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  CLINICAL PRESENTATION                                                      A 41 year old man with sudden onset
                                                                                  headache and diplopia.

               Dr. Juan Carlos Díaz Torre                              A 41-year-old man presents to the ED with an acute

                                                            DR. JCDT

                                                                                                                                    DR. JCDT
                                                                       severe headache, associated diplopia, photophobia,
               Pediatra Neonatólogo                                    nausea, vomiting and fever. The patient also has mild
                   (779) 100 . 40 . 26                                 HINT: The neurologic findings on this patient's physical
                                                                       examination aid in establishing the etiology of his
                                                              1        headache.                                                      2

                                                                       He denies experiencing any associated seizures,
A 41-year-old man presents to the emergency                            focal weaknesses, previous similar episodes,
department (ED) complaining of a severe frontal                        frequent headaches, or previous visual disturbances.
headache that began suddenly and awakened him from
sleep. The headache is associated with nausea,                         He does not have any prior significant medical
                                                            DR. JCDT

                                                                                                                                    DR. JCDT
vomiting, and subjective fevers.                                       problems, and his only medication is occasional
He also complains of new-onset diplopia and
photophobia, but denies any decrease in visual acuity.                 He drinks socially, does not smoke, and denies
                                                                       recreational drug use.

                                                              3                                                                       4

On physical examination, the patient is ill-appearing
but alert and in no apparent distress. His vital signs
reveal a temperature of 103.1°F (39.5°C), a blood
pressure of 155/95 mm Hg, and a pulse of 110 bpm.

The ocular examination demonstrates ptosis of the right
eye (see Figure 1), which is deviated inferolaterally and
                                                            DR. JCDT

                                                                                                                                    DR. JCDT

has a dilated and unreactive pupil (see Figure 2).

The visual field examination demonstrates bitemporal
hemianopsia. Funduscopic examination shows normal
venous pulsation and mild bilateral temporal disc pallor.
                                                              5                                                                       6


                                                                          Laboratory investigations reveal a hemoglobin
The cranial nerves are otherwise without deficit. The                     concentration of 13 g/dL (130 g/L); a white blood cell
neck is supple and without meningismus. Examination                       (WBC) count of 16.0 × 103/µL (16.0 × 109/L), with 75%
of the chest reveals mild bilateral gynecomastia, without                 neutrophils; and a platelet count of 340 × 103/µL (340 ×
nipple discharge. The lungs are clear to auscultation.                    109/L). The electrolyte, blood urea nitrogen (BUN),
Cardiac auscultation reveals a normal S1 and S2 and no                    creatinine, and glucose examinations are all within
murmurs, rubs, or gallops.

                                                               DR. JCDT

                                                                                                                                     DR. JCDT
                                                                          normal limits.
The abdomen is soft and nontender, and no                                 Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) specimens show 420,000 red
organomegaly is detected. Bilateral upper and lower                       blood ceels (RBC)/μL, 20,000 WBC/μL, a normal glucose
extremity strength is 5/5, with normal deep tendon and                    of 85 mg/dL (4.72 mmol/L), and an elevated protein
plantar reflexes. The patient's sensation is intact to light              concentration of 230 mg/dL (2.3 g/L). The CSF Gram
touch and pinprick throughout, and the gait is normal.           7        stain is negative for bacteria.                              8

    A computed tomography (CT) scan of the                                    What is the most likely diagnosis?
    brain is performed, followed immediately by
    magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); (see                                    - Subarachnoid hemorrhage
    Figure 3).
                                                                               - Cerebellar infarction
                                                               DR. JCDT

                                                                                                                                     DR. JCDT
                                                                              - Pituitary tumor apoplexy

                                                                              - Cavernous sinus thrombosis

                                                                 9                                                                   10

Your Colleagues Responded:
                                                                          The noncontrast CT scan of the brain showed a 2-cm
- Subarachnoid hemorrhage                      13%                        sellar mass, with suprasellar extension. There was
                                                                          impingement on the optic chiasm and the
- Cerebellar infarction                        3%                         hypothalamus, with upward displacement. There was
                                                                          increased density on the right side of the mass, which
                                                               DR. JCDT

                                                                                                                                     DR. JCDT

- Pituitary tumor apoplexy ****                61%                        was suggestive of hemorrhage.

