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Mission Statement
Floresta, a Christian non-profit organization, reverses deforestation
and poverty in the world by transforming the lives of the rural poor.

We teach, we plant, we create enterprise, and we share the gospel.
from the director
                       In the last couple of years there has    in places where vicious cycles existed before. In so doing
                       been a subtle but massive change         we are solving two enormous problems that taken by
                       in the way that Christians see           themselves seem intractable. The big idea is that it is
                       environmental issues. For most of        actually easier to address both problems together than
                       the fourteen years I have been at        it is to take them on one at a time. This is pretty unique,
                       Floresta, I have frequently faced an     and I think it is what sets Floresta apart from most other
                       uphill battle, explaining why Floresta   organizations and solutions.
                       is working on reforestation to people
who thought it was superfluous. Many times, I felt I was        Almost as important is the idea that the poor are the
walking into meetings with potential donors carrying a          most important allies in solving these problems and
huge liability: trees. These donors, who might have been        probably the greatest untapped resource on earth. They
interested in our evangelistic work, or our work fighting       have the skills, insight and vested interest in solving their
hunger, often saw the environmental aspect of Floresta          problems. They have far more intelligence and initiative
with some suspicion, or at best, amused indifference.           than people give them credit for. Often they only lack
                                                                tools, opportunities or even just self-confidence. Yet far
But that has largely changed. Suddenly what we do is            too often those who want to fight poverty see the poor
mainstream - even cool. New voices for God’s creation           as an obstacle. The temptation is to try to solve their
have sprung up all over the place. New books have been          problems for them without involving them. One of the
written. New conferences are being held. Many of the            most important things we can do is empower the poor to
big Christian agencies are beginning to incorporate             realize and use their God-given talents to change their
environmental programs into their work. And the                 communities and restore their land.
Church is waking up to its stewardship responsibilities.
Throughout the past year, as I visited with foundations,        All of this new interest in the environment is exciting. It
pastors and Christian leaders, I heard a very different         provides some tremendous possibilities for Floresta to
reaction than the one I have grown used to. People are          grow and reach more people, as well as to share what we
actively looking for ways to make a difference for the          have learned, thereby blessing others. Humanitarian
environment and to get their congregations involved in          agencies, Christian and secular, are beginning to address
creation care.                                                  environmental issues, because they have to. Similarly,
                                                                environmental agencies are beginning to address
There is sometimes still a perception that it is all about      humanitarian and spiritual issues, because they have
politics, but of course Floresta has never been about           to. To my knowledge, Floresta is the only organization
politics. Regardless of which way you vote, you can still       designed from the ground up to work at the intersection
fight global warming and deforestation by working with us       of the two. We look forward to sharing some lesson
to plant in Africa or Mexico. And you can plant trees that      learned from nearly a quarter century of healing the land
will save lives or keep a family in the Dominican Republic      and its people. It is an exciting opportunity.
or Thailand from going hungry.
                                                                Thank you for your support.
I think that is one of the ways in which Floresta remains
unique. Our special contribution is the idea that we can        Sincerely,
make environmental restoration profitable for the rural
poor at the same time we are making poverty reduction
beneficial for the environment. That is the Floresta idea.
In other words, we are creating virtuous cycles or spirals      Scott Sabin
The second half of Floresta’s mission statement, “We teach, we plant, we create
                                              enterprise, and we share the gospel,” reflects the four primary tools we use to break
                                              the cycle of poverty: Community Development, Innovative Agriculture and Forestry,
                                              Credit, and Discipleship.

