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hagir Abd Rahman
hagir Abd Rahman
 rare developmental anomaly.
 male- to-female ratio is 5: I .
 Most commonly occur bilaterally.
 The enlarged coronoid impinges on the posterior
surface of the zygoma, restricting mandibular
hagir Abd Rahman
 the mandible may deviate toward the affected
 Radiographs reveal an irregular, nodular
growth of the tip of the coronoid
hagir Abd Rahman
 Surgical removal of the elongated coronoid process
or processes to allow freedom of mandibular
hagir Abd Rahman
hagir Abd Rahman
 is an uncommon malformation of the mandible.
 The cause unknown, suggested causes:
 local circulatory problems.
 endocrine disturbances.
 Trauma
 adolescents and young adults .
hagir Abd Rahman
 female-to-male ratio of 3 : 1
 facial asymmetry, prognathism, and open bite.
Deviation of the mandibe to the opposite side.
 The radiographic features:
 enlargement of the condylar head
 elongation of the condylar neck.
 hyperplasia of the entire ramus
hagir Abd Rahman
hagir Abd Rahman
Enlargement of the left mandibular condyle
hagir Abd Rahman
prominent enlargement of the right mandibular condyle
hagir Abd Rahman
 treatment is determined by the degree of functional
difficulty and aesthetic change.
 unilateral condylectomy.
 unilateral or bilateral mandibular osteotomies.
hagir Abd Rahman
hagir Abd Rahman
 underdevelopment of the condyle.
 unilateral or bilateral
 small mandible with a Class II malocclusion
 The mandibular midline shifts to the involved side.
 Ankylosis of the TMJ can develop in cases caused by
hagir Abd Rahman
oculoauriculovertebral syndrome
(Goldenhar syndrome)
mandibulofacial dysostosis
rheumatoid arthritis
hagir Abd Rahman
hagir Abd Rahman
 asymmetric over growth of one or more body parts.
 2: I female to- male ratio.
 one whole side of the body (complex) may be
affected, or may be limited to a single part
hagir Abd Rahman
 The condition is present at birth but becomes more
obvious with growth in the succeeding years.
 If the enlargement is confined to one side of the
face; the term hemifacial hyperplasia (hemifacial
 20% of those affected are mentally retarded.
hagir Abd Rahman
 an increased prevalence of abdominal tumors;
Wilms tumor, adrenal cortical carcinoma, and
 Unilateral macroglossia.
 Enlargement of other oral soft tissues and bone can
hagir Abd Rahman
 The mandibular canal may be increased in size on
 the teeth can be large
 the skin is thickened and demonstrate increased
pigmentation, and excessive hair (hypertrichosis)
hagir Abd Rahman
McCune-Albright syndrome
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
Multiple exostoses syndrome
Epidermal nevus syndrome
Maffucci syndrome
Segmental odontomaxillary dysplasia
hagir Abd Rahman
hagir Abd Rahman
hagir Abd Rahman
 During childhood, periodic ultrasound examination
should be performed to rule out development of
abdominal tumors.
 After the patient's growth has ceased, cosmetic
surgery can be performed
hagir Abd Rahman
hagir Abd Rahman
 rare disorder represents a progressive unilateral
atrophy of the face.
 The cause is unknown, although trauma,, infection, and
genetic abnormalities have been suggested.
 The onset of the syndrome is usually during the first
two decades of life .
hagir Abd Rahman
 the tongue, lips, and salivary glands may show
 Developing teeth may show incomplete root
development and delayed eruption.
 If associated with epilepsy, trigeminal neuralgia, and
changes in the vision and hear is known as Romberg's
hagir Abd Rahman
hagir Abd Rahman
 The atrophy progresses slowly for several years, and
then becomes stable.
 Plastic surgery
hagir Abd Rahman
hagir Abd Rahman
 the upper lip forms when the merging of the medial
nasal processes and the maxillary processes.
 The primary palate is formed by the fusion of the
medial nasal processes.
 The secondary palate is formed from the maxillary
hagir Abd Rahman
 Defective fusion of the medial nasal process with
the maxillary process leads to cleft lip (CL).
 Failure of the palatal shelves to fuse results in cleft
palate (CP).
hagir Abd Rahman
Rare clefts
 lateral facial cleft is caused by lack of fusion of the
maxillary and mandibular processes and represents
 may occur as an isolated defect or may be
associated with mandibulofacial dysostosis.
 may be unilateral or bilateral, extending from the
commissure toward the ear
hagir Abd Rahman
Rare clefts
 oblique facial cleft extends from the upper lip to the
eye (I in 1300 clefts).
 failure of fusion of the lateral nasal process with the
maxillary process.
 always associated with CP.
 may involve the nostril, or it may laterally bypass the
nose as it extends to the eye.
hagir Abd Rahman
Rare clefts
 Median cleft of the upper lip results from failure of
fusion of the medial nasal processes.
hagir Abd Rahman
Cleft lip and palate
hagir Abd Rahman
 45% of cases are CL + CP.
