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Define Epidemiology Essay
5. Explain what is meant by the following components of the definition of epidemiology:
To begin answering the question, I first want to define epidemiology. Epidemiology is the study of
the distribution and determinants of health–related states or events in specified populations (Friis,
2017). a. determinants. Determinants is defined as being an event, characteristic, status, or risk
factor that can change a health state. Determinants can be biology and genetics, social environment,
physical environment, and the individual behavior. Sex, age, alcohol use, unprotected sex,
discrimination, income, living conditions, and access to health care can all be considered
determinants of epidemiology. b. distribution. Distribution focuses on the frequency and pattern of
the health characteristics and risk factors in a certain population. Epidemiological distribution will
cover the when, where, and who of each health–related ... Show more content on ...
The following questions pertain the term epidemic. a. What is meant by an epidemic? Give a
definition in your own words. An epidemic is something that has the capability to affect, wipe out or
spread rapidly to a whole community all the way to an entire state or country. b. Describe a scenario
in which only one or two cases of disease may represent an epidemic. I believe that if a new disease
came about that only affected one or two people, or was very rare in a certain population, but that
could potentially spread rapidly would be a scenario that could be cause for an epidemic. c. What is
the purpose of surveillance? Surveillance is the continuous collection, analysis, and interpretation of
health–related data needed for assessment, development, planning, implementation, and evaluation
of the health practice. Surveillance is important in epidemiology because it can serve as an early
warning system, it can keep record of the impacts interventions have on diseases, and it can allow
for review to better handle epidemics in the
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Epidemiology Personal Statement
Ever since I was a younger I've been told "education is something that you need to achieve". I do
agree with that, although I do feel determination is a key element to accomplish that goal. I come
from a family that are full of health professionals, my grandmother, along with her five sisters, are
all registered nurses. My mom, and siblings are all engineers, teachers, or they work in law
enforcement. You can say the health profession skipped a generation, but in their own way that was
their way of helping others. However, that is not the path I wanted to take, I grew up with my father
diagnosis with type two diabetes and watching him learning how to take care of his overall health.
He takes an assortment of pills, checks his blood sugar levels, watches what he eats, and is
constantly going to the doctors. Part of his regime is exercising and to remain active. My ... Show
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Epidemiology to me is a part of everyone's life, it affects the life of an individual, their community,
and the population even if it is not known. My interest in this field is to help advance and promote
health and public health not only in my community, but others locally, nationally, and
internationally. The reason I became interested in the University at Buffalo is because it would help
me further my education and goals in Epidemiology. After reading the description of each classes
that is given through the curriculum, I feel that this school will give me the tools needed in order
help reach my goals in this field. With the faculty that is apart of this program and being able to
interact with them will be beneficial for me to further understand the field and being able to possibly
work with them during my time as a student as well as after. As a public health graduate student at
the University at Buffalo I would be getting an ideal education to enhance me not only as a student
but a professional as
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Factors Of Descriptive Epidemiology
Descriptive epidemiology compares data in reference to person (who is getting the disease), place
(where the disease is occurring), and time (range of period for the disease) elements. Each of these
factors are complex and involves many subunits to describe them. For example, the person category
can be examined by age, gender, race, marital status, occupation and location (Merrill, 2017, p. 92).
Of the three categories, person may be the most utilized in epidemiology. It is important to identify
at risk populations so that proper precautions and interventions can be implemented. Due to the high
variability outcomes age can produce, it must be considered when evaluating the control factors
when establishing a study method. This is mainly due to the fact that many disease–states, such as
heart disease and certain cancers, increase proportionately with advancing age.
Relatively, longevity or life expectancy may show important insight of the overall health of a
population. Epidemiologist have long been using population pyramids to exhibit the populations'
age distribution over time. Due to large scale factors, such as birthrates, wars, and migration, the
make–up of a population is fluid and may fluctuate often. The shape of the pyramid details the trend
of the inhabitants. Namely, these are described as extensive pyramids (pointed top represents rapid
rate of population with a small amount of older people), stationary pyramid (block shape shows low
fertility and low
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Epidemiology of Homeless
Epidemiology of Homeless/Indigent People with Mental Illness
Vulnerable populations are defined in many ways. Variables of the definition are dependent on the
author, their current location and how they believe that they may assist this population. Vulnerability
as defined in a healthcare setting are those with a greater than average risk of developing health
problems by virtue of their marginalized sociocultural status, their limited access to economic
resources, or personal characteristics such as age and gender (DeChesnay & Anderson, 2008).
Vulnerable populations in Jacksonville, North Carolina, are the homeless and indigent veterans with
mental illness. Jacksonville, North Carolina, is a military town with three military bases in the ...
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There are many reasons for homeless and mentally ill person to be in the predicament that they are
now facing. The incidents have been studied but the co–occurrence of homeless, mental illness, and
substance abuse seem to have longitudinal results. Therefore, concluding that there is no direct
conclusion that one is needed for the other to occur. Some reason for such include but are not
limited too, financial set backs, loss of family support, severity of preexisting symptoms, prior stay
in institutions such as, hospital or jails and traumatic events. In this area increasing incidents can be
contributed to the military presence. The area is a very transient area because of the military and
thriving economy. The majority of the homeless individuals with mental illness in the area have had
prior military service. Discharges range from dishonorable to medical reasons. Medical being the
most frequent cause of discharge. Medical consisting of area from person unable to adjust to the
military, anger issues, traumatic events affecting reasoning such as traumatic brain injuries or post
traumatic stress disorder. These individuals are usually at a disadvantage of finding care of have
troubling accessing care. Males are not the only individuals who are affect with homelessness.
Woman also account for about 5% of the homeless rate of 20–25% in the area. Woman also have
served in
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Example Of Epidemiology Essay
Epidemiology studies the distribution "of health events in populations and the determinants or the
factors that influence those patterns" (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014, p. 151). It can be used to see if a
disease is more prevalent in women or men. At one time, epidemiology was only used to study
certain widespread infections such as tuberculosis or cholera. Not only does it now involve many
different types of infections, it also includes chronic diseases, mental health events, violence, and
positive health states. Some key contributions epidemiology has made in the science of public health
are: "the understanding of factors that contribute to health and disease, the development of health
promotion and disease prevention measures, the detection ... Show more content on
"The natural history of disease refers to the progression of a disease in an individual over time"
(Gerstman, 2003, p. 33). This includes the onset of the disease process and continues until resolution
of the disease. Primary, secondary, and tertiary are known as the three levels of prevention in public
health. Primary prevention aims at health promotion and disease prevention. Some examples of
primary prevention are health education by nursing and immunizations. Secondary prevention seeks
to detect diseases as early as possible so that treatment will likely be more effective in curing
diseases. Health screenings are a main component of secondary prevention. "From a clinical
prospective, the aim of screening is early detection and treatment when these result in a more
favorable prognosis" (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014, p. 161). Some examples of common health
screenings are Pap smears, mammograms, and colonoscopies. Tertiary prevention assists in limiting
further negative effects from disease, injury, or disability. This type of prevention is different from
the other levels of prevention since it involves treatment of existing conditions. It helps improve
quality of life and rehabilitation for the individual. Medical treatment and physical/occupational
therapy are examples of the third level of
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Epidemiology Nur/408
Epidemiology of HPV in Teenagers
Rosalyn Huf
June 4, 2012
Linnette Nolte
Epidemiology today is considered to be the core science of public health and is described as a
constellation of disciplines with a common mission: optimal health for the whole community
(Stanhope & Lancaster, 2008). Epidemiology has reformed public health and continues to
strive for disease prevention and health promotion in communities across the world. The population
and disease that will be discussed in relation to epidemiology in this paper with be teens and
pregnancy. This paper will explore the role of epidemiology in HPV and teenagers and the
contributing factors. This paper will also discuss the definition and purpose of epidemiology, ...
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As mentioned before, some strains of HPV can lead to oral and cervical cancers and condoms are
not completely reliable when it comes to protection. Currently, options are limited for both
prevention of infection of patients with HPV–associated disease: infection can only be prevented
with complete abstinence from all forms of sexual activity because condoms do not offer complete
protection from HPV and HPV can be transmitted by nonintromissive sexual activities (Weaver,
2006). Teaching teenagers about safe sex falls on caregivers which include parents. Teenagers who
do not have a stable home life, whether the parents work all the time, or there is only a single parent,
are more at risk because they less likely to be supervised adequately. This is the reason it is so
important to educate these teenagers about sex and STIs.
Abstinence teaching only is not effective when trying to prevent STIs in teenagers. According to
"Life123" (2012), "While abstinence–only education programs have the support of many major
national religious groups, a comprehensive sex education program in schools has the backing of a
wide range of educational and medical organizations. Most proponents of comprehensive sex
education argue that teens should be encouraged to abstain, but should also get information about
contraceptives, sexually transmitted diseases, and how to prevent HIV" (Family).
When working with
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Chicken Pox Epidemiology
This paper will give an overview of the varicella–zoster virus. This paper will also discuss the
detriments of health from the chickenpox virus. The epidemiologic triangle will be outlined as it
depicts the chickenpox virus. The aspect of the community health nurse will be discussed and
information on a national organization for infectious diseases will be provided.
Chicken pox and shingles are caused by the virus varicella–zoster. The varicella–zoster virus is
spread through the air by coughing or sneezing and can also be spread by touching the blisters or
inhaling particles from the blisters ("CDC," n.d.). Chicken pox (varicella) is a highly contagious
virus. The reactivation of the chickenpox virus (varicella–zoster virus) is ... Show more content on ...
Receiving the appropriate vaccinations is important not just to the individual, but is important to the
community as well. An individual not receiving the appropriate vaccines can put the entire
community at risk. The detriments of health can reach further than common healthcare, partnering
with sectors of public health is important to improve the overall health of the community.
The epidemiological triangle has three vertices: "the microbe that causes the disease" (agent), "the
organism harboring the disease" (host), and the "external factors that allow the disease
transmissions" (environment) ("CDC," n.d.) If one of the sides of the triangle are broken, a
disruption occurs between the agent, host or environment halts the continuation of the disease.
Varicella–zoster only occurs in humans. Chickenpox occurs most commonly in children under the
age of fifteen and less commonly in adults ("CDC," n.d.).
The agent for this example of the epidemiological triangle is varicella–zoster. Viruses have core
genetic material and take over cells to reproduce that genetic material. Varicella–zoster is a virus
that is spread through airbourne droplets such as by coughing or sneezing, inhaling infected particles
from the blisters or by touching the blisters. Chickenpox is highly contagious. It can take ten to
twenty–one days for symptoms to appear. Infected individuals can be contagious for one to two days
prior to outbreak of
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Epidemiology In Public Health Practice
We have learned in previous weeks how epidemiology is used in determining the diagnosis,
prognosis, and clinical treatment of disease. We have learned that different diagnostic tools and tests
are used to accurately diagnose a disease because not all tests provide 100% accuracy (Fletcher,
Fletcher, & Fletcher, 2014). The goal of epidemiology is to identify the occurrence of diseases to
prevent this from spreading. CDC (2012) has identified the different roles or functions of
epidemiology in order to achieve its goal and these roles are: "public health surveillance, field
investigation, analytic studies, evaluation, linkages, and policy development" (para. 1). Field
investigation is about the investigation after receiving a surveillance ... Show more content on ...
These preventative activities are best demonstrated in the levels of prevention. Each level of
prevention allows us to determine the appropriate action. Primary prevention aims in decreasing risk
factors, thus preventing the disease from occurring, while secondary prevention aims in early
detection of the disease, thus early treatment can be initiated when necessary, and tertiary prevention
aims in the rehabilitation (Fletcher et al., 2014).
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]. (2012). Principles of epidemiology in public
health practice. Epidemiological Core Functions: Lesson 1. Section 4. (3rd. ed.). Retrieved from
Fletcher, R. H., Fletcher, S. W., & Fletcher, G. S. (2014). Clinical epidemiology: The essentials. (5th
ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a Wolters Kluwer business.
Lee, L. M., Heilig, C. M., & White, A. (2012). Ethical justification for conducting public health
surveillance without patient consent. American Journal of Public Health, 102(1), 38–44.
