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3. Date of birth: 06/06/1971
4. Nationality: Cameroonian
5. Place of residence: 3 rue Vincent Auriol PO BOX 30610. 80.000 Amiens – FRANCE
6. Email:
7. Web Site:
8. Actions experience and qualifications:
Stéphane BOBÉ ENGUELEGUELE is a Barrister at the Court of Appeal of Amiens. He is the owner of DIKÉ-AVOCATS, a Law Firm which realised in 2014 a total
turnover of €850,000. Stéphane has excellent managerial skills, reflected in his ability to coordinate the activities of research groups, such as the Association of Public
Governance and New Leadership for whom he is responsable for scientific subjects. His Law firm is not only active in France, but also in Africa. He employs three legal
assistants and one Attorney.
He speaks both English and French fluently.
He is the Former president of the Young Barristers Union of Amiens (2007-2008). During his mandate he led the mobilisation of the Young Barristers of the Court of
Appeal of Amiens, on the reform of the judiciary decided upon by the French Government in 2008. He defends and advocates for the right of the Youth and the Poor to
free access to justice, and public service delivery.
He has 17 years experience in defending and advocating, in reforming public policies, in improving development, in strengthening Public service delivery, and in the rule
of Law. This skill culminated in a consultancy for UNDP on the situation of the rule of law and the fight against corruption in West Africa, and the drafting of a
comparative study on Nigeria, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Niger, Chad, Libya and Sierra Leone (April/July 2015).
During this mission, he met high-level officials including Governments, and major stakeholders in the field of public service delivery and human rights, those fighting
against corruption and supporting transparency, reforming governance, health administration and protecting the Poor. He also interacted with major CSO in these
countries, and managed workshops on the strengthening of human rights and the fight against corruption, the rights of vulnerable groups including women, youth and
carriers of HIV. He conducted interviews of members of the board of Private companies to weigh the role of private actors in the building of development policies. This
experience demonstrates a skill to interact with actors of the public and the private sphere.
The report drafted, and the recommendations made by Stéphane ENGUÉLÉGUÉLÉ for UNDP, incorporated the situation of the fight against corruption, health policies,
agriculture, gender policies, the promotion of Human Rights, the capacities of public administration, promotion of good governance and CSO actions, in Mali, Burkina
Faso, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and Mauritania.
Similarly, Stéphane conducted a comparative survey, to highlight the historic factors of underdevelopment, and the way to strengthen public governance, in the
Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya and the Republic of South Africa. He is the scientific coordinator of OSIWA's Project on the Capacities of
West African Agencies against corruption.
During the mission in Nigeria for UNDP in 2015, he highlighted the Need for a strong coordination between the agencies involved in performing good governance and the
fight against corruption. After meetings with the major federal agencies in charge of the promotion of good governance and the Rule of Law in Nigeria, he demonstrated
that TUGAR is the proper institution to improve effectively the political and strategical coordination in the Public sector. Stéphane highlighted that coordination is a key
issue in policy building in the field of development in Africa. Policy building does not only require the creation of new institutions, but also improved cooperation between
existing structures. It is essential to develop close relationships between stakeholders in each Policy network, and to provide the means to facilitate dialogue within public
communities. Stéphane also demonstrated the structural importance of ideas and knowledge in modernising public policies, especially in transforming governance in
Africa. The success of development policies depends on the ability of influencers to advocate and promote new ideas and concepts, and to build a consensus among
public networks (Agriculture community, Health community, Financial services community), in order that governance and public service delivery can change as
capacities are strengthened.
Stéphane Engueleguele wrote several papers, the last of which is a note on Economic Intelligence presented during the International Conference on Economic
Intelligence (Dakar April 2015). The purpose was to embrace the issues of governance, the modernisation of public policies in Africa, the inclusion and financial security
in the context of systemic threats like money laundering and terrorism. He demonstrates a capacity to deal and interact with high-level officials from the field of national
security, finance and the fight against economic crime in West Africa such as GIABA officers. Stéphane drafted an executive report on the financial security and
Economic intelligence in the context of emerging economies.
All these issues have been closely linked to the theoretical papers and books written by Stéphane BOBÉ ENGUELEGUELE since 1994 in different fields of policy
(Criminal law, Education, Human rights, Gender, Public health, Public service delivery). They have been implemented in all the work Stéphane has undertaken as a
Barrister in France and Africa since 1999.
