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Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 1
References from the Church Documents
For the Theology Comprehensive Exams
Collected and Edited by
Rayan Lobo, SJ
Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 2
 DV 2 tells us that God in his goodness and wisdom chose to reveal himself and made
known the mystery of his will (paraphrased). - that his will was that all people should
have access to the Father through Christ in the Holy Spirit and thus become sharers in
his divine nature. - emphasizing the self-communication of a Trinitarian God. - the most
intimate truth which this revelation gives us about God shines forth in Jesus Christ.
 DV4 and Heb 1:1-2 will say after God had spoken many times and in various ways
through the prophets, in these last days he has spoken to us by a Son. - --the most
intimate truth which this revelation gives us about God shines forth in Jesus Christ.
 DV5 will say the obedience of faith is nothing but a willful assent to the revelation given
by God.
 DV 2&7 - Church claims the Jesus Christ is the sum total of revelation
 DV8 will tell us that what the apostles experienced and expressed (in a special way in the
inspired books, i.e. Scripture) was to be preserved in a continuous line of succession till
the end of time. In other words, the original deposit of faith
 DV9 will say “Sacred Scripture is the speech of God as it is put down in writing, under
the breath of the Holy Spirit.”
 DV10 says scripture and tradition go hand in hand. They together make up a single
sacred deposit of the Word of God. - DV 10 states clearly that the task of giving an
authentic interpretation of the Word of God, whether in its written form or in the form of
tradition has been entrusted to the living (teaching office) of the church alone.
 Magisterium is not above the word of God. But is at the service of the Word. - It listens
to the word of God devoutely. - Guard it with dedication. - Expounds it faithfully.
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 LG 1 - “The Church in Christ, is in the nature of the sacrament, a sign & instrument i.e.,
of communion with God & unity of all humanity.” Divine (invisible nature, faith reality)
and Human (visible nature, historical & hierarchical).
 LG-2: It speaks about the role of God the Father in the Church: Theo centric - God in his
wisdom and goodness created the whole universe to share in his divine life. - LG 2 :
Foundation – church is part of the God’s plan of salvation
 LG 3: speaks about the role of the Son- giving form-life. Christocentric - Christo –
Centric Origin of the church (role of Jesus Christ) - LG 3: Inaugurated by the son
 LG 4: The symbolism of the origin of the Church is very important because the Spirit
guides the Church, inspires the Church, leads the Church to the finality or destination.-–It
speaks of the birthing of the church on the day of Pentecost.
 LG 5 : Church is the budding forth or the initial seed of realization of the kingdom. - LG 4
: Role of the spirit - Spirit continues the mission of Jesus through the Church.-LG 4:
Spirit: Pneumato centric – sustenance and finality of the church.
 LG 10: “For their part, the faithful join in the offering of the Eucharist by virtue of their royal
priesthood. They likewise exercise that priesthood by receiving the sacraments, by prayer and
thanksgiving, by the witness of holy life, and by self denial and active charity.” LG 10 making
a positive statement on common priesthood of the faithful, tries to show that Common
Priesthood is different from the Ministerial Priesthood - not only in degree but also in essence
 LG 10: Ministerial Priesthood - Ministerial priesthood by sacred powers - forms and
rules the priestly people. - acting in the person of Christ, he makes present the Eucharistic
sacrifice.- Offers it to God in the name of all the people - They exercise that priesthood in
receiving the sacraments, in prayer and thanksgiving, in the witness of a holy life, and by self-
denial and active charity.
 LG -11 E is the source and summit of Christian life and mission( Lg 11)
 LG 13: All people are called to belong to the new people of God. They are present in all
nations of the earth. - LG 13 -Foundation of Priesthood -- Christological: foundation of
the ministry and mission - Ecclesiological: - mission of Jesus Christ is carried out by the
Church- the People of God.
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 LG 14 : Catholic faithful:
 By virtue of baptism, accepting different means of salvation, and believing in common
priesthood. LG 14 : The church is necessary for salvation and Christ who(is present in
the church) is the mediator and the way of salvation;
 LG 15 : Speaks of unity among / with other baptized Christians by recognizing :
 Jesus I the norm of faith and life.
 Believing in God the Father.
 Receiving Baptism and other sacraments.
 Celebrating Eucharist.
 Devotion to Mary.
LG 16:- All religions are inspired; other religions also have a ray of truth;
People of other religions
1. Jews: Covenant promises of YHWH made to them.
2. Muslims: Acknowledge god as creator = faith in Abraham – believe god as merciful –
God will reign on the last day.
3. Unknown god: pagans, Greeks, Hindus,(seeking the Unknown god).
4. Seeking God( Do not know that God is Christ) but living according to god’s will
living good lives according to the conscience.
5. No Knowledge of god bu lead good life: - nature worshippers(Forces of nature as
manifestations of god)
6. Atheists: reason without faith.
 LG 23 : Individual Bishops - Visible Principle - Foundation of Unity- in their particular
churches.-Individual Bishops exercise their pastoral governance over – People of God committed
to their care - Not over other churches - Not over the universal church - LG 23 speaks about the
many local churches of east which have their own – tradition , theology etc.
 LG 25 - Patrine ministry. - It is Pastoral - LG 25 lays down conditions for statements of
infallibility: - Pope speaking not as private person but as supreme Pontiff.- Agreement with
Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 5
Sacred Scripture and Tradition - Agreement with Universal Episcopate - Made with sufficient
investigation before teaching.- In agreement with the present faith of the Church.
 LG 28: Functions of the Ministerial Priesthood LG 28 says that the Ministerial priesthood is basically
a ministry of service. Teaching, sanctifying, shepherding. Preach the Gospel, shepherd the faithful,
celebrate divine worship - LG 28 lists the functions of an ordained minister. - Their primary
functions are – Sanctifying - Teaching - Shepherding the flock
LG 30-38 places the laity in their rightful place as the people of God
 LG 30 clearly states that “everything that has been said of the People of God is addressed
equally to the laity, religious and the clergy.”
LG 31: In their own way share the priestly, prophetic and kingly office of Christ and to the best
their ability carry on the mission of the whole Christian people in the church and in the world
 Seek the KOG by engaging in temporal affairs and directing them according to God’s
 They contribute through temporal works, charisms to the welfare of the church and co-
operate in the mission of the church.(1 Cor 12,14)
 - “all the faithful except those in Holy Orders and those who belong to a religious state
approved by the Church.” - “who by baptism are incorporated into Christ, are placed in
the People of God, and they share the priestly, prophetic and kingly office of Christ, and
to the best of their ability carry on the mission of the whole Christian people in the
Church and in the world.”
 LG 31 says that all Christian faithful all in their own way share in these 3 functions. That
is the prophetic, priestly and kingly functions of Christ.
 LG 32 stresses on the point that though we may perform different functions, in terms of dignity
and our participation in the work of the Church, we are all equal.
LG 33 :
Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 6
- Sharing in the salvific mission of the church
- To make the church present and fruitful in those places and in circumstances where it
is only through them the church can become the salt of the earth.
LG 34-36 - As baptized Christians (Heb 13:15) we share in one priesthood of Jesus Christ
which also means the triple function of priesthood
LG 10 &34 - The faithful join in the offering of the Eucharist by virtue of their Royal Priesthood.
- How to exercise the priesthood? - By receiving the sacraments - By witness of holy life -
- LG -35 : Jesus proclaimed KOG through word and deeds. We need to bear witness to the
kingdom through a life of witness by engaging in temporal affairs and directing life according to
God’s will, open to the spirit(Life of faith, hope and love). i.e. by engaging in temporal offers and
directing life according to God’s Will, open to the Spirit (especially a life of faith, hope and love)
- LG 36(Kingly Office) - Exercise Kingly function by - Serving others - helping others
search - holiness of life - Spreading of love, joy, peace.
