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Digital Graphic Narrative 
Jess Stanton
Shape Task
What did you like about your image? 
I liked the main outline and shape of the image and thought I had adjusted 
the different parts to fit the overall body well so they were all in the correct 
proportion. I also like how the different colours give a more natural and 
realistic feel to the image. 
What would you improve if you did it again? 
I think I could improve on the image by adding a background to it in order to 
make the animal stand out more and make the image look more interesting. 
Another way I could achieve this would have be to add an overall shadow to 
the animal to give some depth and would have also made it stand out more.
What did you like about your image? 
I like that this time I have added in a background but not just made it a block 
colour but added in some extras to make it look more realistic and also the 
detailing on the face. 
What would you improve if you did it again? 
I think I could improve on the face more to make it look more realistic by 
adding in texture on the face and focussing more on the mouth to get more 
detail there too. I would also improve on the colours and add some gradients 
instead of each parts being a block colour.
Text Based
What did you like about your image? 
I like the fact that none of the images are the same and that I have used a different 
technique on all of them to see what looks good and what I need to work on and 
change to achieve an image that shows its full potential. I like how I have incorporated 
a picture into the text to add diversity into my images and how I have outlined each 
letter in some of the texts to highlight each part of the words and how I have adjusted 
the shapes or the texts to make them interesting to look at but have still kept all the 
images legible. By not just using my name and experimenting with a quote is also 
something that adds diversity and how I have tried using different shadows and 
textures in the writing are also things I like about that image. 
What would you improve if you did it again? 
Things I would improve on, on my images would be by making them more different in 
terms of not only the technique used but also the colours instead of just a plain black. 
I also think I need to improve the image with the camera in the background as it is 
hard to tell what it is due to the spacing of the text. Next time I will add some depth to 
the text by applying shadows to the words to make them bolder and so they’ll stand 
out more. I would also like to improve on my images by adding more texts with a 
picture incorporated into them and try different words, pictures, colour and 
techniques of how to make them stand out more.
Text Based Improved 
I have made 
improvements to the text 
based images and have 
now been able to 
develop more complex 
ones which have images 
in the background but 
also are now able to tell 
what the images are. 
Because the one with the 
union jack in was still 
hard to see, I added an 
outline to make it more 
Comic Book
What did you like about your image? 
In these images I like how they are all similar as they are all in black and white 
however very different as not only are they 3 different pictures but also that they 
have all had different filters added to them. I also like how you can still tell they 
are people and I have chosen the correct features such as ‘Threshold’ to balance 
out the image so that it is not too dark or too light and you can still make out each 
individual person and also some of the detail in the image such as the brick wall. 
What would you improve if you did it again? 
I would improve the colours of the images because even though they are all black 
and white which shows consistency, I think adding different colours to the images 
would provide variety amongst them and make each images its own but also 
visually stimulating to look at. I would also change the detail within the images 
and so if there were some parts of the image which didn’t stand out I could use 
techniques I know such as rotoscoping to improve them and make the details 
finer and stand out.
Photography - Emotions 
Happy Lonely 
Sad Excited
What did you like about your image? 
What I like about these images is that they are all very different in terms of 
how the emotion is presented. I like how for loneliness it is an object and not 
a person to allow variety in my images and also how in one of the images 
there is more than just one person. 
What would you improve if you did it again? 
Next time I would improve my images by exploring different ways of capturing 
emotions and have a few of the images less posed and more natural and also 
try and incorporate more objects into the images instead of people to make 
them more diverse. I would also make sure that every image was taken in a 
different place as two of them, the emotions sad and excited were in the 
same place.
What did you like about your image? 
What I like about this image is how I have made the swing and the tree look 
3D and adding depth to them by shading with a darker pencil. I also like how I 
have blended the colours in the tree together to get a mix of brown and 
What would you improve if you did it again? 
I would improve this image by making it have more colours in to be brighter 
and more eye catching. I would also make the scene bigger as there is not 
much going on and is not much of a scene and so next time I would expand it 
and add some depth to it. On this image I feel as though the colours did not 
come out as well as they could have and so next time I will develop my image 
so that they colours are as realistic as possible.
Initial Ideas
versions of 
and the miller’s 
interpreted by 
different people 
throughout the 
Some versions present the Original 
miller’s daughter to have blonde 
hair and describe the straw into 
gold claim as a boast the miller 
makes about the way his 
daughters hair is straw like 
however when the sun in shone 
on it, it takes on a gold luster 
like shine. 
for film 
for a book
I have searched through appropriate fonts to 
suit the story and theme of the book. 
