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Deucalion Research Paper
In ancient times, Deucalion was a king of Grease. His father was Prometheus, the god who had
given the gift of fire to mankind. All though Deucalion was a virtuous king, their were many wicked
people in the world, and they had committed many crimes. The king of the gods, Zeus, became
angry and decided to cleans the world with a great flood. Prometheus, however, warned Deucalion
in advance. Deucalion built a box which would float upon the waters so that he and his wife, Pyrrha,
could survive. Things happened just as Prometheus had predicted. Rain began
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Comparing Sea Of Destruction In Deucalion And Phyrra
The non–conceding waters wash over the lands, destroying all in their path. This is one thing
constant in all three stories of the flood. Yes, these stories are similar, but their differences are great.
How many days of destruction and chaos ensued? How was the boat of salvation constructed? Who
was chosen to survive? These stories all have different answers to these questions. These
differences, as well as the similarities, will be seen and the reasons these stories have survived
through history, revealed. In all of these stories, the waters of doom reigned upon the Earth, but only
for a given amount of time. Noah witnessed the power of destruction for forty days and nights while
Deucalion and Phyrra only suffered the ending of the world for nine days and nights. Utnapishtim
felt the sorrow of seeing his world be swept away for just six days and nights. These people were
given salvation because they were righteous and just, but they were also given the worst punishment
of all. They had to stand by and watch as their world crumbled. They were unable ... Show more
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In all these instances, the vessels were made, not by gods, but by the ones chosen to survive.
Though they were all made by man, none of these incredible masterpieces were made exactly the
same. Noah's arch was three hundred cubits by fifty cubits by thirty cubits. The single God in this
story was very specific as to what the dimensions were. The several gods in The Epic of Gilgamesh
(when referring to the flood section) were not very specific, giving Utnapishtim the directions to
build a vessel and nothing else. His dimensions were one acre at the base, each side of the deck
measured one hundred and twenty cubits which made it a square shape and he eventually made
seven of these decks in all. The Greek gods in The Great Flood gave Deucalion and Phyrra only the
instruction to build a boat if they wished to
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Aquarius Research Paper
Aquarius is the constellation I have chosen as it is the constellation from my zodiac from my year of
birth. It outlines my behaviours, characteristics and fortunes. The Aquarius constellation appears in
the sky between December and January. Aquarius is the sign for water bearers as the name Aquarius
is Latin for "water carrier". Aquarius is one of the oldest constellations and can be seen in the
northern and Southern Hemisphere. Greek mythology refers to Aquarius as the story of a flood
released by the god Zeus that wiped out all of humanity except for a man named Deucalion and his
wife Pyrrha. He was convinced by Zeus to build himself an ark and this story goes side by side with
the story of Noah's ark from the Old Testament. In ancient
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A Comparison Of Genesis And Genesis
Many stories and fables have been written and passed down from generation to generation about the
great flood recorded in Genesis. However, critics can reason all they want because God created the
world, and the creation is not a debatable topic. The Genesis account of the flood came first;
therefore, Gilgamesh, Ovid's Metamorphoses, and The Korans accounts of the flood are all inspired
by Genesis. The book of Genesis inspired the authors of these works of literature to write alterations
of their own stories. Gilgamesh, Metamorphoses, and The Koran are all variations of the account
chronicled in Genesis. First, there are numerous similarities between the flood in Gilgamesh and the
biblical flood account found in Genesis chapters six through nine. Foremost, two righteous men are
selected to build an ark because of an imminent flood. In Genesis 6:14, God instructs Noah to
"make thee an ark of gopher wood," and in Gilgamesh, an assembly of gods send Utnapishtim to
"abandon [his] home and build a boat" (Gilgamesh 55). In Genesis and in Gilgamesh, both floods
are sent because of "the wickedness of man" (King James Version, Gen. 6.5). Also, God and the
gods in Gilgamesh both regret destroying the world by flood. Nevertheless, there are also many
differences in the two stories. Although the two heroes both sent out birds to find land, they sent out
different varieties of birds. Noah sent out a raven and three doves while Utnapishtim released a
raven, dove, and a swallow. The blessings that the men receive after the flood were also different.
The gods in Gilgamesh grant Utnapishtim eternal life while Noah's blessing was to "be fruitful, and
multiply, and replenish the earth" (King James Version Gen. 9.1). The corresponding similarities and
differences in the two stories prove that the events in Genesis inspired the flood account in
Gilgamesh. Next, Genesis inspired Ovid to write Metamorphoses. In Metamorphoses, Deucalion,
like Noah, were both righteous men– "there was no better man than [Deucalion]" (Ovid 1127).
Unlike some flood stories, Metamorphoses does in fact tell of a universal flood because "there was
no other land, the sea had drowned it all" (Ovid 1127). Similar to Genesis, man's sins cause the
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Prometheus Research Paper
In Greek mythology, Prometheus had a reputation as being a clever trickster and he famously gave
the human race the gift of fire and the skill of metalwork, action for which he was punished by
Zeus, who ensured every day that an eagle ate the liver of the Titan as he was helplessly chained to a
rock. Prometheus, whose name means "Forethought" , was able to see into the future. He warned his
brother Epimetheus not to marry Pandora; who's dowry would eventually unleash evil onto the
world. And when Prometheus forewarned Zeus that Thetis son Achilles was destined to be his rival,
Zeus released him from bondage in gratitude, ordering Heracles to shoot the eagle and break the
god's binding chains.
Next, the god Prometheus was represented by or as fire and craftsmen. Prometheus created mankind
out of clay and water also; he gave the valuable gift to man which would help him in life's struggle.
Therefore, Prometheus had many interesting myths, for example, when the god's chose Prometheus
as arbiter in a dispute, he fooled the gullible Zeus into picking the worst part of the sacrificial
burying them under a rich layer of fat. Also, another myth was Prometheus being known as the
Thief, more by hiding it in a hollow fennel–stalk; he gave the valuable gift to man which would help
him in life's struggle. ... Show more content on ...
Also, another myth was Prometheus being known as The Thief Of Fire, more myths was when he
wrapped up the best parts and the intestines in the skin, and at the top he placed the stomach, which
is one of the worst parts while the second heap consisted of the bones covered with fat.
Furthermore, the goddess Athena taught him architecture, astronomy, mathematics, navigation,
medicine, and metallurgy, and he in return taught them to
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Comparing Greek Mythology And The Bible
Compare and contrast Greek mythology and Bible
Inside the Bible there are many amazing and spectacular miracles. Many people in earth who are
non–Christian doubt about that also some Christians doubt on the miracles that Jesus performed.
Just like the bible Greek myths have lots of fantasy stories which people doubt on it. And we can
assume that both Bible and Greek mythology has some stories/ characters that are same and some
stories/ characters can be different. Both of these have a starting point which is the creation of
something. And this is clearly recorded in Genesis 1: 1–2 that "In the beginning God created the
heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of
the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters" (NIV). Genesis shows the readers ...
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And clearly explained how it was very dark. Also in this Greek mythology book it says that "Gaea,
the Earth, came out of darkness so long ago that nobody knows when or how. Earth was young and
lonesome, for nothing lived on her yet" (D'aulaires, 9). This shows that in the beginning there was
nothing and that Gaea (mother of earth) was created very suspiciously and due to her being created
Uranus (lord of the universe) appeared. But before Uranus came everything was very dark and
looked much unfilled. And also the starting point was very dark and unburdened before God started
to make and establish something on the earth. In order for the earth to have these kind of lovely
buildings and establishments we needed someone help. And God helped us. Just like god helped in
the Bible, Greek myth says that if there was no mother of earth and lord of the universe there would
have been no creation in the start. Since Gaea (mother of earth) loved Uranus
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Greek Allusions Workshop Essay
Greek Allusions Workshop
Kelsey Strawn
Story: Cupid and Psyche
Source: Greek
Summary: A queen and king had three daughters. Their youngest, Psyche became well known and
men would come praise her for her breathtaking beauty. Soon Psyche had more visitors than Venus
did and Venus became jealous. In her rage Venus told her son Cupid to get revenge for her by
making Psyche fall in love in an unworthy being. However, Psyche ended up falling in love with
Cupid and Cupid with her. Doomed to never find love Psyche went to live at the top of a mountain
where her husband would be waiting for her, but she was not allowed to see his face. After a while
curiosity consumed her, so she took a lantern and knife to see her husband's face, it was Cupid. ...
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Gaea married Uranus and they had children. Uranus was a bad father, so his son Cronus overthrew
him. Now Cronus was the leader, he married his sister Rhea and had kids, but swallowed them
because it was told they would overthrow him one day. Zeus, Cronus son managed to survive and
later killed his father and took over.
Commentary: Gaea and Rhea are looked at as the mothers who actually wanted their children to be
able to thrive, unlike their spouses. Both Uranus and Cronus were willing to sacrifice their children
to continue being the ruler. However, by doing this to the people they were supposed to love most
they created a tension between the family that was not going to go away. So, by trying to stay in
power Uranus and Cronus actually were the reason their family retaliated against them and took
their power away. Finally, Zeus comes along and does not make the same mistakes and his dad and
his dad's dad. Instead, he learn from their obvious mistakes, defeats Cronus and starts being the
leader everyone was waiting for. This connects to the story in the news right now about a Lion being
shot in Africa. It connects because the lion that was shot was the male, now if another male comes
to take over the dead lions territory it will kill all of the children to regain
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Greek Mythology And The Myth Of Mythology
Mythology Essay Overtime, each culture group had developed popular traditional tales that are
worldly studied and discussed. Despite their different areas of origins and the distinct story plots,
they all share a similar purpose and that is to guide humans to behave properly. Since these stories
share an identical purpose and are plotted in a way resembling our real lives, their characters have a
similar pattern of behavior, which reveals a great deal about human nature. With this in mind, there
are similarities between the two most widely known pieces of literature, Greek mythology and the
biblical stories, namely, the Greek myth of Hera and Io compared with the biblical story Cain and
Abel, the myth of Deucalion and Pyrrha compared with the story of Noah's ark, and the myth of
Pandora compared with Adam and Eve. These stories vividly reveal aspects of human nature.
First and foremost, the myth of Hera and Io and the story of Cain and Abel showed the inborn
human frailty of jealousy and the effect of being jealous– revengeful. Indeed, Hera and Abel were
both great examples of jealousy. Take one of the most popular myths of Hera's jealousy, the myth of
Hera and Io as an example; Hera was jealous of Io, a mortal who earned Zeus' affection. Similarly,
the bible character Abel was jealous of his own brother Cain because God favoured Cain and his
offerings more. Both characters showed traits of jealousy, suggesting that jealousy is one of those
unavoidable innate features of
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Comparing the Flood and Creation in Ovid's Metamorphoses...
"Where did man come from? Where did time begin? Who, or what, created
all things?" These are questions that mankind has sought to answer from the
beginning of existence as it is known today. Many stories and fables have been
told and passed down from generation to generation, yet two have survived the
test of time and criticism. The Biblical account in Genesis, probably written
by Moses around 1500 B.C., and the story of creation and flood in Ovid's
Metamorphosis, written somewhere between 8 and 17 A.D., have weathered the
criticism and become the most famous. The Genesis account, however, may be the
most prominent of the two ... Show more content on ...
There are a few discrepancies in detail as well. The water, in Ovid's,
"[holds] up, [holds] in the land," while, in Genesis, the land "[separates] the
waters from the waters" (549; 1:9). In Metamorphoses the air, land, light and
water (as humans know it) seems to form at one instant when "God, or kindlier
Nature, [settles] all"(549). In Genesis however, light; heaven; land and
vegetation; stars, sun and moon; fish; animals and man are created on separate
Though these two writings are different in many respects, they are
strikingly similar as well. Both are great and beautiful poems that contiue to
stand the test of time. They are also written for the purpose of explaining or
answering some question, whether that be who, what, or how time and existence,
as it is known today, came to pass.
Both poems give credit for creation to a supreme being or supernatural
beings. Ovid states that "the gods, who [make] the changes, will help me––or I
hope so––with a poem"(548). Genesis 1:1 states, "In the beginning God [creates]
the heavens and the earth."
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Similarities Between Gilgamesh And The Bible
Many people and religions around the world have various versions of "the flood" narrative; The epic
of Gilgamesh, The Bible and Greek mythology are only a few with numerous similarities and
differences. These stories can be compared by how humans were created, how the floods started, the
effects of the flood and how it helped future generations throughout the world.
Between the three flood stories, there are any similarities and differences. In all the stories humans
were created but what was different was how they were created. In The epic of Gilgamesh and The
Bible, humans were both created by God(s). On the other hand, in the Greeks flood narrative,
humans were created by Deucalion and Pyrrha throwing stones. The stories are also similar ... Show
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From the flood, Utnapishtim, Noah and Deucalion were all saved and given different things. In the
Epic of Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim was saved and given immortality. In the Bible, Noah was saved,
granted extended life and God promised to not flood the earth again, and Deucalion and Pyrrha were
warned by Prometheus and later given one thing to chose which happened to be "man". Lastly,
comparing how the narratives eventually helped humans in later generations. Throughout all the
narratives many things happened that humans have to deal with, ups and downs. These narratives
told to future generations can help people and humans in general deal with life's ups and downs.
Also helps humans deal with their emotions, realizing they are normal and understanding more
about life. In all of the narratives the God(s) were scared, angry or annoyed with humans. Again in
all the narratives it tells their version of how humans were created which gives later generations
something to believe in and something that creates a sense of community. The Epic of Gilgamesh,
The Bible and Greek mythology's flood narratives have many similarities and differences,
including: the story of how humans were created, how their floods started, the effects of the flood
and how it helped future human
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Greek Mythologies: Lessons In Morals
Greek Mythologies: Lessons in Morality by Gaurav Gajavelli
If everyone on Earth became evil, would you too? If you said "no" then you are like Deucalion.
Hera was a Greek goddess of myth; she was known to be very immoral. You could say she gave
Greek myths a bad reputation. The story of Io, is a good example. Hera chased Io around a continent
with stinging insects torturing the entire time! But I think Greek myths are more than mere list of
bad characters and their wild deeds, it also teaches morality through vivid examples. Deucalion's
story shows this. He displayed strong character while showing that greed drudgery and lies are bad.
