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Descriptive Essay Vacation
My family likes to take a vacation at least once a year to a different place we've never been before. We've gone to places like Michigan, Minnesota,
and Wisconsin. One of the things that makes it possible to do this every year is that we drive to our destination. This past year we didn't know where
we wanted to go we were struggling to find somewhere we would all be happy. At this time it was the middle of the winter and I was itching to go
fishing and I knew that this trip would be around spring break so I wanted to go to a well known fishing area and start the season off right. I had
always wanted to go to the Lake of the Ozarks because I knew that the fishing there was good and it was in driving distance so I suggested it and my more content...
I found out that there was a fishing tournament the week before and the dock where they weighed all of the fish caught. These docks are great
because they let all of the fish from the tournament go at one spot and a lot of them just stay under the docks for a while. I asked my parents to
drop me off here and they went to do something else. I fished for four hours with only one small bite to show for it. I knew that there had to be
some here so I kept going. Finally after about four and a half hours I caught my first Missouri fish and it was a nice one. I was so happy that all of
my hard work had finally paid off. I took some pictures and let him go safely under the same dock he came out of. I fished for a little longer but I
figured that the trip might come down to that one fish and then I was fine with that because it was worth it. My family picked me up and went
back to the rental house for the night. I set my poles and tackle bag in the garage and went inside. The next morning my dad had told me that he
would take me to the base of a nearby dam to try and catch something out of the river. I loaded my poles into the car but noticed something was
missing. My bag wasn't sitting by the wall where I left it the last night. I looked through the house for half an hour hoping that someone had moved it
with no luck. I asked everyone in my family if they had moved it from the
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Descriptive Essay About Vacation
Every year, my family goes on a vacation during the summer. Some years, we go on a huge vacation to Disney World, but most years, we take a
trip to a beach somewhere. Last summer, we took a trip to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, for three days. The trip started off extremely well, but as
time went on, tension rose and hurtful comments were made that can never be taken back. This story begins on the second day of our vacation at
Myrtle Beach. My brother, sister, and I woke up early to take a walk along the sandy beach. As soon as I stepped outside, I felt the warmth of the
sun beat down on my skin, and the refreshing air filled my lungs. Similar to most beaches, the noticeable scent of fish was copious everywhere I
went. The temperature outside was perfect, and the warm sand surrounded my feet with a polite welcome. After enjoying my welcome, my brother,
sister, and I continued down the beach on an extravagant search for seashells and sand dollars. Tragically, our search was in vain as we could not
find any objects of value, but the walk was still delightful. Returning back to the hotel, we met up with our parents and ate breakfast in the lovely
dining area. Unfortunately, the joyous mood did not last long because of my siblings' actions. In the middle of conversation, my brother stood up and
went to grab more food to eat. Soon after his return, my sister did the same, causing irritation to my parents. My parents explained how much it upset
them to see my siblings did not care enough to stay and listen, so the beautiful morning was ruined. Unbeknownst at the time, this was the first of three
unlikely events to occur on that day. Following breakfast, we all walked down to the beach in hopes to make the day a little brighter. Myfamily
absolutely loved building giant sand castles on the beach, and we always liked to watch the tide grow closer and closer to our fantastic creations.
On that day alone, my brother and I spent at least three hours digging a ginormous moat around the sand city my sister was constructing behind us.
The moat was about two feet deep and one foot wide, so it did a decent job at keeping the water out of the city. As we waited for the tide to rise, my
parents and siblings stood at the
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Descriptive Vacation
"Hey dad, can we go to Hawaii? My friends were talking about how amazing it is and I really want to go." The only thing my ten year old self
desired was a tropical trip to Hawaii. Then suddenly we were packing and readying ourselves to go to Hawaii. "I can't wait!" I screamed on the
plane which was a ten hour and fourteen minute flight laid ahead of us. This was the first time we were traveling some where far that wasn't India,
Dubai, or Mexico. All I could think about in the car ride to the hotel was what this exhilarating trip had in store for us and all of the tourist attractions
I anticipated seeing. The only thing I was focused on when I got to the hotel was that it was 9:30 at night and my mom's birthday. Jet lag prevented us
from celebrating and instead we fell asleep early. That night I dreamt of the adventures that we were to experience the next day.
"WOW," astonished, I gasp, the view of Honolulu, Hawaii from our hotel room balcony was the perfect way of starting our morning. We had a perfect
view; there were mountains on the side of us and the Waikiki beach in front of us. The beach was sandy with emerald–blue water and kelly green palm
trees that dipped their head in the water, beauty you can not find anywhere in New Jersey. The enormous pointed rock precipice called the Diamond
Head was covered with vegetation as it overshadowed the tranquil sky. Honolulu is not as hectic as New York, but it has a variety of people, nightlife,
and shopping.
This eight–day
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Descriptive Essay On A Beach Trip
Good Mornin'!
It was beautiful.
It was the summer before senior year. I was invited to go on a beach trip with five other friends. Our journey started as soon as I saw the sign, "Next
exit Outer Banks". When we entered the city we lived in for the week I was in awe.
It was beautiful. Our house we lived in was amazing, there were two floors in the house. The lower floor had four bedrooms and three bathrooms.
The boys, Robert, Luke and Jake slept in one room and the girls, Olivia, Chloe and I slept in the room beside them. The upper floor had one bedroom
and bathroom, a giant living room and connected was the dining room and kitchen. When you walked out onto the upstairs balcony you could see a
beautiful view. If you looked down you could see our private pool and hot tub. If you looked straight out, the ocean was right there. Everywhere you
walked you could smell the strong amazing aroma of the ocean. Once everyone unpacked and settled in we all walked to the beach.
The group and I was so lucky because the beach was only a block away. As soon as we walked off the walk ways that were above the dunes, my feet
were on fire. I realized we were on the hot sand now. The scenery we all stepped into was breathtaking. I for one got stuck in the moment and took
in the view while the world around me kept spinning. I heard Olivia yell my name to "Let's go!" She said it in such an excited voice. I ran up to her
and gave her an enormous hug because I was just so happy. Chloe was so
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Descriptive Essay About Vacation
I was pacing around the house nervously and panicking as I'm stressfully trying to grasp everything together. My family was in the car, all waiting
on me as I'm still packing my suitcase for Mexico. "We're going to miss our flight, hurry up Olivia!" hollered mom from the garage. "I'm coming,
just a moment!" I replied back as I saw the black Jeep ready to drive off without me. As I'm panicking, I bolt into the car, hoping that I did not forget
anything important. Hours later, my family and I enter onto the airplane, with only a couple minutes left to spare. It had been mine and my sister
Sophia's very first time on a plane and we were absolutely so thrilled and enthusiastic. As the plane was taking off, I got the feeling of my eardrums
popping, my stomach filled with butterflies, the plane lifting off into the clear, blue, sky and gazing at the white, puffy, voluminous clouds for the very
first time up close. I enjoyed my experience on the plane considering all I was thinking about was approaching into Mexico. As soon as my family and I
got off the plane, we felt the humid, scorching, tropical weather with absolutely no gust of wind. I thought to myself, this is just the beginning of my
April vacation. In Mexico I absolutely had the best time because I got to visit and explore a different country, pet wild animals and last but not least,
experience the beautiful beach. As I stepped foot into the hotel I gazed at a green, tropical, rainforest with glass doors and acrobat
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Descriptive Essay About Summer Vacation
In February during spring break, my Dad, nicknamed Moose, arranges a trip to stay on Seagull Lake. This is not like your ordinary trip; this is
winter camping in the Boundary Waters, which requires hard work, the willingness to help out at all times, and a lot of preparation. This trip
consists of cross country skiing, pulling 300 lbs on a sled across a long frozen lake, sleeping in tents in weather that is 20 degrees below zero, and
portaging 2 miles to get the chance to fish on a secret fishing lake. The people that go on this 5 day trip every year are Moose, my second cousin Paul
Gerten and his dog, my uncle Danny, their friend Sterling Black, and I, although Danny had knee issues for a while which didn't allow him to come
this trip. The year was 2016, and Sterling decided to bring his nephew named Birkley, whose mother had just passed away. Also, Moose brought along
his work friend Brett Strand from Lifetime Fitness.