                                              We teach – Community Development is the process of empowerment. Floresta’s
about floresta                                program encourages rural communities to take ownership of their own problems,
Floresta was founded in 1984 by Tom           giving them the self-confidence to seek out and apply local solutions. The rural poor
Woodard, who saw that much of the             must believe and trust in the abilities they have been gifted with, and must have
human misery in the tropics was rooted        ownership of the process of development. This takes time, but results are profound
in deforestation. At the same time, much      and long lasting.
of this deforestation stemmed from a lack
of economic opportunities, creating a         We plant – Innovative Agriculture and Forestry enable farmers to make the
vicious cycle from which farmers saw little   best possible use of the assets they already possess. Absence of vegetation results in
hope of escape. While working on a relief     severe erosion, poor water retention/spring replenishment, and low productivity.
project, Woodard realized that problems       Floresta provides training in agroforestry systems that work more efficiently in such
of extreme poverty, hunger, and economic      environments. For example, fruit trees provide food and a cash crop; woody perennial
decline were not being solved, but            trees are planted as an investment in the longevity of the forest; and nitrogen-fixing
worsening. Extensive research indicated       trees supply nutrients to the depleted soil. In addition, planting trees provides
that deforestation and the subsequent loss    restored ground cover and living barriers that reduce erosion.
of soil fertility were primary causes.
                                              As part of its sustainable agriculture development, Floresta works with farmers to
Motivated by Christ’s love and His            construct cisterns, which provide a reliable water source while helping to mitigate
command to help the poor, Woodard             erosion. Floresta also assists farmers in caring for and vaccinating livestock through a
and his colleagues created Floresta to        program of veterinary training. Maintaining livestock often provides a way for farmers
meet the environmental, economic,             to expand their farms and diversify income sources.
and spiritual needs of rural people
in the Dominican Republic. Floresta           We create enterprise – Credit helps people to progress beyond bare
designed holistic programs to address and     subsistence, as well as to diversify village economies that are often entirely dependent
reverse the vicious cycle of poverty and      on charcoal or firewood production. Microenterprise credit is the world’s most
deforestation, replacing it with an upward    effective poverty fighter, and Floresta finances a broad range of environmentally
spiral of economic growth, environmental      sustainable and economically viable businesses and agricultural projects, offering
restoration, and real hope through a          reasonable interest rates and making it possible for even the poorest of farmers to
growing relationship with Jesus Christ.       qualify for a “hand up, not a handout.” Floresta also utilizes highly effective village
As the success of this program became         community banking systems, which provide credit to community members and
apparent and Floresta’s vision began to       promote financial independence.
grow, this unique work spread to other
areas where deforestation and poverty         We share the gospel – Discipleship occurs through long-term relationships
are closely connected. In addition to         that are formed as the Floresta staff works closely with individuals and community
the original program in the Dominican         leaders. Through the witness of our field chaplains and other staff members, people
Republic, Floresta is now operating           hear the good news of Jesus Christ, grow in their faith, and develop skills as servant
successful programs in Mexico, Haiti,         leaders within their communities. While Floresta aims to make discipleship an
Tanzania, and Thailand.                       integrated component of regular teachings and community interactions, the love
                                              and opportunities we share are unconditional: participation in any of its programs is
In each of these countries, Floresta works    not contingent upon faith, nor does Floresta require participation in Bible studies or
with a partner organization comprised         church services.
of a highly qualified indigenous team
with a strong call to Christian service.      At Floresta, we are often reminded of the old saying: “If you give a man a fish, you feed
These organizations are responsible for       him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.” Floresta is not
the operation and oversight of Floresta’s     only teaching him (and her) to fish, but teaching him to stock the pond, and to say
programs. Partners collaborate closely        grace before he eats it!
with Floresta USA and are monitored for
                                          Dominican Republic
                                          Continuing in partnership with its Dominican sister organization
                                          Floresta Incorporada, Floresta’s longest running field program made
                                          impressive strides in 2007, particularly in the area of discipleship.
                                          Floresta Incorporada has a well-developed capacity for local
                                          fundraising, and a large portion of the program’s budget is raised
                                          in-country, with the remainder provided by Floresta USA. Work
                                          is ongoing in 41 communities north of Santo Domingo, and this
                                          year expanded to the Haitian border, where staff from Floresta DR
                                          devoted significant time and talent helping establish the Dominican
                                          half of the Trans Border Project.

                                              •	   As part of a long-term reforestation effort, participants in the
                                                   Floresta program planted 168,420 trees across a total area of
                                                   300 acres.
                                              •	   152 new micro-enterprise loans were made, in the total
                                                   amount of $32,983, for the purpose of helping local
                                                   program participants begin, maintain, and expand small
                                                   businesses. In addition, 67 microenterprise loans were
                                                   repaid in the total amount of $40,336 (including interest).
                                              •	   Floresta granted 80 new agroforestry loans, in the total
                                                   amount of $34,246. In addition, 25 previously granted
                                                   agroforestry loans were repaid, in the total amount of
                                              •	   The Discipleship Program added 81 new Bible study groups
                                                   and trained 56 new individuals to lead the 438 members of
                                                   these studies. As a result of discipleship efforts, 433 people
                                                   made a personal commitment to follow Christ.
                                              •	   Floresta partnered with 56 churches to organize and train
                                                   277 individuals to lead regularly meeting Bible study
                                                   groups. At the end of the fiscal year, 1,491 individuals were
                                                   participating in one of 186 Floresta-sponsored community
                                                   Bible studies.
                                              •	   Floresta began an egg production project in 9 communities,
                                                   providing farmers with 1,240 chickens. These in turn
                                                   produced 22,289 eggs, which helped improve community
                                                   nutrition and provided farmers with an additional source of
                                              •	   Dominican Republic staff officially established a new project
                                                   on the Haitian border, setting up an office and dedicated
                                                   staff in the region of Sabana Real. During its pilot year, the
                                                   Dominican portion of the Trans Border Project resulted
                                                   in 96,729 trees planted, the establishment of a new church
                                                   partnership, and the formation of 3 Bible studies.

                                          Lifetime totals
                                          Trees planted: 2,574,348
“If you teach a man to fish, you feed     Agroforestry loans granted: 497
                                          Microenterprise loans granted: 435
him for a lifetime.” Floresta is not
only teaching him to fish, but teaching
him to stock the pond, and to say
grace before he eats it!

