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Code Quality Analysis
       Marty Andrews

static analysis
software analysis without execution
no app runtime required!
design improvement

improve testability

              manage complexity

           Collective                            Coding
           Ownership                            Standard

Customer            Pair                    Design                      Planning
  Tests         Programming              Improvement                     Game

           Continuous                          Sustainable
           Integration                            Pace



                                                 circa 2001. duplicated from
Collective                                       Coding
Ownership                                       Standard

         Pair                  Design
     Programming            Improvement

Continuous                                   Sustainable
Integration                                     Pace
                             circa 2001. duplicated from
smell the
“A code smell is a surface indication
that usually corresponds to a deeper
       problem in the system.”

         -- Martin Fowler,
      paraphrasing Kent Beck
“If it stinks, change it.”

     -- Grandma Beck
code samples from
rake stats
Summary statistics from your Rails app
Look for a good code to test ratio
$   sudo gem install rails
$   rails my_app
$   cd my_app
$   rake stats
~/Data/runway $ rake stats
(in /Users/marty/Data/runway)
| Name                 | Lines |    LOC | Classes | Methods | M/C | LOC/M |
| Controllers          |   333 |    275 |       12 |      45 |   3|     4|
| Helpers              |   113 |    104 |        0|       10 |   0|     8|
| Models               |   828 |    681 |       12 |      96 |   8|     5|
| Libraries            |   874 |    750 |       24 |     113 |   4|     4|
| Model specs          | 1662 | 1395 |           0|        0|    0|     0|
| Controller specs     |   544 |    434 |        0|        5|    0|    84 |
| Helper specs         |   114 |     95 |        0|        0|    0|     0|
| Total                | 4468 | 3734 |          48 |     269 |   5|    11 |
  Code LOC: 1810     Test LOC: 1924       Code to Test Ratio: 1:1.1
681 |       12 |      96 |   8|     5
 750 |       24 |     113 |   4|     4
1395 |        0|        0|    0|     0
 434 |        0|        5|    0|    84
  95 |        0|        0|    0|     0
3734 |       48 |     269 |   5|    11
4      Code to Test Ratio: 1:1.1
use rake stats for regular
     human review
Searches for code smells
Control Couple   Long Parameter List
Duplication      Nested Iterators
Feature Envy     Uncommunicative
Large Class
                 Utility Function
Long Method
Look for warnings that you haven’t
         thought about
$ sudo gem install reek
$ reek [file ...]
~/Data/runway $ find app -name quot;*.rbquot; | xargs reek

quot;app/controllers/actions_controller.rbquot; -- 3 warnings:
ActionsController#action calls current_user.actions multiple times
ActionsController#action calls params[id] multiple times (Duplication)
ActionsController#actions calls current_user.actions multiple times

quot;app/controllers/application.rbquot; -- 1 warnings:
ApplicationController#site_version doesn't depend on instance state
(Utility Function)

quot;app/helpers/home_helper.rbquot; -- 1 warnings:
HomeHelper::folder_tab has approx 6 statements (Long Method)

quot;app/models/token.rbquot; -- 21 warnings:
Token#parse_incubation_day_of_the_month refers to base more than self
(Feature Envy)
ActionsController#action calls current_user.actions multiple times
ActionsController#action calls params[id] multiple times (Duplication)
ActionsController#actions calls current_user.actions multiple times

quot;app/controllers/application.rbquot; -- 1 warnings:
ApplicationController#site_version doesn't depend on instance state
(Utility Function)

quot;app/helpers/home_helper.rbquot; -- 1 warnings:
HomeHelper::folder_tab has approx 6 statements (Long Method)

quot;app/models/token.rbquot; -- 21 warnings:
Token#parse_incubation_day_of_the_month refers to base more than self
(Feature Envy)
[Feature Envy] Element#update_from refers to
response more than self

  def parse_incubation_day_of_the_month
    if @remainder =~ /^(d+)(th|st|nd|rd)$/i
      day = $1.to_i
      base = day <= ? @today >> 1 : @today
      day -=1 until Date.valid_civil?(base.year, base.month, day), base.month, day)
What about Rails?
10,645 warnings
use reek for regular human
Complexity checking of Ruby code
“ABC” like algorithm

Look for high scores (> 40)
$ sudo gem install flog
$ flog [dir ...]
~/Data/runway $ flog app

  1426.9: flog total
     7.9: flog/method average

    89.7:   ActionFormat#format
    81.7:   ActionParser#parse
    60.4:   Token#parse_incubation_date
    42.3:   Token#parse_incubation_days
    35.2:   Token#tokenize
    29.8:   Token#parse
    27.8:   Token#parse_period
    27.6:   Action#apply_defaults_from_name
    25.3:   Action#none
    24.9:   RankingsController#update
    24.2:   ActionsHelper#none
    22.9:   ActionsHelper#action_contexts
    21.9:   ActionsHelper#action_tags
    20.9:   Token#parse_incubation_month
    20.2:   ActionParser#attributes

    [More content removed...]
~/Data/runway $ flog app

  1426.9: flog total
     7.9: flog/method average

    89.7:   ActionFormat#format
    81.7:   ActionParser#parse
    60.4:   Token#parse_incubation_date
    42.3:   Token#parse_incubation_days
    35.2:   Token#tokenize
    29.8:   Token#parse
    27.8:   Token#parse_period
89.7: ActionFormat#format

def format
  @tokens = []
  @semi = false

  append(quot;Waiting forquot;) if @action.waiting?
  append( unless

  append_with_semi(@action.due_at.strftime(quot;<%d/%m/%Y-%H:%Mquot;)) if @action.solid?
  if @action.incubating?
  elsif [quot;laterquot;, quot;donequot;].include?(@action.status)

  append_with_semi( unless @action.contexts.blank?
  unless @action.waiting?
    append_with_semi(@action.time.shorthand) unless @action.time.blank?
    append_with_semi( unless

  append_with_semi( unless @action.tags.blank?

  append(quot;!quot;) if

  @tokens.flatten.join(quot; quot;)
What about Rails?
~/Data/rails $ flog .