We start our trip by driving up to my cabin in Silver Bay, Minnesota. The first night is a Thursday night without the old men's wives, so we go to a
bar called the the Green Door where the men drink a bunch of beers and watch the wild game. Birkley and I of course only drink Coca Cola. Being
the one out of the group that is too young to drink alcohol, and also the kid that can drive, I have to sober cab for the men. When we get back to the
cabin, many games of cribbage are played and many more beers are finished by the men. Waking up in the morning is
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Descriptive Essay About Vacation
Max Mudger
Mrs. Oncu
DE 11
30 October 2017
Narrative Essay
The air was filled with salt and warm sunlight. The waves were crashing against the Hawaiian sand causing a beautiful and relaxing sound. With
flapping wings and squawking noises, seagulls were stalking tourists in the search of food. The soft, hot sand was soothing to the touch. The palm
trees danced in the swaying wind and the aroma of distant barbecues and sunscreen wafted in the air. As a native Floridian, the thought of a Hawaiian
vacation was appealing. Hours of waiting began to accumulate when I was informed that my flight to Hawaii had been rescheduled. My frustration
built as I sat and anticipated the start to my vacation. After the airplane trip to the islands, more content...
Crowds of people began to funnel in to this one location on the beach. I imagined that an animal had washed up on the shore and could not get back
into the water. My curiosity grew, and I left my chair to follow the path of everyone else down the shoreline.
Upon reaching the scene, I became aware of what happened. I stared down at a little girl who was lying face up and was unresponsive to family
members calling her name. It was evident that she had drowned and was on the edge of death. Life guards began to pound on her chest and start
chest compulsions. She continued to stay motionless. Quickly, lifeguards began the operations of CPR. These long and tiring procedures made the
lifeguards physically tired. The rest of the family bickered back and forth on whose fault this was. "Why couldn't you just watch her and do what you
were told?" I heard behind me. The father screamed, "It was not my responsibility to do that, it was yours!" The clear frustration began to build and
caused more confusion.
The lifeguards circling around the little girl seemed frightened. Leaning closer to hear the rumors being spread throughout the crowd, I unintentionally
noticed the disturbing sound of gargling from the little girl. She had regained consciousness, but could not breathe due to the water trapped in her
lungs. Policemen arrived on the beach and began to push back the imaginary boundaries surrounding the circle of lifeguards. The police advised
everyone to leave the beach
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The Beach Essay
Descriptive Essay– Beach, Vacation
The place where I feel most comfortable is a place where I am calm. A place that is peaceful in its own ways. It is the place to go to get away from
all my troubles. It is the one place where I could sit forever, and never get tired of just staring into the deepest blue I have ever seen. It is the place
where I can sit and think the best. A place where nothing matters but what is in that little moment. The one place capable of sending my senses into an
overload. This place is the ocean.
Just as I sit down on the sand my mind starts to unwind. The many spectacular sights jump at my eyes. As far as I can see there is turquoise water in
front of me. Surfers wearing their bright colored suits grab more content...
.... descriptive essay .... I stop, sometimes to smell the salty sea air, but mostly to wait for my parents who plod along behind carrying chairs,
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released from the depths or cast upon the beach. Some of my most .... Descriptive summer essay A visit to the beach is one of life 's greatest
pleasures. .... I hear the crash of waves braking over the soft pearly sand of the beach. ....
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Descriptive Essay About Summer Vacation
Summer vacation! The beach! The mountains! Friends! Airplanes! Then, there was me with no plans, just drawing and eating, and other
monotonous things, very repetitive. If someone asked, "What is something new and interesting you did this summer?" I would of had to reply
with, "I tasted a new potato chip flavor, it was good. What did you do?", but that wasn't the case, because my parents then all of a sudden, in the
very last minute scheduled a vacation, It was a three day vacation. The vacation consisted my family going to New Hampshire, Maine, then Boston.
First of all, if you didn't know, New Hampshire is located South West from Maine. Go north, then wow! Hello Canada! Next, Maine is located South
and a little West from New Brunswick, one of the provinces in Canada. Fun fact, Fredericton is the capital of News Brunswick! Lastly, Boston is
Massachusetts' capital and largest city. Another fun fact, it's one of the oldest cities in the U.S. The people that are involved in the events are me, of
course, others are my sister, mother, father, and the people of the inn andhotel. A delightful and enjoyable summer vacation! Our first stop, New
Hampshire as I introduced it, it is South West from Maine, it's capital is Concord. When we first entered New Hampshire, there were buildings,
students, and workers walking everywhere in different directions. It actually, sort of reminded me ofNew York City, of course New York City was
more crowded, had more large buildings, and different, but still it reminded me of New York City. My family went to New Hampshire riding a
car, so we had been in the car for seven hours. Well we kept driving North, the outside started to change, the buildings became less more common,
then before I knew it there were trees in everywhere, just no trees on the path we drove on. There were yellow deer crossing signs ornamented the
tall and green trees. Then when we arrived at the inn, I mean to go to the inn, we took like three stops to ask where this inn was. The inn was
around trees, were we had to park the car was not the parking lot you would see normally. The parking lot had no lines to indicate where to park. It
was just covered in small rocks as tiny pebbles, gravel, sand, and etc. The
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Descriptive Essay On The Beach
We walk down old, crumbling stairs to see a white sand beach and blue, sinuous waters ahead. Every step down we take, the distinct smell of the
water enters our noses and exits clean and untouched as we inhale out. On the beach, families are sitting on their blankets and folding chairs, with
their umbrellas open to hide them from the harmful rays of the sun. Kids run around and splash each other in the cold waters of Lake Michigan. We
find a nice spot on the beach, lay down our towels, and sit down. The beach is one of the cleaner ones in New Buffalo, but pull tabs of cans, gum
wrappers, and glass lies beneath the sand. "It's a beautiful view, isn't it?" I hear someone say. A few second later, I hear loud talking behind me and
turn my head around. A new family has arrived to the beach. I see a son, a daughter, a mother, and a father. The teenage kids go and get themselves
set up on the beach, only to sit down and scroll through their social media feeds, not taking off their oversized american flag sweaters or ripped, blue
jean shorts. The parents catch up with the other family and talk about some vacation they took to the Bahamas last spring. I hear the whole story,
every detail of it to be exact, because it takes some time to learn how to block out the background noise of relatives seeing each other after a month
apart. Music, that everyone in this community knows can be heard playing on a bluetooth speaker. As I observe the moving waves, I think to myself, is
this what
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Descriptive Essay About Vacations
Our vacation started with what seemed like a week of packing when in reality it was only a day or two. We had been thinking of and planning our
trip to Yellowstone for quite a while. We were all excited for the trip to come. It started with a long drive through Nebraska stopping at night to set
up camp and get some sleep. We were all exhausted and slept like rocks. The next morning we made breakfast and got to driving again. As always,
we stopped at various parks and rest stops to get out and look around. That afternoon we were in dire need of showers and couldn't seem to find a
campsite that offered showers. We searched through what seemed like a thousand campgrounds. My mom and I had pretty much given up
looking at this point and were ready to resort to bucket baths. When we pulled into the campsite it turned out to be a rather pleasant campground.
