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Lecture Notes 3
Prepared by İnanç TAHRALI
 Abstract Data Types (ADT)
 The List ADT
 Implementation of Lists
Array implementation of lists
Linked list implementation of lists
Cursor implementation of lists
Abstract Data Types (ADT)
 Definition :
Is a set of operation
Mathematical abstraction
No implementation detail
 Example :
Lists, sets, graphs, stacks are examples of
ADT along with their operations
Why ADT ?
 Modularity
 divide program into small functions
 easy to debug and maintain
 easy to modify
 group work
 Reuse
 do some operations only once
 Easy to change of implementation
 transparent to the program
 Ordered sequence of data items called
 A1, A2, A3, …,AN is a list of size N
 size of an empty list is 0
 Ai+1 succeeds Ai
 Ai-1 preceeds Ai
 position of Ai is i
 first element is A1 called “head”
 last element is AN called “tail”
Operations ?
 Operations
 PrintList
 Find
 FindKth
 Insert
 Delete
 Next
 Previous
 MakeEmpty
 Example:
the elements of a list are
34, 12, 52, 16, 12
 Find (52)  3
 Insert (20, 3)  34, 12, 52, 20, 16, 12
 Delete (52)  34, 12, 20, 16, 12
 FindKth (3)  20
Implementation of Lists
 Many Implementations
 Array
 Linked List
 Cursor (linked list using arrays)
 Abstract Data Types (ADT)
 The List ADT
 Implementation of Lists
Array implementation of lists
Linked list implementation of lists
Cursor implementation of lists
Array Implementation of List ADT
 Need to define a size for array
 High overestimate (waste of space)
 Operations Running Times
PrintList O(N)
Insert O(N) (on avarage half needs to be moved)
Next O(1)
Array Implementation of List ADT
 Disadvantages :
 insertion and deletion is very slow
need to move elements of the list
 redundant memory space
it is difficult to estimate the size of array
 Abstract Data Types (ADT)
 The List ADT
 Implementation of Lists
Array implementation of lists
Linked list implementation of lists
Cursor implementation of lists
Linked List Implementation of Lists
 Series of nodes
 not adjacent in memory
 contain the element and a pointer to a node containing its
 Avoids the linear cost of insertion and deletion !
Linked List Implementation of Lists
 Insertion into a linked list
Linked List Implementation of Lists
 Deletion from a linked list
Linked List Implementation of Lists
 Need to know where the first node is
 the rest of the nodes can be accessed
 No need to move the list for insertion and
deletion operations
 No memory waste
Linked List Implementation of Lists
Linked List Array
PrintList O(N) (traverse the list)
FindKth (L,i) O(i)
Delete O(1)
Programming Details
 There are 3 special cases for linked lists
 Insert an element at the front of the list
there is no really obvious way
 Delete an element from the front of the list
changes the start of the list
 Delete an element in general
requires to keep track of the node before the deleted one
How can we solve these three problems ?
Programming Details
Keep a header node in position 0
 Write a FindPrevious routine
 returns the predecessor of the cell
 To delete the first element
 FindPrevious routine returns the position of
Use of header node is controversial !
Type decleration for link list node
template <class Object>
class List; // Incomplete declaration.
template <class Object>
class ListItr; // Incomplete declaration.
