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Writing a Draft of the Personal Document
Revising your writing provides you the chance to ensure your
ideas are clear and effective prior to submitting the final draft.
At times it can be challenging to see problematic areas in your
own writing; this is where peer feedback can be very beneficial.
Prepare: Complete the assigned Unit 4 Reading and Learning
Activities. Preview the Unit 4 Assignment details.
Review the topic ideas and prewriting you posted to the Unit 3
Discussion Board as well as the feedback you received from
your classmates. Make any necessary adjustments to your topic,
audience, and main point. That will prepare you to write a rough
draft of your blog post.
Post: Post Your Draft
Using your prewriting ideas and feedback that helped you to
choose one topic, audience, and purpose, write a 2–3-paragraph
rough draft of your Unit 4 Assignment and post it to the
Discussion Board. This is going to be a rough draft, so do not
worry if it needs editing and revision. All drafts need work.
Include a bit of self-reflection as well so the class knows how to
best help you:
· What aspects of your draft do you think could use
· What aspects of your draft do you think are strong?
· Which areas of your draft are you still working on?
· Include an open-ended question about any issue your initial
post raises which your classmates can help you with.
Respond: Respond to classmates’ postings
Make comments and ask questions about two classmates’ drafts.
Be sure to address the following points:
· What was the purpose of the document?
· Who is the intended audience?
· If you were the audience, would you be helped by the writer’s
points and use of personal experience? How so?
· Are there places where more needs to be said?
· Using your knowledge of the revision process, what
suggestions could you make for revising this draft?
Review a sample student Discussion Board post.
Discussion requirements
Initial post should:
· demonstrate effectively developed paragraphs
· be on topic
· be original
· contribute to the quality of the discussion
· make frequent and informed references to the unit concepts
Expressing Yourself Informally
For the Unit 4 Assignment, you will write a 1–1.5-page, double
spaced, informal and personal blog post on an issue that is in
some way relevant to your field of study and that you have
personal experience with.
According to The Social Psychology Network, a blog, “short for
"web log," is an online journal or record of sequential postings
with news, commentary, or other material” (2017). Like an
essay, a blog post establishes and develops a clear point about a
topic or issue. Depending on the topic, audience, and purpose, a
blog can be formal or informal. A blog written by an individual,
for example, tends to be about his or her experience with the
topic and is written in first person.
Imagine for this Assignment that you have created your own
blog site and that you are writing a post for your blog site. This
specific blog post should establish a clear main point about your
chosen topic, use your personal experience to develop that main
point, and establish a connection with your non-professional
audience through showing them how your experience might be
of value in helping them in some way.
Examples might include:
· If you are in the medical field and have experience with
taking care of family members who are sick, you might write a
blog post to other caretakers who are tending to family
members, perhaps showing them a way they can avoid the stress
that caretaking will create for them.
· If you are in the law enforcement field, though you may not
have experience with being a police officer, you might use your
experience as a parent to write to other parents about what they
might do to help their children to not get involved in gangs, if
you have any relevant experience with it or know people who
· If you are in the field of education, you may not be an
experienced teacher with a degree, but you no doubt have
experience either as a student or parent and could write a blog
post to other first year college students, offering them a
suggestion for how to manage their time or avoid
procrastination on assignments.
Generating Ideas for Your Blog Post Topic:
· Brainstorm your experiences: What personal experiences do
you have with issues of ANY sort that are in some way related
to your field of study?
· Talk with others: Classmates, friends and family, WC tutors,
your instructors.
· Review this document for links to blogs and articles in your
field of study. Writers often identify something they want to
write about by responding to what others have written. You
might read a blog post about the causes of homelessness in the
US and then write your own blog post to people in your
community suggesting a way they might help solve this problem
in your community.
You will also be engaging in Discussion Board activities in
Units 3 and 4 to help you in your writing process.
· In Unit 3 Discussion Board, you will post as many possible
topic ideas as you want. Posting your possible topics, audience,
and purpose allows you to get feedback from your instructor and
classmates. This feedback will help you decide on a topic and
make any necessary adjustments before you move to the
drafting stage.
· In Unit 4 Discussion Board, you will post a draft of your blog
post and a plan for revising this draft. The feedback you receive
from your instructor and classmates will help you to revise and
strengthen your blog post and prepare it for submission as your
Unit 4 Assignment.
Be sure that your Unit 4 Assignment meets the following
· Focuses on one specific point about the issue being written
· Uses personal experience to develop ideas; avoid research
· Connects with the audience and establishes relevance of the
topic to them
· Demonstrates substantial revision of the Unit 4 Discussion
Board post draft
· Uses appropriate informal language, depending upon topic,
audience, and purpose
· Is organized into 3–5 well-developed paragraphs, 1–1.5
double-spaced pages
· Utilizes transition devices to connect ideas
· Applies Standard American English and avoids distracting
grammar and punctuation errors
· Demonstrates 6th Edition APA formatting, including title page
· Cites any and all uses of source information (quotes, ideas,
paraphrases) both in the references page and in text where the
source is used
APA Formatting Video
Find out how your instructor will grade your Unit 4 Assignment
by reviewing the rubric.
Review a sample student Assignment.
IT 657: Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
There are two final projects for this course.
Final Project One: Board Presentation: Overview
Organizations in every industry are continually attempting to
streamline business practices and processes, efficiently allocate
resources, and improve overall
business value. More and more, information technology (IT)
provides the best solutions for organizational issues, making it
important for IT professionals to gain
an understanding of resource management and business needs,
both at the procedural and technical levels. As such, your final
project for this course centers on
the use of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. You
will be constructing a proposal for decision-makers that
explains the function and value of such
systems and will develop a basic structure and implementation
plan for an ERP system catered to the organization outlined in
the scenario below. This project will
provide you with the opportunity to highlight the value of ERP
systems and to make recommendations for improving enterprise
resource management in an
The project is divided into five milestones, which will be
submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold
learning and ensure quality final
submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules
One, Three, Five, Six and Seven. The final submissions will
occur in Modules Eight and Nine.
In Final Project One, you will demonstrate your mastery of the
following course outcomes:
ting, storing,
and sharing data into cohesive enterprise resource management
managing enterprise resources within specific industries
systems have the potential for consolidating technologies and
successful integration into
opportunities to improve efficiency across enterprises
terprise resource planning proposals that address
organizational needs and optimize business processes
Imagine you are the IT director of the George Washington
School District, a 30,000-student district spanning 30
elementary, six middle, and four high schools. As
the district expands, you are continuously trying to improve the
use of technology across the schools, specifically in the areas of
resource and information
The superintendent has informed you that the district was
awarded a $100,000 grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation to improve technology within
the district, and the board is awaiting your determinations on
what improvements may best serve the district. After meeting
with the IT staff and talking to
faculty and staff across the district, you have decided that
integrating a district-wide ERP system would be the best use of
the grant.
Currently, data is stored centrally in the district office as well
as in each of the 40 school databases. The IT team provides
maintenance and support for the
student information system, a district portal, 40 individual
school websites, voice-over-internet protocol (VoiP), and the
individual district office departments.
The district office consists of the human resources department,
budget, maintenance and operations, accounting, information
technology, education technology,
child welfare and attendance, risk management, special
programs, and the special education department. The student
system consists of a 2014 SQL Server with
a Microsoft Access front end database. The business system is a
proprietary system that runs on an IBM AS/400 Mainframe.
Ideally, you would like to connect the following systems:
student information system, human resources system, payroll,
research and assessment, and risk
management. In order to appropriate the recent funds to
implement the ERP system, you must brief the school board at
the next meeting on your proposal and
the value of enterprise resource planning for the district.
Additionally, you must construct a proposal detailing how the
funds will be utilized and the steps for
implementation of an ERP system. While the board members
will be primarily concerned about your presentation and your
expected allocation of funds, IT staff
will need the detailed proposal to prepare for implementation
and potential challenges. Therefore, it is important to balance
the technical needs with the
organizational needs while drafting your written proposal in
order to connect with both audiences. Be sure to provide the
appropriate resources and examples
for support when necessary. In the professional IT world,
research is key, and supporting your claims becomes one of the
most successful means of persuasion.
