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University of Nottingham
Department Civil Engineering
Are Rising Sea Levels a Cause for
Concern for the UK?
Simon Crowther
May 2015
A report submitted in part consideration of
module H23A13 for the degree of BEng (Hons) in
Civil Engineering
Abstract 2
Section 1: Background Information into Sea-Levels 3
1.1 Brief History of Sea Level Change due to Ice Age 3
1.2 Why does Sea Level Change? 3
1.3 Types of Sea Level Change 4
1.4 Human Causes of Sea-Level Change 4
1.5 Coastal Landforms 5
Section 2: What has happened/is happening in the UK? 7
2.1 Sea Level Change 7
2.2 Land Movement 12
2.3 Looking to the Future 14
2.4 Storm Frequency 18
Section 3: The Impact 19
3.1 Predicted Level Rise Map 19
3.2 Financial Impact 20
3.3 Social Impacts 22
3.4 Environmental Impacts 23
Section 4: What Options Are There? 25
4.1 Retreat 25
4.2 Defend 25
4.3 Attack 26
4.4 Shoreline Management Plan 26
4.5 Thames Estuary 2100. TE2100 26
4.6 Start Bay, Devon Case Study 27
Section 5:
5.1 Conclusion 31
References 32
Appendix 35
Are Rising Sea Levels a Cause for Concern for the UK?
Global warming and the subsequent sea level rise is a phenomenon which most people
will be aware of. Flooding appears to be happening more frequently and with an
increased sea level the problem can only be exacerbated.
The aim of the report is to provide an insight and investigation into sea level rise and the
effect on the UK. It helps quantify the issue and establish whether rising sea levels are
really of concern to the UK and what should be done about the issue. Most people know
the sea level is rising, but many do not know by how much, or what the impact could be,
especially so close to home.
The report investigates pre-existing reports, and compares this with data analysis of tide
data. The impact is also investigated, and highlights that it is likely to be more of an
issue, than expected. The project includes reports on management strategies, and
focuses on London, along with Start Bay in Devon; which was visited to allow a primary
investigation of the choices available for Britain’s coastlines. The impact is going to need
careful analysis to allow informed decisions to protect the coastline. Over the next few
years it is expected that further investigation with modelling techniques will improve the
reliability of estimates.
Section 1: Background Information into Sea Levels
Throughout the history of the Earth, the sea level has constantly changed, and is still
changing. There have been rises and falls. Sea level is the average height of the surface
of the ocean, between high and low tide. It is often referred to as the equipotential
surface, which means the level is affected by the force of gravity. Changes in tides and
waves are averaged to allow calculation of a ‘still water level’ that can be used to identify
if the sea level has changed. Records show sea level is currently on the rise. As the
planet warms, the sea rises.
1.1 Brief History of Sea Level Change due to Ice Age
For the past 2 million years, during the Quaternary period, the Earth’s atmosphere has
fluctuated between cooler periods when ice sheets and glaciers have expanded, and
warmer periods when ice sheets have melted and retreated. Eighteen thousand years
ago the British Isles from the Midlands northwards was covered in an ice sheet, and the
rest of the UK resembled Arctic Tundra. At this time Sea level was more than 130m
lower than present. A vast quantity of water was locked up in ice sheets. (British
Geological Survey, 2014)
1.2 Why Does Sea Level Change?
Sea level changes for many different reasons and over varying time scales. Today sea
levels are rising for two reasons: land-based ice is melting, and ocean waters are
warming and therefore expanding.
There is not a direct effect on sea level when sea-based ice melts (British Geological
Survey, 2014). In the same way that a glass does not overflow when ice melts - the ice
floats because it is less dense than water and it displaces an equal mass of water and is
already part of the ocean system. There is the indirect effect that the albedo (reflecting
power) is reduced. A reduced albedo means that as Arctic ice melts, polar regions will
absorb more energy and therefore warming leads to further warming. A positive
feedback cycle is set up. There is also concern about the Arctic melt releasing ancient
methane, which is the second most prevalent greenhouse gas. This ancient gas could
impact climate change, and feed further warming, but how threatening and serious this
is, is controversial. (Black, 2012)
1.3 Types of Sea Level Change
The types of sea level change: isostatic and eustatic, are well documented in a variety of
sources. The British Geological Survey explains that an isostatic change is on a local
scale as land levels change after a load is applied or removed. A eustatic change is due
to a change in the volume of the water in the oceans due to ice sheets either forming or
melting. (British Geological Survey, 2014)
Examples of large changes in sea level due to the last Ice Age are widely reported in
textbooks and examples can be seen across the UK to prove this (Milliman and Haq,
1996). If the two main ice caps melted; Greenland and Antarctica, then it is calculated
that the oceans would rise by sixty-six metres above the current level (British Geological
Survey, 2014). Clearly these are extreme values and in the foreseeable future a sixty-six
metre rise is likely to be unrealistic. It is therefore important to study the topic in more
detail to provide information for future Emergency Planners and Councils. The eustatic
change in sea level is not a true reflection of sea level rise unless it is known how much
the land is moving to provide a relative rise. Melting of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean and
the ice shelves bordering Antarctica is not expected to increase the volume of water in
the oceans, because the floating ice is already displacing a weight of water equal to its
Fluctuations in the volume of water held in the ocean can also be caused by changes in
sea temperatures. Seawater expands thermally and for every 1 degree Celsius the
temperature rises, the sea expansion raises the water a further 0.8m. Changes in the
salinity of sea water can also alter the sea level. If more fresh water was to flow into the
ocean and lower the salinity, the sea level would also rise. (Dove, 2009).
Plate movements and tectonic activity can also increase or decrease the ocean basin
capacity and therefore a decrease in capacity could increase the sea level. This could
occur if the sea floor was pushed up across a plate boundary. Over a very long period of
time the deposition of sediment in the ocean from weathering and erosion of the land
will lead to an increase in world sea levels. (Dove, 2009)
1.4 Human Causes of Sea Level Change
Human actions can also cause sea level change on a global and local scale. Locally the
abstraction of groundwater from coastal aquifers can cause the land to subside and
therefore, there is a relative rise in sea level. A similar phenomenon has occurred in Los
Angeles where oil has been extracted and the overlying sediments have subsided
allowing marine transgression to occur.
Alongside this there is the overarching impact of global warming, and whether or not
human activities are playing a part in this. A recent study published in Geophysical
Research Letters, studied climate models to see if human activities such as burning fossil
fuels were responsible for sea level rise. The results found that human activities are
responsible for 87% of the sea level rise which has occurred since 1970. This rise is
known as a thermosteric rise. It is due to the ocean swelling in volume, and the increase
in ocean height is caused by the increasing volume of the ocean that occurs when
seawater warms up and expands. (Marcos and Amores, 2014)
The new study, showing that the warming of the top layer is mainly due to human
activity, means that all the consequences – sea level rise, higher storm surges, flooding
are because of human activity. This study is very new, but in the future years, it will be
seen if it is valid and reliable. If it is correct, the consequences of human actions will
need to be taken very seriously.
1.5 Coastal Landforms
Changes in sea level have produced a variety of different landforms across the UK, and
can be broadly categorised into submerged and emerged coastlines, although in reality
many coastal areas have experienced both rises and falls in relative sea level at different
points in history.
An example of a submerged coastline, which is common in Britain, is a ria. A ria is an
inlet of rugged relief where the lower reaches of a river valley have been drowned by a
rise in sea level. The shape is controlled by the form of its pre-existing river valley. Rias
are common in Devon and Cornwall and a good example is Kingsbridge Ria. Other
submerged landforms include: drowned estuaries, dalmation coastlines, submerged
forests, buried river channels and offshore notches.
Emerged coastline examples can be seen around the UK. To investigate, a visit to
Langerstone Point in Devon was organised. Langerstone point is an example of an
emerged or raised beach. There are beaches which stand well above the present sea
level. These are shown in figure 1.5.1 below. Raised beaches are created by an uplift of
the land, or a fall in sea level. The raised beaches are about 5-8m above the current sea
level. They were cut by high sea levels during interglacial periods in the Pleistocene.
Figure 1.5.1 Langerstone Point (Personally Taken Photograph, 2015)
Other examples of emerged coastlines include widening areas of salt marshes and
These features help to highlight the fact that sea levels have changed dramatically in the
past, and without mankind causing global warming. It therefore makes Marcos and
Amores’ study more fascinating, because it states 87% of sea level rise is due to
humans, and it is open to question from sceptics.
Section 2: What has happened/is happening in the UK?
2.1 Sea level Change
To determine how sea level has fluctuated previously, the five longest sea level records
in the UK were analysed; namely those are in Aberdeen, North Shields, Liverpool,
Sheerness and Newlyn. The data used was the annual mean sea levels at each location.
These five stations are spread across the UK and as such give a good coverage of what
has happened in the past, allowing future predictions. The map below shows the five
locations of the tide data stations:
Figure 2.1.1 Tide Station Map
Data sources
The UK sea level data is collected and supplied the by Permanent Service for Mean Sea
Level (PSMSL) dataset. (Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level, 2014)
The Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level has been responsible for sea level data,
recorded from the global network of tide gauges since 1933. The database of the
North Shields
contains monthly and annual mean values of sea level from nearly 2,000 tide gauge
stations around the world.
To give an insight into sea level change, the tide data was analysed by plotting values of
average mean sea level per year, against the year. By using a linear regression line an
average rise per year was calculated for each site.
Data Attached in Appendix
Figure 2.1.2 Aberdeen Sea Level Graph
The linear regression line has a gradient of 0.9593. We can therefore conclude that there
is a mean rise of approximately 0.9593mm/yr between 1932 and 2013.
North Shields:
Figure 2.1.3 North Shields Sea Level Graph
North Shields appears to have had a mean sea level rise of 1.902mm/yr between 1833
and 2006.
Figure 2.1.4 Liverpool Sea Level Graph
Liverpool has had a mean sea level rise of 1.498mm/yr between 1858 and 2011. In the
last decade the level appears to have risen faster. This could be due to local land
movements, or error in the data, as half the years between 2000-2010 did not have any
data available.
Figure 2.1.5 Sheerness Sea Level Graph
Sheerness has large gaps in the data, but despite this there still appears to be strong
correlation and the linear regression line shows a mean rise of 1.658mm/yr between
1833 and 2006.
