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Cross Cultural Marriages Project:
“The Cross-Cultural Lattice”
Time Line
 June 1 or June 8
 August 10 or August 17
 October 5 or October 12
 Times
 Friday: 7:30 – 9:30 pm
 Saturday: 9:30 – 4:30 pm (45 min - 1 hour Lunch)
Things to do
 Develop Goal
 Develop a Business Plan
 Guerilla Marketing
 Select Topics
 Identify Scriptures
 Identify resources, articles, statistics,
 Develop curriculum
 Develop workbook
 Develop Assignments
 Get ministry partner
 Follow-up with Pastor Barry
 15 minutes per night, at dinner
 Thursday night we can go longer
 Videos to view
 Glossary of Terms
 http://www.centerforsocialmedia.or
 Select Domain Name
 Build Website
 Meet with Marketing (July 12)
 Meet with Couples, Portia and Dave
and Clarence and Angie
 Meet with SCORE
Next steps:
Wednesday – content research
Send Domain Name to Friends to Review
Select Domain Name
Possible Choices for Logo
 Scrabble Board (check this out with Score mentor) with the words
“Cross Cultural Marriages – Man/Woman”
 2 Doves with multi- colored ribbon
1. Cultural Role Clarification
2. Communication Tempo
3. Cultural Affirming
4. Expressions of Love/Affection
5. How to Play
6. Faith Based Risk-taking
7. Hidden Prejudices
8. Clever Cultural Tips
Glossary of Terms
 Anti-miscegenation laws
 Interracial
 Inter-cultural
 Cross cultural
 “intermarriage” and “marrying out” refer to marriages between a Hispanic and a
non-Hispanic (interethnic) or marriages between non-Hispanic spouses who come
from the following different racial groups (interracial): white, black, Asian,
American Indian, mixed race or some other race.
Glossary of Terms cont.
 “Intra-marriage” and “marrying in” refer to marriages between spouses of
the same race or ethnicity.
 “Asian” includes native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders.
 “American Indian” includes Alaska Natives.
 The terms “black” and “African American” are used interchangeably in this
Pew report.
 All references in Pew report to whites, blacks, and Asians refer to the non-
Hispanic portions of those groups. Hispanics are of any race.
Cultural Role Clarification
 How are the husband and wife roles
 Biblical perspective
 Genesis
 A role or a social role is a set of
connected behaviors, rights and
obligations as conceptualized by
actors in a social situation. It is an
expected or free or continuously
changing behavior and may have a
given individual social status or
social position. It is vital to both
functionalist and interactionist
understandings of society. Social role
posits the following about social
 Roles designed by God
 Adam – without a helper suitable for him – required deep
sleep; opening of his flesh; removing a rib; close up the
flesh at that place
 Husband role – Genesis 2:24-25 (leave father and mother
and cleave to his wife and they become one flesh
 Eve – helper suitable for Adam; fashioned into a woman
from the rib which was taken from man; brought to the
 bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh
 Both roles: naked and not ashamed
Accessed July 5, 2013
Cultural Role Clarification
 How are the husband and wife roles defined
Communication Tempo –
(Like the notes on a page or in a song)
 Cross Cultural Communication
 High Context vs. Low Context
 Word pictures
 Emotional context
 Passive Aggressive
 Scripture Examples:
Cultural Affirming – can make or
break the relationship
 Internal to the marriage
 External to the marriage
 Scripture Examples
 Moses & Zipporah
 Ruth & Boaz
 Sampson and his wives
 Literary Examples
 What happens when faith energizes the dynamics of a cross-cultural
relationship which God is putting together?
Videos to View
 – The Good and Bad of
Cross Cultural Marriages Part 1
 New Zealand couple (Samoan and Palangi)
 Bad Marriage: Proven Advice For Couples in Bad Marriages
 Intercultural Marriages and The Benefits. Pt. 1
 *Cross Cultural Marriage
 *Intercultural Marriage (part 1)
 Do You Want A Cross Cultural Marriage?
 A Study on Interracial Relationships
 Cross Cultural Marriage-1/1
 Expressing Wonders of Cross Cultural Relationships, Novel, Indeed,
 Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (old & new version)
 Guess Who (Bernie Mac) – Must buy DVD
 Lakeview Terrace – Must buy DVD
 Gentleman’s Agreement - Netflix
 To Sir with Love:
 Our Family Wedding (Forest Whitaker) Netflix DVD
 The Family that Preys (Tyler Perry), Netflix DVD
Free Clips
 Invictus Forgiveness
Resources –
 Recommended Books:
 Recommended Websites:
Homework we have to do
 Review God’s Word in a different way
 View of the videos & take notes
 Review the Pew Research
 Get the statistics for WA, OR, AK, places in the south
 Check out counselor in New Jersey
Tools to Use
1. Dialogue (rename this one)
2. Acrostic (words that express the love you have for your spouse)
3. Making your own culture
4. Parenting through love and limits
5. Production of Cultural Video
Module 1
 Introductions
 Name Tags
 Presenters/Speakers/Facilitators
 Overview
 Introductory Video-Cartoon Youtube
 Goal
 Purpose Why we are here
 I Lesson
 Homework
Module 2
 Lesson “What Is Culture”
 Activity
 Table Discussion
 Break
Module 3
 Activity
 Table Discussion
 Lesson
Module 4
 Activity
 Table Discussion
 Lesson
Module 5– Creating Our Culture
 Three Components to Preserve
 Blended Cultural Aspects
 Three Components to Respect/Honor
 Video Development
 Presentations
Examples of CC Marriages in the
 Jesus and the Church Ephesians 5:23 -33, Revelation 19:7-9; 21:9 - 26
 Moses and Zipporah: Exodus 2:20 – 22, 18:2-5
 Joseph and Asenath: Genesis 41:45
 Salmon and Rahab: Matthew 1: 5
 Ruth and Boaz : Ruth chapters 3-4
 Esther and King Ahasuerus: Esther 2: 15 - 20
 Solomon and the Shulammite: Song of Solomon 1:2 - 6
 Eunice and Timothy’s dad (NT): 2Tim. 1:5; Acts 16: 1-3
Issues of Interest
(abbreviated version w/reference)
 Transparency, sharing one’s history
 Conflict resolution
 Healthy boundaries
 Challenging cultural expectations, stereotypes and prejudices
 Building a framework for both healthy marriages and church culture
 Fostering humility
 Fostering the possibility of integrating the best elements of each culture
 Promoting communication around the important issues of marriage
*from Cross-Cultural Marriage Mentoring, by Harold H. Arnold Jr., on
ge_in_the_melting_pot/cross_cultural_marriage_mentoring.aspx, accessed
on May 1, 2013.
 Transparency, sharing ones history
 Conflict resolution
 Healthy boundaries
 Challenging cultural expectations, stereotypes and prejudices within and
outside of marriage.
 Building a framework for both healthy marriages and church culture – one that
promotes the diversity of ideas and experiences as important to understanding
Christ's kingdom.
 Fostering humility as each realizes that “right and wrong” are cultural artifacts
rather than absolute standards
 Fostering the possibility of integrating the best elements of each culture, rather
than experiencing differences as deficits
 Promoting communication around the important issues of marriage over being
frustrated with unmet assumptions.
Data Tables
Reference: accessed May 1, 2013
Contact: Racial Statistics Branch, U.S. Census Bureau, 301-763-2402.
 2010 Census Shows Multiple-Race Population Grew Faster Than Single-
Race Population,
accessed May 1, 2013
 Four groups were the largest multiple-race combinations, each
exceeding 1 million people in size, white and black (1.8 million), white
and “some other race” (1.7 million), white and Asian (1.6 million) and
white and American Indian and Alaska Native (1.4 million).
 Since 2000, two multiple-race groups exhibited the most significant
changes — the white and black population, which grew more than 1
million and increased by 134 percent; and the white and Asian
population, which grew by about 750,000 and increased by 87 percent. and Ethnicity
 Trends. From FY 2001 to FY 2011, the percentages of White
 and Black children exiting foster care decreased, while the
 percentages of Hispanic children and children of other races/
 multiracial increased (see Exhibit 8).
 Exhibit 8: Race and Ethnicity of Children Exiting Foster Care
 FY 2001 and FY 2011
 10%
 20%
 26%
 44%
 9%
 15%
 30%
 45%
 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%
Multiracial American Population Grew Faster Than
Single-Race Segment In 2010 Census
 A February 2012 Pew Research report that used Census data
showed the number of intermarriages has more than doubled since
1980, from 6.7 percent of new marriages then to 15 percent in 2010.
It credited growing public acceptance of mixed-race relationships
as one reason for the rise.
 Jeffrey Passel, a senior demographer at the Pew Hispanic Center,
noted that while overall mixed-race growth was 32 percent, the
increase for adults was 22 percent while the increase for those
under age 18 was 46 percent. "That highlights what's going on," he
said. "With the prevalence of mixed-race couples, we’re getting
faster growth among kids, and these children have multiple
Summary of Impact of Race on Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of
 Overcoming Role Confusion and Boundary Threats
 By following a three-step process, couples from differing ethnic backgrounds can overcome the marital stressors
resulting from the conflicting cultural assumptions they bring to the marriage.
 by Dr. Harold L. Arnold, Jr.
 Articles that clarify roles:
 Marital Dissolution among Interracial Couples, Yuanting Zhang, Jennifer Van Hook and Velma McBride Murry, Journal of Marriage and Family, Vol. 71, No. 1 (Feb., 2009), pp. 95-107, dsPublished by:
National Council on Family Relations, DOI: 10.2307/40262861
 ’’But Will It Last?’’: Marital Instability Among Interracial and Same-Race Couples,* Jenifer L. Bratter Rosalind B. King**
 Marital and Family Therapy with Racially/Culturally Intermarried Stepfamilies: Issues and Guidelines Marital and Family Therapy with Racially/Culturally Intermarried Stepfamilies: Issues
and Guidelines , David A. Baptiste, Jr. Family Relations, Vol. 33, No. 3, Remarriage and Stepparenting (Jul., 1984), pp. 373-380
Biblical Resources:
Naomi and Ruth, Boaz; Ruth 2:1-12; 3:1-6, 10-17, 18
Tamar understood the implications of the marriage rule; Judah did also, but refused to accept the responsibility for it
Role confusion when Abraham moved outside the role of Sarah’s husband to Hagar’s husband – when a clear role was co-opted for role that would justify selfishness, and justified by
adopting a culture where that role was accepted; Abraham brought that role into the family; although it may not have ever left since his family of origin, when Sarah was born of a different
mother than he was –did Abraham’s mother die, or did Terah have a divorce, or did Terah have two wives?
Role acceptance for the sake of establishing peaceful access to the rightful use of property - Abraham and Ephron in the purchase of a field
Moses and Zipporah – at first where Moses was accepted for having protected the women when the other shepherds came to water their sheep, but later, where Zipporah understood the
implications of non-circumcision, better than Moses.