201079.7: flog total
    14.1: flog/method average

  3841.5:   main#none
   866.1:   Parser#none
   709.7:   timezone#Europe/London
   707.5:   timezone#America/St_Johns
   695.0:   timezone#America/Chicago
   693.3:   timezone#America/New_York
   674.3:   timezone#Europe/Dublin
   670.9:   timezone#America/Halifax
   662.2:   JoinAssociation#association_join
   661.2:   timezone#Atlantic/Azores
   656.7:   timezone#Europe/Lisbon
   556.3:   timezone#Europe/Brussels

   [More content removed...]
841.5:   main#none
866.1:   Parser#none
709.7:   timezone#Europe/London
707.5:   timezone#America/St_Johns
695.0:   timezone#America/Chicago
693.3:   timezone#America/New_York
674.3:   timezone#Europe/Dublin
670.9:   timezone#America/Halifax
662.2:   JoinAssociation#association_join
661.2:   timezone#Atlantic/Azores
656.7:   timezone#Europe/Lisbon
556.3:   timezone#Europe/Brussels

[More content removed...]
def association_join
  connection = reflection.active_record.connection
  join = case reflection.macro
    when :has_and_belongs_to_many
      quot; #{join_type} %s ON %s.%s = %s.%s quot; % [
         table_alias_for(options[:join_table], aliased_join_table_name),
         options[:foreign_key] || reflection.active_record.to_s.foreign_key,
         reflection.active_record.primary_key] +
      quot; #{join_type} %s ON %s.%s = %s.%s quot; % [
         options[:association_foreign_key] || klass.to_s.foreign_key
    when :has_many, :has_one
        when reflection.options[:through]
           through_conditions = through_reflection.options[:conditions] ? quot;AND #{interpolate_s

          jt_foreign_key = jt_as_extra = jt_source_extra = jt_sti_extra = nil
          first_key = second_key = as_extra = nil

          if through_reflection.options[:as] # has_many :through against a polymorphic join
            jt_foreign_key = through_reflection.options[:as].to_s + '_id'
            jt_as_extra = quot; AND %s.%s = %squot; % [
               connection.quote_column_name(through_reflection.options[:as].to_s + '_type'),
            jt_foreign_key = through_reflection.primary_key_name
  jt_foreign_key = through_reflection.primary_key_name

case source_reflection.macro
when :has_many
  if source_reflection.options[:as]
    first_key    = quot;#{source_reflection.options[:as]}_idquot;
    second_key = options[:foreign_key] || primary_key
    as_extra     = quot; AND %s.%s = %squot; % [
    first_key    = through_reflection.klass.base_class.to_s.foreign_key
    second_key = options[:foreign_key] || primary_key

  unless through_reflection.klass.descends_from_active_record?
    jt_sti_extra = quot; AND %s.%s = %squot; % [
when :belongs_to
  first_key = primary_key
  if reflection.options[:source_type]
    second_key = source_reflection.association_foreign_key
    jt_source_extra = quot; AND %s.%s = %squot; % [
      second_key = source_reflection.primary_key_name

  quot; #{join_type} %s ON (%s.%s = %s.%s%s%s%s) quot; % [
    table_alias_for(through_reflection.klass.table_name, aliased_join_table_name),
    jt_as_extra, jt_source_extra, jt_sti_extra
  quot; #{join_type} %s ON (%s.%s = %s.%s%s) quot; % [

when reflection.options[:as] && [:has_many, :has_one].include?(reflection.macro)
  quot; #{join_type} %s ON %s.%s = %s.%s AND %s.%s = %squot; % [
            foreign_key = options[:foreign_key] ||
            quot; #{join_type} %s ON %s.%s = %s.%s quot; % [
              reflection.options[:primary_key] || parent.primary_key
    when :belongs_to
      quot; #{join_type} %s ON %s.%s = %s.%s quot; % [
           options[:foreign_key] || reflection.primary_key_name
  end || ''
  join << %(AND %s) % [
    klass.send(:type_condition, aliased_table_name)] unless klass.descends_from_active_record

  [through_reflection, reflection].each do |ref|
    join << quot;AND #{interpolate_sql(sanitize_sql(ref.options[:conditions], aliased_table_name)


require 'flog'

desc quot;Analyze for code complexityquot;
task :flog do
  flog =
  flog.flog_files ['app']
  threshold = 30

  bad_methods = do |name, score|
    score > threshold
  bad_methods.sort { |a,b| a[1] <=> b[1] }.each do |name, score|
    puts quot;%8.1f: %squot; % [score, name]

  raise quot;#{bad_methods.size} methods have a flog complexity >
#{threshold}quot; unless bad_methods.empty?
~/Data/runway $ rake flog
(in /Users/marty/Data/runway)
    35.2: Token#tokenize
    42.3: Token#parse_incubation_days
    60.4: Token#parse_incubation_date
    81.7: ActionParser#parse
    89.7: ActionFormat#format
rake aborted!
5 methods have a flog complexity > 30
use flog in your CI build
Structural similarity checking of Sexp
       nodes (syntax tokens)
Fine grained duplication checking
Look for high scores (> 30)
$ sudo gem install flay
$ flay [dir ...]
~/Data/runway $ flay app

[Processing files...]

Total score (lower is better) = 286

1) Similar code found in :defn (mass = 60)

2) Similar code found in :if (mass = 54)

3) Similar code found in :defn (mass = 50)

[More content removed...]
~/Data/runway $ flay app

[Processing files...]

Total score (lower is better) = 286

1) Similar code found in :defn (mass = 60)

2) Similar code found in :if (mass = 54)

3) Similar code found in :defn (mass = 50)

[More content removed...]
1) Similar code found in :defn (mass = 60)

  def create
    user =[:signup])
      head(:status => :created, :location => home_path)
      head(:status => :unprocessable_entity)

  def create
    user_session =[:user_session])
      head(:status => :created, :location => home_path)
      head(:status => :unprocessable_entity)
What about Rails?
1132 duplicates
require 'rbconfig'
require 'find'
require 'ftools'

include Config

# this was adapted from rdoc's install.rb by way of Log4r

$sitedir = CONFIG[quot;sitelibdirquot;]
unless $sitedir
  version = CONFIG[quot;MAJORquot;] + quot;.quot; + CONFIG[quot;MINORquot;]
  $libdir = File.join(CONFIG[quot;libdirquot;], quot;rubyquot;, version)
  $sitedir = $:.find {|x| x =~ /site_ruby/ }
  if !$sitedir
    $sitedir = File.join($libdir, quot;site_rubyquot;)
  elsif $sitedir !~ Regexp.quote(version)
    $sitedir = File.join($sitedir, version)

# the actual gruntwork

Find.find(quot;action_mailerquot;, quot;action_mailer.rbquot;) { |f|
  if f[-3..-1] == quot;.rbquot;
    File::install(f, File.join($sitedir, *f.split(///)), 0644, true)
    File::makedirs(File.join($sitedir, *f.split(///)))
require 'rbconfig'
require 'find'
require 'ftools'

include Config

# this was adapted from rdoc's install.rb by ways of Log4r

$sitedir = CONFIG[quot;sitelibdirquot;]
unless $sitedir
  version = CONFIG[quot;MAJORquot;] + quot;.quot; + CONFIG[quot;MINORquot;]
  $libdir = File.join(CONFIG[quot;libdirquot;], quot;rubyquot;, version)
  $sitedir = $:.find {|x| x =~ /site_ruby/ }
  if !$sitedir
    $sitedir = File.join($libdir, quot;site_rubyquot;)
  elsif $sitedir !~ Regexp.quote(version)
    $sitedir = File.join($sitedir, version)

