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Eduardo Berrocal García de Carellán
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit
• Introduction
• Hardware Issues
• Error Injection
• Software Bugs
• Conclusions and Q&A
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 3
Persistent memory programming
introduces new opportunities…
• Byte addressable
• Cache coherent
• Load/Store access
• no page caching
• Memory-like performance
introduction DRAM
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 4
…but also new challenges
• Programming difficulty
• New classes of bugs
• New vectors to consider for
Introduction(CONT’D) DRAM
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 5
• Module failure
• HDDs and SSDs use RAID
• Memory controllers do not implement RAID
• Data integrity
• Block corruption (i.e., bad blocks)
Cascade Lake
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 6
• What if we discover that our pool is corrupted due to bad blocks?
• Opening a corrupted pool
• Pool gets corrupted while program is running
$ ./myProgram /mnt/pmem/poolfile
/mnt/pmem/poolfile: Input/output error
Bus error (core dumped)
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 7
• What if we discover that our pool is corrupted due to bad blocks?
• Pmempool check will also fail
$ cp /mnt/pmem/poolfile ./
cp: error reading '/mnt/pmem/poolfile': Input/output error
# dd if=/dev/pmem0 of=/dev/null
dd: error reading /dev/pmem0: Input/output error
20480+0 records in
20480+0 records out
10485760 bytes (10 MB) copied, 0.0912348 s, 115 MB/s
$ pmempool check –v /mnt/pmem/poolfile
Bus error (core dumped)
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 8
• Cleaning the poison by writing to the affected blocks
# cat /sys/block/pmem0/badblocks
20480 1
# dd conv=notrunc if=/dev/zero of=/dev/pmem0 oflag=direct bs=512 seek=20480 count=1
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
512 bytes (512 B) copied, 0.000114311 s, 9.0 MB/s
# cat /sys/block/pmem0/badblocks
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 9
• Standalone utility for management and off-line analysis of persistent memory pools
• It works for both the single-file pools and for pool set files.
• Commands: create, info, dump, check, rm, convert, sync and transform
• usage: pmempool [--version] [--help] <command> [<args>]
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 10
Applications are responsible for correcting these errors
We can use pmempool to check (and sometimes correct)
corruptions in the headers
$ pmempool check -v /mnt/pmem/poolfile
checking pool header
incorrect pool header
/mnt/mem/poolfile: not consistent
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 11
$ pmempool check –v –r –N –a /mnt/pmem/poolfile
checking pool header
incorrect pool header
pool_hdr.signature is not valid. Do you want to set it to PMEMBLK? [Y/n] Y
pool_hdr.major is not valid. Do you want to set it to default value 0x1? [Y/n] Y
setting pool_hdr.signature to PMEMBLK
setting pool_hdr.major to 0x1
invalid pool_hdr.poolset_uuid. Do you want to set it to 2a3b402a-2be0-46f0-a86d-7afef54b258a from BTT Info? [Y/n] Y
setting pool_hdr.poolset_uuid to 2a3b402a-2be0-46f0-a86d-7afef54b258a
invalid pool_hdr.checksum. Do you want to regenerate checksum? [Y/n] Y
setting pool_hdr.checksum to 0xb199cec3475bbf3a
checking pmemblk header
pmemblk header correct
checking BTT Info headers
arena 0: BTT Info header checksum correct
checking BTT Map and Flog
arena 0: checking BTT Map and Flog
/mnt/pmem/poolfile: repaired
• Attempting repairs (-r [-N –a])
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit
• In PMDK (tools and libraries), pool sets are equivalent to regular pools.
• Pool extensions
• Pool replication
• Local
• Remote
$ cat my_extended_pool.set
100G /mountpoint0/myfile.part0
200G /mountpoint1/myfile.part1
400G /mountpoint2/myfile.part2
$ cat my_local_replica.set
100G /mountpoint0/myfile
100G /mountpoint1/myreplica
$ cat my_remote_replica.set
100G /mountpoint0/myfile
REPLICA myremotepool.set
+ +
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 13
$ pmempool check –v mypool.set
replica 0 part 0: checking pool header
replica 0 part 0: incorrect pool header
poolfile.set: not consistent
$ pmempool sync -v mypool.set
mypool.set: synchronized
$ pmempool check –v mypool.set
replica 0: checking shutdown state
replica 0: shutdown state correct
replica 1: checking shutdown state
replica 1: shutdown state correct
replica 0 part 0: checking pool header
replica 0 part 0: pool header correct
replica 1 part 0: checking pool header
replica 1 part 0: pool header correct
mypool.set: consistent
• Repairing a corrupted replica
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 14
# filefrag -v -b512 /mnt/pmem/poolfile | grep -E "^[ ]+[0-9]+.*" | head -1 | awk '{ print $4 }' | cut -d. -f1
# echo 278528 1 > /sys/block/pmem0/badblocks
• Using sysfs
• What about ndctl?