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Epidemiology Of COPD
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is progressive disease affecting the lungs. It is
characterized by airflow limitation that is not fully reversible, as well as the abnormal inflammatory
response of the lungs to noxious particles and gases (Girod & King, 2005). Smoking is a major risk
factor for both the mortality and morbidity of COPD. Other causes may include: bronchial hyper–
responsiveness, indoor and outdoor air pollution, allergy, biomass fuels and smoke exposure for
women cooking in poorly ventilated conditions (Mclvor, Tunks & Todd, 2010 and Calverley &
Walker, 2003). Current treatment approaches include: prevention of disease progression,
management of stable disease and management of exacerbations (Calverley et al., 2003). ... Show
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Addressing the sex difference in COPD would first need to involve further research and evidence
based conclusions on why these differences exist. Both biological and environmental factors need to
be taken into consideration. Since chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder is incurable (WHO,
2016), prevention is the number one solution to this growing health concern. One public health
recommendation to address the sex differences in COPD is to tackle smoking, which is a major risk
factor for COPD. Barnes states in his work that "the increased morbidity and mortality from COPD
during the last few decades is partly driven by their increase in women" (2016), Preventing both
men and women from ever starting smoking will greatly decrease the prevalence rates of COPD in
general. Widespread and improved smoking interventions are also important for reducing the risk of
developing COPD among those who already smoke. To address the sex difference in COPD, where
males seem to be affected by this disease more often, prevention methods that cater more
specifically to males may be beneficial. For example, ads or posters with slogans or phrases that
pertain particularly to
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Epidemiology of Chickenpox
Epidemiology of Chickenpox
Karissa N. Martinez
Grand Canyon University: NRS–427V
Epidemiology of Chickenpox
This essay was written to explain the epidemiology of chickenpox and allow the reader to develop a
better understanding of the disease. The author intended for the reader to become informed about the
causes, symptoms, mode of transmission, complications, treatment and mortality and morbidity
rates. Also, the reader will become familiar with the determinants of health and contributing factors
to develop varicella, the relation of the epidemiologic triangle, the role of the community health
nurse, as well as identify a national organization that reduces the impact of the disease on the
Chickenpox ... Show more content on ...
For patients who are at high risk for complications an antiviral can be prescribed called acyclovir.
Acyclovir can help reduce symptoms in the early stages; twenty four hours after the rash appears
(Gould, 2014). Mortality and morbidity rates are higher for adults and those how are
immunocompromised ( Khandelwal & Kumawat, 2008). Centers for Disease Control 2014, has
revealed that the number of chickenpox outbreaks in the United States has decreased significantly
since the vaccination was introduced. If the disease is still acquired after vaccination symptoms are
mild resulting in fewer lesions and low or no fever (CDC, 2014). Centers for Disease Control, 2014
state that four million people would be infected by chickenpox in the United States alone, 10,600
people hospitalized and 100 to 150 deaths before the vaccination was initiated.
Determinants of health can be both social and physical factors that can either help avoid or put one
at increased risk for development of a disease such as varicella. Some examples of social
determinants of health can be quality of education, public safety, language barriers, culture, social
support and socioeconomic conditions (Healthy People, 2013). These determinants can negatively
impact the community, for instance if the population of focus is one of poverty level with low rates
of quality education, and high incidence of crime this can make it difficult to obtain
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Epidemiology Course Summary
The first discussion topic for this course, PHLT: 319 Epidemiology for Health Educators, centered
on the definition of epidemiology. Quickly, students became aware that epidemiology was not only
the study of disease, rather the "study of the distribution and determinants of health–related states or
events in human populations and the application of this study to the prevention and control of health
problems"(2013, Merrill, 2). In an effort to reduce major public health events, the bacterial disease,
cholera, has been studied over many years by researchers, specifically naming Dr. John Snow.
Appendix I titled Case Studies, in Ray M. Merrill's Introduction to Epidemiology, provides
information, incidence and prevalence rates, and protocols for ... Show more content on ...
Merrill discussed cholera as it pertained to the Broad Street outbreak in the Appendix I: Case
Studies section of Introduction to Epidemiology. The cholera epidemic took over Golden Square
because of subpar sanitation and filtration standards. Merrill stated that,
"there were upwards of 500 fatal attacks of cholera in 10 days. The mortality in this limited area
probably equals any that was ever caused in this country. The mortality would undoubtedly have
been much greater had it not been for the flight of the population"(2013, Merrill, 338).
Dr. John Snow became most notable here because of his work to end the cholera outbreak. It was in
the Soho District of London, when Dr. Snow removed the handle from the Broad Street pump to
cease the cholera
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Epidemiology Comparison
Epidemiology, the branch of medicine that deals with the incidence, distribution, and possible
control of a disease. Epidemiology is used through out the world, whether that be to protect a
country from a lethal disease or educating the people about the common cold, epidemiologist protect
the world from disease as a whole. This is highlighted in the most recent outbreak of the Zika Virus
in Brazil and the Ebola Sudan outbreak illustrated in the Hot Zone. Even though these disease have
there similarities and differences epidemiologists have done that is possible to protect the populous
of the world. Though both disease have common ground, both are extremely different from one
another based on the symptoms and over effect on the human body. ... Show more content on ...
Another difference is that Ebola Sudan has a 50% fatality rate and directly harms the host of the
pathogen by causing internal blooding, large amounts of internal hemorrhaging, and organ failure,
on the other hand Zika has a 0% fatality rate and doesn't directly harm the host. Zika only causes the
host to have a form of the common cold, but will harm the hosts children by transmitting the virus to
the pregnant mother of a child. This will causing that child to be born with a terrible birth defect
called microcephaly and because of this, babies who are born this way have a 100% fatality rate.
Another difference is Ebola Sudan mainly occurs in 3rd world countries because of the lack of
medical supplies compared to Zika in the sense that it has been mainly prevented in Brazil. This is
illustrated in the Hot Zone by the lack of medical resourses shown by the hospital in Sudan having
to use dirty needles. On the other hand Zika has mainly been contracted in Brazil and people can
protect themselves by purchasing a mosquito net or mosquito repellent. Ultimately, due to the
poverty faced by west African civilians, it is much harder to prevent the spread of Ebola Sudan
compared to Zika based on the overall lack of money in Western Africa. Finally, both viruses had
completely different responses
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Descriptive and Analytic Epidemiology
Running head: Descriptive and Analytic Epidemiology
TUI University
Lea Glover MPH 504
Descriptive and Analytic Epidemiology
Case Assignment #3
Dr. Sharon Nazarchuk
Descriptive epidemiology is defined as the study of the amount and distribution of disease within a
population by person, place, and time. Descriptive epidemiology answers the following questions:
Who is affected? Where and when do cases occur? It describes cases by person, place, and time
(TUI University 2008).
Descriptive epidemiology focuses on both the pattern of health events as well as on their frequency
in popuations. Within the field of epidemiology, there are three types of data that are necessary for
describing the patterns of ... Show more content on ...
This same climate also creates the wet, green environment that increases the prevalence of ticks.
Possible explanations for the pattern of this disease
An environmental explanation for regional Lyme disease variability, such as weather is proposed
because similar annual patterns of tick infection rates have been observed in forests dominated by
species other than oaks
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The Six Core Functions Of Epidemiology
Core Functions of Epidemiology
Michele L. Gilbert
Southern New Hampshire University Abstract
This paper defines and explains the six core functions of epidemiology: Public health surveillance,
field investigation, analytic studies, evaluations, linkages, and policy development. The core
functions of epidemiology lay down a foundation on which epidemiologists can begin to work from.
This paper will look at the benefits of incorporating all six of these functions into a working plan
when health officials, medical personnel, first responders, etc., encounter a disease or illness that
needs to be identified, treated and contained. Keywords: public health surveillance, field
investigation, analytic studies, evaluations, linkages, and policy development. Core Functions of
There are six core functions of epidemiology (Dicker, Coronado, Koo, & Parrish, 2012). The first
function is public health surveillance. Public health surveillance can be defined as the method of
collecting and analyzing data to better serve the health and well–being of the public efficiently and
effectively. For example, if hospitals start seeing more cases of tuberculosis epidemiologists can
analyze collected data to find a pattern or commonality among those who were treated. If they find
that the majority of patients are from the same geographical location, they may want to concentrate
their field investigation efforts in that area. Public health surveillance is important to the study of
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Evaluation Of Epidemiological Problem Of Epidemiology
Epidemiology is the branch of public health which attempts to discover the causes of disease in
order to make disease prevention possible. Therefore epidemiology is the study of the distribution
and determinants of health–related states or events in specified populations and the application of
the knowledge to control of health problems. The focus is on epidemiology in public health, that is,
its use as part of the wider process of discovering the causes of disease and preventing its
occurrence in human populations. This study majorly is on varicella virus which causes chickenpox
and shows its effects on children. Researchers conducted based ... Show more content on ...
Individuals who have suffered the chickenpox infection develop lifetime immunity as they are
unlikely to be infected by it again. However, the virus remains dormant in the body and it can start
reactivating later in life (Golas, Bennett, White, Skarf, Lesser, Nagel, & Gilden 2015)..
Signs and symptoms of chickenpox
It is important to understand that anyone who has not had chickenpox or received the chickenpox
vaccine can be infected by the disease. Chickenpox infections usually do last a period of about 5–10
days. The common symptom of chickenpox is a rash that turns into itchy, fluid–filled blisters that in
the end turn into scabs.
Other signs and symptoms, which may before the rash, include:
high fever
loss of appetite
Once the chickenpox rash appears, it goes through three phases:
Raised pink or red bumps, which break out over several days. They may first shows up on the face,
chest, and back before spreading to other parts of the body, which may include inside the mouth,
eyelids, or genital area.
Fluid–filled blisters, this forms from the raised bumps. They may take about one day prior to
starting breaking and leaking.
Crusts and scabs, which cover the broken blisters and take several days to heal.
Epidemiological studies published since 2000 which shown at least 50 cases of
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Epidemiology Personal Statement
What if as a society we began to focus more on preventing chronic disease rather than treating them
after onset? This is the question that has driven my interest in public health. My first true
introduction to public health came in an Epidemiology class I took my junior year at Portland State
University. It became apparent to me that chronic diseases are now our worlds biggest burden,
particularly cardiovascular disease and cancer, and that the health of our world against these
diseases begins with prevention. I began my undergraduate career as a Viticulture and Enology
major. I loved the idea of spending my days in a vineyard, nurturing grapes to maturity and then
creating a final product that was entirely different from its humble beginning. ... Show more content
on ...
I was able to gain insight into how population based research is performed as well as the ways
health disparities, social and economic status, and malnutrition contribute to the health of low–
income and homeless individuals. As an interviewer I played an integral role in helping CCC
develop programs to improve the population health of these individuals and help assist the company
in creating an integrated model of care. After the initial surveys were completed, I had the
opportunity to continue my training in data management, statistical analysis, and interpretation of
results. I worked on cleaning data and analyzing the results of the survey. I authored a report on the
research findings with Dr. Lynne Messer to help the agency plan future projects and research. This
experience has contributed to my desire to better understand the modifiable lifestyle factors that
contribute to the cause of disease, disease distribution, and the measures we can take for control and
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Essay On Epidemiology Application
When I first started here at the University of Washington, I thought I knew what I wanted to do. As
an eager Freshman, who had never even taken a single course in psychology, I thought I had my life
mapped out. I "knew" I wanted to be a psychologist and help people with mental illnesses cope with
their diseases. I was so excited when I finally got to register for Psych 101. However, after the first
couple of days, I found myself struggling to pay attention in that class. What else was on my mind
you may ask? I was concurrently taking a course in epidemiology. A class that soon filled my head
with an abundance of questions that I couldn't wait to get answered. No other class had captured my
interest like that epidemiology course. After taking ... Show more content on ...
Starting last spring quarter, I began working retail part time. This however turned into a much bigger
time commitment than I had anticipated. I started working 35 to 40 hours a week while going to
school and I began to notice my grades slipping. I eventually had to ask for less hours, which did
improve my grades substantially. Yet, from all of this, I learned an extremely important lesson that I
will always take with me. Late nights and early mornings forced me to manage my time more
efficiently, which has helped me through the rest of my classes. It also taught me that I do not want
to work retail for the rest of my life. No matter how difficult, I will always cherish the memories I
made with my coworkers and the lessons I learned along the
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The Epidemiology Of An Infectious Disease
During this assignment, I will be exploring the epidemiology of an infectious disease found on the
Public Health Agency of Canada website known as Pertussis. This particular disease is also known
as Whooping Cough due to the sound made while inhaling during a coughing spell. The information
contained in this report will be taken from the Public Health Agency of Canada's website which can
Pertussis is caused by "bordetella pertussis" which is a Gram–negative aerobic bacterium. Toxins
from the bacteria are what cause the majority of the signs and symptoms of the disease. After
entering the body, Pertussis can take as little as seven days, and as much as 28 ... Show more content
on ...
After the paroxysmal stage is the final stage called the convalescent stage. During this stage, the
patient will enter into their recovery period. In some cases this period can last for an extensive
period including months before a full recovery is seen. While all ages may acquire Pertussis, it is
increasingly higher risk to one's health when in the infant stages of life without any vaccinations.
Infants who contract pertussis may experience very serious symptoms that may end in brain
damage, convulsions, weight loss, and pneumonia. In the worst of circumstances death may also
highly contagious. Pertussis is easily spread from the infected person to someone else in close
proximity through the fluids, respiratory droplets, released while coughing or sneezing. Additionally
the infected person can spread the bacteria by contaminating none living objects, but this is far less
likely. On average it can take 9 to 10 days to incubate but the duration can be seen in as little as 6
days and as long as 20 days. When considering the timeframe in which a person could have been
infected it can date back as far as 42 days but this would be a rare case. Once the diagnosis is made
for pertussis a patient is placed on antibiotics. Until a patient has been on a treatment plan with
antibiotics for at least 5 days they are considered infectious. If a
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Hiv/Aids Epidemiology in Swaziland
Running head: HIV/AIDS Epidemiology in Swaziland
HIV/AIDS Epidemiology in Swaziland
Andrew Jay Mallo
Florida International University
Since the first case was reported in 1986, AIDS has disproportionately affected the Kingdom of
Swaziland relative to other nations in the region and globally. The high prevalence rate is
characteristic of a generalized epidemic. It is estimated that there will be 20,000 to 30,000 new HIV
infections each year. The Swazi Ministry of Health and Social Welfare [MoHSW] collects this data
every two years, creating a lag of time between data collection and dissemination of information.
Based on HIV prevalence studies, the HIV epidemic has disproportionately affected women, is
primarily ... Show more content on ...
The stabilization may be due to a slight decrease in new cases. It is difficult to make this conclusion
since there is no access to HIV incidence data. There has been a decline in AIDS mortality rate since
2004 which may also correspond with an increase in antiretroviral therapy.
Source: UN/WHO. (2008, October). Epidemiological fact sheet on HIV and AIDS: Swaziland.
Transmission Patterns Although there has been some stabilizing in the HIV prevalence rate over the
last couple of years there still exists a significant heterogeneity in the HIV epidemic. Adult women
have a significantly higher prevalence rate than men: 31% to 19.7% (UNAIDS, 2008).
Overall, the male–to–female ratio of HIV cases for young adults (age 15–24) has doubled from 2:1
in 2001 to 4:1 in 2007 (UNAIDS, 2008). The HIV prevalence rate of pregnant women was 38.8% in
2007 (UNAIDS, 2008). The 11th HIV sentinel surveillance study showed a stabilization of HIV in
pregnant women. The data shows that women are at a greater risk of acquiring HIV than men. The
greater risk is reflective of heterosexual transmission. An epidemiological study by Physicians For
Human Rights (2007) identifies an inequality between men and women that plays a role in this
heterogeneity. In this study women were more economically dependent and lacked control over
sexual decision making. Women's rights had a protective effect: Belief in sexual decision
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Nur 405 Epidemiology Paper
NUR 408
Public health nursing allows nurses to encounter various vulnerable populations on a daily basis. In
particular, the elderly make up a large portion of the population, and their vulnerability to the
environment and other physical factors is a very important aspect of public health nursing.
Epidemiology allows the public health nurse to study and assess vulnerable populations, including
the elderly, and create interventions that maximize the health potential of all members of the public.
Definition and Description of Epidemiology
Originally, epidemiology was a term that was used to describe the spread of infectious disease. Over
the course of time, that definition has expanded considerably in order ... Show more content on ...
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "It's estimated that 90 percent of
seasonal flu–related deaths and more than 60 percent of seasonal flu–related hospitalizations in the
United States each year occur in people 65 years and older " (2011).The CDC advises that the best
way to prevent and control the spread of influenza each year is by the use of vaccinnations. In effort
to control and prevent influenza epidemics, the CDC uses the epidemiological process to predict the
strain of the virus that will be most relevant to the population and this data is used to formulate
influenza vaccinations (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011).
Based on the information provided by the CDC and other agencies, as well as data gathered first
hand through interaction within communities, public health nurses can advocate for the use of
influenza vaccinations by elderly populations. While providing education related to preventive
methods and the importance of vaccination, as well as administering vaccinations, public health
nurses are key participants in the epidemiological process of seasonal influenza related to the elderly
population. In
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Epidemiology Personal Statement
Epidemiology is the field of amazement. It is my utmost desire to pursue my Ph.D. in Epidemiology.
What if people lived a healthier life, practice preventive medicine, have precautions against the
disease or illness. In my life, I always wanted to help the people, in fact, I want to help a large
number of people, emphasizing the prevention and primary care rather than curative care, in my
opinion, it is more challenging. During my undergraduate course in M.B.B.S (Bachelor of Medicine,
Bachelor of Surgery) I Was in contact with many types of patients. I had learnt the pathology of the
disease as well as their sign and symptoms. I can remind about a patient with whom I met during my
internship did left an impact on my mind. He was about 10 years
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Epidemiology Paper
Epidemiology Paper
July 23, 2012
Epidemiology is viewed as the fundamental science of public health and is key in endorsing optimal
health in the community as a whole (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2008). Epidemiologic study and
practice continues to reform public health and endeavors to prevent disease in communities across
the world. This paper will address through descriptive epidemiology, the rising disease of obesity
and will focus on the teen and adolescent population of the United States. This paper will also define
and discuss the purpose of epidemiology, the methods of the science, the epidemiological triangle,
and the relationship of the disease to various levels of prevention.
"Epidemiology has been ... Show more content on ...
It can cause issues like an increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, breathing
problems, trouble sleeping (AACAP, 2011).
Demographics The demographics of obesity are individualized to a person's ideal weight for their
height and body type. Obesity is categorized by having an excess of weight that is well outside of
the medically accepted range based on height. There are varying degrees of obesity and being
overweight is not the same as obesity. Obesity is categorized as being 20% or greater than the ideal
weight for the individual (PAMF, 2011). The WHO's definitions of "overweight" and "obese" are
based on an individual's body mass index (BMI), which measures weight relative to height.
Overweight is marked by a BMI greater than or equal to 25 and obese is defined as having a BMI
greater than or equal to 30 (World Health Organization, 2012). While it is widely accepted that
Americans are one of the most overweight countries in the world, many other nations have seen
steady increases in their rates of obesity. Epidemiological data has shown that countries all over the
world have been steadily gaining weight in all genders, ethnic groups, ages and educational levels
(World Health Organization, 2012). According to the national Institute of Health, 15.5% of
teenagers were obese (2006). This means that a large
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Epidemiology Module Analysis
The purpose of this module is to review the role of epidemiology in public health practice. Despite
the fact that epidemiology is a broad field, this module is intended to introduce the basic concepts of
The module incorporates a definition of epidemiology by the CDC. Since the definition by the CDC
is complex, a reader can explore individual terms by clicking on each word to see the CDC
Epidemiologist in Public Health performs numerous roles including collection and analysis of vital
records and morbidity; investigations and monitoring of disease outbreaks; design and
implementation of surveillance system and health screening, and etc.
Epidemiology studies distribution and determinants of health and disease. The
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Epidemiology Paper Roshanda Dixon
Grand Canyon University: NRS–427V
March 27, 2015
Abstract According to the reading epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of
the health related stated or events (WHO, 2013). The purpose of this study is to gain control of the
disease and other major health issues. Tuberculosis is one of the most largest nationwide diseases
that are spread throughout the continent. The description of the disease along with how it's spread
and the treatable facts will be listed. The roles of nursing are very important to know when dealing
with a nationwide disease. Proper resources will also be applied in helping in how to reduce the
diseases from spreading.
TB is ... Show more content on ...
Int5ernational travelers are victims as well with this disease because they are around different kinds
of people that can may not be vaccinated nor treated properly. There are vaccinations called Bacille
Calmette Gurin (BCG) it is used to prevent severe forms of TB in children but not recommended
here in the United States because it has limited effectiveness for preventing TB overall. Last is
pregnancy there are greater risk for a woman and the baby is not treated. The effects on the baby can
be fatal which can cause low birth weight and even a low immune system (CDC, 2013).CDC is
working on better screenings and treatments for people that are homeless. They are also studying to
learn the socio cultural, racial and health system barriers (CDC, 2013). The main goals for the
Center for Disease Control are to educate and enforce treatments regarding this disease.
Social Determinants of Tuberculosis These are circumstances in which people are born, the way
they live, grow up and work. The most important determinants TB include the socioeconomic
inequalities, high levels of population mobility and growth in the community. The risk factors for
TB play a role in community with poor ventilation, large crowds in the homes and workplaces.
There's also fear of lack of support within the community. Strengthening social protection and
strengthen the communities could be an intervention along with social protection and financial
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The Tuberculosis Epidemiology Of Louisiana Essay
The Tuberculosis Epidemiology of Louisiana
Tuberculosis (TB) is brought on by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The
microorganisms more often than not assault the lungs, however TB microbes can assault any part of
the body, for example, the kidney, spine, and mind. Not everybody infected with TB microbes gets
to be sick. Therefore, two TB–related conditions exist: latent TB infection (LTBI) and TB infection.
If not treated legitimately, TB can be deadly (CDC, 2016). TB microbes are spread through the air
starting with one individual then onto the next. The TB microorganisms are put into the air when
someone with TB illness of the lungs or throat coughs, talks, or sings. Individuals adjacent may take
in these microscopic organisms and also become ill (CDC, 2016). Individuals with TB are well on
the way to spreading it to individuals they invest time with consistently. This incorporates relatives,
companions, and coworkers or classmates.
Tuberculosis (TB), which is brought on by contamination with an individual from the
Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, is a noteworthy reason for incapacity and passing in
numerous parts of the world. The frequency (recently reported cases) of tuberculosis in Louisiana is
near the normal occurrence in the United States. . In 2013, Louisiana: Ranked eleventh among the
50 states in TB rates (3 for each 100,000 people) and 22.3% of TB cases were foreign–born people
(CDC, 2015). As in the U.S., frequency has diminished
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Abstract Descriptive epidemiology is based on two important premises which are central in the
field. The first premise states that disease does not occur in isolation. Secondly, patterns of disease
occurrence are placed under three important categories of person, place and time. This paper seeks
to build understanding on the three areas by giving relevant examples where they are applied.
In Epidemiology studies the important demographic information will include age, sex, marital
status, race, ethnicity, and religion and socioeconomic status. Age is considered the most important
factor and is ... Show more content on ...
Socioeconomic status of the person may point to their lifestyle, which in turn may predict their
likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases. The poor, for instance are likely to make wrong
food choices that can predispose them to obesity and other lifestyle diseases. When determining the
socioeconomic class, epidemiology studies looks at the person's occupation, level of education,
income and in some instances a combination of the above (Descriptive Epidemiology n.d).
Important characteristics in place include the understanding of infectious and chronic diseases,
which reveal different patterns in countries. We can gain insight by comparing disease frequency in
different countries as well as their rates within countries. Another important characteristic is the
difference in disease prevalence in urban and rural settings. This can provide us with knowledge of
comparison based locations, as well as explanation for disease variation.
In epidemiology we are usually interested in the pattern of disease frequency. For example the
occurrence of certain disease conditions like common cold may be due to fluctuation in weather.
Other Epidemics have been known to occur at certain periods. For instance chronic illnesses may
exhibit patterns of secular trend in timing Other interesting features in place epidemics include the
cohort and clustering effects, which can exhibit different patterns in the spread
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My Epidemiology Course Analysis
Throughout my college career, I have taken courses in: epidemiology, organic chemistry,
microbiology, infectious diseases, biostatistics, and public health. All my courses have helped me
establish a broad and expansive understanding of public health and the multiple fields that it consists
of/overlaps with. In the infectious disease course, which I completed this past semester, there was a
focus on the microbiology lab techniques used in identifying disease, including: equipment,
mediums, and chemical reagents used to do so. The course also focused on the biology of infectious
diseases including immune responses and treatment/prevention and how that relates to identifying
them in a lab setting as well as the public health implications. My epidemiology
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Epidemiology Is The Branch Of Medicine
Epidemiology is the branch of medicine that deals with the incidence, distribution, and possible
control of diseases and other factors relating to health (Schneider, 8). In 1847, a Viennese
obstetrician by the name of Ignac Semmelweis discovered the importance of handwashing in a
hospital setting (Gawande, 15). Before the discovery of antibiotics, childbed fever was the number
one cause of maternal death in childbirth. Semmelweis realized by not washing their hands, doctors
were the ones responsible for carrying the bacteria that caused the fever from mother to mother.
After implementing strict hand washing rules the death rate of mothers decreased from 20% to 1%
almost overnight (Gawande, 15). Discoveries like the one ... Show more content on
Scientists have yet to discover what exactly causes BSE but the leading theory is that it is caused by
prions––infectious agents made entirely out of protein that are usually found in the brain and spinal
cord and can only currently be treated if caught before symptoms arise. Humans that eat infected
meat may be infected with Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease which causes brain lesions that ultimately kill
the infected.
Another important function of epidemiology is the control of disease. Epidemiologists are tasked
with researching and creating vaccines. A vaccine is a substance used to kickstart the production of
antibodies and help build a resistance to one or several diseases, created from a part of the existing
disease or a man–made substance. To create the vaccines scientists have to do thousands of hours of
research and testing. There are many different types of vaccines; some deactivate the disease, some
weaken it, and some even use a piece of the bacteria or virus to counteract its ill effects. If a vaccine
cannot be found epidemiologists can use the factors that facilitate the transmission of the disease–
also known as determinants of the disease– ,such as where it is spreading and the medium it uses to
travel , to keep it from spreading. An example of a disease without a vaccine but with clear
determinants is HIV.
Epidemiologist do not only work with diseases that are infectious they also work with chronic
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Epidemiology Paper
Anavictoria Fortaleza
March 5, 2012
Epidemiology Paper Vulnerable populations are "those with a greater than average risk of
developing health problems by virtue of their marginalized socio–cultural status, their limited access
to economic resources, or personal characteristics such as age and gender" (De Chesnay &
Anderson, 2008). Infants and young children are vulnerable to a host of healthcare problems, they
are susceptible to viral infection especially respiratory infection such as Respiratory Syncytial Virus.
In this paper, the author will define and describe epidemiological triangle as it relates to respiratory
syncytial virus (RSV), types of epidemiology, and levels of prevention of RSV.
Epidemiology ... Show more content on ...
RSV infections generally occur during fall, winter and early spring in a temperate climates. The
severity and timing of RSV circulation vary from year to year in a given community. Symptoms of
RSV varies depending on the child's age. Symptoms usually appear 4 to 6 days after coming in
contact with the virus. Mild symptoms such as cold–like symptoms, cough, stuffy nose, sore throat,
headache and low–grade fever usually occur in older children. Severe symptoms such as cyanosis,
labored breathing, croupy cough, reduced appetite, tachypnea, wheezing and fever usually occur in
infants under the age of one. Mild infections usually go away without treatment, however infants
and children with severe RSV infection needs to be admitted to the hospital for treatment. Treatment
include oxygen, humidified air, IV fluids, and breathing machine. Other health problems can
develop as a complications of RSV infection, these include ear infection (middle ear), asthma,
dehydration, atelectasis, sudden heart failure (usually occurs in older adults with heart and lung
problems), bronchiolitis, pneumonia, and lung failure (MayoClinic, 2011).
Types of epidemiology There are two types of epidemiology: descriptive epidemiology and analytic
epidemiology. Descriptive epidemiology "collects information to
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John Snow Father Of Epidemiology
John Snow Father of Epidemiology
Kagney Bryant
Kaplan University
August 29, 2014
John Snow Father of Epidemiology It is said "For his persistent efforts to determine how cholera
was spread and for the statistical mapping methods he initiated, John Snow is widely considered to
be the Father of [modern] Epidemiology" (David Vachon). The purpose of this paper is to
communicate to you who John Snow is and expression to you what he did during his life.
John Snow and the era he lived and worked John Snow was born on March 15, 1813. He was born
in a community on North Street in York, England. John Snow was the firstborn of nine kids and his
parents were William Snow (1743–1846) and Francis Snow (1789–1860). Snow and his household
were raised up on North Street which is beside the River Ouse. The community where Snow was
living on was amongst the poorer sections in York, it was furthermore at threat of overflowing from
the Ouse River. North Street was considered the poorest areas in the city to be drained from the
overflowing river. During most of his early child hood his father worked as a workhand in a coal
yard and advanced to a landlord in his later life (David Vachon). When Snow was younger religion
was a significant part of the family's lifecycle. They would grace their presence at the York's All
Saints North Street, an Anglican Church. All nine youngsters had been baptized counting John Snow
(David Vachon). Throughout his premature years, John Snow
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What is Epidemiology?
People have many health concerns and diagnosis that presents to the current public health as to
overcome with fear . The first step in any medical situation regarding a person's health is to make
sure that you talked among the professionals in the health community. This will be the bests way to
help the cycle amongs others, that will further prevent other diseases from occurring. Using
epidemiology and the epidemiology triangle diabetes in African Americans will be observed. This
health concern in many communities in the United States that can be prevented and helped, but
information is the key to success.
In this paper we will be examining the definition and description of epidemiology, the steps and
methods of epidemiology, reviewing the data of the selected population. We will also be looking at
the epidemiological triangle as well as various levels of prevention.
Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health–related states or events
(including disease), and the application of this study to the control of diseases and other health
problems. Various methods can be used to carry out epidemiological investigations: surveillance and
descriptive studies can be used to study distribution; analytical studies are used to study
determinants (WHO, 2012). Epidemiology is a type of science that guides our understanding of the
branch of medicine dealing with the incidence and prevalence of disease in large populations and
with detection of the source and
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Aging Population And Epidemiology
Epidemiology is the study of diseases, including the incidence and distribution of the diseases,
within a population. America and the developed world as a whole has switched from a constant
presence of infectious diseases and diseases brought about from improper hygiene to an increase of
chronic diseases and stress related illnesses (Lloyd–Sherlock, 2005). There is also a noticeable
swelling number of elderly as a result from the increased quality of life; this requires the
epidemiology and healthcare system to adjust to match the aging population's needs. Many of those
in the senior population rely on health insurance, such as Medicare and Medicaid, to help pay for
their healthcare, any changes or disturbance in the insurance can affect the ... Show more content on ...
According to Garza (2016), the elderly will have an increase need of resources and healthcare
professionals to better manage their healthcare issues. "The percentage of the U.S. economy spent
on health care for individuals ages 65 and older exceeds 5 percent – a proportion that is expected to
double by 2030 and triple by 2050. As seniors age, they may struggle to afford soaring health care
costs" (Fay). Medicaid and Medicare pay for most of the senior citizen's healthcare bills but many
are still in medical debt. The cycle is continuous; as the population grows older they experience one
or more chronic conditions which lead to the need for health insurance and healthcare.
Epidemiologists will now have the task of seeing how the increase of medical debt affects the
elderly population in relation to the diseases they experience. A study that involved 3,000
participants found that "more than 75 percent of Medicare–eligible households spent at least
$10,000 out of pocket on health care... and for the remaining 25 percent the average expense was
even greater: they spent a whopping $101,791 out of pocket" (Health Care Cost: Expenses Hurt
Elderly The Most, Report, 2012). Finding proper healthcare professionals can also affect the
elderly's quality of life. There is a shortage of nurses, caregivers, and doctors that specialize in
caring for the elderly which can be
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Epidemiology: A Personal Statement
My passion for my intended research stems from 6 years ago, when my grandfather, with decades of
smoking and hypertension history, was diagnosed with severe mitral insufficiency and went through
a 7–hours cardiac valve replacement operation. Witnessed how he went through unimaginable pain
during the thoracotomy and rehabilitation process, I realized the path that I would like to traverse
and it led me to take up public health as my undergraduate major. I wish to make my contributions
to prevent and address non–communicable diseases (NCDs), including cardiovascular diseases,
from both local and global level.
Throughout my undergraduate studies I supplemented my academic knowledge with research and
internship experience. This has readied me with ... Show more content on ...
As the leading causes of illness and death, chronic diseases account for an estimated 80% of total
deaths and 70% of disability–adjusted life years lost in China. The prevention of chronic diseases is
receiving a national response commensurate with the burden in recent years. However, the
prevalence of hypertension and obesity population, increasing health demands and expenditure and
insufficient community–level practice are not negligible. Therefore, I am thrilled at the prospect of
gaining solid knowledge of epidemiological methodologies, health system and policy, in addition to
quantitative and qualitative analytical skills that I can use as building blocks to achieve my dreams.
In the long run, I wish to contribute to effective actions to reach the WHO's goals of "NCD Global
Monitoring Framework" by 2025 in China by designing and monitoring feasible programs with
innovative and cost–effective methods. After that, if given the chance, I aspire to help on a more
global level through improved programs and
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Personal Statement Of Epidemiology
As a child, I always wanted to become a doctor; hence I opted for dentistry. I loved studying it,
perhaps an academic subject name Public Health Dentistry, changed my views towards the life.
Epidemiology was one of its core parts. I was so much impressed by this subject as it is a source for
knowing preventive measures and precautions for any disease, hence I decided that after completing
dentistry I will make my path towards epidemiology. Since then, I often thought about the causes
and the prevention of various diseases. I have been a professional and a volunteer participant in
Health related camps; also I have conducted few types of researches. Hence, to culminate my plans,
I should put myself in a rich scholastic program, particularly Public Health, concentrating in
epidemiology. The School of Health Sciences will furnish me with the quality education, ... Show
more content on ...
I had a distinct interest in Biology, Computer and Math. In my Secondary school, I was a student
assigned with the position of sports–vice captain and house–captain in my 8th and 9th grade
respectively, a privilege and honor I took very earnestly. Moreover, I have been a part of Bharat
Scouts and Guides for seven years, where I was selected as patrol leader and honored with Governor
Award in recognition of my sincere service to the mankind. As a student, I had done a part–time job
at Amway agency. Hence, as I developed, I extended my vision into science, expanded my
presentation and refined my research interests to what they are today. Volunteerism has been a
steady component in my life, working at doctor's facilities, primary schools, Old Age Home,
Community Health Centre, and Orphanage at whatever point I could. I wanted to add my part
positively to the lives of many individuals by knowing their challenges of life and spreading
awareness of health and diseases, their prevention amongst
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Epidemiology Research Papers
Epidemiology is the study of diseases and informs the public about the health epidemics and new
standards put in place. They usually work in laboratories, businesses, and offices where they work
on discovering many diseases and conducting research while also finding cures to new diseases. In
order to become an epidemiologist, I will have undergo through 4 year as an undergraduate and
obtain a Masters in Biology or Public Health. In high school, it is recommended for me take
Biology, Chemistry or to have some type of science background in order to help me get best
prepared. In this paper I will discuss the history of epidemiology, the pathway to get to this career,
and why this job/career will be the best fit for me.
Epidemiology is what advises people of ... Show more content on ...
He explains that the further into epidemiology you go the more and more lives you save due to
having a strong foundation and having that warning system in place. According to him maybe they
can save more lives with an early detection system, which will most likely help him predict the next
Ebola, West Nile, and HIV viruses outbreak. In order to do this he has conducted research and
surveys which have conducted them to have a map of hotspots which is where people are highly
exposed to human to animal contact which where some viruses emerge from. As an epidemiology
they mostly focus on retroviruses which as viruses that can cause huge worldwide epidemics like
HIV. They mostly focus to spot viruses as soon as they commence and collect blood samples, survey
wild animals to later come down with new evidence of the retroviruses. He ends his article by
stating that he would like to see an early warning system to seize pandemics and not only
responding to
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Example Of Analytic Epidemiology
The main purpose/focus of analytic epidemiology is to thoroughly research, analyze and/or test
predictions and possibilities of exposures to diseases as well as hypothesis outcomes.. The analytic
area of epidemiology focuses on answering the why and how questions. This method/area helps
determine what caused the disease. Two main factors are exposure and outcome. The two primary
categories that the analytic method utilizes is experimental and observational studies to test the
hypothesis. Experimental studies generally include randomized clinical trials. One example of this
would be vaccine efficacy trials. The observational studies can be one of three different types, case
control, cohort and cross sectional. The method that is used is always
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Ghost Map Epidemiology
The quote 'whilst pestilence slays its thousands, fear slays its ten of thousands", impacts my
perception of the field of epidemiology because it reiterates how essential the study of epidemiology
is as well as how beneficial epidemiologist are. The quote to me means that a disease could affect
thousands of people but more importantly what affects the mass majority of the human race when
unexpected outbreaks occur is fear. The study of epidemiology is essential in the world that we live
in not only to track down where diseases have come from but also to answer the "why" people get
infected with a new infection. If epidemiologist were not present the fear that people already
associate with disease would be even more prevalent than it already ... Show more content on ...
The movie Contagion brings light to the fact that the number of people experiencing panic would
largely outnumber new infections, however if epidemiologist didn't exist there would be no cure for
new infections and humanity would fearfully cease to exist. In the movie it took epidemiologist
from the CDC in order to get to the bottom of the infection .The conclusion was that a bat who was
infected grabbed a piece of banana and perched above a pigs pen, the pig was slaughtered at a
market for food and the chef who touched the pig touched the first infected person which lead to her
becoming very ill an passing away. These intricate details would not have been possible if it were
not for epidemiologist to get to the bottom of things in order to save lives. Ultimately, fear is a factor
that will always be around however, from my experience and insight of what epidemiologist really
is and what epidemiologist do through prime examples from novel The Ghost Map as well as the
movie Contagion helped me gain an even better perspective of how important epidemiology is in
order for this human race to exist
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African American Population Epidemiology
Epidemiology is the study of the relationships between disease and causation in human populations.
It utilizes research and scientific methods to identify risk factors and approaches to decrease disease
risk and to promote healthy habits. Community health nurses use this science to assess, diagnose,
plan, and evaluate health improvement initiatives (Nies & McEwen, 2015–a). Ecosocial
epidemiology is a newer, more complex approach as it focuses on the role of social, environmental,
political and economic factors along with biological processes to understand health and illness (Nies
& McEwan, 2015–b). In this post, I will discuss the rate of infant mortality among the African–
American population in Franklin County and apply the ecosocial ... Show more content on ...
Ethical principles and theories. Retrieved from–
City of Columbus (2014). Greater Columbus infant mortality task force. Retrieved from–content/uploads/2014/07/Executive–Summary.pdf
Krieger, N. (2012). Methods for the scientific study of discrimination and health: An ecosocial
approach. American Journal of Public Health, 102(5), 936. doi: 10.2105?AJPH.2011.300544
Nies, M.A. & McEwan, M. (2015–a). Epidemiology. In Community/public health nursing:
promoting the health of populations (6th ed.) (p. 70). St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier.
