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              WINNER                                               NHS
                                                         NHS Improvement

         Delivering major breast
         surgery safely as a day case
         or one night stay
         (excluding reconstruction)
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                                                                                                                                        ASSOCIATION OF             NHS Improvement
                                                                                                                                        BREAST SURGERY

             Day case or one night stay breast
             surgical pathway (excluding reconstruction)

               Primary care                     Pre-operative assessment                                                   Anaesthetics/surgery               Post surgery follow-up options
               optimising pre-                  • Overnight booking the exception not the rule                             • Anaesthetics: short              • No follow up required
               operative health                 • Full clinical and risk assessment eg venous thromboembolism                acting, use local                • Patient activated e.g. telephone
               • Blood pressure                   prophylaxis                                                                anaesthetic                        call/questionnaire
               • BMI, diabetes etc.             • Anaesthetic/co-morbidity management seek prompt specialist               • Analgesia: non                   • Pro-active follow up call
               • Lifestyle advice                 advice                                                                     steroidal/non opiate             • Outpatients appointment
               • Patient choice                 • Patient education: e.g. mobility - physiotherapist/nurse/DVD             • Minimal intra operative          • GP follow-up
               • Patient information            • Prosthesis advice                                                          fluids                           • Open access: seromas/drain
                                                • Prescribe TTO’s                                                          • Sentinel Node Biopsy*              management and complications
                                                • Check patient informed surgical consent                                  • Drains the exception not         • Joint clinic: e.g. further treatment
                                                • Inform patient of admission time, length of stay and discharge             the norm                           options; chemotherapy/radiotherapy
                                                  date and time                                                                                               • Palliative care
                                                • Plan theatre scheduling and timing

                        General                                Diagnosis &                                                                                                                  Continuing
                    Practitioner                               Assessment                                                                                                                 care for cancer
                   (80% of referrals)                         (Same day one stop                                                                                                   MDT
                                                              /two visit system)                          Admission                        Post-operative                                    patients
                                           (2 week
                       Routine             wait)
                 screening and                                                           Pre-operative                     Intra-operative                     Surgical
                    assessment                                                                                                                                Follow-up
                   (20% of referrals)

       Diagnosis                                                              Admission (Day Unit, Treatment Centre,                Post-operative                                       Continuing care for
       • Full clinical assessment                                             Surgical Ward)                                        • Analgesia: avoid PCA/opiates                       cancer patients
       • Imaging: Mammogram/ultrasound/ +/-MRI +Chest X-ray                   • Admit day of surgery                                • Provide nutrition and mobilise                     • Continuing cancer care
       • Pathology: Core/fine needle biopsy                                   • Starvation – the ‘2 and 6’ rule fasting             • Nurse led discharge                                  assessment care plan
       • Bloods                                                                 time 6 hours for food and clear fluids 2            • Patient and GP discharge summary with 24             (including referral as
       • Discuss informed consent                                               hours prior to surgery                                hour contacts and wound care advise                  appropriate to AHPs)
       • Pathology reporting                                                  • Consider carbohydrate drink)                        • GP discharge summary                               • Education – self
       Outcomes                                                               • No pre med                                          • Drain management information (if required)           care management
       • Discuss results                                                      • Pre-op analgesia (paracetamol/non                   • Fit prosthesis                                       programme
       • Involve patient in choice of treatments/trials/reconstruction          steroidals)                                         • Dispense TTO’s                                     • Palliative care
       • Obtain patient informed surgical consent
       • Confirm treatment/surgery date ** Pre-operative assessment
       • Provide patient information prescription, hand held                *Intra-operative - Sentinel Node Biopsy Analysis: This is an emerging technique and needs to be evaluated.
         record/care plan/patient diary
       • Inform patient of next steps
       • Inform GP positive results within 24 hours/negative within
         10 working days

                                                                                     Patient informed decision making

             NHS Improvement would like to thank the thirteen clinical spread networks, the British Association of Day
             Surgery, the Association of Breast Surgery, Breakthrough Breast Cancer, clinical advisors and patients for
             their support.
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                                                         Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay   3


               Foreword                                                                                   4

               Why should major breast surgery be an inpatient procedure?                                 5

               From testing to spread... the approach                                                     7

               Keep improvement simple                                                                    8

               Influences, innovation and incentives for spread                                           9

                       Transforming Inpatients Framework for Spread application
                       in practice:

                       1. Collaboration, partnerships and team working                                  11

                       2. Learning and unlearning                                                       12

                       3. Continuous monitoring: Measuring spread and adoption                          15

                       4. Patient centred                                                               19

                       5. Spread simple principles and messages                                         21

                       6. Alignment with opportunities and levers                                       23

                       7. Leadership, engagement and accountability                                     26

               Summary                                                                                  27

               References                                                                               28

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        4      Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay


        Twenty five years ago,                                             I am delighted to have the
        when I was first a                                                 opportunity to introduce
        consultant medical                                                 this work that
        oncologist specialising in                                         demonstrates the
        breast cancer, patients                                            effectiveness of providing
        undergoing breast surgery                                          major breast surgery as a
        (mastectomy or breast                                              day case or one night stay
        conserving surgery) typically                                      procedure.
        stayed in hospital for 10
        days. Within a few years                                           This programme is a very
        this had fallen to five days,                                      successful demonstration of
        but that then became the norm.                                     developing and spreading a new way of working that
                                                                           meets patients’ expectations and reduces the demand on
        Much more recently a second revolution in surgical care            in-patient beds at the same time in a safe and effective
        has taken place. It is now recognised that the vast                manner.
        majority of operations for breast cancer (excluding
        operations for breast construction) can be safely                  Many patients who need breast surgery are
        undertaken as a day case procedure or with a single                understandably anxious about their diagnosis, and this
        overnight stay.                                                    has often been compounded historically by the need to
                                                                           spend several nights in hospital, away from their families.
        NHS Improvement has been working with clinical teams               This NHS Improvement work has been able to change
        across England to transform the way in which breast                the way in which such patients are managed, and reduce
        surgery is delivered. This work has been supported by              the ‘medicalisation’ of their care, so that many feel that
        the British Association of Day Surgery, the Association of         they are able to retain their autonomy and get through
        Breast Surgery and by patients. All the partners have              the process of health care more easily.
        recognised that the transformation is good for patients
        and good for the NHS. Patients do not need to be                   It is a clear advantage, in the current extremely tight
        admitted to hospital the night before surgery. Equally             economic environment, that this change benefits
        they want to return to normal life as quickly as possible.         patients, is also to the benefit of those managing the
                                                                           healthcare budget since it reduces the demand for in-
        The original hypothesis underlying this work was that              patient beds for a large cohort of patients and thus saves
        streamlining could reduce length of stay by 50% and                money for trusts.
        release 25% of unnecessary bed days for 80% of major
        breast surgery (excluding reconstruction). This goal has           The day case and one night stay breast surgery
        been exceeded. Mean length of stay has reduced form                programme was started in a small area and has spread,
        2.35 days to 1.35 days overall. The number of patients             via NHS Improvement methodology, to hospitals across
        with length of stay greater than one day has been                  the country. It has now been taken up by others beyond
        reduced markedly. Overall bed days have been reduced               the programme as well, resulting in a significant shift in
        by more than 40%.                                                  national figures for length of stay for patients having
                                                                           breast surgery.
        Although improvements have been observed in most
        NHS Trusts, significant reductions in lengths of stay could        This is a quality improvement that helps patients and
        still be achieved in some areas. I urge them to read this          healthcare organisations; its very pleasing to think that
        report and to take action. Meanwhile I would like to               many patients who have to have breast surgery will be
        thank all those who have delivered both quality and                going “Home for Tea”!
        productivity – a remarkable example of ‘QIPP’ in action.

        Professor Sir Mike Richards                                        Celia Ingham Clark
        National Clinical Director for Cancer                              National Clinical Lead for
        and End of Life Care                                               Transforming Inpatient Care

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                                                                                                                   Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay               5

        Why should major breast surgery
        be an inpatient procedure?

        • It’s a relatively short operation
        • Low post operative pain                           Figure 1: The increasing shift to day case and one night stay has been gradual
        • Patients can mobilise, eat and                                                                                          Breast Surgery Patients - Elective Procedures
          drink early                                                                      60,000
        • Rare post operative events
        • Patients want to return to                                                       50,000
          normal life as quickly as
                                                            Number of Procedures

          possible.                                                                        40,000

        In 2007, NHS Improvement                                                           30,000

        Transforming Inpatient Care
        Programme as part of the Cancer
        Reform Strategy (2007) and recently                                                10,000
        the Improving Cancer Outcomes
        Strategy (2011) redesigned the breast                                                                  0
        care surgical pathway (excluding                                                                                  Year            Year             Year             Year           Year
                                                                                                                          06/07           07/08            08/09            09/10        10/11 V13
        reconstruction) with the working
                                                                                                                     No. of inpatient               No. of inpatient          No. of day cases
        hypothesis that:                                                                                             admissions LoS >1              admissions LoS = 0,1

        “Streamlining of the
        breast surgical pathway                           • There has been a gradual shift in the                                                              • A further 30% have LOS of one
        could reduce length of                              overall length of stay for patients                                                                  night only, (2010/11 HES
                                                            (Figure 1). The traditional inpatient                                                                provisional)
        stay by 50% and release                             pathway had a range of length of                                                                   • The overall mean LOS has reduced
        25% of unnecessary bed                              stay from 0-7 days (2007, Hospital                                                                   by 56%, exceeding the original
                                                            Episode Statistics (HES)                                                                             working hypothesis (Figure 2).
        days for 80% of major                             • Currently (2011) around 42% of
        breast surgery (excluding                           breast surgical procedures have
                                                            length of stay (LOS) = 0 days and a
                                                            ‘day case’ ranging from 6 to 12
        Good progress has been made
        • 72% of breast surgery patients
          across England now benefit from
          the pathway, this number                          Figure 2: Breast surgery patients - Elective mean length of stay
          continues to increase indicating
          that 85% is achievable,                                                                                     3.15
          exceeding the original                                                                         3.0
          hypothesis.                                                                                                                                     2.57
                                                                                   Mean Length of Stay

                                                                                                                   2.35                  2.04                                             2.03

          Figures 1, 2 and 3 source: Transforming
          Inpatient Care – HES Breast Surgery Patients,                                                   0
          a paper for the National Transforming                                                                      Year                Year             Year             Year          Year
                                                                                                                     06/07               07/08            08/09            09/10       10/11 V13
          Inpatient Care Committee, Sep 2011, based
          on HES extraction by NATCANSAT, and                                                                                     Mean LoS - Inpatients only               Mean LoS - Overall
          analysis by DH. Further details on the HES
          extraction are provided in appendix 1.

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        6                          Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay

                                                                                                                     The continued spread, and
            Figure 3: Breast surgery bed days reduced by 41%, exceeding                                              sustainability of the breast surgical
            the working hypothesis
                                                                                                                     pathway across England is an
                                                      Breast Surgery Patients - Elective Bed Days                    important contribution to the whole
                                   140,000                                                                           cancer programme and as Professor Sir
                                                                                                                     Mike Richards states:

                                                                                                                     “Over the next 15 years
              Number of Bed Days


                                    80,000                                                                           the incidence of cancer
                                    60,000                                                                           is likely to increase by
                                                                                                                     around 24% (based on
                                                                                                                     current trends). Putting
                                                                                                                     pressure on inpatients’
                                                                                                       10/11 V13
                                                                                                                     cancer services; hence in
                                                  Bed days for inpatient
                                                  admissions LoS >1
                                                                              Bed days for inpatient
                                                                              admissions LoS = 0,1
                                                                                                                     order to keep inpatients
                                                                                                                     costs at the same level the
                                                                                                                     average length of stay
                                                                                                                     must fall by one quarter.”
        • Bed days for breast cancer have                                  • Patient feedback of their experience
          reduced from the baseline by 50,329                                of the pathway is extremely positive    Professor Sir Mike Richards (2011)
          (41%) with most of the reduction                                 • Strong clinical engagement is           National Clinical Director for Cancer
          due to shorter lengths of stay for                                 evident in leading the improvements     and End of Life Care
          episodes longer than a day;                                      • Variation in practice still remains
          although the increase of short stays                               with 28% of breast surgical
          (zero or one day) has contributed                                  procedures staying in hospital longer    If all patients with a length of
          (Figure 3)                                                         than two days                            stay of more than one night
        • The proportion of patients not being                             • Lengths of stay of more than one         were converted to the day
          admitted the day before surgery has                                night increases with age although
                                                                                                                      case/one night stay model,
          increased from 69.6% (2006/7) to                                   variation exists across Trusts
                                                                                                                      potentially 40,000 bed days
          94.6%                                                            • Variation in clinical practice
                                                                                                                      could be saved.
        • Professional endorsement of the                                    surrounding the use of wound
          pathway has been achieved                                          drains, draining of, seromas, the
        • A Best Practice Tariff (BPT) is                                    administration of anaesthetics and
          proposed for 2012/13 to incentivise                                pain control continues.
          day case surgery

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                                                                   Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay   7

        From testing to spread... the approach

        Throughout the service improvement phases (Figure 4) NHS Improvement shared the learning across the NHS to encourage
        local spread, adoption and adaption.

           Figure 4: Service improvement stages

           Phase     Year       Service Improvement stages              NHS coverage                  Spreading the learning

           1         2007       • Baseline the current situation
                                • Review clinical procedures
                                • Listen to all views and
                                • Understand the culture, context
                                  and content of Trusts, clinical
                                  teams and pathways
                                • Identify best practice and

           2         2008       • Testing out the idea: Proof of        7 NHS hospital sites          The Winning Principles:
                                  Principle – What could be                                           Transforming Inpatient Care
                                  achieved. The Winning                                               (July 2008)
                                  Principles (2008)
                                                                                                      Meeting the Challenge Together
                                                                                                      (October 2008)

           3         2009       • Prototype testing the                 25 NHS hospital sites         Spreading the Winning Principles
                                  transferability, confidence and                                     and Good Practice (July 2009)
                                  competence of the
                                  improvement                                                         Consolidation Report (2009)
                                                                                                      From Testing to Spread

           4         2010-11    • Spread, adoption and adaption         13 clinical spread            Spreading the Winning Principles
                                                                        networks (72 hospital         case studies (July 2010)
                                                                        sites) 41% coverage
                                                                        across England                Breast day case/one night stay
                                                                                                      case studies

        Service improvement literature has, highlighted the multiplicity and complexity of service improvement, redesign the
        challenges of spread and the time it takes…. it’s like a marathon not a sprint, however, it’s a race worth doing.

        Pettigrew et al 1992, Senge 1999, Plesk 2000, Fraser 2002, McNulty et al 2002,
        Ovretveit et al 2002, Williamson 2007, Driver 2008).

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        8       Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay

        Keep improvement simple

            Figure 5: A consistent systematic approach was applied to capture the impact and learning

                                                                                          Testing Cycles                  Is it the
                     Analysis               Identify the        Visioning                Test out the ideas/          right solution
                    Baseline from         real root of the     What are you                 innovations               to address the
                different perspectives        problem        trying to achieve?           Test confidence              real problem
                                                                                          and competence         NO


                  Evaluate and                                         Case for change                     Agree the                       Evaluation
                                           Implementation           Plan the implementation              redesign and                  Evaluate the benefits
                      check                  Implement the               of the test idea             implentation of the                   What is the
                  sustainability                  idea              Build the case for change           improvements                        difference?

                  Clinical Spread         Spread/Adoption
                     Networks                 Strategy               Winning Principles
                                                                     Capture the impact and learning

        The redesign and streamlining of the breast surgical pathway took a simple systematic approach involving a multitude of
        reiterative service improvement cycles (plan do study act) and building the evidence for continuous improvement (Figure 5).

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                                                                                Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay                  9

        Influences, innovation and incentives for spread

        Over the four years common themes and practices have emerged that supported the spread of the breast pathway. The
        themes have been collated and applied to the Transforming Inpatient Framework for Spread (Figure 6). The spread
        framework identifies the common components found to influence the rate of spread.

           Figure 6: Transforming Inpatient Framework for Spread - Common themes and practices

                                                                    Spreading new ideas and good practice
                                                                  Understanding what good practice looks like
                                      Active dissemination                                                      Prove what works and the benefits
                                            Passive diffusion                                                   Involve those who need to be actively
                             ‘One size fits no one problem’                                                     involved at the start

                                                                                  A Vision
                                                                                 for Quality
                                                                                Improvement         Systematic
                                                                  Spread                                                               Receptive to the improvement
                                                                 Strategy                                                              Adaption to the context
                Policies and procedures                                                                                                A degree of flexibility

                                               Strategic and
                                                                                                                   and Fit

                                            Continuous                            Spread                                  Spread
                     Information                                                                                                              Communication
                                            Monitoring                                                                    Simple
             Shared comparative
                                           Progress and                         Making the                            Principles and
                                                                                                                                              Use of opinion leaders
                            data                                                Connections                                                   Finding the right focus
                                              Impact                                                                    Messages
                                                                                                                                              for quality and

                                               Collaboration                                                      Leadership
                                               Partnerships                                                      Engagement
                                                 and Team                                                       Accountability
                                                                                                                                        Clinical and managerial
                          Stakeholders                                                             Alignment
                                                                                                                                        Responsibility for delivery
                       Ownership and a                            Learning                            with
                                                                                                                                        Executive leadership
                         distribution of                        & Unlearning                      Opportunities
                        responsibilities                                           Patient         and Levers
                            networking                                             Centred

                                    Knowledge required                                                            Local quality indicators and priorities
                                                Coaching                                                          Commissioning agreement and healthy
                         Changing practice and behaviour                                                          competition
                                                                          Patients involved in testing
                                                                     Accepted or rejected the improvement

         The framework reflects the work of Pettigrew (1992) Receptive Contexts for Change and
         Rodgers (2003) Theory on the Diffusions of Innovations.

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        10       Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay

        All the components of the framework were relevant and applied. Seven components (Figure 7) appeared to be more
        influential in enhancing spread within clinical teams. This was evident from local interactions, case studies and reported site
        feedback involving clinical leadership, multidisciplinary teams and patients.

             Figure 7: The seven influential components

                                                                             A Vision
                                                                            for Quality
                                                                           Improvement     Systematic

                                            Strategic and
                                                                                                         and Fit

                                         Continuous                          Spread                           Spread
                                         Monitoring                                                           Simple
                                        Progress and                       Making the                     Principles and
                                           Impact                          Connections                      Messages

                                            Collaboration                                               Leadership
                                            Partnerships                                               Engagement
                                              and Team                                                Accountability

                                                              Learning                        with
                                                            & Unlearning                  Opportunities
                                                                             Patient       and Levers

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                                                                 Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay   11

        Learning from the 13 national clinical spread networks on the seven dominate
        components - Transforming Inpatients Framework for Spread application in practice:

        1. Collaboration, partnerships and team working

                                 Getting teams      “It's been very gratifying to have been able to share our
                                   together was
                                     extremely      experiences with so many teams from around the
                                      beneficial.   country. I have been impressed with the interest and
                and team              (2003),       enthusiasm of teams and the quality of the discussions,
                 working             highlights     which have helped us to further examine our practice
                                  importance of     and the perceptions around enhanced recovery after
                               the nature of the    breast surgery.”
        social system in which innovations are
        diffused. The clinical spread networks      Hamish Brown, Consultant Breast and General Surgeon, Sandwell and West Birmingham
        were brought together as a                  Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
        community for spread involving
        organisations, clinical and managerial
        teams, patients and carers.