In the King Midas story shortsightedness and greed are shown to be bad. And again in the Jason and
the Argonauts story evil misfortunes that befall oath breakers becomes evident.
Because of the negative portrayal of people who are greedy liars, Greek myths display good morals.
The people created by Prometheus were easily turned into wicked folk when bitten by Pandora's
miseries. Such weakness ignited anger in Zeus. In disgust Zeus decides to wipe them out by
flooding. Only one man survived: Deucalion. After the deluge Deucalion and his wife ... Show more
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In the King Midas story, the greedy shortsighted King wishes that everything he touches should turn
to gold. But he starves when his food turns into inedible gold. The last straw was his daughter turns
into a lifeless gold statute when she lovingly touches him. This teaches him that greed and
shortsightedness create sorrows such as starvation, dehydration and loss of his daughter. And only
when he realizes his mistakes and begs to correct is ways does he get a chance to eat and revive his
daughter. The Greek gods teach King Midas good moral lessons and as a reward for changing his
ways the god Dionysus reverses everything back to normal for King
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Deucalion And Pyrrha Research Paper
The comparison of myths is primarily essential for understanding of culture–historical areal of the
ancient world. Mythology itself became not only the main armuory for all the literature genres, but
it turned out to be an immediate predecessor of the relogio–philosophical idea. The very myths were
an important form of folkloric and literature art, and continued to last within all the periods of
ancient communities' existence as to reflect both the main steps in their development and
relationships between gods and people. Of relationships between mortals and immortals tell lots of
different myths, and rather important become the myths of gods punishing people because the last
tended to get a false idea of their own importance. These punishment usually were floods and
casting into the hell–fire. The story of Deucalion and Pyrrha is one of these. When humanity
became conceited and impious the supreme god Zeus sent on people the flood, and only two had
survived – Deucalion – Prometheus' son, and his wife Pyrrha – Epimetheus' daughter. After his
father's advice Deucalion took a huge box, put in victuals and entered it with his wife Pyrrha. Long
nine days and nights floated their box in the waters that covered all the dry land. Finally the waves
brought them to the mountain Parnassus, where they made sacrifices in the Zeus' honor. The god's ...
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The duration of flood in both stories also differ, it is nine days in the story of Deucalion and Pyrrha,
and forty days in the story of Noah and an ark. It is also important to mention that when God
warned Noah of the coming flood, the very flood occurred only after one hundred years, so God was
determined to give humanity a chance without destroying it, and when this did not happen He used
flood as a means of punishment. And Zeus gave no
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Comparison Of Prometheus And The First People By Olivia E....
A Literary Creation of Man 3
A Literary Creation of Man
As legend suggests, the Greek God Prometheus gave a man the ability to create a fire so that they
could thrive and in doing so, he angered Zeus. Zeus punishes Prometheus endlessly and creates
Pandora to unleash upon the perfect world all the griefs and hardships that are known to man today.
This full portrayal is in the short story "Prometheus and the First people" by Olivia E. Coolidge.
This essay will examine how the author utilizes literary elements in composing this mythical story
about the resiliency of man.
Initially, the author describes the earth's setting as a luscious, green, grassy clearing that Epithemeus
was sitting in when he gives the animals unique gifts. Her ideal setting for the animals is described
in the following passage, "To each, I gave some special excellence, that whether large or small, kind
or terrible, each might live his own place, find food, escape enemies, and enjoy the wide world
which is his to inhabit." (Ashworth, 2016). The setting is dramatically changed to depict a darker
place by the mighty floods that are produced by Zeus. The author conveys this in the words, "Fields
and farmhouses were buried. Fish swam in the tops of trees." (Ashworth, 2016). ... Show more
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This figurative language is explained more thoroughly by the author, "From each of those Deucalion
cast sprang up a man, and from Pyrrha's stones sprang up women." (Ashworth, 2016). The symbolic
use of the stone is also used again at the end of the story when discussing how man has changed
since exposure to adversity. The author states, "Only from that time men have been less sensitive
and have found it easier to endure toil, and sorrow, and pain, since now they are descended from
stone." (Ashworth,
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Archetypes In The Odyssey
The Greek story mentions how the first race of man were exceedingly wicked, thus howling the
archetype of man in transgression. Zeus sent a flood to destroy the men of the Bronze Age, showing
one of the flood archetypes of the divine cause of destruction. When the first race of men was
destroyed, Deucalion and his family survived due to his prudence and piety. He exhibited the
archetype of a favored family. Additionally, Deucalion loaded his wives and all children and all
animals onto a great ark. This one act included the archetypes of an ark being provided, animals
being saved, and animals being saved. In the time of Ogyges, the flood covered the whole world and
was so devastating that the country remained without kings until the reign of
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Creation Myths In Hesiod, Ovid, And Apollodorus
Ancient authors such as Hesiod, Ovid, and Apollodorus set forth to record what they knew of their
gods, especially how these gods created the world and the beings inside of it. Each author provides
different variations of the myths that surround creationism. Modern westerners are familiar with the
creation stories provided within Genesis, not realizing that many elements were borrowed and
inspired by other cultures, such as the Greeks. These myths, even within the same book, can
contradicting or confusing. Between authors, there are often different interpretations, that during the
time they were written, co–existed and were accepted as truth, regardless of how impossible it was
for both to be correct. For these ancient cultures, it is clear that each one believed in ... Show more
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The story of a flood is popular within many creation myths, the most famous of today told within
Genesis. Ovid declares that Zeus was mad at humanity and commanded Poseidon to flood the earth
(1.262–313). For unknown reasons, Deucalion and Pyrrha have a boat and survive the flood. They
begin to worship the gods, when Themis whispers to them to throw the bones if their mother. They
take this to mean to throw rocks, as Gaia is Mother Earth. They obey, and these rocks turn into
humans and they begin to repopulate the earth (1.314–449). In Apollodorus' account of the flood,
Prometheus, the father of Deucalion, warns his son of the flood and tells him to build an ark. After
the water subsides, Deucalion and Pyrrha worship Zeus and he sends Hermes to instruct the couple
on repopulating the earth. Once again, Deucalion and Pyrrha throw rocks, with this time,
Deucalion's rocks turning into men and Pyrrha's turning into women (Apollod. Bibl. 1.46–48).
Despite two people of opposite genders surviving, both accounts relay that humans were created
again through supernatural means, rather than natural
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Deucalion Compare And Contrast
Favour Owolabi Mrs. Henderson Honors World Lit. February 3, 2015 Mankind's Death and Rebirth
Being an honorable person is an important attribute to many people. Noah and Deucalion were two
highly honorable men. These men and their families were the only two men out of thousands to
survive a fate that changed mankind forever. Noah was a man from Babylon who feared God and
found favor in His sight. Deucalion was a man from Greece who pleased the gods and was able to
stay pure in his heart. Both men had many similar attributes and purposes for life, but each had
differences that made their stories unique. A commonality in both stories is that mankind harbored
evil in their hearts and had no regard for God/Zeus provoking their wraths. According to the Grecian
flood story, men became unbearably wicked and no longer lived at peace with each other. They were
always at war with each other having no law or safety in the land. In the Bible, God saw how evil
men were and how there was nothing but immorality in mans' heart. The depravity and iniquity of
man are what led to God and Zeus's wrath. Men became lawless, it was as if every man was for
themselves. This corruption is what made God and Zeus to become weary and to regret ever
creating man. 'But as the world became wickeder and wickeder every day he began to grow weary
of ... Show more content on ...
Deucalion was from Prometheus and Pandora. Once every year Deucalion went to his father,
Prometheus who was hanging chained to the mountain peak. (–
greek–stories–6.html) God created Adam and Eve who serve as the parents of humanity. (Genesis
1–3) Both parents were the source of mankind's evil. Prometheus because he created fire and
Pandora for opening the box which released the seven evils. Adam and Eve were because they ate
from the tree of knowledge and good and evil, disobeying God's
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Apocalyptic Survivors In The Epic Of Gilgamesh
Apocalyptic Survivors
Shubha Verma
Ancient World Religion and Philosophy
October 2, 2017
Each of the sacred texts of Christianity, Greek Polytheism, Ancient Macedonian Religion, and
Judaism outlines an apocalypse myth which illustrates a near end of the world, and in each myth,
the gods or God select survivors. Although each religion is unique, there are some stark similarities
among the myths including the methods used to attack the world and the way the survivors rescue
themselves and others. Some religious texts portray the gods or God saving people who will
repopulate the Earth, but others describe a group of people or even a small population withstanding
the apocalypse. Investigating several religious texts reveals that even though some apocalyptic
trends remain constant throughout each belief, the selection and utilization of humans by the higher
power changes slightly between each myth. The Epic of Gilgamesh contains an apocalyptic myth
where a god indirectly chose a survivor to rescue the human race, and he receives a blessing from
the gods in return for his bravery and success. In the epic about ancient Mesopotamian religion,
Utnapishtim tells Gilgamesh the story of how he became immortal after surviving the gods'
downpour. Utnapishtim lived on the banks of the Euphrates in a town called Shuruppak "when the
great gods decided to send down the Deluge." Each of the gods swore on this plan, and chose to
keep it secret. However, one god named Ea yelled his swear at a
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The Deucalion Flood
Fourth, continuing with the stories of the Torah and the Greek tale of the Deucalion Flood . One
must understand what happen in the story of the Greek tale of the Deucalion Flood. "On a certain
day, Zeus, the chief god of the Greeks, was very angry. He hears that the sons of Lycaon sacrificed a
boy to him. He visits them, disguised as a poor traveler, to check on the truth of the report. The sons
greet him warmly and serve him a disgusting banquet in which they mix the flesh of one of their
brothers. Angry at their disrespect sacrifice, Zeus turns them into wolves. Zeus was still angry and
disgusted when he returns to Olympus and he takes out his anger against all humanity. He releases a
flood of water to destroy everyone. However, Prometheus the Titan, a semi–divine figure who loved
humans and was especially helpful to them, warns his son Deucalion. Deucalion builds an ark, fills
it with food, and rushes into it with his wife Pyrrha, who is also his cousin, the daughter of
Prometheus' brother Epimetheus. (Leeming, 1991)" Deucalion like a good son listens to his father
and does what his father told him. ... Show more content on ...
The rainwater covers entire world, except for some mountain peaks Humans below the mountain
peaks are killed, except for Deucalion and Pyrrha. The ark floats for nine days until the water
recedes. Then the ark settles on a mountain. Deucalion releases a dove to check that the water has
receded. Deucalion and Pyrrha offer a thanksgiving sacrifice to Zeus. Then they pray to Zeus asking
that humankind should be renewed. Zeus sends his messenger Hermes to tell them to throw stones
behind their backs. Every stone that Deucalion throws have become a man and each stone throws by
Pyrrha turns into a
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Differences Between Bible Myths And Greek Myths
Last week, I have read the GREEK MYTHS and I found there are some similarities and differences
between Bible and Greek myths, even sometimes are similar with Chinese myths.
After reading the Bible and Greek myths, you will find the biggest difference is that the number of
gods is totally different. In the Bible, they only believe in one God faithfully; however, people
believe in twelve big Gods and other small Gods in the GREEK MYTHS, such as Zeus, Athene,
Poseidon, Apollo, Cupid and so on. The reason why they have such a difference is that God in the
Bible can do everything and he controlled all the rights by himself, but in Greek all the Gods had
different abilities and do their best in their fields. Another reason is that God's image can
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Deucalion: A Fictional Narrative
The four of you had successfully escaped the bank where Deucalion was keeping you and Isaac and
were now speeding away in Stiles' jeep. Stiles was driving, Scott was in the passenger seat and you
and Isaac were in the back. You held Isaac in your arms, trying to get him as comfortable as
possible. You gently pushed him hair back and put a hand on his cheek. "Are you okay?" you asked
quietly. "I will be," he whispered, giving you a small smile. "You know I'm not going to let this go,
right?" "What do you mean?" You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "I want to know what you
are." "I–I don't know what I am, Isaac," you admitted. "You smell powerful," he mumbled.
"Thanks?" you giggled. "I'm going to help you figure out what you are, okay?" "Okay," you smiled
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There was a sketch of a bird surrounded by flames. "Phoenix?" "Yeah, look here." He pointed to a
paragraph and followed the words with his finger as he spoke, "The phoenix comes in two types:
The fire phoenix and the sapphire phoenix. The fire phoenix's eyes glow a vibrant orange and the
sapphire phoenix's glow a deep blue. This glow is only activated when the phoenix wills them to or
when they are using their power. The sapphire phoenix is arguably the more powerful of the two."
"So I'm a sapphire phoenix?" "Yeah." Further down the page, there was more information on the
sapphire phoenix: The sapphire phoenix can control and summon flames from birth. Other abilities
such as heat radiation and healing is developed with age and practice. Only the most experienced
phoenix can give out a shrill call. This shriek is so loud that around anything it is brought to tears
and can't hear clearly for days, or even weeks. "Wow..." you breathed. You couldn't believe you
were that powerful. "Well, that explains why you're so hot," Isaac smirked. "Shut up!" you giggled
and shoved him playfully. "We should probably tell the pack..." he spoke with a serious expression.
You sighed,
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Bible vs. Mythology
Bible vs. Myth There are many similarities and differences between Greek Mythology and The
Bible. Whether it's the creation of man and women, or the universe, stories have been told
throughout time and some can be alike and others completely different. There are people that have
gathered, translated and recorded all of these events for us now to learn about. Whether a person
believes it is true or not is up to them but if a God is real how come the stories between these two
different beliefs can be so similar. A strong similarity is the creation of man and the universe.
However the Greek Myths and the Bible have many differences when it comes to how and why
everything happened. A comparison between these two is the creation of the ... Show more content
on ...