Nies, M.A. & McEwan, M. (2015–b). Ecosocial Epidemiology. In Community/public health
nursing: promoting the health of populations (6th ed.) (p. 72). St. Louis, Missouri:
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Epidemiology Personal Statement
At a young age, I grew an interest for Epidemiology. Coming from a family with a history of obesity
and diabetes, I have always been curious and felt the need to understand the cause of global diseases
and their burden on society. Throughout my life, I lived in fear that those closest to me would soon
pass. Given the opportunity to wake up every day healthy, I feel like it is my responsibility to cure
the world of diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, and obesity. Unaware of what
needed to be done to do so, I decided to join the USC Science Technology And Research Program at
my high school to get an insight of the science world. In the short amount of time that I have been in
the USC STAR Program, the program has opened many doors
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Define Epidemiology Essay

  • 1. Define Epidemiology Essay 5. Explain what is meant by the following components of the definition of epidemiology: To begin answering the question, I first want to define epidemiology. Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health–related states or events in specified populations (Friis, 2017). a. determinants. Determinants is defined as being an event, characteristic, status, or risk factor that can change a health state. Determinants can be biology and genetics, social environment, physical environment, and the individual behavior. Sex, age, alcohol use, unprotected sex, discrimination, income, living conditions, and access to health care can all be considered determinants of epidemiology. b. distribution. Distribution focuses on the frequency and pattern of the health characteristics and risk factors in a certain population. Epidemiological distribution will cover the when, where, and who of each health–related ... Show more content on ... The following questions pertain the term epidemic. a. What is meant by an epidemic? Give a definition in your own words. An epidemic is something that has the capability to affect, wipe out or spread rapidly to a whole community all the way to an entire state or country. b. Describe a scenario in which only one or two cases of disease may represent an epidemic. I believe that if a new disease came about that only affected one or two people, or was very rare in a certain population, but that could potentially spread rapidly would be a scenario that could be cause for an epidemic. c. What is the purpose of surveillance? Surveillance is the continuous collection, analysis, and interpretation of health–related data needed for assessment, development, planning, implementation, and evaluation of the health practice. Surveillance is important in epidemiology because it can serve as an early warning system, it can keep record of the impacts interventions have on diseases, and it can allow for review to better handle epidemics in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Epidemiology Personal Statement Ever since I was a younger I've been told "education is something that you need to achieve". I do agree with that, although I do feel determination is a key element to accomplish that goal. I come from a family that are full of health professionals, my grandmother, along with her five sisters, are all registered nurses. My mom, and siblings are all engineers, teachers, or they work in law enforcement. You can say the health profession skipped a generation, but in their own way that was their way of helping others. However, that is not the path I wanted to take, I grew up with my father diagnosis with type two diabetes and watching him learning how to take care of his overall health. He takes an assortment of pills, checks his blood sugar levels, watches what he eats, and is constantly going to the doctors. Part of his regime is exercising and to remain active. My ... Show more content on ... Epidemiology to me is a part of everyone's life, it affects the life of an individual, their community, and the population even if it is not known. My interest in this field is to help advance and promote health and public health not only in my community, but others locally, nationally, and internationally. The reason I became interested in the University at Buffalo is because it would help me further my education and goals in Epidemiology. After reading the description of each classes that is given through the curriculum, I feel that this school will give me the tools needed in order help reach my goals in this field. With the faculty that is apart of this program and being able to interact with them will be beneficial for me to further understand the field and being able to possibly work with them during my time as a student as well as after. As a public health graduate student at the University at Buffalo I would be getting an ideal education to enhance me not only as a student but a professional as ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Factors Of Descriptive Epidemiology Descriptive epidemiology compares data in reference to person (who is getting the disease), place (where the disease is occurring), and time (range of period for the disease) elements. Each of these factors are complex and involves many subunits to describe them. For example, the person category can be examined by age, gender, race, marital status, occupation and location (Merrill, 2017, p. 92). Of the three categories, person may be the most utilized in epidemiology. It is important to identify at risk populations so that proper precautions and interventions can be implemented. Due to the high variability outcomes age can produce, it must be considered when evaluating the control factors when establishing a study method. This is mainly due to the fact that many disease–states, such as heart disease and certain cancers, increase proportionately with advancing age. Relatively, longevity or life expectancy may show important insight of the overall health of a population. Epidemiologist have long been using population pyramids to exhibit the populations' age distribution over time. Due to large scale factors, such as birthrates, wars, and migration, the make–up of a population is fluid and may fluctuate often. The shape of the pyramid details the trend of the inhabitants. Namely, these are described as extensive pyramids (pointed top represents rapid rate of population with a small amount of older people), stationary pyramid (block shape shows low fertility and low ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Epidemiology of Homeless Epidemiology of Homeless/Indigent People with Mental Illness Vulnerable populations are defined in many ways. Variables of the definition are dependent on the author, their current location and how they believe that they may assist this population. Vulnerability as defined in a healthcare setting are those with a greater than average risk of developing health problems by virtue of their marginalized sociocultural status, their limited access to economic resources, or personal characteristics such as age and gender (DeChesnay & Anderson, 2008). Vulnerable populations in Jacksonville, North Carolina, are the homeless and indigent veterans with mental illness. Jacksonville, North Carolina, is a military town with three military bases in the ... Show more content on ... There are many reasons for homeless and mentally ill person to be in the predicament that they are now facing. The incidents have been studied but the co–occurrence of homeless, mental illness, and substance abuse seem to have longitudinal results. Therefore, concluding that there is no direct conclusion that one is needed for the other to occur. Some reason for such include but are not limited too, financial set backs, loss of family support, severity of preexisting symptoms, prior stay in institutions such as, hospital or jails and traumatic events. In this area increasing incidents can be contributed to the military presence. The area is a very transient area because of the military and thriving economy. The majority of the homeless individuals with mental illness in the area have had prior military service. Discharges range from dishonorable to medical reasons. Medical being the most frequent cause of discharge. Medical consisting of area from person unable to adjust to the military, anger issues, traumatic events affecting reasoning such as traumatic brain injuries or post traumatic stress disorder. These individuals are usually at a disadvantage of finding care of have troubling accessing care. Males are not the only individuals who are affect with homelessness. Woman also account for about 5% of the homeless rate of 20–25% in the area. Woman also have served in ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Example Of Epidemiology Essay Epidemiology studies the distribution "of health events in populations and the determinants or the factors that influence those patterns" (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014, p. 151). It can be used to see if a disease is more prevalent in women or men. At one time, epidemiology was only used to study certain widespread infections such as tuberculosis or cholera. Not only does it now involve many different types of infections, it also includes chronic diseases, mental health events, violence, and positive health states. Some key contributions epidemiology has made in the science of public health are: "the understanding of factors that contribute to health and disease, the development of health promotion and disease prevention measures, the detection ... Show more content on ... "The natural history of disease refers to the progression of a disease in an individual over time" (Gerstman, 2003, p. 33). This includes the onset of the disease process and continues until resolution of the disease. Primary, secondary, and tertiary are known as the three levels of prevention in public health. Primary prevention aims at health promotion and disease prevention. Some examples of primary prevention are health education by nursing and immunizations. Secondary prevention seeks to detect diseases as early as possible so that treatment will likely be more effective in curing diseases. Health screenings are a main component of secondary prevention. "From a clinical prospective, the aim of screening is early detection and treatment when these result in a more favorable prognosis" (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014, p. 161). Some examples of common health screenings are Pap smears, mammograms, and colonoscopies. Tertiary prevention assists in limiting further negative effects from disease, injury, or disability. This type of prevention is different from the other levels of prevention since it involves treatment of existing conditions. It helps improve quality of life and rehabilitation for the individual. Medical treatment and physical/occupational therapy are examples of the third level of ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Epidemiology Nur/408 Epidemiology of HPV in Teenagers Rosalyn Huf NUR/408 June 4, 2012 Linnette Nolte Epidemiology today is considered to be the core science of public health and is described as a constellation of disciplines with a common mission: optimal health for the whole community (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2008). Epidemiology has reformed public health and continues to strive for disease prevention and health promotion in communities across the world. The population and disease that will be discussed in relation to epidemiology in this paper with be teens and pregnancy. This paper will explore the role of epidemiology in HPV and teenagers and the contributing factors. This paper will also discuss the definition and purpose of epidemiology, ... Show more content on ... As mentioned before, some strains of HPV can lead to oral and cervical cancers and condoms are not completely reliable when it comes to protection. Currently, options are limited for both prevention of infection of patients with HPV–associated disease: infection can only be prevented with complete abstinence from all forms of sexual activity because condoms do not offer complete protection from HPV and HPV can be transmitted by nonintromissive sexual activities (Weaver, 2006). Teaching teenagers about safe sex falls on caregivers which include parents. Teenagers who do not have a stable home life, whether the parents work all the time, or there is only a single parent, are more at risk because they less likely to be supervised adequately. This is the reason it is so important to educate these teenagers about sex and STIs. Abstinence teaching only is not effective when trying to prevent STIs in teenagers. According to "Life123" (2012), "While abstinence–only education programs have the support of many major national religious groups, a comprehensive sex education program in schools has the backing of a wide range of educational and medical organizations. Most proponents of comprehensive sex education argue that teens should be encouraged to abstain, but should also get information about contraceptives, sexually transmitted diseases, and how to prevent HIV" (Family). When working with ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Chicken Pox Epidemiology This paper will give an overview of the varicella–zoster virus. This paper will also discuss the detriments of health from the chickenpox virus. The epidemiologic triangle will be outlined as it depicts the chickenpox virus. The aspect of the community health nurse will be discussed and information on a national organization for infectious diseases will be provided. Chicken pox and shingles are caused by the virus varicella–zoster. The varicella–zoster virus is spread through the air by coughing or sneezing and can also be spread by touching the blisters or inhaling particles from the blisters ("CDC," n.d.). Chicken pox (varicella) is a highly contagious virus. The reactivation of the chickenpox virus (varicella–zoster virus) is ... Show more content on ... Receiving the appropriate vaccinations is important not just to the individual, but is important to the community as well. An individual not receiving the appropriate vaccines can put the entire community at risk. The detriments of health can reach further than common healthcare, partnering with sectors of public health is important to improve the overall health of the community. The epidemiological triangle has three vertices: "the microbe that causes the disease" (agent), "the organism harboring the disease" (host), and the "external factors that allow the disease transmissions" (environment) ("CDC," n.d.) If one of the sides of the triangle are broken, a disruption occurs between the agent, host or environment halts the continuation of the disease. Varicella–zoster only occurs in humans. Chickenpox occurs most commonly in children under the age of fifteen and less commonly in adults ("CDC," n.d.). The agent for this example of the epidemiological triangle is varicella–zoster. Viruses have core genetic material and take over cells to reproduce that genetic material. Varicella–zoster is a virus that is spread through airbourne droplets such as by coughing or sneezing, inhaling infected particles from the blisters or by touching the blisters. Chickenpox is highly contagious. It can take ten to twenty–one days for symptoms to appear. Infected individuals can be contagious for one to two days prior to outbreak of ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Epidemiology In Public Health Practice We have learned in previous weeks how epidemiology is used in determining the diagnosis, prognosis, and clinical treatment of disease. We have learned that different diagnostic tools and tests are used to accurately diagnose a disease because not all tests provide 100% accuracy (Fletcher, Fletcher, & Fletcher, 2014). The goal of epidemiology is to identify the occurrence of diseases to prevent this from spreading. CDC (2012) has identified the different roles or functions of epidemiology in order to achieve its goal and these roles are: "public health surveillance, field investigation, analytic studies, evaluation, linkages, and policy development" (para. 1). Field investigation is about the investigation after receiving a surveillance ... Show more content on ... These preventative activities are best demonstrated in the levels of prevention. Each level of prevention allows us to determine the appropriate action. Primary prevention aims in decreasing risk factors, thus preventing the disease from occurring, while secondary prevention aims in early detection of the disease, thus early treatment can be initiated when necessary, and tertiary prevention aims in the rehabilitation (Fletcher et al., 2014). References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]. (2012). Principles of epidemiology in public health practice. Epidemiological Core Functions: Lesson 1. Section 4. (3rd. ed.). Retrieved from Fletcher, R. H., Fletcher, S. W., & Fletcher, G. S. (2014). Clinical epidemiology: The essentials. (5th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a Wolters Kluwer business. Lee, L. M., Heilig, C. M., & White, A. (2012). Ethical justification for conducting public health surveillance without patient consent. American Journal of Public Health, 102(1), 38–44. ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Epidemiology Of COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is progressive disease affecting the lungs. It is characterized by airflow limitation that is not fully reversible, as well as the abnormal inflammatory response of the lungs to noxious particles and gases (Girod & King, 2005). Smoking is a major risk factor for both the mortality and morbidity of COPD. Other causes may include: bronchial hyper– responsiveness, indoor and outdoor air pollution, allergy, biomass fuels and smoke exposure for women cooking in poorly ventilated conditions (Mclvor, Tunks & Todd, 2010 and Calverley & Walker, 2003). Current treatment approaches include: prevention of disease progression, management of stable disease and management of exacerbations (Calverley et al., 2003). ... Show more content on ... Addressing the sex difference in COPD would first need to involve further research and evidence based conclusions on why these differences exist. Both biological and environmental factors need to be taken into consideration. Since chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder is incurable (WHO, 2016), prevention is the number one solution to this growing health concern. One public health recommendation to address the sex differences in COPD is to tackle smoking, which is a major risk factor for COPD. Barnes states in his work that "the increased morbidity and mortality from COPD during the last few decades is partly driven by their increase in women" (2016), Preventing both men and women from ever starting smoking will greatly decrease the prevalence rates of COPD in general. Widespread and improved smoking interventions are also important for reducing the risk of developing COPD among those who already smoke. To address the sex difference in COPD, where males seem to be affected by this disease more often, prevention methods that cater more specifically to males may be beneficial. For example, ads or posters with slogans or phrases that pertain particularly to ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Epidemiology of Chickenpox Epidemiology of Chickenpox Karissa N. Martinez Grand Canyon University: NRS–427V 05/16/2014 Epidemiology of Chickenpox This essay was written to explain the epidemiology of chickenpox and allow the reader to develop a better understanding of the disease. The author intended for the reader to become informed about the causes, symptoms, mode of transmission, complications, treatment and mortality and morbidity rates. Also, the reader will become familiar with the determinants of health and contributing factors to develop varicella, the relation of the epidemiologic triangle, the role of the community health nurse, as well as identify a national organization that reduces the impact of the disease on the community. Chickenpox ... Show more content on ... For patients who are at high risk for complications an antiviral can be prescribed called acyclovir. Acyclovir can help reduce symptoms in the early stages; twenty four hours after the rash appears (Gould, 2014). Mortality and morbidity rates are higher for adults and those how are immunocompromised ( Khandelwal & Kumawat, 2008). Centers for Disease Control 2014, has revealed that the number of chickenpox outbreaks in the United States has decreased significantly since the vaccination was introduced. If the disease is still acquired after vaccination symptoms are mild resulting in fewer lesions and low or no fever (CDC, 2014). Centers for Disease Control, 2014 state that four million people would be infected by chickenpox in the United States alone, 10,600 people hospitalized and 100 to 150 deaths before the vaccination was initiated. Determinants of health can be both social and physical factors that can either help avoid or put one at increased risk for development of a disease such as varicella. Some examples of social determinants of health can be quality of education, public safety, language barriers, culture, social support and socioeconomic conditions (Healthy People, 2013). These determinants can negatively impact the community, for instance if the population of focus is one of poverty level with low rates of quality education, and high incidence of crime this can make it difficult to obtain ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Epidemiology Course Summary The first discussion topic for this course, PHLT: 319 Epidemiology for Health Educators, centered on the definition of epidemiology. Quickly, students became aware that epidemiology was not only the study of disease, rather the "study of the distribution and determinants of health–related states or events in human populations and the application of this study to the prevention and control of health problems"(2013, Merrill, 2). In an effort to reduce major public health events, the bacterial disease, cholera, has been studied over many years by researchers, specifically naming Dr. John Snow. Appendix I titled Case Studies, in Ray M. Merrill's Introduction to Epidemiology, provides information, incidence and prevalence rates, and protocols for ... Show more content on ... Merrill discussed cholera as it pertained to the Broad Street outbreak in the Appendix I: Case Studies section of Introduction to Epidemiology. The cholera epidemic took over Golden Square because of subpar sanitation and filtration standards. Merrill stated that, "there were upwards of 500 fatal attacks of cholera in 10 days. The mortality in this limited area probably equals any that was ever caused in this country. The mortality would undoubtedly have been much greater had it not been for the flight of the population"(2013, Merrill, 338). Dr. John Snow became most notable here because of his work to end the cholera outbreak. It was in the Soho District of London, when Dr. Snow removed the handle from the Broad Street pump to cease the cholera ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Epidemiology Comparison Epidemiology, the branch of medicine that deals with the incidence, distribution, and possible control of a disease. Epidemiology is used through out the world, whether that be to protect a country from a lethal disease or educating the people about the common cold, epidemiologist protect the world from disease as a whole. This is highlighted in the most recent outbreak of the Zika Virus in Brazil and the Ebola Sudan outbreak illustrated in the Hot Zone. Even though these disease have there similarities and differences epidemiologists have done that is possible to protect the populous of the world. Though both disease have common ground, both are extremely different from one another based on the symptoms and over effect on the human body. ... Show more content on ... Another difference is that Ebola Sudan has a 50% fatality rate and directly harms the host of the pathogen by causing internal blooding, large amounts of internal hemorrhaging, and organ failure, on the other hand Zika has a 0% fatality rate and doesn't directly harm the host. Zika only causes the host to have a form of the common cold, but will harm the hosts children by transmitting the virus to the pregnant mother of a child. This will causing that child to be born with a terrible birth defect called microcephaly and because of this, babies who are born this way have a 100% fatality rate. Another difference is Ebola Sudan mainly occurs in 3rd world countries because of the lack of medical supplies compared to Zika in the sense that it has been mainly prevented in Brazil. This is illustrated in the Hot Zone by the lack of medical resourses shown by the hospital in Sudan having to use dirty needles. On the other hand Zika has mainly been contracted in Brazil and people can protect themselves by purchasing a mosquito net or mosquito repellent. Ultimately, due to the poverty faced by west African civilians, it is much harder to prevent the spread of Ebola Sudan compared to Zika based on the overall lack of money in Western Africa. Finally, both viruses had completely different responses ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Descriptive and Analytic Epidemiology Running head: Descriptive and Analytic Epidemiology TUI University Lea Glover MPH 504 Descriptive and Analytic Epidemiology Case Assignment #3 Dr. Sharon Nazarchuk Abstract Descriptive epidemiology is defined as the study of the amount and distribution of disease within a population by person, place, and time. Descriptive epidemiology answers the following questions: Who is affected? Where and when do cases occur? It describes cases by person, place, and time (TUI University 2008). Introduction Descriptive epidemiology focuses on both the pattern of health events as well as on their frequency in popuations. Within the field of epidemiology, there are three types of data that are necessary for describing the patterns of ... Show more content on ... This same climate also creates the wet, green environment that increases the prevalence of ticks. Possible explanations for the pattern of this disease An environmental explanation for regional Lyme disease variability, such as weather is proposed because similar annual patterns of tick infection rates have been observed in forests dominated by species other than oaks ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Six Core Functions Of Epidemiology Core Functions of Epidemiology Michele L. Gilbert Southern New Hampshire University Abstract This paper defines and explains the six core functions of epidemiology: Public health surveillance, field investigation, analytic studies, evaluations, linkages, and policy development. The core functions of epidemiology lay down a foundation on which epidemiologists can begin to work from. This paper will look at the benefits of incorporating all six of these functions into a working plan when health officials, medical personnel, first responders, etc., encounter a disease or illness that needs to be identified, treated and contained. Keywords: public health surveillance, field investigation, analytic studies, evaluations, linkages, and policy development. Core Functions of Epidemiology There are six core functions of epidemiology (Dicker, Coronado, Koo, & Parrish, 2012). The first function is public health surveillance. Public health surveillance can be defined as the method of collecting and analyzing data to better serve the health and well–being of the public efficiently and effectively. For example, if hospitals start seeing more cases of tuberculosis epidemiologists can analyze collected data to find a pattern or commonality among those who were treated. If they find that the majority of patients are from the same geographical location, they may want to concentrate their field investigation efforts in that area. Public health surveillance is important to the study of ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Evaluation Of Epidemiological Problem Of Epidemiology EVALUATION OF EPIDEMIOLOGICAL PROBLEM NAME INSTITUTIONAL AFFILIATION Introduction Epidemiology is the branch of public health which attempts to discover the causes of disease in order to make disease prevention possible. Therefore epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health–related states or events in specified populations and the application of the knowledge to control of health problems. The focus is on epidemiology in public health, that is, its use as part of the wider process of discovering the causes of disease and preventing its occurrence in human populations. This study majorly is on varicella virus which causes chickenpox and shows its effects on children. Researchers conducted based ... Show more content on ... Individuals who have suffered the chickenpox infection develop lifetime immunity as they are unlikely to be infected by it again. However, the virus remains dormant in the body and it can start reactivating later in life (Golas, Bennett, White, Skarf, Lesser, Nagel, & Gilden 2015).. Signs and symptoms of chickenpox It is important to understand that anyone who has not had chickenpox or received the chickenpox vaccine can be infected by the disease. Chickenpox infections usually do last a period of about 5–10 days. The common symptom of chickenpox is a rash that turns into itchy, fluid–filled blisters that in the end turn into scabs. Other signs and symptoms, which may before the rash, include: high fever tiredness loss of appetite headache Once the chickenpox rash appears, it goes through three phases: Raised pink or red bumps, which break out over several days. They may first shows up on the face, chest, and back before spreading to other parts of the body, which may include inside the mouth, eyelids, or genital area. Fluid–filled blisters, this forms from the raised bumps. They may take about one day prior to starting breaking and leaking. Crusts and scabs, which cover the broken blisters and take several days to heal. Epidemiological studies published since 2000 which shown at least 50 cases of
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  • 62. Epidemiology Personal Statement What if as a society we began to focus more on preventing chronic disease rather than treating them after onset? This is the question that has driven my interest in public health. My first true introduction to public health came in an Epidemiology class I took my junior year at Portland State University. It became apparent to me that chronic diseases are now our worlds biggest burden, particularly cardiovascular disease and cancer, and that the health of our world against these diseases begins with prevention. I began my undergraduate career as a Viticulture and Enology major. I loved the idea of spending my days in a vineyard, nurturing grapes to maturity and then creating a final product that was entirely different from its humble beginning. ... Show more content on ... I was able to gain insight into how population based research is performed as well as the ways health disparities, social and economic status, and malnutrition contribute to the health of low– income and homeless individuals. As an interviewer I played an integral role in helping CCC develop programs to improve the population health of these individuals and help assist the company in creating an integrated model of care. After the initial surveys were completed, I had the opportunity to continue my training in data management, statistical analysis, and interpretation of results. I worked on cleaning data and analyzing the results of the survey. I authored a report on the research findings with Dr. Lynne Messer to help the agency plan future projects and research. This experience has contributed to my desire to better understand the modifiable lifestyle factors that contribute to the cause of disease, disease distribution, and the measures we can take for control and ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Essay On Epidemiology Application When I first started here at the University of Washington, I thought I knew what I wanted to do. As an eager Freshman, who had never even taken a single course in psychology, I thought I had my life mapped out. I "knew" I wanted to be a psychologist and help people with mental illnesses cope with their diseases. I was so excited when I finally got to register for Psych 101. However, after the first couple of days, I found myself struggling to pay attention in that class. What else was on my mind you may ask? I was concurrently taking a course in epidemiology. A class that soon filled my head with an abundance of questions that I couldn't wait to get answered. No other class had captured my interest like that epidemiology course. After taking ... Show more content on ... Starting last spring quarter, I began working retail part time. This however turned into a much bigger time commitment than I had anticipated. I started working 35 to 40 hours a week while going to school and I began to notice my grades slipping. I eventually had to ask for less hours, which did improve my grades substantially. Yet, from all of this, I learned an extremely important lesson that I will always take with me. Late nights and early mornings forced me to manage my time more efficiently, which has helped me through the rest of my classes. It also taught me that I do not want to work retail for the rest of my life. No matter how difficult, I will always cherish the memories I made with my coworkers and the lessons I learned along the ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. The Epidemiology Of An Infectious Disease During this assignment, I will be exploring the epidemiology of an infectious disease found on the Public Health Agency of Canada website known as Pertussis. This particular disease is also known as Whooping Cough due to the sound made while inhaling during a coughing spell. The information contained in this report will be taken from the Public Health Agency of Canada's website which can be found at http://www.phac– SUMMARY ABOUT PERTUSSIS AGENT OF DISEASE Pertussis is caused by "bordetella pertussis" which is a Gram–negative aerobic bacterium. Toxins from the bacteria are what cause the majority of the signs and symptoms of the disease. After entering the body, Pertussis can take as little as seven days, and as much as 28 ... Show more content on ... After the paroxysmal stage is the final stage called the convalescent stage. During this stage, the patient will enter into their recovery period. In some cases this period can last for an extensive period including months before a full recovery is seen. While all ages may acquire Pertussis, it is increasingly higher risk to one's health when in the infant stages of life without any vaccinations. Infants who contract pertussis may experience very serious symptoms that may end in brain damage, convulsions, weight loss, and pneumonia. In the worst of circumstances death may also result. METHODS OF TRANSMISSION AND COMMUNICABILITY PERIOD Pertussis is a highly contagious. Pertussis is easily spread from the infected person to someone else in close proximity through the fluids, respiratory droplets, released while coughing or sneezing. Additionally the infected person can spread the bacteria by contaminating none living objects, but this is far