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Cultural Emotions:
Pain, Hate, Fear, Disgust, Shame, Love
Ted Manley, Jr. PhD
Cultural Emotion
(Meriam Webster)
1 : punishment ·the pains and penalties of crime
2 a : usually localized physical suffering associated with bodily
disorder (such as a disease or an injury) ·the pain of a twisted
also : a basic bodily sensation induced by a noxious stimulus,
received by naked nerve endings, characterized by physical
discomfort (such as pricking, throbbing, or aching), and
typically leading to evasive action ·the pain of bee stings
b : acute mental or emotional distress or suffering : grief
Sociology of Pain
Pain: A Sociological Introduction, Elaine Denny (2016)
Intersection between biology and culture (Medical Model vs
Sociology Model of managing pain)
Much pain is experienced as short lived, and self-limiting or
easily treated, but for those individuals who live with long term
and intractable pain it can cause disruption of life as it is
currently lived and alter their expectations of the future.
Sociological research has, for example, shown how men and
women approach and experience pain differently, seeking to
explain why women more than men report more long term and
disabling pain than men. A strength of a sociological
understanding of pain is that it encompasses both the
interpretive perspective of the person in pain and the structural
factors that influence this, offering an explanation of the way
that these intersect.
Cultural Emotion
(Meriam Webster)
Intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger,
or sense of injury.
b : extreme dislike or disgust : antipathy, loathing.
The Sociology of Hate
Gordon Allport (1954?:1958; 1979): The Nature of Prejudice
“Open-mindedness is considered to be a virtue. But, strictly
speaking, it cannot occur. A new experience must be redacted
into old categories. We cannot handle each even freshly in its
own right (Allport, 1954, p. 19)
The Big Three
Three main topics in the psychology of racism: Stereotypes,
Prejudice, and Discrimination
Stereotypes categorize people according to social factors
Definition: “A cognitive structure that contains the perceiver’s
knowledge, beliefs, and expectancies about some human group”
(Hamilton & Trolier, 1986, p. 133).
Stereotypes are necessary
The content of stereotypes can be the problem
Most insidious stereotypes = create, maintain, or strengthen
social hierarchy
Outcomes of racial/ ethnic stereotypes
Categorize based on age, gender, social role, physical
appearance, or relation to self
Definition: “A cognitive structure that contains the perceiver’s
knowledge, beliefs, and expectancies about some human group”
(Hamilton & Trolier, 1986, p. 133).
We develop “Naïve theories” of social action (Tajfel & Forgas,
Used for complex social events that we can’t understand fully
Develop simplistic systems for understanding
Attribute generalized and supposed collective traits and
intentions to social groups, and then use these attributions to
explain complex phenomenon that we can’t otherwise
A social phenomenon, collective (ie., media)
Cognitive Perspective-
Stereotypes operate as schemas- cognitive frameworks for
organizing interpreting, and recalling information
Literally process information differently based on schema
Information consistent with schema gets more attention, is
rehearsed more frequently, and remembered more accurately
than inconsistent information.
Becomes a closed cognitive loop
Stereotypes are necessary for cognitive functioning
Stereotypes are not inherently bad or negative
Used to understand people, objective, and stimuli in
Necessary to simplify the complex, confusing, social world.
(Lippmann, 1922)
Gather just enough info to understand, predict, and structure the
Without Stereotypes: Have to evaluate every aspect of someone-
appearance, mood, personality traits, s[eecj qualities, social
setting, etc…
Prejudice- Affective factors
Definitions of Prejudice
Allport (2000): Antipathy based upon a faulty and inflexible
generalization. It may be felt or expressed. It may be directed
toward a group as a whole, or toward an individual because he
is a member of that group.
Minimal Group Paradigm
The basic requirements for prejudice
Ingroup vs. outgroup
Stereotyped cognitions are not necessary
Social Categorization and Identity Theory
Social Categorization: Us vs. Them
Us = Good, Them = Bad
Why do we do this?
Social Competition
Praejudicium- Latin noun
Ancient meaning = precedent- judgment based on previous
decisions and experiences
English = judgment formed before an examination and
consideration of facts
Hasty and premature judgment
Present = Emotional sense of favorabeleness or unfavorableness
that acoompanies such a prior and unsupported judgment
Allport (2000) = Negative Ethnic Prejudice = Antipathy based
upon a faulty and inflexible generalization. It may be felt or
expressed. It may be directed toward a group as a whole, or
toward an individual because he is a member of that group.
But can be positive or negative valence
Stereotypes are cognitive processes, prejudice is affective/
Cognitive and affective processes are connected, but not
entirely overlapping
Feelings and cognitions can often be in conflict
Minimal Group Paradigm (Hogg & Abrams, 1988; Brewer &
Brown, 1998)- the mere existence of social groups, even
meaningless and arbitrary groups, leads to prejudice based on
group membership.
In-group favoritism occurs automatically and unconsciously-
they display bias towards ingroup without even knowing it
Evaluate ingroup more positively, provide more resources to
them, and evaluate performance better.
Minimal requirements- divide group into us vs. them
Don’t need cognitions for the gut-level emotional reaction of
Racial prejudice – much more complex interaction of history
and power to create prejudicial feelings
Much more than can be created in the laboratory
The universal tendency to favor the ingroup only provides a
basis for racism
Societal variables turn it into a more systemic, insidious
Types of Discrimination
Physical Attack
Bark vs. Bite?
What about today?
Overt to the Covert
Conscious to Unconscious
Explicit to Implicit
Any negative attitude will likely express itself as a behavior in
some way.
The more intense the attitude, the more likely to be hostile
Types of Overt Discrimination (Allport, 2000)
Antilocution: Talk about prejudices with friends, sometimes
Avoidance: Avoid members of disliked groups
Discrimination: actively excludes someone- housing,
employment, rights, opportunities, churches, hospitals, social
semiviolence (property destruction)
Extermination: lynchings, pogroms, massacres, genocide
Bark is often worse than Bite:
La Piere (1934)- traveled US with Chinese couple, stopped at 66
sleeping places, 184 eating placed and were refused service
only once.
Afterwords, in a questionnaire, 93% of restaurants and 92% of
the hotels said they would not serve Chinese people (control
group had similar responses).
Confirmed by Kutner, Wilkins, and Yarrow (1952).
Allport’s conclusion: “Where clear conflicts exists, with law
and conscience on the one side, and with custom and prejudice
on the other, discrimination is practiced chiefly in covert and
indirect ways, and not primarily in face-to-face situations where
embarassment would result.
Cultural Emotion
(Meriam Webster)
1 a : an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation
or awareness of danger
b (1) : an instance of this emotion
(2) : a state marked by this emotion
2 : anxious concern : solicitude
3 : profound reverence and awe especially toward God
4 : reason for alarm : danger
Sociology of Fear: Chapman University Study
Survey on American Fears, Chapman University has tried to
identify what Americans fear the most.
Nobody has ever cracked the code of human emotions. Our
feelings are rooted within the depths of our physiology, but our
cheers and screams are also products of our environment. Put
in sociological terms, “fearfulness in varying degrees is part of
the very fabric of everyday social relations”.
The survey explored four categories of fear: personal fears,
natural disasters, paranormal fears, and drivers of fear behavior.
The top American domains of fear averaged to be man-made
disasters, technology, and government. Given the political
transformations and technological developments taking place
today, the results seem spot on.
Sociology of Fear
Do the right thing: What’s the Cultural Emotion in this scene—
define and discuss intersections
Work in small groups around your class seat/table and do the
Describe the cultural emotions for each character in the scene:
Sal, Buggin’-out, Vito, Pino, Mookie.
Explain how the cultural emotions captured in this scene go
from low, moderate to high intensity?
Analytical FrameworkElements of an Emotion SalBuggin-
OutPinoMookieVitoPhysiological Changes—Emotion
arousalExpressive GesturesEmotion LabelSituational Cues
Intensity of Cultural EmotionsIdentity and Social RelationsLow
Identity and Social Relations
Identity/Social RelationsSalBuggin-outClass/Social
StatusRacial/Ethnic Gender/TransgenderSexualitySocial
Cultural Emotion
(Meriam Webster)
1: a strong feeling of dislike for something that has a very
unpleasant appearance, taste, smell, etc.
2 : annoyance and anger that you feel toward something because
it is not good, fair, appropriate, etc.
Sociology of Disgust—The Disgust Scale
Disgust is a fascinating emotion. Its elicitors are a puzzle: it
makes sense that we are disgusted by things that can
contaminate our food, but why does this food-related emotion
extend itself so deeply into our social world, so that people feel
disgusted by certain ethnic groups (or by racism), by
homosexuality (or by homophobia), and by a variety of social
and moral violations that don't involve anything physically
Disgust appears to play a role in moral judgment, moral
conflict, and ethno-political violence. (For the best work on
disgust and politics, see David Pizarro.) Disgust has clinical
ramifications, for it seems to be involved in obsessive-
compulsive disorder and in a variety of phobias. (For the best
work on clinical implications, see Bunmi Olatunji.) Disgust
even has religious ramifications, for it appears to be part of the
psychological foundation of culturally widespread ideas of
purity and pollution. Many religions (e.g., Judaism, Islam, and
Hinduism) have extensive rules for regulating human bodily
processes and keeping them separated from sacred objects and
practices. Disgust appears to provide part of the structure of
these rules and practices.
The Disgust Scale is a self-report personality scale that was
developed by Jonathan Haidt, Clark McCauley, and Paul Rozin
as a general tool for the study of disgust. It is used to measure
individual differences in sensitivity to disgust, and to examine
the relationships among different kinds of disgust.
To take the disgust scale online and see your score and how it
compares to others, please go to and
register. Then, on the "explore your morals" page, take the
"disgust scale"
Cultural Emotion
(Meriam Webster)
1 a : a painful emotion caused by consciousness of guilt,
shortcoming, or impropriety
b : the susceptibility to such emotion have you no shame?
2 : a condition of humiliating disgrace or disrepute : ignominy
the shame of being arrested
3 a : something that brings censure or reproach; also :
something to be regretted : pity it's a shame you can't go
Sociology of Shame: The Overdose of Shame: A Sociological
and Historical Self-Exploration Haing Kao (2004)
Shame is best defined through its contrast and comparison with
guilt, an emotion that is often confused with shame. This is
detailed in a paper entitled, “Shame and Guilt and Their
Relationship to Positive Expectations and Anger
In contrast, shame typically involves an acutely painful
experience that is overwhelmingly self-focused and more
diffuse than guilt ... Individuals experiencing shame might feel
a sense of worthlessness, incompetence, or a generalized feeling
of contempt for themselves, thereby demonstrating a reflection
of overly harsh self-evaluations.
Consequently, repeated experiences of shame have been found
to be associated with a number of negative cognitive behavioral
experiences, including depression, selfderogation, shyness,
interpersonal anxiety, perfectionism, and a diffuse-oriented
identity (Lutwak et al., 2001)
Social Relations of Shame
Do the right thing: What’s the Cultural Emotion in this scene—
define and discuss intersections
Work in small groups around your class seat/table and do the
Describe the cultural emotions for each character in the scene:
De Mayor and the Male Youth
Explain how the cultural emotions captured in this scene go
from low, moderate to high intensity?
Analytical FrameworkElement of an EmotionDe MayorMale
Youth #1Male Youth #2Female YouthMale Youth
#3Physiological Changes—Emotion arousalExpressive
GesturesEmotion LabelSituational Cues
Intensity of Cultural EmotionsIdentity and Social RelationsLow
ModerateHighDe MayorMale Youth #1
Identity and Social RelationsIdentity/Social RelationsDe
MayorMale Youth #1Class/Social StatusRacial/Eth nic
Gender/TransgenderSexualitySocial Movement
Cultural Emotion LOVE (Meriam Webster)
1 a (1) : strong affection for another arising out of kinship or
personal ties maternal love for a child (2) : attraction based on
sexual desire : affection and tenderness felt by lovers After all
these years, they are still very much in love. (3) : affection
based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests love for
his old schoolmates b : an assurance of affection give her my
2 : warm attachment, enthusiasm, or devotion love of the sea
3 a : the object of attachment, devotion, or admiration baseball
was his first love b (1) : a beloved person : darling —often used
as a term of endearment (2) British —used as an informal term
of address
4 a : unselfish loyal and benevolent (see benevolent 1a) concern
for the good of another: such as (1) : the fatherly concern of
God for humankind (2) : brotherly concern for others b : a
person's adoration of God
5 : a god (such as Cupid or Eros) or personification of love
6 : an amorous episode : love affair
7 : the sexual embrace : copulation
8 : a score of zero (as in tennis)
9 capitalized, Christian Science : god
Sociology of Love
Love and intimacy go hand in hand. Love is the physical,
emotional, sexual, intellectual, or social affection one person
holds for another. Concepts related to love include: adore,
desire, prefer, possess, care for, serve, and even worship.
