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Cyber Weapons Proliferation
Date: 03-30-2021
Currently there is no widely accepted definition on the concept
of cyber weapon, but it can be described as a tool which has
been modified for the purpose of carrying out malicious threats
or attacks in the cyber space.
The use of Cyber space as a weapon is gradually gaining
recognition, to the extent that it is currently been considered a
Weapon of Mass Destruction.
In the US. For Instance, the Department of Homeland Security
is tasked with the responsibility of protecting its citizens
against any form of threat including cyber-attacks. The US has
traditionally been perceived to be the world's most dominant
cyber force in terms of this kind. Both their capabilities
(defensive and offensive) have been actively developed over the
last two decades, and appear to be superior to others. In order to
strengthen U.S. space defense, the United States Cyber
Command (US CYBER) was established in 2010 to ensure
freedom of action in cyberspace for the US government and its
allies, but prevent adversaries from doing the same.
The three service elements that comprise USCYBER are the
Army Cybercom, the Air Force Cybercom, and the Fleet
Cybercom. In August 2017 the United States Cyber Command
was elevated to the status of a Unified Combatant Command.
The National Defense Strategy for 2018 stated that the US
government will prioritize the integration of cyber capabilities
into the full spectrum of military operations.[footnoteRef:1] [1:
Cristian Barbieri, Jean-Pierre Darnis & Carolina Polito
“Non-proliferation Regime for Cyber Weapons. A Tentative
Study” accessed
March 30th, 2021]
The proliferations in weaponisation of cyber space by terrorist
groups to carry out destructive threats have necessitated the
need for in depth analysis on the regulation of the use of cyber
In conclusion, although clearly resembling weapons, others say
cyberspace might have a different potential to do great harm
without actually inflicting financial or human loss, often cyber
weapons may be used as less dangerous "conventional" weapons
and canolays.
However, due to the fast pace of cyber-related technological
developments, leadership changes, senior defense officials must
be up to speed with how these technologies impact national
security and defense mechanisms so they can have updated or
revisions to the current laws regulating cyber usage.
Furthermore, it is suggested that in other to combat the use of
cyber space as a weapon, one has to disable the source of the
threat in order to neutralize the "cyber weapon" used to attack a
target, thereby rendering them ineffective.
In my opinion, limited reliance on cyber space is recommended
to effectively combat cyber space terrorism.
Running head: TERRORISM
Date: 03-30-2021
Terrorism is the act of using intimidation and violence
unlawfully to instill fear for political and social gain. Terrorism
can be either domestic where the citizens execute terrorism
without foreign influence or either international, where foreign
governments go beyond their nation's boundaries (Hoffman,
2006). In the aim to respond and combat the terrorism act, the
government is faced with quite several challenges.
Radicalization is a key factor in hinder the fight against
terrorism in terms of corruption among people in government,
oppression against the less powerful countries, and religious
extremism. Another challenge is dealing with terrorism is the
lack of respect and upholding human rights; when people's
rights are denied, they try to seek justice on their hands through
terror activities strategies. Also, several countries especially the
third world countries have limited resources to investing
technology to help them detect the attacks and intercept the
missiles before they hit the ground (Weinberg at el., 2004).
To deal with terrorism, the government is obliged to improve
the border controls by deploying more military forces. This will
limit the movement of foreign travelers without legal documents
into the country who might be the agents of terrorism. Several
countries within the EU have taken the intuitive to introduce
temporary controls at the borders. In addition, ensuring that the
individual human rights are observed, and respect will prevent
the abused citizens or states from taking actions in their hands
in the search for justice. By doing so, they will be minimal
chance of terrorist attacks the public also ought to be alert and
report any suspicious activities within their neighborhood for
the authorities to take the necessary measures before the
terrorist could launch their attacks. The provision of finance to
fund the anti-terrorism department in detect and intercepting
attacks before they happen will help in reducing the magnitude
of the attacks and aid I recovery of the country (Woolsey,
Hoffman, B. (2006). Inside terrorism. Columbia university
Weinberg, L., Pedahzur, A., & Hirsch-Hoefler, S. (2004). The
challenges of conceptualizing terrorism. Terrorism and Political
Violence, 16(4), 777-794.
Woolsey, R. J. (2002). Combating terrorism: strategies of ten
countries. University of Michigan Press.
Department of Homeland Security Mandate 1
Department of Homeland Security Mandate 13
Homeland Security Mandate
Date: 04-11-2021
Thesis Statement
US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is a federal
agency mandated to provide; public security, fighting terrorism,
counter cybersecurity threats, border security, immigration
services, and disaster management (Thessin, 2018). It began
operations in the year 2003 after the enactment of “Homeland
security act”.Its formation is attributed to the terrorist attack on
9/11/2001. The mission of the agency is “to develop and
coordinate the implementation of a national strategy to secure
the US from terrorist attacks” This paper will examine DHS role
in counter-terrorism, their capability, how the agency
cooperates with other state intelligence agencies, areas they
require improvement and finally provide recommendations on
how DHS can strengthen their capabilities.
How is DHS structured, its role in anti-terror and counter-terror
DHS is headed by the secretary of homeland security who is
assisted by the deputy secretary. The secretary is in charge of
over 240,000 employees from diverse disciplines such as;
border security, emergency response, aviation, cybersecurity,
and chemical inspectorate. Terrorist activities have evolved and
the DHS faces new terrorism threats such as nuclear, biological,
radiological attacks.
DHS faces threats from foreign terrorist organizations such as
Al Qaeda. Targeted violence is also a major threat to the
peaceful co-existence of the American people. Domestic
terrorism originating from the homeland include; mass attacks
at schools, churches, places of worship, workplace, and during
festival events. DHS is structured in a multi-thronged approach
to fight terrorism(Perrow, 2016). To counter terror attacks, DHS
employs the use of timely intelligence to accurately detect and
respond to threats against US territory. This is done through
collaboration with other partners.