There was plenty of privacy, flat ground, trees, and of course a shower. My mom and I also were pleasantly surprised to find that the showers were
also free. While there was still daylight. We got a fire going set up our tents and looked around a bit. When we were finally ready we all went and
bathed in the glorious creation of soap and hot running water cascading on our heads and bodies. The next day we got up, packed up our stuff, and
started on our way to our next destination. Rocky Mountain National Park. On our way there we stopped in a little town for lunch and ate about two
loaves of bread in sandwiches. As it started
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Descriptive Essay On Beach Vacation
My family has been looking forward to our annual beach vacation since last year's trip to Alabama. Although it has been a long, winding journey for
two days, hauling through five states and having a personal concert in the passenger seat for fourteen hours, it was all worth it by the time we make
it. Beach Boulevard is overflowing with giant houses, palm trees, stores, and thousands of other activities we are in a position to do. Everyone in the
car is so antsy, we roll our windows down and breathe in the sweet, warm Alabama air. My eyes locked on my phone, I count down the miles until we
arrive at our destination. Ten miles... Five miles... Three miles... One mile... Two–Hundred feet... "You have arrived at your destination," Siri informs
me. Pulling into the driveway, not a single soul waits for the car to stop completely. We leap out of the vehicle, hugging my distant relatives from
Louisiana and rapidly begin sprinting down to the water. My friend, Kambri, and I are flinging sand behind us, with the wind blasting against our
faces. Finally arriving to the ocean, we stand shoulder to shoulder along the shore, taking it all in. Silently, we listen to the continuous, calming crashes
of water, allowing it to splash up our legs, for the salty breeze to blow through our hair, and the rays of thesun shine on our pale adolescent bodies. I
have never felt more at home than I do right now, in this moment in time.
My extended family promptly begins to unpack the loaded vehicles. Opening the wide truck tailgates, there is not even room for a fly to buzz
around back there. Stuffed to the top, the bed of the truck was full of over packed clothes, unhealthy sugary snacks, tubs packed to the rim with
bottles of sunscreen, and of course, a plethora of sand toys. Us kids toss the bags at the top of the winding staircase, quickly scoping out our
temporary house for the week. As we make it up to our room, we do not skip a beat unzipping our suitcases to find the superb fitted, blue bikini for
our first day in paradise. Before any adult has time to summon us back downstairs to help them finish unloading the cars, we are out the door and
headed down to the beach. On our journey down, we each grab our newly purchased, Aztec
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Descriptive Essay About Summer Vacation
"Hooray!" I shouted, I am so excited about today. Why am I so enthusiastic you may ask, because today is the first day of summer vacation.We were on
our way to the beach Every year me and my family visit the beach for a whole month. So as you can see there is much to be excited about. As we
drove along I could barely wait, I could smell the fresh, salty ocean air. I asked my parents "are we there yet." They replied with one word, yes! This
year in particular is extra exciting because we are going to rent a new beach house. We had arrived as I leapt up out of the car to my dismay the new
beach house wasn't as great as I had anticipated.
My parents and I went for a walk around town. As I was dragged into the Pirate Museum I listened to stories of the pirates and their treasure. The stories
were not at all what I had expected they surprisingly were very interesting. One story in particular was the most interesting about pirates who had
supposedly buried their treasure on this very beach. When we returned home I went outside searched for more about this new found buried
treasure. I felt the hot, dry rough grains of sand on my feet. As I searched I heard someone call out "hey what are you doing." As I looked up I saw
the face of the kid from the beach house down the street. I replied, "I am looking for the buried treasure."The kids name was Joe and he wanted to
help me on my quest. We decided that the next day we would look for clues around town.
The next day we split up and looked for clues I went to learn more from the Pirates Museum and it's workers and he asked around people town and
looked for other places that might help. From my second trip at the museum, I was told much more about the pirates who sailed the deadly ocean
seas. I could practically feel the windy, cold rough seas of the ocean. I learned this city used to be the hideout for the pirates, and that there was
also a map hidden somewhere to lead you to the treasure. Part of the map was kept here in a secret room but the rest was yet to be found. I was
overjoyed with this incredible news and ran quickly to tell Joe. If we found the rest of the map we could find the treasure. I saw my new friend Joe
walking towards me, he had also
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Descriptive Essay On Vacation
The only sound that filled my ears was my keyboard clicking as my fingers raced across it. I had been procrastinating from finishing this assignment
all evening, but I knew I needed to get it done. The burning sunset was shining through the windows as I was finishing up. It was a peaceful silence,
until I heard the soft whispers of my parents that ignited my sense of curiosity. I was concentrating hard; doing my best trying to make out the hushed
words that were being spoken.
"Let's just tell her."
"You really want to?"
I walked into the dining room to find my smiling parents. My mom was hiding her phone against her shirt, evidently not want me to catch a glimpse
of her screen. I asked what was going on, and more content...
14 ВЅ hours later, we were greeted by the Destin, Florida sign. My level of happiness was indescribable.
*Time skip: 1 day later*
My parents and I happily trudged out of our chilled condo room, weighed down by various beach supplies. We made our way to the elevator, slowly
but surely exiting the maze we call our condo hallways. As we glided down, floor after floor, we finally reached the parking garage. We stepped out of
the elevator feeling a mix of humidity and heat immediately cling to our tan bodies. We exited the garage to find a beautiful scene. Birds were flying
overhead as there were sun rays beating down against white, hot sand. We crossed the bridge that held shoes and scattered shells. After we did so, we
pressed our feet against the white sand that belonged to Destin, Florida. The sight was even more alluring than I had ever imagined.
The sound of the emerald green ocean water crashing against the shores filled my ears. Children ran along the shore, smiling from ear to ear while
laughing amongst each other clearly enjoying their day. Some people were searching contently for sea shells, that were visible for miles. I looked
out at the ocean, it stretched out far into the horizon; as far as my eyes could see. There were jetty's that were perfectly placed within the ocean. I
could smell the salt radiating off of the water. I had been waiting for this moment for a long time; I dashed into the ocean I'd been waiting for for the
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Descriptive Essay : My Summer Vacation
Summer Trip
Going to the coast is so exciting! This last summer I went to Cresent City and Eureka, California and had a good time. All though there was a lot of
people in a suburban and it was very crammed. In the car there was me, my dad, stepmom, my sister Brenda, her fiance, and five of my other little
siblings. It was one long ride to our first destination, Crescent City. "How much longer?" I asked my dad.
"About two more hours, we are about to stop and get drinks." he exclaimed,
"What do you want?"
"Gatorade," I said, "blue and red ones."
My dad went inside to get some stuff and me and the others were outside. Once he came back we were on the road again. After a while we saw this
cat show sign with lions and tigers. We more content...
After we got done eating and got our stuff out of the car, it was time to go to ocean world! Once we got there there was immediately a surfboard
outside that you could take a picture on, and of course I had to take a picture on it. When we went inside we barely had to wait because the next
group was about to go on the tour of the place. The first thing we did was go to this feel pool where we got to touch starfish and plants. Then we went
to the aquarium where we saw a bunch of fish, sharks, stingrays, and the underwater part of the seals.
After the aquarium there was my two favorite parts of it all. First we went to the shark pool, here there was two sharks and one that was a brown
color was still because it was nocturnal. The other one that was grey was just swimming around in a circle around the small pool. It was time to pet
sharks! The still brown one was easier to pet, obviously. The grey one you had to pet once it came around to you. The shark petting was the part I was
most excited about but the next event was my favorite.