So Deucalion and Pyrrha threw behind them rocks, the bones of Gaia and the rocks that Pyrrha
threw formed women and the rocks Deucalion threw formed men. Another version on the creation
of women is the story of Pandora and her box. Prometheus as the God of mankind is always looking
out for them. He tricks Zeus into choosing the worthless offering and gives humans the better
portion. As punishment Zeus takes fire from humans but Prometheus steals it back. Outraged, Zeus
asks Hephaestus to forge a woman. Athena and Aphrodite taught her womanly skills, grace, and
allure. Hermes gave her a cunning mind and a thieving temperament. Pandora was sent down to
Earth with a box in which all the horrible things in the world were inside. Eventually her curiosity
got the best of her and Pandora opened the box unleashing all the evils into the world. This is why
women are seen as beautiful and evil. Although people might think that these two subjects seem
totally unrelated. They have much more in common than thought possible. This is only scratching
the surface of the enormity of the comparisons between these two subjects. The main idea may be
the same of a lot of these but there are many different versions separating the Bible from Greek
Works Cited
Gods and Goddesses. A&E Television Networks The History Channel, 2001. DVD Waterfield,
Robin, and Kathryn Waterfield. The Greek
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Comparing The Holy Bible And The Greek Myth
Mankind is destroyed. Few humans are left. The earth was flooded and all perished, save for the
righteous. The world was judged and found wicked, and so it was drowned. A new start is to be
made. There are two flood stories like this from ancient times: the Holy Bible's account and the
Greek myth. Both are strikingly similar, in that the world was punished for its wickedness by being
flooded. In each of the flood stories, the cause of the flood, the circumstances, and the aftermath are
very nearly the same. The world was wicked. And so the world had to be punished. In the Bible's
account, all of mankind was corrupt. Man's imagination and heart was incessantly evil. It grieved
God's heart, because He had created these people, and they turned from Him and ... Show more
content on ...
Therefore, He decided to destroy mankind and start anew. However, there was one man who found
grace in the eyes of God, and his name was Noah. Noah alone was a righteous man who walked
with God. Because of this, God spared Noah and his family, and instructed him to build an ark in
order to preserve life on the earth. God wanted mankind to continue, but those that were on the earth
at that time were so corrupt, they needed to be destroyed. In the Greek myth, mankind was again
found to be wicked. This wickedness was exemplified by Lycaon, a tyrant king who scoffed at
Zeus's power and attempted to kill him in his sleep in order to see if he really was a god or not.
Lycaon also killed a man and butchered him, putting him in a stew served to Zeus. Unlike God, who
is omniscient and knew the people's hearts, Zeus had come to visit Lycaon in human form, in order
to see how wicked he really was. It was during that visit that Lycaon showed how terrible he truly
was. Zeus destroys Lycaon's home, and as he is fleeing, he is transformed into a wolf that has
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Comparing Zeus Flood Mythology And Christianity
Drew Monaco
English II Honors
Compare and Contrast: Genesis & Zeus Flood
Mythology and Christianity. Two different beliefs with two different stories of creation. But, both
have one event very similar to one another. This is the flood. Told in the bible through Genesis six
through nine, God plans to destroy mankind due to the wickedness of the people who live on earth.
Told in a separate story of creation in mythology, Zeus plans to destroy mankind due to the same
wickedness of the people living on earth. Two different gods with the same plan and for the same
reason. These stories have many differences and similarities that can both be clearly seen. In the
story told in Genesis, God the father is angered with the people on earth and how
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Similarities Between Deucalion And Lycaon
In a Greek version Deucalion is warned of the flood. He builds an ark and stuffs it with creatures.
Deucalion also sends a pigeon to search for land, and the bird returns with an olive branch. When he
completes the voyage he gives thanks, and takes advice from the gods on how to repopulate the
Earth. In a more colorful version, Zeus was angered by the extreme pride of the "Pelasgians", the
indigenous inhabitants of the Aegean Sea region, so he decided to punish them. Lycaon was the king
of Arcadia, which was a part of the Peloponnese peninsula. It was an unspoiled, harmonious
wilderness, thought to be the home of Pan. To punish Zeus for his oppression, Lycaon offered a
blood sacrifice. Arcas, a son of Zeus, was placed upon the burning altar. ... Show more content on ...
They chastised and rebuked Salih, whom they had once adored. The poor and needy of the
community became His only believers. This caused the others to mock His efforts even more. Salih
asked that the rich stop oppressing the poor, and adopt a more virtuous behavior. A few more people
accepted His words. Not surprisingly, most of them refused to heed His warning, and instead began
to harass Him to cause a miracle as proof of the Power of God. Salih kept telling them to look
around and remember the numerous miracles God had already bestowed upon them. He reminded
His people of the countless castles and palaces they had built, and of their rich farm fields, and
technical superiority. He also reminded them of the fate of the 'Ad, and how they were destroyed for
their similar, unrepentant sins. "Produce a camel from the rocks", they shouted. Still, He exhorted
them to worship One God, and be thankful to the One from whom all blessings flow. There was still
time to turn from idolatry to monotheism. Even a few of His believers turned away, because most
people wanted proof that God was all –
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Key Values Revealed In Homer's Odyssey '
1. The key values that are shown in Chapter 1 were humanism and freedom to think. In humanism
gods are superior to man, and as Zeus says, " ' I am mightiest of all.' " (Hamilton 20) Zeus is
showing the gods are mightier than the humans and Zeus, the mightiest of the gods. Also, the
humans had the freedom to think and worship. "When his (Zeus) worship spread to a town where
there was already a divine ruler the two were slowly fused into one." (Hamilton 21) This shows that
the Greeks freely worshiped Zeus and other gods, and their worship of one god spread from town to
town based on their beliefs.
2. The god that I most relate to is Phoebus Apollo. "No false word ever falls from his lips."
(Hamilton 25) Apollo is the God of Truth, and if you knew me, I never tell a lie. I have been raised
to where the truth may hurt, but is always the right thing to say. If my mom ever caught me lying to
her, I would be punished. Whenever my mom asks if I did my chores and I realize I forgot to do
them, knowing I would be punished, I still tell her I have not.
3. The Greek gods where cruel to the Greeks in some of their myths. For example, Hera, Zeus' wife,
would greatly punish any women who Zeus fell in love with, when mainly it was Zeus who ... Show
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In both the Five Ages Story and the Prometheus–Pandora Stories, there were only men on Earth. In
most of the five ages, men are evil and murderous, and in the story of Pandora, women are evil to
men. Both stories lead to misfortune, however men's willing to kill and fight angers Zeus to punish
them, while in the story of Pandora, the curiosity of women brings misfortune. Women were looked
at as inferior by the gods in both stories hence the reason why there were not any on Earth. Also, the
mistakes of the men and women trace back to the gods in both stories. Out of his anger at
Prometheus, Zeus created women who brought plagues, mischief, etc. for men, and the gods
experimented on men with the different metals, which didn't end up
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Essay on Flood Legends From Around the World
There are flood stories from many cultures. The flood stories usually consist of a higher power that
floods a civilization due to some act that has made the higher power angry. The stories talk about
one specific family and how the flood consumes the entire globe. So many cultures have a story
about a great flood that have many similar details that it is hard to not believe that it is not true, but
whether the story of a great flood is true or not, it is up to the individual to decide. Judaism is
religion that many Hebrews are a part of. Many Christian religions like Catholicism also believe the
same story that the Jews do about the great flood. They believe that God had become so upset with
mankind's evil ways, he wanted to ... Show more content on ...
He then sent out a dove that came back without anything. A week later Noah sent the dove out
again, and the dove returned with an olive branch. The next week the dove did not return to the ark.
After a year and ten days of being in the ark, Noah and his family emerged with the animals. Noah
sacrificed some of the animals to God, and God was so pleased he vowed to never destroy all of the
living creatures with a flood again. The rainbow that appeared was like the signature to an
agreement that he would never do it again. The animals ran wild and began to produce and God told
Noah's family to repopulate the earth (Genesis 6–9).
In Greek mythology, Zeus wanted to destroy the men of the Bronze Age so he sent a flood. He
thought the people of this age were very wicked. "Prometheus advised his son Deucalion to build a
chest. All other men perished except for a few who escaped to high mountains" (). After Deucalion
and his wife floated in the chest for nine days they land on Parnassus. Then, he made a sacrifice to
Zeus in which he threw stones and they became men. Then his wife threw stones and they became
women. This story focuses on one family in particular, Deucalion and his wife. There is a great
flood that wipes everyone out but them, and a great higher power, Zeus, did this to the earth. In
Roman mythology, which is very similar to Greek mythology, there is a flood story as well.
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Essay on Flood Legends From Around the World
There are flood stories from many cultures. The flood stories usually consist of a higher power that
floods a civilization due to some act that has made the higher power angry. The stories talk about
one specific family and how the flood consumes the entire globe. So many cultures have a story
about a great flood that have many similar details that it is hard to not believe that it is not true, but
whether the story of a great flood is true or not, it is up to the individual to decide. Judaism is
religion that many Hebrews are a part of. Many Christian religions like Catholicism also believe the
same story that the Jews do about the great flood. They believe that God had become so upset with
mankind's evil ways, he wanted to ... Show more content on ...
He then sent out a dove that came back without anything. A week later Noah sent the dove out
again, and the dove returned with an olive branch. The next week the dove did not return to the ark.
After a year and ten days of being in the ark, Noah and his family emerged with the animals. Noah
sacrificed some of the animals to God, and God was so pleased he vowed to never destroy all of the
living creatures with a flood again. The rainbow that appeared was like the signature to an
agreement that he would never do it again. The animals ran wild and began to produce and God told
Noah's family to repopulate the earth (Genesis 6–9).
In Greek mythology, Zeus wanted to destroy the men of the Bronze Age so he sent a flood. He
thought the people of this age were very wicked. "Prometheus advised his son Deucalion to build a
chest. All other men perished except for a few who escaped to high mountains" (). After Deucalion
and his wife floated in the chest for nine days they land on Parnassus. Then, he made a sacrifice to
Zeus in which he threw stones and they became men. Then his wife threw stones and they became
women. This story focuses on one family in particular, Deucalion and his wife. There is a great
flood that wipes everyone out but them, and a great higher power, Zeus, did this to the earth. In
Roman mythology, which is very similar to Greek mythology, there is a flood story as well.
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Myth Of Roman Mythology
In many cultures there are flood myths that normally pertain to angered Gods who release their
anger by flooding the world to cleanse whatever caused the anger in the first place. In the Roman
culture, one of the flood myths mentioned states that Jupiter had been angered by the evil that came
with humanity and had wanted to burn the Earth. However, Jupiter had feared by doing so Heaven
would be set ablaze as well and thus, with Neptune's help, flooded the Earth. The hero Deucalion
and his wife Pyrrha had been the only two to survive. Jupiter had recognized their religious lifestyle
had let them live and retracted the flood. Deucalion and Pyrrha had then repopulated the world by
throwing stones behind them. In the Murato culture, there is a myth in which a man had been fishing
in a lagoon of the Pastaza river, a crocodile had swallowed the fisherman's bait and the man killed
the crocodile. The mother of crocodiles had been angered by this and had slashed the water with her
tail creating a flood in the area and drowning everybody except for one man who had climbed up a
palm tree. After the flood had subsided the man climbed down from the tree, cut off a piece of his
flesh, planted it in the soil, and had grown a woman. He had then married the woman and begun to
repopulate the world. The two flood myths mentioned above have a few similarities. The first is that
the floods had come from the anger of powerful beings. The first story mentions that the God Jupiter
had been angry
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The Power Of Language
The Power of Language
Language is often defined as a system of communication, a way for humans to interact with one
another. Language itself can hold a great amount of power. It can express one 's emotion, show love
or hate, and could give meaning. For example an object has no identification unless the power of
language is wielded to provide it a name based on its ability and function. Language often has a
great influence on culture and religion. This is shown greatly in the cultures of the Hebrews and the
Greeks which are known for their famous texts "Genesis" and "The Metamorphoses", two pieces of
literature that explains the creation of man from different ways of belief. The book of "Genesis"
from the Hebrew Bible is used in the practice of Judaism and Christianity and is the most well
known text of this culture. It is also believed to be the very first book written in the Bible. "The
Metamorphosis" is a story taken from what is called Greek Mythology, where multiple Gods are
believed to exist and each of them holding power over different things. Both texts use the power of
language in different ways to express emotion and bring things to life.
Normally, words are used in language as communication, and a way to describe objects. Objects
usually appear before words. Things are usually seen first, then they are named, described, and
given a meaning. However that does not seem to be the case in the Book of Genesis. In Genesis,
God spoke the world into existence. Before
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Primal Water Roman Culture
Many cultures have myths as to how mankind were created, and how their destruction came about,
which led to a more pious and religious humankind being created. The use of water plays a major
role in the creation and destruction myth in both Roman cultures, and Christianity, which share
many similarities and some differences. The use of water in creation and destruction myths
demonstrates that primal water is a significant force towards both the creation and renewal of
mankind, to a race better accepted by the gods. This is particularly true to the Roman culture were
the creation and destruction of man, integrated water.
The Roman gods created mankind because they believed the world was missing something.
Mankind was created because they were ... Show more content on ...
This is a comparison to how rain and water is required on earth for things to grow. Similar to plants,
people sprouted from the ground and were nourished by water. In addition, water in nature is seen as
a destructive force, floods, hurricanes, torrential downpour, and the open ocean can lead to the
destruction of towns, crops, ships, and people. After the destruction, the rejuvenation of the land
occurs and thus the ability to create and grow new things. Another reason why rain might have been
used as a force of obliteration instead of fire, is because in Roman mythology fire is the apocalyptic
force that will end the world, and all its people for eternity. It is prophesied that mankind as well as
the world will end by fire. Furthermore, according to some Christian mythology, the world will also
end in flames. Making water an important tool of destruction because it removed the current group
of mankind, but it is also a form of life giving, and renewal. It renews the world and its inhabitants
to its original purpose which was to worship the
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Anger of Gods Depicted in the Old Testament and Kafka's...