 30% being isolated CP
 25% being isolated CL.
 syndromes are estimated to account for 3 - 8% of orofacial
 CL ± CP is more common in males while isolated CP is more
common in females.
hagir Abd Rahman
Cleft lip
 80% of cases are unilateral.
 70% of unilateral CL occur on the left side.
 A complete CL extends upward into the nostril.
 clefts involving the alveolus usually occur between
the lateral incisor and canine
hagir Abd Rahman
hagir Abd Rahman
Cleft lip
cleft of
the upper
hagir Abd Rahman
Cleft lip
cleft of
the upper
hagir Abd Rahman
Cleft lip
cleft of
the upper
hagir Abd Rahman
Cleft palate
 CP may involve the hard and soft palates or the
soft palate alone.
 The minimal manifestation of CP is a cleft or bifid
 In some instances a submucous palatal cleft
develops, Frequently a notch in the bone is present
hagir Abd Rahman
hagir Abd Rahman
hagir Abd Rahman
Cleft palate
resulting in
with the
nasal cavity.
hagir Abd Rahman
Submucous palatal deft
There is a
cleft of the
palatal bone.
but the
mucosa is
hagir Abd Rahman
hagir Abd Rahman
Clinical features
 defects of structures derived from the 1st and 2nd
branchial arches.
 autosomal dominant trait.
 Hypoplastic zygomas resulting in a narrow face with
depressed cheeks
 The parotid glands may be hypoplastic or may be
totally absent
hagir Abd Rahman
Clinical features
 75% of patients have a coloboma or notch on the
outer portion of the lower eyelid.
 50% of the patients have no eyelashes medial to
the coloboma.
 Deformed pinnae, ossicle defects or absence of the
external auditory canal causing hearing loss.
hagir Abd Rahman
Clinical features
 Under developed mandible resulting in a markedly
retruded chin.
 Radiographs often demonstrate condyle and
cronoid hypoplasia, and prominent antegonial
 Cleft palate is seen in about ⅓ of cases, and 15%
have lateral facial clefting
hagir Abd Rahman
 Patient exhibits a hypoplastic mandible, and
ear deformities
hagir Abd Rahman
 cosmetic surgery
hagir Abd Rahman
hagir Abd Rahman
 rare hereditary disorders characterized by failure
of normal osteoclast function or differentiation.
 osteoclasts fail to resorb bone in the normal
resorption-remodeling cycle (0.7% per day). Thus,
all bones progressively become more dense, less
cellular, and less vascular.
hagir Abd Rahman
eliminates microstress lines and microfractures
Multiple fractures
maintains marrow cavity spaces
maintains foramen
nerve compression
resorption-remodeling cycle
hagir Abd Rahman
Autosomal recessive infantile
(malignant) type
Autosomal recessive
intermediate type
Autosomal dominant adult
(benign) type.
hagir Abd Rahman
1. Autosomal Recessive Infantile
 diagnosed at birth or in early infancy.
 diffusely sclerotic skeleton, frequent fractures, and
growth impairment.
 marrow failure leading to normocytic anemia,
hepatosplenomegaly, and Granulocytopenia with
increased susceptibility to infection.
hagir Abd Rahman
 broad face, hypertelorism, and frontal bossing.
 cranial nerve compression causing blindness,
deafness, and facial paralysis.
 Delayed or failure of eruption.
hagir Abd Rahman
2. Autosomal Recessive Intermediate
 asymptomatic at birth but exhibit fractures by the
end of the first decade.
 Mild to moderate anemia and extramedullary
hematopoiesis are common, but bone marrow
failure is rare.
 Short stature, mandibular prognathism, unerupted
hagir Abd Rahman
3. Autosomal Dominant Adult
 discovered later in life and exhibits less severe
 40% are asymptomatic, and marrow failure is rare.
 Two major variants:
 cranial nerve compression is common, rare fractures.
 frequent fractures, but nerve compression is uncommon.
hagir Abd Rahman
 there is a widespread increase in skeletal density.
 the roots of the teeth often are difficult to
visualize because of the density of the
surrounding bone.
hagir Abd Rahman
and multiple
hagir Abd Rahman
 hepatosplenomegaly
 exposed necrotic bone
 Early lesions may be
identified on a C-spine
radiograph, which will
show an increased
density of the
vertebral cortices, the
so-called sandwich
hagir Abd Rahman
hagir Abd Rahman
hagir Abd Rahman
Differential diagnosis
X-ray to jaws only
chronic diffuse
sclerosing osteomyelitis
Paget disease
Necrotic bone,
no x-ray
induced osteonecrosis
Paget disease
hagir Abd Rahman
Histopathologic Features
 Osteoclasts may be increased, decreased, or
normal in number; however, they are not functional
 Howship lacunae are not visible.
hagir Abd Rahman
 the prognosis of infantile osteopetrosis without therapy
is typically poor, with most affected patients dying
during the 1st decade of life.