# ndctl inject-error --block=1 --count=2 namespace0.0
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 15
• Persistent memory leaks
• Non-persistent stores
• Stores not added into a transaction
• Memory added to two different transactions
• Memory overwrites
• Unnecessary flushes
• Out-of-order stores
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 16
• Volatile programs treat leaks mainly as a
performance problem
• In persistent programs, we need to also think
about data corruption/loss
• The good: we can recover leaks
• The bad: Garbage collection is not supported
natively in PMKD yet
• The ugly: We need to use macros to access this
obj0 objn-1 objn
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 17
persistent_ptr<my_type> my_data_structure = proot->ds;
PMEMoid raw_root = my_data_structure.raw ();
PMEMoid raw_obj;
POBJ_FOREACH (pop.get_handle (), raw_obj)
if (pmemobj_type_num (raw_obj)
== pmemobj_type_num (raw_root)) {
if (my_data_structure.is_missing (raw_obj) == true) {
my_data_structure.add_missing (raw_obj);
• All allocated objects in libpmemobj are always added to an internal list
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 18
• API (libpmemobj) for this internal list:
• POBJ_FIRST (pop, t)
• POBJ_FOREACH (pop, varoid)
• POBJ_FOREACH_SAFE (pop, varoid, nvaroid)
• POBJ_FOREACH_TYPE (pop, var)
• POBJ_FOREACH_SAFE_TYPE (pop, var, nvar)
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 19
• New Valgrind* tool developed by Intel®
• You also need an enhanced version of Valgrind* supporting CLFLUSHOPT and CLWB
• Go to
• usage: valgrind --tool=pmemcheck [<options>] <program> [<args>]
• More info: valgrind --tool=pmemcheck --help
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 20
• Pmemcheck does not have a way to know which memory addresses are persistent and
which ones are volatile
• Pmemcheck does not know where a transaction starts and ends
data = (int *)mmap (NULL, size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
munmap (data, size);
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 21
• Specifically tailored for persistent memory
• Included as part of Intel® Inspector 2019
• Intel® Inspector is available with
Intel® Parallel Studio XE and Intel® System
• Analysis
1. pmeminsp cb –pmem-file <pmem_file_path> -- <writer_program> [<params>]
2. pmeminsp ca –pmem-file <pmem_file_path> -- <reader_program> [<params>]
3. pmeminsp rp -- <writer_program> <reader_program>
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 22
• Data written to persistent memory
but not flushed correctly
• Data not flushed may still sit on the
CPU caches and could be lost if
process crashes
writer () {
var1 = "Hello world to PMEM!";
flush (var1);
var1_valid = True;
flush (var1_valid);
reader () {
if (var1_valid == True) {
print (var1);
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 23
• Data written to persistent memory
but not flushed correctly
• Data not flushed may still sit on the
CPU caches and could be lost if
process crashes
writer () {
var1 = "Hello world to PMEM!";
flush (var1);
var1_valid = True;
flush (var1_valid);
reader () {
if (var1_valid == True) {
print (var1);
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 24
$ valgrind --tool=pmemcheck ./test1w_
==28699== pmemcheck-1.0, a simple persistent store checker
==28699== Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Intel Corporation
==28699== Using Valgrind-3.14.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==28699== Command: ./test1w_
==28699== Number of stores not made persistent: 2
==28699== Stores not made persistent properly:
==28699== [0] at 0x400931: main (test1w_.c:16)
==28699== Address: 0x4023000 size: 4state: DIRTY
==28699== [1] at 0x400927: main (test1w_.c:15)
==28699== Address: 0x4023004 size: 4state: DIRTY
==28699== Total memory not made persistent: 8
==28699== ERROR SUMMARY: 2 errors
• Pmemcheck
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 25
$ pmeminsp rp -- listing_8-16 listing_8-17
# Diagnostic # 1: Missing cache flush
The first memory store
of size 4 at address 0x7F9C68893004 (offset 0x4 in /mnt/pmem/file)
in /data/listing_8-16!main at listing_8-16.c:13 - 0x67D
in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3
in /data/listing_8-16!_start at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x534
is not flushed before
the second memory store
of size 4 at address 0x7F9C68893000 (offset 0x0 in /mnt/pmem/file)
in /data/listing_8-16!main at listing_8-16.c:14 - 0x687
in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3
in /data/listing_8-16!_start at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x534
memory load from the location of the first store
in /data/listing_8-17!main at listing_8-17.c:13 - 0x6C8
depends on
memory load from the location of the second store
in /data/listing_8-17!main at listing_8-17.c:12 - 0x6BD
• Persistent Inspector
# Diagnostic # 2: Missing cache flush
Memory store
of size 4 at address 0x7F9C68893000 (offset 0x0 in /mnt/pmem/file)
in /data/listing_8-16!main at listing_8-16.c:14 - 0x687
in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3
in /data/listing_8-16!_start at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x534
is not flushed before
memory is unmapped
in /data/listing_8-16!main at listing_8-16.c:15 - 0x699
in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3
in /data/listing_8-16!_start at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x534
Analysis complete. 2 diagnostic(s) reported.
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 26
$ pmeminsp rp -- listing_8-16 listing_8-17
# Diagnostic # 1: Missing cache flush
The first memory store
of size 4 at address 0x7F9C68893004 (offset 0x4 in /mnt/pmem/file)
in /data/listing_8-16!main at listing_8-16.c:13 - 0x67D
in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3
in /data/listing_8-16!_start at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x534
is not flushed before
the second memory store
of size 4 at address 0x7F9C68893000 (offset 0x0 in /mnt/pmem/file)
in /data/listing_8-16!main at listing_8-16.c:14 - 0x687
in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3
in /data/listing_8-16!_start at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x534
memory load from the location of the first store
in /data/listing_8-17!main at listing_8-17.c:13 - 0x6C8
depends on
memory load from the location of the second store
in /data/listing_8-17!main at listing_8-17.c:12 - 0x6BD
• Persistent Inspector
# Diagnostic # 2: Missing cache flush
Memory store
of size 4 at address 0x7F9C68893000 (offset 0x0 in /mnt/pmem/file)
in /data/listing_8-16!main at listing_8-16.c:14 - 0x687
in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3
in /data/listing_8-16!_start at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x534
is not flushed before
memory is unmapped
in /data/listing_8-16!main at listing_8-16.c:15 - 0x699
in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3
in /data/listing_8-16!_start at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x534
Analysis complete. 2 diagnostic(s) reported.
