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DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

   Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

A Report by the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. & the NAACP
2   DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

                                NAACP Legal Defense
                                & Educational Fund, Inc. (LDF)

                                National Headquarters
                                99 Hudson Street, Suite 1600
                                New York, New York 10013

                                The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF) is America’s premier legal organization
                                fighting for racial justice.

                                Through litigation, advocacy, and public education, LDF seeks structural changes to expand
                                democracy, eliminate racial disparities, and achieve racial justice, to create a society that fulfills
                                the promise of equality for all Americans.

                                LDF also defends the gains and protections won over the past 70 years of civil rights struggle and
                                works to improve the quality and diversity of judicial and executive appointments.


                                National Headquarters
                                4805 Mt. Hope Drive
                                Baltimore, Maryland 21215

                                Founded in 1909, the NAACP is the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights organization. Our
                                mission is to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of rights of all
                                persons and to eliminate racial discrimination. For over one hundred years, the NAACP has
                                remained a visionary grassroots and national organization dedicated to ensuring freedom and
                                social justice for all Americans. Today, with over 1,200 active NAACP branches across the
                                nation, over 300 youth and college groups, and over 250,000 members, the NAACP remains
                                one of the largest and most vibrant civil rights organizations in the nation.

          This report is dedicated to the memory and legacy of Harry T. and Harriet Moore and the
       countless other martyrs who gave their lives in the fight to secure voting rights for all Americans.
DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

     Dear Friend,

     The NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, Inc. (LDF) and the NAACP have been tracking the rising tide of legislative measures
     designed to block access to the polls for voters of color. What our research has uncovered is a cause for grave concern: a coordinated and
     comprehensive assault has been launched against our voting rights.

     The findings of our research are gathered in this report, Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America. The
     report reveals direct connections between the trend of increasing, unprecedented turnout among voters of color and the proliferation of re-
     strictive measures across the country designed to thwart electoral strength among people of color—particularly those who are poor, young,
     or elderly.

     These voting restrictions have been pushed in states with large communities of color where political participation has surged. The measures
     range from new and enhanced voter identification requirements to provisions that will curtail voter access to registration, inhibit critical voter
     registration drives, limit voting periods, and tighten the ability to cast ballots.

     In all, 14 states have passed 25 various measures designed to restrict or limit the ballot access of voters of color, threatening to disfranchise
     millions of people, a disproportionate number of whom are people of color.

     Since the ratification of the 15th Amendment and, later, the Voting Rights Act, we have been summoned to fight to protect the power and
     potential of the African-American vote from attempts to undermine the promise of democracy. Not surprisingly, the states with the high-
     est voter turnout among people of color in the 2008 elections and population growth among voters of color are the states pushing the most
     restrictive voting laws in the past year.

     Whether these measures target voter registration, third-party voter registration, absentee or early voting, people with felony convictions, or
     simply make it more difficult for registered voters to cast their ballots on Election Day, they all threaten to keep voters of color from exercising
     the fundamental right that is preservative of all other legal rights.

     To that end, we have created this report as a tool to sound the alarm, to inform voters, and to initiate a campaign to protect the free and equal
     exercise of our right to vote. This ambitious public education tool will equip voters with the information they need to protect the vote, to
     provide organizing points, and to mount voter education activities in local communities.

     The right to vote is indeed the cornerstone of our democracy. Please join us as we continue our quest to preserve and to protect that right for
     all Americans.


     NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, Inc. (LDF)                            NAACP

     John Payton, President & Director-Counsel                                     Roslyn M. Brock, Chairman
     Ryan P. Haygood, Director, Political Participation Group                      Benjamin Todd Jealous, President & CEO
     Dale Ho, Assistant Counsel                                                    Reverend Dr. William J. Barber, II, Chairman,
     Natasha Korgaonkar, Assistant Counsel                                                   NAACP Political Action and Legislative Committee

The NAACP and NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund are thankful for the generous contribution provided by
         Monica and David Gelbaum, which supported the development and distribution of this report.
4      DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

So long as I do not firmly and irrevocably possess the
right to vote I do not possess myself. I cannot make up my
mind—it is made up for me. I cannot live as a democratic

-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

                      TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                             EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                  2

                        BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION                             5

             Historic Minority Participation in the 2008 Elections              7
        The 2010 Census: The Growth of Communities of Color                     9

       DEMOCRATIC CONTRACTION: BLOCKING THE VOTE                                11
                                Summary of Block the Vote Efforts               11
                  Blocking the Vote at the Voter Registration Stage             14
             Restrictions on Access to Voter Registration Channels              14
             Limitations on When and Where Voters Can Register                  17
                     Enhanced Registration Eligibility Requirements             21
    Increased Disfranchisement of People with Felony Convictions                25
                                                        Voter Purges            28

         Blocking the Vote at the Early and Absentee Voting Stage               29
                        Shortening Early/Absentee Voting Periods                29
                      Other Restrictions on Early/Absentee Voting               31

                                  Blocking the Vote on Election Day             32
                                  Photo Identification Requirements             32
                                                 Deceptive Practices            37

                                The Assault on the Voting Rights Act            39

             ENCOURAGE THE VOTE: THE CALL TO ACTION                             41

                                                       CONCLUSION               45

                                                           APPENDIX      1      46
                                                           APPENDIX      2      47
                                                           APPENDIX      3      48
                                                           APPENDIX      4      50
                                                           APPENDIX      5      52

                                                            ENDNOTES            53
2       DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America


The right to vote is the cornerstone of American
democracy. Our votes affirm the legitimacy of                                          America’s expansion
our democracy. The right to vote is so essential                                       of the franchise has
because we use it to preserve and protect all other
Constitutional rights. It serves as a check on our                                     been significantly
political leaders and as a source of power for their                                   challenged this year.
constituents. In this way, the vote is both a tangible
measure of what we are as a nation, and of what                                        The assault on voting
we aspire to be.                                                                       rights in 2011 has
                                                                                       been historic, both
Thus, the question that every American should ask is: How can we
                                                                                       in terms of its scope
collectively encourage more people to participate in the political process?            and its intensity.
Instead of embracing this important democracy-inclusion principle,
however, some are seeking to make it harder for Americans to vote
through concerted efforts. Indeed, we are experiencing an assault on
voting rights that is historic, both in terms of its scope and intensity.

This assault—which was launched to affect the 2012 elections, as well
as future ones—threatens to undermine the record levels of political
participation achieved during the historic 2008 Presidential Election,
by suppressing the political participation of people of color, the poor,
the elderly, and young voters.

These concerted “block the vote” efforts are a direct response to two
important recent developments: (1) the unprecedented levels of political
participation by African Americans and other voters of color in the 2008
Presidential Election, and (2) the significant growth of communities of
color, as reflected in the 2010 Census.

This report examines these coordinated efforts to suppress the growing
voting strength of communities of color, the poor, the elderly, the
disabled, and the young, and offers some important democracy-
enhancing responses.
DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

First, the report provides the context for the emergence of these block the vote measures.

Second, it details various block the vote initiatives proposed or implemented in a number of states, and the
disproportionate effects of those measures on voters of color in particular, including minority voters who are poor,
elderly, and young.

Finally, the report places the focus where it belongs—on the democracy-expanding efforts that we all can work to
ensure. The report offers a call to action to empower you and members of your community to stand for greater
inclusion in our democracy by: (1) Informing yourself about restrictive voting laws or proposals that have been adopted
or are being considered in your state, how they may affect you, and how to overcome them; (2) Equipping your
community with the information needed to ensure that each member who wants to vote in your community is able
to do so, and that the votes from your community are counted; (3) Practicing “Each One, Bring One” by bringing an
eligible first-time voter, or returning voter who otherwise might not vote, with you when you vote on Election Day;
(4) Volunteer to serve as a poll monitor who assists voters on Election Day; (5) Taking action by urging your elected
officials and the United States Department of Justice to fight these voter suppression tactics; and (6) Spreading the word
about the National Voter Registration Act, designed to bring our democracy closer to the people by facilitating voter
registration at state agencies that serve the public.

This call to action serves as an important roadmap for voters and their communities to begin to actively counter the
block the vote efforts.

Viewing the current attacks on voter access as a whole, several key points emerge:

      •	 Fourteen states enacted a total of twenty-five measures that will unfairly and unnecessarily restrict the right to
         vote and exact a disproportionate price on African-American and other voters of color. Dozens more restric-
         tions have been proposed nationwide, in a coordinated assault on voting rights.

      •	 Several of the very states that experienced both historic participation of people of color in the 2008 Presidential
         Election and substantial minority population growth according to the 2010 Census are the ones mounting an
         assault to prevent similar political participation in 2012. These states include those that experienced the larg-
         est growth in total African-American population during the last decade (Florida, Georgia, Texas, and North
         Carolina), and three states that saw the highest growth rates in Latino population (South Carolina, Alabama,
         and Tennessee).

      •	 The restrictive measures adopted by these states include:

          •	 Tightening the requirements for voter registration or making the voter registration process unnecessarily
             difficult by imposing severe restrictions on persons who conduct voter registration drives or requiring
             individuals to produce documentary proof of citizenship in order to register to vote.

          •	 Increasing disfranchisement of people with felony convictions.

          •	 Substantially reducing the opportunity to vote early or by absentee ballot.
4       DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

          •	 Erecting barriers to participation on Election Day itself. The heart of the modern block the vote cam-
             paign is a wave of restrictive government-issued photo identification requirements. In a coordinated
             effort, legislators in thirty-four states introduced bills imposing such requirements. Many of these bills
             were modeled on legislation drafted by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)—a conser-
             vative advocacy group whose founder explained: “our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as
             the voting populace goes down.”1

    •	 According to one estimate by the Brennan Center for Justice, these block the vote efforts could impede as
       many as five million eligible voters from registering and/or casting ballots in 2012.2 While the sheer volume
       of the affected eligible voters is alarming in itself, the threat is compounded when you consider that the ef-
       fects will not be felt evenly throughout society. In the context of state photo identification requirements, for
       example, an astonishing 25% of African Americans (over 6.2 million African-American voters) and 16% of
       Latinos (over 2.96 million Latino voters) do not possess valid photo ID.3 By comparison, only 8% of whites
       are without a current government-issued photo ID.4

    •	 These vote-blocking efforts impose disproportionate burdens on our society’s most vulnerable members, by
       exploiting socio-economic disparities among voters based on income, vehicle and home ownership, foreclosure
       rates, education, and mobility—many socio-economic disparities that are closely correlated with race.

    •	 For nearly 50 years, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 has stood as the core protection against racial discrimina-
       tion in voting. Key provisions of the law were reauthorized in 2006 based on Congress’s analysis of continu-
       ing voting voting discrimination and its prediction that additional discrimination would occur in the future.
       Nevertheless, at the same time that these
       vote-narrowing efforts are spreading, several
       states and activists are attacking the core pro-
       tections of the Voting Rights Act in court on
       constitutional grounds. These cases question
       the continuing need for the Act’s protections,
       and thus seek to eliminate part of the very
       law that has done more to ensure the right to
       vote for people of color than any other.

Far from being measured reactions to discernible
problems, these block the vote efforts are rooted in
the worst traditions of America’s contested history
of democracy. Throughout our nation’s history, the
expansion of opportunity and participation has often
been met by reactionary measures intended to cut
back on hard-won progress.

2011 was the latest chapter in that story, as the
struggle to ensure that all Americans can participate
equally in the political process continues.
DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America


                                                                                          The story of America’s
                                                                                          been a contested
                                                                                          one, characterized
                                                                                          by expansion often
                                                                                          followed by swift
                                                                                          contraction: gains in
                                                                                          political participation
                                                                                          by communities of color
                                                                                          too often are met with
                                                                                          corresponding efforts to
                                                                                          constrict the franchise.

Nearly fifty years ago, in his speech proposing the bill that would become known as the greatest piece of civil rights
legislation ever passed—the Voting Rights Act—President Lyndon Johnson framed the challenge posed by our nation’s
dark tradition of racial discrimination in voting:

       Many of the issues of civil rights are very complex and most difficult. But about this there can and
       should be no argument. Every American citizen must have an equal right to vote. There is no reason
       which can excuse the denial of that right. There is no duty which weighs more heavily on us than the
       duty we have to ensure that right.5

The story of America’s democracy, however, as noted by historian Alexander Keyssar, has been a contested one,
characterized by expansion often followed by swift contraction: gains in political participation by communities of
color too often are met with corresponding efforts to constrict the franchise.

This story begins with the end of the Civil War and the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment, which extended voting
rights to former slaves. That watershed moment was followed by a dramatic backlash, and offers a bitter lesson
about the consequences of the failed political will in that era to sustain comprehensive protections for voting rights.
Discriminatory voting laws proliferated, as states implemented grandfather clauses, voter roll purges, poll taxes, and
literacy and “understanding” tests, each of which was discriminatorily enforced against African-American voters at the
6       DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

To ensure that disfranchisement was complete, states also tailored laws that disqualified people convicted of criminal
offenses to crimes thought to be committed by the newly-freed slaves but not by whites.7

The Supreme Court slowly, and reluctantly, invalidated these practices throughout the 20th century,8 but the states,
for nearly a century after the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment, nevertheless proved “unremitting and ingenious”9
in their methods of excluding African Americans from the political process.

In addition, states passed “second generation” barriers to prevent African-American participation in voting, enabling
county councils and school boards to use at-large elections to submerge newly-registered minority voters within white
majorities, draw racial gerrymanders, close or secretly move polling stations in minority neighborhoods, and employ
countless other strategies to minimize or to cancel out minority voting strength.

                                                                          Finally after mass civil rights mobilization—a cause
                                                                          in service of which many heroes were murdered and
                                                                          scores of others badly beaten—Congress enacted the
                                                                          Voting Rights Act (VRA) to “combat the widespread
                                                                          and persistent discrimination in voting.”10 The VRA
                                                                          aims not only to guarantee the right of all citizens to
                                                                          participate in the electoral process, but also to provide
                                                                          a legal framework to prohibit and/or remedy a wide
                                                                          array of barriers that are used to threaten that right.

                                                                The heart of the VRA is Section 5, which requires certain
                                                                states and sub-jurisdictions with the most egregious
                                                                histories and ongoing records of voting discrimination
                                                                to submit any proposed changes to their voting and
                                                                election laws either to the Department of Justice or the
                                                                federal district court in Washington, D.C. for “pre-
                                                                clearance” before that proposed change can be enacted.
The Department of Justice rejects proposed changes that it deems retrogressive—that is, those which effectively worsen
the position of minority voters in relation to existing rules—and those that are tainted by intentional discrimination,11
or request more information from states or jurisdictions about the proposed changes’ impact.12

Over time, assisted by litigation and other tools provided in the VRA, community activism, education, and political
action, a number of barriers have been successfully challenged.13

As explained further below, however, history is repeating itself: following record minority participation in the political
process in 2008 and substantial growth of communities of color in the last decade, a new wave of “third generation”
voting barriers has recently emerged. And, in an effort to keep voters from challenging these barriers in the future, states
are simultaneously attacking the VRA itself, seeking to eliminate indispensable tools to prevent these discriminatory
voting laws from taking root and becoming entrenched.14
DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America


Political participation by communities of color has grown
significantly in recent years, as demonstrated by two recent

First, during the 2008 elections, citizens of color participated
                                                                                            The unprecedented
in the election in record numbers, and, more importantly,                                   minority voter turnout
comprised a larger share of the eligible voting population than                             in the 2008 general
ever before.15                                                                              elections provided a
Second, the data provided by the 2010 Census demonstrates                                   dramatic demonstration
that minority populations—and eligible voters within those                                  of the impact of
populations—are expanding rapidly.16 The Census Bureau                                      significant minority
reports that this growth will accelerate in the years to come.17                            presence at the polls.

