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Lessons Learned
Maximizing Returns with Digital Media
About This Booklet                                                FIVE Key Lessons Learned
While advertising has evolved tremendously with the advent

                                                                  1 Clicks worst best an incomplete metric
of new digital technologies, its goal today is much the same               are at
as it has always been—to elicit feelings, emotions, perceptions     and at        a misleading one.
and actions that ultimately build brand loyalty and increase
sales. Finding ways to do this in the most efficient manner
is vital, and being able to quantify a return on marketing
investment is a must.
                                                                  2 Cookiein media planning, potential to create
                                                                           deletion has the
                                                                                             execution and
                                                                     campaign evaluation.
As digital advertising continues to grow in both importance and
sophistication, so does the need for guiding principles about
how to get the most out of this medium. Through comScore’s        3 Digital campaigns have the ability to build
                                                                    brands and lift e-commerce and retail
extensive research in the digital advertising space, we’ve           sales, and as in traditional TV advertising,
identified Five Key Lessons Learned, which help to shed light        creative plays a critical role.
on the current state of the industry and guide marketers down
a path toward more effective planning, stronger evaluation and
overall improved results.                                         4 The ability of content to engage consumers
                                                                    can amplify the effect of an ad placed
                                                                     within the content.

                                                                  5 media-placementfrom a variety is important
                                                                    When selecting
                                                                                    strategies, it

                                                                     to consider the relative costs and benefits
                                                                     of each.
A click means nothing. A click earns
no revenue and creates no brand equity. Your online
advertising has some goal, and it’s surely not
to generate clicks. Regardless of whether they clicked
an ad or not, the key is to determine how that
ad unit influenced consumers to think, feel or do
something they wouldn’t have done otherwise.

John Lowell
SVP / Director, Research & Analytics
Starcom USA

                                                                  Clicks are at best
                                                         an incomplete metric and at
                                                              worst a misleading one
‘THE CLICK’ IS NOT AN APPROPRIATE MEASURE                              This phenomenon of low click-through rates
OF ONLINE ADVERTISING EFFECTIVENESS                                    is not observed in isolation. It’s something
                                                                       we see around the globe and in nearly every
                                                                       vertical industry.
Perhaps most notably is the fact that
so few people actually click on any ads.                               Click-Through Rates* by Vertical Industry

                                                                       0.06%             0.07%            0.08%             0.09%            0.10%            0.15%
                                                                        Financial        Telecom            Travel        CPG/Retail/     Tech/Media/           Auto
                                                                        Services                                           Wellness       Entertainment

of all U.S. Internet users
do not click on any ads
in a given month                                                       Click-Through Rates** by Region

                                                             84%        0.05%
AND There are
50% fewer                                        CLICKERS
                                                                        0.11%            0.12%             0.14%            0.17%             0.19%            0.30%
clickers NOW                                                            Germany         Switzerland      Netherlands         Greece          Singapore          Malaysia

than in July 2007.

                                                                       Source: DoubleClick for Advertisers, January to December 2009
                                                                       *Click-through rates on individual ad campaigns by industry vertical for DoubleClick
                                                                       rich-media formats only; U.S. advertisers.
Source: comScore Custom Analysis, March 2009 & July 2007               **Click-through rates across static image, flash & rich media formats; a cross-section of regions.
I spend a lot of time fighting against
media metrics that don’t matter.

kate sirkin
evp global research director
starcom mediavest group


                                              Cookie deletion has the
                                           potential to create havoc
                                         in media planning, execution
                                             and campaign evaluation
COOKIE-BASED MEASUREMENT AND                                                           COOKIES MEASURE COMPUTERS, NOT PEOPLE
TARGETING APPROACHES OFTEN RESULT IN                                                   Due to cookie-based targeting, it’s difficult to ensure the
INACCURATE MEDIA PLANNING, execution                                                   correct person is actually being served an ad. Also, because
AND CAMPAIGN EVALUATION                                                                the demographic data in cookies comes from a variety of
                                                                                       sources – such as registration data, modeled demos based on
                                                                                       content consumption and estimations by zip code – the quality
Why is cookie-based measurement sub-optimal?                                           of cookie data varies, meaning the results do too. For these
                                                                                       reasons, campaign delivery often misses its target.
HIGH COOKIE DELETION RATES                                                             In the below example, the advertiser’s target was women aged
30% of all U.S. and 24% of all EU Internet users delete their                          35-54 years old. However, post-campaign evaluation using the
cookies in a month, and they do so an average of 4 to 6 times                          comScore panel showed the majority of exposed consumers
a month. Deletion rates for 1st party (i.e. website) and 3rd party                     were outside of the target audience.
(i.e. ad server) cookies are similar. Cookie deletion can result
                                                                                       Percent Composition of Exposed Audience
in 2.5X overstatement in unique visitors to a website, and a
similar overstatement of reach and understatement of frequency
in ad campaigns.                                                                                                                      20.6% (age 15-24)
                                                                                                                                      22.4% (age 25-34)
                                                                                                       40%               60%
                                                                                                                                      25.3% (age 35-44)
                                                                                                                                      17.3% (age 45-54)
                                                                                                                                      14.4% (age 55+)
A One-Week Snapshot

