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IASLOD 2012 -International Asian Summer
                                     School on Linked Data
                                     13-17 Aug. 2012, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea

      Current Trends of Japanese
         -through LOD Challenge Japan

                            Kouji Kozaki
     The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (I.S.I.R),
                       Osaka University, Japan

2012/08/16                       IASLOD 2012                             1
    Main topic
         Linked Open Data Challenge 2011 Japan
         Current Trends of Activities on Linked Open Data
    Outline
         Research Activities on Semantic Web Technology in Japan
         A Summary of LOD Challenge 2011 Japan
              Motivation
              Awards Winners
              Discussions – Trends of submitted works
           (The latest news on LOD in Japan)
         Demo

2012/08/16                       IASLOD 2012                        2
Semantic Web Technology in
     Semantic Web Committee 2001-
         It aims to survey trends on Semantic Web Technologies and promote
          broad uses of them.
         It organizes annual (Japanese) Semantic Web Conferences which
          show the latest trends of SW technologies every year.
             In 2011 and 2012, the theme of the conference focused on LOD.

         Its members are mainly industrial people.

     Special Interested Group on Semantic Web and
      Ontology (SIG-SWO) in JSAI (the Japanese Society for
      Artificial Intelligence) 2002-
         It organizes domestic workshops 2 or 3 a year. (Total:27)
         The state of recent workshops:
             Presentations: 7-10

             Participants: 30-60 (Academic : Industrial = 7 : 3 )

2012/08/16                       IASLOD 2012                              3
International Workshop on Semantic Web Foundations and
 Application Technologies (SWFAT), 12th March 2003, Nara, Japan
  - The first international workshop on SW in Japan.
2012/08/16                  IASLOD 2012                           4
ISWC 2004, 7-11Nov. 2004,
                       Hioshima, Japan
                        - The first international
                       conference on SW in Japan.

2012/08/16   IASLOD 2012                        5
JIST 2012, 2-4 Dec. 2012, Nara, Japan
  - Submission due : 24 Aug. 2012.
  - It has a Special Track on Linked Data
2012/08/16                  IASLOD 2012          6
Venues of International
   Semantic Web Conferences
  ISWC                               ESWC                           ASWC
  SWWS@California, USA
  ISWC2002@Sardinia, Italy
  ISWC2003@Sanibel Island,FL,USA                                    Symposium@Osaka, WS@Nara

  ISWC2004@Hiroshima, Japan           ESWS@Heraklion, Greece
  ISWC2005@Galway, Ireland            ESWC2005@Heraklion, Greece
  ISWC2006@Athens, GA, USA            ESWC2006@Budva,Montenegro     ASWC2006@Beijing,China

  ISWC2007&ASWC2007@Busan,Korea       ESWC2007@Innsbruck, Austria

  ISWC2008@Karlsruhe, Germany         ESWC2008@Tenerife, Spain      ASWC2008@Bangkok, Thailand

  ISWC2009@Washington D.C.Area,USA    ESWC2009@Heraklion, Greece    ASWC2009@Shanghai, China

  ISWC2010@Shanghai, China            ESWC2010@Heraklion, Greece

  ISWC2011@Bonn.Germany               ESWC2011@Heraklion, Greece    JIST2011@Hangzhou, China

  ISWC2012@Boston, USA                ESWC2012@Heraklion, Greece    JIST2012@Nara, Japan

  ISWC2013@Sydney, Australia
                                ISWC:International Semantic Web Conference
                                ESWC:European/Extended Semantic Web Conference
                                ASWC:Asian Semantic Web Conference → JIST
2012/08/16                               IASLOD 2012                                             7
Open = Tsunagaru
             (Connected / linked)

             Linked Open Data Challenge Japan
2012/08/16       IASLOD 2012                             8
for Linked Data Challenge
     2006-
         Linked (Open) Data Activity were started and becoming very active in
          Western countries.
                e.g. DBPedia was presented at ISWC2007 and WWW2007
     2009-2010
         Trend repot about Linked Data Activity in overseas as by Semantic
          Web Committee (of Japan).
           The committee members were aware of the need to catch
           up the activity in Japan.
     2011 Mar.
         The first announcement about Linked Open Data Challenge Japan
          2011 and recruitment of Executive Committee members in
          (Japanese) Semantic Web Conference 2011.
     2011 June
         The first Executive Committee Meeting.
     2011 Oct.
         The submission site was opened!
     2012 Mar.
         The awards ceremony for Linked Open Data Challenge Japan 2011.
2012/08/16                             IASLOD 2012                            9
Goal and Methods
    Goal
         To promote Linked Open Data, that is, publishing open data and
          linking them across domains.
         As the multiplier effect of them, to create new valuable
          technologies and services.
    Methods – Sub goals
         Organizing a contest as an opportunity in which people who work on
          LOD can present their activities and results.
              Designing of schema (Rules) for the LOD Challenge.
         To provide technical information about LOD.
              Making and publishing materials about basic techniques of LOD.
         Cultivating new communities of people from a variety of different
          fields to work on.
              Organizing events/seminars named LOD Challenge Day.

                       Linking Data, Linking People
2012/08/16                              IASLOD 2012                             10
    No project
        We had to recruit committee members.
        All members are volunteers.
    No Founding
        We had to find sponsors.
    No Data
        We had no published open data participant can use.
                Cf. Open Data Challenge in EU, in US.
    No (explicit) community
        We were very concerned about how many
         submissions we could have.
    What we have…
      High ambition that we have to do it NOW!

2012/08/16                           IASLOD 2012                       11
Executive Committee of
   LOD Challenge Japan 2011
     The chair                              Distribution of members
          T. Hagino / 萩野達也 (慶応義塾大学)
     The vice-chair
          S. Nagano / 長野伸一 ((株)東芝)                     9     Academic
     Director of the Executive Office
          N. Otomori / 乙守信行 ((株)MetaMoJi)
     Committee Members
          飯塚京士 (日本電信電話(株))
          生島高裕 ((株)数理先端技術研究所)                   鈴木孝幸 (神奈川工科大学)
          大沼宏行 (沖電気工業(株))                       其田譲治 ((株)博報堂プロダクツ)
          荻島創一 (東京医科歯科大学)                       高橋陽一(インディゴ株式会社)
          F. Kato / 加藤文彦 (国立情報学研究所)             高梨益樹 (富士通(株))
          亀廼井千鶴子 ((株)富士通総研)                     田崎裕二 (富士通(株))
          粂照宣 ((株)富士通研究所)                       年岡晃一 (中部大学)
          K. Kozaki / 古崎晃司 (大阪大学)               豊田哲郎 ((独)理化学研究所)
          小林巌生 ((有)スコレックス)                      中野圭 ((株)数理先端技術研究所)
          齊藤孝広 ((株)富士通研究所)                      細見格 (日本電気(株))
          斎藤博昭 (慶応義塾大学)                         本多裕美
          佐藤宏之 (NTTレゾナント(株))                    光石豊 ((株)富士通研究所)
          澤村正樹 (NTTレゾナント(株))                    森田大翼 (日本電信電話(株))
          渋谷健 ((株)ゼンリン)                         湯本正典 (東京大学)
          清水昇(株式会社サイバーエッヂ/慶應義                   和田康宏
2012/08/16                          IASLOD 2012                            12
                                   -   Information Processing Society of Japan
                                   -   The Japanese Society for Artificial
                                   -   Semantic Web Committee
                                   -   The Japan Electronics and Information
                                       Technology Industries Association
                                   -   Linked Data Study Group (

 Data Providing Partners               Media Partner

2012/08/16                 IASLOD 2012                                       13
News on LOD in Japan
   DERI and Fujitsu
2012/08/16                         IASLOD 2012                              14
Data sets for LOD challenge
 Data sets from Data Providing Partners
             CiNii (Scholarly and Academic Information
             Navigator, pronounced like "sigh-knee") is the largest database
             for Japanese academic information of articles, Books &
             Journals.                    (by NII)
             KAKEN is the database of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific
             Research supported by the Ministry of
             Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
             (MEXT) and the Japan Society for the Promotion of
             Science (JSPS).             (by NII)
             Riken is the largest research institute in Japan.
             They provide biological information on
             BioLOD (Biological Linked Open Databases).
   We encouraged data sets submitted by others
2012/08/16                      IASLOD 2012                               15
Linking three tracks

      Dataset track        Idea track       Application track

     We encouraged linking between submissions.
         Developing application using submitted datasets.
         Developing dataset and application based on submitted
2012/08/16                    IASLOD 2012                         16
LOD Challenge Day
      We organized 4 events (3 in Tokyo, 1 in Osaka)
            Half day events.
            Participants : 130 in the total (25-40 / event)
      Contents
            Introducing talks on LOD.
            Short tutorials about basic technologies on LOD.
            Hans-on sessions to make LOD.
            World cafe (group discussion on how to use LOD)

2012/08/16                       IASLOD 2012                       17
    No project
                            34 volunteer members
         We had to recruit committee members.
        All members are volunteers.
    No Founding                     7 sponsors
        We had to find sponsors.
    No Data                3 data providing partners
        We had no published open data participant can use.
                            & submitted datasets.
           Cf. Open Data Challenge in EU, in US.

    No (explicit) community
        We were very concerned about how many
         submissions we could have.
    What we have…
      High ambition that we have to do NOW!

2012/08/16                   IASLOD 2012                         18
Numbers of Submissions

      Dataset track            Idea track       Application track
           31                      34                  18
     Total 73 submissions by 84 persons/groups
          Cf. Open Data Challenge 2011 in Europe
                430 submissions from 24 countries = 20 / country

2012/08/16                        IASLOD 2012                       19
Awards for each tracks
                Dataset Track Awards
                    The Best Prize: saveMLAK
                         by F. Kato (NII)
                    2nd Prize: Location Site of Japanimation
                         by Hoe-Hoe (

                Idea Track Awards
                    The Best Prize: Linkable Textbook (つながる教科書)
                         by K. Nagumo
                    2nd Prize: Local Service LOD (地域サービスLOD)
                         by Y. Yamamoto
                    2nd Prize: LOD-based Politics (LODな政治)
                         by N. Akechi and S.Nishi

                Application Track Awards
                    The Best Prize:
                         by S. Simoyama, Y. Yoshida and T. Toyoda (RIKEN)
                    2nd Prize: go2Museum (ミュージアムへ行こう!)
                         by Y. Ueda
2012/08/16                               IASLOD 2012                         20
Dataset Track: The best Prize
        Information of rescue and support for the
        Museums, Libraries, Archives and Kominkans
        (MLAK) in Japan
                                saveMLAK is a website about the
                                Museums (including art
                                galleries, science
                                centers, aquariums, zoos, botanical
                                gardens, etc.), Libraries, Archives and
                                Kouminkans(community centers)
                                (MLAK) in Japan stricken by 2011
                                Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami.

                                We are gathering the information on the
                                damages of those facilities in the
                                disaster area and publishing the
                                requests for assistance from the victims.

2012/08/16                IASLOD 2012                                     21
Location Site of
   Contents
       LOD about Location Site of Japanese animations,
        games, light-novels ..etc.
       Titles of each works and cities form the setting of them
        are represented as LOD using DBpedia.

                                            Visualizations of location sites
                                            linked to Tokyo in this data set
                                            : 2168 locations
2012/08/16                    IASLOD 2012                                  22
Awards for each tracks
                Dataset Track Awards
                    The Best Prize: saveMLAK
                         by F. Kato (NII)
                    2nd Prize: Location Site of Japanimation
                         by Hoe-Hoe (

                Idea Track Awards
                    The Best Prize: Linkable Textbook (つながる教科書)
                         by K. Nagumo
                    2nd Prize: Local Service LOD (地域サービスLOD)
                         by Y. Yamamoto
                    2nd Prize: LOD-based Politics (LODな政治)
                         by N. Akechi and S.Nishi

                Application Track Awards
                    The Best Prize:
                         by S. Simoyama, Y. Yoshida and T. Toyoda (RIKEN)
                    2nd Prize: go2Museum (ミュージアムへ行こう!)
                         by Y. Ueda
2012/08/16                               IASLOD 2012                         23
Idea Track: The best Prize
Linkable Textbook (つながる教科書)
   Basic Idea: Learn as linked information.
                     Textbook which provides links with all related
                     information based on geographical information.

   Plant                                       History


                              Transportation                   Event

2012/08/16                  IASLOD 2012                                24
Awards for each tracks
                Dataset Track Awards
                    The Best Prize: saveMLAK
                         by F. Kato (NII)
                    2nd Prize: Location Site of Japanimation
                         by Hoe-Hoe (

                Idea Track Awards
                    The Best Prize: Linkable Textbook (つながる教科書)
                         by K. Nagumo
                    2nd Prize: Local Service LOD (地域サービスLOD)
                         by Y. Yamamoto
                    2nd Prize: LOD-based Politics (LODな政治)
                         by N. Akechi and S.Nishi

                Application Track Awards
                    The Best Prize:
                         by S. Simoyama, Y. Yoshida and T. Toyoda (RIKEN)
                    2nd Prize: go2Museum (ミュージアムへ行こう!)
                         by Y. Ueda
2012/08/16                               IASLOD 2012                         25
Application Track: The best Prize

                            A support site for publishing LOD.
                            The users can convert Table
                            format data into RDF and
                            publish them.

                            It is used for Hands-on sessions
                            in LOD Challenge Days.
                            - Several dataset are submitted
                                using this site (tool).
2012/08/16               IASLOD 2012                         26
Application Track: The best Prize
 go2Museum! (ミュージアムへ行こう!)

                        Museum Search site based on LOD.
                        3000+ museums are registered
                        through some LODs such as
                        DBpedia, LODAC, saveMLAK.

2012/08/16        IASLOD 2012                          27
Sponsor/Data Providing Partner
/Special Awards
   Sponsor Awards
       goo Prize: Yokohama Art Spot by F. Matsumura
       BioLOD Prize: BRC mouse strain by H. Masuya
       Human Centric Prize (Fujitsu): Knowing how hard the going way is
                                    (行く道のしんどさを知る) by N. Ashida et al.
   Data Providing Partner Awards
       CiNii Prize(NII): Biomasspedia by Y. Komiyama

   Special Awards
       World Cafe Prize: History-link (ヒストリンク)
       Challenge Day Prize: SOCIA (Social Opinions and Concerns for Ideal
                             Argumentation) / citispe@k
       Open Government Prize: Yokohama Art LOD / Yokohama Art Search
       Public LOD Prize: findwc (モバイルトイレナビ)/Park WC Information
       Mobile Prize: Blooming Camera (花咲かめら:フィールドでのLOD活用)
       Visualization Prize: DashSearch for SPARQL
       Media Innovation Prize: Historical Drama LOD (歴史ドラマLOD)
       Life Science Prize: MEO (Metagenome/Microbes Environment Ontology)
       Culture Prize: Traveling around Locales (登場地を巡る)

2012/08/16                         IASLOD 2012                               28
Mobile Prize Blooming Camera
   (花咲かめら) By T. Kawamura and A. Ohsuga
     An Android application to query a plant from the LOD Cloud to fit an
      environmental condition using sensors on smart phone, and overlay its
      grown form in the space using AR [Kawamura 2011].

  [Kawamura 2011] T. Kawamura and A. Ohsuga:Green-Thumb Camera: LOD
     Application for Field IT, SIG-SWO-A1103-04
  It will be presented in In-use track of ISWC2012 “Toward an ecosystem of LOD in
  the field: LOD content generation and its consuming service, Takahiro Kawamura”
2012/08/16                           IASLOD 2012                                    29
LOD through entries to the
     ※Parts of these slides are summary of the presentation by N. Otomori at
      the 27th SIG-SWO workshop (
     The “NOW” of Japan we could see through the datasets.
     Japanese Cultures spreading through LOD.
     LOD for/by Local Governments/Residents
     Towards Japanese LOD Foundations
                  Distributions of entries
                                      Basic                       Media
                                                                  16%     Publishin
           18         21            Technolo          10%
                                                                          g, Library,
               34                                                         Education
                                     Geograph           Governm              Life
     Dataset   Idea   Application     ic Info.            ent              Science
                                       22%               12%                13%
2012/08/16                             IASLOD 2012                                 30
we can see through the
    Differences between LOD Challenge Japan and other LOD contests
     appears in differences of the datasets.
    We can see which domains are advanced in LOD, which datasets are
     required now, etc.
       It reflects the “NOW” of Japan every years.

    This is one of meaningful reason to continue the LOD Challenge!
 Distributions of entries for dataset track
             Local                             Foundation,
         information,                              1
                                                   Medicine, Lif
                        Politics, SNS,             e science, 8
 The best Prize                4
 saveMLAK                                 Subculture
                                         (Animation),        The 2nd Prize
Support Information for                       5
2011 Tōhoku earthquake                                       Location Site of
and tsunami                                                  Japanimation
2012/08/16                               IASLOD 2012                            31
Japanese Cultures
     spreading through LOD.
    In idea track, there are many entries related to
     Japanese Culture such as subculture,
     education, history, sightseeing etc.
         Basic idea: fundamental information (Geographic Info.,
          Person, etc.) + characteristic information of Japanese

Idea track                 culture         Dataset track
                             ,8                                               subcult
          other,                                   other, 1
           26                                         6
                                                              The 2nd Prize
          The Best Prize                                      Location Site of
          Linkable Textbook                                   Japanimation
2012/08/16                           IASLOD 2012                                        32
LOD for/by
     Local Governments/Residents
    Datasets, Ideas and Applications which use Local information about
     such as museums, local governments etc. were submitted and got
    Although Japanese does not provide open data in LOD, two local
     city government, Sabae and Yokohama, publish their local
     information as LOD and got prizes!
    We hope other local and governments and the Japanese
     Government follow their LOD-Activities.
Dataset track             Idea track                    Application track
                 Local                        Local
                 Info.,                       Info.,                        Local
                   4                            6                           Info.,
      other,                other,                              12
        21                    28

                  The 2nd Prize                        The 2nd Prize
                  Local Service LOD Let’s Go Museum!
2012/08/16                           IASLOD 2012                               33
News on LOD in Japan
   Japanese Public Open Data
     2012.7. 4
         IT Strategic Headquarters in Japan published “e-government
          open data strategies” .
         Basic principles
                ① The governments themselves publish public data positively.
                ② Publish data in machine readable formats.
                ③ Promote to use for no matter commercial or not
                ④ Quickly start to open data form public ones. And the results step
                 by step.
     2012. 7. 27
         Open Data Promotion Consortium was established.

     CKAN in Japanese was stated.
2012/08/16                              IASLOD 2012                                    34
Towards Japanese
   LOD Foundations
      Some of the submitted applications aim to provide
       basic technologies independent of domains.
      Kinds of basic technologies which they provide.
            Developing LOD (3)
                   Convert Table data / bibTex to RDF.
            Searching and Visualizing LOD (4)
                   Finding link between resources in different LOD.
      They could be foundations for Japanese LOD.
                                logy, 7

       other,                         The Best Prize
2012/08/16                                IASLOD 2012                  35
    The Best Prize:
         by S. Simoyama, Y. Yoshida and T. Toyoda (RIKEN)

    Visualization Prize: DashSearch for SPARQL
         by T. Goto (NII)
         (The latest version)

    Hozo:LOD Viewer
         by K. Kozaki and N. Kato (Osaka University)
         A prototype version for LOD support of Hozo-ontology exploration
          tool (see. my presentation 15 Aug.).

2012/08/16                          IASLOD 2012                                 36
    What we did
         Total 73 submissions by 84 persons/groups.
         There are many high quality submissions.
              It was very successful!
         The participants could be a LOD community in Japan.
              We could one of our purposes.
    What we learn
         Linking people is very important for linking data.
    Future works
         Linking between submissions. (There is a few example in 2011)
         Creating LOD communities in Local (not Tokyo) areas.
         Increasing participants from other domains (including general
          computer sciences) and ordinary people (non-experts).
2012/08/16                           IASLOD 2012                          37
Future plans
    Future plans
       Linked Open Data Challenge Japan 2012
                Committee member are working very actively!
                New track: Visualization track.
                New sponsors and data provide partners will be confirmed.
                Now, we can use datasets and ideas submitted in 2011!
        Planed events
                LOD Challenge Day in Tokyo and Nagoya.
                Open data Hackathon in Sabae.
                Joint event with JIST 2012, Nara.

    LOD Challenge Asia?
        We need your help!
2012/08/16                           IASLOD 2012                             38
      I am deeply grateful to Executive Committee
       members of LOD Challenge Japan.

             Thank you for your attentions!

             Linked Open Data Challenge Japan
2012/08/16                      IASLOD 2012              39

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Current Trends of Japanese LOD -through LOD Challenge Japan

  • 1. IASLOD 2012 -International Asian Summer School on Linked Data 13-17 Aug. 2012, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea Current Trends of Japanese LOD -through LOD Challenge Japan Kouji Kozaki The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (I.S.I.R), Osaka University, Japan 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 1
  • 2. Agenda  Main topic  Linked Open Data Challenge 2011 Japan  Current Trends of Activities on Linked Open Data  Outline  Research Activities on Semantic Web Technology in Japan  A Summary of LOD Challenge 2011 Japan  Motivation  Awards Winners  Discussions – Trends of submitted works (The latest news on LOD in Japan)  Demo 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 2
  • 3. Semantic Web Technology in Japan  Semantic Web Committee 2001-  It aims to survey trends on Semantic Web Technologies and promote broad uses of them.  It organizes annual (Japanese) Semantic Web Conferences which show the latest trends of SW technologies every year.  In 2011 and 2012, the theme of the conference focused on LOD.  Its members are mainly industrial people.  Special Interested Group on Semantic Web and Ontology (SIG-SWO) in JSAI (the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence) 2002-  It organizes domestic workshops 2 or 3 a year. (Total:27)  The state of recent workshops:  Presentations: 7-10  Participants: 30-60 (Academic : Industrial = 7 : 3 ) 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 3
  • 4. International Workshop on Semantic Web Foundations and Application Technologies (SWFAT), 12th March 2003, Nara, Japan - The first international workshop on SW in Japan. 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 4
  • 5. ISWC 2004, 7-11Nov. 2004, Hioshima, Japan - The first international conference on SW in Japan. 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 5
  • 6. JIST 2012, 2-4 Dec. 2012, Nara, Japan - Submission due : 24 Aug. 2012. - It has a Special Track on Linked Data 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 6
  • 7. Venues of International Semantic Web Conferences ISWC ESWC ASWC SWWS@California, USA ISWC2002@Sardinia, Italy ISWC2003@Sanibel Island,FL,USA Symposium@Osaka, WS@Nara ISWC2004@Hiroshima, Japan ESWS@Heraklion, Greece ISWC2005@Galway, Ireland ESWC2005@Heraklion, Greece ISWC2006@Athens, GA, USA ESWC2006@Budva,Montenegro ASWC2006@Beijing,China ISWC2007&ASWC2007@Busan,Korea ESWC2007@Innsbruck, Austria ISWC2008@Karlsruhe, Germany ESWC2008@Tenerife, Spain ASWC2008@Bangkok, Thailand ISWC2009@Washington D.C.Area,USA ESWC2009@Heraklion, Greece ASWC2009@Shanghai, China ISWC2010@Shanghai, China ESWC2010@Heraklion, Greece ISWC2011@Bonn.Germany ESWC2011@Heraklion, Greece JIST2011@Hangzhou, China ISWC2012@Boston, USA ESWC2012@Heraklion, Greece JIST2012@Nara, Japan ISWC2013@Sydney, Australia ISWC:International Semantic Web Conference ESWC:European/Extended Semantic Web Conference ASWC:Asian Semantic Web Conference → JIST 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 7
  • 8. Open = Tsunagaru (Connected / linked) Linked Open Data Challenge Japan 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 8
  • 9. for Linked Data Challenge Japan  2006-  Linked (Open) Data Activity were started and becoming very active in Western countries.  e.g. DBPedia was presented at ISWC2007 and WWW2007  2009-2010  Trend repot about Linked Data Activity in overseas as by Semantic Web Committee (of Japan). The committee members were aware of the need to catch  up the activity in Japan.  2011 Mar.  The first announcement about Linked Open Data Challenge Japan 2011 and recruitment of Executive Committee members in (Japanese) Semantic Web Conference 2011.  2011 June  The first Executive Committee Meeting.  2011 Oct.  The submission site was opened!  2012 Mar.  The awards ceremony for Linked Open Data Challenge Japan 2011. 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 9
  • 10. Goal and Methods  Goal  To promote Linked Open Data, that is, publishing open data and linking them across domains.  As the multiplier effect of them, to create new valuable technologies and services.  Methods – Sub goals  Organizing a contest as an opportunity in which people who work on LOD can present their activities and results.  Designing of schema (Rules) for the LOD Challenge.  To provide technical information about LOD.  Making and publishing materials about basic techniques of LOD.  Cultivating new communities of people from a variety of different fields to work on.  Organizing events/seminars named LOD Challenge Day. Linking Data, Linking People 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 10
  • 11. Problems  No project  We had to recruit committee members.  All members are volunteers.  No Founding  We had to find sponsors.  No Data  We had no published open data participant can use.  Cf. Open Data Challenge in EU, in US.  No (explicit) community  We were very concerned about how many submissions we could have.  What we have…  High ambition that we have to do it NOW! 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 11
  • 12. Executive Committee of LOD Challenge Japan 2011  The chair Distribution of members  T. Hagino / 萩野達也 (慶応義塾大学)  The vice-chair  S. Nagano / 長野伸一 ((株)東芝) 9 Academic  Director of the Executive Office Industrial  N. Otomori / 乙守信行 ((株)MetaMoJi) 26  Committee Members  飯塚京士 (日本電信電話(株))  生島高裕 ((株)数理先端技術研究所)  鈴木孝幸 (神奈川工科大学)  大沼宏行 (沖電気工業(株))  其田譲治 ((株)博報堂プロダクツ)  荻島創一 (東京医科歯科大学)  高橋陽一(インディゴ株式会社)  F. Kato / 加藤文彦 (国立情報学研究所)  高梨益樹 (富士通(株))  亀廼井千鶴子 ((株)富士通総研)  田崎裕二 (富士通(株))  粂照宣 ((株)富士通研究所)  年岡晃一 (中部大学)  K. Kozaki / 古崎晃司 (大阪大学)  豊田哲郎 ((独)理化学研究所)  小林巌生 ((有)スコレックス)  中野圭 ((株)数理先端技術研究所)  齊藤孝広 ((株)富士通研究所)  細見格 (日本電気(株))  斎藤博昭 (慶応義塾大学)  本多裕美  佐藤宏之 (NTTレゾナント(株))  光石豊 ((株)富士通研究所)  澤村正樹 (NTTレゾナント(株))  森田大翼 (日本電信電話(株))  渋谷健 ((株)ゼンリン)  湯本正典 (東京大学)  清水昇(株式会社サイバーエッヂ/慶應義  和田康宏 塾大学SFC研究所) 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 12
  • 13. Sponsors/Partners/Supporters Supporters - Information Processing Society of Japan - The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence - Semantic Web Committee - The Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association - Linked Data Study Group ( Data Providing Partners Media Partner 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 13
  • 14. News on LOD in Japan DERI and Fujitsu 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 14
  • 15. Data sets for LOD challenge Data sets from Data Providing Partners CiNii (Scholarly and Academic Information Navigator, pronounced like "sigh-knee") is the largest database for Japanese academic information of articles, Books & Journals. (by NII) KAKEN is the database of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). (by NII) Riken is the largest research institute in Japan. They provide biological information on BioLOD (Biological Linked Open Databases). We encouraged data sets submitted by others 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 15
  • 16. Linking three tracks Dataset track Idea track Application track  We encouraged linking between submissions.  Developing application using submitted datasets.  Developing dataset and application based on submitted idea. 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 16
  • 17. LOD Challenge Day  We organized 4 events (3 in Tokyo, 1 in Osaka)  Half day events.  Participants : 130 in the total (25-40 / event)  Contents  Introducing talks on LOD.  Short tutorials about basic technologies on LOD.  Hans-on sessions to make LOD.  World cafe (group discussion on how to use LOD) Tokyo Osaka 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 17
  • 18. Solutions  No project  34 volunteer members We had to recruit committee members.  All members are volunteers.  No Founding 7 sponsors  We had to find sponsors.  No Data 3 data providing partners  We had no published open data participant can use. & submitted datasets. Cf. Open Data Challenge in EU, in US.   No (explicit) community  We were very concerned about how many submissions we could have.  What we have…  High ambition that we have to do NOW! 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 18
  • 19. Numbers of Submissions Dataset track Idea track Application track 31 34 18  Total 73 submissions by 84 persons/groups  Cf. Open Data Challenge 2011 in Europe  430 submissions from 24 countries = 20 / country 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 19
  • 20. Awards for each tracks  Dataset Track Awards  The Best Prize: saveMLAK  by F. Kato (NII)  2nd Prize: Location Site of Japanimation  by Hoe-Hoe (  Idea Track Awards  The Best Prize: Linkable Textbook (つながる教科書)  by K. Nagumo  2nd Prize: Local Service LOD (地域サービスLOD)  by Y. Yamamoto  2nd Prize: LOD-based Politics (LODな政治)  by N. Akechi and S.Nishi  Application Track Awards  The Best Prize:  by S. Simoyama, Y. Yoshida and T. Toyoda (RIKEN)  2nd Prize: go2Museum (ミュージアムへ行こう!)  by Y. Ueda 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 20
  • 21. Dataset Track: The best Prize saveMLAK Information of rescue and support for the Museums, Libraries, Archives and Kominkans (MLAK) in Japan saveMLAK is a website about the Museums (including art galleries, science centers, aquariums, zoos, botanical gardens, etc.), Libraries, Archives and Kouminkans(community centers) (MLAK) in Japan stricken by 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. We are gathering the information on the damages of those facilities in the disaster area and publishing the requests for assistance from the victims. ( 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 21
  • 22. Location Site of Japanimation  Contents  LOD about Location Site of Japanese animations, games, light-novels ..etc.  Titles of each works and cities form the setting of them are represented as LOD using DBpedia.  Visualizations of location sites linked to Tokyo in this data set : 2168 locations 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 22
  • 23. Awards for each tracks  Dataset Track Awards  The Best Prize: saveMLAK  by F. Kato (NII)  2nd Prize: Location Site of Japanimation  by Hoe-Hoe (  Idea Track Awards  The Best Prize: Linkable Textbook (つながる教科書)  by K. Nagumo  2nd Prize: Local Service LOD (地域サービスLOD)  by Y. Yamamoto  2nd Prize: LOD-based Politics (LODな政治)  by N. Akechi and S.Nishi  Application Track Awards  The Best Prize:  by S. Simoyama, Y. Yoshida and T. Toyoda (RIKEN)  2nd Prize: go2Museum (ミュージアムへ行こう!)  by Y. Ueda 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 23
  • 24. Idea Track: The best Prize Linkable Textbook (つながる教科書) Basic Idea: Learn as linked information. Textbook which provides links with all related information based on geographical information. Food Plant History News Technology Transportation Event 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 24
  • 25. Awards for each tracks  Dataset Track Awards  The Best Prize: saveMLAK  by F. Kato (NII)  2nd Prize: Location Site of Japanimation  by Hoe-Hoe (  Idea Track Awards  The Best Prize: Linkable Textbook (つながる教科書)  by K. Nagumo  2nd Prize: Local Service LOD (地域サービスLOD)  by Y. Yamamoto  2nd Prize: LOD-based Politics (LODな政治)  by N. Akechi and S.Nishi  Application Track Awards  The Best Prize:  by S. Simoyama, Y. Yoshida and T. Toyoda (RIKEN)  2nd Prize: go2Museum (ミュージアムへ行こう!)  by Y. Ueda 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 25
  • 26. Application Track: The best Prize A support site for publishing LOD. The users can convert Table format data into RDF and publish them. It is used for Hands-on sessions in LOD Challenge Days. - Several dataset are submitted using this site (tool). 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 26
  • 27. Application Track: The best Prize go2Museum! (ミュージアムへ行こう!) Museum Search site based on LOD. 3000+ museums are registered through some LODs such as DBpedia, LODAC, saveMLAK. 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 27
  • 28. Sponsor/Data Providing Partner Awards /Special Awards  Sponsor Awards  goo Prize: Yokohama Art Spot by F. Matsumura  BioLOD Prize: BRC mouse strain by H. Masuya  Human Centric Prize (Fujitsu): Knowing how hard the going way is (行く道のしんどさを知る) by N. Ashida et al.  Data Providing Partner Awards  CiNii Prize(NII): Biomasspedia by Y. Komiyama  Special Awards  World Cafe Prize: History-link (ヒストリンク)  Challenge Day Prize: SOCIA (Social Opinions and Concerns for Ideal Argumentation) / citispe@k  Open Government Prize: Yokohama Art LOD / Yokohama Art Search  Public LOD Prize: findwc (モバイルトイレナビ)/Park WC Information  Mobile Prize: Blooming Camera (花咲かめら:フィールドでのLOD活用)  Visualization Prize: DashSearch for SPARQL  Media Innovation Prize: Historical Drama LOD (歴史ドラマLOD)  Life Science Prize: MEO (Metagenome/Microbes Environment Ontology)  Culture Prize: Traveling around Locales (登場地を巡る) 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 28
  • 29. Mobile Prize Blooming Camera (花咲かめら) By T. Kawamura and A. Ohsuga  An Android application to query a plant from the LOD Cloud to fit an environmental condition using sensors on smart phone, and overlay its grown form in the space using AR [Kawamura 2011]. [Kawamura 2011] T. Kawamura and A. Ohsuga:Green-Thumb Camera: LOD Application for Field IT, SIG-SWO-A1103-04 It will be presented in In-use track of ISWC2012 “Toward an ecosystem of LOD in the field: LOD content generation and its consuming service, Takahiro Kawamura” 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 29
  • 30. LOD through entries to the Challenge ※Parts of these slides are summary of the presentation by N. Otomori at the 27th SIG-SWO workshop (  The “NOW” of Japan we could see through the datasets.  Japanese Cultures spreading through LOD.  LOD for/by Local Governments/Residents  Towards Japanese LOD Foundations Distributions of entries Cross- Basic Media domain 16% Publishin 18 21 Technolo 10% g, Library, gy 13% 34 Education 14% Geograph Governm Life Dataset Idea Application ic Info. ent Science 22% 12% 13% 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 30
  • 31. we can see through the datasets.  Differences between LOD Challenge Japan and other LOD contests appears in differences of the datasets.  We can see which domains are advanced in LOD, which datasets are required now, etc.  It reflects the “NOW” of Japan every years.  This is one of meaningful reason to continue the LOD Challenge! Distributions of entries for dataset track Local Foundation, information, 1 3 Medicine, Lif Politics, SNS, e science, 8 The best Prize 4 saveMLAK Subculture (Animation), The 2nd Prize Support Information for 5 2011 Tōhoku earthquake Location Site of and tsunami Japanimation 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 31
  • 32. Japanese Cultures spreading through LOD.  In idea track, there are many entries related to Japanese Culture such as subculture, education, history, sightseeing etc.  Basic idea: fundamental information (Geographic Info., Person, etc.) + characteristic information of Japanese Idea track culture Dataset track ,8 subcult ure(ani mation) ,5 other, other, 1 26 6 The 2nd Prize The Best Prize Location Site of Linkable Textbook Japanimation 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 32
  • 33. LOD for/by Local Governments/Residents  Datasets, Ideas and Applications which use Local information about such as museums, local governments etc. were submitted and got prizes.  Although Japanese does not provide open data in LOD, two local city government, Sabae and Yokohama, publish their local information as LOD and got prizes!  We hope other local and governments and the Japanese Government follow their LOD-Activities. Dataset track Idea track Application track Local Local Info., Info., Local 4 6 Info., 6 other, other, other, 12 21 28 The 2nd Prize The 2nd Prize Local Service LOD Let’s Go Museum! 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 33
  • 34. News on LOD in Japan Japanese Public Open Data  2012.7. 4  IT Strategic Headquarters in Japan published “e-government open data strategies” .  Basic principles  ① The governments themselves publish public data positively.  ② Publish data in machine readable formats.  ③ Promote to use for no matter commercial or not  ④ Quickly start to open data form public ones. And the results step by step.  2012. 7. 27  Open Data Promotion Consortium was established.  CKAN in Japanese was stated.  2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 34
  • 35. Towards Japanese LOD Foundations  Some of the submitted applications aim to provide basic technologies independent of domains.  Kinds of basic technologies which they provide.  Developing LOD (3)  Convert Table data / bibTex to RDF.  Searching and Visualizing LOD (4)  Finding link between resources in different LOD.  They could be foundations for Japanese LOD. Basic Techno logy, 7 other, The Best Prize 18 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 35
  • 36. Demo  The Best Prize:  by S. Simoyama, Y. Yoshida and T. Toyoda (RIKEN)   Visualization Prize: DashSearch for SPARQL  by T. Goto (NII)   (The latest version)  Hozo:LOD Viewer  by K. Kozaki and N. Kato (Osaka University)  A prototype version for LOD support of Hozo-ontology exploration tool (see. my presentation 15 Aug.).  2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 36
  • 37. Summary  What we did  Total 73 submissions by 84 persons/groups.  There are many high quality submissions.  It was very successful!  The participants could be a LOD community in Japan.  We could one of our purposes.  What we learn  Linking people is very important for linking data.  Future works  Linking between submissions. (There is a few example in 2011)  Creating LOD communities in Local (not Tokyo) areas.  Increasing participants from other domains (including general computer sciences) and ordinary people (non-experts). 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 37
  • 38. Future plans  Future plans  Linked Open Data Challenge Japan 2012  Committee member are working very actively!  New track: Visualization track.  New sponsors and data provide partners will be confirmed.  Now, we can use datasets and ideas submitted in 2011!  Planed events  LOD Challenge Day in Tokyo and Nagoya.  Open data Hackathon in Sabae.  Joint event with JIST 2012, Nara.  LOD Challenge Asia?  We need your help! 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 38
  • 39. Acknowledgements  I am deeply grateful to Executive Committee members of LOD Challenge Japan. Thank you for your attentions! Linked Open Data Challenge Japan 2012/08/16 IASLOD 2012 39