The anger of Gods throughout both stories leads you to believe that the Gods will not hesitate to
take revenge on mankind for creating a world of evil in a world they created for good. The Gods
from Metamorphoses and the God from the Old Testament create a world full of life, to live happy
and full of grace. The destruction and recreation of the world by the Gods of each book, however
similar they may seem, are full of differences as they both teach mankind lessons that should not be
forgotten. "Whatever God it was, who brought order to the universe, and gave it division,
subdivision, he molded earth" Metamorphoses pg 685. In the beginning the earth had nothing, no
light to call sun, no water to bath in, and no human to walk on the ... Show more content on ...
The Metamorphoses story has a longer stage of evil that makes the Gods realize the world was evil.
There are four stages to the transformation from good to evil. The Golden ages had no laws, no
justice, and no punishment because there was no need for these things; the world was right and all
was good. The second was the Bronze Age men were content to be at home, they did not travel and
there was no need for soldiers. This age split of the seasons. Jove shortened the summer, added
spring, fall, and winter. The Bronze Age took on aggressiveness and men were quick to pick up
weapons. The forth age was the Iron Age; "righteousness fled the earth, and in their place came
trickery and slyness, plotting, swindling, violence and the demand desire of having" Metamorphoses
pg 687. During the Iron Age the heavens were no longer safe, the Gods fought each other. This lead
Jove to call for an intervention and the Gods did not hesitate. The Old Testament God says, that the
world which he created was turning evil and knew he had to destroy man and all the living things on
the earth. Noah was the only man who "found grace in the Lords eyes" Old Testament pg 57. The
lord realized that Noah was full of good and decided to spare him his wife and Noah's three sons
and their wives. God also decided to save a male and a female of each animal that walked the earth.
God told Noah to build an Ark that would fit all these animals,
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Analysis Of Prometheus And The First People By Olivia E....
'' Prometheus And The First People '' is a historical work of art written by Olivia E. Coolidge. What
the Greeks believe at the time man was created there was no sorrow or wicked ways, a war was
unknown to man. Zeus entrusted their creation to two brothers, Prometheus and Epimetheus.
Epimetheus took over all things but got forced to appeal to Prometheus for help. Prometheus later
was tortured by Zeus for making humankind like the gods. After centuries Prometheus was released
and him, along with the other gods created woman. Then flooded the earth to kill all evil. This essay
will examine, '' Prometheus And The First People '' by Oliva E. Coolidge and how the author has
used literary elements in creating this detailed story. The story ... Show more content on ...
One day her curious mind got the best of her. She opened the box, and all the dark shadows of
hunger, disease, war, greed, anger, jealousy, toil, and all the other hardships man would now have to
face flooded out into the world. Oliva E. Coolidge wrote '' Prometheus and the First People '' for a
particular purpose. Oliva wanted people to understand the importance of making a decision. Each
choice you make may not only affect you, but it may affect others. Prometheus decision caused him
to be tortured by Zeus for hundreds of years. Afterwards, it caused the gods to create a woman for
man. Each god gave the woman a special gift. They gave her things like beauty and curiosity, and
her curiosity is what got the best of her. She opened the box the gods told her never to open and
flooded out evil into the world. She caused everyone to experience severe and live it that kind of
world. The world filled with so much evil, murders, robberies, and treachery the gods choose to
destroy it. The gods flooded the Earth sparing only two people, an elderly couple. The old couple
was named Deucalion and Pyrrha, and they were chosen to live because they lived their lives in
truth and justice. The two were too old to recreate more humans, so they prayed to the gods. They
ended up gathering stones and throwing them behind. Each stone Deucalion threw turned into a man
and each stone Pyrrha threw a woman it became. They thought that since Earth was their mother,
they could
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Essay about Prometheus
Prometheus, the Titan of Greek mythology, was considered to be the most important Titan ever in all
the myths. He helped the human race tremendously in his efforts to sustain an easier lifestyle.
Mankind had great respect for him because of his advantages and gifts or abilities he gave them.
Also, his battle against Zeus as a result of his love for man was very much appreciated. Prometheus
was one of the most interesting Greek mythology figures in his time. He was a very kind, loving,
generous, and courteous god to mankind. This can be seen through many events in his life including
a particular myth that the reader will acknowledge in this research paper.
Prometheus' birth has two sides of stories behind the ... Show more content on ...
Later, Prometheus took it back or stole it from Zeus and brought it to Earth for man again. In this,
Zeus sent a Pandora to Epimetheus as a punishment for fire and Prometheus' 'siding' with mankind.
Epimetheus later married her, even though Prometheus had told him not to do so or warned him.
After that, mankind never again had been as privileged as before again (Britannica 1).
In Prometheus' many accomplishments, Prometheus was said to have created man. During the war
of the Titans and Olympians, Prometheus and Epimetheus had not fought, so their lives were saved
from imprisonment in Tatarus. The duty given to Prometheus by Zeus was to make or create man.
With this, he carved and structured man from mud and earth, and the goddess, Athena, breathed life
into it. Epimetheus was given the duty by Prometheus to provide the creatures of the Earth certain
intelligence, strength, fur, hair, specific body parts, sharpness, swiftness, and other characteristics or
traits. Since Epimetheus had already provided all the other creatures of the earth the better
characteristics, there were none let for man. Because of this, Prometheus made a decision to give
man advantages like the ability to stand upright, similar to the gods, and to provide them fire (Hunt
Man had
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Creation Of Christianity In Theogony By Hesiod
Who Created Christianity?
How can a religion, Christianity, be popular when it is just a recreation of the old classical
mythology like ancient Greece. The creation of Christianity was not an entirely new idea it has
similar stories and beliefs of Classical Greek Mythology. it is apparent that there are similarities.
similarities such as Greek creation stories, the first sin, the rebirth of mankind and their worshiping
The Christian creation story is in the book of Genesis is very similar the Greek creation story
Theogony written by Hesiod. In the Christian bible the creation story is the first story and says,
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void;
and darkness was upon the ... Show more content on ...
So the gods in both the Christian story and Greek myth wanted to end the world and restart. This
caused all the people to die as a flood covered the entire earth. In the book of genesis " And God
saw the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his
heart was only evil continually. And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it
grieved him at his heart"(Genesis 6). "And the Lord Said, I will destroy man whom i created from
the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping things and the fowls of the air; for
repenteth me that i have made them"(Genesis 6). "But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
These are the generations of Noah: Noah was just a man and perfect in all generations, Noah walked
with God"(Genesis 6). Then the story says build an ark, "And behold, I, Even, I, do bring a flood of
water upon the earth to destroy all flesh"(Genesis
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Ovid the Metamorphoses Essay
Joey c.
The Metamorphoses: Why Jupiter's feelings that humans are evil is misled and hypocritical.
"And I reckon them that are good must suffer for it the same as them that are bad."― William
Faulkner. Faulkner's ideology is prevalent in the story The Metamorphoses, by Ovid, as the poet
tells of the god Jupiter destroying all man kind (except for Deucalion and Pyrrha) because of the
actions of one, Lycaon. Ovid describes Jupiter's destruction as an effort to protect all the gods who
do not live in the heavens. However, Jupiter's actions are not justified in any way presented in the
book. In the story there are multiple cases where Jupiter and other gods cause danger and torment on
the lower class of gods. Examples of rape, ... Show more content on ...
"Jupiter is too overcome with anger, too quick to punish and too abusive of his authority as king of
the gods to provide an unbiased version of the truth" (Balsley). Jupiter's anger clouded his mind
from seeing the good that others might have and that Lycaon's actions are the reason why Jupiter
flooded the world, not by mankind's evil. With the flood, two people survived, Deucalion and
Pyrrha. These two were examples of the honorable and just men and women that Jupiter neglect to
consider as he tore apart all human kind. "...Jupiter realized the world was now thoroughly
inundated, and observed only a single man and woman left out of the many thousands there had
been, and that they both were blameless and devout..." (The Metamorphoses: Book 1, 447–451).
These two individuals proved that Jupiter was too quick to action in his decision and made a major
mistake in believing all man kind is evil. These two major parts of The Metamorphoses show
Jupiter's action as ignorant, but it is also Jupiter's hypocrisy seen through his own wrong doings
which presents the flaws of Jupiter's justification on the flood. A major justification of why Jupiter
washed out humanity is to protect the gods that lived on the earth, however this is a hypocritical
desire as there are multiple cases in The Metamorphoses where he caused the earth dwelling gods'
torment. In book 2 of The Metamorphoses, Jupiter seeks out Callisto and rapes her. " she began
recounting the day's hunt, (Jupiter)
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Comparing Epic Of Gilgamesh, Genesis, And Greek Mythology
Gilgamesh, Genesis, and Greek mythology all have detailed and very similar stories that tell of a
great flood that wiped most of civilization. Each of the floods described are very similar detail with
slight differences that were most likely different because of culture. The epic of Gilgamesh tells of
Gilgamesh determined to find immortality since he now fears death after seeing Enkidu die. It is
upon this search that he meets Utnapishtim, the character most like the Biblical Noah. Utnapishtim
had become immortal after building a ship to survive the Great Deluge that had destroyed mankind.
He brought all of his relatives and all species of creatures aboard the vessel. Utnapishtim released
birds to find land, and the ship landed upon a mountain after the flood. ... Show more content on ...
A few examples would be, both causes of the flood were caused by sin and wickedness, the flood
was meant for all of mankind, both have heroes that built massive boats, both gathered every specie
of animal to store on the boat, both released birds to figure if the flood was over, and in both stories
the ark lands upon a mountain.
There were however a few slight differences that occurred in the stories, here are a few of the bigger
and more noticeable examples. The first, the one who sent the message to build the ark in the bible
was Yahweh, while in Gilgamesh, it was an assembly of gods. Along with that, in the bible Noah
received his message directly from God, whereas Utnapishtim was told in a dream. And lastly, by
far the biggest difference, was the number of days that each flood lasted. In the biblical story it
lasted for 40 days and nights, whereas in Gilgamesh it only lasted for 6 days and
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Pandora's Box, Deucalion And Pyrrha, And The Trojan War
Greek myths either explain a creation, or tell a moral. The most interesting myths are the ones that
have the most interesting story or moral. These myths can explain creations such as the woman, or
great wars such as the Trojan War. These myths generally have interesting stories that lead up to
what the myth means. Examples of the best myths are Pandora's Box, Deucalion and Pyrrha, and the
Trojan War. They are the ones that have the most interesting stories because they explain the myth
in a way to make it worth reading for the reader.
To begin with, the Pandora's Box is an excellent myth that explains the creation of women and all
the gifts, but as well as evil gifts in the mortal world. This myth is also a reason why men saw their
opposite gender as evil, because of what Pandora has done. This myth was the creation of ... Show
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Many reasons can lead up to this myth being the best; it has one of the most interesting stories that
led to the war. The conflict began with a competition for a golden apple, with the winner having to
be the most beautiful. Three goddess, Hera, Athene, and Aphrodite entered the contest. Zeus did not
want to choose the winner so he picked a boy in the mortal world to choose the winner. This mortal
boy was named Paris, and was born with a prophecy that will destroy his own city. The goddesses
tried bribe him with many offers in order to win. Aphrodite offered the most beautiful woman to
Paris in which he chose Aphrodite as the winner. The woman was named Helen, a Greek woman
who was married to Menelaus, king of Sparta. Paris took Helen to the city of Troy, and when the
city of Troy refused to return her back the Achaeans (Greeks) declared a war against the city of
Troy. And so the Trojan War began, and went on for ten years. It is crazy what one god(dess) would
do for such a prize such as a Golden apple and how an unalterable prophecy such as Paris's can
destroy his own entire
... Get more on ...
Comparing Gilgamesh, Noah And The Ark
Did you know that in 2011, over eight billion dollars of damage was caused by floods in the US
alone? Floods occur often all over the world. These natural disasters can happen anywhere, at any
time, with or without rainfall. Ancient Mesopotamia created an epic with Gilgamesh, Noah and the
Ark is a story from the Hebrew culture, and the story of Deucalion came from Greek mythology.
These cultures have created flood stories that share many similarities, but have their own unique
characteristics. There are many similar things with the origin and preparation of each flood story. In
each story, a god is angered by the corruption and evil nature of mankind. In each tale, all men had
become bad, and all men were at war with each other. In Noah's Ark, Yahweh is angered, and warns
Noah about the flood that is coming. In the epic of Gilgamesh, Enlil is an angered god, whilst Ea
warns Utnapishtim of the upcoming flood. Zeus is an angered god in the story of Deucalion;
Prometheus, Utnapishtim's father, warns Utnapishtim of Zeus's planned flood. Each man plans to
build an ark. Noah and Utnapishtim is instructed on the size of the ark, but Deucalion was not
instruction on the size of the ... Show more content on ...
Each protagonist and their families or crew were to repopulate the earth. Noah's sons and respective
wives were to repopulate the land. The earth took many months to dry in Noah's Ark, while in the
other flood stories, the land dried up very quickly. Utnapishtim and his wife, and his boat crew were
to repopulate the earth. In Deucalion, he and his wife were to throw stones behind their backs to
create new people. "Each stone that Deucalion threw became a man, and each stone Pyrrha threw
became a woman." (Black) In the end, Noah didn't earn anything for saving some pieces of lives.
Utnapishtim earned eternal life, and Deucalion and Pyrrha became king and queen of their lands. In
conclusion, the post– flood of these stories were similar but
... Get more on ...
Comparing Prometheus And The People By Olivia E. Coolidge
1 HodgesIn the story Prometheus and The People by Olivia E. Coolidge. The story is about two
brothers, Epimetheus and Prometheus. Epimetheus is left in charge of giving the creatures of earth
special gifts, Epimetheus however, runs out of gifts for man. This leaves it up to Prometheus to gift
man with a special gift. Prometheus was forced to make man a different fromall other creatures.
Therefore he gave man the shape of the gods themselves and gave fire to manto light a heavenly fire
within his mind which would teach him to understand, to count, to speak and remember. This angers
Zeus, Prometheus in return gets chained to a rock to be scorched by day and frost to torture by
night. Prometheus, after ages of torture, is set free and the grudge is ... Show more content on ...
Zeus plans to take revenge on man and orders to make a woman. All the gods agreed and each gave
the woman gifts of beauty, cunning, deceit and curiosity. Her name was Pandora. Pandora was also
gifted a chest in which she was told held great treasure and was told not to open it. Pandora can't
resist and unleashes hunger, disease, war, greed, anger, jealousy and toil. Pandora brought the
downfall of man. Zeus decides to destroy men altogether. He floods the earth and only Deucalion
and Pyrrha survive. They are left to repopulate the earth with the help of an oracle.In 'Prometheus
and The People' the author uses figurative language, symbolism and a theme throughout the story.
Olivia E. Coolidge uses personification by stating "The lid flew up out of her hands and knocked
her aside, while before her frightened eyes, dreadful, shadowy shapes flew out of the box in an
endless stream." ( We know she is using
personification because she is giving a non–living item traits of a living thing. Lids cannot fly! The
author uses the metaphor "Milk and sweet nectar flowed in rivers for men to eat,
... Get more on ...

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Deucalion Research Paper

  • 1. Deucalion Research Paper In ancient times, Deucalion was a king of Grease. His father was Prometheus, the god who had given the gift of fire to mankind. All though Deucalion was a virtuous king, their were many wicked people in the world, and they had committed many crimes. The king of the gods, Zeus, became angry and decided to cleans the world with a great flood. Prometheus, however, warned Deucalion in advance. Deucalion built a box which would float upon the waters so that he and his wife, Pyrrha, could survive. Things happened just as Prometheus had predicted. Rain began ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Comparing Sea Of Destruction In Deucalion And Phyrra The non–conceding waters wash over the lands, destroying all in their path. This is one thing constant in all three stories of the flood. Yes, these stories are similar, but their differences are great. How many days of destruction and chaos ensued? How was the boat of salvation constructed? Who was chosen to survive? These stories all have different answers to these questions. These differences, as well as the similarities, will be seen and the reasons these stories have survived through history, revealed. In all of these stories, the waters of doom reigned upon the Earth, but only for a given amount of time. Noah witnessed the power of destruction for forty days and nights while Deucalion and Phyrra only suffered the ending of the world for nine days and nights. Utnapishtim felt the sorrow of seeing his world be swept away for just six days and nights. These people were given salvation because they were righteous and just, but they were also given the worst punishment of all. They had to stand by and watch as their world crumbled. They were unable ... Show more content on ... In all these instances, the vessels were made, not by gods, but by the ones chosen to survive. Though they were all made by man, none of these incredible masterpieces were made exactly the same. Noah's arch was three hundred cubits by fifty cubits by thirty cubits. The single God in this story was very specific as to what the dimensions were. The several gods in The Epic of Gilgamesh (when referring to the flood section) were not very specific, giving Utnapishtim the directions to build a vessel and nothing else. His dimensions were one acre at the base, each side of the deck measured one hundred and twenty cubits which made it a square shape and he eventually made seven of these decks in all. The Greek gods in The Great Flood gave Deucalion and Phyrra only the instruction to build a boat if they wished to ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Aquarius Research Paper Aquarius is the constellation I have chosen as it is the constellation from my zodiac from my year of birth. It outlines my behaviours, characteristics and fortunes. The Aquarius constellation appears in the sky between December and January. Aquarius is the sign for water bearers as the name Aquarius is Latin for "water carrier". Aquarius is one of the oldest constellations and can be seen in the northern and Southern Hemisphere. Greek mythology refers to Aquarius as the story of a flood released by the god Zeus that wiped out all of humanity except for a man named Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha. He was convinced by Zeus to build himself an ark and this story goes side by side with the story of Noah's ark from the Old Testament. In ancient ... Get more on ...
  • 4. A Comparison Of Genesis And Genesis Many stories and fables have been written and passed down from generation to generation about the great flood recorded in Genesis. However, critics can reason all they want because God created the world, and the creation is not a debatable topic. The Genesis account of the flood came first; therefore, Gilgamesh, Ovid's Metamorphoses, and The Korans accounts of the flood are all inspired by Genesis. The book of Genesis inspired the authors of these works of literature to write alterations of their own stories. Gilgamesh, Metamorphoses, and The Koran are all variations of the account chronicled in Genesis. First, there are numerous similarities between the flood in Gilgamesh and the biblical flood account found in Genesis chapters six through nine. Foremost, two righteous men are selected to build an ark because of an imminent flood. In Genesis 6:14, God instructs Noah to "make thee an ark of gopher wood," and in Gilgamesh, an assembly of gods send Utnapishtim to "abandon [his] home and build a boat" (Gilgamesh 55). In Genesis and in Gilgamesh, both floods are sent because of "the wickedness of man" (King James Version, Gen. 6.5). Also, God and the gods in Gilgamesh both regret destroying the world by flood. Nevertheless, there are also many differences in the two stories. Although the two heroes both sent out birds to find land, they sent out different varieties of birds. Noah sent out a raven and three doves while Utnapishtim released a raven, dove, and a swallow. The blessings that the men receive after the flood were also different. The gods in Gilgamesh grant Utnapishtim eternal life while Noah's blessing was to "be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth" (King James Version Gen. 9.1). The corresponding similarities and differences in the two stories prove that the events in Genesis inspired the flood account in Gilgamesh. Next, Genesis inspired Ovid to write Metamorphoses. In Metamorphoses, Deucalion, like Noah, were both righteous men– "there was no better man than [Deucalion]" (Ovid 1127). Unlike some flood stories, Metamorphoses does in fact tell of a universal flood because "there was no other land, the sea had drowned it all" (Ovid 1127). Similar to Genesis, man's sins cause the flood ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Prometheus Research Paper In Greek mythology, Prometheus had a reputation as being a clever trickster and he famously gave the human race the gift of fire and the skill of metalwork, action for which he was punished by Zeus, who ensured every day that an eagle ate the liver of the Titan as he was helplessly chained to a rock. Prometheus, whose name means "Forethought" , was able to see into the future. He warned his brother Epimetheus not to marry Pandora; who's dowry would eventually unleash evil onto the world. And when Prometheus forewarned Zeus that Thetis son Achilles was destined to be his rival, Zeus released him from bondage in gratitude, ordering Heracles to shoot the eagle and break the god's binding chains. Next, the god Prometheus was represented by or as fire and craftsmen. Prometheus created mankind out of clay and water also; he gave the valuable gift to man which would help him in life's struggle. Therefore, Prometheus had many interesting myths, for example, when the god's chose Prometheus as arbiter in a dispute, he fooled the gullible Zeus into picking the worst part of the sacrificial burying them under a rich layer of fat. Also, another myth was Prometheus being known as the Thief, more by hiding it in a hollow fennel–stalk; he gave the valuable gift to man which would help him in life's struggle. ... Show more content on ... Also, another myth was Prometheus being known as The Thief Of Fire, more myths was when he wrapped up the best parts and the intestines in the skin, and at the top he placed the stomach, which is one of the worst parts while the second heap consisted of the bones covered with fat. Furthermore, the goddess Athena taught him architecture, astronomy, mathematics, navigation, medicine, and metallurgy, and he in return taught them to ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Comparing Greek Mythology And The Bible Compare and contrast Greek mythology and Bible Inside the Bible there are many amazing and spectacular miracles. Many people in earth who are non–Christian doubt about that also some Christians doubt on the miracles that Jesus performed. Just like the bible Greek myths have lots of fantasy stories which people doubt on it. And we can assume that both Bible and Greek mythology has some stories/ characters that are same and some stories/ characters can be different. Both of these have a starting point which is the creation of something. And this is clearly recorded in Genesis 1: 1–2 that "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters" (NIV). Genesis shows the readers ... Show more content on ... And clearly explained how it was very dark. Also in this Greek mythology book it says that "Gaea, the Earth, came out of darkness so long ago that nobody knows when or how. Earth was young and lonesome, for nothing lived on her yet" (D'aulaires, 9). This shows that in the beginning there was nothing and that Gaea (mother of earth) was created very suspiciously and due to her being created Uranus (lord of the universe) appeared. But before Uranus came everything was very dark and looked much unfilled. And also the starting point was very dark and unburdened before God started to make and establish something on the earth. In order for the earth to have these kind of lovely buildings and establishments we needed someone help. And God helped us. Just like god helped in the Bible, Greek myth says that if there was no mother of earth and lord of the universe there would have been no creation in the start. Since Gaea (mother of earth) loved Uranus ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Greek Allusions Workshop Essay Greek Allusions Workshop Kelsey Strawn Story: Cupid and Psyche Source: Greek Summary: A queen and king had three daughters. Their youngest, Psyche became well known and men would come praise her for her breathtaking beauty. Soon Psyche had more visitors than Venus did and Venus became jealous. In her rage Venus told her son Cupid to get revenge for her by making Psyche fall in love in an unworthy being. However, Psyche ended up falling in love with Cupid and Cupid with her. Doomed to never find love Psyche went to live at the top of a mountain where her husband would be waiting for her, but she was not allowed to see his face. After a while curiosity consumed her, so she took a lantern and knife to see her husband's face, it was Cupid. ... Show more content on ... Gaea married Uranus and they had children. Uranus was a bad father, so his son Cronus overthrew him. Now Cronus was the leader, he married his sister Rhea and had kids, but swallowed them because it was told they would overthrow him one day. Zeus, Cronus son managed to survive and later killed his father and took over. Commentary: Gaea and Rhea are looked at as the mothers who actually wanted their children to be able to thrive, unlike their spouses. Both Uranus and Cronus were willing to sacrifice their children to continue being the ruler. However, by doing this to the people they were supposed to love most they created a tension between the family that was not going to go away. So, by trying to stay in power Uranus and Cronus actually were the reason their family retaliated against them and took their power away. Finally, Zeus comes along and does not make the same mistakes and his dad and his dad's dad. Instead, he learn from their obvious mistakes, defeats Cronus and starts being the leader everyone was waiting for. This connects to the story in the news right now about a Lion being shot in Africa. It connects because the lion that was shot was the male, now if another male comes to take over the dead lions territory it will kill all of the children to regain ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Greek Mythology And The Myth Of Mythology Mythology Essay Overtime, each culture group had developed popular traditional tales that are worldly studied and discussed. Despite their different areas of origins and the distinct story plots, they all share a similar purpose and that is to guide humans to behave properly. Since these stories share an identical purpose and are plotted in a way resembling our real lives, their characters have a similar pattern of behavior, which reveals a great deal about human nature. With this in mind, there are similarities between the two most widely known pieces of literature, Greek mythology and the biblical stories, namely, the Greek myth of Hera and Io compared with the biblical story Cain and Abel, the myth of Deucalion and Pyrrha compared with the story of Noah's ark, and the myth of Pandora compared with Adam and Eve. These stories vividly reveal aspects of human nature. First and foremost, the myth of Hera and Io and the story of Cain and Abel showed the inborn human frailty of jealousy and the effect of being jealous– revengeful. Indeed, Hera and Abel were both great examples of jealousy. Take one of the most popular myths of Hera's jealousy, the myth of Hera and Io as an example; Hera was jealous of Io, a mortal who earned Zeus' affection. Similarly, the bible character Abel was jealous of his own brother Cain because God favoured Cain and his offerings more. Both characters showed traits of jealousy, suggesting that jealousy is one of those unavoidable innate features of ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Comparing the Flood and Creation in Ovid's Metamorphoses... "Where did man come from? Where did time begin? Who, or what, created all things?" These are questions that mankind has sought to answer from the beginning of existence as it is known today. Many stories and fables have been told and passed down from generation to generation, yet two have survived the test of time and criticism. The Biblical account in Genesis, probably written by Moses around 1500 B.C., and the story of creation and flood in Ovid's Metamorphosis, written somewhere between 8 and 17 A.D., have weathered the criticism and become the most famous. The Genesis account, however, may be the most prominent of the two ... Show more content on ... There are a few discrepancies in detail as well. The water, in Ovid's, "[holds] up, [holds] in the land," while, in Genesis, the land "[separates] the waters from the waters" (549; 1:9). In Metamorphoses the air, land, light and water (as humans know it) seems to form at one instant when "God, or kindlier Nature, [settles] all"(549). In Genesis however, light; heaven; land and vegetation; stars, sun and moon; fish; animals and man are created on separate days.
