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Communication Change Challenge - $8
CCC Part 4: Goal Analysis Back to Top The interpersonal communication skill you selected earlier in
this project is not yet stated in specific behavioral terms. For example, I want to overcome shyness and
meet new people, gives you little direction. Some questions you might want to ask yourself are: What
new people? Where will I meet them? When will I meet them? How many do I want to meet? How
often? What will I say when I meet them? What do I typically do in these situations that I want to
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Three essays - $7
Three essays, five paragraphs in length each. Do you agree with the assertion that we are now living in
a third-great technological transformation-the Knowledge Revolution? Have computers truly changed
our lives so much that we can call this a revolution like the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century?
Support your answer providing specific comparisons from the two periods. Discuss the Neolithic
Revolution, citing its importance in terms of laying the groundwork for the ongoing development of
technological advances throughout history. Utilize specific examples in order to better illustrate your
arguments. Has the development of digital technologies democratized the art of photography? How
has this affected our appreciation of the photographer as artist and photography as an art form?
Explain using specific examples.
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Analyzing Audience - $5
Why is knowing your audience an important part of capturing and maintaining their attention? What is
the impact of cultural diversity in your audience? Other Requirements: You are getting closer to the
Week 6 Presentation (powerpoint with voiceover, delivered extemporaneously) due date, so, for best
success, in this electronic or any public speaking event (for written messages too!), it is critical to be
what I call audience-centric. Most of you have had at least one, and in some cases, several email
conversations with me regarding your audience...and now you will see the impact of doing so (I hope!).
To support your ideas/experience/examples, please be sure to use, integrate and cite (APA format)
from DeVito at least once in this topic discussion.
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Purpose of PowerPoint presentation - $4
If you have not already done so, read the Presentation tab under Course Home and review the
PowerPoint narration tutorials. There are more tutorials in this week s lecture. Practice using your
microphone and volume controls on the computer that you will be recording with, and learn to use the
PowerPoint narration feature. You are required to use PowerPoint for your narrated speech PowerPoint
presentation, which is due next week, Week 6. Although you are likely already skilled at plugging data
into a PowerPoint template, you may not often have considered how to use PowerPoint effectively to
get your message across. What is the purpose of using a program such as PowerPoint?
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CCC project - $8
Take some time to think about challenges you have communicating with other people. These difficulties
may involve strangers and acquaintances, friends, family members, or people at school or work. You
may identify situations that involve specific individuals or general circumstances. Some examples
include having trouble starting a conversation with someone you have never met, saying no when your
sister asks to borrow money, or participating in meetings, even when you have a question or
contribution to the discussion.
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Application Paper - $5
Relating course content to the current healthcare environment is an integral part of your learning; this
also helps develop your awareness of the critical importance of legal and ethical issues. Two (2)
application papers are required in this course. These papers will give you the opportunity to apply
course content, should be 3 to 5 typed pages each, and will be due at the end of the designated
weeks. Application Paper 1 is due this week, and Application Paper 2 is due in Week 7. The format for
both papers should be in APA.The topics for these two papers are noted below. Refer to at least one
outside source, in addition to your text, as you prepare each of these papers.
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Interpersonal communication skills of my boss - $4
Think of someone in your workplace (or previous workplace, organized club or activity, etc.) who you
consider to have effective interpersonal communication skills on the job. What specific interpersonal
skills does this person possess? How do these skills help this person to be effective in a team-oriented
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Essay - $5
Write a 1000 word essay (2-3 pages) and double-spaced essay. This is a short essay, so try to be as
concise and thorough as you can be in the space given-in other words, avoid wordiness: words,
phrases or sentences that really don t add meaning to your paper, just length. Topic: What is your
intended major? Discuss how your interest in the subject developed and describe any experience you
have had in the field - such as volunteer work, internships and employment, participation in student
organizations and activities - and what you have gained from your involvement. The purpose of this
essays is 1. Ensure that students can construct a written work that is centered on a core
idea/principle/emotion/lesson. 2. Ensure that students understand different modes of writing to
communicate an idea. 3. Ensure that students uses the appropriate diction/language/writing style for
the audience. 4. Ensure that students convey their voice in their writing. 5. Ensure that students
develop a coherent structure in their essay such that the audience/reader can locate introduction,
conflict, and resolution.
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Benefits of Cloud Computing at Riordan - $4
Submit an outline of the presentation that includes the following: A full description of the new system, a
description of its components, and the benefit it will provide to Riordan A discussion of the business
requirements driving the need for the system A discussion of the information used in the system A
discussion of any information security and ethical concerns with the Introduction to Information
Information is a very essential part of the modern organizations and is required to run them efficiently.
We can say it in another way that without an information system an organization system is bound to
collapse. Information is needed to control the day to day operations properly and in an effective
manner. From making key decisions to implementing them everywhere there is need of information at
every step...
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Dracula and The Metamorphosis - $4
Choose one (1) of the essay prompts listed below. Using MLA style, write a 3 - 4 page short-essay
response. Use the texts as support and work on your own. Be sure that you have a solid, defendable
thesis statement toward the end of the introduction, which can be brief. Have a strong, analytic topic
sentence that furthers your argument for each paragraph and avoid any sentence-level errors,
particularly serious errors such as fused sentences or comma splices. Do not consult outside sources
or each other. Bring up the relevant points from the literature that support your thesis. Do not
summarize. Pay attention to the author s language and use quotes to substantiate your claims. Click
here to see the rubric for this assignment. 1. The characters of Dracula and The Metamorphosis are
faced with unexplainable monsters but respond very differently. Compare and contrast Van Helsing to
Gregor s father to explore what the authors have to say about the value of community. 2. Dracula and
The Metamorphosis explore horrifying fantasy but in very different styles. How do the different styles of
the works affect your reading of the stories? What are the authors purposes in using these styles?
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IT skills for nurses - $6
I ve enjoyed reading proposals for A3 this past week. I saw a few issues amongst them that I thought
was worth sharing with the whole class: 1. Many of you neglected to consider design into your
proposal. Even though the proposal asked for you to address contrast, purpose, repetition, and
proximity, student struggled with this. This is just a reminder to the class that part of the evaluation of
this assignment will be its document design. That is why we spent all of week 9 studying visual rhetoric
and design principles. As you read student examples this week, notice how the design of the document
is an integral part of its argument.
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Can computers replace real teacher?( - $4
Topic: Can computers replace real teacher?please write own your opinion, not in article. the article is
just reference to write the have to read 1 articles There have to have controlling idea
each paragraph.First paragraph should talk detail why it can replace or not Second paragraph also
should talk another detail why it can replace or not in addition, you have to paraphrase one sentence
each paragraph.for example, according to the the article,it said( paraphrase sentence) at least 250
words each paragraph. total will be at least 500 words.
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Multiculturalism - $4
Today most multinational corporations (MNC s) deal with multiculturalism within their own country of
origin. Would you agree or disagree with this statement? Can you give an example of a MNC that has
experienced this in their own country?
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Protagonist - $10
Who s the Protagonist? Shakespeare s Merchant of Venice is a difficult play in many ways, and one of
those ways is the simple question: who is the protagonist of the play? Make your claim about which
figure is this main, focal character, and tell us how you know. Be sure to support your argument with
specific, well-analyzed examples from the play
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English - $4
A. Rewrite the following sentences to incorporate the you attitude. 1. We received your shipment of
modems yesterday. 2. I need you to confirm these dates with John Bates and Melissa Torres. 3. I have
included your name on the active alumni database. 4. I am giving you a bonus for your energy-saving
suggestion. 5. We offer three billing options from which you may choose. 6. We appreciate your buying
our products. 7. We think your quarterly report will become a useful document as you plan your
investments. 8. I am glad you promptly returned my call...
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Microsoft - $5
Please let me know if you can do this Ethics Principles:The non-profit Josephson Institute lists six
pillars of character that are basic values that define ethical behavior The institute points out that these
values are not political, religious, or culturally biased. These are: 1. Trustworthiness 2. Respect 3.
Responsibility 4. Fairness 5. Caring 6. Citizenship
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Dell - $4
Although the revision process is long, the importance of it is clear after reviewing the following articles.
They illustrate the negative impact resulting from a failure to proofread. These mistakes not only cost
these respected corporations money, but also impact their credibility in the minds of consumers.You
may ask yourself, how could mistakes happen in a large corporation with a solid chain of command to
catch errors? Read the examples from corporations like Dell and that underscore the
importance of phase three of the writing process.
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Gender and communication - $4
Your Discussion Topic is: Overview: Communicators must avoid gender-bias and all other forms of bias
in all documents they write. And they must also be aware that our language is constantly changing.
What was acceptable last week may not be acceptable today. For this exercise, read two online
articles about gender-neutral writing. Even though these articles focus on gender, their message can
be extended to all bias in writing. When finished reading the articles, answer related questions. Editing
for Gender Neutrality Why Bother With Gender-Neutral Writing? These articles can provide a basis for
a classroom discussion about politically correct language. Discuss words that are politically correct and
incorrect and changes that have occurred over the past few years (or months).
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Discuss the reaction and action of the audience and speaker of speech perception - $12
Note: A very important aspect of this paper is that it must cover more than what is already covered in
the course - textbook information summary and course review isnt the goal -- but rather it must expand
on a topic related to the course. The topic can also not be too broad. An example of an appropriate
topic might be a particular disorder of the olfactory system. A too broad topic would be Perception and
the Sense of Smell. The latter is too general because it is one of the human sensory systems and
something the course already covers. It is also much too broad because it covers an entire sensory
system.Finally, an exceedingly important aspect of this assignment and the others in the course is the
rule prohibiting ANY type of copying. The certainly includes copying word-for-word, or with just a few
words changed or rearranged, published material of any kind, and you also may not even quote for any
assignment in the course. Concern the latter, your prof needs to see what you understand of what you
have read rather than what you can copy and place inside quotation marks. You must paraphrase
(summarize in your own words) published materials and properly source credit published materials
both in the post or paper body and in a list attached to the end per APA formatting rules. A first instance
of ANY copying and/or failure to source credit, regardless of intent to do so or not, will result in an
assignment score of zero with no option for revision and any additional instances will result in course
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2 References - $5
In APA style, please answer the following questions and provide 2 references. The assignment should
be 3-5 pages in length. 1-When do children first show prejudice? 2-Are Certain Majors More Racially
Tolerant? 3- Are some gender stereotypes accurate? 4-Are women invisible as leaders? 5-Have racial
and ethnic stereotypes changed?
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The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant - $5
Theme and Narrative Elements in the Short Story In 900-1000 word (excluding title and reference
page), demonstrate your understanding of literary themes, using a short story from the readings in
week one or two: Describe what the theme of the short story is, using Chapter Seven of the text as a
reference. Identify at least two of the literary elements in the short story that contribute to the theme
(e.g., plot, point of view, tone, setting, character, symbolism, etc.), providing an example of each
element. Explain how the selected literary elements affect the narrative theme Your paper should be
organized around a thesis statement that focuses on how the literary elements contribute to the larger
narrative theme. All sources must be properly cited. The paper must include a separate title and
reference page, and be formatted to APA (6th edition) style. The paper must be 900-1000 word in
length (excluding the title and reference page), and formatted according to APA style. You must use at
least two scholarly resources (at least one of which can be found in the Ashford Online Library) other
than the textbook to support your claims and subclaims. Cite your resources in text and on the
reference page. The short story I picked is The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant (1884).
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Analyzing the Rhetorical Situation - $5
Week 1 Assignment Defining Topic, Angle, Purpose 1. What is your chosen topic? (For example: a
profile of Barb Collins, a volunteer at the local homeless shelter; a profile of Shipwreck Days, a citywide
flea market and festival; or a profile of Burdick s Grocery, the oldest family-owned business in town.)
[Insert your response in complete sentences here] 2. What unique angle can you present on this topic?
(Consider what is new about the topic or what unique perspective can be shared about this topic.)
[Insert your response in complete sentences here] 3. What is your purpose for writing? (What do you
hope to accomplish? Why are you writing?)
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Crying of Lot 49 - $4
Please explain the main themes in the Crying of Lot 49.
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Highway Of Lost Girls and Highway Of Lost Girls - $7
Write an essay about Highway Of Lost Girls by Vanessa Veselka and Highway Of Lost Girls by Angela
Morales. What are the story about? The authors claim? The intended audience? The purpose? A
comparison of the two essays (similarities and differences in context). Don't worry about word limit, as
long as it is 4-5 pages long.
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Define the behavior - $4
I am currently taking my final I need help with the below essay. I am in the process of writing an essay
now and fear i will run out of time before I can do this one. Help please? (TCO 3) Tell about a time that
you dealt with another person s unacceptable behavior. Define the behavior, then describe your
reaction and what you did to cope with the behavior. Your essay must be three paragraphs long. You
will be graded on thesis, organization, development, and mechanics .
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Splitting by Gordon Matta Clark - $4
CASE STUDY - Splitting by Gordon Matta Clark ( this is an interior design research class ) -1 page
single spaced. 12 font. times new roman - PROFESSIONAL GRAMMAR (This is important!!! ) - I don t
need any information about Gordon Matta Clark s background - Write about the building/space - What
was his intent do make this building? - How did he make it? - USE YOUR OWN WORDS
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Presentation - $8
Length of presentation: Your entire presentation delivery should be approximately 8-10 minutes.
Present approximately eight to ten (8-10) PowerPoint slides, including a title slide, introductory slide,
and closing slide. Audience:Prepare and deliver the presentation as if the actual audience is the
recipient of your report (when in fact, the audience will most likely be your classmates, instructor, or
others.) Content:Introduction: Tell them what you re going to tell them - Open with an engaging
introduction of the topic of your report. Include one (1) title slide. Include one (1) introductory slide.
Body: Tell them - Cover the main points of your report. Create PowerPoint slides that reinforce and
illustrate your main ideas. Follow basic design principles for effective slide content - bulleted lists,
relevant graphics, appropriate color scheme/background, and readable font. Closing: Tell them what
you ve told them - Close with a memorable wrap-up statement that refocuses on the purpose of your
report. Include one (1) closing slide...
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Condition of Secondary Education - $4
Write a 500-word illustration essay about the Condition of Secondary Education. Your essay will be
graded on its ability to adhere to illustration essay conventions. Does your essay assert some serious
problem or point that needs to be illustrated? Does the essay present an illustration that clarifies the
main point or your position on the problem? Does the conclusion connect to the opening?