template <class Object>
class ListNode {
ListNode( const Object & theElement = Object( ),
ListNode*n=NULL) : element(theElement),next(n)
Object element;
ListNode *next;
friend class List<Object>;
friend class ListItr<Object>;
Iterator class for linked lists
template <class Object>
class ListItr {
ListItr( ) : current( NULL ) { }
bool isPastEnd( ) const { return current == NULL; }
void advance( )
{ if( !isPastEnd( ) ) current = current->next; }
const Object & retrieve( ) const
{ if( isPastEnd( ) )
throw BadIterator( );
return current->element; }
ListNode<Object> *current; // Current position
ListItr(ListNode<Object> *theNode):current( theNode ) { }
friend class List<Object>; // Grant access to constructor
List class interface
template <class Object>
class List {
List( );
List( const List & rhs );
~List( );
bool isEmpty( ) const;
void makeEmpty( );
ListItr<Object> zeroth( ) const;
ListItr<Object> first( ) const;
void insert( const Object & x, const ListItr<Object> & p );
ListItr<Object> find( const Object & x ) const;
ListItr<Object> findPrevious( const Object & x ) const;
void remove( const Object & x );
const List & operator=( const List & rhs );
ListNode<Object> *header;
Function to print a list
template <class Object>
void printList( const List<Object> &the List)
if (theList.isEmpty())
cout<< “Empty list” << endl;
ListItr<Object> itr = theList.first();
for (; !itr.isPastEnd(); itr.advance())
cout << itr.retrieve() <<“ ”;
cout << endl;
Some list one-liners
/* Construct the list */
template <class Object>
List<Object>::List( )
header = new ListNode<Object>;
/* Test if the list is logically empty */
template <class Object>
bool List<Object>::isEmpty( ) const
return header->next == NULL;
Some list one liners
/* Return an iterator representing the header node
template <class Object>
ListItr<Object> List<Object>::zeroth( ) const
return ListItr<Object>( header );
/* Return an iterator representing the first node
in the list. This operation is valid for empty
lists. */
template <class Object>
ListItr<Object> List<Object>::first( ) const
return ListItr<Object>( header->next );
Find routine
/* Return iterator corresponding to the first
node containing an item x. Iterator isPastEnd
if item is not found. */
template <class Object>
ListItr<Object> List<Object>::find( const
Object & x ) const
ListNode<Object> *itr = header->next;
while( itr != NULL && itr->element != x )
itr = itr->next;
return ListItr<Object>( itr );
Deletion routine for linked lists
/* Remove the first occurrence of an item x. */
template <class Object>
void List<Object>::remove( const Object & x )
ListItr<Object> p = findPrevious( x );
if( p.current->next != NULL )
ListNode<Object> *oldNode = p.current->next;
p.current->next = p.current->next->next;
delete oldNode;
findPrevious-the find routine for
use with remove
/*Return iterator prior to the first node containing an
item x.
template <class Object>
ListItr<Object> List<Object>::findPrevious( const Object &
x ) const
ListNode<Object> *itr = header;
while( itr->next != NULL && itr->next->element != x )
itr = itr->next;
return ListItr<Object>( itr );
Insertion routine for linked lists
/* Insert item x after p. */
template <class Object>
void List<Object>::insert( const Object & x,
const ListItr<Object> & p )
if( p.current != NULL )
p.current->next = new ListNode<Object>
( x, p.current->next );
makeEmpty and List destructor
/* Make the list logically empty. */
template <class Object>
void List<Object>::makeEmpty( )
while( !isEmpty( ) )
remove( first( ).retrieve( ) );
/* Destructor */
template <class Object>
List<Object>::~List( )
makeEmpty( );
delete header;
List copy routines: operator=
/*Deep copy of linked lists.
template <class Object>
const List<Object> & List<Object>::operator=( const
List<Object> & rhs )
ListItr<Object> ritr = rhs.first( );
ListItr<Object> itr = zeroth( );
if( this != &rhs )
makeEmpty( );
for( ; !ritr.isPastEnd( );
ritr.advance( ),itr.advance( ))
insert( ritr.retrieve( ), itr );
return *this;
List copy routines : copy constructor
/* Copy constructor
template <class Object>
List<Object>::List( const List<Object> & rhs )
header = new ListNode<Object>;
*this = rhs;
Doubly Linked List
 Traversing list backwards
 not easy with regular lists
 Insertion and deletion more pointer fixing
 Deletion is easier
 Previous node is easy to find
Circulary Linked List
 Last node points the first
 Abstract Data Types (ADT)
 The List ADT
 Implementation of Lists
Array implementation of lists
Linked list implementation of lists
Cursor implementation of lists
Cursor Implementation of Linked List
Problems with linked list implementation:
 Same language do not support pointers !
 Then how can you use linked lists ?
 new and free operations are slow
 Actually not constant time
Cursor Implementation of Linked List
SOLUTION: Implement linked list on an array
called CURSOR
Cursor Implementation of Linked List
 Cursor operation simulates the features
 Collection of structures
uses array for nodes
 Array index is pointer
 new and delete operation
Keep a free list
 new returns an element from freelist
 delete place the node in freelist
 Use cell 0 as header
 All nodes are free initially
 0 is a NULL pointer
Cursor Implementation of Linked List
If L = 5, then L represents list (A, B, E)
If M = 3, then M represents list (C, D, F)
Iterator for cursor implementation
of linked lists
template <class Object>
class ListItr
ListItr( ) : current( 0 ) { }
bool isPastEnd( ) const {return current == 0; }
void advance( ){
if( !isPastEnd( ) )
current = List<Object>::cursorSpace[ current ].next; }
const Object & retrieve( ) const {
if( isPastEnd( ) ) throw BadIterator( );
return List<Object>::cursorSpace[ current ].element; }
int current; // Current position
friend class List<Object>;
ListItr( int theNode ) : current( theNode ) { }
Class skeleton for cursor-based List
template <class Object>
class ListItr; // Incomplete declaration.