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 27
TX_BEGIN (pop) {
TOID (struct my_root) root = POBJ_ROOT (pop, struct my_root);
TX_ADD_FIELD (root, value);
D_RW (root)->value = 4;
D_RW (root)->is_odd = D_RO (root)->value % 2;
• It is assumed that all the modified PMEM locations have been added to it at
the beginning
• This allows the transaction to flush these locations at the end or roll back to
the old values in the event of an unexpected failure
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 28
$ valgrind --tool=pmemcheck ./listing_8-25
==48660== pmemcheck-1.0, a simple persistent store checker
==48660== Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Intel Corporation
==48660== Using Valgrind-3.14.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==48660== Command: ./listing_8-25
==48660== Number of stores not made persistent: 1
==48660== Stores not made persistent properly:
==48660== [0] at 0x400C2D: main (listing_8-25.c:18)
==48660== Address: 0x7dc0554 size: 4 state: DIRTY
==48660== Total memory not made persistent: 4
==48660== Number of stores made without adding to transaction: 1
==48660== Stores made without adding to transactions:
==48660== [0] at 0x400C2D: main (listing_8-25.c:18)
==48660== Address: 0x7dc0554 size: 4
==48660== ERROR SUMMARY: 2 errors
$ pmeminsp cb -pmem-file /mnt/pmem/pool -- ./listing_8-25
++ Analysis starts
++ Analysis completes
++ Data is stored in folder "/data/.pmeminspdata/data/listing_8-25"
$ pmeminsp rp -- ./listing_8-25
# Diagnostic # 1: Store without undo log
Memory store
of size 4 at address 0x7FAA84DC0554 (offset 0x3C0554 in /mnt/pmem/pool)
in /data/listing_8-25!main at listing_8-25.c:18 - 0xC2D
in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3
in /data/listing_8-25!_start at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x954
is not undo logged in
in /data/listing_8-25!main at listing_8-25.c:14 - 0xB67
in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3
in /data/listing_8-25!_start at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x954
Analysis complete. 1 diagnostic(s) reported.
• pmemcheck • Persistent Inspector
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 29
• Adding the same object to multiple
transactions can corrupt data
• In PMDK, the library maintains a
transaction per thread
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 30
$ valgrind --tool=pmemcheck ./test8b
==42444== pmemcheck-1.0, a simple persistent store checker
==42444== Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Intel Corporation
==42444== Using Valgrind-3.14.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==42444== Command: ./test8b
==42444== Number of stores not made persistent: 0
==42444== Number of overlapping regions registered in different transactions: 1
==42444== Overlapping regions:
==42444== [0] at 0x4E6ADCC: pmemobj_tx_add_snapshot (tx.c:1080)
==42444== by 0x4E6B2FC: pmemobj_tx_add_common.constprop.18 (tx.c:1168)
==42444== by 0x4E6C38B: pmemobj_tx_add_range (tx.c:1352)
==42444== by 0x400C48: func (test8b.c:15)
==42444== by 0x4C2DDD4: start_thread (in /usr/lib64/
==42444== by 0x517EEAC: clone (in /usr/lib64/
==42444== Address: 0x7dc0550 size: 8 tx_id: 2
==42444== First registered here:
==42444== [0]' at 0x4E6ADCC: pmemobj_tx_add_snapshot (tx.c:1080)
==42444== by 0x4E6B2FC: pmemobj_tx_add_common.constprop.18 (tx.c:1168)
==42444== by 0x4E6C38B: pmemobj_tx_add_range (tx.c:1352)
==42444== by 0x400D81: main (test8b.c:26)
==42444== Address: 0x7dc0550 size: 8 tx_id: 1
==42444== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors
• pmemcheck • Persistent Inspector
$ pmeminsp cb -pmem-file /mnt/pmem/file -- ./test8b
$ pmeminsp ca -pmem-file /mnt/pmem/file -- ./test8b
$ pmeminsp rp -- ./test8b
# Diagnostic # 1: Overlapping regions registered in different transactions
in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test8/test8b!main at test8b.c:24 - 0xD1E
in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3
in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test8/test8b!_start at
<unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x9F4
memory region
in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test8/test8b!main at test8b.c:26 - 0xD7D
in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3
in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test8/test8b!_start at
<unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x9F4
overlaps with
memory region
in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test8/test8b!func at test8b.c:15 - 0xC44
in /lib64/!start_thread at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x7DCD
in /lib64/!__clone at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0xFDEAB
Analysis complete. 1 diagnostic(s) reported.
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 31
• This refers to the case where multiple modifications to the same persistent
memory location occur before the location is made persistent
• This issue is mostly related to performance, although it can uncover lack of
flushing too.
• In general, it is always better to use volatile memory for short-lived data
persistent_data = 10;
persistent_data *= 2;
flush (&persistent_data);
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 32
$ valgrind --tool=pmemcheck --mult-stores=yes ./test2w_
==121362== pmemcheck-1.0, a simple persistent store checker
==121362== Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Intel Corporation
==121362== Using Valgrind-3.14.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==121362== Command: ./test2w_
==121362== Number of stores not made persistent: 0
==121362== Number of overwritten stores: 1
==121362== Overwritten stores before they were made persistent:
==121362== [0] at 0x40097C: main (test2w_.c:23)
==121362== Address: 0x4023004 size: 4 state: DIRTY
==121362== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors
• pmemcheck • Persistent Inspector
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 33
• Flushing should be done carefully
• Detecting unnecessary flushes (such as redundant ones) can help in
improving code performance
persistent_data = computation ();
flush (&persistent_data);
flush (&persistent_data);
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 34
$ valgrind --tool=pmemcheck --flush-check=yes ./test3b
==54720== pmemcheck-1.0, a simple persistent store checker
==54720== Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Intel Corporation
==54720== Using Valgrind-3.14.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==54720== Command: ./test3b
==54720== Number of stores not made persistent: 0
==54720== Number of unnecessary flushes: 1
==54720== [0] at 0x400868: flush (emmintrin.h:1459)
==54720== by 0x400989: main (test3b.c:22)
==54720== Address: 0x4023000 size: 64
==54720== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors
$ pmeminsp rp -- ./test3w_ ./test3r_
# Diagnostic # 1: Redundant cache flush
Cache flush
of size 64 at address 0x7F10DD6D6000 (offset 0x0 in /mnt/pmem/file)
in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test3/test3w_!flush at test3w_.c:11 - 0x674
in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test3/test3w_!main at test3w_.c:24 - 0x73F
in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3
in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test3/test3w_!_start at
<unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x574
is redundant with regard to
cache flush
of size 64 at address 0x7F10DD6D6000 (offset 0x0 in /mnt/pmem/file)
in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test3/test3w_!flush at test3w_.c:11 - 0x674
in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test3/test3w_!main at test3w_.c:25 - 0x750
in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3
in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test3/test3w_!_start at
<unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x574
memory store
of size 4 at address 0x7F10DD6D6000 (offset 0x0 in /mnt/pmem/file)
in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test3/test3w_!main at test3w_.c:23 - 0x72D
in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3
in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test3/test3w_!_start at
<unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x574
• pmemcheck • Persistent Inspector
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 35
• Data written to persistent memory
but not flushed explicitly can still be
flushed out by the CPU
• Bugs can arise when data is not
written to persistent media in the
order expected
Out-of-orderanalysis writer () {
pcounter = 0;
for (i=0; i<max; i++) {
if (rand() % 2 == 0) {
pcells[i].data = data();
flush (pcells[i].data);
pcells[i].valid = True;
} else {
pcells[i].valid = False;
flush (pcells[i].valid);
flush (pcounter);
reader () {
for (i=0; i<pcounter; i++) {
if (pcells[i].valid == True) {
print (pcells[i].data);
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 36
$ pmeminsp rp -check-out-of-order-store -- ./test9w_ ./test9r_
# Diagnostic # 1: Out-of-order stores
Memory store
of size 4 at address 0x7F6979541000 (offset 0x0 in /mnt/pmem/file)
in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test9/test9w_!main at test9w_.c:30 - 0x72C
in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3
in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test9/test9w_!_start at
<unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x5C4
is out of order with respect to
memory store
of size 1 at address 0x7F697954107F (offset 0x7F in /mnt/pmem/file)
in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test9/test9w_!main at test9w_.c:36 - 0x7AE
in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3
in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test9/test9w_!_start at
<unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x5C4
• Persistent Inspector
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 37
$ valgrind --tool=pmemcheck -q --log-stores=yes --log-stores-stacktraces=yes --log-stores-stacktraces-depth=2 --print-summary=yes
--log-file=store_log.log ./program
$ pmreorder -l store_log.log -o output_file.log -x pmem_memset_persist=NoReorderNoCheck -r ReorderFull -c prog -p ./program_checker
$ cat output_file.log
WARNING:pmreorder:File /mnt/pmem/file inconsistent
WARNING:pmreorder:Call trace:
Store [0]:
by 0x401D0C: main (test9bw_.cpp:55)
• pmemcheck + pmreorder
You need a checker returning 0 if data
is consistent, or 1 otherwise
Assign an engine type to specific marker
(set by macros)
Engines: NoReorderNoCheck, NoReorderDoCheck, ReorderFull,
ReorderPartial, ReorderAccumulative, ReorderReverseAccumulative
SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 39
Debugging Tools & Techniques for Persistent Memory Programming

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Debugging Tools & Techniques for Persistent Memory Programming