Your board presentation must address the following prompt:
What value could the ERP system provide the George
Washington School District and, in general,
how do you plan to allocate the grant funds?
Specifically, the follow critical elements must be addressed:
I. Introduction:
a) Summary of Issues: Summarize the IT issues that the district
is facing because of its lack of an ERP system. In other words,
provide a brief
assessment of the existing information systems (the
technology/software/hardware) used throughout the district and
how effective or
ineffective the current systems are. Explain your reasoning, and
provide examples or instances of issues to substantiate your
b) Current Business Processes: Analyze the current high-level
business processes (the procedure that each terminal, such as
each school,
employs to store and analyze information, for example) used in
relation to the flow of information shared across the district to
identify areas
that could be altered to improve efficiency.
c) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems: Provide an
overview of enterprise resource planning systems. Specifically,
review the concepts
of ERP for board members to facilitate their understanding of
the purpose and functionality of the concepts. Be sure to
address the following
i. What is ERP and what is its purpose?
ii. What are the leading tools?
iii. What are the types of systems that you can connect to ERP
iv. What types of reporting can ERP systems produce?
II. Examples of Use: What other organizations or school
districts utilize ERP systems? Provide a brief evaluation of that
organization’s use of a particular
ERP system/tool for managing enterprise resources. To what
extent has the implementation within this organization improved
the management of
III. Pros/Cons of Implementing ERP: Weigh the pros and cons
of implementing an ERP system for George Washington School
District. Some areas to
consider include cost, limitations of reporting, and impact(s) on
current users and process.
A. Limitations: Assess the extent to which there are limitations
of ERP that will not allow for consolidation and successful
integration of all
existing and potential systems. Will the ERP system be able to
connect to all systems? Is there any information that might be
difficult to
obtain from the ERP system? How can you address these
limitations? Provide sources relevant to the scenario to support
your claims.
B. Key Considerations: For George Washington School District,
what are the key considerations before implementing an ERP
system? What level
of implementation needs to happen (full, partial, etc.)? What
software purchases are necessary? Will you need to purchase
software to
implement the ERP design?
C. Integration of Software and Technology:
1. Integration: How will you handle implementation? Outline a
brief big-picture plan for handling integration of software and
technology that attends to the key considerations around data
collection, storage, and sharing across the district. To what
will you need to integrate different software and technologies?
2. Organizational Needs: What organizational needs and factors
need to be considered when planning for integration? Will you
to hire a consultant to ensure proper implementation or will
your IT staff be able to support the new system? What type of
will be required for your users and who will have access to the
IV. Closing Statement: Return on Investment: What is the goal
of the ERP system? How can the information in an ERP system
add value to the
organization? How can we ensure the implementation will be
worth the investment?
Final Project Two: Structure and Implementation Proposal:
Organizations in every industry are continually attempting to
streamline business practices and processes, efficiently allocate
resources, and improve overall
business value. More and more, information technology (IT)
provides the best solutions for organizational issues, making it
important for IT professionals to gain
an understanding of resource management and business needs,
both at the procedural and technical levels. As such, your final
project for this course centers on
the use of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. You will
be constructing a proposal for decision-makers that explains the
function and value of such
systems and will develop a basic structure and implementation
plan for an ERP system catered to the organization outlined in
the scenario below. This project will
provide you with the opportunity to highlight the value of ERP
systems and to make recommendations for improving enterprise
resource management in an
In Final Project Two, you will demonstrate your mastery of the
following course outcomes:
te software and technology used in collecting, storing,
and sharing data into cohesive enterprise resource management
managing enterprise resources within specific industries
the extent to which existing and proposed information
systems have the potential for consolidating technologies and
successful integration into
opportunities to improve efficiency across enterprises
organizational needs and optimize business processes
Assuming that you obtained board approval to move forward
with this project, you will next create a structure and
implementation proposal that details the
steps required to complete the implementation from start to
finish. Remember: you are providing an implementation strategy
for IT staff that outlines the
structure and steps for successful implementation. When you
make assumptions based on the context and scenario, be sure to
identify them and explain your
reasoning. As a professional, you will want to provide support
for your assumptions and conclusions to ensure your projects
maintain validity.
Specifically, the follow critical elements must be addressed:
I. Introduction: Provide an introduction that lays the
groundwork for your proposal and tells the audience the
importance of the proposal and how, in
general, it will benefit the school district.
II. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP):
a) Existing Systems: What existing systems will need to be
replaced, updated, or integrated with new software? Assess the
existing systems for their
potential to be successfully integrated into thenew structure.
b) Enterprise Resource System: Provide your justification and
rationale for the specific type of ERP system you have selected.
Why was the tool you
selected the best choice for the school district? What particular
aspects were appealing for providing a cohesive representation
of resources
across the district?
c) Software Integration: Which systems will you include in the
ERP? What type of information will you need to identify from
each system? How will
you integrate collection, storage, and sharing tools to ensure a
cohesive representation of district resources?
d) Visualization: Provide a visual representation of the overall
structure you intend to implement. This should include a view
for both board
members and IT professionals to refer to. Be sure to make
reference to any remaining systems and highlight how the new
system will allow each
remote office to link to the centrallocation.
e) Assessment of Proposed Integration: Assess the extent to
which you feel the new system will have consolidated the old
variety of disparate
systems that currently exist. How will such consolidation
improve efficiency across the district? Provide appropriate
support to your reasoning.
III. Implementation:
a) Timeline and Steps: Include a reasonable timeline for
implementation. Some things to consider: Is there sufficient
time between milestones?
What milestones and key deliverables will be required to
complete the data warehouse from start to finish?
b) Tools: What tools are available to help integrate existing
software? What criteria will you use to determine how effective
the tools are in meeting
the needs of the organization?
c) Business Processes: How will you determine the workflow of
common processes within the organization? To what extent will
the ERP system
improve efficiency of business processes?
Milestone One: Overview of the Implementation Process
In Module One, you will submit a two- to three-page paper
discussing an overview of the implementation process. Provide
an overview of the implementation
process (e.g., the ERP life cycle, business process
reengineering, project management, and change management).
Discuss the role of staff, vendors, consultants,
and the organization in making the ERP implementation process
successful. This milestone is graded with the Milestone One
Milestone Two: Service-Oriented Architecture
In Module Three, you will submit a two- to three-page paper
discussing the three major ERP vendors: SAP, Oracle, and
Microsoft Dynamics. Compare the Service-
Oriented Architecture (SOA) in a tablet format, and discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of each system. Discuss which
system you would recommend for
your organization and your rationale and justification for your
decision. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Two
Milestone Three: Board Presentation
In Module Five, you will create a Board Presentation that
addresses the following prompt: What value could the ERP
system provide the George Washington
School District and, in general, how do you plan to allocate the
grant funds? This milestone is graded with the Milestone Three
Milestone Four: Implementation Proposal
In Module Six, you will submit the Implementation Proposal to
the School Board. Assuming that you obtained board approval
to move forward with this project,
you will next create a structure and implementation proposal
that details the steps to complete the implementation from start
to finish. Remember: you are
providing an implementation strategy for IT staff that outlines
the structure and steps for successful implementation. When you
make assumptions based on the
context and scenario, be sure to identify them and explain your
reasoning. As a professional, you will want to provide support
for your assumptions and
conclusions to ensure your projects maintain validity. This
milestone is graded with the Milestone Four Rubric.
Milestone Five: Presentation and Implementation Revisions
In Module Seven, you will use the feedback provided by your
instructor from Milestones Five and Six to improve the Board
Presentation and Implementation
Proposal you submitted. Assume that the Board liked your
proposal but had several questions regarding the implementation
schedule, more specific costs, and
how you would address potential roadblocks. You really want to
have a solid and bulletproof plan, so you use your feedback to
make revisions to submit to the
Board one last time. This milestone is graded with the
Milestone Five Rubric.
Final Submission One: Presentation to the Board
In Module Eight, you will submit the Presentation to the Board.