I. Historic Minority Participation in
   the 2008 Elections

The 2008 elections marked an historic moment in the racial
composition of the American electorate, the “most diverse in
U.S. history.”18 People of color in 2008 comprised 26.6% of
all U.S. citizens of voting age—a record share.19

Translating this demographic shift into political strength,
voters of color registered and participated in the 2008
Presidential Election in the following record numbers:

    •	 Nationally, the gap in voter turnout rate between eli-
       gible white voters (66.1%) and eligible African-Amer-
       ican voters (64.7%) was nearly eliminated. 20

    •	 African-American women had the highest voter turn-
       out rate (68.8%)—a first for the nation.21

    •	 The number of African-American voters who cast bal-
       lots in 2008 was 15.1% higher than in 2004, repre-
       senting an increase of 2.1 million African-American
       voters.22 The number of Latino voters who cast ballots
       in 2008 was 28.4% higher than in 2004, representing
       an increase of nearly 2.2 million Latino voters.23
8       DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

    •	 African-American voters constituted 12.3% of voters nationally, an increase from 11.1% in 2004. Latino vot-
       ers made up 7.4% of voters nationally, up from 6.0% in 2004.24

Importantly, evidence from the 2010 midterm elections demonstrates that, rather than representing an anomalous
moment, the increased participation of voters of color has been sustained since 2008.

Although 2010 voting data reveals only a slight uptick in overall voter turnout from the 2006 midterm elections—40.9%
in 2010 versus 40.4% in 200625—voters of color increased substantially as a share of the electorate in several states.

In Texas, for example, African Americans increased from 8% of the voters in 2006 to 13% in 2010; in Ohio, African
Americans increased from 12% to 14% of voters; and in New York, African Americans increased from 10% to 18%
of voters.26

Perhaps more compelling evidence that the historic 2008 turnout will be carried forward to future elections is the
strong showing among young African-American voters. Participating at the highest rate among all young people in
2010, African-American youth turned out to vote at a rate of 27.5%, as compared to 24.0% in 2006.27 This increase
DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

in turnout continues a trend from 2008, when young
African Americans showed the highest turnout rate
among any youth racial group since 1972.28

II. The 2010 Census:
    The Growth of Communities of Color

The 2010 Census data reveals that the 10% population
growth that America experienced over the last decade
was almost entirely accounted for by growth among
minority populations.
From 2000 to 2010, the country’s non-Hispanic white
population, which comprises approximately two-thirds
of the total population, grew by only 1.2%.29 As a result
of this modest growth, the white population actually
decreased as a percentage of the total population from
75.1% to 72.4%—the only major racial group to
experience such a decline.30
Communities of color, meanwhile, grew at significant
rates. The Census data reveals:
   •	 The	 African-American	 population	 grew	
      12.3%	(to	38,929,319),	significantly	outpac-
      ing	white	population	growth.31 As an absolute
      value, most of this growth came from the South
      (i.e., Florida, Texas, North Carolina, Mary-

   •	 The	 Latino	 population	 grew	 a	 dramatic	                     •	 Other	 minority	 groups	 experienced	 similar	
      43.0%	(to	50,477,594),	bringing	it	to	16.3%	                       surges	in	their	populations. Most significantly,
      of	 the	 total	 population,	 up	 from	 12.5%	 in	                  the Asian population increased by 43.3%, bring-
      2000.33 This growth represents more than half                      ing it to 4.8% of the total population, up from
      of the increase in the total population nation-                    3.6% in 2000.35 At the same time, the Ameri-
      wide (15.2 million out of 27.3 million). As an                     can Indian and Alaska Native population grew
      absolute number, most of this growth occurred                      18.4%, and the Native Hawaiian and Other Pa-
      in states with existing sizeable Latino communi-                   cific Islander population grew 35.4%.36
      ties, such as California, Texas, and Florida. The
      highest growth rates, however, occurred in the             These demographic trends among minority populations
      Deep South, where Latino populations dou-                  confirm that America will soon be a majority-minority
      bled. South Carolina’s Latino population, for              nation, with the Census Bureau projecting that this
      example, grew at a rate of 148%.34                         tipping point will occur by 2042.37
10      DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

Indeed, the 2010 Census reveals
that a number of states, particularly
those in the South and West, where
minority population growth was
most significant, have already
achieved or are on the cusp of
achieving majority-minority status.
The state of Texas joined California,
the District of Columbia, Hawaii,
and New Mexico in having majority-
minority populations; five additional
states approached 50% minority
populations: Arizona (45.2%),
Florida (42.1%), Georgia (44.1%),
Maryland (45.3%), and Nevada (45.9%).38

The unprecedented minority voter turnout in the 2008 general elections provided a dramatic demonstration
of the impact of significant minority presence at the polls. Even if this level of political participation were not
sustained in 2010, the substantial and accelerating population growth among minority populations shows that
the 2008 display of minority voting strength is not a passing phenomenon.

                                                                                       Taken together, these voting and
                                                                                       demographic trends presage a political
                                                                                       landscape in which communities of
                                                                                       color will increasingly play a leading
                                                                                       role. Indeed, as discussed more fully
                                                                                       below, it is precisely this burgeoning
                                                                                       political power that has engendered a
DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America


In the face of far-reaching demographic and electoral trends
revealing unprecedented minority political mobilization in
                                                                                              Restrictive voting
America, an assault on voting rights accelerated in 2011. In                                  measures will have
this year alone, over a dozen states imposed obstacles to voting                              a disproportionate
at each key stage of the democratic process.                                                  impact on minority,
These restrictive voting measures will have a disproportionate                                low-income, disabled,
impact on minority, low-income, disabled, elderly, and young                                  elderly, and young
voters, and threaten to substantially undermine the political                                 voters, and threaten to
strength already harnessed by minority communities during                                     substantially undermine
the 2008 Presidential Election.
                                                                                              the political strength
                                                                                              already harnessed by
Summary of Block the Vote Efforts                                                             minority communities
Recently, states have enacted a broad array of voting restrictions                            during the 2008
and discriminatory laws, or have otherwise impeded political                                  Presidential Election.
participation. These various restrictive measures fall into three
general categories, each of which operates at a different point in
the voting process: first, at the voter registration stage; second,
at the early voting stage; and third, on Election Day itself.
The measures, and other efforts that discourage or suppress
political participation, can be summarized as follows:

I.	 Restrictions	 on	 Registration. Various states have sought
to restrict the voter registration process in five principle ways:

   (1)	Restrictions	on	Access	to	Voter	Registration	Chan-
   nels, such as:

      •	 Restrictions on Voter Registration Drives: Two states
         (Florida and Texas) passed laws that substantially
         restrict voter registration drives, to the detriment of
         African-American and Latino voters, who rely heavily
         on voter registration drives. For example, 15% of La-
         tinos and nearly 20% of African Americans registered
         to vote through registration drives in Florida in 2008,                                  BLOCKING THE VOTE
         as compared to only 6% of whites.39
12      DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

     •	 Non-Compliance with the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA): Several states, including Louisiana, Georgia,
        and Texas are failing to comply with their obligation under the NVRA to provide voter registration services
        to low-income constituents at state public assistance agencies. Because African Americans and Latinos have
        registered to vote at public assistance agencies three times as frequently as white voters, non-compliance with
        the NVRA closes off a crucial avenue for registration for minority voters.40

  (2)	Limitations	on	When	and	Where	Individuals	Can	Register. Four states (Florida, Maine, Ohio, and Wiscon-
  sin) enacted laws restricting the time and/or place at which a person can register to vote. Ohio eliminated a one-
  week period during which a person could register to vote and cast a ballot at the same time, a restriction expected
  to have a disproportionate effect on minority voters.41

  (3)	Enhanced	Eligibility	Requirements,	including:

     •	 Requiring Documentary Proof of Citizenship to Register to Vote. Three states (Alabama, Kansas, and Tennessee)
        enacted legislation requiring documentary proof of citizenship to register to vote. While these requirements
        will impose burdens on all voters of limited means, they will have a uniquely burdensome impact on elderly
        African-American voters, many of whom, because they were born when de jure segregation prevented equal
        access to hospitals, were never issued birth certificates.42

     •	 Durational Residency Requirements. Wisconsin increased the period of residency required in order to register
        to vote, which will have a disproportionate effect on African Americans and Latinos, who tend to move more
        frequently than whites.43

  (4)	Increasing	Disfranchisement	of	People	with	Felony	Convictions. Two states (Florida and Iowa) reversed
  executive orders that restored the voting rights of people who had finished serving their sentences for felony convic-
  tions, permanently denying the franchise to hundreds of thousands of citizens. These measures will operate to the
  particular detriment of minority communities because African Americans and Latinos suffer disproportionate rates
  of criminal convictions and incarceration.

  (5)		 Voter	 Purges. Several states, such as Florida and Mississippi, are also improperly purging voters from the
  registration rolls. Purge programs purport to maintain the purity of voter registration lists by removing the names
  of individuals ineligible to vote in that state or jurisdiction, but too often disqualify eligible voters. For example,
  in Florida, a flawed purge program erroneously flagged and purged 12,000 voters (mostly due to typos and other
  obvious clerical errors). Over 70% of those flagged voters were African American or Latino.44

II.	Substantial	Reductions	in	Early	Voting. Florida, Georgia, Ohio, Tennessee, and West Virginia enacted bills that
reduce early voting. These measures will substantially and unduly burden minority voters. For instance, in Florida,
which reduced its early voting period from 14 to 8 days, African-American voters have been much more likely to take
advantage of early voting, accounting for 22% of early voters during the 2008 general election, despite being only 13%
of the Florida electorate.45

III.	Blocking	the	Vote	on	Election	Day. A wave of restrictive government-issued photo identification requirements
have been proposed throughout the country, and have to date passed in seven states (Alabama, Texas, Mississippi,
South Carolina, Kansas, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Wisconsin). Eleven percent of U.S. citizens nationwide—
DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

approximately 22.9 million people—do not have government-issued photo IDs.46 Twenty-five percent of African-
American voting age citizens (over six million people), and 16% of Latino voting age citizens (nearly three million
people) do not possess valid government-issued photo ID. Recent years have also seen a reprise of voter intimidation
and suppression efforts on Election Day.

Block the Vote Measures Enacted in 2011

According to an estimate by the Brennan Center for Justice, recent block the vote efforts could impede as many as five
million eligible voters from registering and/or casting a ballot in 2012.47 In 2011, 14 states passed 25 various voting
measures that threaten to disfranchise millions of voters, a disproportionate number of whom are people of color.
These restrictive voting measures can be summarized as follows:

                                RESTRICTIVE VOTING MEASURES ENACTED IN 2011

 Form of Restriction                                         States Enacting Such Measures                                  Total

 Barriers to Registration

 Restrictions on Third-Party Registration                    Florida; Texas                                                      2

 Restrictions on When and Where Individuals Can Register     Florida; Maine; Ohio; Wisconsin                                     4

 Documentary Proof of Citizenship                            Alabama; Kansas; Tennessee                                          3

 Durational Residency Requirements                           Wisconsin                                                           1

 Enhanced Felon Disfranchisement Laws                        Florida; Iowa                                                       2

 Restrictions on Early or Absentee Voting                    Florida; Georgia; Maine; Tennessee; West Virginia                   5

                                                             Alabama; Kansas; Mississippi; Rhode Island; South
 Photo ID Laws                                                                                                                   8
                                                             Carolina; Tennessee; Texas; Wisconsin

                                                              TOTAL MEASURES ENACTED IN 2011                                 25

The main thrust of these efforts, however, is not distributed evenly throughout the country. The states that have passed
these restrictions, are, in many cases, the very same states that experienced high rates of minority population growth
and political participation over the last decade.

For example, block the vote efforts are proliferating in three states that together account for nearly 22% of all African-
American voters in 2008: Georgia (1,334,000), Texas (1,253,000), and Florida (1,026,000). Moreover, the eight states
that had turnout rates of more than 70% of their eligible African-American voters—Nevada, Missouri, Maryland,
Mississippi, South Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Ohio—are all participants in this block the vote campaign.48  
14      DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

Similarly, among eligible Latino voters, two of the states that have seen some of the most aggressive block the vote
efforts—Texas and Florida—accounted for 30% of all Latino votes cast in 2008; the three states that had more
than 60% of their eligible Latino voters turn out to vote (as compared to a national rate of 50%) — Florida, North
Carolina, and Maryland—are also a part of these restrictive voting efforts.49

Among the fourteen states listed in the chart above are three of the four states that experienced the largest growth
in African-American population during the last decade: Florida, Georgia, and Texas (whose African-American
populations grew by approximately 664,000, 601,000, and 575,000, respectively). The fourth state, North Carolina
(whose African-American population grew by approximately 300,000), currently has restrictive voting legislation
pending. Also among the states in the chart above are the three states that saw the highest growth rates in Latino
populations during the previous decade: South Carolina (148%), Alabama (145%), and Tennessee (134%).50

These measures, as well as other forms of voter suppression, are discussed in further detail below.

I. Blocking the Vote at the Voter Registration Stage

Since the substantial 2008 voter turnout and 2010 Census, and in advance of the 2012 federal elections, states are
narrowing voters’ ability to register in various ways. These voter registration barriers comprise the primary impedi-
ment to voting, as evidence shows that making voter registration more difficult means that fewer people will register.51
Among other things, several states: (1) placed restrictions on important voter registration channels; (2) limited when,
where, and for how long voters can register; (3) enhanced registration eligibility requirements; (4) broadened the reach
of laws that deny the vote to people with felony
convictions; and (5) improperly purged voters
from the registration roles.

(1) Restrictions on Access to Voter
    Registration Channels

   States have restricted two important
   channels through which minority voters
   disproportionately register to vote by (a)
   significantly restricting the manner in which
   voter registration drives must be conducted;
   and (b) ignoring the mandates of the National
   Voter Registration Act (NVRA).

   (a)	Restrictions	on	third-party	registration:
   Two states—Florida and Texas—enacted
   measures that place restrictions on
   nonpartisan, nonprofit organizations that
   conduct voter registration drives.
DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

These organizations play a critical role in ensuring              As a result, restrictions that force third-party voter
participation in our democracy. More than any other               registration organizations to scale back their efforts
democracy, the United States places the burden of                 will disproportionately impact African-American and
registration on the voter.52 Moreover, as one federal             Latino voters, who are much more likely to register
court recognized, voter registration drives serve                 to vote through such drives.
not only as an important avenue for registration,                 States have nevertheless proposed and implemented
but also entail core political speech protected                   burdensome restrictions on third-party registration
by the First Amendment. Such drives, the court                    organizations. Such bills were signed into law in 2011
found, are inextricably intertwined with efforts to               in Florida and Texas, which provide two prominent
“persuade others to vote, educate potential voters                examples of these restrictive initiatives:
about upcoming political issues, communicate their
political support for political issues, and otherwise                 •	 Florida	 has	 imposed	 substantial	 restrictions	
enlist like-minded citizens in promoting shared                          on	 organizations	 conducting	 voter	 regis-
political, economic, and social positions.”53                            tration	 drives: Voter registration drives in
                                                                         2008 were responsible for 176,000 or 8.24%
From 2000 to 2008, registration groups registered
                                                                         of all registrations in the state.59 Despite this
tens of millions of new voters, including close to nine
                                                                         impressive achievement, on May 19, 2011,
million in 2008 alone.54                                                 Governor Rick Scott signed H.B. 1355 into
Registration groups typically focus their resources                      law, imposing the most restrictive obligations
on providing assistance to communities that face the                     on voter registration groups in the country.60
greatest barriers to registration and voting. Voters
of color constitute one such community as they                          As a precondition to conducting a voter regis-
generally have limited access to the Internet and                       tration drive, the law requires every individual
fewer interactions with the Department of Motor                         or group to register with and receive permis-
Vehicles—two of the main channels citizens generally                    sion from the state before so much as offering
use to register to vote. Thus, these voter registration                 to touch a voter registration form from anyone
drives are crucial to increasing voter registration                     other than a family member. 61
among voters of color who are less likely to register
                                                                        Further, a volunteer collecting a registration
through one of these other means.55
                                                                        form must track each and every registration
For example, in 2004, while only 7.4% of white                          form, blank or complete, and must ensure that
voters registered at private drives, 12.7% of African-                  it is delivered to county officials within 48 hours
American voters and 12.9% of Latino voters used                         or pay a penalty of $50 for every late form.62 Al-
this channel to register.56 The disparity was likewise                  ready, a teacher has been fined under the new
apparent in 2008: while only 5.0% of white voters                       registration provisions for helping her high
registered at private drives, 11.0% of African-                         school students pre-register in anticipation of
American voters and 9.6% of Latino voters registered                    their first election cycle as voters.63
at these events.57 And 2010 was no different: 6% of
white voters registered through a voter registration                    The law will also have a pronounced adverse im-
drive, as compared with 14% of Latino voters, and                       pact on minority registration in Florida, where
12% of African-American voters.58
16      DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

           African-American and Latino voters rely heavily on voter registration drives. In 2008, for example, while only
           6% of white Floridians registered to vote in registration drives, 15% of Latino and nearly 20% of African-
           American Floridians registered at these events.64

           Indeed, Florida’s restrictive change has already caused leading voter registration groups, such as the Florida
           League of Women Voters, to cancel or to consider canceling their voter registration drives.65 These obligations
           will also discourage impromptu community voter registration drives that are often pulled together informally
           on campuses, in houses of worship, and community centers.

