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Characterizing and Contrasting
February 2017
Lee Calcote
Container Orchestrators
Delivered by
Lee Calcote
clouds, containers, infrastructure,
applications  and their management
Show of Hands
[kuh n-tey-ner] 
(Stay tuned for updates to presentation and book)
Joyent Triton
Docker Datacenter
Azure Container Service
Rackspace Carina
One size does not fit all.
A strict apples-to-apples comparison is inappropriate and not
the objective, hence characterizing and contrasting.
Let's not go here today.
Container orchestrators may be intermixed.
Categorically Speaking
Genesis & Purpose
Support & Momentum
Host & Service Discovery
Modularity & Extensibility
Updates & Maintenance
Health Monitoring
Networking & Load-Balancing
Secrets Management
High Availability & Scale
Cluster Management
Host Discovery
Host Health Monitoring
Orchestrator Updates and Host
Service Discovery
Networking and Load-Balancing
Stateful services
Multi-tenant, multi-region
Key Capabilities
Application Health & Performance
Application Deployments
Application Secrets
Genesis & Purpose
designed for both long-lived services and short-lived
batch processing workloads.
cluster manager with declarative job specifications.
ensures constraints are satisfied and resource
utilization is optimized by efficient task packing.
supports all major operating systems and virtualized,
containerized or standalone workloads.
written in Go and under the Unix philosophy.
Support & Momentum
Project began June 2015 (19 months old) has 141
Current release v0.5.4
Nomad Enterprise offering aimed for first half of this
Supported and governed by HashiCorp
HashiConf US '15 had ~300 attendees
HashiConf EU '16 had ~320 attendees
HashiConf US '16 had ~500 attendees 
Nomad Architecture
Host &
      Service Discovery
Host Discovery
Gossip protocol - Serf is used
Docker multi-host networking and Swarmkit use Serf, too
Servers advertise full set of Nomad servers to clients
heartbeats every 30 seconds
Creating federated clusters is simple
Service Discovery
Nomad integrates with  to provide service
discovery and monitoring.
two distinct phases, feasibility checking and ranking.
optimistically concurrent
enabling all servers to participate in scheduling decisions
which increases the total throughput and reduces latency
three scheduler types used when creating jobs:
service, batch and system
 `nomad plan` point-in-time-view of what Nomad will do
Modularity & Extensibility
Task drivers
Used by Nomad clients to execute a task and provide
resource isolation.
By having extensible task drivers are important for
flexibility to support a broad set of workloads (e.g. rkt, lxc).
Does not currently support pluggable task drivers,
Have to implement task driver interface and compile
Nomad binary.
Updates & Maintenance
Drain allocations on a running node.
integrates with tools like Packer, Consul, and Terraform
to support building artifacts, service discovery, monitoring and capacity
Log rotation (stderr and stdout)
no log forward support, yet
Rolling updates (via the `update` block in the job specification).
Health Monitoring
Node health monitoring is done via heartbeats, so
Nomad can detect failed nodes and migrate the
allocations to other healthy clients.
currently http, tcp and script
In the future Nomad will add support for more Consul checks.
`nomad alloc-status` reports actual resource utilization
& Load-Balancing
Dynamic ports are allocated in a range from 20000 to 60000.
Shared IP address with Node.
Consul provides DNS-based load-balancing
Secrets Management
Nomad agents provide secure integration with Vault
for all tasks and containers it spins up
gives secure access to Vault secrets through a
workflow which minimizes risk of secret exposure
during bootstrapping.
High Availability & Scale
distributed and highly available, using both leader
election and state replication to provide availability in
the face of failures.
shared state optimistic scheduler
only open source implementation.
1,000,0000 across 5,000 hosts and scheduled in 5 min.
Built for managing multiple clusters / cluster federation.
Easy to use
Single binary for both clients and servers
Supports non-containerized tasks and
multiple container runtimes
Arguably the most advanced scheduler
Upfront consideration of federation /
hybrid cloud
Broad OS support
Outside of scheduler, comparatively less
Young project
Less relative momentum
Less relative adoption
Less extensible / pluggable
Docker Swarm
Docker Swarm 1.12
Swarmkit or Swarm mode
Genesis & Purpose
Swarm is simple and easy to setup.
Initially responsible for clustering and scheduling  
Driving toward application's needs with services,
secrets, etc.
Originally an imperative system, now declarative.
Swarm’s architecture is not complex as those of
Kubernetes and Mesos.
