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Descriptive Essay On Marble Yard
The Devils Marble Yard
Growing up I have always loved to look at pictures of mountain with the life goal of one day hiking up one someday. As beautiful as mountains are,
they are extremely dangerous, with the steep climbs, and hazardous terrain it has always intimidated me. It was always a fear of mine that wanted to
overcome but never had the guts to do it. So when my best friend Max asked me to go on a hiking trip with another friend and his girlfriend for a
surprise proposal, there was no way I couldn't be there for my friend. I would overcome my fear of mountains. As apprehensive I was about going on
this hike, I was secretly thrilled. The day before I made sure I got the things I needed for the trip including, hiking boots, food, ... Show more content on ...
I couldn't believe I was climbing marble that ranged from the size of a refrigerator to the size of a house just for the sake of my friend and I didn't
have a one ounce of fear in me anymore, just excitement. Reaching the top, we all yelled out so the world could hear our accomplishment. We
took pictures, Snapchatted our friends and family about our adventure and posted it all over other social media's. Once we had calmed down a
bit, I heard Ava screech loudly before seeing Max grabbing Kayla's hand getting down on one knee before her. Max professed his love to her and
asked her to marry her and after Kayla screamed and cried "Yes!" with joy, Max slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her. I was so happy for
the both of them. We celebrated and took more pictures of their engagement for a few more hours before deciding to head back. Max hugged me
and Ava thanking us for being there for him for this moment in his life once we got back into town about to go our separate ways, to which I told
him I'd always be there for them for anything. I also thanked him for sharing his moment with me and for taking me on my very first hiking trip and
how I overcame my fears. After that we all went home exhausted and happy about our
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Can Kids Be Scared Straight
Has someone ever used fear to motivate you to do something or prevent you from doing something you shouldn't? In "Sinners in the Hands of an
Angry God" rather than motivating his congregation by describing the joys of Heaven, Edwards tries to frighten them by evoking the horrors and
torment of Hell. In Beyond Scared Straight, the program takes juveniles to a prison where they see an unvarnished glimpse into prison life and where
your consequences may take you. In the article "Can Kids Be Scared Straight" a group of male juvenile delinquents and their encounter with hardened
criminals in a maximum–security prison. They told teenagers about the ugly realities of their day–to–day existence. Some reasons that appeals to fear is
the best motivational force is that it makes them realize there is still hope for them, how serious the consequences are, and prison may not be what
they think. One reason that appeals to fear is the best motivational force because it makes them realize there is ... Show more content on
"God has so many different unsearchable ways of taking wicked men out of the world and sending them to Hell, ..., or go out of the ordinary
course of his providence, to destroy any wicked man, at any moment... (Edwards 41). Preacher Jonathan Edwards is saying in his sermon that if
they do not get born again God will deal with them in unsearchable ways, He will take them out of the world and send them to Hell. "Consider the
fearful danger you are in: it is a great furnace of wrath, a wide and bottomless pit, full of the fire of wrath, that you are held over in the hand of that
God, whose wrath is provoked and incensed as much against you, as against many of the damned in Hell (Edwards 43). Edwards is trying to persuade
the unconverted to be born again. He wants them to think of the danger they are in because they have not been
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Descriptive Essay On Beauty
I had to decorate my head with flowers and was looking exquisite. My father had prohibited me from using scented perfumes. I also did not have
slightest of interest in that. I have been brought up in nature. Where does beauty live? Is it in jewelry or clothes, in the body, in soul or in the eye of
the beholder? I was wondering.
Four chariots named Rug, Yarju, Sam and Atharva were constructed. The great father Brahma sat on Rug. Twayi and Anwikshika were sitting in Yarju.
Varta and Niti were in Atharva. Yarju was decorated with beautiful flowers. A drape of flowers covered the front of the chariot. The fourth chariot
Atharva was appearing like a bouquet of red flowers.
I sat in the chariot Sam, which was decorated with vines and fragrant flowers. In front of me, a garland of white jasmine was hanging. I was bathing
with the fragrance of the flowers. My whole body, my mind, and my soul were all filled with fragrance.
No one could see me from outside the chariot. But, I could see through the vines and thorns. I did not know the logic behind bringing me to heaven
like a prisoner. I was sitting with suppressed curiosity, but was enjoying the scenery of the Indraloka.
Even though heaven's beauty amazed me, my mind was thinking about my motherland, the earth. My playground, the elegant forest on the foothills of
the Himalayas was no way less beautiful. I could never accept that my unique mother land is less prosperous than the kingdom of Indraloka. After
attending godhood, it was natural to become a lover of luxury. Hence, the kingdom of gods was so much a show–off. If my motherland was a selfless
hermit, the heaven was a hedonist beauty. If the Indraloka was so attractive, then how attractive Indra would be?
After the discussion, I was supposed to come out of the chariot as if for a display. That time I could see without any hindrance and Indradeva could
also see me.
I remembered my first encounter with Indra. He was visiting my father in the ashram. His chariot was in the garden and I sat in it pretending to
navigate it. As soon as I saw him returning to the chariot, I got scared. I slipped and fell while descending from the chariot and twisted my feet. I did not
cry. Indradeva was already there. Before he
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Summary Of Walking For The Scared
Reading Adam Rosenblatt's book "Digging for the Disappeared", in discussing the human rights of the dead has conjured my memories with people
who have "disappeared" after I met them during my fieldwork in the Pakistani province of Balochistan in 2009 (1). Balochistan, a region divided
between Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, is a black hole for the global media (2). There, one of the people that I have encountered was Qambar Chakar
Baloch, an economics student at Balochistan University of Information Technology and Management Sciences. He was abducted in July, two months
after I left, by the Pakistani intelligence ISI due to his student activism in campaigning against the discriminatory admission policies at his university
and sympathies for... Show more content on ...
The Argentinian civil war aftermath was the beginning of forensic anthropology involvement in the politics of mass grave exhumations in 1985 by the
anthropologist Clyde Snow. Digging for human skeletal remains has always been a complicated process, as there are many stakeholders who are
concerned about the consequences of how to exhume and the cultural implications on how the dead are treated. When scientific methods are applied in
a humanitarian context, it raises many ethical concerns and legal obligations. Human rights forensic anthropologists approach was family–based to help
search for missing relatives and was further developed by the International Commission on Missing Persons and other NGOs, in the Balkans and
elsewhere. Their mission was never simple, as it is contested between ideals and practice, between logistical differences and varying objectives of the
stakeholders. Despite the evident importance of exhumation in offering a closure for the living relatives, the uncompromising politicization of
exhumation defies that goal as it is demonstrated through the factionalization of Plaza de Mayo's mothers in Argentine and the leftists and nationalists
in Spain. The Plaza de Mayo's mothers case raised the question of choosing between the "individualization" or the "collectivization" of suffering in
campaigning for their political rights and their moral
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The Bible Or Scared Scripture
The Bible
The word Bible comes from the Greek word "biblia" meaning "books". The Greek word itself is taken from Biblion, meaning paper, book or scroll
and was a diminutive of the word Byblos or papyrus. Bible or the Scared Scripture is the written, inspired Word of God. The Bible was written by
different human authors; the writers wrote the Bible under the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Ghost (spirit).
(Stawarz, 2018)
The Bible is the book of mankind in this world and there is no one book in this world that matches with the holy Bible. Bible is referred to us as the
book of life in the history of mankind. The story of Bible being in Genesis with the creation of heaven and earth, the Bible is consisting of two parts
the Old and the New Testament. The Old Testament is consisting of 5 books, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy this books are
known as the Torah or the "Law", or Pentateuch in Greek. The word Torah in Hebrew means "Teaching or instruction". The Old Testament was
preparing for the New Testament to come and fulfil the covenants or the promises that God (Yahweh) made with Moses in the Old Testament.... Show
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The scriptural text is, therefore resulting in secondary; the scriptural text always serves to spoken word. It is not conveyed mechanically, but
communicated from generation to generation as a living word, through the Prophet Isaiah the lord vows; As rain and snow descend from heaven,
watering the earth, so shall my word go from mouth to mouth accomplishing that I
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Scared Descriptive Writing
Scared This is scared he is a raccoon as you can tell he's only 3 ВЅ months old he is still very young he about 4 feet tall he is full size. Scared is just a
nickname to him his sister calls him a wimp. But he isn't he's just afraid. When he was 2 months he was so scared that he played dead for a week.
Scared's parent's went on a trip when he was little they never came back he loved his parents so much even though h never got to know them. His
grandma watches him, He was walking home from school when he got thrown into a bag and kidnapped.
A new life
He was being tossed around in the passenger seat of a truck. Then he stopped, he was picked up and then tossed into water. The bag was filling up
Scared couldn't swim he was only 3 1/2 months old . The bag was full of water now Scared didn't make a sound. Scared was in a deep sleep but then.
He was saved he was still asleep he woke up in a bed he heard the door handle move he acted like he was asleep. It was a man with freckles and brown
hair. He said to the raccoon "I know you're awake. The boy with freckles said his name is Ethan. He said he wasn't going to hurt him He asked what
was Scared's name was. Scared didn't answer he just watched Ethan. Ethan gave Scared some PB&J for breakfast. Scared didn't eat. He went back to
The plan
Scared was thinking up a plan he was going to get away from the city and go live in his uncle's house that was somewhere in the Gobi desert house
underground. First he was going to get
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What Is Scared Of Change
Some people are scared of change, it frightens them. While some just refuse it, maybe they think they are fine without it. Although big changes are
definitely intimidating sometimes, most of the time in the end , the odds return in your favor. Maybe you don't like your changing body, you might
even get turned into a bug. Therefore your change wouldn't necessarily be "good," or maybe you just think that. Most of the time when your body is
done changing, it's not half bad. Being turned into a bug is not common, but it might make you appreciate your human life more. To me, change is
broadening, but people don't want the light. How change is perceived depends on the person and the situation. Change might not always be desirable,
like being
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I'M Not Scared В– Chapter Summaries Essay
CHAPTER 1: Main characters have a race, Maria hurts her leg. Barbara forced to complete a forfeit, Michele does it instead. Michele completes
forfeit. Most of the main characters are talked about. Papa brings them a present of a model Gondola; Acqua Traverse is revealed.
CHAPTER 2: There is a talk with Michele and Maria at the start. Michele finds Fillipo, there is a lot of description of Michele finding him. Michele
at this point is horrified, he tries to talk to him but gets even more scared. Michele has a second talk with Maria, Michele says he is going to run away
from home, but in the end of the conversation he went home. At the end of this chapter you get a very good description of Mama. ... Show more content
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CHAPTER 6: Michele wakes up to find that Sergio is gone, it details that his bed is unmade and his cigarette packet is empty. He opens his
suitcase and there is some clothes, a bottle of purfume, a flask of Stock 84, lots of photographs, it also had an exercise book, it was Fillipo's. It had
a story of him and his papa. Michele goes to Salvatore's house. He speaks to his sisters then to Salvatore. He plays Sabbuteo (a soccer game with
him). Michele offers to trade something with Salvatore. He has nothing to trade so then he offers to trade him a secret. Salvatore has no interest in
the secret. But gives him the team anyway. Later on, Michele goes to see Fillipo, but Felice finds him and beats him up. He gets dragged into the
car and Salvatore was at the wheel. Salvatore had betrayed Michele for a driving lesson. Felice brings Michele home, immediately he gets into a
fight with Mama, she does not like how Felice has hit her boy. She fights mama but then Papa gets home and fights Felice. Mama then puts Michele
to sleep. Later on papa wakes up Michele and says everythings going to be alright and never ever to see Fillipo ever again.
CHAPTER 7: In this chapter it has Michele thinking about Fillipo. But Michele got a surprise, a new bike. He rides it along. He eventually goes back
to reading his comic and thinking again about Fillipo.
CHAPTER 8: Chapter 8 talks mainly about the countryside and
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Yong Scared To Death
According to the passage "Scared to Death," Yong analyzes the term "landscape of fear in many different ways. The term "landscape of fear" is more
complicated than one might interpret it (Yong ll 21–22). One might define the term as a geographical location in which there are many predators.
However, Yong approaches it with an entirely different view. Yong emphasizes the term "landscape offear" in a positive way rather than viewing it as
something that would hurt ecology.
One reason Yong views the "landscape of fear" in a positive way is because Yellowstone National Park specifically is having an elk issue in which they
are destroying the park's trees. Elk are prey to wolves in areas such as the Canadian wilderness. According to the text,
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Descriptive Essay On How Scared Is Scared
This is scared he is a raccoon as you can tell he's only 3 ВЅ months old, he is still very young he about 4 feet tall he is full size. Scared is just a
nickname to him his sister calls him a wimp. But he isn't he's just afraid. When he was 2 months he was so scared that he played dead for a week.
