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Compile a four page report to answer the following five
questions. Any sources used, including your textbook, should be
cited appropriately. Upload as one word document.
1. In a report to your client, discuss the current status of
Chinese environmental programs: (air, rivers, groundwater,
wastewater, drinking water, soils, solid wastes, regulations, and
2. Your client is going to manufacture active pharmaceutical
ingredients for the generic pharmaceutical markets. Using the
15 research areas, discuss in your report what you would expect
the key changes to the Chinese environmental regulations to be
that the U.S. company can anticipate when entering into force in
the next five years. Project how this may impact Chinese
suppliers and the manufacturing operations of the U.S. company
that will be relocated to China.
3. Under research program number 13, it is clear that China
plans to develop programs and regulatory requirements that will
regulate the production and use of hazardous and toxic
chemicals in commerce. Up to now, China has traditionally
lagged behind other countries in the development of world class
environmental programs. They watch western countries (U.S.
and Europe) to learn from their experiences with the intent to
pick out program elements that work and can be adapted to
China. In your report, discuss what you see to be the benefits
and penalties to Chinese environmental programs for taking this
– where does this approach help them, where does this approach
hurt them?
4. The U.S. has an adversarial approach with industry to
managing and enforcing their environmental programs. The U.S.
uses a heavy hand when dealing with non-compliant industries
and they are experts in the use of permits and fines to drive
behavior and the structure of compliance programs of
manufacturing operations. The Chinese have an enforcement
division, but it is lightly used unless it aversely impacts
reputation or the brand of China itself. For example, during the
Olympics, some companies had to shut down their operations
for two months without government compensation. The air was
breathable, the haze was gone, and workers were not paid
during the shutdown. In your report, discuss for your client how
the Chinese enforcement strategy may impact his manufacturing
operations. Include a discussion on how workers at the site will
view EHS and the programs in place that are designed to protect
workers and the environment from harm.
5. In conclusion, based on your assessment here of
environmental factors, present in your report your
recommendation. Should the U.S. company relocate to China or
remain in the U.S.? State your top three reasons for making
your recommendation.
Course Text:
Kutz, M. (2009).
Environmentally conscious materials handling. Hoboken, NJ:
Amy Fjeld
Building Effective Teams
Instructor: Jamie Boyd
Phase 4 Individual Project
IT in Amazon
IT experts have significantly influenced the growth and
developed of organizations.
Amazon is one of the major firms that came up with the
knowledge and the global impact of technological advances
influenced by a team.
Over the years, most organizations globally have focused
on considerable attention on how IT can affect several
industrialized states. For the past few years after keen
consideration on IT revolution implications, the significance of
IT began to be appreciated because of its impact in the financial
system. Amazon is one of the major firms that came up with the
knowledge and the global impact of technological advances
influenced by a team.
key component of an effective workplace
Based on several impact of IT in most organizations, CIOs and
IT leaders have noted the efficiency of technology in
communications, finance, trade, diplomacy, and trade
information technology strategy outline is one of the major
factors that influences growth and development of an
organization. Based on several impact of IT in most
organizations, CIOs and IT leaders have noted the efficiency of
technology in communications, finance, trade, diplomacy, and
trade (Weill, & Ross, 2009).
There are several stakeholders in Amazon and they include
CIOs, CEOs, IT leaders, and C-level executive officers.
CEOs have a major role in the organization and their role is to
head every department within the organization.
There are several stakeholders in Amazon and they include
CIOs, CEOs, IT leaders, and C-level executive officers. Each
stakeholder has a role in the business process. For instance, the
role of CIO is to ensure that the IT activities with the
organization are well managed. CIOs have the ability in IT and
they ensure that activities that run the organization are well
managed. Conversely, CEOs role is confirm with the CIO that
the procurement procedures are active in order to ensure that
business procedures satisfy and meet the needs of the
organization (Hammer, 2004).
Interview method is appropriate for research.
It will facilitate the collection of data.
Interview method involves questions.
Stakeholders of the company include CEO, CIO, C-executive
In order to gather accurate data about the organization. It
is important to seek information from the stakeholders of the
company. The stakeholders of the company include CEO, CIO,
C-executive leaders. Interview method is the best approach that
can be used to collect data. Interview method is important
because it will facilitate the collection data.