Written in Go, Swarm is lightweight, modular and
somewhat extensible.
Docker Swarm 1.11 (Standalone)
Docker Swarm Mode 1.12 (Swarmkit)
Support & Momentum
Standalone: ~3,000 commits, 12 core maintainers (140 contributors)
Swarmkit: ~2,800 commits, ~12 core maintainers (70 contributors)
~289 Docker meetups worldwide
Disclaimer: I organize Docker Austin.
Standalone announced ~15 months ago (Nov 2015)
Swarmkit announced ~7 months ago (July 2016)
Host & Service Discovery
Host Discovery
Like Nomad, uses Hashicorp's  for storing cluster state
Pull model - where worker checks-in with the Manager
Rate Control - of checks-in with Manager may be controlled at
Manager - add jitter
Workers don't need to know which Manager is active; Follower
Managers will redirect Workers to Leader
Service Discovery
Embedded DNS and round robin load-balancing
Services are a new concept
Swarm’s scheduler is pluggable
Swarm scheduling is a combination of strategies and
container constraints (affinity, dependency, port) are defined as
environment variables in the specification file
node constraints (health, constraint) must be specified when starting the
docker daemon and define which nodes a container may be scheduled on.
Modularity & Extensibility
Ability to remove batteries is a strength for Swarm:
Pluggable scheduler
Pluggable network driver
Pluggable distributed K/V store
Docker container engine runtime-only
Pluggable authorization (in docker engine)*
Updates & Maintenance
Nodes may be Active, Drained and Paused
Manager weights are used to drain or pause Managers
Manual swarm manager and worker updates
Rolling updates now supported
Health Monitoring
Swarm monitors the availability and resource usage
of nodes within the cluster
One health check per container may be run
check container health by running a command inside the container
--interval=DURATION (default: 30s)
--timeout=DURATION (default: 30s)
--retries=N (default: 3)
Networking & Load-
Swarm and multi-host networking are simpatico
provides for user-defined overlay networks that are micro-segmentable
uses Hashicorp's Serf gossip protocol for quick convergence of neighbor table
facilitates container name resolution via embedded DNS server (previously via etc/hosts)
Load-balancing based on IPVS
expose Service's port externally
L4 load-balancer; cluster-wide port publishing
Mesh routing
send a request to any one of the nodes and it will be routed automatically
send a request to any one of the nodes and it will be internally load balanced
Secrets Management
Landed in 1.13
encrypted and kept in Raft store
managed by Swarm Managers
retrieved by Swarm Services (not containers)
via mounted in-memory filesystem on the node
High Availability & Scale
Managers may be deployed in a highly-available
Active/Standby - only one active Leader at-a-time
Maintain odd number of managers
Rescheduling upon node failure
No rebalancing upon node addition to the cluster
Does not support multiple failure isolation regions or
although, with caveats, .
federation is possible
Scaling swarm to 1,000 AWS  nodes
and 50,000 containers
Suitable for orchestrating a combination of infrastructure containers
Has only recently added capabilities falling into the application bu
Swarmkit is a young project
advanced features forthcoming
natural expectation of caveats in functionality
No rebalancing, autoscaling or monitoring, yet
Only schedules Docker containers, not containers using other specificat
Does not schedule VMs or non-containerized processes
Does not provide support for batch jobs
Need separate load-balancer for overlapping ingress ports
While dependency and affinity filters are available, Swarm does not pro
the ability to enforce scheduling of two containers onto the same host o
at all.
Filters  facilitate sidecar pattern. No “pod” concept.
Swarm works. Swarm is simple and easy to
1.12 eliminated need for much, but not all third-party software
Facilitates earlier stages of adoption by organizations viewing
containers as faster VMs
now with built-in functionality for applications
Swarm is easy to extend, if can already know
Docker APIs, you can customize Swarm
Still modular, but has stepped back here.
Moving very fast; eliminating gaps quickly.
Genesis & Purpose
an opinionated framework for building distributed
"an open source system for automating deployment, scaling, and operations
of applications."
Written in Go, Kubernetes is lightweight, modular and
considered a third generation container orchestrator
led by Google, Red Hat and others.
Declaratively, opinionated with many key features
bakes in load-balancing, scale, volumes, deployments, secret
management and cross-cluster federated services among other features.
Kubernetes Architecture
Support & Momentum
Kubernetes is 2 yrs. 20 months old (June 2014)
Announced as production-ready 19 months ago (July 2015)
Project has over 1,000 commits per month (~44,000 total)
reach 1,000 committers (~100 core) Kubernauts in Dec. 2016
~5,000 commits made in each release (1.5 is latest)
~244 Kubernetes meetups worldwide.
Disclaimer: I organize Microservices and Containers Austin.
Under the governance of the Cloud Native Computing
KubeCon earlier this year capped at 1,000 attendees
Host & Service Discovery
Host Discovery
by default, the node agent (kubelet) is configured to register
itself with the master (API server)
automating the joining of new hosts to the cluster
Service Discovery
Two primary modes of finding a Service
SkyDNS is deployed as a cluster add-on
environment variables
environment variables are used as a simple way of providing compatibility
with Docker links-style networking
By default, scheduling is handled by kube-scheduler (pluggable).
Selection criteria used by kube-scheduler to identify the best-fit
node is defined by policy:
Predicates (node resources and characteristics):
PodFitPorts , PodFitsResources, NoDiskConflict , MatchNodeSelector, HostName , ServiceAffinity,
Priorities (weighted strategies used to identify “best fit” node):
LeastRequestedPriority, BalancedResourceAllocation, ServiceSpreadingPriority, EqualPriority
Modularity &
One of Kubernetes strengths its pluggable
architecture and it being an extensible platform 
Choice of:
database for service discovery or network driver
container runtime - may choose to run docker with rkt containers
Cluster add-ons
optional system components that implement a cluster feature (e.g.
DNS, logging, etc.)
shipped with the Kubernetes binaries and are considered an inherent
part of the Kubernetes clusters
Updates & Maintenance
`Deployment` objects automate deploying and
rolling updating applications.
Support for rolling back deployments
Kubernetes Components
Consistently backwards compatible
Upgrading the Kubernetes components and hosts is
done via shell script 
Host maintenance - mark the node as unschedulable.
existing pods are vacated from the node
prevents new pods from being scheduled on the node
Health Monitoring
Failures - actively monitors the health of nodes within the cluster
via Node Controller
Resources - usage monitoring leverages a combination of open
source components:
cAdvisor, Heapster, InfluxDB, Grafana, Prometheus
three types of user-defined application health-checks and uses the
Kubelet agent as the the health check monitor
HTTP Health Checks, Container Exec, TCP Socket
Cluster-level Logging
collect logs which persist beyond the lifetime of the pod’s container
images or the lifetime of the pod or even cluster
standard output and standard error output of each container can be ingested using a
agent running on each nodeFluentd
Networking & Load-
…enter the Pod
atomic unit of scheduling
flat networking with each pod receiving an IP address
no NAT required, port conflicts localized
intra-pod communication via localhost
Services provide inherent load-balancing via kube-proxy:
runs on each node of a Kubernetes cluster
reflects services as defined in the Kubernetes API
supports simple TCP/UDP forwarding and round-robin and Docker-links-
based service IP:PORT mapping. 
Secrets Management
encrypted and stored in etcd
used by containers in a pod either:
1. mounted as data volumes
2. exposed as environment variables
None of the pod’s containers will start until all the pods'
volumes are mounted.
Individual secrets are limited to 1MB in size.
Secrets are created and accessible within a given namespace,
not cross-namespace.
High Availability & Scale
Each master component may be deployed in a highly-
available configuration.
Active/Standby configuration
Federated clusters / multi-region deployments
v1.2 support for 1,000 node clusters
v1.3 supports 2,000 node clusters
Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (via Replication Controllers).
Cluster Autoscaling (if you're running on GCE with AWS support is
coming soon).
Only runs containerized applications
For those familiar with Docker-only, Kubernetes
requires understanding of new concepts
Powerful frameworks with more moving pieces beget complicated
cluster deployment and management.
Lightweight graphical user interface
Does not provide as sophisticated techniques for
resource utilization as Mesos
Kubernetes can schedule docker or rkt
Inherently opinionated w/functionality built-in.
relatively easy to change its opinion
little to no third-party software needed
builds in many application-level concepts and services
(petsets, jobsets, daemonsets, application packages /
charts, etc.)
advanced storage/volume management
project has most momentum
project is arguably most extensible
thorough project documentation
Supports multi-tenancy
Multi-master, cross-cluster federation, robust
logging & metrics aggregation
Genesis & Purpose
Mesos is a distributed systems kernel
stitches together many different machines into a logical computer
Mesos has been around the longest (launched in 2009)
and is arguably the most stable, with highest (proven) scale currently
Mesos is written mostly in C++
with Java, Python and C++ APIs
Marathon as a Framework
Marathon is one of a number of frameworks (Chronos and Aurora other
examples) that may be run on top of Mesos
Frameworks have a scheduler and executor. Schedulers get resource offers.
Executors run tasks.
Marathon is written in Scala
Mesos Architecture
Support & Momentum
MesosCon 2016 in Denver had    ? attendees
MesosCon 2015 in Seattle had 700 attendees
up from 262 attendees in 2014
Mesos has 224 contributors
Marathon has 227 contributors
Mesos under the governance of Apache Foundation
Marathon under governance of Mesosphere
Mesos is used by Twitter, AirBnb, eBay, Apple, Cisco, Yodle
Marathon is used by Verizon and Samsung
Host &
      Service Discovery
Mesos-DNS generates an SRV record for each Mesos
including Marathon application instances
Marathon will ensure that all dynamically assigned
service ports are unique
Mesos-DNS is particularly useful when:
apps are launched through multiple frameworks (not just Marathon)
you are using an IP-per-container solution like
you use random host port assignments in Marathon
Project Calico
Two-level scheduler
First-level scheduling happens at Mesos master based on
allocation policy, which decides which framework get
Second-level scheduling happens at Framework scheduler,
which decides what tasks to execute.
Provide reservations, over-subscriptions and preemption.
Modularity & Extensibility
multiple available
may run multiple frameworks concurrently
extend inner-workings of Mesos by creating and using
shared libraries that are loaded on demand
many types of Modules
Replacement, Isolator, Allocator, Authentication, Hook, Anonymous
Updates & Maintenance
- Mesos has maintenance mode.
- Marathon does not.
Mesos API backwards compatible
from v1.0 forward
Marathon can be instructed to
deploy containers based on that
component using a blue/green
where old and new versions co-exist for a
time. @lcalcote
Health Monitoring
Master tracks a set of statistics and metrics to
monitor resource usage
support for health checks (HTTP and TCP)
an event stream that can be integrated with load-
balancers or for analyzing metrics
Networking & Load-
An IP per Container
No longer share the node's IP
Helps remove port conflicts
Enables 3rd party network drivers
  isolator with
Marathon offers two TCP/HTTP proxies
A simple shell script and a more complex one called `marathon-lb` that
has more features.
Pluggable (e.g. Traefik for load-balancing)
Container Network Interface (CNI)
Secrets Management
Not yet.
Only supported by Enterprise DC/OS
Stored in ZooKeeper, exposed as ENV variables in Marathon
Secrets shorter than eight characters may not be accepted by Marathon.
By default, you cannot store a secret larger than 1MB.
High Availability & Scale
A strength of Mesos’s architecture
requires masters to form a quorum using ZooKeeper (point of failure)
only one Active (Leader) master at-a-time in Mesos and Marathon
Scale is a strong suit for Mesos. TBD for Marathon.
`` - autoscales application based on the
utilization metrics from Mesos
 - request rate-based autoscaling with Marathon.
Great at short-lived jobs. High availability built-in.
Referred to as the “golden standard” by Solomon Hykes, Docker CTO.
Still needs 3rd party tools
Marathon interface could be more Docker friendly
(hard to get at volumes and registry)
May need a dedicated infrastructure IT team
an overly complex solution for small deployments
Universal Containerizer
abstract away from docker, rkt, kurma?, lxc?
Can run multiple frameworks, including Kubernetes and Swarm.
Supports multi-tenancy.
Good for Big Data shops and job / task-oriented workloads.
Good for mixed workloads and with data-locality policies
Mesos is powerful and scalable, battle-tested
Good for multiple large things you need to do 10,000+ node cluster system
Marathon UI is young, but promising.
A high-level perspective of the container orchestrator
Lee Calcote
Thank you.
clouds, containers, infrastructure,
applications and their management

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Container World 2017 - Characterizing and Contrasting Container Orchestrators

  • 1. Characterizing and Contrasting February 2017 Lee Calcote Container Orchestrators KNect365 Delivered by TMT #CONTAINERWORLD World Container
  • 5. Fleet Nomad Swarm Kubernetes Mesos+Marathon CaaS @lcalcote (Stay tuned for updates to presentation and book) Joyent Triton Docker Datacenter AWS ECS Azure Container Service Rackspace Carina
  • 6. One size does not fit all. A strict apples-to-apples comparison is inappropriate and not the objective, hence characterizing and contrasting. @lcalcote
  • 7. Let's not go here today. Container orchestrators may be intermixed. @lcalcote
  • 8. Categorically Speaking Scheduling Genesis & Purpose Support & Momentum Host & Service Discovery Modularity & Extensibility Updates & Maintenance Health Monitoring Networking & Load-Balancing Secrets Management High Availability & Scale @lcalcote
  • 9. Core Capabilities Cluster Management Host Discovery Host Health Monitoring Scheduling Orchestrator Updates and Host Maintenance Service Discovery Networking and Load-Balancing Stateful services Multi-tenant, multi-region Additional Key Capabilities Application Health & Performance Monitoring Application Deployments Application Secrets @lcalcote
  • 10. Nomad
  • 11. Genesis & Purpose designed for both long-lived services and short-lived batch processing workloads.   cluster manager with declarative job specifications.   ensures constraints are satisfied and resource utilization is optimized by efficient task packing.   supports all major operating systems and virtualized, containerized or standalone workloads.   written in Go and under the Unix philosophy.   @lcalcote
  • 12. Support & Momentum Project began June 2015 (19 months old) has 141 contributors  Current release v0.5.4 Nomad Enterprise offering aimed for first half of this year.   Supported and governed by HashiCorp HashiConf US '15 had ~300 attendees HashiConf EU '16 had ~320 attendees HashiConf US '16 had ~500 attendees  @lcalcote
  • 14. Host &       Service Discovery Host Discovery Gossip protocol - Serf is used Docker multi-host networking and Swarmkit use Serf, too Servers advertise full set of Nomad servers to clients heartbeats every 30 seconds Creating federated clusters is simple   Service Discovery Nomad integrates with  to provide service discovery and monitoring. Consul @lcalcote
  • 15. Scheduling two distinct phases, feasibility checking and ranking.   optimistically concurrent enabling all servers to participate in scheduling decisions which increases the total throughput and reduces latency   three scheduler types used when creating jobs: service, batch and system  `nomad plan` point-in-time-view of what Nomad will do @lcalcote
  • 16. Modularity & Extensibility Task drivers Used by Nomad clients to execute a task and provide resource isolation.   By having extensible task drivers are important for flexibility to support a broad set of workloads (e.g. rkt, lxc).   Does not currently support pluggable task drivers, Have to implement task driver interface and compile Nomad binary. @lcalcote
  • 17. Updates & Maintenance Nodes Drain allocations on a running node. integrates with tools like Packer, Consul, and Terraform to support building artifacts, service discovery, monitoring and capacity management.   Applications Log rotation (stderr and stdout) no log forward support, yet Rolling updates (via the `update` block in the job specification). @lcalcote
  • 18. Health Monitoring Nodes Node health monitoring is done via heartbeats, so Nomad can detect failed nodes and migrate the allocations to other healthy clients.   Applications currently http, tcp and script In the future Nomad will add support for more Consul checks. `nomad alloc-status` reports actual resource utilization @lcalcote
  • 19. Networking & Load-Balancing Networking   Dynamic ports are allocated in a range from 20000 to 60000. Shared IP address with Node.   Load-Balancing Consul provides DNS-based load-balancing @lcalcote
  • 20. Secrets Management Nomad agents provide secure integration with Vault for all tasks and containers it spins up   gives secure access to Vault secrets through a workflow which minimizes risk of secret exposure during bootstrapping. @lcalcote
  • 21. High Availability & Scale distributed and highly available, using both leader election and state replication to provide availability in the face of failures.   shared state optimistic scheduler only open source implementation.   1,000,0000 across 5,000 hosts and scheduled in 5 min.   Built for managing multiple clusters / cluster federation. @lcalcote
  • 22. Easy to use Single binary for both clients and servers Supports non-containerized tasks and multiple container runtimes Arguably the most advanced scheduler design Upfront consideration of federation / hybrid cloud Broad OS support Outside of scheduler, comparatively less sophisticated Young project Less relative momentum Less relative adoption Less extensible / pluggable @lcalcote
  • 24. Docker Swarm 1.12 aka Swarmkit or Swarm mode @lcalcote
  • 25. Genesis & Purpose Swarm is simple and easy to setup.   Initially responsible for clustering and scheduling   Driving toward application's needs with services, secrets, etc.   Originally an imperative system, now declarative.   Swarm’s architecture is not complex as those of Kubernetes and Mesos.   Written in Go, Swarm is lightweight, modular and somewhat extensible. @lcalcote
  • 26. Docker Swarm 1.11 (Standalone) Docker Swarm Mode 1.12 (Swarmkit) @lcalcote
  • 27. Support & Momentum Contributions: Standalone: ~3,000 commits, 12 core maintainers (140 contributors) Swarmkit: ~2,800 commits, ~12 core maintainers (70 contributors)   ~289 Docker meetups worldwide Disclaimer: I organize Docker Austin.   Production-ready: Standalone announced ~15 months ago (Nov 2015) Swarmkit announced ~7 months ago (July 2016) @lcalcote
  • 28. Host & Service Discovery Host Discovery Like Nomad, uses Hashicorp's  for storing cluster state Pull model - where worker checks-in with the Manager Rate Control - of checks-in with Manager may be controlled at Manager - add jitter Workers don't need to know which Manager is active; Follower Managers will redirect Workers to Leader Service Discovery Embedded DNS and round robin load-balancing Services are a new concept   goMemDB @lcalcote
  • 29. Scheduling Swarm’s scheduler is pluggable Swarm scheduling is a combination of strategies and filters/constraint:  Strategies Random Spread* Binpack Filters container constraints (affinity, dependency, port) are defined as environment variables in the specification file node constraints (health, constraint) must be specified when starting the docker daemon and define which nodes a container may be scheduled on. @lcalcote
  • 30. Modularity & Extensibility Ability to remove batteries is a strength for Swarm: Pluggable scheduler Pluggable network driver Pluggable distributed K/V store Docker container engine runtime-only Pluggable authorization (in docker engine)* @lcalcote
  • 31. Updates & Maintenance Nodes Nodes may be Active, Drained and Paused Manager weights are used to drain or pause Managers Manual swarm manager and worker updates   Applications Rolling updates now supported --update-delay --update-parallelism --update-failure-action @lcalcote
  • 32. Health Monitoring Nodes Swarm monitors the availability and resource usage of nodes within the cluster   Applications One health check per container may be run check container health by running a command inside the container --interval=DURATION (default: 30s) --timeout=DURATION (default: 30s) --retries=N (default: 3) @lcalcote
  • 33. Networking & Load- Balancing Swarm and multi-host networking are simpatico provides for user-defined overlay networks that are micro-segmentable uses Hashicorp's Serf gossip protocol for quick convergence of neighbor table facilitates container name resolution via embedded DNS server (previously via etc/hosts)   Load-balancing based on IPVS expose Service's port externally L4 load-balancer; cluster-wide port publishing   Mesh routing send a request to any one of the nodes and it will be routed automatically send a request to any one of the nodes and it will be internally load balanced @lcalcote
  • 34. Secrets Management @lcalcote Landed in 1.13   encrypted and kept in Raft store managed by Swarm Managers retrieved by Swarm Services (not containers) via mounted in-memory filesystem on the node
  • 35. High Availability & Scale Managers may be deployed in a highly-available configuration Active/Standby - only one active Leader at-a-time Maintain odd number of managers   Rescheduling upon node failure No rebalancing upon node addition to the cluster   Does not support multiple failure isolation regions or federation although, with caveats, .   federation is possible @lcalcote
  • 36. Scaling swarm to 1,000 AWS  nodes and 50,000 containers @lcalcote
  • 37. Suitable for orchestrating a combination of infrastructure containers Has only recently added capabilities falling into the application bu Swarmkit is a young project advanced features forthcoming natural expectation of caveats in functionality No rebalancing, autoscaling or monitoring, yet Only schedules Docker containers, not containers using other specificat Does not schedule VMs or non-containerized processes Does not provide support for batch jobs Need separate load-balancer for overlapping ingress ports While dependency and affinity filters are available, Swarm does not pro the ability to enforce scheduling of two containers onto the same host o at all. Filters  facilitate sidecar pattern. No “pod” concept. Swarm works. Swarm is simple and easy to deploy. 1.12 eliminated need for much, but not all third-party software Facilitates earlier stages of adoption by organizations viewing containers as faster VMs now with built-in functionality for applications Swarm is easy to extend, if can already know Docker APIs, you can customize Swarm Still modular, but has stepped back here. Moving very fast; eliminating gaps quickly.
  • 39. Genesis & Purpose an opinionated framework for building distributed systems "an open source system for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of applications." Written in Go, Kubernetes is lightweight, modular and extensible considered a third generation container orchestrator led by Google, Red Hat and others. Declaratively, opinionated with many key features included bakes in load-balancing, scale, volumes, deployments, secret management and cross-cluster federated services among other features.   @lcalcote
  • 41. Support & Momentum Kubernetes is 2 yrs. 20 months old (June 2014) Announced as production-ready 19 months ago (July 2015)   Project has over 1,000 commits per month (~44,000 total) reach 1,000 committers (~100 core) Kubernauts in Dec. 2016 ~5,000 commits made in each release (1.5 is latest)   ~244 Kubernetes meetups worldwide. Disclaimer: I organize Microservices and Containers Austin.   Under the governance of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation KubeCon earlier this year capped at 1,000 attendees @lcalcote
  • 42. Host & Service Discovery Host Discovery by default, the node agent (kubelet) is configured to register itself with the master (API server) automating the joining of new hosts to the cluster Service Discovery Two primary modes of finding a Service DNS SkyDNS is deployed as a cluster add-on environment variables environment variables are used as a simple way of providing compatibility with Docker links-style networking @lcalcote
  • 43. Scheduling By default, scheduling is handled by kube-scheduler (pluggable).   Selection criteria used by kube-scheduler to identify the best-fit node is defined by policy: Predicates (node resources and characteristics): PodFitPorts , PodFitsResources, NoDiskConflict , MatchNodeSelector, HostName , ServiceAffinity, LabelsPresence Priorities (weighted strategies used to identify “best fit” node): LeastRequestedPriority, BalancedResourceAllocation, ServiceSpreadingPriority, EqualPriority @lcalcote
  • 44. Modularity &          Extensibility One of Kubernetes strengths its pluggable architecture and it being an extensible platform  Choice of: database for service discovery or network driver container runtime - may choose to run docker with rkt containers Cluster add-ons optional system components that implement a cluster feature (e.g. DNS, logging, etc.) shipped with the Kubernetes binaries and are considered an inherent part of the Kubernetes clusters   @lcalcote
  • 45. Updates & Maintenance Applications `Deployment` objects automate deploying and rolling updating applications. Support for rolling back deployments Kubernetes Components Consistently backwards compatible Upgrading the Kubernetes components and hosts is done via shell script  Host maintenance - mark the node as unschedulable. existing pods are vacated from the node prevents new pods from being scheduled on the node @lcalcote
  • 46. Health Monitoring Nodes Failures - actively monitors the health of nodes within the cluster via Node Controller Resources - usage monitoring leverages a combination of open source components: cAdvisor, Heapster, InfluxDB, Grafana, Prometheus Applications  three types of user-defined application health-checks and uses the Kubelet agent as the the health check monitor HTTP Health Checks, Container Exec, TCP Socket Cluster-level Logging collect logs which persist beyond the lifetime of the pod’s container images or the lifetime of the pod or even cluster standard output and standard error output of each container can be ingested using a agent running on each nodeFluentd
  • 47. Networking & Load- Balancing …enter the Pod atomic unit of scheduling flat networking with each pod receiving an IP address no NAT required, port conflicts localized intra-pod communication via localhost Load-Balancing Services provide inherent load-balancing via kube-proxy: runs on each node of a Kubernetes cluster reflects services as defined in the Kubernetes API supports simple TCP/UDP forwarding and round-robin and Docker-links- based service IP:PORT mapping.  @lcalcote
  • 48. Secrets Management encrypted and stored in etcd used by containers in a pod either:   1. mounted as data volumes 2. exposed as environment variables   None of the pod’s containers will start until all the pods' volumes are mounted. Individual secrets are limited to 1MB in size. Secrets are created and accessible within a given namespace, not cross-namespace. @lcalcote
  • 49. High Availability & Scale Each master component may be deployed in a highly- available configuration. Active/Standby configuration Federated clusters / multi-region deployments Scale v1.2 support for 1,000 node clusters v1.3 supports 2,000 node clusters   Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (via Replication Controllers). Cluster Autoscaling (if you're running on GCE with AWS support is coming soon). @lcalcote