Scared's parents went on a trip when he was little they never came back, he loved his parents so much even though he never got to know them. His
grandma watches him, He was walking home from school when he got thrown into a bag and kidnapped. He was being tossed around in the passenger
seat of a truck. Then he stopped, he was picked up and then tossed into water. The bag was filling up Scared couldn't swim, he was only 3 1/2 months
old . The bag was full of water now Scared didn't make a sound. Scared was in a deep sleep, but then. He was saved, he was still asleep he woke up in a
bed, he heard the door handle move he acted like he was asleep. It was a man with freckles and brown hair. He said to the raccoon "I know you're
awake. The boy with freckles said his name is Ethan. He said he wasn't going to hurt him He asked what was Scared's name was. Scared didn't
answer, he just watched Ethan. Ethan gave Scared some PB&J for breakfast. Scared didn't eat. He went back to sleep. Scared was thinking up a plan
he was going to get away from the city and go live in his uncle's house that was somewhere in the Gobi desert house underground. First, he was going
to get Ethan to take him out of
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Being Scared Rhetorical Analysis
how can you tell you tell someone not to be scared when fear is like second nature ? contrary to popular belief , bravery doesn't exist solely on it's own.
it's backed by FEAR , by being scared , terrified , but stubborn enough to EMPOWER your fear. nobody can escape fear not fully , not when they put
on a BRAVE FACE and bear the horrors splayed before them. this is how it is in jason's case. in shiro's eyes , the kid is brave AND scared just like the
rest of them. JUST LIKE HIM. shiro's been scared since the moment the galra abducted him off kerberos. he was scared in the gladiator pit facing the
NASTIEST of the NASTY that the galra could shackle up. he's scared now. but if he wasn't , he wouldn't be here to LISTEN to the ranger.... Show more
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вќ› i know how you're feeling. we're all scared , jason. i'm ... scared , but you can use that fear to get through this through everything , so that you
eventually don't HAVE to be scared anymore. i know it's frustrating , but anybody in your situation would be scared. it just ... it means you're human
, that you're tired. it's hopeless to wish it away because each time it's just going to come back stronger , BUT you can be stronger than your fear and
you are. i know you are. вќњ he wishes he could DO something for him besides talk until he's blue in the face , but this is all he can
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Beyond Scared Straight
A book that relates to the modern show Beyond Scared Straight would be The Messenger as they both detail the efforts that it takes to get people to
see the truth of their realty. The main protagonist of the story I am The Messenger finds himself tasked with the quest to better the livers of others
after he thwarts a potential bank robbery. Ed helps those who he meets overcome whatever burden they may carry by showing them the error of their
ways and giving them a certain message tailored to whichever situation he is in. He does this not because he's a nice guy who wants to help all, but
rather because he's being forced to. At first Ed is reluctant to undertake the mighty quest thrusted upon him by the someone he doesn't even know but,
after... Show more content on ...
He is the youngest of four siblings of foreigner German and Austrian parents. Neither one of the parents could read or write English when they
initially touched base in Australia, yet they needed their kids to ace the dialect and emphatically urged them to read and write in English from an
early age. Zusak started composing fiction at age 16 and sought after a degree in educating at the University of Sydney. Before turning into the expert
author he is today, Zusak worked quickly as a house painter, a janitor and a secondary school English educator. In 1999, Zusak's first novel, The
Underdog, was distributed after numerous underlying problems. It is the first book in a set of three, narrated by Cameron, the most youthful kid in the
Wolfe family. Cameron is the underdog of the title, and the story takes after his battle to characterize himself inside his family and society. Cameron
and his sibling and best friend Ruben were inspired by Zusak and his own brother as well. The sequel, Fighting Ruben Wolfe, recounts the siblings'
cooperation in an illicit boxing ring as a method for supporting their family. The last book in the set of three, When Dogs Cry looks at the confusions
of loss, death and becoming hopelessly in love. Zusak's second and third books got various awards including the American Library Association Best
Book for Young Adults for Fighting Ruben Wolfe and the Queensland Premier's Literary Award for Young
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I M Not Scared Symbolism
The film 'I'm not scared' directed by Gabriele Salvatore has many significant scenes throughout the movie to illustrate important themes, ideas and
aspects to the viewers. Salvatore includes aspects such as cinematography, colour, symbolism and sound in these important scenes to help develop and
portray the storyline, relationships and characters. One of the most important scenes in 'I'm not Scared' that demonstrates all of these aspects is The
Captured Scene.
At the beginning of the scene three out of four aspects come together to create a heart moving adventure that involves camerawork, discolouration and
music. The main character Michele helps a kidnapped boy Filippo to come out of the hole he is trapped in to see the outside world. We first... Show
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Michele is just about to climb out after saying goodbye to Filippo, when single piano notes start to play. The piano builds up in intensity and volume,
creating a lot of tension in the audience and movie. After the piano comes to a surprising halt, the audience thinks that everything is alright and that
nothing was going to happen in the end. However just after the music stops, Salvatore's older brother Skull, comes and takes the rope from Michele,
trapping both him and Filippo in the hole. This sudden movement and action makes the unexpecting audience jump in fright. The director chose this
type of tension build up, then complete silence to assure the audience that nothing was going to happen. Then just as they were vulnerable, surprise
them with a jumpscare to make the moment even scarier then it could be if the music kept going. Eerie music is not the only thing that makes this part
of the scene significant, camera work also ties in the make it feel as if Michele is truly trapped. When Skull comes and takes the rope, a low angle
shot is used. The purpose of a low angle shot is to give the illusion that it's from Michele's height. Because Michele is all the way in a deep hole and
Skull is on the surface, this makes Skull seem a lot bigger. This means that Skull also has the advantage, as he has more power and control while he is
a lot higher then Michele.
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Analysis Of ' Falling Down '
Falling Down
By: Logan Hilliard, Garrett Walker, Keren Torres
Once upon a time, in a land far away a french fry named Garrett was taking a stroll. He was going to meet up with his mishandled chicken tender
named Keren.You see that's when everything went downhill. I was headed to Kerens chicken tender box otherwise known as her house. I 'm a
chicken nugget that can get chickened out sometimes. My friend Garrett the french fry was over too. You see, all this sudden we are falling out of
the sky. We fall into an ugly orange carpet at a 1970 Beverly Hill mansion. It was like a one second drop it felt like a puffy cloud.
Garrett said "What the heck was that?"
"HOLY CRAP I THINK I 'M DEAD!" I screamed in my... Show more content on ...
Karen asked being nice again "what is your name?"
"My name is Alexander egg head." He replied, His voice sounds like his nose is plugged. You see we don 't think he is just a regular guy, he is an
egghead they are probably smarter than Garrett. He worked in the art of running from danger. He was such a scaredy cat, but not any type scaredy cat.
He was so fearful he afraid of his own shadow. And to add to that he's very small and fragile. We started to walk again and it started to rain and Karen
and her wondrous self had to ask the question, "why is it raining in a carpet?"
I replied "I have no clue why this happening."
Well we get under cover and decided to find a round chip crumb, for some food and get some water. So we look at the water, Garrett asks "Why 's that
water, brown?'' He asked many times I consider to freak me out. The water was fizzling a lot so Garrett went over and tried it, he found out that it was
I was scared half to death along with Alexander, I ask "What is going on?"
"I have no clue, I am so confused." Karen replies sarcastically. We start to see the light again and that 's when it hits us. Alexander wasn 't trying to get
out, he was trying to keep things in.
He first tried it stop and say he was tired, we need to stop and eat and other things like that.We of course did not listen to him because we just wanted
to get out of there. He tried to faint and pass out one time and another time he tried to run the other way. I just ran at him and
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Beyond Scared Straight Summary
Established in the 1970's, Scared Straight programs began to get introduced throughout the United States as a method of deterrence for young teens in
an attempted to keep them out of jail. A normal program usually consists of an at–risk teen visiting an adult prison to find out what it was really like to
be placed somewhere they are unable to leave. The teen learns of the harsh conditions that real prison inmates have to endure while behind bars.
Facility managers set up an itinerary for the teens to follow as they tour the jail and live as though they were prisoners for a full day. This would put
the at–risk youths up against an aggressive 'in your face' confrontation with the inmates. They would get to listen to the inmate's stories and have a one
on one counseling session to really hit home on how the next few years are going to be determined after they leave. However, no matter how well the
intentions may be to attempt and rehabilitate the teens, research has shown that many of approaches proved ineffective. ... Show more content on ...
How could this still be on the air? In spite of the prevention act, the programs that are still running had been stripped of their state funding as it was
deemed traumatizing for the at–risk teens. This was not going to be the solution that leads them away from drugs and violence. Moving more into the
series as a whole, there is a nice coating that covers the false, yet what most would believe to be true as a notion 'tough on crime. The punishment of
criminals is more damning than prevention as others believe it sticks better to the inmate, resulting in a long–standing imprint. Moreover, our justice
system is full of idealists that who follow that same mantra causing a flaw to break up the
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Scared Straight Essay
'Scared Straight' programs were first implemented in the U.S. in the 1970's. However, they became nationally popular in the aftermath of the 1978
Arnold Shapiro documentary Scared Straight!, in which a group of delinquents are berated by a group of convicts known as "lifers" for three hours.
At the end of the film, the appropriately terrified teenagers state that they have decided that they do not want to go to jail (Lowry, 1999). Scared
Straight programs allow juveniles who are criminal offenders or deemed at–risk for becoming such to have contact with adult prisoners. The process
varies across the country according to the prison, and can include jail tours, one–on–one conversations with prisoners, or even being integrated into the
facility and living life as a prisoner for a day. As their name would suggest, these programs' purpose is to discourage juveniles from committing further
criminal activity; the expected outcome is that a child who is exposed to the undesirable conditions of prison life will be deterred from future
delinquency due to shock and fear. Unfortunately, this is not rarely the case. Scared Straight programs are unproductive at best and counterproductive
at worst, and allowing them to continue is a strain on the community as a whole. Scared Straight hinges upon the assumption that the consequences of
illegal behavior will act as a deterrent. However, children's ability to correctly anticipate the negative consequences of their behavior is rarely at a
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Hidden Paths
Hidden Paths Behind the overgrown shrubs, lived a mystery the world would have never known. Until now.Isabel ran to find her but could barely
see, the darkness was swallowing her up whole. The world behind her disappeared and all she saw were the bright yellow eyes of the creatures in
her path. Jorja, she screamed with all her heart. Isabel heard a faint cry in the distance. She instantly assumed is was a cry from her, Jorja. Just as the
cry went away, another one came even louder than the first. Isabel knew, she just knew it was her. Without even thinking she ran as fast as she could
through the dark and mysterious path. Tuesday afternoon was one quieter than ever. Jake Myers was sitting and laughing with his best friends,... Show
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Jake then ask Jackson to help change Isabel and Jorja 's mind. Nothing, they still wont listen to him. The next day, Jorja comes rushing over to Isabel 's
house to start their search for the missing letter. Without even knocking on the door she rushes in only to see that Isabel was already up and ready
to search for the "gold." Neither of them said hi to each other before Jake and Jackson came running in to stop them. Again, they kept trying to tell
them that they could be hurt or even killed. The girls think they are just trying to scare them out of going. Isabel thinks that Jackson and Jake are
trying to trick them into not going so they can find it themselves. What she doesn't know is, she is wrong. Isabel and Jorja continue to ignore
Jackson and Jake 's advice and rush out the door. They come up with almost four plans to find this missing letter. One was they were going to get a
map of the town and try and find suspicious places. Plan 2 was to go to the nearest path and follow it to where it leads. Next plan was to go to the
local police station and look at all the latest thieves or robbers. They decided to go with the first plan. Isabel and Jorja went to find a map of their
town in the nearest grocery store. Once the got it, they didn't think twice and went straight to the abandoned neighborhood and started their search. As
the girls neared towards the neighborhood Isabel was kind of second guessing their decision. Jorja had to drag
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Scared-Andrea Short Story
Scared– andrea It was a summer day the sun was out, the ground was hot, the shade was dull, the sweet smell of the flowers, the icy water on the
sprinkler, the perfect day to go outside and play. The birds were chirping, the trees and were green, I was excited and as I was coming out of my
room. From watching youtube all day. I need to go outside I said. to myself so I asked my mom she said "yes" the moment of excitement was
thrilling even great. And then as i walk out I see this thing in my cousin's room. And i look and i tell my mom. She looks and she sees the the
cardboard that was all ripped up. And me and my mom took a look closer. And we found that the cardboard was construction adhesive. Me and my mom
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Scared To Death
Thriller author Rachel Amphlett began publishing books about her character, Detective Sergeant Kay Hunter in the year 2016, when "Scared to Death"
was released. The series is from the crime thriller genre, and the books usually involve some pretty gruesome moments that are not for the squeamish.
The success of the series is what allowed her to start writing full time, which gave her the best opportunity to go over some of the writing ideas that
she had in mind for quite some time.
Kay is someone that uses the wiles she has, rather than strength, to get herself out of any tight situations. She has had a lot of bad things thrown at her,
but she only focuses on getting back at those that have wronged her and catching her killer. Kay is married ... Show more content on ...