        Their contribution to spread was              Figure 8: National Clinical
        invaluable through enhancing the              Spread Networks
        debate and sharing learning with
        peers. They provided a succinctness
        gaining consensus on the breast
        pathway. The sites shared personal
        experiences, perceptions and concerns.
        They could be described as the “early            Lancashire and
                                                         South Cumbria                                              Humber and
        majority” of adopters, forming a
        localised network for spread,                    Greater
        communication and an important link              Manchester
        in the spread process with their                 Merseyside
        deliberate willingness to adopt.                 and Cheshire                                                    Anglia

                                                         East Midlands


                                                         Three Counties
                                                         Avon, Somerset                                                           London
                                                         and Wiltshire

                                                                                                            South West London

                                                                                                   Thames Valley

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        12     Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay

        Transforming Inpatients Framework for Spread application in practice

        2. Learning and unlearning

                            Many lessons
                              have been
                                                      Supporting spread: Key learning from
                                learned over          the clinical spread networks:
                                 the four
             Learning and         years.              The knowledge of 13
              unlearning          Some of
                                 the learning
                               was new,
                             reiterative and            Take a systematic                Understand the national
                                                        approach to service              and local context and
        It was evident across the sites that there      improvement. This takes          coherence with local
        was variation in service improvement                                             values and priorities.
        understanding and application. Also,                  builds up a
                                                        time but
                                                                                         This should not be
        the time required for redesign was a
        challenge for many organisations. This
                                                        good evidence                    underestimated and is
        can make the continuous spread of               base and gets to the real        needed to gain
        improvement difficult.                                                           commitment to deliver in
                                                        root of the problem.
                                                                                         challenging times.

                                                        Give the right messages          Engagement with key
                                                        in the right language to         people leading change is
                                                        the different audiences and to   not enough, support
                                                        spread the knowledge             them to manage,
                                                        for persuasion        and        organise and mobilise
                                                                                         the change.
                                                        Clinicians don’t like
                                                        targets, managers do, and
                                                        patients are more
                                                        concerned with
                                                        getting better.                  Build relationships
                                                                                         across professions and
                                                        Patient experience and           organisational
                                                        feedback is a key factor in      boundaries.
                                                        accelerating the pace
                                                        of spread.                       There is a need to create
                                                                                         the common purpose.

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                                                           Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay   13

          Keep things simple,                     Clinicians focus on                         Identifying key
          realistic and flexible.                 research, gathering                         principles that can be
                                                  more evidence and                           adapted to benefit all
          It’s ok to get it                       audit.                                      patients develops a
          wrong.                                                                              common purpose.
                                                  They are often
                                                  uncomfortable with the
                                                  service improvement
                                                  approach – but once
                                                  they understand its
          Understand the                          value there is no                           The breast       pathway is
                                                  stopping them.                              common sense, simple
          measurement of
                                                                                              and comprehensible.
          impact and success and
                                                                                              Those that do not
          be clear what you want                                                              understand are in the
          to achieve, but remember                                                            minority but can be time-
          one persons new     idea is                                                         consuming. Go with the
          another person’s normal                                                             majority – the others will
          practice.                                                                           catch on later.

          The importance of                       Build the evidence base                     Professional boundaries
                                                                                              and traditional roles can be
          communication,                          from the begining of the
                                                  improvement work to                         barriers to spread.
          co-operation, and
          collaboration in                        strengthen, spread                          We found the doctors
          working partnerships is                 and sustain and to win                      accepted the pathway
          vital and so is                         over the sceptics.                          quicker than the nurses, but
          commitment.                                                                         once the nurses      came on
                                                                                              board it flew.

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        14     Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay

        Some of the learning focused on               ”There was a misconception that the proportion of
        dealing with uncertainties,
        assumptions and perceptions. Peer to          women who would be suitable for early discharge in
        peer support helped to build                  parts of the country with greatest concentration of
        confidence levels in the new pathway
        and the changes in clinical practice.         elderly or socially deprived patients would be difficult.
                                                      The results have shown this not to be the case with
         Four specific aspects were commonly          achievements from Birmingham (the fourth most
                                                      deprived area in the country outside London) and Kings
         1. Changing clinical practice                College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust who has 20% of
            relating to the use of wound
            drains, drainage of seromas and           patients who are asylum seekers and a high number of
            pain control.                             patients with complex psychological support needs,
         2. Assumptions that patients
                                                      with many from a socially deprived background. Day
            would not want to go home                 surgery has been beneficial for sorting this out
         3. Perceptions that the redesign
            was a cost cutting exercise.              Jo Marsden, Consultant Breast Surgeon, Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

         4. Preconceptions “We do this
            anyway” and “this will increase
                                                      Many of these uncertainties had been
                                                      tested by the early adopters (see
                                                      Figure 4 - Spreading the Learning).

        “One must learn by doing                      The spread networks included some of
        the thing, for though you                     the early adopter sites. Bringing these
                                                      together helped to decrease the
        think you know it, you                        uncertainty and provide an evidence
        have no certainty until                       base in which to build the new
                                                      knowledge and challenge the old.
        you try.”
                                                      The spread networks could be
        Sophocles, 400BC                              described as the early majority
                                                      adopters (Rodgers, 2003).

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                                                                                       Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay   15

        Transforming Inpatients Framework for Spread application in practice

        3. Continuous monitoring: Measuring spread and adoption

                                 Measuring the      Spread survey                                                      Relative advantage, complexity
                                    spread and                                                                         and trial: A four month national audit
                                      adoption of   NHS Improvement conducted a wider                                  (November 2010 to March 2011);
               Continuous                                                                                              completed by 61% of spread sites
                                       the breast   spread survey (2010): This identified
               monitoring:             pathway      that there was an increasing uptake of                             provided important insights. Data was
           Measuring spread            cannot be    NHS Trusts applying Winning Principle                              collected on 2,087 patients, 666
              and adoption            over          2 (NHS Improvement Transforming                                    mastectomy patients, and 1,421 wide
                                     simplified.    Inpatient Winning principles 2009)                                 local excision and other breast
                                  It is ever-       particularly associated with the breast                            procedures (cancer and non cancer).
                              changing and          surgery pathway.
        many measurement indicators only                                                                               The purpose of the audit was
        provide part of the story. Rodgers                                                                             threefold; to measure progress
        (2003) recommends that four                                                                                    towards compliance against the
        attributes should be measured, but                                                                             elements of the pathway, identify the
        these rely on individual’s perceptions                                                                         changes in practice and to capture the
        as a measure of spread.                                                                                        views of patients who had
                                                    Winning Principle 2                                                experienced the new pathway.
        Rodgers attributes include:                 All patients should be on defined
        • Rate of adoption                                                                                             The audit incorporated areas identified
                                                    inpatient pathways based on their
        • Complexity                                                                                                   in the National Mastectomy Audit
                                                    tumour type and reasons for
        • Relative advantage                                                                                           report 2010 and the national
        • Trial.                                                                                                       inpatient survey (2010).

        These are well researched factors and       Complexity: Local baseline of                                      Breast pathway audit results
        taken into account as part of the           compliance with the elements of the
        spread stage.                               breast surgical pathway were captured                              Wound drains
                                                    by the spread sites carrying out a                                 The audit showed there continues to
        Are these attributes a measure of           pathway analysis reviewing their                                   be clinical variation in the usage of
        spread and adoption?                        current practice.                                                  wound drains and identified that
        It was found that certainly the                                                                                patient’s with wound drains required
        attributes added to knowledge,                                                                                 21% (Figure 9) more aspirations than
        learning and communication but                                                                                 the patients without drains.
        spread and adoption is “a marathon,
        not a sprint”, as the breast
        improvement work illustrates. It has          Figure 9: Patients who had drains required 21% more aspirations
        taken four years to reach this stage,
        working with the majority of early                                      100
        adopters. Although other Trusts                                                               11.2%
        outside of the spread networks have                                                                                             32.2%
        adopted the new pathway the
                                                       Percentage of Patients

        evidence of this is based on HES
        length of stay data.                                                     60
                                                                                 50                   88.8%
        Application of Rodgers Attributes                                        40
        Influence Spread and Adoption

        Rate of adoption: National HES data                                      20

        provided the national picture and                                        10
        benchmarking of progress, related to                                      0
                                                                                                  No Drains                              Drains
        the shift in length of stay, potential
        number of bed days released and the                                           No Aspiration       Aspiration

76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:06 Page 17

        16     Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay

        The audit indicated a shift in practice:
        • There was an increase in the number           Figure 10: Length of stay increased for sixteen
                                                        patients as a result of having a drain
          of patients not having wound drains
        • Patients are now having drains                                     9
          removed prior to discharge                                         8
        • Patients are now being discharged
          home on the day of surgery with
                                                            Number of Days

          their drains in situ.                                              6
        Traditionally, patients would have                                   4
        remained in hospital until the drain                                 3
        was removed. Results showed that the
        impact on primary care of patients
        going home with drains in situ has
        been minimal.                                                        0
                                                                                        1   2     3     4       5    6        7    8     9    10    11    12    13     14    15    16
                                                                                                                          Number of Patients
        The audit showed that only 31 patients
        were reluctant to go home with drains
        in situ. Sixteen patients stayed in
        hospital between three days to eight
        days until their drains had been                Figure 11: 30% of patients said they did not require any analgesia
        removed (Figure 10). Although the
        numbers are small the impact on bed
        days is significant.                                                      400
                                                         Usage Number Recorded
                                                          from Network Analysis

