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      It’s close to summer and time to plan for the Tri-City Flower Show.
   Each year the Bloomington, Edina and Richfield clubs produce a most
spectacular flower show at the Southtown Mall in Bloomington. The
purpose of the show is to allow floral designers and horticultural specialists
(gardeners) to show off their talent; educate the public; and raise awareness
and interest in garden clubs.
   Last year over 263 horticulture specimens were displayed; which included
cut specimens, miniature gardens, indoor plants, and outdoor hanging
baskets. You can see that you don’t need a yard to enter horticulture.
   The floral design division is always something to see because of the ingé-
nueity of the planning committee and the response of the designers. You
will see miniature/petite designs, table settings (very intriguing), and a
myriad of designs.
   Of course, let’s not forget, the artistic crafts and educational exhibits. Prov-
ing once again, you do not need a yard to enter a flower show. In the past
we have seen creative offerings such as; decorated packages, decorated hats,
painted stones, cement leaf casts, pressed flower designs, etc. The education-
al exhibits cover a number subjects including, the importance of birds,
butterflies and bees; how garden clubs serve the community, Emerald Ash
Borer, etc.
                    The most important thing to remember is –
   If you or someone you know is interested in entering the Tri-City Flower
Show but would like more information, contact Phyllis Larsen, Tri-City
Flower Show Chair, or 952.888.3723. Or, attend
the “Tri-City Flower Show Symposium” which is held at the Wood Lake
Nature Center, Richfield MN, on July 8th at 6:30 pm and covers all of the
above topics, in addition to “Rules”, “Registration” and “Helpful Hints”.
  I sincerely hope that this will be the year that YOU enter the Tri-City
Flower Show! Who knows, there may be a blue ribbon in your future!
Kat Hanson
                     STATE FAIR SHOWS AND DISPLAYS
Every fall the Minnesota State Fair has an excellent place to see what
  grows well in our area and in our homes. Come to the fair as a
  visitor or as a participant, especially in our Federated Show. The
  fair may seem overwhelming, but I will be glad to walk you through
  how to enter. The State Fair Show entries need to be pre registered
  by mid August, the rest have entry dates closer to the shows or the
  day of the show. If you pre register for the Monday show, you get a
free on site parking sticker for the lot behind the Haunted House-just
 about half a block from the Agriculture/Horticulture Building where
 these shows are staged.
Most of the shows are open to the public, so if anyone wants to enter,
 please give me a call for how to get involved. Phyllis Andrews, 651-
 455-5077. Hope to see many of the Federated members entering both
 the Wednesday Federated Show and the Monday State Fair Show.

                    Keep the Plants. We'll take the pots.
            Don’t forget to recycle your PLASTIC GARDEN POTS,
     POLYSTYRENE TRAYS &HANGING BASKETS this year. Follow the link
                        below for more information.

Planting for Flower Shows – (Worth repeating!)
Question–What are you planning to exhibit? Floral designs or Horticulture
If horticulture-go for top quality proven winners in every class you will enter.
Look at last years schedule; it’s usually similar every year. Or try something
If floral design-think of the elements of design: space, line, form, pattern,
texture & color.
    • If your style is big, bold & abstract-don’t plant petunias, impatiens, or
      dwarf marigolds.
    • If you like mass arrangements you may need filler material like babies
      breath, feverfew, etc.
    • Think color–find round, spike or textured plants in the same color or
      complimentary colors.
    • Don’t plant all round daisy type forms or mixed colors of seeds or
      plants. One of every color will not help you in arranging or if you need
      3 of a kind in horticulture.
Annuals (they may be interspersed with your perennials)
Spike forms                                  Round forms
Blue salvia                                  Celosia, crested, Red Velvet
Celosia, Flamingo Feather Pink               Coleus
Celosia, plumed red or yellow                Datura, Angel’s trumpet
Purple fountain grass                        Marigolds, large
Purple majesty millet                        Tithonia, Mexican sunflower
Snapdragons                                  Zinnias, large & small
       * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *       * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Bulbs etc.        Perennials                     Shrubs
Caladium          Astilbe Superba                Baptisia, black seed pods
Calla Lilies      Bergenia                       Cottoneaster, red berries
Federated Garden Clubs of Minnesota, Inc                                                   Dahlias              Echinacea, Coneflower     Evergreens
Sue Neuhart, President                                                                     Gladiolus            Heuchera, Palace Purple   Roses
6309 Colony Way #1B, Edina, MN 55435-2239
                                                                                           Lilies               Hosta                     Smoke bush, Royal Purple
952.924.0669 Email:
                                                                                           Lycoris or           Monarda                   Snowberry, white berries
National Garden Clubs, Inc.                                                                 Resurrection lily   Liatris                   Spirea, Anthony Waterer
Renee Blaschke, President                                                                  Ornathologum         Sedum                     Stephandra, cascading
307 Garwood, Smithville, TX 78957-1504                                                                          Solomon’s Seal            Weigela
512.360.2738 Email:                                                                Yarrow, Coronation gold
National Garden Clubs Central Region                                                       Useful House Plants - Aspidistra, Croton, Papyrus, Sansevieria,
Joan Hood, Director                                                                        Don’t forget Vegetables: Broom Corn; Ruby Red or Bright Lights Chard;
Email: TOLEWG@AOL.COM                                                                      Hot peppers; Red Burgundy Okra; Garlic Chives; etc.
WEBMASTER:                                                                                 These are just a few to think about. Most of all have fun.
Deena Helminiak
                                                                                           Written by Dolores Schwartz - March 2007
Email: OR
Kathy Stattine, 7016 Kerry Rd, Edina MN 55439                                              COMPANION PLANTING
952.941.9815                                                                               Janet Kilburn Phillips said, “There are no gardening mistakes, only
                                                                                            experiments.” That sums up the scientific aspect to gardening. There is no
Editor: Kathleen “Kat” Hanson 612.866.9289                                                  end to combinations and procedures. Some work, some don’t and often we
Design Information: Dorothy Brindle 952.926.6865                                            do not know what contributed to the success or less than successful result.
Horticulture Section:                                                                      Companion Planting is one aspect to the experiments. Gardeners make
SEND NEWSLETTER MATERIAL TO:                                                                good companions and plants have their preferences for who they cozy up
Email: OR                                                         to in the garden. What will help you is to know “who likes whom” and
Kathleen Hanson, 6710 Stevens Av S, Richfield, MN 55423                                     “who helps and protects whom” and “who hurts whom.”
612.866.9289                                                                               Over the years, gardeners have observed that some plants have a beneficial
                                                                                            effect on each other and other plant combinations are detrimental. Crop
January/February     December1           March/April             February1                  plants, herbs and flowers are companions for a variety of reasons: shelter
May/June             March 32            July/August             June 1                     from wind and sun, root and leaf secretions for benefit or not, soil improve-
September/October    August 1            November/December       October 1                  ment by incorporating minerals into the soil, the nitrogen fix that peas give
                                                                                            and sunflowers utilize, repel harmful pests or attract beneficial insects or
                                                                                            act as decoys and they can taste and smell better.
                       1/8 Page        ¼ Page          ½ Page       Full Page
                                                                                           Marigolds with everything!! They are the universal plant companion.
Maximum size:       1 ¾” & 2 ¼”    3 ¾” x 2 ¼”     3 ¾” x 4 ½”    7 ½” x 4 ½”
One Issue:               $12.50         $20.00          $37.50         $75.00               Nasturtium is a close second. Nasturtium is another good addition to a
Two Issues:              $23.50         $37.50          $72.00       $146.00                diverse garden. It performs as a “trap crop,” attracting aphids that would
Four Issues:             $45.50         $70.00        $137.00                               otherwise prey on innocent garden crops. It also provides brightly colored
Six Issues:              $65.50       $100.00         $198.00                               blossoms, especially in nutrient-poor soil, that attract beneficial insects.
The distribution for the Federated Garden Clubs of Minnesota newsletter is approximately   Sweet peas and sunflowers are great companions with the peas contributing
1,000 per issue. There are six issues per year. We encourage our members to support and     nitrogen and the corn providing shelter and support. Many garden crops
use the services of our advertisers. You may email your advertisement to                    like to grow with beans and peas because of the industrious bacteria air and or send your 'print ready' copy with your check.
                                                                                            colonies living on their roots. These colonies pull nitrogen right out of the
Make checks payable to: Federated Garden Clubs of Minnesota.                                   air and share it with the plants, to the benefit of both.
Mail checks to: Kathleen Hanson, 6710 Stevens Av S, Richfield, MN 55423.
                                                                                           Dill is a good cucumber companion from seedling to pickle jar because it
 14       CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE:                                 3         CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE:
directly repels aphids and spider mites, and attracts beneficial insects like   U of Wisconsin-Green Bay Says New Email Font Will Save Money
 parasitic wasps and lacewings that control cucumber beetles and other
                                                                                As part of the school's five-year plan to go green, the University of
 pests. The herb also appears to stimulate a better flavor in cucumbers as
                                                                                Wisconsin-Green Bay has switched the default font on its email
 the two plants mature.
                                                                                system from Arial to Century Gothic. While the change sounds minor,
There are also bad companions that create and problems with pests, stunted      it will save money on ink when students print email in the new font.
 growth, mineral shortages: Garlic, shallots, onions inhibit beans and peas;
 and tomatoes and potatoes multiply their disease potential.                    Diane Blohowiak is the school's director of computing. She says the
                                                                                new font uses about 30 percent less ink than the previous one.
You can study the pairings on the internet and there are many books avail-
 able. There are many lists available and, for the most part, they provide      That could add up to real savings, since the cost of printer ink works
 the same information. Then you can design your gardens to work optimally       out to about $10,000 per gallon.
 for the crops that you are looking forward to eating and sharing. It is best   Blohowiak says the decision is part of the school's five-year plan to
 to do this from the beginning.                                                 go green. She tells Wisconsin Public Radio it's great that a change
Companion planting is ancient and our Native Americans utilized this            that's eco-friendly also saves money.
 with the “Three Sisters” of corn, squash and beans. Work with nature, not
 against it. Nature is diverse and the gardener must practice diversity.        SPRING GARDENING TIPS
Submitted by Kathy Stattine                                                     • When spring flowering shrubs are done blooming, it is time to do a
                                           Plant                                  pruning.
                                           Sales                                • Remove spent blooms on tulips, daffodils and other spring flowering
                                                                                  bulbs. Do not remove the foliage until later in the summer when it turns
                                                                                  yellow completely. Fertilize bulb foliage with a well balanced fertilizer.
The Bloomington Garden Clubs will have a Plant Sale Thursday, May 6             • Clean up garden beds by cutting back dead tops of perennials, raking
& Friday, May 7 at 8300 Sheridan Av. S, Bloomington. Patio pots,                  out the leaves, remove any winter mulch you applied last fall, and
Hanging Baskets, and Bedding Plants will be offered for sale. Hours are           mixing in compost or slow release fertilizer into the soil. Finish cleaning
8:00 AM-6:00 PM. Come early for best selection.                                   up your perennial beds by removing last year's spent foliage.
                                                                                • Get your cages and plant supports up on taller plants, such as peonies,
Edina Garden Council Plant Sale, May 7 and May 8                                  Baptisia and clematis, before they get too big.
This popular plant sale sponsored by the Edina Garden Council will be           • Clean out your birdhouses and get the hummingbird feeders filled and
held May 7 for 10 am-8 pm and May 8 from 10 am-4 pm at Arneson                    out into the garden.
Acres Park, 4700 West 70th St, Edina, 55435.                                    • Cool season vegetables, such as radishes, leaf lettuce, spinach, peas,
Friends School Plant Sale at the Minnesota State Fairground                       potatoes, beets and onion sets may be planted in the ground once the
May 7, 11 am – 8 pm       May 8, 10 am – 6 pm       May 9, noon – 4 pm            soil is dry enough to work. Cool season flowers, such as pansies,
                                                                                  snapdragons, bachelor buttons and sweet peas may also be planted.
See website for more details:
Over 300,000 individual plants for sale including shrubs, trees, roses          • Divide perennials such as hosta, daylilies, monarda and many others.
                                                                                  Use a spading fork to lift the whole clump and divide it up with a heavy
and native plants.
                                                                                  knife or sharp spade, making sure each division has some good roots
The money raised from the plant sale is used for scholarships at Friends          and several shoots that will grow quickly once replanted in the garden
School of Minnesota.                                                              at the same depth it was when you dug it out. Water your new
PLANT SALE by Mendota Heights Garden Club                                         transplants well.
Saturday May 8-8:00AM-1:00PM                                                    • Check your garden hoses, nozzles and sprinklers for leaks. Sharpen
                                                    Shop for your                 your pruners and check the condition of your other gardening tools.
1422 Delaware Ave.
                                                    Mother’s Day                  Don’t forget your lawn mower! It needs attention, too!
West St. Paul, MN.
                                                    present here!               • Repot any patio plants that may have become root bound.
Perennials, Herbs, Annuals
                                                                                • Don’t’ be surprised if it snows, after all, it is Minne-snow-ta!

4       CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE:                        13      CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE:
Two Thumbs Up for Frito Lay –                                         Lake Owasso Garden Club Plant Sale will be held on Friday May 14th
                                                                                    from 8 am-6 pm & Sat May 15th from 8 am-noon.
             Another Company Saving the Earth                                       Join us at 868 Cannon Av, Shoreview for a wide selection of perennials to
The mission at Frito-Lay is to preserve the earth because without the earth         choose from. Any? Call Deb 651-765-2461. See you there!
 they would have no product. One would never know how deeply com-                   City of Ramsey Garden Club Plant Sale. Saturday, May 15, 8:00 am –
 mitted Frito-Lay is to conservation until you visit their website. If it weren’t   noon. NEW LOCATION: City of Ramsey Municipal Center parking
 for the ‘new’ packaging for SunChips I would have never known, either.             ramp/lot, 75501 Sunwood, Ramsey. Located off Highway 10 West
                          This is not just a “redesign” the entire package has      between Ramsey Blvd & Armstrong Blvd.Look for signs
                          been recreated! These innovative bags are designed        Parkway Garden Club Annual Perennial Plant Sale. Saturday, May 15,
                          to fully decompose in about 14 weeks when placed          10 a.m. to 2 p.m., 1407 Arundel St., St. Paul, MN. Proven plants from
                          in a hot, active compost bin or pile.                     members’ gardens. For more information call Nanette at
                            SunChip bag after 12 weeks in an active compost pile.   651-353-4284 or email
                                   Photo courtesy of Frito-Lay North America.
                                                                                                                Richfield Garden Club Plant Sale, May 15 at
                           Most “chips” are packed in bags which are                                            the historic Bartholomew House, 6901
                           constructed of multiple layers of polyolefin
                                                                                                                Lyndale Av S, Richfield. Sale begins at 9 am
                           materials, mainly polyethylene (PE) and
                                                                                                                -3 pm. Annuals, perennials, vegetables,
  polypropylene (PP), which are derived from petroleum by-products.
                                                                                                                herbs, hanging baskets and more! Check
  While these materials are extremely efficient (in both cost and                          Begonia rex
                                                                                        ‘Constellation Libra’
                                                                                                                out our incredible Begonia rex selection!
  performance) it did not meet with Frito-Lay’s standards.
After 4 years of research and field trials a material known as PLA met their
                                                                                          U of M Extension Master Gardeners in Hennepin County
  performance expectations.
PLA stands for polylactic acid, or Polylactide, a versatile polymer produced                               2nd Annual Plant Sale
                                                                                           Saturday, May 22,                 Proceeds from this sale benefit
  by NatureWorks LLC. PLA is made from lactic acid. Lactic acid is made
                                                                                         9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.                  University of Minnesota
  from dextrose by fermentation. Dextrose is made from starch and starch
                                                                                           Hopkins Pavilion,                  Extension Master Gardeners
  is made from carbon dioxide and water. Because it’s made with plants
                                                                                         11000 Excelsior Blvd,               Program in Hennepin County
  that grow annually instead of petroleum (which takes millions of years to                                                       community programs.
                                                                                            Hopkins, 55343
  form) the impact on greenhouse gases is much lower. Soon all Frito-Lay
                                                                                      Buy beautiful plants for sun or shade at great prices. Plants are grown
  products will be found in 100% compostable packaging.
                                                                                    by Master Gardeners with tender loving care to ensure they are
Frito-Lay’s commitment to the earth doesn’t involve just packaging; they            healthy. Master Gardeners will answer your gardening questions and
  have been recognized by the EPA for their commitment to reducing                  provide helpful information on the plants you purchase.
  greenhouse gas emissions. They have converted one of their plants in                We will accept cash or checks only, please. Bring a wagon or cart.
  Modesto, CA to solar energy. At the Casa Grande plant they are working            You’ll want to buy lots of plants!
  on refitting it to operate almost entirely on renewable energy and run-
                                                                                      For more information on this sale and the Master Gardeners Program,
  ning water. They hope to reduce electric and water usage by 90% by 2011.
                                                                                    visit our website at,, or call our office at 612-596-2130.
I hope you will visit their website and learn more about a company who
  began conserving in 1939 by recycling and reusing shipping cartons to             The Diggers Garden Club of Robbinsdale will be hosting a plant sale on
                                                                                    June 5, 2010, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, on the grounds of the Robbinsdale
  becoming a leading business which is truly devoted to saving the earth.
                                                                                    Historical Society, 4915 42nd Av N, Robbinsdale, MN 55422. This will
                                                                                    be a fun filled mini-fair event. There will be representatives from The
Kat Hanson                                                                          Historical Society, Robbin Gallery and the Diggers Club. The Historical
12      CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE:                            5          CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE:
Society and Robbin gallery spaces will be open, and strolling musicians                 convention attendees there will be a very special tour of Klehm's
will entertain. Art, crafts and plants will be available for sale. This is a            Song Sparrow peony fields. An exciting event is in store! For more
great event. Free admission and free parking. For further information                   information visit and
please contact Irene at 763-535-3074.
                                                                                                         The Bloomington Affiliated Garden Clubs and the Nine
                           Renaissance Festival 2010                                                     Mile Creek Girl Scout Service Unit are planning a special
   I need your help! Remember, this is the year that Evil Ann is deserting me                            event for Saturday, June 5th from 9 until noon.
for a trip to Australia and I need extra help. If you would be willing to volunteer                      Approximately 150 Girl Scouts will attend an outdoor
for one day, all will be well!
                                                                                                         seminar sponsored by the Bloomington Affiliated Garden
If you are willing to work at the booth:
                                                                                        Clubs, Inc. on native plants in order to achieve requirements and receive
   1. Your club can take a day. If you have 4-7 people from your club who
                                                                                        the National Garden Clubs, Inc. Girl Scout patch for Native Plants. Plans
       agree to work, you have the day.
   2. If only a couple of people from your club want to work, I’ll add a few            are to work with several organizations to provide several concurrent
       from another club to fill out the day.                                           activities to promote native plants in Minnesota.
   3. If you are the only one who is interested in working, I’ll fill in the day with   Picture Perfect Gardens: Photographing Your Garden
       others. But be sure to ask your daughter (or granddaughter), a neighbor or       Learn how to photograph your garden from the pros
       even a husband! It can be a really fun day with your family.
   4. And you can always work more than one day! ;-)                                    11 a.m. June 7 in the Terrace Room at Arneson
   We have to be at the Festival at 8:00am since the doors open at 9:00am. The          Acres Park, 4700 West 70th St, Edina, 55435.
Festival closes at 7:00pm and after we put everything away, we can leave.
                                                                                                                        ‘Stars of the North’
Because some ladies have expressed a desire to work at the booth but fear they
                                                                                                         2010 American Hosta Society Convention
could not last all day, I am allowing some volunteers to work shortened days.
Some of the workers may make arrangements to work from 8:00am until 3-4pm.                                 hosted by the Minnesota Hosta Society
This must be arranged ahead of time because I still need some people to work                                         June 23-26, 2010
until closing.                                                                                              at the Sheraton Hotel, Bloomington
   The Festival opens Saturday, Aug. 21st through Sunday, Oct. 3rd. I try to              Fabulous Garden Tours, Vendors, Hostatality, AHS Auction,
make sure everyone has a fun day with lots of opportunities to see shows and go         *Hosta Show, Raffles, Silent Auctions, Speakers, Classes and
shopping. And it is always fun helping little girls become little princesses!           Demonstrations. This is a wonderful opportunity to visit the
Here are contact numbers for you:                                                       largest leaf show in the nation, shop a large collection of
   • Kathy Compo 763-535-1817 (for volunteering at the booth)                           vendors, and see special exhibits and an auction.
   • Taffy Mills         612-866-8055 (for dried flowers, wires, floral tape, etc.)        *The Hosta Show is accredited by The American Hosta Society and
   • Ann Albrecht 651-699-8832 (ribbons and cord for fairy garlands)                    is open to the public. Hosta show rules can be found at http://
   If you have any questions or are interested in having Evil Ann or I attend one
of your club meetings, please contact me at or                       Visit or contact Mary Schwartzbauer
763-535-1817.                                                                  651-437-8899 or Connie Linder
Thanks—Kathy Gamble Compo                                                     

                                                                                                 The North Star Lily Society-Annual Lily Show
                                                                                                              July 2-4, 2010
                                                                                        Bachman's Heritage Room, 6010 Lyndale Av S, Minneapolis, MN
 Green Up Tonic
                                                                                             Set-up and Entries July 2 - 1:00 pm – Closing
 1 can beer                  1 cup ammonia
                                                                                             Horticulture Entries Accepted July 3 - 7:00 am - 9:00 am
 1/2 c lawn food             1/2 c molasses or corn syrup
                                                                                             Artistic Design entries open until 10:00 am
 Fill 20 gal hose end sprayer with above and fill balance with warm water.                   Sunday, July 4 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
 Spray on plants or lawn until saturated.                                                        SHOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
6        CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE:                               11      CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE:
Sumner Library at 611 Van White Memorial Blvd in Minneapolis               THE MONARCH BUTTERFLY
continues to host Master Gardener talks:                                   Spring greetings from Duluth, MN. I am
  Saturday, May 1, 2 p.m.                   Container Gardening            honored to serve as your butterfly garden
Container gardening allows you to add color to your garden, deck or        writer and grateful for the opportunity to
front steps with limited time commitment. Learn to select                  write this column about butterflies and
containers, a good potting mix, ideal plants and how to care for           butterfly gardening. As you read this,
these beautiful mini gardens.                                              Monarch butterflies are starting their migration north. Their population is
  Saturday, June 5, 2 p.m. Small Space Vegetable Gardening                 at an all time low this year which compelled me to share ways that
                                                                           gardeners can help Monarchs.
You can create highly productive flower and vegetable gardens in
                                                                           PLANT MILKWEED. Monarch females can only lay their eggs on
small spaces. Learn to plan your space, use trellises, containers,
                                                                           milkweed. Without this plant monarchs will not survive. Milkweed is also
wide-row or square-row, rounded beds and raised beds.                                                      an excellent nectar source and the following
  Saturday, July 10, 2 p.m.          Perennial Flower Gardening                                            species grow well in full sun in our area:
Grow plants that beautify your landscape year after year. Learn                                            Swamp milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) has
about their care, ideal sites (shade, sun, moisture), soil conditions,                                     pink-red flowers and likes moist soil. It can be
pest control and varieties ideal for Minnesota.                                                            planted in average soil, but water it well until
Sumner Library is located near Hwy 94 at the intersection of Van                                           established.
White Memorial Blvd and Olson Memorial Highway.                            Butterfly weed (A. tuberosa) has orange flowers and does well in dry to
For more information call (952) 847-2875.                                  average soils.
                                                                           Sullivant’s milkweed (A. sullivantii) is pink and can be grown in clay or
                           Daffodil Society of Minnesota's 2010 spring     average soil. This plant is an alternative to the more aggressive Common
                           show. It will be held on the weekend of May     milkweed.
                          15-16, at the Bachman's store on Lyndale Ave     Common milkweed (A. syriaca) spreads vigorously in sandy to average
                                         South in Minneapolis.             soil. It is best suited for fields or meadows rather than the average garden.
                          We welcome non-members, and provide              However this is an excellent host plant for the caterpillars due to its large
FREE daffodils for artistic designers. The theme for artistic designs is   leaves.
Daffodils Go 'Green', with classes involving recycling, clean water,       PLANT GOOD NECTAR SOURCES. Monarchs use flower nectar as fuel
'paper or plastic', composting, litter, and tree-hugging! We hope          for their migration. Native plants such as New England Aster, Smooth
designers will have some fun with the classes. Full details are in our     Aster (A. laevis), Meadow Blazing Star (Liatris ligulistylus) and Showy
show schedule, which is posted on our website:,         Goldenrod (Solidago speciosa) are excellent fall choices. Summer nectar
                                                                           sources include Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea), Pale Cone-
or designers can call me for information.
                                                                           flower (E. pallida), many liatris species, Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa),
  Margaret Macneale, President & Show Chair,
                                                                           Ironweed (Vernonia fasciculata) and Joe Pye Weed (Eupatorium
  Daffodil Society of Minnesota                                            maculatum). To find these native plants visit or check the websites of
  763-377-1458 (home - evenings and weekends)                              Prairie Restorations, Inc (several MN locations including Scandia and
  952-542-4816 (weekdays) 612-581-3426 (cell)                              Randolph) & Prairie Nursery in Westfield, WI.
  Minnesota Peony Society is celebrating peony season with a               PROTECT MILKWEED. Without this native plant Monarchs are unable to
                                                                           reproduce. Unfortunately, in some areas Common milkweed is
motorcoach trip to Janesville, Wisconsin to attend the American
                                                                           considered a secondary noxious weed. If necessary, this plant can be cut
Peony Society Show and Convention to be held at the Rotary                 down, but should remain standing until early to mid September when the
Gardens June 4-6. A colorful show of hundreds of the nation's best         butterflies are finished with their reproductive cycle. If you know of a
grown peony blossoms will be open to the public and for paid               Common milkweed stand, try to protect it from chemical spraying.
10     CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE:                    7       CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE:
PRESERVE HABITAT. The Monarch unites Canada, the United States
and Mexico. Their breeding grounds, migratory corridors and                                                 FOCUS    CLUBS**********
                                                                                                  **********FOCUS ON CLUBS
overwintering sites must all be protected if their migration is to continue.
The World Wildlife Fund and The Monarch Butterfly Fund are crucial in                               Sweet Sioux Garden Club
protecting the overwintering sites in Mexico. Visit their websites for
detailed information. Perhaps your garden club could fundraise for the          Each year, Memorial Day provides a special and dedicated opportunity
Monarch Butterfly Fund.                                                         for communities to come together to remember those who have
CERTIFY YOUR GARDEN AS A MONARCH WAYSTATION. Visit                              sacrificed for the freedom we all realize today. The South Metro Blue for more information and follow their amazing              Star Mothers participate in the annual Memorial Day event with the City
migration on the website Journey North. I wish these butterflies well in        of Burnsville and the Sweet Sioux Garden Club in the dedication to our
their migration this spring and hope you are blessed with many                  troops.
Monarchs in your garden this summer.                                                                                            We have had a Memorial Day
Pat Thomas, Duluth, MN                                                                                                          event annually since we
                                                                                                                                dedicated our marker. There
                                                                                                                                are flag poles; the Civil Air
          THINGS I CAN DO TO SAVE THE EARTH                                                                                     Patrol Cadets present the
                                                                                                                                colors. (They meet in City
I hope you have adopted at least one of the energy saving suggestions                                                           Hall) We put a wreath at the
from the last issue. Here are a few more ideas:                                                                                 base of the marker during the
1. Walk, ride your bike, take the bus, light rail or car pool.                                                                  ceremony. The Mayor comes
2. Do Errands in Bulk - Make a list of the things you have to do, and                                                           and speaks. We give
    see if you can fit a couple of those things together in one ride.            The wreath was made by Phyllis Andrews.
                                                                                                                                carnations to the veterans
3. Buy in bulk. Shop with a friend or family member and split the bulk
    items with them. When less packaging is used then less ends up in           and if we have enough to everyone. The Blue Star Mothers of the South
    the landfill.                                                               Metro come; their president speaks as well. We have refreshments in the
4. Buy Local Produce - Consider how much energy it takes for                    lobby of City Hall following the ceremony for everyone.
    produce from any other country to be shipped here.                          Last year we put a sign in the
5. Re-use plastic and paper shopping bags. Use eco-friendly shopping            park with the history of the
    bags –it’s all the rage!                                                    markers and the purpose and
6. Get regular tune-ups.                                                        history of the park, which is
7. Inflate your Tires - If your tires are inflated at all times your car will
                                                                                meant to be a place for
    run more miles on less gas. Check them often. The change in
    seasons will affect the air pressure in your tires!!                        memorials rather than a place
8. Go to a car wash - Going to a car wash is a lot more water efficient         to play.
    then washing your car at home.                                              Our club maintains the
9. IT’S ARBOR MONTH - Plant a Tree - It's good for the air, can keep            perennials and annuals around
    you cool and can increase your property value.                              the fountain area; we also have
10. MAKE RECYCLING YOUR NUMBER ONE PRIORITY EVERYDAY!                                                              Teresa Daly, Carol Oeltjenbruns, Leonard Zachman,
                                                                                a Hosta garden in the back by      Jimmie Meinhardt Phyllis Andrews, Mayor Kautz
I would love to hear from you or your club if you have other “eco-              the pond. The fountain area
friendly” suggestions that you would like to share or if you have               especially is a place that many group pictures, weddings, graduations, etc.
adopted an “earth saving” idea. Please forward them to                          are taken.
                                                                                    Submitted by Carol Oeltjenbruns
Kat Hanson
8       CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE:                        9         CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE:

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Companion Planting - Federated Garden Clubs of Minnesota

  • 1. TRI- TRI-CITY FLOWER SHOW – JULY 17 & 18 It’s close to summer and time to plan for the Tri-City Flower Show. Each year the Bloomington, Edina and Richfield clubs produce a most spectacular flower show at the Southtown Mall in Bloomington. The purpose of the show is to allow floral designers and horticultural specialists (gardeners) to show off their talent; educate the public; and raise awareness and interest in garden clubs. Last year over 263 horticulture specimens were displayed; which included cut specimens, miniature gardens, indoor plants, and outdoor hanging baskets. You can see that you don’t need a yard to enter horticulture. The floral design division is always something to see because of the ingé- nueity of the planning committee and the response of the designers. You will see miniature/petite designs, table settings (very intriguing), and a myriad of designs. Of course, let’s not forget, the artistic crafts and educational exhibits. Prov- ing once again, you do not need a yard to enter a flower show. In the past we have seen creative offerings such as; decorated packages, decorated hats, painted stones, cement leaf casts, pressed flower designs, etc. The education- al exhibits cover a number subjects including, the importance of birds, butterflies and bees; how garden clubs serve the community, Emerald Ash Borer, etc. The most important thing to remember is – YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE A GARDEN CLUB MEMBER TO ENTER THE TRI-CITY FLOWER SHOW. If you or someone you know is interested in entering the Tri-City Flower Show but would like more information, contact Phyllis Larsen, Tri-City Flower Show Chair, or 952.888.3723. Or, attend the “Tri-City Flower Show Symposium” which is held at the Wood Lake Nature Center, Richfield MN, on July 8th at 6:30 pm and covers all of the above topics, in addition to “Rules”, “Registration” and “Helpful Hints”. I sincerely hope that this will be the year that YOU enter the Tri-City Flower Show! Who knows, there may be a blue ribbon in your future! Kat Hanson STATE FAIR SHOWS AND DISPLAYS Every fall the Minnesota State Fair has an excellent place to see what grows well in our area and in our homes. Come to the fair as a visitor or as a participant, especially in our Federated Show. The fair may seem overwhelming, but I will be glad to walk you through how to enter. The State Fair Show entries need to be pre registered by mid August, the rest have entry dates closer to the shows or the day of the show. If you pre register for the Monday show, you get a
  • 2. free on site parking sticker for the lot behind the Haunted House-just about half a block from the Agriculture/Horticulture Building where these shows are staged. Most of the shows are open to the public, so if anyone wants to enter, please give me a call for how to get involved. Phyllis Andrews, 651- 455-5077. Hope to see many of the Federated members entering both the Wednesday Federated Show and the Monday State Fair Show. Keep the Plants. We'll take the pots. recycle Don’t forget to recycle your PLASTIC GARDEN POTS, POLYSTYRENE TRAYS &HANGING BASKETS this year. Follow the link below for more information. Planting for Flower Shows – (Worth repeating!) repeating!) eating Question–What are you planning to exhibit? Floral designs or Horticulture Specimens. If horticulture-go for top quality proven winners in every class you will enter. Look at last years schedule; it’s usually similar every year. Or try something new. If floral design-think of the elements of design: space, line, form, pattern, texture & color. • If your style is big, bold & abstract-don’t plant petunias, impatiens, or dwarf marigolds. • If you like mass arrangements you may need filler material like babies breath, feverfew, etc. • Think color–find round, spike or textured plants in the same color or complimentary colors. • Don’t plant all round daisy type forms or mixed colors of seeds or plants. One of every color will not help you in arranging or if you need 3 of a kind in horticulture. Annuals (they may be interspersed with your perennials) Spike forms Round forms Blue salvia Celosia, crested, Red Velvet Celosia, Flamingo Feather Pink Coleus Celosia, plumed red or yellow Datura, Angel’s trumpet Purple fountain grass Marigolds, large Purple majesty millet Tithonia, Mexican sunflower Snapdragons Zinnias, large & small * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Bulbs etc. Perennials Shrubs Caladium Astilbe Superba Baptisia, black seed pods Calla Lilies Bergenia Cottoneaster, red berries 2 CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE:
  • 3. Federated Garden Clubs of Minnesota, Inc Dahlias Echinacea, Coneflower Evergreens Sue Neuhart, President Gladiolus Heuchera, Palace Purple Roses 6309 Colony Way #1B, Edina, MN 55435-2239 Lilies Hosta Smoke bush, Royal Purple 952.924.0669 Email: Lycoris or Monarda Snowberry, white berries National Garden Clubs, Inc. Resurrection lily Liatris Spirea, Anthony Waterer Renee Blaschke, President Ornathologum Sedum Stephandra, cascading 307 Garwood, Smithville, TX 78957-1504 Solomon’s Seal Weigela 512.360.2738 Email: Yarrow, Coronation gold National Garden Clubs Central Region Useful House Plants - Aspidistra, Croton, Papyrus, Sansevieria, Joan Hood, Director Don’t forget Vegetables: Broom Corn; Ruby Red or Bright Lights Chard; Email: TOLEWG@AOL.COM Hot peppers; Red Burgundy Okra; Garlic Chives; etc. WEBMASTER: These are just a few to think about. Most of all have fun. Deena Helminiak Email: Written by Dolores Schwartz - March 2007 CHANGE OF NAME, ADDRESS/EMAIL: Email: OR Kathy Stattine, 7016 Kerry Rd, Edina MN 55439 COMPANION PLANTING 952.941.9815 Janet Kilburn Phillips said, “There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments.” That sums up the scientific aspect to gardening. There is no NEWSLETTER Editor: Kathleen “Kat” Hanson 612.866.9289 end to combinations and procedures. Some work, some don’t and often we Design Information: Dorothy Brindle 952.926.6865 do not know what contributed to the success or less than successful result. Horticulture Section: Companion Planting is one aspect to the experiments. Gardeners make SEND NEWSLETTER MATERIAL TO: good companions and plants have their preferences for who they cozy up Email: OR to in the garden. What will help you is to know “who likes whom” and Kathleen Hanson, 6710 Stevens Av S, Richfield, MN 55423 “who helps and protects whom” and “who hurts whom.” 612.866.9289 Over the years, gardeners have observed that some plants have a beneficial DEADLINES: effect on each other and other plant combinations are detrimental. Crop January/February December1 March/April February1 plants, herbs and flowers are companions for a variety of reasons: shelter May/June March 32 July/August June 1 from wind and sun, root and leaf secretions for benefit or not, soil improve- September/October August 1 November/December October 1 ment by incorporating minerals into the soil, the nitrogen fix that peas give and sunflowers utilize, repel harmful pests or attract beneficial insects or NEWSLETTER ADVERTISING INFORMATION: act as decoys and they can taste and smell better. 1/8 Page ¼ Page ½ Page Full Page Marigolds with everything!! They are the universal plant companion. Maximum size: 1 ¾” & 2 ¼” 3 ¾” x 2 ¼” 3 ¾” x 4 ½” 7 ½” x 4 ½” One Issue: $12.50 $20.00 $37.50 $75.00 Nasturtium is a close second. Nasturtium is another good addition to a Two Issues: $23.50 $37.50 $72.00 $146.00 diverse garden. It performs as a “trap crop,” attracting aphids that would Four Issues: $45.50 $70.00 $137.00 otherwise prey on innocent garden crops. It also provides brightly colored Six Issues: $65.50 $100.00 $198.00 blossoms, especially in nutrient-poor soil, that attract beneficial insects. The distribution for the Federated Garden Clubs of Minnesota newsletter is approximately Sweet peas and sunflowers are great companions with the peas contributing 1,000 per issue. There are six issues per year. We encourage our members to support and nitrogen and the corn providing shelter and support. Many garden crops use the services of our advertisers. You may email your advertisement to like to grow with beans and peas because of the industrious bacteria air and or send your 'print ready' copy with your check. colonies living on their roots. These colonies pull nitrogen right out of the Make checks payable to: Federated Garden Clubs of Minnesota. air and share it with the plants, to the benefit of both. Mail checks to: Kathleen Hanson, 6710 Stevens Av S, Richfield, MN 55423. Dill is a good cucumber companion from seedling to pickle jar because it 14 CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE: 3 CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE:
  • 4. directly repels aphids and spider mites, and attracts beneficial insects like U of Wisconsin-Green Bay Says New Email Font Will Save Money parasitic wasps and lacewings that control cucumber beetles and other As part of the school's five-year plan to go green, the University of pests. The herb also appears to stimulate a better flavor in cucumbers as Wisconsin-Green Bay has switched the default font on its email the two plants mature. system from Arial to Century Gothic. While the change sounds minor, There are also bad companions that create and problems with pests, stunted it will save money on ink when students print email in the new font. growth, mineral shortages: Garlic, shallots, onions inhibit beans and peas; and tomatoes and potatoes multiply their disease potential. Diane Blohowiak is the school's director of computing. She says the new font uses about 30 percent less ink than the previous one. You can study the pairings on the internet and there are many books avail- able. There are many lists available and, for the most part, they provide That could add up to real savings, since the cost of printer ink works the same information. Then you can design your gardens to work optimally out to about $10,000 per gallon. for the crops that you are looking forward to eating and sharing. It is best Blohowiak says the decision is part of the school's five-year plan to to do this from the beginning. go green. She tells Wisconsin Public Radio it's great that a change Companion planting is ancient and our Native Americans utilized this that's eco-friendly also saves money. with the “Three Sisters” of corn, squash and beans. Work with nature, not against it. Nature is diverse and the gardener must practice diversity. SPRING GARDENING TIPS Submitted by Kathy Stattine • When spring flowering shrubs are done blooming, it is time to do a Plant pruning. Sales Sales • Remove spent blooms on tulips, daffodils and other spring flowering bulbs. Do not remove the foliage until later in the summer when it turns yellow completely. Fertilize bulb foliage with a well balanced fertilizer. The Bloomington Garden Clubs will have a Plant Sale Thursday, May 6 • Clean up garden beds by cutting back dead tops of perennials, raking & Friday, May 7 at 8300 Sheridan Av. S, Bloomington. Patio pots, out the leaves, remove any winter mulch you applied last fall, and Hanging Baskets, and Bedding Plants will be offered for sale. Hours are mixing in compost or slow release fertilizer into the soil. Finish cleaning 8:00 AM-6:00 PM. Come early for best selection. up your perennial beds by removing last year's spent foliage. • Get your cages and plant supports up on taller plants, such as peonies, Edina Garden Council Plant Sale, May 7 and May 8 Baptisia and clematis, before they get too big. This popular plant sale sponsored by the Edina Garden Council will be • Clean out your birdhouses and get the hummingbird feeders filled and held May 7 for 10 am-8 pm and May 8 from 10 am-4 pm at Arneson out into the garden. Acres Park, 4700 West 70th St, Edina, 55435. • Cool season vegetables, such as radishes, leaf lettuce, spinach, peas, Friends School Plant Sale at the Minnesota State Fairground potatoes, beets and onion sets may be planted in the ground once the May 7, 11 am – 8 pm May 8, 10 am – 6 pm May 9, noon – 4 pm soil is dry enough to work. Cool season flowers, such as pansies, snapdragons, bachelor buttons and sweet peas may also be planted. See website for more details: Over 300,000 individual plants for sale including shrubs, trees, roses • Divide perennials such as hosta, daylilies, monarda and many others. Use a spading fork to lift the whole clump and divide it up with a heavy and native plants. knife or sharp spade, making sure each division has some good roots The money raised from the plant sale is used for scholarships at Friends and several shoots that will grow quickly once replanted in the garden School of Minnesota. at the same depth it was when you dug it out. Water your new PLANT SALE by Mendota Heights Garden Club transplants well. Saturday May 8-8:00AM-1:00PM • Check your garden hoses, nozzles and sprinklers for leaks. Sharpen your Shop for your your pruners and check the condition of your other gardening tools. 1422 Delaware Ave. Mother’s Day Don’t forget your lawn mower! It needs attention, too! West St. Paul, MN. present here! • Repot any patio plants that may have become root bound. Perennials, Herbs, Annuals • Don’t’ be surprised if it snows, after all, it is Minne-snow-ta! 4 CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE: 13 CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE:
  • 5. Two Thumbs Up for Frito Lay – Lake Owasso Garden Club Plant Sale will be held on Friday May 14th from 8 am-6 pm & Sat May 15th from 8 am-noon. Another Company Saving the Earth Join us at 868 Cannon Av, Shoreview for a wide selection of perennials to The mission at Frito-Lay is to preserve the earth because without the earth choose from. Any? Call Deb 651-765-2461. See you there! they would have no product. One would never know how deeply com- City of Ramsey Garden Club Plant Sale. Saturday, May 15, 8:00 am – mitted Frito-Lay is to conservation until you visit their website. If it weren’t noon. NEW LOCATION: City of Ramsey Municipal Center parking for the ‘new’ packaging for SunChips I would have never known, either. ramp/lot, 75501 Sunwood, Ramsey. Located off Highway 10 West This is not just a “redesign” the entire package has between Ramsey Blvd & Armstrong Blvd.Look for signs been recreated! These innovative bags are designed Parkway Garden Club Annual Perennial Plant Sale. Saturday, May 15, to fully decompose in about 14 weeks when placed 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., 1407 Arundel St., St. Paul, MN. Proven plants from in a hot, active compost bin or pile. members’ gardens. For more information call Nanette at SunChip bag after 12 weeks in an active compost pile. 651-353-4284 or email Photo courtesy of Frito-Lay North America. Richfield Garden Club Plant Sale, May 15 at Most “chips” are packed in bags which are the historic Bartholomew House, 6901 constructed of multiple layers of polyolefin Lyndale Av S, Richfield. Sale begins at 9 am materials, mainly polyethylene (PE) and -3 pm. Annuals, perennials, vegetables, polypropylene (PP), which are derived from petroleum by-products. herbs, hanging baskets and more! Check While these materials are extremely efficient (in both cost and Begonia rex ‘Constellation Libra’ out our incredible Begonia rex selection! performance) it did not meet with Frito-Lay’s standards. After 4 years of research and field trials a material known as PLA met their U of M Extension Master Gardeners in Hennepin County performance expectations. PLA stands for polylactic acid, or Polylactide, a versatile polymer produced 2nd Annual Plant Sale Saturday, May 22, Proceeds from this sale benefit by NatureWorks LLC. PLA is made from lactic acid. Lactic acid is made 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. University of Minnesota from dextrose by fermentation. Dextrose is made from starch and starch Hopkins Pavilion, Extension Master Gardeners is made from carbon dioxide and water. Because it’s made with plants 11000 Excelsior Blvd, Program in Hennepin County that grow annually instead of petroleum (which takes millions of years to community programs. Hopkins, 55343 form) the impact on greenhouse gases is much lower. Soon all Frito-Lay Buy beautiful plants for sun or shade at great prices. Plants are grown products will be found in 100% compostable packaging. by Master Gardeners with tender loving care to ensure they are Frito-Lay’s commitment to the earth doesn’t involve just packaging; they healthy. Master Gardeners will answer your gardening questions and have been recognized by the EPA for their commitment to reducing provide helpful information on the plants you purchase. greenhouse gas emissions. They have converted one of their plants in We will accept cash or checks only, please. Bring a wagon or cart. Modesto, CA to solar energy. At the Casa Grande plant they are working You’ll want to buy lots of plants! on refitting it to operate almost entirely on renewable energy and run- For more information on this sale and the Master Gardeners Program, ning water. They hope to reduce electric and water usage by 90% by 2011. visit our website at,, or call our office at 612-596-2130. I hope you will visit their website and learn more about a company who began conserving in 1939 by recycling and reusing shipping cartons to The Diggers Garden Club of Robbinsdale will be hosting a plant sale on June 5, 2010, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, on the grounds of the Robbinsdale becoming a leading business which is truly devoted to saving the earth. Historical Society, 4915 42nd Av N, Robbinsdale, MN 55422. This will be a fun filled mini-fair event. There will be representatives from The Kat Hanson Historical Society, Robbin Gallery and the Diggers Club. The Historical 12 CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE: 5 CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE:
  • 6. Society and Robbin gallery spaces will be open, and strolling musicians convention attendees there will be a very special tour of Klehm's will entertain. Art, crafts and plants will be available for sale. This is a Song Sparrow peony fields. An exciting event is in store! For more great event. Free admission and free parking. For further information information visit and please contact Irene at 763-535-3074. The Bloomington Affiliated Garden Clubs and the Nine Renaissance Festival 2010 Mile Creek Girl Scout Service Unit are planning a special I need your help! Remember, this is the year that Evil Ann is deserting me event for Saturday, June 5th from 9 until noon. for a trip to Australia and I need extra help. If you would be willing to volunteer Approximately 150 Girl Scouts will attend an outdoor for one day, all will be well! seminar sponsored by the Bloomington Affiliated Garden If you are willing to work at the booth: Clubs, Inc. on native plants in order to achieve requirements and receive 1. Your club can take a day. If you have 4-7 people from your club who the National Garden Clubs, Inc. Girl Scout patch for Native Plants. Plans agree to work, you have the day. 2. If only a couple of people from your club want to work, I’ll add a few are to work with several organizations to provide several concurrent from another club to fill out the day. activities to promote native plants in Minnesota. 3. If you are the only one who is interested in working, I’ll fill in the day with Picture Perfect Gardens: Photographing Your Garden others. But be sure to ask your daughter (or granddaughter), a neighbor or Learn how to photograph your garden from the pros even a husband! It can be a really fun day with your family. 4. And you can always work more than one day! ;-) 11 a.m. June 7 in the Terrace Room at Arneson We have to be at the Festival at 8:00am since the doors open at 9:00am. The Acres Park, 4700 West 70th St, Edina, 55435. Festival closes at 7:00pm and after we put everything away, we can leave. ‘Stars of the North’ Because some ladies have expressed a desire to work at the booth but fear they 2010 American Hosta Society Convention could not last all day, I am allowing some volunteers to work shortened days. Some of the workers may make arrangements to work from 8:00am until 3-4pm. hosted by the Minnesota Hosta Society This must be arranged ahead of time because I still need some people to work June 23-26, 2010 until closing. at the Sheraton Hotel, Bloomington The Festival opens Saturday, Aug. 21st through Sunday, Oct. 3rd. I try to Fabulous Garden Tours, Vendors, Hostatality, AHS Auction, make sure everyone has a fun day with lots of opportunities to see shows and go *Hosta Show, Raffles, Silent Auctions, Speakers, Classes and shopping. And it is always fun helping little girls become little princesses! Demonstrations. This is a wonderful opportunity to visit the Here are contact numbers for you: largest leaf show in the nation, shop a large collection of • Kathy Compo 763-535-1817 (for volunteering at the booth) vendors, and see special exhibits and an auction. • Taffy Mills 612-866-8055 (for dried flowers, wires, floral tape, etc.) *The Hosta Show is accredited by The American Hosta Society and • Ann Albrecht 651-699-8832 (ribbons and cord for fairy garlands) is open to the public. Hosta show rules can be found at http:// If you have any questions or are interested in having Evil Ann or I attend one of your club meetings, please contact me at or Visit or contact Mary Schwartzbauer 763-535-1817. 651-437-8899 or Connie Linder Thanks—Kathy Gamble Compo The North Star Lily Society-Annual Lily Show July 2-4, 2010 Bachman's Heritage Room, 6010 Lyndale Av S, Minneapolis, MN Green Up Tonic Set-up and Entries July 2 - 1:00 pm – Closing 1 can beer 1 cup ammonia Horticulture Entries Accepted July 3 - 7:00 am - 9:00 am 1/2 c lawn food 1/2 c molasses or corn syrup Artistic Design entries open until 10:00 am Fill 20 gal hose end sprayer with above and fill balance with warm water. Sunday, July 4 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Spray on plants or lawn until saturated. SHOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 6 CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE: 11 CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE:
  • 7. Sumner Library at 611 Van White Memorial Blvd in Minneapolis THE MONARCH BUTTERFLY continues to host Master Gardener talks: Spring greetings from Duluth, MN. I am Saturday, May 1, 2 p.m. Container Gardening honored to serve as your butterfly garden Container gardening allows you to add color to your garden, deck or writer and grateful for the opportunity to front steps with limited time commitment. Learn to select write this column about butterflies and containers, a good potting mix, ideal plants and how to care for butterfly gardening. As you read this, these beautiful mini gardens. Monarch butterflies are starting their migration north. Their population is Saturday, June 5, 2 p.m. Small Space Vegetable Gardening at an all time low this year which compelled me to share ways that gardeners can help Monarchs. You can create highly productive flower and vegetable gardens in PLANT MILKWEED. Monarch females can only lay their eggs on small spaces. Learn to plan your space, use trellises, containers, milkweed. Without this plant monarchs will not survive. Milkweed is also wide-row or square-row, rounded beds and raised beds. an excellent nectar source and the following Saturday, July 10, 2 p.m. Perennial Flower Gardening species grow well in full sun in our area: Grow plants that beautify your landscape year after year. Learn Swamp milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) has about their care, ideal sites (shade, sun, moisture), soil conditions, pink-red flowers and likes moist soil. It can be pest control and varieties ideal for Minnesota. planted in average soil, but water it well until Sumner Library is located near Hwy 94 at the intersection of Van established. White Memorial Blvd and Olson Memorial Highway. Butterfly weed (A. tuberosa) has orange flowers and does well in dry to For more information call (952) 847-2875. average soils. Sullivant’s milkweed (A. sullivantii) is pink and can be grown in clay or Daffodil Society of Minnesota's 2010 spring average soil. This plant is an alternative to the more aggressive Common show. It will be held on the weekend of May milkweed. 15-16, at the Bachman's store on Lyndale Ave Common milkweed (A. syriaca) spreads vigorously in sandy to average South in Minneapolis. soil. It is best suited for fields or meadows rather than the average garden. We welcome non-members, and provide However this is an excellent host plant for the caterpillars due to its large FREE daffodils for artistic designers. The theme for artistic designs is leaves. Daffodils Go 'Green', with classes involving recycling, clean water, PLANT GOOD NECTAR SOURCES. Monarchs use flower nectar as fuel 'paper or plastic', composting, litter, and tree-hugging! We hope for their migration. Native plants such as New England Aster, Smooth designers will have some fun with the classes. Full details are in our Aster (A. laevis), Meadow Blazing Star (Liatris ligulistylus) and Showy show schedule, which is posted on our website:, Goldenrod (Solidago speciosa) are excellent fall choices. Summer nectar sources include Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea), Pale Cone- or designers can call me for information. flower (E. pallida), many liatris species, Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa), Margaret Macneale, President & Show Chair, Ironweed (Vernonia fasciculata) and Joe Pye Weed (Eupatorium Daffodil Society of Minnesota maculatum). To find these native plants visit or check the websites of 763-377-1458 (home - evenings and weekends) Prairie Restorations, Inc (several MN locations including Scandia and 952-542-4816 (weekdays) 612-581-3426 (cell) Randolph) & Prairie Nursery in Westfield, WI. Minnesota Peony Society is celebrating peony season with a PROTECT MILKWEED. Without this native plant Monarchs are unable to reproduce. Unfortunately, in some areas Common milkweed is motorcoach trip to Janesville, Wisconsin to attend the American considered a secondary noxious weed. If necessary, this plant can be cut Peony Society Show and Convention to be held at the Rotary down, but should remain standing until early to mid September when the Gardens June 4-6. A colorful show of hundreds of the nation's best butterflies are finished with their reproductive cycle. If you know of a grown peony blossoms will be open to the public and for paid Common milkweed stand, try to protect it from chemical spraying. 10 CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE: 7 CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE:
  • 8. PRESERVE HABITAT. The Monarch unites Canada, the United States and Mexico. Their breeding grounds, migratory corridors and FOCUS CLUBS********** **********FOCUS ON CLUBS overwintering sites must all be protected if their migration is to continue. The World Wildlife Fund and The Monarch Butterfly Fund are crucial in Sweet Sioux Garden Club protecting the overwintering sites in Mexico. Visit their websites for detailed information. Perhaps your garden club could fundraise for the Each year, Memorial Day provides a special and dedicated opportunity Monarch Butterfly Fund. for communities to come together to remember those who have CERTIFY YOUR GARDEN AS A MONARCH WAYSTATION. Visit sacrificed for the freedom we all realize today. The South Metro Blue for more information and follow their amazing Star Mothers participate in the annual Memorial Day event with the City migration on the website Journey North. I wish these butterflies well in of Burnsville and the Sweet Sioux Garden Club in the dedication to our their migration this spring and hope you are blessed with many troops. Monarchs in your garden this summer. We have had a Memorial Day Pat Thomas, Duluth, MN event annually since we dedicated our marker. There are flag poles; the Civil Air THINGS I CAN DO TO SAVE THE EARTH Patrol Cadets present the colors. (They meet in City I hope you have adopted at least one of the energy saving suggestions Hall) We put a wreath at the from the last issue. Here are a few more ideas: base of the marker during the 1. Walk, ride your bike, take the bus, light rail or car pool. ceremony. The Mayor comes 2. Do Errands in Bulk - Make a list of the things you have to do, and and speaks. We give see if you can fit a couple of those things together in one ride. The wreath was made by Phyllis Andrews. carnations to the veterans 3. Buy in bulk. Shop with a friend or family member and split the bulk items with them. When less packaging is used then less ends up in and if we have enough to everyone. The Blue Star Mothers of the South the landfill. Metro come; their president speaks as well. We have refreshments in the 4. Buy Local Produce - Consider how much energy it takes for lobby of City Hall following the ceremony for everyone. produce from any other country to be shipped here. Last year we put a sign in the 5. Re-use plastic and paper shopping bags. Use eco-friendly shopping park with the history of the bags –it’s all the rage! markers and the purpose and 6. Get regular tune-ups. history of the park, which is 7. Inflate your Tires - If your tires are inflated at all times your car will meant to be a place for run more miles on less gas. Check them often. The change in seasons will affect the air pressure in your tires!! memorials rather than a place 8. Go to a car wash - Going to a car wash is a lot more water efficient to play. then washing your car at home. Our club maintains the 9. IT’S ARBOR MONTH - Plant a Tree - It's good for the air, can keep perennials and annuals around you cool and can increase your property value. the fountain area; we also have 10. MAKE RECYCLING YOUR NUMBER ONE PRIORITY EVERYDAY! Teresa Daly, Carol Oeltjenbruns, Leonard Zachman, a Hosta garden in the back by Jimmie Meinhardt Phyllis Andrews, Mayor Kautz I would love to hear from you or your club if you have other “eco- the pond. The fountain area friendly” suggestions that you would like to share or if you have especially is a place that many group pictures, weddings, graduations, etc. adopted an “earth saving” idea. Please forward them to are taken. Submitted by Carol Oeltjenbruns Kat Hanson 8 CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE: 9 CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE: