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28 February– 7 March 2015
Program 3
Verplichte Lessen voor de Nederlanders 4
Introduction 5
Blog instruction 6 t/m 9
Assignment: design the logo 10 t/m 12
Assignment: Create a motto 13 en 14
Assignment: Visit university Maastricht 15 en 16
Assignment: Design a Poster 17 t/m 21
Assignment: Picture Perfect 22 t/m 24
List of names 25
Phone numbers teachers 25
Za 20.00u B&D Arrival Basque students School
Zo All day B&D Day off in host family Home
Ma 08.30u - 09.10u B Tour in school B010
09.10u - 09.40u B&D Special Assignment ‘Our future abroad’ S8
09.40u - 10.20u B&D Special Assignment ‘Our future abroad’ S8/ E206
10.20u - 10.40u B&D Break
10.40u - 11.20u B Preparations cultural evening B114
11.20u - 12.00u B&D Special Assignment ‘Our future abroad’ E206
12.00u - 12.30u B&D Break
12.30u - 13.50u B Dutch lesson B009
Di 08.00u- 18.00u B&D Visit Maastricht and university
Wo 08.30u-09.15u B&D Special Assignment ‘Our future abroad’ E206
09.15u-10.00u B&D Special Assignment ‘Our future abroad’ E206
10.00u-10.45u B&D Special Assignment ‘Our future abroad’ E206
10.45u-11.05u B&D Break
11.05u-11.50u B&D Special Assignment ‘Our future abroad’ E206
11.50u-12.35u B Preparations cultural evening B114
12.35u-13.05u B&D Break
13.05u-15.35u B&D Sports (bring your sportswear) Gym
19.30u-22.00u B&D Cultural evening School
Do 08.30u-09.15u B Evaluation Basque students &teachers B215
09.15u-10.00u B Music Lesson E205
10.00u-10.45u B&D Presenting results ‘picture perfect’ B215
10.45u-11.05u B&D Break
11.05u-11.50u B Dutch games B114
11.50u-12.35u B&D Presenting resultaten ‘Our future abroad’ S8
12.35u-13.05u B&D Break
12.50h-15.35h B Visit Roermond: Bring your Bike!
Vr 08.00u-21.00u B&D Visit Amsterdam
Za 10.00u B&D Departure Basque students School
Bring with you every day:
- This programme
- Phone
- Cable (connect phone with computer)
- Paper and pen
Verplichte lessen voor de Nederlanders
Indien er geen gezamenlijk programma is, dienen de Nederlandse leerlingen de
lessen te volgen volgens het rooster.
Hieronder volgt een lijstje van de te volgen lessen:
Maandag 2-3: 1e lesuur
4e lesuur
6e lesuur
7e lesuur
8ste lesuur
Dinsdag 3-3: Geen lessen
Woensdag 4-3: 5e lesuur
Donderdag 5-3: 1e lesuur
2e lesuur
4e lesuur
6e lesuur
7e lesuur
8ste lesuur
Vrijdag 6-3: Geen lessen
Our future abroad?
The main topic of this exchange is: meeting peers of another country. Learning about
different cultures and traditions, learning about how life is in another country, how is life in
another school? It’s about working together and widening your view.
You will experience these things partially by traveling together, living in each other’s homes
and visiting each other’s schools.
But this exchange is also about our and your future: your future study, profession, your plans
and your future life. What do you want to do in your life, what are your ideals. And……how
can you reach these ideals??
As regards to this all we developed several assignments, all connected to the main topic of
our exchange project: Our future abroad?
For the next three years all the students in this project will do some research about studying
and working abroad.
You will make assignments about this subject. You’ll learn about your interests and the
possibilities in other countries.
The results of these assignments (posters, movies, pictures etc.) are being used in the end
of these three years and will be shown in an expo. This Expo will be held in the three
countries and visited by students, parents and everyone who is interested.
Lets do some research about studying abroad!
Instruction Blog
Visit site
If you want to visit the site go to:
You can read the posts and ask questions.