By sharing terrorism threats with; the federal government, state,
local, tribal, private partners, and territorial agencies they have
increased vigilance and protection of critical infrastructure. By
utilizing information sharing border threats are minimized by
recognizing hostile actors long before they set foot on American
soil (Reese, 2017). The introduction of a strategic framework
that focuses on resource allocation, annual assessment, common
understanding of threats, interagency policymaking, and inter-
governmental coordination will be key in thwarting terrorism
attacks in the homeland. The strategic framework will put into
perspective the dangers posed by racially and ethnically
instigated violent extremism, for instance, the white supremacy
Further, the strategic framework will provide guidelines on
tackling modern challenges faced today and in the future. The
policy document documents the preventive tools that can be
used to mitigate terrorism threats. To achieve the anticipated
changes, transparency will be key in the endeavor to protect
civil liberties, protection of data, and civil rights. Through the
use of top-notch technologies, advanced training to DHS
personnel, building capacity of international partners, and
analytical capabilities, terrorism threats have been greatly
sustained in the homeland. A multi-layered approach is a
defensive mechanism aimed at reinforcing the first line of
defense. Similarly, this approach has been employed in the
prevention of cyber-terrorism attacks.
DHS through the National Targeting Centre (NTC) has achieved
success in its functions. The targeting center utilizes targeting
tools, classified information to identify terrorist threats
(Monahan, 2016). By “pushing border outside” terrorist
networks, transnational crimes, are identified early in advance
and helps to make interdictions in the global supply chain
before the terrorists find their way into American territory.
Suspicious activity reporting (SAR) is another effective
mechanism to share threat-related information between the
Federal Bureau of investigations(FBI) and SLTT agencies. The
creation of the National SAR helped to streamline
“standardization of collecting, documenting, processing and
analyzing and sharing terrorism-related information.
SLTT agents are trained on emergency response and they help
communities to access resources that build their preparedness.
The federal emergency management agency (FEMA) is involved
in continuous risk evaluation and hazard identification (Reese,
2017). A joint terrorism task force (JTTFs) has been critical in
thwarting terrorist activities. Strong intelligence capabilities
enable DHS to have a glimpse view of the terrorist threat and
this invokes concerted efforts to mitigate the threat and efficacy
in response to the attack.
Online extremism is another emerging threat. It's attributed to
the increased access to the internet. Social media networks have
affected all our daily facets. The availability of the “dark web”
and the increased connectivity of online communities has
become the modern recruiting ground for extremist groups.
Extremist online communities are used as channels to
disseminate their communication and this fosters a sense of
enlightenment to once marginalized groups. To this end, DHS
has employed several measures to counter the growing
misinformation and extremist campaigns.
DHS has stepped up its capability in the use of unmanned
aircraft systems (drones.) Unmanned systems pose a great
danger as they can be used by terrorist groups to deploy
chemical, biological radiological, nuclear chemicals, and drop
explosives. Additionally, drones can be used by terrorists to
surveil their adversaries.DHS cognizant of these new threats has
evolved in its technological capabilities to combat such
terrorism threats (Thessin, 2018).
Additionally, DHS collaborates with other countries to confirm
the identities of people suspected to cause a threat to the
American people. Refugees and asylum seekers are vetted
before their immigration applications are processed. Their
biometrics and biography information is investigated to prevent
exploitation of the National Visa issuance security program.
DHS areas in need of improvement
One of the areas that need urgent attention in DHS is the use of
common technology platforms in its agencies that make up the
DHS. By streamlining information systems, there will be
seamless sharing of actionable information that can lead to
better decision-making. Bureaucracy in DHS has led to
individual agencies procuring IT and security systems that
duplicate similar requirements in other agencies. This is clear
wastage of financial resources. Before new systems are brought
into use, a risk assessment should be conducted to assess the
viability of such security systems.
On the use of unmanned aircraft systems (drones), DHS has to
be more tech-savvy and informed in emerging technological
breakthroughs such as data mining analytics, and
cryptocurrency. Lack of a clear definition of ‘targeted violence’
impedes the understanding as to what constitutes targeted
violence thus the confusion needs to be rectified (Bellavita,
2018). A new definition should be introduced in the DHS
lexicon to shape a common understanding amongst its various
components that are involved in identifying and combating
terrorist threats. Better mitigation measures will be implanted
and adequate resources provided to match the new targeted
violence scope.
Lack of harmonized national statistics on terrorism impedes
better decision-making. DHS should collaboratively work with
other agencies and partners to comprehensively establish
standardized methods of reporting, documenting, and analyzing
terrorism-related statistics and targeted violence. Uniform
nationwide terrorism statistics will help to better protect
communities from terrorism activities.
On transport-related intelligence, identified gaps such as lack of
uniformity in the information held by; aviation, mass transit,
maritime, highway carrier, and freight rail. The department
should re-invent better intelligence sharing with actionable
information that identifies terrorist-related threats to the various
transport nodes (Bellavita, 2018). Passenger/crew vetting
should be harmonized in all transport domains in view of
coordinating accurate intelligence information sharing.
Terrorist group corrupts their way into US territory by coercing
vulnerable government employees working in the transport
sector. The terrorist exploits these corrupt government officials
to obtain insider information that helps them to circumvent
security surveillance systems. Terrorists use these insiders to
launch terrorist attacks. To improve on this, DHS should screen
all its transport sector personnel in all border entry points and
providing security training to the employees. Continuous
vulnerability assessments should be conducted on transport
domain personnel to proactively identify vulnerabilities that can
be exploited by terrorists.
DHS strong points
The US collaborates with its international partners to identify
and mitigate terrorism threats.DHS has been t the forefront to
build the capacity of foreign nations on modern security
procedures. Such partnerships with foreign countries are vital in
countries with poor security tools. Additionally, the department
of defense (DoS) provides such foreign countries with
hardware and software that enable them to actively engage with
DHS agencies to gather and share biometric information of
suspected terrorists (Thessin, 2018). DHS encourages this
country to invest in compatible security tools in their various
installations to identify possible threats and vulnerabilities.
Coast Guard maritime security response team is adequately
trained to combat terrorist threats that occur in the maritime. As
the first line of defense in seas, they are capable of identifying,
interdicting, and neutralizing terror threats in the maritime
domain. SLTT works with professionals, academicians, to have
a clear understanding of the terror threats and hence develop
better strategies to mitigate the threats.DHS Science and
technology directorate helps in the collection, analysis of
threats and provides interventions to prevent terrorism
(Monahan,2016). Going by the latest research, various
engagement efforts are availed to the public to inform them
what to look for in suspected individuals. Cybersecurity and
infrastructure security agency (CISA) in collaboration with
private and public sector take a proactive role in protecting
critical infrastructure.
Indications of how DHS works with national intelligence
agencies, what needs to be improved regarding inter-agency
relations and cooperation?
US intelligence community is made up of 18 agencies which
work autonomously but cooperate in intelligence activities that
support national security.”There are nearly 1,300 governme nt
organizations and nearly 2000 private companies spread in over
10,000 locations in the United States that are devoted to the
task of counterterrorism, homeland security, and intelligence.”
Intelligence has a key role in supporting homeland security to
state, tribal, territorial, and private partners for the department
of homeland security.
Though the FBI is not a component of DHS, it has an initiative
dubbed joint terrorism task force (JTFFs) which fosters
collaboration in the federal government (Thessin, 2018). Coast
Guard intelligence provides actionable information from the
maritime domain to support the operational activities of DHS.
FBI intelligence branch comprises of four components that are
mandated to provide intelligence to DHS. This component
includes; directorate of intelligence, office of the partner
engagement, office of the private sector, and the bureau
intelligence council. These intelligence components of the FBI
and DHS are charged with providing homeland security. Cyber
threat intelligence integration center (CTIIC) is mandated with
the responsibility of analyzing intelligence information
regarding cyber threats to USA territory.
After September 11 attack, most administrative prohibitions that
made it difficult for intelligence agencies to share information
were removed to foster inter-agency cooperation through the
Patriotic act of 2001 and other laws (Perrow, 2016).DHS is not
envisioned to duplicate the work of other intelligence
organizations, and to this end, it doesn’t have its agents,
satellites nor signals. The law that established DHS intended an
information analysis body receiving crucial leads from the
intelligence community (IC), law enforcement, local agencies,
and unclassified open-source information from the media,
journals, internet, periodicals, etc.
Analysts from DHS assess information shared by the
intelligence community by conducting vulnerability assessments
to identify potential terrorist threats. Armed with actionable
information The intelligence community is responsible for
disseminating recommendation measures critical for protecting
critical infrastructure in liaison with other agencies. On the
other hand, DHS is charged with the responsibility of protecting
classified information received from the intelligence community
from unauthorized access and the information must be used in
executing official duties. This guideline is intended to cure the
problem of misusing private information received by DHS
analysts. As is the case with other intelligence agencies,
classified information/materials are to be handled in a manner
prescribed by the director of central intelligence (DCI).
Homeland security act of 2002 makes the DHS information
analysis component a member of the intelligence
community.USA patriotic act gave government officials at all
levels the authority to collect and share information. The
establishment of a national criminal intelligence plan led to the
establishment of the joint terrorism task force in all FBI field
stations (Reese, 2018). The creation of fusion centers in each
state enabled much more sharing of terrorism-related
information. Homeland security information network connects
USA territories and major cities with homeland security
operations. Fusion centers at the local levels(states) provide
actionable information in line with national security objectives.
The national cybersecurity division of the DHS is mandated to
provide cybersecurity by working with public and private
partners to safeguard America’s cyberspace at all times. It does
this by analyzing risks, prioritizing resources, and providing
implementation measures. The cybersecurity component
performs software assurance activities, and “cyber storm” after
every two years to test nations' preparedness on cyber terrorism
threats. Additionally, Einstein network monitoring software is
installed outside the DHS network gateway to monitor data
packets moving in and out of the agencies network with a view
of identifying anomalies that might indicate hacking activities
(Perrow, 2018)
In the cause of DHS operations and their collaboration with
other deferral agencies, the privacy of the individual, their civil
liberties, and civil rights are jeopardized. As an institution
formed to protect the American people and their critical
infrastructure, these rights and freedom have to be guarded.
Even though the right to express one’s ideas is provided for in
the first amendment, violent acts, anti-government ideologies
cannot be tolerated as they are criminal. Targeted violence is on
the rise and is closely associated with white supremacist
ideologies. DHS must take caution to avoid stigmatizing certain
communities in their methods of identifying targeted violence.
Moreover, DHS should rely on verifiable information at all
times so as not to negate the progress made in achieving civil
rights, privacy, and civil liberties.
Coordinated intelligence sharing is paramount in combating
terrorism and transnational crimes. The deadly attack of 9/11
was attributed to the laxity in sharing crucial leads that could
have helped to prevent the attack (Bullock, 2018). On border
security, it plays a critical role in preventing foreign to resist
from accessing America’s territory. Emerging technologies such
as unmanned aircraft systems pose a security threat to the
homeland. These unmanned systems (drones) can potentially be
used by terrorists to deploy; biological, radiological, and
nuclear materials.
Returnees from extremist groups such as ISIS pose a security
threat to homeland security. Actions should be taken to monitor
their international travel movements as they are capable of
influencing domestic radicalization on the most vulnerable
groups. The department of homeland security should work with
its allies to ensure terrorist fighters do not enter their countries.
To mitigate domestic terrorism, actions should be taken to
counter domestic terrorists who are selective on their targets.
Their targets are motivated by factors such as; race, nationality,
ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, and gender. White
supremacist is another form of violent extremism. They are
most linked to lone attackers and they can be attributed to
hatred to marginalized groups and the immigrants. This kind of
extremism is now taking a transnational outlook and appears to
be catalyzed by social media. DHS should take decisive actions
to bring down terrorist-linked websites such as; Gab, 8chan,
Endchan, and encrypted communication channels used by
terrorist groups (Thessin, 2018). In this way, the groups would
be disoriented and their conspiracy theories would collapse.
DHS should support local communities by empowering SLTT
to ensure they can identify threats and violent extremism signs.
With changing technological advancement, the intelligence
community should be cognizant of this new reality and adjust
their intelligence landscape appropriately to counter terrorist
threats. Annual homeland threat Assessment should be further
strengthened to provide a baseline report on the level of
preparedness to thwart terrorist attacks. This report would help
homeland security to prioritize resources and measure the level
of inter-agency coordination (Bullock et al., 2018).DHS
methods of collecting and analyzing terror-related statistics
should be streamlined with intelligence information it receives
from other federal agencies. This can be done through a
collaborative approach with academicians, professionals, and
non-governmental partners to establish a standardized method to
collect terror-related statistics.