less likely. On average it can take 9 to 10 days to incubate but the duration can be seen in as little as 6 days and as long as 20 days. When considering the timeframe in which a person could have been infected it can date back as far as 42 days but this would be a rare case. Once the diagnosis is made for pertussis a patient is placed on antibiotics. Until a patient has been on a treatment plan with antibiotics for at least 5 days they are considered infectious. If a ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Hiv/Aids Epidemiology in Swaziland Running head: HIV/AIDS Epidemiology in Swaziland HIV/AIDS Epidemiology in Swaziland Andrew Jay Mallo Florida International University Abstract Since the first case was reported in 1986, AIDS has disproportionately affected the Kingdom of Swaziland relative to other nations in the region and globally. The high prevalence rate is characteristic of a generalized epidemic. It is estimated that there will be 20,000 to 30,000 new HIV infections each year. The Swazi Ministry of Health and Social Welfare [MoHSW] collects this data every two years, creating a lag of time between data collection and dissemination of information. Based on HIV prevalence studies, the HIV epidemic has disproportionately affected women, is primarily ... Show more content on ... The stabilization may be due to a slight decrease in new cases. It is difficult to make this conclusion since there is no access to HIV incidence data. There has been a decline in AIDS mortality rate since 2004 which may also correspond with an increase in antiretroviral therapy. Source: UN/WHO. (2008, October). Epidemiological fact sheet on HIV and AIDS: Swaziland. Transmission Patterns Although there has been some stabilizing in the HIV prevalence rate over the last couple of years there still exists a significant heterogeneity in the HIV epidemic. Adult women have a significantly higher prevalence rate than men: 31% to 19.7% (UNAIDS, 2008). Overall, the male–to–female ratio of HIV cases for young adults (age 15–24) has doubled from 2:1 in 2001 to 4:1 in 2007 (UNAIDS, 2008). The HIV prevalence rate of pregnant women was 38.8% in 2007 (UNAIDS, 2008). The 11th HIV sentinel surveillance study showed a stabilization of HIV in pregnant women. The data shows that women are at a greater risk of acquiring HIV than men. The greater risk is reflective of heterosexual transmission. An epidemiological study by Physicians For Human Rights (2007) identifies an inequality between men and women that plays a role in this heterogeneity. In this study women were more economically dependent and lacked control over sexual decision making. Women's rights had a protective effect: Belief in sexual decision ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Nur 405 Epidemiology Paper Epidemiology NUR 408 Epidemiology Public health nursing allows nurses to encounter various vulnerable populations on a daily basis. In particular, the elderly make up a large portion of the population, and their vulnerability to the environment and other physical factors is a very important aspect of public health nursing. Epidemiology allows the public health nurse to study and assess vulnerable populations, including the elderly, and create interventions that maximize the health potential of all members of the public. Definition and Description of Epidemiology Originally, epidemiology was a term that was used to describe the spread of infectious disease. Over the course of time, that definition has expanded considerably in order ... Show more content on ... According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "It's estimated that 90 percent of seasonal flu–related deaths and more than 60 percent of seasonal flu–related hospitalizations in the United States each year occur in people 65 years and older " (2011).The CDC advises that the best way to prevent and control the spread of influenza each year is by the use of vaccinnations. In effort to control and prevent influenza epidemics, the CDC uses the epidemiological process to predict the strain of the virus that will be most relevant to the population and this data is used to formulate influenza vaccinations (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011). Based on the information provided by the CDC and other agencies, as well as data gathered first hand through interaction within communities, public health nurses can advocate for the use of influenza vaccinations by elderly populations. While providing education related to preventive methods and the importance of vaccination, as well as administering vaccinations, public health nurses are key participants in the epidemiological process of seasonal influenza related to the elderly population. In ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Epidemiology Personal Statement Epidemiology is the field of amazement. It is my utmost desire to pursue my Ph.D. in Epidemiology. What if people lived a healthier life, practice preventive medicine, have precautions against the disease or illness. In my life, I always wanted to help the people, in fact, I want to help a large number of people, emphasizing the prevention and primary care rather than curative care, in my opinion, it is more challenging. During my undergraduate course in M.B.B.S (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) I Was in contact with many types of patients. I had learnt the pathology of the disease as well as their sign and symptoms. I can remind about a patient with whom I met during my internship did left an impact on my mind. He was about 10 years ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. Epidemiology Paper Epidemiology Paper NUR/408 July 23, 2012 Abstract Epidemiology is viewed as the fundamental science of public health and is key in endorsing optimal health in the community as a whole (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2008). Epidemiologic study and practice continues to reform public health and endeavors to prevent disease in communities across the world. This paper will address through descriptive epidemiology, the rising disease of obesity and will focus on the teen and adolescent population of the United States. This paper will also define and discuss the purpose of epidemiology, the methods of the science, the epidemiological triangle, and the relationship of the disease to various levels of prevention. Epidemiology "Epidemiology has been ... Show more content on ... It can cause issues like an increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, breathing problems, trouble sleeping (AACAP, 2011). Demographics The demographics of obesity are individualized to a person's ideal weight for their height and body type. Obesity is categorized by having an excess of weight that is well outside of the medically accepted range based on height. There are varying degrees of obesity and being overweight is not the same as obesity. Obesity is categorized as being 20% or greater than the ideal weight for the individual (PAMF, 2011). The WHO's definitions of "overweight" and "obese" are based on an individual's body mass index (BMI), which measures weight relative to height. Overweight is marked by a BMI greater than or equal to 25 and obese is defined as having a BMI greater than or equal to 30 (World Health Organization, 2012). While it is widely accepted that Americans are one of the most overweight countries in the world, many other nations have seen steady increases in their rates of obesity. Epidemiological data has shown that countries all over the world have been steadily gaining weight in all genders, ethnic groups, ages and educational levels (World Health Organization, 2012). According to the national Institute of Health, 15.5% of teenagers were obese (2006). This means that a large ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. Epidemiology Module Analysis The purpose of this module is to review the role of epidemiology in public health practice. Despite the fact that epidemiology is a broad field, this module is intended to introduce the basic concepts of epidemiology. The module incorporates a definition of epidemiology by the CDC. Since the definition by the CDC is complex, a reader can explore individual terms by clicking on each word to see the CDC definition. Epidemiologist in Public Health performs numerous roles including collection and analysis of vital records and morbidity; investigations and monitoring of disease outbreaks; design and implementation of surveillance system and health screening, and etc. Epidemiology studies distribution and determinants of health and disease. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. Epidemiology Epidemiology Paper Roshanda Dixon Grand Canyon University: NRS–427V March 27, 2015 Abstract According to the reading epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of the health related stated or events (WHO, 2013). The purpose of this study is to gain control of the disease and other major health issues. Tuberculosis is one of the most largest nationwide diseases that are spread throughout the continent. The description of the disease along with how it's spread and the treatable facts will be listed. The roles of nursing are very important to know when dealing with a nationwide disease. Proper resources will also be applied in helping in how to reduce the diseases from spreading. Tuberculosis TB is ... Show more content on ... Int5ernational travelers are victims as well with this disease because they are around different kinds of people that can may not be vaccinated nor treated properly. There are vaccinations called Bacille Calmette Gurin (BCG) it is used to prevent severe forms of TB in children but not recommended here in the United States because it has limited effectiveness for preventing TB overall. Last is pregnancy there are greater risk for a woman and the baby is not treated. The effects on the baby can be fatal which can cause low birth weight and even a low immune system (CDC, 2013).CDC is working on better screenings and treatments for people that are homeless. They are also studying to learn the socio cultural, racial and health system barriers (CDC, 2013). The main goals for the Center for Disease Control are to educate and enforce treatments regarding this disease. Social Determinants of Tuberculosis These are circumstances in which people are born, the way they live, grow up and work. The most important determinants TB include the socioeconomic inequalities, high levels of population mobility and growth in the community. The risk factors for TB play a role in community with poor ventilation, large crowds in the homes and workplaces. There's also fear of lack of support within the community. Strengthening social protection and strengthen the communities could be an intervention along with social protection and financial support. Epidemiologic ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. The Tuberculosis Epidemiology Of Louisiana Essay The Tuberculosis Epidemiology of Louisiana Tuberculosis (TB) is brought on by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The microorganisms more often than not assault the lungs, however TB microbes can assault any part of the body, for example, the kidney, spine, and mind. Not everybody infected with TB microbes gets to be sick. Therefore, two TB–related conditions exist: latent TB infection (LTBI) and TB infection. If not treated legitimately, TB can be deadly (CDC, 2016). TB microbes are spread through the air starting with one individual then onto the next. The TB microorganisms are put into the air when someone with TB illness of the lungs or throat coughs, talks, or sings. Individuals adjacent may take in these microscopic organisms and also become ill (CDC, 2016). Individuals with TB are well on the way to spreading it to individuals they invest time with consistently. This incorporates relatives, companions, and coworkers or classmates. Tuberculosis (TB), which is brought on by contamination with an individual from the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, is a noteworthy reason for incapacity and passing in numerous parts of the world. The frequency (recently reported cases) of tuberculosis in Louisiana is near the normal occurrence in the United States. . In 2013, Louisiana: Ranked eleventh among the 50 states in TB rates (3 for each 100,000 people) and 22.3% of TB cases were foreign–born people (CDC, 2015). As in the U.S., frequency has diminished ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. Epidemiology Epidemiology Name: Institution: Course: Tutor: Date: Abstract Descriptive epidemiology is based on two important premises which are central in the field. The first premise states that disease does not occur in isolation. Secondly, patterns of disease occurrence are placed under three important categories of person, place and time. This paper seeks to build understanding on the three areas by giving relevant examples where they are applied. Epidemiology Person In Epidemiology studies the important demographic information will include age, sex, marital status, race, ethnicity, and religion and socioeconomic status. Age is considered the most important factor and is ... Show more content on ... Socioeconomic status of the person may point to their lifestyle, which in turn may predict their likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases. The poor, for instance are likely to make wrong food choices that can predispose them to obesity and other lifestyle diseases. When determining the socioeconomic class, epidemiology studies looks at the person's occupation, level of education, income and in some instances a combination of the above (Descriptive Epidemiology n.d). Place Important characteristics in place include the understanding of infectious and chronic diseases, which reveal different patterns in countries. We can gain insight by comparing disease frequency in different countries as well as their rates within countries. Another important characteristic is the difference in disease prevalence in urban and rural settings. This can provide us with knowledge of comparison based locations, as well as explanation for disease variation. Time In epidemiology we are usually interested in the pattern of disease frequency. For example the occurrence of certain disease conditions like common cold may be due to fluctuation in weather. Other Epidemics have been known to occur at certain periods. For instance chronic illnesses may exhibit patterns of secular trend in timing Other interesting features in place epidemics include the cohort and clustering effects, which can exhibit different patterns in the spread
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  • 107. My Epidemiology Course Analysis Throughout my college career, I have taken courses in: epidemiology, organic chemistry, microbiology, infectious diseases, biostatistics, and public health. All my courses have helped me establish a broad and expansive understanding of public health and the multiple fields that it consists of/overlaps with. In the infectious disease course, which I completed this past semester, there was a focus on the microbiology lab techniques used in identifying disease, including: equipment, mediums, and chemical reagents used to do so. The course also focused on the biology of infectious diseases including immune responses and treatment/prevention and how that relates to identifying them in a lab setting as well as the public health implications. My epidemiology ... Get more on ...
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  • 111. Epidemiology Is The Branch Of Medicine Epidemiology Epidemiology is the branch of medicine that deals with the incidence, distribution, and possible control of diseases and other factors relating to health (Schneider, 8). In 1847, a Viennese obstetrician by the name of Ignac Semmelweis discovered the importance of handwashing in a hospital setting (Gawande, 15). Before the discovery of antibiotics, childbed fever was the number one cause of maternal death in childbirth. Semmelweis realized by not washing their hands, doctors were the ones responsible for carrying the bacteria that caused the fever from mother to mother. After implementing strict hand washing rules the death rate of mothers decreased from 20% to 1% almost overnight (Gawande, 15). Discoveries like the one ... Show more content on ... Scientists have yet to discover what exactly causes BSE but the leading theory is that it is caused by prions––infectious agents made entirely out of protein that are usually found in the brain and spinal cord and can only currently be treated if caught before symptoms arise. Humans that eat infected meat may be infected with Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease which causes brain lesions that ultimately kill the infected. Another important function of epidemiology is the control of disease. Epidemiologists are tasked with researching and creating vaccines. A vaccine is a substance used to kickstart the production of antibodies and help build a resistance to one or several diseases, created from a part of the existing disease or a man–made substance. To create the vaccines scientists have to do thousands of hours of research and testing. There are many different types of vaccines; some deactivate the disease, some weaken it, and some even use a piece of the bacteria or virus to counteract its ill effects. If a vaccine cannot be found epidemiologists can use the factors that facilitate the transmission of the disease– also known as determinants of the disease– ,such as where it is spreading and the medium it uses to travel , to keep it from spreading. An example of a disease without a vaccine but with clear determinants is HIV. Epidemiologist do not only work with diseases that are infectious they also work with chronic ... Get more on ...
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  • 115. Epidemiology Epidemiology Paper Anavictoria Fortaleza March 5, 2012 NUR408 Epidemiology Paper Vulnerable populations are "those with a greater than average risk of developing health problems by virtue of their marginalized socio–cultural status, their limited access to economic resources, or personal characteristics such as age and gender" (De Chesnay & Anderson, 2008). Infants and young children are vulnerable to a host of healthcare problems, they are susceptible to viral infection especially respiratory infection such as Respiratory Syncytial Virus. In this paper, the author will define and describe epidemiological triangle as it relates to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), types of epidemiology, and levels of prevention of RSV. Epidemiology ... Show more content on ... RSV infections generally occur during fall, winter and early spring in a temperate climates. The severity and timing of RSV circulation vary from year to year in a given community. Symptoms of RSV varies depending on the child's age. Symptoms usually appear 4 to 6 days after coming in contact with the virus. Mild symptoms such as cold–like symptoms, cough, stuffy nose, sore throat, headache and low–grade fever usually occur in older children. Severe symptoms such as cyanosis, labored breathing, croupy cough, reduced appetite, tachypnea, wheezing and fever usually occur in infants under the age of one. Mild infections usually go away without treatment, however infants and children with severe RSV infection needs to be admitted to the hospital for treatment. Treatment include oxygen, humidified air, IV fluids, and breathing machine. Other health problems can develop as a complications of RSV infection, these include ear infection (middle ear), asthma, dehydration, atelectasis, sudden heart failure (usually occurs in older adults with heart and lung problems), bronchiolitis, pneumonia, and lung failure (MayoClinic, 2011). Types of epidemiology There are two types of epidemiology: descriptive epidemiology and analytic epidemiology. Descriptive epidemiology "collects information to ... Get more on ...
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  • 119. John Snow Father Of Epidemiology == John Snow Father of Epidemiology Kagney Bryant Kaplan University August 29, 2014 John Snow Father of Epidemiology It is said "For his persistent efforts to determine how cholera was spread and for the statistical mapping methods he initiated, John Snow is widely considered to be the Father of [modern] Epidemiology" (David Vachon). The purpose of this paper is to communicate to you who John Snow is and expression to you what he did during his life. John Snow and the era he lived and worked John Snow was born on March 15, 1813. He was born in a community on North Street in York, England. John Snow was the firstborn of nine kids and his parents were William Snow (1743–1846) and Francis Snow (1789–1860). Snow and his household were raised up on North Street which is beside the River Ouse. The community where Snow was living on was amongst the poorer sections in York, it was furthermore at threat of overflowing from the Ouse River. North Street was considered the poorest areas in the city to be drained from the overflowing river. During most of his early child hood his father worked as a workhand in a coal yard and advanced to a landlord in his later life (David Vachon). When Snow was younger religion was a significant part of the family's lifecycle. They would grace their presence at the York's All Saints North Street, an Anglican Church. All nine youngsters had been baptized counting John Snow (David Vachon). Throughout his premature years, John Snow ... Get more on ...
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  • 123. What is Epidemiology? People have many health concerns and diagnosis that presents to the current public health as to overcome with fear . The first step in any medical situation regarding a person's health is to make sure that you talked among the professionals in the health community. This will be the bests way to help the cycle amongs others, that will further prevent other diseases from occurring. Using epidemiology and the epidemiology triangle diabetes in African Americans will be observed. This health concern in many communities in the United States that can be prevented and helped, but information is the key to success. In this paper we will be examining the definition and description of epidemiology, the steps and methods of epidemiology, reviewing the data of the selected population. We will also be looking at the epidemiological triangle as well as various levels of prevention. Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health–related states or events (including disease), and the application of this study to the control of diseases and other health problems. Various methods can be used to carry out epidemiological investigations: surveillance and descriptive studies can be used to study distribution; analytical studies are used to study determinants (WHO, 2012). Epidemiology is a type of science that guides our understanding of the branch of medicine dealing with the incidence and prevalence of disease in large populations and with detection of the source and ... Get more on ...
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  • 127. Aging Population And Epidemiology Epidemiology is the study of diseases, including the incidence and distribution of the diseases, within a population. America and the developed world as a whole has switched from a constant presence of infectious diseases and diseases brought about from improper hygiene to an increase of chronic diseases and stress related illnesses (Lloyd–Sherlock, 2005). There is also a noticeable swelling number of elderly as a result from the increased quality of life; this requires the epidemiology and healthcare system to adjust to match the aging population's needs. Many of those in the senior population rely on health insurance, such as Medicare and Medicaid, to help pay for their healthcare, any changes or disturbance in the insurance can affect the ... Show more content on ... According to Garza (2016), the elderly will have an increase need of resources and healthcare professionals to better manage their healthcare issues. "The percentage of the U.S. economy spent on health care for individuals ages 65 and older exceeds 5 percent – a proportion that is expected to double by 2030 and triple by 2050. As seniors age, they may struggle to afford soaring health care costs" (Fay). Medicaid and Medicare pay for most of the senior citizen's healthcare bills but many are still in medical debt. The cycle is continuous; as the population grows older they experience one or more chronic conditions which lead to the need for health insurance and healthcare. Epidemiologists will now have the task of seeing how the increase of medical debt affects the elderly population in relation to the diseases they experience. A study that involved 3,000 participants found that "more than 75 percent of Medicare–eligible households spent at least $10,000 out of pocket on health care... and for the remaining 25 percent the average expense was even greater: they spent a whopping $101,791 out of pocket" (Health Care Cost: Expenses Hurt Elderly The Most, Report, 2012). Finding proper healthcare professionals can also affect the elderly's quality of life. There is a shortage of nurses, caregivers, and doctors that specialize in caring for the elderly which can be ... Get more on ...
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  • 131. Epidemiology: A Personal Statement My passion for my intended research stems from 6 years ago, when my grandfather, with decades of smoking and hypertension history, was diagnosed with severe mitral insufficiency and went through a 7–hours cardiac valve replacement operation. Witnessed how he went through unimaginable pain during the thoracotomy and rehabilitation process, I realized the path that I would like to traverse and it led me to take up public health as my undergraduate major. I wish to make my contributions to prevent and address non–communicable diseases (NCDs), including cardiovascular diseases, from both local and global level. Throughout my undergraduate studies I supplemented my academic knowledge with research and internship experience. This has readied me with ... Show more content on ... As the leading causes of illness and death, chronic diseases account for an estimated 80% of total deaths and 70% of disability–adjusted life years lost in China. The prevention of chronic diseases is receiving a national response commensurate with the burden in recent years. However, the prevalence of hypertension and obesity population, increasing health demands and expenditure and insufficient community–level practice are not negligible. Therefore, I am thrilled at the prospect of gaining solid knowledge of epidemiological methodologies, health system and policy, in addition to quantitative and qualitative analytical skills that I can use as building blocks to achieve my dreams. In the long run, I wish to contribute to effective actions to reach the WHO's goals of "NCD Global Monitoring Framework" by 2025 in China by designing and monitoring feasible programs with innovative and cost–effective methods. After that, if given the chance, I aspire to help on a more global level through improved programs and ... Get more on ...
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  • 135. Personal Statement Of Epidemiology As a child, I always wanted to become a doctor; hence I opted for dentistry. I loved studying it, perhaps an academic subject name Public Health Dentistry, changed my views towards the life. Epidemiology was one of its core parts. I was so much impressed by this subject as it is a source for knowing preventive measures and precautions for any disease, hence I decided that after completing dentistry I will make my path towards epidemiology. Since then, I often thought about the causes and the prevention of various diseases. I have been a professional and a volunteer participant in Health related camps; also I have conducted few types of researches. Hence, to culminate my plans, I should put myself in a rich scholastic program, particularly Public Health, concentrating in epidemiology. The School of Health Sciences will furnish me with the quality education, ... Show more content on ... I had a distinct interest in Biology, Computer and Math. In my Secondary school, I was a student assigned with the position of sports–vice captain and house–captain in my 8th and 9th grade respectively, a privilege and honor I took very earnestly. Moreover, I have been a part of Bharat Scouts and Guides for seven years, where I was selected as patrol leader and honored with Governor Award in recognition of my sincere service to the mankind. As a student, I had done a part–time job at Amway agency. Hence, as I developed, I extended my vision into science, expanded my presentation and refined my research interests to what they are today. Volunteerism has been a steady component in my life, working at doctor's facilities, primary schools, Old Age Home, Community Health Centre, and Orphanage at whatever point I could. I wanted to add my part positively to the lives of many individuals by knowing their challenges of life and spreading awareness of health and diseases, their prevention amongst ... Get more on ...
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  • 139. Epidemiology Research Papers Epidemiology is the study of diseases and informs the public about the health epidemics and new standards put in place. They usually work in laboratories, businesses, and offices where they work on discovering many diseases and conducting research while also finding cures to new diseases. In order to become an epidemiologist, I will have undergo through 4 year as an undergraduate and obtain a Masters in Biology or Public Health. In high school, it is recommended for me take Biology, Chemistry or to have some type of science background in order to help me get best prepared. In this paper I will discuss the history of epidemiology, the pathway to get to this career, and why this job/career will be the best fit for me. Epidemiology is what advises people of ... Show more content on ... He explains that the further into epidemiology you go the more and more lives you save due to having a strong foundation and having that warning system in place. According to him maybe they can save more lives with an early detection system, which will most likely help him predict the next Ebola, West Nile, and HIV viruses outbreak. In order to do this he has conducted research and surveys which have conducted them to have a map of hotspots which is where people are highly exposed to human to animal contact which where some viruses emerge from. As an epidemiology they mostly focus on retroviruses which as viruses that can cause huge worldwide epidemics like HIV. They mostly focus to spot viruses as soon as they commence and collect blood samples, survey wild animals to later come down with new evidence of the retroviruses. He ends his article by stating that he would like to see an early warning system to seize pandemics and not only responding to ... Get more on ...
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  • 143. Example Of Analytic Epidemiology The main purpose/focus of analytic epidemiology is to thoroughly research, analyze and/or test predictions and possibilities of exposures to diseases as well as hypothesis outcomes.. The analytic area of epidemiology focuses on answering the why and how questions. This method/area helps determine what caused the disease. Two main factors are exposure and outcome. The two primary categories that the analytic method utilizes is experimental and observational studies to test the hypothesis. Experimental studies generally include randomized clinical trials. One example of this would be vaccine efficacy trials. The observational studies can be one of three different types, case control, cohort and cross sectional. The method that is used is always ... Get more on ...
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  • 147. Ghost Map Epidemiology The quote 'whilst pestilence slays its thousands, fear slays its ten of thousands", impacts my perception of the field of epidemiology because it reiterates how essential the study of epidemiology is as well as how beneficial epidemiologist are. The quote to me means that a disease could affect thousands of people but more importantly what affects the mass majority of the human race when unexpected outbreaks occur is fear. The study of epidemiology is essential in the world that we live in not only to track down where diseases have come from but also to answer the "why" people get infected with a new infection. If epidemiologist were not present the fear that people already associate with disease would be even more prevalent than it already ... Show more content on ... The movie Contagion brings light to the fact that the number of people experiencing panic would largely outnumber new infections, however if epidemiologist didn't exist there would be no cure for new infections and humanity would fearfully cease to exist. In the movie it took epidemiologist from the CDC in order to get to the bottom of the infection .The conclusion was that a bat who was infected grabbed a piece of banana and perched above a pigs pen, the pig was slaughtered at a market for food and the chef who touched the pig touched the first infected person which lead to her becoming very ill an passing away. These intricate details would not have been possible if it were not for epidemiologist to get to the bottom of things in order to save lives. Ultimately, fear is a factor that will always be around however, from my experience and insight of what epidemiologist really is and what epidemiologist do through prime examples from novel The Ghost Map as well as the movie Contagion helped me gain an even better perspective of how important epidemiology is in order for this human race to exist ... Get more on ...
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  • 151. African American Population Epidemiology Epidemiology is the study of the relationships between disease and causation in human populations. It utilizes research and scientific methods to identify risk factors and approaches to decrease disease risk and to promote healthy habits. Community health nurses use this science to assess, diagnose, plan, and evaluate health improvement initiatives (Nies & McEwen, 2015–a). Ecosocial epidemiology is a newer, more complex approach as it focuses on the role of social, environmental, political and economic factors along with biological processes to understand health and illness (Nies & McEwan, 2015–b). In this post, I will discuss the rate of infant mortality among the African– American population in Franklin County and apply the ecosocial ... Show more content on ... Ethical principles and theories. Retrieved from– Definitions.pdf City of Columbus (2014). Greater Columbus infant mortality task force. Retrieved from–content/uploads/2014/07/Executive–Summary.pdf Krieger, N. (2012). Methods for the scientific study of discrimination and health: An ecosocial approach. American Journal of Public Health, 102(5), 936. doi: 10.2105?AJPH.2011.300544 Nies, M.A. & McEwan, M. (2015–a). Epidemiology. In Community/public health nursing: promoting the health of populations (6th ed.) (p. 70). St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier. Nies, M.A. & McEwan, M. (2015–b). Ecosocial Epidemiology. In Community/public health nursing: promoting the health of populations (6th ed.) (p. 72). St. Louis, Missouri: ... Get more on ...
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  • 155. Epidemiology Personal Statement At a young age, I grew an interest for Epidemiology. Coming from a family with a history of obesity and diabetes, I have always been curious and felt the need to understand the cause of global diseases and their burden on society. Throughout my life, I lived in fear that those closest to me would soon pass. Given the opportunity to wake up every day healthy, I feel like it is my responsibility to cure the world of diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, and obesity. Unaware of what needed to be done to do so, I decided to join the USC Science Technology And Research Program at my high school to get an insight of the science world. In the short amount of time that I have been in the USC STAR Program, the program has opened many doors ... Get more on ...