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21st Century Reflection Paper
I am often impressed with the fact that I hear about 21st Century Skills in the classes that I take,
but very little in my everyday teaching. I heard of a local church that has developed a 20/20
Vision. What is great about this is that it is the direction and destinations they would like to reach
by the year 2020. Our school does not have a vision presently, and I feel that this would be a great
vision to develop. These 21st Century Skills would be essential in creating this vision. Critical
Thinking and Problem Solving are the first stop in this vision, and I liked the question about
whether or not if I am teaching outside the box. I like this because the economy of the future will be
led not by the great test takers, but more content...
My decorative concrete business is a great asset to me developing this kind of initiative. I often
see that how students are being taught is not always conducive for the carreers and work habits
they will need. To add to this I have a daughter working at PBS in Washington DC, and when I ak
Being an effective oral and written communicator is very important, and I love using stories to
inspire ideas in writing. Students need to understand that if they can think, they can write, and I
have had students write over 8000 word narratives. We also have debates as that puts in a position
to develop evidence to persuade others. Every student having a Chrome Book or a one to one
system is vital for a lot of writing to take place. I have found that Paper Rater is a great tool to
develop my writing before I share with the students. They, in turn, have also found it to be a great
tool to help them improve their writing, and I often see them on it as they check their work in the
process of writing. However, I have also learned to shut up as well, and let the students work.
Being curious is a big concern of mine as I see that students are too focused on getting the right
answer. I see this especially strong at the beginning of the school year. I really try to create alearning
environment where
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Reflection-Leg Ulcers
Reflecting Writing
Leg ulcers
Reflecting on the situation that had taken place during my second placement working in the
community. This will give me the perfect opportunity to develop and utilise my commutation
skills in order to maintain the relationships with my patient. In this reflection, I am going to use
Gibbs (1988) Reflective Cycle. This model is a recognised framework for my reflection. Gibbs
(1988). Baird and Winter (2005,) give some reasons why reflection is require in the reflective
practice. They state that a reflect is to generate the practice knowledge, assist an ability to adapt new
situations, develop self–esteem and satisfaction as well as to value, develop and professionalizing
practice. However, Siviter (2004) more content...
Van Toller (1994) noted that malodour associated with skin ulceration can lead to serious
psychological problems, ranging from general depression to becoming a virtual social outcast.
The community nurses had actively encouraged Mrs. Smith to re–establish social interactions with
old friends. However, Young (2005) observed that patients can interpret this type of encouragement
as a lack of understanding by nurses of the effect that their condition is having on their life. Wilkes et
al (2003) conducted a qualitative study on the effect of malodour on nurses and found that adverse
feelings such as nausea were common. However, nurses hide these emotions from their patients to
protect the patients' feelings.
The community nurses decided that they needed to talk to Mrs. Smith about the odour and involve
her in selecting a dressing product that was designed to alleviate or reduce the problem. The
assessment identified that the wound was infected with beta–haemolytic streptococci and
Staphylococcus aureus and a two–week course of systemic antibiotics was prescribed.
Wound odour is often a complication of bacterial infection and the presence of infection explained
why Mrs. Smith had experienced a worsening of the odour in recent weeks (Hack, 2003).
Odour is subjective and is difficult to quantify accurately (de Laat et al, 2005). The wound
assessment tool we used incorporates a crude odour tick chart using the categories 'offensive',
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My Experience To The Library
Experience at the Library
The library is a wonderful place to go to if you would like a quiet place to work. I like being at the
library because it is filled with knowledge, and there are many different books that interest me. I
enjoy going to the library because walking there clears my mind. Also, there are many books that are
available for the public to read and it is a quiet place to do work. To start, the walk to the library is
relaxing and peaceful. I decided to go to the library on September 21st for a college assignment.
While walking to the library I was intrigued by the many things that were going on around me. I
saw a mailman riding on a bicycle delivering mail which was something that I've never seen before.
Also, something that was very surprising to me was that there was a group of children running
behind an ice–cream truck which was a single block in front of me. I found this very amusing and I
continued to watch until they were out of sight. It made me think about when I was little and
what I used to do when I heard the ice cream truck come around my house. After walking for quite a
bit of time I began to feel tired and dehydrated. I began to wish I had chased after the ice cream
truck and got an ice cream to it, but it was gone already. I normally don't walk to the library so I
guess that was the reason I was so easily tired. I decided to buy a drink from the local corner store to
regain some of my energy. The library is home to knowledge which is why it
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Photosynthesis Research Paper
Photosynthesis is the processes that captures energy from the sunlight to male sugars that store
chemical energy. and cell respiration releases chemical energy from sugars and other carbon based
molecules to make atp when oxygen is presented. and atp is the molecule that transfers energy from
the breakdown of food molecules to cell processes. With all of these process they work together to
capture energy by the sun and convert it into everyg of life. It starts with the photosynthesis. First, the
carbon dioxide and oxygen will enter the leaves in plants through the stomata. then the water travels
from the roots and will go into the vascular system. then chloroplast absorbs sunlight. However,
there's 2 part in hopothesis. The parts re light dependant and light more content...
And the light independent happens to make atp used to make the glucose. Atp is very important
since cells use it for functions. however, with photosynthesis the cell respiration and photosynthesis
chloroplast absorb the energy from sunlight and build sugras, then the mitochondria will release the
chemical energy to make atp. the cell respiration starts with 3 carbon molecules they enter cell
respiration in mitochondria, and the energy carrying molecules transfer energy to electron transport.
so next the energy carrying molecule which atp molecules are produced. last heat and water are
released as waste
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Bronfenbrenner's Case Study
Behaviour is children's first language. It is their way to react towards others. As children grow
through different ages and stages of development, they learn to use the social appropriate behaviour.
Kay Mathieson describes, "behaviour learning is a phrase which describes learning which takes
place and helps us to understand how we can change, and use our behaviour as well as the impact it
can have on situations and relationships" (Mathieson, 2013). Similarly, Bronfenbrenner has
developed an Ecological system model, which encompasses physical and social environment,
community, culture, policies and framework, support servces, procedures and strategies affecting
learning behaviour of children, which the essay will discuss in detail to more
Behaviour support plans are helpful in identifying the triggers for the problem behaviour. For
example; after identifying Ashley's trigger of tantrums, the teacher can keep her busy in her
favourite physical play such as hopscotch, climbing on the frames, obstacle course and dance. Thus,
"Behaviour Support is not therefore solely focused on eliminating challenging behaviour. Rather, it
seeks to improve quality of life by understanding why a person needs to engage in challenging
behaviour, and then addressing that need" (DCCSDS, 2015). But the effectiveness of the support
plan relies on identifying the problem and the trigger of the behaviour. Any mistake can cause the
failure of behaviour support plan. Then, behaviour support plans involve a number of people related
to the child. It is very important for the teachers and cares to communicate effectively and ethically
with the child and families/carers and provide a support plan to allow for the behaviour to subside.
While behaviour support plans are not always easy to follow, there benefits and effectiveness can not
be minimised to support children's
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LASIK Eye Surgery Essay
Nowadays, different options for correcting vision problems are available. LASIK eye surgery is
one of these options that is a procedure done on the cornea; the clear part in front of the eye. This
procedure tends to reduce the dependence on glasses and contact lenses and provide excellent
vision. LASIK has been proposed as the perfect way to provide excellent vision without the need for
glasses. Furthermore, some advantages have been emphasised such as the shortness of procedure
duration time and the immediate noticeable excellent results. However, there are serious
complications can be occur by this procedure. This essay will argue that LASIK eye surgery is not
the best way to provide improved vision with the freedom of glasses more content...