         •	 Texas	has	proposed	a	range	of	legislation	that	would	restrict	the	efforts	of	voter	registration	groups: In
            Texas, third-party registration efforts accounted for at least 26,000 new registrations in 2008.66 In response to
            this success, Texas has enacted two bills that will place severe restrictions on those efforts. One requires certain
            elections officials to receive statutorily-defined training in order to be allowed to assist in voter registration.67
            The other requires, among other things, that an individual who assists others to register to vote be a Texas resi-
            dent and a qualified voter.68 Texas has also proposed a number of additional restrictions, including:

               º A bill that would increase the residency requirements for deputy voter registrars;69 and

               º A bill that would require deputy registrars to be registered voters.70

   Because the State of Texas and five counties in Florida are covered by Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, these laws
   remain subject to federal review.

         •	 Other	state	efforts	include:	

               º A failed Mississippi bill that would have imposed a range of requirements including pre-
                 registration, reporting, compensation rules, and a ten-day submission deadline.71

               º A pending bill in Illinois that requires deputy registrars to submit completed voter registra-
                 tion forms within two days and prohibits groups from copying any information from voter
                 registration forms, subject to criminal penalties.72

                                                        (b)	Noncompliance	with	the	National	Voter	Registration	Act	(NVRA):
                                                        A number of states are not providing voter registration services to low-
                                                        income constituents at state public assistance agencies, as required under
Following	litigation	that	required	                     the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA).
Ohio	to	comply	with	the	NVRA,	
voter	registration	at	social	service	                   Section 7 of the NVRA requires states to offer voter registration services
offices	increased	dramatically	from	                    at all offices that provide public assistance or that provide services to per-
24,000	to	191,000	voter	registra-                       sons with disabilities. As with third-party registration drives, minority
tions	a	year.                                           voters register at public assistance agencies at significantly higher rates
                                                        than their white counterparts. For example, in 2008, African-American
                                                        and Latino voters registered at public agencies three times as frequently
                                                        as white voters.73
DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

  Selma, 1965

  A number of states, however, are in violation of their NVRA obligations,
  which effectively disfranchises the poor and places increased pressure on
  third-party registration organizations to fill the void.                                  As	of	October	2011,	one	million	
                                                                                            low-income	people	in	five	
  Voting rights organizations took action against a number of states in                     different	states	have	registered	to	
  2011 for NVRA non-compliance, including:                                                  vote	as	a	result	of	proper	NVRA	
  Louisiana, where registrations from public assistance officers have plum-
  meted 88% since the law was first implemented, from nearly 75,000 in                      Youjin	B.	Kim	and	Lisa	Danetz,	1 Million
                                                                                            New Voters Among the 99%: How Agency-
  1995-1996 to a mere 8,688 in 2007-2008.74                                                 Based Voter Registration Give Low-Income
                                                                                            Americans a Voice in Democracy.
  Georgia, where registrations from public assistance offices have dropped
  from more than 100,000 in 1995-1996 to a paltry 4,430 in 2010.75

  Michigan, where there has been an 82.5% decrease in the submission of voter registration applications at public
  assistance offices.76

  Texas¸ where registrations from public assistance agencies have declined from 353,550 registrations in 1995-1996
  to 6,337 in 2007-2008—a drop of more than 92%.77

(2) Limitations on When and Where Voters Can Register

  In the 2011 legislative cycle, four states (Florida, Maine, Ohio, and Wisconsin) enacted a variety of measures that
  limit when a person can register to vote or can update her registration information.
18      DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

  Broad opportunities to register to vote have resulted in increased participation. For example, several states permit
  same day registration, which allows voters to register and cast a ballot on the same day. The difference in turnout
  between states that do, and those that do not, offer same day registration has been significant, with those states of-
  fering same day registration leading the nation in turnout, historically boasting turnout rates ten to twelve percent-
  age points higher than those states that do not.78 According to Demos, in the 2010 midterm elections, same day
  registration allowed almost 640,000 Americans to register to vote—a group of voters larger than the populations of
  Washington, D.C., Boston, Nashville, Denver, or the state of Vermont.78a

  Nevertheless, many states are restricting the ability of voters to register on or on the days leading up to Election
  Day. These registration barriers primarily impede individuals who move frequently, a subset of the population that
  is disproportionately comprised of minorities.

  According to the Pew Research Center, 43% of African Americans and 48% of Latinos moved during the previous
  five years, as compared to only 27% of whites.79 African Americans and Latinos similarly report a higher likelihood
  of moving within the next five years: 59% for African Americans and 43% for Latinos, as compared to only 35%
  for whites.80 In 2009-2010 alone, moreover, African Americans had the highest moving rate (16.7%), followed by
  Latinos (15.6%), Asians (13.9%), and whites with the lowest rate (10.8%).81

  Many individuals have also been forced to move in the wake of the foreclosure crisis, which has not had even across-
  all-group effects. The decline in homeownership rates among African Americans and Latinos in recent years (8%)
  is almost twice that of whites (4.5%).82 The disparity is likely greater in states more heavily affected by foreclosures,
  like Florida83 and Wisconsin84—both states that have restricted registration opportunities.

  As a result, state measures that shorten the period of time prior to an election during which an individual can reg-
  ister or update his registration information after a move will be formidable obstacles for minority voters.

  In 2011, bills that reduce opportunities to register or to update registration information were introduced in seven
  states, and four of those bills—in Florida, Maine, Ohio, and Wisconsin85—were passed and signed into law. An-
  other bill in North Carolina is pending; while the two remaining bills either failed to pass (New Hampshire86), or
  passed but were vetoed by the governor (Montana87).

Notable among these initiatives are:
     •	 Florida	eliminated	the	right	of	registered	voters	who	move	across	counties	to	update	their	voter	registra-
        tions	to	reflect	their	new	addresses	at	the	time	of	voting: As part of a recent overhaul of its election laws
        under H.B. 1355, Florida now prohibits voters who move from one of Florida’s 67 counties to another from
        updating their address information in person at the polls at the time of voting, and only permits such voters
        to cast provisional ballots.

       According to one estimate based on 2008 election figures, nearly 34,000 additional Florida voters will now be
       required to cast provisional ballots.88 Because minorities in Florida, as in the rest of the country, have higher
       mobility and foreclosure rates than whites, they are the voters most likely to move, and will therefore be dis-
       proportionately forced to cast a provisional ballot under the new law.89
DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

  This consequence is troubling because provisional ballots are counted less
  frequently than are normal ballots. During the 2008 elections, fewer than
  half (only 48.59%) of all provisional ballots cast in Florida were actually

  In addition, voters must return to the local election authority after Elec-
  tion Day and provide supporting documentation to ensure that the ballot
  is counted. This additional trip during working hours poses a particularly
  high barrier for minority voters in Florida, who have not only lower rates                     In	2008,	nearly	
  of vehicle ownership,91 but also higher rates of poverty, making it more dif-
  ficult to take time off from work to vote.
                                                                                                 60,000	people	in	
                                                                                                 Maine	registered	
  This law remains subject to review under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act.                   to	vote	on	
                                                                                                 Election	Day.
•	 Maine	 attempted	 to	 eliminate	 a	 38-year-old	 policy	 allowing	 Election	
   Day	voter	registration. On June 21, 2011, Maine Governor Paul Le Page
   signed L.D. 1376 into law, seeking to end the state’s long practice of Elec-
   tion Day voter registration.92 This was a striking move, as Maine’s policy has
20   DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

     been credited with consistently producing one of
     the highest turnout rates in the country. In 2008,
     nearly 60,000 people in Maine registered to vote
     on Election Day,93 while in 2010, four out of five
     same day registration voters registered on Elec-
     tion Day. Soundly rejecting this block the vote
     measure, the people of Maine voted by a sub-
     stantial margin to overturn this law and restore
     Election Day voter registration on November 8,

 •	 North	 Carolina	 has	 proposed	 to	 eliminate	
    same-day	 voter	 registration	 during	 the	 early	
    voting	 period:	 Misleadingly short-titled the
    “Voting Integrity” bill, S.B. 657 was proposed in
    April 2011, seeking to revoke “one-stop” registra-
    tion and voting during the early voting period.95
    “One-stop” registration and voting is an election
    reform implemented in 2007, in advance of the
    2008 Presidential Election.

     North Carolina saw a steep rise in voter turnout
     in the 2008 election—voting rose eight percent-
     age points over the 2004 vote, the greatest in-
     crease in the nation. 253,000 individuals used
     same day registration in the run-up to the elec-
     tions. 105,000 were first-time voters in their
     counties; the balance used same day registration
     to update their voter registration records and
     avoid the need to vote by provisional ballot.96

     African Americans were more likely to utilize this
     one-stop registration and voting mechanism to
     cast a ballot than any other form of voting.97 Despite comprising only 20.9% of the citizen population of the
     state, African Americans were 35.1% of the one-stop voters. White citizens, by contrast, comprised 76.0% of
     the citizen population, but only 53.9% of the one-stop voters.98

 •	 Ohio	eliminated	the	“golden	week”: As part of an omnibus election overhaul bill signed into law by Gov-
    ernor John Kasich, Ohio has eliminated the so-called “golden week”—the first seven days of the early voting
    period before a general election, during which the early voting period overlaps with the period before the voter
    registration deadline. In this one-week period, eligible citizens were able to register and vote on the same day.99
    The elimination of this opportunity is expected to have a disproportionate effect on minority voters.100
DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

Appendix 2 provides more details on these state initiatives and proposals.

(3) Enhanced Registration Eligibility Requirements

  In most states, a voter typically establishes her eligibility to register and to vote by an affidavit attesting to the fact
  that she is a U.S. citizen over eighteen years old, and that she meets other state eligibility requirements. Some states
  have recently implemented additional barriers to registration by toughening the eligibility criteria for registration,
  including: (a) laws requiring documentary proof of citizenship; and (b) extended durational residency require-
                                                           ments. These additional registration hurdles are particularly
                                                           difficult for many people of color to overcome.

                                                           (a)	 Documentary	 Proof	 of	 Citizenship: Three states (Ala-
                                                           bama, Kansas, and Tennessee) enacted documentary proof of
                                                           citizenship requirements. Documentary proof of citizenship,
                                                           whether to register or to vote, is an especially burdensome eli-
                                                           gibility criteria because official documents that actually estab-
                                                           lish citizenship are limited to items such as an original birth
                                                           certificate, naturalization papers, or a passport.101

                                                           Millions of citizens do not have such documents.

                                                            One study estimates that as many as 7% of U.S. citizens do
                                                            not have access to these citizenship documents.102 In 2008,
                                                            proof of citizenship would have thus presented a significant
                                                            registration obstacle to more than 14 million citizens of vot-
                                                            ing age.103 In fact, for many citizens, these documents sim-
                                                            ply do not exist. Individuals born on reservations or outside
                                                            a hospital, for example, may never have been issued official
                                                            birth documents, or original documents may have been de-
                                                            stroyed over the years. To be sure, many Americans do possess
                                                            such documents, but they often do not have ready access to
                                                            them, storing them in safe deposit boxes or with parents far
  Lillie Lewis, 78, with a letter from the State of Missis- from their current residence. And even those who have ready
  sippi saying there was no record of her birth on file.    access to these documents may face difficulties, as their docu-
                                                            ments may not reflect accurate information. One survey, for
  example, found that only 66% of voting-age women with ready access to proof of citizenship documentation have
  a document with their current legal name.104

  The difficulty that many Americans would have in meeting a documentary proof of citizenship requirement is alone
  cause for concern, but the disproportionate effect of this requirement on people of color is even more alarming.
  Minorities will bear the brunt of proof of citizenship laws because they are the least likely to have ready access to
  citizenship documents.105
22   DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

In particular, proof of citizenship requirements—such as laws requiring voters to produce government-issued photo
identification, discussed later in this report—have a uniquely burdensome impact on elderly African-American vot-
ers, many of whom, because they were born when de jure segregation prevented equal access to hospitals, simply
do not have a birth certificate.106

Thus, many elderly African Americans are, by virtue of their race and the history of racial discrimination in this
country, entirely incapable of satisfying the requirements of these laws.

More broadly, racial disparities in access to citizenship documentation exist because of broad socio-economic dis-
parities correlated with race. For example, citizens earning less than $25,000 per year are more than twice as likely
to lack ready documentation of their citizenship as others, and at least 12% of voting-age citizens earning less than
$25,000 per year do not have a readily available U.S. passport, naturalization document, or birth certificate.107

Given the substantial racial disparities nationwide with respect to the poverty rate—as of 2009, 25.8% of African
Americans and 25.3% of Latinos lived in poverty, compared with only 9.4% of whites108—it is clear that these
documentary proof requirements disproportionately burden minorities.

Poverty rate disparities also demonstrate that voters of color are among those who are the least able to bear the costs
of obtaining citizenship documentation. In instances where citizenship documents can be replaced or obtained in
the first instance, individuals face an expensive and time-consuming process. A replacement birth certificate can
exceed $20,109 a passport costs $110,110 and replacement naturalization documents cost $345.111
DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

Gonzalez v. Arizona: Challenging Arizona’s Restrictive Registration Law

Proposition 200, passed in 2004, requires prospective voters to provide documentary proof of citizenship in order to
register to vote, and requires registered voters to present proof of identification in order to cast a ballot at the polls. In
its first four years, the law enabled the state to deny registration to an estimated 30,000 applicants for failing to provide
the additional paperwork required for voter registration,¥ and thousands more have been turned away at the polls on
Election Day for failing to show satisfactory identification.