Stéphane Engueleguele has an excellent knowledge of the theoretical and practical issues of governance, ethics, transparency and compliance, shown by his high-level
academic works, but also several contributions to the fight against corruption and the strengthening of access to public service in Africa, in particular women and the
youth. In the field of family policy, he advocated for the rights of LGBT to adopt and to access medically assisted procreation. He also defends and advocates for the
rights of women to inherit, in particular in Cameroon and Senegal.
Stéphane has conducted a literature survey on integrity and compliance and the transparency of transactions inside the OHADA community since the enactment of the
US Foreign Corrupt Practice Act. He has carried out a preparatory investigation for the forthcoming Conference on Financial Governance on the assessment of devices
on anti money laundering in West and Central Africa (December 2015). This work (in conjunction with the recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force) is trying
to highlight the great sensitivity of donations and grants by NGOs. Stéphane worked on the public strategies against telephone fraud, and awareness in general of the
problems of cybercrime in Africa.
Stéphane Bobe Engueleguele has an excellent knowledge of the issues of Agricultural policy, which is a part of the activity of his legal practice. He ensures the
representation and introduction of administrative and judicial actions for expropriated farmers or peasants, particularly in the region of the Senegalese coast, an area
whose population is subject to very high pressure regarding land ownership. Since 2003, he has been leading negotiations and transactions for compensation for
expropriated farmers. During major health crises (bird flu, mad cows' disease) his office intervened to support farmers ordered by administrations to destroy their
livestock. Stéphane Engueleguele also has an excellent knowledge of Health policy issues revealed by the multifaceted advocacy and consultancy carried out in the
public Health sector. He was a Lawyer for public hospitals and Healthcare professionals. Since 2008 he has ensured the representation of health professionals during
inspections by Health Administrations (controls of structures and pricing of care acts). In 2013, Stéphane led Audits on transparency and compliance on the relations
between health professionals and pharmaceutical laboratories (Sunshine Act). In medical liability, especially towards the poor, he has been involved in compensation for
victims of HIV, hospital-borne infections, and compensation for medical errors, including damage to the mental health of workers.
Stéphane has put forward significant arguments regarding access to the banking system and basic social rights. He undertook through his Senegalese office to continue
to raise these issues. He ensures the representation of consumers and operates within the framework of banking litigation, and promotes financial inclusion. Stephane
also acts in the field of over indebtedness which has been growing in West Africa due to banks' failure to establish their customers' credit worthiness , and because of a
lack of financial inclusion policies. As Lawyer of the High Authority against Discriminations and for Equality, he has contributed in France to a significant normative
change in advocating the rights of foreign children entering the country without any title, therefore enableing them to access basic social services and social aids. He is
the lawyer for the association SOS Racisme in the fight against discrimination against Gypsies and Travellers, especially regarding the right to education.
9. Education (most recent first):
Institution (date from - to) Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:
Training center of Lawyers
Lille 2014
Postgraduate in Public Law and Public Economy
Training center of Lawyers
Amiens Picardie 2002
Graduate of specialist in Public Law
Training center of Lawyers
Amiens Picardie (November
1997/November 1998)
Postgraduate legal qualification
University of Picardie
(september1994/June 1997)
Doctorate in Political Science option Public Policies
University of Picardie
(September 1993/October
Post-graduate diploma in Political Science - Public Administration
and Public Policies
University of Picardie
(September 1992/June 1993)
Master in Political Science
University of Picardie
(September 1992/June 1993)
Master in Private Law
University of Picardie
(September 1991/June1992)
License of Public Law and Political Science
University of Picardie
(September 1990/June1991
Diploma of general university studies in Law 2
University of Picardie
(September 1989/jJune1990)
Diploma of general university studies in Law 1
10. Language Skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 excellent - 5 basic)
Language Reading Speaking Writing
French 1 1 1
English 1 1 1
Deutsch 2 2 3
Italiano 3 4 4
11. Membership of professional bodies: ORDRE DES AVOCATS DE LA COUR D’APPEL D’AMIENS
12. Other skills (e.g. Computer literacy, etc.): WORD, EXCELL, and POWERPOINT under MICROSOFT, SPHYNX.
13. Present position: Associate of DIKE-AVOCATS LAW FIRM
14. Years within the firm: 2008
15. Specific experience in the region (most recent first)
Country Date from - Date to
Nigeria – Survey on the Rule of law and the
Fight against the corruption
April/May 2015
Ghana – Survey on the Rule of law and the
Fight against the corruption
April/May 2015
Togo – Survey on the Rule of law and the
Fight against the corruption
April/June 2015
Benin – Survey on the Rule of law and the
Fight against the corruption
April/June 2015
Ivory Coast – Etude de capitalisation de la
situation de l’État de droit et la lutte contre la
April/June 2015
Liberia – Survey on the Rule of law and the
Fight against the corruption
April/June 2015
Gambia – Survey on the Rule of law and the
Fight against the corruption
April/June 2015
Sierra-Leone – Survey on the Rule of law and
the Fight against the corruption
April/June 2015
Chad – Survey on the Rule of law and the
Fight against the corruption
April/June 2015
Libya – Survey on the Rule of law and the
Fight against the corruption
April/June 2015
Niger – Survey on the Rule of law and the
Fight against the corruption
April/June 2015
Cameroun - Monograph on the anti money
laundering policies and the fight against
2012 to January 2015
Senegal Monograph on the anti money
laundering policies and the fight against
2012 à January 2015
Senegal Monograph on the financial security
framework in emerging country
October 2014 to April 2015
Cameroon Note sur l’édiction du règlement de
la Cour des comptes (appel d’offres)
Sumer 2002
Central African Republic : Évaluation du
Barreau de RCA et élaboration d’un plan
stratégique (UNDP CONSULTANCY)
December 2015/January 2016
16. Professional experience record (most recent experience)
Date from -
Date to
Location Company and contact
(name and contact
Position Description
October 1994-
June 2012
Picardie – Unit of
training and research
in law and political
← Address :10 Placette
Lafleur 80027 Amiens -
← ++333 22 82 71 52
← ++333 22 82 71 51
Professor (teaching
and research)
Lectures and practical classes, research works in: Political science, Sociology, Public
and Administrative Law, Public Administration, Public litigation, Comparative politics,
Address: 18,
Place Saint-Michel,
80000 Amiens -
Téléphone: ++333 22
82 23 00
Professor Lectures and practical classes in Competition Law and Consumer Law
February 1999-
Address : 62 rue
Amiral Courbet 80000
Amiens - France
Barrister Advocating and defense Criminal Law, Human Rights, Family Law, Public and
Administrative Law.
Date from -
Date to
Location Company and contact
(name and contact
Position Description
January 2003-
Address: 11 rue du
cloître de la Barge
80000 Amiens –
Telephone : +
Email :
Barrister Advocating and defense Criminal Law, Human Rights, Family Law, Public and
Administrative Law, Competition Law, Consumer Law.
January 2008-
Address : 3 Rue
Vincent Auriol 80.000
Amiens - France
Telephone +
Email :
Barrister - Associate Advocating and defense Criminal Law, Human Rights, Family Law, Public and
Administrative Law, Competition Law, Consumer Law. Agricultural Law. Town planning
Law. Medical Law. Environmental Law. Consultancy, Auditing Public policies.
17. Other relevant information (e.g. Publications, Patents, Other education, Seminars, lectures attended, Scholarships received):
- Elaboration of a Project of regulation for the revenue court of the Republic of Cameroon - World Bank, Republic of Cameroon (June 2002)
- Elaboration of a master plan for the computerization of the judicial system of Cameroon - Ministry of Justice of Cameroon (Project subsidized during the
technical phase.)
- Elaboration of a Road master plan of the département of Eure - Département of Eure (Partnership with TEILHARD)
- The Learning within Law firms - Agreement CURAPP-GIP Ministry Of Justice 1995.
• Les politiques Pénales (1945-1995), Paris L’harmattan 1999
• La justice « En jeu », Paris L’harmattan 2001.
• Justice, Politique pénale et tolérances zéro, Paris, L’Harmattan mai 2010
• Etats, corruption et Blanchiment, Paris L’Harmattan janvier 2015
• Gouvernance et Evaluation du financement du terrorisme (à paraitre)
• L’analyse des politiques publiques et les politiques pénales, Robert (Ph.) dir Crime et Justice, l’état des savoirs, Paris le Seuil 2001.
• Les communautés épistémiques pénales et la production législative en matière criminelle, Droit et société 2000.
• Situer l’Appel de Genève, Chevallier J. (Dir) Justice et Politique, PUF 1998
• La sûreté de l’Etat dans le débat politique, Chevallier J (Dir) La politique ailleurs PUF 1998
• Politiques publiques et criminalité, Chevallier J. (Dir) Désordres, PUF 1997,
• Le Préambule et la réforme pénitentiaire, KOUBI G. (Dir) Préambule de la constitution de 1946, PUF 1996,
• La thématique pénitentiaire et le traitement de l’enjeu pénal, Chevalier J. (Dir) La Gouvernabilité, PUF 1996,
• La modernisation des politiques pénales et pénitentiaire en France depuis 2001 (à paraître).
Akere T. Muna (Of Lincoln's Inn London)
Sanctions Commissioner of the African Development Bank
Chairperson of the International Anti-Corruption Conference
Member, High Level Panel on Illicit Financial Flows from Africa
Member, Governing Board, Africa Governance Institute
Former Chairperson, Eminent Persons Panel of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM)
Former President, Pan-African Lawyers Union
Former Presiding Officer, Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the African Union
Office: +237 22 23 55 74
Fax: +237 22 22 66 85
P.O. Box 307 Yaoundé, Cameroon
François RANGEON
University professor in Political Science
← 10 Placette Lafleur 80027 AMIENS
← Office ++333 22 82 71 52
← Fax ++ 333 22 82 71 51
Email :
• Member of laic and humanist associations
• Travel
• Music
• Endurance Sports.

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Curriculum for un

  • 1. CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Family name: BOBÉ ENGUÉLÉGUÉLÉ 2. First name: STÉPHANE JEAN-LOUIS 3. Date of birth: 06/06/1971 4. Nationality: Cameroonian 5. Place of residence: 3 rue Vincent Auriol PO BOX 30610. 80.000 Amiens – FRANCE 6. Email: 7. Web Site: 8. Actions experience and qualifications: Stéphane BOBÉ ENGUELEGUELE is a Barrister at the Court of Appeal of Amiens. He is the owner of DIKÉ-AVOCATS, a Law Firm which realised in 2014 a total turnover of €850,000. Stéphane has excellent managerial skills, reflected in his ability to coordinate the activities of research groups, such as the Association of Public Governance and New Leadership for whom he is responsable for scientific subjects. His Law firm is not only active in France, but also in Africa. He employs three legal assistants and one Attorney. He speaks both English and French fluently. He is the Former president of the Young Barristers Union of Amiens (2007-2008). During his mandate he led the mobilisation of the Young Barristers of the Court of Appeal of Amiens, on the reform of the judiciary decided upon by the French Government in 2008. He defends and advocates for the right of the Youth and the Poor to free access to justice, and public service delivery. He has 17 years experience in defending and advocating, in reforming public policies, in improving development, in strengthening Public service delivery, and in the rule of Law. This skill culminated in a consultancy for UNDP on the situation of the rule of law and the fight against corruption in West Africa, and the drafting of a comparative study on Nigeria, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Niger, Chad, Libya and Sierra Leone (April/July 2015). During this mission, he met high-level officials including Governments, and major stakeholders in the field of public service delivery and human rights, those fighting against corruption and supporting transparency, reforming governance, health administration and protecting the Poor. He also interacted with major CSO in these countries, and managed workshops on the strengthening of human rights and the fight against corruption, the rights of vulnerable groups including women, youth and carriers of HIV. He conducted interviews of members of the board of Private companies to weigh the role of private actors in the building of development policies. This experience demonstrates a skill to interact with actors of the public and the private sphere. The report drafted, and the recommendations made by Stéphane ENGUÉLÉGUÉLÉ for UNDP, incorporated the situation of the fight against corruption, health policies, agriculture, gender policies, the promotion of Human Rights, the capacities of public administration, promotion of good governance and CSO actions, in Mali, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and Mauritania. Similarly, Stéphane conducted a comparative survey, to highlight the historic factors of underdevelopment, and the way to strengthen public governance, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya and the Republic of South Africa. He is the scientific coordinator of OSIWA's Project on the Capacities of West African Agencies against corruption. 1
  • 2. During the mission in Nigeria for UNDP in 2015, he highlighted the Need for a strong coordination between the agencies involved in performing good governance and the fight against corruption. After meetings with the major federal agencies in charge of the promotion of good governance and the Rule of Law in Nigeria, he demonstrated that TUGAR is the proper institution to improve effectively the political and strategical coordination in the Public sector. Stéphane highlighted that coordination is a key issue in policy building in the field of development in Africa. Policy building does not only require the creation of new institutions, but also improved cooperation between existing structures. It is essential to develop close relationships between stakeholders in each Policy network, and to provide the means to facilitate dialogue within public communities. Stéphane also demonstrated the structural importance of ideas and knowledge in modernising public policies, especially in transforming governance in Africa. The success of development policies depends on the ability of influencers to advocate and promote new ideas and concepts, and to build a consensus among public networks (Agriculture community, Health community, Financial services community), in order that governance and public service delivery can change as capacities are strengthened. Stéphane Engueleguele wrote several papers, the last of which is a note on Economic Intelligence presented during the International Conference on Economic Intelligence (Dakar April 2015). The purpose was to embrace the issues of governance, the modernisation of public policies in Africa, the inclusion and financial security in the context of systemic threats like money laundering and terrorism. He demonstrates a capacity to deal and interact with high-level officials from the field of national security, finance and the fight against economic crime in West Africa such as GIABA officers. Stéphane drafted an executive report on the financial security and Economic intelligence in the context of emerging economies. All these issues have been closely linked to the theoretical papers and books written by Stéphane BOBÉ ENGUELEGUELE since 1994 in different fields of policy (Criminal law, Education, Human rights, Gender, Public health, Public service delivery). They have been implemented in all the work Stéphane has undertaken as a Barrister in France and Africa since 1999. Stéphane Engueleguele has an excellent knowledge of the theoretical and practical issues of governance, ethics, transparency and compliance, shown by his high-level academic works, but also several contributions to the fight against corruption and the strengthening of access to public service in Africa, in particular women and the youth. In the field of family policy, he advocated for the rights of LGBT to adopt and to access medically assisted procreation. He also defends and advocates for the rights of women to inherit, in particular in Cameroon and Senegal. Stéphane has conducted a literature survey on integrity and compliance and the transparency of transactions inside the OHADA community since the enactment of the US Foreign Corrupt Practice Act. He has carried out a preparatory investigation for the forthcoming Conference on Financial Governance on the assessment of devices on anti money laundering in West and Central Africa (December 2015). This work (in conjunction with the recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force) is trying to highlight the great sensitivity of donations and grants by NGOs. Stéphane worked on the public strategies against telephone fraud, and awareness in general of the problems of cybercrime in Africa. Stéphane Bobe Engueleguele has an excellent knowledge of the issues of Agricultural policy, which is a part of the activity of his legal practice. He ensures the representation and introduction of administrative and judicial actions for expropriated farmers or peasants, particularly in the region of the Senegalese coast, an area whose population is subject to very high pressure regarding land ownership. Since 2003, he has been leading negotiations and transactions for compensation for expropriated farmers. During major health crises (bird flu, mad cows' disease) his office intervened to support farmers ordered by administrations to destroy their livestock. Stéphane Engueleguele also has an excellent knowledge of Health policy issues revealed by the multifaceted advocacy and consultancy carried out in the public Health sector. He was a Lawyer for public hospitals and Healthcare professionals. Since 2008 he has ensured the representation of health professionals during inspections by Health Administrations (controls of structures and pricing of care acts). In 2013, Stéphane led Audits on transparency and compliance on the relations between health professionals and pharmaceutical laboratories (Sunshine Act). In medical liability, especially towards the poor, he has been involved in compensation for victims of HIV, hospital-borne infections, and compensation for medical errors, including damage to the mental health of workers. Stéphane has put forward significant arguments regarding access to the banking system and basic social rights. He undertook through his Senegalese office to continue 2
