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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), India Online ISSN: 2319-7064
Volume 2 Issue 9, September 2013
Concurrent Online Test of RFID Memories Using
Jyothi Rani Degala, 2
Kota Nageswara Rao
PG Scholar, Department of ECE, JITS, Warangal, 506132, India
Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, JITS, Warangal, 506132, India
Abstract: Online testing in RFID Memories is a memory testing mechanism, where the memory can be tested simultaneously with the
system operation. Hence, it has instant error detection. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) devices based on the correct
operation of their memory for accurate identification of objects and delivery of transponder’s information. This paper presents the
concurrent online test scheme for RFID memories based on Memory Built in Self Test (MBIST) architecture, the Finite State Machine
(FSM) of transponder access scheme, Symmetric transparent version of March C-algorithm. Online test is achieved by modifying the
transponder’s operation and access protocol to make use of the waiting time that transponders waste before being accessed. The
s o l u t i o n of this paper was described in VHDL, area and timing results are simulated in X i l i n x I S E 9 . 2 i . Results show
that the solution overhead is less than 0.1 %, while the timing performance allows testing up to 32-word blocks in a single waiting
Keywords: Memory, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
1. Introduction
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) devices are the main
constituting actors in the Internet of Things paradigm [1],
the RFID uses wireless non-contact system that uses radio
frequency electromagnetic fields to transfer the data from a
tag attached to an object in the remote place for the purpose
of automatic identification and tracking. Hence RFID
systems uses tags attached to an object to be identified, these
are used to face the challenge of labeling physical objects to
allow them to participate in the digital world.
Read-only transponders represent the low-end, low-cost
segment of the range of RFID data carriers. As soon as such
transponder enters the interrogation zone of a reader, a
scheme to access its identification number is deployed.
The tag’s unique identification number is hardwired into the
transponder during chip manufacture; therefore, the user can
alter neither the serial number nor any data on the chip.
Writable transponders can be written by the interrogator and
their memory may have several Kilobits. Write and read
access to the transponder is often performed in blocks of,
usually, 16 bits, as in the EPC Class 1 Generation 2 protocol
(C1G2) [2].
Two way radio transmitter and receiver called interrogators
or readers send signal to the tag and read its response. The
readers generally transmit their observations to a computer
system running RFID software or RFID middleware.
The tag’s information is stored electronically in a non-
volatile memory. The RFID tag includes a small RF
transmitter and receiver. An RFID reader transmits an
encoded radio signal to interrogate the tag. The tag receives
the message and responds with its identification
information. This may be only a unique tag serial number,
or may be product-related information such as a stock
number, lot or batch number, production date, or other
specific information
Recent developments aim at increasing RFID data rate to
10Mbps, which entails the possibility of incrementing
memory capacity to 1MByte or more [3].Considering the
trend to increase memory capacity in RFIDs, a new RFID
architecture and access scheme is proposed that allows
concurrent online tests of the transponder memory. A built-
in Self-test (BIST) controller with appropriate march-tests is
carefully exploited to check for memory errors. The paper is
organized as follows: section 2 describes need for BIST,
section 3 provides design approach of transponder, section 4
describes the transponder access scheme, section 5 describes
the March algorithm, section 6 describes the implementation
of Memory BIST, section 7 describes the simulation
results, the conclusions are offered in section 8.
2. Need for BIST
The addition of extra circuitry to facilitate testing of
memory chips, called design for testability (DFT), is to
allow the test mechanism to be completely contained within
the chip, called built-in self-test. The two types of BIST are
On-line BIST and
Off-line BIST
On-line BIST has tests implemented on chip. It has shorter
test time but an area overhead of 1 - 3 % . Off-line BIST,
on the other hand has tests implemented off-chip. It has
longer test time but no area overhead.
On-line BIST can further be classified into three subgroups:
Concurrent BIST, Non Concurrent BIST and Transparent
BIST. Concurrent BIST is performed during normal use of
the chip.
A non-concurrent test is not active during normal use of the
chip but only in test mode. The advantage of this form of
BIST is that the test does not have to preserve the data
which is stored on the chip, thus allowing a maximum
freedom in the test data to be used. The disadvantage is
Paper ID: 01091301 119
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), India Online ISSN: 2319-7064
Volume 2 Issue 9, September 2013
the circuit cannot detect faults that are not covered by the
faults models used. Transparent BIST scheme is very similar
to the Non-Concurrent scheme except the memory contents
are preserved. With memory BIST, the entire memory
testing algorithm is implemented on-chip, and operates at
the speed of the circuit, which are 2 to 3 orders of magnitude
faster than a conventional memory test. Most memory BIST
schemes exploit the parallelism within test time.
