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Part 2
Holistic Healing or Spiritualism?
The 108 Principles
Origin of the 108 Wisdom Principles
The 108 Wisdom Principles have their origin in the perennial wisdom—the collective wisdom of humankind
since the beginning of life. This wisdom has come down through the ages in various religions, traditions, and
schools of philosophy.
The perennial wisdom studies what is. It seeks to understand the structure and operation of the cosmos. It is
interested in discovering and applying spiritual laws and principles in our material dimension.
Some of the 108 Wisdom Principles are stated as laws—if A then B—and some are stated as principles of
relationship. Both contribute to a better understanding of That Which Is.
Mastering the 108 wisdom principles helps you master your destiny. By working with the universe rather
than against it, you can manifest your intentions, create your preferred reality, and invent your future.
Nobody owns the 108 Wisdom Principles we have distilled for the Two Worlds Wisdom School—they belong
to all of us and none of us. Because of this, we retain our right to use them and freely share them via a
Creative Commons Deed.
2013 Wisdom Gathering
September 9-11 in Boulder, Colorado
Two World’s Wisdom is still active.
Adventist Today Magazine May/June 1994
Florida Hospital
Celebration Health
The National Conference on Innovation
Hosted by the
Ohio Conference
of Seventh-day
The National Conference on
The Hope Tree
Spirituality and Healthcare:
A Candid Talk About Possibilities
Interview by Bonnie J. Horrigan Photography by McCory James
Leland R. Kaiser, PhD, is the founder
and president of Kaiser Consulting, a
healthcare consulting firm located in
Brighton, Colorado.
“The only limitation you will ever face is the limitation of
your own consciousness. Although at first you may find it
hard to accept—all personal, professional, and organiza-
tional limitations are self-imposed. What appear to be eco-
nomic, political, and social barriers facing the organization
are in fact limitations of organizational consciousness.”
—Leland Kaiser
eland R. Kaiser, PhD, is founder and pres-
ident of Kaiser Consulting, a healthcare
consulting firm in Brighton, Colorado. He
is also a cofounder of the Kaiser Insti-
tute, an advanced fellowship program for health
professionals, and a cofounder of the Spiritual
Leadership Institute, an organization that teaches
spiritual values to healthcare professionals. A
prolific author and prominent educator, Dr. Kaiser
has authored more than 200 monographs, jour-
nal articles, and videotapes, including the train-
ing manual Mapping Your Future: A Lifework
Planning Guide.
Dr. Kaiser holds an appointment as Associate
Professor Emeritus in the Executive Program in
Health Administration, Graduate School of Busi-
ness Administration, University of Colorado at
Denver. His previous professional experience in-
cludes work as a hospital administrator, trustee,
research and development director, graduate
program director, and professional psychologist.
Dr. Kaiser holds master’s degrees in clinical
psychology (University of Colorado, 1961) and
medical care administration (University of Pitts-
burg, 1963) and a doctoral degree in higher
education and social psychology (University of
Denver, 1975).
Known for his ability to change the way
organizations think, Dr. Kaiser is a recognized
futurist and acknowledged authority on the
American healthcare system. EXPLORE inter-
viewed Dr. Kaiser at his offices in Brighton,
Colorado, in August 2004.
EXPLORE: You are very involved with
teaching spiritual values to healthcare exec-
utives and practitioners through The Spiri-
tual Leadership Institute. You are also what I
would call a “change agent.” But as a means
for change, why choose spirituality?
LELAND: All problems, traced to their
roots, are spiritual problems. They will yield
only to spiritual solutions. And, spirituality
is the most potent change modality available
to people, organizations, and communities.
Put these 2 ideas together and a new option
Leland R. Kaiser, PhD
suggests itself—the formation of an institute
founded on spirituality and spiritual change
methodologies. The Spiritual Leadership In-
stitute is an effort that a number of us began
in 1996 to teach core spiritual values to
healthcare managers. Most healthcare man-
agers have a marketplace orientation. They
understand how to be successful in the
world of business and how to make money
operating hospitals. However, a big con-
sciousness piece was missing. Dan Wilford,
then president of Memorial Hermann Hos-
pital in Houston, Texas, felt that conven-
tional management methods were failing to
address the importance of spiritual values in
the operation of healthcare organizations.
So, he called in some other folks to help and
formed the Spiritual Leadership Institute to
explore how spiritual leadership could be-
come a catalyst for change in personal, orga-
nizational, and community life. I am a fac-
ulty member of that institute.
EXPLORE: Tell me about the role of con-
sciousness in contemporary healthcare.
LELAND: You see, when everything is re-
duced to its most fundamental level, there
is only consciousness. Consciousness is
the bedrock of the universe. Space, time,
energy, and matter are forms taken by con-
sciousness. Consciousness exists indepen-
dent of a brain or nervous system. The
brain does not produce consciousness. It
acts as a valve, conductor, and limiter of
consciousness. Consciousness, in turn, is
confined by the mental model in use.
Contemporary healthcare is a collective
mental model based on competition, scar-
city, and profit. It is a limited model and
will not significantly improve the health
and well-being of our population, regard-
less of how long or hard we try. We need a
new mental model based on abundance,
the pursuit of wellness, potentiation of
people, community collaboration, and as-
sumption of personal responsibility. Until
we adopt such a model, things will get
worse even though we are spending more
and more time and money trying to make
things better.
EXPLORE: So what do you teach health-
care managers about problem solving?
LELAND: As Einstein said so well—the
problems generated by a paradigm cannot
be solved within that paradigm. It does not
matter how much money you spend or how
hard you try. Witness current American so-
ciety. Spending more on medical care does
not create a healthier population; building
more prisons does not significantly reduce
crime; funding larger welfare programs does
not make families more independent;
spending more money on education does
not result in more literate graduates; and
building more churches has not resulted in a
more spiritual America. We try to solve ev-
erything too far downstream. This is the pri-
mary reason that the Kaiser Institute is work-
ing in the arena of integrative medicine. The
whole idea is to design out disease, not treat
more of it. But you can’t design out disease
unless you go upstream to the place where
disease is being generated.
“You have to deal
with the causal
agents and the
supportive structures
that hold disease in
How to pay for the cost of healthcare?
Well, you can’t solve it at this level. We
don’t have the money to solve it. But if
you go upstream, it is solvable. So the idea
is to move the locus of problem solving
from where it is now to before now. You
have to deal with the causal agents and the
supportive structures that hold disease in
place. You have to deal with causal ele-
ments, not their effects. Unfortunately, all
the big bucks being generated in health-
care come from treating disease, and the
corporations generating these profits have
little incentive to change the conscious-
ness of their customers.
EXPLORE: So how would you begin to
change it?
LELAND: To transform anything, it must
be viewed in its completeness, its related-
ness, and its connectedness to the uni-
verse. You must understand how it is em-
bedded in its causal network, ie, what it
supports and what supports it. Any per-
son, object, or event stands in relationship
to everything in its past, present, and fu-
ture, and you can transform anything by
altering these temporal relationships.
Often, the easiest way to change the
present of a healthcare organization is to
change its future. Generating a powerful
vision of the future of the organization
feeds back energies that alter the way peo-
ple act in the present because their behav-
ior begins to conform to requirements of
the new vision. We also see this phenom-
enon in psychotherapy, a change in the
way a person views his future feeds back-
wards to alter his present.
EXPLORE: Tell me more.
LELAND: Many things can best be trans-
formed by creating a point of intervention
several systems levels removed from where
they are manifesting. A good example
would be altering a physician’s practice be-
haviors. If you change the economic con-
text of the physician’s practice (how you
reimburse care), you will change the phy-
sician’s practice behaviors without ever
talking to the physician. It is a great irony
that you can transform many things by
leaving them alone and simply changing
the context in which they exist. Pay physi-
cians to provide preventive care to their
patients, and they will provide preventive
care. This is not so much a problem of
transforming the doctor’s mind as trans-
forming the economic context in which
he or she practices medicine.
I spent over 30 years at the University of
Colorado teaching a course called General
Systems Theory, which views the universe
as a system, within a system, within a sys-
tem. . . . It is essentially a course in how to
think system. The systems orientation says
look behind any problem and see what
supports it and then change the support
As a college professor, I helped my stu-
dents gain a larger understanding of what
they are looking at, whether that’s a pa-
tient who’s in trouble or an institution
that is having difficulty or a community
that’s struggling. As I said, most problems
are not solvable if you look at the here and
now. But if you look earlier, they are solv-
able. This means that design is the ulti-
mate human science and ultimate human
art. There is nothing above design,
whether you are talking about designing a
planet, which we are beginning to do now,
or designing a hospital or an integrative
medicine program. The real question is:
How do you design a human being and a
human being’s environment so that you
design out disease and disability, and de-
sign in potentiation?
EXPLORE: Potentiation, now that is an
interesting word.
LELAND: Potentiation is really where I
am going as a healthcare strategist. The job
of medicine is to help people live longer
and better. If you get sick, the system
should take care of you, but the point of
medicine is not to take care of sick people.
I keep telling hospitals that they are not in
the sickness business. Of course, hospitals
should do that, but we should have less
and less sickness and more and more
health. So to me, the question is: What are
we here for? We should be designing a
healthy planet, a healthy community, a
healthy organization, and a healthy life.
This new millennium may well be a pe-
riod of time unlike any other witnessed
upon this earth. When planetary evolu-
tion reaches the point where a life form
can redesign its genetics consciously, it
changes the evolutionary status of the
planet forever. That is the breakpoint and
the breakthrough. This is where nothing is
ever the same again. This is the time when
humanity collectively can achieve its full
EXPLORE: Given this possibility, what
should healthcare organizations be doing?
LELAND: They should be integrating sci-
ence, spirituality, and business. They
should bring clinicians, healers, and fi-
nance people to the same table, with ev-
eryone speaking the same language and
recognizing the power of curing as well as
healing. They should merge high-tech,
high-touch medicine, combining the best
of allopathic and complementary modali-
ties. They should teach all employees core
spiritual values that complement current
marketplace values. They should develop
case conferences for every patient.
For example, in orthopedics, case con-
ferences would have everyone around the
consulting table who could conceivably
help the patient, from the orthopedic sur-
geon to the massage therapist. The ques-
tion is very simple: Who can help this pa-
tient? The treatment plan should be
multidimensional. I am absolutely con-
vinced that the medicine of the future has
to be done this way. You have to have
practitioners working together at the phys-
ical, etheric, emotional, mental, and spiri-
tual levels of the patient. You must prac-
tice multidimensional diagnosis and
multidimensional intervention.
Also, every hospital should have a work-
ing relationship with the public schools.
Mid-Columbia Medical Center in The
Dalles, Oregon, is currently doing this.
They have worked collaboratively with the
public school system to create “Our
School.” And it’s working. They have
learned that many children with educa-
tional handicaps can be helped signifi-
cantly by building the educational envi-
ronment around the needs of each child.
In other schools, equine therapy has
demonstrated its value for ADD chil-
dren. The energy field of a horse, or any
large mammal, vibrates at a much lower
level than the human energy field. So
when the ADD kid gets on the horse, his
energy drains off into the horse. Here’s
the fascinating thing. It also accelerates
the evolution of the horse because it rep-
resents a high-frequency response. So
the child gets rid of the energy, and the
horse picks it up. Once the energy has
been drained off, the child forms an
emotional bond with the horse, and the
horse forms an emotional bond with the
child. And there are many places you
can go from there.
I think interspecies cooperative therapy
is going to blossom in the future, whether
it’s working in water with dolphins or
equine therapy. So rather than giving chil-
dren Methylphenidate (Ritalin) or some
other drug to dumb them down, why not
drain off the energy into another natural
life form? We don’t have a controlled
study yet, but we believe that you can help
at least half of these children, and fifty
percent is not bad.
Known for his ability to change the way organizations think, Dr Kaiser is a recognized futuristic
and acknowledged authority on the American healthcare system.
EXPLORE: To change the subject—the
Kaiser Institute has been teaching an Intu-
ition Fellowship for several years. Why did
you choose intuition?
LELAND: About 6 years ago, we asked:
What new fields of inquiry are emerging in
healthcare? What pioneering areas need
exploration and help? Our first answer was
integrative medicine, so that’s where we
started. Then, a couple of years later, we
did another scan and discovered that
many people could use help calling upon
their intuitive power and developing intu-
ition both in terms of clinical diagnosis
and management. So we developed an in-
tuition program. On our last scan we
asked: What else remains to be done? We
then discovered philanthropy as a sleep-
ing giant in healthcare. So we have devel-
oped a fellowship program in philan-
thropy, as well.
leader must be able
to generate high
mental velocities in
the organization and
then create new
organizational forms
to capture and
express these
The question I always ask is: What is
trying to happen in our culture, and how
can the Kaiser Institute help it emerge?
This is a better strategy than trying to
make something happen that does not
want to happen. It is better to go with the
waves of transformation than push against
them. In that sense, we scan the ocean and
become surfers of the waves of possibility.
EXPLORE: How do help someone de-
velop his or her intuition?
LELAND: One of the things we use is
called the “jaw-dropping experience.” First
I make sure the intuitive knows nothing
about the Fellow, and, then, the intuitive
does a reading. For many of the left-
brained types, their jaws drop. They say,
“There is no way anyone could know what
that person just told me. It is not possible.
I haven’t even told my mother those
things!” We say, “This is what we are talk-
ing about—that is the power of intuition.”
There are certain things you have to do
to access intuition. One of them is to have
intent. You have to want to tap into your
ability to respond to subtle energy and
subtle information. So we give the Fellows
a whole set of exercises and practice
Let me offer an example. For the aver-
age person, it’s hard to say, “Why don’t
you learn Zen meditation and then prac-
tice for the next twenty years to develop
your intuitive powers.” So we employ a
high-technology device called Proteus,
which is a little computer with goggles and
headphones. We start on the beta fre-
quency, where the conscious mind oper-
ates. Then we go to alpha. When the flash-
ing light and sound go to alpha, the brain
has no choice. It goes to alpha. Once
we’ve been in alpha for a while, the com-
puter kicks in to the theta band. This is
where a lot of intuition takes place. The
brain begins producing theta waves in re-
sponse to Proteus and the person begins
seeing images and developing intuitive
impressions. Then, depending on our
training program, we may kick down into
delta. That’s where out-of-body experi-
ences and other wonderful things occur.
So it does not take years of practice to
become more intuitive. Of course, Proteus
does not generate all the benefits that 20
years of Zen meditation would yield, but it
offers a quick way to prime anyone’s intu-
itive pump. So we combine high-tech and
low-tech modalities to teach meditation,
develop intuition, and conduct healing
EXPLORE: The students receive healing
LELAND: Yes, and we also do life coach-
ing. Because our class seldom exceeds
twenty Fellows, we have the ability to
work on a one-on-one basis with all of our
students. As a result, we get life-changing
results. Subtle energies pass from our
teachers to our Fellows. A teacher who can
function at a high level actually creates a
resonance with her students. We find that
our students become more intuitive just
by being around other people who are in-
tuitive. But we are also careful to honor
our students left hemisphere skills as they
develop their right hemisphere intuitive
powers. In addition to asking how does it
feel, we want our Fellows to consider all of
the other evidence that may be available
to them, including linear thought and
hard data analysis.
Graduates often say, “You’ve changed
my life.” And we say, “Good. That’s why
you were here. You have new spiritual
powers. Now go out and do some good
things with your new abilities.”
EXPLORE: I know you are also interested
in transformational leadership. Tell me a
little about that.
LELAND: This next semester, at the Uni-
versity of Colorado, Heidi and I will be a
team, teaching a course in transforma-
tional leadership, which is really an exer-
cise in applied spiritual alchemy. We will
provide instruction on transmuting an or-
ganization from its traditional limited
form to a more advanced, inclusive, and
nonconventional shape. This kind of
metamorphosis requires a transforma-
tional leader who can use spiritual power
to accomplish the work that needs to be
done. There are many kinds of power.
One kind is power over another person.
That’s the most common type—it’s con-
trol orientated and ego orientated. I have a
position, I have the status, and I’ll tell you
what to do and you will do it. Then there’s
another kind of power, which is really
power with, not over. This kind of leader-
ship says, “I want to release the power in-
side you. I want to empower you to work
with me to get the job done.”
The third kind of power is spiritual or
transformational leadership. This is lead-
ership in which both the leader and fol-
lower are empowered by a shared symbol
system or set of spiritual metaphors. They
become fellow travelers on the path. They
enrich each other as they travel together.
So the follower is viewed not only as a
follower but also as a teacher of the leader.
Transformation means to change the
structure of a thing, to advance it to a
more evolved form. The 2 major dimen-
sions of any organization are energy and
form. The transformational leader must
be able to generate high mental velocities
in the organization and then create new
organizational forms to capture and ex-
press these energies. The job is to create an
organization that responds to subtle and
high energies. With this kind of leader-
ship, fear and control are no longer neces-
sary because people aren’t playing ego
games. The organization has become a
group of people who honor each other,
travel together, and try to do the best job
they can. That really changes the way the
organization functions.
EXPLORE: Is a transformed healthcare
organization more competitive?
LELAND: I tell hospitals they should
never have enemies in the competitive
marketplace; they should only have allies.
I want each hospital to convey to its com-
petitors that they are not out there to de-
stroy them, steal their patients, or put
them out of business. All providers in a
community should work collaboratively.
There is more than enough work to do,
and it should be done cooperatively. The
continuum of interorganizational rela-
tionships consists of the stages of compe-
tition, cooperation, collaboration, and, fi-
nally, unity. I want to move all healthcare
providers toward a unity perspective. So
the answer to your question is that a trans-
formed organization pursues excellence
and works collaboratively with all of its
competitors. Since it is world class, it is
more than competitive, although it does
not seek to be so.
EXPLORE: I know you are also a faculty
member of Estes Park Institute. What is
Estes Park Institute?
LELAND: Estes Park Institute is a premier
continuing education organization for
hospital medical staffs, boards, and CEOs.