Next was the seal show! There were two seals, one did most of the tricks. The seal threw balls into hoops. She could jump really high and she loved to
slide down a slide into the water. The show was so cute and I loved it so much. Sadly, the seal show was the last thing and we had to leave after. I am
happy we went.
After we went back to the hotel, slept, and got our stuff, we visited the ocean one more
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Descriptive Essay About Vacation
The smell of the salty water. The steady flow of the sea breeze. The hot sun shining down and illuminating the white sand. Looking out and seeing
clear, baby blue water. That is enough to make anyone sigh with relief, and just sit down and relax. My family and I thought this is what our vacation
would be. Days of pure relaxation. Sadly that wasn't the case for us. Tropical storm Cindy decided she was going to settle right over the Gulf of
Mexico, and target mainly Destin Florida for a week. I would soon realize that vacations are not about the location, but that this is time to be carefree in
the world, and just enjoy time with family. One Hundred and seventy six, fifty three, twenty eight, ten, one. I started my countdown five
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The airport wasn't really busy being that it was a Sunday, and the airport was a smaller airport, and did not hold very many commercial flights. My
dad went to go get the rental car while we got our luggage off of the conveyor belt. My mom, and my sisters and I all walked out of the airport to
find my dad in the rental parking lot. It took all but two seconds to notice the air was very hot and very humid. It was only a matter of time before
my hair would become a big, frizzy, rats nest. Once again we loaded our luggage into the tiny Nissan. We were crammed but we didn't care, we
were diving twenty minutes to the beach, who could be mad? Soon on the horizon I saw the sun glistening off of the water. The view was beautiful.
Everyone in the car got excited, because now it felt like it was real. We crossed a bridge and drove a little bit more to thehotel. The first thing we did
was park that car and walk the beach. It was pure bliss when my toes finally touched the cool white sand. As we walked down the beach you could
hear the shrill laughter of kids, the sound of volleyball's hitting off of people 's arms, and the gentle crashing of the waves. The atmosphere was
breathtaking. Soon they let us into our hotel room and I could not get over the view from our windows. You could see so far out that is you looked
hard enough you could see the earth curve. It took awhile to bring everything up from our car and unpack. Once everything was set
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Descriptive Essay On A Great Vacation
I was sitting on a hot steamy white sand beach where the ocean was washing into the shore. Cinque Terre was a nice vacation spot to chill, relax, and
go for a swim. Ninety–Five degree weather all day long, everyday. My family and I were staying in a small, no air–conditioning house with only 3
bedrooms. During our sleep, we forget to close the windows so little lizards come into our house and crawl up our walls. Cinque Terre is a great vacation
spot for many family activities! Our first day in a new country, I was having a great time so far! We ran down to the beach and swam for the whole
day. Some local people were hiking up the side of a mountain from the ocean. We noticed there was a large platform that they created at three top.
Us as a whole family wanted to adventure up to the platform to see what all of the commotion was. Then as we reached the top of the cliff, people
were jumping off and diving, doing all sorts of tricks. We decided to jump as well, this was a fun activity for us. As we continued hiking to a
"higher spot" we found out that there was several different platforms on the mountain. People even made a small rocky path for people to walk up
to. The tallest platform was too high for anyone to go on, but we went on the second highest one which was still very scary. On the top of the
mountain, we can see all around the town of Cinque Terre. Also when we looked down at the clear sea water, we can see all the way to the bottom
and see the white sand. Sometimes fish will stroll by and we can see them swim around our area.
The next day in Cinque Terre was a beautiful day. Theocean waves were rolling in, the bright sun was shining high. As we were exploring the town
looking for activities to do, a friendly tourist came up to us and told us all about the things him and his family has done for the past week. This
gave us some ideas. We were told to go hiking. Scuba Dive. Explore all the local towns. Or enjoy a nice day at the beach. Since we have already spent
time at the beach we decided to just walk around the many towns and enjoy our last day their. As we werewalking around one of the neighboring towns
of Cinque Terre, we remembered our local guide man told us about hiking. We found a small
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Descriptive Essay : A Trip To The Beach
They way I see things, life is different at the beach. Time doesn't move hour to hour, but moment to moment. We live by the whipping currents, play
by the ever changing tides, and follow the direction of the yellow globe in the sky. In my experience, trips to the beach never fail to make my heart
giddy and rid my life of any obstacles, at least temporarily. For me, looking out at the never–ending ocean is like looking through a special pair of
glasses. I see the world with a different point of view. Everything seems peaceful and serene; nothing is too troubled and no one too anxious. A trip to
the beach will completely overwhelm your senses. What do I get most anxious about when I go to the beach? Sprinting, tearing, racing to the ocean.
Regarding nothing but the crystal blue, balmy, water and feeling pure contentment. But in my rush to get to the water, my care for the sights around
me seem to slip my mind. I glance around, and at first sight one might see a few teenagers on summer break, in their Nemo colored swimsuits and
shameless black sunglasses, gamboling around and bubbling with joy. You might see the few mothers daring enough to bring their giggling toddlers,
in bright bubblegum pink hats that match the shade of their sweet, sunburnt, little, cheeks. Look around a little bit more. Open your eyes a little wider.
Skim the surface of the water topped with chalky white foam and teeming with meager, little creatures of the sea whose shells spiral around like a
staircase in the most grand of castles for the most grand of princesses. Watch the thick, waterlogged sand castles crash against the cozy, pristine sand
beneath your feet. Scan the sky and take a minute to notice the alabaster white seagulls that cackle above your head and cheat french fries out of the
hands of awestruck tourists. Stare out at the mysterious crashing waves and take note of the ash colored pelicans flinging themselves into the water
with a splash and reappearing with an outstretched beak full of terrified fish. Now inch forward into the icy water. Feel the rush of the waves as they
try to sweep you into the ocean. Try to stay balanced as the sand teams up with them and races out from beneath your feet. Close your eyes and let the
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Descriptive Essay About Summer Vacation
Over summer vacation, my family and I, including my cousins and grandparents, went to Las Vegas. One of my favorite places there was going to
Paris Las Vegas. It was almost sunset and my cousins and I were getting ready to go to Paris Las Vegas. I put on my shoes and was ready to walk
out of our hotel room door right when my mom stopped me and told me to wear a jacket. Even though it was still summer, the nights in Las Vegas
got cold. Once everyone was ready my cousins and I ran to the car. It was almost sunset and my cousin really wanted to see the sunset in the mini eiffel
tower at the hotel. Once we got on the road, we got trapped in a sea of cars, busses, and other vehicles. My cousin clasped her hands over her ears.