  • 50. Only runs containerized applications For those familiar with Docker-only, Kubernetes requires understanding of new concepts Powerful frameworks with more moving pieces beget complicated cluster deployment and management. Lightweight graphical user interface Does not provide as sophisticated techniques for resource utilization as Mesos     Kubernetes can schedule docker or rkt containers Inherently opinionated w/functionality built-in. relatively easy to change its opinion little to no third-party software needed builds in many application-level concepts and services (petsets, jobsets, daemonsets, application packages / charts, etc.) advanced storage/volume management project has most momentum project is arguably most extensible thorough project documentation Supports multi-tenancy Multi-master, cross-cluster federation, robust logging & metrics aggregation   @lcalcote
  • 52. Genesis & Purpose Mesos is a distributed systems kernel stitches together many different machines into a logical computer Mesos has been around the longest (launched in 2009) and is arguably the most stable, with highest (proven) scale currently Mesos is written mostly in C++ with Java, Python and C++ APIs Marathon as a Framework Marathon is one of a number of frameworks (Chronos and Aurora other examples) that may be run on top of Mesos Frameworks have a scheduler and executor. Schedulers get resource offers. Executors run tasks. Marathon is written in Scala @lcalcote
  • 54. Support & Momentum MesosCon 2016 in Denver had    ? attendees MesosCon 2015 in Seattle had 700 attendees up from 262 attendees in 2014   Mesos has 224 contributors Marathon has 227 contributors   Mesos under the governance of Apache Foundation Marathon under governance of Mesosphere   Mesos is used by Twitter, AirBnb, eBay, Apple, Cisco, Yodle Marathon is used by Verizon and Samsung @lcalcote
  • 55. Host &       Service Discovery Mesos-DNS generates an SRV record for each Mesos task including Marathon application instances Marathon will ensure that all dynamically assigned service ports are unique Mesos-DNS is particularly useful when: apps are launched through multiple frameworks (not just Marathon) you are using an IP-per-container solution like you use random host port assignments in Marathon Project Calico @lcalcote
  • 56. Scheduling Two-level scheduler First-level scheduling happens at Mesos master based on allocation policy, which decides which framework get resources. Second-level scheduling happens at Framework scheduler, which decides what tasks to execute.   Provide reservations, over-subscriptions and preemption. @lcalcote
  • 57. Modularity & Extensibility Frameworks multiple available may run multiple frameworks concurrently Modules extend inner-workings of Mesos by creating and using shared libraries that are loaded on demand many types of Modules Replacement, Isolator, Allocator, Authentication, Hook, Anonymous @lcalcote
  • 58. Updates & Maintenance Nodes - Mesos has maintenance mode. - Marathon does not. Mesos API backwards compatible from v1.0 forward   Applications Marathon can be instructed to deploy containers based on that component using a blue/green strategy where old and new versions co-exist for a time. @lcalcote
  • 59. Health Monitoring Nodes Master tracks a set of statistics and metrics to monitor resource usage Applications support for health checks (HTTP and TCP) an event stream that can be integrated with load- balancers or for analyzing metrics @lcalcote
  • 60. Networking & Load- Balancing Networking An IP per Container No longer share the node's IP Helps remove port conflicts Enables 3rd party network drivers   isolator with MesosContainerizer Load-Balancing Marathon offers two TCP/HTTP proxies A simple shell script and a more complex one called `marathon-lb` that has more features. Pluggable (e.g. Traefik for load-balancing) Container Network Interface (CNI) @lcalcote
  • 61. Secrets Management Not yet.   Only supported by Enterprise DC/OS   Stored in ZooKeeper, exposed as ENV variables in Marathon Secrets shorter than eight characters may not be accepted by Marathon. By default, you cannot store a secret larger than 1MB. @lcalcote
  • 62. High Availability & Scale A strength of Mesos’s architecture requires masters to form a quorum using ZooKeeper (point of failure) only one Active (Leader) master at-a-time in Mesos and Marathon   Scale is a strong suit for Mesos. TBD for Marathon.   Autoscale `` - autoscales application based on the utilization metrics from Mesos  - request rate-based autoscaling with Marathon.   Great at short-lived jobs. High availability built-in. Referred to as the “golden standard” by Solomon Hykes, Docker CTO. marathon-lb-autoscale
  • 63. Still needs 3rd party tools Marathon interface could be more Docker friendly (hard to get at volumes and registry) May need a dedicated infrastructure IT team an overly complex solution for small deployments Universal Containerizer abstract away from docker, rkt, kurma?, lxc? Can run multiple frameworks, including Kubernetes and Swarm. Supports multi-tenancy. Good for Big Data shops and job / task-oriented workloads. Good for mixed workloads and with data-locality policies Mesos is powerful and scalable, battle-tested Good for multiple large things you need to do 10,000+ node cluster system Marathon UI is young, but promising. @lcalcote
  • 65. A high-level perspective of the container orchestrator spectrum. @lcalcote
  • 66. Lee Calcote @lcalcote Thank you. Questions? clouds, containers, infrastructure, applications and their management