It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the
critical elements of the final
product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained
throughout the course. This submission will be graded using the
Final Project Rubric One.
Final Submission Two: Structure and Implementation Proposal
In Module Nine, you will submit the Structure and
Implementation Proposal. It should be a complete, polished
artifact containing all of the critical elements of
the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback
gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded
using the Final Project Rubric
Milestone Deliverables Module Due Grading
1 Overview of the Implementation
One Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric
2 Service-Oriented Architecture Three Graded separately;
Milestone Two Rubric
3 Board Presentation Five Graded separately; Milestone Three
4 Implementation Proposal Six Graded separately; Milestone
Four Rubric
5 Presentation and Implementation
Seven Graded separately; Milestone Five Rubric
Final Submission One: Presentation to
the Board
Eight Graded separately; Final Project Rubric One
Final Submission Two: Structure and
Implementation Proposal
Nine Graded separately; Final Project Rubric Two
Final Project Rubric One
Guidelines for Submission: Your presentation does not have to
be in the form of a PowerPoint; however, should you use
another tool (such as Prezi), you must
prepare note pages with your intended speech or you must
record yourself presenting your visual presentation. Remember
that effective presentations contain
main points and visuals, but the heart of your presentation is in
your verbal communication. The presentation should be
approximately 10–12 slides with notes
indicating intended speech or a recording of yourself giving
your presentation. Remember, this is a professional presentation
to the district school board
members, so errors of spelling or unprofessional elements could
result in a less-than-favorable outcome for your proposal.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs
Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Summary of Issues Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
examples provided are
authentic to the context of the
scenario and real-world
Provides a brief, accurate
assessment of existing
information systems that
focuses on the issues caused by
a lack of an ERP system,
providing reasonable examples
for support
Provides a brief assessment of
existing information systems
that focuses on the issues
caused by a lack of ERP system,
but with gaps in accuracy or
examples that are not
Does not provide a brief
assessment of existing
information systems that
focuses on the issues caused by
a lack of ERP system
Current Business
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
utilizes specific examples for
clarity of understanding the
areas for improvement
Accurately analyzes the existing
high-level business processes
and flow of information to
identify areas that could be
altered to improve efficiency
Analyzes the existing high-level
business processes and flow of
information to identify areas for
improvement, but with gaps in
Does not analyze existing high-
level business practices and
flow of information to identify
areas for improvement
Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP)
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
overview is exceptionally well
Provides an accurate overview
of ERP concepts, clearly
articulating their purpose and
Provides an overview of ERP
concepts, but with gaps in
accuracy or lack of clarity in
Does not provide an overview
of ERP concepts
Examples of Use Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
evaluation is strengthened with
specific examples that allow for
direct comparison to
organization from scenario
Evaluates a comparable
organization’s use of ERP for
success in improving resource
Evaluates an organization’s use
of ERP, but the organization is
not comparable, or the use of
ERP is not evaluated for success
in improving resource
Does not evaluate an
organization’s use of ERP
Pros/Cons of
Implementing ERP:
Meet “Proficient” criteria, and
sources are reliable for the
claims made and exceptionally
well catered to the specific
context of the scenario
Assesses the extent to which
there may be limitations of ERP
that would prevent full
consolidation or successful
implementation of existing
systems and utilizes relevant
sources to support claims
Assesses the extent to which
there may be limitations of ERP
that would prevent full
consolidation or successful
implementation of existing and
potential systems, but claims
are unsupported or overlook
relevant factors
Does not assess the extent to
which there may be limitations
of ERP that would prevent full
consolidation or successful
implementation of existing and
potential systems
Pros/Cons of
Implementing ERP:
Key Considerations
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
defense of claims is particularly
well qualified with logic driven
from business context, real-
world examples, and
scholarly/professional support
Determines key business
considerations from the
scenario and research and
supports claims with examples
and sources that highlight
relevance of considerations to
increasing business opportunity
Provides key business
considerations, but discussion
lacks detail or does not support
claims with examples and
sources to highlight relevance
of considerations to increasing
business opportunity
Does not provide key business
Integration of
Software and
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
plan is detailed enough to
provide necessary information
to stakeholders, but not so
detailed as to dilute the high-
level plan
Outlines a brief plan for
handling the integration of
existing software and
technology with new
technology into a cohesive
system that attends to key
considerations of data
collection, storage, and sharing
Outlines a brief plan for
handling the integration of
existing software and
technology with new
technology, but plan would not
lead to a cohesive system or
does not attend to key
considerations of collection,
storage, and sharing
Does not outline a brief plan for
handling the integration of
existing software and
technology with new
Integration of
Software and
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
evidences keen, conceptual
understanding of the
organizational needs in relation
to integrating technologies into
an ERP system
Accurately outlines the
organizational needs and
factors that need to be
considered while planning for
integration with relevant
supporting evidence
Outlines the organizational
needs and factors that need to
be considered while planning
for integration, but with
evidence that is not relevant or
with gaps in accuracy
Does not outline the
organizational needs and
factors that need to be
considered while planning for
Closing Statement Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
summary of presentation
highlights the value of ERP in a
manner that is persuasive,
leading to potential buy-in and
Summarizes the overall
presentation with attention to
audience and emphasis on the
value of ERP
Summarizes the overall
presentation, but summary
overlooks relevant factor(s),
does not emphasize the value
of ERP, or fails to cater to the
Does not summarize the overall
Articulation of
Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented in
a professional and easy-to-read
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact
readability and articulation of
main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
Earned Total 100%
Final Project Rubric Two
Guidelines for Submission: Your structure and implementation
proposal should be logically organized with all of the key
elements of a professional proposal.
There are several types of proposals (click here for a general
guideline for writing professional proposals), so you must work
to cater yours to your specific
content and audience. Your proposal must include a visual
representation of your ERP architecture or structure, as well as
properly cited sources where
appropriate. Submission lengths will vary.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs
Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Introduction Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
introduction is particularly well
articulated with specific
examples and logical
identification of key business
Includes an introduction that
lays the groundwork for the
proposal by articulating the
business context, business
processes, and problems at
Includes an introduction that
lays the groundwork for the
proposal, but lacks detail
around the business context
and problems at hand
Does not include an
introduction that lays the
groundwork for the proposal
Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP):
Existing Systems
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
assessment is contextualized
with supporting information
from the scenario or resources
that would apply to the
Accurately assesses the existing
systems for their potential to be
successfully integrated into a
new structure
Assesses the existing systems,
but with gaps in accuracy for
their potential to be
successfully integrated into a
new structure
Does not assess the existing
Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP):
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
justification is contextualized to
the scenario with specific
examples that highlight
potential use
Justifies the selection of a
specific ERP system/software
for the district with detail
regarding the potential benefits
that were appealing for use in
the scenario
Justifies the selection of a
specific ERP system/software
for the district, but lacks detail
or does not attend to potential
benefits that were appealing for
use in the scenario
Does not justify the selection of
a specific ERP system/software
for the district
Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP):
Software Integration
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
the plan is substantially detailed
to include potential difficulties
and the specifics of integration
within the context of the
Outlines a plan for the
integration of various software
and technology for collection,
storage, and sharing data into
the new system with detailed
descriptions of how these
disparate systems will be linked
to provide a cohesive system for
viewing resources
Outlines a plan for the
integration of various software
and technology for collection,
storage, and sharing data into
the new system, but lacks detail
regarding how these disparate
systems will be linked to
provide a cohesive system for
viewing resources, or the plan
overlooks relevant factors
Does not plan for the
integration of various software
and technology for collection,
storage, and sharing data into
the new system
Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP):
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
visualization is appropriate for
both board members and IT
professionals for the purpose of
Provides a clearly depicted
visualization of the overall