All the twisted motives suggest a history of corruption and greed inside of the tight community. Kay still has to face the vendetta being waged and all
the murder suspects in the case. She finds out something that makes her question the trust she has in all the people she knows.
Fans of the novel find that Amphlett does a great job with the cases that Kay is supposed to work. She does a great job of showing how Kay
balances work and her personal life to make a fuller reading experience. The premise this one had was interesting, as it explored different ways
families find to make sure the daughter stays a virgin. When done in a murder mystery, it was made that much more fascinating. Some like the way that
the story focuses on just one murder and allows the reader to play whodunit with the cops in the story.
"Hell to Pay" is the fourth novel in the "Detective Kay Hunter" series which was released in the year 2017. There is a ruthless killer that takes
advantage of vulnerable young women. Kay Hunter realizes this only after a traffic accident happens on a dark night in
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Im Not Scared
In Niccolo Ammaniti's masterpiece, I'm Not Scared, we explore the plight of human endeavour against all odds. We learn of the climate and poverty
that makes the inhabitants of Acqua Traverse victims of circumstance, and ultimately drives them to persecute other people in the continuous pursuit of
money and exceptional livelihoods. Clearly, Michele is not the only victim in Ammaniti's text, but it is through his endless determination to restore
justice that ultimately demonstrates his morality, and separates him from everyone else in the story.
Set in "that damned summer of 1978" in a small southern town in Italy, we immediately witness the umelenting landscape in which the members of
Acqua Traverse are bound by. The children who travel to... Show more content on ...
Although we are never formally introduced to them, Filippo's parents are also victims of the adult's scheme. They deal with this by turning to the
public, which unfortunately endangers their son further. Felice Natale is a victim ofthe stereotypical and parochial views of people, which force
him to assume a military fas;ade to disguise his true dancing and singing self. Like the lizard that hides its fear by pretending to be ferocious, so
too does Felice. Barbara is also discriminated against because she is female and overweight. Barbara challenges the gang when they ask to see her
"hairy slit", and says "haven't you lot got anything to say?" When skull "slapped her across the face" she'didn't retaliate, indicating that she probably
usually accepts the comments and dares that are thrown to her by Skull and the gang. Barbara is a victim of the patriarchal views that were installed
in Italian boys. While all these people are certainly victims in our eyes, they have chosen to allow their circumstances to affect them, and we can say
that they, to some extent, accept this. Michele is set apart from these people because he does not allow himself to be victimised by the problems he
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The War Of Art By Steven Pressfield Essay
How does the author define resistance and what are its characteristics? (300 words) In his book The War of Art, Steven Pressfield talks about
resistance. He defines resistance as self–sabotage of anything in the lines of creativity, art, music, spirituality, and more. Pressfield describes many
characteristics of resistance in the first half of his book. First, Pressfield describes the first six characteristics as six 'I's: Invisible, Internal,
Insidious, Implacable, Impersonal, and Infallible. Pressfield believes that resistance is invisible because it is something that can be felt but can
never be seen. Pressfield also writes that resistance is to be considered the 'enemy within' because it does not come from an outside source.
Instead, it comes internally. He believes that it is insidious because it will tell you anything to stop you from doing your work that you are trying
to do. It is implacable because it can't be reasoned with and it only understands power and its goal to prevent you from doing that work. It is an
objective force of nature that is inside everyone, and it is infallible because it will unfailingly point true north. He explains that we can use it as a
compass to guide us toward an important call or action. Pressfield also gives a general rule of thumb saying that "The more important a call or action
is to our soul's evolution, the more resistance we will feel towards pursuing it." Second, Pressfield describes resistance in broader terms. He says that it
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Creative Writing: Being Scared
Being Scared, I mean we all have been scared and we all have fears even if we deny being afraid of someone or something. Every night on Halloween
me and some friends go down Main Street to the Pattinson Abandoned Murder house. We've gone every year since we were 10 but we never seem
to be able to find a way inside but this year that Changed. "Leigh you called Grayson right, because I'm not going if he's not coming" Stated my
friend Alisha as she shuffled her heeled boots in the Crispy fall leaves. "Yea he should be–––" I was interrupted by Grayson as he walked his smart
self over "Yes Ladies I'm here" he said wrapping his arm around Aleisha's waist making my brother Jerome cringe. "Well let's go" Aleisha said
smacking her gum and swinging her blonde hair over her shoulder. I sign language my Deaf brother Jerome to follow us down the path. We arrive
18th Century Victorian style home. The Roof is almost fully covered with moss and the brick... Show more content on ...
We Entered the Fully furnished antique home avoiding the broken glass pieces stuck around the perimeter of the window. The wallpaper was
peeling and the furniture was eaten up by mice and rats. We walk around the room for five minutes silent until Grayson breaks the silence of
course saying "Woah creepy" pointing at the large family portrait with each face smudged out with black ink. "Well let's look around then just
leave" I say with Aleisha backing me up. "Nah nah" Grayson alluded in perfect harmony with my brother adding "Leigh Settle its just a house an old
house". "The Pattison Murder house where like everyone in the family was apparently killed by the son" Aleisha interjected. "Key word there,
apparently" Grayson laughed rolling his eyes.I let out a slight sigh as I walked down the Hall with Aleisha. The Floors creaked and parts of the
ceiling were smothered with Black
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College Career Research Paper
College Career
I never thought anything like this would happen. How could it happen?Why did it have to be my best friend. I just didn't understand or get why it was
happening because there had never been any signs of it. Why cancer?
Sydney is my best friend, once we graduated high school, we both got a full ride scholarship to LSU for gymnastics.We were roommates and
everything so we had our lives for the next 4 years planned. Everyday after school classes were over we would go into the gym and start warming up.
One day Sydney demanded me to come over with her when we were in the gym. She looked pale and very sick, so I called her mom, coaches, and
the ambulance. I could hear the sirens while I was trying to help her, but the medics asked me to ... Show more content on ...
"Go get dressed we are going to the mall right now." I said. "Okay be ready in a few." We got in the car and started to drive. I had her favorite CD
of mine in my car and played it. It puts a smile on her face. It was about a 20 minute drive and the whole time we were singing. When we got there
we stayed in the car for a minute to plan out what we were going to do with the amount of time that we had that was 3 hours. We picked to go to all
of our favorite stores and to get something to eat. It made me feel whole again. So we finally got out of the car and went into the mall determined
to hit every store as planned. We got through some of the stores and then figured it was time to eat. "Where do you want to go to eat." I asked. "Eh,
anywhere is fine as long as it's a place you know I don't like." We both laughed. The place that we both really liked was Auntie Anne's and Panera.
We didn't know which one to pick so we chose to flip a coin. Heads would be Panera and tails would be Auntie Anne's. I let Sydney flip the coin and it
landed on tails as it thumped while hitting the
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The World Of 1984 Scared Me
Total surveillance. Complete obedience. Absolute authority. The world of 1984 scared me when I first read the book last year. Never before had a
book made me think so deeply about individuality, society, and government. 1984, a manifestation of my nightmares, described a totalitarian police
state of resolute submission. The horror came when I looked upon our own society, and Big Brother glared back at me. We live in a world where
every phone call, every text, every search, and every email can be monitored and recorded by our own government. The National Security Agency, or
the NSA, was originally proposed to monitor threats outside of the United States, but the NSA began domestic surveillance shortly after the horrific
terror attacks of 2001. This cleared the way for warrantless, unlawful tracking of American citizens. Initially, the program collected only the data of
high–risk individuals in America with direct links to Al–Qaeda. Now, however, government data collection has spread to millions of otherwise innocent
citizens. Government surveillance is a direct violation of the privacy of American citizens that is dangerous, immoral, and unlawful.
It is important to realize the dangers of government surveillance; personal information containing sensitive details about an individual 's private life put
in the wrong hands or otherwise used incorrectly could potentially have disastrous repercussions. In today 's interconnected world, everything that is
said and done online is
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Scared Personal Narrative
Scared, Scared with, Scared with my Family. In my life I had a lot of negative people that I was scared of. My brother was one of those who scared
me the most. Although he never meant to, he still did. My entire life I was scared to go home. I didn't feel safe. I was always full of negative. I
hated it. I was always scared. I was always having attacks. At first the attacks didn't happen that much. But they soon became my entire life. Anxiety,
Anxiety was, Anxiety was my life. I was told that I have anxiety when I was seven years old. I wasn't sure what it was. I soon learned. I was always
scared I would have an attack. Yelling was the main trigger. The attacks didn't come up as regularly until the moment happened. This moment changed
my life
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Personal Narrative: The Surgical Center
"See? T–there is nothing to b–be afraid of," Neil assured. We were currently inside the elevator as the doors were shutting; my eyes were covered by
my hands, and I was leaning against the wall for support. It had taken another ten minutes after agreeing to do it before I got myself to actually get on
the thing.
The elevator began moving, and my nerves kicked into high gear the more I thought about it. The ten seconds it took to it to get to the fourteenth
floor, where Neil wished to go to, felt like an eternity; each second longer and more painstaking than the last. When I felt that I was about to lose it, the
elevator stopped moving and the doors opened.
A sigh of relief escaped me and I quickly wheeled Neil out. The doors closed behind us and I took a few breaths trying to return my heart rate to
normal. When I finally calmed down, I looked around to see where we actually were. The lobby was bare except for two vending machines to the
right, there was a giant set of double doors in front of us and a second pair claiming the left wall. A sign beside the doors on the left said, "Surgical
Center" and the sign beside the doors in front of us read "Waiting Room."... Show more content on ...
"The center is closed. Wait, are we even allowed up here?"
"Of c–course not, s–so hurry up," he said with a grin. I shook my head in disbelief at him. "G–go into t–the waiting room."
"What? No, why the waiting room? What is in there? I think we should just go back to the long term care–"
"J–just do it Michelle," he chuckled as I silently debated whether to go through the doors. Are they even unlocked? Is an alarm going to start blasting
when I touch the door? "M–Michelle it's fine just g–go in. If you d–don't hurry we're going t–to miss it."
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Personal Narrative Essay : Living On A Summer Day
It was a hot summer day, and me and my two best friends were on a roadtrip together. It was boiling hot outside, but soon the warm sun was starting
to set in the west and my friends had fallen asleep in the back of the car. We were on a dusty dirt road in a forest, where there were no signs or
anything to indicate where we were. Therefore, we weren't sure where we were. The dirt road only lead one way so we decided to just stay on it and see
where it lead us too. We traveled on the dusty dirt road for an hour and that's when my gaslight turned on. It was now very dark and we had ran out of
food, and now gas. The car came to a stop.
I got out to look around, leaving my sleeping friends in the car. I only could see as far as the headlights lit up the forest. In the far distance I could
see a very faint lights flickering. I walked towards them hoping there would be people who might have gas or be able to help us. I soon could see it
was a house. A tall, two story, abandoned looking house. As I got closer, the morescared I became. I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up and
got butterflies in my stomach. I didn't know why this was happening but I knew we needed help so I kept walking towards the house, like it was calling
I got to the doorstep. This is when I really realized how disgusting the house was. There was mold and vines growing on the side of the house and
almost everything made out of metal had rust on it. I could see there was a lit candle in the
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Scared To Death Analysis
In the text, "Scared to Death," Ed Yong tells about the affect predators has on prey. He explains that every little thing that happens in an ecosystem,
affects that particular ecosystem in some way. Yong also states that the fear of prey can change a whole ecosystem. Going along with this, Yong
brings up the phrase "landscape of fear." In the way Yong describes this phrase, this landscape of fear can affect every aspect of am ecosystem. At
the beginning of the text, Yong describes the "landscape of fear" as being a state of mind of the animals, especially the elk ecologists were studying.
According to Yong, the animals believe "the physical terrain is overlaid with a mental map of risk" (ll 17). Yong said that the mountains are "where the
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Scared To Death Summary
In "Scared To Death" by Ed Yong, he expressed how the fear of wolves has affected the elk in Yellowstone National Park. The "Landscape of Fear"
has taken a toll on the ecosystems that are present there. Ed Yong's perspective on this matter is taken into great consideration by an ecologist named
Laundre. Landre finds it fascinating as she looks at it as a perpetual state of apprehension. Ed Yong discusses how the "Landscape of Fear" affects the
ecosystem and the relationship between wolves and elk i8n Yellowstone National Park. In January 1995, after about 70 years after they have been
exterminated by predator–controlled programs, grey wolves returned to Yellowstone National Park. Over the period of two winters, 31 animals
capture din Canada were brought back to the park. Then they put radio collars on all the animals to track and record where they roamed. Laundre
became more focused on the elk as they were the main prey to the wolves. To describe this psychological environment, Laundre coined the term
"Landscape of Fear." The "Landscape of Fear" was present when the elk were in close proximity to the wolves. Ecologists took interest as they believe
that psychology contributes to the "Landscape of Fear." They believe that it also challenges the belief that many animals feel fear only in short bursts,
instead of... Show more content on ...