On the transport node. DHS should adopt the intelligence-driven
approach in sharing actionable knowledge across the other
transport sectors such as aviation, freight, pipeline, and
highway carrier, maritime and mass transit. Moreover, DHS
should invest in research and development and work in
collaboration with the private sector, academician, and federal
agencies to avoid “technological surprise” and to be in a better
position to understand emerging trends in terrorist attacks. By
doing this, DHS will identify technologies that ought to be
developed soon to combat the growing threats of terrorism
(Thessin, 2018).
Bureaucracies at DHS can be a great hindrance in the adoption
of new effective technologies. These bureaucracies should be
eliminated to allow flexible deployment of technology that is in
sync with rapidly evolving terrorism and targeted violence.DHS
should capitalize on its highly specialized knowledge to protect
homeland missions. By extending cooperation to America’s
allies, identification of terrorists can be identified and their
biometrics shared with DHS to block white list them in their
immigration systems.
Thessin, J. (2018). Department of Homeland Security.
Perrow, C. (2016). Disaster after 9/11 The Department of
Homeland Security and the Intelligence Reorganization.
Reese, S. (2017, April). Defining homeland security: Analysis
and congressional considerations. Washington, DC:
Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress.
Bullock, J. A., & Haddow, G. D. (2018). Introduction to
homeland security. Elsevier.
Bellavita, C. (2018). Changing homeland security: What is
homeland security?. Homeland Security Affairs, 4(02).
Monahan, T. (2016). The future of security? Surveillance
operations at homeland security fusion centers. Social Justice,
37(2/3 (120-121), 84-98.
Cyber Weapon Proliferation
Due Date: 04-12-2021
Horschig, D. (2020). Cyber-weapons in nuclear counter-
proliferation. Defense & Security Analysis, 36(3), 352-371.
This article provides a view on the conditions that are effective
in nuclear counter-proliferation in cyber weapons. Iran, North
Korea, and Saudi Arabia are some of the states that have shown
great interest in nuclear proliferation, and their effectiveness
remains relevant. Therefore, this article provides the general
applicability of cyber weapons and their importance in nuclear
counter-proliferation. A comparative case study analysed that
the cyber operations are effective against the nuclear programs
whose developments are yet to be finished since they can
disrupt and delay the program at hand but not disrupt the whole
process. This means that effectiveness can only be increased by
combining different conventional weapons.
Kucharski, L., Loss, R., & Reddie, A. (2018). Annotated
Bibliography:" US-Russian Nuclear Arms Control: Crisis and
Collapse or Crossroads?" (No. LLNL-TR-755380). Lawrence
Livermore National Lab.(LLNL), Livermore, CA (United
This article tries to find the standard solution to the nuclear
weapons proliferation frameworks where both the countries
mutually benefit from the agreement. From the article, an
agreement should be set up to like a threat to the nations if
anything comes. Then there are set guidelines that are to be
followed. The agreements aim to solve all the worries the united
states passes through, and it should serve the interest of the
people of America, allies, and partners. The proposal should
identify the benefits and the risks of replanning. There should
be also standby plans to help solve any failure of the arms
control. All these strategies and agreements are aimed at
addressing the risks of cyber weapon proliferation.
Varela-Vaca, Á. J., Rosado, D. G., Sánchez, L. E., Gómez-
López, M. T., Gasca, R. M., & Fernández-Medina, E. (2020).
Definition and Verification of Security Configurations of
Cyber-Physical Systems. In Computer Security (pp. 135-155).
Springer, Cham.
The article focuses on the proliferation of the cyber-physical
system, which is presumed to be raising security challenges.
They serve as complex systems, integrating physical elements
into automated networked systems with several sensors and
actuators. All these devices make the system's data storage a bit
complex to manage. The construction of the secure Coast is a
challenge that requires the adoption and concentration of the
requirements elements in the security configuration.
Nasir, K. The Evolution of Cyber War: The Actors and
Strategies Shaping the Internet of Today. Bangladesh Institute
of Peace and Security Studies (BIPSS), 36.
According to the article, the current world is geared by
information technology and internet connectivity. Through
connectivity, there is connections and collaborations hand,
which is why the evolution of warfare has been on the rise. The
new technologies and techniques are easily acquired from the
internet, which in the long run results in developments. The
developments have been both on the strategic, tactical, and
proliferation of weapons. As a result, both the states and the
non-states are involved in their weapons' technological
advancements, which they can later use to defend themselves
against enemies and ensure the attackers' anonymity. On the
other hand, the cipher weapons in the states are adapting,
resulting in conflicts.
Bellovin, S. M., Landau, S., & Lin, H. S. (2017). Limiting the
undesired impact of cyber weapons: technical requirements and
policy implications. Journal of Cybersecurity, 3(1), 59-68.
This article analyses the proliferation of cyber weapons. Their
proliferation is much easier than the proliferation of kinetic
weapons; their destruction and the target are essential. This
leaves no traces behind, and no parts left after the attack cannot
be assembled by one another after use. Additionally, the
manufacture of cyber weapons is relatively cheaper. This makes
the illegal bodies take advantage and explore in their
manufacturing, leading to warfare among the states.
Hare, F. B. (2019). Precision cyber weapon systems: An
important component of a responsible national security
strategy?. Contemporary security policy, 40(2), 193-213.
This article focuses on the advancements made on the
conventional weapon capabilities and precision. They are the
elements of weapons that are accepted and expected in the
community of cyberspace. The article argues the development
of precision weapon systems should be used in legal conflicts.
This makes a state of being responsible for its national security
strategy to reduce violence and the destructions in conflicts. In
the long run, unnecessary wars will be reduced due to the
responsibilities taken by the states.
Bellovin, S. M., Landau, S., & Lin, H. S. (2017). Limiting the
undesired impact of cyber weapons: technical requirements and
policy implications. Journal of Cybersecurity, 3(1), 59-68.
Hare, F. B. (2019). Precision cyber weapon systems: An
important component of a responsible national security
strategy?. Contemporary security policy, 40(2), 193-213.
Horschig, D. (2020). Cyber-weapons in nuclear counter-
proliferation. Defense & Security Analysis, 36(3), 352-371.
Kucharski, L., Loss, R., & Reddie, A. (2018). Annotated
Bibliography:" US-Russian Nuclear Arms Control: Crisis and
Collapse or Crossroads?" (No. LLNL-TR-755380). Lawrence
Livermore National Lab.(LLNL), Livermore, CA (United
Nasir, K. The Evolution of Cyber War: The Actors and
Strategies Shaping the Internet of Today. Bangladesh Institute
of Peace and Security Studies (BIPSS), 36.