This certainly indicates that LASIK is not the best treatment due to the high possibility of scaring the
cornea permanently as a result of such complication. Furthermore, the second step, which is
performed by using excimer laser to reshape the corneal structure by removing tissues to correct the
refractive errors, can cause other serious complications. The most serious complication is corneal
ectasia which means that the cornea bulges from the surface due to the weakness and thinning of the
layers as a result of corneal tissue ablation. Guttman (2008) points out that the relationship between
changes in corneal hysteresis increased with greater ablation depth. This indicates that ablation of
corneal tissue is the main reason in reducing corneal resistance which as a result can cause ectasia. In
this case the only available solution is corneal transplant which can cause further complications by
itself. On the other hand, ortho–k is a safer alternative treatment which will provide patients with a
good vision and freedom from any visual aids without such complications. This process uses contact
lenses that reshape corneal structure during sleeping time. This treatment considered to be safer
because of its effect on the cornea. It is reversible, so, if any complication appears, stoping the
contact lens will be sufficient because the eyes will soon resume their normal condition (Cho et
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This was my first day on an OB floor and I was amazed by many of the aspects of my experience. I
loved that the morning started with a moment of silence in the nurse's station. I had never previously
experienced that in any of the medical surgery rotations. I think that this gives a moment for the staff
to center themselves and turn off any outside thoughts they may be having. After the meeting the
students were paired with a nurse, I was paired with Susan. OB nursing is in Susan's blood; she
states that many members of her family in past generations did OB nursing. The way she moved
was so fluid yet precise. She read the fetal monitors with beautiful accuracy, as she was reading a
work of art. She took the time to teach me how to read more content...
I was worried that I would not see a birth on my first day, Susan warned me that our patient was
going to take a while. When the doctor came in to examine the patient I thought , at least I am
lucky to see a cervical exam. Next thing I know the doctor in a very calm nature states "I feel hair
and you are completely dilated, it's time to push." She was so calm in the way she communicated,
and stayed calm throughout the entire birth, I really loved that about her. For 45 minutes my
patient pushed, and for 40 minutes it was only Susan and I in the room. I couldn't believe it! I
was doing so much! I had my hand on her stomach to feel for contractions, I had my other hand
holding the patient's leg. 5 minutes before the baby was delivered the provider again walked in so
calmly. She used towels to guide the skin to minimize tearing (I always wondered what towels
were for during birth). When the baby was delivered she was directly placed on mom's chest for
skin–to–skin. It was such a beautiful moment. A miracle. It always is when you see a birth. I have
seen births before, but this was the most peaceful and uneventful birth I have experienced. Susan
winked at me as she told me this is not the norm. I look forward to see what the future rotations hold
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Clincher Sentence Structure
I am quite impressed with the structure of your concluding paragraph. After re–stating your initial
thesis, you provided strong details to substantiate your viewpoint. Furthermore, the flow of your
concluding paragraph allowed each detail to build upon the next. As a result, I found this to be an
excellent build up to your clincher sentence. In conclusion, I feel that making your clincher sentence
a question was an effective way to impact your reader by shifting the responsibility to the reader to
find a solution to the problem.
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Clinch V Hospital
The case involved with a plaintiff Clinch, the director of heartland regional's cardiac surgery and
defendant Nellestein, director of the hospital's vascular surgery. The claimant was terminated from
the hospital due to poor performance, and increase rate of surgery complication. The plaintiff appeal
the decision reached by the circuit court, and requested for the appeal court to consider his case
based on the evidence he had presented. The plaintiff argue that the defendant was behind his
termination, and the contract he had with the hospital would have existed if the defendant would not
have interfered. Likewise, the plaintiff also alleged that the defendants revoke the rules that could
have allowed the claimants to perform voluntarily service in the hospital without necessary having a
regular contract with them. On the other hand, the defendant argue that the hospital breaches its
contract from the claimant because they have the right to do it if they wish. Due to that, he was not
the one behind the claimant's termination of contract more content...
Moreover, the claimant believes that he has presented all the necessary evidence that could have
supported his claim. For instance, the defendant have intentionally interfered the claimant's
contractual agreement with the hospital by using improper means and finally resulted his
termination. On other hand, the defendant prevented chances that could have allowed the claimant
to return his work in later days by enticing the hospital to introduce a rule that disallows to perform
any service from the hospital. Due to that, the plaintiff demanded for the appeal court to grant him
the summary of judgement and reverse the circuit court decision. On the other hand, the defendant
beliefs that the circuit court reach a fair decision and demands the appeal court to affirm the decision
that has already been
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Bigfoot Essay
Bigfoot is a mythical legend that lives in the pacific northwest. Many people believe that Bigfoot
is real, and others deny the existence of Bigfoot. People have made a living in trying to find
Bigfoot. Animal Planet used to air a show called "Finding Bigfoot.". There are multiple books about
Bigfoot, numerous clubs, and many people dedicated to find the elusive Bigfoot. To become a
Bigfoot quester you will need to obtain the knowledge of how the myth of Bigfoot surfaced, what
Bigfoot is, and the evidence behind Bigfoot.
How did the myth of the so called "Bigfoot" come up exactly? Native Americans of the Pacific
Northwest would tells stories about a "wild man", a hairy half man, half ape. The Native Americans
would tell a variety more content...
A large, hairy, human like primate that is believed to roam in the Northwest of North America.
This primate is believed to range from six to ten feet in height, with very large human like feet.
Known to often have a foul smell to it hairy body. Bigfoot studiers say that it moves slow and emits
a high pitched cry. It has multiple names for different regions of the world. In North America,
Americans call it Bigfoot , and in Canada, canadians call it Sasquatch. In the mountains of Asia, the
himalayas, it is known as the Yetior Abominable Snowman. The Yeti is similar creature to the
American Bigfoot. A large muscular primate, covered in either dark grey or light brown hair.
Believed to weigh around 200 to 400 pounds. Estimated to be 6 foot tall. A majority of the questions
a Bigfoot quester might be asked is, what evidence shows us that this mythical creature actually
exists today? According to the BFRO(Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization), the most recurring
evidence that they have is the plentiful amount of witnesses. Witnesses are the people that say they
have had an encounter with the mythical Bigfoot. The Patterson–Gimlin film, is said to be the
strongest evidence of Bigfoot. Scientists have been evaluating the film for over 40 years, and they
have not yet came up with an answer, on whether it's a hoax or if the film is actually showing us an
actual Bigfoot. Many people have confessed to being the man in the suit, but scientists say it is
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Informative Speech On Mental Health
Attention Getting Device: "All day, every day, life is like this. Fear. Apprehension. Avoidance. Pain.
Anxiety about what you said. Fear that you said something wrong. Worry about others' disapproval.
Afraid of rejection, of not fitting in. Anxious to enter a conversation, afraid you'll have nothing to
talk about. Hiding what's wrong with you deep inside, putting up a defensive wall to protect your
"secret". You are undergoing the daily, chronic trouble of living with this mental disorder we call
social anxiety disorder." How many of you know someone or have heard of mental health disorders
such as anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, or personality disorders?
Thesis/Central Purpose (ie. The purpose of my speech is to) The purpose of my speech is to teach
you about mental health so that you know how to look out for the signs. I'd like to get more specific
and discuss mental illnesses in schools.
Justification/Why should we listen?: For years, mental health has had a stigma surrounding it. In
different cultures and religions, mental illnesses were thought to be a punishment or a demonic
possession. Currently, the taboo has not gone away and people are still suffering. More often times
than not, people are underdiagnosed, dismissed, or the stigma creates too much societal pressure to
say anything.