Figure 2.1.6 Newlyn Sea Level Graph
Newlyn shows an average mean rise of 1.7789mm/yr.
The Tidal Observatory was established in Newlyn to determine the mean sea level that is
the starting point for levelling in the UK. It Is located on the tip of the Cornish Peninsula.
Newlyn has two separate data sets, which used different measurement techniques. For
data continuity, only the more recent data set was used.
Compiled Results:
Location Annual mean sea level rise/mm
Aberdeen 0.9593
North Shields 1.902
Liverpool 1.498
Sheerness 1.658
Newlyn 1.7789
Table 2.1.1 Compiled Results
The results give an average rise of 1.56mm/year for the UK, however the results are
from varying lengths of time for each data set, and therefore they could be interpreted
differently for a set period of time for all stations.
The UK Environmental Change Network has used tide-data to estimate global mean sea
level change over the past century, and calculated it is between 1-2mm per year, but
the results vary, depending on which combination of gauges are used (Sparks and
Cannell, 2014). Past efforts to determine the rise, concluded that sea levels rose by
around 1.6-1.9mm per year. These figures were included in the most recent
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report. The data appears to be
reliable and accurate when compared with existing literature. The obtained results could
have been different if other stations were used, and as such there is variability in
existing reports.
The tide data graphs show that there is some variation in the levels per decade. A
particularly good example of this in Liverpool, where the level has risen dramatically in
the last decade. With just a decade’s worth of information it is hard to predict if this will
continue to be the trend or just a variability of sea level on decadal timescales. A lack of
ability to account for decadal variability results in more uncertainty in the calculation of
long-term sea level trends. Mean annual sea level even fluctuates from year to year and
much of this variation is related to the position of the Gulf Stream. Studies have shown
that high sea levels occur when the Gulf Stream follows a northerly path. (Sparks and
Cannell, 2014)
2.2 Land Movement
Dr Richard Bingley, from the Institute of Engineering Surveying and Space Geodesy
IESSG, explains: "The measurements from tide gauges are not a true reflection of
changes in sea levels unless you know how much the land is moving." (Haran, 2003)
Studies have therefore been conducted into the changing land-level in the UK, as without
this the relative sea level change cannot be calculated, and the impact not known.
Scotland has already rebounded by 100m since the ice sheets retreated, and is still
moving (Dove, 2009). Without measurement to a more precise scale this does not
provide insightful information into what is currently happening and what is expected.
GPS (Global Positioning System) was once just used by the military, but more recently it
has been used by scientists and engineers to track the millimetre movements of the
Earth. It has been used in the UK to accurately and precisely track the land movements
of the UK to help provide a sea level change relative to the land. Defra have been
funding research using GPS into the scale and impact of rising sea levels on the UK since
1997 in the hope of understanding long term changes, future sea level rise and to
improve estimates of climate change on sea level. The results were published in a
technical report in 2007. The technical report quantifies the proven trend of sea level
rise, and the South of England sinking as Scotland rises up. The report estimates that
the South of England is subsiding by up to 1.2mm/yr and Scotland rising up by 1-
2mm/yr due to Great-Britain’s tilt. When decoupled from the land movement it predicts
sea level had risen by 0.9-1.2mm/yr over the last century (Department for Environment,
Food and Rural Affairs, 2007). Despite this report being based on ten years of research,
it still has uncertainties in the results with potential bias, and includes recommendations
for improvement. The Defra study shows how effective GPS can be for surveying.
Variations can occur due to localised processes such as sediment compaction and
tectonics and past/present variations in land ice. The research done for Defra in 2007,
using GPS to study the UK’s land movement, is therefore of paramount importance, as
without this information there isn’t a true reflection of the scale, situation or impact
Global positioning systems are evolving as we improve the accuracy of them, and it is
likely it will be used to greater extents to measure wider global issues, including aiding
weather forecasts and storm predictions. This would no doubt also help councils,
residents, and agencies prepare for extreme weather and storm surges. GPS could help
lessen the impact by providing a warning.
The reason for the variability in the results for different areas can depend on local land
movement, caused by things such as groundwater extraction. It could also be due to
variability in air pressure and geodetic movement.
Defra funded a study (UKCPO9) which features very comprehensive climate projections.
The study investigated land movement and the results are shown below in figure 2.2.1:
Figure 2.2.1 Land Movement (Jenkins et al., 2009)
2.3 Looking to the Future
There are numerous investigations into sea level predictions, and much of the
information is compiled in the IPCC reports by the United Nations, and the UKCP09 by
the Met Office and Defra for the UK.
The tide data used previously in this report was analysed with a linear regression line, to
give an annual average mean rise, but it can be seen in some circumstances that the
level is rising more rapidly more recently, and the linear line may not be suitable in later
years such as at Liverpool.
Using more recent tide data, (1950-2010) it was possible to average the data for the five
respective sites, and then plot the data on a graph, and use a quadratic regression line,
to allow for the expected acceleration in rise in the future.
Figure 2.3.1 Averaged Sea Levels (1950-2010)
Using the trend line, the year 2000 UK average sea level is 7069mm, and by 2100 it
would become 7390.3mm. This would be a rise of 32.13cm. It is obviously a very crude
prediction, which does not take account for emissions or the rate of global warming and
has a relatively small sample set, but it compares favourably with the UKCP09.
UK Climate Projections 2009 (UKCP09) is a climate analysis tool, funded by Defra, which
features very comprehensive predictions. It gives a detailed guide on how the UK’s
climate could change in the 21st century, as it responds to rising levels of greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere. It is designed to allow informed risk based decisions on how to
avoid the dangers of what is to come.
Chapter 3 of the UKCP09 report looks at projections for sea level rise, both absolute and
relative. The absolute sea level rise is averaged around the British Isles, and comes from
projections made by international climate models. The land movement is also derived
from constrained land models, allowing the calculation of relative sea level change
around the UK. (Jenkins et al., 2009)
The following table shows the UKCP09 estimates for rise over a 100 year period,
dependent on emissions:
Figure 2.3.1 UKCPO9 Global mean sea level rise estimates (Jenkins et al., 2009)
The tide data extrapolation is therefore within the ranges the UKCP09 predict. The
UKCP09 analysis gives projections of UK coastal absolute sea level rise for 2095, ranging
from 12–76 cm. When coupled with the land movement the relative rise is higher than
the absolute in Southern Parts of the UK. Where the land is subsiding, the report
estimates for a medium emissions 5th
percentile there would be a rise between 21-
68cm for London, between 1990–2095. In Edinburgh the report predicts that there is an
expected 7–54 cm relative rise for Edinburgh (5th to 95th percentile for the medium
emissions scenario). It is therefore very important to know how much the land is
moving, for emergency planning.
Absolute sea level may also not rise uniformly. Climate models and satellite data show
that in some regions the rate can be several times the global mean rise, which can be
due to non-uniform changes in temperature and salinity and related to changes in the
ocean circulation. (Alexander and Allan, 2013)
Whilst the UKCP09 report was very rudimentary and based on considerable research, it
used predictions from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 4th
which has now been superseded by the 5th
report. Since the 4th
report was released, new
satellite data has found that the rise in sea levels is already accelerating beyond
predictions, and that sea levels rose globally by 3.2mm/yr for the past 30 years, and not
2mm/yr as previously predicted. If this trend was to continue it is estimated the rise by
2100 could be 120cm. In 2012, Stefan Rahmsdorf, of the Potsdam Institute for Climate
Impact Research stated ‘the IPCC is far from alarmist, but in fact has under-estimated
the problem of climate change and ambitious targets to cut carbon are needed.’ The
topic is therefore in hot discussion as small islands could be wiped out. (Gray, 2012)
The Fifth Assessment Report from IPCC is currently the most up-to-date, comprehensive
and relevant investigation and report on the changing climate. The IPCC 5th
predictions are far higher than the 4th, both at the low and the high end. A direct
comparison is made possible by table 13.6 of the report, which allows a comparison of
old and new projections for the same emissions scenario over the time interval 1990-
IPCC 4th
Report average predicted rise: 37 cm
IPCC 5th
Report average predicted rise: 60 cm.
The new estimate is almost 60% higher than the old 4th
report’s standard estimate. It is
reported that the estimates of the 4th report were already known to be too low at the
time the report was published.
For high emissions the IPCC 5th
report now predicts a global rise of 52-98cm by the year
2100, but even with aggressive reductions in emissions there is still a predicted rise of
28-61cm. This is a highly optimistic scenario where there are drastic reductions in
emissions starting a few years from now and reaching zero emissions by 2070 and then
carbon dioxide being actively removed from the atmosphere. Even with this a rise of
over half a metre may still be seen which could seriously impact many coastal areas with
coastal erosion and flooding. There is a large inertia in the sea level response, and it is
very hard to make it stop once it has started again, and there could be a larger
difference seen in the 22nd
century. (Rahmstorf, 2013)
The IPCC 5th
report’s 4 scenarios:
Scenario Sea level Rise/cm Range
RCP2.6 44 28-61
RCP4.5 53 36-71
RCP6.0 55 38-73
RCP8.5 74 52-98
Table 2.3.1 Aberdeen Sea Level Graoh
Representative concentration pathways (RCPs) are different greenhouse gas
concentration scenarios. The pathways are used for climate modelling and research.
There are four possible situations all of which are considered conceivable depending on
how many greenhouse gases are emitted in the years to come.
The following figure shows the different scenarios:
Figure 2.3.2 RCP emissions scenarios (Symon,2015)
High emissions could give a mean rise of seventy four centimetres which is far higher
than the rise in the twentieth century, and therefore it is paramount to know what can
be done to protect the coastlines and the cities at risk.