# the actual gruntwork

Find.find(quot;active_supportquot;, quot;active_support.rbquot;) { |f|
  if f[-3..-1] == quot;.rbquot;
    File::install(f, File.join($sitedir, *f.split(///)), 0644, true)
    File::makedirs(File.join($sitedir, *f.split(///)))
require 'rbconfig'
require 'find'
require 'ftools'

include Config

# this was adapted from rdoc's install.rb by ways of Log4r

$sitedir = CONFIG[quot;sitelibdirquot;]
unless $sitedir
  version = CONFIG[quot;MAJORquot;] + quot;.quot; + CONFIG[quot;MINORquot;]
  $libdir = File.join(CONFIG[quot;libdirquot;], quot;rubyquot;, version)
  $sitedir = $:.find {|x| x =~ /site_ruby/ }
  if !$sitedir
    $sitedir = File.join($libdir, quot;site_rubyquot;)
  elsif $sitedir !~ Regexp.quote(version)
    $sitedir = File.join($sitedir, version)

# the actual gruntwork

Find.find(quot;active_recordquot;, quot;active_record.rbquot;) { |f|
  if f[-3..-1] == quot;.rbquot;
    File::install(f, File.join($sitedir, *f.split(///)), 0644, true)
    File::makedirs(File.join($sitedir, *f.split(///)))
require 'rbconfig'
require 'find'
require 'ftools'

include Config

# this was adapted from rdoc's install.rb by way of Log4r

$sitedir = CONFIG[quot;sitelibdirquot;]
unless $sitedir
  version = CONFIG[quot;MAJORquot;] + quot;.quot; + CONFIG[quot;MINORquot;]
  $libdir = File.join(CONFIG[quot;libdirquot;], quot;rubyquot;, version)
  $sitedir = $:.find {|x| x =~ /site_ruby/ }
  if !$sitedir
    $sitedir = File.join($libdir, quot;site_rubyquot;)
  elsif $sitedir !~ Regexp.quote(version)
    $sitedir = File.join($sitedir, version)

# the actual gruntwork

Find.find(quot;action_controllerquot;, quot;action_controller.rbquot;, quot;action_viewquot;, quot;action_view.rbquot;) { |f|
  if f[-3..-1] == quot;.rbquot;
    File::install(f, File.join($sitedir, *f.split(///)), 0644, true)
    File::makedirs(File.join($sitedir, *f.split(///)))

require 'flay'

desc quot;Analyze for code duplicationquot;
task :flay do
  threshold = 25
  flay ={:fuzzy => false, :verbose => false, :mass =>

  raise quot;#{flay.masses.size} chunks of code have a duplicate mass >
#{threshold}quot; unless flay.masses.empty?
~/Data/runway $ rake flay
(in /Users/marty/Data/runway)
Total score (lower is better) = 164

1) Similar code found in :defn (mass = 60)

2) Similar code found in :if (mass = 54)

3) Similar code found in :defn (mass = 50)
rake aborted!
3 chunks of code have a duplicate mass > 25
use flay in your CI build
Checks for design problems
Class Name          Block Cyclomatic Complexity

Method Name         Method Cyclomatic
Module Name

                    Assignment In Conditional
Class Line Count
                    Case Missing Else
Method Line Count
                    Empty Rescue Body
Module Line Count
                    For Loop Check

                    Parameter Number
Look for any errors
$ sudo gem install roodi
$ roodi [pattern ...]
~/Data/runway $ roodi quot;app/**/*.rbquot;


 Method name quot;formatquot; has a cyclomatic complexity is 12.

 It should be 8 or less.


 Block cyclomatic complexity is 11.

 It should be 4 or less.


 Case statement is missing an else clause.


 Method quot;apply_defaults_from_namequot; has 23 lines.

 It should have 20 or less.


 Found = in conditional.

 It should probably be an ==
Method name quot;formatquot; has a cyclomatic complexit

   It should be 8 or less.


 Block cyclomatic complexity is 11.

 It should be 4 or less.


 Case statement is missing an else clause.


 Method quot;apply_defaults_from_namequot; has 23 lines.

 It should have 20 or less.


 Found = in conditional.

 It should probably be an ==

 Block cyclomatic complexity is 11.

 It should be 4 or less.

   meta.each do |token|
     case token.klass
     when :context
       unless token.value.blank?
         @contexts ||= []
         @contexts << token.value
     when :time
       @time = token.value
     when :energy
       @energy = token.value
     when :tag
       @tags << token.value unless token.value.blank?
     when :semi_colon
       # Ignore
     when :available, :today, :later, :done
       @status = token.klass.to_s
       @effective_at = token.value
     when :due_at
       @due_at = token.value

 Block cyclomatic complexity is 11.

 It should be 4 or less.

1        meta.each do |token|
           case token.klass
    2      when :context

          3 unless token.value.blank?
               @contexts ||= [] 4
               @contexts << token.value
    5      when :time
             @time = token.value
    6      when :energy
             @energy = token.value
    7                                    8
           when :tag
             @tags << token.value unless token.value.blank?
    9      when :semi_colon
             # Ignore
    10     when :available, :today, :later, :done
             @status = token.klass.to_s
             @effective_at = token.value
    11     when :due_at
             @due_at = token.value

 Found = in conditional.

 It should probably be an ==

  def extract_authenticity_token
    if token = request.headers[quot;HTTP_X_RUNWAY_AUTHENTICITY_TOKENquot;]
      params[request_forgery_protection_token] = token
What about Rails?
1996 errors
  Method name quot;matchquot;
  cyclomatic complexity is 47.
  It should be 8 or less.
def match(conditions)
  conditions = validate_conditions(conditions)
  # check content of child nodes
  if conditions[:content]
    if children.empty?
      return false unless match_condition(quot;quot;, conditions[:content])
      return false unless children.find { |child| child.match(conditions[:content]) }

  # test the name
  return false unless match_condition(@name, conditions[:tag]) if conditions[:tag]

  # test attributes
  (conditions[:attributes] || {}).each do |key, value|
    return false unless match_condition(self[key], value)

  # test parent
  return false unless parent.match(conditions[:parent]) if conditions[:parent]

  # test children
  return false unless children.find { |child| child.match(conditions[:child]) } if conditio

  # test ancestors
  if conditions[:ancestor]
    return false unless catch :found do
      p = self
      throw :found, true if p.match(conditions[:ancestor]) while p = p.parent