The different characters. The 
King, the Messenger, 
Rumpelstiltskin & the 
miller’s daughter 
An example of a 
scene I will copy 
and self illustrate 
for part of my book.
Idea Generation
As my book will not be read by children under the age of 3, but read by adults the pages will not need to be made out of 
thick cardboard and the book in general won’t have to be big so I will make the pages 20x23cm. The layout of the pages will 
be text on one side of the page and the image on the other, making the total amount of pages around 20-24 pages. 
Export Format 
Advantages: They present high quality images in a relatively low file format 
Disadvantages: The user must own Adobe Reader plug-in installed in order to read the document 
Story Overview 
A miller is boasting to the King about how his daughter can spin straw into gold. The King challenges the miller and locks his 
daughter away in a tower to spin the straw into gold. A creature appears and tells the girl he will make the gold in return for 
her necklace, and so she gives him her necklace and he spins the straw, leading the King to believe the girl did it. The next 
day, the king makes the girl spin a bigger pile of straw, resulting in the man showing up again and transforming the straw 
into gold with the fee of the miller’s daughter’s ring. The king is so impressed he makes her spin an even bigger pile and says 
if she succeeds, he will marry her, however when the creature turns up to spin the straw, the girl has nothing left to give and 
so he says in return, he wants her crown, the girl agrees. The girl and the king then get married and and the girl is now 
queen, the man shows up and demands the crown, although the Queen refuses. The man comes up with an agreement 
that if the queen can guess his name, he will leave her be and so with the deal made, the queen sends out a messenger to 
talk to everyone in the land to find out the mans name, when suddenly the messenger comes across the man screaming out 
his name is “Rumpelstiltskin”. When the man turns up later, he questions the queen on his name to which she replies 
“Rumpelstiltskin”, the creature gets frustrated and disappears.
Production Methods 
I will use the techniques of illustration for the background and rotoscoping for the 
characters to provide some variety in my book. I will also use text warping to create 
unusual shapes with my text and also create some text to have images in to make it 
look appealing and interesting. 
The target audience will be aged 5-7. The younger children will have this book read 
to them and the older children will use this book as a recourse to help their reading. 
The book will appeal to both genders however may appeal more towards boys as 
young girls of this age may be more lenient towards stories involving princesses and 
not creatures although this book is a fairytale. As the book will be in English, any 
children in English speaking countries will read this book. (Think about who you are 
targeting as your audience. Consider age, gender, class, location and other 
characteristics which could define your audience.) 
18th December 2014
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? 
The proposal is really well detailed and tells you 
what the story is all about. You have also told us 
how the book will be laid out really well. 
I cannot really think of any 
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been 
further developed? 
Your mood board has more than 1 image of each 
section e.g. text. It also sticks to the theme of 
Rumplestiltskin really well, explaining each section 
in a strong amount of detail. 
In your mood board you could explain why you 
have included all sorts of different versions of each 
section for example the animated ‘Rumplestiltskin’
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? 
I've never seen so much detail, its kind of brought 
me down about my work, unseen amounts of detail 
in this proposal, you have included page sizes and 
why you have decided to make them that size 
which is an inspired decision, proper decent work 
here, I think the amount you’ve done speaks for its 
Maybe a tiny bit more in the production methods 
section but I think il let you off as the rest of this 
work is top notch. 
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been 
further developed? 
Absolutely cracking annotations on your mood 
board, with examples of every character and a 
short piece of detail about them along with it, top 
notch work on that front. 
Don’t be silly now, there isn't enough room to fit any 
more work into the idea generation and I cant think 
of a way it could be further developed, fair play to 
you, if I had to say anything id comment on the fact 
that the photos and images are not explained as to 
why you’ve chosen them, but im clutching at straws 
here to write something down.
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? 
Your target audience is explained with great detail, 
explaining exactly why you chose the age range 
you did. Also your storyline is good and is explained 
with just the right amount of detail that is needed 
without explaining too much. 
Add more detail onto the production method, 
explaining what each technique used will do to 
help, for example will rotoscoping help with large 
spaces or smaller detail? The structure of the 
bodies of the characters? 
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been 
further developed? 
