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Boston, MA 02111
                                                                                                                                                                            Suite 402
                                                                                                                                                                            38 Chauncy Street
                                                                                                                                                                                            AFT Massachusetts
                                                                                        November 2012

Where We Stand
           ith the election just around
           the corner, AFT MA members
           are preparing to push until
the final bell and make a difference
in this year’s political picture. All
across the Commonwealth, teachers,
paraprofessionals, higher education
faculty, librarians, nurses and other
public employees are getting the word
out and working to get out the vote for
their favored candidates.
    While education is clearly a prime
issue for this election season, there
are other matters that need to be

                                                                                                                                                   In This Issue
followed in order to make the right
decisions come Election Day. In order
to understand how we can best support
our candidates, it is important to
understand what they plan to do to                                                                                                             2    President’s Column
support us as well.                                                                                                                                 BTU ratifies new contract
    As a service to our members, The
Advocate presents this introduction                                                                                                            3    Celebrating Success in Law-
                                                                                                                                                    rence, Lynn and Lowell
to some of the key candidates we are
endorsing.                                   STANDING UP FOR WARREN AFT MA members, including Lowell
                                             elementary teacher Jessica Weintraub, retired Lowell teacher Mickie Dumont,                       4    Diary of a New Teacher: A
                                                                                                                                                    first year teacher learns that
   John Tierney                              Jerry Dumont and Billerica teacher Paul Gaudette, showed up in force at the
    Congressman John Tierney prides          debate between Senate candidates Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren.                                     he has much to learn
himself on his ability to create jobs        family and to educate and try to better       in the evenings.                                         Meet the new editor of The
and support workers. Having worked           himself. Despite his work hours, he               As a member of a small law firm,                     Advocate
multiple jobs as a youth, Tierney knows      also found time for academic pursuits,        Tierney also understands how small
the value of work and the dignity and
self-respect it fosters. He also knows
                                             including being class president at            businesses work. As president of the                5       Supporting Voice: Students
                                             Salem State University (where he              Salem Chamber of Commerce, Tierney                          stand with popular professor
what it is like to support a family and to   also served as a trustee for five years)      was also able to support other small
pay for an education and the challenges
these tasks involve. From his early
                                             and maintained his focus on the               business owners.                                    6    A View From Above on the
                                                                                                                                                    Massachusetts Senate Race
                                             importance and value of education.                As a freshman member of Congress,
paper routes and caddying to working         Even while at Suffolk Law School, he          Tierney immediately found a position
at Empire Clothing in his native Salem,      continued to work as a law clerk and          in the Education and Labor Committee.               7    Retiree Corner
Tierney did what it took to support his      even cleaned offices in the State House                                  Continued on page 8

Rallying the Troops                                                                        hard work of reclaiming our country
                                                                                           right now,” he said, “and I want to
                                                                                           thank you for it.”
                                                                                                                                            Tierney. “We look forward to spending
                                                                                                                                            time on the North Shore talking to our
                                                                                                                                            members,” he said.

        nion representatives from all        best in our country - the best in our-            “President Trumka further en-                    Congressional candidate Joseph
        over the Commonwealth packed         selves - to build the future we know we       ergized already energized activists,”            Kennedy, III also spoke about the
        the hall at Boston’s IBEW Local      can have...for us, for our children, our      observed Teachers Union Political                importance of the labor movement.
103 on Monday, September 24. They            grandchildren. And we will never, ever        Director Angela Cristiani, who sat right         “Labor understands better than anyone
had come to hear some of their political     give up, back up or back down.”               up front with a table of BTU colleagues.         what we are up against,” Kennedy
heroes speak and to rally together for           Among the candidates in atten-                After Trumka, it was time for the            suggested, posing himself as a proud
the causes in which they all believe.        dance were Senate candidate Elizabeth         candidates and political leaders them-           member of the Kennedy clan that “has
    From teachers to Teamsters to            Warren, whom Trumka called, “an               selves to speak.                                 had an incredible partnership with
theatre workers and laborers to letter       honest woman who’ll fight for working             Congressman John Tierney, who                labor for decades.” He then pledged to
carriers, over 650 union members             people.” Trumka went on to denigrate          is facing a difficult reelection chal-           work to defend collective bargaining, a
came together to support their political     Senator Scott                                                        lenge, attacked           living wage, and other principles sacred
leaders, many of whom were in atten-         Brown as a puppet        We won’t rest until we                      “right-wing Re-           to labor.
dance.                                       of the Tea Party                                                     publicans” who, he            “Let me be clear about what I be-
    After comedian Jimmy Tingle              and Wall Street.
                                                                      reclaim our country for                     said, “are trying to      lieve,” Kennedy shouted, “This country
loosened up the crowd, it was time for           “We won’t rest       the people who make it                      undermine the very        needs you. Working families need you.
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka             until we reclaim                                                     foundation of the         Our middle class needs you. And I
to liven them up. Thanking Massachu-         our country…for
                                                                      work.                                       middle class.”            know you will not let them down!”
setts AFL-CIO President Stephen Tol-         the people who            	            Richard Trumka                    “We must work             Having heard from the candidates,
man for his leadership, which Trumka         make it work,”            	            President, AFL-CIO            to rebuild the            union members left the hall energized
depicted as “tough…compassionate…            Trumka said. “We                                                     middle class,” Tier-      and ready to push forward to election
unapologetic” and fair, Trumka rallied       do what it takes...And we will take our       ney said, echoing Trumka’s comments,             day.
the troops behind their chosen candi-        country back!”                                “and organized labor must play a key                 Said Cristiani: “Now it’s up to all of
dates and their common cause.                    Once the audience was sufficiently        role.”                                           us to talk to our friends and neighbors
    “We’ll win for Massachusetts,”           excited, Trumka showed his apprecia-              According to Tolman, the Com-                about what’s at stake in this elec-
Trumka exhorted. “We’ll bring out the        tion for their efforts. “You’re doing the     monwealth’s labor movement is behind             tion.”
have prevented 280,000 teachers
                                                                                      from being laid off, would have
                                                                                      brought back other educators who had
                                                                                      lost their jobs, would have extended
                                   Thomas J. Gosnell                                  unemployment insurance benefits to
                                                                                      five million jobless Americans, and
                                   President, AFT Massachusetts                       would have provided investments in
                                                                                      infrastructure repair.
                                                                                         Senator Brown also voted against

Vote on Election Day
                                                                                      allowing the Senate to consider
                                                                                      another bill which would have
                                                                                      prevented teacher layoffs and rehired

                                                                                      thousands of teachers and other
        vibrant democracy needs               Sometimes our views prevail;
                                                                                      school employees who had lost their
        committed citizens willing         sometimes they do not. However, if
                                                                                      jobs during the past three years. This
        to participate in the electoral    we do not participate in the political
                                                                                      bill would also have kept thousands of
process. Usually in a vibrant              arena, elected officials will ignore our
                                                                                      police officers and firefighters on the
democracy, multitudes of opinions          views when they make decisions. That
exist, many of which are, of course,       is why we endorse candidates.
                                                                                         His record is not of that his
in heated conflict with one another.          For the election of 2012, the
                                                                                      predecessor, Edward M. Kennedy.
Those that prevail are the ones            Executive Board of the American
                                                                                      When it comes to advocacy for the
supported by a majority of the             Federation of Teachers Massachusetts
                                                                                      values we cherish, Senator Brown is
electorate.                                (AFT MA) has endorsed Elizabeth
                                                                                      not Senator Kennedy.
   When all the votes are counted          Warren for the United State Senate. It
                                                                                         This edition of The Advocate has a
on Tuesday, November 6, Election           was an easy choice.
                                                                                      list of those we are recommending for
Day, we want our values and views             Elizabeth Warren stands for the
                                                                                      state representative and state senator.
to be in the majority. That is why         issues we value. She supports robust
                                                                                      We shall be mailing literature to our
the American Federation of Teachers        funding for public services, including
                                                                                      members in all districts where there
Massachusetts is working so diligently     schools and libraries. She supports
                                                                                      are contests. We encourage you to
to help elect candidates who value         action to increase the number of
                                                                                      consider seriously the candidates AFT
education, libraries, and unions.          good jobs. She supports the right of
                                                                                      MA is recommending.
  Over the past few years, some of the     workers to organize. She supports the
                                                                                         Every election is important and
candidates we have endorsed have           extension of unemployment benefits.
                                                                                      demands our attention. The assault
disappointed us. Unfortunately, there      She does not support a voucher plan
                                                                                      on public services and unions, both
are now Democrats who no longer            for Medicare. A voucher plan would
                                                                                      in the private sector and in the public
cherish the traditional values of the      cause seniors to have less medical
                                                                                      sector, has been unrelenting. We
Democratic Party. Nonetheless, the         coverage and/or more medical costs.
                                                                                      must fight hard and smart. We must
men and women elected to office make          In the October issue of The
                                                                                      do our best to elect men and women
decisions that affect all of us. They      Advocate, I wrote about Senator Scott
                                                                                      who will stand with us.
determine funding for the schools.         Brown’s voting record. I shall now
                                                                                         Vote on Election Day, Tuesday,
They negotiate our contracts which         reiterate some of those points.
                                                                                      November 6.
include salary, class size, working           Senator Brown voted against
                                                                                         If you have any questions or
conditions, and many other items.          allowing the U.S. Senate to vote on
                                                                                      comments on this column, you can
They consider legislation which affects
retirement, professional status, and
education programs in the classroom.
                                           the American Jobs Act. This proposal
                                           would have created as many as two
                                                                                      email me at
                                           million new jobs nationwide, would

                                           BTU Ratifies Contract Proposal:                                                      to 20 percent of a school’s staff can

                                           Agreement brings salary increases                                                    volunteer to leave their school and be
                                                                                                                                reassigned elsewhere (e.g., closer to

