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Are Your CPG Brands
Maximizing the Return on
Your Digital Investment?
Research Shows Direct Correlation
between CPG Brand Website Usage
and In-Store Purchase Behavior
According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau,
         the Internet now attracts more advertising
         dollars than cable TV, newspapers or magazines.1
         This, coupled with the astounding growth
         in consumers’ use of social networks and
         the creation of user-generated content, has
         consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies
         scrambling to learn how best to engage and
         interact with consumers in this digital age.

         1. IAB Internet Advertising Revenue Report:
Page 1   2010 Full Year Results, April 2011
CPG manufacturers have invested millions           The Accenture/comScore/dunnhumbyUSA             “Finally some tangible
of dollars in their brand websites and social      research highlights the significant potential
media presence, yet they struggle to show          for brand websites to become key drivers
                                                                                                    observations pointing to a
how their brand websites are influencing           in building customer loyalty and preference      return on our members’ brand
brand purchases in stores.                         for CPG brands by creating unique online         digital spend…looking forward
To address this challenge, Accenture,              brand experiences (see Figure 1). The study
                                                   found that:                                      to the next phase that adds
comScore and dunnhumbyUSA collaborated
on a groundbreaking study to help CPG              •	Visitors	to	CPG	brand	websites	spend	37	       social media as well!”
executives better understand the link                percent more than non-visitors on the
between consumers’ usage of brand                    brand in retail stores.                        Patrick Walsh
websites and their brand purchases in              •	Brand	website	visitors	are	heavier	buyers	     Senior Vice President,
retail stores. (For more information on
the research methodology see “About the
                                                     within a brand’s product category,             Industry Relations,
                                                     spending 53 percent more than non-             Education and Research
Research.”) Specifically, the research was           visitors on the category in retail stores.
designed to accomplish three objectives:
•	Quantify	the	retail	sales	value	of	the	
                                                   The study also concluded that to maximize        Food Marketing Institute
                                                   impact, the most important website
  visitors to various brand websites.              features include compelling brand value
•	Identify	the	most	valuable	features	and	         messaging, frequent content updates,
  content that can be provided on CPG              and content that engages visitors such as
  brand websites.                                  promotions, philanthropic appeals, product
•	Provide	insights	and	opportunities	to	           demonstrations, surveys, and downloadable
  further explore online destinations where        applications and games.
  Internet marketers can best reach their          These findings are explored in greater detail
  brand buyers and prospects.                      below and include the implications for
                                                   CPG companies and retailers attempting
                                                   to maximize the return on their digital

Figure 1: Comparison of In-Store Performance Metrics for Website Visitors and
Non-Visitors (Indexed Such That Non-Visitors = 1.0*)

                                      Average                Minimum            Maximum            * Interpretation of Indexed Findings for
                                                                                                   Monthly Brand Spend:
Monthly Brand spending                      1.37               0.83                 2.05
                                                                                                   •	Average: Web visitors spent 37 percent
Category Spend                              1.53               0.79                 3.19             more than non-visitors on the brands in
                                                                                                     retail stores.
Brand Units                                 1.48               1.05                 2.00
                                                                                                   •	Minimum: For the bottom brand in the
Category Price Per Unit                     0.97               0.70                 1.59             study, web visitors spent 83 percent of
                                                                                                     what non-visitors spent on the brands
                                                                                                     in retail stores.

Source: Accenture/comScore/dunnhumbyUSA research, 2011                                             •	Maximum: For the top brand in the
                                                                                                     study, web visitors spent 105 percent
                                                                                                     more than non-visitors on the brands
                                                                                                     in retail stores.

