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Essay on Emotions And Decision Making
A recently published article seems to lend new information as to the way in which emotions
influence our decision–making process. While emotions and reasoning are considered inherently
separate by some, new experiments are challenging that perception. A series of studies done by
experimental psychologists now show us that emotion plays a very natural role in decision–making
situations. The experiments, ranging in type from neuroimaging to simple classical conditioning,
suggest that emotions can affect everything from simple judgments of other people to severe
behavioral disabilities seen for example in sociopathic individuals.
Emotion is now acknowledged as possibly the most basic of human operations and the basis for
personal more content...
This is the region that affects learning, reasoning, and the intentional control of behavior. The
purpose of these experiments is to show that when damage is done to this region, the ability to judge
a certain situation noticeably declines. The experimenters focused on the prefrontal cortex's ability to
judge future situations based upon feelings during similar past experiences.
Individuals with some sort of prefrontal cortex damage were observed. The experimenters found that
these individuals' high–level decision making had a clear emotional influence; the damage to their
prefrontal cortex caused them to make personally detrimental decisions. The experimenters also
found that the damage seemed to have no effect whatsoever on the subjects' intellectual function.
This shows that while these individuals were still able to think logically, they were unable to
produce situation–appropriate emotions beneficial in decision–making situations (Dolan, 2002).
Individuals with antisocial personality disorder were studied to strengthen the findings involving
the prefrontal cortex. Twenty one such men were examined and all were found to have slight
abnormalities in their prefrontal cortex. The men also showed reduced physiological responses in
a stressful situation compared to normal people (Goode, 2000). When they were asked to prepare
and deliver a speech about their personal faults in front of a video camera, they had lower heart
rates and less sweating during the exercise
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The Process of Decision Making Essay
Organizational behavior helps managers to improve the organization in a good way. Decision
making process is the one of the behavior in human organizational behavior. According to
McShane and Von Glinow (2000), "decision making a conscious process of making choices
among one or more alternatives with the intention of moving toward some desired state of affairs".
Decision making is a linear process and it includes six steps such as identifying the problems,
gather and evaluate data, list and evaluate alternatives, select best action, implement the decision
and getter feedback (refer to Figure 1 in Appendix 1). First step in decision making process is
identifying the problems. As McShane and Von Glinow (2000) stated, a problem can more
As stated by Prasad (2008), the managers should identify the different choices available in order
to get most acceptable outcome of a decision. From searching different alternatives the managers
can evade blocks in operations as choices are suitable if a particular idea goes wrong. Khanka
(2000) expresses the view that selections can developed from in many ways such as can get from
sources like experience, do training other organizations, and take others ideas and suggestions related
in problems. Furthermore to improve alternatives solution the managers may investigation the signs
of a problem for clues or fall back on intuition or result that stated by Griffin and Moorhead (2010).
For an example in marketing department a non–programmed decision is compulsory the manager
have to produce alternatives for raise market share. As McShane and Von Glinow (2000) pointed
out that in a programmed decision is a standard operations is not to generate choice but can take
out from the documented that already saved. Next an organizer should search the mission of a
decision. In other words they need to define what is to be accomplished by it (Quick & Nelson,
2013). The decision criteria are important as mentioned by Dubrin (2002). The several criteria are
consumers must aware of varies in quality of products, there not happen inflation, workers must
consider the quality of improvements and lastly job satisfaction should not be reduce. Third process
of decision making is list and
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Decision Making
Ques: What are the reason why two perfect individual are never two perfect couples. with the 7
decision making process solve the problem. The 7 decision making processes are: 1. Define the
2. Identify limiting factors
3. Develop potential alternatives
4. Analyze the alternatives
5. Select the best alternatives
6. Implement the decision
7. Establish a control and evaluation system
A perfect marriage may be an illusion although the people involve may be perfect individual in
their own right. This situation may arise because the two may be considered as two different
captains who have now come together to pilot a ship. Each comes on board with their own ideology
and conceptions; as such differences more content...
The willingness on the part of both parties to accept that there is a problem c.
If the parties do not consent to arriving at a solution no head way will be made in resolving the issue.
Develop potential alternatives
The next step requires that the woman considers the potential alternatives available to her in
resolving the problem. Options available may be varied. They may include:
1. Courage to bring to the notice of the husband her feelings
2. Discuss the problem with a friend of the husband
3. Bring the problem to the notice of the senior minister of the gospel whom the husband respects so
4. Make the parents of the husband aware of the situation
5. Seek the help of a professional counselor
Analyze the alternatives
A good analysis of the alternatives or option available has a corresponding result in arriving at a
solution. The aim is to find answers to the problem. The problem at hand for example involves
two different individual. To select the best way to resolve the issue, it is important the wife
acknowledges the nature of the husband. How well will he respond it a third party is brought in to
help resolve the problem? For instance, if the man has develop an attitude of ignoring in woman in
the house, approaching him to talk about the issue will not be the best solution. However if he is the
type that show regardless of his arrogant nature shows respect to the elderly then consulting a senior
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Decision-Making Model Analysis Essay example
Decision–Making Model Analysis
Decisions! Decisions! Decisions! How do you make decisions? Have you ever asked yourself, "How
did I make that decision?" Whether big or small, important or not so important, decision making is
a process. Some people way the pros and cons while others may just flip a coin. Are decisions based
on feelings, outcomes or information? Often times if we just go with our gut feeling will be miss out
on important information that should be included in our decision.
Decision–making can be a cognitive process of selecting a course of action form various options.
Some of us are logical. Some of us are risk taking. Either way such characteristics play a role in our
decisions. In my experience decision–making more content...
Step One is to identify the decision to be made. In my case, the decision was whether to take a new
job opportunity or remain in my existing position.
Step Two is to do a self assessment. At this point, I began to consider my needs and wants. Would
the new opportunity really be something I would enjoy? Would it be challenging? This particular
new opportunity was an office position. I am accustomed to working in the field. So I had to ask
myself how will I adapt to the everyday office environment.
Step Three is to identify the options. I began to gather information about other potential opportunities
that may soon be an option. Should I settle for this opportunity or what for one more suitable for
me, is a question I proposed to myself.
Step Four is to gather information and data. I reviewed the salary potential of the job opportunity. I
considered the current salary and potential future salary increase.
Step Five is to evaluate options that will solve the problem. In trying to make my decision, I listed
the pros and cons. I thought about the potential disadvantages of leaving my current position.
Step Six is to select on of the options. At this point, Roberts believes you should have enough
information to choose an option. In my decision, I had all the information I needed to make my
decision. While, the new opportunity offered a higher salary, the responsibilities where not tasks of
Step Seven is to design a course of action to
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Decision-Making Essay
The decision–making process occurs at all levels of management. However, the top executive
managers, middle level managers, and front line managers are responsible for guiding the decision
making process within their healthcare organizations (Liebler & McConnell, 2008,p.148). CEO's
are responsible for guiding the actions and behaviors of their employees to collectively achieve the
organization's goals. The mission and vision statement are the foundation of what direction the
healthcare agency is heading. The CEO and top level executives are responsible for developing
code of ethics and code of conduct to align with accreditation, licensing, and federal and state laws.
Decision–making is a commitment of time, human resources more content...
Top–level executives and key managers are at the helm of the decision–making process with the
focal point being selecting the best choice. Selecting the best choices or alternative of choices derive
from assessments, interviews, surveys and audits that evaluates the strategic position of the selected
choices. Consequently, the chief executive officer at some point should show how the
middle–managers, front–line managers, employees and client fit into the decision–making process.
Decision–making concerning staffing and work performance are part of the healthcare mid–level
and front–line managers' job functions. The following scenario will reveal a healthcare manager
deciding to use the option of procrastination which is exercising the no–decision option. Liebler and
McConnell (2008) argues, "Whether by conscious act or unconscious act (genuinely forgetting), the
effect of the no–decision option is to decide not to decide...and often it is the decision of the most
potentially serious and far–reaching consequences"(167). The healthcare manager must avoid the
no–decision option in this scenario because there is a lack of considering the alternatives in the
decision–making process. Also, the healthcare manager allows a platform for negligence and liability
in selecting the no– decision option. In the scenario, "The
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Decision Making Models Essay example
Rational Decision–Making Model
Most individuals are faced with situations that necessitate excellent decision–making abilities.
Determining the suitable course of action to take when faced with a difficult dilemma can be a
challenge. Due to the importance of the decision–making process, decision–making models can be
used to establish a systematic means of developing effective decision making. One of the models has
been called the "rational model" of decision making (Stoner & Freeman, 1989). The
steps laid forth below are listed as the seven steps of the rational model.
The first step of the rational decision–making model is to define the problem, the need, or the
opportunity. Although this may seem either petty or apparent, more content...
This can happen because the technology decision is dictated from a higher organizational level or
because the new technology is perceived as the latest "thing" being used by
"everyone." It is at this point in the process that technological gatekeepers become
valuable. Information must be gathered from vendors and other users, at trade shows and from the
trade and more academic publications. If you do not fully explore and become aware of your
options, you cannot make an optimal decision.
After having clearly defined the problem, need, or opportunity and then gathering and exploring all
of the relevant information and alternatives, you must then evaluate the information and the
alternatives and anticipate the consequences of the various options open to you. It is very helpful at
this point to establish objective criteria against which to compare the alternatives. This is also the
point at which you need to establish the operational criteria against which you will measure the
success or failure of the choice once implemented.
The fourth step is to select the best solution based on the evaluation and analyses conducted in step
3. Once the first three steps have been completed, this step should be relatively straight–forward.
These four steps form the core of the rational decision–making method.
The last three steps are implement the chosen
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Rational Decision Making Model Essay
Rational Decision Making Model
What is a decision? The word decision can be defined as, "the act of reaching a conclusion or
making up one's mind" (American Heritage, 2000). Essentially, a decision is a choice that an
individual or a group of people makes. A decision can be a single action, an entire process, or even
just a single spoken word or gesture. Decision–making is one of the defining characteristics of
leadership. Making decisions is what managers and leaders are paid to do, and is an integral part of
their day's duties. The affects of decisions can range from minor in consequence to life or career
threatening. Regardless of the consequences, it is important to understand when a decision needs to
be made and more content...
3). Essentially, the Rational Model requires people to have a clear understanding of the actual
problem. Unless the issue is clearly established, the Rational Model can be ineffective. This model
also incorporates extensive research, so that all options or alternatives can be brought before the
The Rational Model is a step–by–step decision–making model. Depending on the source of
definition for the Rational Model, it consists of anywhere from four to nine steps that must be taken
to reach a comprehensive, educated and effective solution. Basically, the Rational Model can be
broken down into four basic steps, which can be further diluted to create the additional three to five
Step 1 – Define the Problem
The first step of the Rational Model is to define the problem. As stated in the definition, in order
for the Rational Model to be effective, the problem or issue needs to be clearly understood. It is
imperative to truly understand to source of a problem, not just the symptoms. The MBA program at
the University of Houston Victoria provides this example, "if a member of your staff is impolite to
a client on the phone, the problem may not be that your staff member is impolite––it may be that he
needs customer service training, or that he is having difficulty coping with the stress that his
professional responsibilities involve" (2005). Essentially, the virus needs to be treated, not the cough
it causes.
Step 2 – Generate
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Critical Thinking and Decision Making Essay
Critical Thinking and Decision Making
In the corporate environment critical decisions must be made, sometimes quickly, whether because
of changes in market conditions, corporate profits, or corporate performances. The decision–making
process is vital to good management in today's work environment. This paper will examine the
relationship between critical thinking and the decision making process, explain what the textbook
authors believe, and relate how both apply to today's workplace.
Critical thinking involves the ability to weigh evidence, examine arguments, and construct rational
bases for generally accepted beliefs. In order to establish a theoretical basis for studying critical
thinking, a great quantity of research has more content...
A good manager does not distinguish between "critical thinking" and "decision–making" when
working. He uses both to arrive at a solution. It is only when analyzing how to come to a specific
decision that he must employ critical thinking skills so that he does not allow personal prejudices,
emotions, or stress to affect his thinking processes.
According to the authors of Whatever It Takes– The Realities of Managerial Decision Making, the
six steps to critical thinking and decision making are: "1) a problem is defined and isolated, 2)
information is gathered, 3) alternatives are set forth, 4) an end is established, 5) means are created
to achieve the end, and 6) a choice is made." The authors say when applied in today's business
environment, the six steps are mostly ineffective because "executive decision–making is not a series
of single linier acts." It is the interference of many other factors (such as murky information, poor
information input, and multiple problems intersecting) that makes scientific study of real–life
decision–making difficult. (McCall & Kaplan, 1990, pg xvii – xviii) Therefore, the authors suggest
case study and specific dissection of past decisions is the best way to learn how to make future
In my field of work (currently training of teaching personnel), decisions must be made as to time
management, importance of curriculum vs. methodology, and allocation of skill acquisition
importance. In addition, two corporations are my
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Essay on Business Decision Making
Introduction Thinking critically and making decisions are important parts of today's business
environment. It is important to understand how the decision making process works and the steps
involved. The nine steps of the decision making process are: identifying the problem, defining
criteria, setting goals and objectives, evaluating the effect of the problem, identifying the causes of
the problem, framing alternatives, evaluating impacts of the alternatives, making the decision,
implementing the decision, and measuring the impacts. (Decision, 2007.) By using various methods
and tools to assist in making important business decisions an individual can ensure the decisions
they make will be as successful as possible. In this paper more content...