Varela-Vaca, Á. J., Rosado, D. G., Sánchez, L. E., Gómez-
López, M. T., Gasca, R. M., & Fernández-Medina, E. (2020).
Definition and Verification of Security Configurations of
Cyber-Physical Systems. In Computer Security (pp. 135-155).
Springer, Cham.
Cyber Weapons Proliferation

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Cyber Weapons Proliferation

  • 1. Cyber Weapons Proliferation Name: Date: 03-30-2021 TOPIC: CYBER WEAPON PROLIFERATION Currently there is no widely accepted definition on the concept of cyber weapon, but it can be described as a tool which has been modified for the purpose of carrying out malicious threats or attacks in the cyber space. The use of Cyber space as a weapon is gradually gaining recognition, to the extent that it is currently been considered a Weapon of Mass Destruction. In the US. For Instance, the Department of Homeland Security is tasked with the responsibility of protecting its citizens against any form of threat including cyber-attacks. The US has traditionally been perceived to be the world's most dominant cyber force in terms of this kind. Both their capabilities
  • 2. (defensive and offensive) have been actively developed over the last two decades, and appear to be superior to others. In order to strengthen U.S. space defense, the United States Cyber Command (US CYBER) was established in 2010 to ensure freedom of action in cyberspace for the US government and its allies, but prevent adversaries from doing the same. The three service elements that comprise USCYBER are the Army Cybercom, the Air Force Cybercom, and the Fleet Cybercom. In August 2017 the United States Cyber Command was elevated to the status of a Unified Combatant Command. The National Defense Strategy for 2018 stated that the US government will prioritize the integration of cyber capabilities into the full spectrum of military operations.[footnoteRef:1] [1: Cristian Barbieri, Jean-Pierre Darnis & Carolina Polito “Non-proliferation Regime for Cyber Weapons. A Tentative Study” accessed March 30th, 2021] The proliferations in weaponisation of cyber space by terrorist groups to carry out destructive threats have necessitated the need for in depth analysis on the regulation of the use of cyber space. In conclusion, although clearly resembling weapons, others say cyberspace might have a different potential to do great harm without actually inflicting financial or human loss, often cyber weapons may be used as less dangerous "conventional" weapons and canolays. However, due to the fast pace of cyber-related technological developments, leadership changes, senior defense officials must be up to speed with how these technologies impact national security and defense mechanisms so they can have updated or revisions to the current laws regulating cyber usage. Furthermore, it is suggested that in other to combat the use of cyber space as a weapon, one has to disable the source of the threat in order to neutralize the "cyber weapon" used to attack a
  • 3. target, thereby rendering them ineffective. In my opinion, limited reliance on cyber space is recommended to effectively combat cyber space terrorism. Running head: TERRORISM TERRORISM TERRORISM Name: Date: 03-30-2021
  • 4. Terrorism is the act of using intimidation and violence unlawfully to instill fear for political and social gain. Terrorism can be either domestic where the citizens execute terrorism without foreign influence or either international, where foreign governments go beyond their nation's boundaries (Hoffman, 2006). In the aim to respond and combat the terrorism act, the government is faced with quite several challenges. Radicalization is a key factor in hinder the fight against terrorism in terms of corruption among people in government, oppression against the less powerful countries, and religious extremism. Another challenge is dealing with terrorism is the lack of respect and upholding human rights; when people's rights are denied, they try to seek justice on their hands through terror activities strategies. Also, several countries especially the third world countries have limited resources to investing technology to help them detect the attacks and intercept the missiles before they hit the ground (Weinberg at el., 2004). To deal with terrorism, the government is obliged to improve the border controls by deploying more military forces. This will limit the movement of foreign travelers without legal documents into the country who might be the agents of terrorism. Several countries within the EU have taken the intuitive to introduce temporary controls at the borders. In addition, ensuring that the individual human rights are observed, and respect will prevent the abused citizens or states from taking actions in their hands in the search for justice. By doing so, they will be minimal chance of terrorist attacks the public also ought to be alert and report any suspicious activities within their neighborhood for
  • 5. the authorities to take the necessary measures before the terrorist could launch their attacks. The provision of finance to fund the anti-terrorism department in detect and intercepting attacks before they happen will help in reducing the magnitude of the attacks and aid I recovery of the country (Woolsey, 2002). References Hoffman, B. (2006). Inside terrorism. Columbia university press. Weinberg, L., Pedahzur, A., & Hirsch-Hoefler, S. (2004). The challenges of conceptualizing terrorism. Terrorism and Political Violence, 16(4), 777-794. Woolsey, R. J. (2002). Combating terrorism: strategies of ten countries. University of Michigan Press. Department of Homeland Security Mandate 1 Department of Homeland Security Mandate 13 Homeland Security Mandate Name: Date: 04-11-2021 Thesis Statement
  • 6. US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is a federal agency mandated to provide; public security, fighting terrorism, counter cybersecurity threats, border security, immigration services, and disaster management (Thessin, 2018). It began operations in the year 2003 after the enactment of “Homeland security act”.Its formation is attributed to the terrorist attack on 9/11/2001. The mission of the agency is “to develop and coordinate the implementation of a national strategy to secure the US from terrorist attacks” This paper will examine DHS role in counter-terrorism, their capability, how the agency cooperates with other state intelligence agencies, areas they require improvement and finally provide recommendations on how DHS can strengthen their capabilities. How is DHS structured, its role in anti-terror and counter-terror capabilities? DHS is headed by the secretary of homeland security who is assisted by the deputy secretary. The secretary is in charge of over 240,000 employees from diverse disciplines such as; border security, emergency response, aviation, cybersecurity, and chemical inspectorate. Terrorist activities have evolved and the DHS faces new terrorism threats such as nuclear, biological, radiological attacks. DHS faces threats from foreign terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda. Targeted violence is also a major threat to the peaceful co-existence of the American people. Domestic terrorism originating from the homeland include; mass attacks at schools, churches, places of worship, workplace, and during festival events. DHS is structured in a multi-thronged approach to fight terrorism(Perrow, 2016). To counter terror attacks, DHS employs the use of timely intelligence to accurately detect and respond to threats against US territory. This is done through collaboration with other partners. By sharing terrorism threats with; the federal government, state, local, tribal, private partners, and territorial agencies they have increased vigilance and protection of critical infrastructure. By utilizing information sharing border threats are minimized by