Your images for your mood board look good and 
provide lots of different techniques and ways to 
design the characters. Also within your mind map, 
you have gone into good detail with what different 
techniques there are and age ranges. What I like 
about the mind map is that you have even gone 
into describe the thickness of the book and what 
age range that would be best for. 
On your mood board go on to explain what you like 
about the fonts you have chosen and what each 
one could possibly work with. For example that 
being the front cover or the main text. 
I found your mind map hard to read just because of 
the clash of colours and how they are all so close 
together meaning that I don’t know which arrow/line 
goes where and to what explanation. So perhaps 
just space it out a bit more.
Feedback Summary 
Sum up your feedback. 
My feedback has been generally positive with the acceptation of a couple of things 
which crept up twice out of the 3 feedbacks I got. 
Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why? 
I agree with the fact that my mood board should have been spaced out more to allow 
more room for annotations on why I chose the variety of pictures I did. 
Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why? 
I do not disagree with any of of my feedback because I feel like all of my feedback is 
useful and it just going to help me improve my work.
Daytime Nighttime Nighttime
Morning Daytime Daytime
Nighttime Daytime Nighttime
Morning Daytime Daytime
Original Script 
Narrator: Once upon a time in a kingdom faraway there was a miller who was poor, but who had a beautiful daughter. The girl 
worked too hard, and her father wanted a better life for her, Then one day her father went to speak to the king. 
Father: I have a beautiful daughter who can spin straw into gold. 
King: I would like to see her. If your daughter is as clever as you say, bring her tomorrow to my palace, and I will put her to the 
Narrator:When the girl came to the palace, he took her into a room which was full of straw and gave her a spinning-wheel. 
King: Now get to work, and if by tomorrow morning you have not spun this straw into gold during the night, you and your father 
will be sent away from my kingdom. 
Narrator: Then he locked up the room, and left her alone. 
Girl: Oh, what am I going to do? I don`t how straw can be spun into gold 
Narrator: Then the door opened. 
Little Man: Good evening, why are you crying ? 
Girl: I have to spin straw into gold, and I do not know how to do it. 
Little Man: What will you give me if I do it for you? 
Girl: My necklace. 
Little Man: I accept. Give me your necklace. 
Narrator: Then he sat in front of the wheel, and whirr, whirr, whirr, three turns, and the reel was full, then he put another on, 
and whirr, whirr, whirr, three times round, and the second was full too. And so it went on until the morning, when all the straw 
was spun, and all the reels were full of gold. 
Little Man: I have to go now since I already finished my work. I will see you soon. 
Narrator: Then the King entered the room. 
King: Oh! I am so surprised and delighted of your work, little girl! Now you will go to another room full of straw and will keep 
spinning. Narrator: The girl didn't know what to do, and started crying again. Then little man appeared. 
Little Man: What will you give me if I spin that straw into gold for you? 
Girl: The ring on my finger. 
Little Man: I accept, give me your ring. 
Narrator: Again the little man began to turn the wheel, and by morning had spun all the straw into glittering gold, and 
disappeared. Then the King entered the room. 
King: This is marvelous! Now you will go to a still larger room full of straw, and you must spin and spin the entire night, and if 
you succeed, you will be my wife.
Narrator: When the girl was alone the little man came again for the third time. 
Little Man: What will you give me if I spin the straw for you this time also? 
Girl: I have nothing left that I could give you. 
Little Man: Then promise me, when you become queen, you will give me your first child. 
Girl: I promise you. 
Narrator: Then the little man once once more spun the straw into gold. In the morning he disappeared again. Then the King 
entered the room- 
King: Very good. Now you will be my wife. You will become queen. 
Narrator: A year after, she brought a beautiful child into the world, and she forgot about the promise she made to the little 
man. Suddenly he came into her room 
Little Man: Now give me what you promised. 
Girl: Oh no! I can not give you my son. I offer you all the riches of the kingdom if you don`t take my son away from me. 
Little Man: No, he is dearer to me than all the treasures in the world. 
Girl: Please, no! 
Little Man: I will give you three days. If by that time you find out my name, then you will keep your child. 
Narrator: So the queen thought the whole night of all the names that she had ever heard. 
Girl: What can his name be? I know, I will send a messenger over the country to find out for any other names that there might 
Narrator: When the little man came the next day, she said. 
Girl: Mmm your name is Caspar. 
Little Man: No 
Girl: Melchior? 
Little Man: Of course not. 