  • 10. Though these two writings are different in many respects, they are strikingly similar as well. Both are great and beautiful poems that contiue to stand the test of time. They are also written for the purpose of explaining or answering some question, whether that be who, what, or how time and existence, as it is known today, came to pass. Both poems give credit for creation to a supreme being or supernatural beings. Ovid states that "the gods, who [make] the changes, will help me––or I hope so––with a poem"(548). Genesis 1:1 states, "In the beginning God [creates] the heavens and the earth." ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Similarities Between Gilgamesh And The Bible Many people and religions around the world have various versions of "the flood" narrative; The epic of Gilgamesh, The Bible and Greek mythology are only a few with numerous similarities and differences. These stories can be compared by how humans were created, how the floods started, the effects of the flood and how it helped future generations throughout the world. Between the three flood stories, there are any similarities and differences. In all the stories humans were created but what was different was how they were created. In The epic of Gilgamesh and The Bible, humans were both created by God(s). On the other hand, in the Greeks flood narrative, humans were created by Deucalion and Pyrrha throwing stones. The stories are also similar ... Show more content on ... From the flood, Utnapishtim, Noah and Deucalion were all saved and given different things. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim was saved and given immortality. In the Bible, Noah was saved, granted extended life and God promised to not flood the earth again, and Deucalion and Pyrrha were warned by Prometheus and later given one thing to chose which happened to be "man". Lastly, comparing how the narratives eventually helped humans in later generations. Throughout all the narratives many things happened that humans have to deal with, ups and downs. These narratives told to future generations can help people and humans in general deal with life's ups and downs. Also helps humans deal with their emotions, realizing they are normal and understanding more about life. In all of the narratives the God(s) were scared, angry or annoyed with humans. Again in all the narratives it tells their version of how humans were created which gives later generations something to believe in and something that creates a sense of community. The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Bible and Greek mythology's flood narratives have many similarities and differences, including: the story of how humans were created, how their floods started, the effects of the flood and how it helped future human ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Greek Mythologies: Lessons In Morals Greek Mythologies: Lessons in Morality by Gaurav Gajavelli If everyone on Earth became evil, would you too? If you said "no" then you are like Deucalion. Hera was a Greek goddess of myth; she was known to be very immoral. You could say she gave Greek myths a bad reputation. The story of Io, is a good example. Hera chased Io around a continent with stinging insects torturing the entire time! But I think Greek myths are more than mere list of bad characters and their wild deeds, it also teaches morality through vivid examples. Deucalion's story shows this. He displayed strong character while showing that greed drudgery and lies are bad. In the King Midas story shortsightedness and greed are shown to be bad. And again in the Jason and the Argonauts story evil misfortunes that befall oath breakers becomes evident. Because of the negative portrayal of people who are greedy liars, Greek myths display good morals. The people created by Prometheus were easily turned into wicked folk when bitten by Pandora's miseries. Such weakness ignited anger in Zeus. In disgust Zeus decides to wipe them out by flooding. Only one man survived: Deucalion. After the deluge Deucalion and his wife ... Show more content on ... In the King Midas story, the greedy shortsighted King wishes that everything he touches should turn to gold. But he starves when his food turns into inedible gold. The last straw was his daughter turns into a lifeless gold statute when she lovingly touches him. This teaches him that greed and shortsightedness create sorrows such as starvation, dehydration and loss of his daughter. And only when he realizes his mistakes and begs to correct is ways does he get a chance to eat and revive his daughter. The Greek gods teach King Midas good moral lessons and as a reward for changing his ways the god Dionysus reverses everything back to normal for King ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Deucalion And Pyrrha Research Paper The comparison of myths is primarily essential for understanding of culture–historical areal of the ancient world. Mythology itself became not only the main armuory for all the literature genres, but it turned out to be an immediate predecessor of the relogio–philosophical idea. The very myths were an important form of folkloric and literature art, and continued to last within all the periods of ancient communities' existence as to reflect both the main steps in their development and relationships between gods and people. Of relationships between mortals and immortals tell lots of different myths, and rather important become the myths of gods punishing people because the last tended to get a false idea of their own importance. These punishment usually were floods and casting into the hell–fire. The story of Deucalion and Pyrrha is one of these. When humanity became conceited and impious the supreme god Zeus sent on people the flood, and only two had survived – Deucalion – Prometheus' son, and his wife Pyrrha – Epimetheus' daughter. After his father's advice Deucalion took a huge box, put in victuals and entered it with his wife Pyrrha. Long nine days and nights floated their box in the waters that covered all the dry land. Finally the waves brought them to the mountain Parnassus, where they made sacrifices in the Zeus' honor. The god's ... Show more content on ... The duration of flood in both stories also differ, it is nine days in the story of Deucalion and Pyrrha, and forty days in the story of Noah and an ark. It is also important to mention that when God warned Noah of the coming flood, the very flood occurred only after one hundred years, so God was determined to give humanity a chance without destroying it, and when this did not happen He used flood as a means of punishment. And Zeus gave no ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Comparison Of Prometheus And The First People By Olivia E.... A Literary Creation of Man 3 A Literary Creation of Man As legend suggests, the Greek God Prometheus gave a man the ability to create a fire so that they could thrive and in doing so, he angered Zeus. Zeus punishes Prometheus endlessly and creates Pandora to unleash upon the perfect world all the griefs and hardships that are known to man today. This full portrayal is in the short story "Prometheus and the First people" by Olivia E. Coolidge. This essay will examine how the author utilizes literary elements in composing this mythical story about the resiliency of man. Initially, the author describes the earth's setting as a luscious, green, grassy clearing that Epithemeus was sitting in when he gives the animals unique gifts. Her ideal setting for the animals is described in the following passage, "To each, I gave some special excellence, that whether large or small, kind or terrible, each might live his own place, find food, escape enemies, and enjoy the wide world which is his to inhabit." (Ashworth, 2016). The setting is dramatically changed to depict a darker place by the mighty floods that are produced by Zeus. The author conveys this in the words, "Fields and farmhouses were buried. Fish swam in the tops of trees." (Ashworth, 2016). ... Show more content on ... This figurative language is explained more thoroughly by the author, "From each of those Deucalion cast sprang up a man, and from Pyrrha's stones sprang up women." (Ashworth, 2016). The symbolic use of the stone is also used again at the end of the story when discussing how man has changed since exposure to adversity. The author states, "Only from that time men have been less sensitive and have found it easier to endure toil, and sorrow, and pain, since now they are descended from stone." (Ashworth, ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Archetypes In The Odyssey The Greek story mentions how the first race of man were exceedingly wicked, thus howling the archetype of man in transgression. Zeus sent a flood to destroy the men of the Bronze Age, showing one of the flood archetypes of the divine cause of destruction. When the first race of men was destroyed, Deucalion and his family survived due to his prudence and piety. He exhibited the archetype of a favored family. Additionally, Deucalion loaded his wives and all children and all animals onto a great ark. This one act included the archetypes of an ark being provided, animals being saved, and animals being saved. In the time of Ogyges, the flood covered the whole world and was so devastating that the country remained without kings until the reign of ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Creation Myths In Hesiod, Ovid, And Apollodorus Ancient authors such as Hesiod, Ovid, and Apollodorus set forth to record what they knew of their gods, especially how these gods created the world and the beings inside of it. Each author provides different variations of the myths that surround creationism. Modern westerners are familiar with the creation stories provided within Genesis, not realizing that many elements were borrowed and inspired by other cultures, such as the Greeks. These myths, even within the same book, can contradicting or confusing. Between authors, there are often different interpretations, that during the time they were written, co–existed and were accepted as truth, regardless of how impossible it was for both to be correct. For these ancient cultures, it is clear that each one believed in ... Show more content on ... The story of a flood is popular within many creation myths, the most famous of today told within Genesis. Ovid declares that Zeus was mad at humanity and commanded Poseidon to flood the earth (1.262–313). For unknown reasons, Deucalion and Pyrrha have a boat and survive the flood. They begin to worship the gods, when Themis whispers to them to throw the bones if their mother. They take this to mean to throw rocks, as Gaia is Mother Earth. They obey, and these rocks turn into humans and they begin to repopulate the earth (1.314–449). In Apollodorus' account of the flood, Prometheus, the father of Deucalion, warns his son of the flood and tells him to build an ark. After the water subsides, Deucalion and Pyrrha worship Zeus and he sends Hermes to instruct the couple on repopulating the earth. Once again, Deucalion and Pyrrha throw rocks, with this time, Deucalion's rocks turning into men and Pyrrha's turning into women (Apollod. Bibl. 1.46–48). Despite two people of opposite genders surviving, both accounts relay that humans were created again through supernatural means, rather than natural ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Deucalion Compare And Contrast Favour Owolabi Mrs. Henderson Honors World Lit. February 3, 2015 Mankind's Death and Rebirth Being an honorable person is an important attribute to many people. Noah and Deucalion were two highly honorable men. These men and their families were the only two men out of thousands to survive a fate that changed mankind forever. Noah was a man from Babylon who feared God and found favor in His sight. Deucalion was a man from Greece who pleased the gods and was able to stay pure in his heart. Both men had many similar attributes and purposes for life, but each had differences that made their stories unique. A commonality in both stories is that mankind harbored evil in their hearts and had no regard for God/Zeus provoking their wraths. According to the Grecian flood story, men became unbearably wicked and no longer lived at peace with each other. They were always at war with each other having no law or safety in the land. In the Bible, God saw how evil men were and how there was nothing but immorality in mans' heart. The depravity and iniquity of man are what led to God and Zeus's wrath. Men became lawless, it was as if every man was for themselves. This corruption is what made God and Zeus to become weary and to regret ever creating man. 'But as the world became wickeder and wickeder every day he began to grow weary of ... Show more content on ... Deucalion was from Prometheus and Pandora. Once every year Deucalion went to his father, Prometheus who was hanging chained to the mountain peak. (– greek–stories–6.html) God created Adam and Eve who serve as the parents of humanity. (Genesis 1–3) Both parents were the source of mankind's evil. Prometheus because he created fire and Pandora for opening the box which released the seven evils. Adam and Eve were because they ate from the tree of knowledge and good and evil, disobeying God's ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Apocalyptic Survivors In The Epic Of Gilgamesh Apocalyptic Survivors Shubha Verma Ancient World Religion and Philosophy October 2, 2017 Each of the sacred texts of Christianity, Greek Polytheism, Ancient Macedonian Religion, and Judaism outlines an apocalypse myth which illustrates a near end of the world, and in each myth, the gods or God select survivors. Although each religion is unique, there are some stark similarities among the myths including the methods used to attack the world and the way the survivors rescue themselves and others. Some religious texts portray the gods or God saving people who will repopulate the Earth, but others describe a group of people or even a small population withstanding the apocalypse. Investigating several religious texts reveals that even though some apocalyptic trends remain constant throughout each belief, the selection and utilization of humans by the higher power changes slightly between each myth. The Epic of Gilgamesh contains an apocalyptic myth where a god indirectly chose a survivor to rescue the human race, and he receives a blessing from the gods in return for his bravery and success. In the epic about ancient Mesopotamian religion, Utnapishtim tells Gilgamesh the story of how he became immortal after surviving the gods' downpour. Utnapishtim lived on the banks of the Euphrates in a town called Shuruppak "when the great gods decided to send down the Deluge." Each of the gods swore on this plan, and chose to keep it secret. However, one god named Ea yelled his swear at a ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Deucalion Flood Fourth, continuing with the stories of the Torah and the Greek tale of the Deucalion Flood . One must understand what happen in the story of the Greek tale of the Deucalion Flood. "On a certain day, Zeus, the chief god of the Greeks, was very angry. He hears that the sons of Lycaon sacrificed a boy to him. He visits them, disguised as a poor traveler, to check on the truth of the report. The sons greet him warmly and serve him a disgusting banquet in which they mix the flesh of one of their brothers. Angry at their disrespect sacrifice, Zeus turns them into wolves. Zeus was still angry and disgusted when he returns to Olympus and he takes out his anger against all humanity. He releases a flood of water to destroy everyone. However, Prometheus the Titan, a semi–divine figure who loved humans and was especially helpful to them, warns his son Deucalion. Deucalion builds an ark, fills it with food, and rushes into it with his wife Pyrrha, who is also his cousin, the daughter of Prometheus' brother Epimetheus. (Leeming, 1991)" Deucalion like a good son listens to his father and does what his father told him. ... Show more content on ... The rainwater covers entire world, except for some mountain peaks Humans below the mountain peaks are killed, except for Deucalion and Pyrrha. The ark floats for nine days until the water recedes. Then the ark settles on a mountain. Deucalion releases a dove to check that the water has receded. Deucalion and Pyrrha offer a thanksgiving sacrifice to Zeus. Then they pray to Zeus asking that humankind should be renewed. Zeus sends his messenger Hermes to tell them to throw stones behind their backs. Every stone that Deucalion throws have become a man and each stone throws by Pyrrha turns into a ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Differences Between Bible Myths And Greek Myths Last week, I have read the GREEK MYTHS and I found there are some similarities and differences between Bible and Greek myths, even sometimes are similar with Chinese myths. After reading the Bible and Greek myths, you will find the biggest difference is that the number of gods is totally different. In the Bible, they only believe in one God faithfully; however, people believe in twelve big Gods and other small Gods in the GREEK MYTHS, such as Zeus, Athene, Poseidon, Apollo, Cupid and so on. The reason why they have such a difference is that God in the Bible can do everything and he controlled all the rights by himself, but in Greek all the Gods had different abilities and do their best in their fields. Another reason is that God's image can ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Deucalion: A Fictional Narrative The four of you had successfully escaped the bank where Deucalion was keeping you and Isaac and were now speeding away in Stiles' jeep. Stiles was driving, Scott was in the passenger seat and you and Isaac were in the back. You held Isaac in your arms, trying to get him as comfortable as possible. You gently pushed him hair back and put a hand on his cheek. "Are you okay?" you asked quietly. "I will be," he whispered, giving you a small smile. "You know I'm not going to let this go, right?" "What do you mean?" You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "I want to know what you are." "I–I don't know what I am, Isaac," you admitted. "You smell powerful," he mumbled. "Thanks?" you giggled. "I'm going to help you figure out what you are, okay?" "Okay," you smiled ... Show more content on ... There was a sketch of a bird surrounded by flames. "Phoenix?" "Yeah, look here." He pointed to a paragraph and followed the words with his finger as he spoke, "The phoenix comes in two types: The fire phoenix and the sapphire phoenix. The fire phoenix's eyes glow a vibrant orange and the sapphire phoenix's glow a deep blue. This glow is only activated when the phoenix wills them to or when they are using their power. The sapphire phoenix is arguably the more powerful of the two." "So I'm