When we came up with a decision to fix a problem the stimulation had a visual graph to use that
examined different metrics of how our choices affected sales, workers, the cost and the company
and whether the decisions would be successful or unsuccessful. This visually allowed us to see
the outcomes to our decisions and gives us more experience for the future decisions and way to
succeed in our goals. All the techniques assisted in following the decision making steps including
measuring the impact which is easily forgotten. It is very important to ensure our decision was
effective and if it was not. Understanding why the decision was not effective and re evaluating the
alternatives and the issues that come into play will help us identify what was missed or overlooked
so the problem can get fixed. This also helps ensure the same mistakes are minimized, if not
identified so the same issues do not reoccur and something can be learned for the future. The
techniques of the stimulation measured the success of change and it provided feedback as to which
measures. The simulation provided a useful
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The Seven Step Model Of A Decision Making Model
I choice to use the Seven Step Model of a Decision–Making Model for Resolving Ethical Issues in
order to define what is ethical in this case study. 1.Gather the Facts Joanna is an experienced
nurse taking care of Mrs. Kelly, who was Joanna's patient many times in the past for her primary
problem which is COPD. This time Mrs. Kelly was admitted with complaints of abdominal pain
what was different from her primary diagnoses. Her vital signs were with normal limits and no
significant changes from privies results, but for the nurse she looks sick, and Joanna know that
something is wrong. She calls the resident doctor, but he tell her to watches and calls back with
series changes. Joanna multiple attempts to report that something needs to be done to evaluate the
cause of Mrs. Kelly pain was ask to calm down. However nobody took patient symptoms series and
the next day patient died. 2.Define the Ethical Issues The following case presentation illustrates the
moral distress a nurse may experience when her patient advocacy meets resistance, and her moral
courage is challenged. It also describes ineffective management strategies to help nurses resolve the
problem. If doctor or supervisors will hear Joanna and could recognize early that patient has ruptured
abdominal aortic aneurysm, the surgery would save Mrs. Kelly life. Joanna 's conflicting values
were feeling that something is not right with the patient. She was doing what was in her power to
make others pay attention that
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Decision Making : An Evaluation
Generating potential solutions, evaluating the solutions, deciding, checking the decisions and
communicating and implementing the decisions were the six areas covered during the quiz (cite).
Decisions made at the strategic, routine, project/non–routine, or operational levels have different
impacts (cite) and consequences if not managed properly. This paper will address each of the six
areas evaluated, discuss the four levels that decisions are made and show my improvement plan to
improve this competency.
Survey Results
Results from the decision–making skills test show that while I have a good understanding of the
basics, there are areas of improvement to enhance my decision–making skills. One factor is to be
more proactive when making decisions. Learning to outline options and discovering risk and
consequences before making a decision is important. Critical thinking skills are also essential when
making strategic decisions. In my current position, decisions are made on a daily basis and at
various levels. The type of decision to be made is dependent on the issue at hand.
The Importance of Tone
Experience has shown how important setting the tone or environment can be across the organization.
Establishing this environment help everyone understand what the rules of engagement are.
Understanding the issue is important before making any type of decision. Having an objective will
ensure the right issue is being discussed. Agreeing on a process to move
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Essay on Decision Making
Decision making can be described as a process of making a decision or decisions, based on
choices made amongst two or more competing course of actions. The 'Decision making' also
requires making a define choice between two or more alternatives course of actions that are
available. In every decision making, there is said to be a positive and negative outcome as future
consequence(s). The importance of decision making in individual daily life and in organization level
was demonstrated by two scientists, Arkes and Hammond (1992), in 'Judgment and Decision
making' indentified the four types of information which decision maker requires constructing a
decision tree. 1.What are the available courses of action(s)? 2.What are more content...
Psychologist Herbert Simon further established and categorized decisions into two categories;
Programmed Decisions and Non–Programmed Decision. Programmed decisions are type of
decisions which are routine and repetitive, of which are within the frame work of organization
policies and rules. Such polices rules are established in advance to solve a re– occurring problems
within the organization. Such programmed decisions are usually taken at lower management level
and tends to have a short–run impact on organization. In contrast, the Non– Programmed decisions
which are type of decisions which are non–routine and deployed to resolve non–routine problems,
they are relevant in solving unique and unusual problems that arises, of which the alternatives cannot
be decided in advance. Non–Programmed decisions are usually of high importance and significance
with long–term consequences on organizations, such decisions are decided at the top management
level. A model of decision making known as the Rational Decision Making Model arises from
organization behavior. This includes working through series of five stages path from problem
identification and to the solutions. 1.Define the problem. 2.Identify the decision criteria. 3.Compare
each option against pre–determined criteria. 4.Select the best option 5.Implement the best chosen
option. The Rational Decision Making Model
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Biases in Decision Making
Section 1: background information regarding biases in decision making In this section we will be
discussing some of the cognitive biases that have been debated the most. Selective search for
evidence is a kind of biases which, in psychology, is also known as the confirmation bias. This is
a type of bias where we gather facts willingly when they are in favour of particular conclusions
while we disregard some facts which aren't in the favour of that conclusion (Perneger and
Agoritsas, 2011). Premature termination of search for evidence is the type of bias in which we
usually accept the very first alternative we come across which looks like it probably would work.
Inertia is another kind of bias where we are not willing to change our thought patterns in light of
the present situation only because we have used them in the past. Contrariness or rebelliousness is
when in front of an authority that you perceive to be oppressive you become unwilling with
regards to sharing your view (Perneger and Agoritsas, 2011). Experiential limitations when we are
not able to or not willing to let go of our past experiences. Selective perception is when we
deliberately screen–out or ignore the information that we think is not important or related. Wishful
thinking or optimism, this is when we see things only in a positive way. Anchoring and adjustment
is the kind of bias in which we let our initial observations have an impact on the decisions that we
make later on as well (Perneger and
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Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Essay
I want to advance a general knowledge and appreciate the ideas in this book which is going to
help me in the future study. Now I appreciate the value of my education and I feel privileged to be
able to go to college. I believe making good Decisions course modules and activities are impacted
on my education career. The problem solving and decision–making are vital skills for college and
life. The problem–solving frequently includes decision–making and decision–making is absolutely
significant for managing and guidance. There are methods and techniques to advance
decision–making and the quality of decisions. The decision–making is more ordinary to confident
characters, so these people should emphasis more on improving the quality of more
There are both general– and domain–specific characteristics of critical thinking. Experiential
research recommends that people begin developing critical thinking capabilities at a very young age.
Although adults often display poor reasoning, in theory all people can be skilled to think critically.
A particular condition can look very different when you feel strong and confident, compared to
when you may be feeling insecure or stressed out. Confronted with a tough decision, it can be
helpful to ask yourself how you would approach the decision. However, sometimes tough to adopt,
can help you overcome the impact of temporary emotions that may cloud your vision. My
strengths as a student are my college groundwork, reading capability, memory, decision making,
relationships, and health. The weaknesses I am trying to cope with are time use, note taking, and
money. I would define myself as a social man, and I feel as if my mind set is in the right place,
however, I lack skills in managing my money, and I am also a pretty good procrastinator. "In any
moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong
thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing."(Theodore
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Essay on Decision Making
Decision–making models, or the path that one would choose in his or her decision–making, is
heavily relied on the information one has received. By having all the correct information available,
decision–making becomes an easier task. The model in which one would base his or her
decision–making upon can be analyzed into six different factors: the problem at hand, the goals that
want to be reached, alternatives, pros and cons, decision(s), and reason(s) behind the decision(s).
According to Richard W. Scholl (1999), there are three components of every decision. The standards
in which decision makers assess alternatives, or the criteria. The specific courses of action or options
being considered are the alternatives. The cause and more content...
Approximating the possibility of each outcome prepares the decision maker to assess and evaluate
alternatives. The next step in the decision–making process is choosing the alternative that the
decision maker considers most effective, that is, the one who allows the opportunity to solve the
problem and accomplish all necessary objectives. This choice can be hard even when results have
been evaluated based on comparable criteria. Once a decision has been made to choose an alternative
solution, that decision must be implemented. The decision maker will have considered all
imaginable problems that may be connected with the implementation of the solution. However, the
decision–making process does not end when the decision is implemented. The decision maker
must evaluate the decision to the extent to which the solution achieved the necessary objectives.
In professional decisions that I have made in my workplace, I tend to lean more toward the pros
and cons, or the cause and effect principles. Recently, I was asked to research a new networking
and accounting system for the company, and to choose the best one, as we would be
implementing the network into our company. As I researched, I took note of the pros and cons as
they came up. The new network was certainly going to streamline our everyday work process as
well as alleviate any double entry, which would also reduce errors
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Clinical Decision Making Essay
Standing (2011), defines clinical decision–making as a complex process that involves observation,
gathering information, critical thinking, evaluating evidence, applying necessary knowledge,
reflection and problem–solving skills. Every day nurses make important clinical decisions and these
decisions have important implications for patient outcomes and deserve serious consideration.
Therefore, it is important for nurses to have a better insight of the decision–making process, be able
to deliver holistic care and meet essential and complex physical and mental health needs of the
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Ethical Decision Making Essay
Ethical Decision–Making
Critical Thinking: Strategies in Decision Making
Ethical Decision–Making
In today's business and personal world, ethical decisions are made on a daily basis. Most of these
decisions are based on company ground rules. The others are based on personal ground rules. All
decisions can have a number of ground rules that help us determine whether our decision is ethical
or unethical. Each decision whether it is based on company or personal ground rules will have its
own set of implications. In the following paragraphs I will discuss the impacts of ethics on
decision–making, discuss the elements of an ethically defensible decision, define what the ground
rules are; what they could be and what they should be, more content...
Values concern ethics when they pertain to beliefs about what is right and wrong. Most values,
however, have nothing to do with ethics. For instance, the desire for health and wealth are values,
but not ethical values.
Making consistently ethical decisions is difficult. Most decisions have to be made in the context of
economic, professional and social pressures, which can sometimes challenge our ethical goals and
conceal or confuse the moral issues. In addition, making ethical choices is complex because in many
situations there are a multitude of competing interests and values. Other times, crucial facts are
unknown or ambiguous. Since many actions are likely to benefit some people at the expense of
others, the decision maker must prioritize competing moral claims and must be proficient at
predicting the likely consequences of various choices. An ethical person often chooses to do more
than the law requires and less than the law allows.
Any decision affecting other people has ethical implications, and virtually all–important decisions
reflect the decision maker's sensitivity and commitment to ethics. These decisions can be evaluated
in terms of adherence to the six core ethical principles В— trustworthiness, respect, responsibility,
fairness, caring and citizenship (Josephson's, 2002).
Ethical decision–making refers to the process of
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Reflective Essay On Decision Making
Life is to strive for the greatest. Making decisions in our lives is essential and also those decisions
will certainly influence one's destiny directly or indirectly. Consequently, we need a clear mind and
think completely before making any kind of decisions. Making decisions have been just one of the
main processes that we should experience in our live. Decision making is the process of making
choices by Framing, Gathering Intelligence, Coming to Conclusions and Learning from Experience
(Russo & Schoemaker, 2002). A step–by–step decision–making procedure can help us make more
calculated, thoughtful decisions by defining alternatives and organizing relevant information. This
method enhances the chances that we will select the most enjoyable alternate reasonable. I have
actually made some vital decisions in my life and those decisions help me to build my
self–confidence. The most recent decision that I made would be the decision to study
Organizational Leadership. After alternatives and potential outcomes are considered, I made the
decision to study Organizational Leadership because changing my career would be ideal for my
future. Today, every sector is in need of leadership that is appropriate for aspects of democracy in
the decision–making process. I decided to study leadership so that I am able to fill the gap that is
prevalent in many facets of the society today. I intend to use my major in leadership to effect
positive change in relationships with different people, the challenges that many organizations face
today, and the continuous improvement of various processes within organizations. I made this
decision after carefully assessing the gaps that exist in leadership today, where many organizations
are still persistent on traditional forms of authority that do not reflect components necessary for
success (Russo & Schoemaker, 2002). The key players in my decision included my family, some of
my closest friends, and the faculty of the Organizational leadership major who offered invaluable
advice that finally led me to this path. Important decisions one like this needs a time. In my case, I
took six months to come to the decision to study organizational leadership. The time frame included
research, seeking
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Nursing Decision-Making Essay
As a student nurse, the rationale for choosing this case scenario in the decision–making process is to
develop the knowledge and skills of decision–making theory as this situation might come across in
the near future while working in the hospital. Decision making is one of the Nursing Midwifery
Council (NMC) (2010) standards for pre– registration education under " The competency framework
Domain 3: Nursing Practice and Decision Making" that all the pre– registration must achieve before
qualifying as a nurse.
This essay will consider the care of Mr. Devi using the Tanner's (2006) model of clinical judgement
as a decision–making framework. Tanner (2006 p. 204) defined clinical judgement is "an
interpretation of a patient's needs, concerns or
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Evidence Based Decision Making Essay
How readily can the concepts of 'evidence–based decision making' be applied in the strategic
decision making of health service management executives? Justify your arguments.
Over the last two decades, there has been noteworthy shift in the way that medicinal services
professional use evidence from their exploratory research in their practice. The concept of evidence
based clinical practice has turned out to be a piece of the dialect of clinicians, managers, researchers
and policy makers in health administration throughout the world. In spite of the fact that the
thought of evidence based health service is a long way from new and the extent of its uptake in
clinical practice is uneven, the dissemination and appropriation of the thoughts connected with
evidence base medicinal services during the twentieth century give a noteworthy demonstration of
their power and their significance to the present issues and challenges of health services frameworks
in many countries (Davis & Nutley, 1999). more content...
The imposition of evidence based guidelines devalues and subverts the individual clinical aptitude
and overlooks differences in patients' desire and valuations of distinctive treatment choices. Research
base is insufficient in various areas of clinical practice because current research is poor or does not
address the important exploration questions (Department of health, 1998).