 LG 38 – Be a witness before the world to the resurrection and life of the Lord Jesus and a sign of
the living God.
LG 53: It connects Mary to Christ and the church by noting, “Mary is one with all human
beings with their need for salvation”. At the same time she is pre –eminent and altogether
singular member of the church.
 LG 56 : States about the immaculate conception. Mary was pre-destined to be the mother
of God. Thus Mary is seen in reference to Jesus Christ.
 LG 62 : Mary is addressed a advocate – helper - benefactress, mediatrix.
 Involvement and sharing in the Jesus’ life and mission ( LG 56)
 LG 63 - her holiness implies her single minded commitment to God’s salvific plan and
historical fidelity to God.)
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GS 1- speaks of deep sense of solidarity of the church with the whole of human family stating;
joy and hope, grief and anguish of the world are of the church as well.
GS 2 -The church opens itself to the entire world [reaching out to all] not only to its members
[sons and daughters of the church]
GS 4- States the responsibility of the church in reading the signs of the time and interpreting
them and addresses the issues.
GS 11 : We are called to discern and see the genuine signs of the presence of the spirit in these
GS 12 : “Communion among persons is a necessary condition to develop his/her gifts. - : “God
did not create HB as solitary being.”
 Man was created to the image of God, as able to to know and love his creator and a set
him over all earthly creatures that he might rule them and make use of them while
glorifying God.
 This partnership of man and woman constitutes the first form of communion between
GS 13 speaks of Sin
 Man abused freedom – sought to attain his goal apart from God.
 Raptured his relationship with God – other men and creatures.
 But the Lord himself came to – “free” or strengthen man.
GS 14 – Essential nature of Man
 Man’s dignity requires that he should glorify god in his body and not allow it to serve
the evil inclinations of his heart.
GS 15
 Dignity of the Intellect,, of truth and Wisdom.
 The intellectual nature of man in widom draws the human mind to look for and to love
what is true and good.
GS 16
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 Dignity of Moral Conscience: in his conscience man is alone with God whose voice
echoes in his depths calling him to love and do what is good and to avoid evil.
GS 17
 The excellence of freedom
 Only in freedom man can turn himself towards what is good.
 God willed that man should be left in the hand of his own counel so that he might of his
own accord seek his creator and freely attain his full and blessed perfection by cleaving
to him.
GS 22 :
 Christ – the New man.
 The truth is that only in the mystery of incarnation word does the mystery of man take on
 He who is in the image of the invisible God I himself the perfect man.
 He restores the divine likeness which had been disfigured from first sin onward.
 In HIM god reconciled us himself and among ourelves.
GS 24 : In his fatherly care for all of us, God desired that all men should form one family and
deal with each other in a spirit of brotherhood.
GS 40 -Dialogue/ relationship between church and the world. [Church is called to be leaven in
the world.]
Gs 42 -What the church offers to the society through it nature and mission i.e. universal.
Gs 43- Christians have a duty towards the world [what church gives -GIVE]
Gs 44 -What the church receives from the modern world. [RECEIVE].
GS 58: the church can enter into communion with different forms of cultures, thereby enriching
itself and culture themselves.
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 AG – 1 church is divinely sent to the nations as universal sacrament of salvation. (Church
is called to be the salt and light).
 AG – 2: Source of mission: is father’s love – fountain like love of God.
 AG – 3: Mission of the son: God enters into human history through his son (incarnation)
to establish a relationship of peace and communion.
 AG – 4: Mission of the spirit: Continues the mission of god/ Jesus in the church
(Pentecost)- AG 4 : Spirit was in the world before Christ was glorified.
 AG – 5: Mission of the Church: Initially through the ministry of the disciples and then
through the church, the mission of Christ is continued even today. The church is the
sacrament of salvation today.
 AG – 6: What is mission?
“Missions” term for particular undertakings by the heralds of the gospel – sent out by the
church going forth into the whole world, carrying out the task of preaching the gospel
and planting the church among the peoples or groups who do not yet believe in Christ.
Patrine ministry.
 Ecumenism is a sign of unity(EA)
 EA 10: Jesus is the highest gift that church can offer to the people of Asia. In this sense
mission is a privilege and duty of the church.
 EA 11: Jesus is the God man who saves.
 EA 12: Only in the person of Jesus does God’s word of salvation appear in all its
 EA 13 : Jesus Christ is the truth of humanity
 EA 14: Uniqueness and universality of salvation in Christ.
Jesus Christ mains history’s center and goal.
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 EA 15 –
 Affirms that one can discern God’s salvific presence in the plurality of religions and
 Speaks of the presence of spirit of God in creation and history.
 HS sow seeds of truth among all people irrespective of their religion, culture, or
philosophy( means these are capable of helping people to work against - evil to promote
 HS serves as prime agent of – Dialogue – cultures – and religions.
 EA 15 – Rays of truth in other religions.
 EA 21: speaks of inculturation. Church gives importance to inculturation because –
evangelization and inculturation are naturally and intimately related to each other.
 EA 22: Areas of Inculturation: Theology – Liturgy - Formation os evangelizers
 EcumenismLG 15, EA 23 -28)
Ecumenism is a process directed towards achievement of unity among all Christian churches.
Done by - overcoming mutual suspicion and hatred.
 Collaboration – taste of proclaiming God’s love.
 Establishing the KOG.
 Not oneness ( bringing into one God) but unity( a conciliar fellowship).
 witness to Christ.
 EA 24: in the midst of many different peoples, cultures, religions, the life of the church
as communion – assumes greater importance.
 Hence unity within the church has specific relevance in Asia where there are divisions,
conflicts et.
 EA 25: Communion within the Church (at every level such as particular church, parish
level, etc. –
Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 11
 EA 25 : speaks of communion within the church through universal authority of the
Pope(not juridical power)
- Service(diakonia)
- Communion in and through diocese/ particular church/BCC/SCC etc.
 EA 26: Solidarity among churches (openness and collaboration with one another –
Regional – National - International
 Ea 27: catholic eastern churches (calling for more and more collaboration between east
and west – overcoming fears and misunderstandings)
 EA 28: Speaks of sharing hopes and sufferings.
 EA 31 : Speaks of IRD: IRD is developed in a context of - Desire to respect. –
Understanding - Openness to the believers - Willingness to listen to their differences.
- EA 32: Church is called to reach out all people especially in loving service of the poor
and destitutes.
- EA 33: speaks of the dignity of human person and encourages all to work towards the
promotion of human rights, justice peace etc.
(Moltman, lindbeck(Synod of Bishops – 1971) – EN, LE, SRS, Centiasimus Annus)
 EA 34: Preferential love for the poor and voiceless, because the Lord has identified
himself with them.
 EA 36 : work for health care(HIV,AIDs, etc)
 EA 37 : Education for all
 EA 38 : peacemaking among all.
 EA 40 : Condemns foreign debts, corruption, misappropriation of Public funds.
 EA 41 : Environmental( stewardship) – protecting the environment and caring for the
 EA 45 : Speaks of the role of the laity as missionaries by baptism and confirmation.
 Charismatic and Service -EA 25
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 RM 5: Uniqueness and universality of salvation: No one comes to the Father except through me
+ Acts 4, 12. He used Paul, John and Timothy to support this view.
 RM 6 : No separation between Jesus of history and word of god.
 RM 7-8 : Faith in Christ is directed to man’s freedom. It doesn’t abrogate his freedom.
 RM 13 : Christ makes the kingdom present. that is through his life and public ministry
inaugurated the kingdom.
 RM 14 & 15: This kingdom for all:brings forgiveness- healing - leads to salvation( Lk 18, 14 -
30) - transforms human relations Kingdom demands us to love and serve one another.
 RM 16 - KOG is fulfilled in the Risen Lord and proclaimed. After the resurrection, there is a
transition from kingdom of God to Jesus Christ himself because Christ (risen) becomes the
manifestation/expression of the kingdom of God. - For this it demands: a love of others -
resulting in collaboration - harmony - mutual enrichment
SC 5 : Christological dimension . What do we celebrate in the liturgy? The Paschal mystery of
Jesus Christ.
 Passover in the OT and NT where Jesus comes offering himself – lamb that is
 Pasch: the Passover that Jesus underwent is something - remedial – redemptive .
 This process is experiential – existential and transitional.
SC – 6 : Historical / Sacramental / Biblical understanding of Pasch:
 How do we celebrate?
 Through signs and symbols - because it is community activity.
SC – 7: Ecclesial: who celebrates?
- It is the Church, body of Christ. By coming together we are giving the message of Salvation.
 SC 7 it calls the church to use such signs which are perceived by the people.
SC – 8 : Eschatalogical dimension: Until when we celebrate?
Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 13
 Until the Lord comes in glory.
 This is not the final, there is more to it. This celebration
(Paschal mystery) – so the eschatological dimension.
The church by incarnating itself into different cultures redeems them from the oppressive and
dehumanizing elements( SC 36-40,)
 SC 11 – it (SC) recommends that the faithful must be properly disposed inorder that the liturgy
may be effective. It is the duty of pastors to ensure that the faithful take part in the liturgy
actively and are fully aware of what they are doing, inorder tobe enriched by it.
SC 47 :Memorial - The E is a memorial of Christ’s Passover, the making present and the
sacramental offering of his unique sacrifice, in the liturgy of the church which is his body.
SC 59 :
 Luthers contention was that five sacraments have no biblical basis. They were instituted
by the church, not being faithful to the Lord’s command.
 For Luther only – Scripture ( Sola Scriptura) and Faith alone( Sola Fedei)
 Council of Trent reacted and said all 7 sacraments are originated from Jesus Christ.
 Today we make use of Rahner’s argument to explain how God is the author of
“In so far as God willed the church, he also willed its constituent elements”;
Scripture – sacrament and Magisterium.
 SC 59 says - the purpose of sacraments is to – sanctify men, build up the body of
Christ, to give worship to God.
 UR 1: The division within the church openly contradicts the “Will of Christ”.
 UR 4 : defines ecumenical movement as – the initiative and activity, encouraged and
organized to promote Christian Unity.
 UR 4 : Defined Ecumenical movement as a means to foster Christian unity.
Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 14
 UR 7 : Speaks of the need for interior conversion; need to change attitudes, mindsets etc.
 UR 8: Speaks of spiritual ecumenism – need for private common prayer.
 UR 11 : speaks of hierarchy of truths, since they vary in their relation to the foundation/
core Christian faith. Not all truths defined by the catholic church belong equally to the core
of faith.
 NA 1,2,3 - Mission command
 NA – 1 : All human beings form one human community, having common origin and
common destiny. That is in God .
 NA – 2 : CC church rejects nothing that is true and holy in other religions. It exhorts
spiritual + moral goods of these religions must be acknowledged, promoted and
 EN 8 : as an evangelizer, Christ primarily proclaimed the KOG.
 EN 28 : ….to evangelize is first of all to bear witness, that in his son, God has loved the
 The other sacraments are bound up with the E and are oriented towards it. …for in the blessed E is
contained the whole spiritual good of the church, namely Christ himself , our pasch( PO 5)
 As a king he rules from the throne of the cross (reference to Kingdom by the thief & INRI on the
cross) – PO
 PO - As Prophet Jesus preaches from the pulpit of the cross
 By self denial and active charity. - As priest Jesus offered the sacrifice on the altar of the cross –
PO .
Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 15
Ut Unnum Sint(1995) Pope John Paul II asks all the churches to reconsider and redefine Papacy
UUS 80-82
 Examines the role of papacy as visible sign and guarantor of unity while pointing out the
divisions between churches and the painful sufferings due to Papacy.
 The principle of collegiality is a better way for ecumenical dialogue.
 Ecumenical dialogue raises hope for reconciliation and unity among Christians.
Evangelii Gaudium
EG # 3
 We should renew our encounter with Jesus.
o Renew the covenant
o Save me once again Lord
o No one is excluded from the joy brought about by the Lord - # LG 13 & 16
Link - Revelation
Human Person – Image and likeness of God.
 God never tires of forgiving us
 No one can strip us of the dignity bestowed on us by boundless and unfailing love. –
Human Person - Image and likeness.
 Evangelization is the work of God. – AG – 2 ; LG - 3
 Jesus is the first and the greatest evangelizer. – AG – 3 ; LG - 3
 God takes initiative – he loved us first – Faith and revelation.
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 God asks everything from us and also he asks everything from us - Mission –
Evangelization – AG 6
 Evangelization is first and foremost about preaching the gospel to those who do not know
 There are many quietly seeking God and they have the right to receive the gospel – LG
16, ND 855-56.
 Christians have the duty to proclaim the gospel without excluding anyone - GS 12, LG
13, 16 , GS 22, GS 24, EA – 10.
 Church grows not by proselytizing rather by “Attraction” – need for life witness. –
Ecclesiology – Mission – theology of Religions – LG 38, 35.
 Missionary task must remain foremost importance.
 Remembers Latin American Bishops who said , “ we cannot wait passively in our
churches, we need to move out –
# 32
Papal Reformation:
 Papacy and central structures of the church too need pastoral conversion.
 Excessive centralization complicates churches life and her missionary outreach. – UUS
80 -82, Papal Primacy – Centralization – Ecumenism.
# 33
 Need to be Bold and creative. – in goals – structure – methods of evangelizing in
respective communities – Worship – indigenization – inculturation etc.
 Don’t move alone rather walk together with your brother bishops.
 Not enough to say - we have always done it this way.
# 49
 Church must go into the streets
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 I would prefer a church which I bruised, hurt and dirty because it has been out on the
streets rather than being a church which is unhealthy by confining itself and by clinging
on to its own security.
 I do not want a church being at the centre and then gets caught up in the web of
# 54
 Excluded are still waiting for the trickling down. – Human person – Societal injustice –
# 56
 Imbalance is the result of ideologies.
# 85
 Christian Triumph is always a cross, at the same time a victorious banner born of -
aggressive tenderness.
# 103-104
 Church must expand the role of women – but the reservation 0f the priesthood to males –
is not a question open to discussion.
 Ministerial Priesthood - We are in the realm of function and not dignity or holiness
 Ministerial Priesthood is a means employed by Jesus for service of people.
 Salvation is a work of God’s grace: - it’s the work of his mystery.
 European Catholic Culture isn’t normative for the whole Church – Indigenization –
Inculturation – Re reading – Church History etc.
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# 121
 All are called to offer to others an explicit witness to the saving love of the Lord.
 Proclaiming Christ means not only something right and true rather – beautiful, which is
capable of filling life with new splendor and profound joy.
# 201
 You can’t say that you don’t have time for the poor.
 None of us are exempt from the concern for the poor and for social justice.
# 218 -219
 Peace includes Justice.
 True Inter Religious Dialogue –Deepest convictions – clear and joyful in one’ own
identity –
 Open to understand other party
 Knowing that dialogue can enrich each side.
 Evangelization and Inter Religious dialogue mutually support and nourish each other.
 Times are hard today but times have always been hard.
 Confessional should not be a torture chamber, rather encounter with God’s mercy.
 Eucharist is not a prize for the perfect rather it’s a powerful medicine and nourishment
for the weak.
 Evangelizer should never look as though person has just come from a funeral. – having
received the joy of Christ – whose lives glow with fervor.
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 We need politicians who are disturbed by the state of the society – people and the poor.
 Primary reason for evangelizing is the love of Christ.
Laudato Si
Environmental destruction comes from the same evil that leads to social destruction: moral
# 14
We all must work together to protect our planet
#20, 22
Pollution hurts the poor and is linked to the “throwaway culture”
The poor are hurt the most by climate change
Creatures are not just resources, but have value in and of themselves and give glory to God
Church doesn’t mean to stifle honest scientific debate
Science isn’t enough, we must also factor in the Gospel
Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 20
# 84
“Our insistence that each human being is an image of God should not make us overlook the fact
that each creature has its own purpose. None is superfluous. The entire material universe speaks
of God’s love, his boundless affection for us. Soil, water, mountains: everything is, as it were, a
caress of God.”
Care for the environment is a matter of intergenerational justice
#117 - “When we fail to acknowledge as part of reality the worth of a poor , person, a human
embryo, a person with disabilities – to offer just a few examples – it becomes difficult to hear the
cry of nature itself; everything is connected.”
# 155
 “Learning to accept our body, to care for it and to respect its fullest meaning, is an
essential element of any genuine human ecology.
 “A healthy relationship with creation is one dimension of overall personal conversion,
leads to heartfelt repentance and desire to change.”
“What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are now
growing up?
Christians need an ecological conversion
Discover God in all things
“The universe unfolds in God, who fills it completely. Hence, there is a mystical meaning to be
found in a leaf, in a mountain trail, in a dewdrop, in a poor person’s face. The ideal is not only to
Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 21
pass from the exterior to the interior to discover the action of God in the soul, but also to
discover God in all things.”
“The Sacraments are a privileged way in which nature is taken up by God to become a means of
mediating supernatural life.”
ND 210 – Written book and unwritten traditions as coming from the mouth of Christ. OR being
inspired by the HS and preserved in the continuous succession in the CR.
ND 211 – Canon of Scripture - List of OT books
ND 212 – List of NT books
ND 213 - If anyone doesn’t accept these books in their entirety with all their parts as they are
being read in the catholic church and are contained in the ancient Latin vulgate editions, as
sacred and canonical and knowingly and deliberately rejects the aforesaid traditions – anathema
ND 241-244 – are from the Biblical Commission( Santa Mater Ecleisia(1964)
ND 240-245 mention about the 3 stages involved in the formation of the gospels. - Jesus
Event: - Oral Tradition: - Gospels:
ND 241: The interpreter must take careful note of the three stages of tradition by which the
teaching and the life of Jesus came down to us.
ND 242 :
 Christ attached to himself certain chosen disciples who had followed him from the
beginning, had seen his works and heard his words and thus were qualified to become
witnesses to his life and teaching.
 Jesus during his teaching of word of mouth used ways of reasoning and expression which
were common use at that time.
Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 22
ND 243 :
 Apostle bearing witness to Jesus first and foremost- the death and resurrection of Jesus.
 They faithfully recounted the life and words, as regard the manner of their preaching –
took into account the circumstances of the hearers.
 Apotl s recounted Jesus’ life –acts –words in the light of the fuller understanding they
enjoyed as a result of being instructed by glorious events accomplished by Christ and
illuminated by the spirit of truth.
ND 244:
 The sacred writers took the earliest body of instructions which were handed down orally
first and then in writing.
ND 272:
Contribution of the modern philosophical hermeneutics, recent developments of literary theory
allows exegesis, deepen its understanding of the task before it.
Ancient Exegesis: Attributed to every text of scripture – several levels of meaning.
Medieval Sense: Distinguished within the spiritual sense three different sense :
Historical Critical exegesis method: One single meaning.
ND 273:
 Speaks of the importance of seeking the important meaning of the text as proclaimed by the
authors – the literal meaning.
 St Thomas Aquainas speaks of the importance of this.
 Since this is the fruit of the inspiration, this sense is also intended by God, as Principal author.
 This is done by careful analysis of the text within its literary and historical context.
ND 274
Modern Hermeneutics: Adding new meaning to the original sense.
 Jesus truly God and truly man(ND 614-615)
 ND 646: (Council of Florence): She firmly believes, professes and preaches that no one ever
conceived from man and woman has been freed from the dominion of the devil, except through
faith in Jesus Christ our Lord, the mediator between God and human beings…
Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 23
 Jesus is the (unique) only mediator and saviour of humankind(Mk 16,16; Acts 4,12: 1 Tim 2,5, ND
 ND 855 – 56 :
 To gain eternal salvation it is not always required that a person be incorporated into the
church, but what is required is desire and longing.
 This desire need not necessary be explicit- he/she is saved because of the good
disposition of the soul( conscience).
 ND 1041, 1042Confirmation affirms the missionary character of the church and we have an
obligation to the mission of the Church()
ND 1311: Anathama sit.
 That the sacrament of the new law or one or not all instituted by Jesus, our Lord.
 In fact there are more that 7 sacraments.
 Or any of these truly and properly sacrament)
 T’RENT( ND 1318) by its doctrine of “ex-opera operato”
 ND 1441: Through Baptism one is made a member of the church, sharing in the priesthood of
the Saviour.
a. We are strengthened
b. Bound more perfectly to the church.
c. Obliged to defend and spread the faith by word and deed as true witnesses of Christ.
 ND 1516 : In the E the author of sanctity himself is present before the sacrament is used(
Trent –In the E Christ gives us the very body which he gave up for us on the cross, the
very blood which he poured for many for the forgiveness of sins.
 ND 1526 - “ In the holy E the body and blood together with the soul and divinity of J
Christ is - truly – really and substantially contained.
 ND 1527: In the E there is a change of the whole substance of the bread into his body and
the whole substance of wine into his blood, while only the species remain change which
the catholic church calls - transubstantiation.
Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 24
 Change of whole substance of bread to Body
 Change of whole substance of wine to Blood ---Transubstation.
 ND 1555: If anyone says that in the mass a true and a proper sacrifice not offered or the offering
consists merely in the fact that Christ is given to us to eat – Anathema Sit
ND 1555: E as a sacrifice:
 ND 1935 : “…we are said to be justified gratuitously because nothing that precedes justification,
neither faith nor works, merits the grace of justification. For it is by grace, it is no longer on the
basis of works; otherwise grace would no longer be grace.(Rom 11,6).
 (CCC 1365 – 1368): the E is a sacrifice. The sacrificial character is manifested in the very
words of institution – “This is my body which is given for you” and “This cup which is poured
out for you is the new covenant in my blood”.
 (CCC 1547).:Catechism of the Catholic Church explains it thus: “ While the common
priesthood of the faithful is exercised by the unfolding of baptismal grace – a life of faith, hope
and charity, a life according to the Spirit, the ministerial priesthood is at the service of the
common priesthood. It is directed at the unfolding of the baptismal grace of all Christians.
The ministerial grace is a means by which Christ unceasingly builds up and leads his Church.
For this reason it is transmitted by its own sacrament, the sacrament of Holy Orders.”
Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 25
 Mediator Dei says, “it is the same priest, Christ Jesus, whose sacred person his minister
truly represents. This does not mean that a priest is free from all weakness, error and sin.
But his sinful nature does not affect the fruit of grace.
SRS( Solicitudo Rei Socialis – social concern of the church) – 29,40(JP II, 1987)
- The document speaks of spreading the church’s teaching, especially the option for the
- Recognizes the injustice of the few having so much and the many having nothing.
 JPII in LE 4 stated that -work constitutes a fundamental dimension of human existence in the
LE 19,25 : Affirms the dignity of work based on the dignity of worker.(Laborem Exerces – JP II ,
 Divine institution (CD 2): Visible sign of Christ.
 Communion between the hierarchy and the laity(CD 2)
 Redemptoris Mater – JP II – 1987
 It was to rekindle interest in Mariology among theologians.
 Marialus Cultus: Cult of Mary – 1974 – Paul VI
Tells how to have devotions to Mary

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Church Documents - Rayan Lobo,SJ

  • 1. Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 1 References from the Church Documents For the Theology Comprehensive Exams Collected and Edited by Rayan Lobo, SJ
  • 2. Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 2 DV  DV 2 tells us that God in his goodness and wisdom chose to reveal himself and made known the mystery of his will (paraphrased). - that his will was that all people should have access to the Father through Christ in the Holy Spirit and thus become sharers in his divine nature. - emphasizing the self-communication of a Trinitarian God. - the most intimate truth which this revelation gives us about God shines forth in Jesus Christ.  DV4 and Heb 1:1-2 will say after God had spoken many times and in various ways through the prophets, in these last days he has spoken to us by a Son. - --the most intimate truth which this revelation gives us about God shines forth in Jesus Christ.  DV5 will say the obedience of faith is nothing but a willful assent to the revelation given by God.  DV 2&7 - Church claims the Jesus Christ is the sum total of revelation  DV8 will tell us that what the apostles experienced and expressed (in a special way in the inspired books, i.e. Scripture) was to be preserved in a continuous line of succession till the end of time. In other words, the original deposit of faith  DV9 will say “Sacred Scripture is the speech of God as it is put down in writing, under the breath of the Holy Spirit.”  DV10 says scripture and tradition go hand in hand. They together make up a single sacred deposit of the Word of God. - DV 10 states clearly that the task of giving an authentic interpretation of the Word of God, whether in its written form or in the form of tradition has been entrusted to the living (teaching office) of the church alone.  Magisterium is not above the word of God. But is at the service of the Word. - It listens to the word of God devoutely. - Guard it with dedication. - Expounds it faithfully. LG
  • 3. Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 3  LG 1 - “The Church in Christ, is in the nature of the sacrament, a sign & instrument i.e., of communion with God & unity of all humanity.” Divine (invisible nature, faith reality) and Human (visible nature, historical & hierarchical).  LG-2: It speaks about the role of God the Father in the Church: Theo centric - God in his wisdom and goodness created the whole universe to share in his divine life. - LG 2 : Foundation – church is part of the God’s plan of salvation  LG 3: speaks about the role of the Son- giving form-life. Christocentric - Christo – Centric Origin of the church (role of Jesus Christ) - LG 3: Inaugurated by the son  LG 4: The symbolism of the origin of the Church is very important because the Spirit guides the Church, inspires the Church, leads the Church to the finality or destination.-–It speaks of the birthing of the church on the day of Pentecost.  LG 5 : Church is the budding forth or the initial seed of realization of the kingdom. - LG 4 : Role of the spirit - Spirit continues the mission of Jesus through the Church.-LG 4: Spirit: Pneumato centric – sustenance and finality of the church.  LG 10: “For their part, the faithful join in the offering of the Eucharist by virtue of their royal priesthood. They likewise exercise that priesthood by receiving the sacraments, by prayer and thanksgiving, by the witness of holy life, and by self denial and active charity.” LG 10 making a positive statement on common priesthood of the faithful, tries to show that Common Priesthood is different from the Ministerial Priesthood - not only in degree but also in essence  LG 10: Ministerial Priesthood - Ministerial priesthood by sacred powers - forms and rules the priestly people. - acting in the person of Christ, he makes present the Eucharistic sacrifice.- Offers it to God in the name of all the people - They exercise that priesthood in receiving the sacraments, in prayer and thanksgiving, in the witness of a holy life, and by self- denial and active charity.  LG -11 E is the source and summit of Christian life and mission( Lg 11)  LG 13: All people are called to belong to the new people of God. They are present in all nations of the earth. - LG 13 -Foundation of Priesthood -- Christological: foundation of the ministry and mission - Ecclesiological: - mission of Jesus Christ is carried out by the Church- the People of God.
  • 4. Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 4  LG 14 : Catholic faithful:  By virtue of baptism, accepting different means of salvation, and believing in common priesthood. LG 14 : The church is necessary for salvation and Christ who(is present in the church) is the mediator and the way of salvation;  LG 15 : Speaks of unity among / with other baptized Christians by recognizing :  Jesus I the norm of faith and life.  Believing in God the Father.  Receiving Baptism and other sacraments.  Celebrating Eucharist.  Devotion to Mary. LG 16:- All religions are inspired; other religions also have a ray of truth; People of other religions 1. Jews: Covenant promises of YHWH made to them. 2. Muslims: Acknowledge god as creator = faith in Abraham – believe god as merciful – God will reign on the last day. 3. Unknown god: pagans, Greeks, Hindus,(seeking the Unknown god). 4. Seeking God( Do not know that God is Christ) but living according to god’s will living good lives according to the conscience. 5. No Knowledge of god bu lead good life: - nature worshippers(Forces of nature as manifestations of god) 6. Atheists: reason without faith.  LG 23 : Individual Bishops - Visible Principle - Foundation of Unity- in their particular churches.-Individual Bishops exercise their pastoral governance over – People of God committed to their care - Not over other churches - Not over the universal church - LG 23 speaks about the many local churches of east which have their own – tradition , theology etc.  LG 25 - Patrine ministry. - It is Pastoral - LG 25 lays down conditions for statements of infallibility: - Pope speaking not as private person but as supreme Pontiff.- Agreement with
  • 5. Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 5 Sacred Scripture and Tradition - Agreement with Universal Episcopate - Made with sufficient investigation before teaching.- In agreement with the present faith of the Church.  LG 28: Functions of the Ministerial Priesthood LG 28 says that the Ministerial priesthood is basically a ministry of service. Teaching, sanctifying, shepherding. Preach the Gospel, shepherd the faithful, celebrate divine worship - LG 28 lists the functions of an ordained minister. - Their primary functions are – Sanctifying - Teaching - Shepherding the flock LG 30-38 places the laity in their rightful place as the people of God  LG 30 clearly states that “everything that has been said of the People of God is addressed equally to the laity, religious and the clergy.” LG 31: In their own way share the priestly, prophetic and kingly office of Christ and to the best their ability carry on the mission of the whole Christian people in the church and in the world  Seek the KOG by engaging in temporal affairs and directing them according to God’s will.  They contribute through temporal works, charisms to the welfare of the church and co- operate in the mission of the church.(1 Cor 12,14)  - “all the faithful except those in Holy Orders and those who belong to a religious state approved by the Church.” - “who by baptism are incorporated into Christ, are placed in the People of God, and they share the priestly, prophetic and kingly office of Christ, and to the best of their ability carry on the mission of the whole Christian people in the Church and in the world.”  LG 31 says that all Christian faithful all in their own way share in these 3 functions. That is the prophetic, priestly and kingly functions of Christ.  LG 32 stresses on the point that though we may perform different functions, in terms of dignity and our participation in the work of the Church, we are all equal. LG 33 :
  • 6. Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 6 - Sharing in the salvific mission of the church - To make the church present and fruitful in those places and in circumstances where it is only through them the church can become the salt of the earth. LG 34-36 - As baptized Christians (Heb 13:15) we share in one priesthood of Jesus Christ which also means the triple function of priesthood LG 10 &34 - The faithful join in the offering of the Eucharist by virtue of their Royal Priesthood. - How to exercise the priesthood? - By receiving the sacraments - By witness of holy life - - LG -35 : Jesus proclaimed KOG through word and deeds. We need to bear witness to the kingdom through a life of witness by engaging in temporal affairs and directing life according to God’s will, open to the spirit(Life of faith, hope and love). i.e. by engaging in temporal offers and directing life according to God’s Will, open to the Spirit (especially a life of faith, hope and love) - LG 36(Kingly Office) - Exercise Kingly function by - Serving others - helping others search - holiness of life - Spreading of love, joy, peace.  LG 38 – Be a witness before the world to the resurrection and life of the Lord Jesus and a sign of the living God. LG 53: It connects Mary to Christ and the church by noting, “Mary is one with all human beings with their need for salvation”. At the same time she is pre –eminent and altogether singular member of the church.  LG 56 : States about the immaculate conception. Mary was pre-destined to be the mother of God. Thus Mary is seen in reference to Jesus Christ.  LG 62 : Mary is addressed a advocate – helper - benefactress, mediatrix.  Involvement and sharing in the Jesus’ life and mission ( LG 56)  LG 63 - her holiness implies her single minded commitment to God’s salvific plan and historical fidelity to God.) GS
  • 7. Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 7 GS 1- speaks of deep sense of solidarity of the church with the whole of human family stating; joy and hope, grief and anguish of the world are of the church as well. GS 2 -The church opens itself to the entire world [reaching out to all] not only to its members [sons and daughters of the church] GS 4- States the responsibility of the church in reading the signs of the time and interpreting them and addresses the issues. GS 11 : We are called to discern and see the genuine signs of the presence of the spirit in these realities. GS 12 : “Communion among persons is a necessary condition to develop his/her gifts. - : “God did not create HB as solitary being.”  Man was created to the image of God, as able to to know and love his creator and a set him over all earthly creatures that he might rule them and make use of them while glorifying God.  This partnership of man and woman constitutes the first form of communion between persons. GS 13 speaks of Sin  Man abused freedom – sought to attain his goal apart from God.  Raptured his relationship with God – other men and creatures.  But the Lord himself came to – “free” or strengthen man. GS 14 – Essential nature of Man  Man’s dignity requires that he should glorify god in his body and not allow it to serve the evil inclinations of his heart. GS 15  Dignity of the Intellect,, of truth and Wisdom.  The intellectual nature of man in widom draws the human mind to look for and to love what is true and good. GS 16
  • 8. Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 8  Dignity of Moral Conscience: in his conscience man is alone with God whose voice echoes in his depths calling him to love and do what is good and to avoid evil. GS 17  The excellence of freedom  Only in freedom man can turn himself towards what is good.  God willed that man should be left in the hand of his own counel so that he might of his own accord seek his creator and freely attain his full and blessed perfection by cleaving to him. GS 22 :  Christ – the New man.  The truth is that only in the mystery of incarnation word does the mystery of man take on light.  He who is in the image of the invisible God I himself the perfect man.  He restores the divine likeness which had been disfigured from first sin onward.  In HIM god reconciled us himself and among ourelves. GS 24 : In his fatherly care for all of us, God desired that all men should form one family and deal with each other in a spirit of brotherhood.  GS 40 -Dialogue/ relationship between church and the world. [Church is called to be leaven in the world.] Gs 42 -What the church offers to the society through it nature and mission i.e. universal. Gs 43- Christians have a duty towards the world [what church gives -GIVE] Gs 44 -What the church receives from the modern world. [RECEIVE]. GS 58: the church can enter into communion with different forms of cultures, thereby enriching itself and culture themselves.
  • 9. Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 9 AG  AG – 1 church is divinely sent to the nations as universal sacrament of salvation. (Church is called to be the salt and light).  AG – 2: Source of mission: is father’s love – fountain like love of God.  AG – 3: Mission of the son: God enters into human history through his son (incarnation) to establish a relationship of peace and communion.  AG – 4: Mission of the spirit: Continues the mission of god/ Jesus in the church (Pentecost)- AG 4 : Spirit was in the world before Christ was glorified.  AG – 5: Mission of the Church: Initially through the ministry of the disciples and then through the church, the mission of Christ is continued even today. The church is the sacrament of salvation today.  AG – 6: What is mission? “Missions” term for particular undertakings by the heralds of the gospel – sent out by the church going forth into the whole world, carrying out the task of preaching the gospel and planting the church among the peoples or groups who do not yet believe in Christ. EA Patrine ministry.  Ecumenism is a sign of unity(EA)  EA 10: Jesus is the highest gift that church can offer to the people of Asia. In this sense mission is a privilege and duty of the church.  EA 11: Jesus is the God man who saves.  EA 12: Only in the person of Jesus does God’s word of salvation appear in all its fullness.  EA 13 : Jesus Christ is the truth of humanity  EA 14: Uniqueness and universality of salvation in Christ. Jesus Christ mains history’s center and goal.
  • 10. Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 10  EA 15 –  Affirms that one can discern God’s salvific presence in the plurality of religions and cultures.  Speaks of the presence of spirit of God in creation and history.  HS sow seeds of truth among all people irrespective of their religion, culture, or philosophy( means these are capable of helping people to work against - evil to promote life.)  HS serves as prime agent of – Dialogue – cultures – and religions.  EA 15 – Rays of truth in other religions.  EA 21: speaks of inculturation. Church gives importance to inculturation because – evangelization and inculturation are naturally and intimately related to each other.  EA 22: Areas of Inculturation: Theology – Liturgy - Formation os evangelizers  EcumenismLG 15, EA 23 -28) Ecumenism is a process directed towards achievement of unity among all Christian churches. Done by - overcoming mutual suspicion and hatred.  Collaboration – taste of proclaiming God’s love.  Establishing the KOG.  Not oneness ( bringing into one God) but unity( a conciliar fellowship).  witness to Christ.  EA 24: in the midst of many different peoples, cultures, religions, the life of the church as communion – assumes greater importance.  Hence unity within the church has specific relevance in Asia where there are divisions, conflicts et.  EA 25: Communion within the Church (at every level such as particular church, parish level, etc. –
  • 11. Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 11  EA 25 : speaks of communion within the church through universal authority of the Pope(not juridical power) - Service(diakonia) - Communion in and through diocese/ particular church/BCC/SCC etc.  EA 26: Solidarity among churches (openness and collaboration with one another – Regional – National - International  Ea 27: catholic eastern churches (calling for more and more collaboration between east and west – overcoming fears and misunderstandings)  EA 28: Speaks of sharing hopes and sufferings.  EA 31 : Speaks of IRD: IRD is developed in a context of - Desire to respect. – Understanding - Openness to the believers - Willingness to listen to their differences. - EA 32: Church is called to reach out all people especially in loving service of the poor and destitutes. - EA 33: speaks of the dignity of human person and encourages all to work towards the promotion of human rights, justice peace etc. (Moltman, lindbeck(Synod of Bishops – 1971) – EN, LE, SRS, Centiasimus Annus)  EA 34: Preferential love for the poor and voiceless, because the Lord has identified himself with them.  EA 36 : work for health care(HIV,AIDs, etc)  EA 37 : Education for all  EA 38 : peacemaking among all.  EA 40 : Condemns foreign debts, corruption, misappropriation of Public funds.  EA 41 : Environmental( stewardship) – protecting the environment and caring for the earth.  EA 45 : Speaks of the role of the laity as missionaries by baptism and confirmation.  Charismatic and Service -EA 25 RM
  • 12. Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 12  RM 5: Uniqueness and universality of salvation: No one comes to the Father except through me + Acts 4, 12. He used Paul, John and Timothy to support this view.  RM 6 : No separation between Jesus of history and word of god.  RM 7-8 : Faith in Christ is directed to man’s freedom. It doesn’t abrogate his freedom.  RM 13 : Christ makes the kingdom present. that is through his life and public ministry inaugurated the kingdom.  RM 14 & 15: This kingdom for all:brings forgiveness- healing - leads to salvation( Lk 18, 14 - 30) - transforms human relations Kingdom demands us to love and serve one another.  RM 16 - KOG is fulfilled in the Risen Lord and proclaimed. After the resurrection, there is a transition from kingdom of God to Jesus Christ himself because Christ (risen) becomes the manifestation/expression of the kingdom of God. - For this it demands: a love of others - resulting in collaboration - harmony - mutual enrichment SC SC 5 : Christological dimension . What do we celebrate in the liturgy? The Paschal mystery of Jesus Christ.  Passover in the OT and NT where Jesus comes offering himself – lamb that is sacrificed.  Pasch: the Passover that Jesus underwent is something - remedial – redemptive .  This process is experiential – existential and transitional. SC – 6 : Historical / Sacramental / Biblical understanding of Pasch:  How do we celebrate?  Through signs and symbols - because it is community activity. SC – 7: Ecclesial: who celebrates? - It is the Church, body of Christ. By coming together we are giving the message of Salvation.  SC 7 it calls the church to use such signs which are perceived by the people. SC – 8 : Eschatalogical dimension: Until when we celebrate?
  • 13. Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 13  Until the Lord comes in glory.  This is not the final, there is more to it. This celebration (Paschal mystery) – so the eschatological dimension. The church by incarnating itself into different cultures redeems them from the oppressive and dehumanizing elements( SC 36-40,)  SC 11 – it (SC) recommends that the faithful must be properly disposed inorder that the liturgy may be effective. It is the duty of pastors to ensure that the faithful take part in the liturgy actively and are fully aware of what they are doing, inorder tobe enriched by it. SC 47 :Memorial - The E is a memorial of Christ’s Passover, the making present and the sacramental offering of his unique sacrifice, in the liturgy of the church which is his body. SC 59 :  Luthers contention was that five sacraments have no biblical basis. They were instituted by the church, not being faithful to the Lord’s command.  For Luther only – Scripture ( Sola Scriptura) and Faith alone( Sola Fedei)  Council of Trent reacted and said all 7 sacraments are originated from Jesus Christ.  Today we make use of Rahner’s argument to explain how God is the author of sacraments: “In so far as God willed the church, he also willed its constituent elements”; Scripture – sacrament and Magisterium.  SC 59 says - the purpose of sacraments is to – sanctify men, build up the body of Christ, to give worship to God. UR  UR 1: The division within the church openly contradicts the “Will of Christ”.  UR 4 : defines ecumenical movement as – the initiative and activity, encouraged and organized to promote Christian Unity.  UR 4 : Defined Ecumenical movement as a means to foster Christian unity.
  • 14. Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 14  UR 7 : Speaks of the need for interior conversion; need to change attitudes, mindsets etc.  UR 8: Speaks of spiritual ecumenism – need for private common prayer.  UR 11 : speaks of hierarchy of truths, since they vary in their relation to the foundation/ core Christian faith. Not all truths defined by the catholic church belong equally to the core of faith. NA  NA 1,2,3 - Mission command  NA – 1 : All human beings form one human community, having common origin and common destiny. That is in God .  NA – 2 : CC church rejects nothing that is true and holy in other religions. It exhorts spiritual + moral goods of these religions must be acknowledged, promoted and preserved EN  EN 8 : as an evangelizer, Christ primarily proclaimed the KOG.  EN 28 : ….to evangelize is first of all to bear witness, that in his son, God has loved the world. PO  The other sacraments are bound up with the E and are oriented towards it. …for in the blessed E is contained the whole spiritual good of the church, namely Christ himself , our pasch( PO 5)  As a king he rules from the throne of the cross (reference to Kingdom by the thief & INRI on the cross) – PO  PO - As Prophet Jesus preaches from the pulpit of the cross  By self denial and active charity. - As priest Jesus offered the sacrifice on the altar of the cross – PO .
  • 15. Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 15 UUS Ut Unnum Sint(1995) Pope John Paul II asks all the churches to reconsider and redefine Papacy UUS 80-82  Examines the role of papacy as visible sign and guarantor of unity while pointing out the divisions between churches and the painful sufferings due to Papacy.  The principle of collegiality is a better way for ecumenical dialogue.  Ecumenical dialogue raises hope for reconciliation and unity among Christians. Evangelii Gaudium EG # 3  We should renew our encounter with Jesus. o Renew the covenant o Save me once again Lord o No one is excluded from the joy brought about by the Lord - # LG 13 & 16 Link - Revelation Human Person – Image and likeness of God.  God never tires of forgiving us  No one can strip us of the dignity bestowed on us by boundless and unfailing love. – Human Person - Image and likeness. EG#12  Evangelization is the work of God. – AG – 2 ; LG - 3  Jesus is the first and the greatest evangelizer. – AG – 3 ; LG - 3  God takes initiative – he loved us first – Faith and revelation.
  • 16. Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 16  God asks everything from us and also he asks everything from us - Mission – Evangelization – AG 6  Evangelization is first and foremost about preaching the gospel to those who do not know Jesus.  There are many quietly seeking God and they have the right to receive the gospel – LG 16, ND 855-56.  Christians have the duty to proclaim the gospel without excluding anyone - GS 12, LG 13, 16 , GS 22, GS 24, EA – 10.  Church grows not by proselytizing rather by “Attraction” – need for life witness. – Ecclesiology – Mission – theology of Religions – LG 38, 35.  Missionary task must remain foremost importance.  Remembers Latin American Bishops who said , “ we cannot wait passively in our churches, we need to move out – # 32 Papal Reformation:  Papacy and central structures of the church too need pastoral conversion.  Excessive centralization complicates churches life and her missionary outreach. – UUS 80 -82, Papal Primacy – Centralization – Ecumenism. # 33  Need to be Bold and creative. – in goals – structure – methods of evangelizing in respective communities – Worship – indigenization – inculturation etc.  Don’t move alone rather walk together with your brother bishops.  Not enough to say - we have always done it this way. # 49  Church must go into the streets
  • 17. Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 17  I would prefer a church which I bruised, hurt and dirty because it has been out on the streets rather than being a church which is unhealthy by confining itself and by clinging on to its own security.  I do not want a church being at the centre and then gets caught up in the web of obsessions # 54  Excluded are still waiting for the trickling down. – Human person – Societal injustice – Mission # 56  Imbalance is the result of ideologies. # 85  Christian Triumph is always a cross, at the same time a victorious banner born of - aggressive tenderness. # 103-104  Church must expand the role of women – but the reservation 0f the priesthood to males – is not a question open to discussion.  Ministerial Priesthood - We are in the realm of function and not dignity or holiness  Ministerial Priesthood is a means employed by Jesus for service of people. #112  Salvation is a work of God’s grace: - it’s the work of his mystery. #118  European Catholic Culture isn’t normative for the whole Church – Indigenization – Inculturation – Re reading – Church History etc.
  • 18. Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 18 # 121  All are called to offer to others an explicit witness to the saving love of the Lord. #167  Proclaiming Christ means not only something right and true rather – beautiful, which is capable of filling life with new splendor and profound joy. # 201  You can’t say that you don’t have time for the poor.  None of us are exempt from the concern for the poor and for social justice. # 218 -219  Peace includes Justice. #251  True Inter Religious Dialogue –Deepest convictions – clear and joyful in one’ own identity –  Open to understand other party  Knowing that dialogue can enrich each side.  Evangelization and Inter Religious dialogue mutually support and nourish each other. #263  Times are hard today but times have always been hard. Extra  Confessional should not be a torture chamber, rather encounter with God’s mercy.  Eucharist is not a prize for the perfect rather it’s a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak.  Evangelizer should never look as though person has just come from a funeral. – having received the joy of Christ – whose lives glow with fervor.
  • 19. Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 19  We need politicians who are disturbed by the state of the society – people and the poor.  Primary reason for evangelizing is the love of Christ. Laudato Si #6 Environmental destruction comes from the same evil that leads to social destruction: moral relativity # 14 We all must work together to protect our planet #20, 22 Pollution hurts the poor and is linked to the “throwaway culture” #25 The poor are hurt the most by climate change #33 Creatures are not just resources, but have value in and of themselves and give glory to God #61 Church doesn’t mean to stifle honest scientific debate #62-63 Science isn’t enough, we must also factor in the Gospel
  • 20. Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 20 # 84 “Our insistence that each human being is an image of God should not make us overlook the fact that each creature has its own purpose. None is superfluous. The entire material universe speaks of God’s love, his boundless affection for us. Soil, water, mountains: everything is, as it were, a caress of God.” #113-114 Care for the environment is a matter of intergenerational justice #117 - “When we fail to acknowledge as part of reality the worth of a poor , person, a human embryo, a person with disabilities – to offer just a few examples – it becomes difficult to hear the cry of nature itself; everything is connected.” # 155  “Learning to accept our body, to care for it and to respect its fullest meaning, is an essential element of any genuine human ecology.  “A healthy relationship with creation is one dimension of overall personal conversion, leads to heartfelt repentance and desire to change.” #160 “What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are now growing up? #217 Christians need an ecological conversion #223 Discover God in all things #233 “The universe unfolds in God, who fills it completely. Hence, there is a mystical meaning to be found in a leaf, in a mountain trail, in a dewdrop, in a poor person’s face. The ideal is not only to
  • 21. Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 21 pass from the exterior to the interior to discover the action of God in the soul, but also to discover God in all things.” #235 “The Sacraments are a privileged way in which nature is taken up by God to become a means of mediating supernatural life.” ND ND 210 – Written book and unwritten traditions as coming from the mouth of Christ. OR being inspired by the HS and preserved in the continuous succession in the CR. ND 211 – Canon of Scripture - List of OT books ND 212 – List of NT books ND 213 - If anyone doesn’t accept these books in their entirety with all their parts as they are being read in the catholic church and are contained in the ancient Latin vulgate editions, as sacred and canonical and knowingly and deliberately rejects the aforesaid traditions – anathema Sit. ND 241-244 – are from the Biblical Commission( Santa Mater Ecleisia(1964) ND 240-245 mention about the 3 stages involved in the formation of the gospels. - Jesus Event: - Oral Tradition: - Gospels: ND 241: The interpreter must take careful note of the three stages of tradition by which the teaching and the life of Jesus came down to us. ND 242 :  Christ attached to himself certain chosen disciples who had followed him from the beginning, had seen his works and heard his words and thus were qualified to become witnesses to his life and teaching.  Jesus during his teaching of word of mouth used ways of reasoning and expression which were common use at that time.
  • 22. Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 22 ND 243 :  Apostle bearing witness to Jesus first and foremost- the death and resurrection of Jesus.  They faithfully recounted the life and words, as regard the manner of their preaching – took into account the circumstances of the hearers.  Apotl s recounted Jesus’ life –acts –words in the light of the fuller understanding they enjoyed as a result of being instructed by glorious events accomplished by Christ and illuminated by the spirit of truth. ND 244:  The sacred writers took the earliest body of instructions which were handed down orally first and then in writing. ND 272: Contribution of the modern philosophical hermeneutics, recent developments of literary theory allows exegesis, deepen its understanding of the task before it. Ancient Exegesis: Attributed to every text of scripture – several levels of meaning. Medieval Sense: Distinguished within the spiritual sense three different sense : Historical Critical exegesis method: One single meaning. ND 273:  Speaks of the importance of seeking the important meaning of the text as proclaimed by the authors – the literal meaning.  St Thomas Aquainas speaks of the importance of this.  Since this is the fruit of the inspiration, this sense is also intended by God, as Principal author.  This is done by careful analysis of the text within its literary and historical context. ND 274 Modern Hermeneutics: Adding new meaning to the original sense.  Jesus truly God and truly man(ND 614-615)  ND 646: (Council of Florence): She firmly believes, professes and preaches that no one ever conceived from man and woman has been freed from the dominion of the devil, except through faith in Jesus Christ our Lord, the mediator between God and human beings…
  • 23. Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 23  Jesus is the (unique) only mediator and saviour of humankind(Mk 16,16; Acts 4,12: 1 Tim 2,5, ND 646)  ND 855 – 56 :  To gain eternal salvation it is not always required that a person be incorporated into the church, but what is required is desire and longing.  This desire need not necessary be explicit- he/she is saved because of the good disposition of the soul( conscience).  ND 1041, 1042Confirmation affirms the missionary character of the church and we have an obligation to the mission of the Church() ND 1311: Anathama sit.  That the sacrament of the new law or one or not all instituted by Jesus, our Lord.  In fact there are more that 7 sacraments.  Or any of these truly and properly sacrament)  T’RENT( ND 1318) by its doctrine of “ex-opera operato”  ND 1441: Through Baptism one is made a member of the church, sharing in the priesthood of the Saviour. a. We are strengthened b. Bound more perfectly to the church. c. Obliged to defend and spread the faith by word and deed as true witnesses of Christ.  ND 1516 : In the E the author of sanctity himself is present before the sacrament is used( Trent –In the E Christ gives us the very body which he gave up for us on the cross, the very blood which he poured for many for the forgiveness of sins.  ND 1526 - “ In the holy E the body and blood together with the soul and divinity of J Christ is - truly – really and substantially contained.  ND 1527: In the E there is a change of the whole substance of the bread into his body and the whole substance of wine into his blood, while only the species remain change which the catholic church calls - transubstantiation.
  • 24. Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 24  Change of whole substance of bread to Body  Change of whole substance of wine to Blood ---Transubstation.  ND 1555: If anyone says that in the mass a true and a proper sacrifice not offered or the offering consists merely in the fact that Christ is given to us to eat – Anathema Sit ND 1555: E as a sacrifice:  ND 1935 : “…we are said to be justified gratuitously because nothing that precedes justification, neither faith nor works, merits the grace of justification. For it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works; otherwise grace would no longer be grace.(Rom 11,6). CCC  (CCC 1365 – 1368): the E is a sacrifice. The sacrificial character is manifested in the very words of institution – “This is my body which is given for you” and “This cup which is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood”.  (CCC 1547).:Catechism of the Catholic Church explains it thus: “ While the common priesthood of the faithful is exercised by the unfolding of baptismal grace – a life of faith, hope and charity, a life according to the Spirit, the ministerial priesthood is at the service of the common priesthood. It is directed at the unfolding of the baptismal grace of all Christians. The ministerial grace is a means by which Christ unceasingly builds up and leads his Church. For this reason it is transmitted by its own sacrament, the sacrament of Holy Orders.”
  • 25. Referrecnces from Church Documents Page 25  Mediator Dei says, “it is the same priest, Christ Jesus, whose sacred person his minister truly represents. This does not mean that a priest is free from all weakness, error and sin. But his sinful nature does not affect the fruit of grace. SRS SRS( Solicitudo Rei Socialis – social concern of the church) – 29,40(JP II, 1987) - The document speaks of spreading the church’s teaching, especially the option for the poor. - Recognizes the injustice of the few having so much and the many having nothing. LE  JPII in LE 4 stated that -work constitutes a fundamental dimension of human existence in the world. LE 19,25 : Affirms the dignity of work based on the dignity of worker.(Laborem Exerces – JP II , 1981) CD  Divine institution (CD 2): Visible sign of Christ.  Communion between the hierarchy and the laity(CD 2)  Redemptoris Mater – JP II – 1987  It was to rekindle interest in Mariology among theologians.  Marialus Cultus: Cult of Mary – 1974 – Paul VI Tells how to have devotions to Mary