  • 1. Eduardo Berrocal García de Carellán 04/17/2019
  • 2. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit Agenda • Introduction • Hardware Issues • Error Injection • Software Bugs • Conclusions and Q&A 2
  • 3. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 3 Persistent memory programming introduces new opportunities… • Byte addressable • Cache coherent • Load/Store access • no page caching • Memory-like performance introduction DRAM NVDIMM Intel®Optane™ssd Pciessd Pciessd SATASSD SATASSD HDD HDD tape
  • 4. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 4 …but also new challenges • Programming difficulty • New classes of bugs • New vectors to consider for performance Introduction(CONT’D) DRAM NVDIMM Intel®Optane™ssd Pciessd Pciessd SATASSD SATASSD HDD HDD tape
  • 5. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 5 • Module failure • HDDs and SSDs use RAID • Memory controllers do not implement RAID • Data integrity • Block corruption (i.e., bad blocks) HARDWAREISSUES IMC Cascade Lake IMC
  • 6. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 6 Dataintegrity • What if we discover that our pool is corrupted due to bad blocks? • Opening a corrupted pool • Pool gets corrupted while program is running $ ./myProgram /mnt/pmem/poolfile /mnt/pmem/poolfile: Input/output error Bus error (core dumped)
  • 7. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 7 Dataintegrity • What if we discover that our pool is corrupted due to bad blocks? • Pmempool check will also fail $ cp /mnt/pmem/poolfile ./ cp: error reading '/mnt/pmem/poolfile': Input/output error # dd if=/dev/pmem0 of=/dev/null dd: error reading /dev/pmem0: Input/output error 20480+0 records in 20480+0 records out 10485760 bytes (10 MB) copied, 0.0912348 s, 115 MB/s $ pmempool check –v /mnt/pmem/poolfile Bus error (core dumped)
  • 8. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 8 Dataintegrity • Cleaning the poison by writing to the affected blocks # cat /sys/block/pmem0/badblocks 20480 1 # dd conv=notrunc if=/dev/zero of=/dev/pmem0 oflag=direct bs=512 seek=20480 count=1 1+0 records in 1+0 records out 512 bytes (512 B) copied, 0.000114311 s, 9.0 MB/s # cat /sys/block/pmem0/badblocks #
  • 9. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 9 Tool-Pmempool • Standalone utility for management and off-line analysis of persistent memory pools • It works for both the single-file pools and for pool set files. • Commands: create, info, dump, check, rm, convert, sync and transform • usage: pmempool [--version] [--help] <command> [<args>]
  • 10. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 10 Pmempool(check) data header data header Applications are responsible for correcting these errors We can use pmempool to check (and sometimes correct) corruptions in the headers $ pmempool check -v /mnt/pmem/poolfile checking pool header incorrect pool header /mnt/mem/poolfile: not consistent
  • 11. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 11 Pmempool(check) $ pmempool check –v –r –N –a /mnt/pmem/poolfile checking pool header incorrect pool header pool_hdr.signature is not valid. Do you want to set it to PMEMBLK? [Y/n] Y pool_hdr.major is not valid. Do you want to set it to default value 0x1? [Y/n] Y setting pool_hdr.signature to PMEMBLK setting pool_hdr.major to 0x1 invalid pool_hdr.poolset_uuid. Do you want to set it to 2a3b402a-2be0-46f0-a86d-7afef54b258a from BTT Info? [Y/n] Y setting pool_hdr.poolset_uuid to 2a3b402a-2be0-46f0-a86d-7afef54b258a invalid pool_hdr.checksum. Do you want to regenerate checksum? [Y/n] Y setting pool_hdr.checksum to 0xb199cec3475bbf3a checking pmemblk header pmemblk header correct checking BTT Info headers arena 0: BTT Info header checksum correct checking BTT Map and Flog arena 0: checking BTT Map and Flog /mnt/pmem/poolfile: repaired • Attempting repairs (-r [-N –a])
  • 12. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit • In PMDK (tools and libraries), pool sets are equivalent to regular pools. • Pool extensions • Pool replication • Local • Remote 12 PMDKFEATURE-Poolsets $ cat my_extended_pool.set PMEMPOOLSET 100G /mountpoint0/myfile.part0 200G /mountpoint1/myfile.part1 400G /mountpoint2/myfile.part2 $ cat my_local_replica.set PMEMPOOLSET 100G /mountpoint0/myfile REPLICA 100G /mountpoint1/myreplica $ cat my_remote_replica.set PMEMPOOLSET 100G /mountpoint0/myfile REPLICA myremotepool.set data0 header data1 header data2 header data header data header + + = data header data header =
  • 13. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 13 Pmempool(sync) $ pmempool check –v mypool.set replica 0 part 0: checking pool header replica 0 part 0: incorrect pool header poolfile.set: not consistent $ pmempool sync -v mypool.set mypool.set: synchronized $ pmempool check –v mypool.set replica 0: checking shutdown state replica 0: shutdown state correct replica 1: checking shutdown state replica 1: shutdown state correct replica 0 part 0: checking pool header replica 0 part 0: pool header correct replica 1 part 0: checking pool header replica 1 part 0: pool header correct mypool.set: consistent • Repairing a corrupted replica
  • 14. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 14 ERRORINJECTION # filefrag -v -b512 /mnt/pmem/poolfile | grep -E "^[ ]+[0-9]+.*" | head -1 | awk '{ print $4 }' | cut -d. -f1 278528 # echo 278528 1 > /sys/block/pmem0/badblocks • Using sysfs • What about ndctl? # ndctl inject-error --block=1 --count=2 namespace0.0
  • 15. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 15 Softwarebugs • Persistent memory leaks • Non-persistent stores • Stores not added into a transaction • Memory added to two different transactions • Memory overwrites • Unnecessary flushes • Out-of-order stores