                              cookie A         cookie B             cookie C                    40% of exposed             Only 43% of females exposed to the
                                                                                           consumers were men              campaign met the targeted age group

                      DAY 1                                                    DAY 7
                                                                                       A COOKIE CAN’T TELL THE DIFFERENCE
                                                                                       Because of multiple users on a computer, you might intend to reach
                                         cookie           cookie                       a 35-year-old woman with your ad when it is actually being served to her
                                         deleted          deleted                      45-year-old husband or 18-year-old daughter who is using her computer.

The site reads THREE distinct cookies, which means
this ONE visitor is counted THREE times.
                                                                                                               ?                           ?
Source: comScore Custom Analysis, April 2010                                           Source: comScore Custom Analysis, April 2010

Digital campaigns have the
ability to build brands and
   lift e-commerce & retail
sales, and as in traditional
    TV advertising, creative
       plays a critical role
DIGITAL ADVERTISING PROVIDES AN EFFICIENT                                                      for retailers, the lifT in retail sales
   MEANS OF BUILDING BRANDS and LIFTING                                                           can be upwards of 5X higher than the
   both E-COMMERCE AND RETAIL SALES                                                               lifT in e-commerce sales
                                                                                                  Retailer Dollar Sales Lift Among Households Exposed to Online
                                                                                                  Display Advertising

   Exposure to display ads doesn’t just impact                                                                                                      17%
   online sales—it lifts in-store sales as well.                                                                                                       $11,550

                                                                                                                      $994     $1,263
   Digital Advertising’s Impact on In-Store Sales* for CPG Brands
                                                                                                                        Online Sales            In-Store Sales
   Among Households Exposed to Online Display Advertising
                                                                                                  Source: comScore report, “How Online Advertising Works: Whither the Click” (published in the
                                                                                                  2009 Journal of Advertising Research)

                                                                                                  For CPG brands, digital advertising can generate
                                              Average $ lift was 22%                              nearly the same in-store sales lift in a three-
Percent lift in $ sales

                                                                              82% of campaigns    month period as TV advertising does in one year.
                          40%                                                 showed a positive
                                                                                  sales lift
                          20%                                                                     Comparison of In-Store Sales Lift* for CPG Brands Resulting from
                                                                                                  Online Advertising vs. TV Advertising
                                 No. of offline sales effectiveness studies

                                                                                                                             +8%                              +9%

                                                                                                  Source: comScore AdEffx Offline Sales Lift for Internet; IRI BehaviorScan® for TV, 2000-2009
   Source: comScore-dunnhumby CPG Offline Sales Lift Studies, 2008-2009                           *BehaviorScan® tests conducted over one-year period and reflect CPG ad campaigns’ typical
   *Advertising’s impact on retail sales is measured by linking the comScore panel of 1 million   reach, while the comScore studies were conducted over a three-month period and reflect a 40%
   U.S. Internet users to their retailer loyalty card data from dunnhumby, which provides         household Internet reach against target. It is possible that some wearout of the TV creative could
   a measure of the panelists’ in-store buying activity.                                          have occurred during the one year of the TV campaigns.
Digital advertising has delivered                                                                 Advertising on digital has become more sophisticated and
on its promise of efficiency and                                                                  production costs associated with rich media and video
                                                                                                  campaigns continue to rise, making the stakes higher than ever.
effectiveness, but creative has been
largely overlooked                                                                                Now is the time for creative to take center
                                                                                                  stage in digital advertising.

