for Women in 9 Desaturated Flavors *UPDATED*; Senates’s Unisex Military Boots and Skinny Jeans (+Untucked) Bev • skintone - “Idolatry of Freckles – Pale” from ganchi’s “Idolatry of Freckles” Complete Genetic Skintone Set • eyes – still don’t know • hair – Hair 24 - Jon • skintone - “Idolatry of Freckles – Light” from ganchi’s “Idolatry of Freckles” Complete Genetic Skintone Set • hair – fanseelamb’s Short Tousled Hair for Boys of All Ages + Bonus Sideburns (obviously sans sideburns) Deanna • skintone - “Idolatry of Freckles – Light” from ganchi’s “Idolatry of Freckles” Complete Genetic Skintone Set • hair – Hair 42 -