Intimacy, on the other hand, is a close relationship where
mutual acceptance, nurturance, and trust are shared at some
level. In order to understand love in human relationships, you
must first understand how the socialized self either enhances or
inhibits your capacity to love.
Your socialized self develops under the supervision of your
caregiver or parent(s). When you were a newborn, you were
totally dependent upon the adults in your life to take care of
your needs and raise you in a safe environment. You had to be
fed and clothed, bathed and held, and loved and appreciated.
Your caregivers provided these basic needs in your early
development, and during this time, attachments were formed.
An attachment is an emotional and social bond that forms
between one person and another. Humans are considered highly
motivated to form attachments throughout their lives.
Zones of Vulnerability: White Heteronormative Example
Some Conceptual Types of Love
Unconditional love is the sincere love that does not vary
regardless of the actions of the person who is loved.
Romantic love is based on continual courtship and physical
Infatuation is a temporary state of love where the other person
is overly idealized and seen in narrow and extremely positive
Committed love is a love that is loyal and devoted.
Altruism is a selfless type of love that serves others while not
serving the one who is altruistic.
Sexual or passionate lovers are focused on the intensely sensual
pleasures that are found with the senses of taste, smell, touch,
feel, hear, and sight.
Friendship love includes intimacy and trust among close
Criteria or realistic love is the love feelings you have when your
list of a potential mate’s personal traits is met in the other
Obsessive love is an unhealthy love type where conflict and
dramatic extremes in the relationship are both the goal and the
theme of the couple’s love.
Deceptive love is formed when one or both partners either
consciously or unconsciously mislead the other in an effort to
dishonestly establish trust and intimacy
Catch and release mode one partner lures the other in by
pretending to experience all the romance and trappings of
falling in love when in reality he or she is tricking the other
Black widow/widower mode there is calculated and precise
deception designed to lure the other into a relationship for
ulterior motives.
Conclusion: Cultural Emotions
Table One. —Matrix of Cultural Emotions by Identities and
Relations of Selected Sociological DOMAINSCultural
EmotionsClass/Social Status (SES)Gendered/
TransgenderedRace and Ethnicity
QueerSocial MovementsPainHateFearDisgustShameLove
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Running head: TEAM MANAGEMENT 1
Team Management in Organizational Decision Making
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Title
Submission Date
Team Management in Organizational Decision Making
The effectiveness of decision making depends on the reason for
making that decision and the people who will be directly
affected by it. However, I believe that groups are better
decision-makers since many views will be combined to establish
more effective decisions than the individual one, which may be
solely based on errors from one individual making it
(Macgowan, 2013). Group decision making is effective when
the decision will affect a group, and there is a long time to
debate various decisions presented to arrive at the most
appropriate one while individual decision making is appropriate
when there is no much time to deliberate on the issues at hand
and when the decision made will impact only one person.
The possible biases and erratic points that are likely to arise in
team communication include ethnic differences, disruption by
one or more parties, unstructured hierarchy, and issued based on
gender issues (Adams, 2014). The complexity of duty can also
determine the possibility of experiencing an error in
communication systems with a team. One key example of how
an error in communication can lead to disaster is using it in an
ethnically and culturally diverse team, which implies that other
members’ cultural provisions will be jeopardized.
The key symptoms of groupthink include belief in inherent
morality, having an illusion that the group is not vulnerable,
stereotypical views among members, and the illusion of
unanimity (Macgowan, 2013). Hence, these symptoms pose
problems in decision making since every member believes that
they are entitled to their stereotypes and views regardless of
whether other group members take them negatively or not. Also,
group members ignore potential risks, which may consequently
affect the entire group processes.