Mexico                                                                 Haiti
Floresta continued partnership with its Mexican sister                 Floresta continued to work in the mountains of Southern
organization, Misión Integral, in the five Oaxacan                     Haiti in the region of Gran Colline. Work also extended to the
municipalities of San Andrés Nuxiño, Santa Inés Zaragoza,              Dominican border for the second year, as Floresta Haiti staff
Santo Domingo Nuxaá, San Juan Tamazola, and Magdalena                  played an instrumental role in helping to further establish their
Jaltepec. A spirit of innovation and experimentation among             nation’s half of Floresta’s Trans Border Project.
the communities was evident in several new, successful
projects implemented during the course of the year, including              •	   Participants in Floresta’s programs planted 24,318
tomato and mushroom farms, a fish raising project, and                          trees in reforestation projects.
the construction of numerous ecological latrines and water                 •	   2,737 fruit trees were grafted.
harvesting systems.                                                        •	   Credit cooperatives granted 372 new micro-enterprise
                                                                                loans to members, in the total amount of $43,934.
    •	   45,603 trees were planted across 95 acres of land to              •	   42 miles of anti-erosion barriers were constructed to
         counter deforestation, bringing the lifetime total of                  control soil erosion on otherwise vulnerable hillsides.
         trees planted through Floresta Mexico to 300,826.                 •	   674 compost piles were established, providing healthy
    •	   35,670 seedlings were produced in local tree nurseries                 organic soil to use as fertilizer for farms and family
         for reforestation and agroforestry efforts.                            gardens.
    •	   97 new microenterprise loans, in the total amount                 •	   Farmers were trained to vaccinate and care for 3,689
         of $9,633, were granted to program participants. 74                    livestock.
         previously granted loans were repaid, in the total                •	   Together with team members from Floresta Dominican
         amount of $9,867.                                                      Republic, Haitian staff officially established a new
    •	   16 new agroforestry farms were established.  On these                  project on the Dominican border, working with 135
         farms, trees are grown alongside food and other                        farmers. During its pilot year, the program resulted in
         cash crops for the purpose of establishing mutually                    128 compost piles established, 110 fruit trees grafted,
         beneficial relationships that enrich the soil and                      1.2 miles of soil conservation barriers constructed, and
         improve crop yields.                                                   8,277 trees planted.
    •	   Floresta worked with families to construct 17 new fuel-
         efficient stoves, helping to improve air quality, lower
         the risk of respiratory illness, and significantly decrease   Lifetime totals
         the amount of wood needed for cooking and heating.            Trees planted: 191,116
    •	   22 new family gardens were established, in which a            Fruit trees grafted: 10,843
         variety of vegetables and fruits were grown. Harvests         Loans granted: 2,630
         provide families with improved nutrition and an
         additional source of income.
    •	   6 new cisterns were constructed, providing
         communities with ready access to water for household
         use and to help grow their family gardens and tree
    •	   Floresta established 4 new mushroom farms and a new
         tomato greenhouse to improve the local diet and give
         farmers an alternative source of income.
    •	   74 new ecological latrines were built. These latrines
         provide sanitary, environmentally-friendly systems of
         waste management in which potentially toxic waste is
         contained and converted to safe, organic fertilizer.

Lifetime totals
Trees planted: 300,826
Seedlings grown: 452,167
Loans granted: 312
Tanzania                                                           United States
Floresta’s newest program in Tanzania continued to expand            •	 Floresta provided consulting services to each of
and develop during its third year of operation, working                  the overseas programs and was active in planning,
with over one thousand farmers and their families. Floresta              evaluating, and monitoring each of the programs.
introduced a Village Community Banking (VICOBA) system               •	 Floresta provided vision, leadership, and coordination
for distributing microcredit loans, which was met with                   for the Haitian and Dominican programs as they
enthusiastic support and resulted in a number of new economic            developed the Trans Border Project.
opportunities, particularly for Tanzanian women.                     •	 Staff and other representatives from Floresta USA
                                                                         participated in various projects and conferences
    •	   Floresta worked with community members to establish             around the world, providing expertise on community
         34 tree nurseries for the purpose of growing new                development, on the interface between microfinance
         seedlings for reforestation and agroforestry efforts.           and the environment, and on the Christian call to care
         By the end of the fiscal year, these nurseries housed a         for the environment.
         supply of 54,405 seedlings.                                 •	 Floresta held its annual auction and dinner at the
    •	   75,351 trees were planted in reforestation efforts,             Hyatt Islandia in San Diego.
         bringing the program’s lifetime total of trees planted       •	 Floresta received grants from the following
         to 147,514.                                                     foundations
    •	   Floresta worked with Tanzanian communities to                            •	 Danellie Foundation
         operate a total of 9 Village Community Banking                           •	 Wellspring Trust
         (VICOBA) groups, which collectively distributed 164                      •	 West Foundation
         loans in the total amount of $17,083. Group members                      •	 The Servants Trust
         contributed $16,231 of their own funds to use for these                  •	 Tyndale House Foundation
         loans.                                                                   •	 Alternative Gifts International
    •	   Floresta provided communities with 17 rainwater-                         •	 Stewardship Foundation
         harvesting cisterns, providing farmers with improved
         access to water for household and garden use.             Thailand
    •	   551 improved, fuel-efficient stoves were provided         In partnership with the Upland Holistic Development Project
         to community households for cooking and heating,          (UHDP), a Christian organization specializing in agroforestry,
         reducing local wood consumption and improving             Floresta worked with farmers in the northern hilltribes,
         respiratory health among community members.               providing training in agroforestry and sustainable farming, as
    •	   Floresta worked with farmers to construct 7 miles of      well as on-site research support.
         living barriers, protecting 7 watersheds from potential
         soil erosion.                                                 •	   As a result of the partnership, more than 100 farmers
    •	   1660 bio-intensive vegetable gardens were established,             have begun to adopt agroforestry and sustainable
         providing fresh vegetables and a source of income that             farming practices.
         allows even the poorest families to participate in the        •	   69 individuals joined Floresta and UHDP’s network of
         VICOBA groups.                                                     agroforestry farmers.
                                                                       •	   Backyard agriculture workshops assisted over 100
                                                                            families, promoting home gardens and the raising of
Lifetime totals                                                             pigs and catfish.
Trees planted:  147,514                                                •	   Expanded and improved village water systems provided
Participating farmers: 1,450                                                8 communities with year-round access to clean water.
Improved stoves: 863                                                   •	   Microfinance programs benefited over 80 families,
                                                                            providing them with loans for livestock and small
                                                                            business enterprises.
                                                                       •	   Over 2,000 women participated in capacity building
                                                                            workshops and trainings in handicraft production.
                                                                       •	   Floresta provided UHDP with technical support in
                                                                            agroforestry and microfinance, assisting in related
                                                                            village based plant trials and staff and network
                                                                            member trainings.
Floresta USA Incorporated Financial Statements
June 30, 2007 and 2006