Each study's outcome has the ending conclusion that the greatest impact of predators has on their prey is by intimidation, not through killing.
Intimidation can successfully influence how the victims breed, feed, and raise their young without any killing. This kind of action affects entire
ecosystems, changing the make–up of local flora and can even change the flow of nutrients in the soil. The Landscape of Fear has changed the
physical landscape of an ecosystem just by showing characteristics of
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I M Not Scared Themes
Filippo is not the only victim in I'm not scared; explain. The novel, I'm Not Scared written by NiccolГІ Ammaniti explores the playful and volatile
world of childhood through the eyes of nine–year–old Michele, who is forced, again and again, to make the hard choices that will define his character.
The novel, I'm Not Scared written by NiccolГІ Ammaniti explores the playful and volatile world of childhood through the eyes of nine–year–old
Michele, who is forced, again and again, to make the hard choices that will define his character. The novel explores how fear is involved in our
everyday life from childhood to adulthood. Many of the characters are motivated by their fears. The novel portrays a helpless Filippo, who has a lot
of eccentric theories as to what has happened to him. His whole world has been turned upside down, and he has gone from being clean and well
dressed to being dirty and almost naked. He believes that... Show more content on ...
She is then faced with humiliating "forfeits" requiring her to expose herself to the group, including when Michele rejects Barbara's offer to become
boyfriend/girlfriend, further illustrating Barbara's low social standing within the group. However Barbara would rather go through these daily taunts
and abuse than find herself alone. While some readers may believe that Barbara is weak for not walking away this is unfair. We must not criticise
her for her weakness but admire her for her strength and the dignity that she at times demonstrates. An older Michele reflects on this, "Even after 22
years I still don't understand how she put up with us" The fear of being an outcast causes her to allow herself to be treated poorly by her friends. Not
only by Skull but also for the others who allowed her poor treatment to
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I M Not Scared Themes
Niccolo Ammaniti's novel "I'm Not Scared" is primarily a "coming of age story". Michele a nine–year old boy who discovers a dark secret in a hole
can't comprehend it. Michele's innocence is betrayed by the man he looks up to, his father Pino. His father doesn't protect Michele's innocence when he
and the other adults of Aqua–Teverse kidnapped the boy in the hole Filippo. Michele is faced with many moral dilemmas that lead up to the most
serious moral dilemma which saves Filippo's life and Michele's resulting in being shot. The choices Michele makes accelerates his maturity and his
interpretations. He enters a new world of which he can apprehend the real evil and cruelty. The reader of the text is made to relate in some way to the
text relating... Show more content on ...
We soon learn through the event of a competitive race we see his true colours and maturity. He did not want to lose his race, but his moral qualities
prevented him from pursuing victory. Seeing that Maria had been "swallowed up by the wheat", Michele could not just leave his sister behind,
when after all, he was her "big brother." Anyone with sibling's younger than them knows they have the responsibility to look out for them, this
brings a closer connection correlating the reader outside their own experiences. By doing this it was clear to Michele that he would lose the race,
but he knew that he had a high level of responsibility to nurture his sister when she is in need. Another example of Michele's 'coming of age' is when
Michele, like the other children of the group, was intimidated by the bully Skull, whose sadistic nature seemed to be centred around a sexual
perversion towards Barbara. Despite this 'power' of Skull, Michele knew that Skull's perversion went too far when he demanded Barbara show the
group her "slit". Michele's actions on these childhood adventures were nothing short of courageous and were highly reflective of his sense of right and
wrong. An event such as this will not be encountered by everyone, however it does encourage the reader to empathise towards other in similar
situations outside their
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Scared Straight Essay
Beginning in the late 1970's Scared Straight style programs have been a popular method of rehabilitation for juvenile delinquents. The programs
typically include a jail tour and presentations from inmates with the intention of frightening participants into turning their life around. The original pilot
program was featured in a 1978 documentary entitled Scared Straight, which was directed by Arnold Shapiro and narrated by Peter Falk. The
documentary followed 19 juvenile delinquents as they participated in the program. Today, the A&E series Beyond Scared Straight follows participants
through these programs all over the United States. Scared Straight programs were created from the concept of "vicarious deterrence," or the concept of
preventing... Show more content on ...
Michael Royster, professor of Criminology at Prairie View A&M University, would agree. In analyzing the results of the original Scared Straight
pilot program in 1978, Royster notices a large discrepancy in the rates of recidivism of the pilot program compared to modern day Scared Straight
style programs. The rates of recidivism among participants in the pilot program are significantly lower than those who participate today. In Petrosino's
research, he found that 41% of children who participated in a Scared Straight style program in New Jersey committed a new crime after the program,
while a control group, who came from the same background, but did not go through the program, showed only 11% recidivism. In contrast, the results
of the pilot program showed only 6% of the participants returned to crime (Petrosino). Royster offers several explanations for this gap in rates of
recidivism, one being the Hawthorne Effect. The Hawthorne Effect describes the phenomenon in which one's reaction is modified due to their
awareness of being observed. The pilot program was televised, therefore, Royster claims, the original participants felt significant pressure to not return
to a
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The Road And City Of Thieves
Everyday people are put into tough situations, and how they get past these situations is up to them. The choice is to overcome these challenges or
give up and let the challenge triumph. Cormac Mccarthy's novel The Road, takes place in a post apocalyptic world in the present day. With ash
covering the land, cannibal groups roaming and freezing temperatures, a father and son manage to stay strong and survive. The father's main goal is to
keep his innocent scared son alive, and teach him life lessons while doing so. David Benioff's novel City of Thieves, occurs during World War II while
the Nazis are invading Russia. The two men who begin as strangers, have to perform a near impossible task to be able to keep their lives. They must
hide from Nazis, survive the harsh winter and have the faith to complete their task. Both The Road and City of Thieves demonstrate that people can
overcome difficult situations by having faith, and keeping strong relationships. For starters, The Road displays that people can overcome tough
situations by having faith and never giving up. A father and son in the novel are forced to survive and adapt to a new way of living that includes,
searching for food and shelter to survive, and always being on the lookout for evil people. Never giving up, and having faith in these tough situations
is how the pair survive and live the best life possible. The man in the novel always believed in never giving up, and to keep moving forward. After days
without food
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Im Not Scared Questions Essay
Im NOT scared QUESTIONS 1.Micheles group: В·Maria В– micheles sister, little follower, copy cat В·Skull В– oldest group member (aged 12),
chief, gives orders, strong, brave В·Salvatore В– micheles best friend, wealthy, kept to himself В·Barbara В– fat В·Michele В– standstill, nine years
old 2.The children filled their days with riding bikes, playing football, steal–the–flag, one–two–three–star and lounging around doing nothing. 3.Acqua
traverse consists of a welcome sign painted blue displaying acqua traverse in capital letters, four little homes and an old country villa lost within
wheat. 4.Michele said he would do the forfeit for Barbara, so he was to cross a beam of wood from an old abandoned house on the second floor. 5....
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13.The second clue he encounters is when he looked out the window of his own home in the middle of the night and saw his father on top of the
hill where the abandoned house was located to give filippo the left over meat Maria didn't eat at dinner. 14.Michele thinks the boy in the hole is his
brother. 15.Felice natale was skulls older brother he was 20 years old and whenever he was in acqua traverse life was hell for the kids. He would hit
and steal things from the children, he was friendless and womanless, he was like a tiger in a cage, he is involved in the kidnapping as he goes forwards
and backwards to the abandoned house to check that the boy is still alive and in the hole and he feeds him and gives him water. 16.The little wash
bears are bears that come in the window if you leave it open in the middle of the night and eat cookies and cakes you left from during the day and eat
your rubbish if you don't put the lid on properly, they also bite people for they are scared of humans. The lord of the worms is felice who shouts orders
down the hole to filippo and if he doesn't do what he's told felice will squash him like a worm. 17.Sergio Materia was 67 years old and came from
Rome, he stayed in micheles home, was friends with his father, was involved in filippos kidnapping and was a robber who went to jail and was
released on good conduct. He was thin with a baldhead above his ears. His family include two
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Typical of our fights, it always ends with one of us...
Typical of our fights, it always ends with one of us banging the door, and walking away in fury. It has always been our way of letting the other know
that we are pissed beyond the thin stretch that separates sane from the absolutely insane phase of things. Sigh. Well, to tell the truth, I am the one who
does the banging of the door most of the time. Anyway, early this month we moved into a new house, and perhaps it was the pressure of moving,
coupled with our tendency not agreeing with things that matter (Like me insisiting that we need new curtains and him insisting that our old curtains
will work just fine in covering our windows, cus after all, they are just curtains *Sigh*) So he yells: DO WHAT YOU WANT... and Bang! He slams the
door... Show more content on ...
He keeps quiet, looks at me as if he is digesting it all, and then says: "I really need to leave and go do something.." I sigh deeply, wondering if the
feeling am feeling now is the kind that Nyeri women feel before they go full swing into battering their husbands. Sigh! Well, we always get along
pretty fine, we are good kind of laid back and we thrive in laughing at the little weird things that life brings... But errm, there are those times when
he becomes a total pain in my nini, and I hate it when people are a pain in the nini... I suddenly find him to be so insufferable and suddenly, my
mind gets into cataloging every little thing that he does to drive me crazy. (Which I will not list here, like how he wakes up in the morning and
while everyone else is asleep, he sings along to his country music or Rumba...again and again until that is all that is playing in my mind long after he
has left for work) Anyway, I sit down to watch TV, and I suddenly wish
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Scared Scripture Analysis
Catholics differ from the bible through revelation with tradition and scriptures and how they complete each other. Catholics also preform practices
that are not explicitly found in the bible. Catholics also believe in apostolic tradition. Catholics read the Scared Scripture in a "literal" sense. The
"literal" in this means that they find the authors intention of the passage. While other religions read it in a "literalist" by reading in that what it say
means what it means. So "literalist" will read creation stories and think that there are actual magical fruit. While "literal" people will read it and think
what the authors means by the magical fruit. They will find what the fruit represents. Catholics also believe in Scared tradition
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Scared Monologue
Scared When I walk by, When I see you When we lock eyes, When I see you cry I walk away so I don't have to talk I hide away so I don't see that face
day after day, day after day Im always nervous when I am around you My face turns red and I turn away I can't help it can't help it why I always try to
hide Im Scared, Scared Scared Scared Scared Scared What will I do, What will I do I always want to talk to you I always want to talk, always want to
talk But I freeze and stall so I don't have to Im nervous what I say, so I don't make you run away I want to hang out with you all the time I can't even
ask, can't even ask I always want to cry always want to cry About my life and what it could be Im Scared, Scared Scared Scared Scared Scared... Show
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What will I do, What will I do I always want to talk to you I don't want to lose what I could have with you I know you don't like me but I sure do like
you Is it my personality or is it my looks what ever you don't like I wish I could change so we could be best friends and talk all the time I know after
this year we will split our separate ways I need to make my move, need to make my move Before its too late, to laaatttteeee, before its to late ay ya ya
Im Scared, Scared Scared Scared Scared Scared What will I do, What will I do I always want to talk to you This could be the start of something new I
want to try and be here with you I will pray pray pray, pray pray pray that all my nerves will go away I will pray pray pray, pray pray pray that all my
nerves will go
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What Is The Opening Scene Of Running Scared
Cold winds blow on a calm New Jersey night. Police sirens create crescendos that fill the air. The moment you begin watching Running Scared, you
will be placed in the middle of one of the most fast–paced, suspenseful films that will have you craving every running minute. Viewers' eyes will widen
the very moment the opening scene is presented as he or she is thrown right into the action with the actors themselves. Paul Walker works with New
Line Cinema to bring a film for ages to come. This crime thriller will reach every pleasure that movie watchers seek in an unforeseen film through its
intense, prodigious cinematography, suspenseful storyline, and synchronous soundtrack. Running Scared, debuted in 2006 by New Line Cinema, was
written ... Show more content on ...
The camera is frozen on a still frame of Perello pointing his gun. From here, the film is reversed and a flashback is shown to demonstrate where he
had picked the gun up before. Afterward, a flash–forward shot speeds through back to the original frozen frame–the film then resumes to Perello firing
off his firearm. In addition to the aforementioned camera cinematography, Running Scared also uses a variety of subjective and cross–cut shots. In one
of the film's scenes, Gazelle's family is shown sitting at their dinner table eating a meal. Gazelle says softly, "Hey Nick, throw me some bread." just
when a bullet flies through the window from their neighbor's home interrupting their meal. When Gazelle goes to investigate and discovers what had
occurred, a flashback is shown alongside a cross–cut shot that shows the viewpoint of the bullet entering the window and whizzing past him and his
family. This allows viewers to see more than one viewpoint of the bullet's trail to piece together the entire scene. Furthermore, just after the starting
scene, a subjective shot is used to show Gazelle's viewpoint as he looks forward while riding the back seat of a moving car. The camera constantly
cuts out from his viewpoint showing his face looking off in another direction. Just after Gazelle is calming down, we are returned back to Gazelle's
view as
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Scared Sacred Analysis
Thesis: In the documentary "Scared Sacred", the director Velcrow Ripper demonstrated that hope can be found in the darkest places and times. Using
unique filming techniques he is able to let us into these people's lives, showing us the brutal reality these people go through everyday, and how they
cope with it.
Camera Techniques: This type of filming technique was used very well in this film because in Bhopal India there were many shoots of the Union
Carbide plant, and the size of it showing that the pesticides that were leaked could have gone on for kilometers, also they took lots of close ups of
the people who still are effected today. This helped me understand what they were going through. But there was also shoots of the people happy, there
was a medical centre built just for the gas survivors and how they found a refugee in all the chaos of India. ... Show more content on ...
The young girls were interviewed and as each one told their story, I thought to myself, these girls have so much courage to go against the taliban, and
how they are so independent because most of their parents were killed, so education is their only way out. If I was in that position, I feel I would not
be able to do anything about it, kind of helpless. Also in one of the interviews the woman face was kept covered in fear someone will see this film and
kill her, which really hit me hard, it is a real threat, and you have to be careful of what you say to anyone at anytime. But still the women of
afghanistan hold strong together, and are creating a new life for the next generation of afghan
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Descriptive Essay On Marble Yard

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  • 2. Can Kids Be Scared Straight Has someone ever used fear to motivate you to do something or prevent you from doing something you shouldn't? In "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" rather than motivating his congregation by describing the joys of Heaven, Edwards tries to frighten them by evoking the horrors and torment of Hell. In Beyond Scared Straight, the program takes juveniles to a prison where they see an unvarnished glimpse into prison life and where your consequences may take you. In the article "Can Kids Be Scared Straight" a group of male juvenile delinquents and their encounter with hardened criminals in a maximum–security prison. They told teenagers about the ugly realities of their day–to–day existence. Some reasons that appeals to fear is the best motivational force is that it makes them realize there is still hope for them, how serious the consequences are, and prison may not be what they think. One reason that appeals to fear is the best motivational force because it makes them realize there is ... Show more content on ... "God has so many different unsearchable ways of taking wicked men out of the world and sending them to Hell, ..., or go out of the ordinary course of his providence, to destroy any wicked man, at any moment... (Edwards 41). Preacher Jonathan Edwards is saying in his sermon that if they do not get born again God will deal with them in unsearchable ways, He will take them out of the world and send them to Hell. "Consider the fearful danger you are in: it is a great furnace of wrath, a wide and bottomless pit, full of the fire of wrath, that you are held over in the hand of that God, whose wrath is provoked and incensed as much against you, as against many of the damned in Hell (Edwards 43). Edwards is trying to persuade the unconverted to be born again. He wants them to think of the danger they are in because they have not been ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Descriptive Essay On Beauty I had to decorate my head with flowers and was looking exquisite. My father had prohibited me from using scented perfumes. I also did not have slightest of interest in that. I have been brought up in nature. Where does beauty live? Is it in jewelry or clothes, in the body, in soul or in the eye of the beholder? I was wondering. Four chariots named Rug, Yarju, Sam and Atharva were constructed. The great father Brahma sat on Rug. Twayi and Anwikshika were sitting in Yarju. Varta and Niti were in Atharva. Yarju was decorated with beautiful flowers. A drape of flowers covered the front of the chariot. The fourth chariot Atharva was appearing like a bouquet of red flowers. I sat in the chariot Sam, which was decorated with vines and fragrant flowers. In front of me, a garland of white jasmine was hanging. I was bathing with the fragrance of the flowers. My whole body, my mind, and my soul were all filled with fragrance. No one could see me from outside the chariot. But, I could see through the vines and thorns. I did not know the logic behind bringing me to heaven like a prisoner. I was sitting with suppressed curiosity, but was enjoying the scenery of the Indraloka. Even though heaven's beauty amazed me, my mind was thinking about my motherland, the earth. My playground, the elegant forest on the foothills of the Himalayas was no way less beautiful. I could never accept that my unique mother land is less prosperous than the kingdom of Indraloka. After attending godhood, it was natural to become a lover of luxury. Hence, the kingdom of gods was so much a show–off. If my motherland was a selfless hermit, the heaven was a hedonist beauty. If the Indraloka was so attractive, then how attractive Indra would be? After the discussion, I was supposed to come out of the chariot as if for a display. That time I could see without any hindrance and Indradeva could also see me. I remembered my first encounter with Indra. He was visiting my father in the ashram. His chariot was in the garden and I sat in it pretending to navigate it. As soon as I saw him returning to the chariot, I got scared. I slipped and fell while descending from the chariot and twisted my feet. I did not cry. Indradeva was already there. Before he ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Summary Of Walking For The Scared Reading Adam Rosenblatt's book "Digging for the Disappeared", in discussing the human rights of the dead has conjured my memories with people who have "disappeared" after I met them during my fieldwork in the Pakistani province of Balochistan in 2009 (1). Balochistan, a region divided between Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, is a black hole for the global media (2). There, one of the people that I have encountered was Qambar Chakar Baloch, an economics student at Balochistan University of Information Technology and Management Sciences. He was abducted in July, two months after I left, by the Pakistani intelligence ISI due to his student activism in campaigning against the discriminatory admission policies at his university and sympathies for... Show more content on ... The Argentinian civil war aftermath was the beginning of forensic anthropology involvement in the politics of mass grave exhumations in 1985 by the anthropologist Clyde Snow. Digging for human skeletal remains has always been a complicated process, as there are many stakeholders who are concerned about the consequences of how to exhume and the cultural implications on how the dead are treated. When scientific methods are applied in a humanitarian context, it raises many ethical concerns and legal obligations. Human rights forensic anthropologists approach was family–based to help search for missing relatives and was further developed by the International Commission on Missing Persons and other NGOs, in the Balkans and elsewhere. Their mission was never simple, as it is contested between ideals and practice, between logistical differences and varying objectives of the stakeholders. Despite the evident importance of exhumation in offering a closure for the living relatives, the uncompromising politicization of exhumation defies that goal as it is demonstrated through the factionalization of Plaza de Mayo's mothers in Argentine and the leftists and nationalists in Spain. The Plaza de Mayo's mothers case raised the question of choosing between the "individualization" or the "collectivization" of suffering in campaigning for their political rights and their moral ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Bible Or Scared Scripture The Bible The word Bible comes from the Greek word "biblia" meaning "books". The Greek word itself is taken from Biblion, meaning paper, book or scroll and was a diminutive of the word Byblos or papyrus. Bible or the Scared Scripture is the written, inspired Word of God. The Bible was written by different human authors; the writers wrote the Bible under the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Ghost (spirit). (Stawarz, 2018) The Bible is the book of mankind in this world and there is no one book in this world that matches with the holy Bible. Bible is referred to us as the book of life in the history of mankind. The story of Bible being in Genesis with the creation of heaven and earth, the Bible is consisting of two parts the Old and the New Testament. The Old Testament is consisting of 5 books, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy this books are known as the Torah or the "Law", or Pentateuch in Greek. The word Torah in Hebrew means "Teaching or instruction". The Old Testament was preparing for the New Testament to come and fulfil the covenants or the promises that God (Yahweh) made with Moses in the Old Testament.... Show more content on ... The scriptural text is, therefore resulting in secondary; the scriptural text always serves to spoken word. It is not conveyed mechanically, but communicated from generation to generation as a living word, through the Prophet Isaiah the lord vows; As rain and snow descend from heaven, watering the earth, so shall my word go from mouth to mouth accomplishing that I ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Scared Descriptive Writing Scared This is scared he is a raccoon as you can tell he's only 3 ВЅ months old he is still very young he about 4 feet tall he is full size. Scared is just a nickname to him his sister calls him a wimp. But he isn't he's just afraid. When he was 2 months he was so scared that he played dead for a week. Scared's parent's went on a trip when he was little they never came back he loved his parents so much even though h never got to know them. His grandma watches him, He was walking home from school when he got thrown into a bag and kidnapped. A new life He was being tossed around in the passenger seat of a truck. Then he stopped, he was picked up and then tossed into water. The bag was filling up Scared couldn't swim he was only 3 1/2 months old . The bag was full of water now Scared didn't make a sound. Scared was in a deep sleep but then. He was saved he was still asleep he woke up in a bed he heard the door handle move he acted like he was asleep. It was a man with freckles and brown hair. He said to the raccoon "I know you're awake. The boy with freckles said his name is Ethan. He said he wasn't going to hurt him He asked what was Scared's name was. Scared didn't answer he just watched Ethan. Ethan gave Scared some PB&J for breakfast. Scared didn't eat. He went back to sleep. The plan Scared was thinking up a plan he was going to get away from the city and go live in his uncle's house that was somewhere in the Gobi desert house underground. First he was going to get ... Get more on ...
  • 7. What Is Scared Of Change Some people are scared of change, it frightens them. While some just refuse it, maybe they think they are fine without it. Although big changes are definitely intimidating sometimes, most of the time in the end , the odds return in your favor. Maybe you don't like your changing body, you might even get turned into a bug. Therefore your change wouldn't necessarily be "good," or maybe you just think that. Most of the time when your body is done changing, it's not half bad. Being turned into a bug is not common, but it might make you appreciate your human life more. To me, change is broadening, but people don't want the light. How change is perceived depends on the person and the situation. Change might not always be desirable, like being ... Get more on ...
  • 8. I'M Not Scared В– Chapter Summaries Essay I'm Not Scared В– CHAPTER SUMMARIES CHAPTER 1: Main characters have a race, Maria hurts her leg. Barbara forced to complete a forfeit, Michele does it instead. Michele completes forfeit. Most of the main characters are talked about. Papa brings them a present of a model Gondola; Acqua Traverse is revealed. CHAPTER 2: There is a talk with Michele and Maria at the start. Michele finds Fillipo, there is a lot of description of Michele finding him. Michele at this point is horrified, he tries to talk to him but gets even more scared. Michele has a second talk with Maria, Michele says he is going to run away from home, but in the end of the conversation he went home. At the end of this chapter you get a very good description of Mama. ... Show more content on ... CHAPTER 6: Michele wakes up to find that Sergio is gone, it details that his bed is unmade and his cigarette packet is empty. He opens his suitcase and there is some clothes, a bottle of purfume, a flask of Stock 84, lots of photographs, it also had an exercise book, it was Fillipo's. It had a story of him and his papa. Michele goes to Salvatore's house. He speaks to his sisters then to Salvatore. He plays Sabbuteo (a soccer game with him). Michele offers to trade something with Salvatore. He has nothing to trade so then he offers to trade him a secret. Salvatore has no interest in the secret. But gives him the team anyway. Later on, Michele goes to see Fillipo, but Felice finds him and beats him up. He gets dragged into the car and Salvatore was at the wheel. Salvatore had betrayed Michele for a driving lesson. Felice brings Michele home, immediately he gets into a fight with Mama, she does not like how Felice has hit her boy. She fights mama but then Papa gets home and fights Felice. Mama then puts Michele to sleep. Later on papa wakes up Michele and says everythings going to be alright and never ever to see Fillipo ever again. CHAPTER 7: In this chapter it has Michele thinking about Fillipo. But Michele got a surprise, a new bike. He rides it along. He eventually goes back to reading his comic and thinking again about Fillipo. CHAPTER 8: Chapter 8 talks mainly about the countryside and ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Yong Scared To Death According to the passage "Scared to Death," Yong analyzes the term "landscape of fear in many different ways. The term "landscape of fear" is more complicated than one might interpret it (Yong ll 21–22). One might define the term as a geographical location in which there are many predators. However, Yong approaches it with an entirely different view. Yong emphasizes the term "landscape offear" in a positive way rather than viewing it as something that would hurt ecology. One reason Yong views the "landscape of fear" in a positive way is because Yellowstone National Park specifically is having an elk issue in which they are destroying the park's trees. Elk are prey to wolves in areas such as the Canadian wilderness. According to the text, ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Descriptive Essay On How Scared Is Scared This is scared he is a raccoon as you can tell he's only 3 ВЅ months old, he is still very young he about 4 feet tall he is full size. Scared is just a nickname to him his sister calls him a wimp. But he isn't he's just afraid. When he was 2 months he was so scared that he played dead for a week. Scared's parents went on a trip when he was little they never came back, he loved his parents so much even though he never got to know them. His grandma watches him, He was walking home from school when he got thrown into a bag and kidnapped. He was being tossed around in the passenger seat of a truck. Then he stopped, he was picked up and then tossed into water. The bag was filling up Scared couldn't swim, he was only 3 1/2 months old . The bag was full of water now Scared didn't make a sound. Scared was in a deep sleep, but then. He was saved, he was still asleep he woke up in a bed, he heard the door handle move he acted like he was asleep. It was a man with freckles and brown hair. He said to the raccoon "I know you're awake. The boy with freckles said his name is Ethan. He said he wasn't going to hurt him He asked what was Scared's name was. Scared didn't answer, he just watched Ethan. Ethan gave Scared some PB&J for breakfast. Scared didn't eat. He went back to sleep. Scared was thinking up a plan he was going to get away from the city and go live in his uncle's house that was somewhere in the Gobi desert house underground. First, he was going to get Ethan to take him out of ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Being Scared Rhetorical Analysis how can you tell you tell someone not to be scared when fear is like second nature ? contrary to popular belief , bravery doesn't exist solely on it's own. it's backed by FEAR , by being scared , terrified , but stubborn enough to EMPOWER your fear. nobody can escape fear not fully , not when they put on a BRAVE FACE and bear the horrors splayed before them. this is how it is in jason's case. in shiro's eyes , the kid is brave AND scared just like the rest of them. JUST LIKE HIM. shiro's been scared since the moment the galra abducted him off kerberos. he was scared in the gladiator pit facing the NASTIEST of the NASTY that the galra could shackle up. he's scared now. but if he wasn't , he wouldn't be here to LISTEN to the ranger.... Show more content on ... вќ› i know how you're feeling. we're all scared , jason. i'm ... scared , but you can use that fear to get through this through everything , so that you eventually don't HAVE to be scared anymore. i know it's frustrating , but anybody in your situation would be scared. it just ... it means you're human , that you're tired. it's hopeless to wish it away because each time it's just going to come back stronger , BUT you can be stronger than your fear and you are. i know you are. вќњ he wishes he could DO something for him besides talk until he's blue in the face , but this is all he can ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Beyond Scared Straight A book that relates to the modern show Beyond Scared Straight would be The Messenger as they both detail the efforts that it takes to get people to see the truth of their realty. The main protagonist of the story I am The Messenger finds himself tasked with the quest to better the livers of others after he thwarts a potential bank robbery. Ed helps those who he meets overcome whatever burden they may carry by showing them the error of their ways and giving them a certain message tailored to whichever situation he is in. He does this not because he's a nice guy who wants to help all, but rather because he's being forced to. At first Ed is reluctant to undertake the mighty quest thrusted upon him by the someone he doesn't even know but, after... Show more content on ... He is the youngest of four siblings of foreigner German and Austrian parents. Neither one of the parents could read or write English when they initially touched base in Australia, yet they needed their kids to ace the dialect and emphatically urged them to read and write in English from an early age. Zusak started composing fiction at age 16 and sought after a degree in educating at the University of Sydney. Before turning into the expert author he is today, Zusak worked quickly as a house painter, a janitor and a secondary school English educator. In 1999, Zusak's first novel, The Underdog, was distributed after numerous underlying problems. It is the first book in a set of three, narrated by Cameron, the most youthful kid in the Wolfe family. Cameron is the underdog of the title, and the story takes after his battle to characterize himself inside his family and society. Cameron and his sibling and best friend Ruben were inspired by Zusak and his own brother as well. The sequel, Fighting Ruben Wolfe, recounts the siblings' cooperation in an illicit boxing ring as a method for supporting their family. The last book in the set of three, When Dogs Cry looks at the confusions of loss, death and becoming hopelessly in love. Zusak's second and third books got various awards including the American Library Association Best Book for Young Adults for Fighting Ruben Wolfe and the Queensland Premier's Literary Award for Young ... Get more on ...
  • 13. I M Not Scared Symbolism The film 'I'm not scared' directed by Gabriele Salvatore has many significant scenes throughout the movie to illustrate important themes, ideas and aspects to the viewers. Salvatore includes aspects such as cinematography, colour, symbolism and sound in these important scenes to help develop and portray the storyline, relationships and characters. One of the most important scenes in 'I'm not Scared' that demonstrates all of these aspects is The Captured Scene. At the beginning of the scene three out of four aspects come together to create a heart moving adventure that involves camerawork, discolouration and music. The main character Michele helps a kidnapped boy Filippo to come out of the hole he is trapped in to see the outside world. We first... Show more content on ... Michele is just about to climb out after saying goodbye to Filippo, when single piano notes start to play. The piano builds up in intensity and volume, creating a lot of tension in the audience and movie. After the piano comes to a surprising halt, the audience thinks that everything is alright and that nothing was going to happen in the end. However just after the music stops, Salvatore's older brother Skull, comes and takes the rope from Michele, trapping both him and Filippo in the hole. This sudden movement and action makes the unexpecting audience jump in fright. The director chose this type of tension build up, then complete silence to assure the audience that nothing was going to happen. Then just as they were vulnerable, surprise them with a jumpscare to make the moment even scarier then it could be if the music kept going. Eerie music is not the only thing that makes this part of the scene significant, camera work also ties in the make it feel as if Michele is truly trapped. When Skull comes and takes the rope, a low angle shot is used. The purpose of a low angle shot is to give the illusion that it's from Michele's height. Because Michele is all the way in a deep hole and Skull is on the surface, this makes Skull seem a lot bigger. This means that Skull also has the advantage, as he has more power and control while he is a lot higher then Michele. ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Analysis Of ' Falling Down ' Falling Down By: Logan Hilliard, Garrett Walker, Keren Torres Once upon a time, in a land far away a french fry named Garrett was taking a stroll. He was going to meet up with his mishandled chicken tender named Keren.You see that's when everything went downhill. I was headed to Kerens chicken tender box otherwise known as her house. I 'm a chicken nugget that can get chickened out sometimes. My friend Garrett the french fry was over too. You see, all this sudden we are falling out of the sky. We fall into an ugly orange carpet at a 1970 Beverly Hill mansion. It was like a one second drop it felt like a puffy cloud. Garrett said "What the heck was that?" "HOLY CRAP I THINK I 'M DEAD!" I screamed in my... Show more content on ... Karen asked being nice again "what is your name?" "My name is Alexander egg head." He replied, His voice sounds like his nose is plugged. You see we don 't think he is just a regular guy, he is an egghead they are probably smarter than Garrett. He worked in the art of running from danger. He was such a scaredy cat, but not any type scaredy cat. He was so fearful he afraid of his own shadow. And to add to that he's very small and fragile. We started to walk again and it started to rain and Karen and her wondrous self had to ask the question, "why is it raining in a carpet?" I replied "I have no clue why this happening." Well we get under cover and decided to find a round chip crumb, for some food and get some water. So we look at the water, Garrett asks "Why 's that water, brown?'' He asked many times I consider to freak me out. The water was fizzling a lot so Garrett went over and tried it, he found out that it was Coke. I was scared half to death along with Alexander, I ask "What is going on?" "I have no clue, I am so confused." Karen replies sarcastically. We start to see the light again and that 's when it hits us. Alexander wasn 't trying to get out, he was trying to keep things in. He first tried it stop and say he was tired, we need to stop and eat and other things like that.We of course did not listen to him because we just wanted to get out of there. He tried to faint and pass out one time and another time he tried to run the other way. I just ran at him and ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Beyond Scared Straight Summary Established in the 1970's, Scared Straight programs began to get introduced throughout the United States as a method of deterrence for young teens in an attempted to keep them out of jail. A normal program usually consists of an at–risk teen visiting an adult prison to find out what it was really like to be placed somewhere they are unable to leave. The teen learns of the harsh conditions that real prison inmates have to endure while behind bars. Facility managers set up an itinerary for the teens to follow as they tour the jail and live as though they were prisoners for a full day. This would put the at–risk youths up against an aggressive 'in your face' confrontation with the inmates. They would get to listen to the inmate's stories and have a one on one counseling session to really hit home on how the next few years are going to be determined after they leave. However, no matter how well the intentions may be to attempt and rehabilitate the teens, research has shown that many of approaches proved ineffective. ... Show more content on ... How could this still be on the air? In spite of the prevention act, the programs that are still running had been stripped of their state funding as it was deemed traumatizing for the at–risk teens. This was not going to be the solution that leads them away from drugs and violence. Moving more into the series as a whole, there is a nice coating that covers the false, yet what most would believe to be true as a notion 'tough on crime. The punishment of criminals is more damning than prevention as others believe it sticks better to the inmate, resulting in a long–standing imprint. Moreover, our justice system is full of idealists that who follow that same mantra causing a flaw to break up the ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Scared Straight Essay 'Scared Straight' programs were first implemented in the U.S. in the 1970's. However, they became nationally popular in the aftermath of the 1978 Arnold Shapiro documentary Scared Straight!, in which a group of delinquents are berated by a group of convicts known as "lifers" for three hours. At the end of the film, the appropriately terrified teenagers state that they have decided that they do not want to go to jail (Lowry, 1999). Scared Straight programs allow juveniles who are criminal offenders or deemed at–risk for becoming such to have contact with adult prisoners. The process varies across the country according to the prison, and can include jail tours, one–on–one conversations with prisoners, or even being integrated into the facility and living life as a prisoner for a day. As their name would suggest, these programs' purpose is to discourage juveniles from committing further criminal activity; the expected outcome is that a child who is exposed to the undesirable conditions of prison life will be deterred from future delinquency due to shock and fear. Unfortunately, this is not rarely the case. Scared Straight programs are unproductive at best and counterproductive at worst, and allowing them to continue is a strain on the community as a whole. Scared Straight hinges upon the assumption that the consequences of illegal behavior will act as a deterrent. However, children's ability to correctly anticipate the negative consequences of their behavior is rarely at a ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Hidden Paths Hidden Paths Behind the overgrown shrubs, lived a mystery the world would have never known. Until now.Isabel ran to find her but could barely see, the darkness was swallowing her up whole. The world behind her disappeared and all she saw were the bright yellow eyes of the creatures in her path. Jorja, she screamed with all her heart. Isabel heard a faint cry in the distance. She instantly assumed is was a cry from her, Jorja. Just as the cry went away, another one came even louder than the first. Isabel knew, she just knew it was her. Without even thinking she ran as fast as she could through the dark and mysterious path. Tuesday afternoon was one quieter than ever. Jake Myers was sitting and laughing with his best friends,... Show more content on ... Jake then ask Jackson to help change Isabel and Jorja 's mind. Nothing, they still wont listen to him. The next day, Jorja comes rushing over to Isabel 's house to start their search for the missing letter. Without even knocking on the door she rushes in only to see that Isabel was already up and ready to search for the "gold." Neither of them said hi to each other before Jake and Jackson came running in to stop them. Again, they kept trying to tell them that they could be hurt or even killed. The girls think they are just trying to scare them out of going. Isabel thinks that Jackson and Jake are trying to trick them into not going so they can find it themselves. What she doesn't know is, she is wrong. Isabel and Jorja continue to ignore Jackson and Jake 's advice and rush out the door. They come up with almost four plans to find this missing letter. One was they were going to get a map of the town and try and find suspicious places. Plan 2 was to go to the nearest path and follow it to where it leads. Next plan was to go to the local police station and look at all the latest thieves or robbers. They decided to go with the first plan. Isabel and Jorja went to find a map of their town in the nearest grocery store. Once the got it, they didn't think twice and went straight to the abandoned neighborhood and started their search. As the girls neared towards the neighborhood Isabel was kind of second guessing their decision. Jorja had to drag ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Scared-Andrea Short Story Scared– andrea It was a summer day the sun was out, the ground was hot, the shade was dull, the sweet smell of the flowers, the icy water on the sprinkler, the perfect day to go outside and play. The birds were chirping, the trees and were green, I was excited and as I was coming out of my room. From watching youtube all day. I need to go outside I said. to myself so I asked my mom she said "yes" the moment of excitement was thrilling even great. And then as i walk out I see this thing in my cousin's room. And i look and i tell my mom. She looks and she sees the the cardboard that was all ripped up. And me and my mom took a look closer. And we found that the cardboard was construction adhesive. Me and my mom ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Scared To Death Thriller author Rachel Amphlett began publishing books about her character, Detective Sergeant Kay Hunter in the year 2016, when "Scared to Death" was released. The series is from the crime thriller genre, and the books usually involve some pretty gruesome moments that are not for the squeamish. The success of the series is what allowed her to start writing full time, which gave her the best opportunity to go over some of the writing ideas that she had in mind for quite some time. Kay is someone that uses the wiles she has, rather than strength, to get herself out of any tight situations. She has had a lot of bad things thrown at her, but she only focuses on getting back at those that have wronged her and catching her killer. Kay is married ... Show more content on ... All the twisted motives suggest a history of corruption and greed inside of the tight community. Kay still has to face the vendetta being waged and all the murder suspects in the case. She finds out something that makes her question the trust she has in all the people she knows. Fans of the novel find that Amphlett does a great job with the cases that Kay is supposed to work. She does a great job of showing how Kay balances work and her personal life to make a fuller reading experience. The premise this one had was interesting, as it explored different ways families find to make sure the daughter stays a virgin. When done in a murder mystery, it was made that much more fascinating. Some like the way that the story focuses on just one murder and allows the reader to play whodunit with the cops in the story. "Hell to Pay" is the fourth novel in the "Detective Kay Hunter" series which was released in the year 2017. There is a ruthless killer that takes advantage of vulnerable young women. Kay Hunter realizes this only after a traffic accident happens on a dark night in ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Im Not Scared In Niccolo Ammaniti's masterpiece, I'm Not Scared, we explore the plight of human endeavour against all odds. We learn of the climate and poverty that makes the inhabitants of Acqua Traverse victims of circumstance, and ultimately drives them to persecute other people in the continuous pursuit of money and exceptional livelihoods. Clearly, Michele is not the only victim in Ammaniti's text, but it is through his endless determination to restore justice that ultimately demonstrates his morality, and separates him from everyone else in the story. Set in "that damned summer of 1978" in a small southern town in Italy, we immediately witness the umelenting landscape in which the members of Acqua Traverse are bound by. The children who travel to... Show more content on ... Although we are never formally introduced to them, Filippo's parents are also victims of the adult's scheme. They deal with this by turning to the public, which unfortunately endangers their son further. Felice Natale is a victim ofthe stereotypical and parochial views of people, which force him to assume a military fas;ade to disguise his true dancing and singing self. Like the lizard that hides its fear by pretending to be ferocious, so too does Felice. Barbara is also discriminated against because she is female and overweight. Barbara challenges the gang when they ask to see her "hairy slit", and says "haven't you lot got anything to say?" When skull "slapped her across the face" she'didn't retaliate, indicating that she probably usually accepts the comments and dares that are thrown to her by Skull and the gang. Barbara is a victim of the patriarchal views that were installed in Italian boys. While all these people are certainly victims in our eyes, they have chosen to allow their circumstances to affect them, and we can say that they, to some extent, accept this. Michele is set apart from these people because he does not allow himself to be victimised by the problems he ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The War Of Art By Steven Pressfield Essay How does the author define resistance and what are its characteristics? (300 words) In his book The War of Art, Steven Pressfield talks about resistance. He defines resistance as self–sabotage of anything in the lines of creativity, art, music, spirituality, and more. Pressfield describes many characteristics of resistance in the first half of his book. First, Pressfield describes the first six characteristics as six 'I's: Invisible, Internal, Insidious, Implacable, Impersonal, and Infallible. Pressfield believes that resistance is invisible because it is something that can be felt but can never be seen. Pressfield also writes that resistance is to be considered the 'enemy within' because it does not come from an outside source. Instead, it comes internally. He believes that it is insidious because it will tell you anything to stop you from doing your work that you are trying to do. It is implacable because it can't be reasoned with and it only understands power and its goal to prevent you from doing that work. It is an objective force of nature that is inside everyone, and it is infallible because it will unfailingly point true north. He explains that we can use it as a compass to guide us toward an important call or action. Pressfield also gives a general rule of thumb saying that "The more important a call or action is to our soul's evolution, the more resistance we will feel towards pursuing it." Second, Pressfield describes resistance in broader terms. He says that it ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Creative Writing: Being Scared Being Scared, I mean we all have been scared and we all have fears even if we deny being afraid of someone or something. Every night on Halloween me and some friends go down Main Street to the Pattinson Abandoned Murder house. We've gone every year since we were 10 but we never seem to be able to find a way inside but this year that Changed. "Leigh you called Grayson right, because I'm not going if he's not coming" Stated my friend Alisha as she shuffled her heeled boots in the Crispy fall leaves. "Yea he should be–––" I was interrupted by Grayson as he walked his smart self over "Yes Ladies I'm here" he said wrapping his arm around Aleisha's waist making my brother Jerome cringe. "Well let's go" Aleisha said smacking her gum and swinging her blonde hair over her shoulder. I sign language my Deaf brother Jerome to follow us down the path. We arrive 18th Century Victorian style home. The Roof is almost fully covered with moss and the brick... Show more content on ... We Entered the Fully furnished antique home avoiding the broken glass pieces stuck around the perimeter of the window. The wallpaper was peeling and the furniture was eaten up by mice and rats. We walk around the room for five minutes silent until Grayson breaks the silence of course saying "Woah creepy" pointing at the large family portrait with each face smudged out with black ink. "Well let's look around then just leave" I say with Aleisha backing me up. "Nah nah" Grayson alluded in perfect harmony with my brother adding "Leigh Settle its just a house an old house". "The Pattison Murder house where like everyone in the family was apparently killed by the son" Aleisha interjected. "Key word there, apparently" Grayson laughed rolling his eyes.I let out a slight sigh as I walked down the Hall with Aleisha. The Floors creaked and parts of the ceiling were smothered with Black ... Get more on ...
  • 23. College Career Research Paper College Career I never thought anything like this would happen. How could it happen?Why did it have to be my best friend. I just didn't understand or get why it was happening because there had never been any signs of it. Why cancer? Sydney is my best friend, once we graduated high school, we both got a full ride scholarship to LSU for gymnastics.We were roommates and everything so we had our lives for the next 4 years planned. Everyday after school classes were over we would go into the gym and start warming up. One day Sydney demanded me to come over with her when we were in the gym. She looked pale and very sick, so I called her mom, coaches, and the ambulance. I could hear the sirens while I was trying to help her, but the medics asked me to ... Show more content on ... "Go get dressed we are going to the mall right now." I said. "Okay be ready in a few." We got in the car and started to drive. I had her favorite CD of mine in my car and played it. It puts a smile on her face. It was about a 20 minute drive and the whole time we were singing. When we got there we stayed in the car for a minute to plan out what we were going to do with the amount of time that we had that was 3 hours. We picked to go to all of our favorite stores and to get something to eat. It made me feel whole again. So we finally got out of the car and went into the mall determined to hit every store as planned. We got through some of the stores and then figured it was time to eat. "Where do you want to go to eat." I asked. "Eh, anywhere is fine as long as it's a place you know I don't like." We both laughed. The place that we both really liked was Auntie Anne's and Panera. We didn't know which one to pick so we chose to flip a coin. Heads would be Panera and tails would be Auntie Anne's. I let Sydney flip the coin and it landed on tails as it thumped while hitting the ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The World Of 1984 Scared Me Total surveillance. Complete obedience. Absolute authority. The world of 1984 scared me when I first read the book last year. Never before had a book made me think so deeply about individuality, society, and government. 1984, a manifestation of my nightmares, described a totalitarian police state of resolute submission. The horror came when I looked upon our own society, and Big Brother glared back at me. We live in a world where every phone call, every text, every search, and every email can be monitored and recorded by our own government. The National Security Agency, or the NSA, was originally proposed to monitor threats outside of the United States, but the NSA began domestic surveillance shortly after the horrific terror attacks of 2001. This cleared the way for warrantless, unlawful tracking of American citizens. Initially, the program collected only the data of high–risk individuals in America with direct links to Al–Qaeda. Now, however, government data collection has spread to millions of otherwise innocent citizens. Government surveillance is a direct violation of the privacy of American citizens that is dangerous, immoral, and unlawful. It is important to realize the dangers of government surveillance; personal information containing sensitive details about an individual 's private life put in the wrong hands or otherwise used incorrectly could potentially have disastrous repercussions. In today 's interconnected world, everything that is said and done online is ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Scared Personal Narrative Scared, Scared with, Scared with my Family. In my life I had a lot of negative people that I was scared of. My brother was one of those who scared me the most. Although he never meant to, he still did. My entire life I was scared to go home. I didn't feel safe. I was always full of negative. I hated it. I was always scared. I was always having attacks. At first the attacks didn't happen that much. But they soon became my entire life. Anxiety, Anxiety was, Anxiety was my life. I was told that I have anxiety when I was seven years old. I wasn't sure what it was. I soon learned. I was always scared I would have an attack. Yelling was the main trigger. The attacks didn't come up as regularly until the moment happened. This moment changed my life ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Personal Narrative: The Surgical Center "See? T–there is nothing to b–be afraid of," Neil assured. We were currently inside the elevator as the doors were shutting; my eyes were covered by my hands, and I was leaning against the wall for support. It had taken another ten minutes after agreeing to do it before I got myself to actually get on the thing. The elevator began moving, and my nerves kicked into high gear the more I thought about it. The ten seconds it took to it to get to the fourteenth floor, where Neil wished to go to, felt like an eternity; each second longer and more painstaking than the last. When I felt that I was about to lose it, the elevator stopped moving and the doors opened. A sigh of relief escaped me and I quickly wheeled Neil out. The doors closed behind us and I took a few breaths trying to return my heart rate to normal. When I finally calmed down, I looked around to see where we actually were. The lobby was bare except for two vending machines to the right, there was a giant set of double doors in front of us and a second pair claiming the left wall. A sign beside the doors on the left said, "Surgical Center" and the sign beside the doors in front of us read "Waiting Room."... Show more content on ... "The center is closed. Wait, are we even allowed up here?" "Of c–course not, s–so hurry up," he said with a grin. I shook my head in disbelief at him. "G–go into t–the waiting room." "What? No, why the waiting room? What is in there? I think we should just go back to the long term care–" "J–just do it Michelle," he chuckled as I silently debated whether to go through the doors. Are they even unlocked? Is an alarm going to start blasting when I touch the door? "M–Michelle it's fine just g–go in. If you d–don't hurry we're going t–to miss it." "Miss ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Personal Narrative Essay : Living On A Summer Day It was a hot summer day, and me and my two best friends were on a roadtrip together. It was boiling hot outside, but soon the warm sun was starting to set in the west and my friends had fallen asleep in the back of the car. We were on a dusty dirt road in a forest, where there were no signs or anything to indicate where we were. Therefore, we weren't sure where we were. The dirt road only lead one way so we decided to just stay on it and see where it lead us too. We traveled on the dusty dirt road for an hour and that's when my gaslight turned on. It was now very dark and we had ran out of food, and now gas. The car came to a stop. I got out to look around, leaving my sleeping friends in the car. I only could see as far as the headlights lit up the forest. In the far distance I could see a very faint lights flickering. I walked towards them hoping there would be people who might have gas or be able to help us. I soon could see it was a house. A tall, two story, abandoned looking house. As I got closer, the morescared I became. I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up and got butterflies in my stomach. I didn't know why this was happening but I knew we needed help so I kept walking towards the house, like it was calling me. I got to the doorstep. This is when I really realized how disgusting the house was. There was mold and vines growing on the side of the house and almost everything made out of metal had rust on it. I could see there was a lit candle in the ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Scared To Death Analysis In the text, "Scared to Death," Ed Yong tells about the affect predators has on prey. He explains that every little thing that happens in an ecosystem, affects that particular ecosystem in some way. Yong also states that the fear of prey can change a whole ecosystem. Going along with this, Yong brings up the phrase "landscape of fear." In the way Yong describes this phrase, this landscape of fear can affect every aspect of am ecosystem. At the beginning of the text, Yong describes the "landscape of fear" as being a state of mind of the animals, especially the elk ecologists were studying. According to Yong, the animals believe "the physical terrain is overlaid with a mental map of risk" (ll 17). Yong said that the mountains are "where the ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Scared To Death Summary In "Scared To Death" by Ed Yong, he expressed how the fear of wolves has affected the elk in Yellowstone National Park. The "Landscape of Fear" has taken a toll on the ecosystems that are present there. Ed Yong's perspective on this matter is taken into great consideration by an ecologist named Laundre. Landre finds it fascinating as she looks at it as a perpetual state of apprehension. Ed Yong discusses how the "Landscape of Fear" affects the ecosystem and the relationship between wolves and elk i8n Yellowstone National Park. In January 1995, after about 70 years after they have been exterminated by predator–controlled programs, grey wolves returned to Yellowstone National Park. Over the period of two winters, 31 animals capture din Canada were brought back to the park. Then they put radio collars on all the animals to track and record where they roamed. Laundre became more focused on the elk as they were the main prey to the wolves. To describe this psychological environment, Laundre coined the term "Landscape of Fear." The "Landscape of Fear" was present when the elk were in close proximity to the wolves. Ecologists took interest as they believe that psychology contributes to the "Landscape of Fear." They believe that it also challenges the belief that many animals feel fear only in short bursts, instead of... Show more content on ... Each study's outcome has the ending conclusion that the greatest impact of predators has on their prey is by intimidation, not through killing. Intimidation can successfully influence how the victims breed, feed, and raise their young without any killing. This kind of action affects entire ecosystems, changing the make–up of local flora and can even change the flow of nutrients in the soil. The Landscape of Fear has changed the physical landscape of an ecosystem just by showing characteristics of ... Get more on ...
  • 30. I M Not Scared Themes Filippo is not the only victim in I'm not scared; explain. The novel, I'm Not Scared written by NiccolГІ Ammaniti explores the playful and volatile world of childhood through the eyes of nine–year–old Michele, who is forced, again and again, to make the hard choices that will define his character. The novel, I'm Not Scared written by NiccolГІ Ammaniti explores the playful and volatile world of childhood through the eyes of nine–year–old Michele, who is forced, again and again, to make the hard choices that will define his character. The novel explores how fear is involved in our everyday life from childhood to adulthood. Many of the characters are motivated by their fears. The novel portrays a helpless Filippo, who has a lot of eccentric theories as to what has happened to him. His whole world has been turned upside down, and he has gone from being clean and well dressed to being dirty and almost naked. He believes that... Show more content on ... She is then faced with humiliating "forfeits" requiring her to expose herself to the group, including when Michele rejects Barbara's offer to become boyfriend/girlfriend, further illustrating Barbara's low social standing within the group. However Barbara would rather go through these daily taunts and abuse than find herself alone. While some readers may believe that Barbara is weak for not walking away this is unfair. We must not criticise her for her weakness but admire her for her strength and the dignity that she at times demonstrates. An older Michele reflects on this, "Even after 22 years I still don't understand how she put up with us" The fear of being an outcast causes her to allow herself to be treated poorly by her friends. Not only by Skull but also for the others who allowed her poor treatment to ... Get more on ...
  • 31. I M Not Scared Themes Niccolo Ammaniti's novel "I'm Not Scared" is primarily a "coming of age story". Michele a nine–year old boy who discovers a dark secret in a hole can't comprehend it. Michele's innocence is betrayed by the man he looks up to, his father Pino. His father doesn't protect Michele's innocence when he and the other adults of Aqua–Teverse kidnapped the boy in the hole Filippo. Michele is faced with many moral dilemmas that lead up to the most serious moral dilemma which saves Filippo's life and Michele's resulting in being shot. The choices Michele makes accelerates his maturity and his interpretations. He enters a new world of which he can apprehend the real evil and cruelty. The reader of the text is made to relate in some way to the text relating... Show more content on ... We soon learn through the event of a competitive race we see his true colours and maturity. He did not want to lose his race, but his moral qualities prevented him from pursuing victory. Seeing that Maria had been "swallowed up by the wheat", Michele could not just leave his sister behind, when after all, he was her "big brother." Anyone with sibling's younger than them knows they have the responsibility to look out for them, this brings a closer connection correlating the reader outside their own experiences. By doing this it was clear to Michele that he would lose the race, but he knew that he had a high level of responsibility to nurture his sister when she is in need. Another example of Michele's 'coming of age' is when Michele, like the other children of the group, was intimidated by the bully Skull, whose sadistic nature seemed to be centred around a sexual perversion towards Barbara. Despite this 'power' of Skull, Michele knew that Skull's perversion went too far when he demanded Barbara show the group her "slit". Michele's actions on these childhood adventures were nothing short of courageous and were highly reflective of his sense of right and wrong. An event such as this will not be encountered by everyone, however it does encourage the reader to empathise towards other in similar situations outside their ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Scared Straight Essay Beginning in the late 1970's Scared Straight style programs have been a popular method of rehabilitation for juvenile delinquents. The programs typically include a jail tour and presentations from inmates with the intention of frightening participants into turning their life around. The original pilot program was featured in a 1978 documentary entitled Scared Straight, which was directed by Arnold Shapiro and narrated by Peter Falk. The documentary followed 19 juvenile delinquents as they participated in the program. Today, the A&E series Beyond Scared Straight follows participants through these programs all over the United States. Scared Straight programs were created from the concept of "vicarious deterrence," or the concept of preventing... Show more content on ... Michael Royster, professor of Criminology at Prairie View A&M University, would agree. In analyzing the results of the original Scared Straight pilot program in 1978, Royster notices a large discrepancy in the rates of recidivism of the pilot program compared to modern day Scared Straight style programs. The rates of recidivism among participants in the pilot program are significantly lower than those who participate today. In Petrosino's research, he found that 41% of children who participated in a Scared Straight style program in New Jersey committed a new crime after the program, while a control group, who came from the same background, but did not go through the program, showed only 11% recidivism. In contrast, the results of the pilot program showed only 6% of the participants returned to crime (Petrosino). Royster offers several explanations for this gap in rates of recidivism, one being the Hawthorne Effect. The Hawthorne Effect describes the phenomenon in which one's reaction is modified due to their awareness of being observed. The pilot program was televised, therefore, Royster claims, the original participants felt significant pressure to not return to a ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Road And City Of Thieves Everyday people are put into tough situations, and how they get past these situations is up to them. The choice is to overcome these challenges or give up and let the challenge triumph. Cormac Mccarthy's novel The Road, takes place in a post apocalyptic world in the present day. With ash covering the land, cannibal groups roaming and freezing temperatures, a father and son manage to stay strong and survive. The father's main goal is to keep his innocent scared son alive, and teach him life lessons while doing so. David Benioff's novel City of Thieves, occurs during World War II while the Nazis are invading Russia. The two men who begin as strangers, have to perform a near impossible task to be able to keep their lives. They must hide from Nazis, survive the harsh winter and have the faith to complete their task. Both The Road and City of Thieves demonstrate that people can overcome difficult situations by having faith, and keeping strong relationships. For starters, The Road displays that people can overcome tough situations by having faith and never giving up. A father and son in the novel are forced to survive and adapt to a new way of living that includes, searching for food and shelter to survive, and always being on the lookout for evil people. Never giving up, and having faith in these tough situations is how the pair survive and live the best life possible. The man in the novel always believed in never giving up, and to keep moving forward. After days without food ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Im Not Scared Questions Essay Im NOT scared QUESTIONS 1.Micheles group: В·Maria В– micheles sister, little follower, copy cat В·Skull В– oldest group member (aged 12), chief, gives orders, strong, brave В·Salvatore В– micheles best friend, wealthy, kept to himself В·Barbara В– fat В·Michele В– standstill, nine years old 2.The children filled their days with riding bikes, playing football, steal–the–flag, one–two–three–star and lounging around doing nothing. 3.Acqua traverse consists of a welcome sign painted blue displaying acqua traverse in capital letters, four little homes and an old country villa lost within wheat. 4.Michele said he would do the forfeit for Barbara, so he was to cross a beam of wood from an old abandoned house on the second floor. 5.... Show more content on ... 13.The second clue he encounters is when he looked out the window of his own home in the middle of the night and saw his father on top of the hill where the abandoned house was located to give filippo the left over meat Maria didn't eat at dinner. 14.Michele thinks the boy in the hole is his brother. 15.Felice natale was skulls older brother he was 20 years old and whenever he was in acqua traverse life was hell for the kids. He would hit and steal things from the children, he was friendless and womanless, he was like a tiger in a cage, he is involved in the kidnapping as he goes forwards and backwards to the abandoned house to check that the boy is still alive and in the hole and he feeds him and gives him water. 16.The little wash bears are bears that come in the window if you leave it open in the middle of the night and eat cookies and cakes you left from during the day and eat your rubbish if you don't put the lid on properly, they also bite people for they are scared of humans. The lord of the worms is felice who shouts orders down the hole to filippo and if he doesn't do what he's told felice will squash him like a worm. 17.Sergio Materia was 67 years old and came from Rome, he stayed in micheles home, was friends with his father, was involved in filippos kidnapping and was a robber who went to jail and was released on good conduct. He was thin with a baldhead above his ears. His family include two ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Typical of our fights, it always ends with one of us... Typical of our fights, it always ends with one of us banging the door, and walking away in fury. It has always been our way of letting the other know that we are pissed beyond the thin stretch that separates sane from the absolutely insane phase of things. Sigh. Well, to tell the truth, I am the one who does the banging of the door most of the time. Anyway, early this month we moved into a new house, and perhaps it was the pressure of moving, coupled with our tendency not agreeing with things that matter (Like me insisiting that we need new curtains and him insisting that our old curtains will work just fine in covering our windows, cus after all, they are just curtains *Sigh*) So he yells: DO WHAT YOU WANT... and Bang! He slams the door... Show more content on ... He keeps quiet, looks at me as if he is digesting it all, and then says: "I really need to leave and go do something.." I sigh deeply, wondering if the feeling am feeling now is the kind that Nyeri women feel before they go full swing into battering their husbands. Sigh! Well, we always get along pretty fine, we are good kind of laid back and we thrive in laughing at the little weird things that life brings... But errm, there are those times when he becomes a total pain in my nini, and I hate it when people are a pain in the nini... I suddenly find him to be so insufferable and suddenly, my mind gets into cataloging every little thing that he does to drive me crazy. (Which I will not list here, like how he wakes up in the morning and while everyone else is asleep, he sings along to his country music or Rumba...again and again until that is all that is playing in my mind long after he has left for work) Anyway, I sit down to watch TV, and I suddenly wish ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Scared Scripture Analysis Catholics differ from the bible through revelation with tradition and scriptures and how they complete each other. Catholics also preform practices that are not explicitly found in the bible. Catholics also believe in apostolic tradition. Catholics read the Scared Scripture in a "literal" sense. The "literal" in this means that they find the authors intention of the passage. While other religions read it in a "literalist" by reading in that what it say means what it means. So "literalist" will read creation stories and think that there are actual magical fruit. While "literal" people will read it and think what the authors means by the magical fruit. They will find what the fruit represents. Catholics also believe in Scared tradition ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Scared Monologue Scared When I walk by, When I see you When we lock eyes, When I see you cry I walk away so I don't have to talk I hide away so I don't see that face day after day, day after day Im always nervous when I am around you My face turns red and I turn away I can't help it can't help it why I always try to hide Im Scared, Scared Scared Scared Scared Scared What will I do, What will I do I always want to talk to you I always want to talk, always want to talk But I freeze and stall so I don't have to Im nervous what I say, so I don't make you run away I want to hang out with you all the time I can't even ask, can't even ask I always want to cry always want to cry About my life and what it could be Im Scared, Scared Scared Scared Scared Scared... Show more content on ... What will I do, What will I do I always want to talk to you I don't want to lose what I could have with you I know you don't like me but I sure do like you Is it my personality or is it my looks what ever you don't like I wish I could change so we could be best friends and talk all the time I know after this year we will split our separate ways I need to make my move, need to make my move Before its too late, to laaatttteeee, before its to late ay ya ya Im Scared, Scared Scared Scared Scared Scared What will I do, What will I do I always want to talk to you This could be the start of something new I want to try and be here with you I will pray pray pray, pray pray pray that all my nerves will go away I will pray pray pray, pray pray pray that all my nerves will go ... Get more on ...
  • 38. What Is The Opening Scene Of Running Scared Cold winds blow on a calm New Jersey night. Police sirens create crescendos that fill the air. The moment you begin watching Running Scared, you will be placed in the middle of one of the most fast–paced, suspenseful films that will have you craving every running minute. Viewers' eyes will widen the very moment the opening scene is presented as he or she is thrown right into the action with the actors themselves. Paul Walker works with New Line Cinema to bring a film for ages to come. This crime thriller will reach every pleasure that movie watchers seek in an unforeseen film through its intense, prodigious cinematography, suspenseful storyline, and synchronous soundtrack. Running Scared, debuted in 2006 by New Line Cinema, was written ... Show more content on ... The camera is frozen on a still frame of Perello pointing his gun. From here, the film is reversed and a flashback is shown to demonstrate where he had picked the gun up before. Afterward, a flash–forward shot speeds through back to the original frozen frame–the film then resumes to Perello firing off his firearm. In addition to the aforementioned camera cinematography, Running Scared also uses a variety of subjective and cross–cut shots. In one of the film's scenes, Gazelle's family is shown sitting at their dinner table eating a meal. Gazelle says softly, "Hey Nick, throw me some bread." just when a bullet flies through the window from their neighbor's home interrupting their meal. When Gazelle goes to investigate and discovers what had occurred, a flashback is shown alongside a cross–cut shot that shows the viewpoint of the bullet entering the window and whizzing past him and his family. This allows viewers to see more than one viewpoint of the bullet's trail to piece together the entire scene. Furthermore, just after the starting scene, a subjective shot is used to show Gazelle's viewpoint as he looks forward while riding the back seat of a moving car. The camera constantly cuts out from his viewpoint showing his face looking off in another direction. Just after Gazelle is calming down, we are returned back to Gazelle's view as ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Scared Sacred Analysis Thesis: In the documentary "Scared Sacred", the director Velcrow Ripper demonstrated that hope can be found in the darkest places and times. Using unique filming techniques he is able to let us into these people's lives, showing us the brutal reality these people go through everyday, and how they cope with it. Camera Techniques: This type of filming technique was used very well in this film because in Bhopal India there were many shoots of the Union Carbide plant, and the size of it showing that the pesticides that were leaked could have gone on for kilometers, also they took lots of close ups of the people who still are effected today. This helped me understand what they were going through. But there was also shoots of the people happy, there was a medical centre built just for the gas survivors and how they found a refugee in all the chaos of India. ... Show more content on ... The young girls were interviewed and as each one told their story, I thought to myself, these girls have so much courage to go against the taliban, and how they are so independent because most of their parents were killed, so education is their only way out. If I was in that position, I feel I would not be able to do anything about it, kind of helpless. Also in one of the interviews the woman face was kept covered in fear someone will see this film and kill her, which really hit me hard, it is a real threat, and you have to be careful of what you say to anyone at anytime. But still the women of afghanistan hold strong together, and are creating a new life for the next generation of afghan ... Get more on ...