Memory BIST has been proven to be one of the most cost-
effective and widely used solutions for memory testing for
the following reasons: no time, on-chip test pattern
generation to provide higher controllability and
observability, on-chip response analysis, test can be on-line
or off-line, adaptability to engineering changes, easier burn
in support.
3. Design approach
Here the design approach is top-down approach, the
transponder protocols are defined in three different layers:
application layer, communication layer and physical layer.
In the application layer, the transponder receives commands
from an interrogator that are valid only when the tag has
been singled out. These commands generally consist of
writing, reading or locking the tag’s internal memory. At
this layer, an interrogator may be able to terminate
indefinitely the tag’s operation by issuing a password-
protected command.
The communication layer allows an interrogator to manage
the tags populations while embracing an anti-collision
protocol. A great number of tags may be controlled by
supervising tag’s data collisions. A regular scheme to avoid
collisions employs a two-part scheme where an interrogator,
first, selects a broad number of tags and, subsequently,
forces them to randomly choose access slots. This access
mechanism is employed within the EPC C1G2 protocol
and is based in the Dynamic Framed Slotted ALOHA
algorithm (DFSA) [4].
To support access from several interrogators, transponders
provide session flags that may be asserted or deasserted
by interrogators. Session flags allow interrogators to
organize groups of tags and force them to enter a
particular inventory round. Transponder memory follows a
division in banks according to the function of the memory
portion as follows:
 Reserved memory, which includes passwords for
accessing special tag functions.
 Product Identification memory, which is a code used to
identify the object containing the tag.
 Tag Identifier memory, which is the unique
identification number of the tag.
 User memory, which is an application specific bank.
4. Transponder Access Scheme
The normal operation of an interrogator, when accessing a
set of transponders, relies on subsequent selections of
smaller groups of tags and random assignment of access
slots. This is time-consuming and does not involve reading
or writing the memory for transponders that are in the
interrogator queue.
The interrogator issues a selection command which
makes a group of tags to set or unset their internal flags
according to a comparison mask. Thus an interrogator is
able to split in smallest sets a larger group of tags in
order to access them easily. The interrogator starts a new
inventory pointing towards the previously selected tags.
Transponders matching the interrogator’s flags selection
must generate an internal random Queue Position Number
(QPN) which represents its assigned slot in the DFSA
The maximum QPN available for the transponders is
determined by the interrogator each time an inventory starts.
In order to establish a direct link interrogator-transponder,
the interrogator sends a command which is answered only
by transponders whose QPN is equal to zero. Meanwhile,
the other transponders involved in the inventory should
decrement their own QPN by one, until their turn to answer
the interrogator comes.
The success of the anti-collision scheme relies in the
effectiveness of the interrogator to select an appropriate
maximum value for the QPN which avoids picking the same
time slot by more than one transponder.
Every transponder is accessed individually while the others
remain in an Arbitrate state waiting for their access slot.
In the Arbitrate state, transponders are fully powered by the
interrogator signal but no particular operation is being
executed. The concurrent online access schemes proposed
exploits or make use of this waiting state to perform the
test of the memory and are based on the anti-collision
mechanism of EPC C1G2 standard.
A. Selection Stage
Every transponder works in one of four sessions and has
separate inventoried flag for each. These flags determine
whether the transponder may respond to the interrogator
or not within an inventory round. A Selected flag (SL)
also exists which purpose is to ensure a greater accuracy
during management of large transponder populations. The
proposed scheme introduces a Test flag which can be
asserted by the interrogator to force transponders to a testing
state while being accessed. An interrogator issues a Select
command to select a particular transponder population by
asserting or de-asserting their flags. This command aims at
a particular flag and forces its value, e.g., a SL flag is
asserted. Within the proposed scheme, the interrogator
chooses the population of tags to be tested by asserting its
Test flag with the Select command.
B. Testing Stage
Figure.1 shows the proposed finite state machine (FSM) of
the transponder access scheme. Once a transponder is within
the range of an interrogator, it reaches the Ready state.
Paper ID: 01091301 120
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), India Online ISSN: 2319-7064
Volume 2 Issue 9, September 2013
Figure 1: Transponder access scheme with concurrent test
The ready state is a holding state for energized transponders
that are not participating in an inventory round. A
transponder that is in Ready state accepts Select
commands from the interrogator that force it to set or
unset session flags. The transition from the Ready to the
Arbitrate state is done when the interrogator broadcasts a
Query command with a session flag as a parameter.
Transponders matching the session flag transit to Arbitrate,
the others stay in Ready and do not participate in the
inventory round. Every transponder, ti, going to Arbitrate
chooses randomly a QPNi.
The access scheme allows the interrogator to adaptively
choose an adequate interval of QPN in order to consider
the number of transponders available in the inventory round
or the time needed to finish the memory test. Consequently,
by issuing commands to transponders, the interrogator
forces them to pass from Arbitrate to Ready back and
forward until the QPN interval is appropriate for the current
inventory round. QPNi’s valid values are defined as: QPNi ∈
[ 0 , 2Q −1 ], with Q being chosen by the interrogator for
each inventory round.
Regular operation of the interrogator-transponders
interaction consists of command-based transitions from the
Arbitrate state to the Reply state by transponders which
QPN is equal to zero. The interrogator has full access to
the transponder and its memory within the Reply state.
The proposed testing approach includes a new state for
testing, MemTest, which sends a signal to a BIST controller
to start the test of a given memory block and keeps track of
its result. To prevent unwanted behavior, a transponder ti in
the MemTest state reacts only to the QueryRep command
which forces the decrement of QPNi, i.e., changes to the
next time slot. An extra 32-bit register is implemented in the
transponder to be used as a memory block counter during
the test process. The information regarding the memory
block to test is sent through data lines towards the BIST.
A transponder within Ready state which receives a Query
command with matching flags, and with the test flag
asserted, should go to MemTest state and should compute
its QPN. In this case, QPN should be selected to allow
the whole test of the memory, thus, the QPN value
randomly chosen within the regular interval is increased by
a fixed offset equal to the number of memory blocks to
test. Concurrently, the memory block counter is loaded with
the number of the first memory block.
When the test is finished, the transponder transits to the
Arbitrate state to continue the regular operation related to
accessing its information. In order to inform the interrogator
that an error has been detected, the transponder should
transit to the Reply state while sending a temporary
random identifier accompanied with an error code. The
error code describes the nature of the error and the place
where it has been detected as well. In case of no error
detection or while in regular operation, the transponder
should backscatter only the temporary identifier.
5. March Test Algorithm
Many algorithms have been developed for testing
semiconductor memories, from which the most popular and
advantageous are the March tests [5]. A March test
contains a sequence of March elements which is composed
by a read/write operation that has to be performed into every
cell of the memory. March tests are able to detect several
fault models such as Stuck-at Faults (SAF), Address
Faults (AF) and some Coupling Faults (CF).
The operations that can be executed in the cells may be:
write zero (w0), write one (w1), read zero (r0) and read one
(r1). The read operation checks if the value inside the
cell is the expected one. The order in which cells are
considered can be ascending or descending. A typical
march test used to test RAMs is MATS++ which can be
adapted to test also EEPROMs. The MATS++ algorithm is
described as follows:
Word-oriented memories, such the ones found in an RFID,
need a slightly different approach. By extending the 0 or
1 to 16 bits, March algorithm can be easily applied to
RFID’s word-oriented memories with a reduction on the
coverage of CF.
A. Symmetric Transparent Test
A regular March test produces the erase of the contents in
the memory. To prevent losing data a transparent approach
is introduced. The transparent method avoids traditional
comparison and, instead, uses a signature analysis
mechanism based on a feedback shift register [6]. Well-
known march tests can be easily extended to transparent
versions by replacing values 0 and 1, in the read and write
operations, by a and ac, respectively, where a refers to
original content and ac to its complement. Besides this
modification, the initialization part in the original march
test should be removed. A symmetric transparent test poses
a constraint on the symmetry of the March test, e.g., it
should have the same number of reading for the original and
Cmd:QueryRep[slot> and
Test flag asserted] Reply:
=0] Reply: Random
Cmd: Query [slot > 0
and matching
(inventory and SL)
flags and Test flag
deasserted] Reply:
[slot>0 and
Test finished]
Reply: none
Cmd : Query[slot>0
and matching
(inventory and SL)
flags and Test flag
asserted] Reply:
Paper ID: 01091301 121
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), India Online ISSN: 2319-7064
Volume 2 Issue 9, September 2013
the complement content, since the signature mechanism
computes the signature when fed by the original content and
computes the reciprocal signature when fed by the
complementary content. By doing so, the initial state of the
signature mechanism should be found at the end of the test
when the memory is fault free.
6. Memory BIST Implementation
Figure 2 shows the architecture of the BIST module com-
posed by six entities: offset generator, memory input
multiplexer, output multiplexer, BIST controller, signature
analyzer and test pattern generator
Figure 2: Architecture of the memory module with the
BIST controller
The function of the input multiplexer is to choose which
signals input to the memory according to the BIST mode.
The output multiplexer provides constant values and the
ready/busy (RB) signal is set to zero throughout all the test
period. The offset generator is a module that modifies
incoming address depending on the bank selected for the
memory during regular operation. The BIST controller
captures the init signal from the transponder’s FSM and
starts the test procedure. The test pattern generator is
responsible for generating the test vectors to be introduced
to the memory. It contains the sequence and directions of
the march test in a configuration array. Its implementation
consists of a FSM which takes information from the
configuration array and performs their instructions, while
the complement of the data read from the memory is used
as input when needed.
The signature analyzer is a Multiple Input Shift Register
(MISR) with a flow signal that sets its direction of
propagation. This implementation avoids the use of two
different shift registers for the signature and the reciprocal
signature computation. To reduce the probability of error
masking, an irreducible polynomial was selected for the
MISR; it has the following form:
h(z) = 1 + z7
+ z9
+ z12
+ z16
Additional methods to avoid error masking involves
hardware solutions, e.g., additional check parity, the use of
hamming codes or larger MISRs, which are undesirable for
the constrained RFID system due their overhead.
7. Simulation and Evaluation
The proposed scheme was synthesized and simulated in
order to evaluate its performance regarding timing and
area overhead. The BIST scheme was described in VHDL
and synthesized using a 0.65µm
Table 1: Bist Area Overhead
Technology Memory BIST Area Overhead
0.65 µm 9.7 mm2 0.0094 mm2 0.10%
The area overhead was computed as below to obtain
realistic values for the memory area.
AO 
The results related to the memory overhead are shown, for
this particular case, in Table 1.
Passive transponders are equipped with a capacitor charged
by the electromagnetic field generated by the interrogator.
Continuous read and write operations during the test causes
high current consumption, hence a charge in the capacitor
can rapidly fall down. As an example, circuit presented in
[8] contains a 250 pF capacitor which stores energy supplies
during short gaps in the received signal for about 100 µs. In
such time, it is possible to perform some read operations,
but writing could be interrupted.
Thus, testing of a single memory block should be as short as
possible to decrease the risk of that situation. As a safe
threshold, the time of the longest operation specified by the
EPC C1G2 standard was assumed as the limit for the testing
operation of a memory block in the RFID, i.e., 20 ms.
To evaluate the timing performance of the circuit two March
tests were executed: the MATS++ algorithm, described
before, and the March C- algorithm. The March C-
algorithm has a higher complexity than MATS++ and is
described in the following in its transparent version:
The simulations were performed varying the testing block
sizes. Furthermore, the timing information of the basic
approach is also presented to compare with the transparent
approach. The 20 ms threshold is also highlighted for
As can be seen in the simulations results, the absence of the
initialization stage in the transparent approach provides an
interesting reduction of test time. In average, the time is
reduced by 32 % for MATS++ and by technology. The
BIST used the transponder’s internal clock signal which is
obtained from the interrogator carrier frequency, and was
chosen equal to 1 MHz
20.5 % for the March C- algorithm. These simulations show
Paper ID: 01091301 122
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), India Online ISSN: 2319-7064
Volume 2 Issue 9, September 2013
the maximum block size which can be tested within one
single slot according to the algorithm utilized.
For the MATS++ algorithm, the maximum testing block size
is 32 words, while for the March C- the maximum is 16
8. Conclusions
The transparent March c- algorithm has been generated to
test the RFID memories has been successfully implemented.
It is strongly believed that this BIST can be widely used for
the embedded memory testing especially under the SOC
design environment due to the superior flexibility and
extendibility in applying different combination of memory
test algorithms. This paper takes the advantages of the idle
state of transponders while waiting to be accessed by the
interrogator to perform the test of their internal memory.
The transponder finite state machine describing the access
scheme was presented and the architecture of the
transparent BIST circuit was described.
Synthesis and simulation results show the feasibility of the
proposed scheme. Area results show the negligible
overhead of the BIST in terms of area compared with the
memory size, i.e., about 0.1 %. Timing results present the
maximum size of blocks that can be tested within one slot
of the accessing scheme by considering two different march
9. Future Work
Future work will include other testing approach which
provides a direct testing command to the interrogator and a
larger list of supported march algorithms.
[1] E. Welbourne, L. Battle, G. Cole, K. Gould, K. Rector,
S. Raymer, M. Balazinska, and G. Borriello, “Building
the internet of things using rfid: The rfid ecosystem
experience,” Internet Computing, IEEE, vol. 13, no. 3,
pp. 48–55, may-june 2009.
[2] EPC Global, EPC radio-frequency identity protocols
Class1 Generation2 UHF RFID air interface Version
1.2.0, Oct. 2008.
[3] J. McDonnell, J. Waters, H. Balinsky, R. Castle, F.
Dickin, W. W. Loh, and K. Shepherd, “Memory spot: A
labeling technology,” Pervasive Computing, IEEE, vol.
9, no. 2, pp. 11–17, april-june 2010.
[4] T. Cheng and L. Jin, “Analysis and simulation of rfid
anti-collision algorithms,” in Advanced Communication
Technology, The 9th International Conference on, vol.