Uriah and Bathsheba – where Bathsheba understood the cultural expectations but Uriah may not have, or may have had a code of ethics that surpassed the current Israelite culture
Budget Notes
Budget Item Amount Needed Amount we Have Difference
Website 100.00
 Who are the people – customers
 What will we say/do to influence them to participate
 Where are they
 Product - is delivery of information
 Indirect means – internet
 Direct audience (face to face audience) limitations and size of business and dictates
the kind of marketing
 Videos
 DVDs
 Book
 Publish articles
 Start with local audience and develop proofs
 Of concepts/need
 Start a parallel business
 Variables of each type of business
 Market place – Continental US
Start – What do we want the
business to do for us (for profit)
 Think about the objectives
 This is what I expect as a short run goal (pick a time period (2 yrs – 3 years)
 After 3 years, this business should be netting $20,000/month, and our day jobs should
not be needed
 Giving up time, resources, etc
 In order for the business to do this then the business needs to be this big---
 Now what does the business need to look like in order to produce this much success
 At the end of 3 years this business must be able to pay us in order for us to go full
time with this business
Funnel – customer acquisition
Phase 1
 Awareness
 Consideration – people have heard of
us and our message and have not
rejected and thinking about being a
 Those who become customers
Phase 2
 Convert the customers into advocates
– they recommend and influence and
help build more awareness to get to a
wider audience
Using 3 years
Variable Cost (Product Cost how
much does the seminar cost to put
on) Rent space, food, packets,)
Fixed Cost (rent, office space) 36
(2 desk at Bullit bldg)(months down
the road
Computer, Travel, Data plans, Cell
phones, Printing cost, (3000)
Gross profit target
Bottom Line how much you want to
10,000 month - 120000
Need for supplemental Revenue
and reuse the content
 Indirect Marketing (can’t see immediate response, more pressure)
 E-book
 Profit Margin is greater
 Create videos on server
 Streaming based seminar online (make a video)
 Make a DVD
 Live Webinar on the internet for subscribers
 Direct Marketing (powerful communication)
 Know how many people we need (face to face)
 If we need 1000 people we can find them in Seattle
 With only about
 One time fee for the next 12 months
 Set of videos
 Including at no charge
 Shooting and edit
 Is there enough of a need to have a high enough economic value
 Consider a training piece and get chose as an approved training.
 Balance on research business implementation
 Speed to market
 Find something to take to market as quickly as possible
Dealing with competitors
 Collaboration
 Advantages
 Disadvantages
 They are larger and they can gobble u up
Market Research
 Secondary research means using published information such as
industry profiles, trade journals, newspapers, magazines, census
data, and demographic profiles
 Primary research means gathering your own data
What is the total size of your market?
Washington 21.2% 5.9 4.5 1.9 8.8 139,471
29,568 8,229 6,276 2,650 12,273
Current demand in target
market?_We don’t know_____
What are the current
Intermarriage-II.pdf Accessed July 11, 2013
Economics cont..
 Growth potential and opportunity for a business of your size?
 Interracial marriage in the USA reached an all-time high in 2010: 8.4% of
all marriages, compared with 3.2% in 1980, finds a Pew Research Center
What barriers to entry ?
 Barriers:
1. Consumer acceptance and
brand recognition
2. Hi gh marketing costs
3. Unique technology and patents
(interracial films/videos)
4. High production costs
5. We are not known
6. Not recently published
7. Limited Customer Base
 How to overcome barriers:
1. Need logo, brochure/flyer
2. Charge a fee/ our own
3. Write for permissions
4. Charge fees, produce it ourselves
and work with friends
5. Use marketing w brochures/ meet
people on walks/guerilla
6. Publish something- short article on
the web – publish our own book
and sell it
7. Make a list of all interracial
couples we know with contact
emails and email them about
what we are doing
How could the following affect
your company?
1. Change in technology
2. Change in government regulations
3. Change in the economy
4. Change in your industry
5. Change in cultural preference
1. Use technology as a resource or it could bypass us
and we would not be able to reach our customers,
people may only want instruction online instead of
face-to -face
2. Copyright restrictions, higher taxes, gay marriage
could be a deterrent
3. Could help as people are willing to pay for this
4. This industry fluctuates since it is not essential in
order to keep living or get married
5. Increasing divorce rate; 8.8% or mixed marriages of
different ethnicities could present more challenges
than we can learn about and help
What is Our Business Product Design
 Description: 8-10 hour workshop on
Cross Cultural relationships and
marriages between men and
 Benefits:
 Build on basic principles of
 Learn your cultural tapestry:
- Cultural Role Clarification
- Communications Tempo
- Cultural Affirming
- Hidden Prejudices
- Clever cultural tips
 Explore and Develop faith based
 Other Good things:
 Produce your own cultural video
 Electronic Media w/resources
 Certificate of Affirmation
 Certifications/permits required to
deliver service?
 Permission to show copyrighted
videos, materials, photographs
 Experience/Skill:
 IRC Married almost 20 years
 Co- researchers 10+ years
 Ministering in multi-cultural settings
 Cross-cultural family members
 Doctorates in our fields
Who Would be Our Customers
 Age Range: Young Couples ages 20 – 35
 Average age of wife 31.5 years
 Difference in age of H-W 2.8 years
 Working Professionals
 white/Asian have significantly higher median
combined annual earnings ($70,952)
 College Educated
 21% College educated4
 Those who live in West & South
 35.1% in West and 36% in South
 Relatives of CC Couples-
 22% of Americans say they have a relative of
mixed race marriage1-
 Churches
 Build the body of Christ
 Help pastors to minister to their cc
 Military
 Help prevent divorce in CC couples
 Counseling Centers
 Build on the work they provide with
cross cultural families
 58 % Both H-W first time marriages
 Christian Dating Services
 Resource for dating services
Consumers? Business?