This shouldn’t be the case given that more
than half of the impact of advertising comes
from the quality of creative.                                                                            All advertising is a combination of
                                                                                                         art and science, logic and emotion,
                                                                                                         conviction and motivation. Until recently, digital
Percent Influence on Shifts in Brand Sales*                                                              advertising focused on the left brain area of science,
                                                                                                         logic and conviction. While these are important,
                                                                                                         it is clear that the next frontier is art, emotion and
                                                                                                         motivation, which come from that elusive
                                                                                                         butterfly creativity.

                                                                                                         I have always believed that the
                                                    52%                                                  Internet will usher in the next
                         48%                        creative                                             generation of creativity. Creativity
                       Media Plan                   Quality**                                            that not only can we see, hear and
                        & Weight,
                      Price, Other                                                                       feel, but also measure its impact.
                                                                                                         RISHAD TOBACCOWALA
                                                                                                         Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer

Source: comScore ARS Global Validation Summary
*Numbers represent the percent variance in sales shifts explained by the corresponding factors.
**Creative quality is based on the ARS Consumer Choice Score, which measures changes in
consumer brand preference through a simulated purchase exercise. A lift in the score is highly
correlated with in-market sales lifts.
STRONG CREATIVE CAN INCREASE                                                                 When these strategic elements are used in
EFFECTIVENESS, BUT DIGITAL DISPLAY ADS                                                       DIGITAL CAMPAIGNS, they’ve demonstrated an
                                                                                             ability to increase retail sales
                                                                                             As in traditional TV advertising, digital campaigns that
NEEDED TO MAXIMIZE ADVERTISING’S IMPACT                                                      effectively leveraged these strategic elements generated the
                                                                                             greatest offline sales lift.

Key strategic elements, which have been                                                      Percent Lift in Retail Sales of CPG Brands Among Households
proven to improve the quality of an ad’s creative                                            Exposed to Online Display Advertising
and therefore its impact on sales, are used at a
much lower rate in digital ads than in TV ads.                                                               Elements present*               Elements not present

                                                                                                                                                                   75.0 75.9
Percent of Digital and TV Ads* Containing Key Strategic Elements

                                                    Digital Display Ads         Television                                                            48.0 48.4
                                                    (Rich Media, Banners,                    50%
                                                         Rectangles)               Ads

 Brand Differentiating Key Message                          17%                    31%                                               31.1 32.0 33.4
 New Product /New Feature Information                       19%                    44%       25%                              21.8
 Product Convenience (explicit & stated)                    0%                      9%
                                                                                                                  6.0   7.3
 Competitive Comparison                                     10%                    24%                      0.0
 Superiority Claim                                          13%                    26%


                                                                                             Source: comScore ARS-dunnhumby Case Study of Major CPG Brands (Blinded, n=13),
Source: comScore ARS Integrated Database                                                     *Key strategic elements included in this analysis were: Brand Differentiating Key Message,
*Cases drawn from comScore ARS test databases and balanced by category (n=100 for            New Product/New Feature Information, Product Convenience, Competitive Comparison and
digital display ads, n=3,681 for television ads); majority of cases involved CPG brands.     Superiority Claim.
When it comes to digital advertising,                                                        The inclusion of price-RELATED
price-related incentives are used                                                            INCENTIVES in online display ads
much more frequently than in                                                                 DRIVES offline sales
traditional TV ads

                                                                                             This begs the question:
In many ways the Internet is being used today
in a manner more similar to newspapers and
                                                                                             is online the new print?
magazines than TV as it relates to the inclusion
of price and promotion information in digital ads.                                           Percent Lift in In-Store Sales for CPG Brands Among Households
                                                                                             Exposed to Online Display Ads

Percent of Digital and TV Ads* Containing Value Elements

                                                  Digital Display Ads           Television
                                            (Rich Media, Banners, Rectangles)      Ads       40%                                                             48.9%
 Value (Economy/Savings)                                  22%                       2%
 Value (Special Offers, Coupons, etc.)                    38%                       2%

                                                                                                          No Value         Coupon             Free          Explicit Value
                                                                                                         Information        Only             Samples           Claim

Source: comScore ARS Integrated Database
*Cases drawn from comScore ARS test databases and balanced by category (n=100 for            Source: comScore ARS-dunnhumby Case Study of Major CPG Brands (Blinded, n=13),
digital display ads, n=3,681 for television ads); majority of cases involved CPG brands.     2009-2010
As consumers spend more and more
time online, it’s critical for marketers to reach
our consumers at the right time, with the right
message, communicated in the right way.
Tools that help drive those insights help us stay
on the cutting edge.