All in all, these progressions not just make a cadre of health care managers who are more capable
and willing to utilize evidence in their own decision making, thus add to a change in the nature of
medicinal services administration. In the long term, it is most likely in light of a legitimate concern
for all stakeholders in the health service framework to have better, more evidence based procedures
for making administrative choices and developing medicinal services
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Decision Making Essay

  • 1. Essay on Emotions And Decision Making A recently published article seems to lend new information as to the way in which emotions influence our decision–making process. While emotions and reasoning are considered inherently separate by some, new experiments are challenging that perception. A series of studies done by experimental psychologists now show us that emotion plays a very natural role in decision–making situations. The experiments, ranging in type from neuroimaging to simple classical conditioning, suggest that emotions can affect everything from simple judgments of other people to severe behavioral disabilities seen for example in sociopathic individuals. Emotion is now acknowledged as possibly the most basic of human operations and the basis for personal more content... This is the region that affects learning, reasoning, and the intentional control of behavior. The purpose of these experiments is to show that when damage is done to this region, the ability to judge a certain situation noticeably declines. The experimenters focused on the prefrontal cortex's ability to judge future situations based upon feelings during similar past experiences. Individuals with some sort of prefrontal cortex damage were observed. The experimenters found that these individuals' high–level decision making had a clear emotional influence; the damage to their prefrontal cortex caused them to make personally detrimental decisions. The experimenters also found that the damage seemed to have no effect whatsoever on the subjects' intellectual function. This shows that while these individuals were still able to think logically, they were unable to produce situation–appropriate emotions beneficial in decision–making situations (Dolan, 2002). Individuals with antisocial personality disorder were studied to strengthen the findings involving the prefrontal cortex. Twenty one such men were examined and all were found to have slight abnormalities in their prefrontal cortex. The men also showed reduced physiological responses in a stressful situation compared to normal people (Goode, 2000). When they were asked to prepare and deliver a speech about their personal faults in front of a video camera, they had lower heart rates and less sweating during the exercise Get more content on
  • 2. The Process of Decision Making Essay Organizational behavior helps managers to improve the organization in a good way. Decision making process is the one of the behavior in human organizational behavior. According to McShane and Von Glinow (2000), "decision making a conscious process of making choices among one or more alternatives with the intention of moving toward some desired state of affairs". Decision making is a linear process and it includes six steps such as identifying the problems, gather and evaluate data, list and evaluate alternatives, select best action, implement the decision and getter feedback (refer to Figure 1 in Appendix 1). First step in decision making process is identifying the problems. As McShane and Von Glinow (2000) stated, a problem can more content... As stated by Prasad (2008), the managers should identify the different choices available in order to get most acceptable outcome of a decision. From searching different alternatives the managers can evade blocks in operations as choices are suitable if a particular idea goes wrong. Khanka (2000) expresses the view that selections can developed from in many ways such as can get from sources like experience, do training other organizations, and take others ideas and suggestions related in problems. Furthermore to improve alternatives solution the managers may investigation the signs of a problem for clues or fall back on intuition or result that stated by Griffin and Moorhead (2010). For an example in marketing department a non–programmed decision is compulsory the manager have to produce alternatives for raise market share. As McShane and Von Glinow (2000) pointed out that in a programmed decision is a standard operations is not to generate choice but can take out from the documented that already saved. Next an organizer should search the mission of a decision. In other words they need to define what is to be accomplished by it (Quick & Nelson, 2013). The decision criteria are important as mentioned by Dubrin (2002). The several criteria are consumers must aware of varies in quality of products, there not happen inflation, workers must consider the quality of improvements and lastly job satisfaction should not be reduce. Third process of decision making is list and Get more content on
  • 3. Decision Making Ques: What are the reason why two perfect individual are never two perfect couples. with the 7 decision making process solve the problem. The 7 decision making processes are: 1. Define the problem 2. Identify limiting factors 3. Develop potential alternatives 4. Analyze the alternatives 5. Select the best alternatives 6. Implement the decision 7. Establish a control and evaluation system Introduction A perfect marriage may be an illusion although the people involve may be perfect individual in their own right. This situation may arise because the two may be considered as two different captains who have now come together to pilot a ship. Each comes on board with their own ideology and conceptions; as such differences more content... The willingness on the part of both parties to accept that there is a problem c. If the parties do not consent to arriving at a solution no head way will be made in resolving the issue. Develop potential alternatives The next step requires that the woman considers the potential alternatives available to her in resolving the problem. Options available may be varied. They may include: 1. Courage to bring to the notice of the husband her feelings 2. Discuss the problem with a friend of the husband 3. Bring the problem to the notice of the senior minister of the gospel whom the husband respects so much. 4. Make the parents of the husband aware of the situation 5. Seek the help of a professional counselor Analyze the alternatives A good analysis of the alternatives or option available has a corresponding result in arriving at a solution. The aim is to find answers to the problem. The problem at hand for example involves two different individual. To select the best way to resolve the issue, it is important the wife acknowledges the nature of the husband. How well will he respond it a third party is brought in to help resolve the problem? For instance, if the man has develop an attitude of ignoring in woman in the house, approaching him to talk about the issue will not be the best solution. However if he is the
  • 4. type that show regardless of his arrogant nature shows respect to the elderly then consulting a senior Get more content on
  • 5. Decision-Making Model Analysis Essay example Decision–Making Model Analysis Decisions! Decisions! Decisions! How do you make decisions? Have you ever asked yourself, "How did I make that decision?" Whether big or small, important or not so important, decision making is a process. Some people way the pros and cons while others may just flip a coin. Are decisions based on feelings, outcomes or information? Often times if we just go with our gut feeling will be miss out on important information that should be included in our decision. Decision–making can be a cognitive process of selecting a course of action form various options. Some of us are logical. Some of us are risk taking. Either way such characteristics play a role in our decisions. In my experience decision–making more content... Step One is to identify the decision to be made. In my case, the decision was whether to take a new job opportunity or remain in my existing position. Step Two is to do a self assessment. At this point, I began to consider my needs and wants. Would the new opportunity really be something I would enjoy? Would it be challenging? This particular new opportunity was an office position. I am accustomed to working in the field. So I had to ask myself how will I adapt to the everyday office environment. Step Three is to identify the options. I began to gather information about other potential opportunities that may soon be an option. Should I settle for this opportunity or what for one more suitable for me, is a question I proposed to myself. Step Four is to gather information and data. I reviewed the salary potential of the job opportunity. I considered the current salary and potential future salary increase. Step Five is to evaluate options that will solve the problem. In trying to make my decision, I listed the pros and cons. I thought about the potential disadvantages of leaving my current position. Step Six is to select on of the options. At this point, Roberts believes you should have enough information to choose an option. In my decision, I had all the information I needed to make my decision. While, the new opportunity offered a higher salary, the responsibilities where not tasks of interest. Step Seven is to design a course of action to Get more content on