Where would your customers go to
buy your product or service?
 Locations
1. Maplewood Presbyterian Church
2. Camp Patterson on Silver Lake
3. The Dumas Center, Federal Way
4. Library in Bothell, Lynnwood, or …
5. Hotel
6. Other churches
7. Mt. Olivet
8. Dynamic Christian Living Fellowship
9. Christian Faith Center
10. Canon Beach Conference Center
11. Black Lake Conference Center,
 Websites , POS, Customer Service
 Our own website
Besides Your customers, Who else
benefits if successful and why?
 Cross cultural couples at church
 Christian Faith Center
 Lynnwood Presbyterian
 Mt Olivet
 Korean Nest Mission
 Other churches
 Other Intercultural Couples
 Pastors of Cross Cultural Families
 Unmarried interracial couples
 Couples with children who are interracially
 Children of cross cultural parents
 Parents of cross-cultural couples
(married /single)
 Grandparents of mixed race
 Social service agencies
 Justice department
 Wedding Planners
 Singles (their friends)
 Neighborhood/community
How will handle the promotion of
your business
 Cable Access Television
 Flyers on College Campus
 UW
 Seattle Pacific University
 Seattle University
 Seattle Central Community
 Target Advertising on FaceBook
 Gmail
 Christian Mingle
 Our own Blog
 Get recommendations from
 Recommendations from Pastors
 Recommendations from other
 Radio commercials
 Video on our website
 Someone else website to advertise
for us
List of People we will get input from on the
design, name, logo and bounce our ideas
1. Angie and Clarence
2. Portia and Dave
3. Fatima
4. Antoinette
5. Tanya and Ray
6. Nicole Hunt
7. Carol Aquino
8. Leona Lynn
9. Deborah Sawyer
10. Denise and Michael
11. Michael and Sedonia
12. Raymond and Yesenia
Who are Your Competitors
Business Challenges?
Risk Analysis: What 3-5 things could happen that would
make it difficult for your business to succeed?
What 3-5 things could happen that
would make it difficult for your
business to succeed?
What can you do to prevent,
mitigate or eliminate these
Health/Medical / injuries 6 hr min sleep, Reduce sugars and
fats, 5 x wk stretches and light
Property challenges (house/s) Sell house, communicate goals,
boundaries, and take time for wise
Financial needs increase
Family needs
Unexpected travel
Job changes/unemployment
Lack of focus
Lack of Follow-through to get a
Part 3 – Simple and Basic Financials
Sales Projections &
Revenues Costs Profit or Loss
Part 4 – You are now ready to
write your business plan
Link to Download
Business Plan Template
Notes & References
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, March 14, 2006
intermarriage/ The Rise of Intermarriage, February 16, 2012
Table Comparing Newly weds 2008-2010
 24% of all black male newlyweds in 2010 married outside their race2
 white/Asian newlyweds of 2008 through 2010 have significantly
higher median combined annual earnings ($70,952) than do any
other pairing
 Among Hispanics and blacks, newlyweds who married whites tend
to have higher educational attainment than do those who married
within their own racial or ethnic group.
Other research findings on interracial couples
 “The Supreme Court case of Loving v. Commonwealth of Virginia in 1967 officially banned
anti-miscegenation across the country, citing a violation of civil rights. Although the legal
ramifications of engaging in an interracial relationship have diminished, couples continue to
face stressors that are likely to impact the couple’s relationship, and may leave interracial
couples at greater risk of relationship violence than their monoracial counterparts (Fusco,
Reference: Fusco, R. A. (2010). Intimate partner violence in interracial couples: A comparison to white
and ethnic minority monoracial couples. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 25, 10, 1785-1800.
Reference: Intimate Partner Violence in Interracial Couples: A Comparison to White and Ethnic
Minority Monoracial Couples J Interpers Violence October 2010 25: 1785-1800, first published on
December 4, 2009
“Contrary to our first hypothesis, however, we found that the levels of IPV[intimate partner violence]
among interracial couples were not higher than among monoracial black couples. Our findings
showed that interracial couples and monoracial black couples reported similar levels of IPV, both of
which were higher than monoracial white couples.” p.15
 In Family Relations (in press): Intimate Partner Violence in Interracial and Monoracial Couples,
by Brittny A. Martin, Ming Cui, Koji Ueno, Frank D. Fincham, The Florida State University Accessed July 13, 2013, 3:55 pm
(explore these with interracial couples)
 lack of support from family
and friends,
 difference in communication
 racial discrimination,
 unemployment,
 lack of advancement
Challenges of interracial couples: Challenges of minority couples:
“Such challenges may act as stressors and lead to higher levels of violence”
(Caetano et al., 2005).