The loud city noises blared through the streets. It was hard to imagine that one city in the middle of a desert became one of the most popular resort
cities in the world. As we were driving up to the hotel, we saw a gleaming mini eiffel tower on top of a elegant building. I knew that it was the french
themed hotel, Paris. After getting through the traffic, my dad parked the car in the parking lot at the hotel. We took an elevator up to the 2nd floor,
and when we got there, I was amazed at what stood in front of me. The interior of the hotel looked just like Paris. The roof had been painted with
puffy white clouds that looked so realistic. The ground was paved with smooth, shiny, black stone. There were street lamps that are like the ones in
France. There
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Descriptive Essay Vacation

  • 1. Descriptive Essay Vacation My family likes to take a vacation at least once a year to a different place we've never been before. We've gone to places like Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. One of the things that makes it possible to do this every year is that we drive to our destination. This past year we didn't know where we wanted to go we were struggling to find somewhere we would all be happy. At this time it was the middle of the winter and I was itching to go fishing and I knew that this trip would be around spring break so I wanted to go to a well known fishing area and start the season off right. I had always wanted to go to the Lake of the Ozarks because I knew that the fishing there was good and it was in driving distance so I suggested it and my more content... I found out that there was a fishing tournament the week before and the dock where they weighed all of the fish caught. These docks are great because they let all of the fish from the tournament go at one spot and a lot of them just stay under the docks for a while. I asked my parents to drop me off here and they went to do something else. I fished for four hours with only one small bite to show for it. I knew that there had to be some here so I kept going. Finally after about four and a half hours I caught my first Missouri fish and it was a nice one. I was so happy that all of my hard work had finally paid off. I took some pictures and let him go safely under the same dock he came out of. I fished for a little longer but I figured that the trip might come down to that one fish and then I was fine with that because it was worth it. My family picked me up and went back to the rental house for the night. I set my poles and tackle bag in the garage and went inside. The next morning my dad had told me that he would take me to the base of a nearby dam to try and catch something out of the river. I loaded my poles into the car but noticed something was missing. My bag wasn't sitting by the wall where I left it the last night. I looked through the house for half an hour hoping that someone had moved it with no luck. I asked everyone in my family if they had moved it from the Get more content on
  • 2. Descriptive Essay About Vacation Every year, my family goes on a vacation during the summer. Some years, we go on a huge vacation to Disney World, but most years, we take a trip to a beach somewhere. Last summer, we took a trip to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, for three days. The trip started off extremely well, but as time went on, tension rose and hurtful comments were made that can never be taken back. This story begins on the second day of our vacation at Myrtle Beach. My brother, sister, and I woke up early to take a walk along the sandy beach. As soon as I stepped outside, I felt the warmth of the sun beat down on my skin, and the refreshing air filled my lungs. Similar to most beaches, the noticeable scent of fish was copious everywhere I went. The temperature outside was perfect, and the warm sand surrounded my feet with a polite welcome. After enjoying my welcome, my brother, sister, and I continued down the beach on an extravagant search for seashells and sand dollars. Tragically, our search was in vain as we could not find any objects of value, but the walk was still delightful. Returning back to the hotel, we met up with our parents and ate breakfast in the lovely dining area. Unfortunately, the joyous mood did not last long because of my siblings' actions. In the middle of conversation, my brother stood up and went to grab more food to eat. Soon after his return, my sister did the same, causing irritation to my parents. My parents explained how much it upset them to see my siblings did not care enough to stay and listen, so the beautiful morning was ruined. Unbeknownst at the time, this was the first of three unlikely events to occur on that day. Following breakfast, we all walked down to the beach in hopes to make the day a little brighter. Myfamily absolutely loved building giant sand castles on the beach, and we always liked to watch the tide grow closer and closer to our fantastic creations. On that day alone, my brother and I spent at least three hours digging a ginormous moat around the sand city my sister was constructing behind us. The moat was about two feet deep and one foot wide, so it did a decent job at keeping the water out of the city. As we waited for the tide to rise, my parents and siblings stood at the Get more content on
  • 3. Descriptive Vacation "Hey dad, can we go to Hawaii? My friends were talking about how amazing it is and I really want to go." The only thing my ten year old self desired was a tropical trip to Hawaii. Then suddenly we were packing and readying ourselves to go to Hawaii. "I can't wait!" I screamed on the plane which was a ten hour and fourteen minute flight laid ahead of us. This was the first time we were traveling some where far that wasn't India, Dubai, or Mexico. All I could think about in the car ride to the hotel was what this exhilarating trip had in store for us and all of the tourist attractions I anticipated seeing. The only thing I was focused on when I got to the hotel was that it was 9:30 at night and my mom's birthday. Jet lag prevented us from celebrating and instead we fell asleep early. That night I dreamt of the adventures that we were to experience the next day. "WOW," astonished, I gasp, the view of Honolulu, Hawaii from our hotel room balcony was the perfect way of starting our morning. We had a perfect view; there were mountains on the side of us and the Waikiki beach in front of us. The beach was sandy with emerald–blue water and kelly green palm trees that dipped their head in the water, beauty you can not find anywhere in New Jersey. The enormous pointed rock precipice called the Diamond Head was covered with vegetation as it overshadowed the tranquil sky. Honolulu is not as hectic as New York, but it has a variety of people, nightlife, and shopping. This eight–day Get more content on
  • 4. Descriptive Essay On A Beach Trip Good Mornin'! It was beautiful. It was the summer before senior year. I was invited to go on a beach trip with five other friends. Our journey started as soon as I saw the sign, "Next exit Outer Banks". When we entered the city we lived in for the week I was in awe. It was beautiful. Our house we lived in was amazing, there were two floors in the house. The lower floor had four bedrooms and three bathrooms. The boys, Robert, Luke and Jake slept in one room and the girls, Olivia, Chloe and I slept in the room beside them. The upper floor had one bedroom and bathroom, a giant living room and connected was the dining room and kitchen. When you walked out onto the upstairs balcony you could see a beautiful view. If you looked down you could see our private pool and hot tub. If you looked straight out, the ocean was right there. Everywhere you walked you could smell the strong amazing aroma of the ocean. Once everyone unpacked and settled in we all walked to the beach. The group and I was so lucky because the beach was only a block away. As soon as we walked off the walk ways that were above the dunes, my feet were on fire. I realized we were on the hot sand now. The scenery we all stepped into was breathtaking. I for one got stuck in the moment and took in the view while the world around me kept spinning. I heard Olivia yell my name to "Let's go!" She said it in such an excited voice. I ran up to her and gave her an enormous hug because I was just so happy. Chloe was so Get more content on
  • 5. Descriptive Essay About Vacation I was pacing around the house nervously and panicking as I'm stressfully trying to grasp everything together. My family was in the car, all waiting on me as I'm still packing my suitcase for Mexico. "We're going to miss our flight, hurry up Olivia!" hollered mom from the garage. "I'm coming, just a moment!" I replied back as I saw the black Jeep ready to drive off without me. As I'm panicking, I bolt into the car, hoping that I did not forget anything important. Hours later, my family and I enter onto the airplane, with only a couple minutes left to spare. It had been mine and my sister Sophia's very first time on a plane and we were absolutely so thrilled and enthusiastic. As the plane was taking off, I got the feeling of my eardrums popping, my stomach filled with butterflies, the plane lifting off into the clear, blue, sky and gazing at the white, puffy, voluminous clouds for the very first time up close. I enjoyed my experience on the plane considering all I was thinking about was approaching into Mexico. As soon as my family and I got off the plane, we felt the humid, scorching, tropical weather with absolutely no gust of wind. I thought to myself, this is just the beginning of my April vacation. In Mexico I absolutely had the best time because I got to visit and explore a different country, pet wild animals and last but not least, experience the beautiful beach. As I stepped foot into the hotel I gazed at a green, tropical, rainforest with glass doors and acrobat Get more content on