  • 7. recognizing hostile actors long before they set foot on American soil (Reese, 2017). The introduction of a strategic framework that focuses on resource allocation, annual assessment, common understanding of threats, interagency policymaking, and inter- governmental coordination will be key in thwarting terrorism attacks in the homeland. The strategic framework will put into perspective the dangers posed by racially and ethnically instigated violent extremism, for instance, the white supremacy extremism. Further, the strategic framework will provide guidelines on tackling modern challenges faced today and in the future. The policy document documents the preventive tools that can be used to mitigate terrorism threats. To achieve the anticipated changes, transparency will be key in the endeavor to protect civil liberties, protection of data, and civil rights. Through the use of top-notch technologies, advanced training to DHS personnel, building capacity of international partners, and analytical capabilities, terrorism threats have been greatly sustained in the homeland. A multi-layered approach is a defensive mechanism aimed at reinforcing the first line of defense. Similarly, this approach has been employed in the prevention of cyber-terrorism attacks. DHS through the National Targeting Centre (NTC) has achieved success in its functions. The targeting center utilizes targeting tools, classified information to identify terrorist threats (Monahan, 2016). By “pushing border outside” terrorist networks, transnational crimes, are identified early in advance and helps to make interdictions in the global supply chain before the terrorists find their way into American territory. Suspicious activity reporting (SAR) is another effective mechanism to share threat-related information between the Federal Bureau of investigations(FBI) and SLTT agencies. The creation of the National SAR helped to streamline “standardization of collecting, documenting, processing and analyzing and sharing terrorism-related information. SLTT agents are trained on emergency response and they help
  • 8. communities to access resources that build their preparedness. The federal emergency management agency (FEMA) is involved in continuous risk evaluation and hazard identification (Reese, 2017). A joint terrorism task force (JTTFs) has been critical in thwarting terrorist activities. Strong intelligence capabilities enable DHS to have a glimpse view of the terrorist threat and this invokes concerted efforts to mitigate the threat and efficacy in response to the attack. Online extremism is another emerging threat. It's attributed to the increased access to the internet. Social media networks have affected all our daily facets. The availability of the “dark web” and the increased connectivity of online communities has become the modern recruiting ground for extremist groups. Extremist online communities are used as channels to disseminate their communication and this fosters a sense of enlightenment to once marginalized groups. To this end, DHS has employed several measures to counter the growing misinformation and extremist campaigns. DHS has stepped up its capability in the use of unmanned aircraft systems (drones.) Unmanned systems pose a great danger as they can be used by terrorist groups to deploy chemical, biological radiological, nuclear chemicals, and drop explosives. Additionally, drones can be used by terrorists to surveil their adversaries.DHS cognizant of these new threats has evolved in its technological capabilities to combat such terrorism threats (Thessin, 2018). Additionally, DHS collaborates with other countries to confirm the identities of people suspected to cause a threat to the American people. Refugees and asylum seekers are vetted before their immigration applications are processed. Their biometrics and biography information is investigated to prevent exploitation of the National Visa issuance security program. DHS areas in need of improvement One of the areas that need urgent attention in DHS is the use of common technology platforms in its agencies that make up the DHS. By streamlining information systems, there will be
  • 9. seamless sharing of actionable information that can lead to better decision-making. Bureaucracy in DHS has led to individual agencies procuring IT and security systems that duplicate similar requirements in other agencies. This is clear wastage of financial resources. Before new systems are brought into use, a risk assessment should be conducted to assess the viability of such security systems. On the use of unmanned aircraft systems (drones), DHS has to be more tech-savvy and informed in emerging technological breakthroughs such as data mining analytics, and cryptocurrency. Lack of a clear definition of ‘targeted violence’ impedes the understanding as to what constitutes targeted violence thus the confusion needs to be rectified (Bellavita, 2018). A new definition should be introduced in the DHS lexicon to shape a common understanding amongst its various components that are involved in identifying and combating terrorist threats. Better mitigation measures will be implanted and adequate resources provided to match the new targeted violence scope. Lack of harmonized national statistics on terrorism impedes better decision-making. DHS should collaboratively work with other agencies and partners to comprehensively establish standardized methods of reporting, documenting, and analyzing terrorism-related statistics and targeted violence. Uniform nationwide terrorism statistics will help to better protect communities from terrorism activities. On transport-related intelligence, identified gaps such as lack of uniformity in the information held by; aviation, mass transit, maritime, highway carrier, and freight rail. The department should re-invent better intelligence sharing with actionable information that identifies terrorist-related threats to the various transport nodes (Bellavita, 2018). Passenger/crew vetting should be harmonized in all transport domains in view of coordinating accurate intelligence information sharing. Terrorist group corrupts their way into US territory by coercing vulnerable government employees working in the transport
  • 10. sector. The terrorist exploits these corrupt government officials to obtain insider information that helps them to circumvent security surveillance systems. Terrorists use these insiders to launch terrorist attacks. To improve on this, DHS should screen all its transport sector personnel in all border entry points and providing security training to the employees. Continuous vulnerability assessments should be conducted on transport domain personnel to proactively identify vulnerabilities that can be exploited by terrorists. DHS strong points The US collaborates with its international partners to identify and mitigate terrorism threats.DHS has been t the forefront to build the capacity of foreign nations on modern security procedures. Such partnerships with foreign countries are vital in countries with poor security tools. Additionally, the department of defense (DoS) provides such foreign countries with hardware and software that enable them to actively engage with DHS agencies to gather and share biometric information of suspected terrorists (Thessin, 2018). DHS encourages this country to invest in compatible security tools in their various installations to identify possible threats and vulnerabilities. Coast Guard maritime security response team is adequately trained to combat terrorist threats that occur in the maritime. As the first line of defense in seas, they are capable of identifying, interdicting, and neutralizing terror threats in the maritime domain. SLTT works with professionals, academicians, to have a clear understanding of the terror threats and hence develop better strategies to mitigate the threats.DHS Science and technology directorate helps in the collection, analysis of threats and provides interventions to prevent terrorism (Monahan,2016). Going by the latest research, various engagement efforts are availed to the public to inform them what to look for in suspected individuals. Cybersecurity and infrastructure security agency (CISA) in collaboration with private and public sector take a proactive role in protecting critical infrastructure.
  • 11. Indications of how DHS works with national intelligence agencies, what needs to be improved regarding inter-agency relations and cooperation? US intelligence community is made up of 18 agencies which work autonomously but cooperate in intelligence activities that support national security.”There are nearly 1,300 governme nt organizations and nearly 2000 private companies spread in over 10,000 locations in the United States that are devoted to the task of counterterrorism, homeland security, and intelligence.” Intelligence has a key role in supporting homeland security to state, tribal, territorial, and private partners for the department of homeland security. Though the FBI is not a component of DHS, it has an initiative dubbed joint terrorism task force (JTFFs) which fosters collaboration in the federal government (Thessin, 2018). Coast Guard intelligence provides actionable information from the maritime domain to support the operational activities of DHS. FBI intelligence branch comprises of four components that are mandated to provide intelligence to DHS. This component includes; directorate of intelligence, office of the partner engagement, office of the private sector, and the bureau intelligence council. These intelligence components of the FBI and DHS are charged with providing homeland security. Cyber threat intelligence integration center (CTIIC) is mandated with the responsibility of analyzing intelligence information regarding cyber threats to USA territory. After September 11 attack, most administrative prohibitions that made it difficult for intelligence agencies to share information were removed to foster inter-agency cooperation through the Patriotic act of 2001 and other laws (Perrow, 2016).DHS is not envisioned to duplicate the work of other intelligence organizations, and to this end, it doesn’t have its agents, satellites nor signals. The law that established DHS intended an information analysis body receiving crucial leads from the intelligence community (IC), law enforcement, local agencies, and unclassified open-source information from the media,
  • 12. journals, internet, periodicals, etc. Analysts from DHS assess information shared by the intelligence community by conducting vulnerability assessments to identify potential terrorist threats. Armed with actionable information The intelligence community is responsible for disseminating recommendation measures critical for protecting critical infrastructure in liaison with other agencies. On the other hand, DHS is charged with the responsibility of protecting classified information received from the intelligence community from unauthorized access and the information must be used in executing official duties. This guideline is intended to cure the problem of misusing private information received by DHS analysts. As is the case with other intelligence agencies, classified information/materials are to be handled in a manner prescribed by the director of central intelligence (DCI). Homeland security act of 2002 makes the DHS information analysis component a member of the intelligence community.USA patriotic act gave government officials at all levels the authority to collect and share information. The establishment of a national criminal intelligence plan led to the establishment of the joint terrorism task force in all FBI field stations (Reese, 2018). The creation of fusion centers in each state enabled much more sharing of terrorism-related information. Homeland security information network connects USA territories and major cities with homeland security operations. Fusion centers at the local levels(states) provide actionable information in line with national security objectives. The national cybersecurity division of the DHS is mandated to provide cybersecurity by working with public and private partners to safeguard America’s cyberspace at all times. It does this by analyzing risks, prioritizing resources, and providing implementation measures. The cybersecurity component performs software assurance activities, and “cyber storm” after every two years to test nations' preparedness on cyber terrorism threats. Additionally, Einstein network monitoring software is installed outside the DHS network gateway to monitor data
  • 13. packets moving in and out of the agencies network with a view of identifying anomalies that might indicate hacking activities (Perrow, 2018) Findings In the cause of DHS operations and their collaboration with other deferral agencies, the privacy of the individual, their civil liberties, and civil rights are jeopardized. As an institution formed to protect the American people and their critical infrastructure, these rights and freedom have to be guarded. Even though the right to express one’s ideas is provided for in the first amendment, violent acts, anti-government ideologies cannot be tolerated as they are criminal. Targeted violence is on the rise and is closely associated with white supremacist ideologies. DHS must take caution to avoid stigmatizing certain communities in their methods of identifying targeted violence. Moreover, DHS should rely on verifiable information at all times so as not to negate the progress made in achieving civil rights, privacy, and civil liberties. Coordinated intelligence sharing is paramount in combating terrorism and transnational crimes. The deadly attack of 9/11 was attributed to the laxity in sharing crucial leads that could have helped to prevent the attack (Bullock, 2018). On border security, it plays a critical role in preventing foreign to resist from accessing America’s territory. Emerging technologies such as unmanned aircraft systems pose a security threat to the homeland. These unmanned systems (drones) can potentially be used by terrorists to deploy; biological, radiological, and nuclear materials. Recommendations Returnees from extremist groups such as ISIS pose a security threat to homeland security. Actions should be taken to monitor their international travel movements as they are capable of influencing domestic radicalization on the most vulnerable groups. The department of homeland security should work with its allies to ensure terrorist fighters do not enter their countries. To mitigate domestic terrorism, actions should be taken to
  • 14. counter domestic terrorists who are selective on their targets. Their targets are motivated by factors such as; race, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, and gender. White supremacist is another form of violent extremism. They are most linked to lone attackers and they can be attributed to hatred to marginalized groups and the immigrants. This kind of extremism is now taking a transnational outlook and appears to be catalyzed by social media. DHS should take decisive actions to bring down terrorist-linked websites such as; Gab, 8chan, Endchan, and encrypted communication channels used by terrorist groups (Thessin, 2018). In this way, the groups would be disoriented and their conspiracy theories would collapse. DHS should support local communities by empowering SLTT to ensure they can identify threats and violent extremism signs. With changing technological advancement, the intelligence community should be cognizant of this new reality and adjust their intelligence landscape appropriately to counter terrorist threats. Annual homeland threat Assessment should be further strengthened to provide a baseline report on the level of preparedness to thwart terrorist attacks. This report would help homeland security to prioritize resources and measure the level of inter-agency coordination (Bullock et al., 2018).DHS methods of collecting and analyzing terror-related statistics should be streamlined with intelligence information it receives from other federal agencies. This can be done through a collaborative approach with academicians, professionals, and non-governmental partners to establish a standardized method to collect terror-related statistics. On the transport node. DHS should adopt the intelligence-driven approach in sharing actionable knowledge across the other transport sectors such as aviation, freight, pipeline, and highway carrier, maritime and mass transit. Moreover, DHS should invest in research and development and work in collaboration with the private sector, academician, and federal agencies to avoid “technological surprise” and to be in a better position to understand emerging trends in terrorist attacks. By
  • 15. doing this, DHS will identify technologies that ought to be developed soon to combat the growing threats of terrorism (Thessin, 2018). Bureaucracies at DHS can be a great hindrance in the adoption of new effective technologies. These bureaucracies should be eliminated to allow flexible deployment of technology that is in sync with rapidly evolving terrorism and targeted violence.DHS should capitalize on its highly specialized knowledge to protect homeland missions. By extending cooperation to America’s allies, identification of terrorists can be identified and their biometrics shared with DHS to block white list them in their immigration systems. References Thessin, J. (2018). Department of Homeland Security. Perrow, C. (2016). Disaster after 9/11 The Department of Homeland Security and the Intelligence Reorganization. Reese, S. (2017, April). Defining homeland security: Analysis and congressional considerations. Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress. Bullock, J. A., & Haddow, G. D. (2018). Introduction to homeland security. Elsevier. Bellavita, C. (2018). Changing homeland security: What is homeland security?. Homeland Security Affairs, 4(02). Monahan, T. (2016). The future of security? Surveillance operations at homeland security fusion centers. Social Justice, 37(2/3 (120-121), 84-98.