structure of the system that
highlights how each remote
office will link to the central
location for the flow of
Provides a visualization of the
overall structure of the system,
but visualization is not clear or
lacks detail regarding how each
remote office will link to the
central location for the flow of
Does not provide a visualization
of the overall structure of the
Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP):
Assessment of
Proposed Integration
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
examples are specific to the
scenario or relate the scenario
to comparable instances of
Assesses the extent to which
the proposed system will have
consolidated the old variety of
disparate systems and improved
efficiency across the district and
supports claims using relevant,
reliable sources andexamples
Assesses the extent to which
the proposed system will have
consolidated the old variety of
disparate systems and improved
efficiency across the district,
but without support from
credible sources andexamples
Does not assess the extent to
which the proposed system will
have consolidated the old
variety of disparate systems and
improved efficiency across the
Timeline and Steps
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
timeline detail is focused on the
key deliverables required to
complete the warehouse or
milestone needs are
exceptionally well defined
Includes a reasonable timeline
for implementation that
identifies all key steps and
Includes a timeline that
identifies steps, but the
timeline is not reasonable or
not all key steps or milestones
are identified
Does not include a timeline that
identifies steps and milestones
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
determinations are supported
with relevant examples
Determines available tools and
establishes valid criteria against
which the tools are determined
to be effective in assisting with
Determines available tools and
establishes criteria against
which the tools are judged for
effectiveness in assisting with
integration, but lacks detail or
criteria is not valid for judging
Does not determine available
tools and establish criteria
against which the tools are
judged for effectiveness in
assisting with integration
Business Processes
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
support is contextualized with
details relevant to the scenario,
relevant examples, and
scholarly resources
Defends the proposal in terms
of the workflow of common
processes within the
organization and the potential
to improve efficiency with
relevant support
Defends the proposal in terms
of the workflow of common
processes within the
organization and the potential
to improve efficiency, but lacks
relevant support
Does not defend the proposal in
terms of the workflow of
common processes within the
Articulation of
Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented in
a professional and easy-to-read
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact
readability and articulation of
main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
Earned Total 100%
Rubric Annotations
Term Context/Definition
Appropriate for both board members and IT professionals
Exceptionally well visualized to facilitate understanding across
multiple levels
of conceptual IT knowledge and experience
Reasonable The timeline points of interest are spaced in a
realistic manner without
unnecessary lapse time
Running head: DB 3
DB 3
DB 3
Name of Student
Institution Name
DB 3
In the current liberal studies field, the topics of global cultures
and social/public policy have elevated debates both in social
and political frontiers. Specifically, in social and public policy
the hot topic of legalizing Marijuana in many states of U.S.A is
having an effect on both social and cultural constructs (Homel
& Brown, 2017). Also, the topic of ethnic diversity and
inclusion in higher education and wider business arena is
become imperative with the view of increasing performance in
all involved stakeholders including students and employees
(Benschop et al., 2015). Surprising, the two topics are
interrelated but provides a wider approach of the aspects they
cover, which calls for wider researches and reflection on
experiences encountered in both social and political structures.
Global cultures provide a wider ethnic diversity and it becomes
imperative for liberal studies specialists to come up with
amicable ways of ensuring inclusion especial in higher
education (Benschop et al., 2015). During my liberal studies
course, I have integrated with different students from different
ethnic and cultural backgrounds, but the challenges of inclusion
which such student’s face has been immense. This raises the
question of which strategies can be safely employed to advocate
ethnic diversity and inclusion in higher education and wider
business arena. Social and public policing is also become a hot
topic for liberal studies specialists. The topic of legalizing
Marijuana is receiving tied feelings, with both public and
political frontiers admonishing/upholding the legalization
policy. The issues of unemployment, financial gain, and curbing
illegal corporation which operates on illegal drugs, have been
the onset of advocating for the move (Homel & Brown, 2017). I
have been interested with policies that influences both social
and economic growth within the political constructs.
Researches communicated through blogs or research articles,
needs to identify the intended audiences to reach their purpose.
The topics of global cultures and social/public policing are best
channeled to liberal studies specialists. In the policy of
legalizing Marijuana, it becomes imperative to establish the
positive and negative impacts of the policy to the society by the
specialists (Homel & Brown, 2017). This will help in changing
critics that advocates for either positive or negative approach
towards the legalization of marijuana in both political and
social structures. Conversely, universities and college
administrators have toiled on finding effective strategies that
will advocate ethnic diversity and inclusion in higher education.
These calls for liberal studies specialists to do amicable
researches on how to effectively realize the goal of ethnic
diversity and inclusion (Benschop et al., 2015). This will
provide cultural intelligence to the involved stakeholders and
enhance ethnic diversity in different setups. The topic of ethnic
diversity and inclusion in higher education and business arena
will be my preferred topic, as it addresses the wider nature of
global cultures in effecting performance.
Prewriting Activity
Freewriting is the simplest form of prewriting strategy to
narrow down a chosen topic. The chosen topic is global cultures
with the theme, ethnic diversity and inclusion in higher
education and business arena. How do you think ethnic diversity
and inclusion plays an important role in higher education and
business arena? With the easy access of education and work
permits, different cultured individuals find their way to higher
education institutions or work environments hence ethnic
differences is noted. However, this influences the relation and
performance of different individuals which can influence
conflicts and differences. Therefore, it becomes imperative for
liberal studies specialists to identify the best models to
advocate for effective ethnic diversity and inclusion in these
environments. Can cultural training help?
Benschop, Y., Holgersson, C., Van den Brink, M., & Wahl, A.
(2015). Future challenges for practices of diversity management
in organizations. Handbook for Diversity in Organizations, 553-
Homel, P., & Brown, R. (2017). Marijuana legalisation in the
United States: An Australian perspective. Trends and Issues in
Crime and Criminal Justice, (535), 1.
RESULTS from professor
You have chosen an interesting topic, but it reads as far too
formal for this assignment. I would suggest choosing another
topic that you can use your personal experience and write
informally about. I am here to help if you have any questions.
I have included the discussion rubric along with tips for
producing successful discussion posts. You will also find a
couple of helpful links that cover what substantive posts are and
how to produce them. Please feel free to contact me with any
Tips for a Successful Discussion Board Post:
Create a substantive main post of at least two paragraphs that
addresses the entire discussion prompt
Respond to a minimum of two classmate's main posts with at
least a paragraph
Attempt to move the discussion forward by asking questions of
your classmates
Check for small grammar, spelling, and punctuation issues in
your posts
Unless otherwise noted, there is one or more Discussion topic
each week. You will find a detailed description of the week’s
Discussion topics under each of the units in the course.
Discussion Grading Criteria for Units 1–9
Points Possible
Points Earned
Main Post:
· Student responds to all required points in Discussion prompt
including asking a question.
· The post is on topic, original, and contributes to the quality of
the discussion.
· The post makes informed connections to the unit readings.
· The post is at least 2 well-developed paragraphs.
Deductions: (minus 4 points per area)
· Student does not respond to all required points in the
Discussion prompt.
· The post may only be partly on topic or may not make a
significant contribution to the quality of the discussion.
· The post does not make informed connections to the unit
· The post does not meet length requirements.
· The post may be largely unoriginal.
No Credit:
· No main post.
· Plagiarized posts will result in automatic “0” for the
Discussion grade.
16 Remember to address each of the main discussion
prompts. For example, discussing two possible topics, who your
audience might be, what your purpose might be, and including a
pre-writing technique.
Contributions to Discussion (engagement):
· Responses to classmates’ posts are thoughtful and on topic,
advancing the discussion.
· Student shows active engagement in the discussion (e.g.,
asking and responding to questions, posting early in the week,
posts on multiple days).
· Student exceeds the required number of responses to
classmates’ initial posts.
Deductions: (minus 8 points)
· Student makes only one participation response.
Deductions: (Minus 3 points per area)
· Responses do not significantly advance the discussion a
substantive manner.
· Student does not show an active engagement in the discussion.
· Responses may be off topic.
No Credit:
· No participation responses are made.
· No responses to classmates or instructor.
· Responses that are abusive or inappropriate will result in an
automatic “0” for the unit’s Discussion grade.
14 Be sure to ask questions in order to move the conversation
forward. You will also need to respond to at least two
classmates' main posts each week using complete paragraphs.
· Responses are clearly written in Standard American English
(SAE), and student uses a style appropriate for classroom
· Responses are mainly free of spelling, grammar, punctuation,
and sentence structure errors.
· If sources are used, student includes signal phrases or APA
Deductions: (minus 1 point per area)
· Responses may have errors in spelling, grammar, and
· Responses may have errors in sentence structure which impact
· The style many not be appropriate for classroom discourse
(not SAE, slang, text abbreviations, etc.) or responses do not
credit sources using signal phrases or APA citations when
required in the instructions.
1 There were a few small grammar issues. Be sure to go back
over what you have written to check for errors.
Plagiarism is a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy.
Discussion posts which are plagiarized will receive a “0.”
DB .Writing a Draft of the Personal DocumentRevising your wr.docx

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DB .Writing a Draft of the Personal DocumentRevising your wr.docx

  • 1. DB . Writing a Draft of the Personal Document Revising your writing provides you the chance to ensure your ideas are clear and effective prior to submitting the final draft. At times it can be challenging to see problematic areas in your own writing; this is where peer feedback can be very beneficial. Prepare: Complete the assigned Unit 4 Reading and Learning Activities. Preview the Unit 4 Assignment details. Review the topic ideas and prewriting you posted to the Unit 3 Discussion Board as well as the feedback you received from your classmates. Make any necessary adjustments to your topic, audience, and main point. That will prepare you to write a rough draft of your blog post. Post: Post Your Draft Using your prewriting ideas and feedback that helped you to choose one topic, audience, and purpose, write a 2–3-paragraph rough draft of your Unit 4 Assignment and post it to the Discussion Board. This is going to be a rough draft, so do not worry if it needs editing and revision. All drafts need work. Include a bit of self-reflection as well so the class knows how to best help you: · What aspects of your draft do you think could use development? · What aspects of your draft do you think are strong? · Which areas of your draft are you still working on? · Include an open-ended question about any issue your initial post raises which your classmates can help you with. Respond: Respond to classmates’ postings Make comments and ask questions about two classmates’ drafts. Be sure to address the following points: · What was the purpose of the document? · Who is the intended audience? · If you were the audience, would you be helped by the writer’s
  • 2. points and use of personal experience? How so? · Are there places where more needs to be said? · Using your knowledge of the revision process, what suggestions could you make for revising this draft? Review a sample student Discussion Board post. Discussion requirements Initial post should: · demonstrate effectively developed paragraphs · be on topic · be original · contribute to the quality of the discussion · make frequent and informed references to the unit concepts ASSIGNMENT Expressing Yourself Informally For the Unit 4 Assignment, you will write a 1–1.5-page, double spaced, informal and personal blog post on an issue that is in some way relevant to your field of study and that you have personal experience with. According to The Social Psychology Network, a blog, “short for "web log," is an online journal or record of sequential postings with news, commentary, or other material” (2017). Like an essay, a blog post establishes and develops a clear point about a topic or issue. Depending on the topic, audience, and purpose, a blog can be formal or informal. A blog written by an individual, for example, tends to be about his or her experience with the topic and is written in first person. Imagine for this Assignment that you have created your own blog site and that you are writing a post for your blog site. This specific blog post should establish a clear main point about your chosen topic, use your personal experience to develop that main point, and establish a connection with your non-professional
  • 3. audience through showing them how your experience might be of value in helping them in some way. Examples might include: · If you are in the medical field and have experience with taking care of family members who are sick, you might write a blog post to other caretakers who are tending to family members, perhaps showing them a way they can avoid the stress that caretaking will create for them. · If you are in the law enforcement field, though you may not have experience with being a police officer, you might use your experience as a parent to write to other parents about what they might do to help their children to not get involved in gangs, if you have any relevant experience with it or know people who have. · If you are in the field of education, you may not be an experienced teacher with a degree, but you no doubt have experience either as a student or parent and could write a blog post to other first year college students, offering them a suggestion for how to manage their time or avoid procrastination on assignments. Generating Ideas for Your Blog Post Topic: · Brainstorm your experiences: What personal experiences do you have with issues of ANY sort that are in some way related to your field of study? · Talk with others: Classmates, friends and family, WC tutors, your instructors. · Review this document for links to blogs and articles in your field of study. Writers often identify something they want to write about by responding to what others have written. You might read a blog post about the causes of homelessness in the US and then write your own blog post to people in your community suggesting a way they might help solve this problem in your community. You will also be engaging in Discussion Board activities in Units 3 and 4 to help you in your writing process. · In Unit 3 Discussion Board, you will post as many possible
  • 4. topic ideas as you want. Posting your possible topics, audience, and purpose allows you to get feedback from your instructor and classmates. This feedback will help you decide on a topic and make any necessary adjustments before you move to the drafting stage. · In Unit 4 Discussion Board, you will post a draft of your blog post and a plan for revising this draft. The feedback you receive from your instructor and classmates will help you to revise and strengthen your blog post and prepare it for submission as your Unit 4 Assignment. Be sure that your Unit 4 Assignment meets the following requirements: · Focuses on one specific point about the issue being written about · Uses personal experience to develop ideas; avoid research · Connects with the audience and establishes relevance of the topic to them · Demonstrates substantial revision of the Unit 4 Discussion Board post draft · Uses appropriate informal language, depending upon topic, audience, and purpose · Is organized into 3–5 well-developed paragraphs, 1–1.5 double-spaced pages · Utilizes transition devices to connect ideas · Applies Standard American English and avoids distracting grammar and punctuation errors · Demonstrates 6th Edition APA formatting, including title page · Cites any and all uses of source information (quotes, ideas, paraphrases) both in the references page and in text where the source is used APA Formatting Video Find out how your instructor will grade your Unit 4 Assignment by reviewing the rubric. Review a sample student Assignment.
  • 5. IT 657: Final Project Guidelines and Rubric There are two final projects for this course. Final Project One: Board Presentation: Overview Organizations in every industry are continually attempting to streamline business practices and processes, efficiently allocate resources, and improve overall business value. More and more, information technology (IT) provides the best solutions for organizational issues, making it important for IT professionals to gain an understanding of resource management and business needs, both at the procedural and technical levels. As such, your final project for this course centers on the use of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. You will be constructing a proposal for decision-makers that explains the function and value of such systems and will develop a basic structure and implementation plan for an ERP system catered to the organization outlined in the scenario below. This project will provide you with the opportunity to highlight the value of ERP systems and to make recommendations for improving enterprise resource management in an organization. The project is divided into five milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules One, Three, Five, Six and Seven. The final submissions will
  • 6. occur in Modules Eight and Nine. In Final Project One, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes: ting, storing, and sharing data into cohesive enterprise resource management systems managing enterprise resources within specific industries ormation systems have the potential for consolidating technologies and successful integration into organizationalenvironments opportunities to improve efficiency across enterprises terprise resource planning proposals that address organizational needs and optimize business processes Scenario Imagine you are the IT director of the George Washington School District, a 30,000-student district spanning 30 elementary, six middle, and four high schools. As the district expands, you are continuously trying to improve the use of technology across the schools, specifically in the areas of resource and information management.
  • 7. The superintendent has informed you that the district was awarded a $100,000 grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to improve technology within the district, and the board is awaiting your determinations on what improvements may best serve the district. After meeting with the IT staff and talking to faculty and staff across the district, you have decided that integrating a district-wide ERP system would be the best use of the grant. Currently, data is stored centrally in the district office as well as in each of the 40 school databases. The IT team provides maintenance and support for the student information system, a district portal, 40 individual school websites, voice-over-internet protocol (VoiP), and the individual district office departments. The district office consists of the human resources department, budget, maintenance and operations, accounting, information technology, education technology, child welfare and attendance, risk management, special programs, and the special education department. The student system consists of a 2014 SQL Server with a Microsoft Access front end database. The business system is a proprietary system that runs on an IBM AS/400 Mainframe. Ideally, you would like to connect the following systems: student information system, human resources system, payroll, research and assessment, and risk management. In order to appropriate the recent funds to implement the ERP system, you must brief the school board at the next meeting on your proposal and
  • 8. the value of enterprise resource planning for the district. Additionally, you must construct a proposal detailing how the funds will be utilized and the steps for implementation of an ERP system. While the board members will be primarily concerned about your presentation and your expected allocation of funds, IT staff will need the detailed proposal to prepare for implementation and potential challenges. Therefore, it is important to balance the technical needs with the organizational needs while drafting your written proposal in order to connect with both audiences. Be sure to provide the appropriate resources and examples for support when necessary. In the professional IT world, research is key, and supporting your claims becomes one of the most successful means of persuasion. Prompt Your board presentation must address the following prompt: What value could the ERP system provide the George Washington School District and, in general, how do you plan to allocate the grant funds? Specifically, the follow critical elements must be addressed: I. Introduction: a) Summary of Issues: Summarize the IT issues that the district is facing because of its lack of an ERP system. In other words, provide a brief assessment of the existing information systems (the technology/software/hardware) used throughout the district and how effective or
  • 9. ineffective the current systems are. Explain your reasoning, and provide examples or instances of issues to substantiate your claims. b) Current Business Processes: Analyze the current high-level business processes (the procedure that each terminal, such as each school, employs to store and analyze information, for example) used in relation to the flow of information shared across the district to identify areas that could be altered to improve efficiency. c) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems: Provide an overview of enterprise resource planning systems. Specifically, review the concepts of ERP for board members to facilitate their understanding of the purpose and functionality of the concepts. Be sure to address the following questions: i. What is ERP and what is its purpose? ii. What are the leading tools? iii. What are the types of systems that you can connect to ERP systems? iv. What types of reporting can ERP systems produce? II. Examples of Use: What other organizations or school districts utilize ERP systems? Provide a brief evaluation of that organization’s use of a particular ERP system/tool for managing enterprise resources. To what extent has the implementation within this organization improved
  • 10. the management of resources? III. Pros/Cons of Implementing ERP: Weigh the pros and cons of implementing an ERP system for George Washington School District. Some areas to consider include cost, limitations of reporting, and impact(s) on current users and process. A. Limitations: Assess the extent to which there are limitations of ERP that will not allow for consolidation and successful integration of all existing and potential systems. Will the ERP system be able to connect to all systems? Is there any information that might be difficult to obtain from the ERP system? How can you address these limitations? Provide sources relevant to the scenario to support your claims. B. Key Considerations: For George Washington School District, what are the key considerations before implementing an ERP system? What level of implementation needs to happen (full, partial, etc.)? What software purchases are necessary? Will you need to purchase software to implement the ERP design? C. Integration of Software and Technology: 1. Integration: How will you handle implementation? Outline a brief big-picture plan for handling integration of software and technology that attends to the key considerations around data collection, storage, and sharing across the district. To what extent will you need to integrate different software and technologies?
  • 11. 2. Organizational Needs: What organizational needs and factors need to be considered when planning for integration? Will you need to hire a consultant to ensure proper implementation or will your IT staff be able to support the new system? What type of training will be required for your users and who will have access to the system? IV. Closing Statement: Return on Investment: What is the goal of the ERP system? How can the information in an ERP system add value to the organization? How can we ensure the implementation will be worth the investment? Final Project Two: Structure and Implementation Proposal: Overview Organizations in every industry are continually attempting to streamline business practices and processes, efficiently allocate resources, and improve overall business value. More and more, information technology (IT) provides the best solutions for organizational issues, making it important for IT professionals to gain an understanding of resource management and business needs, both at the procedural and technical levels. As such, your final project for this course centers on the use of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. You will be constructing a proposal for decision-makers that explains the function and value of such systems and will develop a basic structure and implementation plan for an ERP system catered to the organization outlined in the scenario below. This project will provide you with the opportunity to highlight the value of ERP systems and to make recommendations for improving enterprise
  • 12. resource management in an organization. In Final Project Two, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes: te software and technology used in collecting, storing, and sharing data into cohesive enterprise resource management systems managing enterprise resources within specific industries the extent to which existing and proposed information systems have the potential for consolidating technologies and successful integration into organizationalenvironments opportunities to improve efficiency across enterprises organizational needs and optimize business processes Prompt Assuming that you obtained board approval to move forward with this project, you will next create a structure and implementation proposal that details the steps required to complete the implementation from start to
  • 13. finish. Remember: you are providing an implementation strategy for IT staff that outlines the structure and steps for successful implementation. When you make assumptions based on the context and scenario, be sure to identify them and explain your reasoning. As a professional, you will want to provide support for your assumptions and conclusions to ensure your projects maintain validity. Specifically, the follow critical elements must be addressed: I. Introduction: Provide an introduction that lays the groundwork for your proposal and tells the audience the importance of the proposal and how, in general, it will benefit the school district. II. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): a) Existing Systems: What existing systems will need to be replaced, updated, or integrated with new software? Assess the existing systems for their potential to be successfully integrated into thenew structure. b) Enterprise Resource System: Provide your justification and rationale for the specific type of ERP system you have selected. Why was the tool you selected the best choice for the school district? What particular aspects were appealing for providing a cohesive representation of resources across the district? c) Software Integration: Which systems will you include in the ERP? What type of information will you need to identify from
  • 14. each system? How will you integrate collection, storage, and sharing tools to ensure a cohesive representation of district resources? d) Visualization: Provide a visual representation of the overall structure you intend to implement. This should include a view for both board members and IT professionals to refer to. Be sure to make reference to any remaining systems and highlight how the new system will allow each remote office to link to the centrallocation. e) Assessment of Proposed Integration: Assess the extent to which you feel the new system will have consolidated the old variety of disparate systems that currently exist. How will such consolidation improve efficiency across the district? Provide appropriate support to your reasoning. III. Implementation: a) Timeline and Steps: Include a reasonable timeline for implementation. Some things to consider: Is there sufficient time between milestones? What milestones and key deliverables will be required to complete the data warehouse from start to finish? b) Tools: What tools are available to help integrate existing software? What criteria will you use to determine how effective the tools are in meeting the needs of the organization? c) Business Processes: How will you determine the workflow of common processes within the organization? To what extent will the ERP system improve efficiency of business processes?
  • 15. Milestone One: Overview of the Implementation Process Milestones In Module One, you will submit a two- to three-page paper discussing an overview of the implementation process. Provide an overview of the implementation process (e.g., the ERP life cycle, business process reengineering, project management, and change management). Discuss the role of staff, vendors, consultants, and the organization in making the ERP implementation process successful. This milestone is graded with the Milestone One Rubric. Milestone Two: Service-Oriented Architecture In Module Three, you will submit a two- to three-page paper discussing the three major ERP vendors: SAP, Oracle, and Microsoft Dynamics. Compare the Service- Oriented Architecture (SOA) in a tablet format, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each system. Discuss which system you would recommend for your organization and your rationale and justification for your decision. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Two Rubric. Milestone Three: Board Presentation In Module Five, you will create a Board Presentation that
  • 16. addresses the following prompt: What value could the ERP system provide the George Washington School District and, in general, how do you plan to allocate the grant funds? This milestone is graded with the Milestone Three Rubric. Milestone Four: Implementation Proposal In Module Six, you will submit the Implementation Proposal to the School Board. Assuming that you obtained board approval to move forward with this project, you will next create a structure and implementation proposal that details the steps to complete the implementation from start to finish. Remember: you are providing an implementation strategy for IT staff that outlines the structure and steps for successful implementation. When you make assumptions based on the context and scenario, be sure to identify them and explain your reasoning. As a professional, you will want to provide support for your assumptions and conclusions to ensure your projects maintain validity. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Four Rubric. Milestone Five: Presentation and Implementation Revisions In Module Seven, you will use the feedback provided by your instructor from Milestones Five and Six to improve the Board Presentation and Implementation Proposal you submitted. Assume that the Board liked your proposal but had several questions regarding the implementation schedule, more specific costs, and how you would address potential roadblocks. You really want to have a solid and bulletproof plan, so you use your feedback to make revisions to submit to the Board one last time. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Five Rubric.
  • 17. Final Submission One: Presentation to the Board In Module Eight, you will submit the Presentation to the Board. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded using the Final Project Rubric One. Final Submission Two: Structure and Implementation Proposal In Module Nine, you will submit the Structure and Implementation Proposal. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded using the Final Project Rubric Two. Deliverables Milestone Deliverables Module Due Grading 1 Overview of the Implementation Process
  • 18. One Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric 2 Service-Oriented Architecture Three Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric 3 Board Presentation Five Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric 4 Implementation Proposal Six Graded separately; Milestone Four Rubric 5 Presentation and Implementation Revisions Seven Graded separately; Milestone Five Rubric Final Submission One: Presentation to the Board Eight Graded separately; Final Project Rubric One Final Submission Two: Structure and Implementation Proposal Nine Graded separately; Final Project Rubric Two Final Project Rubric One Guidelines for Submission: Your presentation does not have to be in the form of a PowerPoint; however, should you use another tool (such as Prezi), you must prepare note pages with your intended speech or you must
  • 19. record yourself presenting your visual presentation. Remember that effective presentations contain main points and visuals, but the heart of your presentation is in your verbal communication. The presentation should be approximately 10–12 slides with notes indicating intended speech or a recording of yourself giving your presentation. Remember, this is a professional presentation to the district school board members, so errors of spelling or unprofessional elements could result in a less-than-favorable outcome for your proposal. Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value Summary of Issues Meets “Proficient” criteria, and examples provided are authentic to the context of the scenario and real-world application Provides a brief, accurate assessment of existing information systems that focuses on the issues caused by a lack of an ERP system, providing reasonable examples for support Provides a brief assessment of existing information systems that focuses on the issues caused by a lack of ERP system, but with gaps in accuracy or examples that are not reasonable
  • 20. Does not provide a brief assessment of existing information systems that focuses on the issues caused by a lack of ERP system 6 Current Business Processes Meets “Proficient” criteria and utilizes specific examples for clarity of understanding the areas for improvement Accurately analyzes the existing high-level business processes and flow of information to identify areas that could be altered to improve efficiency Analyzes the existing high-level business processes and flow of information to identify areas for improvement, but with gaps in accuracy Does not analyze existing high- level business practices and flow of information to identify areas for improvement 18
  • 21. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems Meets “Proficient” criteria, and overview is exceptionally well articulated Provides an accurate overview of ERP concepts, clearly articulating their purpose and functionality Provides an overview of ERP concepts, but with gaps in accuracy or lack of clarity in articulation Does not provide an overview of ERP concepts 6 Examples of Use Meets “Proficient” criteria, and evaluation is strengthened with specific examples that allow for direct comparison to organization from scenario Evaluates a comparable organization’s use of ERP for success in improving resource management Evaluates an organization’s use
  • 22. of ERP, but the organization is not comparable, or the use of ERP is not evaluated for success in improving resource management Does not evaluate an organization’s use of ERP 6 Pros/Cons of Implementing ERP: Limitations Meet “Proficient” criteria, and sources are reliable for the claims made and exceptionally well catered to the specific context of the scenario Assesses the extent to which there may be limitations of ERP that would prevent full consolidation or successful implementation of existing systems and utilizes relevant sources to support claims Assesses the extent to which there may be limitations of ERP
  • 23. that would prevent full consolidation or successful implementation of existing and potential systems, but claims are unsupported or overlook relevant factors Does not assess the extent to which there may be limitations of ERP that would prevent full consolidation or successful implementation of existing and potential systems 18 Pros/Cons of Implementing ERP: Key Considerations Meets “Proficient” criteria, and defense of claims is particularly well qualified with logic driven from business context, real- world examples, and scholarly/professional support Determines key business considerations from the scenario and research and supports claims with examples and sources that highlight relevance of considerations to increasing business opportunity Provides key business
  • 24. considerations, but discussion lacks detail or does not support claims with examples and sources to highlight relevance of considerations to increasing business opportunity Does not provide key business considerations 6 Integration of Software and Technology: Integration Meets “Proficient” criteria, and plan is detailed enough to provide necessary information to stakeholders, but not so detailed as to dilute the high- level plan Outlines a brief plan for handling the integration of existing software and technology with new technology into a cohesive system that attends to key considerations of data collection, storage, and sharing Outlines a brief plan for handling the integration of existing software and
  • 25. technology with new technology, but plan would not lead to a cohesive system or does not attend to key considerations of collection, storage, and sharing Does not outline a brief plan for handling the integration of existing software and technology with new technology 18 Integration of Software and Technology: Organizational Needs Meets “Proficient” criteria and evidences keen, conceptual understanding of the organizational needs in relation to integrating technologies into an ERP system Accurately outlines the organizational needs and factors that need to be considered while planning for integration with relevant supporting evidence
  • 26. Outlines the organizational needs and factors that need to be considered while planning for integration, but with evidence that is not relevant or with gaps in accuracy Does not outline the organizational needs and factors that need to be considered while planning for integration 6 Closing Statement Meets “Proficient” criteria, and summary of presentation highlights the value of ERP in a manner that is persuasive, leading to potential buy-in and approval Summarizes the overall presentation with attention to audience and emphasis on the value of ERP Summarizes the overall presentation, but summary overlooks relevant factor(s), does not emphasize the value of ERP, or fails to cater to the audience Does not summarize the overall presentation
  • 27. 6 Articulation of Response Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 10
  • 28. Earned Total 100% Final Project Rubric Two Guidelines for Submission: Your structure and implementation proposal should be logically organized with all of the key elements of a professional proposal. There are several types of proposals (click here for a general guideline for writing professional proposals), so you must work to cater yours to your specific content and audience. Your proposal must include a visual representation of your ERP architecture or structure, as well as properly cited sources where appropriate. Submission lengths will vary. Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value Introduction Meets “Proficient” criteria, and introduction is particularly well articulated with specific examples and logical identification of key business factors Includes an introduction that lays the groundwork for the proposal by articulating the business context, business processes, and problems at hand Includes an introduction that lays the groundwork for the proposal, but lacks detail
  • 29. around the business context and problems at hand Does not include an introduction that lays the groundwork for the proposal 10 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): Existing Systems Meets “Proficient” criteria, and assessment is contextualized with supporting information from the scenario or resources that would apply to the scenario Accurately assesses the existing systems for their potential to be successfully integrated into a new structure Assesses the existing systems, but with gaps in accuracy for their potential to be successfully integrated into a new structure Does not assess the existing systems 9
  • 30. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): System Meets “Proficient” criteria, and justification is contextualized to the scenario with specific examples that highlight potential use Justifies the selection of a specific ERP system/software for the district with detail regarding the potential benefits that were appealing for use in the scenario Justifies the selection of a specific ERP system/software for the district, but lacks detail or does not attend to potential benefits that were appealing for use in the scenario Does not justify the selection of a specific ERP system/software for the district 10
  • 31. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): Software Integration Meets “Proficient” criteria, and the plan is substantially detailed to include potential difficulties and the specifics of integration within the context of the scenario Outlines a plan for the integration of various software and technology for collection, storage, and sharing data into the new system with detailed descriptions of how these disparate systems will be linked to provide a cohesive system for viewing resources Outlines a plan for the integration of various software and technology for collection, storage, and sharing data into the new system, but lacks detail regarding how these disparate systems will be linked to provide a cohesive system for viewing resources, or the plan overlooks relevant factors Does not plan for the integration of various software
  • 32. and technology for collection, storage, and sharing data into the new system 10 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): Visualization Meets “Proficient” criteria, and visualization is appropriate for both board members and IT professionals for the purpose of implementation Provides a clearly depicted visualization of the overall structure of the system that highlights how each remote office will link to the central location for the flow of information Provides a visualization of the overall structure of the system, but visualization is not clear or lacks detail regarding how each remote office will link to the central location for the flow of information Does not provide a visualization of the overall structure of the system