Using the most recent data, even with stringent carbon dioxide emission reductions, sea
level could still exceed 60cm by the end of the century and it seems too late to
implement measures that could stop a half metre rise in sea level by 2100. The
opportunity for early mitigation to stop this has passed, but it is key to avoiding higher
sea level rise in the future, given the slow response of sea level. (Schaffer et al., 2012)
Emergency planners require an upper limit for planning purposes, as coastal defences
need to be able to defend against the worst scenarios. Engineers would like to be sure
that their defences will not be breached. The range up to 98 cm is the IPCC’s likely
range, i.e. the risk of exceeding 98 cm is considered to be 17%. It is thus clear that a
metre is not actually the upper limit, and the IPCC does not give an upper limit. In
contrast, the UKCP09 does give a scenario which looks at the highest levels actually
plausible. As this does not rely on the data from IPCC 4th
report, it is still likely to be
reasonably reliable. This scenario is called High-plus-plus (H++) and represents a wider
range of relative mean sea level rise and storm surge changes. The top of the H++
scenario range is derived from indirect observations of sea level rise in the last
interglacial period. The upper part of the range of sea level increase is thought to be
unlikely, but is provided for contingency planning. This estimate gives a sea level rise of
93-1.9cm by 2100. The low probability high scenario was developed in partnership
between the Met Office and the Environment Agency. This range is beyond the Met
Office projections, and is unlikely to occur by 2100, but it cannot be completely ruled
2.4 Storm Frequency:
According to the IPCC, rainfall intensity has increased, and higher temperatures are
responsible for this. The heat intensifies and and accelerates the hydrological cycle.
Models suggest the precipitation will occur less often, but there will be an increase in the
number of extreme events. This combined with rising sea levels will inevitably increase
coastal flooding. With sea levels already being higher, a storm surge could be much
worse and have catastrophic effects.
Section 3: The Impact
The area most under threat in the UK is the South and East of the country, where the
land is flat and at very low altitudes. Unfortunately these areas are densely populated.
Parts of the East Coast are also made up of boulder clay, which is very vulnerable
because it is easily eroded. The most exposed locations, including low lying areas, and
estuaries will be susceptible. The Norfolk Broads are a low lying area, and are also a
large tourist destination and farming area, where sea level rise would destroy the area
and habitats. Valuable agricultural land will be lost through flooding and the
contamination of ground-water with salt.
Sea level rise will be felt along the whole of the UK coast. There will be different types of
impacts ranging from erosion to flooding. The rise will have different levels of impact in
different areas, from estuaries to ports, and rural and urban areas. The impacts will be
felt most by communities that rely on the immediate coastal area for their residence,
communications and economic and social activity. Hallsands in Devon is a prime example
of a village affected by coastal erosion, and therefore a site visit was conducted, which is
discussed later in this report.
3.1 Predicted Level Rise Map
Using the UKCP09 H++ upper bound, for a reasonable upper limit for risk planning, the
areas at risk can be seen.
Figure 3.1.1 A 2m rise in sea levels (Environment Agency, 2014)
The maps show that low lying areas are flooded as the sea moves inland. This includes
the flooding of areas such as The Wash, and parts of London. This would inevitably have
environmental, social and economic impacts.
3.2 Financial Impact
The Environment Agency map shows the number of properties that are at risk of flooding
from river or sea if the sea level rose by 2m. The total is 484,753.
According to Chris Smith, the EA Chairman, the average cost of flooding to a property is
between £20,000-£30,000 (Jha, 2010). A quick calculation estimates there is a potential
damage of around £12 billion. This is just in destruction to properties, and does not
account for other affects to the economy.
The cost of damage could also be higher. The value used is for a one off flooding event,
but if the sea level is at a height where the property is consistently under water, or even
lost to sea, the cost would be even greater.
Coastal erosion will be increased, and we will see more properties disappear into the
ocean. The Holderness coast is particularly at risk due to the weak clay, and stormy
nature of the North Sea. The clay is vulnerable to slumping and erosion. The coastline
today is around 4km inland from where it was in Roman times, and there are villages
which have already been lost. This will only increase as sea levels rise further, and as
such the financial costs will be high, as homes and villages have to be relocated. Defra
has dedicated a £6,000 coastal erosion grant for homeowners who are at risk of losing
their property to coastal erosion. The grant is expected to contribute to costs of
demolishing the property and some basic moving costs. As sea levels rise this is likely to
be utilised more heavily.
The map below shows current and lost towns:
Figure 3.2.1 Lost Towns of Humberside (, 2015)
It can be predicted that the present towns could become lost towns with sea level rise.
Although many parts of the UK would be affected, London is the largest cluster of
economic activity, and as such the impacts have been investigated most thoroughly, and
are reported in the TE2100 Thames management plan. London contributes £250billion in
goods and services annually, and although currently protected, a rising sea level would
make it vulnerable, and the costs of a major flood would be severe. The Environment
Agency expects that by 2050 the Thames Barrier will have to close on every tide, and be
overtopped by some. When it was constructed in 1984, it was expected to be closed
once every few years. The costs would be substantial and would be particularly
significant to the financial sector. Economic losses would affect the whole nation. TE2100
estimates that if just one working day was lost, it would cost the civil service £10 million
alone in lost staff time. (Environment Agency, 2011)
London has some of Britain’s most visited tourist sites, and a sea level rise could impact
on the tourism industry, which is worth around £15billion per annum. If London was to
flood, the underground could be disabled, which would have significant impacts on the
economy because it is central to London life. On one day (7th
August 2002), flooding
caused costs of £750,000 just in passenger delays and does not include the knock-on
impact. There would be the financial impact caused by the disabling of ports due to
flooding. The Port of London Authority makes a contribution to the UK economy of
£3.4bn each year, and if it was lost to the sea, there would again be a detrimental
financial impact. (Environment Agency, 2011)
A rising sea level would also mean that storm surges could be much worse. The 1953
storm surge killed 307 people in the UK, and with a growing population and increased
sea level, this number is only likely to increase. Although a life is priceless, in insurance
terms a life is often considered to be worth £1million, so again the financial impact would
be high. (Hickey, 2001)
3.3 Social Impacts
The potential impacts of climate change on social aspects of life has been poorly
researched, although assumptions can easily be made for the effect of sea level rise on
the UK coast. Existing literature suggests that global warming will have negative impacts
on people’s health, especially events like flooding. Flooding poses a risk to life and
health, and rising sea levels will only make the scenario worse. Coastal areas often have
a high number of elderly people who have retired by the coast, and are more vulnerable.
The impacts may therefore be more severe. Rising sea level will impact on the
livelihoods of those who rely on the sea for employment- e.g fishing and tourism. Local
farmers may lose land, and land may become infertile due to salination. Extreme events
are also likely to impact key infrastructure, and this could prove very serious if health or
emergency services were affected.
Around 1.25 million people live in the Thames tidal floodplain. This floodplain will only
become larger, and could be submerged with the sea level rise. These people are
already vulnerable if the current defences failed, and with the expected rise, the TE2100
report even acknowledges that the Thames Barrier will not be able to protect London up
to 2100. It was initially expected to protect London up to 2030, and this clearly
highlights the impact of the rising sea level. Four hundred schools are already at risk, so
with further rises in sea level the basic infrastructure of family life could be seriously
damaged and disrupted.
Facilities that could be used to help recover from a major flood would also be put at risk
by the 1.9m sea level rise. Fire stations, clinics, shops and refuge centres could all be
susceptible to coastal flooding and hinder a recovery process. There are 16 hopsitals in
London which have all been catergorised as at risk of flooding. This highlights that not
only would people’s homes be affected, but also the resources for response and recovery
would be impacted. (Zsamboky et al., 2011)
3.4 Environmental Impacts
Sea level rise can have devastating effects on coastal habitats. As marine transgression
occurs, and the seawater reaches further inland, there can be destructive erosion or
flooding of wetlands, contamination of aquifers and agricultural soils. This could mean a
lost habitat for fish, birds and plants. If sea levels continue to rise, there could be a
devastating impact on coastal habitats. The further the water migrates inland, the worse
the damage will be. It can flood wetland, contaminate aquifers and soils, and damage
habitats of fish, birds and animals due to the contamination of fresh water supplies and
soils due to salinization. For example, Slapton Sands, Devon, has a freshwater Ley
behind a shingle ridge. This shingle ridge has previously been breached, damaging the
A397 road. Today the ridge and Ley are designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest
and a National Nature Reserve in recognition of their biological and geological
importance. With sea level rise, it is likely that beach rollover and marine transgression
will occur, and the sea not just damage the road, but also flood the freshwater ley. This
would obviously have detrimental effects on the nature reserve. It is a similar scenario in
other locations around the country. In London there are many ecological sites at risk of
flooding with sea level rise.
Conversely, there could be some benefits to the environment; increase of highly
productive wetlands such as salt marshes, and fish friendly shallow seas.
Section 4: What Options Are There?
It is predicted that there will be some locations where government funding is not
available to build or maintain coastal defences due to the cost of maintaining or building
There are numerous ways to manage the impact of sea level rise. It should be possible
to secure a future for the coastal cities. These cities contribute to the economy, and
house millions of residents, and as such the UK needs a proactive approach to managing
sea level rise. If action is not taken, then consequences would be very severe.
There are 3 main choices that can be made, retreat, defend or attack.
4.1 Retreat
Retreating is different from abandonment and doing nothing. It is a long-term planned
process generally called managed retreat. It is a method of allowing the sea to breach
coastal defences and flood areas previously protected. The aim is to move critical
infrastructure and housing to safer ground, allowing the water into the city to alleviate
flood risk. The line of defence is relocated further inland. Managed retreat is supposed to
reduce the cost of defence and increase sustainability. New habitats are also created in
the inter-tidal zone. New investment must be made to relocate houses and
infrastructure, but money is saved by a reduced investment in flood defences. This has
been done at pilot sites around the UK, but all of these were free from human habitation.
With rising sea levels to the extent predicted we have to question whether it would be
possible to relocate populated areas with infrastructure critical to the nation. (Robinson,
4.2 Defend
Defending the coastline would be to try and ensure that the sea water does not enter the
current built environment. The defences would need to be built high enough and strong
enough to defend against rising sea levels. In the past, defences have been re-active;
each time there has been coastal flooding, the defences have been raised or
strengthened. As it is proven sea levels are rising, the method needs to be more
proactive to defend the coast. It is a very expensive method and would not be
economically or commercially viable everywhere in the UK. Hard engineering can be
unsustainable and damage coastal habitats, but they can provide good protection from
coastal erosion and flooding. By defending the coast, the existing built infrastructure is
protected from floods, without the need to be relocated. It would be incredibly expensive
to ‘move’ London and as such there is a plan ‘TE2100’ in place to defend London up to
2100. (Robinson, 2013)
4.3 Attack
To attack is to advance and step seaward of the existing coastline. This would reduce the
need for urban sprawl into the countryside, and the development could help fund further
flood defences. Land reclamation has been practised all around the globe. The
Netherlands are renowned for their land reclamation of the Polders, creating more
developable space. There are several ways of building out into the water, with pontoons,
stilts and piers all available to enable an expansion seawards. It could be a method of
coping with the increasing population. It is questionable how it is possible to develop
infront of the existing defences. (Robinson, 2013).
4.4 Shoreline Management Plan
A Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) is an assessment of coastal processes, and the risks
they induce. The plans are for schemes to reduce the risks to people and the
environment. Each coastline is broken into manageable sections for an SMP and the plan
takes account of existing defences and likely natural forces. The SMP develops policies
outlining how the shoreline should be managed in the future, with rising sea levels and
increased erosion.
4.5 Thames Estuary 2100. TE2100
The Environment Agency has created the Thames Estuary 2100 project (TE2100) in
which a plan was developed for managing and mitigating flood risk on the Thames
estuary over the next 100 years. It uses the H++ scenario previously discussed, to look
at how the Thames estuary can be protected up until 2100. London is the capital and
most populated city of England, therefore management is paramount for its future.
Significant investment is required to address climate change, development on floodplains
and aging flood defences. TE2100 was formed after much research, modelling, risk-
assessment, appraisals and infrastructure inspections for managing flood risk through
the 21st century.
CH2M HILL helped develop TE2100, leading a range of projects including modelling,
engineering, risk management, options development, appraisal and infrastructure
4.6 Start Bay Case Study
Start Bay in South Devon already experiences coastal erosion and with the threat of
rising sea levels becoming more prevalent, a management strategy is needed. Start Bay
is ideal for use as a case study because managed retreat, defence and abandonment
have all been practised in one location, so a site visit was undertaken in April 2015.
Figure 4.1.1 Start Bay (Personally Taken Photograph, 2015)
Coastal management is needed to plan and defend for the inevitable continuing erosion
of the coastal area around Devon.
In 1897 Sir John Jackson dredged 650,000 tonnes of gravel from off shore at Hallsands.
This was used for the Plymouth Docks. This removal of sediment caused beach erosion
to occur and the village was destroyed. A sea wall was constructed, but this was soon
demolished by the sea, and after weighing up the cost of defence against the number of
houses or roads, it was decided to do nothing. There are now only a few houses left at
Hallsands. (, 2015)
Further round the coast, at Beesands, a wave return sea wall and rock revetment has
been installed. This is to defend and ‘hold-the line’. The sea wall cost three million
pounds and does deflect the waves and prevents further erosion. Despite this, the
houses are still at risk from flooding, and the houses also had flood gates fitted to the
doors. It did not score well on a Bipolar Evaluation because of the high levels of
disturbance and poor access to the beach. The cost benefit was only about two pounds
saved for every one pound spent, so was not a very cost effective method of defending
the 30 houses.
Figure 4.1.2 Beesand’s Defences (Personally Taken Photograph, 2015)
Slightly further North, the village Sunnydale has defences in place to defend itself from
the risk posed by erosion. The residents paid £30,000 for gabions to be installed and
these have already lasted 22 years. They have a very high cost benefit ratio of nearly 50
pounds saved to every 1 pound spent. The gabions have a short life span which is the
only issue, however they seem to be lasting well, and have prevented the erosion and
marine transgression for a low cost. They seem ideal for the area, and do not currently
need upgrading. As sea levels continue to rise, they may not offer enough defence in the
At Torcross there is a solid wave return sea wall which cost 2 million pounds to install,
which initially appears expensive. The wall does protect 49 houses and a thriving
community so it was decided to defend the houses whatever the cost. Despite this for
every pound spent, 8 pounds were actually saved. Behind Torcross there are relic cliffs
from where the sea level used to be before the ice age. If the sea level was to rise again
to this level, the wall would be over topped and the houses flooded. As the sea level is
expected to rise by up to two metres by 2100, it may have been better to manage the
retreat, or do nothing and compensate the villagers, letting the sea regain its land. The
sea wall also prevents good access onto the beach and the drop could prove dangerous
to children.
The A397 is a major road in Devon, running through Start Bay and along Slapton Sands.
The road was previously washed away in a storm and was moved inland as part of a
managed retreat scheme. The problem with this managed retreat scheme is that,
although the land may not be overly valuable, there is interruption with communications
and it is expensive to keep moving the road inland. It is to be expected that in the near
future the road will be breached by the sea and the Ley will then flood all the lower part
of Torcross.
Figure 4.3.3 A397 Managed Retreat (Slapton FSC, 2015)
Defences can be essential for thriving areas such as London, yet we have to question
whether spending millions on a sea wall in rural Devon is economically viable. Spending
more money on defences than the value of the houses at Beesands Village Green is a
prime example. The coast should be defended in some areas, but the strategies have to
be reviewed and reassessed regularly to establish which are necessary. This should all
be outlined by a Shoreline Management plan.
Section 5: Conclusion
Sea level rise is likely to be a cause for concern to the UK. The extent of the impact will
depend on which model is correct, but it is likely there will be at least a fifty centimetre
rise, on top of the fact the South of England is sinking. The expected rise by 2100 could
be nearly 2m. This could have devastating effects on the UK. Due to the inertia of sea
level rise, lowering CO2 emissions is unlikely to help much in the 21st
century. The rise
could have detrimental social, environmental and economic impacts, and effective
management is necessary. The management required is different for each location, and
there is not a simple solution for all areas. The coastlines will require careful individual
management to minimise the impact. It is likely that with technological advances in
modelling and GPS that the accuracy of predictions will continue to improve over the
coming years.
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Year Annual Mean Sea Level Data/mm
Shields Liverpool Sheerness Newlyn
1833 6849
1834 6873
1835 6849
1840 6843
1841 6862
1842 6834
1843 6846
1844 6864
1845 6861
1846 6834
1847 6861
1848 6867
1850 6830
1851 6857
1852 6894
1858 6781
1859 6833
1860 6798
1863 6765
1864 6785
1865 6766
1866 6842
1867 6903
1869 6901
1870 6856
1871 6888
1872 7031
1873 6830
1878 6742
1879 6710
1883 6842
1884 6837
1886 6808
1887 6769
1888 6779
1889 6815
1890 6871
1891 6895
1892 6853 6914
1893 6874 6898
1894 6847 6899
1895 6883 6883
1896 6793 6828 6834
1897 6872 6871
1898 6822 6907
1899 6822 6873
1900 6818 6874 6877
1901 6812 6857 6795
1902 6839 6937
1903 6902 7021 6955
1904 6946
1905 6948 6922
1906 6779 6994 6901
1907 6795 6885 6852
1908 6799 6870 6872
1909 6834 6904 6916
1910 6850 6945 6907
1911 6912 6899 6923
1912 6893 6947
1913 6878 6934
1914 6914 6926
1915 6816 6934
1916 6860 6918 6974
1917 6810 6923
1918 6827 6831 6901 6944
1919 6814 6916 6943
1920 6810 6874 6906 6959
1921 6835 6933 6916
1922 6820 6926 6945
1923 6784 6892 6927
1924 6849 6909 6908 6984
1925 6882 6950 6975
1926 6883 6954 6992
1927 6916 6925 6998
1928 6864 6994
1929 6854 6977
1930 6857 6892 7010
1931 6910 6989
1932 6996 6883 7000
1933 6965 6858 6988
1934 6996 6860 6847 6962
1935 6984 6898 6860 6971
1936 7018 6950 6892 7026
1937 6984 6916 6890 7039
1938 6998 6924 6869 6957
1939 6964 6896 6998
1940 6968 6878 6999
1941 6925 6863 6993
1942 7001 6878 6996
1943 7008 6911 6877 6972
1944 6977 6895 6843 6955
1945 7003 6920 6884 7002
1946 7018 6945 6856 7024
1947 7004 6928 6859 7034
1948 6965 6919 7023
1949 7049 6957 6898 6998
1950 7077 6952 6890 7034
1951 6972 6910 6911 7027 7060
1952 6990 6896 6838 7061 7024
1953 6995 6918 6998
1954 7024 6884 6930 7012
1955 7001 6943 6897 7047
1956 6991 6913 6879 6969
1957 7017 6942 7017
1958 6992 6954 6881 7048
1959 7007 6931 6920 7041
1960 7030 6970 6977 7095
1961 7054 6990 6961 7056
1962 6993 6941 6893 7009
1963 6981 6934 6893 7058
1964 6990 6925 6901 7027
1965 6974 6915 6925 7031
1966 7026 7034 6979 7086
1967 7036 7007 7022 7037
1968 7020 6980 6964 7090 7077
1969 7019 6985 6948 7086 7078
1970 7021 6955 6968 7078 7040
1971 7006 6966 6936 7060 7031
1972 7000 6941 7000 7048
1973 6960 6977 6940 7009 7002
1974 6940 6953 6994 7035
1975 6939 6931 7016 7019
1976 6928 7009 7022
1977 6970 7046 7066
1978 6973 7036 7048
1979 6987 7041 7064
1980 6955 7055 7055
1981 6970 6987 6985 7082 7064
1982 6986 6993 6996 7089 7085
1983 7024 7017 7091
1984 6987 6934 7030 7084 7078
1985 7037 6958 7049 7111 7081
1986 7023 6966 7043 7077 7054
1987 7010 6971 6989 7087
1988 7053 6999 7039 7105 7094
1989 7083 7005 7057 7107 7101
1990 7087 7011 7069 7077 7079
1991 6995 6935 7012 7043
1992 7027 6972 7036 7042 7030
1993 7055 7046 7058
1994 6999 6980 7043 7082
1995 7027 6984 7128 7064 7109
1996 6995 6952 7044 7105
1997 7033 6987 7068 7093
1998 7056 7176 7119 7076
1999 7051 7013 7140 7079
2000 7049 7008 7131 7097
2001 7051 7019 7093
2002 7081 7044 7210 7174
2003 7076 7045 7161 7139
2004 7071 7058 7111 7112
2005 7056 7043 7121 7089
2006 7111 7051 7125 7135
2007 7095 7036
2008 7094 7037 7145
2009 7007 7157
2010 7027
2011 7024 7102
2012 7047 7016 7110
2013 7026 7015 7140

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Climate change impact on Hydrology Climate change impact on Hydrology
Climate change impact on Hydrology


  • 1. 0 University of Nottingham Department Civil Engineering H23A13 Are Rising Sea Levels a Cause for Concern for the UK? By Simon Crowther 4188377 May 2015 A report submitted in part consideration of module H23A13 for the degree of BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering
  • 2. 1 Contents Abstract 2 Section 1: Background Information into Sea-Levels 3 1.1 Brief History of Sea Level Change due to Ice Age 3 1.2 Why does Sea Level Change? 3 1.3 Types of Sea Level Change 4 1.4 Human Causes of Sea-Level Change 4 1.5 Coastal Landforms 5 Section 2: What has happened/is happening in the UK? 7 2.1 Sea Level Change 7 2.2 Land Movement 12 2.3 Looking to the Future 14 2.4 Storm Frequency 18 Section 3: The Impact 19 3.1 Predicted Level Rise Map 19 3.2 Financial Impact 20 3.3 Social Impacts 22 3.4 Environmental Impacts 23 Section 4: What Options Are There? 25 4.1 Retreat 25 4.2 Defend 25 4.3 Attack 26 4.4 Shoreline Management Plan 26 4.5 Thames Estuary 2100. TE2100 26 4.6 Start Bay, Devon Case Study 27 Section 5: 5.1 Conclusion 31 References 32 Appendix 35
  • 3. 2 Are Rising Sea Levels a Cause for Concern for the UK? Abstract Global warming and the subsequent sea level rise is a phenomenon which most people will be aware of. Flooding appears to be happening more frequently and with an increased sea level the problem can only be exacerbated. The aim of the report is to provide an insight and investigation into sea level rise and the effect on the UK. It helps quantify the issue and establish whether rising sea levels are really of concern to the UK and what should be done about the issue. Most people know the sea level is rising, but many do not know by how much, or what the impact could be, especially so close to home. The report investigates pre-existing reports, and compares this with data analysis of tide data. The impact is also investigated, and highlights that it is likely to be more of an issue, than expected. The project includes reports on management strategies, and focuses on London, along with Start Bay in Devon; which was visited to allow a primary investigation of the choices available for Britain’s coastlines. The impact is going to need careful analysis to allow informed decisions to protect the coastline. Over the next few years it is expected that further investigation with modelling techniques will improve the reliability of estimates.
  • 4. 3 Section 1: Background Information into Sea Levels Throughout the history of the Earth, the sea level has constantly changed, and is still changing. There have been rises and falls. Sea level is the average height of the surface of the ocean, between high and low tide. It is often referred to as the equipotential surface, which means the level is affected by the force of gravity. Changes in tides and waves are averaged to allow calculation of a ‘still water level’ that can be used to identify if the sea level has changed. Records show sea level is currently on the rise. As the planet warms, the sea rises. 1.1 Brief History of Sea Level Change due to Ice Age For the past 2 million years, during the Quaternary period, the Earth’s atmosphere has fluctuated between cooler periods when ice sheets and glaciers have expanded, and warmer periods when ice sheets have melted and retreated. Eighteen thousand years ago the British Isles from the Midlands northwards was covered in an ice sheet, and the rest of the UK resembled Arctic Tundra. At this time Sea level was more than 130m lower than present. A vast quantity of water was locked up in ice sheets. (British Geological Survey, 2014) 1.2 Why Does Sea Level Change? Sea level changes for many different reasons and over varying time scales. Today sea levels are rising for two reasons: land-based ice is melting, and ocean waters are warming and therefore expanding. There is not a direct effect on sea level when sea-based ice melts (British Geological Survey, 2014). In the same way that a glass does not overflow when ice melts - the ice floats because it is less dense than water and it displaces an equal mass of water and is already part of the ocean system. There is the indirect effect that the albedo (reflecting power) is reduced. A reduced albedo means that as Arctic ice melts, polar regions will absorb more energy and therefore warming leads to further warming. A positive feedback cycle is set up. There is also concern about the Arctic melt releasing ancient methane, which is the second most prevalent greenhouse gas. This ancient gas could impact climate change, and feed further warming, but how threatening and serious this is, is controversial. (Black, 2012)
  • 5. 4 1.3 Types of Sea Level Change The types of sea level change: isostatic and eustatic, are well documented in a variety of sources. The British Geological Survey explains that an isostatic change is on a local scale as land levels change after a load is applied or removed. A eustatic change is due to a change in the volume of the water in the oceans due to ice sheets either forming or melting. (British Geological Survey, 2014) Examples of large changes in sea level due to the last Ice Age are widely reported in textbooks and examples can be seen across the UK to prove this (Milliman and Haq, 1996). If the two main ice caps melted; Greenland and Antarctica, then it is calculated that the oceans would rise by sixty-six metres above the current level (British Geological Survey, 2014). Clearly these are extreme values and in the foreseeable future a sixty-six metre rise is likely to be unrealistic. It is therefore important to study the topic in more detail to provide information for future Emergency Planners and Councils. The eustatic change in sea level is not a true reflection of sea level rise unless it is known how much the land is moving to provide a relative rise. Melting of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean and the ice shelves bordering Antarctica is not expected to increase the volume of water in the oceans, because the floating ice is already displacing a weight of water equal to its own. Fluctuations in the volume of water held in the ocean can also be caused by changes in sea temperatures. Seawater expands thermally and for every 1 degree Celsius the temperature rises, the sea expansion raises the water a further 0.8m. Changes in the salinity of sea water can also alter the sea level. If more fresh water was to flow into the ocean and lower the salinity, the sea level would also rise. (Dove, 2009). Plate movements and tectonic activity can also increase or decrease the ocean basin capacity and therefore a decrease in capacity could increase the sea level. This could occur if the sea floor was pushed up across a plate boundary. Over a very long period of time the deposition of sediment in the ocean from weathering and erosion of the land will lead to an increase in world sea levels. (Dove, 2009) 1.4 Human Causes of Sea Level Change Human actions can also cause sea level change on a global and local scale. Locally the abstraction of groundwater from coastal aquifers can cause the land to subside and therefore, there is a relative rise in sea level. A similar phenomenon has occurred in Los Angeles where oil has been extracted and the overlying sediments have subsided allowing marine transgression to occur.
  • 6. 5 Alongside this there is the overarching impact of global warming, and whether or not human activities are playing a part in this. A recent study published in Geophysical Research Letters, studied climate models to see if human activities such as burning fossil fuels were responsible for sea level rise. The results found that human activities are responsible for 87% of the sea level rise which has occurred since 1970. This rise is known as a thermosteric rise. It is due to the ocean swelling in volume, and the increase in ocean height is caused by the increasing volume of the ocean that occurs when seawater warms up and expands. (Marcos and Amores, 2014) The new study, showing that the warming of the top layer is mainly due to human activity, means that all the consequences – sea level rise, higher storm surges, flooding are because of human activity. This study is very new, but in the future years, it will be seen if it is valid and reliable. If it is correct, the consequences of human actions will need to be taken very seriously. 1.5 Coastal Landforms Changes in sea level have produced a variety of different landforms across the UK, and can be broadly categorised into submerged and emerged coastlines, although in reality many coastal areas have experienced both rises and falls in relative sea level at different points in history. An example of a submerged coastline, which is common in Britain, is a ria. A ria is an inlet of rugged relief where the lower reaches of a river valley have been drowned by a rise in sea level. The shape is controlled by the form of its pre-existing river valley. Rias are common in Devon and Cornwall and a good example is Kingsbridge Ria. Other submerged landforms include: drowned estuaries, dalmation coastlines, submerged forests, buried river channels and offshore notches. Emerged coastline examples can be seen around the UK. To investigate, a visit to Langerstone Point in Devon was organised. Langerstone point is an example of an emerged or raised beach. There are beaches which stand well above the present sea level. These are shown in figure 1.5.1 below. Raised beaches are created by an uplift of the land, or a fall in sea level. The raised beaches are about 5-8m above the current sea level. They were cut by high sea levels during interglacial periods in the Pleistocene.
  • 7. 6 Figure 1.5.1 Langerstone Point (Personally Taken Photograph, 2015) Other examples of emerged coastlines include widening areas of salt marshes and mangroves. These features help to highlight the fact that sea levels have changed dramatically in the past, and without mankind causing global warming. It therefore makes Marcos and Amores’ study more fascinating, because it states 87% of sea level rise is due to humans, and it is open to question from sceptics.
  • 8. 7 Section 2: What has happened/is happening in the UK? 2.1 Sea level Change To determine how sea level has fluctuated previously, the five longest sea level records in the UK were analysed; namely those are in Aberdeen, North Shields, Liverpool, Sheerness and Newlyn. The data used was the annual mean sea levels at each location. These five stations are spread across the UK and as such give a good coverage of what has happened in the past, allowing future predictions. The map below shows the five locations of the tide data stations: Figure 2.1.1 Tide Station Map Data sources The UK sea level data is collected and supplied the by Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) dataset. (Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level, 2014) The Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level has been responsible for sea level data, recorded from the global network of tide gauges since 1933. The database of the Aberdeen North Shields Liverpool Sheerness Newlyn
  • 9. 8 contains monthly and annual mean values of sea level from nearly 2,000 tide gauge stations around the world. To give an insight into sea level change, the tide data was analysed by plotting values of average mean sea level per year, against the year. By using a linear regression line an average rise per year was calculated for each site. Data Attached in Appendix Aberdeen: Figure 2.1.2 Aberdeen Sea Level Graph The linear regression line has a gradient of 0.9593. We can therefore conclude that there is a mean rise of approximately 0.9593mm/yr between 1932 and 2013.