                                                                                                                                         Page 2
About the Research                          brand, deliver services and generate         In contrast, “Brand J,” another food
                                            sales. The AWE includes a library of 350     brand, had only 100,000 monthly
The Accenture/comScore/                     leading global sites and evaluates 52        unique visitors to its website and
dunnhumbyUSA research study was             metrics across nine attribute categories     visitors spend on average only two
based on an integrated panel of one         (navigation, branding, engagement,           minutes per visit. However, this website
million U.S. Internet users who have        information, globalization, relationship     possessed 64 percent of the attributes,
given comScore explicit permission to       building, service, commerce and social).     including coupons and fresh content. Its
have their online activities continuously                                                brand buyer reach index was average
measured and matched to their in-           Utilizing the comScore-dunnhumbyUSA          among participants.
store brand buying behavior provided        database, the study examined ten
by dunnhumbyUSA. This integrated            individual food and beverage as well as      In comparing Food and Non-food
panel provided a single-source, privacy-    household product brands with annual         participants, Food Brands tended
protected data mart containing each         sales between $40 million and $3             to have a higher number of website
panelist’s online activities and their      billion and website unique visitors of       attributes. They also averaged a 1.5
in-store buying behavior.                   between 100,000 and 2.3 million per          more time spent by consumers visiting
                                            month. These brands also had at least a      their websites.
Leveraging comScore’s knowledge of          5 percent household buyer penetration
the digital user, dunnhumby’s shopper       as measured by dunnhumbyUSA shopper          The research was conducted with
understanding, and Accenture’s              data. The study covered the time period      the endorsement of the Grocery
experience in operating and maintaining     from September 2010 through February         Manufacturers Association (GMA) and
consumer packaged goods websites, the       2011. For confidentiality, individual        the Food Marketing Institute (FMI), and
study quantified the linkage between        brands’ results will not be disclosed but    the results presented at their joint board
CPG brand buying at retail stores           these brands represent a wide range of       meeting on January 29, 2012. A second
and digital behavior by comparing           website and buyer behaviors.                 study is planned for 2012 and a research
the in-store purchase behavior of                                                        solicitation inviting brands to participate
website visitors and non-visitors and       For example, “Brand A,” a food brand,        in the study will be released soon.
identifying the common components           had a brand website that receives over
of successful CPG brand websites. For       two million unique visitors a month, plus
website performance scoring criteria,       these visitors are spending over eight
the Accenture Web Evaluator (AWE)           minutes on average engaging with the
was used. It provides a comprehensive       website during each visit. Not surprising,
assessment of how well companies use        this brand’s website possessed more
their websites to attract and retain        than 90 percent of the website attributes
customers, support and reinforce their      studied. Brand A also enjoyed the
                                            strongest brand buyer reach index.

Page 3
The In-Store Behaviors of Brand Website Visitors

To determine if consumers who                 •	CPG	brand	website	visitors	spend	more	on	 •	Surprisingly,	the	study	found	that	despite	
visited the brand website purchased             the brand in retail stores: Website visitors greater engagement with the brand
more in-store than non-visitors,                spend an average of $2.86 per household,     and the category, website visitors pay 8
                                                $0.72 more than non-visitors (see Figure     percent less per unit than non-visitors.
the study compared the in-store
                                                2) and on an indexed basis they purchase     Conventional wisdom would say that
purchase behavior of brand website              48 percent more units of the brand.          since they are more engaged with the
visitors with that of non-visitors                                                           brand, visitors would be more likely to
                                              •	Engagement	with	the	brand	does	not	
along four dimensions: How much                                                              pay a higher unit price than non-visitors.
                                                translate to exclusivity, as brand website
they spend on the brand and in the              visitors are also highly engaged in the      It is likely that these visitors were visiting
overall category, how many units                category and are more likely to be heavy     websites to download coupons, thus
they purchase of the brand and the              category buyers than non-visitors,           reducing their net price paid. In contrast,
category, how often they purchase               thus indicating upside potential for the     for two of the ten CPG brand web sites,
the brand and the category, and at              brand to further engage with their best      website visitors paid 2% more per unit
                                                customers. Compared with non-visitors,       than non-visitors. These two web sites
what price they purchase.
                                                brand website visitors spend 53 percent      had a web content strategy focused on
In comparing the purchasing habits of           more category dollars and purchase 58        “brand value messaging” rather than
visitors and non-visitors, the study found      percent more units in the category.          “coupon downloads”.
that CPG brand website visitors were
                                              •	Brand	website	visitors	have	more	
highly engaged, valuable customers and
                                                purchase occasions than non-visitors for
frequent purchasers of the brand. They
                                                both the brand and the category, making
spend more on the brand in retail stores,
purchase more units and have more brand
                                                35 percent more purchase trips for the       “Creating a better understanding
                                                brand and 39 percent more in the overall
purchase occasions than non-visitors. More
                                                category.                                     of the relationship between
                                                                                              a brand’s online presence
                                                                                              and real-world shopping is
Figure 2: Absolute Differences in In-Store Performance Metrics                                important, relevant and timely
                                                                                              to our membership and their
                                        Visitors           Non-Visitors                       future growth potential.”
In-Store Performance Metric             (Average)          (Average)          Difference
                                                                                               Denny Belcastro
Monthly Brand Dollars                   $2.86               $2.14               $0.72          Executive Vice President, Industry
Monthly Category Dollars                $6.86               $4.83               $2.03
                                                                                               Affairs and Collaboration
                                                                                               Grocery Manufacturers
Numbers of Brand Buying                      3.2               2.3                0.90
Occasions in Six Month Period

Source: Accenture/comScore/dunnhumbyUSA research, 2011

                                                                                                                                    Page 4
The Relationship between                   •	 Younger	brand	buyers	may	be	
                                                       engaging with the brand elsewhere
         Age and Brand Website                         online, such as on social networks.
         Visitation                                 •	 There	is	the	opportunity	to	drive	
         This research study compared brand            additional brand website traffic by
         website visitors against the general          offering features that cater to the
         Internet population and brand buyers          younger audience segment.
         against the average shopper across
                                                    Analysis of other key demographic
         several demographic dimensions.
                                                    metrics, such as household size and
         Visitors to the brand websites tended to
                                                    income, did not reveal any consistent
         be older than the average buyer of the
         brand. This suggests:

Page 5
The Online Behaviors of CPG Brand Buyers

A second goal of this study was to             A fourth metric was also created that           •	Brand	Buyers	were	also	very	active	
glean insight into the online behavior         incorporated both Reach and Pages as a            in content-rich categories such as
of consumers who buy CPG brands                measure of engagement. This metric (which         News, Portals, and Weather; they were
                                               was dubbed the “Intensity Index”) was             particularly attracted to AOL, MSN,
in retail stores (whom we call “Brand
                                               calculated for each Brand Buyer segment           Weather Channel, WebMD, Gannett, and
Buyers”): What types of websites do            by multiplying the reach of each website          Demand Media sites.
Brand Buyers visit and how much                (or site category) by the number of pages       •	Somewhat	unexpectedly,	the	Politics	site	
time do they spend there? And,                 consumed on that site (or site category)          category was of great interest to Brand
based on this behavior, what can be            and then dividing by the same metric for          Buyers, with these consumers spending
said about their lifestyles, interests         the average Internet user. This Intensity         over two times more time (minutes
and passions? (For more on visitor             Index was then the primary metric used for        per visitor) with this category than the
demographics see “The Relationship             describing the Brand Buyers’ web behavior         average Internet user.
between Age and Brand Website                  relative to the general web population, with
                                               the average Internet user defined as 100. If    •	Brand	Buyers	were	relatively	experienced	
Visitation.”)                                                                                    users of the web, with strong indices
                                               Brand Buyers scored over 100, they over-
                                               indexed, reflecting a greater orientation         exhibited across all metrics in Technology,
In order to address these questions, several
                                               than average to a particular site or site         Online Trading/Banking, and eCommerce
analyses were executed to identify how
                                               category. Conversely, if their index score        website categories.
Brand Buyers differed from the average
U.S. Internet user. Initially the research     was under 100, they were less oriented to       •	The	Coupon	category	over-indexed	on	
team examined differences between Brand        that site (or site category) than the average     Reach, but under-indexed on Time and
Buyers and the average U.S. Internet user      Internet user. Using this approach, several       Pages. On one hand, these results are
across three variables:                        key findings surfaced:                            in line with comScore data showing
                                               •	The	Beauty/Fashion/Style	website	               that consumers who search for coupon-
•	Website	reach	or	unique	visitors	per	
                                                 category exhibited by far the strongest         related terms on search engines are
  month (“Reach”).
                                                 Intensity Index among website categories.       more likely than the average Internet
•	Minutes	per	visitor	(“Time”).
                                                                                                 user to visit CPG Brand websites. It also
•	Number	of	pages	viewed	per	visitor	          •	Brand	Buyers	tended	to	tap	the	                 dovetails with the finding that, “coupons”
  (“Pages”).                                     communication and networking capabilities       or coupon-related searches were
                                                 of the Internet more than the general web       consistently in the top 10 referring search
                                                 population, over-indexing in Intensity,         terms for the 10 brand websites analyzed
                                                 Pages and Time within the eCards, and           in this study (even though only 5 offered
                                                 Community website categories.                   coupons). This leads us to believe that
                                               •	Family/Parenting	Community	sites	were	          the deal-seeking segment is “fleet of
                                                 particularly strong. And, not surprisingly,     click” and they tend to quickly depart a
                                                 Brand Buyers in particular over-indexed         property when no coupons or relevant
                                                 in number of Pages consumed in the              coupons can be found.
                                                 Food Community category (such as recipe
                                                 sharing sites).