These people come together to learn
about emerging issues in healthcare and
how to better operate their institutions. I
always include in the Estes Park Institute
program, topics that deal with spirituality,
both as a management philosophy and as
a treatment modality. We often have spe-
cial sessions on integrated medicine and
preventive healthcare. As a faculty, we try
to raise the consciousness of our
I often ask hospital CEOs, “How many
times last year when a competitor got in
trouble, did you send them money?” If the
hospital across town is going broke, you
should say, “I’m sorry about what is hap-
pening to you. We value your contribu-
tion to our community. For whatever rea-
son, we’ve had a very good year, so we are
cutting you a check for 5 million dollars.
Take it. I hope it helps.”
EXPLORE: Has anyone ever actually sent
such a check?
LELAND: Not yet, as far as I know. But
you see, I want to confront our folks with
an alternative to their usual business prac-
tices. I want them to think about applying
the Golden Rule. I want them to imagine
what it would feel like to be their brother’s
keeper. Although this idea might seem
rather impractical, I have seen versions of
it exercised in Jewish communities. It is
not beyond the range of human possibil-
ity. What’s more, following it would cre-
ate a high level of abundance with enough
resources for everyone. It is hoarding re-
sources that create scarcity in the
This idea is really quite simple: We are
all traveling together. At a basic ontologi-
cal level we are One. Am I going to get in
trouble or are you going to get in trouble?
Do we ever know? Does it really matter if
we have a covenant to take care of each
other? I’ll take care of you and you will
take care of me—that’s a better way of be-
ing in the world instead of acting as pred-
ators when one of us gets in trouble.
Think what would happen if all of the
community hospitals got together and
said, “Together, we have a covenant rela-
tionship with our community. We need to
share our resources to make sure everyone
is served. Under the laws of the land, we
may have to run competing heart centers,
but we certainly don’t have to compete on
everything. Let’s establish zones of collab-
oration and stop wasting money fighting
each other.” If we tried this simple idea,
within 1 week, 50% of the healthcare
problems in most communities would be
solved. The big problems we face, that
seem unsolvable, are all caused by limita-
tions in consciousness.
We actually waste more resources than
we need to fix our access problems. Some
years ago, I watched 2 hospitals, engaged
in a senseless legal battle, spend more
money than it would have taken to treat all
the sick people in the community for a
couple of years. And that was just 2 hospi-
tals in 1 legal battle. More money was
spent in attorney’s fees than was needed to
pay for the uninsured care. This is not an
economic problem or a legal problem—it
is a problem in human consciousness pro-
duced by an ego-dominated, separatist ori-
EXPLORE: So you think most of our
problems in healthcare and human ser-
vices are consciousness problems?
“. . . the only thing
you ever have to
change is
because, when you
everything else
LELAND: Yes, the only thing you ever
have to change is consciousness because,
when you change consciousness, every-
thing else changes. Here’s the tragedy: We
don’t need more money. We don’t need
more legislation. We don’t need any
change in Washington whatsoever. All we
need are a group of people in the commu-
nity who say, “We should work with each
other.” That’s all it takes.
Either you operate your institutions
from a spiritual basis or you don’t. If you
operate from a spiritual basis, you design
out a lot of problems. If you don’t operate
from a spiritual basis, there is no way to fix
the problems you generate. More prisons,
more welfare, greater gaps between the
haves and the have nots—you can go down
a long list. But look around. We are spend-
ing more and more money, and things are
not getting better. At some point, we need
to wake up and say, “Maybe there’s a mes-
sage here in all of our troubles?”
EXPLORE: How do you change con-
sciousness? It’s not that easy.
LELAND: We do several things. For in-
stance, the average hospital retreat is regur-
gitation of service statistics plus golf. What
occurs is that board members, managers,
and a few selected physicians come to-
gether in a retreat to “urp up” all the stuff
they’ve been doing the past year. This is
usually referred to as the financial report
and the administrator’s report. When
these are finished, the next question is,
“When do we get to golf?”
Wouldn’t it be fascinating if we ran a
hospital retreat that had a vision quest, or
a sweat lodge, or a drumming circle? So to
answer your question, you have to do
something outrageous to change con-
sciousness. More of the same won’t do it.
When I work with new Fellows coming
into Kaiser Institute, we do outrageous
things in such a way that the Fellows expe-
rience major cognitive dissonance. We
want them to ask, “Where have I been all
my life? How come I never saw that whole
universe before?” We use activities that
have shock value, something they have
never done before that puts them into an
unfamiliar and sometimes scary place. I
call it unplugging from the matrix.
Once we have our Fellow’s attention, so
to speak, we determine a course of spiri-
tual practice that would be appropriate for
each individual. We also do body work
and healing work. For instance, one of our
faculty members recently performed a
number of energy healings on Fellows
who had suffered damage to their subtle
bodies. In addition to the healing re-
ceived, each Fellow became more attuned
to the presence of subtle energies. The
point, of course, is to get each Fellow to a
place where he or she can open new door-
ways in consciousness. So each student is a
challenge for us. We look at each one and
ask, “What isn’t working? What needs to
At Kaiser Institute, we also pay atten-
tion to our learning environments. I keep
telling folks, the shape of the room influ-
ences the outcome of the meeting. When I
say this at a board meeting, I always get a
surprised look from CEOs and Trustees,
like you’ve got to be kidding. But you
can’t get extraordinary leaps of conscious-
ness in a square room with fluorescent
lights and no windows. As any indigenous
shaman will tell you—it is not going to
happen in the usual places. We are all very
responsive to our environments and a
highly restricted environment prevents
high-level outcomes. That is why we often
use circular rooms or circular seating.
In a circle, you can’t get away from the
energy, so we take them into a kiva under-
neath the ground. They come in on the
ladder, hoping no one sees them, of
course. There’s very little light, just
enough so people can see where they are
going. Then a native flutist performs, and,
sometimes, we have a dancer who will take
the energy and portray it as motion. This is
essential stage setting. Once we achieve
some unity consciousness, we are ready to
tackle the agenda.
Can you imagine starting your board
meeting this way? You’d have a very dif-
ferent outcome. It’s interesting because,
when people tune in, you can feel the en-
ergy start to move. And if you are sensitive
enough, you can actually see a column or
wave come right out of the top of the kiva.
When the energy becomes intense, it
changes the energy bodies of everyone in
the room. They are suddenly able to do
and understand things they have never
done or understood before. It’s a little like
magic to witness this happen.
EXPLORE: I’ve seen this work many
times. In fact, we do this type of thing at
our editorial meetings because it changes
what happens and what can happen.
LELAND: Yes, because everything in the
universe is conscious. In fact, space, time,
energy, and matter are simply forms taken
by consciousness. Because of this, they
can be altered by consciousness.
The universe is a manifestation of con-
sciousness. It is unbounded and can as-
sume any form you give it. It emerges from
a vast Plenum known as All That Is. Within
the Plenum, there is a pressure toward the
manifestation of its infinite possibilities.
These possibilities are latent. To become
manifest, they must be intuitively imag-
ined by a conscious being and then
By developing your intuition, you enter
the Plenum. You can learn to recognize
large emergent patterns and volunteer to
incarnate them through your personal and
professional life. By becoming a willing
vehicle for their manifestation, you an-
chor the possibilities in this dimension
and give them a node for expression.
Your job as a professional is to improve
the world you live in by making implicit,
preferable possibilities, explicit realities.
What we lack most in healthcare today is
the inspired intuition that would enable us
to create alternative healthcare realities. In
these realities, we could design-out most
of the problems we are currently trying,
rather fruitlessly, to solve.
EXPLORE: I like to talk to people about
how they visualize the universe, and I
know that you often talk about the differ-
ent dimensions of existence. Would you
touch in on this subject and its relevance
for contemporary social problems?
LELAND: Scientists tell us there are 10
dimensions that can be demonstrated
mathematically. I suspect there’s probably
more than that—the universe is a big place.
I know about 7 of the 10. I will briefly
describe them.
The First Dimension is the point of
light. It is called the point without dimen-
sion, and it’s the beginning of creation.
The scientist would call it the big bang.
The religious person would say, “God
spoke and it stood fast.” But it’s the begin-
ning of the creation epoch. There are var-
ious creation epochs throughout the
many universes. Within each point of
light are the inherent potentials for that
creation epoch. It’s called a quantum field,
and it has within it everything that the
creation epoch can be. So it’s a point of
pure possibility within no limitations.
That light, for reasons the Kabbala
and other wisdom schools can help us
understand, wanted to experience itself,
so it extended itself. That creates a line,
the Second Dimension. That’s length
and width. It’s laying the parameters of
creation because, beyond the bound-
aries of creation, there is no time or
space. There is no condition. Time is a
creation. Space is a creation. Condition
is a creation. So the line begins to create
boundaries in creation.
What happens is that the line gets ad-
venturesome and decides to explore a new
direction. It performs a 90° angle. That
creates height and volume. It creates the
Third Dimension we live in. It creates the
6 directions—north, south, east, west, up,
down—in which the creation epoch will
take place. All the medicine circles are laid
out this way. The 4 primary elements—
earth, fire, air, and water—come into being
somewhere between the Second and
Third Dimensions.
