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Computer Program
 A computer program is a sequential set/collection of
instructions that performs a specific task when executed by
a computer.
 Everything a computer does is done by using a computer
 A computer program is usually written by a computer
programmer in a programming language.
 Some examples of computer programs:
 Operating system.
 A web browser like Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari can be used
to view web pages on the Internet.
 An office suite can be used to write documents or spreadsheets.
 Video games are computer programs.
Computer Programming
 The process of developing and implementing various sets of
instructions to enable a computer to do a certain task.
 These instructions are considered computer programs and help
the computer to operate smoothly.
 People who program are referred to as programmers and write
their code in a programming language.
Pseudocode, Algorithm
and Flow charts
 Computer programming can be divided into two
 Problem solving phase
 Make an ordered sequence of steps that solves a
 These sequence of steps is called an algorithm
 Implementation phase
 implement using a programming language
Introduction to C++
 C is a programming language developed in the
1970's alongside the UNIX operating system.
 C++ is an “extension” of the C language.
 C++, as opposed to C, supports “object-oriented
 C++ is pronounced as C plus plus, is a powerful
computer programming language.
 C is a procedural programming language.
 C++ is a an object oriented programming
Writing C++ programs
 The source code of a c++ program is stored on the disk
with file extension .cpp ( stands for c plus plus).
 Program stored on a text file on disk
 Different text editors are used for code writing
 The boreland c++ and turbo++ have their own editors for
code writing.
 Visual studio IDE(integrated development environment)
Steps in compiling C++ Program
 C++ compiler translates the source program with .cpp
extension into machine code called object code and
stored in newfile with .obj extension.
 Object code is then linked to libraries
 After linking an executable file with extension .exe is
 The executable program is then executed.
Stages of compiling a C program
 First stage of compilation is called preprocessing.
 The C preprocessor modifies a source file before handing it over to the
compiler, like defining constants # define and including header files i.e.
# include<>.
 The preprocessors are the directives, which give instructions to the
compiler to preprocess the information before actual compilation start.
 All preprocessor directives begin with #
Making the Object file: The compiler
 After the C Preprocessor has included all the header files, the compiler
then COMPILES the program.
 Compiler changes the C source file with .cpp extension into an Object
code file with .o extension.
 The object file contains the binary version of the source code.
Putting it all together: The linker
 The job of the linker is link together a bunch of object files(.o files) into a
binary executable.
 The file created after linking is ready to be loaded into memory and
executed by the system.
Preprocess, Compile, Link, execute
Structure of c++ program.
 In every programming language there are some
fundamentals you need to know before you can write the
most basic programs.
 C++ program mainly consist of 3 parts
1. Preprocessor directives
2. The main() function
3. C++ statements
Header file
 It is a source file that contain definitions of library
 Library functions:
 Those functions which are predefined in c++ language i.e. built in
 Added into program at the compilation of program.
 Only added if function defined in it is used in program.
The main function
 The main() function indicates the beginning of the program.
 The parenthesis following function name is distinguishing feature of
function and must be included
 The syntax
 void main()
 {
 Program statements…
 }
C++ statements
 The statements of the program are written under the main()
function between curly braces
 {
 …………………statements………………….
 }
 Every function must use this pair of braces around its body.
 Statements are the body of program
 Each statement in C++ ends with a semicolon ;.
 C++ is a case sensitive language.
Program statements & namespace
 Statements of program are written under the main function inside curly
 int main()
 {
 cout<<“ statement”;
 return 0;
 }
 The first statement tells the compiler to display the quoted phrase.
 Second statement returns a 0 value to who ever calls it.
 The built in C++ library routines are kept in the standard namespace.
 The standard C++ library is defined in this standard namespace.
Output using Cout
 cout<<“ this is my first c++ program”;
 It causes the phrase in quotation marks to be displayed on
the screen.
 It shows the standard output stream.
 The ‘<<‘ operator is called insertion or put to operator.
 Directs the string constant “this is c++ program” to the cout.
 cout sends it to display screen.
 The statement in “ this is my c++ program” is a string
constant example.
The words that are used by the language and carries
special meanings are called keywords.
 Keywords are predefined reserved words used in programming.
Keywords are part of the syntax and they cannot be used as an
 For example: int salary; Here, int is a keyword that indicates
‘salary' is a variable of type integer.
 Keywords appear in blue in Visual C++.
 Do not use keywords as variable and constant names!!
For e.g.