                                                    n Wednesday, October 10,          tee and school site councils, a more      where they live). “A lot of people want
        The official publication of                 hundreds of active and retired    timely budget review schedule and         to change assignments,” Stutman ob-
       AFT Massachusetts, AFL-CIO                   BTU teachers and paraprofes-      adoption of the state performance         served. “This gives you a good shot.”
                                           sionals gathered at the union hall         evaluation model, which insists upon          Once the package had been ex-
     Thomas J. Gosnell, President
                                           to vote on ratification of their long-     such elements as a specific time line     plained, the floor was opened for a
  Mark Allred, Sr., Secretary-Treasurer    awaited contract.                          for feedback following observations, a    half-hour of questions and answers.
          VICE PRESIDENTS                      It has been over 27 months since       set due date of May 15 for the deliv-     Among the topics about which mem-
                                           BTU teachers have worked under an          ery of summative evaluation reports,      bers saw the need for further clari-
                Tim Angerhofer
             Patricia Armstrong            official contract, so the 49-page pack-    and due process protections for the       fication were the status of the level
               Deborah Blinder             age had to be explained carefully by       small number of teachers who may be       4 “turnaround” schools, case loads,
                 Sean Bowker               BTU President Richard Stutman and          placed on improvement plans.              assignments and excessing, and
            Kathryn Chamberlain            AFT MA Director of Education Policy            In addition to changes in language,   professional development. With no
                Brenda Chaney
                                           and Programs Dan Murphy.                   the agreement includes changes to         motion to extend, teacher and nego-
                Kathy Delaney
             Catherine Deveney                 Among the major issues under dis-      staffing, including the addition of six   tiating team member Erik Berg stood
               Patricia Driscoll           cussion were the differences between       nurses, eight social workers and 20       to applaud the BTU’s efforts before
              Marianne Dumont              the state’s contract language regard-      paraprofessionals to cover absences.      officially presenting the motion to
                 Brant Duncan              ing performance evaluation - which         “It’s a good start,” Stutman said,        ratify.
               J. Michael Earle
                                           the district and union ultimately          “and we’re glad we could do that.” In         When President Stutman opened
               Margaret Farrell
                 Mary Ferriter             agreed to use - and that in the dis-       addition to establishing a new BTU        the floor to discussion, support was
               Jenna Fitzgerald            trict’s original proposal. “The state’s    professional development institute        overwhelming, with only a handful
               Richard Flaherty            language is by no means perfect,”          (which Stutman called “an institu-        of dissenters. “There’s no such thing
                 Paul Georges              Stutman observed, “but it is better.”      tional monument”), the agreement          as a perfect contract” one teacher
                Daniel Haacker
                                               While the district was “adamant”       also offers raises to athletic coaches    observed, noting that, especially
              Joyce Harrington
                 Susan Leahy               in their refusal to grant teachers         and enhances opportunities for para-      in an age when other public work-
             Francis McLaughlin            and paraprofessionals a raise in the       professionals, making them eligible       ers are struggling to keep their jobs,
                 Bruce Nelson              first year of the agreement, Stutman       for tuition reimbursement and other       any raise is significant. With that
                 James Philip                                                                                                   comment ringing in their ears, the
                                           pointed out that the package included      benefits, some for the first time. It
                Bruce Sparfven
              Richard Stutman              across-the-board salary increases          also allows and encourages specialists    assembled vocally voted to ratify the
                 Gale Thomas               of zero and one percent going back         to meet with their colleagues at least    motion, which will now go forward to
                                           the last two years, a raise of two         once a year at district-wide gather-      the school committee sometime next
           Matt Robinson, Editor
                                           percent for this school year (effec-       ings.                                     week and then, hopefully, on to the
            38 Chauncy St., Suite 402
                                           tive November 1), and then a healthy           Another point of great interest       City Council for endorsement some-
              Boston, Mass. 02111
      Tel. 617-423-3342 /800-279-2523
               Fax: 617-423-0174
                                           three percent per year going forward
                                           through 2016. Stutman also noted
                                                                                      involved changes to what has hereto-
                                                                                      fore been known as the “excess pool,”
                                                                                                                                time around the end of the month.
                    how many other elements the BTU            but will henceforward be known as
                                           had been able to prevail upon, includ-     the Post Transfer Placement Process
                                           ing expansion of the steering commit-      (PTPP). Under this new system, up
In Schools’ Success, Some Lessons for Lawrence
      he high-profile turnaround           the Frost has remained remarkably
      plan for the Lawrence Public         consistent in recent years. The staff
      Schools may be dominating            here also represents the whole range
local headlines these days, but the        of experience, from veterans who’ve
success of two of the city’s schools       spent their careers teaching in
may hold the key for how best to           Lawrence to beginning teachers. “If
improve education in the Merrimack         you’re a new teacher here you get a lot
Valley. The Frost Middle School and        of support,” says Doug Sullivan, who
the South Lawrence East Elementary         works with students with emotional
became the first in the city to be         and behavioral problems. “But it’s that
designated Level 1, meaning that           sense of familiarity and community
they have joined the state’s top 500       that has really made the Frost effective
performing schools.                        as a school. We feel supported and
    Jean Zembrowski, assistant             valued and people opt to stay here as
principal at the Frost, says that while    a result.”
                                                                                      CELEBRATING SUCCESS Faculty, staff and administrators at the Frost Middle
everyone at the school is thrilled
to have their success recognized,          Team work works                            School in Lawrence celebrate their new designation as a Level 2 school.The
                                               Frost principal Ellen Baranowski       Frost and South Lawrence East Elementary School were recently added to the
much work remains to be done. “We                                                     list of the top 500 performing schools in Massachusetts.
want the same success for all of our       says that her philosophy of education
sisters and brothers in Lawrence,”         is simple: teachers are the experts        Finneran and Cynthia Roberge, in           participate in. The school also has an
says Zembrowski, a former Lawrence         in the classroom. “It’s our job as         what he describes as a genuinely           active group of parents who support it,
teacher. “When we have a whole             administrators to make sure that they      collaborative effort.                      including planning events and raising
community of schools here that are         have all of the support they need and          “We’re all united by a common          money to pay for supplies and extras
Level 1 then we’ll really have a reason    that nobody feels as though they’re        goal, to help our students succeed,        that the Frost would otherwise be
to celebrate.”                             working in isolation.”                     so it only makes sense that we would       unable to afford.
    Teachers at the schools say that           Talk to teachers at the Frost and      work together to achieve that goal.”           Doug Sullivan, who also serves
their success may hold important           you’re likely to hear a lot about team     Patterson, who joined the staff of the     as a vice president of the Lawrence
lessons for Lawrence. A majority           work. Teachers here work together          Frost in 2002, says that constant,         Teachers Union, says that he hopes
of students at the Frost and South         in grade level teams which means           consistent communication from              that other schools in Lawrence can
Lawrence East speak a first language       that there is less emphasis on what        school administrators is essential too.    follow the positive example of the
other than English and are poor            happens in individual classrooms           “There is never any doubt that our         Frost. Says Sullivan: “Our experience
enough to qualify for free or reduced      than on how students are faring            administrators are here to help us         shows that there are ‘best practices’
lunch, yet student achievement at the      across the entire grade. At regular        succeed.”                                  for how to improve our schools right
two schools far outpaces others in the     team meetings, teachers and support                                                   here in Lawrence. “ Among those
                                           staff are constantly assessing and
                                                                                      Collaboration                              best practices, says Sullivan: letting
                                           determining how best to respond to            In addition to a climate of trust       teachers lead. “It’s not a coincidence
Stability counts                           the needs of their students.               and support, teachers at the Frost say     that the schools faring the best in the
    Teachers say that stability at their       For the past five years, John          there are a few other factors too. The     city are the ones where teachers really
schools has been key to helping them       Patterson, a seventh grade math            Frost is home to a thriving after school   have a voice,” says Sullivan. “That’s a
successfully reach students. While the
official turnaround plan encourages
                                           teacher, has been working with four
                                           other seventh grade teachers, Rebecca
                                                                                      program that half of the students          major reason for our success.”
                                                                                       Turnaround Schools Post Big Gains
staff turnover, the teaching staff at      Heggarty, Matthew Debrocke, Nicole

  2013 AFT MA Scholarship Program                                                      Just three years ago, the E.J.                 At the Harrington, teachers
                                                                                       Harrington School in Lynn was              credit a new culture at the school

 O     nce again AFT Massachusetts           their guidance office, social studies     declared “underperforming” by              for their success. “The school cli-
       will be awarding scholarships         teacher, or principal. A packet           state education officials, who gave        mate is so positive and so focused
  to eight eligible high school seniors      including one labor history study         teachers and administrators an ulti-       on success, and that’s what makes
  who are dependents of AFT MA               guide and one application is sent         matum: Turn the school around or           the teaching here so effective,” says
  members. Every year AFT MA                 to each high school in the state in       risk closure. These days, however,         John Laubner, a veteran English
  awards eight $1500 scholarships            November. A study guide is also           there is an air of celebration in the      teacher at the Harrington who re-
  on the basis of a labor history exam       available on our website.                 hallways here. Since 2009, student         turned recently to serve as a master
  administered by the Massachusetts              This year’s labor history exam        achievement at the Harrington has          mentor to new teachers. And while
  AFL-CIO, in cooperation with               will be given on Wednesday,               soared, and the school was recently        a turnaround process can be tense
  the Massachusetts Department               February 6. Once a student has            cited by the state as one of the most      by definition, Laubner says ad-
  of Education. One additional               submitted an application to AFT           improved schools in Massachusetts.         ministrators have gone to remark-
  scholarship is being awarded by the        Massachusetts and notified a                  The Harrington wasn’t the only         able lengths to make the school an
  AFT MA Professional Staff Union in         guidance counselor, he or she is          formerly underperforming school            “anxiety-free zone.”
  memory of long-time AFT MA field           considered registered for the exam.       to post big gains in student achieve-          The success of schools like the
  representative Jay Porter.                                                           ment. The Charlotte Murkland               Harrington and the Murkland are
      To be considered for the               Additional scholarships                   Elementary School in Lowell saw            more impressive still given the
  scholarships, named in honor                   Additional scholarships               its scores rise for the second year in     demographics of the students they
  of Albert Shanker and Sandra               are also available through the            row. Since 2010, the school in Low-        serve. Virtually all of the students
  Feldman, both former presidents            Massachusetts AFL-CIO. Be sure            ell historic Acre neighborhood has         who attend the schools are poor,
  of the American Federation of              to visit to           seen the percentage of students who        while more than 30 percent are
  Teachers, and Jay Porter, the              learn about other opportunities.          scored proficient or higher on the         classified as limited English profi-
  student must be a dependent of an              Last year ten children of AFT         MCAS climb by 18 points in English         cient.
  AFT MA member and a high school            Massachusetts members were                and 13 points in math.                         Francine Lawrence, executive
  senior. The student must also attend       awarded $1500 scholarships.                   Teachers and administrators at         vice president of the American Fed-
  a college or other post-secondary          The 2012 winners include Rose             the schools attribute their success to     eration of Teachers, recently toured
  school in the fall of 2013.                Allocca, Abigail Heingertner,             a model of shared responsibility and       the Harrington to witness its prog-
                                             Brandon Higgins, Kayla Marandola,         accountability that has paid off for       ress for herself. “What impresses
  Applications                               Amalia Mendoza, Shawn                     teachers and students alike. “This         me most is that this is a school that
      Applications for the 2013              Morrissey, Benjamin Soper, Boris          is what it looks like when a school        must educate every child who walks
  scholarships are available on the          Stanchev and Sarah Vandewalle.            embraces teacher-centered educa-           through its doors,” says Lawrence.
  AFT MA website: www.aftma.                 Congratulations to last year’s            tion reform,” says Paul Georges,           “They don’t get to pick and choose,
  net. The deadline for submitting           winners and good luck to all of this      president of the United Teachers of        yet the Harrington is making in-
  applications is Monday, December
                                             year’s applicants.
                                             For more information call
                                                                                       Lowell. “We’re proof that collabora-
                                                                                       tion as a process is effective and can
                                                                                                                                  credible progress.”
      To take the labor history exam,        617.423.3342.                             result in fantastic gains in student
  students should apply directly to                                                    achievement.”