Vice President Consumer Insights
General Mills

                                                         The ability of content
                                                    to engage consumers can
                                                    amplify the effect of an ad
                                                    placed within the content
Placing an ad within highly engaging                                                          There also appears to be a high
content can help to maximize                                                                  correlation between engagement & age
the ad’s impact

What is engagement?                                                                           Engaging content has a greater impact on older consumers.
•	 Level of focus & attention
•	 Loss of self-consciousness
•	 Altered sense of time                                                                      Comparison of ARS Consumer Choice Score* for Engaged
•	 Intrinsic rewards                                                                          vs. Unengaged Viewers by Age Segments

•	 Immersion
A comScore ARS study involving online video found that
consumers who were highly engaged with the video content                                                                                                               45%
                                                                                                                                        33%                             Lift
generated a stronger ARS Consumer Choice Score for the
ad placed within the content than unengaged viewers.                                                                                     Lift
This higher score is correlated with in-market sales lifts,                                               Lift
demonstrating the ability of content to amplify an ad’s impact.

Comparison of ARS Consumer Choice Score* for Engaged
vs. Unengaged Video Viewers                                                                         95           107               88           117               83         120
                             Engaged               Unengaged              Percentage
                             Viewers                Viewers                   Lift
                                                                                                      Age 16-29                      Age 30-49                      Age 50+
 ARS Consumer                   118                     87                    36%
 Choice Score

                                                                                                            ARS Consumer Choice Score                 ARS Consumer Choice Score
                                                                                                            Engaged Viewers                           Unengaged Viewers

Source: comScore ARS Custom Analysis, October 2010                                            Source: comScore ARS Custom Analysis, October 2010
*ARS Consumer Choice Score measures changes in consumer brand preference through              *ARS Consumer Choice Score measures changes in consumer brand preference through
a simulated purchase exercise. A lift in the ARS Consumer Choice Score is highly correlated   a simulated purchase exercise. A lift in the ARS Consumer Choice Score is highly correlated
with in-market sales lifts.                                                                   with in-market sales lifts.

        When selecting from
a variety of media-placement
strategies, it is important to
consider the relative costs
        and benefits of each
Not all targeting is created equal.                                                                  Select Media-placement strategies
 Each has tradeoffs in terms of cost,
 reach and impact                                                                                     Audience Targeting: Targets consumers based on past
                                                                                                      interest or interaction with related products/content but who
 From audience targeting to contextual buys and from retargeting                                      have not yet visited the advertiser’s site
 to efficiency or premium buys, there are many placement
 options that media planners must now consider. Because each                                          Contextual Targeting: Targets sites with related,
 offers different pros and cons, it is important to select a media-                                   page-level content
 placement strategy that best fits the specific campaign objective.
                                                                                                      Efficiency Pricing: Based on cost-per-click engagement
                                                                                                      with creative
 Likelihood to Search For Advertised Brand Post-Exposure
             1800                                                                                     Premium Pricing: Based on high-visibility placements
             1600                                                             The larger              on premium publishers
             1400                             Premium                       the circle, the
                                              Pricing                        greater the              Retargeting: Based on data that confirms users have
             1200        Contextual                                             reach.
                         Targeting                                                                    previously visited an advertiser’s site
Cost Index

             800                                                                                      Run-of-Network (RON): Includes ads that appear
                         Efficiency                     Audience
             600         Pricing                        Targeting        Retargeting                  anywhere in the network, often optimized by conversion
             200                                                                                      When considering a media-placement strategy, the best option
               0                                                                                      often differs based on long-term versus short-term goals.
                    0	        200	         400	        600	     800	       1000	        1200          For example, some placements – like Efficiency, Pricing and
                                                   Lift Index                                         RON – optimize quickly to deliver traffic to a site (i.e. drive
                                                                                                      traffic within the first week), but they don’t always sustain these
 As shown in the above chart, Retargeting provides the highest
                                                                                                      audiences over time (i.e. traffic drops off after the first week).
 lift in search at an efficient cost, but it doesn’t deliver as high
                                                                                                      When it comes to longer-term effects, Audience, Contextual
 a reach as other strategies. Meanwhile, Run-of-Network
                                                                                                      and Premium strategies have been shown to work well, although
 placements provide a large reach at an efficient cost but garner
                                                                                                      Retargeting outperforms these three.
 relatively low lifts in search.
 Source: comScore report, “When Money Moves to Digital, Where Should it Go?”, September 2010          Source: comScore report, “When Money Moves to Digital, Where Should it Go?”, September 2010
 Note: All campaigns in this study ran between July 2009 and March 2010 and were sold and delivered   Note: All campaigns in this study ran between July 2009 and March 2010 and were sold and
 by ValueClick Media.                                                                                 delivered by ValueClick Media.
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comScore lessons learned

  • 2. About This Booklet FIVE Key Lessons Learned While advertising has evolved tremendously with the advent 1 Clicks worst best an incomplete metric of new digital technologies, its goal today is much the same are at as it has always been—to elicit feelings, emotions, perceptions and at a misleading one. and actions that ultimately build brand loyalty and increase sales. Finding ways to do this in the most efficient manner is vital, and being able to quantify a return on marketing investment is a must. 2 Cookiein media planning, potential to create havoc deletion has the execution and campaign evaluation. As digital advertising continues to grow in both importance and sophistication, so does the need for guiding principles about how to get the most out of this medium. Through comScore’s 3 Digital campaigns have the ability to build brands and lift e-commerce and retail extensive research in the digital advertising space, we’ve sales, and as in traditional TV advertising, identified Five Key Lessons Learned, which help to shed light creative plays a critical role. on the current state of the industry and guide marketers down a path toward more effective planning, stronger evaluation and overall improved results. 4 The ability of content to engage consumers can amplify the effect of an ad placed within the content. 5 media-placementfrom a variety is important When selecting strategies, it of to consider the relative costs and benefits of each.
  • 3. A click means nothing. A click earns no revenue and creates no brand equity. Your online advertising has some goal, and it’s surely not to generate clicks. Regardless of whether they clicked an ad or not, the key is to determine how that ad unit influenced consumers to think, feel or do something they wouldn’t have done otherwise. John Lowell SVP / Director, Research & Analytics Starcom USA 1. Clicks are at best an incomplete metric and at worst a misleading one
  • 4. THERE ARE SEVERAL REASONS WHY ‘THE CLICK’ IS NOT AN APPROPRIATE MEASURE This phenomenon of low click-through rates OF ONLINE ADVERTISING EFFECTIVENESS is not observed in isolation. It’s something we see around the globe and in nearly every vertical industry. Perhaps most notably is the fact that so few people actually click on any ads. Click-Through Rates* by Vertical Industry 84% 0.06% 0.07% 0.08% 0.09% 0.10% 0.15% Financial Telecom Travel CPG/Retail/ Tech/Media/ Auto Services Wellness Entertainment of all U.S. Internet users do not click on any ads in a given month Click-Through Rates** by Region 84% 0.05% Finland 0.07% Australia 0.07% UK 0.08% Sweden 0.09% Canada 0.10% USA non- CLICKERS AND There are 16% 50% fewer CLICKERS 0.11% 0.12% 0.14% 0.17% 0.19% 0.30% clickers NOW Germany Switzerland Netherlands Greece Singapore Malaysia than in July 2007. Source: DoubleClick for Advertisers, January to December 2009 *Click-through rates on individual ad campaigns by industry vertical for DoubleClick rich-media formats only; U.S. advertisers. Source: comScore Custom Analysis, March 2009 & July 2007 **Click-through rates across static image, flash & rich media formats; a cross-section of regions.
  • 5. I spend a lot of time fighting against media metrics that don’t matter. kate sirkin evp global research director starcom mediavest group 2. Cookie deletion has the potential to create havoc in media planning, execution and campaign evaluation
  • 6. COOKIE-BASED MEASUREMENT AND COOKIES MEASURE COMPUTERS, NOT PEOPLE TARGETING APPROACHES OFTEN RESULT IN Due to cookie-based targeting, it’s difficult to ensure the INACCURATE MEDIA PLANNING, execution correct person is actually being served an ad. Also, because AND CAMPAIGN EVALUATION the demographic data in cookies comes from a variety of sources – such as registration data, modeled demos based on content consumption and estimations by zip code – the quality Why is cookie-based measurement sub-optimal? of cookie data varies, meaning the results do too. For these reasons, campaign delivery often misses its target. HIGH COOKIE DELETION RATES In the below example, the advertiser’s target was women aged 30% of all U.S. and 24% of all EU Internet users delete their 35-54 years old. However, post-campaign evaluation using the cookies in a month, and they do so an average of 4 to 6 times comScore panel showed the majority of exposed consumers a month. Deletion rates for 1st party (i.e. website) and 3rd party were outside of the target audience. (i.e. ad server) cookies are similar. Cookie deletion can result Percent Composition of Exposed Audience in 2.5X overstatement in unique visitors to a website, and a similar overstatement of reach and understatement of frequency in ad campaigns. 20.6% (age 15-24) 22.4% (age 25-34) 40% 60% 25.3% (age 35-44) 17.3% (age 45-54) 14.4% (age 55+) A One-Week Snapshot cookie A cookie B cookie C 40% of exposed Only 43% of females exposed to the consumers were men campaign met the targeted age group DAY 1 DAY 7 A COOKIE CAN’T TELL THE DIFFERENCE Because of multiple users on a computer, you might intend to reach cookie cookie a 35-year-old woman with your ad when it is actually being served to her deleted deleted 45-year-old husband or 18-year-old daughter who is using her computer. The site reads THREE distinct cookies, which means this ONE visitor is counted THREE times. ? ? Source: comScore Custom Analysis, April 2010 Source: comScore Custom Analysis, April 2010
  • 7. 3. Digital campaigns have the ability to build brands and lift e-commerce & retail sales, and as in traditional TV advertising, creative plays a critical role
  • 8. DIGITAL ADVERTISING PROVIDES AN EFFICIENT for retailers, the lifT in retail sales MEANS OF BUILDING BRANDS and LIFTING can be upwards of 5X higher than the both E-COMMERCE AND RETAIL SALES lifT in e-commerce sales Retailer Dollar Sales Lift Among Households Exposed to Online Display Advertising Lift: Exposure to display ads doesn’t just impact 17% online sales—it lifts in-store sales as well. $11,550 $9,905 Lift: 27% Non-exposed $994 $1,263 Exposed Digital Advertising’s Impact on In-Store Sales* for CPG Brands Online Sales In-Store Sales Among Households Exposed to Online Display Advertising Source: comScore report, “How Online Advertising Works: Whither the Click” (published in the 2009 Journal of Advertising Research) 100% 80% For CPG brands, digital advertising can generate Average $ lift was 22% nearly the same in-store sales lift in a three- Percent lift in $ sales 60% 82% of campaigns month period as TV advertising does in one year. 40% showed a positive sales lift 20% Comparison of In-Store Sales Lift* for CPG Brands Resulting from Online Advertising vs. TV Advertising 0% No. of offline sales effectiveness studies -20% +8% +9% Source: comScore AdEffx Offline Sales Lift for Internet; IRI BehaviorScan® for TV, 2000-2009 Source: comScore-dunnhumby CPG Offline Sales Lift Studies, 2008-2009 *BehaviorScan® tests conducted over one-year period and reflect CPG ad campaigns’ typical *Advertising’s impact on retail sales is measured by linking the comScore panel of 1 million reach, while the comScore studies were conducted over a three-month period and reflect a 40% U.S. Internet users to their retailer loyalty card data from dunnhumby, which provides household Internet reach against target. It is possible that some wearout of the TV creative could a measure of the panelists’ in-store buying activity. have occurred during the one year of the TV campaigns.
  • 9. Digital advertising has delivered Advertising on digital has become more sophisticated and on its promise of efficiency and production costs associated with rich media and video campaigns continue to rise, making the stakes higher than ever. effectiveness, but creative has been largely overlooked Now is the time for creative to take center stage in digital advertising. This shouldn’t be the case given that more than half of the impact of advertising comes from the quality of creative. All advertising is a combination of art and science, logic and emotion, conviction and motivation. Until recently, digital Percent Influence on Shifts in Brand Sales* advertising focused on the left brain area of science, logic and conviction. While these are important, it is clear that the next frontier is art, emotion and motivation, which come from that elusive butterfly creativity. I have always believed that the 52% Internet will usher in the next 48% creative generation of creativity. Creativity Media Plan Quality** that not only can we see, hear and & Weight, Price, Other feel, but also measure its impact. RISHAD TOBACCOWALA Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer VivaKi Source: comScore ARS Global Validation Summary *Numbers represent the percent variance in sales shifts explained by the corresponding factors. **Creative quality is based on the ARS Consumer Choice Score, which measures changes in consumer brand preference through a simulated purchase exercise. A lift in the score is highly correlated with in-market sales lifts.
  • 10. STRONG CREATIVE CAN INCREASE When these strategic elements are used in EFFECTIVENESS, BUT DIGITAL DISPLAY ADS DIGITAL CAMPAIGNS, they’ve demonstrated an ability to increase retail sales OFTEN DON’T INCLUDE THE ELEMENTS As in traditional TV advertising, digital campaigns that NEEDED TO MAXIMIZE ADVERTISING’S IMPACT effectively leveraged these strategic elements generated the greatest offline sales lift. Key strategic elements, which have been Percent Lift in Retail Sales of CPG Brands Among Households proven to improve the quality of an ad’s creative Exposed to Online Display Advertising and therefore its impact on sales, are used at a much lower rate in digital ads than in TV ads. Elements present* Elements not present 80.0 75.0 75.9 75% Percent of Digital and TV Ads* Containing Key Strategic Elements Digital Display Ads Television 48.0 48.4 (Rich Media, Banners, 50% Rectangles) Ads Brand Differentiating Key Message 17% 31% 31.1 32.0 33.4 New Product /New Feature Information 19% 44% 25% 21.8 Product Convenience (explicit & stated) 0% 9% 6.0 7.3 Competitive Comparison 10% 24% 0.0 0% Superiority Claim 13% 26% -25% -20.6 Source: comScore ARS-dunnhumby Case Study of Major CPG Brands (Blinded, n=13), 2009-2010 Source: comScore ARS Integrated Database *Key strategic elements included in this analysis were: Brand Differentiating Key Message, *Cases drawn from comScore ARS test databases and balanced by category (n=100 for New Product/New Feature Information, Product Convenience, Competitive Comparison and digital display ads, n=3,681 for television ads); majority of cases involved CPG brands. Superiority Claim.
  • 11. When it comes to digital advertising, The inclusion of price-RELATED price-related incentives are used INCENTIVES in online display ads much more frequently than in DRIVES offline sales traditional TV ads This begs the question: In many ways the Internet is being used today in a manner more similar to newspapers and is online the new print? magazines than TV as it relates to the inclusion of price and promotion information in digital ads. Percent Lift in In-Store Sales for CPG Brands Among Households Exposed to Online Display Ads 60% Percent of Digital and TV Ads* Containing Value Elements Digital Display Ads Television (Rich Media, Banners, Rectangles) Ads 40% 48.9% Value (Economy/Savings) 22% 2% 39.5% Value (Special Offers, Coupons, etc.) 38% 2% 28.4% 20% 26.8% 0% No Value Coupon Free Explicit Value Information Only Samples Claim Source: comScore ARS Integrated Database *Cases drawn from comScore ARS test databases and balanced by category (n=100 for Source: comScore ARS-dunnhumby Case Study of Major CPG Brands (Blinded, n=13), digital display ads, n=3,681 for television ads); majority of cases involved CPG brands. 2009-2010
  • 12. As consumers spend more and more time online, it’s critical for marketers to reach our consumers at the right time, with the right message, communicated in the right way. Tools that help drive those insights help us stay on the cutting edge. GAYLE FUGUITT Vice President Consumer Insights General Mills 4. The ability of content to engage consumers can amplify the effect of an ad placed within the content
  • 13. Placing an ad within highly engaging There also appears to be a high content can help to maximize correlation between engagement & age the ad’s impact What is engagement? Engaging content has a greater impact on older consumers. • Level of focus & attention • Loss of self-consciousness • Altered sense of time Comparison of ARS Consumer Choice Score* for Engaged • Intrinsic rewards vs. Unengaged Viewers by Age Segments • Immersion A comScore ARS study involving online video found that consumers who were highly engaged with the video content 45% 33% Lift generated a stronger ARS Consumer Choice Score for the ad placed within the content than unengaged viewers. Lift 13% This higher score is correlated with in-market sales lifts, Lift demonstrating the ability of content to amplify an ad’s impact. Comparison of ARS Consumer Choice Score* for Engaged vs. Unengaged Video Viewers 95 107 88 117 83 120 Engaged Unengaged Percentage Viewers Viewers Lift Age 16-29 Age 30-49 Age 50+ ARS Consumer 118 87 36% Choice Score ARS Consumer Choice Score ARS Consumer Choice Score Engaged Viewers Unengaged Viewers Source: comScore ARS Custom Analysis, October 2010 Source: comScore ARS Custom Analysis, October 2010 *ARS Consumer Choice Score measures changes in consumer brand preference through *ARS Consumer Choice Score measures changes in consumer brand preference through a simulated purchase exercise. A lift in the ARS Consumer Choice Score is highly correlated a simulated purchase exercise. A lift in the ARS Consumer Choice Score is highly correlated with in-market sales lifts. with in-market sales lifts.
  • 14. 5. When selecting from a variety of media-placement strategies, it is important to consider the relative costs and benefits of each
  • 15. Not all targeting is created equal. Select Media-placement strategies Each has tradeoffs in terms of cost, reach and impact Audience Targeting: Targets consumers based on past interest or interaction with related products/content but who From audience targeting to contextual buys and from retargeting have not yet visited the advertiser’s site to efficiency or premium buys, there are many placement options that media planners must now consider. Because each Contextual Targeting: Targets sites with related, offers different pros and cons, it is important to select a media- page-level content placement strategy that best fits the specific campaign objective. Efficiency Pricing: Based on cost-per-click engagement with creative Likelihood to Search For Advertised Brand Post-Exposure 1800 Premium Pricing: Based on high-visibility placements 1600 The larger on premium publishers 1400 Premium the circle, the Pricing greater the Retargeting: Based on data that confirms users have 1200 Contextual reach. Targeting previously visited an advertiser’s site 1000 Cost Index 800 Run-of-Network (RON): Includes ads that appear Efficiency Audience 600 Pricing Targeting Retargeting anywhere in the network, often optimized by conversion 400 Run-of-Network 200 When considering a media-placement strategy, the best option 0 often differs based on long-term versus short-term goals. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 For example, some placements – like Efficiency, Pricing and Lift Index RON – optimize quickly to deliver traffic to a site (i.e. drive traffic within the first week), but they don’t always sustain these As shown in the above chart, Retargeting provides the highest audiences over time (i.e. traffic drops off after the first week). lift in search at an efficient cost, but it doesn’t deliver as high When it comes to longer-term effects, Audience, Contextual a reach as other strategies. Meanwhile, Run-of-Network and Premium strategies have been shown to work well, although placements provide a large reach at an efficient cost but garner Retargeting outperforms these three. relatively low lifts in search. Source: comScore report, “When Money Moves to Digital, Where Should it Go?”, September 2010 Source: comScore report, “When Money Moves to Digital, Where Should it Go?”, September 2010 Note: All campaigns in this study ran between July 2009 and March 2010 and were sold and delivered Note: All campaigns in this study ran between July 2009 and March 2010 and were sold and by ValueClick Media. delivered by ValueClick Media.
  • 16. Contact Information To learn more about how comScore can help you compete and succeed in the digital world, please contact us today: Online Email United States Latin America +1 866 276 6972 +56 2 963 5810 Canada Asia Pacific +1 416 646 9911 +1 206 399 9951 United Kingdom Australia +44 (0) 20 7099 1760 +62 029 006 1486 France China +33 (0) 1 53 43 90 76 +86 01 6523 3187 Germany (Hamburg) India +49 (0) 40 47644 951 +91 (9920) 8833 23 Germany (Düsseldorf) Japan +49 (0) 211 5403 9855 +81 3 5789 5555 Spain Singapore +34 (0) 91 443 08 00 +65 9478 2100 Many of the findings herein are based on data and insight gleaned from comScore services and solutions. Research data or a portion of text less than one paragraph in length may be cited, provided that each is sourced to comScore. For example, “Source: comScore, Inc.” or “According to comScore, ....” Copies of graphs or data tables must include the following copyright notice affixed to all material: “Copyright © 2011 comScore, Inc.” © 2011 comScore, Inc.