Statements of Activities	                            2007	       	                                 2006
		                               Unrestricted	     Restricted	          Total                     TOTAL	
Revenue and Support:		
    General Donations 	                  $1,463,656		                $1,463,656	              $1,239,900
	 Interest and dividend income	              13,317		                    13,317	                  10,131
	 Net assets released from restrictions	     38,457	   (38,457)	              -	                       -
    Total Revenue	                       $1,515,430 	 ($38,457)	     $1,476,973	              $1,250,031
  Program activities:		
	 Dominican Republic	                     $ 308,622	               	  $308,622	                $247,088
	 Mexico	                                   237,828		                   237,828	                198,655
	 Haiti	                                    304,546		                   304,546	                231,339
	 Tanzania	                                 137,754		                   137,754	                122,905
	 Other Countries	                           30,647		                    30,647	                 43,671
	 U.S Awareness & Education	                247,657		                   247,657	                144,867
	 Total program activities	 $1,267,054		 $1,267,054	 85.04%                                   $988,525 85.83%
   Supporting activities:		
	 General and administrative	              $104,330 	            	    $104,330	 7.00%           $ 77,594   6.73%
	 Fundraising	                              118,630	             	      118,630	 7.96%            85,589   7.43%
	 Total supporting activities	           $222,960 	              	    222,960 	               $163,183

    Total Expenses:	              $1,490,014		 $1,490,014	                           100%   $1,151,708     100%
	    Change in net assets	            $25,416 	 ($38,457) 	 ($13,041)	                          $98,323

Net assets, beginning of year	        $218,681	     $115,370	        $334,051	                 $235,728
Net assets, end of year	              $244,097	     $ 76,913	        $321,010	                 $334,051

                                                                     Dominican Republic 21%
                                                                     Haiti  20%
                                                                     Mexico  16%
                                                                     Fundraising  8%
                                                                     Administrative   7%
                                                                     Tanzania   9%
                                                                     U.S Awareness &
                                                                     Education  17%
                                                                     Other Countries   2%
Statements of Financial Position	 2007	                                    2006
	Cash and cash equivalents	    $184,995	                               $116,037
	Contributions receivable	        1,667	                                      -
	Investments	                   175,000	                                175,000
	Investment in Los Arbolitos*	   28,307	                                 28,307
	Prepaid Expenses	               18,161	                                      -
	Rent deposit	                    1,850	                                  1,850
	Property & equipment, net	      16,675	                                 16,352
	Intangible Assets, net	          5,278	                                      -
	        Total Assets	         $431,933	                               $337,546
Liabilities and Net Assets		
	Accounts payable and	
	 accrued expenses	             $21,338	                                  $3,495
	Sales Tax Payable	                 377	                                       -
	Deferrred Revenue	              89,208	                                       -
	       Total Liabilities	     $110,923	                                  $3,495

Net Assets:		
	 Unrestricted	                       $244,097	                        $218,681
	 Temporarily unrestricted	             76,913	                         115,370
	    Total Net Assets	                $321,010 	                       $334,051	
	    Total Liabilities and Net Assets	$431,933	                        $337,546

*Los Arbolitos is a for-profit tree nursery in the Dominican Republic, jointly
owned by Floresta USA, Floresta DR, & private investors.

Floresta Financial Growth 2003-2007

2003: $ 567,833
2004: $ 778,803
2005: $ 1,121,374
2006: $ 1,289,425
2007: $ 1,515,430

“With the right tools, technology, and coaching, the poor have the skills
and imagination to not only improve their farms and start businesses,
but to restore the land on which they depend.”
Board of Directors                           Advisory Board                                   Organizational Affiliations

CHAIRMAN                                     Robert Ainsworth                                 Memberships:
Jeff Busby                                   Former Vice President                            AERDO – Association of Evangelical Relief
CEO, Brandes Investment Partners             World Vision                                     and Development Organizations