  • 10. 9 North Shields: Figure 2.1.3 North Shields Sea Level Graph North Shields appears to have had a mean sea level rise of 1.902mm/yr between 1833 and 2006. Liverpool: Figure 2.1.4 Liverpool Sea Level Graph Liverpool has had a mean sea level rise of 1.498mm/yr between 1858 and 2011. In the last decade the level appears to have risen faster. This could be due to local land
  • 11. 10 movements, or error in the data, as half the years between 2000-2010 did not have any data available. Sheerness: Figure 2.1.5 Sheerness Sea Level Graph Sheerness has large gaps in the data, but despite this there still appears to be strong correlation and the linear regression line shows a mean rise of 1.658mm/yr between 1833 and 2006. Newlyn: Figure 2.1.6 Newlyn Sea Level Graph
  • 12. 11 Newlyn shows an average mean rise of 1.7789mm/yr. The Tidal Observatory was established in Newlyn to determine the mean sea level that is the starting point for levelling in the UK. It Is located on the tip of the Cornish Peninsula. Newlyn has two separate data sets, which used different measurement techniques. For data continuity, only the more recent data set was used. Compiled Results: Location Annual mean sea level rise/mm Aberdeen 0.9593 North Shields 1.902 Liverpool 1.498 Sheerness 1.658 Newlyn 1.7789 Table 2.1.1 Compiled Results The results give an average rise of 1.56mm/year for the UK, however the results are from varying lengths of time for each data set, and therefore they could be interpreted differently for a set period of time for all stations. The UK Environmental Change Network has used tide-data to estimate global mean sea level change over the past century, and calculated it is between 1-2mm per year, but the results vary, depending on which combination of gauges are used (Sparks and Cannell, 2014). Past efforts to determine the rise, concluded that sea levels rose by around 1.6-1.9mm per year. These figures were included in the most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report. The data appears to be reliable and accurate when compared with existing literature. The obtained results could have been different if other stations were used, and as such there is variability in existing reports. The tide data graphs show that there is some variation in the levels per decade. A particularly good example of this in Liverpool, where the level has risen dramatically in the last decade. With just a decade’s worth of information it is hard to predict if this will continue to be the trend or just a variability of sea level on decadal timescales. A lack of ability to account for decadal variability results in more uncertainty in the calculation of long-term sea level trends. Mean annual sea level even fluctuates from year to year and much of this variation is related to the position of the Gulf Stream. Studies have shown
  • 13. 12 that high sea levels occur when the Gulf Stream follows a northerly path. (Sparks and Cannell, 2014) 2.2 Land Movement Dr Richard Bingley, from the Institute of Engineering Surveying and Space Geodesy IESSG, explains: "The measurements from tide gauges are not a true reflection of changes in sea levels unless you know how much the land is moving." (Haran, 2003) Studies have therefore been conducted into the changing land-level in the UK, as without this the relative sea level change cannot be calculated, and the impact not known. Scotland has already rebounded by 100m since the ice sheets retreated, and is still moving (Dove, 2009). Without measurement to a more precise scale this does not provide insightful information into what is currently happening and what is expected. GPS (Global Positioning System) was once just used by the military, but more recently it has been used by scientists and engineers to track the millimetre movements of the Earth. It has been used in the UK to accurately and precisely track the land movements of the UK to help provide a sea level change relative to the land. Defra have been funding research using GPS into the scale and impact of rising sea levels on the UK since 1997 in the hope of understanding long term changes, future sea level rise and to improve estimates of climate change on sea level. The results were published in a technical report in 2007. The technical report quantifies the proven trend of sea level rise, and the South of England sinking as Scotland rises up. The report estimates that the South of England is subsiding by up to 1.2mm/yr and Scotland rising up by 1- 2mm/yr due to Great-Britain’s tilt. When decoupled from the land movement it predicts sea level had risen by 0.9-1.2mm/yr over the last century (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, 2007). Despite this report being based on ten years of research, it still has uncertainties in the results with potential bias, and includes recommendations for improvement. The Defra study shows how effective GPS can be for surveying. Variations can occur due to localised processes such as sediment compaction and tectonics and past/present variations in land ice. The research done for Defra in 2007, using GPS to study the UK’s land movement, is therefore of paramount importance, as without this information there isn’t a true reflection of the scale, situation or impact Global positioning systems are evolving as we improve the accuracy of them, and it is likely it will be used to greater extents to measure wider global issues, including aiding weather forecasts and storm predictions. This would no doubt also help councils,
  • 14. 13 residents, and agencies prepare for extreme weather and storm surges. GPS could help lessen the impact by providing a warning. The reason for the variability in the results for different areas can depend on local land movement, caused by things such as groundwater extraction. It could also be due to variability in air pressure and geodetic movement. Defra funded a study (UKCPO9) which features very comprehensive climate projections. The study investigated land movement and the results are shown below in figure 2.2.1: Figure 2.2.1 Land Movement (Jenkins et al., 2009)
  • 15. 14 2.3 Looking to the Future There are numerous investigations into sea level predictions, and much of the information is compiled in the IPCC reports by the United Nations, and the UKCP09 by the Met Office and Defra for the UK. The tide data used previously in this report was analysed with a linear regression line, to give an annual average mean rise, but it can be seen in some circumstances that the level is rising more rapidly more recently, and the linear line may not be suitable in later years such as at Liverpool. Using more recent tide data, (1950-2010) it was possible to average the data for the five respective sites, and then plot the data on a graph, and use a quadratic regression line, to allow for the expected acceleration in rise in the future. Figure 2.3.1 Averaged Sea Levels (1950-2010) Using the trend line, the year 2000 UK average sea level is 7069mm, and by 2100 it would become 7390.3mm. This would be a rise of 32.13cm. It is obviously a very crude prediction, which does not take account for emissions or the rate of global warming and has a relatively small sample set, but it compares favourably with the UKCP09.
  • 16. 15 UK Climate Projections 2009 (UKCP09) is a climate analysis tool, funded by Defra, which features very comprehensive predictions. It gives a detailed guide on how the UK’s climate could change in the 21st century, as it responds to rising levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It is designed to allow informed risk based decisions on how to avoid the dangers of what is to come. Chapter 3 of the UKCP09 report looks at projections for sea level rise, both absolute and relative. The absolute sea level rise is averaged around the British Isles, and comes from projections made by international climate models. The land movement is also derived from constrained land models, allowing the calculation of relative sea level change around the UK. (Jenkins et al., 2009) The following table shows the UKCP09 estimates for rise over a 100 year period, dependent on emissions: Figure 2.3.1 UKCPO9 Global mean sea level rise estimates (Jenkins et al., 2009) The tide data extrapolation is therefore within the ranges the UKCP09 predict. The UKCP09 analysis gives projections of UK coastal absolute sea level rise for 2095, ranging from 12–76 cm. When coupled with the land movement the relative rise is higher than the absolute in Southern Parts of the UK. Where the land is subsiding, the report estimates for a medium emissions 5th -95th percentile there would be a rise between 21- 68cm for London, between 1990–2095. In Edinburgh the report predicts that there is an expected 7–54 cm relative rise for Edinburgh (5th to 95th percentile for the medium emissions scenario). It is therefore very important to know how much the land is moving, for emergency planning. Absolute sea level may also not rise uniformly. Climate models and satellite data show that in some regions the rate can be several times the global mean rise, which can be due to non-uniform changes in temperature and salinity and related to changes in the ocean circulation. (Alexander and Allan, 2013)
  • 17. 16 Whilst the UKCP09 report was very rudimentary and based on considerable research, it used predictions from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 4th report which has now been superseded by the 5th report. Since the 4th report was released, new satellite data has found that the rise in sea levels is already accelerating beyond predictions, and that sea levels rose globally by 3.2mm/yr for the past 30 years, and not 2mm/yr as previously predicted. If this trend was to continue it is estimated the rise by 2100 could be 120cm. In 2012, Stefan Rahmsdorf, of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research stated ‘the IPCC is far from alarmist, but in fact has under-estimated the problem of climate change and ambitious targets to cut carbon are needed.’ The topic is therefore in hot discussion as small islands could be wiped out. (Gray, 2012) The Fifth Assessment Report from IPCC is currently the most up-to-date, comprehensive and relevant investigation and report on the changing climate. The IPCC 5th report‘s predictions are far higher than the 4th, both at the low and the high end. A direct comparison is made possible by table 13.6 of the report, which allows a comparison of old and new projections for the same emissions scenario over the time interval 1990- 2100: IPCC 4th Report average predicted rise: 37 cm IPCC 5th Report average predicted rise: 60 cm. The new estimate is almost 60% higher than the old 4th report’s standard estimate. It is reported that the estimates of the 4th report were already known to be too low at the time the report was published. For high emissions the IPCC 5th report now predicts a global rise of 52-98cm by the year 2100, but even with aggressive reductions in emissions there is still a predicted rise of 28-61cm. This is a highly optimistic scenario where there are drastic reductions in emissions starting a few years from now and reaching zero emissions by 2070 and then carbon dioxide being actively removed from the atmosphere. Even with this a rise of over half a metre may still be seen which could seriously impact many coastal areas with coastal erosion and flooding. There is a large inertia in the sea level response, and it is very hard to make it stop once it has started again, and there could be a larger difference seen in the 22nd century. (Rahmstorf, 2013)
  • 18. 17 The IPCC 5th report’s 4 scenarios: Scenario Sea level Rise/cm Range RCP2.6 44 28-61 RCP4.5 53 36-71 RCP6.0 55 38-73 RCP8.5 74 52-98 Table 2.3.1 Aberdeen Sea Level Graoh Representative concentration pathways (RCPs) are different greenhouse gas concentration scenarios. The pathways are used for climate modelling and research. There are four possible situations all of which are considered conceivable depending on how many greenhouse gases are emitted in the years to come. The following figure shows the different scenarios: Figure 2.3.2 RCP emissions scenarios (Symon,2015)
  • 19. 18 High emissions could give a mean rise of seventy four centimetres which is far higher than the rise in the twentieth century, and therefore it is paramount to know what can be done to protect the coastlines and the cities at risk. Using the most recent data, even with stringent carbon dioxide emission reductions, sea level could still exceed 60cm by the end of the century and it seems too late to implement measures that could stop a half metre rise in sea level by 2100. The opportunity for early mitigation to stop this has passed, but it is key to avoiding higher sea level rise in the future, given the slow response of sea level. (Schaffer et al., 2012) Emergency planners require an upper limit for planning purposes, as coastal defences need to be able to defend against the worst scenarios. Engineers would like to be sure that their defences will not be breached. The range up to 98 cm is the IPCC’s likely range, i.e. the risk of exceeding 98 cm is considered to be 17%. It is thus clear that a metre is not actually the upper limit, and the IPCC does not give an upper limit. In contrast, the UKCP09 does give a scenario which looks at the highest levels actually plausible. As this does not rely on the data from IPCC 4th report, it is still likely to be reasonably reliable. This scenario is called High-plus-plus (H++) and represents a wider range of relative mean sea level rise and storm surge changes. The top of the H++ scenario range is derived from indirect observations of sea level rise in the last interglacial period. The upper part of the range of sea level increase is thought to be unlikely, but is provided for contingency planning. This estimate gives a sea level rise of 93-1.9cm by 2100. The low probability high scenario was developed in partnership between the Met Office and the Environment Agency. This range is beyond the Met Office projections, and is unlikely to occur by 2100, but it cannot be completely ruled out. 2.4 Storm Frequency: According to the IPCC, rainfall intensity has increased, and higher temperatures are responsible for this. The heat intensifies and and accelerates the hydrological cycle. Models suggest the precipitation will occur less often, but there will be an increase in the number of extreme events. This combined with rising sea levels will inevitably increase coastal flooding. With sea levels already being higher, a storm surge could be much worse and have catastrophic effects.