The use of new IT in Amazon organization has recently
influenced effective changes in the procurement process.
Change in IT has influenced smoother and effective process
movement, effective allocation of information, devolution of
tasks and decisions.
The use of new IT in Amazon organization has recently
influenced effective changes in the procurement process. Today,
Amazon is one of the leading organizations in online business.
Change in Information Technology in Amazon has significantly
influenced success in several procurement strategies. Change in
IT has influenced smoother and effective process movement,
effective allocation of information, devolution of tasks and
decisions. Therefore, change in IT has developed procurement
procedures that are the center of warehouse, accounting, and
purchasing. There are several benefits of IT in the procurement
process in Amazon since it was implemented. For instance,
change in IT has currently made procurement processes to be
central in the business sector of Amazon (Fuller, Valacich,
George, 2008).
IT has brought significant improvements in Amazon
organization especially in its business operations.
IT change has influenced operational innovations which has
transformed the entire organization.
IT has brought significant improvements in Amazon
organization especially in its business operations. Unlike other
organizations, communications within the organization is
cheaper, more efficient and quicker because of improved
procurement process. Amazon is in a stable position to
communicate with people around the globe and transact its
business without any difficulty. IT change has influenced
operational innovations which has transformed the entire
organization. The impact of innovative IT on each stakeholder
within the organization has influenced change. IT leaders in
Amazon are in a position to operate the organization effectively
without any difficulty of allocating data in the business like
before. The impact of IT implementation on each stakeholder
has made a considerable impact in Amazon Company (Fry &
Polonsky, 2004).
Fry, M., & Polonsky, M. J. (2004). Examining the unintended
consequences of marketing. Journal of Business Research,
57(11), 1303-1306. doi: 10.1016/S0148-2963(03)00073-0
Fuller, M.A., Valacich, J. S., George, J.F. (2008). Information
Systems Project Management. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey:
Hammer, M. (2004). Deep change: How operational innovation
can transform your company. Harvard Business Review, 82(4),
Weill, P., & Ross, J. W. (2009). Allocating decision rights and
accountability: Elements of effective IT governance ITSavvy:
What Top Executives must Know to Go from Pain to Gain, , 1-
26. Retrieved from
Team Development
Amy Fjeld
Building Effective Teams
Instructor: Jamie Boyd
Tuckman’s team development model
The progression and features of each:
Stage 1 – Forming - Characterized by much uncertainty of the
roles and responsibilities.
Stage 2 – Storming – Characterized by intra-group conflicts.
Stage 3 – Norming – Characterized by cohesiveness and close
Stage 4 – Performing – The team is functional and starts the
tasks or project.
Formation of a team takes time and the members goes through
recognizable stages as they change from being strangers to a
group that works together harmoniously with common
objectives. Bruce Tuckman’s model describes these stages. The
stages of team development stages are Forming – at this stage
the group comes together, the members are unclear of what
work will the team do and exited about the task ahead. One
person takes the team leadership and he dominates at this stage
to engage the team members in identifying what they will
accomplish and how they will work together. The team members
get to know each other at this stage. Storming is the second
stage where the team encounters differences in opinion by the
members that occasionally lead to conflicts in the team. The
power struggle is experienced. Norming is the third stage
characterized by cohesion and agreement among the team
members who respond well to the team leader facilitation. The
team becomes united and committed to the roles and
responsibilities . Processes and working styles are developed.
Performing is the last stage of team development, the team
members understands clearly the roles and responsibilities. The
strategies to solve intergroup conflicts are established. The team
has high degree of autonomy and all the team members can
share leadership.
Leadership activities to prepare the team for working together
Determined by stage level of development
Forming – giving instructions and making objectives clear.
Storming – establishment of process structure and strategies to
problem solving.
Norming – let the team to self drive.