        Clinical teams are continuing to                                          300
        conduct local audits associated with                                      250
        wound drains, particularly looking at
        the cosmetic effects when using drains
        compared to no drains.
        Pain control                                                               50
        • Pain control was a key feature of the                                     0
                                                                                    Paracetamol                  Ibuprofen               Diclofenac              Paracetamol,
          audit. Concerns had been raised by                                                                    Paracetamol             Paracetamol                Tramadol
          patients and clinicians that reducing                                                     Codeine                   Cocodamol             Dihydrocodeine             Codeine,
                                                                                                  Paracetamol                                        Paracetamol              Diclofenac,
          length of stay relies on the patient                                                                                                                               Paracetamol
          receiving adequate pain control. The                                                                  Analgesia Drugs and Drug Combinations

          audit found the majority of patients
          pain was controlled with
        • 30% of patients reported that               “The centres that have successfully implemented 100%
          although they had only been in
          hospital as a day case or one night         day case or one night stay mastectomy have combined
          stay they had not needed to take            either oral or intravenous paracetamol, often
          any analgesia at home (Figure 11)
        • The audit found that analgesia for          commenced preoperatively, with one or more local
          mastectomy should be multimodal.            anaesthetic technique i.e. local infiltration, installation
          Various combinations of paracetamol
          plus one or more local anaesthetic
                                                      of local anaesthetic into the wound and/or peripheral
          technique are able to provide               nerve blockade.”
          effective analgesia.
                                                      Martin Kuper, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, The Whittington
                                                      Hospital NHS Trust and NHS Improvement Enhanced Recovery National Clinical Lead

76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:06 Page 18

                                                                                        Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay              17

        Arm and shoulder exercises
        • The redesigned pathway introduced        Figure 12: Patients who performed shoulder exercises
          arm exercises prior to surgery in
          contrast to traditionally
                                                                                                                YES       NO
          post-operatively. Patients pre-
          operatively received information and
                                                          Number of Patients
          were shown exercises. The audit
          found that 30% of patients
          reported that they did not do any                                    300
          arm exercises post discharge
          (Figure 12).                                                         200


                                                                                         Partial Excision     Re-excision of        Wire Guided            Mastectomy
                                                                                            of Breast         Breast Margins       Partial Excision
                                                                                                                                      of Breast

                                                 Re-admission rates
                                                 There was an assumption that reducing the length of stay would increase
                                                 re-admissions. The audit showed a 2% re-admission rate, which is below the
                                                 national average 3.2% (HES 2010), The main cause for re-admissions requiring
                                                 therapeutic intervention are shown in Figure 13.

                                                   Figure 13: Main causes for re-admission

                                                                                          Haematoma Mastectomy

                                                                                                 Haematoma Other

                                                                                     Wound Dehiscence Mastectomy
                                                    Complication Type

                                                                                          Wound Dehiscence Other

                                                                                          Skin Necrosis Mastectomy

                                                                                                Skin Necrosis Other

                                                                               Systemic Complications Mastectomy

                                                                                      Systemic Complications Other

                                                                                                                      0        1      2          3         4      5     6
                                                                                                                                      Percentage of Patients

76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:06 Page 19

        18     Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay

        Length of stay - from days to hours
                                                        Figure 14: Shift from traditional inpatient to day case or one night stay
        The audit established the length of                                                           Actual Length of Stay by Procedure Type
        stay in hours, highlighting a shift in                                                             November 2010 - March 2011
        practice as length of stay is                                         120
        traditionally recorded in days. (Figure                                                                                Other Breast Procedures
        14) Importantly, this provided the                                    100
                                                         Number of Patients

        evidence that the original definition                                                                                  Total Excision of Breast - Total Mastectomy NEC
        of 23 hours was not accurate.
        Variation in admission times and
        theatre scheduling across the spread
        networks needed to be taken into                                       40
        consideration leading to the revised
        definition, breast day case or one                                     20
        night stay pathway.
                                                                                    0   8   15   23   30 37   46   53   60    70 77   84 101 108 124 132 149 174 195 271 529 8817
        Delays in discharge
                                                                                                                             Length of Stay (Hours)
        The audit highlighted that 10.5% of
        patients had a delayed discharge, the
        reasons recorded were:

        • Patients did not want to go home
          with a drain in situ
        • No local drain policy re discharge
          home with drains in situ
        • No one at home and delayed social
          care package, not noted
        • Changes in the initial extent of
          surgery: Immediate reconstruction,
          bilateral mastectomy
        • Nausea
        • Awaiting medical decision
        • Other medical problems
        • Booked as an inpatient!

76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:06 Page 20

                                                            Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay   19

        Transforming Inpatients Framework for Spread application in practice

        4. Patient centred

                              One of the        Patients have evaluated the new             “Highly recommended -
                               strongest        breast pathway positively
                                influences      The patients’ experience has been           day surgery is better.”
                                 for spread     captured in various ways:
                Patient          is the
                centred                                                                     Patients challenged professional
                                 ‘patient’s     Patients have been recorded on film         assumptions
                                 voice.’        sharing their experiences:                  Nurses and doctors at Kings College
                                                            Hospital NHS Foundation Trust found
                               Patients                                                     patients were asking to go home.
                            were involved       “I was in at 7am, sitting                   Raising the question why are we
        in the redesign of the pathway and                                                  keeping patients in? Patients also
        told us:                                up with tea and biscuits at                 asked to go home at Northampton
                                                11am, home for tea by                       General Hospital NHS Trust, George
        “Being diagnosed with                   3pm and out dancing at a                    Eliot Hospital NHS Trust and Derby
                                                                                            Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
        breast cancer can be a                  party on Saturday night.”
        difficult transition to                                                             Frequently concerns were raised by
                                                                                            professionals particularly nurses that
        make, one day you are a                 “Just because you are                       reducing the length of stay could lead
        healthy person, the next                older does not mean you                     to patients not receiving adequate
        you are a patient with                                                              communication, information and
                                                have to stay in hospital                    support. The audit of over 2,000
        cancer.”                                longer.”                                    patients (2010) who experienced the
                                                                                            new pathway indicated this not to be
        Patients talked about how:                                                          the case (Figure 15). The results are
                                                                                            comparable with the National Patient
        “Unnecessary waits,                                                                 Survey (2010).

        procedures and sitting
        around in beds increased                   Figure 15: Audit of 2,000 patients who experienced the new pathway
        anxiety.”                                  (Four questions taken from the National Patient Survey, 2010)

                                                            Patient survey question               Response
        Patients stressed:
                                                   Q1       Were you involved as much as          92% Yes definitely
        “We want to get back to                             you wanted to be in decisions         (mastectomy and other
        normal as soon as                                   about your care and treatment?        procedures)

        possible.”                                 Q2       How much information about            93% Right amount
                                                            your condition or treatment was       (mastectomy)
        “The new pathway should                             given to you?                         94% Right amount (other
        value our time.”
                                                   Q3       Did you feel you were involved in 77% Yes definitely
                                                            decisions about your discharge    (mastectomy)
        “Treat me as a person not                           from hospital?
        a cancer patient.”
                                                   Q4       Did hospital staff tell you who       83% yes definitely (other
                                                            to contact if you were worried        procedures)
                                                            about your condition or               94% Yes (mastectomy & other
                                                            treatment after you left              procedures)

76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:06 Page 21

        20     Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay

        Independent patient evaluation                Different patients views are a key factor to spread
                                                      Different strategies for patient engagement and involvelment were used
        Patient focus groups were held as part        across the spread networks (Figure 16).
        as an independent qualitative study of
        experiences of the pathway (Health
        Experiences Research Group University           Figure 16: Patient engagement strategies
        of Oxford 2011). The 13 national
        clinical networks were invited to                 Ask questions                                           Patient voices
        participate in the study by inviting their
        patients to take part.                            Knowing patient                                         Charities
                                                          What is informed                                        Spread the message
                                                          What ideas should we

                                                          Get feedback                  Pre and post operative focus groups
                                                          Post operative
                                                                                        Story boards and story telling
                                                          Telephone calls
                                                          Patient questionnaires
                                                          Audit change                  Patient videos

                                                                                        Patient diaries

                                                      Independent evaluation findings:

                                                      “Patients were often surprised that they could be
                                                      treated on a day case or one night basis. Some patients
                                                      and their friends and family, were initially suspicious
                                                      about whether the service was driven by a desire to cut
                                                      costs. Experiences in hospital (waiting for surgery,
                                                      communication and information, quality of care,
                                                      emotional support and discharge) were described
                                                      positively and acted to reassure patients that their care
                                                      would not suffer, despite short stays.

                                                      This positive experience was slightly undermined if
                                                      hospital staff appeared critical of short stay.“
                                                      (Barlow et al 2011)

76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:06 Page 22

                                                                 Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay   21

        Transforming Inpatients Framework for Spread application in practice

        5. Spread simple principles and messages

                                                   Patients traditionally stayed in hospital     “More challenging was
                                                   for as long as six days, now the
                                                   majority are home the same day or             convincing some of the
             Spread simple            The          after one night. Patient’s challenged         hospital staff that the day
             principles and           concept of   professional beliefs of not wanting to
                                      spread       be in hospital. There was:                    case or one night stay
                                     networks as                                                 ambulatory care was
                                    a forum of     “Reluctance on the part                       achievable for patients
                              has been key
                                                   of some staff to discharge                    having mastectomy and
        to spread messages and make                patients sooner and with                      axillary node clearance.
        interpersonal links to influence others.
                                                   a drain.”                                     However, confidence in
        The success of the approach relates                                                      the process has grown
        to its affiliation with the common         Burton Hospital and Kings Mill Hospital
        purpose; and a                             overcame the issue by holding                 substantially with
        “group of knower’s.”                       education events for ward nurses and          implementation and
                                                   feeding back patients positive
        (Driver A, 2011)                           comments.                                     successful outcomes.”
                                                   Concerns were raised about the                Yeovil District Hospital (2011)
        Interestingly, it was found that
        although the spread networks were          reduction in the length of stay being
                                                   detrimental to patients psychological/        Across the clinical spread networks,
        geographically located, the informal
                                                   physical well being. The recent audit         coversations about patient experience
        networks across geographical areas
                                                   of patients (80% response) indicates          and satisfaction highlighted that the
        were often stronger, particularly with
                                                   that there has been no adverse effect,        pathway was received positively.
                                                   but the foundation for this lies with
        Through using simple messages which        good pre-operative assessment and             “Patient feedback has
                                                   informing patients that they will be
        relayed information, principles and
                                                   going home on the day of surgery or
                                                                                                 been extremely positive,
        sharing practices on the ground
        knowledge was enhanced and                 the following day right from the              patients reported they
        discussions and conversations              beginning. (Clinical Networks 2010).          were involved in their
        were stimulated.
                                                   “Changes in clinical                          care, treatment and
        “First of all we had to                    practice have had a                           discharge and received
        overcome our own                           positive effect with other                    sufficient information.”
        preconceptions of                          procedures, for example                       Southport and Ormskirk Hospital
        patient’s opinion about a                  patients having a
                                                                                                 NHS Trust (2011)

        shorter stay in hospital.                  therapeutic mammoplasty,
        We thought patients                        now also only have a
        would find the shorter stay                single night’s stay.”
        unacceptable and patient
                                                   Geraldine Mitchell, Consultant Breast
        anxiety levels would                       Surgeon, Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen
        increase; but, we did not                  University Hospitals NHS Trust

        find this to be the case.”
        Royal Bolton NHS Foundation
        Trust (2011)

76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:06 Page 23

        22     Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay

        Wider conversations                           Simple messages... hints and tips
        Breast charities and patient groups
        played an important contribution in
        helping to spread the messages about            For the health community                   For admission and discharge
        the new pathway. It has been really             • Increase dialogue across the             • Staggered admission times are
        encouraging to see patient’s reviews              health community improves                  possible and reduced unnecessary
        www.independent.cancerpatientsvoice               working relationships with                 waits for patients                                           primary care and provider                • Nurses like nurse led discharge.
                                                          colleagues                                 They have reported this increases
                                                        • Spread sites arranged training             job satisfaction, skills base and
                                                          events for community staff and             knowledge allowing them to
        “We showed that not                               some planned GP site visits to             manage their work load more
                                                          inform colleagues of the                   effectively
        only is this pathway                              improvements                             • Pre-prescribed discharge
        acceptable to the great                         • Review and share patient                   medication (TTOs) on admission
                                                          information with community                 and pre-packed TTO on the day
        majority of patients but                          colleagues as early as possible            unit/ward prevents discharge
        that it is genuinely                            • Reassure GPs the new pathway               delays
                                                          does not increase their workload         • Consultants have said that the
        preferred by them, and                          • Communicate to GPs, practice               ward rounds are now able to
        that this can be achieved                         nurses and district nurses that            focus on patients requiring more
                                                          patients will be discharged home           medical input and they have
        without any compromise                            earlier and safely because they are        achieved a reduction in length of
        in the quality of care with                       better sooner                              stay without detriment to the
                                                        • The new pathway focuses on                 patient
        patients feeling                                  quality and safety not pushing           • Patients are not left without
        empowered to make                                 patients through faster to save            support: 24/7 cover and
                                                          money                                      telephone advice/support lines
        decisions and choices.”                         • The changes in anaesthetics have           and follow-up support calls are
        National Clinical Spread Networks                 allowed patients to recover more           available to patients.
        (2011)                                            quickly following surgery
                                                        • The breast pathways aim is to ‘get
                                                          back to normal as soon as
                                                          possible’….”Home in time                To access the recent success stories
                                                          for tea.”                               from across England on delivering
                                                                                                  major breast surgery as a day case
                                                                                                  or a one night stay (excluding
                                                                                                  reconstruction) case studies and for
                                                        For pre-assessment                        further information please visit:
                                                        • Managing patient’s expectations
                                                          from the beginning has been key.
                                                          Patients need to be advised at the      “It’s do-able, safe and
                                                          outset of their likely length of stay
                                                          which is reinforced by the whole        patients want to
                                                          team throughout the pathway             go home.”
                                                        • Physiotherapists and breast care
                                                          nurses see patients at pre-             National Clinical Spread Networks
                                                          operative clinic providing earlier      (2011)
                                                          support and risk management
                                                        • Pre-assessment is a vital part to
                                                          the success of the pathway.

Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay (excluding reconstruction)
Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay (excluding reconstruction)
Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay (excluding reconstruction)
Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay (excluding reconstruction)
Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay (excluding reconstruction)
Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay (excluding reconstruction)
Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay (excluding reconstruction)
Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay (excluding reconstruction)
Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay (excluding reconstruction)
Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay (excluding reconstruction)

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Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay (excluding reconstruction)