1, 2007, pp. 697–701.
[5] S. Hellebrand, H.-J. Wunderlich, and V. Yarmolik,
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Paper ID: 01091301 123

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Concurrent Online Test of RFID Memories Using MBIST

  • 1. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), India Online ISSN: 2319-7064 Volume 2 Issue 9, September 2013 Concurrent Online Test of RFID Memories Using MBIST 1 Jyothi Rani Degala, 2 Kota Nageswara Rao 1 PG Scholar, Department of ECE, JITS, Warangal, 506132, India 2 Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, JITS, Warangal, 506132, India Abstract: Online testing in RFID Memories is a memory testing mechanism, where the memory can be tested simultaneously with the system operation. Hence, it has instant error detection. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) devices based on the correct operation of their memory for accurate identification of objects and delivery of transponder’s information. This paper presents the concurrent online test scheme for RFID memories based on Memory Built in Self Test (MBIST) architecture, the Finite State Machine (FSM) of transponder access scheme, Symmetric transparent version of March C-algorithm. Online test is achieved by modifying the transponder’s operation and access protocol to make use of the waiting time that transponders waste before being accessed. The s o l u t i o n of this paper was described in VHDL, area and timing results are simulated in X i l i n x I S E 9 . 2 i . Results show that the solution overhead is less than 0.1 %, while the timing performance allows testing up to 32-word blocks in a single waiting slot. Keywords: Memory, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) 1. Introduction Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) devices are the main constituting actors in the Internet of Things paradigm [1], the RFID uses wireless non-contact system that uses radio frequency electromagnetic fields to transfer the data from a tag attached to an object in the remote place for the purpose of automatic identification and tracking. Hence RFID systems uses tags attached to an object to be identified, these are used to face the challenge of labeling physical objects to allow them to participate in the digital world. Read-only transponders represent the low-end, low-cost segment of the range of RFID data carriers. As soon as such transponder enters the interrogation zone of a reader, a scheme to access its identification number is deployed. The tag’s unique identification number is hardwired into the transponder during chip manufacture; therefore, the user can alter neither the serial number nor any data on the chip. Writable transponders can be written by the interrogator and their memory may have several Kilobits. Write and read access to the transponder is often performed in blocks of, usually, 16 bits, as in the EPC Class 1 Generation 2 protocol (C1G2) [2]. Two way radio transmitter and receiver called interrogators or readers send signal to the tag and read its response. The readers generally transmit their observations to a computer system running RFID software or RFID middleware. The tag’s information is stored electronically in a non- volatile memory. The RFID tag includes a small RF transmitter and receiver. An RFID reader transmits an encoded radio signal to interrogate the tag. The tag receives the message and responds with its identification information. This may be only a unique tag serial number, or may be product-related information such as a stock number, lot or batch number, production date, or other specific information Recent developments aim at increasing RFID data rate to 10Mbps, which entails the possibility of incrementing memory capacity to 1MByte or more [3].Considering the trend to increase memory capacity in RFIDs, a new RFID architecture and access scheme is proposed that allows concurrent online tests of the transponder memory. A built- in Self-test (BIST) controller with appropriate march-tests is carefully exploited to check for memory errors. The paper is organized as follows: section 2 describes need for BIST, section 3 provides design approach of transponder, section 4 describes the transponder access scheme, section 5 describes the March algorithm, section 6 describes the implementation of Memory BIST, section 7 describes the simulation results, the conclusions are offered in section 8. 2. Need for BIST The addition of extra circuitry to facilitate testing of memory chips, called design for testability (DFT), is to allow the test mechanism to be completely contained within the chip, called built-in self-test. The two types of BIST are On-line BIST and Off-line BIST On-line BIST has tests implemented on chip. It has shorter test time but an area overhead of 1 - 3 % . Off-line BIST, on the other hand has tests implemented off-chip. It has longer test time but no area overhead. On-line BIST can further be classified into three subgroups: Concurrent BIST, Non Concurrent BIST and Transparent BIST. Concurrent BIST is performed during normal use of the chip. A non-concurrent test is not active during normal use of the chip but only in test mode. The advantage of this form of BIST is that the test does not have to preserve the data which is stored on the chip, thus allowing a maximum freedom in the test data to be used. The disadvantage is Paper ID: 01091301 119