  • 6. Descriptive Essay About Summer Vacation In February during spring break, my Dad, nicknamed Moose, arranges a trip to stay on Seagull Lake. This is not like your ordinary trip; this is winter camping in the Boundary Waters, which requires hard work, the willingness to help out at all times, and a lot of preparation. This trip consists of cross country skiing, pulling 300 lbs on a sled across a long frozen lake, sleeping in tents in weather that is 20 degrees below zero, and portaging 2 miles to get the chance to fish on a secret fishing lake. The people that go on this 5 day trip every year are Moose, my second cousin Paul Gerten and his dog, my uncle Danny, their friend Sterling Black, and I, although Danny had knee issues for a while which didn't allow him to come this trip. The year was 2016, and Sterling decided to bring his nephew named Birkley, whose mother had just passed away. Also, Moose brought along his work friend Brett Strand from Lifetime Fitness. We start our trip by driving up to my cabin in Silver Bay, Minnesota. The first night is a Thursday night without the old men's wives, so we go to a bar called the the Green Door where the men drink a bunch of beers and watch the wild game. Birkley and I of course only drink Coca Cola. Being the one out of the group that is too young to drink alcohol, and also the kid that can drive, I have to sober cab for the men. When we get back to the cabin, many games of cribbage are played and many more beers are finished by the men. Waking up in the morning is Get more content on
  • 7. Descriptive Essay About Vacation Max Mudger Mrs. Oncu DE 11 30 October 2017 Narrative Essay The air was filled with salt and warm sunlight. The waves were crashing against the Hawaiian sand causing a beautiful and relaxing sound. With flapping wings and squawking noises, seagulls were stalking tourists in the search of food. The soft, hot sand was soothing to the touch. The palm trees danced in the swaying wind and the aroma of distant barbecues and sunscreen wafted in the air. As a native Floridian, the thought of a Hawaiian vacation was appealing. Hours of waiting began to accumulate when I was informed that my flight to Hawaii had been rescheduled. My frustration built as I sat and anticipated the start to my vacation. After the airplane trip to the islands, more content... Crowds of people began to funnel in to this one location on the beach. I imagined that an animal had washed up on the shore and could not get back into the water. My curiosity grew, and I left my chair to follow the path of everyone else down the shoreline. Upon reaching the scene, I became aware of what happened. I stared down at a little girl who was lying face up and was unresponsive to family members calling her name. It was evident that she had drowned and was on the edge of death. Life guards began to pound on her chest and start chest compulsions. She continued to stay motionless. Quickly, lifeguards began the operations of CPR. These long and tiring procedures made the lifeguards physically tired. The rest of the family bickered back and forth on whose fault this was. "Why couldn't you just watch her and do what you were told?" I heard behind me. The father screamed, "It was not my responsibility to do that, it was yours!" The clear frustration began to build and caused more confusion. The lifeguards circling around the little girl seemed frightened. Leaning closer to hear the rumors being spread throughout the crowd, I unintentionally noticed the disturbing sound of gargling from the little girl. She had regained consciousness, but could not breathe due to the water trapped in her lungs. Policemen arrived on the beach and began to push back the imaginary boundaries surrounding the circle of lifeguards. The police advised everyone to leave the beach Get more content on
  • 8. The Beach Essay Descriptive Essay– Beach, Vacation The place where I feel most comfortable is a place where I am calm. A place that is peaceful in its own ways. It is the place to go to get away from all my troubles. It is the one place where I could sit forever, and never get tired of just staring into the deepest blue I have ever seen. It is the place where I can sit and think the best. A place where nothing matters but what is in that little moment. The one place capable of sending my senses into an overload. This place is the ocean. Just as I sit down on the sand my mind starts to unwind. The many spectacular sights jump at my eyes. As far as I can see there is turquoise water in front of me. Surfers wearing their bright colored suits grab more content... .... descriptive essay .... I stop, sometimes to smell the salty sea air, but mostly to wait for my parents who plod along behind carrying chairs, coolers, and other beach paraphernalia. .... Descriptive Essay on the Ocean .... hold in its deeps? Many a tale has been told by the ocean, whether released from the depths or cast upon the beach. Some of my most .... Descriptive summer essay A visit to the beach is one of life 's greatest pleasures. .... I hear the crash of waves braking over the soft pearly sand of the beach. .... PROFESSIONAL ESSAYS Cause and Effect: A Case Application RELATED ESSAYS, Application Essay .... Cause and Effect: A Case Application Essay One: Cause and Effect A few seasons back, Tiger Woods seemed unbeatable. .... Perscriptive and Descriptive Language Use An essay or paper on Perscriptive and Descriptive Language Use. This research takes the form of an informative essay on the subject Van Pooling: A Descriptive Analysis An essay or paper on Van Pooling: A Descriptive Analysis. Subject: Analysis of University Van Pool Case This analysis focuses on Descriptive Financial Discussion of McDonald's An essay or paper on Descriptive Financial Discussion of McDonald's. McDONALD'S CORPORATION: DESCRIPTIVE FINANCIAL DISCUSSION A Study Findings FINDINGS Descriptive Statistics In An essay or paper on Get more content on
  • 9. Descriptive Essay About Summer Vacation Summer vacation! The beach! The mountains! Friends! Airplanes! Then, there was me with no plans, just drawing and eating, and other monotonous things, very repetitive. If someone asked, "What is something new and interesting you did this summer?" I would of had to reply with, "I tasted a new potato chip flavor, it was good. What did you do?", but that wasn't the case, because my parents then all of a sudden, in the very last minute scheduled a vacation, It was a three day vacation. The vacation consisted my family going to New Hampshire, Maine, then Boston. First of all, if you didn't know, New Hampshire is located South West from Maine. Go north, then wow! Hello Canada! Next, Maine is located South and a little West from New Brunswick, one of the provinces in Canada. Fun fact, Fredericton is the capital of News Brunswick! Lastly, Boston is Massachusetts' capital and largest city. Another fun fact, it's one of the oldest cities in the U.S. The people that are involved in the events are me, of course, others are my sister, mother, father, and the people of the inn andhotel. A delightful and enjoyable summer vacation! Our first stop, New Hampshire as I introduced it, it is South West from Maine, it's capital is Concord. When we first entered New Hampshire, there were buildings, students, and workers walking everywhere in different directions. It actually, sort of reminded me ofNew York City, of course New York City was more crowded, had more large buildings, and different, but still it reminded me of New York City. My family went to New Hampshire riding a car, so we had been in the car for seven hours. Well we kept driving North, the outside started to change, the buildings became less more common, then before I knew it there were trees in everywhere, just no trees on the path we drove on. There were yellow deer crossing signs ornamented the tall and green trees. Then when we arrived at the inn, I mean to go to the inn, we took like three stops to ask where this inn was. The inn was around trees, were we had to park the car was not the parking lot you would see normally. The parking lot had no lines to indicate where to park. It was just covered in small rocks as tiny pebbles, gravel, sand, and etc. The Get more content on
  • 10. Descriptive Essay On The Beach We walk down old, crumbling stairs to see a white sand beach and blue, sinuous waters ahead. Every step down we take, the distinct smell of the water enters our noses and exits clean and untouched as we inhale out. On the beach, families are sitting on their blankets and folding chairs, with their umbrellas open to hide them from the harmful rays of the sun. Kids run around and splash each other in the cold waters of Lake Michigan. We find a nice spot on the beach, lay down our towels, and sit down. The beach is one of the cleaner ones in New Buffalo, but pull tabs of cans, gum wrappers, and glass lies beneath the sand. "It's a beautiful view, isn't it?" I hear someone say. A few second later, I hear loud talking behind me and turn my head around. A new family has arrived to the beach. I see a son, a daughter, a mother, and a father. The teenage kids go and get themselves set up on the beach, only to sit down and scroll through their social media feeds, not taking off their oversized american flag sweaters or ripped, blue jean shorts. The parents catch up with the other family and talk about some vacation they took to the Bahamas last spring. I hear the whole story, every detail of it to be exact, because it takes some time to learn how to block out the background noise of relatives seeing each other after a month apart. Music, that everyone in this community knows can be heard playing on a bluetooth speaker. As I observe the moving waves, I think to myself, is this what Get more content on