Performing – delegation of tasks and projects
At each stage of Tuckman’s Model the team is at different level
of development therefore as the team identifying the stage of
development of my team will be important since strategies and
activities to move the team to the next stage of development and
to prepare them team to start working together differ. Below are
the leadership activities at different stages of Tuckman’s model
Forming- being the team leader I will take charge of the team
giving instructions to the team and establishing clear objectives
for both the whole team and for individual members. At this
stage I will engage the team in setting of values, mission and
Storming – swift conflict solving to enable me build good
relationship and trust among the members. I prefer using Myers-
Briggs psychometric indicators to help the team members to
learn about work styles and strengths. Where necessary training
the members on conflict resolution skills. Ensure establishment
of processes and structures.
Norming –At this stage sitting back and giving the team a
chance to take responsibility for progress towards the goal will
be the option. A team building event can be organized
Performing- at this stage the team is ready take up the task and
projects and are certain of the goals, roles and responsibilities
of the team. Therefore, at these stage I can delegates tasks and
projects and let the team perform as I focus on other goals and
work area.
Training and development activities to build trust and
productivity in the team
Strategies to build trust in a team:
Open communication.
Discuss trust issues within the group.
Discourage cliques in the team.
Avoid shifting of blame when mistakes occur.
Encourage team members to know each other personally.
Set good examples as a leader.
Trust refers to the reliance in the ability, strength and character
of the team members in doing the right thing in the
achievement of the set goals. Trust is essential for an effective
team as it promotes collaboration, innovation, sense of safety
and productivity. Trust enhances sharing of knowledge among
the team members. The following strategies are effective in
creating culture of trust within the team and thus increase in
productivity of individual team members and as a group.
Open communication- this is essential in promoting existence of
trust among the team members. These involve encouraging
everyone on the team to talk with each other in an honest and
meaningful way. This can be achieved through creation of a
team charter defining the purpose of the team and individual
roles and organizing team-building exercise.
Discussing trust issues within the group- when a leader
identifies an issue of trust within the group it important to find
out how the problem cropped up so as to come up with
appropriate strategy to counter the problem. This can be done
by giving the team members a questionnaire to fill out
anonymously. Questions such the trust level in the team and
why they think there is lack of trust in the team asked. After
going through the questionnaire, the members of the team
brought together and discuss the issues together.
Discouraging cliques- this is will be done by starting an open
discussion where the team members can freely express
themselves about their opinion concerning to cliques cropping
in the team.
Avoid blame shifting-in the course of the team working together
mistakes occur and sometimes disappointing occurrences where
pointing of fingers starts. As the leader encouraging the team
members to take it positively and think about in constructive
manner as well as coming up with ways to fix the mistakes. this
boost the morale of the member and build trust among them and
ultimately increasing their productive.
Know each other personally- plan various activities that will get
the team members acquainted and form strong bonds for
example holding informal group discussions where members
suggest a topic to discuss and also sparing sometime when
members can interact with each other like lunch and break
hours. This creates situation that allow them share personal
stories with each other. This socialization after work will help
the workers know each other personally.
lead by example- team members always observe and take cues
from the leaders therefore show them that you trust them and
show them what trust in others really looks like.
Measuring whether trust exists within the team
Using model of trust by Mayer, David and Schoorman to assess
whether team trust exist.
Trust Indicators:
Formative Indicators – factors perceived trustworthiness e.g.
ability benevolence and integrity.
Relative Indicators – perceived risk and outcomes.
The trust model was developed with the aim to answer questions
such as why do people trust, why should a person trust another
and where does trust come from. The model will help in
evaluation of trust in a team as it outline what drives a member
of the team to trusting other members of the team.
The model of trust suggest three factors to determine
organizational trust; characteristic of trustor, characteristic of
trustee and perceived risk. The current level of trust in a team is
influenced by propensity of the trustor and trustworthiness
element the trustee possesses.
Characteristic of the trustor are presented as propensity to trust
that means some people are more trusting than others. On the
other hand the qualities of the trustee are presented as
trustworthiness. According to the model there are three
elements of trustworthiness. Ability which is trustee
competences, benevolence or the willingness to do good to the
trustor and integrity that is whether the trustee has set of values
to good behavior.