  • 16. 1 Cyber Weapon Proliferation Name: Due Date: 04-12-2021 Horschig, D. (2020). Cyber-weapons in nuclear counter- proliferation. Defense & Security Analysis, 36(3), 352-371. This article provides a view on the conditions that are effective in nuclear counter-proliferation in cyber weapons. Iran, North Korea, and Saudi Arabia are some of the states that have shown great interest in nuclear proliferation, and their effectiveness remains relevant. Therefore, this article provides the general
  • 17. applicability of cyber weapons and their importance in nuclear counter-proliferation. A comparative case study analysed that the cyber operations are effective against the nuclear programs whose developments are yet to be finished since they can disrupt and delay the program at hand but not disrupt the whole process. This means that effectiveness can only be increased by combining different conventional weapons. Kucharski, L., Loss, R., & Reddie, A. (2018). Annotated Bibliography:" US-Russian Nuclear Arms Control: Crisis and Collapse or Crossroads?" (No. LLNL-TR-755380). Lawrence Livermore National Lab.(LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States). This article tries to find the standard solution to the nuclear weapons proliferation frameworks where both the countries mutually benefit from the agreement. From the article, an agreement should be set up to like a threat to the nations if anything comes. Then there are set guidelines that are to be followed. The agreements aim to solve all the worries the united states passes through, and it should serve the interest of the people of America, allies, and partners. The proposal should identify the benefits and the risks of replanning. There should be also standby plans to help solve any failure of the arms control. All these strategies and agreements are aimed at addressing the risks of cyber weapon proliferation. Varela-Vaca, Á. J., Rosado, D. G., Sánchez, L. E., Gómez- López, M. T., Gasca, R. M., & Fernández-Medina, E. (2020). Definition and Verification of Security Configurations of Cyber-Physical Systems. In Computer Security (pp. 135-155). Springer, Cham. The article focuses on the proliferation of the cyber-physical system, which is presumed to be raising security challenges. They serve as complex systems, integrating physical elements into automated networked systems with several sensors and actuators. All these devices make the system's data storage a bit complex to manage. The construction of the secure Coast is a challenge that requires the adoption and concentration of the
  • 18. requirements elements in the security configuration. Nasir, K. The Evolution of Cyber War: The Actors and Strategies Shaping the Internet of Today. Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies (BIPSS), 36. According to the article, the current world is geared by information technology and internet connectivity. Through connectivity, there is connections and collaborations hand, which is why the evolution of warfare has been on the rise. The new technologies and techniques are easily acquired from the internet, which in the long run results in developments. The developments have been both on the strategic, tactical, and proliferation of weapons. As a result, both the states and the non-states are involved in their weapons' technological advancements, which they can later use to defend themselves against enemies and ensure the attackers' anonymity. On the other hand, the cipher weapons in the states are adapting, resulting in conflicts. Bellovin, S. M., Landau, S., & Lin, H. S. (2017). Limiting the undesired impact of cyber weapons: technical requirements and policy implications. Journal of Cybersecurity, 3(1), 59-68. This article analyses the proliferation of cyber weapons. Their proliferation is much easier than the proliferation of kinetic weapons; their destruction and the target are essential. This leaves no traces behind, and no parts left after the attack cannot be assembled by one another after use. Additionally, the manufacture of cyber weapons is relatively cheaper. This makes the illegal bodies take advantage and explore in their manufacturing, leading to warfare among the states. Hare, F. B. (2019). Precision cyber weapon systems: An important component of a responsible national security strategy?. Contemporary security policy, 40(2), 193-213. This article focuses on the advancements made on the conventional weapon capabilities and precision. They are the elements of weapons that are accepted and expected in the community of cyberspace. The article argues the development of precision weapon systems should be used in legal conflicts.
  • 19. This makes a state of being responsible for its national security strategy to reduce violence and the destructions in conflicts. In the long run, unnecessary wars will be reduced due to the responsibilities taken by the states. References Bellovin, S. M., Landau, S., & Lin, H. S. (2017). Limiting the undesired impact of cyber weapons: technical requirements and policy implications. Journal of Cybersecurity, 3(1), 59-68. Hare, F. B. (2019). Precision cyber weapon systems: An important component of a responsible national security strategy?. Contemporary security policy, 40(2), 193-213. Horschig, D. (2020). Cyber-weapons in nuclear counter- proliferation. Defense & Security Analysis, 36(3), 352-371. Kucharski, L., Loss, R., & Reddie, A. (2018). Annotated Bibliography:" US-Russian Nuclear Arms Control: Crisis and Collapse or Crossroads?" (No. LLNL-TR-755380). Lawrence Livermore National Lab.(LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States). Nasir, K. The Evolution of Cyber War: The Actors and Strategies Shaping the Internet of Today. Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies (BIPSS), 36. Varela-Vaca, Á. J., Rosado, D. G., Sánchez, L. E., Gómez- López, M. T., Gasca, R. M., & Fernández-Medina, E. (2020). Definition and Verification of Security Configurations of Cyber-Physical Systems. In Computer Security (pp. 135-155). Springer, Cham.