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Dr Om Prakash
● Definitions.
● purpose of communication.
● Communication as a process/elements.
● Forms of communication.
● Styles of communication
● Barriers to Effective Communication.
● Listening skills.
● Speaking and Presentation skills.
● Writing skills.
The term communication is derived from the
Latin word communis, meaning common or
“communicare”,meaning “to share”and
thus,when we communicate we try to establish a
commonness of ideas with someone.
Communication is the need for creating common
understanding between the sender and the
Languages are the codes of communications.
s ende
r Receiver
Com m onnes
Communication as a process
● It is a process by which an individual transmits
stimuli expected to affect the behavior of other
individuals. It is an influence process. It is an
attempt aimed at sharing meaning.
● sharing of information, transfer of information and
understanding from one person to another.
● As a process, people attempt to share via the
transmission of symbolic messages.
– Written
– Oral
– Non-verbal
– Visual
Communication process
Encodin g
Transm is s i
n g
Feedbac k
● Refers to the underlying reasons that makes a
person to initiate the Communication. i.e.
● INFORMING - Need to Inform others i.e.
● INFLUENCING – Need to persuade a person to
take a particular line of action or change attitude
towards something i.e. Advertising campaigns
● INTIATING ACTION –Getting the reader to do
something i.e. Notice of a meeting
● Ideal Situation.
● Objective Finding .
● Fact Finding .
● Problem Finding.
● Idea Finding .
● Solution Finding.
● Acceptance Finding.
●Basic objectives of communication can be
summarized as:-
❖To understand others.
❖To get clear reception and understanding of
our messages.
❖To get acceptance of our ideas.
❖To get the required action.
● As you know, the difference between
mediocre and highly effective persons lies
not so much in their collective mental
equipment, but in how well they are able to
use their abilities (physical and mental) and
resources to think and organize ideas
accumulated as a result of working together
with others harmoniously.
▪ Communication is a vital human activity
as man is a social being and need to
interact with each other in order to
improve his living conditions.
▪ The Supervisors depends on people
works ,views and feelings to achieve the
expected results and to understand a
prevailing phenomenasituation.
To motivate people to act in order for the researcher to
attain certain goals.
To understand the problems people have and know how
to help the people to solve them.
To reduce tension in people particularly, where they are
responding to a Guests.
To establish mutual relationships with people that enables
one to establish conducive working atmosphere in an
To improve and increase productivity.
● Non-verbal communication.
❖ Communication through signs & symbols. Non-verbal can
go without verbal communication.
● Verbal can’t go without non-verbal communication.
● Verbal communication.
❖ Communication through spoken words.
❖ Two types of verbal communication.
Formal communication.
Informal communication.
● Formal communication :
❖ We use this type of communication in offices
and social gathering.
❖ Two types of formal communication.
✓ Downward.
✓ Upward.
● Downward communication :
❖ From a Higher designation to lower designation. Example.
A Supervisor ordering his workers.
❖ Here effect of this type of communication is very much
than upward communication.
● Upward communication :
❖ From a Lower designation to higher designation. Example.
Worker request to his Supervisor.
❖ Here the effect of communication is less than downward
● Informal communication. :
❖ We use this type of communication with our
family or friends. Three types of informal
● Lateral communication. :
❖ Found among members working at the same level. E.g.
Peer group.
❖ Most effective form of communication.
❖ Barrier of subordinates or boss is not present here.
● Diagonal communication. :
❖ The path is mixture of vertical and horizontal movement.
❖ In large communications various departments need
communication support from each other.
Grapevine communication
● Is an informal communication that occur in a horizontal
● Communication that has been released prematurely but its
source can be traced and has some truths.
● Used by management to test waters particularly when
implementing new policies that have adverse effects on
employees i.e. retrenchment.
● The management is thereby able to weight the pros and
cons of policy before implementing.
● Also called as “backbiting” or “backstabbing".A backstabber
is a colleague or an employee.
a.rise out of speculations. This
happens when people are kept in suspense
and do not know what is happening.
– The source cannot be traced.
– Truth cannot be established.
●It also occurs in horizontal communication
among colleagues.
● These are a media one uses to communicate.
Various forms include:-
Written Letters.
News Statement.
Message card/pad.
Verbal relay – one way.
Reports,Handbooks,House magazines.etc.
●Scholars have come up with different ways
of looking at the styles of communication.
●Every time we speak, we cardinally choose
and use one of four basic communication
❖ Assertive.
❖ Aggressive.
❖ Passive.
❖ Passive-aggressive.
● Assertive Communication.
❖ The most effective and healthiest form of communication is the
assertive style. It's how we naturally express ourselves when our
self-esteem is intact, giving us the confidence to communicate
without games and manipulation.
When we are being assertive, we work hard to create mutually
satisfying solutions.
We communicate our needs clearly and forthrightly.
We care about the relationship and strive for a win/win situation.
We know our limits and refuse to be pushed beyond them just
because someone else wants or needs something from us.
Surprisingly, assertive is the style most people use least
● Aggressive Communication.
This style of communication always involves manipulation.
We may attempt to make people do what we want by inducing
guilt (hurt) or by using intimidation and control tactics (anger).
Covert or overt, we simply want our needs met - and right now!
Although there are a few arenas where aggressive behavior is
called for (i.e., sports or war), it will never work in a relationship.
Ironically, the more aggressive sports rely heavily on team
members and rational coaching strategies.
Even war might be avoided if we could learn to be more
assertive and negotiate to solve our problems.
● Passive Communication.
❖ This is based on compliance and hopes to avoid
confrontation at all costs.
❖ In this mode we don't talk much, question even
less, and actually do very little.
❖ We just don't want to rock the boat.
❖ Passives have learned that it is safer not to react
and better to disappear than to stand up and be
● Passive-Aggressive Communication.
❖ A combination of styles, passive-aggressive avoids direct
confrontation (passive), but attempts to get even through
manipulation (aggressive).
❖ If you've ever thought about making that certain
someone who needs to be "taught a thing or two" suffer
(even just a teeny bit), you've stepped pretty close to (if
not on into) the devious and sneaky world of the passive-
❖ This style of communication often leads to office politics
and rumour-mongering.
●Refers to some conditions or state which
impedes/distorts the communication
●Factor which inhibits sharing of meaning
in communication process
●Physical, psychological, social-cultural,
Barriers Of Effective Communication:
● Distance.
● Technical breakdowns.
● Noise.
● Language.
● Technical jargon.
● Poor hand writing.
● Unreliable channel.
● Prejudgment
● Attitude(negative)
● Poor retention/memory
● Inconsistency
● Highly emotionality
● Perception
● Ignorance
Other barriers.
● Evaluating the source.
● Hearing what we expect to hear.
● Ignoring information that conflicts with what
we know (fallacies).
● Inconsistency with non verbal signals.
● Wrong medium.
● Distortion.
● Weak Organizational structure.
● Communication must be timely.
● Reinforce words with actions.
● Use appropriate language, words.
● Use appropriate channels.
● Present information in orderly/systematic manner.
● Understand/manage your audience.
● Know content of delivery.
● Write clearly.
● Avoid information under load/overload.
Overcoming barriers.
● Never over-estimate/under-estimate the receivers
● Avoid words that antagonize the audience
● Be flexible in adapting to the audience, content
purpose and medium
● Give reasons that are meaningful to the receiver, not
the source.
● Work on building a long term relationship with receiver
● Effective listening.
❑Respondents’ categories.
▪ Interrupting-is the most detesting listening habit, spend time
forming a reply.
Lack of eye contact - shows disinterest, distrust, lack of
The bored listener - has heard it all before
The selective listener - picks out bits and pieces of
conversation that interest him and rejects the rest, if
disagreement, upsetting or different
The defensive listener - he twists everything said into a
personal attack on self
The insensitive listener - one who cannot catch the feeling
or emotions behind the words.
L - Let others speak.
I - Intend to "hear" what they are saying.
S - Speak when it is your turn.
T - Talk with them, not at them.
E - Enthusiastically respond when appropriate.
N - Never speak when some-else is talking.
1. THINK before communicating i.e. prepare the
communication. What is the objective of the
communication? How can the objective best be
communication i.e. what result will it achieve?
3. REVIEW the proposed communication to ensure
that it contains all the information required for the
recipient to make a decision or take action.
4. MAKE A NOTE OF FACTS that you may need for
further action or information and insist that the other
people do the same.
5. CONSIDER THE REACTIONS of the person or
people who will receive the communications in terms
of both content and tone.
6. Ensure that the communication is CONCISE and
7. OBTAIN FEEDBACK to ensure that the recipient of
the communication has heard and comprehended
● There are many things you can do to ensure that your
verbal messages are understood time and time again.
● Although somewhat obvious and deceptively simple, these
▪ Keep the message clear.
▪ Be prepared.
▪ Keep the message simple.
▪ Be vivid when delivering the message.
▪ Be natural.
▪ Keep the message concise.
A.U.D.I.E.N.C.E. Analysis - Key To
Success In Speaking & Presentation.
❑Speech preparation should use what I
like to call the 9 P's.
Prior Proper Preparation
Prevents Poor Performance of the
Person Putting on the Presentation.
❑ Using the word "A-U-D-I-E-N-C-E" as an acronym, The
defined general audience analysis categories which
should included in a presentation are;
❖ A - Analysis - Who are they? How many will be there?
❖ U - Understanding - What is their knowledge of the
❖ D - Demographics - What is their age, sex, educational
❖ I - Interest - Why are they there? Who asked them to be
❖ E -Environment - Where will I stand? Can they all see
& hear me?
❖ N - Needs - What are their needs? What are your
needs as the speaker?
❖ C - Customized - What specific needs do you need to
❖ E - Expectations - What do they expect to learn or
hear from you?
N/B: Develop specific questions which fit into each of these
eight categories and ask the client or audience to tell you
what they want. Essentially, ask them what they need and
give it to them.
● Preparation is underrated. In fact, it is one of the
most important factors in determining your
communication successes.
● When possible, set meeting times and speaking
and presentation times well in advance, thus
allowing yourself the time you need to prepare
your communications, mindful of the entire
communication process (source, encoding,
channel, decoding, receiver, feedback and
● By paying close attention to each of these stages
of preparation and preparing accordingly, you
ensure your communications will be more
effective and better understood.
● Of course, not all communications can be
scheduled. In this case, preparation may mean
having a good, thorough understanding of the
office goings-on, enabling you to communicate
with the knowledge you need to be effective, both
through verbal and written communications.
● Being prepared: Guidelines for Thinking Ahead:
● Ask yourself: Who? What? How? When? Where? Why?
❖ Who are you speaking to? What are their interests,
presuppositions and values? What do they share in
common with others; how are they unique?
❖ What do you wish to communicate? One way of
answering this question is to ask yourself about the
'success criteria'. How do you know if and when you have
successfully communicated what you have in mind?
● How can you best convey your message? Language is
important here, as are the nonverbal cues discussed
earlier. Choose your words and your nonverbal cues with
your audience in mind. Plan a beginning, middle and end.
If time and place allow, consider and prepare audio-visual
● When? Timing is important here. Develop a sense of
timing, so that your contributions are seen and heard as
relevant to the issue or matter at hand. There is a time to
speak and a time to be silent. 'It's better to be silent than
sing a bad tune.'
● Where? What is the physical context of the
communication in mind? You may have time to visit the
room, for example, and rearrange the furniture. Check for
availability and visibility if you are using audio or visual
● Why? In order to convert hearers into listeners, you need
to know why they should listen to you – and tell them if
necessary. What disposes them to listen? That implies
that you know yourself why you are seeking to
communicate – the value or worth or interest of what you
are going to say.
● Be concise. Be brief. Use short words and
sentences. Where appropriate, support these
with short, easy-to-understand examples,
which help demonstrate your message.
● Keep it “KISS”
❑ Turn your nervous energy into your friend and ally;
Put the ‘WOW!’ factor into any presentation or
❑ Harness the power of body language and better vocal
❑ Make a well-prepared and rehearsed presentation
appear as though it were being delivered ‘off-the-cuff’.
❑ Better utilise visual aid support.
❑ Deal with difficult questions and hecklers and remain
in control of your presentation at all times.
Presentation Tips for Public
Know the needs of your audience and match your contents to
their needs. Know your material thoroughly. Put what you have to
say in a logical sequence.
When you are presenting in front of an audience, you are
performing as an actor is on stage. How you are being perceived
is very important. Dress appropriately for the occasion. Be solemn
if your topic is serious. Present the desired image to your
audience. Look pleasant, enthusiastic, confident, proud, but not
arrogant. Remain calm. Appear relaxed, even if you feel nervous.
Speak slowly, enunciate clearly, and show appropriate emotion
and feeling relating to your topic.
Presentation Tips for Public
❑ Body language is important. Standing, walking
or moving about with appropriate hand gesture
or facial expression is preferred to sitting down
or standing still with head down and reading
from a prepared speech.
❑ Use audio-visual aids or props for
enhancement if appropriate and necessary.
Presentation Tips for Public
● Speak with conviction as if you really believe in what
you are saying. Persuade your audience effectively.
❑ Do not read from notes for any extended length of time
although it is quite acceptable to glance at your notes
❑ Speak loudly and clearly. Sound confident.
❑ Maintain sincere eye contact with your audience. Use
the 3-second method, e.g. look straight into the eyes of
a person in the audience for 3 seconds at a time.
Presentation Tips for Public
❑ Have direct eye contact with a number of people in the
audience, and every now and then glance at the whole
audience while speaking.
❑ Use your eye contact to make everyone in your audience
feel involved.
❑ Speak to your audience, listen to their questions,
respond to their reactions, adjust and adapt. If what you
have prepared is obviously not getting across to your
audience, change your strategy mid-stream if you are
well prepared to do so.
Presentation Tips for Public
❑ Pause. Allow yourself and your audience a little time to
reflect and think. Don't race through your presentation
and leave your audience, as well as yourself, feeling
out of breath.
❑ Add humor whenever appropriate and possible. Keep
audience interested throughout your entire
❑ Remember that an interesting speech makes time fly,
but a boring speech is always too long to endure even
if the presentation time is the same.
Presentation Tips for Public
❑ When using audio-visual aids to enhance your
presentation, be sure all necessary equipment is set
up and in good working order prior to the
presentation. If possible, have an emergency backup
system readily available.
❑ Have handouts ready and give them out at the
appropriate time. Tell audience ahead of time that
you will be giving out an outline of your presentation
so that they will not waste time taking unnecessary
notes during your presentation.
Presentation Tips for Public
❑ Know when to STOP talking. Use a timer ,to time your
❑ To end your presentation, summarize your main points
in the same way as you normally do in the
CONCLUSION of a written paper.
❑ Terminate your presentation with an interesting remark
or an appropriate punch line. Leave your listeners with
a positive impression and a sense of completion.
❑ Do not belabor your closing remarks.
❑ Thank your audience and sit down.
❑ Writing is a mode of communication which as
important as spoken words.
❑ It is important for one to organize his/her writing.
❑ Whether you are writing a memo to your co-
worker or a report for your boss, you should
decide what information you want to convey.
Here is how to do this: List each item you need
to discuss in your memo or report.
❑ Put them in order — from most to least
❑ Write a brief summary of your entire memo —
this will be your first paragraph.
❑ Expand on each item listed in step 1.
❑ If any action needs to be taken by the
recipient, state that in your closing paragraph.
❑Put the reader first.
❑Use simple words and short sentences.
❑Use jargon only when necessary.
❑Write with verbs and nouns.
❑Format to improve readability.
Traits of Effective Writing:
❑ Although the type of writing you will be doing is important, the
following are certain traits that ALL good writing follow:
❖ Stimulating Ideas.
❖ Logical Organization.
❖ Engaging Voice.
❖ Original Word Choice.
❖ Effective Sentence Style.
❖ Correct, Accurate Copy

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  • 2. SUB TOPICS ● Definitions. ● purpose of communication. ● Communication as a process/elements. ● Forms of communication. ● Styles of communication ● Barriers to Effective Communication. ● Listening skills. ● Speaking and Presentation skills. ● Writing skills.
  • 3. DEFINITIONS. ▪ ▪ ▪ The term communication is derived from the Latin word communis, meaning common or “communicare”,meaning “to share”and thus,when we communicate we try to establish a commonness of ideas with someone. Communication is the need for creating common understanding between the sender and the receiver. Languages are the codes of communications.
  • 4. DEFINITION ILLUSTRATED s ende r Receiver Com m onnes s
  • 5. Communication as a process ● It is a process by which an individual transmits stimuli expected to affect the behavior of other individuals. It is an influence process. It is an attempt aimed at sharing meaning. ● sharing of information, transfer of information and understanding from one person to another. ● As a process, people attempt to share via the transmission of symbolic messages.
  • 6. TERMS USED IN COMMUNICATION PROCESS ●SENDER ●RECEIVER ●CHANNEL ●MESSAGE ●DISTORTION ●FEEDBACK ●NOISE ● MEDIUM – Written Communication – Oral Communication – Non-verbal Communication – Visual Communication
  • 7. Communication process Thoughts/Ideas Encodin g o Transm is s i n Reception Decoding Understandi n g Feedbac k
  • 9. COMMUNICATION MOTIVATORS ● Refers to the underlying reasons that makes a person to initiate the Communication. i.e. ● INFORMING - Need to Inform others i.e. newspapers ● INFLUENCING – Need to persuade a person to take a particular line of action or change attitude towards something i.e. Advertising campaigns ● INTIATING ACTION –Getting the reader to do something i.e. Notice of a meeting
  • 10. PURPOSE OF COMMUNICATION IN PROBLEM SOLVING PROCESSES. ● Ideal Situation. ● Objective Finding . ● Fact Finding . ● Problem Finding. ● Idea Finding . ● Solution Finding. ● Acceptance Finding.
  • 11. OBJECTIVES OF COMMUNICATION. ●Basic objectives of communication can be summarized as:- ❖To understand others. ❖To get clear reception and understanding of our messages. ❖To get acceptance of our ideas. ❖To get the required action.
  • 12. INTRAPERSONAL COMMUNICATION ● As you know, the difference between mediocre and highly effective persons lies not so much in their collective mental equipment, but in how well they are able to use their abilities (physical and mental) and resources to think and organize ideas accumulated as a result of working together with others harmoniously.
  • 13. IMPORTANCE OF COMMUNICATION. ▪ Communication is a vital human activity as man is a social being and need to interact with each other in order to improve his living conditions. ▪ The Supervisors depends on people works ,views and feelings to achieve the expected results and to understand a prevailing phenomenasituation.
  • 14. IMPORTANCE OF COMMUNICATION. (Continue). ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ To motivate people to act in order for the researcher to attain certain goals. To understand the problems people have and know how to help the people to solve them. To reduce tension in people particularly, where they are responding to a Guests. To establish mutual relationships with people that enables one to establish conducive working atmosphere in an organization. To improve and increase productivity.
  • 15. TYPES OF COMMUNICATION. ● Non-verbal communication. ❖ Communication through signs & symbols. Non-verbal can go without verbal communication. ● Verbal can’t go without non-verbal communication. ● Verbal communication. ❖ Communication through spoken words. ❖ Two types of verbal communication. ▪ ▪ Formal communication. Informal communication.
  • 16. TYPES OF COMMUNICATION. (continue). ● Formal communication : ❖ We use this type of communication in offices and social gathering. ❖ Two types of formal communication. ✓ Downward. ✓ Upward.
  • 17. ● Downward communication : ❖ From a Higher designation to lower designation. Example. A Supervisor ordering his workers. ❖ Here effect of this type of communication is very much than upward communication. ● Upward communication : ❖ From a Lower designation to higher designation. Example. Worker request to his Supervisor. ❖ Here the effect of communication is less than downward communication. TYPES OF COMMUNICATION. (continue).
  • 18. ● Informal communication. : ❖ We use this type of communication with our family or friends. Three types of informal communication. ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Lateral. Diagonal. Grapevine. Rumors. TYPES OF COMMUNICATION. (continue).
  • 19. TYPES OF COMMUNICATION. (continue). ● Lateral communication. : ❖ Found among members working at the same level. E.g. Peer group. ❖ Most effective form of communication. ❖ Barrier of subordinates or boss is not present here. ● Diagonal communication. : ❖ The path is mixture of vertical and horizontal movement. ❖ In large communications various departments need communication support from each other.
  • 20. Grapevine communication ● Is an informal communication that occur in a horizontal communication. ● Communication that has been released prematurely but its source can be traced and has some truths. ● Used by management to test waters particularly when implementing new policies that have adverse effects on employees i.e. retrenchment. ● The management is thereby able to weight the pros and cons of policy before implementing. ● Also called as “backbiting” or “backstabbing".A backstabber is a colleague or an employee.
  • 21. ●Info R rU mM atO ioU nR a.rise out of speculations. This happens when people are kept in suspense and do not know what is happening. – The source cannot be traced. – Truth cannot be established. ●It also occurs in horizontal communication among colleagues.
  • 22. FORMS OF COMMUNICATION. ● These are a media one uses to communicate. Various forms include:- – – – – – – – Written Letters. Telephones. Memorandum. News Statement. Message card/pad. Verbal relay – one way. Reports,Handbooks,House magazines.etc.
  • 23. STYLES OF COMMUNICATION. ●Scholars have come up with different ways of looking at the styles of communication. ●Every time we speak, we cardinally choose and use one of four basic communication styles: ❖ Assertive. ❖ Aggressive. ❖ Passive. ❖ Passive-aggressive.
  • 24. STYLES OF COMMUNICATION. (Continue). ● Assertive Communication. ❖ ✓ ✓ ✓ ❖ The most effective and healthiest form of communication is the assertive style. It's how we naturally express ourselves when our self-esteem is intact, giving us the confidence to communicate without games and manipulation. When we are being assertive, we work hard to create mutually satisfying solutions. We communicate our needs clearly and forthrightly. We care about the relationship and strive for a win/win situation. We know our limits and refuse to be pushed beyond them just because someone else wants or needs something from us. Surprisingly, assertive is the style most people use least
  • 25. STYLES OF COMMUNICATION. (Continue). ● Aggressive Communication. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ This style of communication always involves manipulation. We may attempt to make people do what we want by inducing guilt (hurt) or by using intimidation and control tactics (anger). Covert or overt, we simply want our needs met - and right now! Although there are a few arenas where aggressive behavior is called for (i.e., sports or war), it will never work in a relationship. Ironically, the more aggressive sports rely heavily on team members and rational coaching strategies. Even war might be avoided if we could learn to be more assertive and negotiate to solve our problems.
  • 26. STYLES OF COMMUNICATION. (Continue). ● Passive Communication. ❖ This is based on compliance and hopes to avoid confrontation at all costs. ❖ In this mode we don't talk much, question even less, and actually do very little. ❖ We just don't want to rock the boat. ❖ Passives have learned that it is safer not to react and better to disappear than to stand up and be noticed.
  • 27. STYLES OF COMMUNICATION. (Continue). ● Passive-Aggressive Communication. ❖ A combination of styles, passive-aggressive avoids direct confrontation (passive), but attempts to get even through manipulation (aggressive). ❖ If you've ever thought about making that certain someone who needs to be "taught a thing or two" suffer (even just a teeny bit), you've stepped pretty close to (if not on into) the devious and sneaky world of the passive- aggressive. ❖ This style of communication often leads to office politics and rumour-mongering.
  • 28. BARRIERS TO COMMUNICATION. ●Refers to some conditions or state which impedes/distorts the communication ●Factor which inhibits sharing of meaning in communication process ●Physical, psychological, social-cultural, personal
  • 29. Barriers Of Effective Communication: ● Distance. ● Technical breakdowns. ● Noise. ● Language. ● Technical jargon. ● Poor hand writing. ● Unreliable channel.
  • 30. BARRIERS TO COMMUNICATION. (Continue). ● Prejudgment ● Attitude(negative) ● Poor retention/memory ● Inconsistency ● Highly emotionality ● Perception ● Ignorance
  • 31. Other barriers. ● Evaluating the source. ● Hearing what we expect to hear. ● Ignoring information that conflicts with what we know (fallacies). ● Inconsistency with non verbal signals. ● Wrong medium. ● Distortion. ● Weak Organizational structure.
  • 32. BARRIERS:OVERCOMING/SOLUTIONS ● Communication must be timely. ● Reinforce words with actions. ● Use appropriate language, words. ● Use appropriate channels. ● Present information in orderly/systematic manner. ● Understand/manage your audience. ● Know content of delivery. ● Write clearly. ● Avoid information under load/overload.
  • 33. Overcoming barriers. (Continue). ● Never over-estimate/under-estimate the receivers knowledge ● Avoid words that antagonize the audience ● Be flexible in adapting to the audience, content purpose and medium ● Give reasons that are meaningful to the receiver, not the source. ● Work on building a long term relationship with receiver ● Effective listening.
  • 34. LISTENING SKILLS. ❑Respondents’ categories. ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Interrupting-is the most detesting listening habit, spend time forming a reply. Lack of eye contact - shows disinterest, distrust, lack of caring The bored listener - has heard it all before The selective listener - picks out bits and pieces of conversation that interest him and rejects the rest, if disagreement, upsetting or different The defensive listener - he twists everything said into a personal attack on self The insensitive listener - one who cannot catch the feeling or emotions behind the words.
  • 35. ACRONYME “LISTEN” FOR A GOOD LISTENER. L - Let others speak. I - Intend to "hear" what they are saying. S - Speak when it is your turn. T - Talk with them, not at them. E - Enthusiastically respond when appropriate. N - Never speak when some-else is talking.
  • 36. BASIC RULES: 1. THINK before communicating i.e. prepare the communication. What is the objective of the communication? How can the objective best be achieved? 2. CONSIDER THE IMPLICATIONS of the communication i.e. what result will it achieve? 3. REVIEW the proposed communication to ensure that it contains all the information required for the recipient to make a decision or take action.
  • 37. BASIC RULES. (Continue). 4. MAKE A NOTE OF FACTS that you may need for further action or information and insist that the other people do the same. 5. CONSIDER THE REACTIONS of the person or people who will receive the communications in terms of both content and tone. 6. Ensure that the communication is CONCISE and CLEAR. 7. OBTAIN FEEDBACK to ensure that the recipient of the communication has heard and comprehended correctly.
  • 38. SPEAKING & PRESENTATION SKILLS. ● There are many things you can do to ensure that your verbal messages are understood time and time again. ● Although somewhat obvious and deceptively simple, these include: ▪ Keep the message clear. ▪ Be prepared. ▪ Keep the message simple. ▪ Be vivid when delivering the message. ▪ Be natural. ▪ Keep the message concise.
  • 39. A.U.D.I.E.N.C.E. Analysis - Key To Success In Speaking & Presentation. ❑Speech preparation should use what I like to call the 9 P's. Prior Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance of the Person Putting on the Presentation.
  • 40. Cont’. ❑ Using the word "A-U-D-I-E-N-C-E" as an acronym, The defined general audience analysis categories which should included in a presentation are; ❖ A - Analysis - Who are they? How many will be there? ❖ U - Understanding - What is their knowledge of the subject? ❖ D - Demographics - What is their age, sex, educational background? ❖ I - Interest - Why are they there? Who asked them to be there?
  • 41. Cont’. ❖ E -Environment - Where will I stand? Can they all see & hear me? ❖ N - Needs - What are their needs? What are your needs as the speaker? ❖ C - Customized - What specific needs do you need to address? ❖ E - Expectations - What do they expect to learn or hear from you? N/B: Develop specific questions which fit into each of these eight categories and ask the client or audience to tell you what they want. Essentially, ask them what they need and give it to them.
  • 42. SPEAKING & PRESENTATION SKILLS. (Continue). ● Preparation is underrated. In fact, it is one of the most important factors in determining your communication successes. ● When possible, set meeting times and speaking and presentation times well in advance, thus allowing yourself the time you need to prepare your communications, mindful of the entire communication process (source, encoding, channel, decoding, receiver, feedback and context).
  • 43. SPEAKING & PRESENTATION SKILLS. (Continue). ● By paying close attention to each of these stages of preparation and preparing accordingly, you ensure your communications will be more effective and better understood. ● Of course, not all communications can be scheduled. In this case, preparation may mean having a good, thorough understanding of the office goings-on, enabling you to communicate with the knowledge you need to be effective, both through verbal and written communications.
  • 44. SPEAKING & PRESENTATION SKILLS. (Continue). ● Being prepared: Guidelines for Thinking Ahead: ● Ask yourself: Who? What? How? When? Where? Why? ❖ Who are you speaking to? What are their interests, presuppositions and values? What do they share in common with others; how are they unique? ❖ What do you wish to communicate? One way of answering this question is to ask yourself about the 'success criteria'. How do you know if and when you have successfully communicated what you have in mind?
  • 45. SPEAKING & PRESENTATION SKILLS. (Continue). ● How can you best convey your message? Language is important here, as are the nonverbal cues discussed earlier. Choose your words and your nonverbal cues with your audience in mind. Plan a beginning, middle and end. If time and place allow, consider and prepare audio-visual aids. ● When? Timing is important here. Develop a sense of timing, so that your contributions are seen and heard as relevant to the issue or matter at hand. There is a time to speak and a time to be silent. 'It's better to be silent than sing a bad tune.'
  • 46. SPEAKING & PRESENTATION SKILLS. (Continue). ● Where? What is the physical context of the communication in mind? You may have time to visit the room, for example, and rearrange the furniture. Check for availability and visibility if you are using audio or visual aids. ● Why? In order to convert hearers into listeners, you need to know why they should listen to you – and tell them if necessary. What disposes them to listen? That implies that you know yourself why you are seeking to communicate – the value or worth or interest of what you are going to say.
  • 47. SPEAKING & PRESENTATION SKILLS. (Continue). ● Be concise. Be brief. Use short words and sentences. Where appropriate, support these with short, easy-to-understand examples, which help demonstrate your message. ● Keep it “KISS”
  • 48. SPEAKING & PRESENTATION SKILLS. (Continue). ❑ Turn your nervous energy into your friend and ally; Put the ‘WOW!’ factor into any presentation or speech. ❑ Harness the power of body language and better vocal projection. ❑ Make a well-prepared and rehearsed presentation appear as though it were being delivered ‘off-the-cuff’. ❑ Better utilise visual aid support. ❑ Deal with difficult questions and hecklers and remain in control of your presentation at all times.
  • 49. Presentation Tips for Public Speaking. ❑ ❑ Know the needs of your audience and match your contents to their needs. Know your material thoroughly. Put what you have to say in a logical sequence. When you are presenting in front of an audience, you are performing as an actor is on stage. How you are being perceived is very important. Dress appropriately for the occasion. Be solemn if your topic is serious. Present the desired image to your audience. Look pleasant, enthusiastic, confident, proud, but not arrogant. Remain calm. Appear relaxed, even if you feel nervous. Speak slowly, enunciate clearly, and show appropriate emotion and feeling relating to your topic.
  • 50. Presentation Tips for Public Speaking. ❑ Body language is important. Standing, walking or moving about with appropriate hand gesture or facial expression is preferred to sitting down or standing still with head down and reading from a prepared speech. ❑ Use audio-visual aids or props for enhancement if appropriate and necessary.
  • 51. Presentation Tips for Public Speaking. ● Speak with conviction as if you really believe in what you are saying. Persuade your audience effectively. ❑ Do not read from notes for any extended length of time although it is quite acceptable to glance at your notes infrequently. ❑ Speak loudly and clearly. Sound confident. ❑ Maintain sincere eye contact with your audience. Use the 3-second method, e.g. look straight into the eyes of a person in the audience for 3 seconds at a time.
  • 52. Presentation Tips for Public Speaking. ❑ Have direct eye contact with a number of people in the audience, and every now and then glance at the whole audience while speaking. ❑ Use your eye contact to make everyone in your audience feel involved. ❑ Speak to your audience, listen to their questions, respond to their reactions, adjust and adapt. If what you have prepared is obviously not getting across to your audience, change your strategy mid-stream if you are well prepared to do so.
  • 53. Presentation Tips for Public Speaking. ❑ Pause. Allow yourself and your audience a little time to reflect and think. Don't race through your presentation and leave your audience, as well as yourself, feeling out of breath. ❑ Add humor whenever appropriate and possible. Keep audience interested throughout your entire presentation. ❑ Remember that an interesting speech makes time fly, but a boring speech is always too long to endure even if the presentation time is the same.
  • 54. Presentation Tips for Public Speaking. ❑ When using audio-visual aids to enhance your presentation, be sure all necessary equipment is set up and in good working order prior to the presentation. If possible, have an emergency backup system readily available. ❑ Have handouts ready and give them out at the appropriate time. Tell audience ahead of time that you will be giving out an outline of your presentation so that they will not waste time taking unnecessary notes during your presentation.
  • 55. Presentation Tips for Public Speaking. ❑ Know when to STOP talking. Use a timer ,to time your presentation. ❑ To end your presentation, summarize your main points in the same way as you normally do in the CONCLUSION of a written paper. ❑ Terminate your presentation with an interesting remark or an appropriate punch line. Leave your listeners with a positive impression and a sense of completion. ❑ Do not belabor your closing remarks. ❑ Thank your audience and sit down.
  • 56. WRITING SKILLS. ❑ Writing is a mode of communication which as important as spoken words. ❑ It is important for one to organize his/her writing. ❑ Whether you are writing a memo to your co- worker or a report for your boss, you should decide what information you want to convey. Here is how to do this: List each item you need to discuss in your memo or report.
  • 57. WRITING SKILLS. (Continue). ❑ Put them in order — from most to least important. ❑ Write a brief summary of your entire memo — this will be your first paragraph. ❑ Expand on each item listed in step 1. ❑ If any action needs to be taken by the recipient, state that in your closing paragraph.
  • 58. FIVE KEYS TO EFFECTIVE WRITING. ❑Put the reader first. ❑Use simple words and short sentences. ❑Use jargon only when necessary. ❑Write with verbs and nouns. ❑Format to improve readability.
  • 59. Traits of Effective Writing: ❑ Although the type of writing you will be doing is important, the following are certain traits that ALL good writing follow: ❖ Stimulating Ideas. ❖ Logical Organization. ❖ Engaging Voice. ❖ Original Word Choice. ❖ Effective Sentence Style. ❖ Correct, Accurate Copy