 Bone marrow transplantation
hagir Abd Rahman
 Interferon gamma, often in combination with calcitriol,
to reduce bone mass, decrease the prevalence of
infections, and lower the frequency of nerve
 supportive measures such as transfusions and antibiotics
for the complications.
hagir Abd Rahman
hagir Abd Rahman
 group of heritable disorders characterized by
osteopenia (low bone density) and bone fragility due to
impairment of collagen maturation.
 mutations in one of two genes that guide the formation
of type 1 collagen which is a major constituent of bone,
dentin, sclerae, ligaments, and skin.
 COLI A1 gene on chromosome 17
 COLI A2 gene on chromosome 7.
hagir Abd Rahman
Clinical features
 Both autosomal dominant (>90% ) and recessive
hereditary patterns occur.
 Bone fragility, bone and spine deformities, and joint
 blue sclera.
 hypoacusis (hearing loss).
Clinical features
 altered teeth similar to dentinogenesis imperfecta
and called opalescent teeth.
 class III malocclusion that is caused by maxillary
hypoplasia, with or without mandibular hyperplasia
and open bite.
 triangular facies, frontal bossing, macrocephaly,
and a prominent occiput.
 osteopenia, bowing, angulation or deformity of the
long bones, multiple fractures, and wormian bones
in the skull.
 Wormian bones consist of ten or more sutural bones
that are 6 X 4 mm in diameter or larger and
arranged in a mosaic pattern
Type I (Mild) type II (lethal) Type III Type IV
multiple bone
fractures (children
and older
extreme bone
fragility and
multiple early
fractures (in utero)
50% will have
some form of DI
scoliosis, bowing of
long bones, and
hearing loss
stillbirths or early
infant deaths
very short stature,
multiple bone
fractures, severe
(leading to death)
Multiple fractures
at Birth, and ↓
fractures after
type IA +
enlarged dental
pulps and atubular
children may have
blue sclerae, but it
appear normal in
sclerae are blue at
birth only
Opalescent dentin
shell teeth with thin dentin and
enamel of normal thickness.
 The ossification centers develop
normally in cartilaginous bone,
but no ossification occurs.
 Cortices are thin, and medullary
trabeculae are few, fragile, and
subject to microfractures.
 In the severely affected infant,
the skull may be fibrous; in
adults, it may be composed of
small wormian bones.
bone is undermineralized and more
cellular than normal bone
Treatment and Prognosis
 Management of the fractures by physiotherapy,
rehabilitation, and orthopedic surgery.
 intravenous bisphosphonates may reduced fractures
and supported more normal function.
 In patients with significant malocclusion, orthognathic
 autosomal dominant inheritance
 defect in the CBFAI gene located in chromosome
 The gene normally guides osteoblastic
differentiation, chondrocyte maturation, and
appropriate bone formation..
Clinical features
 The clavicles are hypoplastic and malformed or
absent, either unilaterally (right) or bilaterally.
 The neck appears long, and the shoulders are narrow
with marked drooping.
 Hypermobility of the shoulders. some patient can
approximate the shoulders in front of the chest
Clinical features
 short stature.
 large heads with pronounced frontal and parietal
 Ocular hypertelorism and a broad base of the nose
with a depressed nasal bridge.
Clinical features
 Abnormal development of the temporal bone and
eustachian tube may lead to hearing loss.
 narrow, high-arched palate, ↑ prevalence cleft
 Prolonged retention of deciduous teeth and delay or
complete failure of eruption of permanent teeth
Radiographic features
 the sutures and fontanels show delayed closure or
may remain open throughout life.
 many wormian bones may be seen.
 dental radiographs: presence of numerous unerupted
permanent and supernumerary teeth, many of which
frequently exhibit distorted crown and root shapes
absence of the left clavicle and only a
small segment of the right clavicle in
the sternoclavicular area
teeth, with
ary teeth
 removal of primary and supernumerary teeth followed
by exposure of permanent teeth that are subsequently
extruded orthodontically.
 autotransplantation of selected impacted teeth
followed by prosthetic restoration.
 full-mouth extractions with denture construction.
 characterized by craniosynostosis (premature
closing of the cranial sutures).
 mutation of the fibroblast growth factor receptor 2
(FGFR2) gene on chromosome 10q26.
 autosomal dominant
Clinical features
 The premature sutural closing leads to cranial
 brachycephaly (short head).
 scaphocephaly (boat-shaped head).
 trigonocephaly (triangle-shaped head).
Clinical features
 The orbits are shallow, resulting in characteristic ocular
 Visual impairment or total bindness and hearing deficit.
 The maxilla is underdeveloped, resulting in midface
hypoplasia and crowded maxillary teeth.
 headaches, attributable to increased intracranial
Ocular proptosis and midface hypoplasia
 mutation of the fibroblast growth factor receptor 2
(FGFR2) gene on chromosome 10q26.
 autosomal dominant.
Clinical features
 Craniosynostosis producing Acrobrachycephaly
(tower skull).