  • 11. Descriptive Essay About Vacations Our vacation started with what seemed like a week of packing when in reality it was only a day or two. We had been thinking of and planning our trip to Yellowstone for quite a while. We were all excited for the trip to come. It started with a long drive through Nebraska stopping at night to set up camp and get some sleep. We were all exhausted and slept like rocks. The next morning we made breakfast and got to driving again. As always, we stopped at various parks and rest stops to get out and look around. That afternoon we were in dire need of showers and couldn't seem to find a campsite that offered showers. We searched through what seemed like a thousand campgrounds. My mom and I had pretty much given up looking at this point and were ready to resort to bucket baths. When we pulled into the campsite it turned out to be a rather pleasant campground. There was plenty of privacy, flat ground, trees, and of course a shower. My mom and I also were pleasantly surprised to find that the showers were also free. While there was still daylight. We got a fire going set up our tents and looked around a bit. When we were finally ready we all went and bathed in the glorious creation of soap and hot running water cascading on our heads and bodies. The next day we got up, packed up our stuff, and started on our way to our next destination. Rocky Mountain National Park. On our way there we stopped in a little town for lunch and ate about two loaves of bread in sandwiches. As it started Get more content on
  • 12. Descriptive Essay On Beach Vacation My family has been looking forward to our annual beach vacation since last year's trip to Alabama. Although it has been a long, winding journey for two days, hauling through five states and having a personal concert in the passenger seat for fourteen hours, it was all worth it by the time we make it. Beach Boulevard is overflowing with giant houses, palm trees, stores, and thousands of other activities we are in a position to do. Everyone in the car is so antsy, we roll our windows down and breathe in the sweet, warm Alabama air. My eyes locked on my phone, I count down the miles until we arrive at our destination. Ten miles... Five miles... Three miles... One mile... Two–Hundred feet... "You have arrived at your destination," Siri informs me. Pulling into the driveway, not a single soul waits for the car to stop completely. We leap out of the vehicle, hugging my distant relatives from Louisiana and rapidly begin sprinting down to the water. My friend, Kambri, and I are flinging sand behind us, with the wind blasting against our faces. Finally arriving to the ocean, we stand shoulder to shoulder along the shore, taking it all in. Silently, we listen to the continuous, calming crashes of water, allowing it to splash up our legs, for the salty breeze to blow through our hair, and the rays of thesun shine on our pale adolescent bodies. I have never felt more at home than I do right now, in this moment in time. My extended family promptly begins to unpack the loaded vehicles. Opening the wide truck tailgates, there is not even room for a fly to buzz around back there. Stuffed to the top, the bed of the truck was full of over packed clothes, unhealthy sugary snacks, tubs packed to the rim with bottles of sunscreen, and of course, a plethora of sand toys. Us kids toss the bags at the top of the winding staircase, quickly scoping out our temporary house for the week. As we make it up to our room, we do not skip a beat unzipping our suitcases to find the superb fitted, blue bikini for our first day in paradise. Before any adult has time to summon us back downstairs to help them finish unloading the cars, we are out the door and headed down to the beach. On our journey down, we each grab our newly purchased, Aztec Get more content on
  • 13. Descriptive Essay About Summer Vacation "Hooray!" I shouted, I am so excited about today. Why am I so enthusiastic you may ask, because today is the first day of summer vacation.We were on our way to the beach Every year me and my family visit the beach for a whole month. So as you can see there is much to be excited about. As we drove along I could barely wait, I could smell the fresh, salty ocean air. I asked my parents "are we there yet." They replied with one word, yes! This year in particular is extra exciting because we are going to rent a new beach house. We had arrived as I leapt up out of the car to my dismay the new beach house wasn't as great as I had anticipated. My parents and I went for a walk around town. As I was dragged into the Pirate Museum I listened to stories of the pirates and their treasure. The stories were not at all what I had expected they surprisingly were very interesting. One story in particular was the most interesting about pirates who had supposedly buried their treasure on this very beach. When we returned home I went outside searched for more about this new found buried treasure. I felt the hot, dry rough grains of sand on my feet. As I searched I heard someone call out "hey what are you doing." As I looked up I saw the face of the kid from the beach house down the street. I replied, "I am looking for the buried treasure."The kids name was Joe and he wanted to help me on my quest. We decided that the next day we would look for clues around town. The next day we split up and looked for clues I went to learn more from the Pirates Museum and it's workers and he asked around people town and looked for other places that might help. From my second trip at the museum, I was told much more about the pirates who sailed the deadly ocean seas. I could practically feel the windy, cold rough seas of the ocean. I learned this city used to be the hideout for the pirates, and that there was also a map hidden somewhere to lead you to the treasure. Part of the map was kept here in a secret room but the rest was yet to be found. I was overjoyed with this incredible news and ran quickly to tell Joe. If we found the rest of the map we could find the treasure. I saw my new friend Joe walking towards me, he had also Get more content on
  • 14. Descriptive Essay On Vacation The only sound that filled my ears was my keyboard clicking as my fingers raced across it. I had been procrastinating from finishing this assignment all evening, but I knew I needed to get it done. The burning sunset was shining through the windows as I was finishing up. It was a peaceful silence, until I heard the soft whispers of my parents that ignited my sense of curiosity. I was concentrating hard; doing my best trying to make out the hushed words that were being spoken. "Let's just tell her." "You really want to?" "Yes!" "Oka–" "BRINLEY!" I walked into the dining room to find my smiling parents. My mom was hiding her phone against her shirt, evidently not want me to catch a glimpse of her screen. I asked what was going on, and more content... 14 ВЅ hours later, we were greeted by the Destin, Florida sign. My level of happiness was indescribable. *Time skip: 1 day later* My parents and I happily trudged out of our chilled condo room, weighed down by various beach supplies. We made our way to the elevator, slowly but surely exiting the maze we call our condo hallways. As we glided down, floor after floor, we finally reached the parking garage. We stepped out of the elevator feeling a mix of humidity and heat immediately cling to our tan bodies. We exited the garage to find a beautiful scene. Birds were flying overhead as there were sun rays beating down against white, hot sand. We crossed the bridge that held shoes and scattered shells. After we did so, we pressed our feet against the white sand that belonged to Destin, Florida. The sight was even more alluring than I had ever imagined. The sound of the emerald green ocean water crashing against the shores filled my ears. Children ran along the shore, smiling from ear to ear while laughing amongst each other clearly enjoying their day. Some people were searching contently for sea shells, that were visible for miles. I looked out at the ocean, it stretched out far into the horizon; as far as my eyes could see. There were jetty's that were perfectly placed within the ocean. I could smell the salt radiating off of the water. I had been waiting for this moment for a long time; I dashed into the ocean I'd been waiting for for the
  • 15. past Get more content on