Girl: Then it’s Balthazar. 
Little Man: That is not my name. 
Narrator: On the second day she asked around the neighborhood for names of the people there. When the little man came 
again, she said. 
Girl: Perhaps your name is Shortribs. 
Little Man: No!
Girl: Then it's Sheepshanks. 
Little Man: Think again. 
Girl: Laceleg? 
Little Man: That is not my name. 
Narrator: On the third day the messenger came back again, and said 
Messenger: I have not been able to find a single new name, but as I came to a high mountain at the end of the forest, there I 
saw a little house, and outside the house before the house a quite ridiculous little man was jumping, he hopped upon 
one leg, and shouted: 
Today I bake, tomorrow brew, the next I’ll have the young queen’s child. How glad am I that no one knew that Rumpelstiltskin 
is my name 
Girl: Oh this is great news. Thank you! 
Narrator: Then the little man came. 
Little Man: Now, my dear queen, what is my name? 
Girl: Is your name Conrad? 
Little Man: No. 
Girl: Is your name Harry? 
Little Man: No. 
Girl: Perhaps your name is Rumpelstiltskin? 
Little Man: Who told you that! Who told you that! 
Girl: Now, you have to keep your promise. I told you your name, you will not take my little son with you. 
Little Man: Yes, my queen. 
Narrator: And the little man disappeared.
Final Script 
Narrator: One day, a miller and his daughter go to speak to the King, to tell him that his beautiful daughter can spin straw into money, in 
the hope that the King would marry his daughter. 
King: Ok then. But I must see this happen, come with me. 
Narrator: The king locks the miller’s daughter in a room filled with straw and tells her to turn it into money by the morning. 
Girl: Oh how on earth am I going to spin this straw into money by the morning? 
Narrator: Suddenly a little man appeared in the room and started making money out of the straw. 
Girl: Thank you very much. Here is my necklace to say thank you 
Narrator: The next morning the King takes the miller’s daughter to a room with a bigger pile of straw for her to turn into money. 
Rumpelstiltskin helps out the girl again but this time wants her ring as a reward for spinning the straw into money. 
Girl: Here is my ring. I am very grateful 
Narrator: On the third day the king takes the miller’s daughter to an even BIGGER room filled with straw. 
King: If you turn this into money then I will make you my wife 
Narrator: Once again, Rumpelstiltskin turns up and turns the money to straw a third time. 
Girl: Thank you but I have nothing left I can give you in return 
Rumpelstiltskin: You can give me your crown when you get married to the King 
Girl: Oh alright then 
Narrator: The king is so impressed with the miller’s daughters work that he marries her. 
King: I am so happy you are now my wife and Queen. 
Queen: I am too. 
Narrator: Rumpelstiltskin goes to the girl who is now the Queen of the land to get his crown but…. 
Rumpelstiltskin: Where is the crown you promised me? 
Queen: I don’t want to give it to you. It is too special. Is there anything else you want? 
Rumpelstiltskin: No. But I will make you a deal. If you can guess my name by tomorrow I will forget this deal. 
Narrator: The Queen sends out a messenger to ask everyone in the land if they know the little man’s name. 
Messenger: I heard the man shouting. His name is Rumpelstiltskin. 
Queen: Oh thank you very much. 
Narrator: Rumpelstiltskin turns up to the Queen to see if she knows his name. 
Rumpelstiltskin: Well then. Did you find out my name? 
Queen: Would it happen to be Rumpelstiltskin? 
Rumpelstiltskin: How did you know that! How did you know that! Oh well I guess I have to keep my word. You can keep your crown if you 
Narrator: Rumpelstiltskin was not happy about this. But remembered that a promise is a promise and so he left.
Digital Flat Plans 
The text for these pages will go here. 
The images for this page will go here 
along with any speech the characters 
say in the form of speech bubbles
One day a miller and his daughter went to 
speak with the King to tell him that the 
miller’s daughter can make money out of 
straw hoping that the King will marry her. 
The King locks her in a room 
with a pile of straw and tells her 
to turn it into money by the 
Suddenly a little man appeared in the 
room and started making the straw into 
The next morning the King takes the 
miller’s daughter to a room with a 
bigger pile of straw to turn into money.
Rumpelstiltskin helps out the girl 
again but this time wants her ring as a 
reward for spinning the straw to 
On the 3rd day the King takes the 
miller’s daughter to an even BIGGER 
room filled with straw.