A given situation will have a specific amount of perceived risk
that test the current trust. greater the trust and lower the
perceived risk in the trust relationship the more likely that risk
taking will occur in the trust relationship. The results of taking
risk very from extremely positive to negative giving feedback to
the trustee and he increases or decreases his level of
How to measure the effectiveness of a new team
Factors used to measure team effectiveness include:
Cohesiveness – the intra relationship among members.
Communication – willingness to put into consideration every
member opinion.
Homogeneity – similarities and differences of team members.
Group Think – making decisions to suppress opposing view
point in order to preserve harmony in the group.
Team Stability – can be evaluated by measuring degree to which
members are interdependent with one another.
The following factors that determine team effectiveness can be
used to assess how effective a team is.
Cohesiveness- team cohesion influences the extent to which the
members relate with one another, trust and respect one
another’s abilities and opinions. This can be assessed through
observation when the team is working or when in a meeting, i.e.
looking at how a member address each other or respond to other
members opinion. Where team cohesiveness exist members are
committed and willing to achieve individual and team goals.
Communication- indicators of effective communication in a
team include willingness to put into consideration every
member opinion, mellow conversation tones, quick conflict
resolutions and efficient decision making process.
Group think- to determine the degree to which a team is
experiencing group think I consider evaluating whether the team
is exerting excessive amount of dominating features. Other
signs may include apathy towards team goals, results and
individual conformity. This phenomena results because
individuals in the team are overwhelmed by desires to be
accepted and minimizing conflicts in the group.
Homogeneity- these refers to the extent of similarity and
difference from one member to another. Though challenging to
determine the right balance between overly homogeneity and
overly heterogeneity I will consider similarities and differences
in members personal characteristic, skills, abilities, educational
and generational background as well as cultural background to
evaluate team members homogeneity. A team exhibiting high
homogeneity is likely to be cohesive and members effectively
communicate thus making the team more effective.
Team stability- its most significant in influencing team
performance. It can be evaluated by measuring degree to which
members are interdependent with one another which goes hand
on with trust.
Work cited
Costa, A. C. (2003). Work team trust and effectiveness. Human
Resource and Organizational Behavior , 605-622.
Francis, T. &. (2013). Team Development. Work and
Organizational Psychology , 30-40.
Team Effectiveness Assessment. (2013, July 30). Retrieved
December 29, 2014, from Mind Tools:
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Compile a four page report to answer the following five questions..docx

  • 1. Compile a four page report to answer the following five questions. Any sources used, including your textbook, should be cited appropriately. Upload as one word document. 1. In a report to your client, discuss the current status of Chinese environmental programs: (air, rivers, groundwater, wastewater, drinking water, soils, solid wastes, regulations, and enforcement). 2. Your client is going to manufacture active pharmaceutical ingredients for the generic pharmaceutical markets. Using the 15 research areas, discuss in your report what you would expect the key changes to the Chinese environmental regulations to be that the U.S. company can anticipate when entering into force in the next five years. Project how this may impact Chinese suppliers and the manufacturing operations of the U.S. company that will be relocated to China. 3. Under research program number 13, it is clear that China plans to develop programs and regulatory requirements that will regulate the production and use of hazardous and toxic chemicals in commerce. Up to now, China has traditionally lagged behind other countries in the development of world class environmental programs. They watch western countries (U.S. and Europe) to learn from their experiences with the intent to pick out program elements that work and can be adapted to China. In your report, discuss what you see to be the benefits and penalties to Chinese environmental programs for taking this approach – where does this approach help them, where does this approach hurt them? 4. The U.S. has an adversarial approach with industry to managing and enforcing their environmental programs. The U.S.
  • 2. uses a heavy hand when dealing with non-compliant industries and they are experts in the use of permits and fines to drive behavior and the structure of compliance programs of manufacturing operations. The Chinese have an enforcement division, but it is lightly used unless it aversely impacts reputation or the brand of China itself. For example, during the Olympics, some companies had to shut down their operations for two months without government compensation. The air was breathable, the haze was gone, and workers were not paid during the shutdown. In your report, discuss for your client how the Chinese enforcement strategy may impact his manufacturing operations. Include a discussion on how workers at the site will view EHS and the programs in place that are designed to protect workers and the environment from harm. 5. In conclusion, based on your assessment here of environmental factors, present in your report your recommendation. Should the U.S. company relocate to China or remain in the U.S.? State your top three reasons for making your recommendation. Course Text: Kutz, M. (2009). Environmentally conscious materials handling. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Amy Fjeld HRM345-1404B-02 Building Effective Teams Instructor: Jamie Boyd Phase 4 Individual Project
  • 3. IT in Amazon 1 Introduction IT experts have significantly influenced the growth and developed of organizations. Amazon is one of the major firms that came up with the knowledge and the global impact of technological advances influenced by a team.