  # test descendants
# test descendants
if conditions[:descendant]
  return false unless children.find do |child|
    # test the child
    child.match(conditions[:descendant]) ||
    # test the child's descendants
    child.match(:descendant => conditions[:descendant])

# count children
if opts = conditions[:children]
  matches = do |c|
    (c.kind_of?(HTML::Tag) and (c.closing == :self or ! c.childless?))

  matches = { |c| c.match(opts[:only]) } if opts[:only]
  opts.each do |key, value|
    next if key == :only
    case key
      when :count
        if Integer === value
          return false if matches.length != value
          return false unless value.include?(matches.length)
      when :less_than
        return false unless matches.length < value
      when :greater_than
        return false unless matches.length > value
      else raise quot;unknown count condition #{key}quot;
else raise quot;unknown count condition #{key}quot;

  # test siblings
  if conditions[:sibling] || conditions[:before] || conditions[:after]
    siblings = parent ? parent.children : []
    self_index = siblings.index(self)

    if conditions[:sibling]
      return false unless siblings.detect do |s|
        s != self && s.match(conditions[:sibling])

    if conditions[:before]
      return false unless siblings[self_index+1..-1].detect do |s|
        s != self && s.match(conditions[:before])

    if conditions[:after]
      return false unless siblings[0,self_index].detect do |s|
        s != self && s.match(conditions[:after])


require 'roodi'
require 'roodi_task' 'roodi', ['app/**/*.rb', 'lib/**/*.rb'], 'roodi.yml'

# AssignmentInConditionalCheck:        {}
# CaseMissingElseCheck:                {}
ClassLineCountCheck:               {   line_count: 300 }
ClassNameCheck:                    {   pattern: !ruby/regexp /^[A-Z][a-zA-Z
# ClassVariableCheck:                  {}
CyclomaticComplexityBlockCheck:    {   complexity: 8 }
CyclomaticComplexityMethodCheck:   {   complexity: 10 }
EmptyRescueBodyCheck:              {   }
ForLoopCheck:                      {   }
MethodLineCountCheck:              {   line_count: 20 }
MethodNameCheck:                   {   pattern: !ruby/regexp /^[_a-z<>=[|+
ModuleLineCountCheck:              {   line_count: 300 }
ModuleNameCheck:                   {   pattern: !ruby/regexp /^[A-Z][a-zA-Z
ParameterNumberCheck:              {   parameter_count: 5 }
~/Data/runway $ rake roodi
(in /Users/marty/Data/runway)
app/models/action_format.rb:10 - Method name quot;formatquot; cyclomatic
complexity is 12. It should be 10 or less.
app/models/action_parser.rb:11 - Method name quot;attributesquot; cyclomatic
complexity is 12. It should be 10 or less.
app/models/action_parser.rb:30 - Method name quot;parsequot; cyclomatic
complexity is 14. It should be 10 or less.
app/models/token.rb:173 - Method name quot;parse_incubation_datequot;
cyclomatic complexity is 11. It should be 10 or less.
app/models/token.rb:226 - Method name quot;parse_incubation_daysquot;
cyclomatic complexity is 12. It should be 10 or less.
app/models/action_parser.rb:50 - Block cyclomatic complexity is 11.
It should be 8 or less.
app/models/token.rb:11 - Block cyclomatic complexity is 10. It should
be 8 or less.
app/models/action.rb:103 - Method quot;apply_defaults_from_namequot; has 23
lines. It should have 20 or less.
app/models/action_parser.rb:30 - Method quot;parsequot; has 23 lines. It
should have 20 or less.
rake aborted!
Found 9 errors.
use roodi in your CI build
reports on everything you’ve
         seen today

        plus more!
$ sudo gem sources -a
$ sudo gem install jscruggs-metric_fu

require 'metric_fu'
$ rake metrics:all
use metrics_fu for regular
     human review
lib/tasks/quality.rake (part 1)

require 'flog'

desc quot;Analyze for code complexityquot;
task :flog do
  flog =
  flog.flog_files ['app']
  threshold = 40

  bad_methods = do |name, score|
    score > threshold
  bad_methods.sort { |a,b| a[1] <=> b[1] }.each do |name, score|
    puts quot;%8.1f: %squot; % [score, name]

  raise quot;#{bad_methods.size} methods have a flog complexity >
#{threshold}quot; unless bad_methods.empty?
lib/tasks/quality.rake (part 2)

require 'flay'

desc quot;Analyze for code duplicationquot;
task :flay do
  threshold = 25
  flay ={:fuzzy => false, :verbose => false, :mass =>

  raise quot;#{flay.masses.size} chunks of code have a duplicate mass >
#{threshold}quot; unless flay.masses.empty?
lib/tasks/quality.rake (part 3)

require 'roodi'
require 'roodi_task'
require 'metric_fu' 'roodi', ['app/**/*.rb', 'lib/**/*.rb'], 'roodi.yml'

task :quality => [:flog, :flay, :roodi, 'metrics:all']
continuous integration
      flog         flay       roodi