Caetano, R., Ramisett-Mikler, S., & Field, C. A. (2005). Unidirectional and bidirectional intimate partner violence
among white, black, and hispanic couples in the united states. Violence and Victims, 20, 4, 393-403
Pew Reseaerch on Interracial Marriages in America
Interesting Websites
 Swirling and Marriage:
 http://www.swirlingan

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Cross Cultural Marriages Project

  • 2. Time Line  June 1 or June 8  August 10 or August 17  October 5 or October 12  Times  Friday: 7:30 – 9:30 pm  Saturday: 9:30 – 4:30 pm (45 min - 1 hour Lunch)
  • 3. Things to do  Develop Goal  Develop a Business Plan  Guerilla Marketing  Select Topics  Identify Scriptures  Identify resources, articles, statistics, videos  Develop curriculum  Develop workbook  Develop Assignments  Get ministry partner  Follow-up with Pastor Barry  15 minutes per night, at dinner  Thursday night we can go longer  Videos to view  Glossary of Terms  http://www.centerforsocialmedia.or g/fair-use/related- materials/codes/code-best- practices-fair-use-online-video  Select Domain Name  Build Website  Meet with Marketing (July 12)  Meet with Couples, Portia and Dave and Clarence and Angie  Meet with SCORE Next steps: Wednesday – content research Send Domain Name to Friends to Review Select Domain Name
  • 4. Possible Choices for Logo  Scrabble Board (check this out with Score mentor) with the words “Cross Cultural Marriages – Man/Woman”  2 Doves with multi- colored ribbon 
  • 5. Topics 1. Cultural Role Clarification 2. Communication Tempo 3. Cultural Affirming 4. Expressions of Love/Affection 5. How to Play 6. Faith Based Risk-taking 7. Hidden Prejudices 8. Clever Cultural Tips
  • 6. Glossary of Terms  Anti-miscegenation laws  Interracial  Inter-cultural  Cross cultural  “intermarriage” and “marrying out” refer to marriages between a Hispanic and a non-Hispanic (interethnic) or marriages between non-Hispanic spouses who come from the following different racial groups (interracial): white, black, Asian, American Indian, mixed race or some other race.
  • 7. Glossary of Terms cont.  “Intra-marriage” and “marrying in” refer to marriages between spouses of the same race or ethnicity.  “Asian” includes native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders.  “American Indian” includes Alaska Natives.  The terms “black” and “African American” are used interchangeably in this Pew report.  All references in Pew report to whites, blacks, and Asians refer to the non- Hispanic portions of those groups. Hispanics are of any race.
  • 8. Cultural Role Clarification  How are the husband and wife roles defined  Biblical perspective  Genesis  A role or a social role is a set of connected behaviors, rights and obligations as conceptualized by actors in a social situation. It is an expected or free or continuously changing behavior and may have a given individual social status or social position. It is vital to both functionalist and interactionist understandings of society. Social role posits the following about social behavior:  Roles designed by God  Adam – without a helper suitable for him – required deep sleep; opening of his flesh; removing a rib; close up the flesh at that place  Husband role – Genesis 2:24-25 (leave father and mother and cleave to his wife and they become one flesh  Eve – helper suitable for Adam; fashioned into a woman from the rib which was taken from man; brought to the man  bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh (possessive/relationship/connection)  Both roles: naked and not ashamed Accessed July 5, 2013
  • 9. Cultural Role Clarification  How are the husband and wife roles defined
  • 10. Communication Tempo – (Like the notes on a page or in a song)  Cross Cultural Communication  High Context vs. Low Context  Word pictures  Emotional context  Passive Aggressive  Scripture Examples:
  • 11. Cultural Affirming – can make or break the relationship  Internal to the marriage  External to the marriage  Scripture Examples  Moses & Zipporah  Ruth & Boaz  Sampson and his wives  Literary Examples
  • 12. Questions  What happens when faith energizes the dynamics of a cross-cultural relationship which God is putting together?
  • 13. Videos to View  – The Good and Bad of Cross Cultural Marriages Part 1  New Zealand couple (Samoan and Palangi)  Bad Marriage: Proven Advice For Couples in Bad Marriages   Intercultural Marriages and The Benefits. Pt. 1  *Cross Cultural Marriage  *Intercultural Marriage (part 1)  Do You Want A Cross Cultural Marriage? 
  • 14. Videos  A Study on Interracial Relationships  Cross Cultural Marriage-1/1  Expressing Wonders of Cross Cultural Relationships, Novel, Indeed, Cheryl!  Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (old & new version)  Guess Who (Bernie Mac) – Must buy DVD  Lakeview Terrace – Must buy DVD  Gentleman’s Agreement - Netflix  To Sir with Love:  Our Family Wedding (Forest Whitaker) Netflix DVD  The Family that Preys (Tyler Perry), Netflix DVD
  • 15. Free Clips  Invictus Forgiveness Clip:
  • 16. Resources –  Recommended Books:  Recommended Websites:
  • 17. Homework we have to do  Review God’s Word in a different way  View of the videos & take notes  Review the Pew Research  Get the statistics for WA, OR, AK, places in the south  Check out counselor in New Jersey
  • 18. Tools to Use 1. Dialogue (rename this one) 2. Acrostic (words that express the love you have for your spouse) 3. Making your own culture 4. Parenting through love and limits 5. Production of Cultural Video
  • 19. Module 1  Introductions  Name Tags  Presenters/Speakers/Facilitators  Overview  Introductory Video-Cartoon Youtube  Goal  Purpose Why we are here  I Lesson  Homework
  • 20. Module 2  Lesson “What Is Culture”  Activity  Table Discussion  Break
  • 21. Module 3  Activity  Table Discussion  Lesson
  • 22. Module 4  Activity  Table Discussion  Lesson
  • 23. Module 5– Creating Our Culture  Three Components to Preserve  Blended Cultural Aspects  Three Components to Respect/Honor  Video Development  Presentations
  • 24. Examples of CC Marriages in the Bible  Jesus and the Church Ephesians 5:23 -33, Revelation 19:7-9; 21:9 - 26  Moses and Zipporah: Exodus 2:20 – 22, 18:2-5  Joseph and Asenath: Genesis 41:45  Salmon and Rahab: Matthew 1: 5  Ruth and Boaz : Ruth chapters 3-4  Esther and King Ahasuerus: Esther 2: 15 - 20  Solomon and the Shulammite: Song of Solomon 1:2 - 6  Eunice and Timothy’s dad (NT): 2Tim. 1:5; Acts 16: 1-3
  • 25. Issues of Interest (abbreviated version w/reference)  Transparency, sharing one’s history  Conflict resolution  Healthy boundaries  Challenging cultural expectations, stereotypes and prejudices  Building a framework for both healthy marriages and church culture  Fostering humility  Fostering the possibility of integrating the best elements of each culture  Promoting communication around the important issues of marriage *from Cross-Cultural Marriage Mentoring, by Harold H. Arnold Jr., on ge_in_the_melting_pot/cross_cultural_marriage_mentoring.aspx, accessed on May 1, 2013.