  • 16. Descriptive Essay : My Summer Vacation Summer Trip Going to the coast is so exciting! This last summer I went to Cresent City and Eureka, California and had a good time. All though there was a lot of people in a suburban and it was very crammed. In the car there was me, my dad, stepmom, my sister Brenda, her fiance, and five of my other little siblings. It was one long ride to our first destination, Crescent City. "How much longer?" I asked my dad. "About two more hours, we are about to stop and get drinks." he exclaimed, "What do you want?" "Gatorade," I said, "blue and red ones." My dad went inside to get some stuff and me and the others were outside. Once he came back we were on the road again. After a while we saw this cat show sign with lions and tigers. We more content... After we got done eating and got our stuff out of the car, it was time to go to ocean world! Once we got there there was immediately a surfboard outside that you could take a picture on, and of course I had to take a picture on it. When we went inside we barely had to wait because the next group was about to go on the tour of the place. The first thing we did was go to this feel pool where we got to touch starfish and plants. Then we went to the aquarium where we saw a bunch of fish, sharks, stingrays, and the underwater part of the seals. After the aquarium there was my two favorite parts of it all. First we went to the shark pool, here there was two sharks and one that was a brown color was still because it was nocturnal. The other one that was grey was just swimming around in a circle around the small pool. It was time to pet sharks! The still brown one was easier to pet, obviously. The grey one you had to pet once it came around to you. The shark petting was the part I was most excited about but the next event was my favorite. Next was the seal show! There were two seals, one did most of the tricks. The seal threw balls into hoops. She could jump really high and she loved to slide down a slide into the water. The show was so cute and I loved it so much. Sadly, the seal show was the last thing and we had to leave after. I am happy we went. After we went back to the hotel, slept, and got our stuff, we visited the ocean one more Get more content on
  • 17. Descriptive Essay About Vacation The smell of the salty water. The steady flow of the sea breeze. The hot sun shining down and illuminating the white sand. Looking out and seeing clear, baby blue water. That is enough to make anyone sigh with relief, and just sit down and relax. My family and I thought this is what our vacation would be. Days of pure relaxation. Sadly that wasn't the case for us. Tropical storm Cindy decided she was going to settle right over the Gulf of Mexico, and target mainly Destin Florida for a week. I would soon realize that vacations are not about the location, but that this is time to be carefree in the world, and just enjoy time with family. One Hundred and seventy six, fifty three, twenty eight, ten, one. I started my countdown five more content... The airport wasn't really busy being that it was a Sunday, and the airport was a smaller airport, and did not hold very many commercial flights. My dad went to go get the rental car while we got our luggage off of the conveyor belt. My mom, and my sisters and I all walked out of the airport to find my dad in the rental parking lot. It took all but two seconds to notice the air was very hot and very humid. It was only a matter of time before my hair would become a big, frizzy, rats nest. Once again we loaded our luggage into the tiny Nissan. We were crammed but we didn't care, we were diving twenty minutes to the beach, who could be mad? Soon on the horizon I saw the sun glistening off of the water. The view was beautiful. Everyone in the car got excited, because now it felt like it was real. We crossed a bridge and drove a little bit more to thehotel. The first thing we did was park that car and walk the beach. It was pure bliss when my toes finally touched the cool white sand. As we walked down the beach you could hear the shrill laughter of kids, the sound of volleyball's hitting off of people 's arms, and the gentle crashing of the waves. The atmosphere was breathtaking. Soon they let us into our hotel room and I could not get over the view from our windows. You could see so far out that is you looked hard enough you could see the earth curve. It took awhile to bring everything up from our car and unpack. Once everything was set Get more content on
  • 18. Descriptive Essay On A Great Vacation I was sitting on a hot steamy white sand beach where the ocean was washing into the shore. Cinque Terre was a nice vacation spot to chill, relax, and go for a swim. Ninety–Five degree weather all day long, everyday. My family and I were staying in a small, no air–conditioning house with only 3 bedrooms. During our sleep, we forget to close the windows so little lizards come into our house and crawl up our walls. Cinque Terre is a great vacation spot for many family activities! Our first day in a new country, I was having a great time so far! We ran down to the beach and swam for the whole day. Some local people were hiking up the side of a mountain from the ocean. We noticed there was a large platform that they created at three top. Us as a whole family wanted to adventure up to the platform to see what all of the commotion was. Then as we reached the top of the cliff, people were jumping off and diving, doing all sorts of tricks. We decided to jump as well, this was a fun activity for us. As we continued hiking to a "higher spot" we found out that there was several different platforms on the mountain. People even made a small rocky path for people to walk up to. The tallest platform was too high for anyone to go on, but we went on the second highest one which was still very scary. On the top of the mountain, we can see all around the town of Cinque Terre. Also when we looked down at the clear sea water, we can see all the way to the bottom and see the white sand. Sometimes fish will stroll by and we can see them swim around our area. The next day in Cinque Terre was a beautiful day. Theocean waves were rolling in, the bright sun was shining high. As we were exploring the town looking for activities to do, a friendly tourist came up to us and told us all about the things him and his family has done for the past week. This gave us some ideas. We were told to go hiking. Scuba Dive. Explore all the local towns. Or enjoy a nice day at the beach. Since we have already spent time at the beach we decided to just walk around the many towns and enjoy our last day their. As we werewalking around one of the neighboring towns of Cinque Terre, we remembered our local guide man told us about hiking. We found a small Get more content on
  • 19. Descriptive Essay : A Trip To The Beach They way I see things, life is different at the beach. Time doesn't move hour to hour, but moment to moment. We live by the whipping currents, play by the ever changing tides, and follow the direction of the yellow globe in the sky. In my experience, trips to the beach never fail to make my heart giddy and rid my life of any obstacles, at least temporarily. For me, looking out at the never–ending ocean is like looking through a special pair of glasses. I see the world with a different point of view. Everything seems peaceful and serene; nothing is too troubled and no one too anxious. A trip to the beach will completely overwhelm your senses. What do I get most anxious about when I go to the beach? Sprinting, tearing, racing to the ocean. Regarding nothing but the crystal blue, balmy, water and feeling pure contentment. But in my rush to get to the water, my care for the sights around me seem to slip my mind. I glance around, and at first sight one might see a few teenagers on summer break, in their Nemo colored swimsuits and shameless black sunglasses, gamboling around and bubbling with joy. You might see the few mothers daring enough to bring their giggling toddlers, in bright bubblegum pink hats that match the shade of their sweet, sunburnt, little, cheeks. Look around a little bit more. Open your eyes a little wider. Skim the surface of the water topped with chalky white foam and teeming with meager, little creatures of the sea whose shells spiral around like a staircase in the most grand of castles for the most grand of princesses. Watch the thick, waterlogged sand castles crash against the cozy, pristine sand beneath your feet. Scan the sky and take a minute to notice the alabaster white seagulls that cackle above your head and cheat french fries out of the hands of awestruck tourists. Stare out at the mysterious crashing waves and take note of the ash colored pelicans flinging themselves into the water with a splash and reappearing with an outstretched beak full of terrified fish. Now inch forward into the icy water. Feel the rush of the waves as they try to sweep you into the ocean. Try to stay balanced as the sand teams up with them and races out from beneath your feet. Close your eyes and let the Get more content on
  • 20. Descriptive Essay About Summer Vacation Over summer vacation, my family and I, including my cousins and grandparents, went to Las Vegas. One of my favorite places there was going to Paris Las Vegas. It was almost sunset and my cousins and I were getting ready to go to Paris Las Vegas. I put on my shoes and was ready to walk out of our hotel room door right when my mom stopped me and told me to wear a jacket. Even though it was still summer, the nights in Las Vegas got cold. Once everyone was ready my cousins and I ran to the car. It was almost sunset and my cousin really wanted to see the sunset in the mini eiffel tower at the hotel. Once we got on the road, we got trapped in a sea of cars, busses, and other vehicles. My cousin clasped her hands over her ears. The loud city noises blared through the streets. It was hard to imagine that one city in the middle of a desert became one of the most popular resort cities in the world. As we were driving up to the hotel, we saw a gleaming mini eiffel tower on top of a elegant building. I knew that it was the french themed hotel, Paris. After getting through the traffic, my dad parked the car in the parking lot at the hotel. We took an elevator up to the 2nd floor, and when we got there, I was amazed at what stood in front of me. The interior of the hotel looked just like Paris. The roof had been painted with puffy white clouds that looked so realistic. The ground was paved with smooth, shiny, black stone. There were street lamps that are like the ones in France. There Get more content on