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Code Quality Analysis

  • 1. Code Quality Analysis Marty Andrews @martinjandrews
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. static analysis = software analysis without execution
  • 5. no app runtime required!
  • 6.
  • 9. Whole Team Collective Coding Ownership Standard Test-Driven Development Customer Pair Design Planning Tests Programming Improvement Game Simple Design Continuous Sustainable Integration Pace Metaphor Small Releases circa 2001. duplicated from
  • 10. Collective Coding Ownership Standard Test-Driven Development Pair Design Programming Improvement Simple Design Continuous Sustainable Integration Pace circa 2001. duplicated from
  • 11.
  • 12. smell the code
  • 13. “A code smell is a surface indication that usually corresponds to a deeper problem in the system.” -- Martin Fowler, paraphrasing Kent Beck
  • 14. “If it stinks, change it.” -- Grandma Beck
  • 15. Tools
  • 16. code samples from
  • 18. Summary statistics from your Rails app
  • 19. Look for a good code to test ratio
  • 20. $ sudo gem install rails $ rails my_app $ cd my_app $ rake stats
  • 21. ~/Data/runway $ rake stats (in /Users/marty/Data/runway) +----------------------+-------+-------+---------+---------+-----+-------+ | Name | Lines | LOC | Classes | Methods | M/C | LOC/M | +----------------------+-------+-------+---------+---------+-----+-------+ | Controllers | 333 | 275 | 12 | 45 | 3| 4| | Helpers | 113 | 104 | 0| 10 | 0| 8| | Models | 828 | 681 | 12 | 96 | 8| 5| | Libraries | 874 | 750 | 24 | 113 | 4| 4| | Model specs | 1662 | 1395 | 0| 0| 0| 0| | Controller specs | 544 | 434 | 0| 5| 0| 84 | | Helper specs | 114 | 95 | 0| 0| 0| 0| +----------------------+-------+-------+---------+---------+-----+-------+ | Total | 4468 | 3734 | 48 | 269 | 5| 11 | +----------------------+-------+-------+---------+---------+-----+-------+ Code LOC: 1810 Test LOC: 1924 Code to Test Ratio: 1:1.1
  • 22. 681 | 12 | 96 | 8| 5 750 | 24 | 113 | 4| 4 1395 | 0| 0| 0| 0 434 | 0| 5| 0| 84 95 | 0| 0| 0| 0 -----+---------+---------+-----+------- 3734 | 48 | 269 | 5| 11 -----+---------+---------+-----+------- 4 Code to Test Ratio: 1:1.1
  • 23. use rake stats for regular human review
  • 26. Control Couple Long Parameter List Duplication Nested Iterators Feature Envy Uncommunicative Name Large Class Utility Function Long Method
  • 27. Look for warnings that you haven’t thought about
  • 28. $ sudo gem install reek $ reek [file ...]
  • 29. ~/Data/runway $ find app -name quot;*.rbquot; | xargs reek quot;app/controllers/actions_controller.rbquot; -- 3 warnings: ActionsController#action calls current_user.actions multiple times (Duplication) ActionsController#action calls params[id] multiple times (Duplication) ActionsController#actions calls current_user.actions multiple times (Duplication) quot;app/controllers/application.rbquot; -- 1 warnings: ApplicationController#site_version doesn't depend on instance state (Utility Function) quot;app/helpers/home_helper.rbquot; -- 1 warnings: HomeHelper::folder_tab has approx 6 statements (Long Method) quot;app/models/token.rbquot; -- 21 warnings: Token#parse_incubation_day_of_the_month refers to base more than self (Feature Envy)
  • 30. ActionsController#action calls current_user.actions multiple times (Duplication) ActionsController#action calls params[id] multiple times (Duplication) ActionsController#actions calls current_user.actions multiple times (Duplication) quot;app/controllers/application.rbquot; -- 1 warnings: ApplicationController#site_version doesn't depend on instance state (Utility Function) quot;app/helpers/home_helper.rbquot; -- 1 warnings: HomeHelper::folder_tab has approx 6 statements (Long Method) quot;app/models/token.rbquot; -- 21 warnings: Token#parse_incubation_day_of_the_month refers to base more than self (Feature Envy)
  • 31. [Feature Envy] Element#update_from refers to response more than self def parse_incubation_day_of_the_month if @remainder =~ /^(d+)(th|st|nd|rd)$/i day = $1.to_i base = day <= ? @today >> 1 : @today day -=1 until Date.valid_civil?(base.year, base.month, day), base.month, day) end end
  • 34. use reek for regular human review
  • 37. “ABC” like algorithm Assignments Branches Conditionals
  • 38. Look for high scores (> 40)
  • 39. $ sudo gem install flog $ flog [dir ...]
  • 40. ~/Data/runway $ flog app 1426.9: flog total 7.9: flog/method average 89.7: ActionFormat#format 81.7: ActionParser#parse 60.4: Token#parse_incubation_date 42.3: Token#parse_incubation_days 35.2: Token#tokenize 29.8: Token#parse 27.8: Token#parse_period 27.6: Action#apply_defaults_from_name 25.3: Action#none 24.9: RankingsController#update 24.2: ActionsHelper#none 22.9: ActionsHelper#action_contexts 21.9: ActionsHelper#action_tags 20.9: Token#parse_incubation_month 20.2: ActionParser#attributes [More content removed...]
  • 41. ~/Data/runway $ flog app 1426.9: flog total 7.9: flog/method average 89.7: ActionFormat#format 81.7: ActionParser#parse 60.4: Token#parse_incubation_date 42.3: Token#parse_incubation_days 35.2: Token#tokenize 29.8: Token#parse 27.8: Token#parse_period
  • 42. 89.7: ActionFormat#format def format @tokens = [] @semi = false append(quot;Waiting forquot;) if @action.waiting? append( unless append_with_semi(@action.due_at.strftime(quot;<%d/%m/%Y-%H:%Mquot;)) if @action.solid? if @action.incubating? append_with_semi(@action.effective_at.strftime(quot;+%d/%m/%Y-%H:%Mquot;)) elsif [quot;laterquot;, quot;donequot;].include?(@action.status) append_with_semi(quot;+#{@action.status}quot;) end append_with_semi( unless @action.contexts.blank? unless @action.waiting? append_with_semi(@action.time.shorthand) unless @action.time.blank? append_with_semi( unless end append_with_semi( unless @action.tags.blank? append(quot;!quot;) if @tokens.flatten.join(quot; quot;) end
  • 44. ~/Data/rails $ flog . 201079.7: flog total 14.1: flog/method average 3841.5: main#none 866.1: Parser#none 709.7: timezone#Europe/London 707.5: timezone#America/St_Johns 695.0: timezone#America/Chicago 693.3: timezone#America/New_York 674.3: timezone#Europe/Dublin 670.9: timezone#America/Halifax 662.2: JoinAssociation#association_join 661.2: timezone#Atlantic/Azores 656.7: timezone#Europe/Lisbon 556.3: timezone#Europe/Brussels [More content removed...]
  • 45. 841.5: main#none 866.1: Parser#none 709.7: timezone#Europe/London 707.5: timezone#America/St_Johns 695.0: timezone#America/Chicago 693.3: timezone#America/New_York 674.3: timezone#Europe/Dublin 670.9: timezone#America/Halifax 662.2: JoinAssociation#association_join 661.2: timezone#Atlantic/Azores 656.7: timezone#Europe/Lisbon 556.3: timezone#Europe/Brussels [More content removed...]