 Syndactyly of the hand and feet (join of digits)
Clinical features
 Ocular proptosis, Hypertelorism. and sometimes
 Hypoplastic middle third of the face resulting in a
relative mandibular prognathism, V-shaped arch
and crowding of the teeth.
 reduced size of the nasopharynx leads to mouth
breathing and open mouth.
Clinical features
 Trapezoid appearance to the lips when they are
 ¾ of the patients exhibit either a cleft of the soft
palate or a bifid uvula
 Swellings of the lateral hard palate from
accumulation of glycosaminoglycans especially
hyaluronic acid.
 ⅓ of patients exhibit
Shovel shaped incisors
Midface hypoplasia and
ocular proptosis.
tower skull, midface hypoplasia,
and digital markings.
Syndactyly of the hand.
swellings of
the posterior
lateral hard
resulting in
 Craniectomy
 Cosmetic surgery.
 orthodontic therapy
 are localized bony protuberances that arise
from the cortical plate.
Buccal exostoses
 discovered most often in adults.
 bilateral rows of bony hard nodules along the
facial aspect of the maxillary and/or
mandibular alveolar ridge.
 They usually are asymptomatic, unless the thin
overlying mucosa becomes ulcerated from
Multiple buccal
exostoses of the
maxillary and
mandibular alveolar
Palatal exostoses (palatal tubercles)
develop from the lingual aspect of the maxillary tuberosities.
 a common exostosis.
 bony hard mass that arises along the midline
of the hard palate.
 Mostly are small, measuring < 2cm.
 female-to-male ratio is 2: I
 is a common exostosis that develops along the
lingual aspect of the mandible.
 presents as a bony protuberance along the lingual
aspect of the mandible in the region of the
 bilateral tori may become so large that they almost
meet in the midline.
 Torus is causing a
radiopacity that is
superimposed over
the roots of the
mandibular teeth.
 Occlusal radiograph
showing bilateral
mandibular tori.
Histopathologic Features
 mass of dense, lamellar, cortical bone with a
small amount of fibrofatty marrow.
 surgical removal
 Elongation of the styloid process or mineralization
of the stylohyoid ligament complex.
 symptoms caused by compression of adjacent
nerves or blood vessels.
Clinical and Radiographic Features
 Adults.
 women > men.
 facial pain, especially while swallowing, turning the
head, or opening the mouth.
 dysphagia, dysphonia, otalgia, headache, dizziness,
syncope, and transient ischemic attacks.
Mineralization of the
stylohyoid ligament
 In mild cases, no treatment, only Local injection of
corticosteroids sometimes to relief the pain.
 In severe cases, partial surgical excision of the
elongated styloid process or mineralized stylohyoid
 An area of hematopoietic marrow that is sufficient
in size to produce a radiolucency.
 The pathogenesis is unknown, the following theories
have been proposed:
 Aberrant bone regeneration after tooth extraction
 Persistence of fetal marrow
 Marrow hyperplasia in response to increased demand
for erythrocytes
Clinical and Radiographic Features
 75% of cases occur in adult females
 70% in the posterior mandible, most often in
edentulous areas.
 asymptomatic and nonexpansile.
 well-circumscribed radiolucency
Fairly well-
with fine
Histopathologic Features
 normal hematopoietic
and/or fatty marrow
 no treatment is needed.
dense bone island
bone scar
focal periapical osteopetrosis.
Clinical and Radiographic Features
 focally increased bone density of unknown cause.
 arise in the late first or early second decade.
 may remain static or slowly increase in size.
 once the patient reaches full maturity, the sclerotic
area stabilizes. In a smaller percentage, the lesion
diminishes or undergoes complete regression.
Clinical and Radiographic Features
 90% mandible, most often in the first molar area.
 well-defined radiopacity without radiolucent rim
 Follow up until the area stabilizes.
 no treatment is indicated
 characterized by spontaneous and usually
progressive destruction of one or more bones.
 The destroyed bone is replaced by a vascular
proliferation and, ultimately, dense fibrous tissue
without bone regeneration.
1) Trauma
2) Increased osteoclastic activity
Clinical Features
 children and young adults
 50% of patients recall prior trauma
 extremities, maxillofacial region (mandible), trunk,
and pelvis.
 mobile teeth, pain, and pathologic fracture
Radiographic Features
 earliest changes consist of intramedullary
radiolucent foci of varying size with indistinct
 These foci coalesce, enlarge, and extend to the
cortical bone,destructing large portions of bone
 ill-defined radiolucency
 extensive
bone loss
and a
fracture of
the left
Histopathologic Features
 Vascular proliferation
intermixed with fibrous
connective tissue and
chronic inflammatory
 surgical resection.