  • 20. 19 Section 3: The Impact The area most under threat in the UK is the South and East of the country, where the land is flat and at very low altitudes. Unfortunately these areas are densely populated. Parts of the East Coast are also made up of boulder clay, which is very vulnerable because it is easily eroded. The most exposed locations, including low lying areas, and estuaries will be susceptible. The Norfolk Broads are a low lying area, and are also a large tourist destination and farming area, where sea level rise would destroy the area and habitats. Valuable agricultural land will be lost through flooding and the contamination of ground-water with salt. Sea level rise will be felt along the whole of the UK coast. There will be different types of impacts ranging from erosion to flooding. The rise will have different levels of impact in different areas, from estuaries to ports, and rural and urban areas. The impacts will be felt most by communities that rely on the immediate coastal area for their residence, communications and economic and social activity. Hallsands in Devon is a prime example of a village affected by coastal erosion, and therefore a site visit was conducted, which is discussed later in this report. 3.1 Predicted Level Rise Map Using the UKCP09 H++ upper bound, for a reasonable upper limit for risk planning, the areas at risk can be seen.
  • 21. 20 Figure 3.1.1 A 2m rise in sea levels (Environment Agency, 2014) The maps show that low lying areas are flooded as the sea moves inland. This includes the flooding of areas such as The Wash, and parts of London. This would inevitably have environmental, social and economic impacts. 3.2 Financial Impact The Environment Agency map shows the number of properties that are at risk of flooding from river or sea if the sea level rose by 2m. The total is 484,753.
  • 22. 21 According to Chris Smith, the EA Chairman, the average cost of flooding to a property is between £20,000-£30,000 (Jha, 2010). A quick calculation estimates there is a potential damage of around £12 billion. This is just in destruction to properties, and does not account for other affects to the economy. The cost of damage could also be higher. The value used is for a one off flooding event, but if the sea level is at a height where the property is consistently under water, or even lost to sea, the cost would be even greater. Coastal erosion will be increased, and we will see more properties disappear into the ocean. The Holderness coast is particularly at risk due to the weak clay, and stormy nature of the North Sea. The clay is vulnerable to slumping and erosion. The coastline today is around 4km inland from where it was in Roman times, and there are villages which have already been lost. This will only increase as sea levels rise further, and as such the financial costs will be high, as homes and villages have to be relocated. Defra has dedicated a £6,000 coastal erosion grant for homeowners who are at risk of losing their property to coastal erosion. The grant is expected to contribute to costs of demolishing the property and some basic moving costs. As sea levels rise this is likely to be utilised more heavily. The map below shows current and lost towns: Figure 3.2.1 Lost Towns of Humberside (, 2015) It can be predicted that the present towns could become lost towns with sea level rise.
  • 23. 22 Although many parts of the UK would be affected, London is the largest cluster of economic activity, and as such the impacts have been investigated most thoroughly, and are reported in the TE2100 Thames management plan. London contributes £250billion in goods and services annually, and although currently protected, a rising sea level would make it vulnerable, and the costs of a major flood would be severe. The Environment Agency expects that by 2050 the Thames Barrier will have to close on every tide, and be overtopped by some. When it was constructed in 1984, it was expected to be closed once every few years. The costs would be substantial and would be particularly significant to the financial sector. Economic losses would affect the whole nation. TE2100 estimates that if just one working day was lost, it would cost the civil service £10 million alone in lost staff time. (Environment Agency, 2011) London has some of Britain’s most visited tourist sites, and a sea level rise could impact on the tourism industry, which is worth around £15billion per annum. If London was to flood, the underground could be disabled, which would have significant impacts on the economy because it is central to London life. On one day (7th August 2002), flooding caused costs of £750,000 just in passenger delays and does not include the knock-on impact. There would be the financial impact caused by the disabling of ports due to flooding. The Port of London Authority makes a contribution to the UK economy of £3.4bn each year, and if it was lost to the sea, there would again be a detrimental financial impact. (Environment Agency, 2011) A rising sea level would also mean that storm surges could be much worse. The 1953 storm surge killed 307 people in the UK, and with a growing population and increased sea level, this number is only likely to increase. Although a life is priceless, in insurance terms a life is often considered to be worth £1million, so again the financial impact would be high. (Hickey, 2001) 3.3 Social Impacts The potential impacts of climate change on social aspects of life has been poorly researched, although assumptions can easily be made for the effect of sea level rise on the UK coast. Existing literature suggests that global warming will have negative impacts on people’s health, especially events like flooding. Flooding poses a risk to life and health, and rising sea levels will only make the scenario worse. Coastal areas often have a high number of elderly people who have retired by the coast, and are more vulnerable. The impacts may therefore be more severe. Rising sea level will impact on the
  • 24. 23 livelihoods of those who rely on the sea for employment- e.g fishing and tourism. Local farmers may lose land, and land may become infertile due to salination. Extreme events are also likely to impact key infrastructure, and this could prove very serious if health or emergency services were affected. Around 1.25 million people live in the Thames tidal floodplain. This floodplain will only become larger, and could be submerged with the sea level rise. These people are already vulnerable if the current defences failed, and with the expected rise, the TE2100 report even acknowledges that the Thames Barrier will not be able to protect London up to 2100. It was initially expected to protect London up to 2030, and this clearly highlights the impact of the rising sea level. Four hundred schools are already at risk, so with further rises in sea level the basic infrastructure of family life could be seriously damaged and disrupted. Facilities that could be used to help recover from a major flood would also be put at risk by the 1.9m sea level rise. Fire stations, clinics, shops and refuge centres could all be susceptible to coastal flooding and hinder a recovery process. There are 16 hopsitals in London which have all been catergorised as at risk of flooding. This highlights that not only would people’s homes be affected, but also the resources for response and recovery would be impacted. (Zsamboky et al., 2011) 3.4 Environmental Impacts Sea level rise can have devastating effects on coastal habitats. As marine transgression occurs, and the seawater reaches further inland, there can be destructive erosion or flooding of wetlands, contamination of aquifers and agricultural soils. This could mean a lost habitat for fish, birds and plants. If sea levels continue to rise, there could be a devastating impact on coastal habitats. The further the water migrates inland, the worse the damage will be. It can flood wetland, contaminate aquifers and soils, and damage habitats of fish, birds and animals due to the contamination of fresh water supplies and soils due to salinization. For example, Slapton Sands, Devon, has a freshwater Ley behind a shingle ridge. This shingle ridge has previously been breached, damaging the A397 road. Today the ridge and Ley are designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest and a National Nature Reserve in recognition of their biological and geological importance. With sea level rise, it is likely that beach rollover and marine transgression will occur, and the sea not just damage the road, but also flood the freshwater ley. This would obviously have detrimental effects on the nature reserve. It is a similar scenario in
  • 25. 24 other locations around the country. In London there are many ecological sites at risk of flooding with sea level rise. Conversely, there could be some benefits to the environment; increase of highly productive wetlands such as salt marshes, and fish friendly shallow seas.
  • 26. 25 Section 4: What Options Are There? It is predicted that there will be some locations where government funding is not available to build or maintain coastal defences due to the cost of maintaining or building them. There are numerous ways to manage the impact of sea level rise. It should be possible to secure a future for the coastal cities. These cities contribute to the economy, and house millions of residents, and as such the UK needs a proactive approach to managing sea level rise. If action is not taken, then consequences would be very severe. There are 3 main choices that can be made, retreat, defend or attack. 4.1 Retreat Retreating is different from abandonment and doing nothing. It is a long-term planned process generally called managed retreat. It is a method of allowing the sea to breach coastal defences and flood areas previously protected. The aim is to move critical infrastructure and housing to safer ground, allowing the water into the city to alleviate flood risk. The line of defence is relocated further inland. Managed retreat is supposed to reduce the cost of defence and increase sustainability. New habitats are also created in the inter-tidal zone. New investment must be made to relocate houses and infrastructure, but money is saved by a reduced investment in flood defences. This has been done at pilot sites around the UK, but all of these were free from human habitation. With rising sea levels to the extent predicted we have to question whether it would be possible to relocate populated areas with infrastructure critical to the nation. (Robinson, 2013) 4.2 Defend Defending the coastline would be to try and ensure that the sea water does not enter the current built environment. The defences would need to be built high enough and strong enough to defend against rising sea levels. In the past, defences have been re-active; each time there has been coastal flooding, the defences have been raised or strengthened. As it is proven sea levels are rising, the method needs to be more proactive to defend the coast. It is a very expensive method and would not be economically or commercially viable everywhere in the UK. Hard engineering can be
  • 27. 26 unsustainable and damage coastal habitats, but they can provide good protection from coastal erosion and flooding. By defending the coast, the existing built infrastructure is protected from floods, without the need to be relocated. It would be incredibly expensive to ‘move’ London and as such there is a plan ‘TE2100’ in place to defend London up to 2100. (Robinson, 2013) 4.3 Attack To attack is to advance and step seaward of the existing coastline. This would reduce the need for urban sprawl into the countryside, and the development could help fund further flood defences. Land reclamation has been practised all around the globe. The Netherlands are renowned for their land reclamation of the Polders, creating more developable space. There are several ways of building out into the water, with pontoons, stilts and piers all available to enable an expansion seawards. It could be a method of coping with the increasing population. It is questionable how it is possible to develop infront of the existing defences. (Robinson, 2013). 4.4 Shoreline Management Plan A Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) is an assessment of coastal processes, and the risks they induce. The plans are for schemes to reduce the risks to people and the environment. Each coastline is broken into manageable sections for an SMP and the plan takes account of existing defences and likely natural forces. The SMP develops policies outlining how the shoreline should be managed in the future, with rising sea levels and increased erosion. 4.5 Thames Estuary 2100. TE2100 The Environment Agency has created the Thames Estuary 2100 project (TE2100) in which a plan was developed for managing and mitigating flood risk on the Thames estuary over the next 100 years. It uses the H++ scenario previously discussed, to look at how the Thames estuary can be protected up until 2100. London is the capital and most populated city of England, therefore management is paramount for its future. Significant investment is required to address climate change, development on floodplains and aging flood defences. TE2100 was formed after much research, modelling, risk- assessment, appraisals and infrastructure inspections for managing flood risk through the 21st century.