  • 46. def association_join connection = reflection.active_record.connection join = case reflection.macro when :has_and_belongs_to_many quot; #{join_type} %s ON %s.%s = %s.%s quot; % [ table_alias_for(options[:join_table], aliased_join_table_name), connection.quote_table_name(aliased_join_table_name), options[:foreign_key] || reflection.active_record.to_s.foreign_key, connection.quote_table_name(parent.aliased_table_name), reflection.active_record.primary_key] + quot; #{join_type} %s ON %s.%s = %s.%s quot; % [ table_name_and_alias, connection.quote_table_name(aliased_table_name), klass.primary_key, connection.quote_table_name(aliased_join_table_name), options[:association_foreign_key] || klass.to_s.foreign_key ] when :has_many, :has_one case when reflection.options[:through] through_conditions = through_reflection.options[:conditions] ? quot;AND #{interpolate_s jt_foreign_key = jt_as_extra = jt_source_extra = jt_sti_extra = nil first_key = second_key = as_extra = nil if through_reflection.options[:as] # has_many :through against a polymorphic join jt_foreign_key = through_reflection.options[:as].to_s + '_id' jt_as_extra = quot; AND %s.%s = %squot; % [ connection.quote_table_name(aliased_join_table_name), connection.quote_column_name(through_reflection.options[:as].to_s + '_type'), klass.quote_value( ] else jt_foreign_key = through_reflection.primary_key_name
  • 47. ] else jt_foreign_key = through_reflection.primary_key_name end case source_reflection.macro when :has_many if source_reflection.options[:as] first_key = quot;#{source_reflection.options[:as]}_idquot; second_key = options[:foreign_key] || primary_key as_extra = quot; AND %s.%s = %squot; % [ connection.quote_table_name(aliased_table_name), connection.quote_column_name(quot;#{source_reflection.options[:as]}_typequot;), klass.quote_value( ] else first_key = through_reflection.klass.base_class.to_s.foreign_key second_key = options[:foreign_key] || primary_key end unless through_reflection.klass.descends_from_active_record? jt_sti_extra = quot; AND %s.%s = %squot; % [ connection.quote_table_name(aliased_join_table_name), connection.quote_column_name(through_reflection.active_record.inheritance_col through_reflection.klass.quote_value(through_reflection.klass.sti_name)] end when :belongs_to first_key = primary_key if reflection.options[:source_type] second_key = source_reflection.association_foreign_key jt_source_extra = quot; AND %s.%s = %squot; % [ connection.quote_table_name(aliased_join_table_name), connection.quote_column_name(reflection.source_reflection.options[:foreign_ty klass.quote_value(reflection.options[:source_type]) ]
  • 48. connection.quote_column_name(reflection.source_reflection.options[:foreign_ty klass.quote_value(reflection.options[:source_type]) ] else second_key = source_reflection.primary_key_name end end quot; #{join_type} %s ON (%s.%s = %s.%s%s%s%s) quot; % [ table_alias_for(through_reflection.klass.table_name, aliased_join_table_name), connection.quote_table_name(parent.aliased_table_name), connection.quote_column_name(parent.primary_key), connection.quote_table_name(aliased_join_table_name), connection.quote_column_name(jt_foreign_key), jt_as_extra, jt_source_extra, jt_sti_extra ]+ quot; #{join_type} %s ON (%s.%s = %s.%s%s) quot; % [ table_name_and_alias, connection.quote_table_name(aliased_table_name), connection.quote_column_name(first_key), connection.quote_table_name(aliased_join_table_name), connection.quote_column_name(second_key), as_extra ] when reflection.options[:as] && [:has_many, :has_one].include?(reflection.macro) quot; #{join_type} %s ON %s.%s = %s.%s AND %s.%s = %squot; % [ table_name_and_alias, connection.quote_table_name(aliased_table_name), quot;#{reflection.options[:as]}_idquot;, connection.quote_table_name(parent.aliased_table_name), parent.primary_key, connection.quote_table_name(aliased_table_name), quot;#{reflection.options[:as]}_typequot;, klass.quote_value(
  • 49. connection.quote_table_name(aliased_table_name), quot;#{reflection.options[:as]}_typequot;, klass.quote_value( ] else foreign_key = options[:foreign_key] || quot; #{join_type} %s ON %s.%s = %s.%s quot; % [ table_name_and_alias, aliased_table_name, foreign_key, parent.aliased_table_name, reflection.options[:primary_key] || parent.primary_key ] end when :belongs_to quot; #{join_type} %s ON %s.%s = %s.%s quot; % [ table_name_and_alias, connection.quote_table_name(aliased_table_name), reflection.klass.primary_key, connection.quote_table_name(parent.aliased_table_name), options[:foreign_key] || reflection.primary_key_name ] else quot;quot; end || '' join << %(AND %s) % [ klass.send(:type_condition, aliased_table_name)] unless klass.descends_from_active_record [through_reflection, reflection].each do |ref| join << quot;AND #{interpolate_sql(sanitize_sql(ref.options[:conditions], aliased_table_name) end join end
  • 51. lib/tasks/quality.rake require 'flog' desc quot;Analyze for code complexityquot; task :flog do flog = flog.flog_files ['app'] threshold = 30 bad_methods = do |name, score| score > threshold end bad_methods.sort { |a,b| a[1] <=> b[1] }.each do |name, score| puts quot;%8.1f: %squot; % [score, name] end raise quot;#{bad_methods.size} methods have a flog complexity > #{threshold}quot; unless bad_methods.empty? end
  • 52. ~/Data/runway $ rake flog (in /Users/marty/Data/runway) 35.2: Token#tokenize 42.3: Token#parse_incubation_days 60.4: Token#parse_incubation_date 81.7: ActionParser#parse 89.7: ActionFormat#format rake aborted! 5 methods have a flog complexity > 30
  • 53. use flog in your CI build
  • 55. Structural similarity checking of Sexp nodes (syntax tokens)
  • 57. Look for high scores (> 30)
  • 58. $ sudo gem install flay $ flay [dir ...]
  • 59. ~/Data/runway $ flay app [Processing files...] Total score (lower is better) = 286 1) Similar code found in :defn (mass = 60) app/controllers/signups_controller.rb:5 app/controllers/user_sessions_controller.rb:6 2) Similar code found in :if (mass = 54) app/controllers/forgot_passwords_controller.rb:15 app/controllers/signups_controller.rb:16 3) Similar code found in :defn (mass = 50) app/helpers/actions_helper.rb:43 app/helpers/actions_helper.rb:49 [More content removed...]
  • 60. ~/Data/runway $ flay app [Processing files...] Total score (lower is better) = 286 1) Similar code found in :defn (mass = 60) app/controllers/signups_controller.rb:5 app/controllers/user_sessions_controller.rb:6 2) Similar code found in :if (mass = 54) app/controllers/forgot_passwords_controller.rb:15 app/controllers/signups_controller.rb:16 3) Similar code found in :defn (mass = 50) app/helpers/actions_helper.rb:43 app/helpers/actions_helper.rb:49 [More content removed...]