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Adulthood Revised - $7
Write a minimum 1000 word of Effective Summary and Response Essay using this following
guidelines: The Summary: A summary is a concise paraphrase of all the main ideas in an essay. It cites
the author and the title (usually in the first sentence); it contains the essay s thesis and supporting
ideas; it may use direct quotation of forceful or concise statements of the author s ideas; it will NOT
usually cite the author s examples or supporting details unless they are central to the main idea. Most
summaries present the major points in the order that the author made them and continually refer back
to the article being summarized (i.e. Damon argues that ... or Goodman also points out that ... ). The
summary should take up no more than one-third the length of the work being summarized.
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Every Day - $4
Additional Requirements Other Requirements: The piece that I chose for this discussion Every Day by
Sven Birkerts. This text can be considered creative nonfiction for several reasons. For one, the voice of
the author draws me to the story. He uses everyday language to explain a fairly typical experience,
without dumbing it down. The way he organizes his thoughts and feelings as well as the way he
describes each aspect of the story builds on itself. It creates a fluent picture. This story is creative
nonfiction also because the author uses descriptive terms to paint a mental picture of both the vagrant
asking for money and the intersection the he works. Even though it is his experience, he describes it
without being over specific making it more reliable...
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Poems - $4
Q1. Elizabeth Bishop worked as a painter as well as a poet, and her verse, like visual art, is known for
its ability to capture significant scenes. Explain how Filling Station relies heavily on visual images. Also,
a filling station is a very humble and unglamorous subject for a poem. Comment on the poet s choice
of subject. What other artist could you compare to Bishop with regard to choosing mundane subjects?
(Filling Station by Elizabeth Bishop) Oh, but it is dirty!this little filling station,oil-soaked, oil-permeated to
a disturbing, over-all black translucency. Be careful with that match! Father wears a dirty, oil-soaked
monkey suit that cuts him under the arms, and several quick and saucy and greasy sons assist him (it
s a family filling station), all quite thoroughly dirty. Do they live in the station? It has a cement porch
behind the pumps, and on it a set of crushed and grease-impregnated wickerwork; on the wicker sofa a
dirty dog, quite comfy. Some comic books provide the only note of color-of certain color. They lie upon
a big dim doily draping a taboret (part of the set), beside a big hirsute begonia.
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Ashley Resume - $5
Experience Create and prepare weekly and monthly status reports to ensure clients consistently
received timely and complete information Coordinates assigned programs, workshops, and processes
for the purpose of ensuring compliance with established guidelines and procedures while increasing
participation Collaborates with staff for the purpose of organizing, implementing and coordinating
workshops and training sessions to support parents, staff, and community members Increased
program attendance by 25 percent by gathering data, conducting observations, and using assessment
feedback for ongoing program improvement
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Read the case study 5.3 Project Management at in the text on pages 166-167. is a software engineering and systems development consulting firm that needs some
organizational improvements in the area of project management processes that will cut cost and
potentially increase the profit margin for the company. Answer the following questions: Discuss how
you would begin redesigning s project management processes to minimize the problems it
is experiencing with poor scope management. Why do you think configuration management and
project change control are difficult to perform in the middle of a complex software development project,
such as those implemented at Share any experiences you have with project change
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Project - $4
You work for M-Global s Boston office. As project manager for the construction of a small strip
shopping center, you have had delays about halfway through the project because of bad weather. Even
worse, the forecast is for another week of heavy rain. Yesterday, just when you thought nothing else
could go wrong, you discovered that your concrete supplier, Atlas Concrete, has a truck drivers strike in
progress. Because you still need half the concrete for the project, you have started searching for
another supplier. Your client, an investor/developer named Tanya Lee, located in a city about 200 miles
away, probably will be upset by any delays in construction, whether or not they are within your control.
Write her a letter in which you explain weather and concrete problems. Try to ease her concern,
especially because you want additional jobs from her in the future.
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The Morality of Birth Control - $4
Select one of these speeches given in the links below.
- Write a 350- to 500-word
response to the following questions:What are some examples of bias, fallacies, and specific rhetorical
devices in the speech you selected?How did the speaker address arguments and counterarguments?
Were the speaker s arguments effective? Explain your answer.Assignment: Bias, Rhetorical Devices,
and Argumentation Grading Guide 20 Pts. Examples of bias, fallacies, and specific rhetorical devices in
the selected speech- at least one specific type of each (type of bias, type of fallacy, type of rhetorical
device) 20 Pts. How the speaker addresses arguments and counterarguments- complete explanation
for both 10 Pts. Explanation of whether the speaker s arguments were effective- explain why
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English Questions - $4
Bias, Fallacies, Rhetorical Devices, and Logic Read Appendix D, and consider the news articles you
have read over the past week. What are some examples from those articles of bias and fallacies? How
could the arguments have been improved with the use of rhetorical devices and logic? 2)Preparing to
Work How do you prepare when starting an assignment? How do you ensure you understand the
requirements of the assignment? Why is it important to stay organized when working on a research
paper? Each question needs to be 150 words
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Landmarks in developing Electronic Health record - $4
Discuss the landmark contributions made in the development of the EHR. (Include pioneers and
describe their efforts.), what are the common mistakes found in gaining clinician acceptance of change
brought about by an EHR. Suggest strategy to gain clinician acceptance.
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Question 1: Thesis Statements and Arguments Read one of the following articles, located in the Week
4 Electronic Reserve Readings: Children Have the Right to Be Protected From Bullying The Health
Care System Favors the Wealthy and Harms the Poor Middle Class Remains Elusive for Blacks and
Latinos Marijuana Should Be Legalized for Medical Use Post your response to the following: Identify
the thesis statement in the article. What strategies does the author use to formulate the thesis? What
makes the author s argument viable and compelling? How does the author of this article organize
information to build the argument? Does the author include any counterarguments? Why or why not?
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Appendix J - $7
Complete Appendix J:Select one source from your annotated bibliography. Practice note-taking
techniques by quoting this source, summarizing this source, and paraphrasing this source. Format your
source consistent with APA guidelines.Answer the following questions in 150 to 200 words at the end of
Appendix J:How do you determine which information is noteworthy? How do you determine whether to
summarize, paraphrase, or quote a source?Assignment: Quoting, Summarizing, and Paraphrasing
Sources Grading Guide Quotation of one source from the annotated bibliography Summary of one
source from the annotated bibliography Paraphrase of one source from the annotated bibliography
How to determine which information is noteworthy How to determine when to summarize, paraphrase,
or quote sources
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Healthy Ocala - $4
Application Paper Topic: Profile a health information exchange organization. Conduct a search of the
Internet, consult professional journals or interview a professional in the field. Research the status of
health information exchange implementation in your state. Connect your findings to course objectives.
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Majoring in Economics - $5
1. Compare the GAAP and Non-GAAP data and discuss their impact on the financial statements.
Solution:Apple Inc. (Company), in 2007, for its product iPhone started using subscription method of
accounting under AICPA-SOP-97-2 released as guideline for Software Revenue Recognition. The
company had been recognizing revenue at the time of sale for its software enabled hardware products.
As a result of this, though cash were collected at the time of sale, revenue and cost of sales would be
spread over 24 months from the date of sale (FASB - SOP-97-2).Taking the Q4 FY 2008 results of
Apple Inc., when the company first included non-GAAP measures of financial statements, showed
$11.7 billion of quarterly revenue as compared to $7.9 billion reported based on US-GAAP principles.
Thus, under Non-GAAP financials, sales reported were in excess of $3.8 billion. For the same period
non-GAAP profit were $2.4 billion as compared to $1.1 billion profit as per GAAP principles resulting in
reporting of excess income of $1.3 billion. This was due to sales of iPhone,recognition were spread
evenly over 24 months under US GAAP by amortizing of deferred revenue were being reversed and
recognized under non-GAAP financials, completely as revenue at the time sales.
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Improving Access to Justice in Canada - $15
This is an essay paper 12-15 pages. The thesis needs to be created on the following topic:How to
improve access to justice for Canadians. Other Requirements: The paper cannot be plagiarized in any
sort of way as i have to hand it in to and also the paper needs at least 8 scholarly sources,
which are mainly journal articles.
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Criminal Justice Administration - $12
The Final Essay will require you to respond to one broad based question about criminal justice
administration. In essence, you will be asked to demonstrate critical thinking about controversial issues
in criminal justice administration and take a position on which course of action would be the best
approach for criminal justice administrators. You must format your essays as you would a formal paper,
following the guidelines set forth for papers in this course. To adequately respond to the question, you
will need to write at least 5 pages (not including the title, abstract, and resource pages.) The essays
are open book/open notes.
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As an associate of Baumfield and Baumfield, I hereby provide this memorandum in response to
Richard and Victoria Baumfield s concern whether ABC Insurance Company may bring or fund
(litigation funding) claims in Michigan as per Michigan law. Lehman v Detroit, G.H & M.R. Co. et al.
(No. 170) (Mich. 1914), the supreme court states that at common law, champerty is a bargain with a
plaintiff or defendant to divide the land or other thing sued for between them if they prevail at law; the
champertor agreeing to carry on the suit at his own expense...
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Labor Laws - $5
Are current labor laws capable of dealing with labor-management problems, or should they be
abolished? If abolished, what should their replacements (if any) address? Any papers/assignments
should contain 2-3 pages of content (double spaced), include a properly formatted cover page, and a
reference listing page with at least three (3) NEW references properly listed at the end of your work.
Providing additional references to your assignments demonstrate your desire to conduct additional
research on the topic area and can improve your research skills.
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LAW FINE - $12
Additional Requirements Other Requirements: You are encouraged to research a topic of your
choosing related to the application of U.S. law to the business sector. This may include a topic in which
you are interested and want to learn more, a problem you would like to solve, or an answer or
response to a situation.
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Discussing the poems - $5
In this discussion you will follow the same instructions from your Unit 5 discussion. You must use your
Poetic Analysis Handout to do a critical study of three poets from your readings. They must also be
from different backgrounds, as in Unit 5. You must also use quotes from the poems to back up your
analysis, in text citations and a works cited. In this discussion YOU WILL WRITE A MINIMUM OF 300
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School bullying annotation( - $10
Course Project-Annotated Bibliography The annotated bibliography will present an introduction and five
reference citations with annotations. The purpose of the annotated bibliography is to determine the
appropriateness of the sources to the argument you are developing for the Course Project. The format
of the proposal is an introductory paragraph followed by an alphabetized list of sources with two
paragraphs of annotation after each source. Use APA documentation to document any sources
referenced in your proposal.
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Importance of APA Writing Manua - $4
Week 3 APA Module Assignment For this assignment, you will review materials in the DeVry library to
help gain a better understanding of APA citations. a. Click b. Listen to
the tutorial or download and review the transcript on APA and answer the questions below After
reviewing the presentation, compose a 2-paragraph response in which you address each of the
following points: 1. Why is APA Style used to document ideas in writing? What is the purpose of the in-
text citation? Demonstrate your understanding of the in-text citation by providing an in-text citation for
the article you summarized for the week 2 assignment. (15 points) 2. In the article that you summarized
in week 2, you may have found some information that you want to quote directly. To demonstrate the
process for citing a direct quote, provide an example of properly quoted material. (20 points) Submit
your completed assignment as a Word Document to the Week 3 APA Module Drop box. For
instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions or watch this
TutorialDropbox Tutorial. See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date
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WWF - $11
Whether or not guns should be allowed to be carried by students into school or college campus is a
contentious issue. Though some people haves opinion that students should be permitted to carry guns
along with them in schools and colleges so that they can defend themselves from the sudden attacks
by intruders and resist attempts of sexual or physical abuse, it should be admitted that such
acceptance or permission can only give rise to more complications and violence among the school-
goers or college-goers.
to view the entire page, click here
Clinic - $6
Your boss has asked you (a communication specialist) to write an informative paper about opening a
free clinic in your neighborhood for those without medical insurance. The content will be turned into an
informative handout for the public describing the four (4) major issues: economic situation, special
needs (e.g., health) of the population being served, process, and benefits of the program.
to view the entire page, click here
Homer - $12
Use at least five (5) characters from Hesiod, Homer and Sophocles to build a composite picture of the
ancient heroic ideal.Build your composite picture by demonstrating the ancient heroic model is used to
develop a character in a modern movie. Choose any movie you would like to evaluate as long as it is
not a movie about soldiers or war or heroes in a physical fight or battle. (Completed essay of 1500
words)The readings must be of the Illiad, works and Days and Oedipus the king The characters I would
like to use are. Achilles, Hector, Oedipus, Hesiod and Perses
to view the entire page, click here
Romeo and Juliet - $5
Read Romeo and juliet by William Shakespeare and answer the questions below: 1. Criticism of the
play has been directed at the star crossed lovers, theme owing the tragedy to fate. Dramatic
conventions dictate that tragedy should occur because the hero has a Character flaw. Address that
criticism. Does Romeo have a character flaw? What is it? Is it responsible for the tragedy, or is the
tragedy star-crossed? 2. The play is older than Anderson. Why is this still relevant? 3. Is there a chorus
in this? How are the classical chorus functions treated?
to view the entire page, click here
Film Noir - $4
View: Film Noir: Bringing Darkness to Light View at least four of the following Film Noir feature films
and document them (with at least a substantive paragraph or two, 150 words minimum, excluding film
credits) in the Film Diary Discussion Forum: do not forget to add film credits Double Indemnity, Out of
the Past, Kiss Me Deadly, I Wake Up Screaming, Detour, Sunset Boulevard, The Postman Always
Rings Twice (1946), Night of the Hunter, The Big Sleep, The Lost Weekend, Scarlet Street, Mildred
Pierce (1945), Rope, The Big Heat, The Killing (1956), A Touch of Evil [see Class Announcements for
additional film choices]
to view the entire page, click here
FIN 402 Week 2 Assignment Asset Classes Paper - $8
FIN 402 Week 2 Assignment Asset Classes Paper
to view the entire page, click here

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English homework help

  • 1. English homework help buy here hp Immediate access to solutions for ENTIRE COURSES, FINAL EXAMS and HOMEWORKS “RATED A+" - Without Registration!
  • 2. English homework help Communication Change Challenge - $8 CCC Part 4: Goal Analysis Back to Top The interpersonal communication skill you selected earlier in this project is not yet stated in specific behavioral terms. For example, I want to overcome shyness and meet new people, gives you little direction. Some questions you might want to ask yourself are: What new people? Where will I meet them? When will I meet them? How many do I want to meet? How often? What will I say when I meet them? What do I typically do in these situations that I want to avoid?... to view the entire page, click here Three essays - $7 Three essays, five paragraphs in length each. Do you agree with the assertion that we are now living in a third-great technological transformation-the Knowledge Revolution? Have computers truly changed our lives so much that we can call this a revolution like the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century? Support your answer providing specific comparisons from the two periods. Discuss the Neolithic Revolution, citing its importance in terms of laying the groundwork for the ongoing development of technological advances throughout history. Utilize specific examples in order to better illustrate your arguments. Has the development of digital technologies democratized the art of photography? How has this affected our appreciation of the photographer as artist and photography as an art form? Explain using specific examples. to view the entire page, click here Analyzing Audience - $5 Why is knowing your audience an important part of capturing and maintaining their attention? What is the impact of cultural diversity in your audience? Other Requirements: You are getting closer to the Week 6 Presentation (powerpoint with voiceover, delivered extemporaneously) due date, so, for best success, in this electronic or any public speaking event (for written messages too!), it is critical to be what I call audience-centric. Most of you have had at least one, and in some cases, several email conversations with me regarding your audience...and now you will see the impact of doing so (I hope!). To support your ideas/experience/examples, please be sure to use, integrate and cite (APA format) from DeVito at least once in this topic discussion. to view the entire page, click here Purpose of PowerPoint presentation - $4 If you have not already done so, read the Presentation tab under Course Home and review the PowerPoint narration tutorials. There are more tutorials in this week s lecture. Practice using your microphone and volume controls on the computer that you will be recording with, and learn to use the PowerPoint narration feature. You are required to use PowerPoint for your narrated speech PowerPoint presentation, which is due next week, Week 6. Although you are likely already skilled at plugging data into a PowerPoint template, you may not often have considered how to use PowerPoint effectively to get your message across. What is the purpose of using a program such as PowerPoint?
  • 3. to view the entire page, click here CCC project - $8 Take some time to think about challenges you have communicating with other people. These difficulties may involve strangers and acquaintances, friends, family members, or people at school or work. You may identify situations that involve specific individuals or general circumstances. Some examples include having trouble starting a conversation with someone you have never met, saying no when your sister asks to borrow money, or participating in meetings, even when you have a question or contribution to the discussion. to view the entire page, click here Application Paper - $5 Relating course content to the current healthcare environment is an integral part of your learning; this also helps develop your awareness of the critical importance of legal and ethical issues. Two (2) application papers are required in this course. These papers will give you the opportunity to apply course content, should be 3 to 5 typed pages each, and will be due at the end of the designated weeks. Application Paper 1 is due this week, and Application Paper 2 is due in Week 7. The format for both papers should be in APA.The topics for these two papers are noted below. Refer to at least one outside source, in addition to your text, as you prepare each of these papers. to view the entire page, click here Interpersonal communication skills of my boss - $4 Think of someone in your workplace (or previous workplace, organized club or activity, etc.) who you consider to have effective interpersonal communication skills on the job. What specific interpersonal skills does this person possess? How do these skills help this person to be effective in a team-oriented environment? to view the entire page, click here Essay - $5 Write a 1000 word essay (2-3 pages) and double-spaced essay. This is a short essay, so try to be as concise and thorough as you can be in the space given-in other words, avoid wordiness: words, phrases or sentences that really don t add meaning to your paper, just length. Topic: What is your intended major? Discuss how your interest in the subject developed and describe any experience you have had in the field - such as volunteer work, internships and employment, participation in student organizations and activities - and what you have gained from your involvement. The purpose of this essays is 1. Ensure that students can construct a written work that is centered on a core idea/principle/emotion/lesson. 2. Ensure that students understand different modes of writing to communicate an idea. 3. Ensure that students uses the appropriate diction/language/writing style for the audience. 4. Ensure that students convey their voice in their writing. 5. Ensure that students develop a coherent structure in their essay such that the audience/reader can locate introduction, conflict, and resolution.
  • 4. to view the entire page, click here Benefits of Cloud Computing at Riordan - $4 Submit an outline of the presentation that includes the following: A full description of the new system, a description of its components, and the benefit it will provide to Riordan A discussion of the business requirements driving the need for the system A discussion of the information used in the system A discussion of any information security and ethical concerns with the Introduction to Information Information is a very essential part of the modern organizations and is required to run them efficiently. We can say it in another way that without an information system an organization system is bound to collapse. Information is needed to control the day to day operations properly and in an effective manner. From making key decisions to implementing them everywhere there is need of information at every step... to view the entire page, click here Dracula and The Metamorphosis - $4 Choose one (1) of the essay prompts listed below. Using MLA style, write a 3 - 4 page short-essay response. Use the texts as support and work on your own. Be sure that you have a solid, defendable thesis statement toward the end of the introduction, which can be brief. Have a strong, analytic topic sentence that furthers your argument for each paragraph and avoid any sentence-level errors, particularly serious errors such as fused sentences or comma splices. Do not consult outside sources or each other. Bring up the relevant points from the literature that support your thesis. Do not summarize. Pay attention to the author s language and use quotes to substantiate your claims. Click here to see the rubric for this assignment. 1. The characters of Dracula and The Metamorphosis are faced with unexplainable monsters but respond very differently. Compare and contrast Van Helsing to Gregor s father to explore what the authors have to say about the value of community. 2. Dracula and The Metamorphosis explore horrifying fantasy but in very different styles. How do the different styles of the works affect your reading of the stories? What are the authors purposes in using these styles? to view the entire page, click here IT skills for nurses - $6 I ve enjoyed reading proposals for A3 this past week. I saw a few issues amongst them that I thought was worth sharing with the whole class: 1. Many of you neglected to consider design into your proposal. Even though the proposal asked for you to address contrast, purpose, repetition, and proximity, student struggled with this. This is just a reminder to the class that part of the evaluation of this assignment will be its document design. That is why we spent all of week 9 studying visual rhetoric and design principles. As you read student examples this week, notice how the design of the document is an integral part of its argument. to view the entire page, click here Can computers replace real teacher?( - $4 Topic: Can computers replace real teacher?please write own your opinion, not in article. the article is
  • 5. just reference to write the have to read 1 articles There have to have controlling idea each paragraph.First paragraph should talk detail why it can replace or not Second paragraph also should talk another detail why it can replace or not in addition, you have to paraphrase one sentence each paragraph.for example, according to the the article,it said( paraphrase sentence) at least 250 words each paragraph. total will be at least 500 words. to view the entire page, click here Multiculturalism - $4 Today most multinational corporations (MNC s) deal with multiculturalism within their own country of origin. Would you agree or disagree with this statement? Can you give an example of a MNC that has experienced this in their own country? to view the entire page, click here Protagonist - $10 Who s the Protagonist? Shakespeare s Merchant of Venice is a difficult play in many ways, and one of those ways is the simple question: who is the protagonist of the play? Make your claim about which figure is this main, focal character, and tell us how you know. Be sure to support your argument with specific, well-analyzed examples from the play to view the entire page, click here English - $4 A. Rewrite the following sentences to incorporate the you attitude. 1. We received your shipment of modems yesterday. 2. I need you to confirm these dates with John Bates and Melissa Torres. 3. I have included your name on the active alumni database. 4. I am giving you a bonus for your energy-saving suggestion. 5. We offer three billing options from which you may choose. 6. We appreciate your buying our products. 7. We think your quarterly report will become a useful document as you plan your investments. 8. I am glad you promptly returned my call... to view the entire page, click here Microsoft - $5 Please let me know if you can do this Ethics Principles:The non-profit Josephson Institute lists six pillars of character that are basic values that define ethical behavior The institute points out that these values are not political, religious, or culturally biased. These are: 1. Trustworthiness 2. Respect 3. Responsibility 4. Fairness 5. Caring 6. Citizenship to view the entire page, click here Dell - $4 Although the revision process is long, the importance of it is clear after reviewing the following articles. They illustrate the negative impact resulting from a failure to proofread. These mistakes not only cost
  • 6. these respected corporations money, but also impact their credibility in the minds of consumers.You may ask yourself, how could mistakes happen in a large corporation with a solid chain of command to catch errors? Read the examples from corporations like Dell and that underscore the importance of phase three of the writing process. to view the entire page, click here Gender and communication - $4 Your Discussion Topic is: Overview: Communicators must avoid gender-bias and all other forms of bias in all documents they write. And they must also be aware that our language is constantly changing. What was acceptable last week may not be acceptable today. For this exercise, read two online articles about gender-neutral writing. Even though these articles focus on gender, their message can be extended to all bias in writing. When finished reading the articles, answer related questions. Editing for Gender Neutrality Why Bother With Gender-Neutral Writing? These articles can provide a basis for a classroom discussion about politically correct language. Discuss words that are politically correct and incorrect and changes that have occurred over the past few years (or months). to view the entire page, click here Discuss the reaction and action of the audience and speaker of speech perception - $12 Note: A very important aspect of this paper is that it must cover more than what is already covered in the course - textbook information summary and course review isnt the goal -- but rather it must expand on a topic related to the course. The topic can also not be too broad. An example of an appropriate topic might be a particular disorder of the olfactory system. A too broad topic would be Perception and the Sense of Smell. The latter is too general because it is one of the human sensory systems and something the course already covers. It is also much too broad because it covers an entire sensory system.Finally, an exceedingly important aspect of this assignment and the others in the course is the rule prohibiting ANY type of copying. The certainly includes copying word-for-word, or with just a few words changed or rearranged, published material of any kind, and you also may not even quote for any assignment in the course. Concern the latter, your prof needs to see what you understand of what you have read rather than what you can copy and place inside quotation marks. You must paraphrase (summarize in your own words) published materials and properly source credit published materials both in the post or paper body and in a list attached to the end per APA formatting rules. A first instance of ANY copying and/or failure to source credit, regardless of intent to do so or not, will result in an assignment score of zero with no option for revision and any additional instances will result in course failure. to view the entire page, click here 2 References - $5 In APA style, please answer the following questions and provide 2 references. The assignment should be 3-5 pages in length. 1-When do children first show prejudice? 2-Are Certain Majors More Racially Tolerant? 3- Are some gender stereotypes accurate? 4-Are women invisible as leaders? 5-Have racial and ethnic stereotypes changed? to view the entire page, click here
  • 7. The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant - $5 Theme and Narrative Elements in the Short Story In 900-1000 word (excluding title and reference page), demonstrate your understanding of literary themes, using a short story from the readings in week one or two: Describe what the theme of the short story is, using Chapter Seven of the text as a reference. Identify at least two of the literary elements in the short story that contribute to the theme (e.g., plot, point of view, tone, setting, character, symbolism, etc.), providing an example of each element. Explain how the selected literary elements affect the narrative theme Your paper should be organized around a thesis statement that focuses on how the literary elements contribute to the larger narrative theme. All sources must be properly cited. The paper must include a separate title and reference page, and be formatted to APA (6th edition) style. The paper must be 900-1000 word in length (excluding the title and reference page), and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least two scholarly resources (at least one of which can be found in the Ashford Online Library) other than the textbook to support your claims and subclaims. Cite your resources in text and on the reference page. The short story I picked is The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant (1884). to view the entire page, click here Analyzing the Rhetorical Situation - $5 Week 1 Assignment Defining Topic, Angle, Purpose 1. What is your chosen topic? (For example: a profile of Barb Collins, a volunteer at the local homeless shelter; a profile of Shipwreck Days, a citywide flea market and festival; or a profile of Burdick s Grocery, the oldest family-owned business in town.) [Insert your response in complete sentences here] 2. What unique angle can you present on this topic? (Consider what is new about the topic or what unique perspective can be shared about this topic.) [Insert your response in complete sentences here] 3. What is your purpose for writing? (What do you hope to accomplish? Why are you writing?) to view the entire page, click here Crying of Lot 49 - $4 Please explain the main themes in the Crying of Lot 49. to view the entire page, click here Highway Of Lost Girls and Highway Of Lost Girls - $7 Write an essay about Highway Of Lost Girls by Vanessa Veselka and Highway Of Lost Girls by Angela Morales. What are the story about? The authors claim? The intended audience? The purpose? A comparison of the two essays (similarities and differences in context). Don't worry about word limit, as long as it is 4-5 pages long. to view the entire page, click here Define the behavior - $4 I am currently taking my final I need help with the below essay. I am in the process of writing an essay
  • 8. now and fear i will run out of time before I can do this one. Help please? (TCO 3) Tell about a time that you dealt with another person s unacceptable behavior. Define the behavior, then describe your reaction and what you did to cope with the behavior. Your essay must be three paragraphs long. You will be graded on thesis, organization, development, and mechanics . to view the entire page, click here Splitting by Gordon Matta Clark - $4 CASE STUDY - Splitting by Gordon Matta Clark ( this is an interior design research class ) -1 page single spaced. 12 font. times new roman - PROFESSIONAL GRAMMAR (This is important!!! ) - I don t need any information about Gordon Matta Clark s background - Write about the building/space - What was his intent do make this building? - How did he make it? - USE YOUR OWN WORDS to view the entire page, click here Presentation - $8 Length of presentation: Your entire presentation delivery should be approximately 8-10 minutes. Present approximately eight to ten (8-10) PowerPoint slides, including a title slide, introductory slide, and closing slide. Audience:Prepare and deliver the presentation as if the actual audience is the recipient of your report (when in fact, the audience will most likely be your classmates, instructor, or others.) Content:Introduction: Tell them what you re going to tell them - Open with an engaging introduction of the topic of your report. Include one (1) title slide. Include one (1) introductory slide. Body: Tell them - Cover the main points of your report. Create PowerPoint slides that reinforce and illustrate your main ideas. Follow basic design principles for effective slide content - bulleted lists, relevant graphics, appropriate color scheme/background, and readable font. Closing: Tell them what you ve told them - Close with a memorable wrap-up statement that refocuses on the purpose of your report. Include one (1) closing slide... to view the entire page, click here Condition of Secondary Education - $4 Write a 500-word illustration essay about the Condition of Secondary Education. Your essay will be graded on its ability to adhere to illustration essay conventions. Does your essay assert some serious problem or point that needs to be illustrated? Does the essay present an illustration that clarifies the main point or your position on the problem? Does the conclusion connect to the opening? to view the entire page, click here Adulthood Revised - $7 Write a minimum 1000 word of Effective Summary and Response Essay using this following guidelines: The Summary: A summary is a concise paraphrase of all the main ideas in an essay. It cites the author and the title (usually in the first sentence); it contains the essay s thesis and supporting ideas; it may use direct quotation of forceful or concise statements of the author s ideas; it will NOT usually cite the author s examples or supporting details unless they are central to the main idea. Most summaries present the major points in the order that the author made them and continually refer back
  • 9. to the article being summarized (i.e. Damon argues that ... or Goodman also points out that ... ). The summary should take up no more than one-third the length of the work being summarized. to view the entire page, click here Every Day - $4 Additional Requirements Other Requirements: The piece that I chose for this discussion Every Day by Sven Birkerts. This text can be considered creative nonfiction for several reasons. For one, the voice of the author draws me to the story. He uses everyday language to explain a fairly typical experience, without dumbing it down. The way he organizes his thoughts and feelings as well as the way he describes each aspect of the story builds on itself. It creates a fluent picture. This story is creative nonfiction also because the author uses descriptive terms to paint a mental picture of both the vagrant asking for money and the intersection the he works. Even though it is his experience, he describes it without being over specific making it more reliable... to view the entire page, click here Poems - $4 Q1. Elizabeth Bishop worked as a painter as well as a poet, and her verse, like visual art, is known for its ability to capture significant scenes. Explain how Filling Station relies heavily on visual images. Also, a filling station is a very humble and unglamorous subject for a poem. Comment on the poet s choice of subject. What other artist could you compare to Bishop with regard to choosing mundane subjects? (Filling Station by Elizabeth Bishop) Oh, but it is dirty!this little filling station,oil-soaked, oil-permeated to a disturbing, over-all black translucency. Be careful with that match! Father wears a dirty, oil-soaked monkey suit that cuts him under the arms, and several quick and saucy and greasy sons assist him (it s a family filling station), all quite thoroughly dirty. Do they live in the station? It has a cement porch behind the pumps, and on it a set of crushed and grease-impregnated wickerwork; on the wicker sofa a dirty dog, quite comfy. Some comic books provide the only note of color-of certain color. They lie upon a big dim doily draping a taboret (part of the set), beside a big hirsute begonia. to view the entire page, click here Ashley Resume - $5 Experience Create and prepare weekly and monthly status reports to ensure clients consistently received timely and complete information Coordinates assigned programs, workshops, and processes for the purpose of ensuring compliance with established guidelines and procedures while increasing participation Collaborates with staff for the purpose of organizing, implementing and coordinating workshops and training sessions to support parents, staff, and community members Increased program attendance by 25 percent by gathering data, conducting observations, and using assessment feedback for ongoing program improvement to view the entire page, click here - $4 Read the case study 5.3 Project Management at in the text on pages 166-167.
  • 10. is a software engineering and systems development consulting firm that needs some organizational improvements in the area of project management processes that will cut cost and potentially increase the profit margin for the company. Answer the following questions: Discuss how you would begin redesigning s project management processes to minimize the problems it is experiencing with poor scope management. Why do you think configuration management and project change control are difficult to perform in the middle of a complex software development project, such as those implemented at Share any experiences you have with project change requests. to view the entire page, click here Project - $4 You work for M-Global s Boston office. As project manager for the construction of a small strip shopping center, you have had delays about halfway through the project because of bad weather. Even worse, the forecast is for another week of heavy rain. Yesterday, just when you thought nothing else could go wrong, you discovered that your concrete supplier, Atlas Concrete, has a truck drivers strike in progress. Because you still need half the concrete for the project, you have started searching for another supplier. Your client, an investor/developer named Tanya Lee, located in a city about 200 miles away, probably will be upset by any delays in construction, whether or not they are within your control. Write her a letter in which you explain weather and concrete problems. Try to ease her concern, especially because you want additional jobs from her in the future. to view the entire page, click here The Morality of Birth Control - $4 Select one of these speeches given in the links below. - - - Write a 350- to 500-word response to the following questions:What are some examples of bias, fallacies, and specific rhetorical devices in the speech you selected?How did the speaker address arguments and counterarguments? Were the speaker s arguments effective? Explain your answer.Assignment: Bias, Rhetorical Devices, and Argumentation Grading Guide 20 Pts. Examples of bias, fallacies, and specific rhetorical devices in the selected speech- at least one specific type of each (type of bias, type of fallacy, type of rhetorical device) 20 Pts. How the speaker addresses arguments and counterarguments- complete explanation for both 10 Pts. Explanation of whether the speaker s arguments were effective- explain why to view the entire page, click here English Questions - $4 Bias, Fallacies, Rhetorical Devices, and Logic Read Appendix D, and consider the news articles you have read over the past week. What are some examples from those articles of bias and fallacies? How could the arguments have been improved with the use of rhetorical devices and logic? 2)Preparing to Work How do you prepare when starting an assignment? How do you ensure you understand the requirements of the assignment? Why is it important to stay organized when working on a research paper? Each question needs to be 150 words
  • 11. to view the entire page, click here Landmarks in developing Electronic Health record - $4 Discuss the landmark contributions made in the development of the EHR. (Include pioneers and describe their efforts.), what are the common mistakes found in gaining clinician acceptance of change brought about by an EHR. Suggest strategy to gain clinician acceptance. to view the entire page, click here WEEK 4 DQ QUESTIONS - $5 Question 1: Thesis Statements and Arguments Read one of the following articles, located in the Week 4 Electronic Reserve Readings: Children Have the Right to Be Protected From Bullying The Health Care System Favors the Wealthy and Harms the Poor Middle Class Remains Elusive for Blacks and Latinos Marijuana Should Be Legalized for Medical Use Post your response to the following: Identify the thesis statement in the article. What strategies does the author use to formulate the thesis? What makes the author s argument viable and compelling? How does the author of this article organize information to build the argument? Does the author include any counterarguments? Why or why not? to view the entire page, click here Appendix J - $7 Complete Appendix J:Select one source from your annotated bibliography. Practice note-taking techniques by quoting this source, summarizing this source, and paraphrasing this source. Format your source consistent with APA guidelines.Answer the following questions in 150 to 200 words at the end of Appendix J:How do you determine which information is noteworthy? How do you determine whether to summarize, paraphrase, or quote a source?Assignment: Quoting, Summarizing, and Paraphrasing Sources Grading Guide Quotation of one source from the annotated bibliography Summary of one source from the annotated bibliography Paraphrase of one source from the annotated bibliography How to determine which information is noteworthy How to determine when to summarize, paraphrase, or quote sources to view the entire page, click here Healthy Ocala - $4 Application Paper Topic: Profile a health information exchange organization. Conduct a search of the Internet, consult professional journals or interview a professional in the field. Research the status of health information exchange implementation in your state. Connect your findings to course objectives. to view the entire page, click here Majoring in Economics - $5 1. Compare the GAAP and Non-GAAP data and discuss their impact on the financial statements. Solution:Apple Inc. (Company), in 2007, for its product iPhone started using subscription method of
  • 12. accounting under AICPA-SOP-97-2 released as guideline for Software Revenue Recognition. The company had been recognizing revenue at the time of sale for its software enabled hardware products. As a result of this, though cash were collected at the time of sale, revenue and cost of sales would be spread over 24 months from the date of sale (FASB - SOP-97-2).Taking the Q4 FY 2008 results of Apple Inc., when the company first included non-GAAP measures of financial statements, showed $11.7 billion of quarterly revenue as compared to $7.9 billion reported based on US-GAAP principles. Thus, under Non-GAAP financials, sales reported were in excess of $3.8 billion. For the same period non-GAAP profit were $2.4 billion as compared to $1.1 billion profit as per GAAP principles resulting in reporting of excess income of $1.3 billion. This was due to sales of iPhone,recognition were spread evenly over 24 months under US GAAP by amortizing of deferred revenue were being reversed and recognized under non-GAAP financials, completely as revenue at the time sales. to view the entire page, click here Improving Access to Justice in Canada - $15 This is an essay paper 12-15 pages. The thesis needs to be created on the following topic:How to improve access to justice for Canadians. Other Requirements: The paper cannot be plagiarized in any sort of way as i have to hand it in to and also the paper needs at least 8 scholarly sources, which are mainly journal articles. to view the entire page, click here Criminal Justice Administration - $12 The Final Essay will require you to respond to one broad based question about criminal justice administration. In essence, you will be asked to demonstrate critical thinking about controversial issues in criminal justice administration and take a position on which course of action would be the best approach for criminal justice administrators. You must format your essays as you would a formal paper, following the guidelines set forth for papers in this course. To adequately respond to the question, you will need to write at least 5 pages (not including the title, abstract, and resource pages.) The essays are open book/open notes. to view the entire page, click here MEMORANDUM - $5 As an associate of Baumfield and Baumfield, I hereby provide this memorandum in response to Richard and Victoria Baumfield s concern whether ABC Insurance Company may bring or fund (litigation funding) claims in Michigan as per Michigan law. Lehman v Detroit, G.H & M.R. Co. et al. (No. 170) (Mich. 1914), the supreme court states that at common law, champerty is a bargain with a plaintiff or defendant to divide the land or other thing sued for between them if they prevail at law; the champertor agreeing to carry on the suit at his own expense... to view the entire page, click here Labor Laws - $5 Are current labor laws capable of dealing with labor-management problems, or should they be
  • 13. abolished? If abolished, what should their replacements (if any) address? Any papers/assignments should contain 2-3 pages of content (double spaced), include a properly formatted cover page, and a reference listing page with at least three (3) NEW references properly listed at the end of your work. Providing additional references to your assignments demonstrate your desire to conduct additional research on the topic area and can improve your research skills. to view the entire page, click here LAW FINE - $12 Additional Requirements Other Requirements: You are encouraged to research a topic of your choosing related to the application of U.S. law to the business sector. This may include a topic in which you are interested and want to learn more, a problem you would like to solve, or an answer or response to a situation. to view the entire page, click here Discussing the poems - $5 In this discussion you will follow the same instructions from your Unit 5 discussion. You must use your Poetic Analysis Handout to do a critical study of three poets from your readings. They must also be from different backgrounds, as in Unit 5. You must also use quotes from the poems to back up your analysis, in text citations and a works cited. In this discussion YOU WILL WRITE A MINIMUM OF 300 WORDS. to view the entire page, click here School bullying annotation( - $10 Course Project-Annotated Bibliography The annotated bibliography will present an introduction and five reference citations with annotations. The purpose of the annotated bibliography is to determine the appropriateness of the sources to the argument you are developing for the Course Project. The format of the proposal is an introductory paragraph followed by an alphabetized list of sources with two paragraphs of annotation after each source. Use APA documentation to document any sources referenced in your proposal. to view the entire page, click here Importance of APA Writing Manua - $4 Week 3 APA Module Assignment For this assignment, you will review materials in the DeVry library to help gain a better understanding of APA citations. a. Click b. Listen to the tutorial or download and review the transcript on APA and answer the questions below After reviewing the presentation, compose a 2-paragraph response in which you address each of the following points: 1. Why is APA Style used to document ideas in writing? What is the purpose of the in- text citation? Demonstrate your understanding of the in-text citation by providing an in-text citation for the article you summarized for the week 2 assignment. (15 points) 2. In the article that you summarized in week 2, you may have found some information that you want to quote directly. To demonstrate the process for citing a direct quote, provide an example of properly quoted material. (20 points) Submit
  • 14. your completed assignment as a Word Document to the Week 3 APA Module Drop box. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions or watch this TutorialDropbox Tutorial. See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date information to view the entire page, click here WWF - $11 Whether or not guns should be allowed to be carried by students into school or college campus is a contentious issue. Though some people haves opinion that students should be permitted to carry guns along with them in schools and colleges so that they can defend themselves from the sudden attacks by intruders and resist attempts of sexual or physical abuse, it should be admitted that such acceptance or permission can only give rise to more complications and violence among the school- goers or college-goers. to view the entire page, click here Clinic - $6 Your boss has asked you (a communication specialist) to write an informative paper about opening a free clinic in your neighborhood for those without medical insurance. The content will be turned into an informative handout for the public describing the four (4) major issues: economic situation, special needs (e.g., health) of the population being served, process, and benefits of the program. to view the entire page, click here Homer - $12 Use at least five (5) characters from Hesiod, Homer and Sophocles to build a composite picture of the ancient heroic ideal.Build your composite picture by demonstrating the ancient heroic model is used to develop a character in a modern movie. Choose any movie you would like to evaluate as long as it is not a movie about soldiers or war or heroes in a physical fight or battle. (Completed essay of 1500 words)The readings must be of the Illiad, works and Days and Oedipus the king The characters I would like to use are. Achilles, Hector, Oedipus, Hesiod and Perses to view the entire page, click here Romeo and Juliet - $5 Read Romeo and juliet by William Shakespeare and answer the questions below: 1. Criticism of the play has been directed at the star crossed lovers, theme owing the tragedy to fate. Dramatic conventions dictate that tragedy should occur because the hero has a Character flaw. Address that criticism. Does Romeo have a character flaw? What is it? Is it responsible for the tragedy, or is the tragedy star-crossed? 2. The play is older than Anderson. Why is this still relevant? 3. Is there a chorus in this? How are the classical chorus functions treated? to view the entire page, click here
  • 15. Film Noir - $4 View: Film Noir: Bringing Darkness to Light View at least four of the following Film Noir feature films and document them (with at least a substantive paragraph or two, 150 words minimum, excluding film credits) in the Film Diary Discussion Forum: do not forget to add film credits Double Indemnity, Out of the Past, Kiss Me Deadly, I Wake Up Screaming, Detour, Sunset Boulevard, The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946), Night of the Hunter, The Big Sleep, The Lost Weekend, Scarlet Street, Mildred Pierce (1945), Rope, The Big Heat, The Killing (1956), A Touch of Evil [see Class Announcements for additional film choices] to view the entire page, click here FIN 402 Week 2 Assignment Asset Classes Paper - $8 FIN 402 Week 2 Assignment Asset Classes Paper to view the entire page, click here