 The word main is used to indicate the starting of program.
 include is used to add header files.
 int to declare an integer type variable.
C Keywords
 As C is a case sensitive language:
 all keywords must be written in lowercase. Here is a list of all
keywords allowed in ANSI C.
 A program statement consists of variable names, keywords,
constants, punctuation marks, operators etc.
 In C++ these elements are called tokens.
 In the following program segment tokens are
 main()
 {
 int, b;
 }
 Tokens are main, {,}, int, a, b , (,) are tokens
 An identifier is a name that is assigned by the user for a program
element such as variable, functions and structures.
 Identifier must be unique:
 They are created to give unique name to a entity to identify it
during the execution of the program. For example:
 int length;
 char nmfirst=‘a’;
 Identifier must be different from keywords. Better to have a
meaningful name for the identifier.
 Variables are fundamental part of any programming language.
 A variable is a container (storage area) to hold data.
 To indicate the storage area, each variable should be given a unique
name (identifier).
 variable names are just the symbolic representation of a memory
location. For example:
 Float gpa=3.5; // gpa is a variable of type float and the value assigned is
 The value of the variable can be changed, as the name suggests
Rules for naming a variable name
 A variable must be declared before using.
 A variable name can have letters (both uppercase and lowercase letters),
digits and underscore only.
 The first letter of a variable should be either a letter or an underscore.
 Blank spaces are not allowed in a variable name.
 Special characters can not be used in variable name.
 The maximum length of variable name depends on compiler of c++.
 variable name pay and Pay will be considered different.
Constants or literals
 Constant is a fixed value that does not change during program
 Constant must have to be initialized at the time of creating it and new
values cannot be assigned later to it.
Constant definition in C++
Constant definition by using const keyword
Constant definition by using #define
Data types in c++
C++ has five data types
 int integer
 Float floating point
 Double double precision
 Char characters
 Bol Boolean.
Integer variables
 variable that holds the integer data, is known as integer variable.
 a number without fractions or decimal point.
 E.g. 11, 222, 345 etc.
 takes two or four bytes in memory.
Size of integers
 A short int is two bytes on most computers.
 A long int is usually four bytes.
 int can be two or four bytes long for modern compilers.
 Determines the Size of Variable Types on Your Computer.
Float data type
 Float represent real or floating point data.
 Float data type can be signed or unsigned.
 E.g. 11.09, 34.81, -5.88 .
 Storage capacity: 4 bytes
Bool data type
 The word bool stands for Boolean.
 Used to declare logical type variables.
 Only two values can be stored
 True or false
 True=1
 False=0
General form of a C++ program
// Program description
#include directives
int main()
constant declarations
variable declarations
executable statements
return 0;
Example 0 – adding 2 numbers
 Peter: Hey Frank, I just learned how to add two numbers
 Frank: Cool!
 Peter : Give me the first number.
 Frank: 2.
 Peter : Ok, and give me the second number.
 Frank: 5.
 Peter : Ok, here's the answer: 2 + 5 = 7.
 Frank: Wow! You are amazing!
 after Frank says “2”, Peter has to keep this number in his mind.
2 5 7First number: Second number: Sum:
 after Frank says “5”, Peter also needs to keep this number in his mind.
The Corresponding C++ Program
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int first, second, sum;
cout << "Peter: Hey Frank, I just learned how to add”
<< “ two numbers together."<< endl;
cout << "Frank: Cool!" <<endl;
cout << "Peter: Give me the first number."<< endl;
cout << "Frank: ";
cin >> first;
cout << "Peter: Give me the second number."<< endl;
cout << "Frank: ";
cin >> second;
sum = first + second;
cout << "Peter: OK, here is the answer:";
cout << sum << endl;
cout << "Frank: Wow! You are amazing!" << endl;
return 0;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int number_of_pods, peas_per_pod, total_peas;
cout << "Press return after entering a number.n";
cout << "Enter the number of pods:n";
cin >> number_of_pods;
cout << "Enter the number of peas in a pod:n";
cin >> peas_per_pod;
total_peas = number_of_pods * peas_per_pod;
Demo Example 1
cout << "If you have ";
cout << number_of_pods;
cout << " pea potsn";
cout << "and ";
cout << peas_per_pod;
cout << " pea in each pod, then n";
cout << "you have ";
cout << total_peas;
cout << " peas in all the pods.n";
return 0;
Demo Example 1
C++ comments
 Comments appear in green in Visual C++.
