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• The trunk of the tree is the tendency to blame other people.
• Stop blaming other people and making excuses.
• Stop blaming your parents.
• Bad relationships.
• When you blame other people, you give your power away. High energy comes
when you think very positively about your possibilities.
• Anytime you blow off steam, get pissed off, or if u use a lot of emotional energy
throughout the day, the less energy you have to use on the things you want to spend it
• There are no failures in life, there is only feedback.
• Is it about the person? Is it about the situation?
• Take very little value in the opinions of others.
• “I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to.”
• “I do it because I choose to do it.”
• I can do anything I put my mind to and I don’t have
to do anything I don’t want to. And I can do it.
““And those who were seen dancing were thought to be
insane by those who could not hear the music.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
““You must have chaos within you to give birth to a
dancing star.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
““Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the
process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze
long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into
― Friedrich Nietzsche
• “Hey, I can do that.”
• Tell everyone that they can do whatever they
set their mind to. The more you believe others
can do it, the more you believe YOU can do it.
“ On vacation recently I was reading this book by [physicist and
Nobel laureate] Richard Feynmann. He had cancer, you know.
In this book he was describing one of his last operations
before he died. The doctor said to him, ‘Look, Richard, I'm
not sure you're going to make it.’ And Feynmann made the
doctor promise that if it became clear he wasn't going to
survive, to take away the anesthetic. Do you know why?
Feynmann said, ‘I want to feel what it's like to turn off.’ That's
a good way to put yourself in the present--to look at what's
affecting you right now and be curious about it even if it's
• the quality of being pleasingly ingenious and
simple; neatness
• the quality of being graceful and stylish in
appearance or manner; style.
Dive into the
World you Desire.
George Carlin on Similarities:
George Carlin on The American Dream:
The travel network:
Lil Wayne’s work ethic:
The only one that can prove them right or wrong is you.
I am the only one holding myself back.
Am I willing to get past the wall or is it going to stop me?
Those brick walls signify how bad you want something.
Am I willing to see my endeavor through to the end?
In reality, it is all up to you.
You have a choice every single day where you are going to spend your life, where you spend
your money, who you spend your time with.
They are not afraid to create their own opportunities, they know where they are going to
end up.
every great change starts like falling dominoes
From The Discourses Of Epictetus:
That A Man Should Be One Man.
Consider these things-
Whether you are willing at such a price to gain
freedom, peace, and an untroubled spirit.
And if not, then attempt it not, nor, like a child, play
now the philosopher, then the tax gatherer, then the
orator, then the Procurator of Caesar.
For these things agree not among themselves; and,
good or bad, it behooves you to be one man.
You should be perfecting either ruling your own ruling
faculty or your outward well-being; spending your art
either on the life within or the life without; that is to
say, you must hold your place either among the sages
or the vulgar.
going small is ignoring all the things you could do and
what you should do.
• Be Fabulously Well Dressed For The Occasion
• Code Of Conduct For The Occasion
So you wish to conquer the Olympic games? And I, too, by the
Gods; and a fine thing it would be. But mark the preferences
and the consequences, and then set to work.
You must go under discipline, eat by rule, abstain from
dainties, exercise yourself at the appointed hour, in heat or
cold, whether you will or no, drink nothing cold, now wine at
will; in a word: you must give yourself over to the trainer as
to a physician.
Then in the contest itself there is the digging race, and you are
likely enough to dislocate your wrist, or turn your ankle, to
swallow a great deal of dust, to be soundly drubbed, and after
all these things to be defeated.
If having considered all these things, you are still in mind to
enter for the contest, then do so.
But without consideration you will turn from one thing to
another like a child, who now plays the wrestler, now the
gladiator, now sounds the trumpets, then declaims like an
actor; and so you, too, will be first an athlete, then a gladiator,
then an orator, then a philosopher, and nothing with your
whole soul; but as an ape you mimic everything you see, and
be charmed with one thing after another.
For you approached nothing with consideration nor
regularity, but rashly, and with a cold desire.
And thus some men, having seen a philosopher, and heard
discourse like that of Euphrates desire that they may also
become philosophers.
But, O man! Consider first what it is you are about to do, and
then inquire of your own nature whether you can carry it out.
Will you be a Pentathlos, or a wrestler? Then, scan your arms
and thighs; try your loins. For different men are made of
different ends.
Think you, you can be a sage, and continue to eat and drink
and be wrathful and take offense just as you were wont?
Nay, but you must watch and labor and withdraw yourself
from your household, and be despised by any serving boy,
and be ridiculed by your neighbors, and take the lower place
everywhere, in honors, in authority, in courts of justice, in
dealings of every kind.
“For thou seekest it where it is not, and neglect to seek it
where it is.
Four Disciplines of Execution
1. Identify top goals and priorities. Be very clear.
2. If it isn’t working, you haven’t bought into the goals.
You aren’t emotionally connected.
How to get Really Good at Anything
1. Set a clear and well defined outcome. Use sensory
and behavioral based description, and clearly
state “when I do this, I’ll get that.”
• Define the SCOPE (breakdown into task
2. Find someone who’s already done it. Save from
trial and error. Find the essential aspects of what
they needed to succeed.
3. Immerse yourself. Practice in core areas.
4. Reveal progress regularly. Identify what’s working.
Good Resources
• Books
• People
• Seminars
• Friends
• Mentors
• Coworkers
“The truest characters of ignorance are vanity, and pride
and arrogance.
“When, therefore, you set your own mind at the mercy of
every chance, to be troubled and perturbed when any
one may revile you, have you no shame of this?
“Humility is to make a right estimate of one’s self.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself.
Abraham Lincoln
“It is far more impressive when others discover your good
qualities without your help.
~Author Unknown
“One learns to ignore criticism by first learning to ignore
~Robert Brault,
It is always the secure who are humble.
~Gilbert Keith Chesterton
“We would rather speak ill of ourselves than not talk
about ourselves at all.
~François Duc de La Rochefoucauld, Maxims
“We are all worms, but I do believe I am a
~Winston Churchill
“Humility does not mean thinking less of yourself than of
other people, nor does it mean having a low opinion of
your own gifts. It means freedom from thinking about
yourself at all.
~William Temple
Swallow your pride occasionally, it's non-fattening!
~Author Unknown
“To have a thing is little, if you're not
allowed to show it, to know a thing, is
nothing unless others know you know it.
~Charles Neaves
Some people are born on third base and go through life
thinking they hit a triple.
~Barry Switzer
“ Every now and again take a good look at
something not made with hands: a mountain, a
star, the turn of a stream. There will come to
you wisdom and patience and solace and,
above all, the assurance that you are not alone
in the world.Sidney Lovett - minister
“Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit.
“Winning is not a sometime thing; it's an all time thing.
You don't win once in a while, you don't do things right
once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning
is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.
“Truth is ever to be found in the simplicity, and not in the
multiplicity and confusion of things.
If thou art willing to suffer no adversity, how wilt thou be
the friend of Christ?
““Winning is a state of mind that embraces everything you
― Bryce Courtenay, The Power of One
““To win you need to have first lost. That makes you so
hungry to win that you'll do everything you can to
achieve it.”
― Brendon Clark
““Humanity does not ask to be happy. It merely asks us to be
brilliant on its behalf. Survival first, and then happiness as we
can manage it... Take what pleasure you can in the interstices
of your work, but your work is first, learning first, winning is
everything because without it there is nothing.”
― Orson Scott Card, Ender's Game
““They expected to lose. And therefore, they lost. [..] Peo-
ple who start thinking deep dark thoughts in the middle
of a war start expecting to lose.”
― Michael Scott
““We begin to learn wisely when we're willing
to see world from other people's perspective.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
““Intelligence minus purpose equals stupidity.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
Your arrogance doesn't
cheapen me.
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
Just because they disagree doesn’t mean you
ain’t right.
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
“ Sounds naive respecting someone
who doesn't give a shit about you.
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
““If you're confused about what to do,
it's a sign that your enemy is winning.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
“ Every man should believe in something.
If not..
he would doubt everything, even himself.
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
Not learning by doing,
but learning by risking.
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
“ I learn to trust someone I love..
I learn to deal with heartbreak..
I learn to forgive him who hurts.
I never stop learning in this life.
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
“ By having good memories on every
place you just visit,
you are building paradise in your own
heart and your life.
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
“The mind becomes much more beautiful,
when man could see his own weaknesses.
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
“ I seek plain truth
I do and I have to
I find strange oddities
I am now sure
I will reveal secrets.
Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
“When you win, you don't examine it very much, except to
congratulate yourself. You easily, and wrongly, assume it
has something to do with your rare qualities as a person.
But winning only measures how hard you've worked and
how physically talented you are; it doesn't particularly
define you beyond those characteristics.
Losing on the other hand, really does say something about
who you are. Among other things it measures are: do you
blame others, or do you own the loss? Do you analyze your
failure, or just complain about bad luck?
If you're willing to examine failure, and to look not just at
your outward physical performance, but your internal
workings, too, losing can be valuable. How you behave in
those moments can perhaps be more self-defining than
winning could ever be. Sometimes losing shows you for
who you really are.”
― Lance Armstrong, Every Second Counts
“We should have known much more than our ancestors.
But if we learn less, we're much more stupid than them.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
Slacker becomes slower if given additional time.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
In fight, by 'knowing what to do next',
element of surprise can be overcomed.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
The more mature a soul, the less it blames others.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
“Diversion weakens thy mind.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
Complaints drain joy.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
Mind doesn't work properly when taken into
a higher level where fear dominates the will.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
“There is no trivia in a strategic mind.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
“You say that I'm nobody, and you agree that nobody's perfect.
Based on logic, I'm a perfect person according to your opinion.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
“Don't be too hard on yourself!
You'll fall apart if you tumble.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
“Intelligence could be more brilliant within modesty.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
Chances don't approach you,
it's you who approach chances.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
“Holiness on earth is a spiritual fantasy.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
“Money talks and I listen.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
“If there's no hatred in your heart,
then your mind won't find fault with others.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
“If you feel that you are a miserly stingy parsimonious guy,
at least let not that impression formed in the minds of others.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
“To understand the truth of everything, it took guts more
than simply thinking.
Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
“True love doesn't spoil.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
““It ain't technology that enhances the civilization..
but the way mankind perceives nature from all
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
“Mind is prison of one’s potential which can be freed by
his dreams.
Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
Learning the hard way fits with people
who don't take lessons of the soft words.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
Never write about martial arts..
if you've never been in a real fight.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
Only when man cornered,
potential forced to appear.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
“Wow.. is there anything you can't do?”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity Gold wrapped old crap.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
It ain't just about writing on some documents,
author writes on to the readers' heart and mind.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
“Books exceed authors' lifespan.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
“God doesn't take sides. He created all of them.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
Vision without guts is fantasy.
Visi tanpa nyali adalah fantasi.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity They don't directly listen to you.
They just hear things within their minds that triggered by your
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
Don't ever reject a small
when you can't take it all.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
History made when mindset changed.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
No one can curse and bless anybody at the same time.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
“Faith reveals the potential.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
“People need no advice, they want wisdom-based
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
Sometimes ...
it took seconds to control your anger,
only to avoid the state of eternal feud.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity “Experience prefers humility.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
I can hear you preach about freedom,
yet your motive that makes me listened.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet
of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe.
That makes us something very special.
Stephen Hawking
We are in danger of destroying ourselves by our greed and
stupidity. We cannot remain looking inwards at ourselves on a
small and increasingly polluted and overcrowded planet.
Stephen Hawking
Life would be tragic if it weren't funny.
Why are we here? Where do we come from? Traditionally,
these are questions for philosophy, but philosophy is dead.
Stephen Hawking
We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life
might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet.
Stephen Hawking
There is no heaven or afterlife for broken-down
computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid
of the dark.
Stephen Hawking
To confine our attention to terrestrial matters
would be to limit the human spirit.
Stephen Hawking
There are grounds for cautious optimism that we may now be
near the end of the search for the ultimate laws of nature.
Stephen Hawking
One cannot really argue with a mathematical theorem.
Stephen Hawking
It is no good getting furious if you get
stuck. What I do is keep thinking about
the problem but work on something
else. Sometimes it is years before I see
the way forward. In the case of
information loss and black holes, it was
29 years.
Stephen Hawking
Nothing cannot exist forever.
Stephen Hawking
There is no unique picture of reality.
Stephen Hawking
Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without
Stephen Hawking
It is generally recognized that women are better than men at
languages, personal relations and multi-tasking, but less good at
map-reading and spatial awareness. It is therefore not
unreasonable to suppose that women might be less good at
mathematics and physics.
Stephen Hawking
There is a real danger that computers will develop
intelligence and take over. We urgently need to develop
direct connections to the brain so that computers can
add to human intelligence rather than be in opposition.
Stephen Hawking
No one can resist the idea of a crippled genius.
Stephen Hawking
Someone told me that each equation I included
in the book would halve the sales.
Stephen Hawking
We should seek the greatest value of our
Stephen Hawking
Science is not only a disciple of reason but,
also, one of romance and passion.
Stephen Hawking
• I used to think information
was destroyed in the black
hole. This was my biggest
blunder, or at least my
biggest blunder in science.
• Observations indicate that
the universe is expanding
at an ever increasing rate.
It will expand forever,
getting emptier and darker.
The Human Heart -
Unmanifested Potential -
The Process Of Universal Creation -
The Eight (Petals) Directions – Navigation
Awareness Rising Out Of Chaos (Blooms From Murky) Water
Take risks, and expect to make lots of mistakes, because creativity is a numbers
Work hard, and take frequent breaks, but stay with it over time. Do what you
love, because creative breakthroughs take years of hard work.
Develop a network of colleagues, and schedule time for freewheeling,
unstructured discussions. Most of all, forget those romantic myths that
creativity is all about being artsy and gifted and not about hard work. They
discourage us because we’re waiting for that one full-blown moment of
inspiration. And while we’re waiting, we may never start working on what we
might someday create.
1. Keep things flat. Out of sight, out of mind holds true for
information. Avoid nesting information. Keep it flat and
simple where you can. Think in terms of iTunes or a
playlist. A well organized playlist is easy to jump to what you
2. Just by asking the question whether you’re optimizing for
fast filing or for fast lookup will get you improving your
information management in the right direction.
Perseverance is the
hard work you do after
you get tired of doing
the hard work you
already did.
Newt Gingrich
“ Focused, hard work is the real key to success. Keep your eyes on the goal,
and just keep taking the next step towards completing it. If you aren't sure
which way to do something, do it both ways and see which works better.
John Carmack
“You can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start,
you will.
Stephen King, on writing
“ Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable...
Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice,
suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and
passionate concern of dedicated individuals.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Anais Nin
“Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have
governed my life:
the longing for love,
the search for knowledge,
and an unbearable pity for the suffering of all mankind.
Bertrand Russell
The reward of suffering is experience.
Harry S. Truman
“ If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we
should find in each man’s life sorrow and suffering
enough to disarm all hostility.
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
“Seeing much,
Suffering much,
and Studying much
are the three pillars of learning.
Benjamin Disraeli
“Nature shows that with the growth of intelligence comes
increased capacity for pain, and it is only with the highest
degree of intelligence that suffering reaches its supreme
Arthur Schopenhauer
“ We are healed from suffering only by experiencing it to the full.
-Marcel Proust
Neurosis is always a substitute for legitimate suffering.
Carl Jung
“ “Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and
living alone won't either, for solitude will also break you with
its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the
reason you are here on earth. You are here to risk your heart.
You are here to be swallowed up. And when it happens that
you are broken, or betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes
near, let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples
falling all around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness. Tell
yourself you tasted as many as you could.
“Don’t take anything personally. Nothing others do is
because of you. What others say and do is a projection of
their own reality, their own dream. When you are
immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t
be the victim of needless suffering.
Miguel Angel Ruiz
“To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in
the suffering.
Friedrich Nietzsche
“Our of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the
most massive characters are seared with scars.
-Khalil Gibran
“Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the
talented individual from the successful one is a lot of
hard work.
Stephen King
“The three great essentials to achieve anything
Hard Work
Stick-to-itiveness, and
Common Sense.
Thomas A. Edison
“The reason a lot of people do not recognize opportunity
is because it usually goes around wearing overalls looking
like hard work.
Thomas A. Edison
"It is paradoxical that tragedy stimulates the spirit of
ridicule ... ridicule, I suppose, is an attitude of defiance;
we must laugh in the face of our helplessness against
the forces of nature – or go insane.”
—Chaplin on comedy and tragedy in The Gold Rush
- I shall not fear anyone on Earth.
- I shall fear only God.
- I shall not bear ill will toward anyone.
- I shall not submit to injustice from anyone.
- I shall conquer untruth by truth. And in resisting untruth,
I shall put up with all suffering.
“And in resisting untruth, I shall put up with all suffering.
To become a spectator of one’s own life is to
escape the suffering of life.
Oscar Wilde
Morning Questions
Write out answers to these questions:
1. How would I change my life if success was absolutely guaranteed?
2. What are my (3-5) core values?
3. If I only had 6 months to live, what would I do with my time?
4. What vices and eccentricities do I need to give up?
5. Fill in the blanks: “If I do ______, then I’ll get _______.”
6. What am I doing and is there a better way?
7. What is most important to me?
8. What would I want the people closest to me to say about me?
9. If I had no fear, how would I change my life?
10.What do I stand for?
11.What do I need to learn?
My 3 most important goals:
1. Financial-
2. Relationship-
3. health
What am I trying to do and how am I trying to do it?
is there a better way?
What do I need to learn?
Morning Reviews
Read over and think about the following:
1. Be firm in your beliefs, dreams and goals.
2. No one defines me. I am the only one who does that.
3. No fear. Put up with all suffering to get to goals and fight untruths.
4. Simply do not focus on negative thoughts and emotions. Just stop. I have that
5. In resisting untruth, I shall put up with all suffering.
6. The Laws of Physics. (other slide)
7. Avoid attention to anything else until I’ve hit my mark.
8. The resources I need are here. The only limitations are what I give myself.
9. Do not confuse disappointment with disaster.
“The most valuable thing you can make is a mistake. You
can’t learn anything from being perfect.
Adam Osborne

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Candace Lang's Daily Reflections

  • 2. NEGATIVE EMOTION TREE • The trunk of the tree is the tendency to blame other people. • Stop blaming other people and making excuses. • Stop blaming your parents. • Bad relationships. • When you blame other people, you give your power away. High energy comes when you think very positively about your possibilities. • Anytime you blow off steam, get pissed off, or if u use a lot of emotional energy throughout the day, the less energy you have to use on the things you want to spend it on. • There are no failures in life, there is only feedback. • Is it about the person? Is it about the situation?
  • 3. DEFINITION OF A FULLY-FUNCTIONING PERSON • Take very little value in the opinions of others. • “I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to.” • “I do it because I choose to do it.” • I can do anything I put my mind to and I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to. And I can do it.
  • 4. ” ““And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche
  • 5. ” ““You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche
  • 6. ” ““Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche
  • 7. FEARS OF FAILURE • “Hey, I can do that.” • Tell everyone that they can do whatever they set their mind to. The more you believe others can do it, the more you believe YOU can do it.
  • 8. ” “ On vacation recently I was reading this book by [physicist and Nobel laureate] Richard Feynmann. He had cancer, you know. In this book he was describing one of his last operations before he died. The doctor said to him, ‘Look, Richard, I'm not sure you're going to make it.’ And Feynmann made the doctor promise that if it became clear he wasn't going to survive, to take away the anesthetic. Do you know why? Feynmann said, ‘I want to feel what it's like to turn off.’ That's a good way to put yourself in the present--to look at what's affecting you right now and be curious about it even if it's bad.
  • 10. ELEGANCE- THE POWER TO EXPLAIN MUCH WHILE ASSUMING LITTLE. • the quality of being pleasingly ingenious and simple; neatness • the quality of being graceful and stylish in appearance or manner; style.
  • 11. Dive into the World you Desire.
  • 12. HOW TO STOP WORRYING AND START LIVING BY: DALE CARNEGIE George Carlin on Similarities: George Carlin on The American Dream:
  • 13. The travel network: SEE BEAUTIFUL PLACES! 
  • 17. DO NOT LET FEAR STOP YOU. HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=NJJYVROIJIA The only one that can prove them right or wrong is you. I am the only one holding myself back. Am I willing to get past the wall or is it going to stop me? Those brick walls signify how bad you want something. Am I willing to see my endeavor through to the end? In reality, it is all up to you. You have a choice every single day where you are going to spend your life, where you spend your money, who you spend your time with. They are not afraid to create their own opportunities, they know where they are going to end up.
  • 19.
  • 21. every great change starts like falling dominoes
  • 23. From The Discourses Of Epictetus: That A Man Should Be One Man. Consider these things- Whether you are willing at such a price to gain freedom, peace, and an untroubled spirit. And if not, then attempt it not, nor, like a child, play now the philosopher, then the tax gatherer, then the orator, then the Procurator of Caesar. For these things agree not among themselves; and, good or bad, it behooves you to be one man. You should be perfecting either ruling your own ruling faculty or your outward well-being; spending your art either on the life within or the life without; that is to say, you must hold your place either among the sages or the vulgar.
  • 24. going small is ignoring all the things you could do and doing what you should do.
  • 25. • Be Fabulously Well Dressed For The Occasion • Code Of Conduct For The Occasion
  • 26. FROM THE DISCOURSES OF EPICTETUS THAT A MAN SHOULD BE ONE MAN. So you wish to conquer the Olympic games? And I, too, by the Gods; and a fine thing it would be. But mark the preferences and the consequences, and then set to work. You must go under discipline, eat by rule, abstain from dainties, exercise yourself at the appointed hour, in heat or cold, whether you will or no, drink nothing cold, now wine at will; in a word: you must give yourself over to the trainer as to a physician. Then in the contest itself there is the digging race, and you are likely enough to dislocate your wrist, or turn your ankle, to swallow a great deal of dust, to be soundly drubbed, and after all these things to be defeated. If having considered all these things, you are still in mind to enter for the contest, then do so. But without consideration you will turn from one thing to another like a child, who now plays the wrestler, now the gladiator, now sounds the trumpets, then declaims like an actor; and so you, too, will be first an athlete, then a gladiator, then an orator, then a philosopher, and nothing with your whole soul; but as an ape you mimic everything you see, and be charmed with one thing after another. For you approached nothing with consideration nor regularity, but rashly, and with a cold desire. And thus some men, having seen a philosopher, and heard discourse like that of Euphrates desire that they may also become philosophers. But, O man! Consider first what it is you are about to do, and then inquire of your own nature whether you can carry it out. Will you be a Pentathlos, or a wrestler? Then, scan your arms and thighs; try your loins. For different men are made of different ends. Think you, you can be a sage, and continue to eat and drink and be wrathful and take offense just as you were wont? Nay, but you must watch and labor and withdraw yourself from your household, and be despised by any serving boy, and be ridiculed by your neighbors, and take the lower place everywhere, in honors, in authority, in courts of justice, in dealings of every kind.
  • 27.
  • 28. ” “For thou seekest it where it is not, and neglect to seek it where it is.
  • 29.
  • 30. Four Disciplines of Execution 1. Identify top goals and priorities. Be very clear. 2. If it isn’t working, you haven’t bought into the goals. You aren’t emotionally connected. How to get Really Good at Anything 1. Set a clear and well defined outcome. Use sensory and behavioral based description, and clearly state “when I do this, I’ll get that.” • Define the SCOPE (breakdown into task composition) 2. Find someone who’s already done it. Save from trial and error. Find the essential aspects of what they needed to succeed. 3. Immerse yourself. Practice in core areas. 4. Reveal progress regularly. Identify what’s working. Good Resources • Books • People • Seminars • Friends • Mentors • Coworkers
  • 32. ” “The truest characters of ignorance are vanity, and pride and arrogance.
  • 33. ” “When, therefore, you set your own mind at the mercy of every chance, to be troubled and perturbed when any one may revile you, have you no shame of this?
  • 34. ” “Humility is to make a right estimate of one’s self. Charles Haddon Spurgeon
  • 35. ” “ What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself. Abraham Lincoln
  • 36. ” “It is far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help. ~Author Unknown
  • 37. ” “One learns to ignore criticism by first learning to ignore applause. ~Robert Brault,
  • 38. ” “ It is always the secure who are humble. ~Gilbert Keith Chesterton
  • 39. ” “We would rather speak ill of ourselves than not talk about ourselves at all. ~François Duc de La Rochefoucauld, Maxims
  • 40. ” “We are all worms, but I do believe I am a glowworm. ~Winston Churchill
  • 41. ” “Humility does not mean thinking less of yourself than of other people, nor does it mean having a low opinion of your own gifts. It means freedom from thinking about yourself at all. ~William Temple
  • 42. ” “ Swallow your pride occasionally, it's non-fattening! ~Author Unknown
  • 43. ” “To have a thing is little, if you're not allowed to show it, to know a thing, is nothing unless others know you know it. ~Charles Neaves
  • 44. ” “ Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple. ~Barry Switzer
  • 45. ” “ Every now and again take a good look at something not made with hands: a mountain, a star, the turn of a stream. There will come to you wisdom and patience and solace and, above all, the assurance that you are not alone in the world.Sidney Lovett - minister
  • 46. ” “Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit.
  • 47. ” “Winning is not a sometime thing; it's an all time thing. You don't win once in a while, you don't do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.
  • 48. ” “Truth is ever to be found in the simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things.
  • 49. ” “ If thou art willing to suffer no adversity, how wilt thou be the friend of Christ?
  • 50. ” ““Winning is a state of mind that embraces everything you do.” ― Bryce Courtenay, The Power of One
  • 51. ” ““To win you need to have first lost. That makes you so hungry to win that you'll do everything you can to achieve it.” ― Brendon Clark
  • 52. ” ““Humanity does not ask to be happy. It merely asks us to be brilliant on its behalf. Survival first, and then happiness as we can manage it... Take what pleasure you can in the interstices of your work, but your work is first, learning first, winning is everything because without it there is nothing.” ― Orson Scott Card, Ender's Game
  • 53. ” ““They expected to lose. And therefore, they lost. [..] Peo- ple who start thinking deep dark thoughts in the middle of a war start expecting to lose.” ― Michael Scott
  • 54. ” ““We begin to learn wisely when we're willing to see world from other people's perspective.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
  • 55. ” ““Intelligence minus purpose equals stupidity.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
  • 56. ” “ Your arrogance doesn't cheapen me. ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
  • 57. ” “ Just because they disagree doesn’t mean you ain’t right. ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
  • 58. ” “ Sounds naive respecting someone who doesn't give a shit about you. ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
  • 59. ” ““If you're confused about what to do, it's a sign that your enemy is winning.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
  • 60. ” “ Every man should believe in something. If not.. he would doubt everything, even himself. ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
  • 61. ” “ Not learning by doing, but learning by risking. ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
  • 62. ” “ I learn to trust someone I love.. I learn to deal with heartbreak.. I learn to forgive him who hurts. I never stop learning in this life. ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
  • 63. ” “ By having good memories on every place you just visit, you are building paradise in your own heart and your life. ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
  • 64. ” “The mind becomes much more beautiful, when man could see his own weaknesses. ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
  • 65. ” “ I seek plain truth I do and I have to I find strange oddities I am now sure I will reveal secrets. Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
  • 66. “When you win, you don't examine it very much, except to congratulate yourself. You easily, and wrongly, assume it has something to do with your rare qualities as a person. But winning only measures how hard you've worked and how physically talented you are; it doesn't particularly define you beyond those characteristics. Losing on the other hand, really does say something about who you are. Among other things it measures are: do you blame others, or do you own the loss? Do you analyze your failure, or just complain about bad luck? If you're willing to examine failure, and to look not just at your outward physical performance, but your internal workings, too, losing can be valuable. How you behave in those moments can perhaps be more self-defining than winning could ever be. Sometimes losing shows you for who you really are.” ― Lance Armstrong, Every Second Counts
  • 67. “We should have known much more than our ancestors. But if we learn less, we're much more stupid than them.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity Slacker becomes slower if given additional time.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity In fight, by 'knowing what to do next', element of surprise can be overcomed.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity The more mature a soul, the less it blames others.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity “Diversion weakens thy mind.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity Complaints drain joy.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity Mind doesn't work properly when taken into a higher level where fear dominates the will.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity “There is no trivia in a strategic mind.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
  • 68. “You say that I'm nobody, and you agree that nobody's perfect. Based on logic, I'm a perfect person according to your opinion.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity “Don't be too hard on yourself! You'll fall apart if you tumble.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity “Intelligence could be more brilliant within modesty.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity Chances don't approach you, it's you who approach chances.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity “Holiness on earth is a spiritual fantasy.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity “Money talks and I listen.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity “If there's no hatred in your heart, then your mind won't find fault with others.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity “If you feel that you are a miserly stingy parsimonious guy, at least let not that impression formed in the minds of others.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
  • 69. ” “To understand the truth of everything, it took guts more than simply thinking. Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
  • 70.
  • 71. ” “ “True love doesn't spoil.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
  • 72. ” ““It ain't technology that enhances the civilization.. but the way mankind perceives nature from all standpoints.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
  • 73. ” “Mind is prison of one’s potential which can be freed by his dreams. Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
  • 74. Learning the hard way fits with people who don't take lessons of the soft words.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity Never write about martial arts.. if you've never been in a real fight.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity Only when man cornered, potential forced to appear.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity “Wow.. is there anything you can't do?” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity Gold wrapped old crap.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity It ain't just about writing on some documents, author writes on to the readers' heart and mind.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity “Books exceed authors' lifespan.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity “God doesn't take sides. He created all of them.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity Vision without guts is fantasy. Visi tanpa nyali adalah fantasi.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity They don't directly listen to you. They just hear things within their minds that triggered by your words.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity Don't ever reject a small when you can't take it all.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity History made when mindset changed.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity No one can curse and bless anybody at the same time.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
  • 75. “Faith reveals the potential.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity “People need no advice, they want wisdom-based entertainment.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity Sometimes ... it took seconds to control your anger, only to avoid the state of eternal feud.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity “Experience prefers humility.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity I can hear you preach about freedom, yet your motive that makes me listened.” ― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
  • 76. We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special. Stephen Hawking We are in danger of destroying ourselves by our greed and stupidity. We cannot remain looking inwards at ourselves on a small and increasingly polluted and overcrowded planet. Stephen Hawking Life would be tragic if it weren't funny. Why are we here? Where do we come from? Traditionally, these are questions for philosophy, but philosophy is dead. Stephen Hawking We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. Stephen Hawking
  • 77. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken-down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark. Stephen Hawking To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit. Stephen Hawking There are grounds for cautious optimism that we may now be near the end of the search for the ultimate laws of nature. Stephen Hawking One cannot really argue with a mathematical theorem. Stephen Hawking
  • 78. It is no good getting furious if you get stuck. What I do is keep thinking about the problem but work on something else. Sometimes it is years before I see the way forward. In the case of information loss and black holes, it was 29 years. Stephen Hawking
  • 79. Nothing cannot exist forever. Stephen Hawking There is no unique picture of reality. Stephen Hawking Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. Stephen Hawking
  • 80. It is generally recognized that women are better than men at languages, personal relations and multi-tasking, but less good at map-reading and spatial awareness. It is therefore not unreasonable to suppose that women might be less good at mathematics and physics. Stephen Hawking
  • 81. There is a real danger that computers will develop intelligence and take over. We urgently need to develop direct connections to the brain so that computers can add to human intelligence rather than be in opposition. Stephen Hawking
  • 82. No one can resist the idea of a crippled genius. Stephen Hawking Someone told me that each equation I included in the book would halve the sales. Stephen Hawking We should seek the greatest value of our action. Stephen Hawking Science is not only a disciple of reason but, also, one of romance and passion. Stephen Hawking
  • 83. STEPHEN HAWKING • I used to think information was destroyed in the black hole. This was my biggest blunder, or at least my biggest blunder in science. • Observations indicate that the universe is expanding at an ever increasing rate. It will expand forever, getting emptier and darker.
  • 84. Life Light Opening Renewal Devotion Creation Balance Direction Revelation Awareness Illumination The Human Heart - Unmanifested Potential - The Process Of Universal Creation - The Eight (Petals) Directions – Navigation Awareness Rising Out Of Chaos (Blooms From Murky) Water
  • 85.
  • 87.
  • 88. Take risks, and expect to make lots of mistakes, because creativity is a numbers game. Work hard, and take frequent breaks, but stay with it over time. Do what you love, because creative breakthroughs take years of hard work. Develop a network of colleagues, and schedule time for freewheeling, unstructured discussions. Most of all, forget those romantic myths that creativity is all about being artsy and gifted and not about hard work. They discourage us because we’re waiting for that one full-blown moment of inspiration. And while we’re waiting, we may never start working on what we might someday create.
  • 89. 1. Keep things flat. Out of sight, out of mind holds true for information. Avoid nesting information. Keep it flat and simple where you can. Think in terms of iTunes or a playlist. A well organized playlist is easy to jump to what you need. 2. Just by asking the question whether you’re optimizing for fast filing or for fast lookup will get you improving your information management in the right direction.
  • 90. Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did. Newt Gingrich
  • 91. ” “ Focused, hard work is the real key to success. Keep your eyes on the goal, and just keep taking the next step towards completing it. If you aren't sure which way to do something, do it both ways and see which works better. John Carmack
  • 92. ” “You can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will. Stephen King, on writing
  • 93. ” “ Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • 95. ” “Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and an unbearable pity for the suffering of all mankind. Bertrand Russell
  • 96. ” “ The reward of suffering is experience. Harry S. Truman “ If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in each man’s life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility. -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • 97. ” “Seeing much, Suffering much, and Studying much are the three pillars of learning. Benjamin Disraeli
  • 98. ” “Nature shows that with the growth of intelligence comes increased capacity for pain, and it is only with the highest degree of intelligence that suffering reaches its supreme point. Arthur Schopenhauer “ We are healed from suffering only by experiencing it to the full. -Marcel Proust
  • 99. ” “ Neurosis is always a substitute for legitimate suffering. Carl Jung
  • 100. ” “ “Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won't either, for solitude will also break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth. You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up. And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes near, let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling all around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness. Tell yourself you tasted as many as you could.
  • 101. ” “Don’t take anything personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering. Miguel Angel Ruiz
  • 102. ” “To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • 103. ” “Our of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars. -Khalil Gibran
  • 104. ” “Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work. Stephen King
  • 105. ” “The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile: Hard Work Stick-to-itiveness, and Common Sense. Thomas A. Edison
  • 106. ” “The reason a lot of people do not recognize opportunity is because it usually goes around wearing overalls looking like hard work. Thomas A. Edison
  • 108. "It is paradoxical that tragedy stimulates the spirit of ridicule ... ridicule, I suppose, is an attitude of defiance; we must laugh in the face of our helplessness against the forces of nature – or go insane.” —Chaplin on comedy and tragedy in The Gold Rush
  • 109. LET THE FIRST ACT OF EVERY MORNING BE TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING RESOLVE FOR THE DAY: - I shall not fear anyone on Earth. - I shall fear only God. - I shall not bear ill will toward anyone. - I shall not submit to injustice from anyone. - I shall conquer untruth by truth. And in resisting untruth, I shall put up with all suffering.
  • 110. ” “And in resisting untruth, I shall put up with all suffering. Ghandi
  • 111. ” “ To become a spectator of one’s own life is to escape the suffering of life. Oscar Wilde
  • 112. Morning Questions Write out answers to these questions: 1. How would I change my life if success was absolutely guaranteed? 2. What are my (3-5) core values? 3. If I only had 6 months to live, what would I do with my time? 4. What vices and eccentricities do I need to give up? 5. Fill in the blanks: “If I do ______, then I’ll get _______.” 6. What am I doing and is there a better way? 7. What is most important to me? 8. What would I want the people closest to me to say about me? 9. If I had no fear, how would I change my life? 10.What do I stand for? 11.What do I need to learn?
  • 113. HOW WOULD I CHANGE MY LIFE IF SUCCESS WAS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED? My 3 most important goals: 1. Financial- 2. Relationship- 3. health What am I trying to do and how am I trying to do it? is there a better way? What do I need to learn?
  • 114. Morning Reviews Read over and think about the following: 1. Be firm in your beliefs, dreams and goals. 2. No one defines me. I am the only one who does that. 3. No fear. Put up with all suffering to get to goals and fight untruths. 4. Simply do not focus on negative thoughts and emotions. Just stop. I have that choice. 5. In resisting untruth, I shall put up with all suffering. 6. The Laws of Physics. (other slide) 7. Avoid attention to anything else until I’ve hit my mark. 8. The resources I need are here. The only limitations are what I give myself. 9. Do not confuse disappointment with disaster.
  • 115. ” “The most valuable thing you can make is a mistake. You can’t learn anything from being perfect. Adam Osborne

Editor's Notes

  1. November 30, 2002 
  2. 11x17 poster by Francesca.
  3. By: Gandhi