Rumpelstiltskin turn the straw to 
money but the girl has nothing left 
to give. Rumpelstiltskin has an idea. 
The King is so impressed with the 
girl that he marries her.
Rumpelstiltskin goes to the girl who 
is now the Queen of the land and asks 
for the crown but she doesn’t want to 
give it up. 
Rumpelstiltskin makes a deal with 
the Queen. 
The Queen sends out a messenger 
who hears Rumpelstiltskin 
shouting out 
“She’ll never guess that my name 
is Rumpelstiltskin”
Rumpelstiltskin turns up to the 
queen who tells him his name. 
Rumpelstiltskin was not happy 
about this. But he remembered a 
promise is a promise and so he left.

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Development Pro forma

  • 1. Digital Graphic Narrative Development Jess Stanton
  • 3. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I liked the main outline and shape of the image and thought I had adjusted the different parts to fit the overall body well so they were all in the correct proportion. I also like how the different colours give a more natural and realistic feel to the image. What would you improve if you did it again? I think I could improve on the image by adding a background to it in order to make the animal stand out more and make the image look more interesting. Another way I could achieve this would have be to add an overall shadow to the animal to give some depth and would have also made it stand out more.
  • 5.
  • 6. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I like that this time I have added in a background but not just made it a block colour but added in some extras to make it look more realistic and also the detailing on the face. What would you improve if you did it again? I think I could improve on the face more to make it look more realistic by adding in texture on the face and focussing more on the mouth to get more detail there too. I would also improve on the colours and add some gradients instead of each parts being a block colour.
  • 8. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I like the fact that none of the images are the same and that I have used a different technique on all of them to see what looks good and what I need to work on and change to achieve an image that shows its full potential. I like how I have incorporated a picture into the text to add diversity into my images and how I have outlined each letter in some of the texts to highlight each part of the words and how I have adjusted the shapes or the texts to make them interesting to look at but have still kept all the images legible. By not just using my name and experimenting with a quote is also something that adds diversity and how I have tried using different shadows and textures in the writing are also things I like about that image. What would you improve if you did it again? Things I would improve on, on my images would be by making them more different in terms of not only the technique used but also the colours instead of just a plain black. I also think I need to improve the image with the camera in the background as it is hard to tell what it is due to the spacing of the text. Next time I will add some depth to the text by applying shadows to the words to make them bolder and so they’ll stand out more. I would also like to improve on my images by adding more texts with a picture incorporated into them and try different words, pictures, colour and techniques of how to make them stand out more.
  • 9. Text Based Improved I have made improvements to the text based images and have now been able to develop more complex ones which have images in the background but also are now able to tell what the images are. Because the one with the union jack in was still hard to see, I added an outline to make it more readable.
  • 11. Evaluation What did you like about your image? In these images I like how they are all similar as they are all in black and white however very different as not only are they 3 different pictures but also that they have all had different filters added to them. I also like how you can still tell they are people and I have chosen the correct features such as ‘Threshold’ to balance out the image so that it is not too dark or too light and you can still make out each individual person and also some of the detail in the image such as the brick wall. What would you improve if you did it again? I would improve the colours of the images because even though they are all black and white which shows consistency, I think adding different colours to the images would provide variety amongst them and make each images its own but also visually stimulating to look at. I would also change the detail within the images and so if there were some parts of the image which didn’t stand out I could use techniques I know such as rotoscoping to improve them and make the details finer and stand out.
  • 12. Photography - Emotions Happy Lonely Sad Excited
  • 13. Evaluation What did you like about your image? What I like about these images is that they are all very different in terms of how the emotion is presented. I like how for loneliness it is an object and not a person to allow variety in my images and also how in one of the images there is more than just one person. What would you improve if you did it again? Next time I would improve my images by exploring different ways of capturing emotions and have a few of the images less posed and more natural and also try and incorporate more objects into the images instead of people to make them more diverse. I would also make sure that every image was taken in a different place as two of them, the emotions sad and excited were in the same place.
  • 15. Evaluation What did you like about your image? What I like about this image is how I have made the swing and the tree look 3D and adding depth to them by shading with a darker pencil. I also like how I have blended the colours in the tree together to get a mix of brown and green. What would you improve if you did it again? I would improve this image by making it have more colours in to be brighter and more eye catching. I would also make the scene bigger as there is not much going on and is not much of a scene and so next time I would expand it and add some depth to it. On this image I feel as though the colours did not come out as well as they could have and so next time I will develop my image so that they colours are as realistic as possible.
