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POLI-D-543 – Seminar –
Final Dissertation
Alena Prokop Sobotova
• Steps 1 and 2
- Choice of topic
- Formulation of initial research question
= to identify a DV
= analytical question > NOT descriptive, normative or prospective
• Step 3
- Literature review
= scientific sources to define your DV and identify IVs
Literature review
The literature review should have helped you have a good picture of:
- What your dependent variable means (definition)
- How it has been studied in the literature – what have been the main
angles, approaches, explanations developed in the literature (list of
potential independent variables, methods, and findings)
- How it has not been studied yet (knowledge gaps)
Step 4: Theoretical framework
• Choice of theoretical approach
= Your choice of explanation / independent variable(s) / paradigm
How to choose? Identify:
- A gap (a missing explanation) in the literature
- An unsolved debate in the literature
- An original combination of explanations
• Your choice has implications on the 3 main debates:
- You choose a certain vision of reality
- You choose your level(s) of explanation (micro, meso, macro)
- You choose your type of reasoning (inductive vs deductive)
• Your choice has implications on the empirical strategy
Step 4 – Theoretical framework
• Why is it important?
- There are many IVs/explanations/approaches to one
phenomenon, as your literature review will show.
- It is never possible to fully understand / explain a social or
political phenomenon
- You will have to make choices to organise your research
- It helps you reflect on your conception of the world and of
political science
3) Surrealism: S. Dali,
Persistance de la mémoire
1) Realism: J-F. Millet, Des
2) Impressionnism: C. Monet,
Impression soleil levant
• Example: Explaining Transition to democracy (DV)
Approach 1 : economics
Can democratization be explained by sustained economic
growth leading to the emergence of middle class? (Huntington
Approach 2 : sociology
Can democratization be explained by the density of the network
of associations / the presence of an active and organized civil
society? (Foweraker 1989)
Approach 3 : culture
Can democratization be explained by the process of
secularization of society?
Step 4: Theoretical framework
Mapping controversies in Political Science
Mapping controversies in IR (1)
Comparison of approaches
Emphasis on… Level of analysis Reasoning Vision of reality Data collection
/ Idealism
Macro (system) Induction Subjectivity Document analysis /
Structuralism Social/political
Macro (system) Induction Neutral Document analysis /
Databases / surveys
Behavioralism Individual
Micro (individals) Induction Positivism Surveys
Rational choice
/ Realism
Actors’ /states
Micro (individals)
Or Macro (States)
Deduction Positivism Expriments, surveys
Multi-level Deduction Critical realism Databases / surveys /
Observation /
Interviews / Document
Constructivism Social
and perceptions
Micro, Meso or
Induction Interpretivism Observation /
Interviews / Discourse
Comparison of approaches
Concepts Level of analysisInfluence of
other disciplines
rules, regimes
Macro (system) (International)
Structuralism Social/political
social classes,
religion, culture,
Macro (system) Sociology
Behavioralism Individual
Micro (individals) Sciences
Rational choice Actors’
costs, benefits,
Micro (individals) Economics
Path depency,
Multi-level History, sociology,
Constructivism Social
and perceptions
ideas, identity,
Multi-level Psychology
Illustration: the case of turnout
Same topic, different approaches
Illustration: the case of turnout
• Institutionalist approach:
- Explains differences across countries
- To a lesser extent, explains differences
over time (if institutional reforms)
Source: IDEA
Illustration: the case of turnout
• Structuralist approach
- Social structures produce inequalities among social groups
- Some social groups are less geared for politics
- Participation (and turnout) is unequally distributed across
= Daniel Gaxie: le cens caché
- Explains differences across countries
- To a lesser extent, explains differences over time (if changes in
societal structure)
Illustration: the case of turnout
• Behavioralism
Inductive reasoning
Observation: Who votes / Who doesn’t
Identification of regularities:
- If you are a woman, you have a higher probability to abstain
- If you have a higher level of education, you have a higher probability to
- If you have a lower level of income, you have a higher probability to
Explains differences between individuals
Illustration: the case of turnout
• Behavioralism
'48 '52 '54 '56 '58 '60 '62 '64 '66 '68 '70 '72 '74 '76 '78 '80 '82 '84 '86 '88 '90 '92 '94 '96 '98 '00 '02 '04 '08 '12
Males Females
'48 '52 '54 '56 '58 '60 '62 '64 '66 '68 '70 '72 '74 '76 '78 '80 '82 '84 '86 '88 '90 '92 '94 '96 '98 '00 '02 '04 '08 '12
Grade Sch./Some High Sch. High School Diploma
Some College, no Degree College Degree/ Post-grad
Illustration: the case of turnout
• Rational choice
- Vote if Benefits (B) > Costs (C)
- Benefits = seeing their candidate elected (collective)
- Costs = time to vote, time to get informed (individual)
Explains differences between individuals/actors
Illustration: the case of turnout
• Constructivism
• Partirep voter survey Belgium 2014
• Cross-table of 2 questions:
1) To what extent is it important to you that a citizen
participates in the following activities? Voting at elections (=
attitude/perception: sense of civic duty)
2) If voting was not compulsory anymore in Belgium, how often
would you still vote? (potential behavior)
Explains differences across individuals/organisations/states
Illustration: the case of turnout
• Potential abstention is higher among voters with a lower
sense of civic duty
Potential behaviour in case of suppression
of compulsory voting
Always Often Sometimes Never Total
Importance of
the act of
voting 1 8.6% 1.9% 7.6% 81.9% 100.0%
2 2.6% 2.6% 20.5% 74.4% 100.0%
3 14.3% 7.1% 26.8% 51.8% 100.0%
4 10.1% 15.2% 16.5% 58.2% 100.0%
5 35.8% 21.4% 19.8% 23.0% 100.0%
6 58.9% 23.9% 9.1% 8.1% 100.0%
7 77.0% 10.6% 5.6% 6.8% 100.0%
Total 49.0% 13.9% 11.0% 26.1% 100.0%
Illustration: turnout
• RC new institutionalism
- Voters vote when the benefits of their vote exceed the costs
- Institutions frame the costs/benefits evaluation: some
contexts/rules reduce the proportion of ‘lost’ votes
Bounded rationality
• Sociological new institutionalism
- Voters vote after a slow learning of norms and codes linked to
democracy. This explains the lower turnout rates among first-
time voters.
Explains individual behaviour in different contexts (multi-level)
Illustration: turnout
• Historical new institutionalism: path dependency
1946 1948 1952 1956 1959 1963 1967 1971 1972 1977 1981 1982 1986 1989 1994 1998 2002 2003 2006 2010 2012
Turnout rate in the Netherlands, 1946-2012 (Source: IDEA International) –
Abandoned compulsory voting in 1967
Identify the DV
Identify the IV
The extent to which an anti-immigrant party can
mobilize its electoral potential is higher in
proportional systems than in majoritarian electoral
systems (van der Brug, Fennema & Tillie 2005)
Identify the DV
Identify the IV
Why do citizens vary in their support for European integration?
Previous research offers a variety of sometimes conflicting
explanations. Most analysis shows that the utilitarian
consequences of integrative policy provide robust explanations
for variation in support. Citizens who directly benefit from EU
policies are most supportive of the EU while those who perceive
the EU has threatening their job or salary tend to be euroskeptic
(Gabel, 1998)
Identify the DV
Identify the IV
- In her book “States and Social Revolutions,” Theda Skocpol tries to explain
why and how revolutions occur. She explains social revolutions by analyzing
how the social institution of the state changed and influenced the social
- In her book “Justifying interventions in Africa”, Nina Wilén answers the
paradoxical question of how to stabilize a state through external intervention
without destabilizing sovereignty. She examines the justifications for
international and regional interventions in the cases of Liberia, Burundi and
the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Exercises :
Identify the DV + IV
+ Theoretical approach
+ level of analysis
•This article provides a "top-down" explanation for the rapid growth of
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in the postwar period, focusing on two
aspects of political globalization. First, I argue that international political
opportunities in the form of funding and political access have expanded
enormously in the postwar period and provided a structural environment highly
conducive to NGO growth. Secondly, I present a norm-based argument and
trace the rise of a pro-NGO norm in the 1980s and 1990s among donor states
and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), which has actively promoted the
spread of NGOs to non-Western countries. The article ends with a brief
discussion of the symbiotic relationship among NGOs, IGOs, and states
promoting international cooperation.
REIMANN. (2006). A View from the Top: International Politics, Norms and the
Worldwide Growth of NGOs. International Studies Quarterly, 50(1), 45–68.
Exercises :
Identify the DV + IV
+ Theoretical approach
+ level of analysis
•The 2010–11 Arab uprisings continue to prompt a great deal of discussion. By
focusing specifically on Tunisia and Egypt, this article aims to present a more
dynamic account of revolutionary moments in these countries. It does so in two
ways. First, the changing nature of structures and mechanisms of authoritarian
domination over time is explored. Second, the convergences of different social
classes and political forces during the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt are not
treated as unique and static occurrences. By showing how the two revolutionary
networks gradually emerged and enlarged, a truer picture is thus provided. By
doing so, this article aims to contribute to a more nuanced interpretation of the
two revolutionary outbursts and to the development of the fourth generation of
revolutionary studies.
Del Panta. (2020). Cross-Class and Cross-Ideological Convergences over Time:
Insights from the Tunisian and Egyptian Revolutionary Uprisings. Government
and Opposition (London), 55(4), 634–652.
Exercises :
Identify the DV + IV
+ Theoretical approach
+ level of analysis
•What conditions determine whether a civil war ends in a negotiated settlement
or a military victory? The authors address this question by developing an
expected utility model of the choice between seeking an immediate settlement
or continuing to fight in anticipation of eventual victory. The model implies that
the likelihood of a settlement varies with estimates of the probability of
winning, the time required to win, the rate at which the costs of conflict accrue,
and the payoffs for victory versus settlement. Logistic regression results suggest
that a settlement becomes less likely the larger the government's army and more
likely the longer the civil war lasts. Payoff and cost variables had no effect on
the likelihood of a settlement
Mason, & Fett, P. J. (1996). How Civil Wars End: A Rational Choice
Approach. The Journal of Conflict Resolution, 40(4), 546–568.
Exercises :
Identify the DV + IV
+ Theoretical approach
+ level of analysis
•Why, despite being contextualised alongside the Great Depression of the 1930s
and inflation and growth crisis of the 1970s, did the Great Crash of 2008-2009
not exert a similarly transformative dynamic in dominant, neoliberal, economic
ideas? Drawing on an agent-centred constructivism stressing the centrality of
crisis construction and narration, yet with particular emphasis placed upon the
incorporation of strategic processes of framing, this article provides fresh
insights into the means by which key actors exercise their agency in attempts to
ensure continuing adherence to, rather than fundamentally transforming, the
status quo. This is explored with reference to macroeconomic policy
assumptions in the IMF, an instance which provided all the pre-conditions for a
widely interpreted moment of crisis, yet which nevertheless resulted in
untransformed ideas and structures
•Lowery. (2022). Constructing Continuity: The Discursive Construction of the
Great Crash of 2008-2009 as a Non-crisis of Neoliberalism. Global Society :
Journal of Interdisciplinary International Relations, 36(4), 496–515.
Exercises :
Identify the DV + IV
+ Theoretical approach
+ level of analysis
•This article investigates how voters decide in referendums on European integration. More
specifically, it analyses how political information influences voting behaviour. It argues that
political information conditions the way in which people make decisions in referendums.
The impact of political information is examined not only at the individual, but also at the
contextual level. It is hypothesized that variations in the context of the referendum - the
intensity of the campaign - produce differences in the way in which citizens act in
referendums. As the intensity of the referendum campaign increases, more information is
available to citizens and voters will rely more heavily on sophisticated criteria, such as
attitudes and issue positions on the European Union (EU). While the informational context
influences voting patterns, individuals also vary in their awareness of politics. It is argued
that people with high levels of political awareness receive more information and
consequently rely more on their own attitudes and less on elite cues when deciding. These
theoretical propositions are tested by analysing survey data from EU referendums in
Denmark, Ireland and Norway.
•HOBOLT. (2005). When Europe matters: The impact of political information on voting
behaviour in EU referendums. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 15(1), 85–109.
Next weeks : start of exercises
Enrollement in an exercise group should be finalised by now!
Next week (week 7) : individual meeting (for designated students)
on FD Task 1. Invitations sent on Monday.
Week 8 : Break.
Tasks : (by 31/10, 5pm)
Submit the pre-FD form via FD platform
Submit the Critical Review on the UV
Week 9 (7 or 9/11) : Start of exercises.
Critical Review
• 20% of final note
• The text to review and detailed guidelines on
• Deadline 31/10.
Critical Review (2)
• Provides a critical analysis of a reading. The
review must emphasize: the question(s) raised
by the author(s), their theoretical approach and
related hypothesis, their data collection method,
their data analysis method, and their main
• Your job is to indicate whether the article is
effective at what it sets out to do. Justify your
• Format : the review should not exceed 2 pages,
TNR 12, 1.5 spaced, justified text

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Class 4 - Theo Framework.pptx

  • 1. POLI-D-543 – Seminar – Final Dissertation Alena Prokop Sobotova
  • 2. Reminders • Steps 1 and 2 - Choice of topic - Formulation of initial research question = to identify a DV = analytical question > NOT descriptive, normative or prospective • Step 3 - Literature review = scientific sources to define your DV and identify IVs
  • 3. Literature review The literature review should have helped you have a good picture of: - What your dependent variable means (definition) - How it has been studied in the literature – what have been the main angles, approaches, explanations developed in the literature (list of potential independent variables, methods, and findings) - How it has not been studied yet (knowledge gaps)
  • 4. Step 4: Theoretical framework • Choice of theoretical approach = Your choice of explanation / independent variable(s) / paradigm How to choose? Identify: - A gap (a missing explanation) in the literature - An unsolved debate in the literature - An original combination of explanations • Your choice has implications on the 3 main debates: - You choose a certain vision of reality - You choose your level(s) of explanation (micro, meso, macro) - You choose your type of reasoning (inductive vs deductive) • Your choice has implications on the empirical strategy
  • 5. Step 4 – Theoretical framework • Why is it important? - There are many IVs/explanations/approaches to one phenomenon, as your literature review will show. - It is never possible to fully understand / explain a social or political phenomenon - You will have to make choices to organise your research - It helps you reflect on your conception of the world and of political science
  • 6. 3) Surrealism: S. Dali, Persistance de la mémoire 1) Realism: J-F. Millet, Des glaneuses 2) Impressionnism: C. Monet, Impression soleil levant
  • 7. 7 • Example: Explaining Transition to democracy (DV) Approach 1 : economics Can democratization be explained by sustained economic growth leading to the emergence of middle class? (Huntington 1991) Approach 2 : sociology Can democratization be explained by the density of the network of associations / the presence of an active and organized civil society? (Foweraker 1989) Approach 3 : culture Can democratization be explained by the process of secularization of society? Step 4: Theoretical framework
  • 8. Mapping controversies in Political Science
  • 10. Comparison of approaches Emphasis on… Level of analysis Reasoning Vision of reality Data collection Methods Institutionalism / Idealism Formal institutions Macro (system) Induction Subjectivity Document analysis / Databases Structuralism Social/political structures Macro (system) Induction Neutral Document analysis / Databases / surveys Behavioralism Individual resources Micro (individals) Induction Positivism Surveys Rational choice / Realism Actors’ /states motivations Micro (individals) Or Macro (States) Deduction Positivism Expriments, surveys New institutionalism Informal institutions/Nor ms Multi-level Deduction Critical realism Databases / surveys / Experiments Observation / Interviews / Document analysis Constructivism Social construction and perceptions Micro, Meso or Macro Induction Interpretivism Observation / Interviews / Discourse analysis
  • 11. Comparison of approaches Emphasis on… Concepts Level of analysisInfluence of other disciplines Institutionalism/ Idealism Formal institutions Constitution, rules, regimes Macro (system) (International) Law Structuralism Social/political structures Cleavages, social classes, religion, culture, etc. Macro (system) Sociology Behavioralism Individual resources Resources, profiles Micro (individals) Sciences Rational choice Actors’ motivations Interests, information, costs, benefits, free-riding, balance Micro (individals) Economics New institutionalism Informal institutions/Nor ms Path depency, timing /sequence, contingency Multi-level History, sociology, economics Constructivism Social construction and perceptions Discourse, ideas, identity, norms Multi-level Psychology
  • 12. Illustration: the case of turnout Same topic, different approaches
  • 13. Illustration: the case of turnout • Institutionalist approach: - Explains differences across countries - To a lesser extent, explains differences over time (if institutional reforms) Source: IDEA
  • 14. Illustration: the case of turnout • Structuralist approach - Social structures produce inequalities among social groups - Some social groups are less geared for politics - Participation (and turnout) is unequally distributed across groups = Daniel Gaxie: le cens caché - Explains differences across countries - To a lesser extent, explains differences over time (if changes in societal structure)
  • 15. Illustration: the case of turnout • Behavioralism Inductive reasoning Observation: Who votes / Who doesn’t Identification of regularities: - If you are a woman, you have a higher probability to abstain - If you have a higher level of education, you have a higher probability to vote - If you have a lower level of income, you have a higher probability to abstain Explains differences between individuals
  • 16. Illustration: the case of turnout • Behavioralism 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 '48 '52 '54 '56 '58 '60 '62 '64 '66 '68 '70 '72 '74 '76 '78 '80 '82 '84 '86 '88 '90 '92 '94 '96 '98 '00 '02 '04 '08 '12 Males Females ANES, 1948-2012, % OF THE GROUP WHO VOTED
  • 17. ANES, 1948-2012, % OF THE GROUP WHO VOTED 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 '48 '52 '54 '56 '58 '60 '62 '64 '66 '68 '70 '72 '74 '76 '78 '80 '82 '84 '86 '88 '90 '92 '94 '96 '98 '00 '02 '04 '08 '12 Grade Sch./Some High Sch. High School Diploma Some College, no Degree College Degree/ Post-grad
  • 18. Illustration: the case of turnout • Rational choice - Vote if Benefits (B) > Costs (C) - Benefits = seeing their candidate elected (collective) - Costs = time to vote, time to get informed (individual) Explains differences between individuals/actors
  • 19. Illustration: the case of turnout • Constructivism • Partirep voter survey Belgium 2014 • Cross-table of 2 questions: 1) To what extent is it important to you that a citizen participates in the following activities? Voting at elections (= attitude/perception: sense of civic duty) 2) If voting was not compulsory anymore in Belgium, how often would you still vote? (potential behavior) Explains differences across individuals/organisations/states
  • 20. Illustration: the case of turnout • Potential abstention is higher among voters with a lower sense of civic duty Potential behaviour in case of suppression of compulsory voting Always Often Sometimes Never Total Importance of the act of voting 1 8.6% 1.9% 7.6% 81.9% 100.0% 2 2.6% 2.6% 20.5% 74.4% 100.0% 3 14.3% 7.1% 26.8% 51.8% 100.0% 4 10.1% 15.2% 16.5% 58.2% 100.0% 5 35.8% 21.4% 19.8% 23.0% 100.0% 6 58.9% 23.9% 9.1% 8.1% 100.0% 7 77.0% 10.6% 5.6% 6.8% 100.0% Total 49.0% 13.9% 11.0% 26.1% 100.0%
  • 21. Illustration: turnout • RC new institutionalism - Voters vote when the benefits of their vote exceed the costs - Institutions frame the costs/benefits evaluation: some contexts/rules reduce the proportion of ‘lost’ votes Bounded rationality • Sociological new institutionalism - Voters vote after a slow learning of norms and codes linked to democracy. This explains the lower turnout rates among first- time voters. Explains individual behaviour in different contexts (multi-level)
  • 22. Illustration: turnout • Historical new institutionalism: path dependency 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1946 1948 1952 1956 1959 1963 1967 1971 1972 1977 1981 1982 1986 1989 1994 1998 2002 2003 2006 2010 2012 Turnout Turnout rate in the Netherlands, 1946-2012 (Source: IDEA International) – Abandoned compulsory voting in 1967
  • 23. Exercises Identify the DV Identify the IV The extent to which an anti-immigrant party can mobilize its electoral potential is higher in proportional systems than in majoritarian electoral systems (van der Brug, Fennema & Tillie 2005)
  • 24. Exercises Identify the DV Identify the IV Why do citizens vary in their support for European integration? Previous research offers a variety of sometimes conflicting explanations. Most analysis shows that the utilitarian consequences of integrative policy provide robust explanations for variation in support. Citizens who directly benefit from EU policies are most supportive of the EU while those who perceive the EU has threatening their job or salary tend to be euroskeptic (Gabel, 1998)
  • 25. Exercises Identify the DV Identify the IV - In her book “States and Social Revolutions,” Theda Skocpol tries to explain why and how revolutions occur. She explains social revolutions by analyzing how the social institution of the state changed and influenced the social change. - In her book “Justifying interventions in Africa”, Nina Wilén answers the paradoxical question of how to stabilize a state through external intervention without destabilizing sovereignty. She examines the justifications for international and regional interventions in the cases of Liberia, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • 26. Exercises : Identify the DV + IV + Theoretical approach + level of analysis •This article provides a "top-down" explanation for the rapid growth of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in the postwar period, focusing on two aspects of political globalization. First, I argue that international political opportunities in the form of funding and political access have expanded enormously in the postwar period and provided a structural environment highly conducive to NGO growth. Secondly, I present a norm-based argument and trace the rise of a pro-NGO norm in the 1980s and 1990s among donor states and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), which has actively promoted the spread of NGOs to non-Western countries. The article ends with a brief discussion of the symbiotic relationship among NGOs, IGOs, and states promoting international cooperation. REIMANN. (2006). A View from the Top: International Politics, Norms and the Worldwide Growth of NGOs. International Studies Quarterly, 50(1), 45–68.
  • 27. Exercises : Identify the DV + IV + Theoretical approach + level of analysis •The 2010–11 Arab uprisings continue to prompt a great deal of discussion. By focusing specifically on Tunisia and Egypt, this article aims to present a more dynamic account of revolutionary moments in these countries. It does so in two ways. First, the changing nature of structures and mechanisms of authoritarian domination over time is explored. Second, the convergences of different social classes and political forces during the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt are not treated as unique and static occurrences. By showing how the two revolutionary networks gradually emerged and enlarged, a truer picture is thus provided. By doing so, this article aims to contribute to a more nuanced interpretation of the two revolutionary outbursts and to the development of the fourth generation of revolutionary studies. Del Panta. (2020). Cross-Class and Cross-Ideological Convergences over Time: Insights from the Tunisian and Egyptian Revolutionary Uprisings. Government and Opposition (London), 55(4), 634–652.
  • 28. Exercises : Identify the DV + IV + Theoretical approach + level of analysis •What conditions determine whether a civil war ends in a negotiated settlement or a military victory? The authors address this question by developing an expected utility model of the choice between seeking an immediate settlement or continuing to fight in anticipation of eventual victory. The model implies that the likelihood of a settlement varies with estimates of the probability of winning, the time required to win, the rate at which the costs of conflict accrue, and the payoffs for victory versus settlement. Logistic regression results suggest that a settlement becomes less likely the larger the government's army and more likely the longer the civil war lasts. Payoff and cost variables had no effect on the likelihood of a settlement Mason, & Fett, P. J. (1996). How Civil Wars End: A Rational Choice Approach. The Journal of Conflict Resolution, 40(4), 546–568.
  • 29. Exercises : Identify the DV + IV + Theoretical approach + level of analysis •Why, despite being contextualised alongside the Great Depression of the 1930s and inflation and growth crisis of the 1970s, did the Great Crash of 2008-2009 not exert a similarly transformative dynamic in dominant, neoliberal, economic ideas? Drawing on an agent-centred constructivism stressing the centrality of crisis construction and narration, yet with particular emphasis placed upon the incorporation of strategic processes of framing, this article provides fresh insights into the means by which key actors exercise their agency in attempts to ensure continuing adherence to, rather than fundamentally transforming, the status quo. This is explored with reference to macroeconomic policy assumptions in the IMF, an instance which provided all the pre-conditions for a widely interpreted moment of crisis, yet which nevertheless resulted in untransformed ideas and structures •Lowery. (2022). Constructing Continuity: The Discursive Construction of the Great Crash of 2008-2009 as a Non-crisis of Neoliberalism. Global Society : Journal of Interdisciplinary International Relations, 36(4), 496–515.
  • 30. Exercises : Identify the DV + IV + Theoretical approach + level of analysis •This article investigates how voters decide in referendums on European integration. More specifically, it analyses how political information influences voting behaviour. It argues that political information conditions the way in which people make decisions in referendums. The impact of political information is examined not only at the individual, but also at the contextual level. It is hypothesized that variations in the context of the referendum - the intensity of the campaign - produce differences in the way in which citizens act in referendums. As the intensity of the referendum campaign increases, more information is available to citizens and voters will rely more heavily on sophisticated criteria, such as attitudes and issue positions on the European Union (EU). While the informational context influences voting patterns, individuals also vary in their awareness of politics. It is argued that people with high levels of political awareness receive more information and consequently rely more on their own attitudes and less on elite cues when deciding. These theoretical propositions are tested by analysing survey data from EU referendums in Denmark, Ireland and Norway. •HOBOLT. (2005). When Europe matters: The impact of political information on voting behaviour in EU referendums. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 15(1), 85–109.
  • 31. Next weeks : start of exercises Enrollement in an exercise group should be finalised by now! Next week (week 7) : individual meeting (for designated students) on FD Task 1. Invitations sent on Monday. Week 8 : Break. Tasks : (by 31/10, 5pm) Submit the pre-FD form via FD platform Submit the Critical Review on the UV Week 9 (7 or 9/11) : Start of exercises.
  • 32. Critical Review • 20% of final note • The text to review and detailed guidelines on UV. • Deadline 31/10.
  • 33. Critical Review (2) • Provides a critical analysis of a reading. The review must emphasize: the question(s) raised by the author(s), their theoretical approach and related hypothesis, their data collection method, their data analysis method, and their main conclusion. • Your job is to indicate whether the article is effective at what it sets out to do. Justify your response. • Format : the review should not exceed 2 pages, TNR 12, 1.5 spaced, justified text