November 2012
Diary                                     T
                                                     hree years ago, when I was
                                                     a senior in college, I knew
                                                     everything. I knew I wanted to
                                                                                                                                                         New teacher
                                              get married and to have kids sooner
                                              rather than later. I knew I wanted to
    of a New Teacher                          start my own school someday. I also
                                                                                                                                                         Inciarte says
                                                                                                                                                         that he learned
                                              knew how to close the achievement
                                                                                                                                                         a great deal dur-
                                                                                                                                                         ing his first year
                  By Himilcon Inciarte           When a Teach for America
                                                                                                                                                         in the classroom.
          Fourth grade Spanish teacher        interviewer asked me what I thought
                                                                                                                                                         Among his find-
         Dever-McCormack, Elementary          education in this country needed most,
                                                                                                                                                         ings: becoming
                          Boston, MA          I immediately responded: “We need
                                              to put children first. If that means
                                                                                                                                                         the super teach-
                                              calling students every morning, visiting
                                                                                                                                                         er of his dreams
                                              parents regularly, or teachers making                                                                      turned out to be
                                              themselves available after-hours, then                                                                     much more dif-
                                                                                                                                                         ficult than he’d
    Meet the 2012-2013                        that’s what teachers should do.”
                                                 At the time, I really did believe                                                                       expected.
    New Teacher Diarists
                                              everything I was saying.
                                                 Then, just as I had planned, I started
 The following new teachers will be           teaching, got married, and had a baby.      successful at school, me for knowing
 contributing to the New Teacher Diary                                                                                                that teachers can’t be their be students’
                                              Any one of these would have been            something after all.                        parents, and second, the student I
 during the 2012-2013 school year. The        life-changing; having all three occur          Or so I thought. What became clear       started working with last year. His
 Advocate thanks all of these fine teachers   within a few months of each other was       to me as I was working with this            continued successes—and trials—
 for sharing their experiences.               disorienting. I went from having it         student—by the far highlight of my          remind me that children need both
                                              all figured out to knowing absolutely       first year teaching—was the intense         parents and teachers.
 Bradford Green
                                              nothing.                                    time commitment and emotional                 This is not meant to abdicate
 English Language Arts teacher, Pickering
                                                 In this new frenzied state, I made       investment required. There were             teachers of their responsibility to teach
 Middle School, Lynn
                                              every decision thinking only about          mornings when I left home at 5:30 so        well. It is, however, meant to caution
                                              my family. Staying after school for         that I could pick the student up early      that many popular reforms fail to
 Chaya Harris
 Fifth grade teacher, Mather School, Boston   hours to plan lessons and grade work?       and help him make up schoolwork.            address what my student, and many
                                              Doubtful—I needed to get home in            Other days, I would worry that he           others like him, need most: a parent. I
 Himilcon Inciarte                            time to relieve my wife from baby-duty.     would have nothing to eat when he           can’t help but wonder if we can really
 Fourth grade Spanish teacher, Dever-Mc-      Making home visits to develop good          got home. When he got suspended, I          claim to be reforming education when
 Cormack, Elementary, Boston                  relationships with difficult-to-reach       wondered what he did all day while I        the nation’s most needy children can’t
                                              families? Not unless I could go during      was at school. And this was only one        benefit from those reforms unless a
 Karina Dise                                  work hours. Going to work early so that     student!                                    teacher takes on the responsibilities of
 Paraprofessional, Zanetti Montessori         I could tutor my most needy students?          I finally understood the reason I had    a parent.
 School, Springfield                          Unlikely—it would mean missing
                                              my son’s wake time, which was non-
                                                                                          shied away from becoming the super-
                                                                                          teacher of my dreams after having
                                                                                                                                        Then again, what do I know?
 Bill Madden-Fuoco                            negotiable.                                 a baby: I was already the parent of
 Humanities teacher, Urban Science               Feeling like a failure for not           one child. It dawned on me that my
 Academy ,West Roxbury,                       becoming the married-with-kids,             brilliant plan to solve the nation’s
                                              school-opening, gap-closing,                education inequality effectively called
 Eliana Martinez                              difference-making teacher I had             for teachers to become their students’
 Social studies teacher, Lawrence High        envisioned, I tried to become that          parents.
 School, Lawrence                             teacher for at least one child. For this       As I start my second year of teaching,
                                              one student, I would do and be all I        much has changed: I am now teaching
 Amanda Perez                                 could. I did everything on my list and
                                                                                                                                        If you’d like to receive an
                                                                                          another grade level, in a new language,
 Middle school teacher, Sarah Greenwood       then some, even taking him to doctor’s      at a different school; I no longer feel        electronic version of the
 School, Dorchester.                          appointments and bringing him home          anxious when I’m away from my family         Advocate, send an email to
                                              to meet my family.                          and I no longer view extra time spent Please
 Robert Tobio                                    When the student passed sixth grade      before or after school as a punishment.
 Math and special education teacher, Mary                                                                                              include your home mailing
                                              after being on the brink of dropping        Despite these changes, much has also
 Lyon Pilot School, Brighton.                 out, we both celebrated—he for being        stayed with me: First, the realization        address for identification.

New Advocate Editor Ready to Go a Few Rounds                                                                                          nity would allow him to combine his
                                                                                                                                      passions of writing, education, and

                                                                                                                                      supporting colleagues, Robinson ac-
    t has been a time of great change for                                                 school serve its students more effec-       cepted the offer to become our editor
    our new editor, Matt Robinson. In                                                     tively. In addition to teaching English     and looks forward to the new opportu-
    addition to becoming the new editor                                                   to three sections of students who varied    nities this new position will entail.
of the AFT MA Advocate, Robinson is                                                       widely in age, cultural background,             “I am really looking forward to
also becoming the father of twins!                                                        and language proficiency, Robinson          sharpening my writing and editorial
     But new things and making ad-                                                        also relaunched a school journalism         skills while keeping a an eye on and a
justments are really nothing new for                                                      program that had fallen on hard times,      foot in the world of education,” Robin-
Robinson. As a freelance writer who                                                       bringing the school’s newspaper from        son says.
has contributed over 3,500 pieces to                                                      nonexistent status to being considered          In recent week, Robinson has been
more than 120 international publica-                                                      for a statewide honor and acclaim from      travelling all over the Commonwealth,
tions in the past 15 years and as an                                                      school staff and district administrators.   introducing himself to locals to find
educator who has taught every age and                                                         He also introduced a boxing pro-        out what they need and want from the
level from pre-K to adult in public,                                                      gram to the school, offering an after-      AFT and from the publication. Among
private, parochial, and other schools,                                                    school alternative that emphasized          his new ideas are a column in which he
Robinson is always ready and eager to                                                     personal discipline and self-esteem. To     hopes to profile and celebrate notable
take on new challenges and make the                                                       support those students for whom col-        graduates from AFT MA-affiliated
most of new opportunities. As editor of                                                   lege may not actually be the most pro-
                                              FIGHTING FOR YOU New AFT MA                                                             schools.
our paper, Robinson looks forward to                                                      ductive choice, Robinson called upon
                                              Advocate Editor Matt Robinson has                                                           “I really want The Advocate to be
meeting our members and to sharing                                                        our fellow unions to create a series of
                                              years of experience teaching in the                                                     the voice of the AFT in Massachusetts,”
their stories and emphasizing their                                                       speaker panels featuring union repre-
                                              classroom and in the boxing gym.                                                        Robinson says. “I look forward to hear-
voice, both within and outside of the                                                     sentatives who informed the students        ing from all of our members and to
education community.                          schools. Drafted right out of the Mas-      about valid and viable options in the       doing all I can to serve them and help
     Before coming to The Advocate,           ters of Arts in Teaching (MAT) pro-         trades and also helped them plan and        them be heard.
Robinson served for two years at the
Jeremiah E. Burke High School, which
is one of Boston’s Level 4 “turnaround”
                                              gram at Boston University, Robinson
                                              was part of a raft of new hires who had
                                              been brought in to help this struggling
                                                                                          prepare for their futures.
                                                                                              Upon learning that he was to be a
                                                                                                                                          Welcome aboard Matt!
                                                                                          father and that this editorial opportu-
                                                                                                                                          The AFT Massachusetts Advocate
Supporting Voice: Students stand with popular professor
      he University of Massachusetts                                                                                         acknowledge the need for informed
      Amherst has one of the most                                                                                            consent, she took her opinions
      acclaimed education programs                                                                                           public and shared them with The
in the region. No wonder, then, that                                                                                         New York Times. Tough Madeloni
the international corporation Pearson                                                                                        justifies her actions by explaining
Education came to them with a                                                                                                that “the struggle to obtain student
new idea for a testing and licensing                                                                                         choice heightened my fears of how
program. Unfortunately, UMass                                                                                                corporate influences and the discourse
Amherst’s reputation was almost                                                                                              of accountability silence intellectual
its undoing, as students supported                                                                                           freedom and democratic voice,” her
one of the education school’s most                                                                                           administration was apparently not of
popular teachers after her contract                                                                                          a similar mind. Less than two weeks
was not renewed due to her refusal to                                                                                        after the Times story was published,
participate in the Pearson program.                                                                                          Madeloni received a reprimand for
    Barbara Madeloni is a Senior                                                                                             speaking on behalf of the University
Lecturer in the Department of Teacher                                                                                        and then a letter of non-renewal.
Education and Curriculum Studies                                                                                                 According to an e-mail from
at UMass Amherst, where she has                                                                                              Dean Christine McCormick, there
served for many years, becoming one       STANDING TOGETHER Professor Barbara Madeloni (left) and UMass students             is “no connection” between what
                                          at a protest at UMass. Madeloni’s contract at the school was terminated after      she suggests was the “expiration” of
of the most popular and progressive
                                          she objected to a plan to outsource the evaluation of student teachers.            Madeloni’s contract and the concerns
members of the faculty.
    “Professor Madeloni was an            been a vocal critic…and my critiques         When asked what prompted her to       raised by faculty and students. Even
inspiration during my time at UMass       were not welcome.”                       act in the way that she did, Madeloni     so, many of Madeloni’s students are
Amherst,” says former student                However, it was not until Madeloni    explained that her first priority was     speaking out. Some co-signed a letter
Jennifer Mason. “She not only             refused to take part in a program that   “to advocate for student teachers” who    to McCormick and organized a “teach-
imparted her wisdom of how to be          Pearson had submitted to UMass as        wished not to participate. Madeloni       in” on campus on October 19.
a good teacher, but how to find my        a new model for educator assessment      went on to explain that her attention         As her students come to her
voice and stand up for what I believe     that her administration took action      was particularly drawn to this study      support, Madeloni remains dedicated
is just.”                                 against her.                             by the Pearson name. “[They are] a        to supporting them and all teachers.
    “Barbara Madeloni was the single         Together with colleagues at           publicly-traded, for-profit company,”         “I was protecting teaching…from
most important figure at UMass            Stanford University, members of          she points out, claiming the new          the...standards regimes that are
in my evolution as an educator,”          the Pearson team recently designed       program represented “the incursion        suffocating democratic education,”
adds Catherine Smith, another of          a new “field test” assessment for        of private profiteers into teacher        Madeloni maintains. “The degree
Madeloni’s many students and fans.        student teachers called the Teacher      education.” It is, Madeloni suggests,     to which ideas about teaching and
“She instilled in me a sense of social    Performance Assessment (TPA). The        an example of “how standards and          learning have become subject to
justice and responsibility.”              test requires that student teachers      accountability regimes limit the voices   outcomes-based…measures that grow
    Known for her dedication to justice   send written work and video clips of     of educators.”                            from business models and market
and to developing and supporting          their teaching to Pearson to be scored       When nearly all of her students       logic is frightening….Accountability
reflective practitioners, Madeloni        by anonymous scorers. Concerned          refused to participate, Madeloni felt     is to centralized authority; I had a
has spoken out once or twice against                                                                                         responsibility instead to the students,
                                          about such issues as privacy,            justified in going further. “I wanted
school policies, but had never been       confidentiality and intellectual         more people to know that we can           and their students.”
previously reprimanded for her            property, Madeloni refused to            stand up to these pressures,” she
actions.                                  participate and, despite pressure from   explains, “just as the students had.”
    “They’ve been angry at me for a       Pearson and the school, 67 of her 68         As Madeloni found it “surprisingly
long time,” Madeloni admitted. “I had     students did likewise.                   difficult” to get the administration to