  • 4. Over the years, most organizations globally have focused on considerable attention on how IT can affect several industrialized states. For the past few years after keen consideration on IT revolution implications, the significance of IT began to be appreciated because of its impact in the financial system. Amazon is one of the major firms that came up with the knowledge and the global impact of technological advances influenced by a team. 2 key component of an effective workplace Based on several impact of IT in most organizations, CIOs and IT leaders have noted the efficiency of technology in communications, finance, trade, diplomacy, and trade information technology strategy outline is one of the major factors that influences growth and development of an organization. Based on several impact of IT in most organizations, CIOs and IT leaders have noted the efficiency of technology in communications, finance, trade, diplomacy, and trade (Weill, & Ross, 2009).
  • 5. 3 Relationship There are several stakeholders in Amazon and they include CIOs, CEOs, IT leaders, and C-level executive officers. CEOs have a major role in the organization and their role is to head every department within the organization. There are several stakeholders in Amazon and they include CIOs, CEOs, IT leaders, and C-level executive officers. Each stakeholder has a role in the business process. For instance, the role of CIO is to ensure that the IT activities with the organization are well managed. CIOs have the ability in IT and they ensure that activities that run the organization are well managed. Conversely, CEOs role is confirm with the CIO that the procurement procedures are active in order to ensure that business procedures satisfy and meet the needs of the organization (Hammer, 2004). 4 Interview Interview method is appropriate for research. It will facilitate the collection of data. Interview method involves questions. Stakeholders of the company include CEO, CIO, C-executive leaders.
  • 6. In order to gather accurate data about the organization. It is important to seek information from the stakeholders of the company. The stakeholders of the company include CEO, CIO, C-executive leaders. Interview method is the best approach that can be used to collect data. Interview method is important because it will facilitate the collection data. 5 IT DATA The use of new IT in Amazon organization has recently influenced effective changes in the procurement process. Change in IT has influenced smoother and effective process movement, effective allocation of information, devolution of tasks and decisions. The use of new IT in Amazon organization has recently influenced effective changes in the procurement process. Today, Amazon is one of the leading organizations in online business. Change in Information Technology in Amazon has significantly influenced success in several procurement strategies. Change in IT has influenced smoother and effective process movement, effective allocation of information, devolution of tasks and
  • 7. decisions. Therefore, change in IT has developed procurement procedures that are the center of warehouse, accounting, and purchasing. There are several benefits of IT in the procurement process in Amazon since it was implemented. For instance, change in IT has currently made procurement processes to be central in the business sector of Amazon (Fuller, Valacich, George, 2008). 6 Conclusion IT has brought significant improvements in Amazon organization especially in its business operations. IT change has influenced operational innovations which has transformed the entire organization. IT has brought significant improvements in Amazon organization especially in its business operations. Unlike other organizations, communications within the organization is cheaper, more efficient and quicker because of improved procurement process. Amazon is in a stable position to communicate with people around the globe and transact its business without any difficulty. IT change has influenced operational innovations which has transformed the entire organization. The impact of innovative IT on each stakeholder within the organization has influenced change. IT leaders in Amazon are in a position to operate the organization effectively without any difficulty of allocating data in the business like before. The impact of IT implementation on each stakeholder has made a considerable impact in Amazon Company (Fry &
  • 8. Polonsky, 2004). 7 References Fry, M., & Polonsky, M. J. (2004). Examining the unintended consequences of marketing. Journal of Business Research, 57(11), 1303-1306. doi: 10.1016/S0148-2963(03)00073-0 Fuller, M.A., Valacich, J. S., George, J.F. (2008). Information Systems Project Management. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson. Hammer, M. (2004). Deep change: How operational innovation can transform your company. Harvard Business Review, 82(4), 84-93. Weill, P., & Ross, J. W. (2009). Allocating decision rights and accountability: Elements of effective IT governance ITSavvy: What Top Executives must Know to Go from Pain to Gain, , 1- 26. Retrieved from 1d7b81297c8d3c08a123d5d 8 Team Development Amy Fjeld HRM345-1404B-02