  • 6. Decision-Making Essay The decision–making process occurs at all levels of management. However, the top executive managers, middle level managers, and front line managers are responsible for guiding the decision making process within their healthcare organizations (Liebler & McConnell, 2008,p.148). CEO's are responsible for guiding the actions and behaviors of their employees to collectively achieve the organization's goals. The mission and vision statement are the foundation of what direction the healthcare agency is heading. The CEO and top level executives are responsible for developing code of ethics and code of conduct to align with accreditation, licensing, and federal and state laws. Decision–making is a commitment of time, human resources more content... Top–level executives and key managers are at the helm of the decision–making process with the focal point being selecting the best choice. Selecting the best choices or alternative of choices derive from assessments, interviews, surveys and audits that evaluates the strategic position of the selected choices. Consequently, the chief executive officer at some point should show how the middle–managers, front–line managers, employees and client fit into the decision–making process. Decision–making concerning staffing and work performance are part of the healthcare mid–level and front–line managers' job functions. The following scenario will reveal a healthcare manager deciding to use the option of procrastination which is exercising the no–decision option. Liebler and McConnell (2008) argues, "Whether by conscious act or unconscious act (genuinely forgetting), the effect of the no–decision option is to decide not to decide...and often it is the decision of the most potentially serious and far–reaching consequences"(167). The healthcare manager must avoid the no–decision option in this scenario because there is a lack of considering the alternatives in the decision–making process. Also, the healthcare manager allows a platform for negligence and liability in selecting the no– decision option. In the scenario, "The Get more content on
  • 7. Decision Making Models Essay example Rational Decision–Making Model Most individuals are faced with situations that necessitate excellent decision–making abilities. Determining the suitable course of action to take when faced with a difficult dilemma can be a challenge. Due to the importance of the decision–making process, decision–making models can be used to establish a systematic means of developing effective decision making. One of the models has been called the "rational model" of decision making (Stoner & Freeman, 1989). The steps laid forth below are listed as the seven steps of the rational model. The first step of the rational decision–making model is to define the problem, the need, or the opportunity. Although this may seem either petty or apparent, more content... This can happen because the technology decision is dictated from a higher organizational level or because the new technology is perceived as the latest "thing" being used by "everyone." It is at this point in the process that technological gatekeepers become valuable. Information must be gathered from vendors and other users, at trade shows and from the trade and more academic publications. If you do not fully explore and become aware of your options, you cannot make an optimal decision. After having clearly defined the problem, need, or opportunity and then gathering and exploring all of the relevant information and alternatives, you must then evaluate the information and the alternatives and anticipate the consequences of the various options open to you. It is very helpful at this point to establish objective criteria against which to compare the alternatives. This is also the point at which you need to establish the operational criteria against which you will measure the success or failure of the choice once implemented. The fourth step is to select the best solution based on the evaluation and analyses conducted in step 3. Once the first three steps have been completed, this step should be relatively straight–forward. These four steps form the core of the rational decision–making method. The last three steps are implement the chosen Get more content on
  • 8. Rational Decision Making Model Essay Rational Decision Making Model Abstract What is a decision? The word decision can be defined as, "the act of reaching a conclusion or making up one's mind" (American Heritage, 2000). Essentially, a decision is a choice that an individual or a group of people makes. A decision can be a single action, an entire process, or even just a single spoken word or gesture. Decision–making is one of the defining characteristics of leadership. Making decisions is what managers and leaders are paid to do, and is an integral part of their day's duties. The affects of decisions can range from minor in consequence to life or career threatening. Regardless of the consequences, it is important to understand when a decision needs to be made and more content... 3). Essentially, the Rational Model requires people to have a clear understanding of the actual problem. Unless the issue is clearly established, the Rational Model can be ineffective. This model also incorporates extensive research, so that all options or alternatives can be brought before the decision–maker(s). The Rational Model is a step–by–step decision–making model. Depending on the source of definition for the Rational Model, it consists of anywhere from four to nine steps that must be taken to reach a comprehensive, educated and effective solution. Basically, the Rational Model can be broken down into four basic steps, which can be further diluted to create the additional three to five steps. Step 1 – Define the Problem The first step of the Rational Model is to define the problem. As stated in the definition, in order for the Rational Model to be effective, the problem or issue needs to be clearly understood. It is imperative to truly understand to source of a problem, not just the symptoms. The MBA program at the University of Houston Victoria provides this example, "if a member of your staff is impolite to a client on the phone, the problem may not be that your staff member is impolite––it may be that he needs customer service training, or that he is having difficulty coping with the stress that his professional responsibilities involve" (2005). Essentially, the virus needs to be treated, not the cough it causes. Step 2 – Generate Get more content on
  • 9. Critical Thinking and Decision Making Essay Critical Thinking and Decision Making In the corporate environment critical decisions must be made, sometimes quickly, whether because of changes in market conditions, corporate profits, or corporate performances. The decision–making process is vital to good management in today's work environment. This paper will examine the relationship between critical thinking and the decision making process, explain what the textbook authors believe, and relate how both apply to today's workplace. Critical thinking involves the ability to weigh evidence, examine arguments, and construct rational bases for generally accepted beliefs. In order to establish a theoretical basis for studying critical thinking, a great quantity of research has more content... A good manager does not distinguish between "critical thinking" and "decision–making" when working. He uses both to arrive at a solution. It is only when analyzing how to come to a specific decision that he must employ critical thinking skills so that he does not allow personal prejudices, emotions, or stress to affect his thinking processes. According to the authors of Whatever It Takes– The Realities of Managerial Decision Making, the six steps to critical thinking and decision making are: "1) a problem is defined and isolated, 2) information is gathered, 3) alternatives are set forth, 4) an end is established, 5) means are created to achieve the end, and 6) a choice is made." The authors say when applied in today's business environment, the six steps are mostly ineffective because "executive decision–making is not a series of single linier acts." It is the interference of many other factors (such as murky information, poor information input, and multiple problems intersecting) that makes scientific study of real–life decision–making difficult. (McCall & Kaplan, 1990, pg xvii – xviii) Therefore, the authors suggest case study and specific dissection of past decisions is the best way to learn how to make future decisions. In my field of work (currently training of teaching personnel), decisions must be made as to time management, importance of curriculum vs. methodology, and allocation of skill acquisition importance. In addition, two corporations are my Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on Business Decision Making Introduction Thinking critically and making decisions are important parts of today's business environment. It is important to understand how the decision making process works and the steps involved. The nine steps of the decision making process are: identifying the problem, defining criteria, setting goals and objectives, evaluating the effect of the problem, identifying the causes of the problem, framing alternatives, evaluating impacts of the alternatives, making the decision, implementing the decision, and measuring the impacts. (Decision, 2007.) By using various methods and tools to assist in making important business decisions an individual can ensure the decisions they make will be as successful as possible. In this paper more content... When we came up with a decision to fix a problem the stimulation had a visual graph to use that examined different metrics of how our choices affected sales, workers, the cost and the company and whether the decisions would be successful or unsuccessful. This visually allowed us to see the outcomes to our decisions and gives us more experience for the future decisions and way to succeed in our goals. All the techniques assisted in following the decision making steps including measuring the impact which is easily forgotten. It is very important to ensure our decision was effective and if it was not. Understanding why the decision was not effective and re evaluating the alternatives and the issues that come into play will help us identify what was missed or overlooked so the problem can get fixed. This also helps ensure the same mistakes are minimized, if not identified so the same issues do not reoccur and something can be learned for the future. The techniques of the stimulation measured the success of change and it provided feedback as to which measures. The simulation provided a useful Get more content on