  • 33. 9 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): Assessment of Proposed Integration Meets “Proficient” criteria, and examples are specific to the scenario or relate the scenario to comparable instances of efficiency Assesses the extent to which the proposed system will have consolidated the old variety of disparate systems and improved efficiency across the district and supports claims using relevant, reliable sources andexamples Assesses the extent to which the proposed system will have consolidated the old variety of disparate systems and improved efficiency across the district, but without support from credible sources andexamples Does not assess the extent to which the proposed system will have consolidated the old variety of disparate systems and improved efficiency across the
  • 34. district 10 Implementation: Timeline and Steps Meets “Proficient” criteria, and timeline detail is focused on the key deliverables required to complete the warehouse or milestone needs are exceptionally well defined Includes a reasonable timeline for implementation that identifies all key steps and milestones Includes a timeline that identifies steps, but the timeline is not reasonable or not all key steps or milestones are identified Does not include a timeline that identifies steps and milestones 10 Implementation: Tools Meets “Proficient” criteria, and determinations are supported with relevant examples
  • 35. Determines available tools and establishes valid criteria against which the tools are determined to be effective in assisting with integration Determines available tools and establishes criteria against which the tools are judged for effectiveness in assisting with integration, but lacks detail or criteria is not valid for judging effectiveness Does not determine available tools and establish criteria against which the tools are judged for effectiveness in assisting with integration 12 Implementation: Business Processes Meets “Proficient” criteria, and support is contextualized with details relevant to the scenario, relevant examples, and scholarly resources
  • 36. Defends the proposal in terms of the workflow of common processes within the organization and the potential to improve efficiency with relevant support Defends the proposal in terms of the workflow of common processes within the organization and the potential to improve efficiency, but lacks relevant support Does not defend the proposal in terms of the workflow of common processes within the organization 10 Articulation of Response Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors
  • 37. related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 10 Earned Total 100% Rubric Annotations Term Context/Definition Appropriate for both board members and IT professionals Exceptionally well visualized to facilitate understanding across multiple levels of conceptual IT knowledge and experience Reasonable The timeline points of interest are spaced in a realistic manner without unnecessary lapse time Running head: DB 3
  • 38. 1 DB 3 4 DB 3 Name of Student Institution Name DB 3 In the current liberal studies field, the topics of global cultures and social/public policy have elevated debates both in social and political frontiers. Specifically, in social and public policy the hot topic of legalizing Marijuana in many states of U.S.A is having an effect on both social and cultural constructs (Homel & Brown, 2017). Also, the topic of ethnic diversity and inclusion in higher education and wider business arena is become imperative with the view of increasing performance in all involved stakeholders including students and employees (Benschop et al., 2015). Surprising, the two topics are interrelated but provides a wider approach of the aspects they cover, which calls for wider researches and reflection on experiences encountered in both social and political structures. Global cultures provide a wider ethnic diversity and it becomes imperative for liberal studies specialists to come up with amicable ways of ensuring inclusion especial in higher education (Benschop et al., 2015). During my liberal studies course, I have integrated with different students from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, but the challenges of inclusion which such student’s face has been immense. This raises the question of which strategies can be safely employed to advocate ethnic diversity and inclusion in higher education and wider business arena. Social and public policing is also become a hot topic for liberal studies specialists. The topic of legalizing
  • 39. Marijuana is receiving tied feelings, with both public and political frontiers admonishing/upholding the legalization policy. The issues of unemployment, financial gain, and curbing illegal corporation which operates on illegal drugs, have been the onset of advocating for the move (Homel & Brown, 2017). I have been interested with policies that influences both social and economic growth within the political constructs. Researches communicated through blogs or research articles, needs to identify the intended audiences to reach their purpose. The topics of global cultures and social/public policing are best channeled to liberal studies specialists. In the policy of legalizing Marijuana, it becomes imperative to establish the positive and negative impacts of the policy to the society by the specialists (Homel & Brown, 2017). This will help in changing critics that advocates for either positive or negative approach towards the legalization of marijuana in both political and social structures. Conversely, universities and college administrators have toiled on finding effective strategies that will advocate ethnic diversity and inclusion in higher education. These calls for liberal studies specialists to do amicable researches on how to effectively realize the goal of ethnic diversity and inclusion (Benschop et al., 2015). This will provide cultural intelligence to the involved stakeholders and enhance ethnic diversity in different setups. The topic of ethnic diversity and inclusion in higher education and business arena will be my preferred topic, as it addresses the wider nature of global cultures in effecting performance. Prewriting Activity Freewriting is the simplest form of prewriting strategy to narrow down a chosen topic. The chosen topic is global cultures with the theme, ethnic diversity and inclusion in higher education and business arena. How do you think ethnic diversity
  • 40. and inclusion plays an important role in higher education and business arena? With the easy access of education and work permits, different cultured individuals find their way to higher education institutions or work environments hence ethnic differences is noted. However, this influences the relation and performance of different individuals which can influence conflicts and differences. Therefore, it becomes imperative for liberal studies specialists to identify the best models to advocate for effective ethnic diversity and inclusion in these environments. Can cultural training help? Reference Benschop, Y., Holgersson, C., Van den Brink, M., & Wahl, A. (2015). Future challenges for practices of diversity management in organizations. Handbook for Diversity in Organizations, 553- 574. Homel, P., & Brown, R. (2017). Marijuana legalisation in the United States: An Australian perspective. Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, (535), 1. RESULTS from professor You have chosen an interesting topic, but it reads as far too formal for this assignment. I would suggest choosing another topic that you can use your personal experience and write informally about. I am here to help if you have any questions. I have included the discussion rubric along with tips for producing successful discussion posts. You will also find a couple of helpful links that cover what substantive posts are and how to produce them. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. discussion-posts/
  • 41. learning/how-to-write-an-a-discussion-posting/ Tips for a Successful Discussion Board Post: Create a substantive main post of at least two paragraphs that addresses the entire discussion prompt Respond to a minimum of two classmate's main posts with at least a paragraph Attempt to move the discussion forward by asking questions of your classmates Check for small grammar, spelling, and punctuation issues in your posts Unless otherwise noted, there is one or more Discussion topic each week. You will find a detailed description of the week’s Discussion topics under each of the units in the course. Discussion Grading Criteria for Units 1–9 Points Possible Points Earned Main Post: · Student responds to all required points in Discussion prompt including asking a question. · The post is on topic, original, and contributes to the quality of the discussion. · The post makes informed connections to the unit readings. · The post is at least 2 well-developed paragraphs. Deductions: (minus 4 points per area) · Student does not respond to all required points in the Discussion prompt. · The post may only be partly on topic or may not make a significant contribution to the quality of the discussion. · The post does not make informed connections to the unit readings. · The post does not meet length requirements.
  • 42. · The post may be largely unoriginal. No Credit: · No main post. · Plagiarized posts will result in automatic “0” for the Discussion grade. 20 16 Remember to address each of the main discussion prompts. For example, discussing two possible topics, who your audience might be, what your purpose might be, and including a pre-writing technique. Contributions to Discussion (engagement): · Responses to classmates’ posts are thoughtful and on topic, advancing the discussion. · Student shows active engagement in the discussion (e.g., asking and responding to questions, posting early in the week, posts on multiple days). · Student exceeds the required number of responses to classmates’ initial posts. Deductions: (minus 8 points) · Student makes only one participation response. Deductions: (Minus 3 points per area) · Responses do not significantly advance the discussion a substantive manner. · Student does not show an active engagement in the discussion. · Responses may be off topic. No Credit: · No participation responses are made. · No responses to classmates or instructor. · Responses that are abusive or inappropriate will result in an automatic “0” for the unit’s Discussion grade. 17
  • 43. 14 Be sure to ask questions in order to move the conversation forward. You will also need to respond to at least two classmates' main posts each week using complete paragraphs. Grammar/Mechanics/Style/Citation: · Responses are clearly written in Standard American English (SAE), and student uses a style appropriate for classroom discourse. · Responses are mainly free of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure errors. · If sources are used, student includes signal phrases or APA citations. Deductions: (minus 1 point per area) · Responses may have errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation. · Responses may have errors in sentence structure which impact meaning. · The style many not be appropriate for classroom discourse (not SAE, slang, text abbreviations, etc.) or responses do not credit sources using signal phrases or APA citations when required in the instructions. 3 1 There were a few small grammar issues. Be sure to go back over what you have written to check for errors. Plagiarism is a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy. Discussion posts which are plagiarized will receive a “0.” Comments: 40 31