 Surgical reconstruction is advisable to delay until
arrest of the osteolytic disease phase.
 bisphosphonates and/ or alpha-2b interferon lead
to disease stabilization
Developmental disturbances of bone signed

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Developmental disturbances of bone signed

  • 3. CORONOID HYPERPLASIA  rare developmental anomaly.  male- to-female ratio is 5: I .  Most commonly occur bilaterally.  The enlarged coronoid impinges on the posterior surface of the zygoma, restricting mandibular opening hagir Abd Rahman
  • 4.  the mandible may deviate toward the affected side.  Radiographs reveal an irregular, nodular growth of the tip of the coronoid hagir Abd Rahman
  • 5. Treatment  Surgical removal of the elongated coronoid process or processes to allow freedom of mandibular motion. hagir Abd Rahman
  • 7. CONDYLAR HYPERPLASIA  is an uncommon malformation of the mandible.  The cause unknown, suggested causes:  local circulatory problems.  endocrine disturbances.  Trauma  adolescents and young adults . hagir Abd Rahman
  • 8. CONDYLAR HYPERPLASIA  female-to-male ratio of 3 : 1  facial asymmetry, prognathism, and open bite. Deviation of the mandibe to the opposite side.  The radiographic features:  enlargement of the condylar head  elongation of the condylar neck.  hyperplasia of the entire ramus hagir Abd Rahman
  • 10. Enlargement of the left mandibular condyle hagir Abd Rahman
  • 11. prominent enlargement of the right mandibular condyle hagir Abd Rahman
  • 12. Treatment  treatment is determined by the degree of functional difficulty and aesthetic change.  unilateral condylectomy.  unilateral or bilateral mandibular osteotomies. hagir Abd Rahman
  • 14.  underdevelopment of the condyle.  unilateral or bilateral  small mandible with a Class II malocclusion  The mandibular midline shifts to the involved side.  Ankylosis of the TMJ can develop in cases caused by trauma hagir Abd Rahman
  • 15. congenital oculoauriculovertebral syndrome (Goldenhar syndrome) mandibulofacial dysostosis acquired trauma rheumatoid arthritis radiation infections hagir Abd Rahman
  • 17.  asymmetric over growth of one or more body parts.  2: I female to- male ratio.  one whole side of the body (complex) may be affected, or may be limited to a single part (simple). hagir Abd Rahman
  • 18.  The condition is present at birth but becomes more obvious with growth in the succeeding years.  If the enlargement is confined to one side of the face; the term hemifacial hyperplasia (hemifacial hypertrophy).  20% of those affected are mentally retarded. hagir Abd Rahman
  • 19.  an increased prevalence of abdominal tumors; Wilms tumor, adrenal cortical carcinoma, and hepatoblastoma.  Unilateral macroglossia.  Enlargement of other oral soft tissues and bone can occur hagir Abd Rahman
  • 20.  The mandibular canal may be increased in size on radiographs.  the teeth can be large  the skin is thickened and demonstrate increased pigmentation, and excessive hair (hypertrichosis) hagir Abd Rahman
  • 21. McCune-Albright syndrome Neurofibromatosis Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome Multiple exostoses syndrome Epidermal nevus syndrome Maffucci syndrome Segmental odontomaxillary dysplasia hagir Abd Rahman
  • 24. Treatment  During childhood, periodic ultrasound examination should be performed to rule out development of abdominal tumors.  After the patient's growth has ceased, cosmetic surgery can be performed hagir Abd Rahman
  • 26.  rare disorder represents a progressive unilateral atrophy of the face.  The cause is unknown, although trauma,, infection, and genetic abnormalities have been suggested.  The onset of the syndrome is usually during the first two decades of life . hagir Abd Rahman
  • 27.  the tongue, lips, and salivary glands may show hemiatrophy.  Developing teeth may show incomplete root development and delayed eruption.  If associated with epilepsy, trigeminal neuralgia, and changes in the vision and hear is known as Romberg's syndrome hagir Abd Rahman
  • 29. Treatment  The atrophy progresses slowly for several years, and then becomes stable.  Plastic surgery hagir Abd Rahman
  • 31. Development  the upper lip forms when the merging of the medial nasal processes and the maxillary processes.  The primary palate is formed by the fusion of the medial nasal processes.  The secondary palate is formed from the maxillary processes hagir Abd Rahman
  • 32.  Defective fusion of the medial nasal process with the maxillary process leads to cleft lip (CL).  Failure of the palatal shelves to fuse results in cleft palate (CP). hagir Abd Rahman
  • 33. Rare clefts  lateral facial cleft is caused by lack of fusion of the maxillary and mandibular processes and represents (0.3%).  may occur as an isolated defect or may be associated with mandibulofacial dysostosis.  may be unilateral or bilateral, extending from the commissure toward the ear hagir Abd Rahman
  • 34. Rare clefts  oblique facial cleft extends from the upper lip to the eye (I in 1300 clefts).  failure of fusion of the lateral nasal process with the maxillary process.  always associated with CP.  may involve the nostril, or it may laterally bypass the nose as it extends to the eye. hagir Abd Rahman
  • 35. Rare clefts  Median cleft of the upper lip results from failure of fusion of the medial nasal processes. hagir Abd Rahman
  • 36. Cleft lip and palate hagir Abd Rahman
  • 37.  45% of cases are CL + CP.  30% being isolated CP  25% being isolated CL.  syndromes are estimated to account for 3 - 8% of orofacial clefts.  CL ± CP is more common in males while isolated CP is more common in females. hagir Abd Rahman