a sapphire phoenix?" "Yeah." Further down the page, there was more information on the sapphire phoenix: The sapphire phoenix can control and summon flames from birth. Other abilities such as heat radiation and healing is developed with age and practice. Only the most experienced phoenix can give out a shrill call. This shriek is so loud that around anything it is brought to tears and can't hear clearly for days, or even weeks. "Wow..." you breathed. You couldn't believe you were that powerful. "Well, that explains why you're so hot," Isaac smirked. "Shut up!" you giggled and shoved him playfully. "We should probably tell the pack..." he spoke with a serious expression. You sighed, ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Bible vs. Mythology Bible vs. Myth There are many similarities and differences between Greek Mythology and The Bible. Whether it's the creation of man and women, or the universe, stories have been told throughout time and some can be alike and others completely different. There are people that have gathered, translated and recorded all of these events for us now to learn about. Whether a person believes it is true or not is up to them but if a God is real how come the stories between these two different beliefs can be so similar. A strong similarity is the creation of man and the universe. However the Greek Myths and the Bible have many differences when it comes to how and why everything happened. A comparison between these two is the creation of the ... Show more content on ... So Deucalion and Pyrrha threw behind them rocks, the bones of Gaia and the rocks that Pyrrha threw formed women and the rocks Deucalion threw formed men. Another version on the creation of women is the story of Pandora and her box. Prometheus as the God of mankind is always looking out for them. He tricks Zeus into choosing the worthless offering and gives humans the better portion. As punishment Zeus takes fire from humans but Prometheus steals it back. Outraged, Zeus asks Hephaestus to forge a woman. Athena and Aphrodite taught her womanly skills, grace, and allure. Hermes gave her a cunning mind and a thieving temperament. Pandora was sent down to Earth with a box in which all the horrible things in the world were inside. Eventually her curiosity got the best of her and Pandora opened the box unleashing all the evils into the world. This is why women are seen as beautiful and evil. Although people might think that these two subjects seem totally unrelated. They have much more in common than thought possible. This is only scratching the surface of the enormity of the comparisons between these two subjects. The main idea may be the same of a lot of these but there are many different versions separating the Bible from Greek Mythology. Works Cited Gods and Goddesses. A&E Television Networks The History Channel, 2001. DVD Waterfield, Robin, and Kathryn Waterfield. The Greek ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Comparing The Holy Bible And The Greek Myth Mankind is destroyed. Few humans are left. The earth was flooded and all perished, save for the righteous. The world was judged and found wicked, and so it was drowned. A new start is to be made. There are two flood stories like this from ancient times: the Holy Bible's account and the Greek myth. Both are strikingly similar, in that the world was punished for its wickedness by being flooded. In each of the flood stories, the cause of the flood, the circumstances, and the aftermath are very nearly the same. The world was wicked. And so the world had to be punished. In the Bible's account, all of mankind was corrupt. Man's imagination and heart was incessantly evil. It grieved God's heart, because He had created these people, and they turned from Him and ... Show more content on ... Therefore, He decided to destroy mankind and start anew. However, there was one man who found grace in the eyes of God, and his name was Noah. Noah alone was a righteous man who walked with God. Because of this, God spared Noah and his family, and instructed him to build an ark in order to preserve life on the earth. God wanted mankind to continue, but those that were on the earth at that time were so corrupt, they needed to be destroyed. In the Greek myth, mankind was again found to be wicked. This wickedness was exemplified by Lycaon, a tyrant king who scoffed at Zeus's power and attempted to kill him in his sleep in order to see if he really was a god or not. Lycaon also killed a man and butchered him, putting him in a stew served to Zeus. Unlike God, who is omniscient and knew the people's hearts, Zeus had come to visit Lycaon in human form, in order to see how wicked he really was. It was during that visit that Lycaon showed how terrible he truly was. Zeus destroys Lycaon's home, and as he is fleeing, he is transformed into a wolf that has ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Comparing Zeus Flood Mythology And Christianity Drew Monaco English II Honors Compare and Contrast: Genesis & Zeus Flood Mythology and Christianity. Two different beliefs with two different stories of creation. But, both have one event very similar to one another. This is the flood. Told in the bible through Genesis six through nine, God plans to destroy mankind due to the wickedness of the people who live on earth. Told in a separate story of creation in mythology, Zeus plans to destroy mankind due to the same wickedness of the people living on earth. Two different gods with the same plan and for the same reason. These stories have many differences and similarities that can both be clearly seen. In the story told in Genesis, God the father is angered with the people on earth and how ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Similarities Between Deucalion And Lycaon In a Greek version Deucalion is warned of the flood. He builds an ark and stuffs it with creatures. Deucalion also sends a pigeon to search for land, and the bird returns with an olive branch. When he completes the voyage he gives thanks, and takes advice from the gods on how to repopulate the Earth. In a more colorful version, Zeus was angered by the extreme pride of the "Pelasgians", the indigenous inhabitants of the Aegean Sea region, so he decided to punish them. Lycaon was the king of Arcadia, which was a part of the Peloponnese peninsula. It was an unspoiled, harmonious wilderness, thought to be the home of Pan. To punish Zeus for his oppression, Lycaon offered a blood sacrifice. Arcas, a son of Zeus, was placed upon the burning altar. ... Show more content on ... They chastised and rebuked Salih, whom they had once adored. The poor and needy of the community became His only believers. This caused the others to mock His efforts even more. Salih asked that the rich stop oppressing the poor, and adopt a more virtuous behavior. A few more people accepted His words. Not surprisingly, most of them refused to heed His warning, and instead began to harass Him to cause a miracle as proof of the Power of God. Salih kept telling them to look around and remember the numerous miracles God had already bestowed upon them. He reminded His people of the countless castles and palaces they had built, and of their rich farm fields, and technical superiority. He also reminded them of the fate of the 'Ad, and how they were destroyed for their similar, unrepentant sins. "Produce a camel from the rocks", they shouted. Still, He exhorted them to worship One God, and be thankful to the One from whom all blessings flow. There was still time to turn from idolatry to monotheism. Even a few of His believers turned away, because most people wanted proof that God was all – ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Key Values Revealed In Homer's Odyssey ' 1. The key values that are shown in Chapter 1 were humanism and freedom to think. In humanism gods are superior to man, and as Zeus says, " ' I am mightiest of all.' " (Hamilton 20) Zeus is showing the gods are mightier than the humans and Zeus, the mightiest of the gods. Also, the humans had the freedom to think and worship. "When his (Zeus) worship spread to a town where there was already a divine ruler the two were slowly fused into one." (Hamilton 21) This shows that the Greeks freely worshiped Zeus and other gods, and their worship of one god spread from town to town based on their beliefs. 2. The god that I most relate to is Phoebus Apollo. "No false word ever falls from his lips." (Hamilton 25) Apollo is the God of Truth, and if you knew me, I never tell a lie. I have been raised to where the truth may hurt, but is always the right thing to say. If my mom ever caught me lying to her, I would be punished. Whenever my mom asks if I did my chores and I realize I forgot to do them, knowing I would be punished, I still tell her I have not. 3. The Greek gods where cruel to the Greeks in some of their myths. For example, Hera, Zeus' wife, would greatly punish any women who Zeus fell in love with, when mainly it was Zeus who ... Show more content on ... In both the Five Ages Story and the Prometheus–Pandora Stories, there were only men on Earth. In most of the five ages, men are evil and murderous, and in the story of Pandora, women are evil to men. Both stories lead to misfortune, however men's willing to kill and fight angers Zeus to punish them, while in the story of Pandora, the curiosity of women brings misfortune. Women were looked at as inferior by the gods in both stories hence the reason why there were not any on Earth. Also, the mistakes of the men and women trace back to the gods in both stories. Out of his anger at Prometheus, Zeus created women who brought plagues, mischief, etc. for men, and the gods experimented on men with the different metals, which didn't end up ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Essay on Flood Legends From Around the World There are flood stories from many cultures. The flood stories usually consist of a higher power that floods a civilization due to some act that has made the higher power angry. The stories talk about one specific family and how the flood consumes the entire globe. So many cultures have a story about a great flood that have many similar details that it is hard to not believe that it is not true, but whether the story of a great flood is true or not, it is up to the individual to decide. Judaism is religion that many Hebrews are a part of. Many Christian religions like Catholicism also believe the same story that the Jews do about the great flood. They believe that God had become so upset with mankind's evil ways, he wanted to ... Show more content on ... He then sent out a dove that came back without anything. A week later Noah sent the dove out again, and the dove returned with an olive branch. The next week the dove did not return to the ark. After a year and ten days of being in the ark, Noah and his family emerged with the animals. Noah sacrificed some of the animals to God, and God was so pleased he vowed to never destroy all of the living creatures with a flood again. The rainbow that appeared was like the signature to an agreement that he would never do it again. The animals ran wild and began to produce and God told Noah's family to repopulate the earth (Genesis 6–9). In Greek mythology, Zeus wanted to destroy the men of the Bronze Age so he sent a flood. He thought the people of this age were very wicked. "Prometheus advised his son Deucalion to build a chest. All other men perished except for a few who escaped to high mountains" (). After Deucalion and his wife floated in the chest for nine days they land on Parnassus. Then, he made a sacrifice to Zeus in which he threw stones and they became men. Then his wife threw stones and they became women. This story focuses on one family in particular, Deucalion and his wife. There is a great flood that wipes everyone out but them, and a great higher power, Zeus, did this to the earth. In Roman mythology, which is very similar to Greek mythology, there is a flood story as well. ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Essay on Flood Legends From Around the World There are flood stories from many cultures. The flood stories usually consist of a higher power that floods a civilization due to some act that has made the higher power angry. The stories talk about one specific family and how the flood consumes the entire globe. So many cultures have a story about a great flood that have many similar details that it is hard to not believe that it is not true, but whether the story of a great flood is true or not, it is up to the individual to decide. Judaism is religion that many Hebrews are a part of. Many Christian religions like Catholicism also believe the same story that the Jews do about the great flood. They believe that God had become so upset with mankind's evil ways, he wanted to ... Show more content on ... He then sent out a dove that came back without anything. A week later Noah sent the dove out again, and the dove returned with an olive branch. The next week the dove did not return to the ark. After a year and ten days of being in the ark, Noah and his family emerged with the animals. Noah sacrificed some of the animals to God, and God was so pleased he vowed to never destroy all of the living creatures with a flood again. The rainbow that appeared was like the signature to an agreement that he would never do it again. The animals ran wild and began to produce and God told Noah's family to repopulate the earth (Genesis 6–9). In Greek mythology, Zeus wanted to destroy the men of the Bronze Age so he sent a flood. He thought the people of this age were very wicked. "Prometheus advised his son Deucalion to build a chest. All other men perished except for a few who escaped to high mountains" (). After Deucalion and his wife floated in the chest for nine days they land on Parnassus. Then, he made a sacrifice to Zeus in which he threw stones and they became men. Then his wife threw stones and they became women. This story focuses on one family in particular, Deucalion and his wife. There is a great flood that wipes everyone out but them, and a great higher power, Zeus, did this to the earth. In Roman mythology, which is very similar to Greek mythology, there is a flood story as well. ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Myth Of Roman Mythology In many cultures there are flood myths that normally pertain to angered Gods who release their anger by flooding the world to cleanse whatever caused the anger in the first place. In the Roman culture, one of the flood myths mentioned states that Jupiter had been angered by the evil that came with humanity and had wanted to burn the Earth. However, Jupiter had feared by doing so Heaven would be set ablaze as well and thus, with Neptune's help, flooded the Earth. The hero Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha had been the only two to survive. Jupiter had recognized their religious lifestyle had let them live and retracted the flood. Deucalion and Pyrrha had then repopulated the world by throwing stones behind them. In the Murato culture, there is a myth in which a man had been fishing in a lagoon of the Pastaza river, a crocodile had swallowed the fisherman's bait and the man killed the crocodile. The mother of crocodiles had been angered by this and had slashed the water with her tail creating a flood in the area and drowning everybody except for one man who had climbed up a palm tree. After the flood had subsided the man climbed down from the tree, cut off a piece of his flesh, planted it in the soil, and had grown a woman. He had then married the woman and begun to repopulate the world. The two flood myths mentioned above have a few similarities. The first is that the floods had come from the anger of powerful beings. The first story mentions that the God Jupiter had been angry ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Power Of Language The Power of Language Language is often defined as a system of communication, a way for humans to interact with one another. Language itself can hold a great amount of power. It can express one 's emotion, show love or hate, and could give meaning. For example an object has no identification unless the power of language is wielded to provide it a name based on its ability and function. Language often has a great influence on culture and religion. This is shown greatly in the cultures of the Hebrews and the Greeks which are known for their famous texts "Genesis" and "The Metamorphoses", two pieces of literature that explains the creation of man from different ways of belief. The book of "Genesis" from the Hebrew Bible is used in the practice of Judaism and Christianity and is the most well known text of this culture. It is also believed to be the very first book written in the Bible. "The Metamorphosis" is a story taken from what is called Greek Mythology, where multiple Gods are believed to exist and each of them holding power over different things. Both texts use the power of language in different ways to express emotion and bring things to life. Normally, words are used in language as communication, and a way to describe objects. Objects usually appear before words. Things are usually seen first, then they are named, described, and given a meaning. However that does not seem to be the case in the Book of Genesis. In Genesis, God spoke the world into existence. Before ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Primal Water Roman Culture Many cultures have myths as to how mankind were created, and how their destruction came about, which led to a more pious and religious humankind being created. The use of water plays a major role in the creation and destruction myth in both Roman cultures, and Christianity, which share many similarities and some differences. The use of water in creation and destruction myths demonstrates that primal water is a significant force towards both the creation and renewal of mankind, to a race better accepted by the gods. This is particularly true to the Roman culture were the creation and destruction of man, integrated water. The Roman gods created mankind because they believed the world was missing something. Mankind was created because they were ... Show more content on ... This is a comparison to how rain and water is required on earth for things to grow. Similar to plants, people sprouted from the ground and were nourished by water. In addition, water in nature is seen as a destructive force, floods, hurricanes, torrential downpour, and the open ocean can lead to the destruction of towns, crops, ships, and people. After the destruction, the rejuvenation of the land occurs and thus the ability to create and grow new things. Another reason why rain might have been used as a force of obliteration instead of fire, is because in Roman mythology fire is the apocalyptic force that will end the world, and all its people for eternity. It is