Adams, K. (2014). Communicating in Groups: Applications and
Skills. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
Macgowan, M. J. (2013). Group Dynamics. Encyclopedia of
Social Work. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780199975839.013.166

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Cultural Emotions Pain, Hate, Fear, Disgust, Shame, Love

  • 1. Cultural Emotions: Pain, Hate, Fear, Disgust, Shame, Love Ted Manley, Jr. PhD Cultural Emotion PAIN (Meriam Webster) 1 : punishment ·the pains and penalties of crime 2 a : usually localized physical suffering associated with bodily disorder (such as a disease or an injury) ·the pain of a twisted ankle also : a basic bodily sensation induced by a noxious stimulus, received by naked nerve endings, characterized by physical discomfort (such as pricking, throbbing, or aching), and typically leading to evasive action ·the pain of bee stings b : acute mental or emotional distress or suffering : grief
  • 2. Sociology of Pain Pain: A Sociological Introduction, Elaine Denny (2016) Intersection between biology and culture (Medical Model vs Sociology Model of managing pain) Much pain is experienced as short lived, and self-limiting or easily treated, but for those individuals who live with long term and intractable pain it can cause disruption of life as it is currently lived and alter their expectations of the future. Sociological research has, for example, shown how men and women approach and experience pain differently, seeking to explain why women more than men report more long term and disabling pain than men. A strength of a sociological understanding of pain is that it encompasses both the interpretive perspective of the person in pain and the structural factors that influence this, offering an explanation of the way that these intersect. Cultural Emotion HATE (Meriam Webster) Intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury. b : extreme dislike or disgust : antipathy, loathing. The Sociology of Hate Stereotypes Cognitive
  • 3. Prejudice Affective Discrimination Behavioral Gordon Allport (1954?:1958; 1979): The Nature of Prejudice “Open-mindedness is considered to be a virtue. But, strictly speaking, it cannot occur. A new experience must be redacted into old categories. We cannot handle each even freshly in its own right (Allport, 1954, p. 19) 5 The Big Three Three main topics in the psychology of racism: Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination Stereotypes: Stereotypes Stereotypes categorize people according to social factors Definition: “A cognitive structure that contains the perceiver’s knowledge, beliefs, and expectancies about some human group” (Hamilton & Trolier, 1986, p. 133). Stereotypes are necessary The content of stereotypes can be the problem Outcome Most insidious stereotypes = create, maintain, or strengthen social hierarchy Outcomes of racial/ ethnic stereotypes
  • 4. 6 Categorize based on age, gender, social role, physical appearance, or relation to self Definition: “A cognitive structure that contains the perceiver’s knowledge, beliefs, and expectancies about some human group” (Hamilton & Trolier, 1986, p. 133). We develop “Naïve theories” of social action (Tajfel & Forgas, 2000) Used for complex social events that we can’t understand fully Develop simplistic systems for understanding Attribute generalized and supposed collective traits and intentions to social groups, and then use these attributions to explain complex phenomenon that we can’t otherwise understand A social phenomenon, collective (ie., media) Examples? Lawyers Professors Psychologists Athletes Cognitive Perspective- Stereotypes operate as schemas- cognitive frameworks for organizing interpreting, and recalling information Literally process information differently based on schema Information consistent with schema gets more attention, is rehearsed more frequently, and remembered more accurately than inconsistent information. Becomes a closed cognitive loop Stereotypes are necessary for cognitive functioning Stereotypes are not inherently bad or negative Used to understand people, objective, and stimuli in environment Necessary to simplify the complex, confusing, social world. (Lippmann, 1922) Gather just enough info to understand, predict, and structure the environment
  • 5. Without Stereotypes: Have to evaluate every aspect of someone- appearance, mood, personality traits, s[eecj qualities, social setting, etc… GUN EXAMPLE NEXT THREE SLIDES Prejudice- Affective factors Praejudicium Definitions of Prejudice Allport (2000): Antipathy based upon a faulty and inflexible generalization. It may be felt or expressed. It may be directed toward a group as a whole, or toward an individual because he is a member of that group. Minimal Group Paradigm The basic requirements for prejudice Ingroup vs. outgroup Stereotyped cognitions are not necessary Social Categorization and Identity Theory Social Categorization: Us vs. Them Us = Good, Them = Bad Why do we do this? Self-Esteem Social Competition 7 Praejudicium- Latin noun Ancient meaning = precedent- judgment based on previous decisions and experiences English = judgment formed before an examination and consideration of facts Hasty and premature judgment Present = Emotional sense of favorabeleness or unfavorableness that acoompanies such a prior and unsupported judgment
  • 6. Allport (2000) = Negative Ethnic Prejudice = Antipathy based upon a faulty and inflexible generalization. It may be felt or expressed. It may be directed toward a group as a whole, or toward an individual because he is a member of that group. But can be positive or negative valence Stereotypes are cognitive processes, prejudice is affective/ emotional Cognitive and affective processes are connected, but not entirely overlapping Feelings and cognitions can often be in conflict Minimal Group Paradigm (Hogg & Abrams, 1988; Brewer & Brown, 1998)- the mere existence of social groups, even meaningless and arbitrary groups, leads to prejudice based on group membership. In-group favoritism occurs automatically and unconsciously- they display bias towards ingroup without even knowing it Evaluate ingroup more positively, provide more resources to them, and evaluate performance better. Minimal requirements- divide group into us vs. them Don’t need cognitions for the gut-level emotional reaction of prejudice Racial prejudice – much more complex interaction of history and power to create prejudicial feelings Much more than can be created in the laboratory The universal tendency to favor the ingroup only provides a basis for racism Societal variables turn it into a more systemic, insidious phenomenon Discrimination Types of Discrimination
  • 7. Antilocution Avoidance Discrimination Physical Attack Extermination Bark vs. Bite? What about today? Overt to the Covert Conscious to Unconscious Explicit to Implicit 8 Behavior Any negative attitude will likely express itself as a behavior in some way. The more intense the attitude, the more likely to be hostile action Types of Overt Discrimination (Allport, 2000) Antilocution: Talk about prejudices with friends, sometimes strangers Avoidance: Avoid members of disliked groups Discrimination: actively excludes someone- housing, employment, rights, opportunities, churches, hospitals, social privileges. semiviolence (property destruction) Extermination: lynchings, pogroms, massacres, genocide Bark is often worse than Bite: La Piere (1934)- traveled US with Chinese couple, stopped at 66 sleeping places, 184 eating placed and were refused service only once.
  • 8. Afterwords, in a questionnaire, 93% of restaurants and 92% of the hotels said they would not serve Chinese people (control group had similar responses). Confirmed by Kutner, Wilkins, and Yarrow (1952). Allport’s conclusion: “Where clear conflicts exists, with law and conscience on the one side, and with custom and prejudice on the other, discrimination is practiced chiefly in covert and indirect ways, and not primarily in face-to-face situations where embarassment would result. Cultural Emotion FEAR (Meriam Webster) 1 a : an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger b (1) : an instance of this emotion (2) : a state marked by this emotion 2 : anxious concern : solicitude 3 : profound reverence and awe especially toward God 4 : reason for alarm : danger Sociology of Fear: Chapman University Study Survey on American Fears, Chapman University has tried to identify what Americans fear the most. Nobody has ever cracked the code of human emotions. Our
  • 9. feelings are rooted within the depths of our physiology, but our cheers and screams are also products of our environment. Put in sociological terms, “fearfulness in varying degrees is part of the very fabric of everyday social relations”. The survey explored four categories of fear: personal fears, natural disasters, paranormal fears, and drivers of fear behavior. The top American domains of fear averaged to be man-made disasters, technology, and government. Given the political transformations and technological developments taking place today, the results seem spot on. Sociology of Fear Do the right thing: What’s the Cultural Emotion in this scene— define and discuss intersections Work in small groups around your class seat/table and do the following: Describe the cultural emotions for each character in the scene: Sal, Buggin’-out, Vito, Pino, Mookie. Explain how the cultural emotions captured in this scene go from low, moderate to high intensity?
  • 10. Analytical FrameworkElements of an Emotion SalBuggin- OutPinoMookieVitoPhysiological Changes—Emotion arousalExpressive GesturesEmotion LabelSituational Cues Intensity of Cultural EmotionsIdentity and Social RelationsLow ModerateHighSalBuggin-out Identity and Social Relations Identity/Social RelationsSalBuggin-outClass/Social StatusRacial/Ethnic Gender/TransgenderSexualitySocial Movement Cultural Emotion DISGUST (Meriam Webster) 1: a strong feeling of dislike for something that has a very unpleasant appearance, taste, smell, etc. 2 : annoyance and anger that you feel toward something because it is not good, fair, appropriate, etc. Sociology of Disgust—The Disgust Scale
  • 11. Disgust is a fascinating emotion. Its elicitors are a puzzle: it makes sense that we are disgusted by things that can contaminate our food, but why does this food-related emotion extend itself so deeply into our social world, so that people feel disgusted by certain ethnic groups (or by racism), by homosexuality (or by homophobia), and by a variety of social and moral violations that don't involve anything physically contaminating? Disgust appears to play a role in moral judgment, moral conflict, and ethno-political violence. (For the best work on disgust and politics, see David Pizarro.) Disgust has clinical ramifications, for it seems to be involved in obsessive- compulsive disorder and in a variety of phobias. (For the best work on clinical implications, see Bunmi Olatunji.) Disgust even has religious ramifications, for it appears to be part of the psychological foundation of culturally widespread ideas of purity and pollution. Many religions (e.g., Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism) have extensive rules for regulating human bodily processes and keeping them separated from sacred objects and practices. Disgust appears to provide part of the structure of these rules and practices. The Disgust Scale is a self-report personality scale that was developed by Jonathan Haidt, Clark McCauley, and Paul Rozin as a general tool for the study of disgust. It is used to measure individual differences in sensitivity to disgust, and to examine the relationships among different kinds of disgust. To take the disgust scale online and see your score and how it compares to others, please go to and register. Then, on the "explore your morals" page, take the "disgust scale" Cultural Emotion SHAME
  • 12. (Meriam Webster) 1 a : a painful emotion caused by consciousness of guilt, shortcoming, or impropriety b : the susceptibility to such emotion have you no shame? 2 : a condition of humiliating disgrace or disrepute : ignominy the shame of being arrested 3 a : something that brings censure or reproach; also : something to be regretted : pity it's a shame you can't go Sociology of Shame: The Overdose of Shame: A Sociological and Historical Self-Exploration Haing Kao (2004) Shame is best defined through its contrast and comparison with guilt, an emotion that is often confused with shame. This is detailed in a paper entitled, “Shame and Guilt and Their Relationship to Positive Expectations and Anger Expressiveness”: In contrast, shame typically involves an acutely painful experience that is overwhelmingly self-focused and more diffuse than guilt ... Individuals experiencing shame might feel a sense of worthlessness, incompetence, or a generalized feeling of contempt for themselves, thereby demonstrating a reflection of overly harsh self-evaluations. Consequently, repeated experiences of shame have been found to be associated with a number of negative cognitive behavioral
  • 13. experiences, including depression, selfderogation, shyness, interpersonal anxiety, perfectionism, and a diffuse-oriented identity (Lutwak et al., 2001) Social Relations of Shame FAMILY AND CULTURAL SHAME INTERGENERATIONAL VARIANCES, AND CYCLES OF SHAME CLASS, RACE, GENDER, COMPARATIVE HISTORIES, AND SHAME SHAME AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Do the right thing: What’s the Cultural Emotion in this scene— define and discuss intersections Work in small groups around your class seat/table and do the following: Describe the cultural emotions for each character in the scene: De Mayor and the Male Youth Explain how the cultural emotions captured in this scene go from low, moderate to high intensity? Analytical FrameworkElement of an EmotionDe MayorMale Youth #1Male Youth #2Female YouthMale Youth #3Physiological Changes—Emotion arousalExpressive GesturesEmotion LabelSituational Cues
  • 14. Intensity of Cultural EmotionsIdentity and Social RelationsLow ModerateHighDe MayorMale Youth #1 Identity and Social RelationsIdentity/Social RelationsDe MayorMale Youth #1Class/Social StatusRacial/Eth nic Gender/TransgenderSexualitySocial Movement Cultural Emotion LOVE (Meriam Webster) 1 a (1) : strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties maternal love for a child (2) : attraction based on sexual desire : affection and tenderness felt by lovers After all these years, they are still very much in love. (3) : affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests love for his old schoolmates b : an assurance of affection give her my love 2 : warm attachment, enthusiasm, or devotion love of the sea 3 a : the object of attachment, devotion, or admiration baseball was his first love b (1) : a beloved person : darling —often used as a term of endearment (2) British —used as an informal term of address 4 a : unselfish loyal and benevolent (see benevolent 1a) concern for the good of another: such as (1) : the fatherly concern of God for humankind (2) : brotherly concern for others b : a person's adoration of God 5 : a god (such as Cupid or Eros) or personification of love 6 : an amorous episode : love affair 7 : the sexual embrace : copulation 8 : a score of zero (as in tennis) 9 capitalized, Christian Science : god
  • 15. Sociology of Love Love and intimacy go hand in hand. Love is the physical, emotional, sexual, intellectual, or social affection one person holds for another. Concepts related to love include: adore, desire, prefer, possess, care for, serve, and even worship. Intimacy, on the other hand, is a close relationship where mutual acceptance, nurturance, and trust are shared at some level. In order to understand love in human relationships, you must first understand how the socialized self either enhances or inhibits your capacity to love. Your socialized self develops under the supervision of your caregiver or parent(s). When you were a newborn, you were totally dependent upon the adults in your life to take care of your needs and raise you in a safe environment. You had to be fed and clothed, bathed and held, and loved and appreciated. Your caregivers provided these basic needs in your early development, and during this time, attachments were formed. An attachment is an emotional and social bond that forms between one person and another. Humans are considered highly motivated to form attachments throughout their lives. Zones of Vulnerability: White Heteronormative Example Some Conceptual Types of Love
  • 16. Unconditional love is the sincere love that does not vary regardless of the actions of the person who is loved. Romantic love is based on continual courtship and physical intimacy. Infatuation is a temporary state of love where the other person is overly idealized and seen in narrow and extremely positive terms. Committed love is a love that is loyal and devoted. Altruism is a selfless type of love that serves others while not serving the one who is altruistic. Sexual or passionate lovers are focused on the intensely sensual pleasures that are found with the senses of taste, smell, touch, feel, hear, and sight. Friendship love includes intimacy and trust among close friends. Criteria or realistic love is the love feelings you have when your list of a potential mate’s personal traits is met in the other person. Obsessive love is an unhealthy love type where conflict and dramatic extremes in the relationship are both the goal and the
  • 17. theme of the couple’s love. Deceptive love is formed when one or both partners either consciously or unconsciously mislead the other in an effort to dishonestly establish trust and intimacy Catch and release mode one partner lures the other in by pretending to experience all the romance and trappings of falling in love when in reality he or she is tricking the other person. Black widow/widower mode there is calculated and precise deception designed to lure the other into a relationship for ulterior motives. Conclusion: Cultural Emotions Fluid Flexible Dynamic Interactional
  • 18. Relational Intersectional Table One. —Matrix of Cultural Emotions by Identities and Relations of Selected Sociological DOMAINSCultural EmotionsClass/Social Status (SES)Gendered/ TransgenderedRace and Ethnicity RacializationSexuality/ Transsexuality/ QueerSocial MovementsPainHateFearDisgustShameLove .MsftOfcThm_Accent1_Fill { fill:#4472C4; } .MsftOfcThm_Accent1_Stroke { stroke:#4472C4; } .MsftOfcThm_Accent1_Fill { fill:#4472C4; } .MsftOfcThm_Accent1_Stroke { stroke:#4472C4; } .MsftOfcThm_Accent1_Fill {
  • 19. fill:#4472C4; } .MsftOfcThm_Accent1_Stroke { stroke:#4472C4; } Running head: TEAM MANAGEMENT 1 1 Team Management in Organizational Decision Making Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Title Submission Date Team Management in Organizational Decision Making The effectiveness of decision making depends on the reason for making that decision and the people who will be directly affected by it. However, I believe that groups are better decision-makers since many views will be combined to establish more effective decisions than the individual one, which may be solely based on errors from one individual making it (Macgowan, 2013). Group decision making is effective when the decision will affect a group, and there is a long time to debate various decisions presented to arrive at the most appropriate one while individual decision making is appropriate
  • 20. when there is no much time to deliberate on the issues at hand and when the decision made will impact only one person. The possible biases and erratic points that are likely to arise in team communication include ethnic differences, disruption by one or more parties, unstructured hierarchy, and issued based on gender issues (Adams, 2014). The complexity of duty can also determine the possibility of experiencing an error in communication systems with a team. One key example of how an error in communication can lead to disaster is using it in an ethnically and culturally diverse team, which implies that other members’ cultural provisions will be jeopardized. The key symptoms of groupthink include belief in inherent morality, having an illusion that the group is not vulnerable, stereotypical views among members, and the illusion of unanimity (Macgowan, 2013). Hence, these symptoms pose problems in decision making since every member believes that they are entitled to their stereotypes and views regardless of whether other group members take them negatively or not. Also, group members ignore potential risks, which may consequently affect the entire group processes. References Adams, K. (2014). Communicating in Groups: Applications and Skills. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Macgowan, M. J. (2013). Group Dynamics. Encyclopedia of Social Work. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780199975839.013.166