  • 2. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), India Online ISSN: 2319-7064 Volume 2 Issue 9, September 2013 the circuit cannot detect faults that are not covered by the faults models used. Transparent BIST scheme is very similar to the Non-Concurrent scheme except the memory contents are preserved. With memory BIST, the entire memory testing algorithm is implemented on-chip, and operates at the speed of the circuit, which are 2 to 3 orders of magnitude faster than a conventional memory test. Most memory BIST schemes exploit the parallelism within test time. Memory BIST has been proven to be one of the most cost- effective and widely used solutions for memory testing for the following reasons: no time, on-chip test pattern generation to provide higher controllability and observability, on-chip response analysis, test can be on-line or off-line, adaptability to engineering changes, easier burn in support. 3. Design approach Here the design approach is top-down approach, the transponder protocols are defined in three different layers: application layer, communication layer and physical layer. In the application layer, the transponder receives commands from an interrogator that are valid only when the tag has been singled out. These commands generally consist of writing, reading or locking the tag’s internal memory. At this layer, an interrogator may be able to terminate indefinitely the tag’s operation by issuing a password- protected command. The communication layer allows an interrogator to manage the tags populations while embracing an anti-collision protocol. A great number of tags may be controlled by supervising tag’s data collisions. A regular scheme to avoid collisions employs a two-part scheme where an interrogator, first, selects a broad number of tags and, subsequently, forces them to randomly choose access slots. This access mechanism is employed within the EPC C1G2 protocol and is based in the Dynamic Framed Slotted ALOHA algorithm (DFSA) [4]. To support access from several interrogators, transponders provide session flags that may be asserted or deasserted by interrogators. Session flags allow interrogators to organize groups of tags and force them to enter a particular inventory round. Transponder memory follows a division in banks according to the function of the memory portion as follows:  Reserved memory, which includes passwords for accessing special tag functions.  Product Identification memory, which is a code used to identify the object containing the tag.  Tag Identifier memory, which is the unique identification number of the tag.  User memory, which is an application specific bank. 4. Transponder Access Scheme The normal operation of an interrogator, when accessing a set of transponders, relies on subsequent selections of smaller groups of tags and random assignment of access slots. This is time-consuming and does not involve reading or writing the memory for transponders that are in the interrogator queue. The interrogator issues a selection command which makes a group of tags to set or unset their internal flags according to a comparison mask. Thus an interrogator is able to split in smallest sets a larger group of tags in order to access them easily. The interrogator starts a new inventory pointing towards the previously selected tags. Transponders matching the interrogator’s flags selection must generate an internal random Queue Position Number (QPN) which represents its assigned slot in the DFSA algorithm. The maximum QPN available for the transponders is determined by the interrogator each time an inventory starts. In order to establish a direct link interrogator-transponder, the interrogator sends a command which is answered only by transponders whose QPN is equal to zero. Meanwhile, the other transponders involved in the inventory should decrement their own QPN by one, until their turn to answer the interrogator comes. The success of the anti-collision scheme relies in the effectiveness of the interrogator to select an appropriate maximum value for the QPN which avoids picking the same time slot by more than one transponder. Every transponder is accessed individually while the others remain in an Arbitrate state waiting for their access slot. In the Arbitrate state, transponders are fully powered by the interrogator signal but no particular operation is being executed. The concurrent online access schemes proposed exploits or make use of this waiting state to perform the test of the memory and are based on the anti-collision mechanism of EPC C1G2 standard. A. Selection Stage Every transponder works in one of four sessions and has separate inventoried flag for each. These flags determine whether the transponder may respond to the interrogator or not within an inventory round. A Selected flag (SL) also exists which purpose is to ensure a greater accuracy during management of large transponder populations. The proposed scheme introduces a Test flag which can be asserted by the interrogator to force transponders to a testing state while being accessed. An interrogator issues a Select command to select a particular transponder population by asserting or de-asserting their flags. This command aims at a particular flag and forces its value, e.g., a SL flag is asserted. Within the proposed scheme, the interrogator chooses the population of tags to be tested by asserting its Test flag with the Select command. B. Testing Stage Figure.1 shows the proposed finite state machine (FSM) of the transponder access scheme. Once a transponder is within the range of an interrogator, it reaches the Ready state. Paper ID: 01091301 120