- Cavernous sinus thrombosis                   22%                        The sagittal and coronal T1 and T2 MRI scans
                                                                          demonstrated a large soft-tissue mass in the pituitary
                                                                          fossa, with areas of intermediate- and high-intensity
                                                               11         signal suggestive of hemorrhage (see Figure 3).            12


  Coronal gadolinium-enhanced T1 images
  revealed that the mass had a heterogeneous                      These findings are consistent with pituitary
  pattern of faint peripheral enhancement                         apoplexy as a result of hemorrhage with or
  (Figure 4).                                                     without infarction, likely into a pituitary adenoma.

  There was evidence of mass effect on the right                  Tests for evaluating the hormonal status of the

                                                      DR. JCDT

                                                                                                                           DR. JCDT
  cavernous sinus, which was most evident in                      patient revealed panhypopituitarism. Prior to the
  the coronal T1- and T2 images.                                  acute apoplectic episode, the patient had findings
                                                                  suggestive of central hypogonadism, probably as a
                                                                  component of his hypopituitarism caused by
                                                                  pituitary macroadenoma (diminished libido and
                                                                  bilateral gynecomastia).                                 14

  His neurologic finding (right-sided ptosis with a
  fixed and dilated pupil pointing downward and
  outward) was consistent with a right-sided 3rd                  The word "apoplexy" stems from a Greek term
  nerve palsy caused by extension of hemorrhage                   meaning to "have a stroke".
  into the right cavernous sinus.
                                                                  Neurologic symptoms and signs are secondary to
                                                      DR. JCDT

                                                                                                                           DR. JCDT
  Pituitary tumor apoplexy is defined as                          displacement of the optic nerve and impingement
  hemorrhage or infarction of a pituitary gland                   of the 3rd, 4th, and 6th cranial nerves.
  associated with the presence of a preexisting
  pituitary adenoma. It manifests as a sudden,                    Hormonal dysfunction results from destruction of
  severe headache, and it is sometimes associated                 the anterior pituitary gland.
  with neurologic and hormonal dysfunction.
                                                      15                                                                   16

Pituitary tumor apoplexy is a rare disorder with an              Pituitary tumor apoplexy is only rarely associated
annual incidence of about 1.2 per million. Men are               with a healthy gland; however, approximately 50%
affected twice as often as women, and all age                    of patients who present with pituitary tumor
                                                      DR. JCDT

                                                                                                                           DR. JCDT

groups can be affected, with the majority of                     apoplexy are not diagnosed with a pituitary lesion
patients in the 5th or 6th decades of life. It is                prior to their presentation. All types of pituitary
estimated to occur in 1.5-27.7% of cases of                      tumors carry the same risk for apoplexy.
pituitary adenoma.

                                                      17                                                                   18


 The most common symptom of pituitary tumor                           The increase in intrasellar pressure results in many
 apoplexy is headache. Almost all patients                            of the symptoms and signs of pituitary tumor
 describe a sudden, severe retro-orbital or                           apoplexy.
 bifrontal headache, which is associated with
 vomiting in two-thirds of cases.                                     Laterally, the increased pressure causes
                                                                      compression of the structures in the cavernous

                                                           DR. JCDT

                                                                                                                                  DR. JCDT
 The headache and vomiting result from the                            sinus, namely the 3rd, 4th, and 6th cranial nerves,
 sudden increase in intrasellar pressure either                       with the 3rd being most commonly affected as a
 caused by the hemorrhage or secondary to                             result of its vulnerable position (parallel to the
 meningeal irritation from blood or tumor                             lateral wall of the pituitary gland). The 6th cranial
 products that leak into the CSF.                                     nerve is the least commonly involved because of its
                                                                      most lateral location within the sinus.
                                                           19                                                                     20

 Ophthalmoplegia (caused by 3rd, 4th, and 6th
 nerve palsies or any combination thereof) is
 present in around 80% of patients presenting with                    Blood leaking into the subarachnoid space may
 pituitary tumor apoplexy.                                            result in chemical meningitis with fever,
                                                                      meningismus, and photophobia. Fever in patients
 Also located within the cavernous sinus is the                       with apoplexy may also be explained by alteration in
 trigeminal nerve; its involvement may cause facial                   thermal regulation caused by hypothalamic
                                                           DR. JCDT