Post on the site
If you want to post materials on the blog or give a reaction
1. go to:
2. Fill in your username and password. You’ll see this sreen:
3. Than you go to posts
4. Click on ‘Add New’
5. Give your post a title, and write your post. You can add materials by uploading
a link, photographs etc.
6. Scroll down to categories and click in the box ‘results’ if your post is a result of
the special assignment. You can leave it open if you have another post.
7. If you’re ready you can click on the button ‘publish’
8. Now your post is on the site!
Make a selfie picture (you’re allowed to use photogrid) of you and your exchange
student. Be creative and use your imagination! Post this photo on the blog and
introduce yourselves by writing a short text.
Assignment: Design the logo
Every good project has a logo. In this assignment we are going to create a logo for our
exchange project ‘Our future abroad?’.
Logo design is all around us. Logos serve as an instant reminder of a company or a product.
It seems easy but it is a great challenge as a designer to incorporating several ideologies of
a project into one single graphic.
Nowadays there are millions of logo’s in the market, and with that comes the challenge of
being different. How do you create something original that stands out in a sea of identities?
And how do we create something quickly with quality?
5 principles of logo design:
What makes a good logo? A good logo is original functional and shows a clear message.
There are five principles that you should follow to ensure this:
An effective logo is:
- Simple
- Memorable
- Timeless
- Versatile
- Appropriate
Logo Examples
Some logos contain the name of the company; others contain an abbreviation or just a
symbol. In the next pictures you see some examples.
Now it’s your turn!
You are going to design a logo for our exchange project ‘Our future abroad?’. You work in a
group and you follow the next steps. If it say’s ‘draw’ or ‘design’ you can choose if you want
to draw on paper or if you would like to use the computer.
1. Search for some nice logo examples: use them as an inspiration.
2. Decide together what idea the logo should communicate. (for example: the
international aspect, the future, cooperation, fun, positivity etc.)
3. Draw 20 different ideas. Try logo’s with different colors, symbols and fonts.
4. Decide together which logo’s are the best and try to combine some of the better
options into one logo. Draw 4 improved logo’s more detailed.
5. We vote with the whole group which logo is the best of our country. We vote again
when we are together with the three countries. The best logo wins and will be used
on our blog.
Good Luck!
Assignment: Create a motto
The importance of a motto or slogan for a project cannot be overstated. Choosing the right
motto can give a brand or project instant recognition.
If you want to design a motto you should review some mottos or slogans of major
companies and consider what makes each memorable or catchy. It gives you inspiration and
you can use these mottos as models when making a motto or slogan for your own.
You are going to create a motto that supports the logo that has been chosen by the group.
The best motto will be used on the blog.
Use the following 5 tips to create a good motto or slogan.
1. Identification. A good slogan must stay consistent with the brand name either
obviously stated or strongly implied.
2. Memorable. Some of the best taglines or slogans are still being used today, even
though they were launched several years ago.
3. Beneficial. Reveal your purpose and benefits of the product/ project by sending a
message. Create a positive feeling.
4. Differentiation. You need to set yourself apart thru a creative and original motto or
5. Keep it simple. Use proven words and short keywords. One word is usually not
In the next pictures you find logo’s with their slogan. Perhaps you recognize some of them.
Use these examples as an inspiration.
It’s your turn!
You are going to create a motto for our exchange project ‘Our future abroad?’. You will be
working in a group and you follow the next steps.
1. Search for some interesting motto/slogan examples: use them as an inspiration.
2. Decide together what idea the slogan should communicate. (for example: the
international aspect, the future, cooperation, fun, positivity etc.). Keep in mind that
it should fit with the logo that has been chosen.
3. Write together 5 different ideas.
4. Share these 5 ideas with another group and decide together which mottoes/
slogans are the best and try to combine some of the better options into one
5. We vote with the whole group which motto/slogan is the best. This motto wins and
will be used together with the logo on our blog.
Good Luck!