 Comments are explanatory notes; they are ignored by the
 There are two ways to include comments in a program:
// A double slash marks the start of a
//single line comment.
/* A slash followed by an asterisk marks
the start of a multiple line comment. It
ends with an asterisk followed by a
slash. */
Programming Style
C++ is a free-format language, which means
 Extra blanks (spaces) or tabs before or after
identifiers/operators are ignored.
 Blank lines are ignored by the compiler just like
 Code can be indented in any way.
 There can be more than one statement on a
single line.
 A single statement can continue over several
In order to improve the readability of your program, use
the following conventions:
 Start the program with a header that tells what the
program does.
 Use meaningful variable names.
 Document each variable declaration with a comment
telling what the variable is used for.
 Place each executable statement on a single line.
 A segment of code is a sequence of executable
statements that belong together.
 Use blank lines to separate different segments of code.
 Document each segment of code with a comment
telling what the segment does.
Programming Style (cont. )
What makes a bad program?
 Writing Code without detailed analysis and
 Repeating trial and error without understanding
the problem
 Debugging the program line by line, statement
by statement
 Writing tricky programs
 Symbol used for grouping and separating code are known as punctuators
 “()” , “{}” “[ ]” : = # comma, semicolon, colon.
 The following characters are used as punctuators in C++.
 Brackets [ ] opening and closing brackets indicate single and multidimensional
array subscript.
 Parentheses ( ) opening and closing brackets indicate functions calls, function
parameters for grouping expressions etc.
 Braces { } opening and closing braces indicate the start and end of a compound
 Comma , it is used as a separator in a function argument list.
 Semicolon ; it is used as a statement terminator.
 Colon : it indicates a labeled statement or conditional operator symbol.
 Asterisk * it is used in pointer declaration or as multiplication operator.
 Equal sign = it is used as an assignment operator.
 Pound sign # it is used as pre-processor directive.
 These are operators that are used with insertion operator (<<) to control
format of data.
 The endl manipulator stands for end of line. It is predefined iostream
 #include<iostream>
 int main()
 {
 cout<<“ I am “<<endl<<“pakistani”;
 return 0;
 }
 Output:
 I am // end of line
 Pakistani.
 ‘setw’ stands for setwidth. This manipulator is used to set the width of
output on the output device.
 Setw() manipulator is a part of “iomanip.h” header file.
 Setw(n)
Where n specifies the width of output field. It is an integer value.
 For e.g. to print “pakistan” in first 10 columns and “islamabad” in next 15
columns, the output statement written as
 Cout<<setw(10)<<“pakistan”<<setw(15)<<“islamabad”;
 Output would be
Setw continued…
Initialization of variables
 Assigning known value to a variable at the time of declaration is called
initializing of variable.
 When variable is declared, Memory location is assigned.
 Value in memory location is also assigned to that variable.
 In order to assign variables of type int and assigning known values it
can be written as :
 int a=30;
 int b=40;
 int c ;
 c= a+ b;
 Cout<<c ;
 A program that assign values to different variables at the time of
declaration and print the assigned values on computer screen.
 #include<iostream>
 using namespace std;
int main()
 {
 int xyz=4, b=2000;
 double xy=6.9;
 cout<<name<<xyz<<xy<<b;
 getch();
 }
 A quantity that can not change its value during the execution of
program is called constant.
Four type of constants
 Integer constants
 Floating point constants
 Character constants
 String constants
Constant continued..
 A numerical value without a decimal part is called integer constant.
Floating point constant:
 Numeric values that has an integer as well as a decimal part is called
floating point constant
Character constants:
 A single character enclosed in a single quotation mark is called character
constant. For e.g. ‘a’, ‘/’, and ‘+’ represents character constants.
String constants:
 A sequence of characters consisting of alphabets, digits and special
characters enclosed in double quotation marks is called string constants.
for e.g. “ I study in bahria university” in “ semester -1”
Operators and types
 Operators are special symbols that tells the compiler to perform specific
mathematical or logical functions
C++ divides the operators into following groups:
 Arithmetic operators
 Comparison/Relational operators
 Logical operators
 Assignment operators
 Bitwise operators
Arithmetic operators
Relational/Comparison Operator
 Relational operator is an operator that tests or defines some kind
of relation between two entities
Logical Operators
Logical operators:
 The logical operators are used to combine one or more relational

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Cp week _2.