  • 17. Different versions of Rumpelstiltskin and the miller’s daughter interpreted by different people throughout the years. Some versions present the Original miller’s daughter to have blonde hair and describe the straw into gold claim as a boast the miller makes about the way his daughters hair is straw like however when the sun in shone on it, it takes on a gold luster like shine. Animated Rumpelstiltskin for film Illustrations for a book
  • 18. I have searched through appropriate fonts to suit the story and theme of the book. The different characters. The King, the Messenger, Rumpelstiltskin & the miller’s daughter An example of a scene I will copy and self illustrate for part of my book.
  • 20. Proposal Dimensions As my book will not be read by children under the age of 3, but read by adults the pages will not need to be made out of thick cardboard and the book in general won’t have to be big so I will make the pages 20x23cm. The layout of the pages will be text on one side of the page and the image on the other, making the total amount of pages around 20-24 pages. Export Format PDF Advantages: They present high quality images in a relatively low file format Disadvantages: The user must own Adobe Reader plug-in installed in order to read the document Story Overview A miller is boasting to the King about how his daughter can spin straw into gold. The King challenges the miller and locks his daughter away in a tower to spin the straw into gold. A creature appears and tells the girl he will make the gold in return for her necklace, and so she gives him her necklace and he spins the straw, leading the King to believe the girl did it. The next day, the king makes the girl spin a bigger pile of straw, resulting in the man showing up again and transforming the straw into gold with the fee of the miller’s daughter’s ring. The king is so impressed he makes her spin an even bigger pile and says if she succeeds, he will marry her, however when the creature turns up to spin the straw, the girl has nothing left to give and so he says in return, he wants her crown, the girl agrees. The girl and the king then get married and and the girl is now queen, the man shows up and demands the crown, although the Queen refuses. The man comes up with an agreement that if the queen can guess his name, he will leave her be and so with the deal made, the queen sends out a messenger to talk to everyone in the land to find out the mans name, when suddenly the messenger comes across the man screaming out his name is “Rumpelstiltskin”. When the man turns up later, he questions the queen on his name to which she replies “Rumpelstiltskin”, the creature gets frustrated and disappears.
  • 21. Production Methods I will use the techniques of illustration for the background and rotoscoping for the characters to provide some variety in my book. I will also use text warping to create unusual shapes with my text and also create some text to have images in to make it look appealing and interesting. Audience The target audience will be aged 5-7. The younger children will have this book read to them and the older children will use this book as a recourse to help their reading. The book will appeal to both genders however may appeal more towards boys as young girls of this age may be more lenient towards stories involving princesses and not creatures although this book is a fairytale. As the book will be in English, any children in English speaking countries will read this book. (Think about who you are targeting as your audience. Consider age, gender, class, location and other characteristics which could define your audience.) Deadline 18th December 2014
  • 22. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? The proposal is really well detailed and tells you what the story is all about. You have also told us how the book will be laid out really well. I cannot really think of any What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? Your mood board has more than 1 image of each section e.g. text. It also sticks to the theme of Rumplestiltskin really well, explaining each section in a strong amount of detail. In your mood board you could explain why you have included all sorts of different versions of each section for example the animated ‘Rumplestiltskin’
  • 23. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? I've never seen so much detail, its kind of brought me down about my work, unseen amounts of detail in this proposal, you have included page sizes and why you have decided to make them that size which is an inspired decision, proper decent work here, I think the amount you’ve done speaks for its self. Maybe a tiny bit more in the production methods section but I think il let you off as the rest of this work is top notch. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? Absolutely cracking annotations on your mood board, with examples of every character and a short piece of detail about them along with it, top notch work on that front. Don’t be silly now, there isn't enough room to fit any more work into the idea generation and I cant think of a way it could be further developed, fair play to you, if I had to say anything id comment on the fact that the photos and images are not explained as to why you’ve chosen them, but im clutching at straws here to write something down.
  • 24. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? Your target audience is explained with great detail, explaining exactly why you chose the age range you did. Also your storyline is good and is explained with just the right amount of detail that is needed without explaining too much. Add more detail onto the production method, explaining what each technique used will do to help, for example will rotoscoping help with large spaces or smaller detail? The structure of the bodies of the characters? What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? Your images for your mood board look good and provide lots of different techniques and ways to design the characters. Also within your mind map, you have gone into good detail with what different techniques there are and age ranges. What I like about the mind map is that you have even gone into describe the thickness of the book and what age range that would be best for. On your mood board go on to explain what you like about the fonts you have chosen and what each one could possibly work with. For example that being the front cover or the main text. I found your mind map hard to read just because of the clash of colours and how they are all so close together meaning that I don’t know which arrow/line goes where and to what explanation. So perhaps just space it out a bit more.
  • 25. Feedback Summary Sum up your feedback. My feedback has been generally positive with the acceptation of a couple of things which crept up twice out of the 3 feedbacks I got. Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why? I agree with the fact that my mood board should have been spaced out more to allow more room for annotations on why I chose the variety of pictures I did. Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why? I do not disagree with any of of my feedback because I feel like all of my feedback is useful and it just going to help me improve my work.
  • 30. Original Script Narrator: Once upon a time in a kingdom faraway there was a miller who was poor, but who had a beautiful daughter. The girl worked too hard, and her father wanted a better life for her, Then one day her father went to speak to the king. Father: I have a beautiful daughter who can spin straw into gold. King: I would like to see her. If your daughter is as clever as you say, bring her tomorrow to my palace, and I will put her to the test. Narrator:When the girl came to the palace, he took her into a room which was full of straw and gave her a spinning-wheel. King: Now get to work, and if by tomorrow morning you have not spun this straw into gold during the night, you and your father will be sent away from my kingdom. Narrator: Then he locked up the room, and left her alone. Girl: Oh, what am I going to do? I don`t how straw can be spun into gold Narrator: Then the door opened. Little Man: Good evening, why are you crying ? Girl: I have to spin straw into gold, and I do not know how to do it. Little Man: What will you give me if I do it for you? Girl: My necklace. Little Man: I accept. Give me your necklace. Narrator: Then he sat in front of the wheel, and whirr, whirr, whirr, three turns, and the reel was full, then he put another on, and whirr, whirr, whirr, three times round, and the second was full too. And so it went on until the morning, when all the straw was spun, and all the reels were full of gold. Little Man: I have to go now since I already finished my work. I will see you soon. Narrator: Then the King entered the room. King: Oh! I am so surprised and delighted of your work, little girl! Now you will go to another room full of straw and will keep spinning. Narrator: The girl didn't know what to do, and started crying again. Then little man appeared. Little Man: What will you give me if I spin that straw into gold for you? Girl: The ring on my finger. Little Man: I accept, give me your ring. Narrator: Again the little man began to turn the wheel, and by morning had spun all the straw into glittering gold, and disappeared. Then the King entered the room. King: This is marvelous! Now you will go to a still larger room full of straw, and you must spin and spin the entire night, and if you succeed, you will be my wife.
  • 31. Narrator: When the girl was alone the little man came again for the third time. Little Man: What will you give me if I spin the straw for you this time also? Girl: I have nothing left that I could give you. Little Man: Then promise me, when you become queen, you will give me your first child. Girl: I promise you. Narrator: Then the little man once once more spun the straw into gold. In the morning he disappeared again. Then the King entered the room- King: Very good. Now you will be my wife. You will become queen. Narrator: A year after, she brought a beautiful child into the world, and she forgot about the promise she made to the little man. Suddenly he came into her room Little Man: Now give me what you promised. Girl: Oh no! I can not give you my son. I offer you all the riches of the kingdom if you don`t take my son away from me. Little Man: No, he is dearer to me than all the treasures in the world. Girl: Please, no! Little Man: I will give you three days. If by that time you find out my name, then you will keep your child. Narrator: So the queen thought the whole night of all the names that she had ever heard. Girl: What can his name be? I know, I will send a messenger over the country to find out for any other names that there might be. Narrator: When the little man came the next day, she said. Girl: Mmm your name is Caspar. Little Man: No Girl: Melchior? Little Man: Of course not. Girl: Then it’s Balthazar. Little Man: That is not my name. Narrator: On the second day she asked around the neighborhood for names of the people there. When the little man came again, she said. Girl: Perhaps your name is Shortribs. Little Man: No!
  • 32. Girl: Then it's Sheepshanks. Little Man: Think again. Girl: Laceleg? Little Man: That is not my name. Narrator: On the third day the messenger came back again, and said Messenger: I have not been able to find a single new name, but as I came to a high mountain at the end of the forest, there I saw a little house, and outside the house before the house a quite ridiculous little man was jumping, he hopped upon one leg, and shouted: Today I bake, tomorrow brew, the next I’ll have the young queen’s child. How glad am I that no one knew that Rumpelstiltskin is my name Girl: Oh this is great news. Thank you! Narrator: Then the little man came. Little Man: Now, my dear queen, what is my name? Girl: Is your name Conrad? Little Man: No. Girl: Is your name Harry? Little Man: No. Girl: Perhaps your name is Rumpelstiltskin? Little Man: Who told you that! Who told you that! Girl: Now, you have to keep your promise. I told you your name, you will not take my little son with you. Little Man: Yes, my queen. Narrator: And the little man disappeared.
  • 33. Final Script Narrator: One day, a miller and his daughter go to speak to the King, to tell him that his beautiful daughter can spin straw into money, in the hope that the King would marry his daughter. King: Ok then. But I must see this happen, come with me. Narrator: The king locks the miller’s daughter in a room filled with straw and tells her to turn it into money by the morning. Girl: Oh how on earth am I going to spin this straw into money by the morning? Narrator: Suddenly a little man appeared in the room and started making money out of the straw. Girl: Thank you very much. Here is my necklace to say thank you Narrator: The next morning the King takes the miller’s daughter to a room with a bigger pile of straw for her to turn into money. Rumpelstiltskin helps out the girl again but this time wants her ring as a reward for spinning the straw into money. Girl: Here is my ring. I am very grateful Narrator: On the third day the king takes the miller’s daughter to an even BIGGER room filled with straw. King: If you turn this into money then I will make you my wife Narrator: Once again, Rumpelstiltskin turns up and turns the money to straw a third time. Girl: Thank you but I have nothing left I can give you in return Rumpelstiltskin: You can give me your crown when you get married to the King Girl: Oh alright then Narrator: The king is so impressed with the miller’s daughters work that he marries her. King: I am so happy you are now my wife and Queen. Queen: I am too. Narrator: Rumpelstiltskin goes to the girl who is now the Queen of the land to get his crown but…. Rumpelstiltskin: Where is the crown you promised me? Queen: I don’t want to give it to you. It is too special. Is there anything else you want? Rumpelstiltskin: No. But I will make you a deal. If you can guess my name by tomorrow I will forget this deal. Narrator: The Queen sends out a messenger to ask everyone in the land if they know the little man’s name. Messenger: I heard the man shouting. His name is Rumpelstiltskin. Queen: Oh thank you very much. Narrator: Rumpelstiltskin turns up to the Queen to see if she knows his name. Rumpelstiltskin: Well then. Did you find out my name? Queen: Would it happen to be Rumpelstiltskin? Rumpelstiltskin: How did you know that! How did you know that! Oh well I guess I have to keep my word. You can keep your crown if you must! Narrator: Rumpelstiltskin was not happy about this. But remembered that a promise is a promise and so he left.
  • 34. Digital Flat Plans The text for these pages will go here. The images for this page will go here along with any speech the characters say in the form of speech bubbles
  • 35. One day a miller and his daughter went to speak with the King to tell him that the miller’s daughter can make money out of straw hoping that the King will marry her. Examples The King locks her in a room with a pile of straw and tells her to turn it into money by the morning. 20cm 23cm
  • 36. Suddenly a little man appeared in the room and started making the straw into money. The next morning the King takes the miller’s daughter to a room with a bigger pile of straw to turn into money.
  • 37. Rumpelstiltskin helps out the girl again but this time wants her ring as a reward for spinning the straw to money. On the 3rd day the King takes the miller’s daughter to an even BIGGER room filled with straw.
  • 38. Rumpelstiltskin turn the straw to money but the girl has nothing left to give. Rumpelstiltskin has an idea. The King is so impressed with the girl that he marries her.
  • 39. Rumpelstiltskin goes to the girl who is now the Queen of the land and asks for the crown but she doesn’t want to give it up. Rumpelstiltskin makes a deal with the Queen. The Queen sends out a messenger who hears Rumpelstiltskin shouting out “She’ll never guess that my name is Rumpelstiltskin”
  • 40. Rumpelstiltskin turns up to the queen who tells him his name. Rumpelstiltskin was not happy about this. But he remembered a promise is a promise and so he left.