Assignment: Visit University Maastricht
1. Preparatory assignment:
We are going to visit the University of Maastricht. You get a guided tour around the campus
and there you will interview a student. You make a presentation about this visit. The
presentation should contain:
- Pictures of the University
- a written report about your experiences
- the interview with the students
You work together in groups of 4
Assignment in steps:
6. Do some research about the University of Maastricht so you already have some
background information about the University. It makes it easier to interview the
7. Create a list of at least 20 questions you want to ask the student during the interview.
Make sure that you have a lot of questions. Keep the next things in mind:
a. Ask about their experiences in the Dutch school system
b. Ask about the choices they made
c. Ask them about the career plan
d. Ask about their studie: subjects, exams etc.
e. Ask about positive and negative experiences
f. Ask about student life in the city
g. Good questions are answered not only by yes or know. You have to make
sure that the student gives you lots of information
h. If you might think of other questions during the interview: feel free to ask them
8. Decide clearly what task each group member has. For example: someone does the
interview, somebody else records or films it, someone takes pictures, someone
makes notes during the tour etc.
2. Final assignment:
Now it’s time to work on the finishing University assignment. Again, you work together in
your group of 4. We will use the best results in the final exposition, so it has to be of high
What are you going to do??
During your visit you have collected a lot of material about the University of
Maastricht (photo, film, interviews, flyers etc.).
With this collected material you have to make a promotion film for the University. Of
course the film has to give a positive impression of the University, her facilities and
the city of Maastricht herself.
- This film is made in a group of 4 or 5 students (mixed Dutch/French and
- lasting 3 till 4 minutes
- based on a selfmade filmscript
- Promotion: this film has to give an answer to the following questions:
1. Why Maastricht University??
2. Why Maastricht – City??
- the films are judged by the teachers
- the best three films are chosen to be shown at the exposition at the end of the
- Humor and creativity will be extra rewarded
Lots of succes!!
Assignment: Design a poster
You are going to design a poster. You’ll work in groups of 4. The poster has to explain the
different school systems and make a comparison between them.
There are a few different types of posters. Your teacher will tell you which theme your group
has to make.
1. School system in the Basque Country
2. School system in the Netherlands
3. School system in France
4. Comparison school system in the Basque Country and the Netherlands
5. Comparison school system in the Basque Country and France
6. Comparison school system in France and the Netherlands
We use these posters in an exposition about Studying Abroad so the poster must be of a
high quality.
Make sure you keep the following tips in mind when you create your poster:
- A good poster has a clear design
- The posters should be easy to read
- A poster should contain a scheme, pictures and a title
- Don’t use too much text: keep it short
- Use color
- The poster should be attractive: it must be fun to look at
- Use the logos of the project
There are some examples in the last pages of this assignment.
Now it’s your turn!
9. Do some research about your theme.
10. Search for some nice poster examples: use them as an inspiration. Use the words
‘poster’ and ‘information’ together in your search on google. You’ll get better
11. Make 3 different sketches for your poster. Try different ways to present the
information. Decide together which one is the best.
12. Use Photoshop or Word to create a digital version of you poster.
Assignment: Picture Perfect
Photo assignment
You are a photographer today! You are going to make a unique portrait of the city
Maastricht. Every pair gets a different theme (see schedule on next page). This
theme has to be the inspiration for your photographs.
Select the 12 best photographs. Use the app photogrid to make 2 interesting grids.
Upload these in the Blog. You present them to the rest of the class on Thursday.
Tips and tricks:
 Be respectful. Always ask permission if you take a close-up picture of
someone else. Not everybody likes to be photographed.
 No selfies!!
 Zoom in and zoom out!
 Try to find different perspectives on the theme; in other words don’t
photograph the same thing over and over again. For example if you have
the theme “Love is in the air”, don’t take many photographs of hearts. Try to
be more creative.
 Take a lot of different pictures. In that way it will be easier to select 8 perfect
pictures afterwards
 Make sure that the pictures in your selection on Wednesday are as diverse
as possible.
This is an example of the
theme ‘religion in the city.’
Groups walking tour
route 1 route 2 route 3
Leire Dorronsoro Ane Galarza Anne Abaigar Goikoetxea
Merette Mertens Danée Donders Kyra El Atiki
Ioritz Zalakain Irantzu Zubeldia Aranburu Jon Luzuriaga lurramendi
Rowan Coomans Emme Cauven Cas van der Loo
Paul Garcia Ansorena Ane Becerill Iraola Oihane Atrola Nazabal
Bart Winkelmolen Manouk Verstappen Ankie Gijsbers
Amaia Arestin Bengoetxea Iker Navarro
Sterre Schlicher Thom Verstappen
Telmo Unzue Rodriguez Junkal Maria Blanco Leire Urretabizkaia Eraso
Merlijn van Emmerik Fraukje Geraedts Kirsten Verstappen
Julen Esnaola Maria Gonzalez Ainhoa Letamendi
Sil Stukstette Janna Driessens Myrthe Habets
Iker Garate Mirian Aizpurua Nerea Esnaola
Zora Hamers Lieke Corsten Jana Sijben
Groups photo assignment
Theme Team
Who’s Afraid of Red, Yellow and Blue?
(Colours of the city)
Leire Dorronsoro, Merette Mertens,
Ane Galarza & Danée Donders
Upside Down Ioritz Zalakain, Rowan Coomans,
Irantzu Zubeldia Aranburu &
Emme Cauven
It’s a dog’s life!
(What does Maastricht look like for a dog?)
Paul Garcia Ansorena &
Bart Winkelmolen
High higher highest Ane Becerill Iraola &
Manouk Verstappen
Love is in the air Anne Abaigar Goikoetxea,
Kyra El Atiki, Amaia Arestin
Bengoetxea & Sterre Schlicher
Old & New Jon Luzuriaga lurramendi &
Cas van der Loo
Freaky Fashion Telmo Unzue Rodriguez ,
Merlijn van Emmerik, Junkal Maria
Blanco & Fraukje Geraedts
Smells like Maastricht Maria Gonzalez, Janna Driessens,
Leire Urretabizkaia Eraso &
Kirsten Verstappen
Move it! (Movement in the city) Julen Esnaola, Sil Stukstette,
Ainhoa Letamendi & Myrthe Habets
Young & Happening in Maastricht Oihane Atrola Nazabal &
Ankie Gijsbers
Exotic Maastricht Iker Garate, Zora Hamers,
Nerea Esnaola & Jana Sijben
Art in the City Iker Navarro, Thom Verstappen,
Mirian Aizpurua & Lieke Corsten
List of names
Names and matches students:
Iker Navarro Thom Verstappen
Julen Esnaola Sil Stukstette
Jon Luzuriaga lurramendi Cas Loo van der
Ioritz Zalakain Rowan Coomans
Paul Garcia Ansorena Bart Winkelmolen
Maria Gonzalez Janna Driessens
Telmo Unzue Rodriguez Merlijn Emmerik van
Iker Garate Zora Hamers
Oihane Atrola Nazabal Ankie Gijsbers
Ane Becerill Iraola Manouk Verstappen
Leire Dorronsoro Merette Mertens
Anne Abaigar Goikoetxea Kyra El Atiki
Nerea Esnaola Jana Sijben
Ainhoa Letamendi Myrthe Habets
Mirian Aizpurua Lieke Corsten
Leire Urretabizkaia Eraso Kirsten Verstappen
Ane Galarza Danée Donders
Amaia Arestin Bengoetxea Sterre Schlicher
Junkal Maria Blanco Fraukje Geraedts
Irantzu Zubeldia Aranburu Emme Cauven
Telephone numbers teachers:
H. van der Heijde: 0031652133647
M. Voermans: 0031681146528

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Complete programme and assignments exchange

  • 2. 2 Index Program 3 Verplichte Lessen voor de Nederlanders 4 Introduction 5 Blog instruction 6 t/m 9 Assignment: design the logo 10 t/m 12 Assignment: Create a motto 13 en 14 Assignment: Visit university Maastricht 15 en 16 Assignment: Design a Poster 17 t/m 21 Assignment: Picture Perfect 22 t/m 24 List of names 25 Phone numbers teachers 25