  • 1. 1 INTRODUCTION COMPUTER PROGRAMMING Computer Program  A computer program is a sequential set/collection of instructions that performs a specific task when executed by a computer.  Everything a computer does is done by using a computer program  A computer program is usually written by a computer programmer in a programming language.  Some examples of computer programs:  Operating system.  A web browser like Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari can be used to view web pages on the Internet.  An office suite can be used to write documents or spreadsheets.  Video games are computer programs.
  • 2. 2 Computer Programming  The process of developing and implementing various sets of instructions to enable a computer to do a certain task.  These instructions are considered computer programs and help the computer to operate smoothly.  People who program are referred to as programmers and write their code in a programming language. Pseudocode, Algorithm and Flow charts
  • 3. 3 PSEUDOCODE, ALGORITHMS AND FLOWCHARTS  Computer programming can be divided into two phases:  Problem solving phase  Make an ordered sequence of steps that solves a problem  These sequence of steps is called an algorithm  Implementation phase  implement using a programming language Introduction to C++  C is a programming language developed in the 1970's alongside the UNIX operating system.  C++ is an “extension” of the C language.  C++, as opposed to C, supports “object-oriented programming.”  C++ is pronounced as C plus plus, is a powerful computer programming language.  C is a procedural programming language.  C++ is a an object oriented programming language.
  • 4. 4 Writing C++ programs  The source code of a c++ program is stored on the disk with file extension .cpp ( stands for c plus plus).  Program stored on a text file on disk  Different text editors are used for code writing  The boreland c++ and turbo++ have their own editors for code writing.  Visual studio IDE(integrated development environment) Steps in compiling C++ Program  C++ compiler translates the source program with .cpp extension into machine code called object code and stored in newfile with .obj extension.  Object code is then linked to libraries  After linking an executable file with extension .exe is created.  The executable program is then executed.
  • 5. 5 Stages of compiling a C program Preprocessing  First stage of compilation is called preprocessing.  The C preprocessor modifies a source file before handing it over to the compiler, like defining constants # define and including header files i.e. # include<>.  The preprocessors are the directives, which give instructions to the compiler to preprocess the information before actual compilation start.  All preprocessor directives begin with # Making the Object file: The compiler  After the C Preprocessor has included all the header files, the compiler then COMPILES the program.  Compiler changes the C source file with .cpp extension into an Object code file with .o extension.  The object file contains the binary version of the source code.
  • 6. 6 Putting it all together: The linker  The job of the linker is link together a bunch of object files(.o files) into a binary executable.  The file created after linking is ready to be loaded into memory and executed by the system. Preprocess, Compile, Link, execute
  • 7. 7 Structure of c++ program.  In every programming language there are some fundamentals you need to know before you can write the most basic programs.  C++ program mainly consist of 3 parts 1. Preprocessor directives 2. The main() function 3. C++ statements Header file  It is a source file that contain definitions of library functions/objects.  Library functions:  Those functions which are predefined in c++ language i.e. built in functions.  Added into program at the compilation of program.  Only added if function defined in it is used in program.
  • 8. 8 The main function  The main() function indicates the beginning of the program.  The parenthesis following function name is distinguishing feature of function and must be included  The syntax  void main()  {  Program statements…  } C++ statements  The statements of the program are written under the main() function between curly braces  {  …………………statements………………….  }  Every function must use this pair of braces around its body.  Statements are the body of program  Each statement in C++ ends with a semicolon ;.  C++ is a case sensitive language.
  • 9. 9 Program statements & namespace  Statements of program are written under the main function inside curly brackets.  int main()  {  cout<<“ statement”;  return 0;  }  The first statement tells the compiler to display the quoted phrase.  Second statement returns a 0 value to who ever calls it.  The built in C++ library routines are kept in the standard namespace.  The standard C++ library is defined in this standard namespace. Output using Cout  cout<<“ this is my first c++ program”;  It causes the phrase in quotation marks to be displayed on the screen.  It shows the standard output stream.  The ‘<<‘ operator is called insertion or put to operator.  Directs the string constant “this is c++ program” to the cout.  cout sends it to display screen.  The statement in “ this is my c++ program” is a string constant example.
  • 10. 10 Keywords The words that are used by the language and carries special meanings are called keywords.  Keywords are predefined reserved words used in programming. Keywords are part of the syntax and they cannot be used as an identifier.  For example: int salary; Here, int is a keyword that indicates ‘salary' is a variable of type integer.  Keywords appear in blue in Visual C++.  Do not use keywords as variable and constant names!! For e.g.  The word main is used to indicate the starting of program.  include is used to add header files.  int to declare an integer type variable. C Keywords  As C is a case sensitive language:  all keywords must be written in lowercase. Here is a list of all keywords allowed in ANSI C.