                                                                                                                                  DR. JCDT
 pain or sensory loss. Carotid siphon compression                     involvement by the hemorrhage or by adrenal
 may present as hemiplegia. Superiorly, the                           insufficiency associated with hypopituitarism.
 increased pressure compresses the optic chiasm,
 optic tract, or optic nerve, leading to decreased                    Hemorrhage may extend into the brain parenchyma
 visual acuity or visual field defects (classically,                  causing cortical irritation and provoking seizures.
 bitemporal hemianopsia).                                  21                                                                     22

The elevated intrasellar pressure also accounts for
the endocrine abnormalities found in cases of                         Although not common, patients with pituitary tumor
pituitary tumor apoplexy. This pressure increase                      apoplexy may have diabetes insipidus at presentation.
results in compression of the pituitary tissue,                       The true etiology of diabetes insipidus in this setting
compromising its vascular supply and leading to                       is unknown, but it may result from the increased
                                                           DR. JCDT

                                                                                                                                  DR. JCDT

hypopituitarism.                                                      pressure on the pituitary infundibulum, which
                                                                      impedes the antidiuretic hormone from passing from
Adrenal insufficiency is the most clinically significant              the hypothalamus to the posterior lobe of the
result of hypopituitarism, contributing significantly                 pituitary.
to the mortality of patients with pituitary tumor
apoplexy if not promptly recognized and treated.
                                                           23                                                                     24


                                                                          Pituitary tumor apoplexy following childbirth
A precipitating factor is identified in 50% of cases of                   associated with significant postpartum hemorrhage
pituitary tumor apoplexy. Predisposing factors include                    in nontumorous glands is termed "Sheehan
dopamine agonist treatment, head trauma, pituitary                        syndrome".
irradiation, pregnancy, coronary artery bypass
grafting, surgical operations, and anticoagulation.                       The hypertrophy of the pituitary gland that occurs in
                                                                          normal pregnancy combined with the arterial spasm

                                                           DR. JCDT

                                                                                                                                    DR. JCDT
Endocrine stimulation tests are also associated with                      of the pituitary's blood supply (caused by bleeding
pituitary tumor apoplexy. It is postulated that                           and hypotension) both contribute to the
hormones used in these tests may increase blood flow                      development of Sheehan syndrome; however the
in pituitary adenomas, provoking bleeding in friable                      clinical presentation of pituitary apoplexy in these
vessels.                                                                  cases is usually less dramatic, with a more gradual
                                                           25             development of signs and symptoms of                      26

                                                                      Once recognized, effective treatment of pituitary
                                                                      tumor apoplexy requires prompt administration of
The diagnosis of pituitary tumor apoplexy is best                     high-dose corticosteroids. Steroids should be
established by MRI; however, this is usually preceded                 administered in supraphysiologic doses to not only
by a rapid diagnostic CT scan to screen for intracranial              replace endogenous hormone deficiency during a
hemorrhage. MRI is superior to CT scanning for                        stressful condition, but also to take advantage of its
evaluating the pituitary gland and possibly visualizing
                                                           DR. JCDT

                                                                                                                                    DR. JCDT
                                                                      anti-inflammatory effect by decreasing swelling on
hemorrhage not seen by CT.                                            parasellar structures.

In one study, the detection rate of pituitary tumor                   The definitive treatment for pituitary tumor
apoplexy by CT scanning was 21%, whereas the                          apoplexy is emergent surgical decompression.
detection rate was 100% with MRI.                                     Transsphenoidal resection is the most common
                                                           27         approach in this situation.                                   28

In cases where there is significant extension of                      With prompt recognition, timely surgery, and proper
hemorrhage into the brain parenchyma beyond the                       medical management, the majority of patients with
diaphragma sella, an intracranial approach may be                     pituitary tumor apoplexy improve. Ophthalmoplegia
preferred. In a minority of cases, conservative medical               is usually the first symptom to resolve. Less readily
therapy is an acceptable alternative; examples of this                restored is the optic nerve defect resulting in
include patients who are poor surgical candidates and                 decreased visual acuity and restricted visual fields.
                                                           DR. JCDT

                                                                                                                                    DR. JCDT

selected patients who present with isolated
meningismus or ophthalmoplegia and show                               More than half of patients, however, will have
significant improvement with steroid administration.                  permanent hormone deficiencies resulting from
                                                                      pituitary injury and will require hormone
Medical management includes monitoring of                             replacement.
endocrine, neurologic, and ophthalmologic function         29                                                                       30
combined with hormone replacement.



One study showed that maintenance steroid,
thyroid hormone, and testosterone replacement                        An endocrinology evaluation was completed, and
was essential postoperatively in 82%, 89%, and 64%                   the patient was confirmed to have hypopituitarism.
of patients, respectively.                                           Two weeks following surgery, his ophthalmoplegia
                                                                     and visual field deficits had completely resolved.
Following immediate administration of high dose

                                                          DR. JCDT

                                                                                                                                    DR. JCDT
corticosteroids, the patient in this case underwent                  Pharmacologic management of the patient's
an emergent transsphenoidal resection. An infarcted                  hypopituitarism included replacement therapy with
adenoma was identified, with extensive areas of                      corticosteroids, levothyroxine, and testosterone.
hemorrhage and necrosis consistent with apoplexy.
Resolution of the headache and improvement of
visual and extraocular function were noted 24 hours       31                                                                        32
after surgery.

A patient presents to the ED with a rapid onset of
headache accompanied by diplopia, photophobia,
and decreased visual acuity, raising concern for a
number of potentially serious conditions. Which of
                                                                     Your colleagues responded:
the following diagnostic tests is most likely to assist
in confirming pituitary tumor apoplexy as the
                                                                     - Lumbar puncture                        1%
                                                          DR. JCDT

                                                                                                                                    DR. JCDT
                                                                     - MRI of the brain ****                  89 %
                                                                     - CT of the brain                        10 %
- Lumbar puncture
                                                                     - Carotid ultrasonography                0%
- MRI of the brain
                                                                     - Dilated retinal examination            0%
- CT of the brain
- Carotid ultrasonography
- Dilated retinal examination                             33                                                                        34

                                                                     The patient you are examining is confirmed to have
                                                                     pituitary tumor apoplexy. Which of the following
 The diagnosis of pituitary tumor apoplexy is best
                                                                     choices, if they were part of this patient's history, is a
 established by MRI. Although this may be
                                                                     potentially responsible precipitating factor for this
 preceded by a CT scan to screen for intracranial
                                                          DR. JCDT

                                                                                                                                    DR. JCDT

                                                                     - Coronary artery bypass graft
 Lumbar puncture may reveal xanthochromia
                                                                     - Head trauma
 and/or red blood cells, but this may also be seen in
                                                                     - Endocrine stimulation tests
 subarachnoid hemorrhage resulting from a
                                                                     - Dopamine agonist treatment
 ruptured aneurysm.
                                                                     - All of the above
                                                          35                                                                        36


Your colleagues responded:

- Coronary artery bypass graft              1%
- Head trauma                               5%                   Gracias por su atención
- Endocrine stimulation tests               7%
- Dopamine agonist treatment                4%

                                                      DR. JCDT

                                                                                                      DR. JCDT
- All of the above ****                    83 %                       Dr. Juan Carlos Díaz Torre
                                                                           Pediatra Neonatólogo
Predisposing factors for pituitary apoplexy include
bromocriptine treatment, head trauma, pituitary                 
irradiation, pregnancy, coronary artery bypass                               (779) 100 . 40 . 26
grafting, surgical operations, anticoagulation, and   37                                              38
endocrine stimulation tests.