  • 3. 3 Programme DAY TIME WHO ACTIVITY WHERE Za 20.00u B&D Arrival Basque students School Zo All day B&D Day off in host family Home Ma 08.30u - 09.10u B Tour in school B010 09.10u - 09.40u B&D Special Assignment ‘Our future abroad’ S8 09.40u - 10.20u B&D Special Assignment ‘Our future abroad’ S8/ E206 10.20u - 10.40u B&D Break 10.40u - 11.20u B Preparations cultural evening B114 11.20u - 12.00u B&D Special Assignment ‘Our future abroad’ E206 12.00u - 12.30u B&D Break 12.30u - 13.50u B Dutch lesson B009 Di 08.00u- 18.00u B&D Visit Maastricht and university Wo 08.30u-09.15u B&D Special Assignment ‘Our future abroad’ E206 09.15u-10.00u B&D Special Assignment ‘Our future abroad’ E206 10.00u-10.45u B&D Special Assignment ‘Our future abroad’ E206 10.45u-11.05u B&D Break 11.05u-11.50u B&D Special Assignment ‘Our future abroad’ E206 11.50u-12.35u B Preparations cultural evening B114 12.35u-13.05u B&D Break 13.05u-15.35u B&D Sports (bring your sportswear) Gym 19.30u-22.00u B&D Cultural evening School Do 08.30u-09.15u B Evaluation Basque students &teachers B215 09.15u-10.00u B Music Lesson E205 10.00u-10.45u B&D Presenting results ‘picture perfect’ B215 10.45u-11.05u B&D Break 11.05u-11.50u B Dutch games B114 11.50u-12.35u B&D Presenting resultaten ‘Our future abroad’ S8 12.35u-13.05u B&D Break 12.50h-15.35h B Visit Roermond: Bring your Bike! Vr 08.00u-21.00u B&D Visit Amsterdam Za 10.00u B&D Departure Basque students School Bring with you every day: - This programme - Phone - Cable (connect phone with computer) - Paper and pen
  • 4. 4 Verplichte lessen voor de Nederlanders Indien er geen gezamenlijk programma is, dienen de Nederlandse leerlingen de lessen te volgen volgens het rooster. Hieronder volgt een lijstje van de te volgen lessen: Maandag 2-3: 1e lesuur 4e lesuur 6e lesuur 7e lesuur 8ste lesuur Dinsdag 3-3: Geen lessen Woensdag 4-3: 5e lesuur Donderdag 5-3: 1e lesuur 2e lesuur 4e lesuur 6e lesuur 7e lesuur 8ste lesuur Vrijdag 6-3: Geen lessen
  • 5. 5 Introduction Our future abroad? The main topic of this exchange is: meeting peers of another country. Learning about different cultures and traditions, learning about how life is in another country, how is life in another school? It’s about working together and widening your view. You will experience these things partially by traveling together, living in each other’s homes and visiting each other’s schools. But this exchange is also about our and your future: your future study, profession, your plans and your future life. What do you want to do in your life, what are your ideals. And……how can you reach these ideals?? As regards to this all we developed several assignments, all connected to the main topic of our exchange project: Our future abroad? For the next three years all the students in this project will do some research about studying and working abroad. You will make assignments about this subject. You’ll learn about your interests and the possibilities in other countries. The results of these assignments (posters, movies, pictures etc.) are being used in the end of these three years and will be shown in an expo. This Expo will be held in the three countries and visited by students, parents and everyone who is interested. Lets do some research about studying abroad!
  • 6. 6 Instruction Blog Visit site If you want to visit the site go to: You can read the posts and ask questions. Post on the site If you want to post materials on the blog or give a reaction 1. go to:
  • 7. 7 2. Fill in your username and password. You’ll see this sreen: 3. Than you go to posts
  • 8. 8 4. Click on ‘Add New’ 5. Give your post a title, and write your post. You can add materials by uploading a link, photographs etc.
  • 9. 9 6. Scroll down to categories and click in the box ‘results’ if your post is a result of the special assignment. You can leave it open if you have another post. 7. If you’re ready you can click on the button ‘publish’ 8. Now your post is on the site! Assignment: Make a selfie picture (you’re allowed to use photogrid) of you and your exchange student. Be creative and use your imagination! Post this photo on the blog and introduce yourselves by writing a short text.
  • 10. 10 Assignment: Design the logo Introduction: Every good project has a logo. In this assignment we are going to create a logo for our exchange project ‘Our future abroad?’. Logo design is all around us. Logos serve as an instant reminder of a company or a product. It seems easy but it is a great challenge as a designer to incorporating several ideologies of a project into one single graphic. Nowadays there are millions of logo’s in the market, and with that comes the challenge of being different. How do you create something original that stands out in a sea of identities? And how do we create something quickly with quality? 5 principles of logo design: What makes a good logo? A good logo is original functional and shows a clear message. There are five principles that you should follow to ensure this: An effective logo is: - Simple - Memorable - Timeless - Versatile - Appropriate
  • 11. 11 Logo Examples Some logos contain the name of the company; others contain an abbreviation or just a symbol. In the next pictures you see some examples.
  • 12. 12 Now it’s your turn! You are going to design a logo for our exchange project ‘Our future abroad?’. You work in a group and you follow the next steps. If it say’s ‘draw’ or ‘design’ you can choose if you want to draw on paper or if you would like to use the computer. 1. Search for some nice logo examples: use them as an inspiration. 2. Decide together what idea the logo should communicate. (for example: the international aspect, the future, cooperation, fun, positivity etc.) 3. Draw 20 different ideas. Try logo’s with different colors, symbols and fonts. 4. Decide together which logo’s are the best and try to combine some of the better options into one logo. Draw 4 improved logo’s more detailed. 5. We vote with the whole group which logo is the best of our country. We vote again when we are together with the three countries. The best logo wins and will be used on our blog. Good Luck!
  • 13. 13 Assignment: Create a motto Introduction: The importance of a motto or slogan for a project cannot be overstated. Choosing the right motto can give a brand or project instant recognition. If you want to design a motto you should review some mottos or slogans of major companies and consider what makes each memorable or catchy. It gives you inspiration and you can use these mottos as models when making a motto or slogan for your own. You are going to create a motto that supports the logo that has been chosen by the group. The best motto will be used on the blog. Tips: Use the following 5 tips to create a good motto or slogan. 1. Identification. A good slogan must stay consistent with the brand name either obviously stated or strongly implied. 2. Memorable. Some of the best taglines or slogans are still being used today, even though they were launched several years ago. 3. Beneficial. Reveal your purpose and benefits of the product/ project by sending a message. Create a positive feeling. 4. Differentiation. You need to set yourself apart thru a creative and original motto or slogan. 5. Keep it simple. Use proven words and short keywords. One word is usually not enough. Inspiration: In the next pictures you find logo’s with their slogan. Perhaps you recognize some of them. Use these examples as an inspiration.
  • 14. 14 It’s your turn! You are going to create a motto for our exchange project ‘Our future abroad?’. You will be working in a group and you follow the next steps. 1. Search for some interesting motto/slogan examples: use them as an inspiration. 2. Decide together what idea the slogan should communicate. (for example: the international aspect, the future, cooperation, fun, positivity etc.). Keep in mind that it should fit with the logo that has been chosen. 3. Write together 5 different ideas. 4. Share these 5 ideas with another group and decide together which mottoes/ slogans are the best and try to combine some of the better options into one motto/slogan. 5. We vote with the whole group which motto/slogan is the best. This motto wins and will be used together with the logo on our blog. Good Luck!