  • 26. Notes  Transparency, sharing ones history  Conflict resolution  Healthy boundaries  Challenging cultural expectations, stereotypes and prejudices within and outside of marriage.  Building a framework for both healthy marriages and church culture – one that promotes the diversity of ideas and experiences as important to understanding Christ's kingdom.  Fostering humility as each realizes that “right and wrong” are cultural artifacts rather than absolute standards  Fostering the possibility of integrating the best elements of each culture, rather than experiencing differences as deficits  Promoting communication around the important issues of marriage over being frustrated with unmet assumptions.
  • 27. Data Tables Reference: accessed May 1, 2013 Contact: Racial Statistics Branch, U.S. Census Bureau, 301-763-2402.  2010 Census Shows Multiple-Race Population Grew Faster Than Single- Race Population, accessed May 1, 2013  Four groups were the largest multiple-race combinations, each exceeding 1 million people in size, white and black (1.8 million), white and “some other race” (1.7 million), white and Asian (1.6 million) and white and American Indian and Alaska Native (1.4 million).  Since 2000, two multiple-race groups exhibited the most significant changes — the white and black population, which grew more than 1 million and increased by 134 percent; and the white and Asian population, which grew by about 750,000 and increased by 87 percent.
  • 28. and Ethnicity  Trends. From FY 2001 to FY 2011, the percentages of White  and Black children exiting foster care decreased, while the  percentages of Hispanic children and children of other races/  multiracial increased (see Exhibit 8).  Exhibit 8: Race and Ethnicity of Children Exiting Foster Care  FY 2001 and FY 2011  10%  20%  26%  44%  9%  15%  30%  45%  0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%
  • 29. Multiracial American Population Grew Faster Than Single-Race Segment In 2010 Census  A February 2012 Pew Research report that used Census data showed the number of intermarriages has more than doubled since 1980, from 6.7 percent of new marriages then to 15 percent in 2010. It credited growing public acceptance of mixed-race relationships as one reason for the rise.  Jeffrey Passel, a senior demographer at the Pew Hispanic Center, noted that while overall mixed-race growth was 32 percent, the increase for adults was 22 percent while the increase for those under age 18 was 46 percent. "That highlights what's going on," he said. "With the prevalence of mixed-race couples, we’re getting faster growth among kids, and these children have multiple identities."
  • 30. Summary of Impact of Race on Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness  2010-census_n_1919070.html  ceton 
  • 31. Roles  Overcoming Role Confusion and Boundary Threats  By following a three-step process, couples from differing ethnic backgrounds can overcome the marital stressors resulting from the conflicting cultural assumptions they bring to the marriage.  by Dr. Harold L. Arnold, Jr.   Articles that clarify roles:  Marital Dissolution among Interracial Couples, Yuanting Zhang, Jennifer Van Hook and Velma McBride Murry, Journal of Marriage and Family, Vol. 71, No. 1 (Feb., 2009), pp. 95-107, dsPublished by: National Council on Family Relations, DOI: 10.2307/40262861  ’’But Will It Last?’’: Marital Instability Among Interracial and Same-Race Couples,* Jenifer L. Bratter Rosalind B. King**  Marital and Family Therapy with Racially/Culturally Intermarried Stepfamilies: Issues and Guidelines Marital and Family Therapy with Racially/Culturally Intermarried Stepfamilies: Issues and Guidelines , David A. Baptiste, Jr. Family Relations, Vol. 33, No. 3, Remarriage and Stepparenting (Jul., 1984), pp. 373-380 Biblical Resources: Naomi and Ruth, Boaz; Ruth 2:1-12; 3:1-6, 10-17, 18 Tamar understood the implications of the marriage rule; Judah did also, but refused to accept the responsibility for it Role confusion when Abraham moved outside the role of Sarah’s husband to Hagar’s husband – when a clear role was co-opted for role that would justify selfishness, and justified by adopting a culture where that role was accepted; Abraham brought that role into the family; although it may not have ever left since his family of origin, when Sarah was born of a different mother than he was –did Abraham’s mother die, or did Terah have a divorce, or did Terah have two wives? Role acceptance for the sake of establishing peaceful access to the rightful use of property - Abraham and Ephron in the purchase of a field Moses and Zipporah – at first where Moses was accepted for having protected the women when the other shepherds came to water their sheep, but later, where Zipporah understood the implications of non-circumcision, better than Moses. Uriah and Bathsheba – where Bathsheba understood the cultural expectations but Uriah may not have, or may have had a code of ethics that surpassed the current Israelite culture
  • 32. Budget Notes Budget Item Amount Needed Amount we Have Difference Website 100.00
  • 33. Marketing  Who are the people – customers  What will we say/do to influence them to participate  Where are they  Product - is delivery of information  Indirect means – internet  Direct audience (face to face audience) limitations and size of business and dictates the kind of marketing  Videos  DVDs  Book  Publish articles  Start with local audience and develop proofs  Of concepts/need  Start a parallel business  Variables of each type of business  Market place – Continental US