  • 11. 11 Tokens  A program statement consists of variable names, keywords, constants, punctuation marks, operators etc.  In C++ these elements are called tokens.  In the following program segment tokens are  main()  {  int, b;  }  Tokens are main, {,}, int, a, b , (,) are tokens Identifiers  An identifier is a name that is assigned by the user for a program element such as variable, functions and structures.  Identifier must be unique:  They are created to give unique name to a entity to identify it during the execution of the program. For example:  int length;  char nmfirst=‘a’; Note:  Identifier must be different from keywords. Better to have a meaningful name for the identifier.
  • 12. 12 variables  Variables are fundamental part of any programming language.  A variable is a container (storage area) to hold data. continued  To indicate the storage area, each variable should be given a unique name (identifier).  variable names are just the symbolic representation of a memory location. For example:  Float gpa=3.5; // gpa is a variable of type float and the value assigned is 3.5.  The value of the variable can be changed, as the name suggests “variable”.
  • 13. 13 Rules for naming a variable name  A variable must be declared before using.  A variable name can have letters (both uppercase and lowercase letters), digits and underscore only.  The first letter of a variable should be either a letter or an underscore.  Blank spaces are not allowed in a variable name.  Special characters can not be used in variable name.  The maximum length of variable name depends on compiler of c++.  variable name pay and Pay will be considered different. Constants or literals  Constant is a fixed value that does not change during program execution.  Constant must have to be initialized at the time of creating it and new values cannot be assigned later to it.
  • 14. 14 Constant definition in C++ Constant definition by using const keyword
  • 15. 15 Constant definition by using #define preprocessor Data types in c++ C++ has five data types  int integer  Float floating point  Double double precision  Char characters  Bol Boolean.
  • 16. 16 Integer variables  variable that holds the integer data, is known as integer variable.  a number without fractions or decimal point.  E.g. 11, 222, 345 etc.  takes two or four bytes in memory. Size of integers  A short int is two bytes on most computers.  A long int is usually four bytes.  int can be two or four bytes long for modern compilers.  Determines the Size of Variable Types on Your Computer.
  • 17. 17 Float data type  Float represent real or floating point data.  Float data type can be signed or unsigned.  E.g. 11.09, 34.81, -5.88 .  Storage capacity: 4 bytes Bool data type  The word bool stands for Boolean.  Used to declare logical type variables.  Only two values can be stored  True or false  True=1  False=0
  • 18. 18 General form of a C++ program // Program description #include directives int main() { constant declarations variable declarations executable statements return 0; } Example 0 – adding 2 numbers  Peter: Hey Frank, I just learned how to add two numbers together.  Frank: Cool!  Peter : Give me the first number.  Frank: 2.  Peter : Ok, and give me the second number.  Frank: 5.  Peter : Ok, here's the answer: 2 + 5 = 7.  Frank: Wow! You are amazing!  after Frank says “2”, Peter has to keep this number in his mind. 2 5 7First number: Second number: Sum:  after Frank says “5”, Peter also needs to keep this number in his mind.