In 2006, a number of individuals and civil rights groups filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona
challenging the documentary proof and identification requirements of Proposition 200. On October 26, 2010, a three-
judge panel struck down the proof-of-citizenship mandate as preempted by the federal National Voter Registration Act
(NVRA), holding that “Proposition 200’s documentary proof of citizenship requirement conflicts with the NVRA’s
text, structure, and purpose.”€ On April 27, 2011, however, the Ninth Circuit granted Arizona’s petition for rehearing
en banc. The United States filed an amicus brief agreeing with the Proposition’s challengers that the NVRA preempts
Arizona’s documentary proof of citizenship requirements. The Ninth Circuit heard oral argument on June 21, 2011.
    Dan Levine, Arizona voter citizenship proof of requirement overturned, Reuters, Oct. 26, 2010.
    Gonzalez v. Arizona, 624 F.3d 1162, 1181 (9th Cir. 2010), reh’g en banc granted, 649 F.3d 953 (9th Cir. 2011).

      The additional expense of traveling to the relevant government office to obtain such documents constitutes another
      burden, particularly for people living in poverty who tend to have less access to transportation.112 Moreover, a
      citizen seeking replacement citizenship documents must navigate cumbersome government agencies, which often
      requires taking (unpaid) time from work in order to travel to a specific office, fill out forms, and wait in long lines.

      Prior to 2011, Arizona was an outlier as the only state to require proof of citizenship to vote or to register to vote—a
      law that is currently being challenged before the Ninth Circuit in Gonzalez v. Arizona109 (see box).

      Since then, at least twelve states—Alabama,114 Colorado,115 Connecticut,116 Kansas,117 Maine,118 Massachusetts,119
      New Hampshire,120 Nevada,121 Oregon,122 South Carolina,123 Tennessee,124 and Texas125—have introduced legisla-
      tion that would require, with some variation, proof of citizenship to register to vote. Alabama,126 Kansas, and Ten-
      nessee passed and enacted proof of citizenship laws in 2011.

      In April 2011, the U.S. Department of Justice precleared Georgia’s proof of citizenship requirement (introduced
      and passed in 2009). Alabama’s proof of citizenship law remains subject to review under Section 5 of the Voting
      Rights Act.
24    DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

In	 2011	 in	 Tennessee,	 a	 96-	
year-old	woman	was	denied	ac-
cess	to	polls	in	her	hometown,	
with	local	officials	demanding	
that	 she	 produce	 her	 decades-
old	 marriage	 certificate	 in	 or-
der	 to	 verify	 her	 identity	 be-
fore	voting.

 These laws have already prevented qualified voters from casting ballots. In 2011 in Tennessee, a 96-year-old woman
 was denied access to polls in her hometown, with local officials demanding that she produce her decades-old mar-
 riage certificate in order to verify her identity before voting.127

 Proof of citizenship advocates argue, as they do for voter photo ID requirements, that this heightened level of
 documentary proof is essential to keep noncitizens from fraudulently voting. But these concerns are unfounded, as
 there have been no documented cases in which a noncitizen has either intentionally registered to vote or voted while
 knowing that she was ineligible. Indeed, most allegations of noncitizen voting are generated by clerical mistakes or
 errors in data collection, a result of some of the same flawed and error-prone lists and methodologies that render
 purge programs vulnerable to manipulation.128

 (b)	Durational	Residency	Requirements: Durational residency registration requirements, such as time limita-
 tions to register, disproportionately penalize populations that move frequently. As part of the 2011 Wisconsin bill
 that moves up the deadline for late registration, the state has also extended its durational residency requirement for
 registering to vote from 10 days to 28 days of consecutive residency.129 Because minorities have higher foreclosure
 rates than whites, they are the voters most likely to move. Wisconsin, moreover, ranked in the top ten states with
 the highest foreclosure rates in July 2011.130 As a result minority voters in Wisconsin will likely be substantially
 impeded by this enhanced residency requirement.
DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

 Nearly	2	million,	or	38%,	of	the	disfranchised	
 are	African	Americans.

 A	staggering	13%	of	all	African-American	men	in	this	country	
 are	disfranchised.

 In	some	states	up	to	one-third	of	the	entire	African-American	
 male	population	is	denied	the	right	to	vote.

(4) Increased Disfranchisement of People with Felony Convictions

  Two states (Florida and Iowa) adopted measures that prohibit persons convicted of felonies from voting for life.

  Blocking the voting rights of people with felony convictions is one of the most significant barriers to political par-
  ticipation in this country. Nationwide, more than 5.3 million Americans who have been convicted of a felony are
  denied access to the one fundamental right that is the foundation of all other rights. Four million of the disfran-
  chised have completed their sentences, and live, work, pay taxes, and raise families in their communities.131 Nearly
  two million, or 38%, of the disfranchised are African American,132 and more than 10% are Latino.133

  See Appendix 4 for a state-by-state overview.

  (a)	The	History	of	Felon	Disfranchisement

  Laws that deprive people convicted of criminal offenses of the right to vote trace their history to the conclusion
  of the Civil War, when they were specifically tailored to those offenses that African Americans were thought to be
  most likely to commit.

  These intentionally discriminatory laws were guided by the belief that African Americans in the South (who were
  newly-emancipated and generally impoverished after the Civil War) were more likely to commit property offenses
  than were whites, who were thought to commit more “robust” crimes.

  For example, the 1890 Mississippi Constitution required disfranchisement for such crimes as theft, burglary, and
  receiving money under false pretenses, but not for robbery or murder.134  Through this convoluted reasoning, some-
  one could be disfranchised for stealing a chicken, but not for killing the chicken’s owner.135
26   DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

Today, felon disfranchisement statutes continue to weaken the voting power of African-American and Latino com-
munities. This uneven effect is largely the result of the disproportionate enforcement of the “war on drugs” in
African-American and Latino communities, which has drastically increased the class of persons subject to disfran-

Nowhere are the effects of felon disfranchisement more prominent than in the African-American community. A
staggering 13% of all African-American men in this country—and in some states up to one-third of the entire
African-American male population—are denied the right to vote.137 Given current rates of incarceration, an aston-
ishing three in ten of the next generation of African-American men will be disfranchised at some point during his

The effects of felon disfranchisement are not only limited only to the disfranchised themselves, but also extend
to eligible and future voters who are discouraged from voting. Voting, like many forms of civic participation, is
often a learned behavior; a child whose parent is unable to vote can herself develop an alienation from the culture
of voting. These laws marginalize the voices of community members who are deprived of the collective power of
voting alongside relatives and neighbors, and engender a culture of non-participation that erodes mainstream civic

(b)	Felon	Disfranchisement	in	2011

In 2011 two states—Florida and Iowa—joined Virginia and Kentucky in holding the distinction as having the
most restrictive felon disfranchisement laws in the country. Each of these four states denies the right to vote per-
manently to all individuals convicted of any felony offense.

  •	 Florida	imposed	a	mandatory	five-year	waiting	period	and	petition	process	for	the	restoration	of	rights	
     for	individuals	who	have	completed	their	sentences. In March 2011, Florida, which already had the larg-
     est disfranchised population of any state in the country (approximately 1 million),140 rolled back state rules
     enacted four years ago that eliminated the post-sentence waiting period and provided for automatic approval
     of reinstatement of rights for individuals convicted of non-violent felony offenses.

     The previous rule was put into effect in 2007, allowing the restoration of rights to more than 154,000 people
     who had completed their sentences.141

     Under Florida’s new rules, all individuals who have completed their sentences, even those for non-violent of-
     fenses, must wait at least five years before they may petition the Clemency Board for the restoration of their
     civil rights, including the right to register to vote. Some offenders even have a mandatory seven-year period
     before they may petition.142

     Even worse, the five–year waiting period for individuals convicted of a non-violent offense to apply for restora-
     tion of voting rights resets if a person is simply arrested for a criminal offense—even if charges are eventually
     dropped or the person is acquitted of all allegations.143

     By most accounts, these new clemency rules make Florida’s the most restrictive felon disfranchisement ap-
     proach in the country.144
DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

•	 Iowa	requires	all	individuals	who	have	completed	their	sentences	to	apply	for	the	restoration	of	their	
   rights—an	 application	 that	 is	 contingent	 on	 the	 payment	 of	 all	 outstanding	 financial	 obligations. In
   January 2011, Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, in one of his first acts after being sworn into office, rescinded
   Executive Order 42, a 2005 order that had automatically restored voting rights to individuals with criminal
   convictions once they had completed their sentences.145 Under Executive Order 42, approximately 100,000
   state citizens had their voting rights restored.146

  Under Executive Order 70, individuals with felony convictions will now have to petition the governor indi-
  vidually to regain their voting rights. As with all felon disfranchisement laws, the new order will have a dispro-
  portionate impact on African Americans, who constitute only 2.8% of the Iowa population, but are about a
  quarter of the state’s prison population.147

  Particularly troubling is the link that has been drawn between the restoration of voting rights and the mon-
  etary obligations of those seeking such restoration. According to Executive Order 70, approval of a restoration
  application requires not only that the individual complete his sentence, but also that he meet all outstanding
  financial obligations, including any fines or court costs.148 This additional impediment to restoration of vot-
28      DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

        ing rights is dangerously similar to the insidious practice of poll taxes—requiring a fee in order to vote. States
        enacted poll taxes after the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment in order to prevent the recently enfranchised
        African Americans from voting. The Twenty-Fourth Amendment together with the Supreme Court decision
        in Harper v. Virginia Board of Education149 announced unequivocally that such taxes were unconstitutional at
        both the state and federal levels. Just as with poll taxes of the past, Stephanie Fawkes-Lee and Marty Ryan,
        two Iowa-based public policy advocates, argue: “The right to vote should not be based on a duty to pay. If it
        were, we would revert back to the days in which wealthy, white, male landowners would be a privileged voting

In addition to these changes in Florida and Iowa, legislators in five other states introduced bills—none of which have
yet passed—that would expand felon disfranchisement: Alabama, Maryland, South Carolina, Washington, and West
Virginia.151 Meanwhile, in Nevada, the governor vetoed a bill that would have automatically restored voting rights to
any convicted felon who honorably completed his or her sentence.152

(5) Voter Purges

Even registered voters face threats to their registered status. In addition to making it harder to register initially, some
states are also improperly purging registered voters from state registration rolls. Purge programs purport to maintain
the purity of voter registration lists by removing the names of individuals ineligible to vote in that state or jurisdiction.
The purge process, however, lacks transparency, vests substantial discretion in election officials, and relies on flawed
and error-prone methods that are vulnerable to manipulation. As a result, purges too often result in the disqualifica-
tion of eligible voters.153

Recent incidents of improper purges show that communities of color are particularly vulnerable to improper purging.
For example, in 2000, more than 12,000 eligible voters in Florida were wrongfully purged when the state relied on an
unreliable match process to identify registered voters who shared a name with an individual in an electronic database
of people convicted of criminal offenses.154

Other recent examples include:

      •	 In 2008, the Florida Secretary of State instructed election officials to reject voter registration applications that
         did not pass an error-prone computer match process. In the first three weeks of the policy, 15% of registrations
         were initially flagged because of failed computer matches. Although election officials were able to catch and
         correct obvious typos in about 75% of these cases, they left more than 12,000 unchanged.155 Of the registra-
         tions that were blocked, 39% were African Americans and 34% were Latinos.156

      •	 In 2008, Mississippi state Senator Terry C. Burton proposed a bill that would cancel the registration of any
         voter if he or she did not “appear to vote” in a single election between November 3, 2008 and December 31,

Purged voters would then have to re-register before voting in subsequent elections. Because minority communities
generally have lower turnout rates, purges based on turnout disproportionately affect minority voters. In addition, re-
quiring re-registration for once-purged voters would prevent many minority voters from returning to the polls because
of the numerous registration obstacles facing minorities discussed above.
DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

II. Blocking the Vote at the Early and Absentee Voting Stage

In addition to barriers to registration, a number of states have passed or considered measures that impede the actual
casting of ballots by registered voters by placing new restrictions on the early and absentee voting processes. In 2011,
five states (Florida, Georgia, Maine, Tennessee, and West Virginia) imposed new restrictions on early and absentee

(1) Shortening Early/Absentee Voting Periods

Getting to the polls on Election Day is difficult for many voters. Many working individuals cannot afford to take time
off of work (or simply lack the flexibility to be able to), low-income voters often lack easy access to transportation to
the polls, the elderly and disabled may be unable to travel to the polls, and students and active service members may
be absent from their voting precincts on election day.

To assist those voters who cannot reach polls on Election Day itself, almost all states provide some alternative to the
traditional in-person, precinct-based Election Day method for casting a ballot. These alternatives usually involve a ver-
sion of early, and/or absentee, voting.

Whether because of a lack of transportation or an inflexible work schedule, or because of long lines and waiting peri-
ods to vote on Election Day (in 2008, 27% of African-American voters reported waits half an hour or more, as com-
pared to only 11% of white voters158), voters of color have been more likely to take advantage of the flexibility provided
by these additional voting days.159
30      DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

Nevertheless, in the 2011 legislative cycle, bills were introduced in ten states to reduce early or absentee voting periods,
with such bills passing in five states: Florida (enacted, subject to preclearance), Georgia (enacted), Maine (enacted),160
Maryland (pending but with unfavorable committee report),161 Nevada (no further action allowed),162 New Mexico
(defeated),163 North Carolina (pending),164 Ohio (enacted subject to voter referendum), Tennessee (various bills en-
acted),165 and West Virginia (enacted).166

Highlights of these efforts include:

      •	 Florida’s	elimination	of	the	first	week	of	early	voting: Florida has enacted a bill that reduces the number of
         early voting days from fourteen to eight days. The bill also gives local supervisors of elections discretion over
         early voting hours, changing the hours that early voting sites must operate from a mandatory eight hours per
         day (other than weekends), to a discretionary range of six to twelve hours per day.167 As a result, the change not
         only eliminates the first week of early voting in Florida, but it also makes possible a reduction in total hours of
         early voting from a mandatory 96 hours to a minimum of only 48 hours.

        In the 2008 election, over 2.6 million votes were cast during Florida’s early in-person voting period, account-
        ing for an estimated 31.25% of all ballots cast.168

        This change will inflict particularly harsh burdens on minority communities, who rely heavily on early voting
        periods to cast their ballots. During the 2008 general election, African Americans were 22% of voters during
        the first week of early voting in Florida statewide, despite being only 13% of the Florida electorate. Overall,
        54% of Florida’s African-American voters in 2008 voted at early-voting sites.169

      •	 Florida’s	elimination	of	early	voting	on	the	Sunday	be-
         fore	 Election	 Day: Florida also eliminated early voting
         on the last Sunday before Election Day, a day on which
         African-American churches in Florida have traditionally
         conducted a sizeable portion of their election assistance
         efforts. One such example is the “Soul to the Polls” ef-
         fort, in which churches encourage their congregants, after
         fulfilling their spiritual duties at church, to discharge their
         civic responsibilities, by organizing transportation from
         Sunday services directly to the election booth.170 African
         Americans comprised one-third of the entire statewide
         turnout on the last Sunday before the 2008 election.171

        Although not all of Florida’s counties currently offer early
        voting on this last Sunday, those counties that do—Mi-
        ami-Dade, Duval, Palm Beach, Broward (in 2008)—are
        urban counties that have among the largest African-Amer-
        ican populations in the state.172

        Florida’s law remains subject to review under Section 5 of
        the Voting Rights Act.
DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

      •	 Georgia’s	reduction	of	the	early	voting	period	from	45	days	to	21	days: Reversing its pre-2008 election
         decision to expand early in-person voting from one week to 45 days before the election, Georgia has returned
         to a shortened early voting period of only 21 days.

        Like the shortening of early voting in Florida, this change will disproportionately affect voters of color. Ac-
        cording to a Pew Center on the States survey of voters in three Georgia counties, more than 60% of African
        Americans who voted in the 2008 general election did so during the early period, as compared to less than half
        of white voters.173 As a result, African Americans cast 35% of all early ballots, even though they comprised only
        30% of those eligible to vote in the general election.174

        In addition, African Americans voted early in the 45-day period—a portion of the early voting window that
        has since been eliminated—casting almost 40% of all the ballots during that time.175

      •	 Ohio’s	return	to	2004	election	rules:	Ohio is reversing many of the voting conveniences introduced after the
         2004 general election, when the nation watched while Ohioans in many counties waited up to ten hours at
         the polls.176

        Among these reversals is a reduction in Ohio’s 35-day early voting period.177 In 2008, approximately 30% of
        all Ohio voters cast their ballots during the early voting period. As a result, despite record turnout, 2008 did
        not suffer a reprise of the long waits at the polls witnessed in 2004.178

        Ohio’s newly-shortened voting period signals a return to the ten-hour waits from 2004, particularly in urban
        areas where minority communities are concentrated, and where the proportion of early voters is as high as
        40% in places like Franklin County.179 The changes to early voting also include a ban on in-person voting on
        Sundays. As one commentator notes, this particular ban, as in Florida, is “a transparent effort to limit voting by
        the African American community—whose members often come to vote in groups after church on Sunday.”180

        For more detailed information about these state initiatives, see Appendix 5.

(2) Other Restrictions on Early/Absentee Voting

State legislators have also proposed other creative methods to restrict access to these alternative methods of voting:

      •	 Texas legislators introduced a bill that will omit early voting locations from official notices of a general or
         special election.181

      •	 As part of Ohio’s recent overhaul of its voting system, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted sought to prohibit
         counties from mailing unsolicited absentee-ballot applications to voters and including prepaid return post-
         age.182 These practices were employed by Franklin (Columbus), Cuyahoga (Cleveland), and Hamilton (Cin-
         cinnati) counties—the counties with the largest African-American populations by number and percentage—in
         past elections.183

      •	 A New	Jersey bill would end no-excuse absentee voting.184
32      DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

Early	Voting	Reductions	as	a	Cost-Savings	Measure? Proponents of early voting restrictions argue that these mea-
sures provide needed cost-savings, but the evidence indicates that these efforts will actually increase costs. In North
Carolina, for example, the State Election Board found that cuts to early voting will increase expenses because the re-
duction would require the state to create new election precincts and add voting machines in order to handle the surge
of voters now forced to vote on Election Day.185 At the same time, the cuts would reduce the flexibility early voting
allows to allocate equipment and staff.186

(III) Blocking the Vote on Election Day

In addition to limiting opportunities to vote before Election Day, numerous states have added insult to injury by
imposing laws that restrict access to the polls on Election Day itself. Deceptive practices are also being used to dissemi-
nate false or misleading information about the voting process in order to prevent eligible voters from casting a ballot.

(1) Photo Identification Requirements

The push for laws requiring voters to present valid government-issued photo identification at the polls in order to cast
a ballot amounts to an effort to create a modern day poll tax and represents the heart of the modern block the vote

Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America
Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

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Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America

  • 1. DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America 1 DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America A Report by the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. & the NAACP
  • 2. 2 DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, Inc. (LDF) National Headquarters 99 Hudson Street, Suite 1600 New York, New York 10013 212.965.2200 The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF) is America’s premier legal organization fighting for racial justice. Through litigation, advocacy, and public education, LDF seeks structural changes to expand democracy, eliminate racial disparities, and achieve racial justice, to create a society that fulfills the promise of equality for all Americans. LDF also defends the gains and protections won over the past 70 years of civil rights struggle and works to improve the quality and diversity of judicial and executive appointments. NAACP National Headquarters 4805 Mt. Hope Drive Baltimore, Maryland 21215 410.580.5777 Founded in 1909, the NAACP is the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights organization. Our mission is to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial discrimination. For over one hundred years, the NAACP has remained a visionary grassroots and national organization dedicated to ensuring freedom and social justice for all Americans. Today, with over 1,200 active NAACP branches across the nation, over 300 youth and college groups, and over 250,000 members, the NAACP remains one of the largest and most vibrant civil rights organizations in the nation. This report is dedicated to the memory and legacy of Harry T. and Harriet Moore and the countless other martyrs who gave their lives in the fight to secure voting rights for all Americans.
  • 3. DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America 3 Dear Friend, The NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, Inc. (LDF) and the NAACP have been tracking the rising tide of legislative measures designed to block access to the polls for voters of color. What our research has uncovered is a cause for grave concern: a coordinated and comprehensive assault has been launched against our voting rights. The findings of our research are gathered in this report, Defending Democracy: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America. The report reveals direct connections between the trend of increasing, unprecedented turnout among voters of color and the proliferation of re- strictive measures across the country designed to thwart electoral strength among people of color—particularly those who are poor, young, or elderly. These voting restrictions have been pushed in states with large communities of color where political participation has surged. The measures range from new and enhanced voter identification requirements to provisions that will curtail voter access to registration, inhibit critical voter registration drives, limit voting periods, and tighten the ability to cast ballots. In all, 14 states have passed 25 various measures designed to restrict or limit the ballot access of voters of color, threatening to disfranchise millions of people, a disproportionate number of whom are people of color. Since the ratification of the 15th Amendment and, later, the Voting Rights Act, we have been summoned to fight to protect the power and potential of the African-American vote from attempts to undermine the promise of democracy. Not surprisingly, the states with the high- est voter turnout among people of color in the 2008 elections and population growth among voters of color are the states pushing the most restrictive voting laws in the past year. Whether these measures target voter registration, third-party voter registration, absentee or early voting, people with felony convictions, or simply make it more difficult for registered voters to cast their ballots on Election Day, they all threaten to keep voters of color from exercising the fundamental right that is preservative of all other legal rights. To that end, we have created this report as a tool to sound the alarm, to inform voters, and to initiate a campaign to protect the free and equal exercise of our right to vote. This ambitious public education tool will equip voters with the information they need to protect the vote, to provide organizing points, and to mount voter education activities in local communities. The right to vote is indeed the cornerstone of our democracy. Please join us as we continue our quest to preserve and to protect that right for all Americans. Sincerely, NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, Inc. (LDF) NAACP John Payton, President & Director-Counsel Roslyn M. Brock, Chairman Ryan P. Haygood, Director, Political Participation Group Benjamin Todd Jealous, President & CEO Dale Ho, Assistant Counsel Reverend Dr. William J. Barber, II, Chairman, Natasha Korgaonkar, Assistant Counsel NAACP Political Action and Legislative Committee The NAACP and NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund are thankful for the generous contribution provided by Monica and David Gelbaum, which supported the development and distribution of this report.
  • 4. 4 DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America So long as I do not firmly and irrevocably possess the right to vote I do not possess myself. I cannot make up my mind—it is made up for me. I cannot live as a democratic citizen... -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • 5. DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION 5 THE RISE OF ELECTORAL STRENGTH OF VOTERS OF COLOR 7 Historic Minority Participation in the 2008 Elections 7 The 2010 Census: The Growth of Communities of Color 9 DEMOCRATIC CONTRACTION: BLOCKING THE VOTE 11 Summary of Block the Vote Efforts 11 Blocking the Vote at the Voter Registration Stage 14 Restrictions on Access to Voter Registration Channels 14 Limitations on When and Where Voters Can Register 17 Enhanced Registration Eligibility Requirements 21 Increased Disfranchisement of People with Felony Convictions 25 Voter Purges 28 Blocking the Vote at the Early and Absentee Voting Stage 29 Shortening Early/Absentee Voting Periods 29 Other Restrictions on Early/Absentee Voting 31 Blocking the Vote on Election Day 32 Photo Identification Requirements 32 Deceptive Practices 37 The Assault on the Voting Rights Act 39 ENCOURAGE THE VOTE: THE CALL TO ACTION 41 CONCLUSION 45 APPENDIX 1 46 APPENDIX 2 47 APPENDIX 3 48 APPENDIX 4 50 APPENDIX 5 52 ENDNOTES 53
  • 6. 2 DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The right to vote is the cornerstone of American democracy. Our votes affirm the legitimacy of America’s expansion our democracy. The right to vote is so essential of the franchise has because we use it to preserve and protect all other Constitutional rights. It serves as a check on our been significantly political leaders and as a source of power for their challenged this year. constituents. In this way, the vote is both a tangible measure of what we are as a nation, and of what The assault on voting we aspire to be. rights in 2011 has been historic, both Thus, the question that every American should ask is: How can we in terms of its scope collectively encourage more people to participate in the political process? and its intensity. Instead of embracing this important democracy-inclusion principle, however, some are seeking to make it harder for Americans to vote through concerted efforts. Indeed, we are experiencing an assault on voting rights that is historic, both in terms of its scope and intensity. This assault—which was launched to affect the 2012 elections, as well as future ones—threatens to undermine the record levels of political participation achieved during the historic 2008 Presidential Election, by suppressing the political participation of people of color, the poor, the elderly, and young voters. These concerted “block the vote” efforts are a direct response to two important recent developments: (1) the unprecedented levels of political participation by African Americans and other voters of color in the 2008 Presidential Election, and (2) the significant growth of communities of color, as reflected in the 2010 Census. This report examines these coordinated efforts to suppress the growing voting strength of communities of color, the poor, the elderly, the disabled, and the young, and offers some important democracy- enhancing responses.
  • 7. DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America 3 First, the report provides the context for the emergence of these block the vote measures. Second, it details various block the vote initiatives proposed or implemented in a number of states, and the disproportionate effects of those measures on voters of color in particular, including minority voters who are poor, elderly, and young. Finally, the report places the focus where it belongs—on the democracy-expanding efforts that we all can work to ensure. The report offers a call to action to empower you and members of your community to stand for greater inclusion in our democracy by: (1) Informing yourself about restrictive voting laws or proposals that have been adopted or are being considered in your state, how they may affect you, and how to overcome them; (2) Equipping your community with the information needed to ensure that each member who wants to vote in your community is able to do so, and that the votes from your community are counted; (3) Practicing “Each One, Bring One” by bringing an eligible first-time voter, or returning voter who otherwise might not vote, with you when you vote on Election Day; (4) Volunteer to serve as a poll monitor who assists voters on Election Day; (5) Taking action by urging your elected officials and the United States Department of Justice to fight these voter suppression tactics; and (6) Spreading the word about the National Voter Registration Act, designed to bring our democracy closer to the people by facilitating voter registration at state agencies that serve the public. This call to action serves as an important roadmap for voters and their communities to begin to actively counter the block the vote efforts. Viewing the current attacks on voter access as a whole, several key points emerge: • Fourteen states enacted a total of twenty-five measures that will unfairly and unnecessarily restrict the right to vote and exact a disproportionate price on African-American and other voters of color. Dozens more restric- tions have been proposed nationwide, in a coordinated assault on voting rights. • Several of the very states that experienced both historic participation of people of color in the 2008 Presidential Election and substantial minority population growth according to the 2010 Census are the ones mounting an assault to prevent similar political participation in 2012. These states include those that experienced the larg- est growth in total African-American population during the last decade (Florida, Georgia, Texas, and North Carolina), and three states that saw the highest growth rates in Latino population (South Carolina, Alabama, and Tennessee). • The restrictive measures adopted by these states include: • Tightening the requirements for voter registration or making the voter registration process unnecessarily difficult by imposing severe restrictions on persons who conduct voter registration drives or requiring individuals to produce documentary proof of citizenship in order to register to vote. • Increasing disfranchisement of people with felony convictions. • Substantially reducing the opportunity to vote early or by absentee ballot.
  • 8. 4 DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America • Erecting barriers to participation on Election Day itself. The heart of the modern block the vote cam- paign is a wave of restrictive government-issued photo identification requirements. In a coordinated effort, legislators in thirty-four states introduced bills imposing such requirements. Many of these bills were modeled on legislation drafted by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)—a conser- vative advocacy group whose founder explained: “our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down.”1 • According to one estimate by the Brennan Center for Justice, these block the vote efforts could impede as many as five million eligible voters from registering and/or casting ballots in 2012.2 While the sheer volume of the affected eligible voters is alarming in itself, the threat is compounded when you consider that the ef- fects will not be felt evenly throughout society. In the context of state photo identification requirements, for example, an astonishing 25% of African Americans (over 6.2 million African-American voters) and 16% of Latinos (over 2.96 million Latino voters) do not possess valid photo ID.3 By comparison, only 8% of whites are without a current government-issued photo ID.4 • These vote-blocking efforts impose disproportionate burdens on our society’s most vulnerable members, by exploiting socio-economic disparities among voters based on income, vehicle and home ownership, foreclosure rates, education, and mobility—many socio-economic disparities that are closely correlated with race. • For nearly 50 years, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 has stood as the core protection against racial discrimina- tion in voting. Key provisions of the law were reauthorized in 2006 based on Congress’s analysis of continu- ing voting voting discrimination and its prediction that additional discrimination would occur in the future. Nevertheless, at the same time that these vote-narrowing efforts are spreading, several states and activists are attacking the core pro- tections of the Voting Rights Act in court on constitutional grounds. These cases question the continuing need for the Act’s protections, and thus seek to eliminate part of the very law that has done more to ensure the right to vote for people of color than any other. Far from being measured reactions to discernible problems, these block the vote efforts are rooted in the worst traditions of America’s contested history of democracy. Throughout our nation’s history, the expansion of opportunity and participation has often been met by reactionary measures intended to cut back on hard-won progress. 2011 was the latest chapter in that story, as the struggle to ensure that all Americans can participate equally in the political process continues.
  • 9. DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America 5 BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION The story of America’s democracy...has been a contested one, characterized by expansion often followed by swift contraction: gains in political participation by communities of color too often are met with corresponding efforts to constrict the franchise. Nearly fifty years ago, in his speech proposing the bill that would become known as the greatest piece of civil rights legislation ever passed—the Voting Rights Act—President Lyndon Johnson framed the challenge posed by our nation’s dark tradition of racial discrimination in voting: Many of the issues of civil rights are very complex and most difficult. But about this there can and should be no argument. Every American citizen must have an equal right to vote. There is no reason which can excuse the denial of that right. There is no duty which weighs more heavily on us than the duty we have to ensure that right.5 The story of America’s democracy, however, as noted by historian Alexander Keyssar, has been a contested one, characterized by expansion often followed by swift contraction: gains in political participation by communities of color too often are met with corresponding efforts to constrict the franchise. This story begins with the end of the Civil War and the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment, which extended voting rights to former slaves. That watershed moment was followed by a dramatic backlash, and offers a bitter lesson about the consequences of the failed political will in that era to sustain comprehensive protections for voting rights. Discriminatory voting laws proliferated, as states implemented grandfather clauses, voter roll purges, poll taxes, and literacy and “understanding” tests, each of which was discriminatorily enforced against African-American voters at the polls.6
  • 10. 6 DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America To ensure that disfranchisement was complete, states also tailored laws that disqualified people convicted of criminal offenses to crimes thought to be committed by the newly-freed slaves but not by whites.7 The Supreme Court slowly, and reluctantly, invalidated these practices throughout the 20th century,8 but the states, for nearly a century after the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment, nevertheless proved “unremitting and ingenious”9 in their methods of excluding African Americans from the political process. In addition, states passed “second generation” barriers to prevent African-American participation in voting, enabling county councils and school boards to use at-large elections to submerge newly-registered minority voters within white majorities, draw racial gerrymanders, close or secretly move polling stations in minority neighborhoods, and employ countless other strategies to minimize or to cancel out minority voting strength. Finally after mass civil rights mobilization—a cause in service of which many heroes were murdered and scores of others badly beaten—Congress enacted the Voting Rights Act (VRA) to “combat the widespread and persistent discrimination in voting.”10 The VRA aims not only to guarantee the right of all citizens to participate in the electoral process, but also to provide a legal framework to prohibit and/or remedy a wide array of barriers that are used to threaten that right. The heart of the VRA is Section 5, which requires certain states and sub-jurisdictions with the most egregious histories and ongoing records of voting discrimination to submit any proposed changes to their voting and election laws either to the Department of Justice or the federal district court in Washington, D.C. for “pre- clearance” before that proposed change can be enacted. The Department of Justice rejects proposed changes that it deems retrogressive—that is, those which effectively worsen the position of minority voters in relation to existing rules—and those that are tainted by intentional discrimination,11 or request more information from states or jurisdictions about the proposed changes’ impact.12 Over time, assisted by litigation and other tools provided in the VRA, community activism, education, and political action, a number of barriers have been successfully challenged.13 As explained further below, however, history is repeating itself: following record minority participation in the political process in 2008 and substantial growth of communities of color in the last decade, a new wave of “third generation” voting barriers has recently emerged. And, in an effort to keep voters from challenging these barriers in the future, states are simultaneously attacking the VRA itself, seeking to eliminate indispensable tools to prevent these discriminatory voting laws from taking root and becoming entrenched.14
  • 11. DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America 7 THE RISE OF ELECTORAL STRENGTH OF VOTERS OF COLOR Political participation by communities of color has grown significantly in recent years, as demonstrated by two recent events. First, during the 2008 elections, citizens of color participated The unprecedented in the election in record numbers, and, more importantly, minority voter turnout comprised a larger share of the eligible voting population than in the 2008 general ever before.15 elections provided a Second, the data provided by the 2010 Census demonstrates dramatic demonstration that minority populations—and eligible voters within those of the impact of populations—are expanding rapidly.16 The Census Bureau significant minority reports that this growth will accelerate in the years to come.17 presence at the polls. I. Historic Minority Participation in the 2008 Elections The 2008 elections marked an historic moment in the racial composition of the American electorate, the “most diverse in U.S. history.”18 People of color in 2008 comprised 26.6% of all U.S. citizens of voting age—a record share.19 Translating this demographic shift into political strength, voters of color registered and participated in the 2008 Presidential Election in the following record numbers: • Nationally, the gap in voter turnout rate between eli- gible white voters (66.1%) and eligible African-Amer- ican voters (64.7%) was nearly eliminated. 20 • African-American women had the highest voter turn- out rate (68.8%)—a first for the nation.21 • The number of African-American voters who cast bal- lots in 2008 was 15.1% higher than in 2004, repre- senting an increase of 2.1 million African-American voters.22 The number of Latino voters who cast ballots in 2008 was 28.4% higher than in 2004, representing an increase of nearly 2.2 million Latino voters.23
  • 12. 8 DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America • African-American voters constituted 12.3% of voters nationally, an increase from 11.1% in 2004. Latino vot- ers made up 7.4% of voters nationally, up from 6.0% in 2004.24 Importantly, evidence from the 2010 midterm elections demonstrates that, rather than representing an anomalous moment, the increased participation of voters of color has been sustained since 2008. Although 2010 voting data reveals only a slight uptick in overall voter turnout from the 2006 midterm elections—40.9% in 2010 versus 40.4% in 200625—voters of color increased substantially as a share of the electorate in several states. In Texas, for example, African Americans increased from 8% of the voters in 2006 to 13% in 2010; in Ohio, African Americans increased from 12% to 14% of voters; and in New York, African Americans increased from 10% to 18% of voters.26 Perhaps more compelling evidence that the historic 2008 turnout will be carried forward to future elections is the strong showing among young African-American voters. Participating at the highest rate among all young people in 2010, African-American youth turned out to vote at a rate of 27.5%, as compared to 24.0% in 2006.27 This increase
  • 13. DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America 9 in turnout continues a trend from 2008, when young African Americans showed the highest turnout rate among any youth racial group since 1972.28 II. The 2010 Census: The Growth of Communities of Color The 2010 Census data reveals that the 10% population growth that America experienced over the last decade was almost entirely accounted for by growth among minority populations. From 2000 to 2010, the country’s non-Hispanic white population, which comprises approximately two-thirds of the total population, grew by only 1.2%.29 As a result of this modest growth, the white population actually decreased as a percentage of the total population from 75.1% to 72.4%—the only major racial group to experience such a decline.30 Communities of color, meanwhile, grew at significant rates. The Census data reveals: • The African-American population grew 12.3% (to 38,929,319), significantly outpac- ing white population growth.31 As an absolute value, most of this growth came from the South (i.e., Florida, Texas, North Carolina, Mary- land).32 • The Latino population grew a dramatic • Other minority groups experienced similar 43.0% (to 50,477,594), bringing it to 16.3% surges in their populations. Most significantly, of the total population, up from 12.5% in the Asian population increased by 43.3%, bring- 2000.33 This growth represents more than half ing it to 4.8% of the total population, up from of the increase in the total population nation- 3.6% in 2000.35 At the same time, the Ameri- wide (15.2 million out of 27.3 million). As an can Indian and Alaska Native population grew absolute number, most of this growth occurred 18.4%, and the Native Hawaiian and Other Pa- in states with existing sizeable Latino communi- cific Islander population grew 35.4%.36 ties, such as California, Texas, and Florida. The highest growth rates, however, occurred in the These demographic trends among minority populations Deep South, where Latino populations dou- confirm that America will soon be a majority-minority bled. South Carolina’s Latino population, for nation, with the Census Bureau projecting that this example, grew at a rate of 148%.34 tipping point will occur by 2042.37
  • 14. 10 DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America Indeed, the 2010 Census reveals that a number of states, particularly those in the South and West, where minority population growth was most significant, have already achieved or are on the cusp of achieving majority-minority status. The state of Texas joined California, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, and New Mexico in having majority- minority populations; five additional states approached 50% minority populations: Arizona (45.2%), Florida (42.1%), Georgia (44.1%), Maryland (45.3%), and Nevada (45.9%).38 The unprecedented minority voter turnout in the 2008 general elections provided a dramatic demonstration of the impact of significant minority presence at the polls. Even if this level of political participation were not sustained in 2010, the substantial and accelerating population growth among minority populations shows that the 2008 display of minority voting strength is not a passing phenomenon. Taken together, these voting and demographic trends presage a political landscape in which communities of color will increasingly play a leading role. Indeed, as discussed more fully below, it is precisely this burgeoning political power that has engendered a backlash.