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November 2012
On Campus
                                   Dan Georgianna, Political Director
                                   UMass Faculty Federation, Local 1895

A View from Above on the Senate Race
      he Massachusetts Senate race                         lican Senate and a Republican House
                                                                                                                                                                         UNITED WE
      between Scott Brown and Eliza-                       would give Mitt Romney as President                                                                           STAND
      beth Warren has not focused on                       clear path to full power. A Republican                                                                        AFT President
educational policy. Each of the candi-                     Senate would stifle any actions of Presi-                                                                     Randi Weingarten
dates has followed his or her general                      dent Obama if he wins re-election.                                                                            and Senatorial
ideological path on vouchers, testing                         Massachusetts is a swing state in this                                                                     candidate Elizabeth
students to evaluate teachers, and                         Senate election between Brown and                                                                             Warren at the
merit pay for teachers. Brown’s voting                     Warren.                                                                                                       Labor to Labor
record in the Massachusetts State Sen-                        While Senator Brown presents him-                                                                          Walk in Malden in
ate reveals other positions on educa-                      self as an independent to Massachu-                                                                           October. It’s clear
tion; he voted against using state funds                   setts voters, (his campaign literature                                                                        where Warren
                                                                                                                                                                         stands, writes Dan
to supplement the federal school lunch                     within Massachusetts rarely mentions
                                                                                                                                                                         Georgianna. “She
programs for low-income students and                       that he is Republican), he walks the
                                                                                                                                                                         supports consumer
voted against a 3-year moratorium on                       party line when asking for donations                                                                          protection and
charter schools.                                           from out-of-state voters. His campaign                                                                        regulation of the
   Both candidates favor better schools,                   literature distributed outside but not                                                                        financial sector; she
more technical training, and higher pay                    inside Massachusetts emphasizes that                                                                          opposes predatory
for teachers, although Brown said in                       winning re-election means one vote                                                                            lending and the
their debates that Warren’s high salary                    closer to Republican control of the                                                                           Bush era tax cuts
at Harvard adds to student costs. War-                     Senate.                                                                                                       for high-income
ren has said repeatedly that she favors                       Professor Warren presents herself                                                                          households.”
public education; she graduated from                       as a liberal Democrat both inside and
the University of Houston and Rut-                         outside the state. She supports con-         dent voters he must win over to be           training, less regulation of for-profit
gers, both state universities. Neither                     sumer protection and regulation of the       elected in Massachusetts, Senator            schools, return to student loan pro-
candidate has specified how to pay for                     financial sector; she opposes predatory      Brown presents himself as indepen-           gram based on private banks that will
improvements in education.                                 lending and the Bush tax cut for high-       dent.                                        mean higher interest rates on student
   The more important result for educa-                    income households. It’s clear where she         In the debates, for example, Brown        loans, more government constraints
tion and every other policy question                       stands.                                      said that current Republican Senate          over teaching and research, and a re-
from this election is its effect on control                   Apologists for Brown argue that any       Leader Mitch McConnell “has a lot of         duction in Pell grants.
of the U.S. Senate, a powerful advan-                      politician in a tight race tells people      work to do to earn my vote” for Senate         The differences are clear in the Mas-
tage for the winning party. A Repub-                       what they want to hear. To indepen-          President if Republicans have a major-       sachusetts election for U.S. Senator.
                                                                                                        ity. This is nonsense because McCon-
                                                                                                        nell’s name will be the only name on
                                                                                                                                                     The choice, as they say, is ours.
                                                                                                        the ballot if Republicans control the
                                                                                                        Senate.                                        Visit India Over
                                                                                                           To out-of-state republicans, Brown
                                                                                                                                                       Winter Break
                                      SCHOOL OF EDUCATION, PUBLIC POLICY, AND CIVIC ENGAGEMENT

                                                                                                        presents himself as the Republican
                                                                                                        Senator to secure Senate control.
                                                                                                           Who is he more likely to represent          GEEO has teamed up with AFT Mas-
                                                                                                                                                       sachusetts member Lillie Marshall at
           Master of Arts in Teaching                                                                   in the Senate, Massachusetts indepen-
                                                                                                        dents or national Republicans?
                                                                                                                                              to put togeth-
                                                                                                                                                       er an amazing trip to India for only
                                                                                                           His behavior in the Senate indicates        $987! For more details go to http://
                                                                                                        that Senator Brown will work for na- 
                 Flexible schedule - Financial aid available                                            tional republican issues.                      Global Exploration for Educators
                        20% discount for teachers*                                                         In order to portray himself as in-          Organization (GEEO) is a 501c3 non-
                                                                                                        dependent to Massachusetts voters,             profit organization that runs sum-
                                                                                                        Brown can pad his votes for Demo-              mer professional development travel
            Licensure areas                                                                             cratic issues when the Republican or           programs designed for teachers.
            include:                                                                                    Democratic vote is certain to carry. As        Educators have the option to earn
                                                                                                        evidence, his voting record fell from          graduate school credit and profes-
            • General Science                                                                           80% for Republican issues to 60% after         sional development credit while
                                                                                                                                                       seeing the world. The trips are 8 to
            • Biology                                                                                   Warren entered the race. Few voters
                                                                                                                                                       24 days in length and are designed
                                                                                                        can follow the arcane world of voting in
            • Chemistry                                                                                 the Senate or the side deals made.
                                                                                                                                                       and discounted to be interesting and
                                                                                                                                                       affordable for teachers. GEEO pro-
            • Physics                                                                                      Large donors aren’t as easily fooled,       vides teachers educational materials
                                                                                                        especially on their issues. Much of            and the structure to help them bring
            • Mathematics                                                                               Brown’s funding came from the finan-           their experiences into the classroom.
                                                                                                        cial sector. According to the Center           The trips are open to all nationalities
            • English
                                                                                                        for Responsible Politics, Brown has            of K-12 and university educators and
            • History                                                                                   received more from the finance, insur-         administrators, as well as retired edu-
                                                                                                        ance and real estate industries than any       cators. Educators are also permitted
            • Spanish                                                                                   other member of Congress or con-               to bring along a non-educator guest.
                                                                                                                                                       GEEO is also offering 22 different
            • French                                                                                    gressional candidate. Their dislike of
                                                                                                                                                       travel programs for the summer
                                                                                                        Warren probably fuels their donations
            • Portuguese                                                                                                                               of 2013, including India/Nepal, Italy,
                                                                                                        to Brown for the election, but if elected,
                                                                                                                                                       Portugal/Spain, Amalfi Coast, East-
                                                                                                        Brown will be pressured to vote their          ern Europe, Budapest to Istanbul,
                                                                                                        way, e.g. “I gave you thousands of             Vietnam and Russia/Mongolia/China.
          * Current teachers maybe eligible for 20% discount. Call 508.910.9050 for more information.   dollars and if you want large donation         For a complete list of destination
           Apply Today for Fall 2012                                                                    from me in the next election etc.”             and detailed information about each
                                                                                                           The Republican platform and Gover-          trip, including itineraries, costs, travel
                                                                                                        nor Romney’s white paper on educa-             dates, visit
                      For more information, call 508.910.9050 or                                        tion show the party’s intent for public
                          visit                                                 higher education: reverence for job

                                                                                                                                                           The AFT Massachusetts Advocate
Retiree Corner                                                                                            SENIOR SEMINARS
                                                                                                                                          Preparing for Retirement
                                  Marie Ardito, Co-founder                                                                                (Given by Marie Ardito)
                                  Massachusetts Retirees United                                                                           •	   November 14th: Beverly North
                                                                                                               Shore Consortium, 112 Sohier Road,
                                                                                                                                          •	   December 1st, Wilmington, 314

Giving Thanks to Teachers                                                                                                                 •	
                                                                                                                                               Main St. Unit 105, 10-noon
                                                                                                                                               December 4th :Amesbury High

                                                                                                                                               School, 5 Highland St. 3:30-5:00
           hatever happened to thank         someone who has influenced your life           time for them; for the youngster they         •	   December 6th: Hingham South
           you?” These words are often       and given you something. Then find             taught to value education; for the child           Shore Educational Collaborative
           the first two words that          a way to express your gratitude by             they are a mother or father to; for the            Cafeteria, 40 Pond Park, 5:00-6:30
toddlers learn to put together. Later        spending some time with them. Make a           youngster they taught to read allowing        •	   December 12, Rockport Elemen-
in life, however, many of these same         phone call just to say thanks for doing        the great door to opportunity open for             tary School Library, Rockport,
children seem to forget when and how         something special for you or just being        them. I want to thank all the teachers in          3:15-5:15
to use them appropriately.                   there for you. It may be the best call you     the name of the thousands of youngsters
                                                                                                                                          How to Protect Your Nest Egg and
    The gift of gratitude goes all the way   make all day!                                  whose lives they touched and whose
                                                                                                                                          Plan for the Right Outcome for Your
back to the Pilgrims. They also gave us          Sometimes people feel gratitude            lives are better because of their support
                                                                                                                                          Family (Given by Elder Law Attor-
a great gift- the gift of gratitude. They    is not necessary for a person because          and guidance. I want to thank them in         ney Mary Howie)
knew they had so much for which to           they are “just doing their job” or just        the name of all those who have taken
be grateful, that they set aside a day to    doing what they are “supposed” to be           what they do and did for granted and          •	   Saturday Dec. 8, from ten to noon
celebrate in gratitude for friendships       doing. Even if someone is being paid           never took the time to say, “thank you.”
and the harvest- Thanksgiving!               or otherwise rewarded, when we know            I want to thank them in the name of the       Understanding Your Social Security
    Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday      someone has gone the extra mile or             countless people who have crossed their       and Medicare
because it is not limited by religious       extra step for us, a word of thanks is         paths and whose lives are richer because      •	 Saturday October 27, from ten to
beliefs; nor is it overly commercialized     appropriate and appreciated. It can go a       of it. Most of all I want to thank the            noon
like some other holidays are. It abounds     long way. One’s expression of gratitude        teachers in my own name for making
with tradition, some treasured from          to another encourages them to extend           teaching the profession I wanted to           Living In Retirement As An In-
                                                                                                                                          formed Retiree
our childhood and others created in our      themselves again and again; to “pay it         be a part of. I was blessed for so many
                                                                                                                                          •	 Saturday November 3, from ten to
own families. No matter how the day is       forward,” as the saying goes. When you         years to be one a teacher and, even
spent, gratitude should not be limited to    do something good for someone else, it         though I am no longer in the classroom
a single day nor to just expressing it for   can encourage them to enrich someone           every day, my appreciation has not            All the Saturday seminars are at 314 Main
big things. We have so much for which        else’s life and to pass on the positive        diminished, and in fact has grown.            Street Unit 105 Wilmington, MA 01887.
to be grateful that it should be expressed   feelings. All it takes is a simple “thank      Finally, I want to thank all my fellow        Main Street in Wilmington is the same
daily and often. It is a small way to        you.”                                          teachers for making me proud to be one        as Route 38. Please register by emailing
let others know that we appreciate               At this time of year (and at all times),   of you- a teacher in the Commonwealth         Marie at
something and don’t take what we have        we should express thanks to those who          of Massachusetts.                             or calling the voice message system at
for granted. It is important that we let     spent their lives in the classroom or are          Happy Thanksgiving and may you            617-482-1568. Be sure to tell the seminar
others know we value the gifts freely        currently in one. Thank them in the            find a reason many times everyday to          for which you are registering, your name,
given to us.
    Pause for a moment and think of
                                             name of the child that they taught to
                                             believe in themselves when no one had
                                                                                            say, “Thank You.”
                                                                                                               ▪                          phone number and the number attending.
                                                                                                                                          There will be no return call unless you
                                                                                                                                          request directions. Either of these com-
                                                                                                                                          munications registers you.

Mass. Retirees United Honors Service
         s retirement rights and             retirement and fulfilling old dreams.”         organizations. As the Commonwealth
         especially health care-related          As so many retirees are living long,       prepares a new comprehensive study on
         issues continue to be hot topics    full lives, heath care and other benefits      health insurance policy, Powell is at the
in the political and personal arena,         are more important than ever. However,         forefront of the battle on behalf of the
Massachusetts Retirees United (www.          they are potentially being more                MRU members and other retirees and gathered at Hillview     threatened than ever. Fortunately, AFT         soon-to-be retirees.
Country Club in North Reading for            MA members have a fighter like Andy                “It’s a scary, scary world,” Powell
their annual meeting. At the meeting,        Powell in their corner. A retired fire         suggested. “We have to fight every day.”
Senators Katherine Clark and Michael         fighter, Powell now works to stamp out             As part of that fight, Powell is
Rogdriques were recognized for their         the flames of injustice and oppression         working with his colleagues to make
dedicated service to the MRU and its         that so many retirees face at the              sure that any new legislation maintains
members.                                     hands of unscrupulous politicians and          if not improves retiree rights and
     With a few hundred of the                                                              privileges, including the percentage
organization’s 1,800 members in                                                             of coverage that they will be asked to
attendance, representing AFT-affiliated                                                     pay out of pocket for health care and
and other schools and unions in the                                                         other benefits. “There will be legislative
fields of education and public service,                                                     reform,” Powell predicted, noting a new
MRU enjoyed a presentation by retired                                                       report that is due out by year’s end that
(but far from retiring) Boston Globe                                                        will surely result in major decisions by
columnist David Mehegan and a                                                               Governor Patrick. And while Powell
presentation on health insurance by                                                         was “confident” that the new legislation
AFT MA field reepresentative Andy                                                           would not affect current retirees, he
Powell.                                                                                     reminded the audience that “we are
     In his remarks, Mehegan spoke of                                                       dealing with politicians, so….”
is life after leaving The Globe and how                                                            While Powell said that AFT MA is
he has kept it full and vibrant through                                                     dedicated to preserving and protecting
study (he has recently earned a PhD                                                         all he can for retirees ad for contributing
at Boston University), travel and other                                                     to and supervising the report in ways
pursuits. “You are not your work,” he                                                       that will benefit them, he also noted
emphasized, “and retirement does not                                                        that, at this point, “the report on costs
end your life.” Mehegan encouraged                                                          for retirees is a grim report.”
MRU members to not look at retirement                                                             “You are at risk,” he said matter-
as an end, but rather as a new beginning                                                    of-factly to the interested assembly. As
                                             RETIREE RECOGNITION Senator                    always, however, Powell pledged his
and an opportunity to try things and
                                             Katherine Clark received an                    support and his best efforts. “This is not
pursue goals that were inconvenient
                                             Appreciation Award from the MRU                a cost problem,” he said. “It is a promise
or impossible during their regular           for work she did to get a maternity
work lives. “There is much to be said,                                                      that we must meet.”
                                             benefits bill passed and into law.
Mehegan suggested, “for going back in
November 2012                                                                                                                                                                      7
November2012 advocate

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November2012 advocate

  • 1. Boston, MA 02111 Suite 402 38 Chauncy Street AFT Massachusetts November 2012 Where We Stand W ith the election just around the corner, AFT MA members are preparing to push until the final bell and make a difference in this year’s political picture. All across the Commonwealth, teachers, paraprofessionals, higher education faculty, librarians, nurses and other public employees are getting the word out and working to get out the vote for their favored candidates. While education is clearly a prime issue for this election season, there are other matters that need to be In This Issue followed in order to make the right decisions come Election Day. In order to understand how we can best support our candidates, it is important to understand what they plan to do to 2 President’s Column support us as well. BTU ratifies new contract As a service to our members, The Advocate presents this introduction 3 Celebrating Success in Law- rence, Lynn and Lowell to some of the key candidates we are endorsing. STANDING UP FOR WARREN AFT MA members, including Lowell elementary teacher Jessica Weintraub, retired Lowell teacher Mickie Dumont, 4 Diary of a New Teacher: A first year teacher learns that John Tierney Jerry Dumont and Billerica teacher Paul Gaudette, showed up in force at the Congressman John Tierney prides debate between Senate candidates Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren. he has much to learn himself on his ability to create jobs family and to educate and try to better in the evenings. Meet the new editor of The and support workers. Having worked himself. Despite his work hours, he As a member of a small law firm, Advocate multiple jobs as a youth, Tierney knows also found time for academic pursuits, Tierney also understands how small the value of work and the dignity and self-respect it fosters. He also knows including being class president at businesses work. As president of the 5 Supporting Voice: Students Salem State University (where he Salem Chamber of Commerce, Tierney stand with popular professor what it is like to support a family and to also served as a trustee for five years) was also able to support other small pay for an education and the challenges these tasks involve. From his early and maintained his focus on the business owners. 6 A View From Above on the Massachusetts Senate Race importance and value of education. As a freshman member of Congress, paper routes and caddying to working Even while at Suffolk Law School, he Tierney immediately found a position at Empire Clothing in his native Salem, continued to work as a law clerk and in the Education and Labor Committee. 7 Retiree Corner Tierney did what it took to support his even cleaned offices in the State House Continued on page 8 Rallying the Troops hard work of reclaiming our country right now,” he said, “and I want to thank you for it.” Tierney. “We look forward to spending time on the North Shore talking to our members,” he said. U nion representatives from all best in our country - the best in our- “President Trumka further en- Congressional candidate Joseph over the Commonwealth packed selves - to build the future we know we ergized already energized activists,” Kennedy, III also spoke about the the hall at Boston’s IBEW Local can have...for us, for our children, our observed Teachers Union Political importance of the labor movement. 103 on Monday, September 24. They grandchildren. And we will never, ever Director Angela Cristiani, who sat right “Labor understands better than anyone had come to hear some of their political give up, back up or back down.” up front with a table of BTU colleagues. what we are up against,” Kennedy heroes speak and to rally together for Among the candidates in atten- After Trumka, it was time for the suggested, posing himself as a proud the causes in which they all believe. dance were Senate candidate Elizabeth candidates and political leaders them- member of the Kennedy clan that “has From teachers to Teamsters to Warren, whom Trumka called, “an selves to speak. had an incredible partnership with theatre workers and laborers to letter honest woman who’ll fight for working Congressman John Tierney, who labor for decades.” He then pledged to carriers, over 650 union members people.” Trumka went on to denigrate is facing a difficult reelection chal- work to defend collective bargaining, a came together to support their political Senator Scott lenge, attacked living wage, and other principles sacred leaders, many of whom were in atten- Brown as a puppet We won’t rest until we “right-wing Re- to labor. dance. of the Tea Party publicans” who, he “Let me be clear about what I be- After comedian Jimmy Tingle and Wall Street. reclaim our country for said, “are trying to lieve,” Kennedy shouted, “This country loosened up the crowd, it was time for “We won’t rest the people who make it undermine the very needs you. Working families need you. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka until we reclaim foundation of the Our middle class needs you. And I to liven them up. Thanking Massachu- our country…for work. middle class.” know you will not let them down!” setts AFL-CIO President Stephen Tol- the people who Richard Trumka “We must work Having heard from the candidates, man for his leadership, which Trumka make it work,” President, AFL-CIO to rebuild the union members left the hall energized depicted as “tough…compassionate… Trumka said. “We middle class,” Tier- and ready to push forward to election unapologetic” and fair, Trumka rallied do what it takes...And we will take our ney said, echoing Trumka’s comments, day. the troops behind their chosen candi- country back!” “and organized labor must play a key Said Cristiani: “Now it’s up to all of dates and their common cause. Once the audience was sufficiently role.” us to talk to our friends and neighbors “We’ll win for Massachusetts,” excited, Trumka showed his apprecia- According to Tolman, the Com- about what’s at stake in this elec- Trumka exhorted. “We’ll bring out the tion for their efforts. “You’re doing the monwealth’s labor movement is behind tion.” ▪
  • 2. have prevented 280,000 teachers from being laid off, would have brought back other educators who had lost their jobs, would have extended Thomas J. Gosnell unemployment insurance benefits to five million jobless Americans, and President, AFT Massachusetts would have provided investments in infrastructure repair. Senator Brown also voted against Vote on Election Day allowing the Senate to consider another bill which would have prevented teacher layoffs and rehired A thousands of teachers and other vibrant democracy needs Sometimes our views prevail; school employees who had lost their committed citizens willing sometimes they do not. However, if jobs during the past three years. This to participate in the electoral we do not participate in the political bill would also have kept thousands of process. Usually in a vibrant arena, elected officials will ignore our police officers and firefighters on the democracy, multitudes of opinions views when they make decisions. That job. exist, many of which are, of course, is why we endorse candidates. His record is not of that his in heated conflict with one another. For the election of 2012, the predecessor, Edward M. Kennedy. Those that prevail are the ones Executive Board of the American When it comes to advocacy for the supported by a majority of the Federation of Teachers Massachusetts values we cherish, Senator Brown is electorate. (AFT MA) has endorsed Elizabeth not Senator Kennedy. When all the votes are counted Warren for the United State Senate. It This edition of The Advocate has a on Tuesday, November 6, Election was an easy choice. list of those we are recommending for Day, we want our values and views Elizabeth Warren stands for the state representative and state senator. to be in the majority. That is why issues we value. She supports robust We shall be mailing literature to our the American Federation of Teachers funding for public services, including members in all districts where there Massachusetts is working so diligently schools and libraries. She supports are contests. We encourage you to to help elect candidates who value action to increase the number of consider seriously the candidates AFT education, libraries, and unions. good jobs. She supports the right of MA is recommending. Over the past few years, some of the workers to organize. She supports the Every election is important and candidates we have endorsed have extension of unemployment benefits. demands our attention. The assault disappointed us. Unfortunately, there She does not support a voucher plan on public services and unions, both are now Democrats who no longer for Medicare. A voucher plan would in the private sector and in the public cherish the traditional values of the cause seniors to have less medical sector, has been unrelenting. We Democratic Party. Nonetheless, the coverage and/or more medical costs. must fight hard and smart. We must men and women elected to office make In the October issue of The do our best to elect men and women decisions that affect all of us. They Advocate, I wrote about Senator Scott who will stand with us. determine funding for the schools. Brown’s voting record. I shall now Vote on Election Day, Tuesday, They negotiate our contracts which reiterate some of those points. November 6. include salary, class size, working Senator Brown voted against If you have any questions or conditions, and many other items. allowing the U.S. Senate to vote on comments on this column, you can They consider legislation which affects retirement, professional status, and education programs in the classroom. the American Jobs Act. This proposal would have created as many as two email me at ▪ million new jobs nationwide, would BTU Ratifies Contract Proposal: to 20 percent of a school’s staff can Agreement brings salary increases volunteer to leave their school and be reassigned elsewhere (e.g., closer to O n Wednesday, October 10, tee and school site councils, a more where they live). “A lot of people want The official publication of hundreds of active and retired timely budget review schedule and to change assignments,” Stutman ob- AFT Massachusetts, AFL-CIO BTU teachers and paraprofes- adoption of the state performance served. “This gives you a good shot.” sionals gathered at the union hall evaluation model, which insists upon Once the package had been ex- Thomas J. Gosnell, President to vote on ratification of their long- such elements as a specific time line plained, the floor was opened for a Mark Allred, Sr., Secretary-Treasurer awaited contract. for feedback following observations, a half-hour of questions and answers. VICE PRESIDENTS It has been over 27 months since set due date of May 15 for the deliv- Among the topics about which mem- BTU teachers have worked under an ery of summative evaluation reports, bers saw the need for further clari- Tim Angerhofer Patricia Armstrong official contract, so the 49-page pack- and due process protections for the fication were the status of the level Deborah Blinder age had to be explained carefully by small number of teachers who may be 4 “turnaround” schools, case loads, Sean Bowker BTU President Richard Stutman and placed on improvement plans. assignments and excessing, and Kathryn Chamberlain AFT MA Director of Education Policy In addition to changes in language, professional development. With no Brenda Chaney and Programs Dan Murphy. the agreement includes changes to motion to extend, teacher and nego- Kathy Delaney Catherine Deveney Among the major issues under dis- staffing, including the addition of six tiating team member Erik Berg stood Patricia Driscoll cussion were the differences between nurses, eight social workers and 20 to applaud the BTU’s efforts before Marianne Dumont the state’s contract language regard- paraprofessionals to cover absences. officially presenting the motion to Brant Duncan ing performance evaluation - which “It’s a good start,” Stutman said, ratify. J. Michael Earle the district and union ultimately “and we’re glad we could do that.” In When President Stutman opened Margaret Farrell Mary Ferriter agreed to use - and that in the dis- addition to establishing a new BTU the floor to discussion, support was Jenna Fitzgerald trict’s original proposal. “The state’s professional development institute overwhelming, with only a handful Richard Flaherty language is by no means perfect,” (which Stutman called “an institu- of dissenters. “There’s no such thing Paul Georges Stutman observed, “but it is better.” tional monument”), the agreement as a perfect contract” one teacher Daniel Haacker While the district was “adamant” also offers raises to athletic coaches observed, noting that, especially Joyce Harrington Susan Leahy in their refusal to grant teachers and enhances opportunities for para- in an age when other public work- Francis McLaughlin and paraprofessionals a raise in the professionals, making them eligible ers are struggling to keep their jobs, Bruce Nelson first year of the agreement, Stutman for tuition reimbursement and other any raise is significant. With that James Philip comment ringing in their ears, the pointed out that the package included benefits, some for the first time. It Bruce Sparfven Richard Stutman across-the-board salary increases also allows and encourages specialists assembled vocally voted to ratify the Gale Thomas of zero and one percent going back to meet with their colleagues at least motion, which will now go forward to the last two years, a raise of two once a year at district-wide gather- the school committee sometime next Matt Robinson, Editor percent for this school year (effec- ings. week and then, hopefully, on to the 38 Chauncy St., Suite 402 tive November 1), and then a healthy Another point of great interest City Council for endorsement some- Boston, Mass. 02111 Tel. 617-423-3342 /800-279-2523 Fax: 617-423-0174 three percent per year going forward through 2016. Stutman also noted involved changes to what has hereto- fore been known as the “excess pool,” time around the end of the month. ▪ how many other elements the BTU but will henceforward be known as had been able to prevail upon, includ- the Post Transfer Placement Process 2 ing expansion of the steering commit- (PTPP). Under this new system, up
  • 3. In Schools’ Success, Some Lessons for Lawrence T he high-profile turnaround the Frost has remained remarkably plan for the Lawrence Public consistent in recent years. The staff Schools may be dominating here also represents the whole range local headlines these days, but the of experience, from veterans who’ve success of two of the city’s schools spent their careers teaching in may hold the key for how best to Lawrence to beginning teachers. “If improve education in the Merrimack you’re a new teacher here you get a lot Valley. The Frost Middle School and of support,” says Doug Sullivan, who the South Lawrence East Elementary works with students with emotional became the first in the city to be and behavioral problems. “But it’s that designated Level 1, meaning that sense of familiarity and community they have joined the state’s top 500 that has really made the Frost effective performing schools. as a school. We feel supported and Jean Zembrowski, assistant valued and people opt to stay here as principal at the Frost, says that while a result.” CELEBRATING SUCCESS Faculty, staff and administrators at the Frost Middle everyone at the school is thrilled to have their success recognized, Team work works School in Lawrence celebrate their new designation as a Level 2 school.The Frost principal Ellen Baranowski Frost and South Lawrence East Elementary School were recently added to the much work remains to be done. “We list of the top 500 performing schools in Massachusetts. want the same success for all of our says that her philosophy of education sisters and brothers in Lawrence,” is simple: teachers are the experts Finneran and Cynthia Roberge, in participate in. The school also has an says Zembrowski, a former Lawrence in the classroom. “It’s our job as what he describes as a genuinely active group of parents who support it, teacher. “When we have a whole administrators to make sure that they collaborative effort. including planning events and raising community of schools here that are have all of the support they need and “We’re all united by a common money to pay for supplies and extras Level 1 then we’ll really have a reason that nobody feels as though they’re goal, to help our students succeed, that the Frost would otherwise be to celebrate.” working in isolation.” so it only makes sense that we would unable to afford. Teachers at the schools say that Talk to teachers at the Frost and work together to achieve that goal.” Doug Sullivan, who also serves their success may hold important you’re likely to hear a lot about team Patterson, who joined the staff of the as a vice president of the Lawrence lessons for Lawrence. A majority work. Teachers here work together Frost in 2002, says that constant, Teachers Union, says that he hopes of students at the Frost and South in grade level teams which means consistent communication from that other schools in Lawrence can Lawrence East speak a first language that there is less emphasis on what school administrators is essential too. follow the positive example of the other than English and are poor happens in individual classrooms “There is never any doubt that our Frost. Says Sullivan: “Our experience enough to qualify for free or reduced than on how students are faring administrators are here to help us shows that there are ‘best practices’ lunch, yet student achievement at the across the entire grade. At regular succeed.” for how to improve our schools right two schools far outpaces others in the team meetings, teachers and support here in Lawrence. “ Among those staff are constantly assessing and Collaboration best practices, says Sullivan: letting district. determining how best to respond to In addition to a climate of trust teachers lead. “It’s not a coincidence Stability counts the needs of their students. and support, teachers at the Frost say that the schools faring the best in the Teachers say that stability at their For the past five years, John there are a few other factors too. The city are the ones where teachers really schools has been key to helping them Patterson, a seventh grade math Frost is home to a thriving after school have a voice,” says Sullivan. “That’s a successfully reach students. While the official turnaround plan encourages teacher, has been working with four other seventh grade teachers, Rebecca program that half of the students major reason for our success.” ▪ Turnaround Schools Post Big Gains staff turnover, the teaching staff at Heggarty, Matthew Debrocke, Nicole 2013 AFT MA Scholarship Program Just three years ago, the E.J. At the Harrington, teachers Harrington School in Lynn was credit a new culture at the school O nce again AFT Massachusetts their guidance office, social studies declared “underperforming” by for their success. “The school cli- will be awarding scholarships teacher, or principal. A packet state education officials, who gave mate is so positive and so focused to eight eligible high school seniors including one labor history study teachers and administrators an ulti- on success, and that’s what makes who are dependents of AFT MA guide and one application is sent matum: Turn the school around or the teaching here so effective,” says members. Every year AFT MA to each high school in the state in risk closure. These days, however, John Laubner, a veteran English awards eight $1500 scholarships November. A study guide is also there is an air of celebration in the teacher at the Harrington who re- on the basis of a labor history exam available on our website. hallways here. Since 2009, student turned recently to serve as a master administered by the Massachusetts This year’s labor history exam achievement at the Harrington has mentor to new teachers. And while AFL-CIO, in cooperation with will be given on Wednesday, soared, and the school was recently a turnaround process can be tense the Massachusetts Department February 6. Once a student has cited by the state as one of the most by definition, Laubner says ad- of Education. One additional submitted an application to AFT improved schools in Massachusetts. ministrators have gone to remark- scholarship is being awarded by the Massachusetts and notified a The Harrington wasn’t the only able lengths to make the school an AFT MA Professional Staff Union in guidance counselor, he or she is formerly underperforming school “anxiety-free zone.” memory of long-time AFT MA field considered registered for the exam. to post big gains in student achieve- The success of schools like the representative Jay Porter. ment. The Charlotte Murkland Harrington and the Murkland are To be considered for the Additional scholarships Elementary School in Lowell saw more impressive still given the scholarships, named in honor Additional scholarships its scores rise for the second year in demographics of the students they of Albert Shanker and Sandra are also available through the row. Since 2010, the school in Low- serve. Virtually all of the students Feldman, both former presidents Massachusetts AFL-CIO. Be sure ell historic Acre neighborhood has who attend the schools are poor, of the American Federation of to visit to seen the percentage of students who while more than 30 percent are Teachers, and Jay Porter, the learn about other opportunities. scored proficient or higher on the classified as limited English profi- student must be a dependent of an Last year ten children of AFT MCAS climb by 18 points in English cient. AFT MA member and a high school Massachusetts members were and 13 points in math. Francine Lawrence, executive senior. The student must also attend awarded $1500 scholarships. Teachers and administrators at vice president of the American Fed- a college or other post-secondary The 2012 winners include Rose the schools attribute their success to eration of Teachers, recently toured school in the fall of 2013. Allocca, Abigail Heingertner, a model of shared responsibility and the Harrington to witness its prog- Brandon Higgins, Kayla Marandola, accountability that has paid off for ress for herself. “What impresses Applications Amalia Mendoza, Shawn teachers and students alike. “This me most is that this is a school that Applications for the 2013 Morrissey, Benjamin Soper, Boris is what it looks like when a school must educate every child who walks scholarships are available on the Stanchev and Sarah Vandewalle. embraces teacher-centered educa- through its doors,” says Lawrence. AFT MA website: www.aftma. Congratulations to last year’s tion reform,” says Paul Georges, “They don’t get to pick and choose, net. The deadline for submitting winners and good luck to all of this president of the United Teachers of yet the Harrington is making in- applications is Monday, December 17. year’s applicants. ▪ For more information call Lowell. “We’re proof that collabora- tion as a process is effective and can credible progress.” ▪ To take the labor history exam, 617.423.3342. result in fantastic gains in student students should apply directly to achievement.” 3 November 2012
  • 4. Diary T hree years ago, when I was LEARNING a senior in college, I knew CURVE everything. I knew I wanted to New teacher get married and to have kids sooner Himilcon rather than later. I knew I wanted to of a New Teacher start my own school someday. I also Inciarte says that he learned knew how to close the achievement a great deal dur- gap. ing his first year By Himilcon Inciarte When a Teach for America in the classroom. Fourth grade Spanish teacher interviewer asked me what I thought Among his find- Dever-McCormack, Elementary education in this country needed most, ings: becoming Boston, MA I immediately responded: “We need to put children first. If that means the super teach- calling students every morning, visiting er of his dreams parents regularly, or teachers making turned out to be themselves available after-hours, then much more dif- ficult than he’d Meet the 2012-2013 that’s what teachers should do.” At the time, I really did believe expected. New Teacher Diarists everything I was saying. Then, just as I had planned, I started The following new teachers will be teaching, got married, and had a baby. successful at school, me for knowing contributing to the New Teacher Diary that teachers can’t be their be students’ Any one of these would have been something after all. parents, and second, the student I during the 2012-2013 school year. The life-changing; having all three occur Or so I thought. What became clear started working with last year. His Advocate thanks all of these fine teachers within a few months of each other was to me as I was working with this continued successes—and trials— for sharing their experiences. disorienting. I went from having it student—by the far highlight of my remind me that children need both all figured out to knowing absolutely first year teaching—was the intense parents and teachers. Bradford Green nothing. time commitment and emotional This is not meant to abdicate English Language Arts teacher, Pickering In this new frenzied state, I made investment required. There were teachers of their responsibility to teach Middle School, Lynn every decision thinking only about mornings when I left home at 5:30 so well. It is, however, meant to caution my family. Staying after school for that I could pick the student up early that many popular reforms fail to Chaya Harris Fifth grade teacher, Mather School, Boston hours to plan lessons and grade work? and help him make up schoolwork. address what my student, and many Doubtful—I needed to get home in Other days, I would worry that he others like him, need most: a parent. I Himilcon Inciarte time to relieve my wife from baby-duty. would have nothing to eat when he can’t help but wonder if we can really Fourth grade Spanish teacher, Dever-Mc- Making home visits to develop good got home. When he got suspended, I claim to be reforming education when Cormack, Elementary, Boston relationships with difficult-to-reach wondered what he did all day while I the nation’s most needy children can’t families? Not unless I could go during was at school. And this was only one benefit from those reforms unless a Karina Dise work hours. Going to work early so that student! teacher takes on the responsibilities of Paraprofessional, Zanetti Montessori I could tutor my most needy students? I finally understood the reason I had a parent. School, Springfield Unlikely—it would mean missing my son’s wake time, which was non- shied away from becoming the super- teacher of my dreams after having Then again, what do I know? ▪ Bill Madden-Fuoco negotiable. a baby: I was already the parent of Humanities teacher, Urban Science Feeling like a failure for not one child. It dawned on me that my Academy ,West Roxbury, becoming the married-with-kids, brilliant plan to solve the nation’s school-opening, gap-closing, education inequality effectively called Eliana Martinez difference-making teacher I had for teachers to become their students’ Social studies teacher, Lawrence High envisioned, I tried to become that parents. School, Lawrence teacher for at least one child. For this As I start my second year of teaching, one student, I would do and be all I much has changed: I am now teaching Amanda Perez could. I did everything on my list and If you’d like to receive an another grade level, in a new language, Middle school teacher, Sarah Greenwood then some, even taking him to doctor’s at a different school; I no longer feel electronic version of the School, Dorchester. appointments and bringing him home anxious when I’m away from my family Advocate, send an email to to meet my family. and I no longer view extra time spent Please Robert Tobio When the student passed sixth grade before or after school as a punishment. Math and special education teacher, Mary include your home mailing after being on the brink of dropping Despite these changes, much has also Lyon Pilot School, Brighton. out, we both celebrated—he for being stayed with me: First, the realization address for identification. New Advocate Editor Ready to Go a Few Rounds nity would allow him to combine his passions of writing, education, and I supporting colleagues, Robinson ac- t has been a time of great change for school serve its students more effec- cepted the offer to become our editor our new editor, Matt Robinson. In tively. In addition to teaching English and looks forward to the new opportu- addition to becoming the new editor to three sections of students who varied nities this new position will entail. of the AFT MA Advocate, Robinson is widely in age, cultural background, “I am really looking forward to also becoming the father of twins! and language proficiency, Robinson sharpening my writing and editorial But new things and making ad- also relaunched a school journalism skills while keeping a an eye on and a justments are really nothing new for program that had fallen on hard times, foot in the world of education,” Robin- Robinson. As a freelance writer who bringing the school’s newspaper from son says. has contributed over 3,500 pieces to nonexistent status to being considered In recent week, Robinson has been more than 120 international publica- for a statewide honor and acclaim from travelling all over the Commonwealth, tions in the past 15 years and as an school staff and district administrators. introducing himself to locals to find educator who has taught every age and He also introduced a boxing pro- out what they need and want from the level from pre-K to adult in public, gram to the school, offering an after- AFT and from the publication. Among private, parochial, and other schools, school alternative that emphasized his new ideas are a column in which he Robinson is always ready and eager to personal discipline and self-esteem. To hopes to profile and celebrate notable take on new challenges and make the support those students for whom col- graduates from AFT MA-affiliated most of new opportunities. As editor of lege may not actually be the most pro- FIGHTING FOR YOU New AFT MA schools. our paper, Robinson looks forward to ductive choice, Robinson called upon Advocate Editor Matt Robinson has “I really want The Advocate to be meeting our members and to sharing our fellow unions to create a series of years of experience teaching in the the voice of the AFT in Massachusetts,” their stories and emphasizing their speaker panels featuring union repre- classroom and in the boxing gym. Robinson says. “I look forward to hear- voice, both within and outside of the sentatives who informed the students ing from all of our members and to education community. schools. Drafted right out of the Mas- about valid and viable options in the doing all I can to serve them and help Before coming to The Advocate, ters of Arts in Teaching (MAT) pro- trades and also helped them plan and them be heard. Robinson served for two years at the Jeremiah E. Burke High School, which is one of Boston’s Level 4 “turnaround” gram at Boston University, Robinson was part of a raft of new hires who had been brought in to help this struggling prepare for their futures. Upon learning that he was to be a Welcome aboard Matt! ▪ father and that this editorial opportu- 4 The AFT Massachusetts Advocate
  • 5. Supporting Voice: Students stand with popular professor T he University of Massachusetts acknowledge the need for informed Amherst has one of the most consent, she took her opinions acclaimed education programs public and shared them with The in the region. No wonder, then, that New York Times. Tough Madeloni the international corporation Pearson justifies her actions by explaining Education came to them with a that “the struggle to obtain student new idea for a testing and licensing choice heightened my fears of how program. Unfortunately, UMass corporate influences and the discourse Amherst’s reputation was almost of accountability silence intellectual its undoing, as students supported freedom and democratic voice,” her one of the education school’s most administration was apparently not of popular teachers after her contract a similar mind. Less than two weeks was not renewed due to her refusal to after the Times story was published, participate in the Pearson program. Madeloni received a reprimand for Barbara Madeloni is a Senior speaking on behalf of the University Lecturer in the Department of Teacher and then a letter of non-renewal. Education and Curriculum Studies According to an e-mail from at UMass Amherst, where she has Dean Christine McCormick, there served for many years, becoming one STANDING TOGETHER Professor Barbara Madeloni (left) and UMass students is “no connection” between what at a protest at UMass. Madeloni’s contract at the school was terminated after she suggests was the “expiration” of of the most popular and progressive she objected to a plan to outsource the evaluation of student teachers. Madeloni’s contract and the concerns members of the faculty. “Professor Madeloni was an been a vocal critic…and my critiques When asked what prompted her to raised by faculty and students. Even inspiration during my time at UMass were not welcome.” act in the way that she did, Madeloni so, many of Madeloni’s students are Amherst,” says former student However, it was not until Madeloni explained that her first priority was speaking out. Some co-signed a letter Jennifer Mason. “She not only refused to take part in a program that “to advocate for student teachers” who to McCormick and organized a “teach- imparted her wisdom of how to be Pearson had submitted to UMass as wished not to participate. Madeloni in” on campus on October 19. a good teacher, but how to find my a new model for educator assessment went on to explain that her attention As her students come to her voice and stand up for what I believe that her administration took action was particularly drawn to this study support, Madeloni remains dedicated is just.” against her. by the Pearson name. “[They are] a to supporting them and all teachers. “Barbara Madeloni was the single Together with colleagues at publicly-traded, for-profit company,” “I was protecting teaching…from most important figure at UMass Stanford University, members of she points out, claiming the new the...standards regimes that are in my evolution as an educator,” the Pearson team recently designed program represented “the incursion suffocating democratic education,” adds Catherine Smith, another of a new “field test” assessment for of private profiteers into teacher Madeloni maintains. “The degree Madeloni’s many students and fans. student teachers called the Teacher education.” It is, Madeloni suggests, to which ideas about teaching and “She instilled in me a sense of social Performance Assessment (TPA). The an example of “how standards and learning have become subject to justice and responsibility.” test requires that student teachers accountability regimes limit the voices outcomes-based…measures that grow Known for her dedication to justice send written work and video clips of of educators.” from business models and market and to developing and supporting their teaching to Pearson to be scored When nearly all of her students logic is frightening….Accountability reflective practitioners, Madeloni by anonymous scorers. Concerned refused to participate, Madeloni felt is to centralized authority; I had a has spoken out once or twice against responsibility instead to the students, ▪ about such issues as privacy, justified in going further. “I wanted school policies, but had never been confidentiality and intellectual more people to know that we can and their students.” previously reprimanded for her property, Madeloni refused to stand up to these pressures,” she actions. participate and, despite pressure from explains, “just as the students had.” “They’ve been angry at me for a Pearson and the school, 67 of her 68 As Madeloni found it “surprisingly long time,” Madeloni admitted. “I had students did likewise. difficult” to get the administration to Lesley University Graduate School of Education Providing a better learning experience for teachers for more than 100 years. Lesley’s Graduate School of Education is marked by its commitment to the preparation and professional development of educators, innovative and challenging coursework, and lifelong learning. We offer a wide range of learning opportunities: • Master’s programs including those leading to initial and professional licensure • Licensure-only programs • Certificate programs, including Advanced Graduate Studies (CAGS) • Ph.D. programs Lesley offers programs to fit your lifestyle. Learn on-campus, online, or at a location Inquire about our near you. new M.Ed. in Questions? Effective Teaching! Contact | 888.LESLEY.U 5 November 2012
  • 6. On Campus Dan Georgianna, Political Director UMass Faculty Federation, Local 1895 A View from Above on the Senate Race T he Massachusetts Senate race lican Senate and a Republican House UNITED WE between Scott Brown and Eliza- would give Mitt Romney as President STAND beth Warren has not focused on clear path to full power. A Republican AFT President educational policy. Each of the candi- Senate would stifle any actions of Presi- Randi Weingarten dates has followed his or her general dent Obama if he wins re-election. and Senatorial ideological path on vouchers, testing Massachusetts is a swing state in this candidate Elizabeth students to evaluate teachers, and Senate election between Brown and Warren at the merit pay for teachers. Brown’s voting Warren. Labor to Labor record in the Massachusetts State Sen- While Senator Brown presents him- Walk in Malden in ate reveals other positions on educa- self as an independent to Massachu- October. It’s clear tion; he voted against using state funds setts voters, (his campaign literature where Warren stands, writes Dan to supplement the federal school lunch within Massachusetts rarely mentions Georgianna. “She programs for low-income students and that he is Republican), he walks the supports consumer voted against a 3-year moratorium on party line when asking for donations protection and charter schools. from out-of-state voters. His campaign regulation of the Both candidates favor better schools, literature distributed outside but not financial sector; she more technical training, and higher pay inside Massachusetts emphasizes that opposes predatory for teachers, although Brown said in winning re-election means one vote lending and the their debates that Warren’s high salary closer to Republican control of the Bush era tax cuts at Harvard adds to student costs. War- Senate. for high-income ren has said repeatedly that she favors Professor Warren presents herself households.” public education; she graduated from as a liberal Democrat both inside and the University of Houston and Rut- outside the state. She supports con- dent voters he must win over to be training, less regulation of for-profit gers, both state universities. Neither sumer protection and regulation of the elected in Massachusetts, Senator schools, return to student loan pro- candidate has specified how to pay for financial sector; she opposes predatory Brown presents himself as indepen- gram based on private banks that will improvements in education. lending and the Bush tax cut for high- dent. mean higher interest rates on student The more important result for educa- income households. It’s clear where she In the debates, for example, Brown loans, more government constraints tion and every other policy question stands. said that current Republican Senate over teaching and research, and a re- from this election is its effect on control Apologists for Brown argue that any Leader Mitch McConnell “has a lot of duction in Pell grants. of the U.S. Senate, a powerful advan- politician in a tight race tells people work to do to earn my vote” for Senate The differences are clear in the Mas- tage for the winning party. A Repub- what they want to hear. To indepen- President if Republicans have a major- sachusetts election for U.S. Senator. ity. This is nonsense because McCon- nell’s name will be the only name on The choice, as they say, is ours. ▪ the ballot if Republicans control the Senate. Visit India Over To out-of-state republicans, Brown Winter Break SCHOOL OF EDUCATION, PUBLIC POLICY, AND CIVIC ENGAGEMENT presents himself as the Republican Senator to secure Senate control. Who is he more likely to represent GEEO has teamed up with AFT Mas- sachusetts member Lillie Marshall at Master of Arts in Teaching in the Senate, Massachusetts indepen- dents or national Republicans? to put togeth- er an amazing trip to India for only His behavior in the Senate indicates $987! For more details go to http:// that Senator Brown will work for na- Flexible schedule - Financial aid available tional republican issues. Global Exploration for Educators 20% discount for teachers* In order to portray himself as in- Organization (GEEO) is a 501c3 non- dependent to Massachusetts voters, profit organization that runs sum- Brown can pad his votes for Demo- mer professional development travel Licensure areas cratic issues when the Republican or programs designed for teachers. include: Democratic vote is certain to carry. As Educators have the option to earn evidence, his voting record fell from graduate school credit and profes- • General Science 80% for Republican issues to 60% after sional development credit while seeing the world. The trips are 8 to • Biology Warren entered the race. Few voters 24 days in length and are designed can follow the arcane world of voting in • Chemistry the Senate or the side deals made. and discounted to be interesting and affordable for teachers. GEEO pro- • Physics Large donors aren’t as easily fooled, vides teachers educational materials especially on their issues. Much of and the structure to help them bring • Mathematics Brown’s funding came from the finan- their experiences into the classroom. cial sector. According to the Center The trips are open to all nationalities • English for Responsible Politics, Brown has of K-12 and university educators and • History received more from the finance, insur- administrators, as well as retired edu- ance and real estate industries than any cators. Educators are also permitted • Spanish other member of Congress or con- to bring along a non-educator guest. GEEO is also offering 22 different • French gressional candidate. Their dislike of travel programs for the summer Warren probably fuels their donations • Portuguese of 2013, including India/Nepal, Italy, to Brown for the election, but if elected, Portugal/Spain, Amalfi Coast, East- Brown will be pressured to vote their ern Europe, Budapest to Istanbul, way, e.g. “I gave you thousands of Vietnam and Russia/Mongolia/China. * Current teachers maybe eligible for 20% discount. Call 508.910.9050 for more information. dollars and if you want large donation For a complete list of destination Apply Today for Fall 2012 from me in the next election etc.” and detailed information about each The Republican platform and Gover- trip, including itineraries, costs, travel nor Romney’s white paper on educa- dates, visit For more information, call 508.910.9050 or tion show the party’s intent for public visit higher education: reverence for job 6 The AFT Massachusetts Advocate
  • 7. Retiree Corner SENIOR SEMINARS Preparing for Retirement Marie Ardito, Co-founder (Given by Marie Ardito) Massachusetts Retirees United • November 14th: Beverly North Shore Consortium, 112 Sohier Road, 3:30-5:30 • December 1st, Wilmington, 314 Giving Thanks to Teachers • Main St. Unit 105, 10-noon December 4th :Amesbury High W School, 5 Highland St. 3:30-5:00 hatever happened to thank someone who has influenced your life time for them; for the youngster they • December 6th: Hingham South you?” These words are often and given you something. Then find taught to value education; for the child Shore Educational Collaborative the first two words that a way to express your gratitude by they are a mother or father to; for the Cafeteria, 40 Pond Park, 5:00-6:30 toddlers learn to put together. Later spending some time with them. Make a youngster they taught to read allowing • December 12, Rockport Elemen- in life, however, many of these same phone call just to say thanks for doing the great door to opportunity open for tary School Library, Rockport, children seem to forget when and how something special for you or just being them. I want to thank all the teachers in 3:15-5:15 to use them appropriately. there for you. It may be the best call you the name of the thousands of youngsters How to Protect Your Nest Egg and The gift of gratitude goes all the way make all day! whose lives they touched and whose Plan for the Right Outcome for Your back to the Pilgrims. They also gave us Sometimes people feel gratitude lives are better because of their support Family (Given by Elder Law Attor- a great gift- the gift of gratitude. They is not necessary for a person because and guidance. I want to thank them in ney Mary Howie) knew they had so much for which to they are “just doing their job” or just the name of all those who have taken be grateful, that they set aside a day to doing what they are “supposed” to be what they do and did for granted and • Saturday Dec. 8, from ten to noon celebrate in gratitude for friendships doing. Even if someone is being paid never took the time to say, “thank you.” and the harvest- Thanksgiving! or otherwise rewarded, when we know I want to thank them in the name of the Understanding Your Social Security Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday someone has gone the extra mile or countless people who have crossed their and Medicare because it is not limited by religious extra step for us, a word of thanks is paths and whose lives are richer because • Saturday October 27, from ten to beliefs; nor is it overly commercialized appropriate and appreciated. It can go a of it. Most of all I want to thank the noon like some other holidays are. It abounds long way. One’s expression of gratitude teachers in my own name for making with tradition, some treasured from to another encourages them to extend teaching the profession I wanted to Living In Retirement As An In- formed Retiree our childhood and others created in our themselves again and again; to “pay it be a part of. I was blessed for so many • Saturday November 3, from ten to own families. No matter how the day is forward,” as the saying goes. When you years to be one a teacher and, even noon spent, gratitude should not be limited to do something good for someone else, it though I am no longer in the classroom a single day nor to just expressing it for can encourage them to enrich someone every day, my appreciation has not All the Saturday seminars are at 314 Main big things. We have so much for which else’s life and to pass on the positive diminished, and in fact has grown. Street Unit 105 Wilmington, MA 01887. to be grateful that it should be expressed feelings. All it takes is a simple “thank Finally, I want to thank all my fellow Main Street in Wilmington is the same daily and often. It is a small way to you.” teachers for making me proud to be one as Route 38. Please register by emailing let others know that we appreciate At this time of year (and at all times), of you- a teacher in the Commonwealth Marie at something and don’t take what we have we should express thanks to those who of Massachusetts. or calling the voice message system at for granted. It is important that we let spent their lives in the classroom or are Happy Thanksgiving and may you 617-482-1568. Be sure to tell the seminar others know we value the gifts freely currently in one. Thank them in the find a reason many times everyday to for which you are registering, your name, given to us. Pause for a moment and think of name of the child that they taught to believe in themselves when no one had say, “Thank You.” ▪ phone number and the number attending. There will be no return call unless you request directions. Either of these com- munications registers you. Mass. Retirees United Honors Service A s retirement rights and retirement and fulfilling old dreams.” organizations. As the Commonwealth especially health care-related As so many retirees are living long, prepares a new comprehensive study on issues continue to be hot topics full lives, heath care and other benefits health insurance policy, Powell is at the in the political and personal arena, are more important than ever. However, forefront of the battle on behalf of the Massachusetts Retirees United (www. they are potentially being more MRU members and other retirees and gathered at Hillview threatened than ever. Fortunately, AFT soon-to-be retirees. Country Club in North Reading for MA members have a fighter like Andy “It’s a scary, scary world,” Powell their annual meeting. At the meeting, Powell in their corner. A retired fire suggested. “We have to fight every day.” Senators Katherine Clark and Michael fighter, Powell now works to stamp out As part of that fight, Powell is Rogdriques were recognized for their the flames of injustice and oppression working with his colleagues to make dedicated service to the MRU and its that so many retirees face at the sure that any new legislation maintains members. hands of unscrupulous politicians and if not improves retiree rights and With a few hundred of the privileges, including the percentage organization’s 1,800 members in of coverage that they will be asked to attendance, representing AFT-affiliated pay out of pocket for health care and and other schools and unions in the other benefits. “There will be legislative fields of education and public service, reform,” Powell predicted, noting a new MRU enjoyed a presentation by retired report that is due out by year’s end that (but far from retiring) Boston Globe will surely result in major decisions by columnist David Mehegan and a Governor Patrick. And while Powell presentation on health insurance by was “confident” that the new legislation AFT MA field reepresentative Andy would not affect current retirees, he Powell. reminded the audience that “we are In his remarks, Mehegan spoke of dealing with politicians, so….” is life after leaving The Globe and how While Powell said that AFT MA is he has kept it full and vibrant through dedicated to preserving and protecting study (he has recently earned a PhD all he can for retirees ad for contributing at Boston University), travel and other to and supervising the report in ways pursuits. “You are not your work,” he that will benefit them, he also noted emphasized, “and retirement does not that, at this point, “the report on costs end your life.” Mehegan encouraged for retirees is a grim report.” MRU members to not look at retirement “You are at risk,” he said matter- as an end, but rather as a new beginning of-factly to the interested assembly. As RETIREE RECOGNITION Senator always, however, Powell pledged his and an opportunity to try things and Katherine Clark received an support and his best efforts. “This is not pursue goals that were inconvenient Appreciation Award from the MRU a cost problem,” he said. “It is a promise ▪ or impossible during their regular for work she did to get a maternity work lives. “There is much to be said, that we must meet.” benefits bill passed and into law. Mehegan suggested, “for going back in November 2012 7