  • 3. to raise these issues. He ensures the representation of consumers and operates within the framework of banking litigation, and promotes financial inclusion. Stephane also acts in the field of over indebtedness which has been growing in West Africa due to banks' failure to establish their customers' credit worthiness , and because of a lack of financial inclusion policies. As Lawyer of the High Authority against Discriminations and for Equality, he has contributed in France to a significant normative change in advocating the rights of foreign children entering the country without any title, therefore enableing them to access basic social services and social aids. He is the lawyer for the association SOS Racisme in the fight against discrimination against Gypsies and Travellers, especially regarding the right to education. 9. Education (most recent first): Institution (date from - to) Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: Training center of Lawyers Lille 2014 Postgraduate in Public Law and Public Economy Training center of Lawyers Amiens Picardie 2002 Graduate of specialist in Public Law Training center of Lawyers Amiens Picardie (November 1997/November 1998) Postgraduate legal qualification University of Picardie (september1994/June 1997) Doctorate in Political Science option Public Policies University of Picardie (September 1993/October 1994) Post-graduate diploma in Political Science - Public Administration and Public Policies University of Picardie (September 1992/June 1993) Master in Political Science University of Picardie (September 1992/June 1993) Master in Private Law University of Picardie (September 1991/June1992) License of Public Law and Political Science University of Picardie (September 1990/June1991 Diploma of general university studies in Law 2 University of Picardie (September 1989/jJune1990) Diploma of general university studies in Law 1 10. Language Skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 excellent - 5 basic) Language Reading Speaking Writing French 1 1 1 English 1 1 1 Deutsch 2 2 3 Italiano 3 4 4 11. Membership of professional bodies: ORDRE DES AVOCATS DE LA COUR D’APPEL D’AMIENS 3
  • 4. 12. Other skills (e.g. Computer literacy, etc.): WORD, EXCELL, and POWERPOINT under MICROSOFT, SPHYNX. 13. Present position: Associate of DIKE-AVOCATS LAW FIRM 14. Years within the firm: 2008 15. Specific experience in the region (most recent first) Country Date from - Date to Nigeria – Survey on the Rule of law and the Fight against the corruption April/May 2015 Ghana – Survey on the Rule of law and the Fight against the corruption April/May 2015 Togo – Survey on the Rule of law and the Fight against the corruption April/June 2015 Benin – Survey on the Rule of law and the Fight against the corruption April/June 2015 Ivory Coast – Etude de capitalisation de la situation de l’État de droit et la lutte contre la corruption April/June 2015 Liberia – Survey on the Rule of law and the Fight against the corruption April/June 2015 Gambia – Survey on the Rule of law and the Fight against the corruption April/June 2015 Sierra-Leone – Survey on the Rule of law and the Fight against the corruption April/June 2015 Chad – Survey on the Rule of law and the Fight against the corruption April/June 2015 Libya – Survey on the Rule of law and the Fight against the corruption April/June 2015 Niger – Survey on the Rule of law and the Fight against the corruption April/June 2015 Cameroun - Monograph on the anti money laundering policies and the fight against corruption 2012 to January 2015 Senegal Monograph on the anti money laundering policies and the fight against corruption 2012 à January 2015 Senegal Monograph on the financial security framework in emerging country October 2014 to April 2015 Cameroon Note sur l’édiction du règlement de la Cour des comptes (appel d’offres) Sumer 2002 4
  • 5. Central African Republic : Évaluation du Barreau de RCA et élaboration d’un plan stratégique (UNDP CONSULTANCY) December 2015/January 2016 16. Professional experience record (most recent experience) Date from - Date to Location Company and contact (name and contact details) Position Description October 1994- June 2012 AMIENS – FRANCE UNIVERSITY OF Picardie – Unit of training and research in law and political science ← Address :10 Placette Lafleur 80027 Amiens - France Contact ← ++333 22 82 71 52 ← ++333 22 82 71 51 droit.sciencepo@u- Professor (teaching and research) Lectures and practical classes, research works in: Political science, Sociology, Public and Administrative Law, Public Administration, Public litigation, Comparative politics, September 2007- Décember 2007 AMIENS- FRANCE BUSINESS SCHOOL OF AMIENS Address: 18, Place Saint-Michel, 80000 Amiens - France Téléphone: ++333 22 82 23 00 Professor Lectures and practical classes in Competition Law and Consumer Law February 1999- December 2002 AMIENS – FRANCE JEAN BOULY LAW FIRM Address : 62 rue Amiral Courbet 80000 Amiens - France Barrister Advocating and defense Criminal Law, Human Rights, Family Law, Public and Administrative Law. 5
  • 6. Date from - Date to Location Company and contact (name and contact details) Position Description January 2003- December 2007 AMIENS – FRANCE SCP POUILLOT Address: 11 rue du cloître de la Barge 80000 Amiens – France Telephone : + +33322926200 Email : cabinet.ppouillot@ppo Barrister Advocating and defense Criminal Law, Human Rights, Family Law, Public and Administrative Law, Competition Law, Consumer Law. January 2008- Today AMIENS – FRANCE SELARL DIKE AVOCATS Address : 3 Rue Vincent Auriol 80.000 Amiens - France Telephone + +33360123300 Email : Stephane.engueleguel Barrister - Associate Advocating and defense Criminal Law, Human Rights, Family Law, Public and Administrative Law, Competition Law, Consumer Law. Agricultural Law. Town planning Law. Medical Law. Environmental Law. Consultancy, Auditing Public policies. 17. Other relevant information (e.g. Publications, Patents, Other education, Seminars, lectures attended, Scholarships received): ANSWER OF CALL FOR TENDERS - Elaboration of a Project of regulation for the revenue court of the Republic of Cameroon - World Bank, Republic of Cameroon (June 2002) - Elaboration of a master plan for the computerization of the judicial system of Cameroon - Ministry of Justice of Cameroon (Project subsidized during the technical phase.) - Elaboration of a Road master plan of the département of Eure - Département of Eure (Partnership with TEILHARD) - The Learning within Law firms - Agreement CURAPP-GIP Ministry Of Justice 1995. BOOKS (IN FRENCH) • Les politiques Pénales (1945-1995), Paris L’harmattan 1999 • La justice « En jeu », Paris L’harmattan 2001. 6
  • 7. • Justice, Politique pénale et tolérances zéro, Paris, L’Harmattan mai 2010 • Etats, corruption et Blanchiment, Paris L’Harmattan janvier 2015 • Gouvernance et Evaluation du financement du terrorisme (à paraitre) SCIENTIFIC PAPERS (IN FRENCH - NON EXHAUSTIVE) • L’analyse des politiques publiques et les politiques pénales, Robert (Ph.) dir Crime et Justice, l’état des savoirs, Paris le Seuil 2001. • Les communautés épistémiques pénales et la production législative en matière criminelle, Droit et société 2000. • Situer l’Appel de Genève, Chevallier J. (Dir) Justice et Politique, PUF 1998 • La sûreté de l’Etat dans le débat politique, Chevallier J (Dir) La politique ailleurs PUF 1998 • Politiques publiques et criminalité, Chevallier J. (Dir) Désordres, PUF 1997, • Le Préambule et la réforme pénitentiaire, KOUBI G. (Dir) Préambule de la constitution de 1946, PUF 1996, • La thématique pénitentiaire et le traitement de l’enjeu pénal, Chevalier J. (Dir) La Gouvernabilité, PUF 1996, • La modernisation des politiques pénales et pénitentiaire en France depuis 2001 (à paraître). REFERENTS Akere T. Muna (Of Lincoln's Inn London) Barrister-at-law Sanctions Commissioner of the African Development Bank Chairperson of the International Anti-Corruption Conference Member, High Level Panel on Illicit Financial Flows from Africa Member, Governing Board, Africa Governance Institute Former Chairperson, Eminent Persons Panel of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) Former President, Pan-African Lawyers Union Former Presiding Officer, Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the African Union --- Office: +237 22 23 55 74 Fax: +237 22 22 66 85 P.O. Box 307 Yaoundé, Cameroon Email: 7
  • 8. Website: François RANGEON University professor in Political Science UNIVERSITÉ DE PICARDIE – UFR DROIT ET SCIENCE POLITIQUE ← 10 Placette Lafleur 80027 AMIENS ← Office ++333 22 82 71 52 ← Fax ++ 333 22 82 71 51 Email : DIVERS • Member of laic and humanist associations • Travel • Music • Endurance Sports. 8