  • 15. DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America 11 DEMOCRATIC CONTRACTION: BLOCKING THE VOTE In the face of far-reaching demographic and electoral trends revealing unprecedented minority political mobilization in Restrictive voting America, an assault on voting rights accelerated in 2011. In measures will have this year alone, over a dozen states imposed obstacles to voting a disproportionate at each key stage of the democratic process. impact on minority, These restrictive voting measures will have a disproportionate low-income, disabled, impact on minority, low-income, disabled, elderly, and young elderly, and young voters, and threaten to substantially undermine the political voters, and threaten to strength already harnessed by minority communities during substantially undermine the 2008 Presidential Election. the political strength already harnessed by Summary of Block the Vote Efforts minority communities Recently, states have enacted a broad array of voting restrictions during the 2008 and discriminatory laws, or have otherwise impeded political Presidential Election. participation. These various restrictive measures fall into three general categories, each of which operates at a different point in the voting process: first, at the voter registration stage; second, at the early voting stage; and third, on Election Day itself. The measures, and other efforts that discourage or suppress political participation, can be summarized as follows: I. Restrictions on Registration. Various states have sought to restrict the voter registration process in five principle ways: (1) Restrictions on Access to Voter Registration Chan- nels, such as: • Restrictions on Voter Registration Drives: Two states (Florida and Texas) passed laws that substantially restrict voter registration drives, to the detriment of African-American and Latino voters, who rely heavily on voter registration drives. For example, 15% of La- tinos and nearly 20% of African Americans registered to vote through registration drives in Florida in 2008, BLOCKING THE VOTE as compared to only 6% of whites.39
  • 16. 12 DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America • Non-Compliance with the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA): Several states, including Louisiana, Georgia, and Texas are failing to comply with their obligation under the NVRA to provide voter registration services to low-income constituents at state public assistance agencies. Because African Americans and Latinos have registered to vote at public assistance agencies three times as frequently as white voters, non-compliance with the NVRA closes off a crucial avenue for registration for minority voters.40 (2) Limitations on When and Where Individuals Can Register. Four states (Florida, Maine, Ohio, and Wiscon- sin) enacted laws restricting the time and/or place at which a person can register to vote. Ohio eliminated a one- week period during which a person could register to vote and cast a ballot at the same time, a restriction expected to have a disproportionate effect on minority voters.41 (3) Enhanced Eligibility Requirements, including: • Requiring Documentary Proof of Citizenship to Register to Vote. Three states (Alabama, Kansas, and Tennessee) enacted legislation requiring documentary proof of citizenship to register to vote. While these requirements will impose burdens on all voters of limited means, they will have a uniquely burdensome impact on elderly African-American voters, many of whom, because they were born when de jure segregation prevented equal access to hospitals, were never issued birth certificates.42 • Durational Residency Requirements. Wisconsin increased the period of residency required in order to register to vote, which will have a disproportionate effect on African Americans and Latinos, who tend to move more frequently than whites.43 (4) Increasing Disfranchisement of People with Felony Convictions. Two states (Florida and Iowa) reversed executive orders that restored the voting rights of people who had finished serving their sentences for felony convic- tions, permanently denying the franchise to hundreds of thousands of citizens. These measures will operate to the particular detriment of minority communities because African Americans and Latinos suffer disproportionate rates of criminal convictions and incarceration. (5) Voter Purges. Several states, such as Florida and Mississippi, are also improperly purging voters from the registration rolls. Purge programs purport to maintain the purity of voter registration lists by removing the names of individuals ineligible to vote in that state or jurisdiction, but too often disqualify eligible voters. For example, in Florida, a flawed purge program erroneously flagged and purged 12,000 voters (mostly due to typos and other obvious clerical errors). Over 70% of those flagged voters were African American or Latino.44 II. Substantial Reductions in Early Voting. Florida, Georgia, Ohio, Tennessee, and West Virginia enacted bills that reduce early voting. These measures will substantially and unduly burden minority voters. For instance, in Florida, which reduced its early voting period from 14 to 8 days, African-American voters have been much more likely to take advantage of early voting, accounting for 22% of early voters during the 2008 general election, despite being only 13% of the Florida electorate.45 III. Blocking the Vote on Election Day. A wave of restrictive government-issued photo identification requirements have been proposed throughout the country, and have to date passed in seven states (Alabama, Texas, Mississippi, South Carolina, Kansas, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Wisconsin). Eleven percent of U.S. citizens nationwide—
  • 17. DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America 13 approximately 22.9 million people—do not have government-issued photo IDs.46 Twenty-five percent of African- American voting age citizens (over six million people), and 16% of Latino voting age citizens (nearly three million people) do not possess valid government-issued photo ID. Recent years have also seen a reprise of voter intimidation and suppression efforts on Election Day. Block the Vote Measures Enacted in 2011 According to an estimate by the Brennan Center for Justice, recent block the vote efforts could impede as many as five million eligible voters from registering and/or casting a ballot in 2012.47 In 2011, 14 states passed 25 various voting measures that threaten to disfranchise millions of voters, a disproportionate number of whom are people of color. These restrictive voting measures can be summarized as follows: RESTRICTIVE VOTING MEASURES ENACTED IN 2011 Form of Restriction States Enacting Such Measures Total Barriers to Registration Restrictions on Third-Party Registration Florida; Texas 2 Restrictions on When and Where Individuals Can Register Florida; Maine; Ohio; Wisconsin 4 Documentary Proof of Citizenship Alabama; Kansas; Tennessee 3 Durational Residency Requirements Wisconsin 1 Enhanced Felon Disfranchisement Laws Florida; Iowa 2 Restrictions on Early or Absentee Voting Florida; Georgia; Maine; Tennessee; West Virginia 5 Alabama; Kansas; Mississippi; Rhode Island; South Photo ID Laws 8 Carolina; Tennessee; Texas; Wisconsin TOTAL MEASURES ENACTED IN 2011 25 The main thrust of these efforts, however, is not distributed evenly throughout the country. The states that have passed these restrictions, are, in many cases, the very same states that experienced high rates of minority population growth and political participation over the last decade. For example, block the vote efforts are proliferating in three states that together account for nearly 22% of all African- American voters in 2008: Georgia (1,334,000), Texas (1,253,000), and Florida (1,026,000). Moreover, the eight states that had turnout rates of more than 70% of their eligible African-American voters—Nevada, Missouri, Maryland, Mississippi, South Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Ohio—are all participants in this block the vote campaign.48  
  • 18. 14 DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America Similarly, among eligible Latino voters, two of the states that have seen some of the most aggressive block the vote efforts—Texas and Florida—accounted for 30% of all Latino votes cast in 2008; the three states that had more than 60% of their eligible Latino voters turn out to vote (as compared to a national rate of 50%) — Florida, North Carolina, and Maryland—are also a part of these restrictive voting efforts.49 Among the fourteen states listed in the chart above are three of the four states that experienced the largest growth in African-American population during the last decade: Florida, Georgia, and Texas (whose African-American populations grew by approximately 664,000, 601,000, and 575,000, respectively). The fourth state, North Carolina (whose African-American population grew by approximately 300,000), currently has restrictive voting legislation pending. Also among the states in the chart above are the three states that saw the highest growth rates in Latino populations during the previous decade: South Carolina (148%), Alabama (145%), and Tennessee (134%).50 These measures, as well as other forms of voter suppression, are discussed in further detail below. I. Blocking the Vote at the Voter Registration Stage Since the substantial 2008 voter turnout and 2010 Census, and in advance of the 2012 federal elections, states are narrowing voters’ ability to register in various ways. These voter registration barriers comprise the primary impedi- ment to voting, as evidence shows that making voter registration more difficult means that fewer people will register.51 Among other things, several states: (1) placed restrictions on important voter registration channels; (2) limited when, where, and for how long voters can register; (3) enhanced registration eligibility requirements; (4) broadened the reach of laws that deny the vote to people with felony convictions; and (5) improperly purged voters from the registration roles. (1) Restrictions on Access to Voter Registration Channels States have restricted two important channels through which minority voters disproportionately register to vote by (a) significantly restricting the manner in which voter registration drives must be conducted; and (b) ignoring the mandates of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). (a) Restrictions on third-party registration: Two states—Florida and Texas—enacted measures that place restrictions on nonpartisan, nonprofit organizations that conduct voter registration drives.
  • 19. DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America 15 These organizations play a critical role in ensuring As a result, restrictions that force third-party voter participation in our democracy. More than any other registration organizations to scale back their efforts democracy, the United States places the burden of will disproportionately impact African-American and registration on the voter.52 Moreover, as one federal Latino voters, who are much more likely to register court recognized, voter registration drives serve to vote through such drives. not only as an important avenue for registration, States have nevertheless proposed and implemented but also entail core political speech protected burdensome restrictions on third-party registration by the First Amendment. Such drives, the court organizations. Such bills were signed into law in 2011 found, are inextricably intertwined with efforts to in Florida and Texas, which provide two prominent “persuade others to vote, educate potential voters examples of these restrictive initiatives: about upcoming political issues, communicate their political support for political issues, and otherwise • Florida has imposed substantial restrictions enlist like-minded citizens in promoting shared on organizations conducting voter regis- political, economic, and social positions.”53 tration drives: Voter registration drives in 2008 were responsible for 176,000 or 8.24% From 2000 to 2008, registration groups registered of all registrations in the state.59 Despite this tens of millions of new voters, including close to nine impressive achievement, on May 19, 2011, million in 2008 alone.54 Governor Rick Scott signed H.B. 1355 into Registration groups typically focus their resources law, imposing the most restrictive obligations on providing assistance to communities that face the on voter registration groups in the country.60 greatest barriers to registration and voting. Voters of color constitute one such community as they As a precondition to conducting a voter regis- generally have limited access to the Internet and tration drive, the law requires every individual fewer interactions with the Department of Motor or group to register with and receive permis- Vehicles—two of the main channels citizens generally sion from the state before so much as offering use to register to vote. Thus, these voter registration to touch a voter registration form from anyone drives are crucial to increasing voter registration other than a family member. 61 among voters of color who are less likely to register Further, a volunteer collecting a registration through one of these other means.55 form must track each and every registration For example, in 2004, while only 7.4% of white form, blank or complete, and must ensure that voters registered at private drives, 12.7% of African- it is delivered to county officials within 48 hours American voters and 12.9% of Latino voters used or pay a penalty of $50 for every late form.62 Al- this channel to register.56 The disparity was likewise ready, a teacher has been fined under the new apparent in 2008: while only 5.0% of white voters registration provisions for helping her high registered at private drives, 11.0% of African- school students pre-register in anticipation of American voters and 9.6% of Latino voters registered their first election cycle as voters.63 at these events.57 And 2010 was no different: 6% of white voters registered through a voter registration The law will also have a pronounced adverse im- drive, as compared with 14% of Latino voters, and pact on minority registration in Florida, where 12% of African-American voters.58
  • 20. 16 DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America African-American and Latino voters rely heavily on voter registration drives. In 2008, for example, while only 6% of white Floridians registered to vote in registration drives, 15% of Latino and nearly 20% of African- American Floridians registered at these events.64 Indeed, Florida’s restrictive change has already caused leading voter registration groups, such as the Florida League of Women Voters, to cancel or to consider canceling their voter registration drives.65 These obligations will also discourage impromptu community voter registration drives that are often pulled together informally on campuses, in houses of worship, and community centers. • Texas has proposed a range of legislation that would restrict the efforts of voter registration groups: In Texas, third-party registration efforts accounted for at least 26,000 new registrations in 2008.66 In response to this success, Texas has enacted two bills that will place severe restrictions on those efforts. One requires certain elections officials to receive statutorily-defined training in order to be allowed to assist in voter registration.67 The other requires, among other things, that an individual who assists others to register to vote be a Texas resi- dent and a qualified voter.68 Texas has also proposed a number of additional restrictions, including: º A bill that would increase the residency requirements for deputy voter registrars;69 and º A bill that would require deputy registrars to be registered voters.70 Because the State of Texas and five counties in Florida are covered by Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, these laws remain subject to federal review. • Other state efforts include: º A failed Mississippi bill that would have imposed a range of requirements including pre- registration, reporting, compensation rules, and a ten-day submission deadline.71 º A pending bill in Illinois that requires deputy registrars to submit completed voter registra- tion forms within two days and prohibits groups from copying any information from voter registration forms, subject to criminal penalties.72 (b) Noncompliance with the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA): A number of states are not providing voter registration services to low- income constituents at state public assistance agencies, as required under Following litigation that required the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA). Ohio to comply with the NVRA, voter registration at social service Section 7 of the NVRA requires states to offer voter registration services offices increased dramatically from at all offices that provide public assistance or that provide services to per- 24,000 to 191,000 voter registra- sons with disabilities. As with third-party registration drives, minority tions a year. voters register at public assistance agencies at significantly higher rates than their white counterparts. For example, in 2008, African-American and Latino voters registered at public agencies three times as frequently as white voters.73
  • 21. DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America 17 Selma, 1965 A number of states, however, are in violation of their NVRA obligations, which effectively disfranchises the poor and places increased pressure on third-party registration organizations to fill the void. As of October 2011, one million low-income people in five Voting rights organizations took action against a number of states in different states have registered to 2011 for NVRA non-compliance, including: vote as a result of proper NVRA enforcement. Louisiana, where registrations from public assistance officers have plum- meted 88% since the law was first implemented, from nearly 75,000 in Youjin B. Kim and Lisa Danetz, 1 Million New Voters Among the 99%: How Agency- 1995-1996 to a mere 8,688 in 2007-2008.74 Based Voter Registration Give Low-Income Americans a Voice in Democracy. Georgia, where registrations from public assistance offices have dropped from more than 100,000 in 1995-1996 to a paltry 4,430 in 2010.75 Michigan, where there has been an 82.5% decrease in the submission of voter registration applications at public assistance offices.76 Texas¸ where registrations from public assistance agencies have declined from 353,550 registrations in 1995-1996 to 6,337 in 2007-2008—a drop of more than 92%.77 (2) Limitations on When and Where Voters Can Register In the 2011 legislative cycle, four states (Florida, Maine, Ohio, and Wisconsin) enacted a variety of measures that limit when a person can register to vote or can update her registration information.
  • 22. 18 DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America Broad opportunities to register to vote have resulted in increased participation. For example, several states permit same day registration, which allows voters to register and cast a ballot on the same day. The difference in turnout between states that do, and those that do not, offer same day registration has been significant, with those states of- fering same day registration leading the nation in turnout, historically boasting turnout rates ten to twelve percent- age points higher than those states that do not.78 According to Demos, in the 2010 midterm elections, same day registration allowed almost 640,000 Americans to register to vote—a group of voters larger than the populations of Washington, D.C., Boston, Nashville, Denver, or the state of Vermont.78a Nevertheless, many states are restricting the ability of voters to register on or on the days leading up to Election Day. These registration barriers primarily impede individuals who move frequently, a subset of the population that is disproportionately comprised of minorities. According to the Pew Research Center, 43% of African Americans and 48% of Latinos moved during the previous five years, as compared to only 27% of whites.79 African Americans and Latinos similarly report a higher likelihood of moving within the next five years: 59% for African Americans and 43% for Latinos, as compared to only 35% for whites.80 In 2009-2010 alone, moreover, African Americans had the highest moving rate (16.7%), followed by Latinos (15.6%), Asians (13.9%), and whites with the lowest rate (10.8%).81 Many individuals have also been forced to move in the wake of the foreclosure crisis, which has not had even across- all-group effects. The decline in homeownership rates among African Americans and Latinos in recent years (8%) is almost twice that of whites (4.5%).82 The disparity is likely greater in states more heavily affected by foreclosures, like Florida83 and Wisconsin84—both states that have restricted registration opportunities. As a result, state measures that shorten the period of time prior to an election during which an individual can reg- ister or update his registration information after a move will be formidable obstacles for minority voters. In 2011, bills that reduce opportunities to register or to update registration information were introduced in seven states, and four of those bills—in Florida, Maine, Ohio, and Wisconsin85—were passed and signed into law. An- other bill in North Carolina is pending; while the two remaining bills either failed to pass (New Hampshire86), or passed but were vetoed by the governor (Montana87). Notable among these initiatives are: • Florida eliminated the right of registered voters who move across counties to update their voter registra- tions to reflect their new addresses at the time of voting: As part of a recent overhaul of its election laws under H.B. 1355, Florida now prohibits voters who move from one of Florida’s 67 counties to another from updating their address information in person at the polls at the time of voting, and only permits such voters to cast provisional ballots. According to one estimate based on 2008 election figures, nearly 34,000 additional Florida voters will now be required to cast provisional ballots.88 Because minorities in Florida, as in the rest of the country, have higher mobility and foreclosure rates than whites, they are the voters most likely to move, and will therefore be dis- proportionately forced to cast a provisional ballot under the new law.89
  • 23. DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America 19 This consequence is troubling because provisional ballots are counted less frequently than are normal ballots. During the 2008 elections, fewer than half (only 48.59%) of all provisional ballots cast in Florida were actually counted.90 In addition, voters must return to the local election authority after Elec- tion Day and provide supporting documentation to ensure that the ballot is counted. This additional trip during working hours poses a particularly high barrier for minority voters in Florida, who have not only lower rates In 2008, nearly of vehicle ownership,91 but also higher rates of poverty, making it more dif- ficult to take time off from work to vote. 60,000 people in Maine registered This law remains subject to review under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. to vote on Election Day. • Maine attempted to eliminate a 38-year-old policy allowing Election Day voter registration. On June 21, 2011, Maine Governor Paul Le Page signed L.D. 1376 into law, seeking to end the state’s long practice of Elec- tion Day voter registration.92 This was a striking move, as Maine’s policy has
  • 24. 20 DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America been credited with consistently producing one of the highest turnout rates in the country. In 2008, nearly 60,000 people in Maine registered to vote on Election Day,93 while in 2010, four out of five same day registration voters registered on Elec- tion Day. Soundly rejecting this block the vote measure, the people of Maine voted by a sub- stantial margin to overturn this law and restore Election Day voter registration on November 8, 2011.94 • North Carolina has proposed to eliminate same-day voter registration during the early voting period: Misleadingly short-titled the “Voting Integrity” bill, S.B. 657 was proposed in April 2011, seeking to revoke “one-stop” registra- tion and voting during the early voting period.95 “One-stop” registration and voting is an election reform implemented in 2007, in advance of the 2008 Presidential Election. North Carolina saw a steep rise in voter turnout in the 2008 election—voting rose eight percent- age points over the 2004 vote, the greatest in- crease in the nation. 253,000 individuals used same day registration in the run-up to the elec- tions. 105,000 were first-time voters in their counties; the balance used same day registration to update their voter registration records and avoid the need to vote by provisional ballot.96 African Americans were more likely to utilize this one-stop registration and voting mechanism to cast a ballot than any other form of voting.97 Despite comprising only 20.9% of the citizen population of the state, African Americans were 35.1% of the one-stop voters. White citizens, by contrast, comprised 76.0% of the citizen population, but only 53.9% of the one-stop voters.98 • Ohio eliminated the “golden week”: As part of an omnibus election overhaul bill signed into law by Gov- ernor John Kasich, Ohio has eliminated the so-called “golden week”—the first seven days of the early voting period before a general election, during which the early voting period overlaps with the period before the voter registration deadline. In this one-week period, eligible citizens were able to register and vote on the same day.99 The elimination of this opportunity is expected to have a disproportionate effect on minority voters.100
  • 25. DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America 21 Appendix 2 provides more details on these state initiatives and proposals. (3) Enhanced Registration Eligibility Requirements In most states, a voter typically establishes her eligibility to register and to vote by an affidavit attesting to the fact that she is a U.S. citizen over eighteen years old, and that she meets other state eligibility requirements. Some states have recently implemented additional barriers to registration by toughening the eligibility criteria for registration, including: (a) laws requiring documentary proof of citizenship; and (b) extended durational residency require- ments. These additional registration hurdles are particularly difficult for many people of color to overcome. (a) Documentary Proof of Citizenship: Three states (Ala- bama, Kansas, and Tennessee) enacted documentary proof of citizenship requirements. Documentary proof of citizenship, whether to register or to vote, is an especially burdensome eli- gibility criteria because official documents that actually estab- lish citizenship are limited to items such as an original birth certificate, naturalization papers, or a passport.101 Millions of citizens do not have such documents. One study estimates that as many as 7% of U.S. citizens do not have access to these citizenship documents.102 In 2008, proof of citizenship would have thus presented a significant registration obstacle to more than 14 million citizens of vot- ing age.103 In fact, for many citizens, these documents sim- ply do not exist. Individuals born on reservations or outside a hospital, for example, may never have been issued official birth documents, or original documents may have been de- stroyed over the years. To be sure, many Americans do possess such documents, but they often do not have ready access to them, storing them in safe deposit boxes or with parents far Lillie Lewis, 78, with a letter from the State of Missis- from their current residence. And even those who have ready sippi saying there was no record of her birth on file. access to these documents may face difficulties, as their docu- ments may not reflect accurate information. One survey, for example, found that only 66% of voting-age women with ready access to proof of citizenship documentation have a document with their current legal name.104 The difficulty that many Americans would have in meeting a documentary proof of citizenship requirement is alone cause for concern, but the disproportionate effect of this requirement on people of color is even more alarming. Minorities will bear the brunt of proof of citizenship laws because they are the least likely to have ready access to citizenship documents.105
  • 26. 22 DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America In particular, proof of citizenship requirements—such as laws requiring voters to produce government-issued photo identification, discussed later in this report—have a uniquely burdensome impact on elderly African-American vot- ers, many of whom, because they were born when de jure segregation prevented equal access to hospitals, simply do not have a birth certificate.106 Thus, many elderly African Americans are, by virtue of their race and the history of racial discrimination in this country, entirely incapable of satisfying the requirements of these laws. More broadly, racial disparities in access to citizenship documentation exist because of broad socio-economic dis- parities correlated with race. For example, citizens earning less than $25,000 per year are more than twice as likely to lack ready documentation of their citizenship as others, and at least 12% of voting-age citizens earning less than $25,000 per year do not have a readily available U.S. passport, naturalization document, or birth certificate.107 Given the substantial racial disparities nationwide with respect to the poverty rate—as of 2009, 25.8% of African Americans and 25.3% of Latinos lived in poverty, compared with only 9.4% of whites108—it is clear that these documentary proof requirements disproportionately burden minorities. Poverty rate disparities also demonstrate that voters of color are among those who are the least able to bear the costs of obtaining citizenship documentation. In instances where citizenship documents can be replaced or obtained in the first instance, individuals face an expensive and time-consuming process. A replacement birth certificate can exceed $20,109 a passport costs $110,110 and replacement naturalization documents cost $345.111
  • 27. DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America 23 Gonzalez v. Arizona: Challenging Arizona’s Restrictive Registration Law Proposition 200, passed in 2004, requires prospective voters to provide documentary proof of citizenship in order to register to vote, and requires registered voters to present proof of identification in order to cast a ballot at the polls. In its first four years, the law enabled the state to deny registration to an estimated 30,000 applicants for failing to provide the additional paperwork required for voter registration,¥ and thousands more have been turned away at the polls on Election Day for failing to show satisfactory identification. In 2006, a number of individuals and civil rights groups filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona challenging the documentary proof and identification requirements of Proposition 200. On October 26, 2010, a three- judge panel struck down the proof-of-citizenship mandate as preempted by the federal National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), holding that “Proposition 200’s documentary proof of citizenship requirement conflicts with the NVRA’s text, structure, and purpose.”€ On April 27, 2011, however, the Ninth Circuit granted Arizona’s petition for rehearing en banc. The United States filed an amicus brief agreeing with the Proposition’s challengers that the NVRA preempts Arizona’s documentary proof of citizenship requirements. The Ninth Circuit heard oral argument on June 21, 2011. ¥ Dan Levine, Arizona voter citizenship proof of requirement overturned, Reuters, Oct. 26, 2010. € Gonzalez v. Arizona, 624 F.3d 1162, 1181 (9th Cir. 2010), reh’g en banc granted, 649 F.3d 953 (9th Cir. 2011). The additional expense of traveling to the relevant government office to obtain such documents constitutes another burden, particularly for people living in poverty who tend to have less access to transportation.112 Moreover, a citizen seeking replacement citizenship documents must navigate cumbersome government agencies, which often requires taking (unpaid) time from work in order to travel to a specific office, fill out forms, and wait in long lines. Prior to 2011, Arizona was an outlier as the only state to require proof of citizenship to vote or to register to vote—a law that is currently being challenged before the Ninth Circuit in Gonzalez v. Arizona109 (see box). Since then, at least twelve states—Alabama,114 Colorado,115 Connecticut,116 Kansas,117 Maine,118 Massachusetts,119 New Hampshire,120 Nevada,121 Oregon,122 South Carolina,123 Tennessee,124 and Texas125—have introduced legisla- tion that would require, with some variation, proof of citizenship to register to vote. Alabama,126 Kansas, and Ten- nessee passed and enacted proof of citizenship laws in 2011. In April 2011, the U.S. Department of Justice precleared Georgia’s proof of citizenship requirement (introduced and passed in 2009). Alabama’s proof of citizenship law remains subject to review under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act.
  • 28. 24 DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America In 2011 in Tennessee, a 96- year-old woman was denied ac- cess to polls in her hometown, with local officials demanding that she produce her decades- old marriage certificate in or- der to verify her identity be- fore voting. These laws have already prevented qualified voters from casting ballots. In 2011 in Tennessee, a 96-year-old woman was denied access to polls in her hometown, with local officials demanding that she produce her decades-old mar- riage certificate in order to verify her identity before voting.127 Proof of citizenship advocates argue, as they do for voter photo ID requirements, that this heightened level of documentary proof is essential to keep noncitizens from fraudulently voting. But these concerns are unfounded, as there have been no documented cases in which a noncitizen has either intentionally registered to vote or voted while knowing that she was ineligible. Indeed, most allegations of noncitizen voting are generated by clerical mistakes or errors in data collection, a result of some of the same flawed and error-prone lists and methodologies that render purge programs vulnerable to manipulation.128 (b) Durational Residency Requirements: Durational residency registration requirements, such as time limita- tions to register, disproportionately penalize populations that move frequently. As part of the 2011 Wisconsin bill that moves up the deadline for late registration, the state has also extended its durational residency requirement for registering to vote from 10 days to 28 days of consecutive residency.129 Because minorities have higher foreclosure rates than whites, they are the voters most likely to move. Wisconsin, moreover, ranked in the top ten states with the highest foreclosure rates in July 2011.130 As a result minority voters in Wisconsin will likely be substantially impeded by this enhanced residency requirement.
  • 29. DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America 25 Nearly 2 million, or 38%, of the disfranchised are African Americans. A staggering 13% of all African-American men in this country are disfranchised. In some states up to one-third of the entire African-American male population is denied the right to vote. (4) Increased Disfranchisement of People with Felony Convictions Two states (Florida and Iowa) adopted measures that prohibit persons convicted of felonies from voting for life. Blocking the voting rights of people with felony convictions is one of the most significant barriers to political par- ticipation in this country. Nationwide, more than 5.3 million Americans who have been convicted of a felony are denied access to the one fundamental right that is the foundation of all other rights. Four million of the disfran- chised have completed their sentences, and live, work, pay taxes, and raise families in their communities.131 Nearly two million, or 38%, of the disfranchised are African American,132 and more than 10% are Latino.133 See Appendix 4 for a state-by-state overview. (a) The History of Felon Disfranchisement Laws that deprive people convicted of criminal offenses of the right to vote trace their history to the conclusion of the Civil War, when they were specifically tailored to those offenses that African Americans were thought to be most likely to commit. These intentionally discriminatory laws were guided by the belief that African Americans in the South (who were newly-emancipated and generally impoverished after the Civil War) were more likely to commit property offenses than were whites, who were thought to commit more “robust” crimes. For example, the 1890 Mississippi Constitution required disfranchisement for such crimes as theft, burglary, and receiving money under false pretenses, but not for robbery or murder.134  Through this convoluted reasoning, some- one could be disfranchised for stealing a chicken, but not for killing the chicken’s owner.135
  • 30. 26 DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America Today, felon disfranchisement statutes continue to weaken the voting power of African-American and Latino com- munities. This uneven effect is largely the result of the disproportionate enforcement of the “war on drugs” in African-American and Latino communities, which has drastically increased the class of persons subject to disfran- chisement.136 Nowhere are the effects of felon disfranchisement more prominent than in the African-American community. A staggering 13% of all African-American men in this country—and in some states up to one-third of the entire African-American male population—are denied the right to vote.137 Given current rates of incarceration, an aston- ishing three in ten of the next generation of African-American men will be disfranchised at some point during his lifetime.138 The effects of felon disfranchisement are not only limited only to the disfranchised themselves, but also extend to eligible and future voters who are discouraged from voting. Voting, like many forms of civic participation, is often a learned behavior; a child whose parent is unable to vote can herself develop an alienation from the culture of voting. These laws marginalize the voices of community members who are deprived of the collective power of voting alongside relatives and neighbors, and engender a culture of non-participation that erodes mainstream civic engagement.139 (b) Felon Disfranchisement in 2011 In 2011 two states—Florida and Iowa—joined Virginia and Kentucky in holding the distinction as having the most restrictive felon disfranchisement laws in the country. Each of these four states denies the right to vote per- manently to all individuals convicted of any felony offense. • Florida imposed a mandatory five-year waiting period and petition process for the restoration of rights for individuals who have completed their sentences. In March 2011, Florida, which already had the larg- est disfranchised population of any state in the country (approximately 1 million),140 rolled back state rules enacted four years ago that eliminated the post-sentence waiting period and provided for automatic approval of reinstatement of rights for individuals convicted of non-violent felony offenses. The previous rule was put into effect in 2007, allowing the restoration of rights to more than 154,000 people who had completed their sentences.141 Under Florida’s new rules, all individuals who have completed their sentences, even those for non-violent of- fenses, must wait at least five years before they may petition the Clemency Board for the restoration of their civil rights, including the right to register to vote. Some offenders even have a mandatory seven-year period before they may petition.142 Even worse, the five–year waiting period for individuals convicted of a non-violent offense to apply for restora- tion of voting rights resets if a person is simply arrested for a criminal offense—even if charges are eventually dropped or the person is acquitted of all allegations.143 By most accounts, these new clemency rules make Florida’s the most restrictive felon disfranchisement ap- proach in the country.144
  • 31. DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America 27 • Iowa requires all individuals who have completed their sentences to apply for the restoration of their rights—an application that is contingent on the payment of all outstanding financial obligations. In January 2011, Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, in one of his first acts after being sworn into office, rescinded Executive Order 42, a 2005 order that had automatically restored voting rights to individuals with criminal convictions once they had completed their sentences.145 Under Executive Order 42, approximately 100,000 state citizens had their voting rights restored.146 Under Executive Order 70, individuals with felony convictions will now have to petition the governor indi- vidually to regain their voting rights. As with all felon disfranchisement laws, the new order will have a dispro- portionate impact on African Americans, who constitute only 2.8% of the Iowa population, but are about a quarter of the state’s prison population.147 Particularly troubling is the link that has been drawn between the restoration of voting rights and the mon- etary obligations of those seeking such restoration. According to Executive Order 70, approval of a restoration application requires not only that the individual complete his sentence, but also that he meet all outstanding financial obligations, including any fines or court costs.148 This additional impediment to restoration of vot-
  • 32. 28 DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America ing rights is dangerously similar to the insidious practice of poll taxes—requiring a fee in order to vote. States enacted poll taxes after the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment in order to prevent the recently enfranchised African Americans from voting. The Twenty-Fourth Amendment together with the Supreme Court decision in Harper v. Virginia Board of Education149 announced unequivocally that such taxes were unconstitutional at both the state and federal levels. Just as with poll taxes of the past, Stephanie Fawkes-Lee and Marty Ryan, two Iowa-based public policy advocates, argue: “The right to vote should not be based on a duty to pay. If it were, we would revert back to the days in which wealthy, white, male landowners would be a privileged voting class.”150 In addition to these changes in Florida and Iowa, legislators in five other states introduced bills—none of which have yet passed—that would expand felon disfranchisement: Alabama, Maryland, South Carolina, Washington, and West Virginia.151 Meanwhile, in Nevada, the governor vetoed a bill that would have automatically restored voting rights to any convicted felon who honorably completed his or her sentence.152 (5) Voter Purges Even registered voters face threats to their registered status. In addition to making it harder to register initially, some states are also improperly purging registered voters from state registration rolls. Purge programs purport to maintain the purity of voter registration lists by removing the names of individuals ineligible to vote in that state or jurisdiction. The purge process, however, lacks transparency, vests substantial discretion in election officials, and relies on flawed and error-prone methods that are vulnerable to manipulation. As a result, purges too often result in the disqualifica- tion of eligible voters.153 Recent incidents of improper purges show that communities of color are particularly vulnerable to improper purging. For example, in 2000, more than 12,000 eligible voters in Florida were wrongfully purged when the state relied on an unreliable match process to identify registered voters who shared a name with an individual in an electronic database of people convicted of criminal offenses.154 Other recent examples include: • In 2008, the Florida Secretary of State instructed election officials to reject voter registration applications that did not pass an error-prone computer match process. In the first three weeks of the policy, 15% of registrations were initially flagged because of failed computer matches. Although election officials were able to catch and correct obvious typos in about 75% of these cases, they left more than 12,000 unchanged.155 Of the registra- tions that were blocked, 39% were African Americans and 34% were Latinos.156 • In 2008, Mississippi state Senator Terry C. Burton proposed a bill that would cancel the registration of any voter if he or she did not “appear to vote” in a single election between November 3, 2008 and December 31, 2009.157 Purged voters would then have to re-register before voting in subsequent elections. Because minority communities generally have lower turnout rates, purges based on turnout disproportionately affect minority voters. In addition, re- quiring re-registration for once-purged voters would prevent many minority voters from returning to the polls because of the numerous registration obstacles facing minorities discussed above.
  • 33. DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America 29 II. Blocking the Vote at the Early and Absentee Voting Stage In addition to barriers to registration, a number of states have passed or considered measures that impede the actual casting of ballots by registered voters by placing new restrictions on the early and absentee voting processes. In 2011, five states (Florida, Georgia, Maine, Tennessee, and West Virginia) imposed new restrictions on early and absentee voting. (1) Shortening Early/Absentee Voting Periods Getting to the polls on Election Day is difficult for many voters. Many working individuals cannot afford to take time off of work (or simply lack the flexibility to be able to), low-income voters often lack easy access to transportation to the polls, the elderly and disabled may be unable to travel to the polls, and students and active service members may be absent from their voting precincts on election day. To assist those voters who cannot reach polls on Election Day itself, almost all states provide some alternative to the traditional in-person, precinct-based Election Day method for casting a ballot. These alternatives usually involve a ver- sion of early, and/or absentee, voting. Whether because of a lack of transportation or an inflexible work schedule, or because of long lines and waiting peri- ods to vote on Election Day (in 2008, 27% of African-American voters reported waits half an hour or more, as com- pared to only 11% of white voters158), voters of color have been more likely to take advantage of the flexibility provided by these additional voting days.159
  • 34. 30 DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America Nevertheless, in the 2011 legislative cycle, bills were introduced in ten states to reduce early or absentee voting periods, with such bills passing in five states: Florida (enacted, subject to preclearance), Georgia (enacted), Maine (enacted),160 Maryland (pending but with unfavorable committee report),161 Nevada (no further action allowed),162 New Mexico (defeated),163 North Carolina (pending),164 Ohio (enacted subject to voter referendum), Tennessee (various bills en- acted),165 and West Virginia (enacted).166 Highlights of these efforts include: • Florida’s elimination of the first week of early voting: Florida has enacted a bill that reduces the number of early voting days from fourteen to eight days. The bill also gives local supervisors of elections discretion over early voting hours, changing the hours that early voting sites must operate from a mandatory eight hours per day (other than weekends), to a discretionary range of six to twelve hours per day.167 As a result, the change not only eliminates the first week of early voting in Florida, but it also makes possible a reduction in total hours of early voting from a mandatory 96 hours to a minimum of only 48 hours. In the 2008 election, over 2.6 million votes were cast during Florida’s early in-person voting period, account- ing for an estimated 31.25% of all ballots cast.168 This change will inflict particularly harsh burdens on minority communities, who rely heavily on early voting periods to cast their ballots. During the 2008 general election, African Americans were 22% of voters during the first week of early voting in Florida statewide, despite being only 13% of the Florida electorate. Overall, 54% of Florida’s African-American voters in 2008 voted at early-voting sites.169 • Florida’s elimination of early voting on the Sunday be- fore Election Day: Florida also eliminated early voting on the last Sunday before Election Day, a day on which African-American churches in Florida have traditionally conducted a sizeable portion of their election assistance efforts. One such example is the “Soul to the Polls” ef- fort, in which churches encourage their congregants, after fulfilling their spiritual duties at church, to discharge their civic responsibilities, by organizing transportation from Sunday services directly to the election booth.170 African Americans comprised one-third of the entire statewide turnout on the last Sunday before the 2008 election.171 Although not all of Florida’s counties currently offer early voting on this last Sunday, those counties that do—Mi- ami-Dade, Duval, Palm Beach, Broward (in 2008)—are urban counties that have among the largest African-Amer- ican populations in the state.172 Florida’s law remains subject to review under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act.
  • 35. DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America 31 • Georgia’s reduction of the early voting period from 45 days to 21 days: Reversing its pre-2008 election decision to expand early in-person voting from one week to 45 days before the election, Georgia has returned to a shortened early voting period of only 21 days. Like the shortening of early voting in Florida, this change will disproportionately affect voters of color. Ac- cording to a Pew Center on the States survey of voters in three Georgia counties, more than 60% of African Americans who voted in the 2008 general election did so during the early period, as compared to less than half of white voters.173 As a result, African Americans cast 35% of all early ballots, even though they comprised only 30% of those eligible to vote in the general election.174 In addition, African Americans voted early in the 45-day period—a portion of the early voting window that has since been eliminated—casting almost 40% of all the ballots during that time.175 • Ohio’s return to 2004 election rules: Ohio is reversing many of the voting conveniences introduced after the 2004 general election, when the nation watched while Ohioans in many counties waited up to ten hours at the polls.176 Among these reversals is a reduction in Ohio’s 35-day early voting period.177 In 2008, approximately 30% of all Ohio voters cast their ballots during the early voting period. As a result, despite record turnout, 2008 did not suffer a reprise of the long waits at the polls witnessed in 2004.178 Ohio’s newly-shortened voting period signals a return to the ten-hour waits from 2004, particularly in urban areas where minority communities are concentrated, and where the proportion of early voters is as high as 40% in places like Franklin County.179 The changes to early voting also include a ban on in-person voting on Sundays. As one commentator notes, this particular ban, as in Florida, is “a transparent effort to limit voting by the African American community—whose members often come to vote in groups after church on Sunday.”180 For more detailed information about these state initiatives, see Appendix 5. (2) Other Restrictions on Early/Absentee Voting State legislators have also proposed other creative methods to restrict access to these alternative methods of voting: • Texas legislators introduced a bill that will omit early voting locations from official notices of a general or special election.181 • As part of Ohio’s recent overhaul of its voting system, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted sought to prohibit counties from mailing unsolicited absentee-ballot applications to voters and including prepaid return post- age.182 These practices were employed by Franklin (Columbus), Cuyahoga (Cleveland), and Hamilton (Cin- cinnati) counties—the counties with the largest African-American populations by number and percentage—in past elections.183 • A New Jersey bill would end no-excuse absentee voting.184
  • 36. 32 DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Confronting Modern Barriers to Voting Rights in America Early Voting Reductions as a Cost-Savings Measure? Proponents of early voting restrictions argue that these mea- sures provide needed cost-savings, but the evidence indicates that these efforts will actually increase costs. In North Carolina, for example, the State Election Board found that cuts to early voting will increase expenses because the re- duction would require the state to create new election precincts and add voting machines in order to handle the surge of voters now forced to vote on Election Day.185 At the same time, the cuts would reduce the flexibility early voting allows to allocate equipment and staff.186 (III) Blocking the Vote on Election Day In addition to limiting opportunities to vote before Election Day, numerous states have added insult to injury by imposing laws that restrict access to the polls on Election Day itself. Deceptive practices are also being used to dissemi- nate false or misleading information about the voting process in order to prevent eligible voters from casting a ballot. (1) Photo Identification Requirements The push for laws requiring voters to present valid government-issued photo identification at the polls in order to cast a ballot amounts to an effort to create a modern day poll tax and represents the heart of the modern block the vote campaign. STATES WHERE VOTER ID LEGISLATION WAS INTRODUCED