  • 28. 27 CH2M HILL helped develop TE2100, leading a range of projects including modelling, engineering, risk management, options development, appraisal and infrastructure inspections. 4.6 Start Bay Case Study Start Bay in South Devon already experiences coastal erosion and with the threat of rising sea levels becoming more prevalent, a management strategy is needed. Start Bay is ideal for use as a case study because managed retreat, defence and abandonment have all been practised in one location, so a site visit was undertaken in April 2015. Figure 4.1.1 Start Bay (Personally Taken Photograph, 2015) Coastal management is needed to plan and defend for the inevitable continuing erosion of the coastal area around Devon. In 1897 Sir John Jackson dredged 650,000 tonnes of gravel from off shore at Hallsands. This was used for the Plymouth Docks. This removal of sediment caused beach erosion to occur and the village was destroyed. A sea wall was constructed, but this was soon
  • 29. 28 demolished by the sea, and after weighing up the cost of defence against the number of houses or roads, it was decided to do nothing. There are now only a few houses left at Hallsands. (, 2015) Further round the coast, at Beesands, a wave return sea wall and rock revetment has been installed. This is to defend and ‘hold-the line’. The sea wall cost three million pounds and does deflect the waves and prevents further erosion. Despite this, the houses are still at risk from flooding, and the houses also had flood gates fitted to the doors. It did not score well on a Bipolar Evaluation because of the high levels of disturbance and poor access to the beach. The cost benefit was only about two pounds saved for every one pound spent, so was not a very cost effective method of defending the 30 houses. Figure 4.1.2 Beesand’s Defences (Personally Taken Photograph, 2015) Slightly further North, the village Sunnydale has defences in place to defend itself from the risk posed by erosion. The residents paid £30,000 for gabions to be installed and these have already lasted 22 years. They have a very high cost benefit ratio of nearly 50 pounds saved to every 1 pound spent. The gabions have a short life span which is the
  • 30. 29 only issue, however they seem to be lasting well, and have prevented the erosion and marine transgression for a low cost. They seem ideal for the area, and do not currently need upgrading. As sea levels continue to rise, they may not offer enough defence in the future. At Torcross there is a solid wave return sea wall which cost 2 million pounds to install, which initially appears expensive. The wall does protect 49 houses and a thriving community so it was decided to defend the houses whatever the cost. Despite this for every pound spent, 8 pounds were actually saved. Behind Torcross there are relic cliffs from where the sea level used to be before the ice age. If the sea level was to rise again to this level, the wall would be over topped and the houses flooded. As the sea level is expected to rise by up to two metres by 2100, it may have been better to manage the retreat, or do nothing and compensate the villagers, letting the sea regain its land. The sea wall also prevents good access onto the beach and the drop could prove dangerous to children. The A397 is a major road in Devon, running through Start Bay and along Slapton Sands. The road was previously washed away in a storm and was moved inland as part of a managed retreat scheme. The problem with this managed retreat scheme is that, although the land may not be overly valuable, there is interruption with communications and it is expensive to keep moving the road inland. It is to be expected that in the near future the road will be breached by the sea and the Ley will then flood all the lower part of Torcross. Figure 4.3.3 A397 Managed Retreat (Slapton FSC, 2015)
  • 31. 30 Defences can be essential for thriving areas such as London, yet we have to question whether spending millions on a sea wall in rural Devon is economically viable. Spending more money on defences than the value of the houses at Beesands Village Green is a prime example. The coast should be defended in some areas, but the strategies have to be reviewed and reassessed regularly to establish which are necessary. This should all be outlined by a Shoreline Management plan.
  • 32. 31 Section 5: Conclusion Sea level rise is likely to be a cause for concern to the UK. The extent of the impact will depend on which model is correct, but it is likely there will be at least a fifty centimetre rise, on top of the fact the South of England is sinking. The expected rise by 2100 could be nearly 2m. This could have devastating effects on the UK. Due to the inertia of sea level rise, lowering CO2 emissions is unlikely to help much in the 21st century. The rise could have detrimental social, environmental and economic impacts, and effective management is necessary. The management required is different for each location, and there is not a simple solution for all areas. The coastlines will require careful individual management to minimise the impact. It is likely that with technological advances in modelling and GPS that the accuracy of predictions will continue to improve over the coming years. WORDS 7396
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  • 36. 35 Appendix Year Annual Mean Sea Level Data/mm Aberdeen North Shields Liverpool Sheerness Newlyn 1833 6849 1834 6873 1835 6849 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 6843 1841 6862 1842 6834 1843 6846 1844 6864 1845 6861 1846 6834 1847 6861 1848 6867 1849 1850 6830 1851 6857 1852 6894 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 6781 1859 6833 1860 6798 1861 1862 1863 6765 1864 6785 1865 6766 1866 6842 1867 6903 1868 1869 6901 1870 6856 1871 6888 1872 7031
  • 37. 36 1873 6830 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 6742 1879 6710 1880 1881 1882 1883 6842 1884 6837 1885 1886 6808 1887 6769 1888 6779 1889 6815 1890 6871 1891 6895 1892 6853 6914 1893 6874 6898 1894 6847 6899 1895 6883 6883 1896 6793 6828 6834 1897 6872 6871 1898 6822 6907 1899 6822 6873 1900 6818 6874 6877 1901 6812 6857 6795 1902 6839 6937 1903 6902 7021 6955 1904 6946 1905 6948 6922 1906 6779 6994 6901 1907 6795 6885 6852 1908 6799 6870 6872 1909 6834 6904 6916 1910 6850 6945 6907 1911 6912 6899 6923 1912 6893 6947 1913 6878 6934 1914 6914 6926 1915 6816 6934 1916 6860 6918 6974 1917 6810 6923
  • 38. 37 1918 6827 6831 6901 6944 1919 6814 6916 6943 1920 6810 6874 6906 6959 1921 6835 6933 6916 1922 6820 6926 6945 1923 6784 6892 6927 1924 6849 6909 6908 6984 1925 6882 6950 6975 1926 6883 6954 6992 1927 6916 6925 6998 1928 6864 6994 1929 6854 6977 1930 6857 6892 7010 1931 6910 6989 1932 6996 6883 7000 1933 6965 6858 6988 1934 6996 6860 6847 6962 1935 6984 6898 6860 6971 1936 7018 6950 6892 7026 1937 6984 6916 6890 7039 1938 6998 6924 6869 6957 1939 6964 6896 6998 1940 6968 6878 6999 1941 6925 6863 6993 1942 7001 6878 6996 1943 7008 6911 6877 6972 1944 6977 6895 6843 6955 1945 7003 6920 6884 7002 1946 7018 6945 6856 7024 1947 7004 6928 6859 7034 1948 6965 6919 7023 1949 7049 6957 6898 6998 1950 7077 6952 6890 7034 1951 6972 6910 6911 7027 7060 1952 6990 6896 6838 7061 7024 1953 6995 6918 6998 1954 7024 6884 6930 7012 1955 7001 6943 6897 7047 1956 6991 6913 6879 6969 1957 7017 6942 7017 1958 6992 6954 6881 7048 1959 7007 6931 6920 7041 1960 7030 6970 6977 7095 1961 7054 6990 6961 7056 1962 6993 6941 6893 7009
  • 39. 38 1963 6981 6934 6893 7058 1964 6990 6925 6901 7027 1965 6974 6915 6925 7031 1966 7026 7034 6979 7086 1967 7036 7007 7022 7037 1968 7020 6980 6964 7090 7077 1969 7019 6985 6948 7086 7078 1970 7021 6955 6968 7078 7040 1971 7006 6966 6936 7060 7031 1972 7000 6941 7000 7048 1973 6960 6977 6940 7009 7002 1974 6940 6953 6994 7035 1975 6939 6931 7016 7019 1976 6928 7009 7022 1977 6970 7046 7066 1978 6973 7036 7048 1979 6987 7041 7064 1980 6955 7055 7055 1981 6970 6987 6985 7082 7064 1982 6986 6993 6996 7089 7085 1983 7024 7017 7091 1984 6987 6934 7030 7084 7078 1985 7037 6958 7049 7111 7081 1986 7023 6966 7043 7077 7054 1987 7010 6971 6989 7087 1988 7053 6999 7039 7105 7094 1989 7083 7005 7057 7107 7101 1990 7087 7011 7069 7077 7079 1991 6995 6935 7012 7043 1992 7027 6972 7036 7042 7030 1993 7055 7046 7058 1994 6999 6980 7043 7082 1995 7027 6984 7128 7064 7109 1996 6995 6952 7044 7105 1997 7033 6987 7068 7093 1998 7056 7176 7119 7076 1999 7051 7013 7140 7079 2000 7049 7008 7131 7097 2001 7051 7019 7093 2002 7081 7044 7210 7174 2003 7076 7045 7161 7139 2004 7071 7058 7111 7112 2005 7056 7043 7121 7089 2006 7111 7051 7125 7135 2007 7095 7036
  • 40. 39 2008 7094 7037 7145 2009 7007 7157 2010 7027 2011 7024 7102 2012 7047 7016 7110 2013 7026 7015 7140