Credibility/Why should we listen to YOU?: I have struggled with anxiety as long as I can
remember. When I was in second grade, I was diagnosed with social
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Reflection Paper On Disease
Epidemiology Reflection Assignment
The most significant problems faced by the people who are residents of 63031 zip code
neighborhood are chronic diseases like asthma, cancer, diabetes, hypertension and alcohol or
substance related issues. People also faced problems with disease conditions like chlamydia,
gonorrhea, syphilis. Among the list of chronic diseases faced by people living in this area is cancer
which is the leading cause of death in the area and this might be as a result of some exposure to
chemicals from work place, life styles, and even from their environment. Another major chronic
health disease faced by people living in this area is diabetes. Diabetes may be as results of poor
diets, lack of exercises and other more content...
If I had a pharmacy in this zip code, the type of services I might provide to the people are safe–sex
education, preventative care services, how to deal with substance abuse, community health fairs for
blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose screenings, healthy diets and regular exercises, and
medication management. The first important service that should be provided to people living in this
zip code is safe–sex education. Epidemiology data shows high number of people living with
sexually transmitted diseases in this zip code. As a pharmacist, one possible way by which this can
be done would be passing out information about risks associated with sexually transmitted diseases
in form of flyers and posters that can be easily accessible to people that approach the pharmacy.
Another important type of service a pharmacist can provide in this type of zip code is to enlighten
people more about the use and dangers associated with substances abuse. Most common substances
that are abused are alcohols, prescription drugs, tobacco products, heroin, cocaine and others.
Pharmacist can help in this area by organizing neighborhood health fairs just to discuss about
dangers of substance abuse and also providing ways to help people dealing with these addictions.
Moreover, pharmacist can also help the population in this zip code by organizing health fairs event
for the people in order to enlighten the people more about preventive care
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Egyptian View of the Afterlife Essay
The Egyptians believed very much in life after death. As Taylor states in Death and the Afterlife in
Ancient Egypt, "It is often observed that they appear to have devoted greater efforts and resources
to preparing for the afterlife than to creating a convenient environment for living" (Taylor, 2001:12).
The Egyptians viewed life on earth as one stage and death as the beginning of another. They
believed that, "human existence did not end with death and that survival of the body played a part
in the new life" (Taylor, 2001:12). One of the key elements in the Egyptian culture and religion was
the preservation of the body. The body was the most important aspect because it was like a portal
through which an individual could continue to more content...
Owners could be recognized by the artwork and inscriptions carved around their tomb entrance
(Harpur, 1987:1). Lastly, the changes made to the tombs styles can be clearly shown over time
throughout the years. In Egypt, life and religion were so intertwined that it would have been
impossible not to believe in a life after death (Brewer, 1999: 98). Hence religion basically defined
Egyptian way of life and their customs.
The tombs had two main functions. The first function was a place that provided an eternal resting
place in which the body could lay protected from thieves and scavengers. The second function of
the tomb was a place where cults and ritual acts could be performed to ensure eternal life (Taylor,
2001:136). The body of the person was buried along with their belongings in the tomb to ensure
the individual had all the proper materials needed for the afterlife. The Egyptians usually did this
because "Tombs were constructed to mirror aspects of the afterlife" (Olson, 2009). These tombs
were not only a place where bodies of a deceased lay; it was also a place where rituals would take
place. One ritual that was done on the bodies was the 'Opening of the Mouth'. This was a burial ritual
that "accompanied the placement of funerary goods in a tomb– and was a necessary step in the
deceased's rebirth" (Olson, 2009). One very important service that had to be done was the
mummification process in which the removal of organs
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A Cure for Cancer Essay
For years people have been looking for a cure for the devastating disease of cancer. Cancer is the
third highest killer in the US with over 2,500,000 victims per year. Oncologists and scientists
around the country are researching all forms of cancer in an effort to understand, treat, and
ultimately defeat this disease. Already there have been numerous advances in the field, such as
chemotherapy and gene therapy. One advance has been the use of a cell process known as
apoptosis. By harnessing this normal cell process, scientists hope to have found an effective way to
combat cancer.
Cancer is a disease that affects human somatic cells. It causes the cells to divide uncontrollably and
form masses known as tumors. There are two more content...
This process uses enzymes to cut and insert piece of DNA into a plasmid vector. This vector is then
transfected into cells. The different pieces of DNA that were being inserted into this plasmid were a
control and three different mutants (an alpha–5–tailless mutant, full–length alpha–5, and full–length
alpha–2). These pieces of DNA code for integrins. Once these pieces of DNA were inserted into the
plasmid vector, the plasmid needed to be inserted into a cell where it would be able to replicate. In
these tests, rat intestinal epithelial wild–type cells (cells that would be found in nature, not cells
grown in the laboratory) were used. To insert the plasmid into these cells lipofectamine plus was
used. Lipofectamine plus acts like a detergent and opens the membrane of the cell so the plasmid
can enter. Also, the plasmids that were transfected into cells were all treated with G–418, an
antibiotic. When the cells were plated and allowed to multiply, only those containing the plasmid
with the antibiotic would live. This made it possible to know which cells actually received the
plasmid and properly underwent mitosis, and to eliminate those cells that never took up the plasmid
in the first place.
To collect the cells that underwent a stable transfection, the cell lines were treated with antibodies.
These antibodies hooked onto the cells that had integrins along their membrane. The antibody had a
tail that contained a tiny magnetic bead at the end, so the magnet would
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Reflective Essay-Day Surgery Experience
Day Surgery Experience Apart from being one of most interesting settings in the nursing field, day
surgery unwraps the full experience for nursing students to learn and also develop repetitive
knowledge on what to expect before, during , and after each surgery, as well as the roles of each
nurse within those parameters. Being inside the surgery room was an amazing experience because
you get to see different operations performed by different health care professionals. Every surgeon
does the sugary differently, meaning that same procedure is performed but adding or subtracting
essential steps that makes each surgeon unique. Nurses also play an essential role in each surgery
but their imperative duty is less than surgeons, but as more content...
First everyone had to put on a mask, wear surgical head covers, proper scrubs, and shoe covers.
Inside the operation room, the surgeon and scrub tech had to put on a sterile attire, which included
sterile scrubs,gloves, and equipment because they were the first people to have contact with patient.
The circulator or documenting nurse and anesthesiologist were around the sterile field (aseptic
technique) without any contact with the patient whatsoever. As you would have guessed, the
surgeon was the one who performed the surgery with the help of the scrub tech and monitored by
the circulator nurse and anesthesiologist. The main duties of the circulator nurse was to document
everything during the surgery from what medications used to how many sterile dressings were used,
proving supplies to the surgeon and the scrub tech as needed,and making sure the room was prepare
for the assigned surgery. This nurse also provides conform measurements for the patient while in the
operation room. For instance, there was a patient who was too big for the operation bed, so the
circulator nurse had to find additional supplies that would prevent the patient from sliding down the
bed. Nurses always provide the finest education towards their line of duty but also take the time to
teach those people who starting the nursing
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Effects of The Internet On Teenagers Essays
Human's life has changed. Most of the people have come to cities instead of towns. Kids spend most
of their time inside houses either watching TV or playing computer and maybe do their homework.
Internet is one of the most recent changes in the last two decays. Not surprisingly, this new
phenomenon is perhaps one of the greatest inventions of the last century, but unfortunately this
occurrence has made some negative impact on our society and children.
Teenagers are the most common group of society who can get artificial by the internet. As a matter of
fact, internet addiction is a common habit for teenagers which will affects their future, also can have
an effect on their social behavior and their education. Teenagers are spending more
In particular, individuals will utilize virtual casinos, interactive games, e–auction houses, or
e–brokerage houses only to lose excessive amounts of money and even disrupt other job–related
duties or significant relationships. Another important issue that these games have created is the fact
that they have destroyed children activity and socialism. Children these days rather to spend most of
their times in their house than go outside and play in parks or playground.. . The Internet has a
double–edged sword characteristic for children: providing many opportunities for learning while
exposing children to potentially negative content. The Internet not only provides significant benefits
for children, such as research access, socialization, entertainment, and a communication tool with
families, but it also connotes negative aspects such as violence, pornography, hate sites, isolation,
predators, and commercialism (Media Awareness Network, 2003; National School Boards
Foundation, 2003). If teenagers get obsessed with these contents on the internet not only they cannot
continue their education, but also they will destroy their future career. According to Finkelhor et al.,
25% of the respondents reported receiving unwanted exposure to sexual materials while online, and
19% received a sexual solicitation online.
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Led Zeppelin Essay
How Led Zeppelin Influenced American Culture
One of the most influential rock bands, Led Zeppelin, not only influenced American musicians, but
also influenced the American culture with their combined rock, heavy–metal, blues, and folk to
create an outstanding and timeless sound which can be followed from the origins of the band,
through the height of the band's career, to the legacy they left behind. Before Led Zeppelin was
founded, each of the members had previous experience playing different styles of music that
contributed to the sound of Led Zeppelin. Jimmy Page and Robert Plant's main influences were blues
player, Willie Dixon and the influences found in the country of Morocco. Both men played in many
other bands including more content...
They also worked with distorted amplifiers which led to the evolution of what we call today,
heavy–metal. Led Zeppelin also experienced with a softer sound by using acoustic guitars. Shortly
after releasing their 1st album, they released their second album, and became as some would say
the "biggest band in the world". Years later, the band would release a total of ten albums in all, not
including greatest hit albums. Furthermore, Led Zeppelin's music has left a lasting legacy that
influenced music over four decades and influenced many elements in today's American popular
culture. Led Zeppelin has sold millions of albums worldwide. Not only did they influence their
generation of music, but also influenced the American music that is created today. "They were the
first band to prove hard rock was a genre that a lengthy career could be built off," (Grant). In the
1970's, bands such as The Cars, The Who, Bad Company, and Lynard Skynard were greatly
influenced by Led Zeppelin, creating a heavier rock n' roll sound. They were the first few bands
to use elements Led Zeppelin created. In the 1980's, Motley Crue, Twisted Sister, and Guns and
Roses also experimented with similar riffs, sounds, and style that Led Zeppelin created. Three
decades later, you can still find similar sounds and style that was incorporated into Led Zeppelin
style. Bands known for this include Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and Hooty and the Blowfish. Of course,
there are hundreds of
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Cinchers Research Paper
10. Factors To Consider When Buying Waist Trainers & Cinchers
There are a variety of factors that require careful consideration when selecting a waist trainer
/cincher. Selection of the perfect cincher depends solely upon personal choice and the following are
some guidelines to consider prior to making your purchase.
1. Material/Fabric: Comfort and results are two factors to consider when selecting the material and
fabric for your waist cincher. Please note that some of these are made with latex to maximize
results, however, latex is a common allergen for a variety of individuals, those who are allergic to
latex will likely prefer one that is constructed of a spandex/nylon blend. If selecting a boned corset,
keep in mind that the more content...
Style: There are several varieties of waist cincher/trainers with varieties that include those that cover
the full torso, some that offer a thong option, and others that help lift the breasts as well, these style
preferences are just that, preferences. Moreover, the one with the highest overall ratings is the
standard belt style as seen on Keeping Up With the Kardashians.
The three common variations on the standard belt waist trainer are listed below. Once again, the
preference is a personal one.
– Latex Waist Cinchers are considered to be the starter model, consequently, they offer extreme
flexibility and usually contain just a few plastic bones which allow for freedom of movement and
comfort. These usually are best for beginners and offer enough flexibility for workouts and daily
– Corset waist cinchers tend to be more rigid then their latex counterparts. The boning is usually
steel. They adhere to the waist and truly retract it, creating a slimming, curvaceous look. Their
rigidity does not permit freedom of movement, however, tends to produce quicker results.
– Ribbon corset cinchers tightens from the back with ribbons, like those from the old days, and
can be custom designed for your body type, size, and shape. Many prefer the fit on these because it
precise, however, ribbons in the back can be difficult to adjust if you live
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Annabel Lee Essay
A great poem shocks us into another order of perception. It points beyond language to something
still more essential. It ushers us into an experience so moving and true that we feel at ease. In bad
or indifferent poetry, words are all there is. Edgar Allan Poe's poem "Annabel Lee" is a great
poem, not because it is popular or it is classic, but because of its underlining message. "Annabel Lee"
is a poem of death, love, and beauty. It captures the narrator's interpretation of these three ideas
through his feelings and thoughts for one woman. The narrator, Edgar Allan Poe, becomes infatuated
at a young age with the character in the poem, Annabel Lee. Even after she passes away, his love
for her only increases and only more content...
It is even crazier when one can love that special person even more, after they pass away.
Nonetheless, that is not what it is called true love. The truest love of all is the one that remains the
same by death, the one that is left unchanged. The narrator devoted his whole life to his woman,
even in death. That is true love, when it is certain that there is love and it is a realization that both
lovers could never live without each other. This goes hand in hand with the narrator, as he finds it
difficult and almost impossible to part with the love of his life. He believes that without her, he
finds no purpose in life. She does pass away, but that doesn't stop him from being with her one bit.
Death is the ultimate barrier, in this poem.
Annabel Lee's presence is kept alive in his mind through his dreams at night. "For the moon never
beams, without bringing me dreams of the beautiful Annabel Lee" (Poe 34–35). Her eyes are seen by
his eyes, every night; her love is seen by his love, as without that, night never comes. "And the stars
never rise but I feel the bright eyes of the beautiful Annabel Lee" (Poe 36–37). For the narrator,
nature revolves around this grand feeling that the two lovers share. This goes to show that even
nature cannot affect their romance; nothing could, not even death could keep them apart. The
romance was not lost at sea and forgotten in the darkness of
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Comparison Of Pfizer And GSK Pharma
Pharmaceutical industry is a fundamental part of healthcare industry, development, manufacturing
and research of drugs and medicine and dosage form formulation main functions performed by the
pharmaceutical industry. Patient wellbeing and healthcare desires are fulfilled by this industry.
PFIZER vs GSK PHARMA – Comparison
Pfizer have important portfolio of products and medicines that care wellness and avoidance, as well
as treatment and cures for diseases across a wide range of therapeutic areas.
Pfizer is a 74% secondary of the world's largest pharmaceuticals company Pfizer Inc. Pfizer derives
a superior share of its revenues from the pharmaceuticals (83%). The company also has presence in
the animal (16%) and clinical development operations (8%) segments. In the animal health section,
Pfizer strategies to capitalize on its core's brand. It also carries out clinical trials on behalf of its core. more content...
It is a 60.7% subsidiary of Glaxo Smith Kline, one of the world's largest pharma companies. GSK
Pharma's product portfolio boasts of some of the brands like Augmentin, Betnesol, Cobadex and
Zevit in the domestic pharmaceutical market. The company derives profits from its core business of
Strategic analysis of companies include the internal company analysis by value chain, external
analysis by Porter's five forces model and situational analysis by SWOT analysis.
The profile of these two pharmaceutical companies; GlaxoSmithKline & Pfizer are listed in the
following table:
Profiles analysis
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Clinchers For Essays

  • 1. 21st Century Reflection Paper I am often impressed with the fact that I hear about 21st Century Skills in the classes that I take, but very little in my everyday teaching. I heard of a local church that has developed a 20/20 Vision. What is great about this is that it is the direction and destinations they would like to reach by the year 2020. Our school does not have a vision presently, and I feel that this would be a great vision to develop. These 21st Century Skills would be essential in creating this vision. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving are the first stop in this vision, and I liked the question about whether or not if I am teaching outside the box. I like this because the economy of the future will be led not by the great test takers, but more content... My decorative concrete business is a great asset to me developing this kind of initiative. I often see that how students are being taught is not always conducive for the carreers and work habits they will need. To add to this I have a daughter working at PBS in Washington DC, and when I ak Being an effective oral and written communicator is very important, and I love using stories to inspire ideas in writing. Students need to understand that if they can think, they can write, and I have had students write over 8000 word narratives. We also have debates as that puts in a position to develop evidence to persuade others. Every student having a Chrome Book or a one to one system is vital for a lot of writing to take place. I have found that Paper Rater is a great tool to develop my writing before I share with the students. They, in turn, have also found it to be a great tool to help them improve their writing, and I often see them on it as they check their work in the process of writing. However, I have also learned to shut up as well, and let the students work. Being curious is a big concern of mine as I see that students are too focused on getting the right answer. I see this especially strong at the beginning of the school year. I really try to create alearning environment where Get more content on
  • 2. Reflection-Leg Ulcers Reflecting Writing Leg ulcers Reflecting on the situation that had taken place during my second placement working in the community. This will give me the perfect opportunity to develop and utilise my commutation skills in order to maintain the relationships with my patient. In this reflection, I am going to use Gibbs (1988) Reflective Cycle. This model is a recognised framework for my reflection. Gibbs (1988). Baird and Winter (2005,) give some reasons why reflection is require in the reflective practice. They state that a reflect is to generate the practice knowledge, assist an ability to adapt new situations, develop self–esteem and satisfaction as well as to value, develop and professionalizing practice. However, Siviter (2004) more content... Van Toller (1994) noted that malodour associated with skin ulceration can lead to serious psychological problems, ranging from general depression to becoming a virtual social outcast. The community nurses had actively encouraged Mrs. Smith to re–establish social interactions with old friends. However, Young (2005) observed that patients can interpret this type of encouragement as a lack of understanding by nurses of the effect that their condition is having on their life. Wilkes et al (2003) conducted a qualitative study on the effect of malodour on nurses and found that adverse feelings such as nausea were common. However, nurses hide these emotions from their patients to protect the patients' feelings. The community nurses decided that they needed to talk to Mrs. Smith about the odour and involve her in selecting a dressing product that was designed to alleviate or reduce the problem. The assessment identified that the wound was infected with beta–haemolytic streptococci and Staphylococcus aureus and a two–week course of systemic antibiotics was prescribed. Wound odour is often a complication of bacterial infection and the presence of infection explained why Mrs. Smith had experienced a worsening of the odour in recent weeks (Hack, 2003). Odour is subjective and is difficult to quantify accurately (de Laat et al, 2005). The wound assessment tool we used incorporates a crude odour tick chart using the categories 'offensive', Get more content on
  • 3. My Experience To The Library Experience at the Library The library is a wonderful place to go to if you would like a quiet place to work. I like being at the library because it is filled with knowledge, and there are many different books that interest me. I enjoy going to the library because walking there clears my mind. Also, there are many books that are available for the public to read and it is a quiet place to do work. To start, the walk to the library is relaxing and peaceful. I decided to go to the library on September 21st for a college assignment. While walking to the library I was intrigued by the many things that were going on around me. I saw a mailman riding on a bicycle delivering mail which was something that I've never seen before. Also, something that was very surprising to me was that there was a group of children running behind an ice–cream truck which was a single block in front of me. I found this very amusing and I continued to watch until they were out of sight. It made me think about when I was little and what I used to do when I heard the ice cream truck come around my house. After walking for quite a bit of time I began to feel tired and dehydrated. I began to wish I had chased after the ice cream truck and got an ice cream to it, but it was gone already. I normally don't walk to the library so I guess that was the reason I was so easily tired. I decided to buy a drink from the local corner store to regain some of my energy. The library is home to knowledge which is why it Get more content on
  • 4. Photosynthesis Research Paper Photosynthesis is the processes that captures energy from the sunlight to male sugars that store chemical energy. and cell respiration releases chemical energy from sugars and other carbon based molecules to make atp when oxygen is presented. and atp is the molecule that transfers energy from the breakdown of food molecules to cell processes. With all of these process they work together to capture energy by the sun and convert it into everyg of life. It starts with the photosynthesis. First, the carbon dioxide and oxygen will enter the leaves in plants through the stomata. then the water travels from the roots and will go into the vascular system. then chloroplast absorbs sunlight. However, there's 2 part in hopothesis. The parts re light dependant and light more content... And the light independent happens to make atp used to make the glucose. Atp is very important since cells use it for functions. however, with photosynthesis the cell respiration and photosynthesis chloroplast absorb the energy from sunlight and build sugras, then the mitochondria will release the chemical energy to make atp. the cell respiration starts with 3 carbon molecules they enter cell respiration in mitochondria, and the energy carrying molecules transfer energy to electron transport. so next the energy carrying molecule which atp molecules are produced. last heat and water are released as waste Get more content on
  • 5. Bronfenbrenner's Case Study Behaviour is children's first language. It is their way to react towards others. As children grow through different ages and stages of development, they learn to use the social appropriate behaviour. Kay Mathieson describes, "behaviour learning is a phrase which describes learning which takes place and helps us to understand how we can change, and use our behaviour as well as the impact it can have on situations and relationships" (Mathieson, 2013). Similarly, Bronfenbrenner has developed an Ecological system model, which encompasses physical and social environment, community, culture, policies and framework, support servces, procedures and strategies affecting learning behaviour of children, which the essay will discuss in detail to more content... Behaviour support plans are helpful in identifying the triggers for the problem behaviour. For example; after identifying Ashley's trigger of tantrums, the teacher can keep her busy in her favourite physical play such as hopscotch, climbing on the frames, obstacle course and dance. Thus, "Behaviour Support is not therefore solely focused on eliminating challenging behaviour. Rather, it seeks to improve quality of life by understanding why a person needs to engage in challenging behaviour, and then addressing that need" (DCCSDS, 2015). But the effectiveness of the support plan relies on identifying the problem and the trigger of the behaviour. Any mistake can cause the failure of behaviour support plan. Then, behaviour support plans involve a number of people related to the child. It is very important for the teachers and cares to communicate effectively and ethically with the child and families/carers and provide a support plan to allow for the behaviour to subside. While behaviour support plans are not always easy to follow, there benefits and effectiveness can not be minimised to support children's Get more content on
  • 6. LASIK Eye Surgery Essay Nowadays, different options for correcting vision problems are available. LASIK eye surgery is one of these options that is a procedure done on the cornea; the clear part in front of the eye. This procedure tends to reduce the dependence on glasses and contact lenses and provide excellent vision. LASIK has been proposed as the perfect way to provide excellent vision without the need for glasses. Furthermore, some advantages have been emphasised such as the shortness of procedure duration time and the immediate noticeable excellent results. However, there are serious complications can be occur by this procedure. This essay will argue that LASIK eye surgery is not the best way to provide improved vision with the freedom of glasses more content... This certainly indicates that LASIK is not the best treatment due to the high possibility of scaring the cornea permanently as a result of such complication. Furthermore, the second step, which is performed by using excimer laser to reshape the corneal structure by removing tissues to correct the refractive errors, can cause other serious complications. The most serious complication is corneal ectasia which means that the cornea bulges from the surface due to the weakness and thinning of the layers as a result of corneal tissue ablation. Guttman (2008) points out that the relationship between changes in corneal hysteresis increased with greater ablation depth. This indicates that ablation of corneal tissue is the main reason in reducing corneal resistance which as a result can cause ectasia. In this case the only available solution is corneal transplant which can cause further complications by itself. On the other hand, ortho–k is a safer alternative treatment which will provide patients with a good vision and freedom from any visual aids without such complications. This process uses contact lenses that reshape corneal structure during sleeping time. This treatment considered to be safer because of its effect on the cornea. It is reversible, so, if any complication appears, stoping the contact lens will be sufficient because the eyes will soon resume their normal condition (Cho et Get more content on
  • 7. This was my first day on an OB floor and I was amazed by many of the aspects of my experience. I loved that the morning started with a moment of silence in the nurse's station. I had never previously experienced that in any of the medical surgery rotations. I think that this gives a moment for the staff to center themselves and turn off any outside thoughts they may be having. After the meeting the students were paired with a nurse, I was paired with Susan. OB nursing is in Susan's blood; she states that many members of her family in past generations did OB nursing. The way she moved was so fluid yet precise. She read the fetal monitors with beautiful accuracy, as she was reading a work of art. She took the time to teach me how to read more content... I was worried that I would not see a birth on my first day, Susan warned me that our patient was going to take a while. When the doctor came in to examine the patient I thought , at least I am lucky to see a cervical exam. Next thing I know the doctor in a very calm nature states "I feel hair and you are completely dilated, it's time to push." She was so calm in the way she communicated, and stayed calm throughout the entire birth, I really loved that about her. For 45 minutes my patient pushed, and for 40 minutes it was only Susan and I in the room. I couldn't believe it! I was doing so much! I had my hand on her stomach to feel for contractions, I had my other hand holding the patient's leg. 5 minutes before the baby was delivered the provider again walked in so calmly. She used towels to guide the skin to minimize tearing (I always wondered what towels were for during birth). When the baby was delivered she was directly placed on mom's chest for skin–to–skin. It was such a beautiful moment. A miracle. It always is when you see a birth. I have seen births before, but this was the most peaceful and uneventful birth I have experienced. Susan winked at me as she told me this is not the norm. I look forward to see what the future rotations hold in Get more content on
  • 8. Clincher Sentence Structure I am quite impressed with the structure of your concluding paragraph. After re–stating your initial thesis, you provided strong details to substantiate your viewpoint. Furthermore, the flow of your concluding paragraph allowed each detail to build upon the next. As a result, I found this to be an excellent build up to your clincher sentence. In conclusion, I feel that making your clincher sentence a question was an effective way to impact your reader by shifting the responsibility to the reader to find a solution to the problem. Get more content on
  • 9. Clinch V Hospital The case involved with a plaintiff Clinch, the director of heartland regional's cardiac surgery and defendant Nellestein, director of the hospital's vascular surgery. The claimant was terminated from the hospital due to poor performance, and increase rate of surgery complication. The plaintiff appeal the decision reached by the circuit court, and requested for the appeal court to consider his case based on the evidence he had presented. The plaintiff argue that the defendant was behind his termination, and the contract he had with the hospital would have existed if the defendant would not have interfered. Likewise, the plaintiff also alleged that the defendants revoke the rules that could have allowed the claimants to perform voluntarily service in the hospital without necessary having a regular contract with them. On the other hand, the defendant argue that the hospital breaches its contract from the claimant because they have the right to do it if they wish. Due to that, he was not the one behind the claimant's termination of contract more content... Moreover, the claimant believes that he has presented all the necessary evidence that could have supported his claim. For instance, the defendant have intentionally interfered the claimant's contractual agreement with the hospital by using improper means and finally resulted his termination. On other hand, the defendant prevented chances that could have allowed the claimant to return his work in later days by enticing the hospital to introduce a rule that disallows to perform any service from the hospital. Due to that, the plaintiff demanded for the appeal court to grant him the summary of judgement and reverse the circuit court decision. On the other hand, the defendant beliefs that the circuit court reach a fair decision and demands the appeal court to affirm the decision that has already been Get more content on
  • 10. Bigfoot Essay Bigfoot is a mythical legend that lives in the pacific northwest. Many people believe that Bigfoot is real, and others deny the existence of Bigfoot. People have made a living in trying to find Bigfoot. Animal Planet used to air a show called "Finding Bigfoot.". There are multiple books about Bigfoot, numerous clubs, and many people dedicated to find the elusive Bigfoot. To become a Bigfoot quester you will need to obtain the knowledge of how the myth of Bigfoot surfaced, what Bigfoot is, and the evidence behind Bigfoot. How did the myth of the so called "Bigfoot" come up exactly? Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest would tells stories about a "wild man", a hairy half man, half ape. The Native Americans would tell a variety more content... A large, hairy, human like primate that is believed to roam in the Northwest of North America. This primate is believed to range from six to ten feet in height, with very large human like feet. Known to often have a foul smell to it hairy body. Bigfoot studiers say that it moves slow and emits a high pitched cry. It has multiple names for different regions of the world. In North America, Americans call it Bigfoot , and in Canada, canadians call it Sasquatch. In the mountains of Asia, the himalayas, it is known as the Yetior Abominable Snowman. The Yeti is similar creature to the American Bigfoot. A large muscular primate, covered in either dark grey or light brown hair. Believed to weigh around 200 to 400 pounds. Estimated to be 6 foot tall. A majority of the questions a Bigfoot quester might be asked is, what evidence shows us that this mythical creature actually exists today? According to the BFRO(Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization), the most recurring evidence that they have is the plentiful amount of witnesses. Witnesses are the people that say they have had an encounter with the mythical Bigfoot. The Patterson–Gimlin film, is said to be the strongest evidence of Bigfoot. Scientists have been evaluating the film for over 40 years, and they have not yet came up with an answer, on whether it's a hoax or if the film is actually showing us an actual Bigfoot. Many people have confessed to being the man in the suit, but scientists say it is Get more content on
  • 11. Informative Speech On Mental Health Attention Getting Device: "All day, every day, life is like this. Fear. Apprehension. Avoidance. Pain. Anxiety about what you said. Fear that you said something wrong. Worry about others' disapproval. Afraid of rejection, of not fitting in. Anxious to enter a conversation, afraid you'll have nothing to talk about. Hiding what's wrong with you deep inside, putting up a defensive wall to protect your "secret". You are undergoing the daily, chronic trouble of living with this mental disorder we call social anxiety disorder." How many of you know someone or have heard of mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, or personality disorders? Thesis/Central Purpose (ie. The purpose of my speech is to) The purpose of my speech is to teach you about mental health so that you know how to look out for the signs. I'd like to get more specific and discuss mental illnesses in schools. Justification/Why should we listen?: For years, mental health has had a stigma surrounding it. In different cultures and religions, mental illnesses were thought to be a punishment or a demonic possession. Currently, the taboo has not gone away and people are still suffering. More often times than not, people are underdiagnosed, dismissed, or the stigma creates too much societal pressure to say anything. Credibility/Why should we listen to YOU?: I have struggled with anxiety as long as I can remember. When I was in second grade, I was diagnosed with social Get more content on
  • 12. Reflection Paper On Disease Epidemiology Reflection Assignment The most significant problems faced by the people who are residents of 63031 zip code neighborhood are chronic diseases like asthma, cancer, diabetes, hypertension and alcohol or substance related issues. People also faced problems with disease conditions like chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis. Among the list of chronic diseases faced by people living in this area is cancer which is the leading cause of death in the area and this might be as a result of some exposure to chemicals from work place, life styles, and even from their environment. Another major chronic health disease faced by people living in this area is diabetes. Diabetes may be as results of poor diets, lack of exercises and other more content... If I had a pharmacy in this zip code, the type of services I might provide to the people are safe–sex education, preventative care services, how to deal with substance abuse, community health fairs for blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose screenings, healthy diets and regular exercises, and medication management. The first important service that should be provided to people living in this zip code is safe–sex education. Epidemiology data shows high number of people living with sexually transmitted diseases in this zip code. As a pharmacist, one possible way by which this can be done would be passing out information about risks associated with sexually transmitted diseases in form of flyers and posters that can be easily accessible to people that approach the pharmacy. Another important type of service a pharmacist can provide in this type of zip code is to enlighten people more about the use and dangers associated with substances abuse. Most common substances that are abused are alcohols, prescription drugs, tobacco products, heroin, cocaine and others. Pharmacist can help in this area by organizing neighborhood health fairs just to discuss about dangers of substance abuse and also providing ways to help people dealing with these addictions. Moreover, pharmacist can also help the population in this zip code by organizing health fairs event for the people in order to enlighten the people more about preventive care Get more content on
  • 13. Egyptian View of the Afterlife Essay The Egyptians believed very much in life after death. As Taylor states in Death and the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt, "It is often observed that they appear to have devoted greater efforts and resources to preparing for the afterlife than to creating a convenient environment for living" (Taylor, 2001:12). The Egyptians viewed life on earth as one stage and death as the beginning of another. They believed that, "human existence did not end with death and that survival of the body played a part in the new life" (Taylor, 2001:12). One of the key elements in the Egyptian culture and religion was the preservation of the body. The body was the most important aspect because it was like a portal through which an individual could continue to more content... Owners could be recognized by the artwork and inscriptions carved around their tomb entrance (Harpur, 1987:1). Lastly, the changes made to the tombs styles can be clearly shown over time throughout the years. In Egypt, life and religion were so intertwined that it would have been impossible not to believe in a life after death (Brewer, 1999: 98). Hence religion basically defined Egyptian way of life and their customs. The tombs had two main functions. The first function was a place that provided an eternal resting place in which the body could lay protected from thieves and scavengers. The second function of the tomb was a place where cults and ritual acts could be performed to ensure eternal life (Taylor, 2001:136). The body of the person was buried along with their belongings in the tomb to ensure the individual had all the proper materials needed for the afterlife. The Egyptians usually did this because "Tombs were constructed to mirror aspects of the afterlife" (Olson, 2009). These tombs were not only a place where bodies of a deceased lay; it was also a place where rituals would take place. One ritual that was done on the bodies was the 'Opening of the Mouth'. This was a burial ritual that "accompanied the placement of funerary goods in a tomb– and was a necessary step in the deceased's rebirth" (Olson, 2009). One very important service that had to be done was the mummification process in which the removal of organs Get more content on
  • 14. A Cure for Cancer Essay For years people have been looking for a cure for the devastating disease of cancer. Cancer is the third highest killer in the US with over 2,500,000 victims per year. Oncologists and scientists around the country are researching all forms of cancer in an effort to understand, treat, and ultimately defeat this disease. Already there have been numerous advances in the field, such as chemotherapy and gene therapy. One advance has been the use of a cell process known as apoptosis. By harnessing this normal cell process, scientists hope to have found an effective way to combat cancer. Cancer is a disease that affects human somatic cells. It causes the cells to divide uncontrollably and form masses known as tumors. There are two more content... This process uses enzymes to cut and insert piece of DNA into a plasmid vector. This vector is then transfected into cells. The different pieces of DNA that were being inserted into this plasmid were a control and three different mutants (an alpha–5–tailless mutant, full–length alpha–5, and full–length alpha–2). These pieces of DNA code for integrins. Once these pieces of DNA were inserted into the plasmid vector, the plasmid needed to be inserted into a cell where it would be able to replicate. In these tests, rat intestinal epithelial wild–type cells (cells that would be found in nature, not cells grown in the laboratory) were used. To insert the plasmid into these cells lipofectamine plus was used. Lipofectamine plus acts like a detergent and opens the membrane of the cell so the plasmid can enter. Also, the plasmids that were transfected into cells were all treated with G–418, an antibiotic. When the cells were plated and allowed to multiply, only those containing the plasmid with the antibiotic would live. This made it possible to know which cells actually received the plasmid and properly underwent mitosis, and to eliminate those cells that never took up the plasmid in the first place. To collect the cells that underwent a stable transfection, the cell lines were treated with antibodies. These antibodies hooked onto the cells that had integrins along their membrane. The antibody had a tail that contained a tiny magnetic bead at the end, so the magnet would Get more content on
  • 15. Reflective Essay-Day Surgery Experience Day Surgery Experience Apart from being one of most interesting settings in the nursing field, day surgery unwraps the full experience for nursing students to learn and also develop repetitive knowledge on what to expect before, during , and after each surgery, as well as the roles of each nurse within those parameters. Being inside the surgery room was an amazing experience because you get to see different operations performed by different health care professionals. Every surgeon does the sugary differently, meaning that same procedure is performed but adding or subtracting essential steps that makes each surgeon unique. Nurses also play an essential role in each surgery but their imperative duty is less than surgeons, but as more content... First everyone had to put on a mask, wear surgical head covers, proper scrubs, and shoe covers. Inside the operation room, the surgeon and scrub tech had to put on a sterile attire, which included sterile scrubs,gloves, and equipment because they were the first people to have contact with patient. The circulator or documenting nurse and anesthesiologist were around the sterile field (aseptic technique) without any contact with the patient whatsoever. As you would have guessed, the surgeon was the one who performed the surgery with the help of the scrub tech and monitored by the circulator nurse and anesthesiologist. The main duties of the circulator nurse was to document everything during the surgery from what medications used to how many sterile dressings were used, proving supplies to the surgeon and the scrub tech as needed,and making sure the room was prepare for the assigned surgery. This nurse also provides conform measurements for the patient while in the operation room. For instance, there was a patient who was too big for the operation bed, so the circulator nurse had to find additional supplies that would prevent the patient from sliding down the bed. Nurses always provide the finest education towards their line of duty but also take the time to teach those people who starting the nursing Get more content on
  • 16. Effects of The Internet On Teenagers Essays Human's life has changed. Most of the people have come to cities instead of towns. Kids spend most of their time inside houses either watching TV or playing computer and maybe do their homework. Internet is one of the most recent changes in the last two decays. Not surprisingly, this new phenomenon is perhaps one of the greatest inventions of the last century, but unfortunately this occurrence has made some negative impact on our society and children. Teenagers are the most common group of society who can get artificial by the internet. As a matter of fact, internet addiction is a common habit for teenagers which will affects their future, also can have an effect on their social behavior and their education. Teenagers are spending more content... In particular, individuals will utilize virtual casinos, interactive games, e–auction houses, or e–brokerage houses only to lose excessive amounts of money and even disrupt other job–related duties or significant relationships. Another important issue that these games have created is the fact that they have destroyed children activity and socialism. Children these days rather to spend most of their times in their house than go outside and play in parks or playground.. . The Internet has a double–edged sword characteristic for children: providing many opportunities for learning while exposing children to potentially negative content. The Internet not only provides significant benefits for children, such as research access, socialization, entertainment, and a communication tool with families, but it also connotes negative aspects such as violence, pornography, hate sites, isolation, predators, and commercialism (Media Awareness Network, 2003; National School Boards Foundation, 2003). If teenagers get obsessed with these contents on the internet not only they cannot continue their education, but also they will destroy their future career. According to Finkelhor et al., 25% of the respondents reported receiving unwanted exposure to sexual materials while online, and 19% received a sexual solicitation online. Get more content on
  • 17. Led Zeppelin Essay How Led Zeppelin Influenced American Culture One of the most influential rock bands, Led Zeppelin, not only influenced American musicians, but also influenced the American culture with their combined rock, heavy–metal, blues, and folk to create an outstanding and timeless sound which can be followed from the origins of the band, through the height of the band's career, to the legacy they left behind. Before Led Zeppelin was founded, each of the members had previous experience playing different styles of music that contributed to the sound of Led Zeppelin. Jimmy Page and Robert Plant's main influences were blues player, Willie Dixon and the influences found in the country of Morocco. Both men played in many other bands including more content... They also worked with distorted amplifiers which led to the evolution of what we call today, heavy–metal. Led Zeppelin also experienced with a softer sound by using acoustic guitars. Shortly after releasing their 1st album, they released their second album, and became as some would say the "biggest band in the world". Years later, the band would release a total of ten albums in all, not including greatest hit albums. Furthermore, Led Zeppelin's music has left a lasting legacy that influenced music over four decades and influenced many elements in today's American popular culture. Led Zeppelin has sold millions of albums worldwide. Not only did they influence their generation of music, but also influenced the American music that is created today. "They were the first band to prove hard rock was a genre that a lengthy career could be built off," (Grant). In the 1970's, bands such as The Cars, The Who, Bad Company, and Lynard Skynard were greatly influenced by Led Zeppelin, creating a heavier rock n' roll sound. They were the first few bands to use elements Led Zeppelin created. In the 1980's, Motley Crue, Twisted Sister, and Guns and Roses also experimented with similar riffs, sounds, and style that Led Zeppelin created. Three decades later, you can still find similar sounds and style that was incorporated into Led Zeppelin style. Bands known for this include Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and Hooty and the Blowfish. Of course, there are hundreds of Get more content on
  • 18. Cinchers Research Paper 10. Factors To Consider When Buying Waist Trainers & Cinchers There are a variety of factors that require careful consideration when selecting a waist trainer /cincher. Selection of the perfect cincher depends solely upon personal choice and the following are some guidelines to consider prior to making your purchase. 1. Material/Fabric: Comfort and results are two factors to consider when selecting the material and fabric for your waist cincher. Please note that some of these are made with latex to maximize results, however, latex is a common allergen for a variety of individuals, those who are allergic to latex will likely prefer one that is constructed of a spandex/nylon blend. If selecting a boned corset, keep in mind that the more content... Style: There are several varieties of waist cincher/trainers with varieties that include those that cover the full torso, some that offer a thong option, and others that help lift the breasts as well, these style preferences are just that, preferences. Moreover, the one with the highest overall ratings is the standard belt style as seen on Keeping Up With the Kardashians. The three common variations on the standard belt waist trainer are listed below. Once again, the preference is a personal one. – Latex Waist Cinchers are considered to be the starter model, consequently, they offer extreme flexibility and usually contain just a few plastic bones which allow for freedom of movement and comfort. These usually are best for beginners and offer enough flexibility for workouts and daily activities. – Corset waist cinchers tend to be more rigid then their latex counterparts. The boning is usually steel. They adhere to the waist and truly retract it, creating a slimming, curvaceous look. Their rigidity does not permit freedom of movement, however, tends to produce quicker results. – Ribbon corset cinchers tightens from the back with ribbons, like those from the old days, and can be custom designed for your body type, size, and shape. Many prefer the fit on these because it precise, however, ribbons in the back can be difficult to adjust if you live Get more content on
  • 19. Annabel Lee Essay A great poem shocks us into another order of perception. It points beyond language to something still more essential. It ushers us into an experience so moving and true that we feel at ease. In bad or indifferent poetry, words are all there is. Edgar Allan Poe's poem "Annabel Lee" is a great poem, not because it is popular or it is classic, but because of its underlining message. "Annabel Lee" is a poem of death, love, and beauty. It captures the narrator's interpretation of these three ideas through his feelings and thoughts for one woman. The narrator, Edgar Allan Poe, becomes infatuated at a young age with the character in the poem, Annabel Lee. Even after she passes away, his love for her only increases and only more content... It is even crazier when one can love that special person even more, after they pass away. Nonetheless, that is not what it is called true love. The truest love of all is the one that remains the same by death, the one that is left unchanged. The narrator devoted his whole life to his woman, even in death. That is true love, when it is certain that there is love and it is a realization that both lovers could never live without each other. This goes hand in hand with the narrator, as he finds it difficult and almost impossible to part with the love of his life. He believes that without her, he finds no purpose in life. She does pass away, but that doesn't stop him from being with her one bit. Death is the ultimate barrier, in this poem. Annabel Lee's presence is kept alive in his mind through his dreams at night. "For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams of the beautiful Annabel Lee" (Poe 34–35). Her eyes are seen by his eyes, every night; her love is seen by his love, as without that, night never comes. "And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes of the beautiful Annabel Lee" (Poe 36–37). For the narrator, nature revolves around this grand feeling that the two lovers share. This goes to show that even nature cannot affect their romance; nothing could, not even death could keep them apart. The romance was not lost at sea and forgotten in the darkness of Get more content on
  • 20. Comparison Of Pfizer And GSK Pharma Pharmaceutical industry is a fundamental part of healthcare industry, development, manufacturing and research of drugs and medicine and dosage form formulation main functions performed by the pharmaceutical industry. Patient wellbeing and healthcare desires are fulfilled by this industry. PFIZER vs GSK PHARMA – Comparison PFIZER Pfizer have important portfolio of products and medicines that care wellness and avoidance, as well as treatment and cures for diseases across a wide range of therapeutic areas. Pfizer is a 74% secondary of the world's largest pharmaceuticals company Pfizer Inc. Pfizer derives a superior share of its revenues from the pharmaceuticals (83%). The company also has presence in the animal (16%) and clinical development operations (8%) segments. In the animal health section, Pfizer strategies to capitalize on its core's brand. It also carries out clinical trials on behalf of its core. more content... It is a 60.7% subsidiary of Glaxo Smith Kline, one of the world's largest pharma companies. GSK Pharma's product portfolio boasts of some of the brands like Augmentin, Betnesol, Cobadex and Zevit in the domestic pharmaceutical market. The company derives profits from its core business of pharmaceuticals. Strategic analysis of companies include the internal company analysis by value chain, external analysis by Porter's five forces model and situational analysis by SWOT analysis. The profile of these two pharmaceutical companies; GlaxoSmithKline & Pfizer are listed in the following table: Profiles analysis COMPANY PROFILEGLAXOSMITHKLINEPFIZER Recognized1924 Get more content on