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Síndrome de sjogren

Clinical presentation feb 10, 13

  • 1. 02/03/2013 CLINICAL PRESENTATION A 41 year old man with sudden onset headache and diplopia. Background: Dr. Juan Carlos Díaz Torre A 41-year-old man presents to the ED with an acute DR. JCDT DR. JCDT severe headache, associated diplopia, photophobia, Pediatra Neonatólogo nausea, vomiting and fever. The patient also has mild gynecomastia. (779) 100 . 40 . 26 HINT: The neurologic findings on this patient's physical examination aid in establishing the etiology of his 1 headache. 2 He denies experiencing any associated seizures, A 41-year-old man presents to the emergency focal weaknesses, previous similar episodes, department (ED) complaining of a severe frontal frequent headaches, or previous visual disturbances. headache that began suddenly and awakened him from sleep. The headache is associated with nausea, He does not have any prior significant medical DR. JCDT DR. JCDT vomiting, and subjective fevers. problems, and his only medication is occasional sildenafil. He also complains of new-onset diplopia and photophobia, but denies any decrease in visual acuity. He drinks socially, does not smoke, and denies recreational drug use. 3 4 On physical examination, the patient is ill-appearing but alert and in no apparent distress. His vital signs reveal a temperature of 103.1°F (39.5°C), a blood pressure of 155/95 mm Hg, and a pulse of 110 bpm. The ocular examination demonstrates ptosis of the right eye (see Figure 1), which is deviated inferolaterally and DR. JCDT DR. JCDT has a dilated and unreactive pupil (see Figure 2). The visual field examination demonstrates bitemporal hemianopsia. Funduscopic examination shows normal venous pulsation and mild bilateral temporal disc pallor. 5 6 1
  • 2. 02/03/2013 Laboratory investigations reveal a hemoglobin The cranial nerves are otherwise without deficit. The concentration of 13 g/dL (130 g/L); a white blood cell neck is supple and without meningismus. Examination (WBC) count of 16.0 × 103/µL (16.0 × 109/L), with 75% of the chest reveals mild bilateral gynecomastia, without neutrophils; and a platelet count of 340 × 103/µL (340 × nipple discharge. The lungs are clear to auscultation. 109/L). The electrolyte, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), Cardiac auscultation reveals a normal S1 and S2 and no creatinine, and glucose examinations are all within murmurs, rubs, or gallops. DR. JCDT DR. JCDT normal limits. The abdomen is soft and nontender, and no Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) specimens show 420,000 red organomegaly is detected. Bilateral upper and lower blood ceels (RBC)/μL, 20,000 WBC/μL, a normal glucose extremity strength is 5/5, with normal deep tendon and of 85 mg/dL (4.72 mmol/L), and an elevated protein plantar reflexes. The patient's sensation is intact to light concentration of 230 mg/dL (2.3 g/L). The CSF Gram touch and pinprick throughout, and the gait is normal. 7 stain is negative for bacteria. 8 A computed tomography (CT) scan of the What is the most likely diagnosis? brain is performed, followed immediately by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); (see - Subarachnoid hemorrhage Figure 3). - Cerebellar infarction DR. JCDT DR. JCDT - Pituitary tumor apoplexy - Cavernous sinus thrombosis 9 10 Discussion Your Colleagues Responded: The noncontrast CT scan of the brain showed a 2-cm - Subarachnoid hemorrhage 13% sellar mass, with suprasellar extension. There was impingement on the optic chiasm and the - Cerebellar infarction 3% hypothalamus, with upward displacement. There was increased density on the right side of the mass, which DR. JCDT DR. JCDT - Pituitary tumor apoplexy **** 61% was suggestive of hemorrhage. - Cavernous sinus thrombosis 22% The sagittal and coronal T1 and T2 MRI scans demonstrated a large soft-tissue mass in the pituitary fossa, with areas of intermediate- and high-intensity 11 signal suggestive of hemorrhage (see Figure 3). 12 2
  • 3. 02/03/2013 Coronal gadolinium-enhanced T1 images revealed that the mass had a heterogeneous These findings are consistent with pituitary pattern of faint peripheral enhancement apoplexy as a result of hemorrhage with or (Figure 4). without infarction, likely into a pituitary adenoma. There was evidence of mass effect on the right Tests for evaluating the hormonal status of the DR. JCDT DR. JCDT cavernous sinus, which was most evident in patient revealed panhypopituitarism. Prior to the the coronal T1- and T2 images. acute apoplectic episode, the patient had findings suggestive of central hypogonadism, probably as a component of his hypopituitarism caused by pituitary macroadenoma (diminished libido and 13 bilateral gynecomastia). 14 His neurologic finding (right-sided ptosis with a fixed and dilated pupil pointing downward and outward) was consistent with a right-sided 3rd The word "apoplexy" stems from a Greek term nerve palsy caused by extension of hemorrhage meaning to "have a stroke". into the right cavernous sinus. Neurologic symptoms and signs are secondary to DR. JCDT DR. JCDT Pituitary tumor apoplexy is defined as displacement of the optic nerve and impingement hemorrhage or infarction of a pituitary gland of the 3rd, 4th, and 6th cranial nerves. associated with the presence of a preexisting pituitary adenoma. It manifests as a sudden, Hormonal dysfunction results from destruction of severe headache, and it is sometimes associated the anterior pituitary gland. with neurologic and hormonal dysfunction. 15 16 Pituitary tumor apoplexy is a rare disorder with an Pituitary tumor apoplexy is only rarely associated annual incidence of about 1.2 per million. Men are with a healthy gland; however, approximately 50% affected twice as often as women, and all age of patients who present with pituitary tumor DR. JCDT DR. JCDT groups can be affected, with the majority of apoplexy are not diagnosed with a pituitary lesion patients in the 5th or 6th decades of life. It is prior to their presentation. All types of pituitary estimated to occur in 1.5-27.7% of cases of tumors carry the same risk for apoplexy. pituitary adenoma. 17 18 3
  • 4. 02/03/2013 The most common symptom of pituitary tumor The increase in intrasellar pressure results in many apoplexy is headache. Almost all patients of the symptoms and signs of pituitary tumor describe a sudden, severe retro-orbital or apoplexy. bifrontal headache, which is associated with vomiting in two-thirds of cases. Laterally, the increased pressure causes compression of the structures in the cavernous DR. JCDT DR. JCDT The headache and vomiting result from the sinus, namely the 3rd, 4th, and 6th cranial nerves, sudden increase in intrasellar pressure either with the 3rd being most commonly affected as a caused by the hemorrhage or secondary to result of its vulnerable position (parallel to the meningeal irritation from blood or tumor lateral wall of the pituitary gland). The 6th cranial products that leak into the CSF. nerve is the least commonly involved because of its most lateral location within the sinus. 19 20 Ophthalmoplegia (caused by 3rd, 4th, and 6th nerve palsies or any combination thereof) is present in around 80% of patients presenting with Blood leaking into the subarachnoid space may pituitary tumor apoplexy. result in chemical meningitis with fever, meningismus, and photophobia. Fever in patients Also located within the cavernous sinus is the with apoplexy may also be explained by alteration in trigeminal nerve; its involvement may cause facial thermal regulation caused by hypothalamic DR. JCDT DR. JCDT pain or sensory loss. Carotid siphon compression involvement by the hemorrhage or by adrenal may present as hemiplegia. Superiorly, the insufficiency associated with hypopituitarism. increased pressure compresses the optic chiasm, optic tract, or optic nerve, leading to decreased Hemorrhage may extend into the brain parenchyma visual acuity or visual field defects (classically, causing cortical irritation and provoking seizures. bitemporal hemianopsia). 21 22 The elevated intrasellar pressure also accounts for the endocrine abnormalities found in cases of Although not common, patients with pituitary tumor pituitary tumor apoplexy. This pressure increase apoplexy may have diabetes insipidus at presentation. results in compression of the pituitary tissue, The true etiology of diabetes insipidus in this setting compromising its vascular supply and leading to is unknown, but it may result from the increased DR. JCDT DR. JCDT hypopituitarism. pressure on the pituitary infundibulum, which impedes the antidiuretic hormone from passing from Adrenal insufficiency is the most clinically significant the hypothalamus to the posterior lobe of the result of hypopituitarism, contributing significantly pituitary. to the mortality of patients with pituitary tumor apoplexy if not promptly recognized and treated. 23 24 4
  • 5. 02/03/2013 Pituitary tumor apoplexy following childbirth A precipitating factor is identified in 50% of cases of associated with significant postpartum hemorrhage pituitary tumor apoplexy. Predisposing factors include in nontumorous glands is termed "Sheehan dopamine agonist treatment, head trauma, pituitary syndrome". irradiation, pregnancy, coronary artery bypass grafting, surgical operations, and anticoagulation. The hypertrophy of the pituitary gland that occurs in normal pregnancy combined with the arterial spasm DR. JCDT DR. JCDT Endocrine stimulation tests are also associated with of the pituitary's blood supply (caused by bleeding pituitary tumor apoplexy. It is postulated that and hypotension) both contribute to the hormones used in these tests may increase blood flow development of Sheehan syndrome; however the in pituitary adenomas, provoking bleeding in friable clinical