  • 16. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 16 Persistentmemoryleaks • Volatile programs treat leaks mainly as a performance problem • In persistent programs, we need to also think about data corruption/loss • The good: we can recover leaks • The bad: Garbage collection is not supported natively in PMKD yet • The ugly: We need to use macros to access this API header root obj0 objn-1 objn objk
  • 17. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 17 Persistentmemoryleaks persistent_ptr<my_type> my_data_structure = proot->ds; PMEMoid raw_root = my_data_structure.raw (); PMEMoid raw_obj; POBJ_FOREACH (pop.get_handle (), raw_obj) { if (pmemobj_type_num (raw_obj) == pmemobj_type_num (raw_root)) { if (my_data_structure.is_missing (raw_obj) == true) { my_data_structure.add_missing (raw_obj); } } } • All allocated objects in libpmemobj are always added to an internal list
  • 18. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 18 Persistentmemoryleaks • API (libpmemobj) for this internal list: • POBJ_FIRST (pop, t) • POBJ_NEXT (o) • POBJ_FOREACH (pop, varoid) • POBJ_FOREACH_SAFE (pop, varoid, nvaroid) • POBJ_FOREACH_TYPE (pop, var) • POBJ_FOREACH_SAFE_TYPE (pop, var, nvar)
  • 19. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 19 Tool-Pmemcheck • New Valgrind* tool developed by Intel® • You also need an enhanced version of Valgrind* supporting CLFLUSHOPT and CLWB • Go to • usage: valgrind --tool=pmemcheck [<options>] <program> [<args>] • More info: valgrind --tool=pmemcheck --help
  • 20. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 20 Pmemcheck(withoutpmdk) • Pmemcheck does not have a way to know which memory addresses are persistent and which ones are volatile • Pmemcheck does not know where a transaction starts and ends data = (int *)mmap (NULL, size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); VALGRIND_PMC_REGISTER_PMEM_MAPPING (data, size); ... munmap (data, size); VALGRIND_PMC_REMOVE_PMEM_MAPPING (data, size); VALGRIND_PMC_START_X; ... VALGRIND_PMC_END_TX;
  • 21. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 21 Tool-Intel®inspector–persistentinspector • Specifically tailored for persistent memory • Included as part of Intel® Inspector 2019 • Intel® Inspector is available with Intel® Parallel Studio XE and Intel® System Studio • Analysis 1. pmeminsp cb –pmem-file <pmem_file_path> -- <writer_program> [<params>] 2. pmeminsp ca –pmem-file <pmem_file_path> -- <reader_program> [<params>] 3. pmeminsp rp -- <writer_program> <reader_program>
  • 22. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 22 • Data written to persistent memory but not flushed correctly • Data not flushed may still sit on the CPU caches and could be lost if process crashes Non-persistentstores writer () { var1 = "Hello world to PMEM!"; flush (var1); var1_valid = True; flush (var1_valid); } reader () { if (var1_valid == True) { print (var1); } }
  • 23. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 23 • Data written to persistent memory but not flushed correctly • Data not flushed may still sit on the CPU caches and could be lost if process crashes Non-persistentstores writer () { var1 = "Hello world to PMEM!"; flush (var1); var1_valid = True; flush (var1_valid); } reader () { if (var1_valid == True) { print (var1); } } var1_valid var1 write dependency
  • 24. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 24 Non-persistentstores $ valgrind --tool=pmemcheck ./test1w_ ==28699== pmemcheck-1.0, a simple persistent store checker ==28699== Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Intel Corporation ==28699== Using Valgrind-3.14.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==28699== Command: ./test1w_ ==28699== ==28699== ==28699== Number of stores not made persistent: 2 ==28699== Stores not made persistent properly: ==28699== [0] at 0x400931: main (test1w_.c:16) ==28699== Address: 0x4023000 size: 4state: DIRTY ==28699== [1] at 0x400927: main (test1w_.c:15) ==28699== Address: 0x4023004 size: 4state: DIRTY ==28699== Total memory not made persistent: 8 ==28699== ERROR SUMMARY: 2 errors • Pmemcheck
  • 25. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 25 Non-persistentstores $ pmeminsp rp -- listing_8-16 listing_8-17 #=============================================================================== # Diagnostic # 1: Missing cache flush #------------------- The first memory store of size 4 at address 0x7F9C68893004 (offset 0x4 in /mnt/pmem/file) in /data/listing_8-16!main at listing_8-16.c:13 - 0x67D in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3 in /data/listing_8-16!_start at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x534 is not flushed before the second memory store of size 4 at address 0x7F9C68893000 (offset 0x0 in /mnt/pmem/file) in /data/listing_8-16!main at listing_8-16.c:14 - 0x687 in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3 in /data/listing_8-16!_start at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x534 while memory load from the location of the first store in /data/listing_8-17!main at listing_8-17.c:13 - 0x6C8 depends on memory load from the location of the second store in /data/listing_8-17!main at listing_8-17.c:12 - 0x6BD • Persistent Inspector #=============================================================================== # Diagnostic # 2: Missing cache flush #------------------- Memory store of size 4 at address 0x7F9C68893000 (offset 0x0 in /mnt/pmem/file) in /data/listing_8-16!main at listing_8-16.c:14 - 0x687 in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3 in /data/listing_8-16!_start at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x534 is not flushed before memory is unmapped in /data/listing_8-16!main at listing_8-16.c:15 - 0x699 in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3 in /data/listing_8-16!_start at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x534 Analysis complete. 2 diagnostic(s) reported.