  • 3. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), India Online ISSN: 2319-7064 Volume 2 Issue 9, September 2013 Figure 1: Transponder access scheme with concurrent test state. The ready state is a holding state for energized transponders that are not participating in an inventory round. A transponder that is in Ready state accepts Select commands from the interrogator that force it to set or unset session flags. The transition from the Ready to the Arbitrate state is done when the interrogator broadcasts a Query command with a session flag as a parameter. Transponders matching the session flag transit to Arbitrate, the others stay in Ready and do not participate in the inventory round. Every transponder, ti, going to Arbitrate chooses randomly a QPNi. The access scheme allows the interrogator to adaptively choose an adequate interval of QPN in order to consider the number of transponders available in the inventory round or the time needed to finish the memory test. Consequently, by issuing commands to transponders, the interrogator forces them to pass from Arbitrate to Ready back and forward until the QPN interval is appropriate for the current inventory round. QPNi’s valid values are defined as: QPNi ∈ [ 0 , 2Q −1 ], with Q being chosen by the interrogator for each inventory round. Regular operation of the interrogator-transponders interaction consists of command-based transitions from the Arbitrate state to the Reply state by transponders which QPN is equal to zero. The interrogator has full access to the transponder and its memory within the Reply state. The proposed testing approach includes a new state for testing, MemTest, which sends a signal to a BIST controller to start the test of a given memory block and keeps track of its result. To prevent unwanted behavior, a transponder ti in the MemTest state reacts only to the QueryRep command which forces the decrement of QPNi, i.e., changes to the next time slot. An extra 32-bit register is implemented in the transponder to be used as a memory block counter during the test process. The information regarding the memory block to test is sent through data lines towards the BIST. A transponder within Ready state which receives a Query command with matching flags, and with the test flag asserted, should go to MemTest state and should compute its QPN. In this case, QPN should be selected to allow the whole test of the memory, thus, the QPN value randomly chosen within the regular interval is increased by a fixed offset equal to the number of memory blocks to test. Concurrently, the memory block counter is loaded with the number of the first memory block. When the test is finished, the transponder transits to the Arbitrate state to continue the regular operation related to accessing its information. In order to inform the interrogator that an error has been detected, the transponder should transit to the Reply state while sending a temporary random identifier accompanied with an error code. The error code describes the nature of the error and the place where it has been detected as well. In case of no error detection or while in regular operation, the transponder should backscatter only the temporary identifier. 5. March Test Algorithm Many algorithms have been developed for testing semiconductor memories, from which the most popular and advantageous are the March tests [5]. A March test contains a sequence of March elements which is composed by a read/write operation that has to be performed into every cell of the memory. March tests are able to detect several fault models such as Stuck-at Faults (SAF), Address Faults (AF) and some Coupling Faults (CF). The operations that can be executed in the cells may be: write zero (w0), write one (w1), read zero (r0) and read one (r1). The read operation checks if the value inside the cell is the expected one. The order in which cells are considered can be ascending or descending. A typical march test used to test RAMs is MATS++ which can be adapted to test also EEPROMs. The MATS++ algorithm is described as follows: ↕(w0);↑(r0,w1);↓(r1,w0,r0) Word-oriented memories, such the ones found in an RFID, need a slightly different approach. By extending the 0 or 1 to 16 bits, March algorithm can be easily applied to RFID’s word-oriented memories with a reduction on the coverage of CF. A. Symmetric Transparent Test A regular March test produces the erase of the contents in the memory. To prevent losing data a transparent approach is introduced. The transparent method avoids traditional comparison and, instead, uses a signature analysis mechanism based on a feedback shift register [6]. Well- known march tests can be easily extended to transparent versions by replacing values 0 and 1, in the read and write operations, by a and ac, respectively, where a refers to original content and ac to its complement. Besides this modification, the initialization part in the original march test should be removed. A symmetric transparent test poses a constraint on the symmetry of the March test, e.g., it should have the same number of reading for the original and Cmd:QueryRep[slot> and Test flag asserted] Reply: Reply Cmd:QueryRep[solt =0] Reply: Random address MemTesArbitrat Cmd: Query [slot > 0 and matching (inventory and SL) flags and Test flag deasserted] Reply: Cmd: QueryRep [slot>0 and Test finished] Reply: none Cmd : Query[slot>0 and matching (inventory and SL) flags and Test flag asserted] Reply: Ready Paper ID: 01091301 121
  • 4. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), India Online ISSN: 2319-7064 Volume 2 Issue 9, September 2013   the complement content, since the signature mechanism computes the signature when fed by the original content and computes the reciprocal signature when fed by the complementary content. By doing so, the initial state of the signature mechanism should be found at the end of the test when the memory is fault free. 6. Memory BIST Implementation Figure 2 shows the architecture of the BIST module com- posed by six entities: offset generator, memory input multiplexer, output multiplexer, BIST controller, signature analyzer and test pattern generator Figure 2: Architecture of the memory module with the BIST controller The function of the input multiplexer is to choose which signals input to the memory according to the BIST mode. The output multiplexer provides constant values and the ready/busy (RB) signal is set to zero throughout all the test period. The offset generator is a module that modifies incoming address depending on the bank selected for the memory during regular operation. The BIST controller captures the init signal from the transponder’s FSM and starts the test procedure. The test pattern generator is responsible for generating the test vectors to be introduced to the memory. It contains the sequence and directions of the march test in a configuration array. Its implementation consists of a FSM which takes information from the configuration array and performs their instructions, while the complement of the data read from the memory is used as input when needed. The signature analyzer is a Multiple Input Shift Register (MISR) with a flow signal that sets its direction of propagation. This implementation avoids the use of two different shift registers for the signature and the reciprocal signature computation. To reduce the probability of error masking, an irreducible polynomial was selected for the MISR; it has the following form: h(z) = 1 + z7 + z9 + z12 + z16 . Additional methods to avoid error masking involves hardware solutions, e.g., additional check parity, the use of hamming codes or larger MISRs, which are undesirable for the constrained RFID system due their overhead. 7. Simulation and Evaluation The proposed scheme was synthesized and simulated in order to evaluate its performance regarding timing and area overhead. The BIST scheme was described in VHDL and synthesized using a 0.65µm Table 1: Bist Area Overhead Technology Memory BIST Area Overhead 0.65 µm 9.7 mm2 0.0094 mm2 0.10% The area overhead was computed as below to obtain realistic values for the memory area. 100. MEMORYAREA AREABIST AO  The results related to the memory overhead are shown, for this particular case, in Table 1. Passive transponders are equipped with a capacitor charged by the electromagnetic field generated by the interrogator. Continuous read and write operations during the test causes high current consumption, hence a charge in the capacitor can rapidly fall down. As an example, circuit presented in [8] contains a 250 pF capacitor which stores energy supplies during short gaps in the received signal for about 100 µs. In such time, it is possible to perform some read operations, but writing could be interrupted. Thus, testing of a single memory block should be as short as possible to decrease the risk of that situation. As a safe threshold, the time of the longest operation specified by the EPC C1G2 standard was assumed as the limit for the testing operation of a memory block in the RFID, i.e., 20 ms. To evaluate the timing performance of the circuit two March tests were executed: the MATS++ algorithm, described before, and the March C- algorithm. The March C- algorithm has a higher complexity than MATS++ and is described in the following in its transparent version: ↑(rac);↑(ra,wac);↑(rac,wa);↓(ra,wac);↓(rac,wa );↓(ra) The simulations were performed varying the testing block sizes. Furthermore, the timing information of the basic approach is also presented to compare with the transparent approach. The 20 ms threshold is also highlighted for convenience. As can be seen in the simulations results, the absence of the initialization stage in the transparent approach provides an interesting reduction of test time. In average, the time is reduced by 32 % for MATS++ and by technology. The BIST used the transponder’s internal clock signal which is obtained from the interrogator carrier frequency, and was chosen equal to 1 MHz 20.5 % for the March C- algorithm. These simulations show Paper ID: 01091301 122
  • 5. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), India Online ISSN: 2319-7064 Volume 2 Issue 9, September 2013 the maximum block size which can be tested within one single slot according to the algorithm utilized. For the MATS++ algorithm, the maximum testing block size is 32 words, while for the March C- the maximum is 16 words. 8. Conclusions The transparent March c- algorithm has been generated to test the RFID memories has been successfully implemented. It is strongly believed that this BIST can be widely used for the embedded memory testing especially under the SOC design environment due to the superior flexibility and extendibility in applying different combination of memory test algorithms. This paper takes the advantages of the idle state of transponders while waiting to be accessed by the interrogator to perform the test of their internal memory. The transponder finite state machine describing the access scheme was presented and the architecture of the transparent BIST circuit was described. Synthesis and simulation results show the feasibility of the proposed scheme. Area results show the negligible overhead of the BIST in terms of area compared with the memory size, i.e., about 0.1 %. Timing results present the maximum size of blocks that can be tested within one slot of the accessing scheme by considering two different march algorithms. 9. Future Work Future work will include other testing approach which provides a direct testing command to the interrogator and a larger list of supported march algorithms. References [1] E. Welbourne, L. Battle, G. Cole, K. Gould, K. Rector, S. Raymer, M. Balazinska, and G. Borriello, “Building the internet of things using rfid: The rfid ecosystem experience,” Internet Computing, IEEE, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 48–55, may-june 2009. [2] EPC Global, EPC radio-frequency identity protocols Class1 Generation2 UHF RFID air interface Version 1.2.0, Oct. 2008. [3] J. McDonnell, J. Waters, H. Balinsky, R. Castle, F. Dickin, W. W. Loh, and K. Shepherd, “Memory spot: A labeling technology,” Pervasive Computing, IEEE, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 11–17, april-june 2010. [4] T. Cheng and L. Jin, “Analysis and simulation of rfid anti-collision algorithms,” in Advanced Communication Technology, The 9th International Conference on, vol. 1, 2007, pp. 697–701. [5] S. Hellebrand, H.-J. Wunderlich, and V. Yarmolik, “Symmetric transparent bist for rams,” Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, vol. 0, p. 702, 1999. Paper ID: 01091301 123