template <class Object>
class List
List( );
List( const List & rhs );
~List( );
bool isEmpty( ) const;
void makeEmpty( );
ListItr<Object> zeroth( ) const;
ListItr<Object> first( ) const;
void insert( const Object & x, const ListItr<Object> & p );
ListItr<Object> find( const Object & x ) const;
ListItr<Object> findPrevious( const Object & x ) const;
void remove( const Object & x );
Class skeleton for cursor-based List
struct CursorNode
CursorNode( ) : next( 0 ) { }
CursorNode( const Object & theElement, int n )
: element( theElement ), next( n ) {}
Object element;
int next;
friend class List<Object>;
friend class ListItr<Object>;
const List & operator=( const List & rhs );
Class skeleton for cursor-based List
int header;
static vector<CursorNode> cursorSpace;
static void initializeCursorSpace( );
static int alloc( );
static void free( int p );
friend class ListItr<Object>;
cursorSpace initialization
/* Routine to initialize the cursorSpace. */
template <class Object>
void List<Object>::initializeCursorSpace( )
static int cursorSpaceIsInitialized = false;
if( !cursorSpaceIsInitialized )
cursorSpace.resize( 100 );
for( int i = 0; i < cursorSpace.size( ); i++ )
cursorSpace[ i ].next = i + 1;
cursorSpace[ cursorSpace.size( ) - 1 ].next = 0;
cursorSpaceIsInitialized = true;
Routines : alloc and free
/* Allocate a CursorNode
template <class Object>
int List<Object>::alloc( )
int p = cursorSpace[ 0 ].next;
cursorSpace[ 0 ].next = cursorSpace[ p ].next;
return p;
/* Free a CursorNode
template <class Object>
void List<Object>::free( int p )
cursorSpace[ p ].next = cursorSpace[ 0 ].next;
cursorSpace[ 0 ].next = p;
Short routines for cursor-based lists
/* Construct the list
template <class Object>
List<Object>::List( )
initializeCursorSpace( );
header = alloc( );
cursorSpace[ header ].next = 0;
/* Destroy the list
template <class Object>
List<Object>::~List( )
makeEmpty( );
free( header );
Short routines for cursor-based lists
/* Test if the list is logically empty. return true if
template <class Object>
bool List<Object>::isEmpty( ) const
return cursorSpace[ header ].next == 0;
/* Return an iterator representing the first node in
the list. This operation is valid for empty lists.
template <class Object>
ListItr<Object> List<Object>::first( ) const
return ListItr<Object>( cursorSpace[ header ].next );
find routine - cursor implementation
/*Return iterator corresponding to the first node containing
an item x. Iterator isPastEnd if item is not found.
template <class Object>
ListItr<Object> List<Object>::find( const Object & x ) const
int itr = cursorSpace[ header ].next;
while( itr != 0 && cursorSpace[ itr ].element != x )
itr = cursorSpace[ itr ].next;
return ListItr<Object>( itr );
insertion routine-cursor implementation
/* Insert item x after p.
template <class Object>
void List<Object>::insert(const Object & x,const ListItr<Object> & p)
if( p.current != 0 )
int pos = p.current;
int tmp = alloc( );
cursorSpace[ tmp ] = CursorNode( x, cursorSpace[ pos ].next );
cursorSpace[ pos ].next = tmp;
deletion routine - cursor implementation
/* Remove the first occurrence of an item x.
template <class Object>
void List<Object>::remove( const Object & x )
ListItr<Object> p = findPrevious( x );
int pos = p.current;
if( cursorSpace[ pos ].next != 0 )
int tmp = cursorSpace[ pos ].next;
cursorSpace[ pos ].next = cursorSpace[ tmp ].next;
free ( tmp );

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Data structures & algorithms lecture 3

  • 1. DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS Lecture Notes 3 Prepared by İnanç TAHRALI
  • 2. 2 ROAD MAP  Abstract Data Types (ADT)  The List ADT  Implementation of Lists  Array implementation of lists  Linked list implementation of lists  Cursor implementation of lists
  • 3. 3 Abstract Data Types (ADT)  Definition : Is a set of operation Mathematical abstraction No implementation detail  Example : Lists, sets, graphs, stacks are examples of ADT along with their operations
  • 4. 4 Why ADT ?  Modularity  divide program into small functions  easy to debug and maintain  easy to modify  group work  Reuse  do some operations only once  Easy to change of implementation  transparent to the program
  • 5. 5 THE LIST ADT  Ordered sequence of data items called elements  A1, A2, A3, …,AN is a list of size N  size of an empty list is 0  Ai+1 succeeds Ai  Ai-1 preceeds Ai  position of Ai is i  first element is A1 called “head”  last element is AN called “tail” Operations ?
  • 6. 6 THE LIST ADT  Operations  PrintList  Find  FindKth  Insert  Delete  Next  Previous  MakeEmpty
  • 7. 7 THE LIST ADT  Example: the elements of a list are 34, 12, 52, 16, 12  Find (52)  3  Insert (20, 3)  34, 12, 52, 20, 16, 12  Delete (52)  34, 12, 20, 16, 12  FindKth (3)  20
  • 8. 8 Implementation of Lists  Many Implementations  Array  Linked List  Cursor (linked list using arrays)
  • 9. 9 ROAD MAP  Abstract Data Types (ADT)  The List ADT  Implementation of Lists  Array implementation of lists  Linked list implementation of lists  Cursor implementation of lists
  • 10. 10 Array Implementation of List ADT  Need to define a size for array  High overestimate (waste of space)  Operations Running Times PrintList O(N) Find Insert O(N) (on avarage half needs to be moved) Delete FindKth Next O(1) Previous
  • 11. 11 Array Implementation of List ADT  Disadvantages :  insertion and deletion is very slow  need to move elements of the list  redundant memory space  it is difficult to estimate the size of array
  • 12. 12 ROAD MAP  Abstract Data Types (ADT)  The List ADT  Implementation of Lists  Array implementation of lists  Linked list implementation of lists  Cursor implementation of lists
  • 13. 13 Linked List Implementation of Lists  Series of nodes  not adjacent in memory  contain the element and a pointer to a node containing its succesor  Avoids the linear cost of insertion and deletion !
  • 14. 14 Linked List Implementation of Lists  Insertion into a linked list
  • 15. 15 Linked List Implementation of Lists  Deletion from a linked list
  • 16. 16 Linked List Implementation of Lists  Need to know where the first node is  the rest of the nodes can be accessed  No need to move the list for insertion and deletion operations  No memory waste
  • 17. 17 Linked List Implementation of Lists Linked List Array PrintList O(N) (traverse the list) O(N) Find FindKth (L,i) O(i) O(1) Delete O(1) O(N)
  • 18. 18 Programming Details  There are 3 special cases for linked lists  Insert an element at the front of the list  there is no really obvious way  Delete an element from the front of the list  changes the start of the list  Delete an element in general  requires to keep track of the node before the deleted one How can we solve these three problems ?
  • 19. 19 Programming Details Keep a header node in position 0  Write a FindPrevious routine  returns the predecessor of the cell  To delete the first element  FindPrevious routine returns the position of header Use of header node is controversial !
  • 20. 20 Type decleration for link list node template <class Object> class List; // Incomplete declaration. template <class Object> class ListItr; // Incomplete declaration. template <class Object> class ListNode { ListNode( const Object & theElement = Object( ), ListNode*n=NULL) : element(theElement),next(n) {} Object element; ListNode *next; friend class List<Object>; friend class ListItr<Object>; };
  • 21. 21 Iterator class for linked lists template <class Object> class ListItr { public: ListItr( ) : current( NULL ) { } bool isPastEnd( ) const { return current == NULL; } void advance( ) { if( !isPastEnd( ) ) current = current->next; } const Object & retrieve( ) const { if( isPastEnd( ) ) throw BadIterator( ); return current->element; } private: ListNode<Object> *current; // Current position ListItr(ListNode<Object> *theNode):current( theNode ) { } friend class List<Object>; // Grant access to constructor };
  • 22. 22 List class interface template <class Object> class List { public: List( ); List( const List & rhs ); ~List( ); bool isEmpty( ) const; void makeEmpty( ); ListItr<Object> zeroth( ) const; ListItr<Object> first( ) const; void insert( const Object & x, const ListItr<Object> & p ); ListItr<Object> find( const Object & x ) const; ListItr<Object> findPrevious( const Object & x ) const; void remove( const Object & x ); const List & operator=( const List & rhs ); private: ListNode<Object> *header; };
  • 23. 23 Function to print a list template <class Object> void printList( const List<Object> &the List) { if (theList.isEmpty()) cout<< “Empty list” << endl; else { ListItr<Object> itr = theList.first(); for (; !itr.isPastEnd(); itr.advance()) cout << itr.retrieve() <<“ ”; } cout << endl; }
  • 24. 24 Some list one-liners /* Construct the list */ template <class Object> List<Object>::List( ) { header = new ListNode<Object>; } /* Test if the list is logically empty */ template <class Object> bool List<Object>::isEmpty( ) const { return header->next == NULL; }
  • 25. 25 Some list one liners /* Return an iterator representing the header node template <class Object> ListItr<Object> List<Object>::zeroth( ) const { return ListItr<Object>( header ); } /* Return an iterator representing the first node in the list. This operation is valid for empty lists. */ template <class Object> ListItr<Object> List<Object>::first( ) const { return ListItr<Object>( header->next ); }
  • 26. 26 Find routine /* Return iterator corresponding to the first node containing an item x. Iterator isPastEnd if item is not found. */ template <class Object> ListItr<Object> List<Object>::find( const Object & x ) const { ListNode<Object> *itr = header->next; while( itr != NULL && itr->element != x ) itr = itr->next; return ListItr<Object>( itr ); }
  • 27. 27 Deletion routine for linked lists /* Remove the first occurrence of an item x. */ template <class Object> void List<Object>::remove( const Object & x ) { ListItr<Object> p = findPrevious( x ); if( p.current->next != NULL ) { ListNode<Object> *oldNode = p.current->next; p.current->next = p.current->next->next; delete oldNode; } }
  • 28. 28 findPrevious-the find routine for use with remove /*Return iterator prior to the first node containing an item x. template <class Object> ListItr<Object> List<Object>::findPrevious( const Object & x ) const { ListNode<Object> *itr = header; while( itr->next != NULL && itr->next->element != x ) itr = itr->next; return ListItr<Object>( itr ); }
  • 29. 29 Insertion routine for linked lists /* Insert item x after p. */ template <class Object> void List<Object>::insert( const Object & x, const ListItr<Object> & p ) { if( p.current != NULL ) p.current->next = new ListNode<Object> ( x, p.current->next ); }
  • 30. 30 makeEmpty and List destructor /* Make the list logically empty. */ template <class Object> void List<Object>::makeEmpty( ) { while( !isEmpty( ) ) remove( first( ).retrieve( ) ); } /* Destructor */ template <class Object> List<Object>::~List( ) { makeEmpty( ); delete header; }
  • 31. 31 List copy routines: operator= /*Deep copy of linked lists. template <class Object> const List<Object> & List<Object>::operator=( const List<Object> & rhs ) { ListItr<Object> ritr = rhs.first( ); ListItr<Object> itr = zeroth( ); if( this != &rhs ) { makeEmpty( ); for( ; !ritr.isPastEnd( ); ritr.advance( ),itr.advance( )) insert( ritr.retrieve( ), itr ); } return *this; }
  • 32. 32 List copy routines : copy constructor /* Copy constructor template <class Object> List<Object>::List( const List<Object> & rhs ) { header = new ListNode<Object>; *this = rhs; }
  • 33. 33 Doubly Linked List  Traversing list backwards  not easy with regular lists  Insertion and deletion more pointer fixing  Deletion is easier  Previous node is easy to find
  • 34. 34 Circulary Linked List  Last node points the first
  • 35. 35 ROAD MAP  Abstract Data Types (ADT)  The List ADT  Implementation of Lists  Array implementation of lists  Linked list implementation of lists  Cursor implementation of lists
  • 36. 36 Cursor Implementation of Linked List Problems with linked list implementation:  Same language do not support pointers !  Then how can you use linked lists ?  new and free operations are slow  Actually not constant time
  • 37. 37 Cursor Implementation of Linked List SOLUTION: Implement linked list on an array called CURSOR
  • 38. 38 Cursor Implementation of Linked List  Cursor operation simulates the features  Collection of structures  uses array for nodes  Array index is pointer  new and delete operation  Keep a free list  new returns an element from freelist  delete place the node in freelist  Freelist  Use cell 0 as header  All nodes are free initially  0 is a NULL pointer
  • 39. 39 Cursor Implementation of Linked List If L = 5, then L represents list (A, B, E) If M = 3, then M represents list (C, D, F)
  • 40. 40 Iterator for cursor implementation of linked lists template <class Object> class ListItr { public: ListItr( ) : current( 0 ) { } bool isPastEnd( ) const {return current == 0; } void advance( ){ if( !isPastEnd( ) ) current = List<Object>::cursorSpace[ current ].next; } const Object & retrieve( ) const { if( isPastEnd( ) ) throw BadIterator( ); return List<Object>::cursorSpace[ current ].element; } private: int current; // Current position friend class List<Object>; ListItr( int theNode ) : current( theNode ) { } };
  • 41. 41 Class skeleton for cursor-based List template <class Object> class ListItr; // Incomplete declaration. template <class Object> class List { public: List( ); List( const List & rhs ); ~List( ); bool isEmpty( ) const; void makeEmpty( ); ListItr<Object> zeroth( ) const; ListItr<Object> first( ) const; void insert( const Object & x, const ListItr<Object> & p ); ListItr<Object> find( const Object & x ) const; ListItr<Object> findPrevious( const Object & x ) const; void remove( const Object & x );
  • 42. 42 Class skeleton for cursor-based List public: struct CursorNode { CursorNode( ) : next( 0 ) { } private: CursorNode( const Object & theElement, int n ) : element( theElement ), next( n ) {} Object element; int next; friend class List<Object>; friend class ListItr<Object>; }; const List & operator=( const List & rhs );
  • 43. 43 Class skeleton for cursor-based List private: int header; static vector<CursorNode> cursorSpace; static void initializeCursorSpace( ); static int alloc( ); static void free( int p ); friend class ListItr<Object>; };
  • 44. 44 cursorSpace initialization /* Routine to initialize the cursorSpace. */ template <class Object> void List<Object>::initializeCursorSpace( ) { static int cursorSpaceIsInitialized = false; if( !cursorSpaceIsInitialized ) { cursorSpace.resize( 100 ); for( int i = 0; i < cursorSpace.size( ); i++ ) cursorSpace[ i ].next = i + 1; cursorSpace[ cursorSpace.size( ) - 1 ].next = 0; cursorSpaceIsInitialized = true; } }
  • 45. 45 Routines : alloc and free /* Allocate a CursorNode template <class Object> int List<Object>::alloc( ) { int p = cursorSpace[ 0 ].next; cursorSpace[ 0 ].next = cursorSpace[ p ].next; return p; } /* Free a CursorNode template <class Object> void List<Object>::free( int p ) { cursorSpace[ p ].next = cursorSpace[ 0 ].next; cursorSpace[ 0 ].next = p; }
  • 46. 46 Short routines for cursor-based lists /* Construct the list template <class Object> List<Object>::List( ) { initializeCursorSpace( ); header = alloc( ); cursorSpace[ header ].next = 0; } /* Destroy the list template <class Object> List<Object>::~List( ) { makeEmpty( ); free( header ); }
  • 47. 47 Short routines for cursor-based lists /* Test if the list is logically empty. return true if empty template <class Object> bool List<Object>::isEmpty( ) const { return cursorSpace[ header ].next == 0; } /* Return an iterator representing the first node in the list. This operation is valid for empty lists. template <class Object> ListItr<Object> List<Object>::first( ) const { return ListItr<Object>( cursorSpace[ header ].next ); }
  • 48. 48 find routine - cursor implementation /*Return iterator corresponding to the first node containing an item x. Iterator isPastEnd if item is not found. template <class Object> ListItr<Object> List<Object>::find( const Object & x ) const { int itr = cursorSpace[ header ].next; while( itr != 0 && cursorSpace[ itr ].element != x ) itr = cursorSpace[ itr ].next; return ListItr<Object>( itr ); }
  • 49. 49 insertion routine-cursor implementation /* Insert item x after p. template <class Object> void List<Object>::insert(const Object & x,const ListItr<Object> & p) { if( p.current != 0 ) { int pos = p.current; int tmp = alloc( ); cursorSpace[ tmp ] = CursorNode( x, cursorSpace[ pos ].next ); cursorSpace[ pos ].next = tmp; } }
  • 50. 50 deletion routine - cursor implementation /* Remove the first occurrence of an item x. template <class Object> void List<Object>::remove( const Object & x ) { ListItr<Object> p = findPrevious( x ); int pos = p.current; if( cursorSpace[ pos ].next != 0 ) { int tmp = cursorSpace[ pos ].next; cursorSpace[ pos ].next = cursorSpace[ tmp ].next; free ( tmp ); } }