  • 34. Start – What do we want the business to do for us (for profit)  Think about the objectives  This is what I expect as a short run goal (pick a time period (2 yrs – 3 years)  After 3 years, this business should be netting $20,000/month, and our day jobs should not be needed  Giving up time, resources, etc  In order for the business to do this then the business needs to be this big---  Now what does the business need to look like in order to produce this much success  At the end of 3 years this business must be able to pay us in order for us to go full time with this business
  • 35. Funnel – customer acquisition Phase 1  Awareness  Consideration – people have heard of us and our message and have not rejected and thinking about being a customer  Those who become customers Phase 2  Convert the customers into advocates – they recommend and influence and help build more awareness to get to a wider audience
  • 36. Using 3 years Variable Cost (Product Cost how much does the seminar cost to put on) Rent space, food, packets,) 5000 Fixed Cost (rent, office space) 36 (2 desk at Bullit bldg)(months down the road Computer, Travel, Data plans, Cell phones, Printing cost, (3000) Gross profit target 4400 Bottom Line how much you want to make 10,000 month - 120000
  • 37. Need for supplemental Revenue and reuse the content  Indirect Marketing (can’t see immediate response, more pressure)  E-book  Profit Margin is greater  Create videos on server  Streaming based seminar online (make a video)  Make a DVD  Live Webinar on the internet for subscribers  Direct Marketing (powerful communication)  Know how many people we need (face to face)  If we need 1000 people we can find them in Seattle  With only about
  • 38.  One time fee for the next 12 months  Set of videos  Including at no charge  Shooting and edit  Is there enough of a need to have a high enough economic value  Consider a training piece and get chose as an approved training.  Balance on research business implementation  Speed to market  Find something to take to market as quickly as possible 
  • 39. Dealing with competitors  Collaboration  Advantages  Disadvantages  They are larger and they can gobble u up
  • 40. Market Research  Secondary research means using published information such as industry profiles, trade journals, newspapers, magazines, census data, and demographic profiles  Primary research means gathering your own data
  • 41. Economics What is the total size of your market? STATE PCT INTERRACIAL WHITE/HISP WHITE/BLACK WHITE/ASIAN OTHER MIXED TOTAL Washington 21.2% 5.9 4.5 1.9 8.8 139,471 WA couples 29,568 8,229 6,276 2,650 12,273 Current demand in target market?_We don’t know_____
  • 42. What are the current trends?____________________ Intermarriage-II.pdf Accessed July 11, 2013
  • 43. Economics cont..  Growth potential and opportunity for a business of your size?  Interracial marriage in the USA reached an all-time high in 2010: 8.4% of all marriages, compared with 3.2% in 1980, finds a Pew Research Center study
  • 44. What barriers to entry ?  Barriers: 1. Consumer acceptance and brand recognition 2. Hi gh marketing costs 3. Unique technology and patents (interracial films/videos) 4. High production costs 5. We are not known 6. Not recently published 7. Limited Customer Base  How to overcome barriers: 1. Need logo, brochure/flyer 2. Charge a fee/ our own contributions 3. Write for permissions 4. Charge fees, produce it ourselves and work with friends 5. Use marketing w brochures/ meet people on walks/guerilla 6. Publish something- short article on the web – publish our own book and sell it 7. Make a list of all interracial couples we know with contact emails and email them about what we are doing
  • 45. How could the following affect your company? 1. Change in technology 2. Change in government regulations 3. Change in the economy 4. Change in your industry 5. Change in cultural preference 1. Use technology as a resource or it could bypass us and we would not be able to reach our customers, people may only want instruction online instead of face-to -face 2. Copyright restrictions, higher taxes, gay marriage could be a deterrent 3. Could help as people are willing to pay for this workshop 4. This industry fluctuates since it is not essential in order to keep living or get married 5. Increasing divorce rate; 8.8% or mixed marriages of different ethnicities could present more challenges than we can learn about and help
  • 46. What is Our Business Product Design  Description: 8-10 hour workshop on Cross Cultural relationships and marriages between men and women  Benefits:  Build on basic principles of marriage  Learn your cultural tapestry: - Cultural Role Clarification - Communications Tempo - Cultural Affirming - Hidden Prejudices - Clever cultural tips  Explore and Develop faith based risk-taking  Other Good things:  Produce your own cultural video  Electronic Media w/resources  Certificate of Affirmation  Certifications/permits required to deliver service?  Permission to show copyrighted videos, materials, photographs  Experience/Skill:  IRC Married almost 20 years  Co- researchers 10+ years  Ministering in multi-cultural settings  Cross-cultural family members  Doctorates in our fields
  • 47. Who Would be Our Customers  Age Range: Young Couples ages 20 – 35  Average age of wife 31.5 years  Difference in age of H-W 2.8 years  Working Professionals  white/Asian have significantly higher median combined annual earnings ($70,952)  College Educated  21% College educated4  Those who live in West & South  35.1% in West and 36% in South  Relatives of CC Couples-  22% of Americans say they have a relative of mixed race marriage1-  Churches  Build the body of Christ  Help pastors to minister to their cc couples  Military  Help prevent divorce in CC couples  Counseling Centers  Build on the work they provide with cross cultural families  58 % Both H-W first time marriages  Christian Dating Services  Resource for dating services Consumers? Business?
  • 48. Where would your customers go to buy your product or service?  Locations 1. Maplewood Presbyterian Church 2. Camp Patterson on Silver Lake 3. The Dumas Center, Federal Way 4. Library in Bothell, Lynnwood, or … 5. Hotel 6. Other churches 7. Mt. Olivet 8. Dynamic Christian Living Fellowship 9. Christian Faith Center 10. Canon Beach Conference Center 11. Black Lake Conference Center, Washington  Websites , POS, Customer Service  Our own website
  • 49. Besides Your customers, Who else benefits if successful and why?  Cross cultural couples at church  Christian Faith Center  Lynnwood Presbyterian  Mt Olivet  Korean Nest Mission  Other churches  Other Intercultural Couples  Pastors of Cross Cultural Families  Unmarried interracial couples  Couples with children who are interracially married  Children of cross cultural parents  Parents of cross-cultural couples (married /single)  Grandparents of mixed race grandchildren  Social service agencies  Justice department  Wedding Planners  Singles (their friends)  Neighborhood/community
  • 50. How will handle the promotion of your business  Cable Access Television  Flyers on College Campus  UW  Seattle Pacific University  Seattle University  Seattle Central Community College  Target Advertising on FaceBook  Gmail  Christian Mingle  Our own Blog  Get recommendations from churches  Recommendations from Pastors  Recommendations from other couples  Radio commercials  Video on our website  Someone else website to advertise for us
  • 51. List of People we will get input from on the design, name, logo and bounce our ideas 1. Angie and Clarence 2. Portia and Dave 3. Fatima 4. Antoinette 5. Tanya and Ray 6. Nicole Hunt 7. Carol Aquino 8. Leona Lynn 9. Deborah Sawyer 10. Denise and Michael 11. Michael and Sedonia 12. Raymond and Yesenia
  • 52. Who are Your Competitors
  • 54. Risk Analysis: What 3-5 things could happen that would make it difficult for your business to succeed?
  • 55. What 3-5 things could happen that would make it difficult for your business to succeed? What can you do to prevent, mitigate or eliminate these difficulties? Health/Medical / injuries 6 hr min sleep, Reduce sugars and fats, 5 x wk stretches and light aerobic Property challenges (house/s) Sell house, communicate goals, boundaries, and take time for wise decisions Financial needs increase Family needs Unexpected travel Job changes/unemployment Lack of focus Doubt Lack of Follow-through to get a board
  • 56. Part 3 – Simple and Basic Financials Sales Projections & Revenues Costs Profit or Loss
  • 57. “ ” Part 4 – You are now ready to write your business plan HTTP://WWW.SCORE.ORG/RESOURCES/BUSINESS-PLAN-STARTUP-PDF Link to Download Business Plan Template
  • 58. Notes & References 1. Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, March 14, 2006 2. intermarriage/ The Rise of Intermarriage, February 16, 2012 3. 4. intermarriage/3/#chapter-2-characteristics-of-intermarried-newlyweds Table Comparing Newly weds 2008-2010
  • 59. Statistics  24% of all black male newlyweds in 2010 married outside their race2  white/Asian newlyweds of 2008 through 2010 have significantly higher median combined annual earnings ($70,952) than do any other pairing  Among Hispanics and blacks, newlyweds who married whites tend to have higher educational attainment than do those who married within their own racial or ethnic group.
  • 60. Other research findings on interracial couples  “The Supreme Court case of Loving v. Commonwealth of Virginia in 1967 officially banned anti-miscegenation across the country, citing a violation of civil rights. Although the legal ramifications of engaging in an interracial relationship have diminished, couples continue to face stressors that are likely to impact the couple’s relationship, and may leave interracial couples at greater risk of relationship violence than their monoracial counterparts (Fusco, 2010).” Reference: Fusco, R. A. (2010). Intimate partner violence in interracial couples: A comparison to white and ethnic minority monoracial couples. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 25, 10, 1785-1800. Reference: Intimate Partner Violence in Interracial Couples: A Comparison to White and Ethnic Minority Monoracial Couples J Interpers Violence October 2010 25: 1785-1800, first published on December 4, 2009 “Contrary to our first hypothesis, however, we found that the levels of IPV[intimate partner violence] among interracial couples were not higher than among monoracial black couples. Our findings showed that interracial couples and monoracial black couples reported similar levels of IPV, both of which were higher than monoracial white couples.” p.15  In Family Relations (in press): Intimate Partner Violence in Interracial and Monoracial Couples, by Brittny A. Martin, Ming Cui, Koji Ueno, Frank D. Fincham, The Florida State University Accessed July 13, 2013, 3:55 pm
  • 61. Challenges: (explore these with interracial couples)  lack of support from family and friends,  difference in communication  racial discrimination,  unemployment,  lack of advancement opportunities Challenges of interracial couples: Challenges of minority couples: “Such challenges may act as stressors and lead to higher levels of violence” (Caetano et al., 2005). Caetano, R., Ramisett-Mikler, S., & Field, C. A. (2005). Unidirectional and bidirectional intimate partner violence among white, black, and hispanic couples in the united states. Violence and Victims, 20, 4, 393-403
  • 63. Interesting Websites  Swirling and Marriage:  http://www.swirlingan gories-of-interracial- daters-where-do-you- fall/