prophesied that mankind as well as the world will end by fire. Furthermore, according to some Christian mythology, the world will also end in flames. Making water an important tool of destruction because it removed the current group of mankind, but it is also a form of life giving, and renewal. It renews the world and its inhabitants to its original purpose which was to worship the ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Anger of Gods Depicted in the Old Testament and Kafka's... The anger of Gods throughout both stories leads you to believe that the Gods will not hesitate to take revenge on mankind for creating a world of evil in a world they created for good. The Gods from Metamorphoses and the God from the Old Testament create a world full of life, to live happy and full of grace. The destruction and recreation of the world by the Gods of each book, however similar they may seem, are full of differences as they both teach mankind lessons that should not be forgotten. "Whatever God it was, who brought order to the universe, and gave it division, subdivision, he molded earth" Metamorphoses pg 685. In the beginning the earth had nothing, no light to call sun, no water to bath in, and no human to walk on the ... Show more content on ... The Metamorphoses story has a longer stage of evil that makes the Gods realize the world was evil. There are four stages to the transformation from good to evil. The Golden ages had no laws, no justice, and no punishment because there was no need for these things; the world was right and all was good. The second was the Bronze Age men were content to be at home, they did not travel and there was no need for soldiers. This age split of the seasons. Jove shortened the summer, added spring, fall, and winter. The Bronze Age took on aggressiveness and men were quick to pick up weapons. The forth age was the Iron Age; "righteousness fled the earth, and in their place came trickery and slyness, plotting, swindling, violence and the demand desire of having" Metamorphoses pg 687. During the Iron Age the heavens were no longer safe, the Gods fought each other. This lead Jove to call for an intervention and the Gods did not hesitate. The Old Testament God says, that the world which he created was turning evil and knew he had to destroy man and all the living things on the earth. Noah was the only man who "found grace in the Lords eyes" Old Testament pg 57. The lord realized that Noah was full of good and decided to spare him his wife and Noah's three sons and their wives. God also decided to save a male and a female of each animal that walked the earth. God told Noah to build an Ark that would fit all these animals, ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Analysis Of Prometheus And The First People By Olivia E.... '' Prometheus And The First People '' is a historical work of art written by Olivia E. Coolidge. What the Greeks believe at the time man was created there was no sorrow or wicked ways, a war was unknown to man. Zeus entrusted their creation to two brothers, Prometheus and Epimetheus. Epimetheus took over all things but got forced to appeal to Prometheus for help. Prometheus later was tortured by Zeus for making humankind like the gods. After centuries Prometheus was released and him, along with the other gods created woman. Then flooded the earth to kill all evil. This essay will examine, '' Prometheus And The First People '' by Oliva E. Coolidge and how the author has used literary elements in creating this detailed story. The story ... Show more content on ... One day her curious mind got the best of her. She opened the box, and all the dark shadows of hunger, disease, war, greed, anger, jealousy, toil, and all the other hardships man would now have to face flooded out into the world. Oliva E. Coolidge wrote '' Prometheus and the First People '' for a particular purpose. Oliva wanted people to understand the importance of making a decision. Each choice you make may not only affect you, but it may affect others. Prometheus decision caused him to be tortured by Zeus for hundreds of years. Afterwards, it caused the gods to create a woman for man. Each god gave the woman a special gift. They gave her things like beauty and curiosity, and her curiosity is what got the best of her. She opened the box the gods told her never to open and flooded out evil into the world. She caused everyone to experience severe and live it that kind of world. The world filled with so much evil, murders, robberies, and treachery the gods choose to destroy it. The gods flooded the Earth sparing only two people, an elderly couple. The old couple was named Deucalion and Pyrrha, and they were chosen to live because they lived their lives in truth and justice. The two were too old to recreate more humans, so they prayed to the gods. They ended up gathering stones and throwing them behind. Each stone Deucalion threw turned into a man and each stone Pyrrha threw a woman it became. They thought that since Earth was their mother, they could ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Essay about Prometheus Prometheus Prometheus, the Titan of Greek mythology, was considered to be the most important Titan ever in all the myths. He helped the human race tremendously in his efforts to sustain an easier lifestyle. Mankind had great respect for him because of his advantages and gifts or abilities he gave them. Also, his battle against Zeus as a result of his love for man was very much appreciated. Prometheus was one of the most interesting Greek mythology figures in his time. He was a very kind, loving, generous, and courteous god to mankind. This can be seen through many events in his life including a particular myth that the reader will acknowledge in this research paper. Prometheus' birth has two sides of stories behind the ... Show more content on ... Later, Prometheus took it back or stole it from Zeus and brought it to Earth for man again. In this, Zeus sent a Pandora to Epimetheus as a punishment for fire and Prometheus' 'siding' with mankind. Epimetheus later married her, even though Prometheus had told him not to do so or warned him. After that, mankind never again had been as privileged as before again (Britannica 1). In Prometheus' many accomplishments, Prometheus was said to have created man. During the war of the Titans and Olympians, Prometheus and Epimetheus had not fought, so their lives were saved from imprisonment in Tatarus. The duty given to Prometheus by Zeus was to make or create man. With this, he carved and structured man from mud and earth, and the goddess, Athena, breathed life into it. Epimetheus was given the duty by Prometheus to provide the creatures of the Earth certain intelligence, strength, fur, hair, specific body parts, sharpness, swiftness, and other characteristics or traits. Since Epimetheus had already provided all the other creatures of the earth the better characteristics, there were none let for man. Because of this, Prometheus made a decision to give man advantages like the ability to stand upright, similar to the gods, and to provide them fire (Hunt 1). Man had ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Creation Of Christianity In Theogony By Hesiod Who Created Christianity? How can a religion, Christianity, be popular when it is just a recreation of the old classical mythology like ancient Greece. The creation of Christianity was not an entirely new idea it has similar stories and beliefs of Classical Greek Mythology. it is apparent that there are similarities. similarities such as Greek creation stories, the first sin, the rebirth of mankind and their worshiping figures. The Christian creation story is in the book of Genesis is very similar the Greek creation story Theogony written by Hesiod. In the Christian bible the creation story is the first story and says, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the ... Show more content on ... So the gods in both the Christian story and Greek myth wanted to end the world and restart. This caused all the people to die as a flood covered the entire earth. In the book of genesis " And God saw the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart"(Genesis 6). "And the Lord Said, I will destroy man whom i created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping things and the fowls of the air; for repenteth me that i have made them"(Genesis 6). "But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. These are the generations of Noah: Noah was just a man and perfect in all generations, Noah walked with God"(Genesis 6). Then the story says build an ark, "And behold, I, Even, I, do bring a flood of water upon the earth to destroy all flesh"(Genesis ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Ovid the Metamorphoses Essay Joey c. The Metamorphoses: Why Jupiter's feelings that humans are evil is misled and hypocritical. "And I reckon them that are good must suffer for it the same as them that are bad."― William Faulkner. Faulkner's ideology is prevalent in the story The Metamorphoses, by Ovid, as the poet tells of the god Jupiter destroying all man kind (except for Deucalion and Pyrrha) because of the actions of one, Lycaon. Ovid describes Jupiter's destruction as an effort to protect all the gods who do not live in the heavens. However, Jupiter's actions are not justified in any way presented in the book. In the story there are multiple cases where Jupiter and other gods cause danger and torment on the lower class of gods. Examples of rape, ... Show more content on ... "Jupiter is too overcome with anger, too quick to punish and too abusive of his authority as king of the gods to provide an unbiased version of the truth" (Balsley). Jupiter's anger clouded his mind from seeing the good that others might have and that Lycaon's actions are the reason why Jupiter flooded the world, not by mankind's evil. With the flood, two people survived, Deucalion and Pyrrha. These two were examples of the honorable and just men and women that Jupiter neglect to consider as he tore apart all human kind. "...Jupiter realized the world was now thoroughly inundated, and observed only a single man and woman left out of the many thousands there had been, and that they both were blameless and devout..." (The Metamorphoses: Book 1, 447–451). These two individuals proved that Jupiter was too quick to action in his decision and made a major mistake in believing all man kind is evil. These two major parts of The Metamorphoses show Jupiter's action as ignorant, but it is also Jupiter's hypocrisy seen through his own wrong doings which presents the flaws of Jupiter's justification on the flood. A major justification of why Jupiter washed out humanity is to protect the gods that lived on the earth, however this is a hypocritical desire as there are multiple cases in The Metamorphoses where he caused the earth dwelling gods' torment. In book 2 of The Metamorphoses, Jupiter seeks out Callisto and rapes her. " she began recounting the day's hunt, (Jupiter) ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Comparing Epic Of Gilgamesh, Genesis, And Greek Mythology Gilgamesh, Genesis, and Greek mythology all have detailed and very similar stories that tell of a great flood that wiped most of civilization. Each of the floods described are very similar detail with slight differences that were most likely different because of culture. The epic of Gilgamesh tells of Gilgamesh determined to find immortality since he now fears death after seeing Enkidu die. It is upon this search that he meets Utnapishtim, the character most like the Biblical Noah. Utnapishtim had become immortal after building a ship to survive the Great Deluge that had destroyed mankind. He brought all of his relatives and all species of creatures aboard the vessel. Utnapishtim released birds to find land, and the ship landed upon a mountain after the flood. ... Show more content on ... A few examples would be, both causes of the flood were caused by sin and wickedness, the flood was meant for all of mankind, both have heroes that built massive boats, both gathered every specie of animal to store on the boat, both released birds to figure if the flood was over, and in both stories the ark lands upon a mountain. There were however a few slight differences that occurred in the stories, here are a few of the bigger and more noticeable examples. The first, the one who sent the message to build the ark in the bible was Yahweh, while in Gilgamesh, it was an assembly of gods. Along with that, in the bible Noah received his message directly from God, whereas Utnapishtim was told in a dream. And lastly, by far the biggest difference, was the number of days that each flood lasted. In the biblical story it lasted for 40 days and nights, whereas in Gilgamesh it only lasted for 6 days and ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Pandora's Box, Deucalion And Pyrrha, And The Trojan War Greek myths either explain a creation, or tell a moral. The most interesting myths are the ones that have the most interesting story or moral. These myths can explain creations such as the woman, or great wars such as the Trojan War. These myths generally have interesting stories that lead up to what the myth means. Examples of the best myths are Pandora's Box, Deucalion and Pyrrha, and the Trojan War. They are the ones that have the most interesting stories because they explain the myth in a way to make it worth reading for the reader. To begin with, the Pandora's Box is an excellent myth that explains the creation of women and all the gifts, but as well as evil gifts in the mortal world. This myth is also a reason why men saw their opposite gender as evil, because of what Pandora has done. This myth was the creation of ... Show more content on ... Many reasons can lead up to this myth being the best; it has one of the most interesting stories that led to the war. The conflict began with a competition for a golden apple, with the winner having to be the most beautiful. Three goddess, Hera, Athene, and Aphrodite entered the contest. Zeus did not want to choose the winner so he picked a boy in the mortal world to choose the winner. This mortal boy was named Paris, and was born with a prophecy that will destroy his own city. The goddesses tried bribe him with many offers in order to win. Aphrodite offered the most beautiful woman to Paris in which he chose Aphrodite as the winner. The woman was named Helen, a Greek woman who was married to Menelaus, king of Sparta. Paris took Helen to the city of Troy, and when the city of Troy refused to return her back the Achaeans (Greeks) declared a war against the city of Troy. And so the Trojan War began, and went on for ten years. It is crazy what one god(dess) would do for such a prize such as a Golden apple and how an unalterable prophecy such as Paris's can destroy his own entire ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Comparing Gilgamesh, Noah And The Ark Did you know that in 2011, over eight billion dollars of damage was caused by floods in the US alone? Floods occur often all over the world. These natural disasters can happen anywhere, at any time, with or without rainfall. Ancient Mesopotamia created an epic with Gilgamesh, Noah and the Ark is a story from the Hebrew culture, and the story of Deucalion came from Greek mythology. These cultures have created flood stories that share many similarities, but have their own unique characteristics. There are many similar things with the origin and preparation of each flood story. In each story, a god is angered by the corruption and evil nature of mankind. In each tale, all men had become bad, and all men were at war with each other. In Noah's Ark, Yahweh is angered, and warns Noah about the flood that is coming. In the epic of Gilgamesh, Enlil is an angered god, whilst Ea warns Utnapishtim of the upcoming flood. Zeus is an angered god in the story of Deucalion; Prometheus, Utnapishtim's father, warns Utnapishtim of Zeus's planned flood. Each man plans to build an ark. Noah and Utnapishtim is instructed on the size of the ark, but Deucalion was not instruction on the size of the ... Show more content on ... Each protagonist and their families or crew were to repopulate the earth. Noah's sons and respective wives were to repopulate the land. The earth took many months to dry in Noah's Ark, while in the other flood stories, the land dried up very quickly. Utnapishtim and his wife, and his boat crew were to repopulate the earth. In Deucalion, he and his wife were to throw stones behind their backs to create new people. "Each stone that Deucalion threw became a man, and each stone Pyrrha threw became a woman." (Black) In the end, Noah didn't earn anything for saving some pieces of lives. Utnapishtim earned eternal life, and Deucalion and Pyrrha became king and queen of their lands. In conclusion, the post– flood of these stories were similar but ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Comparing Prometheus And The People By Olivia E. Coolidge 1 HodgesIn the story Prometheus and The People by Olivia E. Coolidge. The story is about two brothers, Epimetheus and Prometheus. Epimetheus is left in charge of giving the creatures of earth special gifts, Epimetheus however, runs out of gifts for man. This leaves it up to Prometheus to gift man with a special gift. Prometheus was forced to make man a different fromall other creatures. Therefore he gave man the shape of the gods themselves and gave fire to manto light a heavenly fire within his mind which would teach him to understand, to count, to speak and remember. This angers Zeus, Prometheus in return gets chained to a rock to be scorched by day and frost to torture by night. Prometheus, after ages of torture, is set free and the grudge is ... Show more content on ... Zeus plans to take revenge on man and orders to make a woman. All the gods agreed and each gave the woman gifts of beauty, cunning, deceit and curiosity. Her name was Pandora. Pandora was also gifted a chest in which she was told held great treasure and was told not to open it. Pandora can't resist and unleashes hunger, disease, war, greed, anger, jealousy and toil. Pandora brought the downfall of man. Zeus decides to destroy men altogether. He floods the earth and only Deucalion and Pyrrha survive. They are left to repopulate the earth with the help of an oracle.In 'Prometheus and The People' the author uses figurative language, symbolism and a theme throughout the story. Olivia E. Coolidge uses personification by stating "The lid flew up out of her hands and knocked her aside, while before her frightened eyes, dreadful, shadowy shapes flew out of the box in an endless stream." ( We know she is using personification because she is giving a non–living item traits of a living thing. Lids cannot fly! The author uses the metaphor "Milk and sweet nectar flowed in rivers for men to eat, ... Get more on ...