  • 11. The Seven Step Model Of A Decision Making Model I choice to use the Seven Step Model of a Decision–Making Model for Resolving Ethical Issues in order to define what is ethical in this case study. 1.Gather the Facts Joanna is an experienced nurse taking care of Mrs. Kelly, who was Joanna's patient many times in the past for her primary problem which is COPD. This time Mrs. Kelly was admitted with complaints of abdominal pain what was different from her primary diagnoses. Her vital signs were with normal limits and no significant changes from privies results, but for the nurse she looks sick, and Joanna know that something is wrong. She calls the resident doctor, but he tell her to watches and calls back with series changes. Joanna multiple attempts to report that something needs to be done to evaluate the cause of Mrs. Kelly pain was ask to calm down. However nobody took patient symptoms series and the next day patient died. 2.Define the Ethical Issues The following case presentation illustrates the moral distress a nurse may experience when her patient advocacy meets resistance, and her moral courage is challenged. It also describes ineffective management strategies to help nurses resolve the problem. If doctor or supervisors will hear Joanna and could recognize early that patient has ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm, the surgery would save Mrs. Kelly life. Joanna 's conflicting values were feeling that something is not right with the patient. She was doing what was in her power to make others pay attention that Get more content on
  • 12. Decision Making : An Evaluation Decision–Making Generating potential solutions, evaluating the solutions, deciding, checking the decisions and communicating and implementing the decisions were the six areas covered during the quiz (cite). Decisions made at the strategic, routine, project/non–routine, or operational levels have different impacts (cite) and consequences if not managed properly. This paper will address each of the six areas evaluated, discuss the four levels that decisions are made and show my improvement plan to improve this competency. Survey Results Results from the decision–making skills test show that while I have a good understanding of the basics, there are areas of improvement to enhance my decision–making skills. One factor is to be more proactive when making decisions. Learning to outline options and discovering risk and consequences before making a decision is important. Critical thinking skills are also essential when making strategic decisions. In my current position, decisions are made on a daily basis and at various levels. The type of decision to be made is dependent on the issue at hand. The Importance of Tone Experience has shown how important setting the tone or environment can be across the organization. Establishing this environment help everyone understand what the rules of engagement are. Understanding the issue is important before making any type of decision. Having an objective will ensure the right issue is being discussed. Agreeing on a process to move Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on Decision Making Decision making can be described as a process of making a decision or decisions, based on choices made amongst two or more competing course of actions. The 'Decision making' also requires making a define choice between two or more alternatives course of actions that are available. In every decision making, there is said to be a positive and negative outcome as future consequence(s). The importance of decision making in individual daily life and in organization level was demonstrated by two scientists, Arkes and Hammond (1992), in 'Judgment and Decision making' indentified the four types of information which decision maker requires constructing a decision tree. 1.What are the available courses of action(s)? 2.What are more content... Psychologist Herbert Simon further established and categorized decisions into two categories; Programmed Decisions and Non–Programmed Decision. Programmed decisions are type of decisions which are routine and repetitive, of which are within the frame work of organization policies and rules. Such polices rules are established in advance to solve a re– occurring problems within the organization. Such programmed decisions are usually taken at lower management level and tends to have a short–run impact on organization. In contrast, the Non– Programmed decisions which are type of decisions which are non–routine and deployed to resolve non–routine problems, they are relevant in solving unique and unusual problems that arises, of which the alternatives cannot be decided in advance. Non–Programmed decisions are usually of high importance and significance with long–term consequences on organizations, such decisions are decided at the top management level. A model of decision making known as the Rational Decision Making Model arises from organization behavior. This includes working through series of five stages path from problem identification and to the solutions. 1.Define the problem. 2.Identify the decision criteria. 3.Compare each option against pre–determined criteria. 4.Select the best option 5.Implement the best chosen option. The Rational Decision Making Model Get more content on
  • 14. Biases in Decision Making Section 1: background information regarding biases in decision making In this section we will be discussing some of the cognitive biases that have been debated the most. Selective search for evidence is a kind of biases which, in psychology, is also known as the confirmation bias. This is a type of bias where we gather facts willingly when they are in favour of particular conclusions while we disregard some facts which aren't in the favour of that conclusion (Perneger and Agoritsas, 2011). Premature termination of search for evidence is the type of bias in which we usually accept the very first alternative we come across which looks like it probably would work. Inertia is another kind of bias where we are not willing to change our thought patterns in light of the present situation only because we have used them in the past. Contrariness or rebelliousness is when in front of an authority that you perceive to be oppressive you become unwilling with regards to sharing your view (Perneger and Agoritsas, 2011). Experiential limitations when we are not able to or not willing to let go of our past experiences. Selective perception is when we deliberately screen–out or ignore the information that we think is not important or related. Wishful thinking or optimism, this is when we see things only in a positive way. Anchoring and adjustment is the kind of bias in which we let our initial observations have an impact on the decisions that we make later on as well (Perneger and Get more content on
  • 15. Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Essay I want to advance a general knowledge and appreciate the ideas in this book which is going to help me in the future study. Now I appreciate the value of my education and I feel privileged to be able to go to college. I believe making good Decisions course modules and activities are impacted on my education career. The problem solving and decision–making are vital skills for college and life. The problem–solving frequently includes decision–making and decision–making is absolutely significant for managing and guidance. There are methods and techniques to advance decision–making and the quality of decisions. The decision–making is more ordinary to confident characters, so these people should emphasis more on improving the quality of more content... There are both general– and domain–specific characteristics of critical thinking. Experiential research recommends that people begin developing critical thinking capabilities at a very young age. Although adults often display poor reasoning, in theory all people can be skilled to think critically. A particular condition can look very different when you feel strong and confident, compared to when you may be feeling insecure or stressed out. Confronted with a tough decision, it can be helpful to ask yourself how you would approach the decision. However, sometimes tough to adopt, can help you overcome the impact of temporary emotions that may cloud your vision. My strengths as a student are my college groundwork, reading capability, memory, decision making, relationships, and health. The weaknesses I am trying to cope with are time use, note taking, and money. I would define myself as a social man, and I feel as if my mind set is in the right place, however, I lack skills in managing my money, and I am also a pretty good procrastinator. "In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing."(Theodore Get more content on
  • 16. Essay on Decision Making Decision–making models, or the path that one would choose in his or her decision–making, is heavily relied on the information one has received. By having all the correct information available, decision–making becomes an easier task. The model in which one would base his or her decision–making upon can be analyzed into six different factors: the problem at hand, the goals that want to be reached, alternatives, pros and cons, decision(s), and reason(s) behind the decision(s). According to Richard W. Scholl (1999), there are three components of every decision. The standards in which decision makers assess alternatives, or the criteria. The specific courses of action or options being considered are the alternatives. The cause and more content... Approximating the possibility of each outcome prepares the decision maker to assess and evaluate alternatives. The next step in the decision–making process is choosing the alternative that the decision maker considers most effective, that is, the one who allows the opportunity to solve the problem and accomplish all necessary objectives. This choice can be hard even when results have been evaluated based on comparable criteria. Once a decision has been made to choose an alternative solution, that decision must be implemented. The decision maker will have considered all imaginable problems that may be connected with the implementation of the solution. However, the decision–making process does not end when the decision is implemented. The decision maker must evaluate the decision to the extent to which the solution achieved the necessary objectives. In professional decisions that I have made in my workplace, I tend to lean more toward the pros and cons, or the cause and effect principles. Recently, I was asked to research a new networking and accounting system for the company, and to choose the best one, as we would be implementing the network into our company. As I researched, I took note of the pros and cons as they came up. The new network was certainly going to streamline our everyday work process as well as alleviate any double entry, which would also reduce errors Get more content on
  • 17. Clinical Decision Making Essay Standing (2011), defines clinical decision–making as a complex process that involves observation, gathering information, critical thinking, evaluating evidence, applying necessary knowledge, reflection and problem–solving skills. Every day nurses make important clinical decisions and these decisions have important implications for patient outcomes and deserve serious consideration. Therefore, it is important for nurses to have a better insight of the decision–making process, be able to deliver holistic care and meet essential and complex physical and mental health needs of the patient. Get more content on
  • 18. Ethical Decision Making Essay Ethical Decision–Making Critical Thinking: Strategies in Decision Making Ethical Decision–Making In today's business and personal world, ethical decisions are made on a daily basis. Most of these decisions are based on company ground rules. The others are based on personal ground rules. All decisions can have a number of ground rules that help us determine whether our decision is ethical or unethical. Each decision whether it is based on company or personal ground rules will have its own set of implications. In the following paragraphs I will discuss the impacts of ethics on decision–making, discuss the elements of an ethically defensible decision, define what the ground rules are; what they could be and what they should be, more content... Values concern ethics when they pertain to beliefs about what is right and wrong. Most values, however, have nothing to do with ethics. For instance, the desire for health and wealth are values, but not ethical values. Making consistently ethical decisions is difficult. Most decisions have to be made in the context of economic, professional and social pressures, which can sometimes challenge our ethical goals and conceal or confuse the moral issues. In addition, making ethical choices is complex because in many situations there are a multitude of competing interests and values. Other times, crucial facts are unknown or ambiguous. Since many actions are likely to benefit some people at the expense of others, the decision maker must prioritize competing moral claims and must be proficient at predicting the likely consequences of various choices. An ethical person often chooses to do more than the law requires and less than the law allows. Any decision affecting other people has ethical implications, and virtually all–important decisions reflect the decision maker's sensitivity and commitment to ethics. These decisions can be evaluated in terms of adherence to the six core ethical principles В— trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship (Josephson's, 2002). Ethical decision–making refers to the process of Get more content on
  • 19. Reflective Essay On Decision Making Life is to strive for the greatest. Making decisions in our lives is essential and also those decisions will certainly influence one's destiny directly or indirectly. Consequently, we need a clear mind and think completely before making any kind of decisions. Making decisions have been just one of the main processes that we should experience in our live. Decision making is the process of making choices by Framing, Gathering Intelligence, Coming to Conclusions and Learning from Experience (Russo & Schoemaker, 2002). A step–by–step decision–making procedure can help us make more calculated, thoughtful decisions by defining alternatives and organizing relevant information. This method enhances the chances that we will select the most enjoyable alternate reasonable. I have actually made some vital decisions in my life and those decisions help me to build my self–confidence. The most recent decision that I made would be the decision to study Organizational Leadership. After alternatives and potential outcomes are considered, I made the decision to study Organizational Leadership because changing my career would be ideal for my future. Today, every sector is in need of leadership that is appropriate for aspects of democracy in the decision–making process. I decided to study leadership so that I am able to fill the gap that is prevalent in many facets of the society today. I intend to use my major in leadership to effect positive change in relationships with different people, the challenges that many organizations face today, and the continuous improvement of various processes within organizations. I made this decision after carefully assessing the gaps that exist in leadership today, where many organizations are still persistent on traditional forms of authority that do not reflect components necessary for success (Russo & Schoemaker, 2002). The key players in my decision included my family, some of my closest friends, and the faculty of the Organizational leadership major who offered invaluable advice that finally led me to this path. Important decisions one like this needs a time. In my case, I took six months to come to the decision to study organizational leadership. The time frame included research, seeking Get more content on
  • 20. Nursing Decision-Making Essay As a student nurse, the rationale for choosing this case scenario in the decision–making process is to develop the knowledge and skills of decision–making theory as this situation might come across in the near future while working in the hospital. Decision making is one of the Nursing Midwifery Council (NMC) (2010) standards for pre– registration education under " The competency framework Domain 3: Nursing Practice and Decision Making" that all the pre– registration must achieve before qualifying as a nurse. This essay will consider the care of Mr. Devi using the Tanner's (2006) model of clinical judgement as a decision–making framework. Tanner (2006 p. 204) defined clinical judgement is "an interpretation of a patient's needs, concerns or Get more content on
  • 21. Evidence Based Decision Making Essay How readily can the concepts of 'evidence–based decision making' be applied in the strategic decision making of health service management executives? Justify your arguments. Over the last two decades, there has been noteworthy shift in the way that medicinal services professional use evidence from their exploratory research in their practice. The concept of evidence based clinical practice has turned out to be a piece of the dialect of clinicians, managers, researchers and policy makers in health administration throughout the world. In spite of the fact that the thought of evidence based health service is a long way from new and the extent of its uptake in clinical practice is uneven, the dissemination and appropriation of the thoughts connected with evidence base medicinal services during the twentieth century give a noteworthy demonstration of their power and their significance to the present issues and challenges of health services frameworks in many countries (Davis & Nutley, 1999). more content... The imposition of evidence based guidelines devalues and subverts the individual clinical aptitude and overlooks differences in patients' desire and valuations of distinctive treatment choices. Research base is insufficient in various areas of clinical practice because current research is poor or does not address the important exploration questions (Department of health, 1998). All in all, these progressions not just make a cadre of health care managers who are more capable and willing to utilize evidence in their own decision making, thus add to a change in the nature of medicinal services administration. In the long term, it is most likely in light of a legitimate concern for all stakeholders in the health service framework to have better, more evidence based procedures for making administrative choices and developing medicinal services Get more content on