Any dimension is also filled with a
type of consciousness. It’s a time-space
coordinate, and the higher the dimen-
sion, the more inclusive the conscious-
ness. In the Fourth Dimension, the line
again goes in a different direction, creat-
ing what we call throughness. It’s not up,
down, or around. It’s through. In a
throughness dimension, here is there,
and now is then. It is nonlocal.
We know that all of creation is con-
nected, and, if you change something
here, there is something connected to it
over there that changes at the same time. It
may be thousands of light years away, but
it still changes because there is no distance
in the Fourth Dimension. The Fourth Di-
mension is the vibratory realm of emo-
tions, also known as the astral plane and
dream band. All feelings manifest as reali-
ties in the Fourth Dimension. It’s where
the Near Death Experiences (NDEs), Near
Birth Experiences (NBEs), and many ec-
static states take place.
The Fifth Dimension consists of pure
thought. When you are in the Fifth Di-
mension, you have no body. You have no
feelings either. It’s pure, abstract thought.
Plato called it sacred geometry. Pythagoras
talked about the divine ratio. It’s where all
the thought forms dwell and where all the
Akashic records are located. It’s where all
knowledge comes together. Everything is
known, and everything in the creation ep-
och is present.
The Sixth Dimension is the first spiri-
tual band. When the spirit comes down
from the Seventh Dimension, it begins
linking into the lower dimensions be-
cause, from a vibratory point of view, it
could not enter the lower dimensions di-
rectly without disrupting them. So the
Sixth Dimension is matter in its highest
vibratory form. It’s you at your very high-
est level of expression. So it’s really a trans-
fer point, and it’s where the where the soul
is and where the soul covenant takes place.
The Seventh Dimension we call the
heaven world. It is where Spirit dwells. It’s
where everything begins. It’s where the
point of light emerges from inexistence to
existence. It is the realm of first causes.
EXPLORE: And how can we use this in-
formation in our lives? How can we use it
in healthcare?
LELAND: We are in the Third Dimen-
sion, but, by an expansion of your con-
sciousness, you can enter all 7 dimensions.
We teach people to ascend the dimen-
sions in order. Start with the Third Di-
mension, where your body is. Now relo-
cate your consciousness into the Fourth.
The Fourth permits a lot of enhanced
function that you can’t get any other way.
It’s the seat of the emotions and intuition.
It’s compassion. The wisdom schools are
located in the Fourth Dimension.
EXPLORE: Is prayer in the Fourth? Be-
cause I was fascinated in one of your arti-
cles where you said that prayer can accom-
plish more than all the work in the world.
LELAND: Absolutely. In the Fourth Di-
mension, everything manifests instanta-
neously. That’s also the problem with the
Fourth—there’s no resistance. If I am in the
Fourth Dimension and visualize a home,
it’s there just like that. There’s no labor, no
contractor, no drawings. It’s instanta-
neous. But, if everything is instantaneous,
you have a problem on your hands. You
can only develop capacity if you have re-
sistance. So what I teach people is that you
never leave the Third Dimension until
you die. What you want to do is to main-
tain residence in the Third but use your
fourth dimensional perspective to heal
your patient. His body is in the Third Di-
mension, but the rest of him resides in the
higher dimensions. So wouldn’t it be nice
to commune with his soul or spirit and
gain further insight concerning his medi-
cal problems.
Let’s say that you are a hospital admin-
istrator or a physician and that’s where
you want to function. But you are also
multidimensional, and you can take the
insights from the other dimensions and
bring them right into your workplace.
Think about it this way: The universe is
actually a vast collection of energy fields,
and, if you can resonate with an energy
field, you can exchange intelligence with
it. You can explore the collective uncon-
scious or Jungian archetypes. You can ex-
plore anything you can resonate with. You
can develop multidimensional percep-
tion. This takes you way beyond the limi-
tations of our Third Dimension.
My belief is that the seeds for evolution,
the things we need to do, are sitting in the
energy fields right now. What we need to
do is to create receptivity for them. For
instance, if you want to create an inte-
grated medicine program, that knowledge
already exists. You simply must create re-
ceptivity for it, for the knowledge to flow.
If you create the appropriate receptivity,
then the people, the dollars, everything
you need appears. That is the secret of
manifestation. Everything is always here—
can you access it?
The key is attunement—it’s alignment,
it’s creating the situation. When you cre-
ate the appropriate conditions for mani-
festation, manifestation occurs.
So the thing I love about spirituality is
that it is an inexhaustible reservoir of un-
derstanding. Our whole struggle is really
not to discover knowledge; our whole
struggle is to come into alignment with it.
Our prejudice, our bias, our nonreceptiv-
ity, our egotism is what keeps us from
EXPLORE: Give me a practical example.
LELAND: How do you get healthcare to
people in your community? All the capa-
bility is already there. You don’t need one
additional dollar or one additional person.
You don’t need one additional institution.
The answer is right there. But you have to
have the consciousness to accept it.
Don’t build more prisons. Have less
crime. Don’t build more hospitals. Have
less disease. It would take a lot less money,
and people would be a lot happier. But
first a fundamental shift in consciousness
has to occur.
Sometimes you can sense this energetic
shift. We were in a session at Kaiser Insti-
tute when we felt the temperature of the
room change. It was very subtle, but it was
suddenly very cool, like a cold draft had
blown through the room. In fact, we were
witnessing a physical phenomenon that
accompanied a change in the energetic
state of one of our Fellows. The man
was experiencing a breakthrough in
It’s just like that wonderful statement
the Buddha made when his disciple asked
him, “How are you different from other
people?” And Buddha said, “I’m awake.”
He didn’t say, “I’m the author of Bud-
dhism.” He said, “I’m awake.”
Our students will tell you that having
these breakthroughs are life-changing ex-
periences. Now, wouldn’t it be nice to be
able to share these with as many people as
possible? The most discouraging thing,
the ultimate spiritual frustration, is the in-
ability to share. Why wouldn’t everyone
want to know about this?
EXPLORE: I think some people don’t
know there are such things to know.
LELAND: I am sure that’s true. That’s why
radical encounters with consciousness are
included in our training program. It is in-
teresting to note that disease sometimes
produces this kind of radical encounter.
Disease can bring anyone to a higher sense
perception. It may be the first time a per-
son has encountered his mortality, and it
scares him. That may be the opening
wedge, the opening moment.
One of the reasons I so believe in the
value of spirituality is that life doesn’t
have to be hard. When I see people living
lives of desperation or I see institutions
failing and downsizing, I keep saying, “It
does not have to be this way. You don’t
have to do this to yourself.”
I will give you an example. The govern-
ment is putting pressure on many not-for-
profit hospitals in this country for not pro-
viding enough charity care. I work with
many of these institutions, and I know
how much or how little charity care they
give. The for-profit hospitals are saying to
the government, “You are giving these
guys a tax exemption and they are not
earning it.” In some cases, this is true.
However, the result of bad faith on the
part of hospitals may be passage of a state
law mandating a certain percentage for
charity care. This means the hospital can
no longer give with an open heart and is
denied the benefits that would accrue
from a pure spiritual investment. So why
would a hospital do that? Why wouldn’t
the hospital be a cheerful giver if it under-
stands the spiritual law of loving service?
The hospital would then derive all the
benefits that generosity conveys, rather
than having auditors with their adding
machines parked at hospital desks trying
to figure out if the hospital really gave
4.7% to charity care.
Another example—many thousands of
retired physicians in this country, if pro-
vided with malpractice insurance, would
work as voluntary staff in free clinics.
They want to practice medicine. When I
go into a hospital and conduct a quar-
terly medical staff meeting, I always
know right where to find the retired phy-
sicians. Somewhere toward the back of
the room is the row of old racehorses.
Why are they there? Because they love
medicine. And they can still provide ex-
cellent patient care. Many are as skilled
as the day they retired. But the govern-
ment does not provide them with mal-
practice coverage. We are talking about a
very small government investment that
would bring a load of relief to our over-
worked medical care system. The solu-
tion is right in front of us and we refuse
to see it.
EXPLORE: You have given us a lot to
think about. Is there anything we should
talk about before we end?
LELAND: We are living in a very unique
time where we can bring a lot of exciting
ideas to fruition. So many people talk
about cataclysmic earth changes and Ar-
mageddon. Let’s instead talk about the
other side of the ledger. The other side
reveals an opportunity to benefit from
what all previous cultures on this earth
have learned. We have the opportunity,
should we choose, to create our preferred
No other culture has ever had the op-
tions we now enjoy. They did not have
access to our high technology. We can
make amazing things happen. It’s like
having all the dominoes and wondering
how to play them. What a wonderful
position to be in because it could mean
Eden restored, heaven on earth. It could
mean model communities and model in-
stitutions. I think we ought to focus on
all the creative possibilities in our new
millennium, rather than on the bad
So spirituality to me is a powerful, em-
powering, enabling, visionary philosophy.
I don’t think spirituality ever delights in
pain, misery, or exit strategies. It’s a dy-
namic force that we can use to reshape our
culture. And I think we should do it.
We have people with money who want
to invest. We have people with knowledge
who want to apply it. We have institutions
that want to be front-runners. But some-
times people have difficulty finding each
other. All of the pieces of the puzzle are
here. So it’s really about coalescence, it’s
about convergence. It’s about getting peo-
ple together.
EXPLORE: When we were trying to find a
new home and start a new journal, I went
to a healer. I was upset, sad and complain-
ing. “How can I recreate all this? I’m not
sure I have enough energy to create every-
thing again.” And do you know what she
told me? She said,“ You don’t have to cre-
ate anything. It’s all there already. You
only have to be open and connect the
dots.” And here we are.
LELAND: Yes, the void is the most won-
derful thing in the world. It permits all
possibilities. If a person says, I have noth-
ing in mind then I say, “Then anything is
possible.” It’s only when you have things
in mind that you start preventing stuff.
Our so-called chaos is really something we
should embrace. It means our universe is
It’s interesting that the Void and the
Plenum are the same thing. The Void is
the absence of anything, and the Plenum
is the presence of everything. But they are
actually synonyms. When nothing is
there, it means that everything is waiting
to happen. So I ask, “What do you want to
happen?” Make it so.
For more information about Leland Kaiser
or the Kaiser Institute, visit
For more information about the Spiri-
tual Leadership Institute, visit www.
Dr. Noyes warnings should be closely heeded we
are living in times where mysticism is being
incorporated into all areas of life. We must learn
what Scripture means to be “wise as serpents but
harmless as doves”.

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Holistic healing or spiritualism? pt 2

  • 1. Part 2 Holistic Healing or Spiritualism?
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  • 5. Origin of the 108 Wisdom Principles The 108 Wisdom Principles have their origin in the perennial wisdom—the collective wisdom of humankind since the beginning of life. This wisdom has come down through the ages in various religions, traditions, and schools of philosophy. The perennial wisdom studies what is. It seeks to understand the structure and operation of the cosmos. It is interested in discovering and applying spiritual laws and principles in our material dimension. Some of the 108 Wisdom Principles are stated as laws—if A then B—and some are stated as principles of relationship. Both contribute to a better understanding of That Which Is. Mastering the 108 wisdom principles helps you master your destiny. By working with the universe rather than against it, you can manifest your intentions, create your preferred reality, and invent your future. Nobody owns the 108 Wisdom Principles we have distilled for the Two Worlds Wisdom School—they belong to all of us and none of us. Because of this, we retain our right to use them and freely share them via a Creative Commons Deed. cc
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  • 8. 1 2013 Wisdom Gathering September 9-11 in Boulder, Colorado at the COLORADO CHAUTAUQUA Two World’s Wisdom is still active.
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  • 11. Adventist Today Magazine May/June 1994
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  • 28. The National Conference on Innovation Hosted by the Ohio Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
  • 29. The National Conference on Innovation
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  • 42. Spirituality and Healthcare: A Candid Talk About Possibilities Interview by Bonnie J. Horrigan Photography by McCory James Leland R. Kaiser, PhD, is the founder and president of Kaiser Consulting, a healthcare consulting firm located in Brighton, Colorado. “The only limitation you will ever face is the limitation of your own consciousness. Although at first you may find it hard to accept—all personal, professional, and organiza- tional limitations are self-imposed. What appear to be eco- nomic, political, and social barriers facing the organization are in fact limitations of organizational consciousness.” —Leland Kaiser L eland R. Kaiser, PhD, is founder and pres- ident of Kaiser Consulting, a healthcare consulting firm in Brighton, Colorado. He is also a cofounder of the Kaiser Insti- tute, an advanced fellowship program for health professionals, and a cofounder of the Spiritual Leadership Institute, an organization that teaches spiritual values to healthcare professionals. A prolific author and prominent educator, Dr. Kaiser has authored more than 200 monographs, jour- nal articles, and videotapes, including the train- ing manual Mapping Your Future: A Lifework Planning Guide. Dr. Kaiser holds an appointment as Associate Professor Emeritus in the Executive Program in Health Administration, Graduate School of Busi- ness Administration, University of Colorado at Denver. His previous professional experience in- cludes work as a hospital administrator, trustee, research and development director, graduate program director, and professional psychologist. Dr. Kaiser holds master’s degrees in clinical psychology (University of Colorado, 1961) and medical care administration (University of Pitts- burg, 1963) and a doctoral degree in higher education and social psychology (University of Denver, 1975). Known for his ability to change the way organizations think, Dr. Kaiser is a recognized futurist and acknowledged authority on the American healthcare system. EXPLORE inter- viewed Dr. Kaiser at his offices in Brighton, Colorado, in August 2004. EXPLORE: You are very involved with teaching spiritual values to healthcare exec- utives and practitioners through The Spiri- tual Leadership Institute. You are also what I would call a “change agent.” But as a means for change, why choose spirituality? LELAND: All problems, traced to their roots, are spiritual problems. They will yield only to spiritual solutions. And, spirituality is the most potent change modality available to people, organizations, and communities. Put these 2 ideas together and a new option Leland R. Kaiser, PhD
  • 43. suggests itself—the formation of an institute founded on spirituality and spiritual change methodologies. The Spiritual Leadership In- stitute is an effort that a number of us began in 1996 to teach core spiritual values to healthcare managers. Most healthcare man- agers have a marketplace orientation. They understand how to be successful in the world of business and how to make money operating hospitals. However, a big con- sciousness piece was missing. Dan Wilford, then president of Memorial Hermann Hos- pital in Houston, Texas, felt that conven- tional management methods were failing to address the importance of spiritual values in the operation of healthcare organizations. So, he called in some other folks to help and formed the Spiritual Leadership Institute to explore how spiritual leadership could be- come a catalyst for change in personal, orga- nizational, and community life. I am a fac- ulty member of that institute. EXPLORE: Tell me about the role of con- sciousness in contemporary healthcare. LELAND: You see, when everything is re- duced to its most fundamental level, there is only consciousness. Consciousness is the bedrock of the universe. Space, time, energy, and matter are forms taken by con- sciousness. Consciousness exists indepen- dent of a brain or nervous system. The brain does not produce consciousness. It acts as a valve, conductor, and limiter of consciousness. Consciousness, in turn, is confined by the mental model in use. Contemporary healthcare is a collective mental model based on competition, scar- city, and profit. It is a limited model and will not significantly improve the health and well-being of our population, regard- less of how long or hard we try. We need a new mental model based on abundance, the pursuit of wellness, potentiation of people, community collaboration, and as- sumption of personal responsibility. Until we adopt such a model, things will get worse even though we are spending more and more time and money trying to make things better. EXPLORE: So what do you teach health- care managers about problem solving? LELAND: As Einstein said so well—the problems generated by a paradigm cannot be solved within that paradigm. It does not matter how much money you spend or how hard you try. Witness current American so- ciety. Spending more on medical care does not create a healthier population; building more prisons does not significantly reduce crime; funding larger welfare programs does not make families more independent; spending more money on education does not result in more literate graduates; and building more churches has not resulted in a more spiritual America. We try to solve ev- erything too far downstream. This is the pri- mary reason that the Kaiser Institute is work- ing in the arena of integrative medicine. The whole idea is to design out disease, not treat more of it. But you can’t design out disease unless you go upstream to the place where disease is being generated. “You have to deal with the causal agents and the supportive structures that hold disease in place.” How to pay for the cost of healthcare? Well, you can’t solve it at this level. We don’t have the money to solve it. But if you go upstream, it is solvable. So the idea is to move the locus of problem solving from where it is now to before now. You have to deal with the causal agents and the supportive structures that hold disease in place. You have to deal with causal ele- ments, not their effects. Unfortunately, all the big bucks being generated in health- care come from treating disease, and the corporations generating these profits have little incentive to change the conscious- ness of their customers. EXPLORE: So how would you begin to change it? LELAND: To transform anything, it must be viewed in its completeness, its related- ness, and its connectedness to the uni- verse. You must understand how it is em- bedded in its causal network, ie, what it supports and what supports it. Any per- son, object, or event stands in relationship to everything in its past, present, and fu- ture, and you can transform anything by altering these temporal relationships. Often, the easiest way to change the present of a healthcare organization is to change its future. Generating a powerful vision of the future of the organization feeds back energies that alter the way peo- ple act in the present because their behav- ior begins to conform to requirements of the new vision. We also see this phenom- enon in psychotherapy, a change in the way a person views his future feeds back- wards to alter his present. EXPLORE: Tell me more. LELAND: Many things can best be trans- formed by creating a point of intervention several systems levels removed from where they are manifesting. A good example would be altering a physician’s practice be- haviors. If you change the economic con- text of the physician’s practice (how you reimburse care), you will change the phy- sician’s practice behaviors without ever talking to the physician. It is a great irony that you can transform many things by leaving them alone and simply changing the context in which they exist. Pay physi- cians to provide preventive care to their patients, and they will provide preventive care. This is not so much a problem of transforming the doctor’s mind as trans- forming the economic context in which he or she practices medicine. I spent over 30 years at the University of Colorado teaching a course called General Systems Theory, which views the universe as a system, within a system, within a sys- tem. . . . It is essentially a course in how to think system. The systems orientation says look behind any problem and see what supports it and then change the support network. As a college professor, I helped my stu- dents gain a larger understanding of what they are looking at, whether that’s a pa- tient who’s in trouble or an institution that is having difficulty or a community that’s struggling. As I said, most problems are not solvable if you look at the here and now. But if you look earlier, they are solv- able. This means that design is the ulti- mate human science and ultimate human art. There is nothing above design, whether you are talking about designing a planet, which we are beginning to do now, or designing a hospital or an integrative medicine program. The real question is: How do you design a human being and a human being’s environment so that you design out disease and disability, and de- sign in potentiation? EXPLORE: Potentiation, now that is an interesting word.