                                                                                                                                     Page 6
Compelling Features of Successful Brand Websites

The ability to quantify the              The length of time that visitors spend on a     The analysis of brand buying offers several
relationship between digital             brand’s website was the key determinant         lessons relative to the most important
marketing expenditures and in-store      of their likelihood to purchase that brand      website attributes that drive in-store sales.
                                         in the store. In other words, as time on the    Overall, four website attributes correlated
sales is of paramount importance
                                         brand website increases, brand purchasing       most closely with a higher brand purchase
within the CPG industry. To maximize     in the store increases. The presence of a       index (greater brand spending in-store for
the return from their digital            social cause on the brand site also increases   website visitors than non-visitors):
investment, CPG companies must           the likelihood of in-store brand purchase.      •	A	compelling	brand	value	message	that	
understand the features, functions       Furthermore, content scroll—whether a user        provides a persuasive reason, other than
and content that are most valuable       has to scroll down the page (a proxy for          a coupon, for a website visitor to buy the
in driving brand website visitors to     amount of content)—contributes to in-store        brand.
have a deeper engagement with the        purchase.
                                                                                         •	Fresh	content	updated	at	least	weekly	
brand and to increase their in-store     Given the strong correlation between time         to encourage visitors to engage and
purchasing. Therefore, this study        spent on the site and in-store purchases,         participate and return frequently.
analyzed the attributes of brand         the research team examined the factors
                                         that influence whether visitors spent           •	Content	that	creates	an	engaging	online	
websites that are associated with                                                          experience such as a pulse survey on
                                         more time on the site. The most important
a higher likelihood that visitors will                                                     the home page, or an opportunity to
                                         attribute is fresh content that is updated
visit the site, will spend more time     frequently—for example, content relevant          rate a new product or product attribute,
on the site, and will buy the brand in   for the season or new daily recipes. The          or user generated content like recipes
retail stores.                           presence of brand value messaging (reasons        or weight-loss planning. Content
                                         to buy the brand) also increases the time         with a philanthropic appeal such as
                                         spent on the site. Value-added tools such         sustainability or participation in a food
                                         as product ratings, user generated content,       bank also was shown to create greater
                                         recipes and other tools increases time            engagement.
                                         spent on the site. Finally, the presence of     •	Well	designed	site	navigation	that	is	
                                         a click-to-buy feature (such as helping           intuitive, uses simple menus and has clear
                                         facilitate the purchase of hard to find SKUs)     site maps.
                                         increases length of stay as well.

Page 7
The Untapped Potential of Compelling
Brand Websites
A review of the best brand sites                 While this research highlights the            The study also demonstrates that some
among the research base offers                   significant potential of brand websites       CPG companies are missing revenue
dramatic evidence that a compelling              as drivers for building engagement and        opportunities and may be losing market
                                                 preference for CPG brands, most CPG           share due to underinvestment in the digital
online brand experience is enabling
                                                 companies are missing the opportunity to      channel. Online CPG brand experience
a few companies to be extremely                  influence brand engagement and brand          influences between 1 percent to as much as
effective in generating incremental              buying behavior on their brand websites       35 percent of a brand’s total USA in-store
and profitable sales in the store.               simply because not enough consumers visit     sales, highlighting a direct correlation
Analysis shows that consumers                    their site (see Figure 3.) For example, 64    between CPG brand web sites visitation and
visiting the best of the ten CPG                 percent of the top 25 CPG brands (defined     in-store purchase behavior. We hope these
brand websites evaluated in the                  by household buyer penetration) average       insights will help CPG brand managers
research study, spent over 200                   less than 100,000 unique visitors to their    benchmark performance of their website,
percent more on the brand than                   brand website per month (this compares        quantify the in-store sales potential of
                                                 to more than 300,000 for two of the top       investments in brand websites and other
non-visitors. Moreover, the research
                                                 brands). To the extent that this study        digital marketing activities, and further
shows that the price paid per unit               quantifies the potential of websites to       capitalize on the full potential of the digital
of the brand at the best of the ten              influence brand engagement and in-store       channel.
CPG brand websites was two percent               purchase, CPG company efforts to increase
more than for non-visitors in brand.             traffic to the brand website offer tangible
                                                 return on investment.

Figure 3: Average Monthly Visitors to Top 25 CPG Brand Websites

Websites of 25 Largest CPG Brands
(Defined by Buyer Penetration)



% of


             Under 100             100-199                 200-299               300 +
                               Number of Monthly Unique Visitors (000)

Source: © 2011 comSource. All rights reserved.

                                                                                                                                       Page 8
About Accenture                                 About comScore                                About dunnhumbyUSA
Accenture is a global management                comScore,	Inc.	(NASDAQ:	SCOR)	is	a	global	    dunnhumby is the leader in personalizing
consulting, technology services and             leader in measuring the digital world         the world’s experience of retailers and
outsourcing company, with more than             and preferred source of digital business      brands. Analyzing data from over 350
244,000 people serving clients in more          analytics. comScore provides syndicated       million people in 28 countries, we help
than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled      and custom solutions in online audience       companies put customers at the center
experience, comprehensive capabilities          measurement, e-commerce, advertising,         of every decision. We use our insight
across all industries and business functions,   search, video and mobile. The company         to improve customers’ experience of
and extensive research on the world’s           also offers an extensive portfolio of         stores and communications to earn their
most successful companies, Accenture            services for multi-media copy testing         lifetime loyalty. Our work with some of the
collaborates with clients to help them          and tracking, digital media planning and      world’s biggest retailers and brands has
become high-performance businesses and          analysis, campaign delivery verification,     demonstrated that companies which deliver
governments. The company generated net          and advertising effectiveness measurement.    value to customers through personalization
revenues of US$25.5 billion for the fiscal      Advertising agencies, publishers, marketers   become and stay their customers’ first
year ended Aug. 31, 2011. Its home page is      and financial analysts turn to comScore       choice. This strategic approach to putting                              for the industry-leading solutions needed     the customer first in business improves
                                                to craft successful digital, marketing,       our clients’ like-for-like sales and profit
                                                sales, product development and trading        margins – or, put simply, their brand
                                                strategies. For more information, please      value. dunnhumbyUSA is a joint venture of
                                                visit                The Kroger Company and London-based
                                                                                              dunnhumby. Employing more than 1,900
                                                                                              people in 30 offices in Europe, Asia and the
                                                                                              Americas, dunnhumby serves a prestigious
                                                                                              list of companies including The Kroger Co.,
                                                                                              Tesco, Coca-Cola, General Mills, Kimberly-
                                                                                              Clark, Macy’s, Panera Bread Company,
                                                                                              PepsiCo and Procter & Gamble. dunnhumby
                                                                                              also includes the word of mouth marketing
                                                                                              experts BzzAgent and price optimization
                                                                                              company KSS Retail. For more information,

Page 9
Contact Us
For further information, please contact:
Jerry Lohse
561 704 9443

Mike Gorshe
630 461 1745

John LaRocca
513 632 0613

Mike Zeman
312 775 6630

                                           Page 10
Copyright © 2012 Accenture,
comScore, dunnhumbyUSA
All rights reserved.

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  • 1. Are Your CPG Brands Maximizing the Return on Your Digital Investment? Research Shows Direct Correlation between CPG Brand Website Usage and In-Store Purchase Behavior
  • 2. According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau, the Internet now attracts more advertising dollars than cable TV, newspapers or magazines.1 This, coupled with the astounding growth in consumers’ use of social networks and the creation of user-generated content, has consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies scrambling to learn how best to engage and interact with consumers in this digital age. 1. IAB Internet Advertising Revenue Report: Page 1 2010 Full Year Results, April 2011
  • 3. CPG manufacturers have invested millions The Accenture/comScore/dunnhumbyUSA “Finally some tangible of dollars in their brand websites and social research highlights the significant potential media presence, yet they struggle to show for brand websites to become key drivers observations pointing to a how their brand websites are influencing in building customer loyalty and preference return on our members’ brand brand purchases in stores. for CPG brands by creating unique online digital spend…looking forward To address this challenge, Accenture, brand experiences (see Figure 1). The study found that: to the next phase that adds comScore and dunnhumbyUSA collaborated on a groundbreaking study to help CPG • Visitors to CPG brand websites spend 37 social media as well!” executives better understand the link percent more than non-visitors on the between consumers’ usage of brand brand in retail stores. Patrick Walsh websites and their brand purchases in • Brand website visitors are heavier buyers Senior Vice President, retail stores. (For more information on the research methodology see “About the within a brand’s product category, Industry Relations, spending 53 percent more than non- Education and Research Research.”) Specifically, the research was visitors on the category in retail stores. designed to accomplish three objectives: • Quantify the retail sales value of the The study also concluded that to maximize Food Marketing Institute impact, the most important website visitors to various brand websites. features include compelling brand value • Identify the most valuable features and messaging, frequent content updates, content that can be provided on CPG and content that engages visitors such as brand websites. promotions, philanthropic appeals, product • Provide insights and opportunities to demonstrations, surveys, and downloadable further explore online destinations where applications and games. Internet marketers can best reach their These findings are explored in greater detail brand buyers and prospects. below and include the implications for CPG companies and retailers attempting to maximize the return on their digital investments. Figure 1: Comparison of In-Store Performance Metrics for Website Visitors and Non-Visitors (Indexed Such That Non-Visitors = 1.0*) Average Minimum Maximum * Interpretation of Indexed Findings for Monthly Brand Spend: Monthly Brand spending 1.37 0.83 2.05 • Average: Web visitors spent 37 percent Category Spend 1.53 0.79 3.19 more than non-visitors on the brands in retail stores. Brand Units 1.48 1.05 2.00 • Minimum: For the bottom brand in the Category Price Per Unit 0.97 0.70 1.59 study, web visitors spent 83 percent of what non-visitors spent on the brands in retail stores. Source: Accenture/comScore/dunnhumbyUSA research, 2011 • Maximum: For the top brand in the study, web visitors spent 105 percent more than non-visitors on the brands in retail stores. Page 2
  • 4. About the Research brand, deliver services and generate In contrast, “Brand J,” another food sales. The AWE includes a library of 350 brand, had only 100,000 monthly The Accenture/comScore/ leading global sites and evaluates 52 unique visitors to its website and dunnhumbyUSA research study was metrics across nine attribute categories visitors spend on average only two based on an integrated panel of one (navigation, branding, engagement, minutes per visit. However, this website million U.S. Internet users who have information, globalization, relationship possessed 64 percent of the attributes, given comScore explicit permission to building, service, commerce and social). including coupons and fresh content. Its have their online activities continuously brand buyer reach index was average measured and matched to their in- Utilizing the comScore-dunnhumbyUSA among participants. store brand buying behavior provided database, the study examined ten by dunnhumbyUSA. This integrated individual food and beverage as well as In comparing Food and Non-food panel provided a single-source, privacy- household product brands with annual participants, Food Brands tended protected data mart containing each sales between $40 million and $3 to have a higher number of website panelist’s online activities and their billion and website unique visitors of attributes. They also averaged a 1.5 in-store buying behavior. between 100,000 and 2.3 million per more time spent by consumers visiting month. These brands also had at least a their websites. Leveraging comScore’s knowledge of 5 percent household buyer penetration the digital user, dunnhumby’s shopper as measured by dunnhumbyUSA shopper The research was conducted with understanding, and Accenture’s data. The study covered the time period the endorsement of the Grocery experience in operating and maintaining from September 2010 through February Manufacturers Association (GMA) and consumer packaged goods websites, the 2011. For confidentiality, individual the Food Marketing Institute (FMI), and study quantified the linkage between brands’ results will not be disclosed but the results presented at their joint board CPG brand buying at retail stores these brands represent a wide range of meeting on January 29, 2012. A second and digital behavior by comparing website and buyer behaviors. study is planned for 2012 and a research the in-store purchase behavior of solicitation inviting brands to participate website visitors and non-visitors and For example, “Brand A,” a food brand, in the study will be released soon. identifying the common components had a brand website that receives over of successful CPG brand websites. For two million unique visitors a month, plus website performance scoring criteria, these visitors are spending over eight the Accenture Web Evaluator (AWE) minutes on average engaging with the was used. It provides a comprehensive website during each visit. Not surprising, assessment of how well companies use this brand’s website possessed more their websites to attract and retain than 90 percent of the website attributes customers, support and reinforce their studied. Brand A also enjoyed the strongest brand buyer reach index. Page 3
  • 5. The In-Store Behaviors of Brand Website Visitors To determine if consumers who • CPG brand website visitors spend more on • Surprisingly, the study found that despite visited the brand website purchased the brand in retail stores: Website visitors greater engagement with the brand more in-store than non-visitors, spend an average of $2.86 per household, and the category, website visitors pay 8 $0.72 more than non-visitors (see Figure percent less per unit than non-visitors. the study compared the in-store 2) and on an indexed basis they purchase Conventional wisdom would say that purchase behavior of brand website 48 percent more units of the brand. since they are more engaged with the visitors with that of non-visitors brand, visitors would be more likely to • Engagement with the brand does not along four dimensions: How much pay a higher unit price than non-visitors. translate to exclusivity, as brand website they spend on the brand and in the visitors are also highly engaged in the It is likely that these visitors were visiting overall category, how many units category and are more likely to be heavy websites to download coupons, thus they purchase of the brand and the category buyers than non-visitors, reducing their net price paid. In contrast, category, how often they purchase thus indicating upside potential for the for two of the ten CPG brand web sites, the brand and the category, and at brand to further engage with their best website visitors paid 2% more per unit customers. Compared with non-visitors, than non-visitors. These two web sites what price they purchase. brand website visitors spend 53 percent had a web content strategy focused on In comparing the purchasing habits of more category dollars and purchase 58 “brand value messaging” rather than visitors and non-visitors, the study found percent more units in the category. “coupon downloads”. that CPG brand website visitors were • Brand website visitors have more highly engaged, valuable customers and purchase occasions than non-visitors for frequent purchasers of the brand. They both the brand and the category, making spend more on the brand in retail stores, purchase more units and have more brand 35 percent more purchase trips for the “Creating a better understanding brand and 39 percent more in the overall purchase occasions than non-visitors. More category. of the relationship between specifically: a brand’s online presence and real-world shopping is Figure 2: Absolute Differences in In-Store Performance Metrics important, relevant and timely to our membership and their Website Visitors Non-Visitors future growth potential.” In-Store Performance Metric (Average) (Average) Difference Denny Belcastro Monthly Brand Dollars $2.86 $2.14 $0.72 Executive Vice President, Industry Monthly Category Dollars $6.86 $4.83 $2.03 Affairs and Collaboration Grocery Manufacturers Numbers of Brand Buying 3.2 2.3 0.90 Association Occasions in Six Month Period Source: Accenture/comScore/dunnhumbyUSA research, 2011 Page 4
  • 6. The Relationship between • Younger brand buyers may be engaging with the brand elsewhere Age and Brand Website online, such as on social networks. Visitation • There is the opportunity to drive This research study compared brand additional brand website traffic by website visitors against the general offering features that cater to the Internet population and brand buyers younger audience segment. against the average shopper across Analysis of other key demographic several demographic dimensions. metrics, such as household size and Visitors to the brand websites tended to income, did not reveal any consistent be older than the average buyer of the relationships. brand. This suggests: Page 5
  • 7. The Online Behaviors of CPG Brand Buyers A second goal of this study was to A fourth metric was also created that • Brand Buyers were also very active glean insight into the online behavior incorporated both Reach and Pages as a in content-rich categories such as of consumers who buy CPG brands measure of engagement. This metric (which News, Portals, and Weather; they were was dubbed the “Intensity Index”) was particularly attracted to AOL, MSN, in retail stores (whom we call “Brand calculated for each Brand Buyer segment Weather Channel, WebMD, Gannett, and Buyers”): What types of websites do by multiplying the reach of each website Demand Media sites. Brand Buyers visit and how much (or site category) by the number of pages • Somewhat unexpectedly, the Politics site time do they spend there? And, consumed on that site (or site category) category was of great interest to Brand based on this behavior, what can be and then dividing by the same metric for Buyers, with these consumers spending said about their lifestyles, interests the average Internet user. This Intensity over two times more time (minutes and passions? (For more on visitor Index was then the primary metric used for per visitor) with this category than the demographics see “The Relationship describing the Brand Buyers’ web behavior average Internet user. between Age and Brand Website relative to the general web population, with the average Internet user defined as 100. If • Brand Buyers were relatively experienced Visitation.”) users of the web, with strong indices Brand Buyers scored over 100, they over- indexed, reflecting a greater orientation exhibited across all metrics in Technology, In order to address these questions, several than average to a particular site or site Online Trading/Banking, and eCommerce analyses were executed to identify how category. Conversely, if their index score website categories. Brand Buyers differed from the average U.S. Internet user. Initially the research was under 100, they were less oriented to • The Coupon category over-indexed on team examined differences between Brand that site (or site category) than the average Reach, but under-indexed on Time and Buyers and the average U.S. Internet user Internet user. Using this approach, several Pages. On one hand, these results are across three variables: key findings surfaced: in line with comScore data showing • The Beauty/Fashion/Style website that consumers who search for coupon- • Website reach or unique visitors per category exhibited by far the strongest related terms on search engines are month (“Reach”). Intensity Index among website categories. more likely than the average Internet • Minutes per visitor (“Time”). user to visit CPG Brand websites. It also • Number of pages viewed per visitor • Brand Buyers tended to tap the dovetails with the finding that, “coupons” (“Pages”). communication and networking capabilities or coupon-related searches were of the Internet more than the general web consistently in the top 10 referring search population, over-indexing in Intensity, terms for the 10 brand websites analyzed Pages and Time within the eCards, and in this study (even though only 5 offered Community website categories. coupons). This leads us to believe that • Family/Parenting Community sites were the deal-seeking segment is “fleet of particularly strong. And, not surprisingly, click” and they tend to quickly depart a Brand Buyers in particular over-indexed property when no coupons or relevant in number of Pages consumed in the coupons can be found. Food Community category (such as recipe sharing sites). Page 6
  • 8. Compelling Features of Successful Brand Websites The ability to quantify the The length of time that visitors spend on a The analysis of brand buying offers several relationship between digital brand’s website was the key determinant lessons relative to the most important marketing expenditures and in-store of their likelihood to purchase that brand website attributes that drive in-store sales. in the store. In other words, as time on the Overall, four website attributes correlated sales is of paramount importance brand website increases, brand purchasing most closely with a higher brand purchase within the CPG industry. To maximize in the store increases. The presence of a index (greater brand spending in-store for the return from their digital social cause on the brand site also increases website visitors than non-visitors): investment, CPG companies must the likelihood of in-store brand purchase. • A compelling brand value message that understand the features, functions Furthermore, content scroll—whether a user provides a persuasive reason, other than and content that are most valuable has to scroll down the page (a proxy for a coupon, for a website visitor to buy the in driving brand website visitors to amount of content)—contributes to in-store brand. have a deeper engagement with the purchase. • Fresh content updated at least weekly brand and to increase their in-store Given the strong correlation between time to encourage visitors to engage and purchasing. Therefore, this study spent on the site and in-store purchases, participate and return frequently. analyzed the attributes of brand the research team examined the factors that influence whether visitors spent • Content that creates an engaging online websites that are associated with experience such as a pulse survey on more time on the site. The most important a higher likelihood that visitors will the home page, or an opportunity to attribute is fresh content that is updated visit the site, will spend more time frequently—for example, content relevant rate a new product or product attribute, on the site, and will buy the brand in for the season or new daily recipes. The or user generated content like recipes retail stores. presence of brand value messaging (reasons or weight-loss planning. Content to buy the brand) also increases the time with a philanthropic appeal such as spent on the site. Value-added tools such sustainability or participation in a food as product ratings, user generated content, bank also was shown to create greater recipes and other tools increases time engagement. spent on the site. Finally, the presence of • Well designed site navigation that is a click-to-buy feature (such as helping intuitive, uses simple menus and has clear facilitate the purchase of hard to find SKUs) site maps. increases length of stay as well. Page 7
  • 9. The Untapped Potential of Compelling Brand Websites A review of the best brand sites While this research highlights the The study also demonstrates that some among the research base offers significant potential of brand websites CPG companies are missing revenue dramatic evidence that a compelling as drivers for building engagement and opportunities and may be losing market preference for CPG brands, most CPG share due to underinvestment in the digital online brand experience is enabling companies are missing the opportunity to channel. Online CPG brand experience a few companies to be extremely influence brand engagement and brand influences between 1 percent to as much as effective in generating incremental buying behavior on their brand websites 35 percent of a brand’s total USA in-store and profitable sales in the store. simply because not enough consumers visit sales, highlighting a direct correlation Analysis shows that consumers their site (see Figure 3.) For example, 64 between CPG brand web sites visitation and visiting the best of the ten CPG percent of the top 25 CPG brands (defined in-store purchase behavior. We hope these brand websites evaluated in the by household buyer penetration) average insights will help CPG brand managers research study, spent over 200 less than 100,000 unique visitors to their benchmark performance of their website, percent more on the brand than brand website per month (this compares quantify the in-store sales potential of to more than 300,000 for two of the top investments in brand websites and other non-visitors. Moreover, the research brands). To the extent that this study digital marketing activities, and further shows that the price paid per unit quantifies the potential of websites to capitalize on the full potential of the digital of the brand at the best of the ten influence brand engagement and in-store channel. CPG brand websites was two percent purchase, CPG company efforts to increase more than for non-visitors in brand. traffic to the brand website offer tangible return on investment. Figure 3: Average Monthly Visitors to Top 25 CPG Brand Websites Websites of 25 Largest CPG Brands (Defined by Buyer Penetration) 100% 64% % of Brands 24% 8% 4% 0% Under 100 100-199 200-299 300 + Number of Monthly Unique Visitors (000) Source: © 2011 comSource. All rights reserved. Page 8
  • 10. About Accenture About comScore About dunnhumbyUSA Accenture is a global management comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR) is a global dunnhumby is the leader in personalizing consulting, technology services and leader in measuring the digital world the world’s experience of retailers and outsourcing company, with more than and preferred source of digital business brands. Analyzing data from over 350 244,000 people serving clients in more analytics. comScore provides syndicated million people in 28 countries, we help than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled and custom solutions in online audience companies put customers at the center experience, comprehensive capabilities measurement, e-commerce, advertising, of every decision. We use our insight across all industries and business functions, search, video and mobile. The company to improve customers’ experience of and extensive research on the world’s also offers an extensive portfolio of stores and communications to earn their most successful companies, Accenture services for multi-media copy testing lifetime loyalty. Our work with some of the collaborates with clients to help them and tracking, digital media planning and world’s biggest retailers and brands has become high-performance businesses and analysis, campaign delivery verification, demonstrated that companies which deliver governments. The company generated net and advertising effectiveness measurement. value to customers through personalization revenues of US$25.5 billion for the fiscal Advertising agencies, publishers, marketers become and stay their customers’ first year ended Aug. 31, 2011. Its home page is and financial analysts turn to comScore choice. This strategic approach to putting for the industry-leading solutions needed the customer first in business improves to craft successful digital, marketing, our clients’ like-for-like sales and profit sales, product development and trading margins – or, put simply, their brand strategies. For more information, please value. dunnhumbyUSA is a joint venture of visit The Kroger Company and London-based dunnhumby. Employing more than 1,900 people in 30 offices in Europe, Asia and the Americas, dunnhumby serves a prestigious list of companies including The Kroger Co., Tesco, Coca-Cola, General Mills, Kimberly- Clark, Macy’s, Panera Bread Company, PepsiCo and Procter & Gamble. dunnhumby also includes the word of mouth marketing experts BzzAgent and price optimization company KSS Retail. For more information, visit Page 9
  • 11. Contact Us For further information, please contact: Jerry Lohse Accenture 561 704 9443 Mike Gorshe Accenture 630 461 1745 John LaRocca dunnhumbyUSA 513 632 0613 Mike Zeman comScore 312 775 6630 Page 10
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