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Angular 2
Consultant & Formateur Web
Zenika Nord
Web / Domotique / Histoire / Biérologie
Les choses que nous n'aimons pas...
Architecture AngularJS
Architecture AngularJS
Architecture AngularJS
DI (provider, service, factory...)
Architecture AngularJS
DI (provider, service, factory...)
Architecture AngularJS
DI (provider, service, factory...)
API des Directives
app.directive('MyDirective', function(){
return {
restrict: 'AE',
require: '?^^ngModel',
scope: { variable: '@' },
compile: function(...) {
return {
pre: function(...) { ... },
post: function(...) { ... }
link: function(...) { ... }
app.directive('MyDirective', function(){
return {
restrict: 'AE',
require: '?^^ngModel',
scope: { variable: '@' },
compile: function(...) {
return {
pre: function(...) { ... },
post: function(...) { ... }
link: function(...) { ... }
API des Directives
app.directive('MyDirective', function(){
return {
restrict: 'AE',
require: '?^^ngModel',
scope: { variable: '@' },
compile: function(...) {
return {
pre: function(...) { ... },
post: function(...) { ... }
link: function(...) { ... }
API des Directives
app.directive('MyDirective', function(){
return {
restrict: 'AE',
require: '?^^ngModel',
scope: { variable: '@' },
compile: function(...) {
return {
pre: function(...) { ... },
post: function(...) { ... }
link: function(...) { ... }
API des Directives
<input ng-model="firstName">
{{firstName }}
2-way data-binding
<input ng-model="firstName"
{{firstName }}
2-way data-binding
<input ng-model="firstName">
{{::firstName }}
2-way data-binding
Et ce n'est pas fini...
Mais aussi...
Pas de Server-Side Rendering
Gestion des événements (ngClick, ...)
Gestion des attributs HTML (ngSrc, ...)
La solution... Angular 2
Attention !
Version Alpha
P(eu|as) de Doc
Injection de Dépendance
Architecture Angular 2
Architecture Angular 2
menu grid
Architecture Angular 2
menu grid
(classes ES6 ou TypeScript)
(classes ES6 ou TypeScript)
La Famille JavaScript
La Famille JavaScript
La Famille JavaScript
La Famille JavaScript
La Famille JavaScript
Les Web Components
Custom Elements Templates Imports Shadow DOM
Les composants
Composants Angular 2
Ressources de base en Angular 2
Tout est composant
Application représentée par un arbre
de composants
Utilisation de métadonnées pour
configurer un composant
function MyAppComponent() {
MyAppComponent.annotations = [
new angular.ComponentAnnotation({
selector: 'my-app'
new angular.ViewAnnotation({
template: "<main>" +
"<h1> This is my first Angular2 app</h1>" +
Composant version ES5
import {Component, View} from 'angular2/angular2';
@Component({selector: 'my-app'})
template: `<main>
<h1> This is my first Angular2 app</h1>
class MyAppComponent {
Composant version TypeScript
import {Component, View, bootstrap} from 'angular2/angular2';
@Component({selector: 'my-app'})
template: `<main>
<h1> This is my first Angular2 app</h1>
class MyAppComponent {
Bootstrap de l'Application
Root Cpt
Child1 Cpt Child2 Cpt
Property Binding
<input [attr]="expression" />
Accès à toutes les propriétés des éléments
Possibilité de définir de nouvelles propriétés
Compatibilité avec d'autres spécifications
Property Binding
<h1>My First Angular2 app</h1>
Property Binding
<h1 [textContent]="'My First Angular2 app'">
Property Binding
<h1>{{'My First Angular2 app'}}
Property Binding
//<beerItem [beer]="'Maredsous'"></beerItem>
selector: 'beerItem',
properties: ['beer']
template: `<section>
<button>Je veux celle-ci !</button>
class BeerItem {
beer: String;
Event Binding
<input (event)="expression" />
Accès à tous les événements des éléments
Possibilité de définir de nouveaux événements
Event Bindings
//<beerItem [beer]="'Maredsous'" (selectBeer)="sendToBeerTap()"></beerItem>
selector: 'beerItem',
properties: ['beer'],
events: ['selectBeer']
template: `<section>
<button (click)="selectItem()">Je veux celle-ci !</button>
class BeerItem {
beer: String;
selectBeer: EventEmitter;
selectItem() {;
Syntaxe valide ?
“Attribute names must consist of one or
more characters other than the space
characters, U+0000 NULL, """, "'", ">", "/",
"=", the control characters, and any
characters that are not defined by Unicode.
Syntaxe valide ?
Syntaxe valide ?
Component Dependency
Nécessité d'importer les composants
nécessaires à votre application
Propriété directives de @View
Erreur si composants non utilisés
Component Dependency
import {Component, View, bootstrap, NgFor} from 'angular2/angular2';
import {BeerItem} from 'BeerItem';
@Component({ selector: 'my-app'})
template: `<main class="mdl-layout__content">
<ul class="googleapp-card-list">
<li *ng-for="#beer of beers">
<beerItem [beer]="beer"></beerItem>
directives: [NgFor, BeerItem]
class MyAppComponent {
public beers: String[] = [];
constructor() { ... }
Support des
@Component({ })
template: string,
templateUrl: string,
encapsulation?: ViewEncapsulation,
directives?: List<any>,
styles?: List<string>,
styleUrls?: List<string>,
class BeerItem { }
//From modules/angular2/src/core/render/api.ts
* How the template and styles of a view should be encapsulated.
export enum ViewEncapsulation {
* Emulate scoping of styles by preprocessing the style rules
* and adding additional attributes to elements. This is the default.
* Uses the native mechanism of the renderer. For the DOM this means creating a
* ShadowRoot.
* Don't scope the template nor the styles.
Injection de Dépendance
Injection de Dépendances
Code métier dans des services
Chaque Service est un singleton
Principe d'Hollywood
Multiples implémentations en NG1 !
Injection de Dépendances
app.service('TapService', function($http){
this.getBeer = function(beerId){
return $http.get('/api/i-am-thirsty/' + beerId);
app.controller('AppCtrl', function(TapService){
this.selectBeer = function(idBeer){
return TapService.getBeer(idBeer);
DI version Angular2
1 Injecteur principal + 1 Injecteur par composant
Hérite de l'injecteur parent
Possibilité de redéfinir le Service à injecter
Utilisation d'annotations en ES6 et des types en
Services disponibles via le constructeur du
Injecteur Principal - toValue
@Component({selector: 'my-app'})
template: `<main>
<h1> Welcome to our {{breweryName}}</h1>
class MyAppComponent {
constructeur(private breweryName:String) { ... }
bootstrap(MyAppComponent, [bind(String).toValue('Zenika Brewery')]);
Injecteur Principal - toClass
@Component({selector: 'my-app'})
template: `<main>
<h1> Welcome to our {{breweryName}}</h1>
class MyAppComponent {
constructeur(private breweryService:BreweryService) {
this.breweryName = this.breweryService.getBreweryName();
bootstrap(MyAppComponent, [bind(BreweryService).toClass(BreweryService)]);
Injecteur Principal - toClass
@Component({selector: 'my-app'})
template: `<main>
<h1> Welcome to our {{breweryName}}</h1>
class MyAppComponent {
constructeur(private breweryService:BreweryService) {
this.breweryName = this.breweryService.getBreweryName();
bootstrap(MyAppComponent, [BreweryService]);
Injecteur Principal -
toFactory@Component({selector: 'my-app'})
template: `<main>
<h1> Welcome to our {{breweryName}}</h1>
class MyAppComponent {
constructeur(public breweryName:String) { ... }
.toFactory((BreweryService) => {
return BreweryService.getBreweryName();
}, [BreweryService])]);
Child Injector
@Component({selector: 'my-app'})
template: `<main>
directives: [WelcomeMessage]
class MyAppComponent {
constructeur(public breweryName:String) { ... }
bootstrap(MyAppComponent, [bind(String).toValue('Zenika Brewery')]);
Child Injector
selector: 'welcome-message'
template: `<h1>Welcome to our {{breweryName}}</h1>`
class WelcomeMessage {
constructeur(public breweryName:String) { ... }
Child Injector
selector: 'welcome-message'
template: `<h1>Welcome to our {{breweryName}}</h1>`,
bindings: [
bind(String).toValue('Awesome Zenika Brewery')
class WelcomeMessage {
constructeur(public breweryName:String){ ... }
Petit Rappel
{{ collectionOfBeers | orderBy:'note' | limitTo:5 }}
Identiques aux filtres d'AngularJS 1
Permet de manipuler une donnée
Utilisation d'une classe annotée @Pipe
Pipes disponibles dans le framework :
upperCase, lowerCase, Async,
Number, limitTo, json et date
import {Pipe, PipeTransform} from 'angular2/angular2';
name: 'UpperCasePipe'
export class UpperCasePipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: String, args: any[]) {
return value.toUpperCase();
import {Component, View} from 'angular2/angular2';
import {UpperCasePipe} from './UpperCasePipe.ts'
selector: 'widget1'
template: `<div>{{'Démo utilisant les pipes' | UpperCasePipe}}</div>`,
pipes: [UpperCasePipe]
export class Widget1{}
import {Component, View} from 'angular2/angular2';
import {UpperCasePipe} from './UpperCasePipe.ts'
selector: 'widget1'
template: ``,
bindings: [UpperCasePipe]
export class Widget1{
constructor(public upperCasePipe:UpperCasePipe){
this.upperCasePipe.transform('Un autre exemple...');
Pour une migration heureuse...
John Papa's
Autres Règles
1 composant AngularJS par fichier
ECMAScript 2015
Syntaxe Component As
bindToController dans l'API des
Component-First Approach
Utilise le nouveau Router
Création de service via la méthode
npm install --save-dev eslint eslint-plugin-angular
Implémente le guideline de John Papa
Rules :
Component-First Approach : ng_no_controller
controllerAs : ng_controller_as_*
Mixer AngularJS et
Repository Github
NG Europe 2014
NG Conf 2015
ESLint Plugin Angular
John Papa Styleguide
Questions ?
ChtiJUG - Introduction à Angular2

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