presentation of pituitary apoplexy in these vessels. cases is usually less dramatic, with a more gradual 25 development of signs and symptoms of 26 hypopituitarism. Once recognized, effective treatment of pituitary tumor apoplexy requires prompt administration of The diagnosis of pituitary tumor apoplexy is best high-dose corticosteroids. Steroids should be established by MRI; however, this is usually preceded administered in supraphysiologic doses to not only by a rapid diagnostic CT scan to screen for intracranial replace endogenous hormone deficiency during a hemorrhage. MRI is superior to CT scanning for stressful condition, but also to take advantage of its evaluating the pituitary gland and possibly visualizing DR. JCDT DR. JCDT anti-inflammatory effect by decreasing swelling on hemorrhage not seen by CT. parasellar structures. In one study, the detection rate of pituitary tumor The definitive treatment for pituitary tumor apoplexy by CT scanning was 21%, whereas the apoplexy is emergent surgical decompression. detection rate was 100% with MRI. Transsphenoidal resection is the most common 27 approach in this situation. 28 In cases where there is significant extension of With prompt recognition, timely surgery, and proper hemorrhage into the brain parenchyma beyond the medical management, the majority of patients with diaphragma sella, an intracranial approach may be pituitary tumor apoplexy improve. Ophthalmoplegia preferred. In a minority of cases, conservative medical is usually the first symptom to resolve. Less readily therapy is an acceptable alternative; examples of this restored is the optic nerve defect resulting in include patients who are poor surgical candidates and decreased visual acuity and restricted visual fields. DR. JCDT DR. JCDT selected patients who present with isolated meningismus or ophthalmoplegia and show More than half of patients, however, will have significant improvement with steroid administration. permanent hormone deficiencies resulting from pituitary injury and will require hormone Medical management includes monitoring of replacement. endocrine, neurologic, and ophthalmologic function 29 30 combined with hormone replacement. . 5
  • 6. 02/03/2013 One study showed that maintenance steroid, thyroid hormone, and testosterone replacement An endocrinology evaluation was completed, and was essential postoperatively in 82%, 89%, and 64% the patient was confirmed to have hypopituitarism. of patients, respectively. Two weeks following surgery, his ophthalmoplegia and visual field deficits had completely resolved. Following immediate administration of high dose DR. JCDT DR. JCDT corticosteroids, the patient in this case underwent Pharmacologic management of the patient's an emergent transsphenoidal resection. An infarcted hypopituitarism included replacement therapy with adenoma was identified, with extensive areas of corticosteroids, levothyroxine, and testosterone. hemorrhage and necrosis consistent with apoplexy. Resolution of the headache and improvement of visual and extraocular function were noted 24 hours 31 32 after surgery. A patient presents to the ED with a rapid onset of headache accompanied by diplopia, photophobia, and decreased visual acuity, raising concern for a number of potentially serious conditions. Which of Your colleagues responded: the following diagnostic tests is most likely to assist in confirming pituitary tumor apoplexy as the - Lumbar puncture 1% diagnosis? DR. JCDT DR. JCDT - MRI of the brain **** 89 % - CT of the brain 10 % - Lumbar puncture - Carotid ultrasonography 0% - MRI of the brain - Dilated retinal examination 0% - CT of the brain - Carotid ultrasonography - Dilated retinal examination 33 34 The patient you are examining is confirmed to have pituitary tumor apoplexy. Which of the following The diagnosis of pituitary tumor apoplexy is best choices, if they were part of this patient's history, is a established by MRI. Although this may be potentially responsible precipitating factor for this preceded by a CT scan to screen for intracranial occurrence? hemorrhage. DR. JCDT DR. JCDT - Coronary artery bypass graft Lumbar puncture may reveal xanthochromia - Head trauma and/or red blood cells, but this may also be seen in - Endocrine stimulation tests subarachnoid hemorrhage resulting from a - Dopamine agonist treatment ruptured aneurysm. - All of the above 35 36 6
  • 7. 02/03/2013 Your colleagues responded: - Coronary artery bypass graft 1% - Head trauma 5% Gracias por su atención - Endocrine stimulation tests 7% - Dopamine agonist treatment 4% DR. JCDT DR. JCDT - All of the above **** 83 % Dr. Juan Carlos Díaz Torre Pediatra Neonatólogo Predisposing factors for pituitary apoplexy include bromocriptine treatment, head trauma, pituitary irradiation, pregnancy, coronary artery bypass (779) 100 . 40 . 26 grafting, surgical operations, anticoagulation, and 37 38 endocrine stimulation tests. 7