  • 19. 19 The Corresponding C++ Program #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int first, second, sum; cout << "Peter: Hey Frank, I just learned how to add” << “ two numbers together."<< endl; cout << "Frank: Cool!" <<endl; cout << "Peter: Give me the first number."<< endl; cout << "Frank: "; cin >> first; cout << "Peter: Give me the second number."<< endl; cout << "Frank: "; cin >> second; sum = first + second; cout << "Peter: OK, here is the answer:"; cout << sum << endl; cout << "Frank: Wow! You are amazing!" << endl; return 0; } #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int number_of_pods, peas_per_pod, total_peas; cout << "Press return after entering a number.n"; cout << "Enter the number of pods:n"; cin >> number_of_pods; cout << "Enter the number of peas in a pod:n"; cin >> peas_per_pod; total_peas = number_of_pods * peas_per_pod; Demo Example 1
  • 20. 20 cout << "If you have "; cout << number_of_pods; cout << " pea potsn"; cout << "and "; cout << peas_per_pod; cout << " pea in each pod, then n"; cout << "you have "; cout << total_peas; cout << " peas in all the pods.n"; return 0; } Demo Example 1 C++ comments  Comments appear in green in Visual C++.  Comments are explanatory notes; they are ignored by the compiler.  There are two ways to include comments in a program: // A double slash marks the start of a //single line comment. /* A slash followed by an asterisk marks the start of a multiple line comment. It ends with an asterisk followed by a slash. */
  • 21. 21 Programming Style C++ is a free-format language, which means that:  Extra blanks (spaces) or tabs before or after identifiers/operators are ignored.  Blank lines are ignored by the compiler just like comments.  Code can be indented in any way.  There can be more than one statement on a single line.  A single statement can continue over several lines. In order to improve the readability of your program, use the following conventions:  Start the program with a header that tells what the program does.  Use meaningful variable names.  Document each variable declaration with a comment telling what the variable is used for.  Place each executable statement on a single line.  A segment of code is a sequence of executable statements that belong together.  Use blank lines to separate different segments of code.  Document each segment of code with a comment telling what the segment does. Programming Style (cont. )
  • 22. 22 What makes a bad program?  Writing Code without detailed analysis and design  Repeating trial and error without understanding the problem  Debugging the program line by line, statement by statement  Writing tricky programs Continued…  Symbol used for grouping and separating code are known as punctuators  “()” , “{}” “[ ]” : = # comma, semicolon, colon.  The following characters are used as punctuators in C++.  Brackets [ ] opening and closing brackets indicate single and multidimensional array subscript.  Parentheses ( ) opening and closing brackets indicate functions calls, function parameters for grouping expressions etc.  Braces { } opening and closing braces indicate the start and end of a compound statement.  Comma , it is used as a separator in a function argument list.  Semicolon ; it is used as a statement terminator.  Colon : it indicates a labeled statement or conditional operator symbol.  Asterisk * it is used in pointer declaration or as multiplication operator.  Equal sign = it is used as an assignment operator.  Pound sign # it is used as pre-processor directive.
  • 23. 23 Maniupulators  These are operators that are used with insertion operator (<<) to control format of data.  The endl manipulator stands for end of line. It is predefined iostream manipulator.  #include<iostream>  int main()  {  cout<<“ I am “<<endl<<“pakistani”;  return 0;  }  Output:  I am // end of line  Pakistani. manipulators  ‘setw’ stands for setwidth. This manipulator is used to set the width of output on the output device.  Setw() manipulator is a part of “iomanip.h” header file. Syntax  Setw(n) Where n specifies the width of output field. It is an integer value.  For e.g. to print “pakistan” in first 10 columns and “islamabad” in next 15 columns, the output statement written as  Cout<<setw(10)<<“pakistan”<<setw(15)<<“islamabad”;  Output would be
  • 24. 24 Setw continued… Initialization of variables  Assigning known value to a variable at the time of declaration is called initializing of variable.  When variable is declared, Memory location is assigned.  Value in memory location is also assigned to that variable.  In order to assign variables of type int and assigning known values it can be written as :  int a=30;  int b=40;  int c ;  c= a+ b;  Cout<<c ;
  • 25. 25 Continued…  A program that assign values to different variables at the time of declaration and print the assigned values on computer screen.  #include<iostream>  using namespace std; int main()  {  int xyz=4, b=2000;  double xy=6.9;  cout<<name<<xyz<<xy<<b;  getch();  } constants  A quantity that can not change its value during the execution of program is called constant. Four type of constants  Integer constants  Floating point constants  Character constants  String constants
  • 26. 26 Constant continued..  A numerical value without a decimal part is called integer constant. Floating point constant:  Numeric values that has an integer as well as a decimal part is called floating point constant Character constants:  A single character enclosed in a single quotation mark is called character constant. For e.g. ‘a’, ‘/’, and ‘+’ represents character constants. String constants:  A sequence of characters consisting of alphabets, digits and special characters enclosed in double quotation marks is called string constants. for e.g. “ I study in bahria university” in “ semester -1” Operators and types  Operators are special symbols that tells the compiler to perform specific mathematical or logical functions C++ divides the operators into following groups:  Arithmetic operators  Comparison/Relational operators  Logical operators  Assignment operators  Bitwise operators
  • 27. 27 Arithmetic operators Relational/Comparison Operator  Relational operator is an operator that tests or defines some kind of relation between two entities
  • 28. 28 Logical Operators Logical operators:  The logical operators are used to combine one or more relational expression.