  • 26. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 26 Non-persistentstores $ pmeminsp rp -- listing_8-16 listing_8-17 #=============================================================================== # Diagnostic # 1: Missing cache flush #------------------- The first memory store of size 4 at address 0x7F9C68893004 (offset 0x4 in /mnt/pmem/file) in /data/listing_8-16!main at listing_8-16.c:13 - 0x67D in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3 in /data/listing_8-16!_start at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x534 is not flushed before the second memory store of size 4 at address 0x7F9C68893000 (offset 0x0 in /mnt/pmem/file) in /data/listing_8-16!main at listing_8-16.c:14 - 0x687 in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3 in /data/listing_8-16!_start at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x534 while memory load from the location of the first store in /data/listing_8-17!main at listing_8-17.c:13 - 0x6C8 depends on memory load from the location of the second store in /data/listing_8-17!main at listing_8-17.c:12 - 0x6BD • Persistent Inspector #=============================================================================== # Diagnostic # 2: Missing cache flush #------------------- Memory store of size 4 at address 0x7F9C68893000 (offset 0x0 in /mnt/pmem/file) in /data/listing_8-16!main at listing_8-16.c:14 - 0x687 in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3 in /data/listing_8-16!_start at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x534 is not flushed before memory is unmapped in /data/listing_8-16!main at listing_8-16.c:15 - 0x699 in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3 in /data/listing_8-16!_start at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x534 Analysis complete. 2 diagnostic(s) reported.
  • 27. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 27 StoresnotaddedIntoatransaction TX_BEGIN (pop) { TOID (struct my_root) root = POBJ_ROOT (pop, struct my_root); TX_ADD_FIELD (root, value); D_RW (root)->value = 4; D_RW (root)->is_odd = D_RO (root)->value % 2; } TX_END • It is assumed that all the modified PMEM locations have been added to it at the beginning • This allows the transaction to flush these locations at the end or roll back to the old values in the event of an unexpected failure
  • 28. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 28 StoresnotaddedIntoatransaction $ valgrind --tool=pmemcheck ./listing_8-25 ==48660== pmemcheck-1.0, a simple persistent store checker ==48660== Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Intel Corporation ==48660== Using Valgrind-3.14.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==48660== Command: ./listing_8-25 ==48660== ==48660== ==48660== Number of stores not made persistent: 1 ==48660== Stores not made persistent properly: ==48660== [0] at 0x400C2D: main (listing_8-25.c:18) ==48660== Address: 0x7dc0554 size: 4 state: DIRTY ==48660== Total memory not made persistent: 4 ==48660== ==48660== Number of stores made without adding to transaction: 1 ==48660== Stores made without adding to transactions: ==48660== [0] at 0x400C2D: main (listing_8-25.c:18) ==48660== Address: 0x7dc0554 size: 4 ==48660== ERROR SUMMARY: 2 errors $ pmeminsp cb -pmem-file /mnt/pmem/pool -- ./listing_8-25 ++ Analysis starts ++ Analysis completes ++ Data is stored in folder "/data/.pmeminspdata/data/listing_8-25" $ $ pmeminsp rp -- ./listing_8-25 #=============================================================================== # Diagnostic # 1: Store without undo log #------------------- Memory store of size 4 at address 0x7FAA84DC0554 (offset 0x3C0554 in /mnt/pmem/pool) in /data/listing_8-25!main at listing_8-25.c:18 - 0xC2D in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3 in /data/listing_8-25!_start at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x954 is not undo logged in transaction in /data/listing_8-25!main at listing_8-25.c:14 - 0xB67 in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3 in /data/listing_8-25!_start at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x954 Analysis complete. 1 diagnostic(s) reported. • pmemcheck • Persistent Inspector
  • 29. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 29 StoresAddedtotwodifferenttransactions • Adding the same object to multiple transactions can corrupt data • In PMDK, the library maintains a transaction per thread
  • 30. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 30 Storesaddedtotwodifferenttransactions $ valgrind --tool=pmemcheck ./test8b ==42444== pmemcheck-1.0, a simple persistent store checker ==42444== Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Intel Corporation ==42444== Using Valgrind-3.14.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==42444== Command: ./test8b ==42444== ==42444== ==42444== Number of stores not made persistent: 0 ==42444== ==42444== Number of overlapping regions registered in different transactions: 1 ==42444== Overlapping regions: ==42444== [0] at 0x4E6ADCC: pmemobj_tx_add_snapshot (tx.c:1080) ==42444== by 0x4E6B2FC: pmemobj_tx_add_common.constprop.18 (tx.c:1168) ==42444== by 0x4E6C38B: pmemobj_tx_add_range (tx.c:1352) ==42444== by 0x400C48: func (test8b.c:15) ==42444== by 0x4C2DDD4: start_thread (in /usr/lib64/ ==42444== by 0x517EEAC: clone (in /usr/lib64/ ==42444== Address: 0x7dc0550 size: 8 tx_id: 2 ==42444== First registered here: ==42444== [0]' at 0x4E6ADCC: pmemobj_tx_add_snapshot (tx.c:1080) ==42444== by 0x4E6B2FC: pmemobj_tx_add_common.constprop.18 (tx.c:1168) ==42444== by 0x4E6C38B: pmemobj_tx_add_range (tx.c:1352) ==42444== by 0x400D81: main (test8b.c:26) ==42444== Address: 0x7dc0550 size: 8 tx_id: 1 ==42444== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors • pmemcheck • Persistent Inspector $ pmeminsp cb -pmem-file /mnt/pmem/file -- ./test8b ... $ pmeminsp ca -pmem-file /mnt/pmem/file -- ./test8b ... $ pmeminsp rp -- ./test8b #=============================================================================== # Diagnostic # 1: Overlapping regions registered in different transactions #------------------- transaction in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test8/test8b!main at test8b.c:24 - 0xD1E in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3 in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test8/test8b!_start at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x9F4 protects memory region in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test8/test8b!main at test8b.c:26 - 0xD7D in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3 in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test8/test8b!_start at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x9F4 overlaps with memory region in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test8/test8b!func at test8b.c:15 - 0xC44 in /lib64/!start_thread at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x7DCD in /lib64/!__clone at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0xFDEAB Analysis complete. 1 diagnostic(s) reported.
  • 31. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 31 Memoryoverwrites • This refers to the case where multiple modifications to the same persistent memory location occur before the location is made persistent • This issue is mostly related to performance, although it can uncover lack of flushing too. • In general, it is always better to use volatile memory for short-lived data ... persistent_data = 10; persistent_data *= 2; flush (&persistent_data); ...
  • 32. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 32 Memoryoverwrites $ valgrind --tool=pmemcheck --mult-stores=yes ./test2w_ ==121362== pmemcheck-1.0, a simple persistent store checker ==121362== Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Intel Corporation ==121362== Using Valgrind-3.14.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==121362== Command: ./test2w_ ==121362== ==121362== ==121362== Number of stores not made persistent: 0 ==121362== ==121362== Number of overwritten stores: 1 ==121362== Overwritten stores before they were made persistent: ==121362== [0] at 0x40097C: main (test2w_.c:23) ==121362== Address: 0x4023004 size: 4 state: DIRTY ==121362== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors • pmemcheck • Persistent Inspector
  • 33. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 33 Unnecessaryflushes • Flushing should be done carefully • Detecting unnecessary flushes (such as redundant ones) can help in improving code performance ... persistent_data = computation (); flush (&persistent_data); flush (&persistent_data); ...
  • 34. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 34 Unnecessaryflushes $ valgrind --tool=pmemcheck --flush-check=yes ./test3b ==54720== pmemcheck-1.0, a simple persistent store checker ==54720== Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Intel Corporation ==54720== Using Valgrind-3.14.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==54720== Command: ./test3b ==54720== ==54720== ==54720== Number of stores not made persistent: 0 ==54720== ==54720== Number of unnecessary flushes: 1 ==54720== [0] at 0x400868: flush (emmintrin.h:1459) ==54720== by 0x400989: main (test3b.c:22) ==54720== Address: 0x4023000 size: 64 ==54720== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors $ pmeminsp rp -- ./test3w_ ./test3r_ #=============================================================================== # Diagnostic # 1: Redundant cache flush #------------------- Cache flush of size 64 at address 0x7F10DD6D6000 (offset 0x0 in /mnt/pmem/file) in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test3/test3w_!flush at test3w_.c:11 - 0x674 in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test3/test3w_!main at test3w_.c:24 - 0x73F in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3 in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test3/test3w_!_start at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x574 is redundant with regard to cache flush of size 64 at address 0x7F10DD6D6000 (offset 0x0 in /mnt/pmem/file) in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test3/test3w_!flush at test3w_.c:11 - 0x674 in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test3/test3w_!main at test3w_.c:25 - 0x750 in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3 in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test3/test3w_!_start at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x574 of memory store of size 4 at address 0x7F10DD6D6000 (offset 0x0 in /mnt/pmem/file) in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test3/test3w_!main at test3w_.c:23 - 0x72D in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3 in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test3/test3w_!_start at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x574 • pmemcheck • Persistent Inspector
  • 35. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 35 • Data written to persistent memory but not flushed explicitly can still be flushed out by the CPU • Bugs can arise when data is not written to persistent media in the order expected Out-of-orderanalysis writer () { pcounter = 0; for (i=0; i<max; i++) { pcounter++; if (rand() % 2 == 0) { pcells[i].data = data(); flush (pcells[i].data); pcells[i].valid = True; } else { pcells[i].valid = False; } flush (pcells[i].valid); } flush (pcounter); } reader () { for (i=0; i<pcounter; i++) { if (pcells[i].valid == True) { print (pcells[i].data); } } }
  • 36. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 36 Out-of-orderanalysis $ pmeminsp rp -check-out-of-order-store -- ./test9w_ ./test9r_ #=============================================================================== # Diagnostic # 1: Out-of-order stores #------------------- Memory store of size 4 at address 0x7F6979541000 (offset 0x0 in /mnt/pmem/file) in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test9/test9w_!main at test9w_.c:30 - 0x72C in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3 in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test9/test9w_!_start at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x5C4 is out of order with respect to memory store of size 1 at address 0x7F697954107F (offset 0x7F in /mnt/pmem/file) in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test9/test9w_!main at test9w_.c:36 - 0x7AE in /lib64/!__libc_start_main at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x223D3 in /mnt/hgfs/workbench/pmemcheck-test/test9/test9w_!_start at <unknown_file>:<unknown_line> - 0x5C4 • Persistent Inspector
  • 37. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 37 Out-of-orderanalysis $ valgrind --tool=pmemcheck -q --log-stores=yes --log-stores-stacktraces=yes --log-stores-stacktraces-depth=2 --print-summary=yes --log-file=store_log.log ./program $ $ $ pmreorder -l store_log.log -o output_file.log -x pmem_memset_persist=NoReorderNoCheck -r ReorderFull -c prog -p ./program_checker $ $ cat output_file.log WARNING:pmreorder:File /mnt/pmem/file inconsistent WARNING:pmreorder:Call trace: Store [0]: by 0x401D0C: main (test9bw_.cpp:55) • pmemcheck + pmreorder You need a checker returning 0 if data is consistent, or 1 otherwise Assign an engine type to specific marker (set by macros) Engines: NoReorderNoCheck, NoReorderDoCheck, ReorderFull, ReorderPartial, ReorderAccumulative, ReorderReverseAccumulative
  • 38.
  • 39. SPDK, PMDK & Vtune™ Summit 39 Backup