  • 38. Cleft lip  80% of cases are unilateral.  70% of unilateral CL occur on the left side.  A complete CL extends upward into the nostril.  clefts involving the alveolus usually occur between the lateral incisor and canine hagir Abd Rahman
  • 40. Cleft lip unilateral cleft of the upper lip hagir Abd Rahman
  • 41. Cleft lip bilateral cleft of the upper lip hagir Abd Rahman
  • 42. Cleft lip bilateral cleft of the upper lip hagir Abd Rahman
  • 43. Cleft palate  CP may involve the hard and soft palates or the soft palate alone.  The minimal manifestation of CP is a cleft or bifid uvula.  In some instances a submucous palatal cleft develops, Frequently a notch in the bone is present hagir Abd Rahman
  • 47. Submucous palatal deft There is a cleft of the midline palatal bone. but the overlying mucosa is intact hagir Abd Rahman
  • 49. Clinical features  defects of structures derived from the 1st and 2nd branchial arches.  autosomal dominant trait.  Hypoplastic zygomas resulting in a narrow face with depressed cheeks  The parotid glands may be hypoplastic or may be totally absent hagir Abd Rahman
  • 50. Clinical features  75% of patients have a coloboma or notch on the outer portion of the lower eyelid.  50% of the patients have no eyelashes medial to the coloboma.  Deformed pinnae, ossicle defects or absence of the external auditory canal causing hearing loss. hagir Abd Rahman
  • 51. Clinical features  Under developed mandible resulting in a markedly retruded chin.  Radiographs often demonstrate condyle and cronoid hypoplasia, and prominent antegonial notching.  Cleft palate is seen in about ⅓ of cases, and 15% have lateral facial clefting hagir Abd Rahman
  • 52.  Patient exhibits a hypoplastic mandible, and ear deformities hagir Abd Rahman
  • 55. pathogenesis  rare hereditary disorders characterized by failure of normal osteoclast function or differentiation.  osteoclasts fail to resorb bone in the normal resorption-remodeling cycle (0.7% per day). Thus, all bones progressively become more dense, less cellular, and less vascular. hagir Abd Rahman
  • 56. eliminates microstress lines and microfractures Multiple fractures maintains marrow cavity spaces anemia, thrombocytopenia hepatosplenomegaly maintains foramen nerve compression resorption-remodeling cycle hagir Abd Rahman
  • 57. classification Autosomal recessive infantile (malignant) type Autosomal recessive intermediate type Autosomal dominant adult (benign) type. hagir Abd Rahman
  • 58. 1. Autosomal Recessive Infantile Osteopetrosis  diagnosed at birth or in early infancy.  diffusely sclerotic skeleton, frequent fractures, and growth impairment.  marrow failure leading to normocytic anemia, hepatosplenomegaly, and Granulocytopenia with increased susceptibility to infection. hagir Abd Rahman
  • 59.  broad face, hypertelorism, and frontal bossing.  cranial nerve compression causing blindness, deafness, and facial paralysis.  Delayed or failure of eruption. hagir Abd Rahman
  • 60. 2. Autosomal Recessive Intermediate Osteopetrosis  asymptomatic at birth but exhibit fractures by the end of the first decade.  Mild to moderate anemia and extramedullary hematopoiesis are common, but bone marrow failure is rare.  Short stature, mandibular prognathism, unerupted teeth hagir Abd Rahman
  • 61. 3. Autosomal Dominant Adult Osteopetrosis  discovered later in life and exhibits less severe manifestations  40% are asymptomatic, and marrow failure is rare.  Two major variants:  cranial nerve compression is common, rare fractures.  frequent fractures, but nerve compression is uncommon. hagir Abd Rahman
  • 62. Radiographically  there is a widespread increase in skeletal density.  the roots of the teeth often are difficult to visualize because of the density of the surrounding bone. hagir Abd Rahman
  • 65.  Early lesions may be identified on a C-spine radiograph, which will show an increased density of the vertebral cortices, the so-called sandwich appearance hagir Abd Rahman
  • 68. Differential diagnosis X-ray to jaws only chronic diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis Paget disease Necrotic bone, no x-ray osteomyelitis cemento-osseous dysplasia Bisphosphonate induced osteonecrosis Paget disease hagir Abd Rahman
  • 69. Histopathologic Features  Osteoclasts may be increased, decreased, or normal in number; however, they are not functional  Howship lacunae are not visible. hagir Abd Rahman
  • 70. Treatment  the prognosis of infantile osteopetrosis without therapy is typically poor, with most affected patients dying during the 1st decade of life.  Bone marrow transplantation hagir Abd Rahman
  • 71. Treatment  Interferon gamma, often in combination with calcitriol, to reduce bone mass, decrease the prevalence of infections, and lower the frequency of nerve compression.  supportive measures such as transfusions and antibiotics for the complications. hagir Abd Rahman
  • 73.  group of heritable disorders characterized by osteopenia (low bone density) and bone fragility due to impairment of collagen maturation.  mutations in one of two genes that guide the formation of type 1 collagen which is a major constituent of bone, dentin, sclerae, ligaments, and skin.  COLI A1 gene on chromosome 17  COLI A2 gene on chromosome 7. hagir Abd Rahman
  • 74. Clinical features  Both autosomal dominant (>90% ) and recessive hereditary patterns occur.  Bone fragility, bone and spine deformities, and joint hyperextensibility.  blue sclera.  hypoacusis (hearing loss).
  • 75. Clinical features  altered teeth similar to dentinogenesis imperfecta and called opalescent teeth.  class III malocclusion that is caused by maxillary hypoplasia, with or without mandibular hyperplasia and open bite.  triangular facies, frontal bossing, macrocephaly, and a prominent occiput.
  • 76. Radiographically  osteopenia, bowing, angulation or deformity of the long bones, multiple fractures, and wormian bones in the skull.  Wormian bones consist of ten or more sutural bones that are 6 X 4 mm in diameter or larger and arranged in a mosaic pattern
  • 77. classification Type I (Mild) type II (lethal) Type III Type IV IA: multiple bone fractures (children and older individuals) extreme bone fragility and multiple early fractures (in utero) 50% will have some form of DI dentinogenesis imperfecta kyphosis, scoliosis, bowing of long bones, and macrocephaly, hearing loss stillbirths or early infant deaths very short stature, multiple bone fractures, severe kyphoscoliosis (leading to death) . Multiple fractures at Birth, and ↓ fractures after puberty. IB: type IA + dentinogenesis imperfecta enlarged dental pulps and atubular dentin children may have blue sclerae, but it appear normal in adults sclerae are blue at birth only
  • 78.
  • 79. Opalescent dentin shell teeth with thin dentin and enamel of normal thickness.
  • 80. Histopathology  The ossification centers develop normally in cartilaginous bone, but no ossification occurs.  Cortices are thin, and medullary trabeculae are few, fragile, and subject to microfractures.  In the severely affected infant, the skull may be fibrous; in adults, it may be composed of small wormian bones. bone is undermineralized and more cellular than normal bone
  • 81. Treatment and Prognosis  Management of the fractures by physiotherapy, rehabilitation, and orthopedic surgery.  intravenous bisphosphonates may reduced fractures and supported more normal function.  In patients with significant malocclusion, orthognathic surgery
  • 83. pathogenesis  autosomal dominant inheritance  defect in the CBFAI gene located in chromosome 6p21.  The gene normally guides osteoblastic differentiation, chondrocyte maturation, and appropriate bone formation..
  • 84. Clinical features  The clavicles are hypoplastic and malformed or absent, either unilaterally (right) or bilaterally.  The neck appears long, and the shoulders are narrow with marked drooping.  Hypermobility of the shoulders. some patient can approximate the shoulders in front of the chest
  • 85. Clinical features  short stature.  large heads with pronounced frontal and parietal bossing.  Ocular hypertelorism and a broad base of the nose with a depressed nasal bridge.
  • 86. Clinical features  Abnormal development of the temporal bone and eustachian tube may lead to hearing loss.  narrow, high-arched palate, ↑ prevalence cleft palate.  Prolonged retention of deciduous teeth and delay or complete failure of eruption of permanent teeth
  • 87. Radiographic features  the sutures and fontanels show delayed closure or may remain open throughout life.  many wormian bones may be seen.  dental radiographs: presence of numerous unerupted permanent and supernumerary teeth, many of which frequently exhibit distorted crown and root shapes
  • 88. absence of the left clavicle and only a small segment of the right clavicle in the sternoclavicular area
  • 92. Treatment  removal of primary and supernumerary teeth followed by exposure of permanent teeth that are subsequently extruded orthodontically.  autotransplantation of selected impacted teeth followed by prosthetic restoration.  full-mouth extractions with denture construction.
  • 94. pathogenesis  characterized by craniosynostosis (premature closing of the cranial sutures).  mutation of the fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) gene on chromosome 10q26.  autosomal dominant
  • 95. Clinical features  The premature sutural closing leads to cranial malformations:  brachycephaly (short head).  scaphocephaly (boat-shaped head).  trigonocephaly (triangle-shaped head).
  • 96. Clinical features  The orbits are shallow, resulting in characteristic ocular proptosis  Visual impairment or total bindness and hearing deficit.  The maxilla is underdeveloped, resulting in midface hypoplasia and crowded maxillary teeth.  headaches, attributable to increased intracranial pressure.
  • 97. Ocular proptosis and midface hypoplasia
  • 98.
  • 100. pathogenesis  mutation of the fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) gene on chromosome 10q26.  autosomal dominant.
  • 101. Clinical features  Craniosynostosis producing Acrobrachycephaly (tower skull).  Syndactyly of the hand and feet (join of digits)
  • 102. Clinical features  Ocular proptosis, Hypertelorism. and sometimes blindness.  Hypoplastic middle third of the face resulting in a relative mandibular prognathism, V-shaped arch and crowding of the teeth.  reduced size of the nasopharynx leads to mouth breathing and open mouth.
  • 103. Clinical features  Trapezoid appearance to the lips when they are relaxed.  ¾ of the patients exhibit either a cleft of the soft palate or a bifid uvula  Swellings of the lateral hard palate from accumulation of glycosaminoglycans especially hyaluronic acid.
  • 104. APERT SYNDROME  ⅓ of patients exhibit Shovel shaped incisors
  • 105. Midface hypoplasia and ocular proptosis. tower skull, midface hypoplasia, and digital markings.
  • 106.
  • 108. swellings of the posterior lateral hard palate, resulting in Pseudo-cleft formation.
  • 109. Treatment  Craniectomy  Cosmetic surgery.  orthodontic therapy
  • 111.  are localized bony protuberances that arise from the cortical plate.
  • 112. Buccal exostoses  discovered most often in adults.  bilateral rows of bony hard nodules along the facial aspect of the maxillary and/or mandibular alveolar ridge.  They usually are asymptomatic, unless the thin overlying mucosa becomes ulcerated from trauma.
  • 113. Multiple buccal exostoses of the maxillary and mandibular alveolar ridges.
  • 114. Palatal exostoses (palatal tubercles) develop from the lingual aspect of the maxillary tuberosities.
  • 116.  a common exostosis.  bony hard mass that arises along the midline of the hard palate.  Mostly are small, measuring < 2cm.  female-to-male ratio is 2: I
  • 118.
  • 120.  is a common exostosis that develops along the lingual aspect of the mandible.  presents as a bony protuberance along the lingual aspect of the mandible in the region of the premolars.  bilateral tori may become so large that they almost meet in the midline.
  • 121.
  • 122.  Torus is causing a radiopacity that is superimposed over the roots of the mandibular teeth.  Occlusal radiograph showing bilateral mandibular tori.
  • 123. Histopathologic Features  mass of dense, lamellar, cortical bone with a small amount of fibrofatty marrow.
  • 126.  Elongation of the styloid process or mineralization of the stylohyoid ligament complex.  symptoms caused by compression of adjacent nerves or blood vessels.
  • 127. Clinical and Radiographic Features  Adults.  women > men.  facial pain, especially while swallowing, turning the head, or opening the mouth.  dysphagia, dysphonia, otalgia, headache, dizziness, syncope, and transient ischemic attacks.
  • 129. Treatment  In mild cases, no treatment, only Local injection of corticosteroids sometimes to relief the pain.  In severe cases, partial surgical excision of the elongated styloid process or mineralized stylohyoid ligament
  • 131. pathogenesis  An area of hematopoietic marrow that is sufficient in size to produce a radiolucency.  The pathogenesis is unknown, the following theories have been proposed:  Aberrant bone regeneration after tooth extraction  Persistence of fetal marrow  Marrow hyperplasia in response to increased demand for erythrocytes
  • 132. Clinical and Radiographic Features  75% of cases occur in adult females  70% in the posterior mandible, most often in edentulous areas.  asymptomatic and nonexpansile.  well-circumscribed radiolucency
  • 134. Histopathologic Features  normal hematopoietic and/or fatty marrow
  • 136. dense bone island bone scar focal periapical osteopetrosis. IDIOPATHIC OSTEOSCLEROSIS
  • 137. Clinical and Radiographic Features  focally increased bone density of unknown cause.  arise in the late first or early second decade.  may remain static or slowly increase in size.  once the patient reaches full maturity, the sclerotic area stabilizes. In a smaller percentage, the lesion diminishes or undergoes complete regression.
  • 138. Clinical and Radiographic Features  90% mandible, most often in the first molar area.  well-defined radiopacity without radiolucent rim
  • 139. Treatment  Follow up until the area stabilizes.  no treatment is indicated
  • 141.  characterized by spontaneous and usually progressive destruction of one or more bones.  The destroyed bone is replaced by a vascular proliferation and, ultimately, dense fibrous tissue without bone regeneration.
  • 142. pathogenesis 1) Trauma 2) Increased osteoclastic activity
  • 143. Clinical Features  children and young adults  50% of patients recall prior trauma  extremities, maxillofacial region (mandible), trunk, and pelvis.  mobile teeth, pain, and pathologic fracture
  • 144. Radiographic Features  earliest changes consist of intramedullary radiolucent foci of varying size with indistinct margins.  These foci coalesce, enlarge, and extend to the cortical bone,destructing large portions of bone
  • 145.  ill-defined radiolucency  extensive bone loss and a pathologic fracture of the left mandible.
  • 146. Histopathologic Features  Vascular proliferation intermixed with fibrous connective tissue and chronic inflammatory cells
  • 147. Treatment  surgical resection.  Surgical reconstruction is advisable to delay until arrest of the osteolytic disease phase.  bisphosphonates and/ or alpha-2b interferon lead to disease stabilization