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Phase I: Project History, Purpose,
Partners, and Preparations
Phase 2: Community Conversations
& Planning for Next Steps
Phase 3: Crafting Our Action Plan
Key Resources & Websites
©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D.
Th is sp e c ia l p r oje c t is
sp on sor e d b y R ota r y Clu b s of
Ea ste r n Ka n sa s - D istr ic t 5710,
in c lu d in g R ota r y Clu b of L e n e x a,
R ota r y Clu b of L e a w ood , R ota r y
Clu b of Commu n ity A c tion
A ga in st Hu ma n Tr a f f ic kin g, a n d
R ota r y Clu b Ta ip e i Or ie n ta l
I n te gr ity , in p a r tn e r sh ip w ith
Ve r on ic a 's Voic e a n d En ga ge
Toge th e r .
Rotary Clubs of Eastern Kansas -
District 5710, including Rotary Club
of Lenexa, Rotary Club of Leawood,
Rotary Club of Community Action
Against Human Trafficking, and
Rotary Club Tai pei Oriental Integrity.
Our local partner, the mission of Veronica's
Voice is to empower women to exit from, to
prevent the entry into, and to end all demand
for prostitution-sex trafficking in the United
States through survivor leadership.
Our national partner, Engage Together®
provides communities the tools,
trainings, technology and support they
need to increase collaboration and
accelerate impact in the fight to end
and prevent human trafficking.
Rotary International is working to combat human trafficking
on a global scale. But that work begins in local
communities. Which is why, in 2021, our three Rotary clubs
committed to working on it together right in our own towns
in Johnson County, Kansas, and to rally a “swarm” of
community members to join the fight.
Our mission was two-fold, to learn and to act - together.
First, we worked to discover: What is happening in our
communities, who is already engaged, and what do they
need to succeed? What are gaps in our community efforts
to combat human trafficking, and how might we address
them? As we learned, we turned awareness to action, and
found ways to come alongside our entire community to end
and prevent human trafficking.
Our objective was to leverage the unique strengths of
Rotary as community conveners, catalyzers, and actively
engaged citizens to support and accelerate the work to end
and prevent human trafficking in our community.
To accomplish this, we engaged two key local and national
partners to guide us in the journey, Veronica's Voice and
Engage Together. And we developed this Community Action
Kit to capture the process and plan moving forward.
First, we applied for
and secured a Rotary
Global Grant to
support the initiative
and our partners.
Second, we worked
with our partners to get
ready to launch, incl.
setting up a website,
communications and
social media strategy,
and group project
Third, we all earned
our Human Trafficking
Awareness & Strategy
Certification from
Justice U, to better
understand human
trafficking and what a
community needs to
do to end it.
©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D.
©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D.
T o under s t a nd t he needs of our
loc a l c om m unit y, we hos t ed t wo
c om m unit y c onver s a t ions ea c h
m ont h. T he fir s t wa s open t o t he
public , a nd invit ed loc a l
c om m unit y exper t s t o s ha r e t heir
per s pec t ives a nd ins ight s int o t he
s t r enghs , ga ps , a nd oppor t unit ies
for enga gem ent on s pec ific
t opic s . T he s ec ond ga t her ing wa s
a wor king gr oup s es s ion of R ot a r y
m em ber s t o det er m ine - now t ha t
we know m or e, wha t c ould we do?
July: Findings Reviews
August: Vulnerabilities
September: Addressing Demand
October: Reforms
November: Labor Trafficking
December: Supporting Survivors
January: Nat'l HT Awareness Month
Session 1:
Findings Reviews
In t his kic koff s es s ion, we hea r d fr om
As hleigh Cha pm a n, founder of E nga ge
T oget her a nd L uc y Bloom , E xec ut ive Dir ec t or
of V er onic a ' s V oic e, who s ha r ed t he r es ult s of
t he m os t r ec ent E nga ge T oget her Com m unit y
As s es s m ent s ur vey for Ka ns a s Cit y a nd
s ur r ounding a r ea s .
T his s es s ion eva lua t ed t he c ur r ent s t r engt hs ,
ga ps , a nd oppor t unit ies for c om m unit y a c t ion
t o a ddr es s la bor a nd s ex t r a ffic king, of a dult s
a nd m inor s , for eign na t iona ls a nd c it izens , in
t he a r ea s of pr event ion, ident ific a t ion,
r es c ue/ exit , r es t or a t ion, a nd r efor m s .
T o r eview, wa t c h t he one-hour s es s ion .
©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D.
Add community stakeholders
to the outreach list
Let Veronica's Voice know who
else should be included in the
Community Assessment
Support getting the word out
about upcoming events
Complete earning your
Justice U certification
Share social media and email
announcements with your
local network
Block bi-monthly events on
your calendars
©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D.
1) Get the word out about the
initiative, upcoming events, and
scholarships for Justice U
certifications for Johnson County (and
area) residents
2) Let Veronica's Voice know of any
additional programs or services that
need to be invited to participate in
the Community Assessment
1) Work with Veronica's Voice, and
Engage Together on obtaining and
sharing communications and collaterals,
then proactively reach out and have
conversations with your contacts
2) Send local service provider contacts
and details to Veronica's Voice for review
and outreach
1) For immediate (and ongoing)
action throughout the duration of
the Project
2) For immediate (and ongoing)
action throughout the duration of
the Project
Session 2:
P r oviding a m ea l for fa m ilies who a r e s t r uggling
As s is t ing wit h t r a ns por t a t ion
Ment or ing jus t ic e-involved yout h a nd a dult s
P r oviding m ea ningful em ploym ent
Ha ving em ployer s a nd lea der s in our c om m unit y
or ga niza t ions a nd c hur c hes be t r a ined in t r a um a
Suppor t ing a ffor da ble hous ing s olut ions
Spons or ing oppor t unit ies for yout h t o pa r t ic ipa t e
in m ea ningful a c t ivit ies
Cr ea t ing a s a fe pla c e for vic t im s of c r im e t o go t o
get a ll t heir s er vic es in one loc a t ion
In t his s es s ion, we hea r d fr om L ee J os t , E xec ut ive
Dir ec t or of NCir c le; Ma r y Ann P it nic k, P r ogr a m s
Coor dina t or for J ohns on Count y Ca s e Ma na gem ent
P r ogr a m ; Kelly Y oung, Dir ec t or of E videnc e Ba s ed
Init ia t ives for KV C KS; a nd Det ec t ive Sha nnon L eeper ,
L enexa P olic e Depa r t m ent . Key t a ke-a wa ys inc luded
t he need for :
T o r eview, wa t c h t he one-hour s es s ion .
©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D.
Leverage Rotary foundation to
support existing and new local
efforts needed
Contact local city & county
leadership to do a presentation
on needs and vulnerabilities
Create fundraising and
awareness through SWARM t-
shirt brand mkt'g campaign
Contact your local school about
needs for food, transportation, or
Have conversations with your
churches, businesses, etc. on
how they can help
Explore mentorship
opportunities and/or support
mentoring program needs
©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D.
1) Educate city, county, and
state leadership (including
Rotarians) on these issues,
needs, and opportunities for
2) Target and promote
fundraising efforts to
strengthen local programs
1) Reach out to new legislators, city
councils, Rotary districts, association
boards of vulnerable venues (e.g.
massage businesses), chambers of
commerce, churches, and more
2) Work with local Rotary club
leadership and community partners
(both individuals & organizations)
1) For immediate and ongoing
action; time outreach to events
and national (and/or local)
monthly awareness themes
2) For immediate & ongoing
action throughout (and after)
the Project
Session 3:
Addressing Demand
Bet t er under s t a nding of t he im pa c t of how
por nogr a phy, pim p c ult ur e, a nd s exua lly or ient ed
bus ines s es dr ive dem a nd
E xpa ns ion of educ a t ion for fir s t -t im e offender s
on t he r ea lit ies of hum a n t r a ffic king
An a ppr oa c h t ha t enga ges a ll s ec t or s of t he
c om m unit y t o dec r ea s e dem a nd
In t his s es s ion, we hea r d fr om Mike J ens en, F ounder
of Conc er ned Cit izens for R es pons ible Gover nm ent ;
V ine T uc ker , Dir ec t or of Men' s E duc a t ion for
V er onic a ' s V oic e; J ennifer Mont gom er y, Dir ec t or of
Hum a n T r a ffic king Init ia t ives for KS At t or ney
Gener a l' s Offic e; a nd As hleigh Cha pm a n, F ounder of
E nga ge T oget her a nd J us t ic e U.
Key t a ke-a wa ys inc luded t he need for :
T o r eview, wa t c h t he one-hour s es s ion .
©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D.
Partner with the Attorney
General's Office to support the
Demand an End campaign
Explore opportunities to partner
with local law enforcement to
report suspicious businesses and
activities in your community
Work with the business
community to enact zero
tolerance policies & ethical codes
of conduct
Contact your local and state
leaders about strengthening
efforts to reduce demand and
protect victims
Leverage social media to raise
awareness of demand and efforts
to address it
Educate others on biases and
misconceptions related to
commercial sexual exploitation
and its true harms
©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D.
1) Have meaningful conversations with
local law enforcement leadership to share
our concerns about HT in our area, learn
what they are presently doing to address
it, and discover how we can help
2) Engage the business community to
build awareness and highlight ways they
can be part of the solution
1) Set up a meeting between the Chief of
Police and a cohort from our Rotary clubs
2) Reach out to the local Chamber of
Commerce & City Council to discuss ideas
and plan for larger catalytic events
throughout the year
1) Late January/early February
2) Invite leadership to attend January
event, then follow up about hosting
separate sessions with their members
(consider joining forces around April event
with fellow Rotary clubs)
Session 4:
Reforms in Kansas
All la wm a ker s t o bec om e educ a t ed on t he loc a l
r ea lit y of hum a n t r a ffic king a nd it s im pa c t
New legis la t or s a nd polic y-m a ker s t o under s t a nd
t he his t or y of a nt i-t r a ffic king effor t s in Ka ns a s
s o t ha t t hey c a n build on pa s t pr ogr es s a nd know
wha t s t ill needs t o be a c c om plis hed
A foc us on bot h la bor a nd s ex t r a ffic king in our
r efor m effor t s
In t his s es s ion, we hea r d fr om Chr is t ine R a ino,
Senior Dir ec t or of P ublic P olic y a t Sha r ed Hope;
F a r on Ba r r , Im m edia t e P a s t Dis t r ic t Gover nor
R ot a r y Dis t r ic t 5710; a nd R ebec c a Zipkin, P olic y
Dir ec t or a t Wor ld Wit hout E xploit a t ion.
Key t a ke-a wa ys inc luded t he need for :
T o r eview, wa t c h t he one-hour s es s ion .
©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D.
Build on relationships with
legislators, staffers, and revisers
to elevate needed reforms at
the state level
Provide training and education
opportunities and resources
(e.g. Justice U courses) to local
and state leadership
Craft an official statement of
concern, with suggested
reforms, and Rotary's
commitment to help
Send webinar(s) as a follow-up
to your individual networks
Ask your rep(s) how they are
working on both labor and sex
trafficking, and what they would like
to know about its impact in Kansas
Keep tabs on upcoming
legislation and contact your
rep(s) to share your opinion
©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D.
1) Develop and share a one-sheet for all
legislators detailing both a brief history of
Kansas's progress on HT reforms and
what still needs to be accomplished
2) Use the one-sheet as a catalyst for
discussion with individual state and local
leadership, as well as in legislative
committee discussions and hearings
3) Send out this particular webinar to our
local representatives' offices
1) Veronica's Voice, Engage
Together, and HTAB
2) Individual legislators (particularly
those with whom we have existing
relationships), committees, local
city council leadership
3) Individual action
1) Publish the one-sheet by first
week of January 2022
2) Schedule discussions and
meetings beginning January 2022
through Q1
3) Immediate
Session 5:
Labor Trafficking
Know t ha t la bor t r a ffic king im pa c t s Ka ns a s in t wo
pr im a r y wa ys 1) t he us e of la bor t r a ffic king
pr es ent in s upply c ha ins of t he goods im por t ed
int o Ka ns a s a nd 2) t he for c ed la bor a nd s er vic es of
a dult s , c hildr en, for eign na t iona ls a nd c it izens
t ha t r es ide in Ka ns a s .
Under s t a nd t ha t la bor t r a ffic king is a c r im e a nd is
oft en hidden in pla in s ight - a nd is pr es ent in t he
m a nufa c t ur ing, a gr ic ult ur e, hos pit a lit y a nd
r es t a ur a nt indus t r ies in Ka ns a s .
In t his s es s ion, we hea r d fr om : P a r ker R ot h fr om
Ka ns a s Univer s it y; J a m es J ohns on fr om Ka ns a s
Depa r t m ent of Cor r ec t ions ; a nd As hleigh Cha pm a n,
hum a n r ight s la wyer a nd founder of E nga ge T oget her .
Key t a ke-a wa ys inc luded t he need t o:
T o r eview, wa t c h t he one-hour s es s ion . 19
©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D.
Always include labor trafficking
when raising awareness of human
trafficking - both sex and labor
trafficking exist in Kansas
Educate & equip local businesses
on supply chain transparency and
steps to take to mitigate risk and
protect victims
Build relationships with schools,
law enforcement, victim service
providers, and child welfare -
and be ready to meet needs
Know the signs & make the call
(if imminent danger, call local
law enforcement before the
national hotline)
Increase your personal
commitment to responsible
consumerism and fair trade
Talk to your employer about
offering apprenticeships or jobs
to labor trafficking survivors
©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D.
1) Connect with AG's Taskforce, State &
Local Chambers of Commerce, and
Societies of Association Executives, and
SHRM (Society of Human Resource Mgrs)
2) Work with the Club Vocational Service
Chair to do the research
3) Work with Veronica's Voice and Engage
Together to identify those agencies
already addressing labor trafficking in the
1) Begin building relationships in Q2
2) Begin the conversation Q1; Aim for an
early draft deliverable before July 30th
(World Day Against Trafficking in Persons)
3) Begin reaching out now
1) Take a top-down approach to
mobilizing the business community
2) Map the industries present in our
area and match it to those at high risk
of labor trafficking
3) Reach out to local agencies working
to address labor trafficking, and rally
needed resources to support
individuals and families - as both a
preventive and restorative measure
Session 6:
Supporting Survivors
Ac c ur a t e r epor t ing, a ppr opr ia t e us e of
t er m inology, a nd r es pec t ing s ur vivor s ' r ight s t o
t ell t heir own s t or y a r e c r it ic a l when r a is ing
a wa r enes s of t his is s ue
Knowing t ha t bot h s ur vivor s AND t hos e wor king
ever y da y on beha lf of t his c a us e need our
enc our a gem ent a nd s uppor t
Inc r ea s ing a va ila ble r es our c es a nd s olut ions t o
s uppor t hous ing, em ploym ent , hea lt hc a r e, a nd
ever y da y needs
In t his s es s ion, we hea r d fr om Kr is t y Childs , F ounder
of V er onic a ' s V oic e, a nd T er r y F or lit i, E xec ut ive
Dir ec t or of Br ea king F r ee, dis c us s ing s uppor t ing
s ur vivor s of c om m er c ia l s exua l exploit a t ion.
Key t a ke-a wa ys inc luded t he need for :
T o r eview, wa t c h t he one-hour s es s ion . 22
©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D.
Advocate for policy changes and
support programs to better
empower survivors in Kansas
(e.g. Veronica Voice petition)
Rally funding and resources to
support housing, healthcare, and
transportation needs of survivors
Sponsor opportunities, community
outings, and self-care activities for
survivors, their kids, and local
victim service providers
Offer your professional services
and expertise to support local
programs and organizations
Reach out to local organizations
to learn more about and meet
their needs - e.g. donating gift
cards or teaching a class
Talk to your networks about
offering apprenticeship or
employment opportunities to
trafficking survivors
©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D.
1) Use the listserv provided by Veronica's
Voice and Engage Together as a starting
point for outreach
2) Start by educating business owners
that are Rotary members about the
opportunity, and include this call-to-
action in all community awareness
events, particularly for business partners
1) Immediate and ongoing
2) Immediate and ongoing
1) Reach out to local organizations and
agencies supporting survivors, ask
about their tangible, funding, and
service needs, then rally the resources
2) Create a network of employers ready
and willing to provide apprenticeship
and/or living wage employment
opportunities for survivors
of Action
NO. 2
Rotary International exists as
the sum of its local clubs.
Rotarians are people of
action, and action must begin
at the local level to address
challenges and meet needs.
NO. 3
Rotarians are highly engaged
in our communities. As
peacebuilders and
changemakers in their
spheres of influence and
vocations, this gives Rotarians
a platform to engage others in
the solution.
NO. 1
Rotary club members are
diverse in gender, creed,
politics, age and vocation.
That is its strength and magic
formula. This membership
diversity helps create
community partnerships to
address local problems.
We can leverage Rotary
Foundation to support
existing efforts, fund new
programs, and sponsor
activities (e.g. self-care
outings for survivors and
nonprofit leaders)
We can catalyze our entire
community to take action
by equipping our
members with knowledge
about the issue and
sharing this information
with key community
stakeholders (e.g. schools,
local chambers, and
houses of worship)
We can collaborate with
our local schools, law
enforcement, victim
service providers, and child
welfare agencies - and be
ready to meet any needs
they have throughout the
year, or connect them to
those who can
We can partner with state
leaders (e.g. government
officials) to rally behind
needed reform efforts,
and we can inform local
leaders (e.g. city council)
about current needs and
possible solutions
©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D. 27
1 Present this action kit to our clubs to get
buy-in and determine next steps
2 Create materials that all Rotary members can
use to establish a common vocabulary and
share this information with others
3 Identify and find ways to support local
anti-trafficking partners (through funding,
tangible, or service opportunities)
4 Create a measurement tool to track and
report on success and impact
Get club buy-in on action
items to pursue this year
(select 2-4 immediately
actionable items)
Create final Action Kit
materials for sharing out
(incl. web presence, social
media posts, presentation
decks, and Action Kit)
Reach out to local service
providers to learn more about
current needs and opportunities
to help (e.g. volunteers)
Share the Action Kit materials
with members of our local Rotary
clubs in the district to raise
awareness and catalyze action
(consider how to equip a
speakers bureau)
Rally support for meeting
local needs identified in Q2
Work with Rotary members
to expand awareness and
action efforts to their
networks (identify key
ambassadors from local
clubs to champion the cause
and report on progress)
Create a report on all
activities and impact
Assess what has been
successful and how
we want to continue,
refine, or expand for
the next year
1 Trauma training
2 How to support survivors and their kids
3 How to raise awareness of labor trafficking in our
local community and with industries most likely to
be impacted by it (e.g. manufacturing, agriculture,
hospitality, and restaurant businesses)
4 What reform efforts are needed and how
to best support them
5 Continue our learning journey by joining
and promoting CAAHT webinars
1 How best to increase efforts that address
Demand in our local communities
2 Whether all schools in our local districts have
trainings and protocols in place, and are
including human trafficking in their curricula
3 How businesses (small or large) can
provide jobs, internships, skills trainings,
and other opportunities for survivors
4 What laws and policies have been
established so far in Kansas, and what
still needs to be done (for legislators)
Learn How to End Human Trafficking Series
on Justice U
Engage Together
Veronica's Voice
Rotary Club of Lenexa
Rotary Club of Leawood
Rotary Club of Community Action Against
Human Trafficking (CAAHT)
Rotary Club Taipei Oriental Integrity
(use coupon code ROTARYSWARM)
©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D.
Use the QR Code below for easy access to this Project's website, participating partners, and video archives.
The following resources were shared during our Community Conversations by our national and local experts.
©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D.
Breaking Free (
Buyers' Intervention Program (
City of Lenexa (
Freedom Business Alliance (
Johnson County Government (
NCircle (
Veronica's Voice Residential Program
House Committee on Children and Seniors
House Committee on Heath and Human Services
House Committee on Federal and State Affairs
House Committee on Health and Welfare
Shared Hope State Report Cards (
2020 List of Goods Produced by Child & Forced Labor (
The Code (
Convenience Stores Against Trafficking (
Demand Forum (
Equal Not Exploited (
Fashion Revolution (
Sweat and Toil App (
Fair Trade Toolkit (
Outreach Tool for Spanish Speaking
Populations (
Child Labor Trafficking Ring in Kansas City (

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  • 2. Phase I: Project History, Purpose, Partners, and Preparations Phase 2: Community Conversations & Planning for Next Steps Phase 3: Crafting Our Action Plan Key Resources & Websites CONTENTS ©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D. Th is sp e c ia l p r oje c t is sp on sor e d b y R ota r y Clu b s of Ea ste r n Ka n sa s - D istr ic t 5710, in c lu d in g R ota r y Clu b of L e n e x a, R ota r y Clu b of L e a w ood , R ota r y Clu b of Commu n ity A c tion A ga in st Hu ma n Tr a f f ic kin g, a n d R ota r y Clu b Ta ip e i Or ie n ta l I n te gr ity , in p a r tn e r sh ip w ith Ve r on ic a 's Voic e a n d En ga ge Toge th e r . 1
  • 4. Rotary Clubs of Eastern Kansas - District 5710, including Rotary Club of Lenexa, Rotary Club of Leawood, Rotary Club of Community Action Against Human Trafficking, and Rotary Club Tai pei Oriental Integrity. Our local partner, the mission of Veronica's Voice is to empower women to exit from, to prevent the entry into, and to end all demand for prostitution-sex trafficking in the United States through survivor leadership. Our national partner, Engage Together® provides communities the tools, trainings, technology and support they need to increase collaboration and accelerate impact in the fight to end and prevent human trafficking. Rotary International is working to combat human trafficking on a global scale. But that work begins in local communities. Which is why, in 2021, our three Rotary clubs committed to working on it together right in our own towns in Johnson County, Kansas, and to rally a “swarm” of community members to join the fight. Our mission was two-fold, to learn and to act - together. First, we worked to discover: What is happening in our communities, who is already engaged, and what do they need to succeed? What are gaps in our community efforts to combat human trafficking, and how might we address them? As we learned, we turned awareness to action, and found ways to come alongside our entire community to end and prevent human trafficking. Our objective was to leverage the unique strengths of Rotary as community conveners, catalyzers, and actively engaged citizens to support and accelerate the work to end and prevent human trafficking in our community. To accomplish this, we engaged two key local and national partners to guide us in the journey, Veronica's Voice and Engage Together. And we developed this Community Action Kit to capture the process and plan moving forward. HISTORY & PURPOSE PARTNERS ©2021. ALL RIGHT S RE SERV E D. LE AR N MOR E AT V E R ONICASV OICE . OR G/ R OT AR Y -SWAR M 3
  • 5. First, we applied for and secured a Rotary Global Grant to support the initiative and our partners. Second, we worked with our partners to get ready to launch, incl. setting up a website, communications and social media strategy, and group project platform. Third, we all earned our Human Trafficking Awareness & Strategy Certification from Justice U, to better understand human trafficking and what a community needs to do to end it. PREP WORK ©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D. 4
  • 7. TAKING TIME TO LEARN ©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D. T o under s t a nd t he needs of our loc a l c om m unit y, we hos t ed t wo c om m unit y c onver s a t ions ea c h m ont h. T he fir s t wa s open t o t he public , a nd invit ed loc a l c om m unit y exper t s t o s ha r e t heir per s pec t ives a nd ins ight s int o t he s t r enghs , ga ps , a nd oppor t unit ies for enga gem ent on s pec ific t opic s . T he s ec ond ga t her ing wa s a wor king gr oup s es s ion of R ot a r y m em ber s t o det er m ine - now t ha t we know m or e, wha t c ould we do? July: Findings Reviews August: Vulnerabilities September: Addressing Demand October: Reforms November: Labor Trafficking December: Supporting Survivors January: Nat'l HT Awareness Month 6
  • 8. Session 1: Findings Reviews In t his kic koff s es s ion, we hea r d fr om As hleigh Cha pm a n, founder of E nga ge T oget her a nd L uc y Bloom , E xec ut ive Dir ec t or of V er onic a ' s V oic e, who s ha r ed t he r es ult s of t he m os t r ec ent E nga ge T oget her Com m unit y As s es s m ent s ur vey for Ka ns a s Cit y a nd s ur r ounding a r ea s . T his s es s ion eva lua t ed t he c ur r ent s t r engt hs , ga ps , a nd oppor t unit ies for c om m unit y a c t ion t o a ddr es s la bor a nd s ex t r a ffic king, of a dult s a nd m inor s , for eign na t iona ls a nd c it izens , in t he a r ea s of pr event ion, ident ific a t ion, r es c ue/ exit , r es t or a t ion, a nd r efor m s . T o r eview, wa t c h t he one-hour s es s ion . 7
  • 9. IDEAS ON NEXT STEPS ©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D. G R O U P A C T I O N I N D I V I D U A L A C T I O N Add community stakeholders to the outreach list Let Veronica's Voice know who else should be included in the Community Assessment Support getting the word out about upcoming events Complete earning your Justice U certification Share social media and email announcements with your local network Block bi-monthly events on your calendars 8
  • 10. PRIORITIES & PLAN ©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D. 1) Get the word out about the initiative, upcoming events, and scholarships for Justice U certifications for Johnson County (and area) residents 2) Let Veronica's Voice know of any additional programs or services that need to be invited to participate in the Community Assessment dashboards. 1) Work with Veronica's Voice, and Engage Together on obtaining and sharing communications and collaterals, then proactively reach out and have conversations with your contacts 2) Send local service provider contacts and details to Veronica's Voice for review and outreach 1) For immediate (and ongoing) action throughout the duration of the Project 2) For immediate (and ongoing) action throughout the duration of the Project 9
  • 11. Session 2: Vulnerabilities P r oviding a m ea l for fa m ilies who a r e s t r uggling As s is t ing wit h t r a ns por t a t ion Ment or ing jus t ic e-involved yout h a nd a dult s P r oviding m ea ningful em ploym ent Ha ving em ployer s a nd lea der s in our c om m unit y or ga niza t ions a nd c hur c hes be t r a ined in t r a um a Suppor t ing a ffor da ble hous ing s olut ions Spons or ing oppor t unit ies for yout h t o pa r t ic ipa t e in m ea ningful a c t ivit ies Cr ea t ing a s a fe pla c e for vic t im s of c r im e t o go t o get a ll t heir s er vic es in one loc a t ion In t his s es s ion, we hea r d fr om L ee J os t , E xec ut ive Dir ec t or of NCir c le; Ma r y Ann P it nic k, P r ogr a m s Coor dina t or for J ohns on Count y Ca s e Ma na gem ent P r ogr a m ; Kelly Y oung, Dir ec t or of E videnc e Ba s ed Init ia t ives for KV C KS; a nd Det ec t ive Sha nnon L eeper , L enexa P olic e Depa r t m ent . Key t a ke-a wa ys inc luded t he need for : T o r eview, wa t c h t he one-hour s es s ion . 10
  • 12. IDEAS ON NEXT STEPS ©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D. G R O U P A C T I O N I N D I V I D U A L A C T I O N Leverage Rotary foundation to support existing and new local efforts needed Contact local city & county leadership to do a presentation on needs and vulnerabilities Create fundraising and awareness through SWARM t- shirt brand mkt'g campaign Contact your local school about needs for food, transportation, or scholarships Have conversations with your churches, businesses, etc. on how they can help Explore mentorship opportunities and/or support mentoring program needs 11
  • 13. PRIORITIES & PLAN ©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D. 1) Educate city, county, and state leadership (including Rotarians) on these issues, needs, and opportunities for action 2) Target and promote fundraising efforts to strengthen local programs 1) Reach out to new legislators, city councils, Rotary districts, association boards of vulnerable venues (e.g. massage businesses), chambers of commerce, churches, and more 2) Work with local Rotary club leadership and community partners (both individuals & organizations) 1) For immediate and ongoing action; time outreach to events and national (and/or local) monthly awareness themes 2) For immediate & ongoing action throughout (and after) the Project 12
  • 14. Session 3: Addressing Demand Bet t er under s t a nding of t he im pa c t of how por nogr a phy, pim p c ult ur e, a nd s exua lly or ient ed bus ines s es dr ive dem a nd E xpa ns ion of educ a t ion for fir s t -t im e offender s on t he r ea lit ies of hum a n t r a ffic king An a ppr oa c h t ha t enga ges a ll s ec t or s of t he c om m unit y t o dec r ea s e dem a nd In t his s es s ion, we hea r d fr om Mike J ens en, F ounder of Conc er ned Cit izens for R es pons ible Gover nm ent ; V ine T uc ker , Dir ec t or of Men' s E duc a t ion for V er onic a ' s V oic e; J ennifer Mont gom er y, Dir ec t or of Hum a n T r a ffic king Init ia t ives for KS At t or ney Gener a l' s Offic e; a nd As hleigh Cha pm a n, F ounder of E nga ge T oget her a nd J us t ic e U. Key t a ke-a wa ys inc luded t he need for : T o r eview, wa t c h t he one-hour s es s ion . 13
  • 15. IDEAS ON NEXT STEPS ©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D. G R O U P A C T I O N I N D I V I D U A L A C T I O N Partner with the Attorney General's Office to support the Demand an End campaign Explore opportunities to partner with local law enforcement to report suspicious businesses and activities in your community Work with the business community to enact zero tolerance policies & ethical codes of conduct Contact your local and state leaders about strengthening efforts to reduce demand and protect victims Leverage social media to raise awareness of demand and efforts to address it Educate others on biases and misconceptions related to commercial sexual exploitation and its true harms 14
  • 16. PRIORITIES & PLAN ©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D. 1) Have meaningful conversations with local law enforcement leadership to share our concerns about HT in our area, learn what they are presently doing to address it, and discover how we can help 2) Engage the business community to build awareness and highlight ways they can be part of the solution 1) Set up a meeting between the Chief of Police and a cohort from our Rotary clubs 2) Reach out to the local Chamber of Commerce & City Council to discuss ideas and plan for larger catalytic events throughout the year 1) Late January/early February 2) Invite leadership to attend January event, then follow up about hosting separate sessions with their members (consider joining forces around April event with fellow Rotary clubs) 15
  • 17. Session 4: Reforms in Kansas All la wm a ker s t o bec om e educ a t ed on t he loc a l r ea lit y of hum a n t r a ffic king a nd it s im pa c t New legis la t or s a nd polic y-m a ker s t o under s t a nd t he his t or y of a nt i-t r a ffic king effor t s in Ka ns a s s o t ha t t hey c a n build on pa s t pr ogr es s a nd know wha t s t ill needs t o be a c c om plis hed A foc us on bot h la bor a nd s ex t r a ffic king in our r efor m effor t s In t his s es s ion, we hea r d fr om Chr is t ine R a ino, Senior Dir ec t or of P ublic P olic y a t Sha r ed Hope; F a r on Ba r r , Im m edia t e P a s t Dis t r ic t Gover nor R ot a r y Dis t r ic t 5710; a nd R ebec c a Zipkin, P olic y Dir ec t or a t Wor ld Wit hout E xploit a t ion. Key t a ke-a wa ys inc luded t he need for : T o r eview, wa t c h t he one-hour s es s ion . 16
  • 18. IDEAS ON NEXT STEPS ©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D. G R O U P A C T I O N I N D I V I D U A L A C T I O N Build on relationships with legislators, staffers, and revisers to elevate needed reforms at the state level Provide training and education opportunities and resources (e.g. Justice U courses) to local and state leadership Craft an official statement of concern, with suggested reforms, and Rotary's commitment to help Send webinar(s) as a follow-up to your individual networks Ask your rep(s) how they are working on both labor and sex trafficking, and what they would like to know about its impact in Kansas Keep tabs on upcoming legislation and contact your rep(s) to share your opinion 17
  • 19. PRIORITIES & PLAN ©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D. 1) Develop and share a one-sheet for all legislators detailing both a brief history of Kansas's progress on HT reforms and what still needs to be accomplished 2) Use the one-sheet as a catalyst for discussion with individual state and local leadership, as well as in legislative committee discussions and hearings 3) Send out this particular webinar to our local representatives' offices 1) Veronica's Voice, Engage Together, and HTAB 2) Individual legislators (particularly those with whom we have existing relationships), committees, local city council leadership 3) Individual action 1) Publish the one-sheet by first week of January 2022 2) Schedule discussions and meetings beginning January 2022 through Q1 3) Immediate 18
  • 20. Session 5: Labor Trafficking Know t ha t la bor t r a ffic king im pa c t s Ka ns a s in t wo pr im a r y wa ys 1) t he us e of la bor t r a ffic king pr es ent in s upply c ha ins of t he goods im por t ed int o Ka ns a s a nd 2) t he for c ed la bor a nd s er vic es of a dult s , c hildr en, for eign na t iona ls a nd c it izens t ha t r es ide in Ka ns a s . Under s t a nd t ha t la bor t r a ffic king is a c r im e a nd is oft en hidden in pla in s ight - a nd is pr es ent in t he m a nufa c t ur ing, a gr ic ult ur e, hos pit a lit y a nd r es t a ur a nt indus t r ies in Ka ns a s . In t his s es s ion, we hea r d fr om : P a r ker R ot h fr om Ka ns a s Univer s it y; J a m es J ohns on fr om Ka ns a s Depa r t m ent of Cor r ec t ions ; a nd As hleigh Cha pm a n, hum a n r ight s la wyer a nd founder of E nga ge T oget her . Key t a ke-a wa ys inc luded t he need t o: T o r eview, wa t c h t he one-hour s es s ion . 19
  • 21. IDEAS ON NEXT STEPS ©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D. G R O U P A C T I O N I N D I V I D U A L A C T I O N Always include labor trafficking when raising awareness of human trafficking - both sex and labor trafficking exist in Kansas Educate & equip local businesses on supply chain transparency and steps to take to mitigate risk and protect victims Build relationships with schools, law enforcement, victim service providers, and child welfare - and be ready to meet needs Know the signs & make the call (if imminent danger, call local law enforcement before the national hotline) Increase your personal commitment to responsible consumerism and fair trade Talk to your employer about offering apprenticeships or jobs to labor trafficking survivors 20
  • 22. PRIORITIES & PLAN ©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D. 1) Connect with AG's Taskforce, State & Local Chambers of Commerce, and Societies of Association Executives, and SHRM (Society of Human Resource Mgrs) 2) Work with the Club Vocational Service Chair to do the research 3) Work with Veronica's Voice and Engage Together to identify those agencies already addressing labor trafficking in the community 1) Begin building relationships in Q2 2) Begin the conversation Q1; Aim for an early draft deliverable before July 30th (World Day Against Trafficking in Persons) 3) Begin reaching out now 1) Take a top-down approach to mobilizing the business community 2) Map the industries present in our area and match it to those at high risk of labor trafficking 3) Reach out to local agencies working to address labor trafficking, and rally needed resources to support individuals and families - as both a preventive and restorative measure 21
  • 23. Session 6: Supporting Survivors Ac c ur a t e r epor t ing, a ppr opr ia t e us e of t er m inology, a nd r es pec t ing s ur vivor s ' r ight s t o t ell t heir own s t or y a r e c r it ic a l when r a is ing a wa r enes s of t his is s ue Knowing t ha t bot h s ur vivor s AND t hos e wor king ever y da y on beha lf of t his c a us e need our enc our a gem ent a nd s uppor t Inc r ea s ing a va ila ble r es our c es a nd s olut ions t o s uppor t hous ing, em ploym ent , hea lt hc a r e, a nd ever y da y needs In t his s es s ion, we hea r d fr om Kr is t y Childs , F ounder of V er onic a ' s V oic e, a nd T er r y F or lit i, E xec ut ive Dir ec t or of Br ea king F r ee, dis c us s ing s uppor t ing s ur vivor s of c om m er c ia l s exua l exploit a t ion. Key t a ke-a wa ys inc luded t he need for : T o r eview, wa t c h t he one-hour s es s ion . 22
  • 24. IDEAS ON NEXT STEPS ©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D. G R O U P A C T I O N I N D I V I D U A L A C T I O N Advocate for policy changes and support programs to better empower survivors in Kansas (e.g. Veronica Voice petition) Rally funding and resources to support housing, healthcare, and transportation needs of survivors Sponsor opportunities, community outings, and self-care activities for survivors, their kids, and local victim service providers Offer your professional services and expertise to support local programs and organizations Reach out to local organizations to learn more about and meet their needs - e.g. donating gift cards or teaching a class Talk to your networks about offering apprenticeship or employment opportunities to trafficking survivors 23
  • 25. PRIORITIES & PLAN ©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D. 1) Use the listserv provided by Veronica's Voice and Engage Together as a starting point for outreach 2) Start by educating business owners that are Rotary members about the opportunity, and include this call-to- action in all community awareness events, particularly for business partners 1) Immediate and ongoing 2) Immediate and ongoing 1) Reach out to local organizations and agencies supporting survivors, ask about their tangible, funding, and service needs, then rally the resources 2) Create a network of employers ready and willing to provide apprenticeship and/or living wage employment opportunities for survivors 24
  • 27. Catalyzers of Action NO. 2 Rotary International exists as the sum of its local clubs. Rotarians are people of action, and action must begin at the local level to address challenges and meet needs. Engaged Citizens NO. 3 Rotarians are highly engaged in our communities. As peacebuilders and changemakers in their spheres of influence and vocations, this gives Rotarians a platform to engage others in the solution. Community Conveners NO. 1 Rotary club members are diverse in gender, creed, politics, age and vocation. That is its strength and magic formula. This membership diversity helps create community partnerships to address local problems. OUR STRENGTHS 26
  • 28. SUPPORT LOCAL PROGRAMS We can leverage Rotary Foundation to support existing efforts, fund new programs, and sponsor activities (e.g. self-care outings for survivors and nonprofit leaders) SHARE WHAT WE KNOW We can catalyze our entire community to take action by equipping our members with knowledge about the issue and sharing this information with key community stakeholders (e.g. schools, local chambers, and houses of worship) BUILD & BRIDGE RELATIONSHIPS We can collaborate with our local schools, law enforcement, victim service providers, and child welfare agencies - and be ready to meet any needs they have throughout the year, or connect them to those who can RAISE OUR VOICE We can partner with state leaders (e.g. government officials) to rally behind needed reform efforts, and we can inform local leaders (e.g. city council) about current needs and possible solutions OUR OPPORTUNITY TO MEET NEEDS ©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D. 27
  • 29. 1 Present this action kit to our clubs to get buy-in and determine next steps 2 Create materials that all Rotary members can use to establish a common vocabulary and share this information with others 3 Identify and find ways to support local anti-trafficking partners (through funding, tangible, or service opportunities) 4 Create a measurement tool to track and report on success and impact OUR ACTION PLAN 28
  • 30. Q1 Get club buy-in on action items to pursue this year (select 2-4 immediately actionable items) Create final Action Kit materials for sharing out (incl. web presence, social media posts, presentation decks, and Action Kit) OUR TIMELINE Q2 Reach out to local service providers to learn more about current needs and opportunities to help (e.g. volunteers) Share the Action Kit materials with members of our local Rotary clubs in the district to raise awareness and catalyze action (consider how to equip a speakers bureau) Q3 Rally support for meeting local needs identified in Q2 Work with Rotary members to expand awareness and action efforts to their networks (identify key ambassadors from local clubs to champion the cause and report on progress) Q4 Create a report on all activities and impact Assess what has been successful and how we want to continue, refine, or expand for the next year 29
  • 31. 1 Trauma training 2 How to support survivors and their kids 3 How to raise awareness of labor trafficking in our local community and with industries most likely to be impacted by it (e.g. manufacturing, agriculture, hospitality, and restaurant businesses) 4 What reform efforts are needed and how to best support them THINGS WE WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT 5 Continue our learning journey by joining and promoting CAAHT webinars 30
  • 32. 1 How best to increase efforts that address Demand in our local communities 2 Whether all schools in our local districts have trainings and protocols in place, and are including human trafficking in their curricula 3 How businesses (small or large) can provide jobs, internships, skills trainings, and other opportunities for survivors 4 What laws and policies have been established so far in Kansas, and what still needs to be done (for legislators) ISSUES THAT NEED TO BE RAISED TO OTHERS 31
  • 34. Learn How to End Human Trafficking Series on Justice U Engage Together Veronica's Voice Rotary Club of Lenexa Rotary Club of Leawood Rotary Club of Community Action Against Human Trafficking (CAAHT) Rotary Club Taipei Oriental Integrity (use coupon code ROTARYSWARM) ©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D. ROTARY SWARM PROJECT WEBSITE PARTNERS & LINKS Use the QR Code below for easy access to this Project's website, participating partners, and video archives. 33
  • 35. REFERENCE LIBRARY The following resources were shared during our Community Conversations by our national and local experts. ©2021. ALL R IGHT S R E SE R V E D. Breaking Free ( Buyers' Intervention Program ( City of Lenexa ( Freedom Business Alliance ( Johnson County Government ( KVC ( NCircle ( Veronica's Voice Residential Program ( PROGRAMS & ORGANIZATIONS: House Committee on Children and Seniors House Committee on Heath and Human Services House Committee on Federal and State Affairs House Committee on Health and Welfare LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEES: Shared Hope State Report Cards ( 2020 List of Goods Produced by Child & Forced Labor ( REPORTS: AHLA ( The Code ( Convenience Stores Against Trafficking ( Demand Forum ( Equal Not Exploited ( Fashion Revolution ( CAMPAIGNS: Sweat and Toil App ( Fair Trade Toolkit ( Outreach Tool for Spanish Speaking Populations ( TOOLS: Child Labor Trafficking Ring in Kansas City ( ARTICLES: 34