  • 15. 15 Assignment: Visit University Maastricht 1. Preparatory assignment: Introduction: We are going to visit the University of Maastricht. You get a guided tour around the campus and there you will interview a student. You make a presentation about this visit. The presentation should contain: - Pictures of the University - a written report about your experiences - the interview with the students You work together in groups of 4 Assignment in steps: 6. Do some research about the University of Maastricht so you already have some background information about the University. It makes it easier to interview the student. 7. Create a list of at least 20 questions you want to ask the student during the interview. Make sure that you have a lot of questions. Keep the next things in mind: a. Ask about their experiences in the Dutch school system b. Ask about the choices they made c. Ask them about the career plan d. Ask about their studie: subjects, exams etc. e. Ask about positive and negative experiences f. Ask about student life in the city BEWARE!! g. Good questions are answered not only by yes or know. You have to make sure that the student gives you lots of information h. If you might think of other questions during the interview: feel free to ask them 8. Decide clearly what task each group member has. For example: someone does the interview, somebody else records or films it, someone takes pictures, someone makes notes during the tour etc.
  • 16. 16 2. Final assignment: Now it’s time to work on the finishing University assignment. Again, you work together in your group of 4. We will use the best results in the final exposition, so it has to be of high quality. What are you going to do?? During your visit you have collected a lot of material about the University of Maastricht (photo, film, interviews, flyers etc.). With this collected material you have to make a promotion film for the University. Of course the film has to give a positive impression of the University, her facilities and the city of Maastricht herself. Requirements: - This film is made in a group of 4 or 5 students (mixed Dutch/French and Dutch/Basque) - lasting 3 till 4 minutes - based on a selfmade filmscript Content: - Promotion: this film has to give an answer to the following questions: 1. Why Maastricht University?? 2. Why Maastricht – City?? Result: - the films are judged by the teachers - the best three films are chosen to be shown at the exposition at the end of the project. - Humor and creativity will be extra rewarded Lots of succes!!
  • 17. 17 Assignment: Design a poster Introduction: You are going to design a poster. You’ll work in groups of 4. The poster has to explain the different school systems and make a comparison between them. There are a few different types of posters. Your teacher will tell you which theme your group has to make. 1. School system in the Basque Country 2. School system in the Netherlands 3. School system in France 4. Comparison school system in the Basque Country and the Netherlands 5. Comparison school system in the Basque Country and France 6. Comparison school system in France and the Netherlands We use these posters in an exposition about Studying Abroad so the poster must be of a high quality. Tips: Make sure you keep the following tips in mind when you create your poster: - A good poster has a clear design - The posters should be easy to read - A poster should contain a scheme, pictures and a title - Don’t use too much text: keep it short - Use color - The poster should be attractive: it must be fun to look at - Use the logos of the project There are some examples in the last pages of this assignment. Now it’s your turn! 9. Do some research about your theme. 10. Search for some nice poster examples: use them as an inspiration. Use the words ‘poster’ and ‘information’ together in your search on google. You’ll get better examples 11. Make 3 different sketches for your poster. Try different ways to present the information. Decide together which one is the best. 12. Use Photoshop or Word to create a digital version of you poster.
  • 19. 19
  • 20. 20
  • 21. 21
  • 22. 22 Assignment: Picture Perfect Photo assignment You are a photographer today! You are going to make a unique portrait of the city Maastricht. Every pair gets a different theme (see schedule on next page). This theme has to be the inspiration for your photographs. Select the 12 best photographs. Use the app photogrid to make 2 interesting grids. Upload these in the Blog. You present them to the rest of the class on Thursday. Tips and tricks:  Be respectful. Always ask permission if you take a close-up picture of someone else. Not everybody likes to be photographed.  No selfies!!  Zoom in and zoom out!  Try to find different perspectives on the theme; in other words don’t photograph the same thing over and over again. For example if you have the theme “Love is in the air”, don’t take many photographs of hearts. Try to be more creative.  Take a lot of different pictures. In that way it will be easier to select 8 perfect pictures afterwards  Make sure that the pictures in your selection on Wednesday are as diverse as possible.
  • 23. 23 This is an example of the theme ‘religion in the city.’ Groups walking tour route 1 route 2 route 3 Leire Dorronsoro Ane Galarza Anne Abaigar Goikoetxea Merette Mertens Danée Donders Kyra El Atiki Ioritz Zalakain Irantzu Zubeldia Aranburu Jon Luzuriaga lurramendi Rowan Coomans Emme Cauven Cas van der Loo Paul Garcia Ansorena Ane Becerill Iraola Oihane Atrola Nazabal Bart Winkelmolen Manouk Verstappen Ankie Gijsbers Amaia Arestin Bengoetxea Iker Navarro Sterre Schlicher Thom Verstappen Telmo Unzue Rodriguez Junkal Maria Blanco Leire Urretabizkaia Eraso Merlijn van Emmerik Fraukje Geraedts Kirsten Verstappen Julen Esnaola Maria Gonzalez Ainhoa Letamendi Sil Stukstette Janna Driessens Myrthe Habets Iker Garate Mirian Aizpurua Nerea Esnaola
  • 24. 24 Zora Hamers Lieke Corsten Jana Sijben
  • 25. 25 Groups photo assignment Theme Team Who’s Afraid of Red, Yellow and Blue? (Colours of the city) Leire Dorronsoro, Merette Mertens, Ane Galarza & Danée Donders Upside Down Ioritz Zalakain, Rowan Coomans, Irantzu Zubeldia Aranburu & Emme Cauven It’s a dog’s life! (What does Maastricht look like for a dog?) Paul Garcia Ansorena & Bart Winkelmolen High higher highest Ane Becerill Iraola & Manouk Verstappen Love is in the air Anne Abaigar Goikoetxea, Kyra El Atiki, Amaia Arestin Bengoetxea & Sterre Schlicher Old & New Jon Luzuriaga lurramendi & Cas van der Loo Freaky Fashion Telmo Unzue Rodriguez , Merlijn van Emmerik, Junkal Maria Blanco & Fraukje Geraedts Smells like Maastricht Maria Gonzalez, Janna Driessens, Leire Urretabizkaia Eraso & Kirsten Verstappen Move it! (Movement in the city) Julen Esnaola, Sil Stukstette, Ainhoa Letamendi & Myrthe Habets Young & Happening in Maastricht Oihane Atrola Nazabal & Ankie Gijsbers Exotic Maastricht Iker Garate, Zora Hamers, Nerea Esnaola & Jana Sijben Art in the City Iker Navarro, Thom Verstappen, Mirian Aizpurua & Lieke Corsten
  • 26. 26 List of names Names and matches students: 1 Iker Navarro Thom Verstappen Julen Esnaola Sil Stukstette 2 Jon Luzuriaga lurramendi Cas Loo van der Ioritz Zalakain Rowan Coomans 3 Paul Garcia Ansorena Bart Winkelmolen Maria Gonzalez Janna Driessens 4 Telmo Unzue Rodriguez Merlijn Emmerik van Iker Garate Zora Hamers 5 Oihane Atrola Nazabal Ankie Gijsbers Ane Becerill Iraola Manouk Verstappen 6 Leire Dorronsoro Merette Mertens Anne Abaigar Goikoetxea Kyra El Atiki 7 Nerea Esnaola Jana Sijben Ainhoa Letamendi Myrthe Habets 8 Mirian Aizpurua Lieke Corsten Leire Urretabizkaia Eraso Kirsten Verstappen 9 Ane Galarza Danée Donders Amaia Arestin Bengoetxea Sterre Schlicher 10 Junkal Maria Blanco Fraukje Geraedts Irantzu Zubeldia Aranburu Emme Cauven Telephone numbers teachers: H. van der Heijde: 0031652133647 M. Voermans: 0031681146528