  • 9. Building Effective Teams Instructor: Jamie Boyd Tuckman’s team development model The progression and features of each: Stage 1 – Forming - Characterized by much uncertainty of the roles and responsibilities. Stage 2 – Storming – Characterized by intra-group conflicts. Stage 3 – Norming – Characterized by cohesiveness and close relationship Stage 4 – Performing – The team is functional and starts the tasks or project. Formation of a team takes time and the members goes through
  • 10. recognizable stages as they change from being strangers to a group that works together harmoniously with common objectives. Bruce Tuckman’s model describes these stages. The stages of team development stages are Forming – at this stage the group comes together, the members are unclear of what work will the team do and exited about the task ahead. One person takes the team leadership and he dominates at this stage to engage the team members in identifying what they will accomplish and how they will work together. The team members get to know each other at this stage. Storming is the second stage where the team encounters differences in opinion by the members that occasionally lead to conflicts in the team. The power struggle is experienced. Norming is the third stage characterized by cohesion and agreement among the team members who respond well to the team leader facilitation. The team becomes united and committed to the roles and responsibilities . Processes and working styles are developed. Performing is the last stage of team development, the team members understands clearly the roles and responsibilities. The strategies to solve intergroup conflicts are established. The team has high degree of autonomy and all the team members can share leadership. 2 Leadership activities to prepare the team for working together Determined by stage level of development Forming – giving instructions and making objectives clear. Storming – establishment of process structure and strategies to problem solving. Norming – let the team to self drive.
  • 11. Performing – delegation of tasks and projects At each stage of Tuckman’s Model the team is at different level of development therefore as the team identifying the stage of development of my team will be important since strategies and activities to move the team to the next stage of development and to prepare them team to start working together differ. Below are the leadership activities at different stages of Tuckman’s model Forming- being the team leader I will take charge of the team giving instructions to the team and establishing clear objectives for both the whole team and for individual members. At this stage I will engage the team in setting of values, mission and goals. Storming – swift conflict solving to enable me build good relationship and trust among the members. I prefer using Myers- Briggs psychometric indicators to help the team members to learn about work styles and strengths. Where necessary training the members on conflict resolution skills. Ensure establishment of processes and structures. Norming –At this stage sitting back and giving the team a chance to take responsibility for progress towards the goal will be the option. A team building event can be organized Performing- at this stage the team is ready take up the task and projects and are certain of the goals, roles and responsibilities of the team. Therefore, at these stage I can delegates tasks and projects and let the team perform as I focus on other goals and work area. 3
  • 12. Training and development activities to build trust and productivity in the team Strategies to build trust in a team: Open communication. Discuss trust issues within the group. Discourage cliques in the team. Avoid shifting of blame when mistakes occur. Encourage team members to know each other personally. Set good examples as a leader. Trust refers to the reliance in the ability, strength and character of the team members in doing the right thing in the achievement of the set goals. Trust is essential for an effective team as it promotes collaboration, innovation, sense of safety and productivity. Trust enhances sharing of knowledge among the team members. The following strategies are effective in creating culture of trust within the team and thus increase in productivity of individual team members and as a group. Open communication- this is essential in promoting existence of trust among the team members. These involve encouraging everyone on the team to talk with each other in an honest and meaningful way. This can be achieved through creation of a team charter defining the purpose of the team and individual roles and organizing team-building exercise. Discussing trust issues within the group- when a leader identifies an issue of trust within the group it important to find out how the problem cropped up so as to come up with appropriate strategy to counter the problem. This can be done by giving the team members a questionnaire to fill out