TREASURER                                    Anthony Campolo                                  CPCA – Conservation and Preservation
Cindy Outlaw                                 Author, Speaker                                  Charities of America
Former Controller
SAIC                                         Calvin DeWitt                                    ECFA – Evangelical Council for Financial
                                             Professor, Environmental Studies                 Accountability
SECRETARY                                    University of Wisconsin
Martin Gore                                                                                   ICA – Independent Charities of America
Vice President                               Rev. Paul Landrey
Seahorse Capital, Inc.                       Director                                         InterAction – American Council for
                                             TOPIC (Trainers of Pastors International         Voluntary International Action
Murray Decker                                Coalition)
Associate Professor, Intercultural Studies                                                    Floresta is a Partner Organization of the
Biola University                             Margaret Dalzell Lowman                          Evangelical Environmental Network
                                             Director of Environmental Initiatives
Tricia Elisara                               New College of Florida
Creation Care Study Program (CCSP)           William McColl, M.D.                             Staff
                                             Orthopedic Surgeon                               Scott Sabin
Jeff Kahler                                  Former NFL Football Player                       Executive Director
General Partner
Kahler Capital Management                    John Perkins                                     Armando Osorio
                                             President                                        Director of Programs
Eric Kaiser                                  John Perkins Foundation
Former VP                                                                                     Bob Morikawa
Qualcomm                                     Sir Ghillean Prance, FRS, VMH                    Technical Director
                                             Science Director
Mary King                                    Eden Project, Cornwall                           Kristen Kreitzer Tucker
Financial Advisor                                                                             Business Manager
Merrill Lynch                                Ronald Sider
                                             Professor                                        Sarah Ferry
John McKay                                   Palmer Theological Seminary                      Director of Outreach
SAJE Foundation                              D. Peter Stocker                                 Megan VanderGeest
                                             Retired Credit Manager                           Director of Communications
Richard H. Thompson                          Weyerhaeuser Company
Pastor                                                                                        Erin Weesner
Westminster Presbyterian Church              Paul Thompson                                    Administrative Assistant
                                             Executive Director
Robert Witbeck                               Better World Together Foundation                 Rachel Castillero
Former Co-owner                                                                               Administrative Assistant
Stacy and Witbeck, Inc.                      Mary Walker, Esq.
                                             General Counsel                                  Rebeca Elliott
                                             U.S. Department of the Air Force                 Sponsor a Village Coordinator

                                             Tom Woodard

                                                                                                       Printed on post-consumer waste paper.
                                                                                     Pictures courtesy of Rico Castillero and Armando Osorio
“And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations”
                                              Revelations 22:2
Floresta USA, 4903 Morena Blvd.,Suite 1215,San Diego, CA 92117 | Email: | 1.800.633.5319

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2007 Annual Report, Floresta - Healing the Land and Its People

  • 1.
  • 2. Mission Statement Floresta, a Christian non-profit organization, reverses deforestation and poverty in the world by transforming the lives of the rural poor. We teach, we plant, we create enterprise, and we share the gospel.
  • 3. from the director In the last couple of years there has in places where vicious cycles existed before. In so doing been a subtle but massive change we are solving two enormous problems that taken by in the way that Christians see themselves seem intractable. The big idea is that it is environmental issues. For most of actually easier to address both problems together than the fourteen years I have been at it is to take them on one at a time. This is pretty unique, Floresta, I have frequently faced an and I think it is what sets Floresta apart from most other uphill battle, explaining why Floresta organizations and solutions. is working on reforestation to people who thought it was superfluous. Many times, I felt I was Almost as important is the idea that the poor are the walking into meetings with potential donors carrying a most important allies in solving these problems and huge liability: trees. These donors, who might have been probably the greatest untapped resource on earth. They interested in our evangelistic work, or our work fighting have the skills, insight and vested interest in solving their hunger, often saw the environmental aspect of Floresta problems. They have far more intelligence and initiative with some suspicion, or at best, amused indifference. than people give them credit for. Often they only lack tools, opportunities or even just self-confidence. Yet far But that has largely changed. Suddenly what we do is too often those who want to fight poverty see the poor mainstream - even cool. New voices for God’s creation as an obstacle. The temptation is to try to solve their have sprung up all over the place. New books have been problems for them without involving them. One of the written. New conferences are being held. Many of the most important things we can do is empower the poor to big Christian agencies are beginning to incorporate realize and use their God-given talents to change their environmental programs into their work. And the communities and restore their land. Church is waking up to its stewardship responsibilities. Throughout the past year, as I visited with foundations, All of this new interest in the environment is exciting. It pastors and Christian leaders, I heard a very different provides some tremendous possibilities for Floresta to reaction than the one I have grown used to. People are grow and reach more people, as well as to share what we actively looking for ways to make a difference for the have learned, thereby blessing others. Humanitarian environment and to get their congregations involved in agencies, Christian and secular, are beginning to address creation care. environmental issues, because they have to. Similarly, environmental agencies are beginning to address There is sometimes still a perception that it is all about humanitarian and spiritual issues, because they have politics, but of course Floresta has never been about to. To my knowledge, Floresta is the only organization politics. Regardless of which way you vote, you can still designed from the ground up to work at the intersection fight global warming and deforestation by working with us of the two. We look forward to sharing some lesson to plant in Africa or Mexico. And you can plant trees that learned from nearly a quarter century of healing the land will save lives or keep a family in the Dominican Republic and its people. It is an exciting opportunity. or Thailand from going hungry. Thank you for your support. I think that is one of the ways in which Floresta remains unique. Our special contribution is the idea that we can Sincerely, make environmental restoration profitable for the rural poor at the same time we are making poverty reduction beneficial for the environment. That is the Floresta idea. In other words, we are creating virtuous cycles or spirals Scott Sabin
  • 4. The second half of Floresta’s mission statement, “We teach, we plant, we create enterprise, and we share the gospel,” reflects the four primary tools we use to break the cycle of poverty: Community Development, Innovative Agriculture and Forestry, Credit, and Discipleship. We teach – Community Development is the process of empowerment. Floresta’s about floresta program encourages rural communities to take ownership of their own problems, Floresta was founded in 1984 by Tom giving them the self-confidence to seek out and apply local solutions. The rural poor Woodard, who saw that much of the must believe and trust in the abilities they have been gifted with, and must have human misery in the tropics was rooted ownership of the process of development. This takes time, but results are profound in deforestation. At the same time, much and long lasting. of this deforestation stemmed from a lack of economic opportunities, creating a We plant – Innovative Agriculture and Forestry enable farmers to make the vicious cycle from which farmers saw little best possible use of the assets they already possess. Absence of vegetation results in hope of escape. While working on a relief severe erosion, poor water retention/spring replenishment, and low productivity. project, Woodard realized that problems Floresta provides training in agroforestry systems that work more efficiently in such of extreme poverty, hunger, and economic environments. For example, fruit trees provide food and a cash crop; woody perennial decline were not being solved, but trees are planted as an investment in the longevity of the forest; and nitrogen-fixing worsening. Extensive research indicated trees supply nutrients to the depleted soil. In addition, planting trees provides that deforestation and the subsequent loss restored ground cover and living barriers that reduce erosion. of soil fertility were primary causes. As part of its sustainable agriculture development, Floresta works with farmers to Motivated by Christ’s love and His construct cisterns, which provide a reliable water source while helping to mitigate command to help the poor, Woodard erosion. Floresta also assists farmers in caring for and vaccinating livestock through a and his colleagues created Floresta to program of veterinary training. Maintaining livestock often provides a way for farmers meet the environmental, economic, to expand their farms and diversify income sources. and spiritual needs of rural people in the Dominican Republic. Floresta We create enterprise – Credit helps people to progress beyond bare designed holistic programs to address and subsistence, as well as to diversify village economies that are often entirely dependent reverse the vicious cycle of poverty and on charcoal or firewood production. Microenterprise credit is the world’s most deforestation, replacing it with an upward effective poverty fighter, and Floresta finances a broad range of environmentally spiral of economic growth, environmental sustainable and economically viable businesses and agricultural projects, offering restoration, and real hope through a reasonable interest rates and making it possible for even the poorest of farmers to growing relationship with Jesus Christ. qualify for a “hand up, not a handout.” Floresta also utilizes highly effective village As the success of this program became community banking systems, which provide credit to community members and apparent and Floresta’s vision began to promote financial independence. grow, this unique work spread to other areas where deforestation and poverty We share the gospel – Discipleship occurs through long-term relationships are closely connected. In addition to that are formed as the Floresta staff works closely with individuals and community the original program in the Dominican leaders. Through the witness of our field chaplains and other staff members, people Republic, Floresta is now operating hear the good news of Jesus Christ, grow in their faith, and develop skills as servant successful programs in Mexico, Haiti, leaders within their communities. While Floresta aims to make discipleship an Tanzania, and Thailand. integrated component of regular teachings and community interactions, the love and opportunities we share are unconditional: participation in any of its programs is In each of these countries, Floresta works not contingent upon faith, nor does Floresta require participation in Bible studies or with a partner organization comprised church services. of a highly qualified indigenous team with a strong call to Christian service. At Floresta, we are often reminded of the old saying: “If you give a man a fish, you feed These organizations are responsible for him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.” Floresta is not the operation and oversight of Floresta’s only teaching him (and her) to fish, but teaching him to stock the pond, and to say programs. Partners collaborate closely grace before he eats it! with Floresta USA and are monitored for accountability.
  • 5. PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS Dominican Republic Continuing in partnership with its Dominican sister organization Floresta Incorporada, Floresta’s longest running field program made impressive strides in 2007, particularly in the area of discipleship. Floresta Incorporada has a well-developed capacity for local fundraising, and a large portion of the program’s budget is raised in-country, with the remainder provided by Floresta USA. Work is ongoing in 41 communities north of Santo Domingo, and this year expanded to the Haitian border, where staff from Floresta DR devoted significant time and talent helping establish the Dominican half of the Trans Border Project. • As part of a long-term reforestation effort, participants in the Floresta program planted 168,420 trees across a total area of 300 acres. • 152 new micro-enterprise loans were made, in the total amount of $32,983, for the purpose of helping local program participants begin, maintain, and expand small businesses. In addition, 67 microenterprise loans were repaid in the total amount of $40,336 (including interest). • Floresta granted 80 new agroforestry loans, in the total amount of $34,246. In addition, 25 previously granted agroforestry loans were repaid, in the total amount of $23,314. • The Discipleship Program added 81 new Bible study groups and trained 56 new individuals to lead the 438 members of these studies. As a result of discipleship efforts, 433 people made a personal commitment to follow Christ. • Floresta partnered with 56 churches to organize and train 277 individuals to lead regularly meeting Bible study groups. At the end of the fiscal year, 1,491 individuals were participating in one of 186 Floresta-sponsored community Bible studies. • Floresta began an egg production project in 9 communities, providing farmers with 1,240 chickens. These in turn produced 22,289 eggs, which helped improve community nutrition and provided farmers with an additional source of revenue. • Dominican Republic staff officially established a new project on the Haitian border, setting up an office and dedicated staff in the region of Sabana Real. During its pilot year, the Dominican portion of the Trans Border Project resulted in 96,729 trees planted, the establishment of a new church partnership, and the formation of 3 Bible studies. Lifetime totals Trees planted: 2,574,348 “If you teach a man to fish, you feed Agroforestry loans granted: 497 Microenterprise loans granted: 435 him for a lifetime.” Floresta is not only teaching him to fish, but teaching him to stock the pond, and to say grace before he eats it!
  • 6. PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS Mexico Haiti Floresta continued partnership with its Mexican sister Floresta continued to work in the mountains of Southern organization, Misión Integral, in the five Oaxacan Haiti in the region of Gran Colline. Work also extended to the municipalities of San Andrés Nuxiño, Santa Inés Zaragoza, Dominican border for the second year, as Floresta Haiti staff Santo Domingo Nuxaá, San Juan Tamazola, and Magdalena played an instrumental role in helping to further establish their Jaltepec. A spirit of innovation and experimentation among nation’s half of Floresta’s Trans Border Project. the communities was evident in several new, successful projects implemented during the course of the year, including • Participants in Floresta’s programs planted 24,318 tomato and mushroom farms, a fish raising project, and trees in reforestation projects. the construction of numerous ecological latrines and water • 2,737 fruit trees were grafted. harvesting systems. • Credit cooperatives granted 372 new micro-enterprise loans to members, in the total amount of $43,934. • 45,603 trees were planted across 95 acres of land to • 42 miles of anti-erosion barriers were constructed to counter deforestation, bringing the lifetime total of control soil erosion on otherwise vulnerable hillsides. trees planted through Floresta Mexico to 300,826. • 674 compost piles were established, providing healthy • 35,670 seedlings were produced in local tree nurseries organic soil to use as fertilizer for farms and family for reforestation and agroforestry efforts. gardens. • 97 new microenterprise loans, in the total amount • Farmers were trained to vaccinate and care for 3,689 of $9,633, were granted to program participants. 74 livestock. previously granted loans were repaid, in the total • Together with team members from Floresta Dominican amount of $9,867. Republic, Haitian staff officially established a new • 16 new agroforestry farms were established. On these project on the Dominican border, working with 135 farms, trees are grown alongside food and other farmers. During its pilot year, the program resulted in cash crops for the purpose of establishing mutually 128 compost piles established, 110 fruit trees grafted, beneficial relationships that enrich the soil and 1.2 miles of soil conservation barriers constructed, and improve crop yields. 8,277 trees planted. • Floresta worked with families to construct 17 new fuel- efficient stoves, helping to improve air quality, lower the risk of respiratory illness, and significantly decrease Lifetime totals the amount of wood needed for cooking and heating. Trees planted: 191,116 • 22 new family gardens were established, in which a Fruit trees grafted: 10,843 variety of vegetables and fruits were grown. Harvests Loans granted: 2,630 provide families with improved nutrition and an additional source of income. • 6 new cisterns were constructed, providing communities with ready access to water for household use and to help grow their family gardens and tree nurseries. • Floresta established 4 new mushroom farms and a new tomato greenhouse to improve the local diet and give farmers an alternative source of income. • 74 new ecological latrines were built. These latrines provide sanitary, environmentally-friendly systems of waste management in which potentially toxic waste is contained and converted to safe, organic fertilizer. Lifetime totals Trees planted: 300,826 Seedlings grown: 452,167 Loans granted: 312
  • 7. Tanzania United States Floresta’s newest program in Tanzania continued to expand • Floresta provided consulting services to each of and develop during its third year of operation, working the overseas programs and was active in planning, with over one thousand farmers and their families. Floresta evaluating, and monitoring each of the programs. introduced a Village Community Banking (VICOBA) system • Floresta provided vision, leadership, and coordination for distributing microcredit loans, which was met with for the Haitian and Dominican programs as they enthusiastic support and resulted in a number of new economic developed the Trans Border Project. opportunities, particularly for Tanzanian women. • Staff and other representatives from Floresta USA participated in various projects and conferences • Floresta worked with community members to establish around the world, providing expertise on community 34 tree nurseries for the purpose of growing new development, on the interface between microfinance seedlings for reforestation and agroforestry efforts. and the environment, and on the Christian call to care By the end of the fiscal year, these nurseries housed a for the environment. supply of 54,405 seedlings. • Floresta held its annual auction and dinner at the • 75,351 trees were planted in reforestation efforts, Hyatt Islandia in San Diego. bringing the program’s lifetime total of trees planted • Floresta received grants from the following to 147,514. foundations • Floresta worked with Tanzanian communities to • Danellie Foundation operate a total of 9 Village Community Banking • Wellspring Trust (VICOBA) groups, which collectively distributed 164 • West Foundation loans in the total amount of $17,083. Group members • The Servants Trust contributed $16,231 of their own funds to use for these • Tyndale House Foundation loans. • Alternative Gifts International • Floresta provided communities with 17 rainwater- • Stewardship Foundation harvesting cisterns, providing farmers with improved access to water for household and garden use. Thailand • 551 improved, fuel-efficient stoves were provided In partnership with the Upland Holistic Development Project to community households for cooking and heating, (UHDP), a Christian organization specializing in agroforestry, reducing local wood consumption and improving Floresta worked with farmers in the northern hilltribes, respiratory health among community members. providing training in agroforestry and sustainable farming, as • Floresta worked with farmers to construct 7 miles of well as on-site research support. living barriers, protecting 7 watersheds from potential soil erosion. • As a result of the partnership, more than 100 farmers • 1660 bio-intensive vegetable gardens were established, have begun to adopt agroforestry and sustainable providing fresh vegetables and a source of income that farming practices. allows even the poorest families to participate in the • 69 individuals joined Floresta and UHDP’s network of VICOBA groups. agroforestry farmers. • Backyard agriculture workshops assisted over 100 families, promoting home gardens and the raising of Lifetime totals pigs and catfish. Trees planted: 147,514 • Expanded and improved village water systems provided Participating farmers: 1,450 8 communities with year-round access to clean water. Improved stoves: 863 • Microfinance programs benefited over 80 families, providing them with loans for livestock and small business enterprises. • Over 2,000 women participated in capacity building workshops and trainings in handicraft production. • Floresta provided UHDP with technical support in agroforestry and microfinance, assisting in related village based plant trials and staff and network member trainings.
  • 8. Floresta USA Incorporated Financial Statements June 30, 2007 and 2006 Statements of Activities 2007 2006 Temporarily Unrestricted Restricted Total TOTAL Revenue and Support: General Donations $1,463,656 $1,463,656 $1,239,900 Interest and dividend income 13,317 13,317 10,131 Net assets released from restrictions 38,457 (38,457) - - Total Revenue $1,515,430 ($38,457) $1,476,973 $1,250,031 Expenses: Program activities: Dominican Republic $ 308,622 $308,622 $247,088 Mexico 237,828 237,828 198,655 Haiti 304,546 304,546 231,339 Tanzania 137,754 137,754 122,905 Other Countries 30,647 30,647 43,671 U.S Awareness & Education 247,657 247,657 144,867 Total program activities $1,267,054 $1,267,054 85.04% $988,525 85.83% Supporting activities: General and administrative $104,330 $104,330 7.00% $ 77,594 6.73% Fundraising 118,630 118,630 7.96% 85,589 7.43% Total supporting activities $222,960 222,960 $163,183 Total Expenses: $1,490,014 $1,490,014 100% $1,151,708 100% Change in net assets $25,416 ($38,457) ($13,041) $98,323 Net assets, beginning of year $218,681 $115,370 $334,051 $235,728 Net assets, end of year $244,097 $ 76,913 $321,010 $334,051 Dominican Republic 21% Haiti  20% Mexico  16% Fundraising  8% Administrative   7% Tanzania   9% U.S Awareness & Education  17% Other Countries   2%
  • 9. Statements of Financial Position 2007 2006 Assets Cash and cash equivalents $184,995 $116,037 Contributions receivable 1,667 - Investments 175,000 175,000 Investment in Los Arbolitos* 28,307 28,307 Prepaid Expenses 18,161 - Rent deposit 1,850 1,850 Property & equipment, net 16,675 16,352 Intangible Assets, net 5,278 - Total Assets $431,933 $337,546 Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued expenses $21,338 $3,495 Sales Tax Payable 377 - Deferrred Revenue 89,208 - Total Liabilities $110,923 $3,495 Net Assets: Unrestricted $244,097 $218,681 Temporarily unrestricted 76,913 115,370 Total Net Assets $321,010 $334,051 Total Liabilities and Net Assets $431,933 $337,546 *Los Arbolitos is a for-profit tree nursery in the Dominican Republic, jointly owned by Floresta USA, Floresta DR, & private investors. Floresta Financial Growth 2003-2007 2003: $ 567,833 2004: $ 778,803 2005: $ 1,121,374 2006: $ 1,289,425 2007: $ 1,515,430 “With the right tools, technology, and coaching, the poor have the skills and imagination to not only improve their farms and start businesses, but to restore the land on which they depend.”
  • 10. Board of Directors Advisory Board Organizational Affiliations CHAIRMAN Robert Ainsworth Memberships: Jeff Busby Former Vice President AERDO – Association of Evangelical Relief CEO, Brandes Investment Partners World Vision and Development Organizations TREASURER Anthony Campolo CPCA – Conservation and Preservation Cindy Outlaw Author, Speaker Charities of America Former Controller SAIC Calvin DeWitt ECFA – Evangelical Council for Financial Professor, Environmental Studies Accountability SECRETARY University of Wisconsin Martin Gore ICA – Independent Charities of America Vice President Rev. Paul Landrey Seahorse Capital, Inc. Director InterAction – American Council for TOPIC (Trainers of Pastors International Voluntary International Action Murray Decker Coalition) Associate Professor, Intercultural Studies Floresta is a Partner Organization of the Biola University Margaret Dalzell Lowman Evangelical Environmental Network Director of Environmental Initiatives Tricia Elisara New College of Florida Director Creation Care Study Program (CCSP) William McColl, M.D. Staff Orthopedic Surgeon Scott Sabin Jeff Kahler Former NFL Football Player Executive Director General Partner Kahler Capital Management John Perkins Armando Osorio President Director of Programs Eric Kaiser John Perkins Foundation Former VP Bob Morikawa Qualcomm Sir Ghillean Prance, FRS, VMH Technical Director Science Director Mary King Eden Project, Cornwall Kristen Kreitzer Tucker Financial Advisor Business Manager Merrill Lynch Ronald Sider Professor Sarah Ferry John McKay Palmer Theological Seminary Director of Outreach Co-founder SAJE Foundation D. Peter Stocker Megan VanderGeest Retired Credit Manager Director of Communications Richard H. Thompson Weyerhaeuser Company Pastor Erin Weesner Westminster Presbyterian Church Paul Thompson Administrative Assistant Executive Director Robert Witbeck Better World Together Foundation Rachel Castillero Former Co-owner Administrative Assistant Stacy and Witbeck, Inc. Mary Walker, Esq. General Counsel Rebeca Elliott U.S. Department of the Air Force Sponsor a Village Coordinator Tom Woodard Founder Floresta Printed on post-consumer waste paper. Pictures courtesy of Rico Castillero and Armando Osorio
  • 11. “And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations” Revelations 22:2
  • 12. Floresta USA, 4903 Morena Blvd.,Suite 1215,San Diego, CA 92117 | Email: | 1.800.633.5319