  • 61. 1) Similar code found in :defn (mass = 60) app/controllers/signups_controller.rb:5 app/controllers/user_sessions_controller.rb:6 def create user =[:signup]) if head(:status => :created, :location => home_path) else head(:status => :unprocessable_entity) end end def create user_session =[:user_session]) if head(:status => :created, :location => home_path) else head(:status => :unprocessable_entity) end end
  • 64. actionmailer/install.rb require 'rbconfig' require 'find' require 'ftools' include Config # this was adapted from rdoc's install.rb by way of Log4r $sitedir = CONFIG[quot;sitelibdirquot;] unless $sitedir version = CONFIG[quot;MAJORquot;] + quot;.quot; + CONFIG[quot;MINORquot;] $libdir = File.join(CONFIG[quot;libdirquot;], quot;rubyquot;, version) $sitedir = $:.find {|x| x =~ /site_ruby/ } if !$sitedir $sitedir = File.join($libdir, quot;site_rubyquot;) elsif $sitedir !~ Regexp.quote(version) $sitedir = File.join($sitedir, version) end end # the actual gruntwork Dir.chdir(quot;libquot;) Find.find(quot;action_mailerquot;, quot;action_mailer.rbquot;) { |f| if f[-3..-1] == quot;.rbquot; File::install(f, File.join($sitedir, *f.split(///)), 0644, true) else File::makedirs(File.join($sitedir, *f.split(///))) end }
  • 65. activesupport/install.rb require 'rbconfig' require 'find' require 'ftools' include Config # this was adapted from rdoc's install.rb by ways of Log4r $sitedir = CONFIG[quot;sitelibdirquot;] unless $sitedir version = CONFIG[quot;MAJORquot;] + quot;.quot; + CONFIG[quot;MINORquot;] $libdir = File.join(CONFIG[quot;libdirquot;], quot;rubyquot;, version) $sitedir = $:.find {|x| x =~ /site_ruby/ } if !$sitedir $sitedir = File.join($libdir, quot;site_rubyquot;) elsif $sitedir !~ Regexp.quote(version) $sitedir = File.join($sitedir, version) end end # the actual gruntwork Dir.chdir(quot;libquot;) Find.find(quot;active_supportquot;, quot;active_support.rbquot;) { |f| if f[-3..-1] == quot;.rbquot; File::install(f, File.join($sitedir, *f.split(///)), 0644, true) else File::makedirs(File.join($sitedir, *f.split(///))) end }
  • 66. activerecord/install.rb require 'rbconfig' require 'find' require 'ftools' include Config # this was adapted from rdoc's install.rb by ways of Log4r $sitedir = CONFIG[quot;sitelibdirquot;] unless $sitedir version = CONFIG[quot;MAJORquot;] + quot;.quot; + CONFIG[quot;MINORquot;] $libdir = File.join(CONFIG[quot;libdirquot;], quot;rubyquot;, version) $sitedir = $:.find {|x| x =~ /site_ruby/ } if !$sitedir $sitedir = File.join($libdir, quot;site_rubyquot;) elsif $sitedir !~ Regexp.quote(version) $sitedir = File.join($sitedir, version) end end # the actual gruntwork Dir.chdir(quot;libquot;) Find.find(quot;active_recordquot;, quot;active_record.rbquot;) { |f| if f[-3..-1] == quot;.rbquot; File::install(f, File.join($sitedir, *f.split(///)), 0644, true) else File::makedirs(File.join($sitedir, *f.split(///))) end }
  • 67. actionpack/install.rb require 'rbconfig' require 'find' require 'ftools' include Config # this was adapted from rdoc's install.rb by way of Log4r $sitedir = CONFIG[quot;sitelibdirquot;] unless $sitedir version = CONFIG[quot;MAJORquot;] + quot;.quot; + CONFIG[quot;MINORquot;] $libdir = File.join(CONFIG[quot;libdirquot;], quot;rubyquot;, version) $sitedir = $:.find {|x| x =~ /site_ruby/ } if !$sitedir $sitedir = File.join($libdir, quot;site_rubyquot;) elsif $sitedir !~ Regexp.quote(version) $sitedir = File.join($sitedir, version) end end # the actual gruntwork Dir.chdir(quot;libquot;) Find.find(quot;action_controllerquot;, quot;action_controller.rbquot;, quot;action_viewquot;, quot;action_view.rbquot;) { |f| if f[-3..-1] == quot;.rbquot; File::install(f, File.join($sitedir, *f.split(///)), 0644, true) else File::makedirs(File.join($sitedir, *f.split(///))) end }
  • 69. lib/tasks/quality.rake require 'flay' desc quot;Analyze for code duplicationquot; task :flay do threshold = 25 flay ={:fuzzy => false, :verbose => false, :mass => threshold}) flay.process(*Flay.expand_dirs_to_files(['app'])) raise quot;#{flay.masses.size} chunks of code have a duplicate mass > #{threshold}quot; unless flay.masses.empty? end
  • 70. ~/Data/runway $ rake flay (in /Users/marty/Data/runway) Total score (lower is better) = 164 1) Similar code found in :defn (mass = 60) app/controllers/signups_controller.rb:5 app/controllers/user_sessions_controller.rb:6 2) Similar code found in :if (mass = 54) app/controllers/forgot_passwords_controller.rb:15 app/controllers/signups_controller.rb:16 3) Similar code found in :defn (mass = 50) app/helpers/actions_helper.rb:43 app/helpers/actions_helper.rb:49 rake aborted! 3 chunks of code have a duplicate mass > 25
  • 71. use flay in your CI build
  • 73. Checks for design problems
  • 74. Class Name Block Cyclomatic Complexity Method Name Method Cyclomatic Complexity Module Name Assignment In Conditional Class Line Count Case Missing Else Method Line Count Empty Rescue Body Module Line Count For Loop Check Parameter Number
  • 75. Look for any errors
  • 76. $ sudo gem install roodi $ roodi [pattern ...]
  • 77. ~/Data/runway $ roodi quot;app/**/*.rbquot; app/models/action_format.rb:10 Method name quot;formatquot; has a cyclomatic complexity is 12. It should be 8 or less. app/models/action_parser.rb:50 Block cyclomatic complexity is 11. It should be 4 or less. app/models/action.rb:107 Case statement is missing an else clause. app/models/action.rb:103 Method quot;apply_defaults_from_namequot; has 23 lines. It should have 20 or less. app/controllers/application.rb:52 Found = in conditional. It should probably be an ==
  • 78. Method name quot;formatquot; has a cyclomatic complexit It should be 8 or less. app/models/action_parser.rb:50 Block cyclomatic complexity is 11. It should be 4 or less. app/models/action.rb:107 Case statement is missing an else clause. app/models/action.rb:103 Method quot;apply_defaults_from_namequot; has 23 lines. It should have 20 or less. app/controllers/application.rb:52 Found = in conditional. It should probably be an ==
  • 79. app/models/action_parser.rb:50 Block cyclomatic complexity is 11. It should be 4 or less. meta.each do |token| case token.klass when :context unless token.value.blank? @contexts ||= [] @contexts << token.value end when :time @time = token.value when :energy @energy = token.value when :tag @tags << token.value unless token.value.blank? when :semi_colon # Ignore when :available, :today, :later, :done @status = token.klass.to_s @effective_at = token.value when :due_at @due_at = token.value end end
  • 80. app/models/action_parser.rb:50 Block cyclomatic complexity is 11. It should be 4 or less. 1 meta.each do |token| case token.klass 2 when :context 3 unless token.value.blank? @contexts ||= [] 4 @contexts << token.value end 5 when :time @time = token.value 6 when :energy @energy = token.value 7 8 when :tag @tags << token.value unless token.value.blank? 9 when :semi_colon # Ignore 10 when :available, :today, :later, :done @status = token.klass.to_s @effective_at = token.value 11 when :due_at @due_at = token.value end end
  • 81. app/controllers/application.rb:52 Found = in conditional. It should probably be an == def extract_authenticity_token if token = request.headers[quot;HTTP_X_RUNWAY_AUTHENTICITY_TOKENquot;] params[request_forgery_protection_token] = token end end
  • 84. ./actionpack/lib/action_controller/vendor/html- scanner/html/node.rb:417 Method name quot;matchquot; cyclomatic complexity is 47. It should be 8 or less.
  • 85. def match(conditions) conditions = validate_conditions(conditions) # check content of child nodes if conditions[:content] if children.empty? return false unless match_condition(quot;quot;, conditions[:content]) else return false unless children.find { |child| child.match(conditions[:content]) } end end # test the name return false unless match_condition(@name, conditions[:tag]) if conditions[:tag] # test attributes (conditions[:attributes] || {}).each do |key, value| return false unless match_condition(self[key], value) end # test parent return false unless parent.match(conditions[:parent]) if conditions[:parent] # test children return false unless children.find { |child| child.match(conditions[:child]) } if conditio # test ancestors if conditions[:ancestor] return false unless catch :found do p = self throw :found, true if p.match(conditions[:ancestor]) while p = p.parent end end # test descendants
  • 86. # test descendants if conditions[:descendant] return false unless children.find do |child| # test the child child.match(conditions[:descendant]) || # test the child's descendants child.match(:descendant => conditions[:descendant]) end end # count children if opts = conditions[:children] matches = do |c| (c.kind_of?(HTML::Tag) and (c.closing == :self or ! c.childless?)) end matches = { |c| c.match(opts[:only]) } if opts[:only] opts.each do |key, value| next if key == :only case key when :count if Integer === value return false if matches.length != value else return false unless value.include?(matches.length) end when :less_than return false unless matches.length < value when :greater_than return false unless matches.length > value else raise quot;unknown count condition #{key}quot; end end end
  • 87. else raise quot;unknown count condition #{key}quot; end end end # test siblings if conditions[:sibling] || conditions[:before] || conditions[:after] siblings = parent ? parent.children : [] self_index = siblings.index(self) if conditions[:sibling] return false unless siblings.detect do |s| s != self && s.match(conditions[:sibling]) end end if conditions[:before] return false unless siblings[self_index+1..-1].detect do |s| s != self && s.match(conditions[:before]) end end if conditions[:after] return false unless siblings[0,self_index].detect do |s| s != self && s.match(conditions[:after]) end end end true end
  • 89. lib/tasks/quality.rake require 'roodi' require 'roodi_task' 'roodi', ['app/**/*.rb', 'lib/**/*.rb'], 'roodi.yml'
  • 90. roodi.yml # AssignmentInConditionalCheck: {} # CaseMissingElseCheck: {} ClassLineCountCheck: { line_count: 300 } ClassNameCheck: { pattern: !ruby/regexp /^[A-Z][a-zA-Z # ClassVariableCheck: {} CyclomaticComplexityBlockCheck: { complexity: 8 } CyclomaticComplexityMethodCheck: { complexity: 10 } EmptyRescueBodyCheck: { } ForLoopCheck: { } MethodLineCountCheck: { line_count: 20 } MethodNameCheck: { pattern: !ruby/regexp /^[_a-z<>=[|+ ModuleLineCountCheck: { line_count: 300 } ModuleNameCheck: { pattern: !ruby/regexp /^[A-Z][a-zA-Z ParameterNumberCheck: { parameter_count: 5 }
  • 91. ~/Data/runway $ rake roodi (in /Users/marty/Data/runway) app/models/action_format.rb:10 - Method name quot;formatquot; cyclomatic complexity is 12. It should be 10 or less. app/models/action_parser.rb:11 - Method name quot;attributesquot; cyclomatic complexity is 12. It should be 10 or less. app/models/action_parser.rb:30 - Method name quot;parsequot; cyclomatic complexity is 14. It should be 10 or less. app/models/token.rb:173 - Method name quot;parse_incubation_datequot; cyclomatic complexity is 11. It should be 10 or less. app/models/token.rb:226 - Method name quot;parse_incubation_daysquot; cyclomatic complexity is 12. It should be 10 or less. app/models/action_parser.rb:50 - Block cyclomatic complexity is 11. It should be 8 or less. app/models/token.rb:11 - Block cyclomatic complexity is 10. It should be 8 or less. app/models/action.rb:103 - Method quot;apply_defaults_from_namequot; has 23 lines. It should have 20 or less. app/models/action_parser.rb:30 - Method quot;parsequot; has 23 lines. It should have 20 or less. rake aborted! Found 9 errors.
  • 92. use roodi in your CI build
  • 94. reports on everything you’ve seen today plus more!
  • 95. $ sudo gem sources -a $ sudo gem install jscruggs-metric_fu
  • 99.
  • 100.
  • 101.
  • 102.
  • 103. use metrics_fu for regular human review
  • 105. lib/tasks/quality.rake (part 1) require 'flog' desc quot;Analyze for code complexityquot; task :flog do flog = flog.flog_files ['app'] threshold = 40 bad_methods = do |name, score| score > threshold end bad_methods.sort { |a,b| a[1] <=> b[1] }.each do |name, score| puts quot;%8.1f: %squot; % [score, name] end raise quot;#{bad_methods.size} methods have a flog complexity > #{threshold}quot; unless bad_methods.empty? end
  • 106. lib/tasks/quality.rake (part 2) require 'flay' desc quot;Analyze for code duplicationquot; task :flay do threshold = 25 flay ={:fuzzy => false, :verbose => false, :mass => threshold}) flay.process(*Flay.expand_dirs_to_files(['app'])) raise quot;#{flay.masses.size} chunks of code have a duplicate mass > #{threshold}quot; unless flay.masses.empty? end
  • 107. lib/tasks/quality.rake (part 3) require 'roodi' require 'roodi_task' require 'metric_fu' 'roodi', ['app/**/*.rb', 'lib/**/*.rb'], 'roodi.yml' task :quality => [:flog, :flay, :roodi, 'metrics:all']
  • 108. continuous integration flog flay roodi regular human review metric_fu rake stats reek and more
  • 109. Resources me @martinjandrews code samples from reek flog flay roodi metric_fu

Editor's Notes