  • 44. LELAND: Potentiation is really where I am going as a healthcare strategist. The job of medicine is to help people live longer and better. If you get sick, the system should take care of you, but the point of medicine is not to take care of sick people. I keep telling hospitals that they are not in the sickness business. Of course, hospitals should do that, but we should have less and less sickness and more and more health. So to me, the question is: What are we here for? We should be designing a healthy planet, a healthy community, a healthy organization, and a healthy life. This new millennium may well be a pe- riod of time unlike any other witnessed upon this earth. When planetary evolu- tion reaches the point where a life form can redesign its genetics consciously, it changes the evolutionary status of the planet forever. That is the breakpoint and the breakthrough. This is where nothing is ever the same again. This is the time when humanity collectively can achieve its full potential. EXPLORE: Given this possibility, what should healthcare organizations be doing? LELAND: They should be integrating sci- ence, spirituality, and business. They should bring clinicians, healers, and fi- nance people to the same table, with ev- eryone speaking the same language and recognizing the power of curing as well as healing. They should merge high-tech, high-touch medicine, combining the best of allopathic and complementary modali- ties. They should teach all employees core spiritual values that complement current marketplace values. They should develop case conferences for every patient. For example, in orthopedics, case con- ferences would have everyone around the consulting table who could conceivably help the patient, from the orthopedic sur- geon to the massage therapist. The ques- tion is very simple: Who can help this pa- tient? The treatment plan should be multidimensional. I am absolutely con- vinced that the medicine of the future has to be done this way. You have to have practitioners working together at the phys- ical, etheric, emotional, mental, and spiri- tual levels of the patient. You must prac- tice multidimensional diagnosis and multidimensional intervention. Also, every hospital should have a work- ing relationship with the public schools. Mid-Columbia Medical Center in The Dalles, Oregon, is currently doing this. They have worked collaboratively with the public school system to create “Our School.” And it’s working. They have learned that many children with educa- tional handicaps can be helped signifi- cantly by building the educational envi- ronment around the needs of each child. In other schools, equine therapy has demonstrated its value for ADD chil- dren. The energy field of a horse, or any large mammal, vibrates at a much lower level than the human energy field. So when the ADD kid gets on the horse, his energy drains off into the horse. Here’s the fascinating thing. It also accelerates the evolution of the horse because it rep- resents a high-frequency response. So the child gets rid of the energy, and the horse picks it up. Once the energy has been drained off, the child forms an emotional bond with the horse, and the horse forms an emotional bond with the child. And there are many places you can go from there. I think interspecies cooperative therapy is going to blossom in the future, whether it’s working in water with dolphins or equine therapy. So rather than giving chil- dren Methylphenidate (Ritalin) or some other drug to dumb them down, why not drain off the energy into another natural life form? We don’t have a controlled study yet, but we believe that you can help at least half of these children, and fifty percent is not bad. Known for his ability to change the way organizations think, Dr Kaiser is a recognized futuristic and acknowledged authority on the American healthcare system.
  • 45. EXPLORE: To change the subject—the Kaiser Institute has been teaching an Intu- ition Fellowship for several years. Why did you choose intuition? LELAND: About 6 years ago, we asked: What new fields of inquiry are emerging in healthcare? What pioneering areas need exploration and help? Our first answer was integrative medicine, so that’s where we started. Then, a couple of years later, we did another scan and discovered that many people could use help calling upon their intuitive power and developing intu- ition both in terms of clinical diagnosis and management. So we developed an in- tuition program. On our last scan we asked: What else remains to be done? We then discovered philanthropy as a sleep- ing giant in healthcare. So we have devel- oped a fellowship program in philan- thropy, as well. “The transformational leader must be able to generate high mental velocities in the organization and then create new organizational forms to capture and express these energies.” The question I always ask is: What is trying to happen in our culture, and how can the Kaiser Institute help it emerge? This is a better strategy than trying to make something happen that does not want to happen. It is better to go with the waves of transformation than push against them. In that sense, we scan the ocean and become surfers of the waves of possibility. EXPLORE: How do help someone de- velop his or her intuition? LELAND: One of the things we use is called the “jaw-dropping experience.” First I make sure the intuitive knows nothing about the Fellow, and, then, the intuitive does a reading. For many of the left- brained types, their jaws drop. They say, “There is no way anyone could know what that person just told me. It is not possible. I haven’t even told my mother those things!” We say, “This is what we are talk- ing about—that is the power of intuition.” There are certain things you have to do to access intuition. One of them is to have intent. You have to want to tap into your ability to respond to subtle energy and subtle information. So we give the Fellows a whole set of exercises and practice sessions. Let me offer an example. For the aver- age person, it’s hard to say, “Why don’t you learn Zen meditation and then prac- tice for the next twenty years to develop your intuitive powers.” So we employ a high-technology device called Proteus, which is a little computer with goggles and headphones. We start on the beta fre- quency, where the conscious mind oper- ates. Then we go to alpha. When the flash- ing light and sound go to alpha, the brain has no choice. It goes to alpha. Once we’ve been in alpha for a while, the com- puter kicks in to the theta band. This is where a lot of intuition takes place. The brain begins producing theta waves in re- sponse to Proteus and the person begins seeing images and developing intuitive impressions. Then, depending on our training program, we may kick down into delta. That’s where out-of-body experi- ences and other wonderful things occur. So it does not take years of practice to become more intuitive. Of course, Proteus does not generate all the benefits that 20 years of Zen meditation would yield, but it offers a quick way to prime anyone’s intu- itive pump. So we combine high-tech and low-tech modalities to teach meditation, develop intuition, and conduct healing sessions. EXPLORE: The students receive healing sessions? LELAND: Yes, and we also do life coach- ing. Because our class seldom exceeds twenty Fellows, we have the ability to work on a one-on-one basis with all of our students. As a result, we get life-changing results. Subtle energies pass from our teachers to our Fellows. A teacher who can function at a high level actually creates a resonance with her students. We find that our students become more intuitive just by being around other people who are in- tuitive. But we are also careful to honor our students left hemisphere skills as they develop their right hemisphere intuitive powers. In addition to asking how does it feel, we want our Fellows to consider all of the other evidence that may be available to them, including linear thought and hard data analysis. Graduates often say, “You’ve changed my life.” And we say, “Good. That’s why you were here. You have new spiritual powers. Now go out and do some good things with your new abilities.” EXPLORE: I know you are also interested in transformational leadership. Tell me a little about that. LELAND: This next semester, at the Uni- versity of Colorado, Heidi and I will be a team, teaching a course in transforma- tional leadership, which is really an exer- cise in applied spiritual alchemy. We will provide instruction on transmuting an or- ganization from its traditional limited form to a more advanced, inclusive, and nonconventional shape. This kind of metamorphosis requires a transforma- tional leader who can use spiritual power to accomplish the work that needs to be done. There are many kinds of power. One kind is power over another person. That’s the most common type—it’s con- trol orientated and ego orientated. I have a position, I have the status, and I’ll tell you what to do and you will do it. Then there’s another kind of power, which is really power with, not over. This kind of leader- ship says, “I want to release the power in- side you. I want to empower you to work with me to get the job done.” The third kind of power is spiritual or transformational leadership. This is lead- ership in which both the leader and fol- lower are empowered by a shared symbol system or set of spiritual metaphors. They become fellow travelers on the path. They enrich each other as they travel together. So the follower is viewed not only as a follower but also as a teacher of the leader. Transformation means to change the structure of a thing, to advance it to a more evolved form. The 2 major dimen- sions of any organization are energy and form. The transformational leader must be able to generate high mental velocities
  • 46. in the organization and then create new organizational forms to capture and ex- press these energies. The job is to create an organization that responds to subtle and high energies. With this kind of leader- ship, fear and control are no longer neces- sary because people aren’t playing ego games. The organization has become a group of people who honor each other, travel together, and try to do the best job they can. That really changes the way the organization functions. EXPLORE: Is a transformed healthcare organization more competitive? LELAND: I tell hospitals they should never have enemies in the competitive marketplace; they should only have allies. I want each hospital to convey to its com- petitors that they are not out there to de- stroy them, steal their patients, or put them out of business. All providers in a community should work collaboratively. There is more than enough work to do, and it should be done cooperatively. The continuum of interorganizational rela- tionships consists of the stages of compe- tition, cooperation, collaboration, and, fi- nally, unity. I want to move all healthcare providers toward a unity perspective. So the answer to your question is that a trans- formed organization pursues excellence and works collaboratively with all of its competitors. Since it is world class, it is more than competitive, although it does not seek to be so. EXPLORE: I know you are also a faculty member of Estes Park Institute. What is Estes Park Institute? LELAND: Estes Park Institute is a premier continuing education organization for hospital medical staffs, boards, and CEOs. These people come together to learn about emerging issues in healthcare and how to better operate their institutions. I always include in the Estes Park Institute program, topics that deal with spirituality, both as a management philosophy and as a treatment modality. We often have spe- cial sessions on integrated medicine and preventive healthcare. As a faculty, we try to raise the consciousness of our participants. I often ask hospital CEOs, “How many times last year when a competitor got in trouble, did you send them money?” If the hospital across town is going broke, you should say, “I’m sorry about what is hap- pening to you. We value your contribu- tion to our community. For whatever rea- son, we’ve had a very good year, so we are cutting you a check for 5 million dollars. Take it. I hope it helps.” EXPLORE: Has anyone ever actually sent such a check? LELAND: Not yet, as far as I know. But you see, I want to confront our folks with an alternative to their usual business prac- tices. I want them to think about applying the Golden Rule. I want them to imagine what it would feel like to be their brother’s keeper. Although this idea might seem rather impractical, I have seen versions of it exercised in Jewish communities. It is not beyond the range of human possibil- ity. What’s more, following it would cre- ate a high level of abundance with enough resources for everyone. It is hoarding re- sources that create scarcity in the community. This idea is really quite simple: We are all traveling together. At a basic ontologi- cal level we are One. Am I going to get in trouble or are you going to get in trouble? Do we ever know? Does it really matter if we have a covenant to take care of each other? I’ll take care of you and you will take care of me—that’s a better way of be- ing in the world instead of acting as pred- ators when one of us gets in trouble. Think what would happen if all of the community hospitals got together and said, “Together, we have a covenant rela- tionship with our community. We need to share our resources to make sure everyone is served. Under the laws of the land, we may have to run competing heart centers, but we certainly don’t have to compete on everything. Let’s establish zones of collab- oration and stop wasting money fighting each other.” If we tried this simple idea, within 1 week, 50% of the healthcare problems in most communities would be solved. The big problems we face, that seem unsolvable, are all caused by limita- tions in consciousness. We actually waste more resources than we need to fix our access problems. Some years ago, I watched 2 hospitals, engaged in a senseless legal battle, spend more money than it would have taken to treat all the sick people in the community for a couple of years. And that was just 2 hospi- tals in 1 legal battle. More money was spent in attorney’s fees than was needed to pay for the uninsured care. This is not an economic problem or a legal problem—it is a problem in human consciousness pro- duced by an ego-dominated, separatist ori- entation. EXPLORE: So you think most of our problems in healthcare and human ser- vices are consciousness problems? “. . . the only thing you ever have to change is consciousness because, when you change consciousness, everything else changes.” LELAND: Yes, the only thing you ever have to change is consciousness because, when you change consciousness, every- thing else changes. Here’s the tragedy: We don’t need more money. We don’t need more legislation. We don’t need any change in Washington whatsoever. All we need are a group of people in the commu- nity who say, “We should work with each other.” That’s all it takes. Either you operate your institutions from a spiritual basis or you don’t. If you operate from a spiritual basis, you design out a lot of problems. If you don’t operate from a spiritual basis, there is no way to fix the problems you generate. More prisons, more welfare, greater gaps between the haves and the have nots—you can go down a long list. But look around. We are spend- ing more and more money, and things are not getting better. At some point, we need to wake up and say, “Maybe there’s a mes- sage here in all of our troubles?” EXPLORE: How do you change con- sciousness? It’s not that easy. LELAND: We do several things. For in- stance, the average hospital retreat is regur- gitation of service statistics plus golf. What occurs is that board members, managers, and a few selected physicians come to- gether in a retreat to “urp up” all the stuff
  • 47. they’ve been doing the past year. This is usually referred to as the financial report and the administrator’s report. When these are finished, the next question is, “When do we get to golf?” Wouldn’t it be fascinating if we ran a hospital retreat that had a vision quest, or a sweat lodge, or a drumming circle? So to answer your question, you have to do something outrageous to change con- sciousness. More of the same won’t do it. When I work with new Fellows coming into Kaiser Institute, we do outrageous things in such a way that the Fellows expe- rience major cognitive dissonance. We want them to ask, “Where have I been all my life? How come I never saw that whole universe before?” We use activities that have shock value, something they have never done before that puts them into an unfamiliar and sometimes scary place. I call it unplugging from the matrix. Once we have our Fellow’s attention, so to speak, we determine a course of spiri- tual practice that would be appropriate for each individual. We also do body work and healing work. For instance, one of our faculty members recently performed a number of energy healings on Fellows who had suffered damage to their subtle bodies. In addition to the healing re- ceived, each Fellow became more attuned to the presence of subtle energies. The point, of course, is to get each Fellow to a place where he or she can open new door- ways in consciousness. So each student is a challenge for us. We look at each one and ask, “What isn’t working? What needs to work?” At Kaiser Institute, we also pay atten- tion to our learning environments. I keep telling folks, the shape of the room influ- ences the outcome of the meeting. When I say this at a board meeting, I always get a surprised look from CEOs and Trustees, like you’ve got to be kidding. But you can’t get extraordinary leaps of conscious- ness in a square room with fluorescent lights and no windows. As any indigenous shaman will tell you—it is not going to happen in the usual places. We are all very responsive to our environments and a highly restricted environment prevents high-level outcomes. That is why we often use circular rooms or circular seating. In a circle, you can’t get away from the energy, so we take them into a kiva under- neath the ground. They come in on the ladder, hoping no one sees them, of course. There’s very little light, just enough so people can see where they are going. Then a native flutist performs, and, sometimes, we have a dancer who will take the energy and portray it as motion. This is essential stage setting. Once we achieve some unity consciousness, we are ready to tackle the agenda. Can you imagine starting your board meeting this way? You’d have a very dif- ferent outcome. It’s interesting because, when people tune in, you can feel the en- ergy start to move. And if you are sensitive enough, you can actually see a column or wave come right out of the top of the kiva. When the energy becomes intense, it changes the energy bodies of everyone in the room. They are suddenly able to do and understand things they have never done or understood before. It’s a little like magic to witness this happen. EXPLORE: I’ve seen this work many times. In fact, we do this type of thing at our editorial meetings because it changes what happens and what can happen. LELAND: Yes, because everything in the universe is conscious. In fact, space, time, energy, and matter are simply forms taken by consciousness. Because of this, they can be altered by consciousness. The universe is a manifestation of con- sciousness. It is unbounded and can as- sume any form you give it. It emerges from a vast Plenum known as All That Is. Within the Plenum, there is a pressure toward the manifestation of its infinite possibilities. These possibilities are latent. To become manifest, they must be intuitively imag- ined by a conscious being and then invoked. By developing your intuition, you enter the Plenum. You can learn to recognize large emergent patterns and volunteer to incarnate them through your personal and professional life. By becoming a willing vehicle for their manifestation, you an- chor the possibilities in this dimension and give them a node for expression. Your job as a professional is to improve the world you live in by making implicit, preferable possibilities, explicit realities. What we lack most in healthcare today is the inspired intuition that would enable us to create alternative healthcare realities. In these realities, we could design-out most of the problems we are currently trying, rather fruitlessly, to solve. EXPLORE: I like to talk to people about how they visualize the universe, and I know that you often talk about the differ- ent dimensions of existence. Would you touch in on this subject and its relevance for contemporary social problems? LELAND: Scientists tell us there are 10 dimensions that can be demonstrated mathematically. I suspect there’s probably more than that—the universe is a big place. I know about 7 of the 10. I will briefly describe them. The First Dimension is the point of light. It is called the point without dimen- sion, and it’s the beginning of creation. The scientist would call it the big bang. The religious person would say, “God spoke and it stood fast.” But it’s the begin- ning of the creation epoch. There are var- ious creation epochs throughout the many universes. Within each point of light are the inherent potentials for that creation epoch. It’s called a quantum field, and it has within it everything that the creation epoch can be. So it’s a point of pure possibility within no limitations. That light, for reasons the Kabbala and other wisdom schools can help us understand, wanted to experience itself, so it extended itself. That creates a line, the Second Dimension. That’s length and width. It’s laying the parameters of creation because, beyond the bound- aries of creation, there is no time or space. There is no condition. Time is a creation. Space is a creation. Condition is a creation. So the line begins to create boundaries in creation. What happens is that the line gets ad- venturesome and decides to explore a new direction. It performs a 90° angle. That creates height and volume. It creates the Third Dimension we live in. It creates the 6 directions—north, south, east, west, up, down—in which the creation epoch will take place. All the medicine circles are laid out this way. The 4 primary elements— earth, fire, air, and water—come into being somewhere between the Second and Third Dimensions. Any dimension is also filled with a type of consciousness. It’s a time-space coordinate, and the higher the dimen- sion, the more inclusive the conscious- ness. In the Fourth Dimension, the line again goes in a different direction, creat- ing what we call throughness. It’s not up,
  • 48. down, or around. It’s through. In a throughness dimension, here is there, and now is then. It is nonlocal. We know that all of creation is con- nected, and, if you change something here, there is something connected to it over there that changes at the same time. It may be thousands of light years away, but it still changes because there is no distance in the Fourth Dimension. The Fourth Di- mension is the vibratory realm of emo- tions, also known as the astral plane and dream band. All feelings manifest as reali- ties in the Fourth Dimension. It’s where the Near Death Experiences (NDEs), Near Birth Experiences (NBEs), and many ec- static states take place. The Fifth Dimension consists of pure thought. When you are in the Fifth Di- mension, you have no body. You have no feelings either. It’s pure, abstract thought. Plato called it sacred geometry. Pythagoras talked about the divine ratio. It’s where all the thought forms dwell and where all the Akashic records are located. It’s where all knowledge comes together. Everything is known, and everything in the creation ep- och is present. The Sixth Dimension is the first spiri- tual band. When the spirit comes down from the Seventh Dimension, it begins linking into the lower dimensions be- cause, from a vibratory point of view, it could not enter the lower dimensions di- rectly without disrupting them. So the Sixth Dimension is matter in its highest vibratory form. It’s you at your very high- est level of expression. So it’s really a trans- fer point, and it’s where the where the soul is and where the soul covenant takes place. The Seventh Dimension we call the heaven world. It is where Spirit dwells. It’s where everything begins. It’s where the point of light emerges from inexistence to existence. It is the realm of first causes. EXPLORE: And how can we use this in- formation in our lives? How can we use it in healthcare? LELAND: We are in the Third Dimen- sion, but, by an expansion of your con- sciousness, you can enter all 7 dimensions. We teach people to ascend the dimen- sions in order. Start with the Third Di- mension, where your body is. Now relo- cate your consciousness into the Fourth. The Fourth permits a lot of enhanced function that you can’t get any other way. It’s the seat of the emotions and intuition. It’s compassion. The wisdom schools are located in the Fourth Dimension. EXPLORE: Is prayer in the Fourth? Be- cause I was fascinated in one of your arti- cles where you said that prayer can accom- plish more than all the work in the world. LELAND: Absolutely. In the Fourth Di- mension, everything manifests instanta- neously. That’s also the problem with the Fourth—there’s no resistance. If I am in the Fourth Dimension and visualize a home, it’s there just like that. There’s no labor, no contractor, no drawings. It’s instanta- neous. But, if everything is instantaneous, you have a problem on your hands. You can only develop capacity if you have re- sistance. So what I teach people is that you never leave the Third Dimension until you die. What you want to do is to main- tain residence in the Third but use your fourth dimensional perspective to heal your patient. His body is in the Third Di- mension, but the rest of him resides in the higher dimensions. So wouldn’t it be nice to commune with his soul or spirit and gain further insight concerning his medi- cal problems. Let’s say that you are a hospital admin- istrator or a physician and that’s where you want to function. But you are also multidimensional, and you can take the insights from the other dimensions and bring them right into your workplace. Think about it this way: The universe is actually a vast collection of energy fields, and, if you can resonate with an energy field, you can exchange intelligence with it. You can explore the collective uncon- scious or Jungian archetypes. You can ex- plore anything you can resonate with. You can develop multidimensional percep- tion. This takes you way beyond the limi- tations of our Third Dimension. My belief is that the seeds for evolution, the things we need to do, are sitting in the energy fields right now. What we need to do is to create receptivity for them. For instance, if you want to create an inte- grated medicine program, that knowledge already exists. You simply must create re- ceptivity for it, for the knowledge to flow. If you create the appropriate receptivity, then the people, the dollars, everything you need appears. That is the secret of manifestation. Everything is always here— can you access it? The key is attunement—it’s alignment, it’s creating the situation. When you cre- ate the appropriate conditions for mani- festation, manifestation occurs. So the thing I love about spirituality is that it is an inexhaustible reservoir of un- derstanding. Our whole struggle is really not to discover knowledge; our whole struggle is to come into alignment with it. Our prejudice, our bias, our nonreceptiv- ity, our egotism is what keeps us from knowing. EXPLORE: Give me a practical example. LELAND: How do you get healthcare to people in your community? All the capa- bility is already there. You don’t need one additional dollar or one additional person. You don’t need one additional institution. The answer is right there. But you have to have the consciousness to accept it. Don’t build more prisons. Have less crime. Don’t build more hospitals. Have less disease. It would take a lot less money, and people would be a lot happier. But first a fundamental shift in consciousness has to occur. Sometimes you can sense this energetic shift. We were in a session at Kaiser Insti- tute when we felt the temperature of the room change. It was very subtle, but it was suddenly very cool, like a cold draft had blown through the room. In fact, we were witnessing a physical phenomenon that accompanied a change in the energetic state of one of our Fellows. The man was experiencing a breakthrough in consciousness. It’s just like that wonderful statement the Buddha made when his disciple asked him, “How are you different from other people?” And Buddha said, “I’m awake.” He didn’t say, “I’m the author of Bud- dhism.” He said, “I’m awake.” Our students will tell you that having these breakthroughs are life-changing ex- periences. Now, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to share these with as many people as possible? The most discouraging thing, the ultimate spiritual frustration, is the in- ability to share. Why wouldn’t everyone want to know about this? EXPLORE: I think some people don’t know there are such things to know. LELAND: I am sure that’s true. That’s why radical encounters with consciousness are included in our training program. It is in- teresting to note that disease sometimes produces this kind of radical encounter. Disease can bring anyone to a higher sense
  • 49. perception. It may be the first time a per- son has encountered his mortality, and it scares him. That may be the opening wedge, the opening moment. One of the reasons I so believe in the value of spirituality is that life doesn’t have to be hard. When I see people living lives of desperation or I see institutions failing and downsizing, I keep saying, “It does not have to be this way. You don’t have to do this to yourself.” I will give you an example. The govern- ment is putting pressure on many not-for- profit hospitals in this country for not pro- viding enough charity care. I work with many of these institutions, and I know how much or how little charity care they give. The for-profit hospitals are saying to the government, “You are giving these guys a tax exemption and they are not earning it.” In some cases, this is true. However, the result of bad faith on the part of hospitals may be passage of a state law mandating a certain percentage for charity care. This means the hospital can no longer give with an open heart and is denied the benefits that would accrue from a pure spiritual investment. So why would a hospital do that? Why wouldn’t the hospital be a cheerful giver if it under- stands the spiritual law of loving service? The hospital would then derive all the benefits that generosity conveys, rather than having auditors with their adding machines parked at hospital desks trying to figure out if the hospital really gave 4.7% to charity care. Another example—many thousands of retired physicians in this country, if pro- vided with malpractice insurance, would work as voluntary staff in free clinics. They want to practice medicine. When I go into a hospital and conduct a quar- terly medical staff meeting, I always know right where to find the retired phy- sicians. Somewhere toward the back of the room is the row of old racehorses. Why are they there? Because they love medicine. And they can still provide ex- cellent patient care. Many are as skilled as the day they retired. But the govern- ment does not provide them with mal- practice coverage. We are talking about a very small government investment that would bring a load of relief to our over- worked medical care system. The solu- tion is right in front of us and we refuse to see it. EXPLORE: You have given us a lot to think about. Is there anything we should talk about before we end? LELAND: We are living in a very unique time where we can bring a lot of exciting ideas to fruition. So many people talk about cataclysmic earth changes and Ar- mageddon. Let’s instead talk about the other side of the ledger. The other side reveals an opportunity to benefit from what all previous cultures on this earth have learned. We have the opportunity, should we choose, to create our preferred future. No other culture has ever had the op- tions we now enjoy. They did not have access to our high technology. We can make amazing things happen. It’s like having all the dominoes and wondering how to play them. What a wonderful position to be in because it could mean Eden restored, heaven on earth. It could mean model communities and model in- stitutions. I think we ought to focus on all the creative possibilities in our new millennium, rather than on the bad news. So spirituality to me is a powerful, em- powering, enabling, visionary philosophy. I don’t think spirituality ever delights in pain, misery, or exit strategies. It’s a dy- namic force that we can use to reshape our culture. And I think we should do it. We have people with money who want to invest. We have people with knowledge who want to apply it. We have institutions that want to be front-runners. But some- times people have difficulty finding each other. All of the pieces of the puzzle are here. So it’s really about coalescence, it’s about convergence. It’s about getting peo- ple together. EXPLORE: When we were trying to find a new home and start a new journal, I went to a healer. I was upset, sad and complain- ing. “How can I recreate all this? I’m not sure I have enough energy to create every- thing again.” And do you know what she told me? She said,“ You don’t have to cre- ate anything. It’s all there already. You only have to be open and connect the dots.” And here we are. LELAND: Yes, the void is the most won- derful thing in the world. It permits all possibilities. If a person says, I have noth- ing in mind then I say, “Then anything is possible.” It’s only when you have things in mind that you start preventing stuff. Our so-called chaos is really something we should embrace. It means our universe is open-ended. It’s interesting that the Void and the Plenum are the same thing. The Void is the absence of anything, and the Plenum is the presence of everything. But they are actually synonyms. When nothing is there, it means that everything is waiting to happen. So I ask, “What do you want to happen?” Make it so. For more information about Leland Kaiser or the Kaiser Institute, visit For more information about the Spiri- tual Leadership Institute, visit www.
  • 50. Dr. Noyes warnings should be closely heeded we are living in times where mysticism is being incorporated into all areas of life. We must learn what Scripture means to be “wise as serpents but harmless as doves”.