  • 1. 76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:05 Page 2 WINNER NHS NHS Improvement Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay (excluding reconstruction)
  • 2. 76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:05 Page 3 NHS ASSOCIATION OF NHS Improvement BREAST SURGERY Day case or one night stay breast surgical pathway (excluding reconstruction) Primary care Pre-operative assessment Anaesthetics/surgery Post surgery follow-up options optimising pre- • Overnight booking the exception not the rule • Anaesthetics: short • No follow up required operative health • Full clinical and risk assessment eg venous thromboembolism acting, use local • Patient activated e.g. telephone • Blood pressure prophylaxis anaesthetic call/questionnaire • BMI, diabetes etc. • Anaesthetic/co-morbidity management seek prompt specialist • Analgesia: non • Pro-active follow up call • Lifestyle advice advice steroidal/non opiate • Outpatients appointment • Patient choice • Patient education: e.g. mobility - physiotherapist/nurse/DVD • Minimal intra operative • GP follow-up • Patient information • Prosthesis advice fluids • Open access: seromas/drain • Prescribe TTO’s • Sentinel Node Biopsy* management and complications • Check patient informed surgical consent • Drains the exception not • Joint clinic: e.g. further treatment • Inform patient of admission time, length of stay and discharge the norm options; chemotherapy/radiotherapy date and time • Palliative care • Plan theatre scheduling and timing General Diagnosis & Continuing Practitioner Assessment care for cancer (80% of referrals) (Same day one stop MDT /two visit system) Admission Post-operative patients Referral (2 week Routine wait) screening and Pre-operative Intra-operative Surgical MDT assessment Follow-up (20% of referrals) Diagnosis Admission (Day Unit, Treatment Centre, Post-operative Continuing care for • Full clinical assessment Surgical Ward) • Analgesia: avoid PCA/opiates cancer patients • Imaging: Mammogram/ultrasound/ +/-MRI +Chest X-ray • Admit day of surgery • Provide nutrition and mobilise • Continuing cancer care • Pathology: Core/fine needle biopsy • Starvation – the ‘2 and 6’ rule fasting • Nurse led discharge assessment care plan • Bloods time 6 hours for food and clear fluids 2 • Patient and GP discharge summary with 24 (including referral as • Discuss informed consent hours prior to surgery hour contacts and wound care advise appropriate to AHPs) • Pathology reporting • Consider carbohydrate drink) • GP discharge summary • Education – self Outcomes • No pre med • Drain management information (if required) care management • Discuss results • Pre-op analgesia (paracetamol/non • Fit prosthesis programme • Involve patient in choice of treatments/trials/reconstruction steroidals) • Dispense TTO’s • Palliative care • Obtain patient informed surgical consent • Confirm treatment/surgery date ** Pre-operative assessment • Provide patient information prescription, hand held *Intra-operative - Sentinel Node Biopsy Analysis: This is an emerging technique and needs to be evaluated. record/care plan/patient diary • Inform patient of next steps • Inform GP positive results within 24 hours/negative within 10 working days Patient informed decision making Acknowledgements NHS Improvement would like to thank the thirteen clinical spread networks, the British Association of Day Surgery, the Association of Breast Surgery, Breakthrough Breast Cancer, clinical advisors and patients for their support.
  • 3. 76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:05 Page 4 Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay 3 Contents Foreword 4 Why should major breast surgery be an inpatient procedure? 5 From testing to spread... the approach 7 Keep improvement simple 8 Influences, innovation and incentives for spread 9 Transforming Inpatients Framework for Spread application in practice: 1. Collaboration, partnerships and team working 11 2. Learning and unlearning 12 3. Continuous monitoring: Measuring spread and adoption 15 4. Patient centred 19 5. Spread simple principles and messages 21 6. Alignment with opportunities and levers 23 7. Leadership, engagement and accountability 26 Summary 27 References 28
  • 4. 76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:05 Page 5 4 Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay Foreword Twenty five years ago, I am delighted to have the when I was first a opportunity to introduce consultant medical this work that oncologist specialising in demonstrates the breast cancer, patients effectiveness of providing undergoing breast surgery major breast surgery as a (mastectomy or breast day case or one night stay conserving surgery) typically procedure. stayed in hospital for 10 days. Within a few years This programme is a very this had fallen to five days, successful demonstration of but that then became the norm. developing and spreading a new way of working that meets patients’ expectations and reduces the demand on Much more recently a second revolution in surgical care in-patient beds at the same time in a safe and effective has taken place. It is now recognised that the vast manner. majority of operations for breast cancer (excluding operations for breast construction) can be safely Many patients who need breast surgery are undertaken as a day case procedure or with a single understandably anxious about their diagnosis, and this overnight stay. has often been compounded historically by the need to spend several nights in hospital, away from their families. NHS Improvement has been working with clinical teams This NHS Improvement work has been able to change across England to transform the way in which breast the way in which such patients are managed, and reduce surgery is delivered. This work has been supported by the ‘medicalisation’ of their care, so that many feel that the British Association of Day Surgery, the Association of they are able to retain their autonomy and get through Breast Surgery and by patients. All the partners have the process of health care more easily. recognised that the transformation is good for patients and good for the NHS. Patients do not need to be It is a clear advantage, in the current extremely tight admitted to hospital the night before surgery. Equally economic environment, that this change benefits they want to return to normal life as quickly as possible. patients, is also to the benefit of those managing the healthcare budget since it reduces the demand for in- The original hypothesis underlying this work was that patient beds for a large cohort of patients and thus saves streamlining could reduce length of stay by 50% and money for trusts. release 25% of unnecessary bed days for 80% of major breast surgery (excluding reconstruction). This goal has The day case and one night stay breast surgery been exceeded. Mean length of stay has reduced form programme was started in a small area and has spread, 2.35 days to 1.35 days overall. The number of patients via NHS Improvement methodology, to hospitals across with length of stay greater than one day has been the country. It has now been taken up by others beyond reduced markedly. Overall bed days have been reduced the programme as well, resulting in a significant shift in by more than 40%. national figures for length of stay for patients having breast surgery. Although improvements have been observed in most NHS Trusts, significant reductions in lengths of stay could This is a quality improvement that helps patients and still be achieved in some areas. I urge them to read this healthcare organisations; its very pleasing to think that report and to take action. Meanwhile I would like to many patients who have to have breast surgery will be thank all those who have delivered both quality and going “Home for Tea”! productivity – a remarkable example of ‘QIPP’ in action. Professor Sir Mike Richards Celia Ingham Clark National Clinical Director for Cancer National Clinical Lead for and End of Life Care Transforming Inpatient Care
  • 5. 76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:05 Page 6 Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay 5 Why should major breast surgery be an inpatient procedure? • It’s a relatively short operation • Low post operative pain Figure 1: The increasing shift to day case and one night stay has been gradual • Patients can mobilise, eat and Breast Surgery Patients - Elective Procedures drink early 60,000 • Rare post operative events • Patients want to return to 50,000 normal life as quickly as Number of Procedures possible. 40,000 In 2007, NHS Improvement 30,000 Transforming Inpatient Care 20,000 Programme as part of the Cancer Reform Strategy (2007) and recently 10,000 the Improving Cancer Outcomes Strategy (2011) redesigned the breast 0 care surgical pathway (excluding Year Year Year Year Year 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 V13 reconstruction) with the working No. of inpatient No. of inpatient No. of day cases hypothesis that: admissions LoS >1 admissions LoS = 0,1 “Streamlining of the breast surgical pathway • There has been a gradual shift in the • A further 30% have LOS of one could reduce length of overall length of stay for patients night only, (2010/11 HES (Figure 1). The traditional inpatient provisional) stay by 50% and release pathway had a range of length of • The overall mean LOS has reduced 25% of unnecessary bed stay from 0-7 days (2007, Hospital by 56%, exceeding the original Episode Statistics (HES) working hypothesis (Figure 2). days for 80% of major • Currently (2011) around 42% of breast surgery (excluding breast surgical procedures have length of stay (LOS) = 0 days and a reconstruction).” ‘day case’ ranging from 6 to 12 hours Good progress has been made • 72% of breast surgery patients across England now benefit from the pathway, this number Figure 2: Breast surgery patients - Elective mean length of stay continues to increase indicating 3.5 that 85% is achievable, 3.15 exceeding the original 3.0 2.78 hypothesis. 2.57 Mean Length of Stay 2.5 2.33 2.35 2.04 2.03 2.0 1.61 1.81 1.5 1.33 1.0 0.5 Figures 1, 2 and 3 source: Transforming Inpatient Care – HES Breast Surgery Patients, 0 a paper for the National Transforming Year Year Year Year Year 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 V13 Inpatient Care Committee, Sep 2011, based on HES extraction by NATCANSAT, and Mean LoS - Inpatients only Mean LoS - Overall analysis by DH. Further details on the HES extraction are provided in appendix 1.
  • 6. 76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:05 Page 7 6 Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay The continued spread, and Figure 3: Breast surgery bed days reduced by 41%, exceeding sustainability of the breast surgical the working hypothesis pathway across England is an Breast Surgery Patients - Elective Bed Days important contribution to the whole 140,000 cancer programme and as Professor Sir Mike Richards states: 120,000 “Over the next 15 years Number of Bed Days 100,000 80,000 the incidence of cancer 60,000 is likely to increase by 40,000 around 24% (based on 20,000 current trends). Putting 0 pressure on inpatients’ Year 06/07 Year 07/08 Year 08/09 Year 09/10 Year 10/11 V13 cancer services; hence in Bed days for inpatient admissions LoS >1 Bed days for inpatient admissions LoS = 0,1 order to keep inpatients costs at the same level the average length of stay must fall by one quarter.” • Bed days for breast cancer have • Patient feedback of their experience reduced from the baseline by 50,329 of the pathway is extremely positive Professor Sir Mike Richards (2011) (41%) with most of the reduction • Strong clinical engagement is National Clinical Director for Cancer due to shorter lengths of stay for evident in leading the improvements and End of Life Care episodes longer than a day; • Variation in practice still remains although the increase of short stays with 28% of breast surgical (zero or one day) has contributed procedures staying in hospital longer If all patients with a length of (Figure 3) than two days stay of more than one night • The proportion of patients not being • Lengths of stay of more than one were converted to the day admitted the day before surgery has night increases with age although case/one night stay model, increased from 69.6% (2006/7) to variation exists across Trusts potentially 40,000 bed days 94.6% • Variation in clinical practice could be saved. • Professional endorsement of the surrounding the use of wound pathway has been achieved drains, draining of, seromas, the • A Best Practice Tariff (BPT) is administration of anaesthetics and proposed for 2012/13 to incentivise pain control continues. day case surgery
  • 7. 76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:05 Page 8 Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay 7 From testing to spread... the approach Throughout the service improvement phases (Figure 4) NHS Improvement shared the learning across the NHS to encourage local spread, adoption and adaption. Figure 4: Service improvement stages Phase Year Service Improvement stages NHS coverage Spreading the learning 1 2007 • Baseline the current situation • Review clinical procedures • Listen to all views and perspectives • Understand the culture, context and content of Trusts, clinical teams and pathways • Identify best practice and challenges 2 2008 • Testing out the idea: Proof of 7 NHS hospital sites The Winning Principles: Principle – What could be Transforming Inpatient Care achieved. The Winning (July 2008) Principles (2008) Meeting the Challenge Together (October 2008) 3 2009 • Prototype testing the 25 NHS hospital sites Spreading the Winning Principles transferability, confidence and and Good Practice (July 2009) competence of the improvement Consolidation Report (2009) From Testing to Spread 4 2010-11 • Spread, adoption and adaption 13 clinical spread Spreading the Winning Principles networks (72 hospital case studies (July 2010) sites) 41% coverage across England Breast day case/one night stay case studies Service improvement literature has, highlighted the multiplicity and complexity of service improvement, redesign the challenges of spread and the time it takes…. it’s like a marathon not a sprint, however, it’s a race worth doing. Pettigrew et al 1992, Senge 1999, Plesk 2000, Fraser 2002, McNulty et al 2002, Ovretveit et al 2002, Williamson 2007, Driver 2008).
  • 8. 76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:05 Page 9 8 Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay Keep improvement simple Figure 5: A consistent systematic approach was applied to capture the impact and learning Testing Cycles Is it the Analysis Identify the Visioning Test out the ideas/ right solution Baseline from real root of the What are you innovations to address the different perspectives problem trying to achieve? Test confidence real problem and competence NO YES Evaluate and Case for change Agree the Evaluation Implementation Plan the implementation redesign and Evaluate the benefits check Implement the of the test idea implentation of the What is the sustainability idea Build the case for change improvements difference? Clinical Spread Spread/Adoption Networks Strategy Winning Principles Capture the impact and learning The redesign and streamlining of the breast surgical pathway took a simple systematic approach involving a multitude of reiterative service improvement cycles (plan do study act) and building the evidence for continuous improvement (Figure 5).
  • 9. 76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:05 Page 10 Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay 9 Influences, innovation and incentives for spread Over the four years common themes and practices have emerged that supported the spread of the breast pathway. The themes have been collated and applied to the Transforming Inpatient Framework for Spread (Figure 6). The spread framework identifies the common components found to influence the rate of spread. Figure 6: Transforming Inpatient Framework for Spread - Common themes and practices Spreading new ideas and good practice Understanding what good practice looks like Active dissemination Prove what works and the benefits Passive diffusion Involve those who need to be actively ‘One size fits no one problem’ involved at the start A Vision for Quality Improvement Systematic Spread Receptive to the improvement Improvement Strategy Adaption to the context Approach Policies and procedures A degree of flexibility Linked Organisational Strategic and Culture Operational and Fit Change Continuous Spread Spread Information Communication Monitoring Simple Shared comparative Progress and Making the Principles and Use of opinion leaders data Connections Finding the right focus Impact Messages for quality and efficiency Collaboration Leadership Partnerships Engagement and Team Accountability Working Clinical and managerial Stakeholders Alignment Responsibility for delivery Ownership and a Learning with Executive leadership distribution of & Unlearning Opportunities responsibilities Patient and Levers networking Centred Knowledge required Local quality indicators and priorities Coaching Commissioning agreement and healthy Changing practice and behaviour competition Patients involved in testing Training Accepted or rejected the improvement The framework reflects the work of Pettigrew (1992) Receptive Contexts for Change and Rodgers (2003) Theory on the Diffusions of Innovations.
  • 10. 76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:06 Page 11 10 Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay All the components of the framework were relevant and applied. Seven components (Figure 7) appeared to be more influential in enhancing spread within clinical teams. This was evident from local interactions, case studies and reported site feedback involving clinical leadership, multidisciplinary teams and patients. Figure 7: The seven influential components A Vision for Quality Improvement Systematic Spread Improvement Strategy Approach Linked Organisational Strategic and Culture Operational and Fit Change Continuous Spread Spread Monitoring Simple Progress and Making the Principles and Impact Connections Messages Collaboration Leadership Partnerships Engagement and Team Accountability Working Alignment Learning with & Unlearning Opportunities Patient and Levers Centred
  • 11. 76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:06 Page 12 Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay 11 Learning from the 13 national clinical spread networks on the seven dominate components - Transforming Inpatients Framework for Spread application in practice: 1. Collaboration, partnerships and team working Getting teams “It's been very gratifying to have been able to share our together was extremely experiences with so many teams from around the Collboration, partnership beneficial. country. I have been impressed with the interest and Rodgers and team (2003), enthusiasm of teams and the quality of the discussions, working highlights which have helped us to further examine our practice the importance of and the perceptions around enhanced recovery after the nature of the breast surgery.” social system in which innovations are diffused. The clinical spread networks Hamish Brown, Consultant Breast and General Surgeon, Sandwell and West Birmingham were brought together as a Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust community for spread involving organisations, clinical and managerial teams, patients and carers. Their contribution to spread was Figure 8: National Clinical invaluable through enhancing the Spread Networks debate and sharing learning with peers. They provided a succinctness gaining consensus on the breast pathway. The sites shared personal experiences, perceptions and concerns. They could be described as the “early Lancashire and South Cumbria Humber and majority” of adopters, forming a Yorkshire localised network for spread, Greater communication and an important link Manchester in the spread process with their Merseyside deliberate willingness to adopt. and Cheshire Anglia East Midlands Pan Birmingham Arden North Three Counties West Avon, Somerset London and Wiltshire South West London Thames Valley
  • 12. 76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:06 Page 13 12 Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay Transforming Inpatients Framework for Spread application in practice 2. Learning and unlearning Many lessons have been Supporting spread: Key learning from learned over the clinical spread networks: the four Learning and years. The knowledge of 13 unlearning Some of the learning was new, reiterative and Take a systematic Understand the national challenging. approach to service and local context and It was evident across the sites that there improvement. This takes coherence with local was variation in service improvement values and priorities. understanding and application. Also, builds up a time but This should not be the time required for redesign was a challenge for many organisations. This good evidence underestimated and is can make the continuous spread of base and gets to the real needed to gain improvement difficult. commitment to deliver in root of the problem. challenging times. Give the right messages Engagement with key in the right language to people leading change is the different audiences and to not enough, support spread the knowledge them to manage, for persuasion and organise and mobilise decisions. the change. Clinicians don’t like targets, managers do, and patients are more concerned with getting better. Build relationships across professions and Patient experience and organisational feedback is a key factor in boundaries. accelerating the pace of spread. There is a need to create the common purpose.
  • 13. 76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:06 Page 14 Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay 13 Keep things simple, Clinicians focus on Identifying key realistic and flexible. research, gathering principles that can be more evidence and adapted to benefit all It’s ok to get it audit. patients develops a wrong. common purpose. They are often uncomfortable with the service improvement approach – but once they understand its Understand the value there is no The breast pathway is stopping them. common sense, simple measurement of and comprehensible. impact and success and Those that do not be clear what you want understand are in the to achieve, but remember minority but can be time- one persons new idea is consuming. Go with the another person’s normal majority – the others will practice. catch on later. The importance of Build the evidence base Professional boundaries and traditional roles can be communication, from the begining of the improvement work to barriers to spread. co-operation, and collaboration in strengthen, spread We found the doctors working partnerships is and sustain and to win accepted the pathway vital and so is over the sceptics. quicker than the nurses, but commitment. once the nurses came on board it flew.
  • 14. 76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:06 Page 15 14 Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay Some of the learning focused on ”There was a misconception that the proportion of dealing with uncertainties, assumptions and perceptions. Peer to women who would be suitable for early discharge in peer support helped to build parts of the country with greatest concentration of confidence levels in the new pathway and the changes in clinical practice. elderly or socially deprived patients would be difficult. The results have shown this not to be the case with Four specific aspects were commonly achievements from Birmingham (the fourth most highlighted: deprived area in the country outside London) and Kings 1. Changing clinical practice College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust who has 20% of relating to the use of wound drains, drainage of seromas and patients who are asylum seekers and a high number of pain control. patients with complex psychological support needs, 2. Assumptions that patients with many from a socially deprived background. Day would not want to go home surgery has been beneficial for sorting this out earlier. smoothly.” 3. Perceptions that the redesign was a cost cutting exercise. Jo Marsden, Consultant Breast Surgeon, Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 4. Preconceptions “We do this anyway” and “this will increase Many of these uncertainties had been re-admissions.” tested by the early adopters (see Figure 4 - Spreading the Learning). “One must learn by doing The spread networks included some of the thing, for though you the early adopter sites. Bringing these together helped to decrease the think you know it, you uncertainty and provide an evidence have no certainty until base in which to build the new knowledge and challenge the old. you try.” The spread networks could be Sophocles, 400BC described as the early majority adopters (Rodgers, 2003).
  • 15. 76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:06 Page 16 Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay 15 Transforming Inpatients Framework for Spread application in practice 3. Continuous monitoring: Measuring spread and adoption Measuring the Spread survey Relative advantage, complexity spread and and trial: A four month national audit adoption of NHS Improvement conducted a wider (November 2010 to March 2011); Continuous completed by 61% of spread sites the breast spread survey (2010): This identified monitoring: pathway that there was an increasing uptake of provided important insights. Data was Measuring spread cannot be NHS Trusts applying Winning Principle collected on 2,087 patients, 666 and adoption over 2 (NHS Improvement Transforming mastectomy patients, and 1,421 wide simplified. Inpatient Winning principles 2009) local excision and other breast It is ever- particularly associated with the breast procedures (cancer and non cancer). changing and surgery pathway. many measurement indicators only The purpose of the audit was provide part of the story. Rodgers threefold; to measure progress (2003) recommends that four towards compliance against the attributes should be measured, but elements of the pathway, identify the these rely on individual’s perceptions changes in practice and to capture the as a measure of spread. views of patients who had Winning Principle 2 experienced the new pathway. Rodgers attributes include: All patients should be on defined • Rate of adoption The audit incorporated areas identified inpatient pathways based on their • Complexity in the National Mastectomy Audit tumour type and reasons for • Relative advantage report 2010 and the national admission. • Trial. inpatient survey (2010). These are well researched factors and Complexity: Local baseline of Breast pathway audit results taken into account as part of the compliance with the elements of the spread stage. breast surgical pathway were captured Wound drains by the spread sites carrying out a The audit showed there continues to Are these attributes a measure of pathway analysis reviewing their be clinical variation in the usage of spread and adoption? current practice. wound drains and identified that It was found that certainly the patient’s with wound drains required attributes added to knowledge, 21% (Figure 9) more aspirations than learning and communication but the patients without drains. spread and adoption is “a marathon, not a sprint”, as the breast improvement work illustrates. It has Figure 9: Patients who had drains required 21% more aspirations taken four years to reach this stage, working with the majority of early 100 adopters. Although other Trusts 11.2% 90 outside of the spread networks have 32.2% 80 adopted the new pathway the Percentage of Patients 70 evidence of this is based on HES length of stay data. 60 50 88.8% Application of Rodgers Attributes 40 67.8% Influence Spread and Adoption 30 Rate of adoption: National HES data 20 provided the national picture and 10 benchmarking of progress, related to 0 No Drains Drains the shift in length of stay, potential number of bed days released and the No Aspiration Aspiration trends.
  • 16. 76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:06 Page 17 16 Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay The audit indicated a shift in practice: • There was an increase in the number Figure 10: Length of stay increased for sixteen patients as a result of having a drain of patients not having wound drains • Patients are now having drains 9 removed prior to discharge 8 • Patients are now being discharged 7 home on the day of surgery with Number of Days their drains in situ. 6 5 Traditionally, patients would have 4 remained in hospital until the drain 3 was removed. Results showed that the 2 impact on primary care of patients 1 going home with drains in situ has been minimal. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Number of Patients The audit showed that only 31 patients were reluctant to go home with drains in situ. Sixteen patients stayed in hospital between three days to eight days until their drains had been Figure 11: 30% of patients said they did not require any analgesia removed (Figure 10). Although the 450 numbers are small the impact on bed days is significant. 400 Usage Number Recorded from Network Analysis 350 Clinical teams are continuing to 300 conduct local audits associated with 250 wound drains, particularly looking at 200 the cosmetic effects when using drains 150 compared to no drains. 100 Pain control 50 • Pain control was a key feature of the 0 Paracetamol Ibuprofen Diclofenac Paracetamol, audit. Concerns had been raised by Paracetamol Paracetamol Tramadol patients and clinicians that reducing Codeine Cocodamol Dihydrocodeine Codeine, Paracetamol Paracetamol Diclofenac, length of stay relies on the patient Paracetamol receiving adequate pain control. The Analgesia Drugs and Drug Combinations audit found the majority of patients pain was controlled with paracetamol • 30% of patients reported that “The centres that have successfully implemented 100% although they had only been in hospital as a day case or one night day case or one night stay mastectomy have combined stay they had not needed to take either oral or intravenous paracetamol, often any analgesia at home (Figure 11) • The audit found that analgesia for commenced preoperatively, with one or more local mastectomy should be multimodal. anaesthetic technique i.e. local infiltration, installation Various combinations of paracetamol plus one or more local anaesthetic of local anaesthetic into the wound and/or peripheral technique are able to provide nerve blockade.” effective analgesia. Martin Kuper, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, The Whittington Hospital NHS Trust and NHS Improvement Enhanced Recovery National Clinical Lead
  • 17. 76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:06 Page 18 Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay 17 Arm and shoulder exercises • The redesigned pathway introduced Figure 12: Patients who performed shoulder exercises arm exercises prior to surgery in 600 contrast to traditionally YES NO post-operatively. Patients pre- 500 operatively received information and Number of Patients were shown exercises. The audit 400 found that 30% of patients reported that they did not do any 300 arm exercises post discharge (Figure 12). 200 100 0 Partial Excision Re-excision of Wire Guided Mastectomy of Breast Breast Margins Partial Excision of Breast Re-admission rates There was an assumption that reducing the length of stay would increase re-admissions. The audit showed a 2% re-admission rate, which is below the national average 3.2% (HES 2010), The main cause for re-admissions requiring therapeutic intervention are shown in Figure 13. Figure 13: Main causes for re-admission Haematoma Mastectomy Haematoma Other Wound Dehiscence Mastectomy Complication Type Wound Dehiscence Other Skin Necrosis Mastectomy Skin Necrosis Other Systemic Complications Mastectomy Systemic Complications Other 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Percentage of Patients
  • 18. 76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:06 Page 19 18 Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay Length of stay - from days to hours Figure 14: Shift from traditional inpatient to day case or one night stay The audit established the length of Actual Length of Stay by Procedure Type stay in hours, highlighting a shift in November 2010 - March 2011 practice as length of stay is 120 traditionally recorded in days. (Figure Other Breast Procedures 14) Importantly, this provided the 100 Number of Patients evidence that the original definition Total Excision of Breast - Total Mastectomy NEC 80 of 23 hours was not accurate. Variation in admission times and 60 theatre scheduling across the spread networks needed to be taken into 40 consideration leading to the revised definition, breast day case or one 20 night stay pathway. 0 0 8 15 23 30 37 46 53 60 70 77 84 101 108 124 132 149 174 195 271 529 8817 Delays in discharge Length of Stay (Hours) The audit highlighted that 10.5% of patients had a delayed discharge, the reasons recorded were: • Patients did not want to go home with a drain in situ • No local drain policy re discharge home with drains in situ • No one at home and delayed social care package, not noted pre-operatively • Changes in the initial extent of surgery: Immediate reconstruction, bilateral mastectomy • Nausea • Awaiting medical decision • Other medical problems • Booked as an inpatient!
  • 19. 76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:06 Page 20 Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay 19 Transforming Inpatients Framework for Spread application in practice 4. Patient centred One of the Patients have evaluated the new “Highly recommended - strongest breast pathway positively influences The patients’ experience has been day surgery is better.” for spread captured in various ways: Patient is the centred Patients challenged professional ‘patient’s Patients have been recorded on film assumptions voice.’ sharing their experiences: Nurses and doctors at Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust found Patients patients were asking to go home. were involved “I was in at 7am, sitting Raising the question why are we in the redesign of the pathway and keeping patients in? Patients also told us: up with tea and biscuits at asked to go home at Northampton 11am, home for tea by General Hospital NHS Trust, George “Being diagnosed with 3pm and out dancing at a Eliot Hospital NHS Trust and Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. breast cancer can be a party on Saturday night.” difficult transition to Frequently concerns were raised by professionals particularly nurses that make, one day you are a “Just because you are reducing the length of stay could lead healthy person, the next older does not mean you to patients not receiving adequate you are a patient with communication, information and have to stay in hospital support. The audit of over 2,000 cancer.” longer.” patients (2010) who experienced the new pathway indicated this not to be Patients talked about how: the case (Figure 15). The results are comparable with the National Patient “Unnecessary waits, Survey (2010). procedures and sitting around in beds increased Figure 15: Audit of 2,000 patients who experienced the new pathway anxiety.” (Four questions taken from the National Patient Survey, 2010) Patient survey question Response Patients stressed: Q1 Were you involved as much as 92% Yes definitely “We want to get back to you wanted to be in decisions (mastectomy and other normal as soon as about your care and treatment? procedures) possible.” Q2 How much information about 93% Right amount your condition or treatment was (mastectomy) “The new pathway should given to you? 94% Right amount (other procedures) value our time.” Q3 Did you feel you were involved in 77% Yes definitely decisions about your discharge (mastectomy) “Treat me as a person not from hospital? a cancer patient.” Q4 Did hospital staff tell you who 83% yes definitely (other to contact if you were worried procedures) about your condition or 94% Yes (mastectomy & other treatment after you left procedures) hospital?
  • 20. 76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:06 Page 21 20 Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay Independent patient evaluation Different patients views are a key factor to spread Different strategies for patient engagement and involvelment were used Patient focus groups were held as part across the spread networks (Figure 16). as an independent qualitative study of experiences of the pathway (Health Experiences Research Group University Figure 16: Patient engagement strategies of Oxford 2011). The 13 national clinical networks were invited to Ask questions Patient voices participate in the study by inviting their patients to take part. Knowing patient Charities expectations What is informed Spread the message choice? What ideas should we test? Get feedback Pre and post operative focus groups Post operative Story boards and story telling Telephone calls Patient questionnaires Audit change Patient videos Patient diaries Independent evaluation findings: “Patients were often surprised that they could be treated on a day case or one night basis. Some patients and their friends and family, were initially suspicious about whether the service was driven by a desire to cut costs. Experiences in hospital (waiting for surgery, communication and information, quality of care, emotional support and discharge) were described positively and acted to reassure patients that their care would not suffer, despite short stays. This positive experience was slightly undermined if hospital staff appeared critical of short stay.“ (Barlow et al 2011)
  • 21. 76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:06 Page 22 Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay 21 Transforming Inpatients Framework for Spread application in practice 5. Spread simple principles and messages Patients traditionally stayed in hospital “More challenging was for as long as six days, now the majority are home the same day or convincing some of the Spread simple The after one night. Patient’s challenged hospital staff that the day principles and concept of professional beliefs of not wanting to spread be in hospital. There was: case or one night stay messages networks as ambulatory care was a forum of “Reluctance on the part achievable for patients communication has been key of some staff to discharge having mastectomy and to spread messages and make patients sooner and with axillary node clearance. interpersonal links to influence others. a drain.” However, confidence in The success of the approach relates the process has grown to its affiliation with the common Burton Hospital and Kings Mill Hospital purpose; and a overcame the issue by holding substantially with “group of knower’s.” education events for ward nurses and implementation and feeding back patients positive (Driver A, 2011) comments. successful outcomes.” Concerns were raised about the Yeovil District Hospital (2011) Interestingly, it was found that although the spread networks were reduction in the length of stay being detrimental to patients psychological/ Across the clinical spread networks, geographically located, the informal physical well being. The recent audit coversations about patient experience networks across geographical areas of patients (80% response) indicates and satisfaction highlighted that the were often stronger, particularly with that there has been no adverse effect, pathway was received positively. clinicians. but the foundation for this lies with Through using simple messages which good pre-operative assessment and “Patient feedback has informing patients that they will be relayed information, principles and going home on the day of surgery or been extremely positive, sharing practices on the ground knowledge was enhanced and the following day right from the patients reported they discussions and conversations beginning. (Clinical Networks 2010). were involved in their were stimulated. “Changes in clinical care, treatment and “First of all we had to practice have had a discharge and received overcome our own positive effect with other sufficient information.” preconceptions of procedures, for example Southport and Ormskirk Hospital patient’s opinion about a patients having a NHS Trust (2011) shorter stay in hospital. therapeutic mammoplasty, We thought patients now also only have a would find the shorter stay single night’s stay.” unacceptable and patient Geraldine Mitchell, Consultant Breast anxiety levels would Surgeon, Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen increase; but, we did not University Hospitals NHS Trust find this to be the case.” Royal Bolton NHS Foundation Trust (2011)
  • 22. 76837_NHS_BOOKLET_Home for Tea 08/12/2011 09:06 Page 23 22 Delivering major breast surgery safely as a day case or one night stay Wider conversations Simple messages... hints and tips Breast charities and patient groups played an important contribution in helping to spread the messages about For the health community For admission and discharge the new pathway. It has been really • Increase dialogue across the • Staggered admission times are encouraging to see patient’s reviews health community improves possible and reduced unnecessary www.independent.cancerpatientsvoice working relationships with waits for patients primary care and provider • Nurses like nurse led discharge. colleagues They have reported this increases • Spread sites arranged training job satisfaction, skills base and events for community staff and knowledge allowing them to “We showed that not some planned GP site visits to manage their work load more inform colleagues of the effectively only is this pathway improvements • Pre-prescribed discharge acceptable to the great • Review and share patient medication (TTOs) on admission information with community and pre-packed TTO on the day majority of patients but colleagues as early as possible unit/ward prevents discharge that it is genuinely • Reassure GPs the new pathway delays does not increase their workload • Consultants have said that the preferred by them, and • Communicate to GPs, practice ward rounds are now able to that this can be achieved nurses and district nurses that focus on patients requiring more patients will be discharged home medical input and they have without any compromise earlier and safely because they are achieved a reduction in length of in the quality of care with better sooner stay without detriment to the • The new pathway focuses on patient patients feeling quality and safety not pushing • Patients are not left without empowered to make patients through faster to save support: 24/7 cover and money telephone advice/support lines decisions and choices.” • The changes in anaesthetics have and follow-up support calls are National Clinical Spread Networks allowed patients to recover more available to patients. (2011) quickly following surgery • The breast pathways aim is to ‘get back to normal as soon as possible’….”Home in time To access the recent success stories for tea.” from across England on delivering major breast surgery as a day case or a one night stay (excluding reconstruction) case studies and for For pre-assessment further information please visit: • Managing patient’s expectations from the beginning has been key. Patients need to be advised at the “It’s do-able, safe and outset of their likely length of stay which is reinforced by the whole patients want to team throughout the pathway go home.” • Physiotherapists and breast care nurses see patients at pre- National Clinical Spread Networks operative clinic providing earlier (2011) support and risk management • Pre-assessment is a vital part to the success of the pathway.