  • 13. anonymously. Questions such the trust level in the team and why they think there is lack of trust in the team asked. After going through the questionnaire, the members of the team brought together and discuss the issues together. Discouraging cliques- this is will be done by starting an open discussion where the team members can freely express themselves about their opinion concerning to cliques cropping in the team. Avoid blame shifting-in the course of the team working together mistakes occur and sometimes disappointing occurrences where pointing of fingers starts. As the leader encouraging the team members to take it positively and think about in constructive manner as well as coming up with ways to fix the mistakes. this boost the morale of the member and build trust among them and ultimately increasing their productive. Know each other personally- plan various activities that will get the team members acquainted and form strong bonds for example holding informal group discussions where members suggest a topic to discuss and also sparing sometime when members can interact with each other like lunch and break hours. This creates situation that allow them share personal stories with each other. This socialization after work will help the workers know each other personally. lead by example- team members always observe and take cues from the leaders therefore show them that you trust them and show them what trust in others really looks like. 4 Measuring whether trust exists within the team Using model of trust by Mayer, David and Schoorman to assess whether team trust exist. Trust Indicators:
  • 14. Formative Indicators – factors perceived trustworthiness e.g. ability benevolence and integrity. Relative Indicators – perceived risk and outcomes. The trust model was developed with the aim to answer questions such as why do people trust, why should a person trust another and where does trust come from. The model will help in evaluation of trust in a team as it outline what drives a member of the team to trusting other members of the team. The model of trust suggest three factors to determine organizational trust; characteristic of trustor, characteristic of trustee and perceived risk. The current level of trust in a team is influenced by propensity of the trustor and trustworthiness element the trustee possesses. Characteristic of the trustor are presented as propensity to trust that means some people are more trusting than others. On the other hand the qualities of the trustee are presented as trustworthiness. According to the model there are three elements of trustworthiness. Ability which is trustee competences, benevolence or the willingness to do good to the trustor and integrity that is whether the trustee has set of values to good behavior. A given situation will have a specific amount of perceived risk that test the current trust. greater the trust and lower the perceived risk in the trust relationship the more likely that risk taking will occur in the trust relationship. The results of taking risk very from extremely positive to negative giving feedback to the trustee and he increases or decreases his level of trustworthiness.
  • 15. 5 How to measure the effectiveness of a new team Factors used to measure team effectiveness include: Cohesiveness – the intra relationship among members. Communication – willingness to put into consideration every member opinion. Homogeneity – similarities and differences of team members. Group Think – making decisions to suppress opposing view point in order to preserve harmony in the group. Team Stability – can be evaluated by measuring degree to which members are interdependent with one another. The following factors that determine team effectiveness can be used to assess how effective a team is. Cohesiveness- team cohesion influences the extent to which the members relate with one another, trust and respect one another’s abilities and opinions. This can be assessed through observation when the team is working or when in a meeting, i.e. looking at how a member address each other or respond to other members opinion. Where team cohesiveness exist members are committed and willing to achieve individual and team goals. Communication- indicators of effective communication in a team include willingness to put into consideration every member opinion, mellow conversation tones, quick conflict resolutions and efficient decision making process.
  • 16. Group think- to determine the degree to which a team is experiencing group think I consider evaluating whether the team is exerting excessive amount of dominating features. Other signs may include apathy towards team goals, results and individual conformity. This phenomena results because individuals in the team are overwhelmed by desires to be accepted and minimizing conflicts in the group. Homogeneity- these refers to the extent of similarity and difference from one member to another. Though challenging to determine the right balance between overly homogeneity and overly heterogeneity I will consider similarities and differences in members personal characteristic, skills, abilities, educational and generational background as well as cultural background to evaluate team members homogeneity. A team exhibiting high homogeneity is likely to be cohesive and members effectively communicate thus making the team more effective. Team stability- its most significant in influencing team performance. It can be evaluated by measuring degree to which members are interdependent with one another which goes hand on with trust. 6 Work cited Costa, A. C. (2003). Work team trust and effectiveness. Human Resource and Organizational Behavior , 605-622. Francis, T. &. (2013). Team Development. Work and Organizational Psychology , 30-40. Team Effectiveness Assessment. (2013, July 30). Retrieved December 29, 2014, from Mind Tools: