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TOPIC: conmom diseases
Eduardo Xerife
Victorino Ernesto
The present work,which aborts two themes related to commom diseases, influenza resolves on its own. But
sometimes, influenza and its complications can be deadly.
Flu viruses travel through the air in droplets when someone with the infection coughs, sneezes or talks.
-Malaria is a life-threatening mosquito-borne blood disease. The Anopheles mosquito transmits it
to humans.
Malaria is passed on by the Anopheles mosquito.
-Cholera was prevalent in the U.S. in the 1800s, before modern water and sewage treatment systems eliminated
its spread by contaminated water. Only about 10 cases of cholera are reported each year in the U.S. and half of
these are acquired abroad. Rarely, contaminated seafood has caused cholera
outbreaks in the U.S. However, cholera outbreaks are still a serious problem in other parts of the world. At
least 150,000 cases are reported to the World Health Organization each year.
a person can carry HIV without experiencing symptoms for a long time.HIV is a lifelong infection. However,
receiving treatment and managing the disease effectively can prevent HIV from reaching a severe level and
reduce the risk of a person passing on the virus.
-AIDS is the most advanced stage of HIV infection.
Once HIV infection develops into AIDS, infections
and cancer pose a greater risk.
Without treatment, HIV infection is likely to develop into AIDS as the immune system gradually wears
down. However, advances in ART mean than an
ever-decreasing number of people progress to this
Influenza is a viral infection that attacks your respiratory system — your nose, throat and lungs. Influenza is
commonly called the flu, but it's not the same as stomach "flu" viruses that cause diarrhea and vomiting.
For most people, influenza resolves on its own. But sometimes, influenza and its complications can be deadly.
People at higher risk of developing flu complications include: Young children under age 5, and especially those
under 2 years.
Adults older than age 65 Residents of nursing homes and other long- term care facilities Pregnant women and
women up to two weeks postpartum People wicth weakened immune systems People who have chronic
illnesses, such as asthma, heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease and diabetes People who are very obese,
with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher Though the annual influenza vaccine isn't 100 percent effective,
it's still your best defense against the flu.
Initially, the flu may seem like a common cold with a runny nose, sneezing and sore throat. But colds usually
develop slowly, whereas the flu tends to come on suddenly. And although a cold can be a nuisance, you usually
feel much worse with the flu. Common signs and symptoms of the flu include: Fever over 100.4 F (38 C)
Aching muscles Chills and sweats Headache. Dry, persistent cough Fatigue and weakness Nasal congestion
Sore throat
Flu viruses travel through the air in droplets when someone with the infection coughs, sneezes or talks. You
can inhale the droplets directly, or you can pick up the germs from an object — such as a telephone or
computer key board — and then transfer them to your eyes, nose or mouth.
People with the virus are likely contagious from the day or so before symptoms first appear until about five
days after symptoms begin. Children and people with weakened immune systems may be contagious for a
slightly longer time.
Influenza viruses are constantly changing, with new strains appearing regularly. If you've had influenza in the
past, your body has already made antibodies to fight that particular strain of the virus.
If future influenza viruses are similar to those you've encountered before, either by having the disease or by
vaccination, those antibodies may prevent infection or lessen its severity. But antibodies against flu viruses
you've encountered in the past can't protect you from new influenza subtypes that can be very different
immunologically from what you had before.
A virus causes flu, so antibiotics cannot help, unless the flu has led to another illness caused by bacteria.
Antivirals A doctor may prescribe antivirals, such as ose (Tami flu) and zona (relenza), in some circumstances.
In addition, in 2018, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a new drug—baloxavir
mar boxil (Xo influenza)—for acute uncomplicated influenza, or flu. People will take the drug by mouth, in a
single dose.
People can receive this treatment if they: are aged 12 years or over have had symptoms for fewer than 48
hours Possible side effects include diarrhea and bronchiti.Pain relief medication Pain relievers can alleviate
some of the symptoms, such as a headache and body pains.
Various painkillers are available to purchase online . It is important to compare different products, and only
take them under the advice of a medical professional. Some painkillers, such as aspirin, are not suitable for
children under 12 years of age.
Home remedies Individuals with flu should: stay at home avoid contact with other people where possible keep
warm and rest consume plenty of liquids avoid alcohol stop smoking eat if possible It is a good idea for people
that live alone to tell a relative, friend, or neighbor that they have flu and make sure someone can check in on
Prevention The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends annual vaccination for
everyone age 6 months or older. Each year's seasonal flu vaccine contains protection from the three or four
influenza viruses that are expected to be the most common during that year's flu season. This year, the vaccine
will be available as an injection and as a nasal spray. The nasal spray hasn't been available for twoyears due to
questions about effectiveness.The current version is expected to be effective,
according to the CDC.
The nasal spray still isn't recommended for some groups, such a pregnant women, children between 2 and
4years old with asthma or wheezing, and people who have compromised immune systems.Most types of flu
vaccines contain a small amount of egg protein.
If you have a egg
allergy — you get hives only from eating eggs, for example — you can receive the flu without any additional
precautions. If you have a severe egg allergy, you should be vaccinated in a medical setting and be supervised
by a doctor who is able to recognize and manage allergic conditions.
Malaria is a life-threatening mosquito-borne blood disease. The Anopheles mosquito transmits it
to humans. The parasites in mosquitos that spread malaria belong to the Plasmodium genus.
Doctors divide malaria symptoms into two categories : Uncomplicated and severe malaria.
Uncomplicated malaria
Malaria is passed on by the Anopheles mosquito. A doctor would give this diagnosis when
symptoms are present, but no symptoms occur that suggest severe infection or dysfunction of the
vital organs.
-This form can become severe malaria without treatment, or if the host has poor or no immunity
Symptoms of uncomplicated malaria typically last 6 to 10 hours and recur every second day.
Some strains of the parasite can have a longer cycle or cause mixed symptoms.
As symptoms resemble those of flu, they may remain undiagnosed or misdiagnosed in areas
where malaria is less common.
In uncomplicated malaria, symptoms progress as follows, through cold, hot, and sweating stages:
a sensation of cold with shivering fever , headaches, and vomiting seizures sometimes occur in
younger people with the disease sweats, followed by a return to normal temperature, with
tiredness In areas where malaria is common, many people recognize the symptoms as malaria
and treat themselves without visiting a doctor.
Severe malaria
In severe malaria, clinical or laboratory evidence shows signs of vital organ dysfunction.
Symptoms of severe malaria include:
fever and chills impaired consciousness prostration, or adopting a prone position multiple
convulsions deep breathing and respiratory distress abnormal bleeding and signs of anemia
clinical jaundice and evidence of vital organ dysfunction Severe malaria can be fatal without
Treatment aims to eliminate the Plasmodium parasite from the bloodstream. Those without
symptoms may be treated for infection to reduce the risk of disease transmission in the
surrounding population.The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends artemisinin-based
combination therapy (ACT) totreat uncomplicated malaria.
Artemisinin is derived from the plant Artemisia annua , better known as sweet wormwood. It
rapidly reduces the concentration of Plasmodium parasites in the bloodstream.
Practitioners often combine ACT with a partner drug. ACT aims to reduce the number of
parasites within the first 3 days of infection, while the partner drugs eliminate the rest.
Expanding access to ACT treatment worldwide has helped reduce the impact of malaria, but the
disease is becoming increasingly resistant to the effects of ACT.
In places where malaria is resistant to ACT, treatment must contain an effective partner drug. The
WHO has warned that no alternatives to artemisinin are likely to become available for several
There are several ways to keep malaria at bay.
Research to develop safe and effective global vaccines for malaria is ongoing, with the licensing
of one vaccine already having occurred in Europe. No vaccine is yet licensed in the U.S. Seek
medical attention for suspected symptoms of malaria as early as possible.
Advice for travelers
While malaria is not endemic to the U.S., travel to many countries around the world entails a
The Centers for Disease Control advise travelers to take the following precautions: find out what
the risk of malaria is in the country and city or region they are visiting ask their doctor what
medications they should use to prevent infection in that region obtain antimalarial drugs before
leaving home.
to avoid the risk of buying counterfeit drugs while abroad consider the risk for individual
travelers, including children, older people, pregnant women, and the existing medical conditions
of any travelers
Travelers to places where malaria is prevalent should take precautions, for example, using
mosquito nets.
ensure they will have access to preventative tools, many of which are available to purchase
online, including insect repellants, insecticides, pre-treated bed nets, and appropriate
clothing be aware of the symptoms of malaria In emergency situations, local health authorities in
some countries may carry out "fogging," or spraying areas with pesticides similar to those used
in household sprays.
The WHO points out that these are not harmful for people, as the concentration of pesticide is
only strong enough to kills mosquitoes.
While away, travelers should, where possible, avoid situations that increase the risk of being
bitten by mosquitoes. Precautions include taking an air- conditioned room, not camping by
stagnant water, and wearing clothes that cover the body at times when mosquitoes are most
likely to be around.
For a year after returning home, the traveler may be susceptible to symptoms of malaria.
Donating blood may also not be possible for some time.
Prevent malaria:
-Use mosquito red.,
-Cut the branches of trus around your house.,
-Cut grast around your house.,
Malaria happens when a bite from the female Anopheles mosquito infects the body with
Plasmodium. Only the Anopheles mosquito can transmit malaria. The successful development of
the parasite within the mosquito depends on several factors, the most important being humidity
and ambient temperatures.
When an infected mosquito bites a human host, the parasite enters the bloodstream and lays
dormant within the liver. The host will have no symptoms for an average of 10.5 days, but the
malaria parasite will begin multiplying during this time. The liver then releases these new
malaria parasites back into the bloodstream, where they infect red blood cells and multiply
Some malaria parasites remain in the liver and do not circulate til later, resulting in recurrence.
An unaffected mosquito acquires parasites once it feeds on a human with malaria. This restarts
the cycle.
-yes,whenever you don't fell well,go to a clinic immediately.
-medical assistants will be happy to receive and assistente you.
Cholera is an infectious disease that causes severewatery diarrhea , which can lead to dehydration andeven
death if untreated. It is caused by eating foodor drinking water contaminated with a bacteriumcalled Vibrio
cholerae .
Cholera is fatal uness caused by a bacter im called vibrio choleral which offects the digestível system.
Cholera was prevalent in the U.S. in the 1800s,before modern water and sewage treatmentsystems eliminated
its spread by contaminatedwater. Only about 10 cases of cholera are reported Meach year in the U.S. and half
of these are acquiredabroad. Rarely, contaminated seafood has caused cholera outbreaks in the U.S.
However, cholera outbreaks are still a serious problem in other parts of the world. At least 150,000 cases are
reported to the World Health Organization each year.
The disease is most common in places with poor sanitation, crowding, war, and famine. Common locations
include parts of Africa, south Asia, and Latin America. If you are traveling to one of those areas, knowing the
following cholera facts can help protect you and your family.
Cholera Causes
Vibrio cholerae, the bacterium that causes cholera, is usually found in food or water contaminated by feces
from a person with the infection. Common sources include:
Municipal water supplies Ice made from municipal water Foods and drinks sold by street vendors Vegetables
grown with water containing human wastes Raw or undercooked fish and seafood caught in waters polluted
with sewage When a person consumes the contaminated food or water, the bacteria release a toxin in the
intestines that produces severe diarrhea.
It is not likely you will catch cholera just from casual contact with an infected person.
Cholera Symptoms
Symptoms of cholera can begin as soon as a few hours or as long as five days after infection. Often, symptoms
are mild. But sometimes they are very serious. About one in 20 people infected have severe watery diarrhea
accompanied by vomiting, which can quickly lead to dehydration .
Although many infected people may have minimal or no symptoms, they can still contribute to spread ofthe
Signs and symptoms of dehydration include: Rapid heart rate Loss of skin elasticity (the ability to return to
original position quickly if pinched) Dry mucous membranes, including the inside of the mouth, throat, nose,
and eyelids Low blood pressure Thirst Muscle cramps If not treated, dehydration can lead to shock and death
in a matter of hours.
Cholera Treatment and Prevention
Although there is a vaccine against cholera, the CDC and World Health Organization don't normally
recommend it, because it may not protect up to hal of the people who receive it anditlasts only a few months.
However, you can protect yourself andyour family by using only water that has been boiled, water that has
been chemically disinfected, or bottled water. Be sure to use the bottled, boiled,or chemically disinfected water
for the following purposes:
Drinking Preparing food or drinks Making iceBrushing your teeth Washing your face and hands Washing
dishes and utensils that you use to eat or prepare food Washing fruits and vegetables To disinfect your own
water, boil it for one minute (or 3 minutes at higher elevations) or filter and use a commercial chemical
disinfectant.should also avoid raw foods, including the following:
Unpeeled fruits and vegetables Unpasteurized milk and milk products Raw or undercooked meat or
shellfishvFish caught in tropical reefs, which may be contaminated If you develop severe, watery diarrhea and
vomiting -- particularly after eating raw shellfish or traveling to a country where cholera is epidemic -- seek
medical help immediately. Cholera is highly treatable, but because dehydration can happen quickly, it's
important to get cholera treatment right away.
Prevent catching cholera:
-Boil wate before drinking.,
-wash your hands ofter using to toiled Cook good well.,
Hydration is the mainstay of treatment for cholera.Depending on how severe the diarrhea is, treatment will
consist of oral or intravenous solutions to replace lost fluids. Antibiotics whichkil the bacteria, are not part of
emergency treatment for mild cases. But they can reduce the duration of diarrhea by half and also reduce the
excretion of the bacteria, thus helping to prevent the spread of the disease.
-yes tare the patientte a clínica immediately.
-por the way to the clinic give the paleet of Walter.
While HIV is a life-changing illness, a person can live a long and full live with it.Human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks immune cells called CD4 cells, which are type of T cell.These are white
blood cells that move around thebody, detecting faults and anomalies in cells as well as infections. When HIV
targets and infiltrates these cells, it reduces the body's ability to combat other diseases.
This increases the risk and impact of opportunistic infections and cancers. However, a person can carry HIV
without experiencing symptoms for a long time.HIV is a lifelong infection. However, receiving treatment and
managing the disease effectively can prevent HIV from reaching a severe level and reduce the risk of a person
passing on the virus.
AIDS is the most advanced stage of HIV infection. Once HIV infection develops into AIDS, infections and
cancer pose a greater risk. Without treatment, HIV infection is likely to develop
into AIDS as the immune system gradually wears down. However, advances in ART mean than an ever-
decreasing number of people progress to this stage.
People transmit HIV in bodily fluids, including.
blood semen vaginal secretions anal fluids breast milk In the United States, the main causes of this transfer of
fluids are:
anal or vaginal intercourse with a person who has HIV while not using a condom or PrEP, a preventi HIV
medication for people at high risk of infection sharing equipment for injectable illicit drugs, hormones, and
steroids with a person who has H A woman living with HIV who is pregnant or has recently given birth might
transfer the disease to her child during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding.
The risk of HIV transmitting through blood transfusions is extremely low in countries that have effective
screening procedures in place for blood donations.
Symptoms For the most part, infections by other bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites cause the more severe.
symptoms of HIV.
These conditions tend to progress further in people who live with HIV than in individuals with healthy immune
systems. A correctly functioning immune system would protect the body against the more advanced effects of
infections, and HIV disrupts this process.
Early symptoms of HIV infection
Sweats are an early sign of HIV, but many people do not know they have the disease for years. Some people
with HIV do not show symptoms until months or even years after contracting the virus.
However, around 80 percent of people may develop a set of flu-like symptoms known as acute retroviral
syndrome around 2–6 weeks after the virus enters the body.
The early symptoms of HIV infection may include:
fever chills joint pain muscle aches sore throat sweats. particularly at night enlarged glands a red rash tiredness
weakness unintentional weight loss thrush These symptoms might also result from the immune system fighting
off many types of viruses.
However, people who experience several of these symptoms and know of any reason they might have been at
risk of contracting HIV over the last 6 weeks should take a test.
Asymptomatic HIV
In many cases, after the symptoms of acute retroviral syndrome, symptoms might not occur for many years.
During this time, the virus continues to develop and cause immune system and organ damage. Without
medication that prevents the replication of the virus, this slow process can continue for an average of around
10 years.
A person living with HIV often experiences no symptoms, feels well, and appears healthy. Complying rigidly
to a course of ART can disrupt this phase and suppress the virus completely. Taking effective antiretroviral
medications for life can halt on-going damage to the immune system.
Late-stage HIV infection Without medication, HIV weakens the ability to fight infection. The person becomes
vulnerable to serious illnesses.
This stage is known as AIDS or stage 3 HIV.
Symptoms of late-stage HIV infection may include:
blurred vision diarrhea, which is usually persistent or chronic dry cough a fever of over 100 °F (37 °C) lasting
for weeks night sweats permanent tiredness shortness of breath, or dyspnea swollen glands lasting for weeks
unintentional weight loss white spots on the tongue or mouth
During late-stage HIV infection, the risk of developing a life-threatening illness increases greatly.
A person with late-stage HIV can control, prevent and treat serious conditions by taking other medications
alongside HIV treatment.
Preventing OIs is key to extending life expectancy with late-stage HIV. Aside from managing HIV viral
exposure and take precautions, such as wearing protective gloves while changing litter Avoid foods that are at
risk of contamination, suc as undercooked eggs, unpasteurized dairy and fr juice, or raw seed sprouts.
Do not drink water straight from a lake or river or water in certain foreign countries. Drink bottled water or use
water filters.
Ask your doctor about work, home, and vacation activities to limit exposure to potential OIs. Antibiotic ,
antifungal, or antiparasitic drugs can help treat an oll.
Adhering to antiretroviral treatment can reduce HIV to an undetectable viral load. No cure is currently
available for HIV or AIDS.
However, treatments can stop the progression of the condition and allow most people living with HIV the
opportunity to live a long and relatively healthy life.
Starting ART early in the progression of the virus is crucial. This improves quality of life, extends life
expectancy, and reduces the risk of transmission, according to the WHO's guidelines from June 2013.
More effective and better-tolerated treatments have evolved that can improve general health and quality of life
by taking as little as one pill per day.
A person living with HIV can reduce their viral load to such a degree that it is no longer detectable in
a blood test. After assessing a number of large studies, the CDC concluded that individuals who have no
detectable viral load "have effectively no risk of sexually transmitting the virus to an HIV-negative partner."
Medical professionals refer to this as undetectable = untransmittable (U=U). Emergency HIV pills, or post-
exposure prophylaxis If an individual believes they have been exposed to the virus within the last 3 days, anti-
HIV medications, called post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), may be able to stop infection. Take PEP as soon as
possible after potential contact with the virus.
Arriving até the and of this work,I came to discover my commom diseases, Influenza is
a viral infection that attacks your respiratory system — your nose, throat and lungs., commonly
called the flu, but it's not the same as stomach "flu" viruses that cause diarrhea and vomiting.
Flu viruses travel through the air in droplets when someone with the infection coughs, sneezes or
talks.lks. You can inhale the droplets directly, or you can pick up the germs from an object —
such as a telephone or computer key board — and then transfer them to your eyes, nose or
Malaria is a life-threatening mosquito-borne blood disease. The Anopheles mosquito transmits it
to humans. The parasites in mosquitos that spread malaria belong to the Plasmodium genus.
Doctors divide malaria symptoms into two categories : Uncomplicated and severe malaria.
Prevent malaria-use mosquito ret, cut the Abranches do teus around your house and cut grast
around your house.
In severe malaria, clinical or laboratory evidence shows signs of vital organ dysfunction.
Symptoms of severe malaria include: fever and chills impaired consciousness prostration.
Cholera is an infectious disease that causes severewatery diarrhea , which can lead to
dehydration andeven death if untreated. It is caused by eating foodor drinking water
contaminated with a bacteriumcalled Vibrio cholerae.
Cholera is a fatlal ilness caused by a bacterium called vibrio choleral which affects the digestível
Cholera was prevalent in the U.S. in the 1800s,before modern water and sewage
treatmentsystems eliminated its spread by contaminatedwater. Only about 10 cases of cholera are
reported Meach year in the U.S. and half of these are acquiredabroad. Rarely,
contaminated seafood has caused cholera outbreaks in the U.S. However, cholera outbreaks are
still a serious problem in other parts of the world. At least 150,000 cases are reported to the
World Health Organization each year.
Vibrio cholerae, the bacterium that causes cholera, is usually found in food or water
contaminated by feces from a person with the infection.
Prevent catching cholera-boil wate before drinking, wash your banda ofter using to toiled Cook
food well.HIV-AIDSThe risk of HIV transmitting through bloodtransfusionsis extremely low in
countries that have effective screening procedures in place for blood donations.
AIDS is the most advanced stage of HIV infection. Once HIV infection develops into AIDS,
infections and cancer pose a greater risk.
LOURENÇO,Nelson,multidisciplinar approach II.Coimbra publishing quartet-lisboa(1997).
CABINDA,Manuel gouws.english language-commom diseases,transmitted the ell- Maputo 1987.

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Cholera 1 (2)

  • 1. NACUXA SECUNDARY SCHOOL TOPIC: conmom diseases STUDENT: Eduardo Xerife Nr:10 TEACHER: Victorino Ernesto NACUXA,JUNY 2019 Index
  • 2. Introduction..........................................................................................................................................1 Influenza,flue........................................................................................................................................2 Malaria..................................................................................................................................................3 Treatment.............................................................................................................................................4 Prevention.............................................................................................................................................5 Cholera..................................................................................................................................................6 Causes..................................................................................................................................................7 HIV-AIDS...............................................................................................................................................8 Treatment............................................................................................................................................9 Prevention............................................................................................................................................10 Conclusio.............................................................................................................................................11 Bibliography.........................................................................................................................................12 Introduction The present work,which aborts two themes related to commom diseases, influenza resolves on its own. But
  • 3. sometimes, influenza and its complications can be deadly. Flu viruses travel through the air in droplets when someone with the infection coughs, sneezes or talks. -Malaria is a life-threatening mosquito-borne blood disease. The Anopheles mosquito transmits it to humans. Malaria is passed on by the Anopheles mosquito. -Cholera was prevalent in the U.S. in the 1800s, before modern water and sewage treatment systems eliminated its spread by contaminated water. Only about 10 cases of cholera are reported each year in the U.S. and half of these are acquired abroad. Rarely, contaminated seafood has caused cholera outbreaks in the U.S. However, cholera outbreaks are still a serious problem in other parts of the world. At least 150,000 cases are reported to the World Health Organization each year. HIV-AIDS a person can carry HIV without experiencing symptoms for a long time.HIV is a lifelong infection. However, receiving treatment and managing the disease effectively can prevent HIV from reaching a severe level and reduce the risk of a person passing on the virus. -AIDS is the most advanced stage of HIV infection. Once HIV infection develops into AIDS, infections and cancer pose a greater risk. Without treatment, HIV infection is likely to develop into AIDS as the immune system gradually wears down. However, advances in ART mean than an ever-decreasing number of people progress to this stage. 1 Influenza is a viral infection that attacks your respiratory system — your nose, throat and lungs. Influenza is commonly called the flu, but it's not the same as stomach "flu" viruses that cause diarrhea and vomiting.
  • 4. For most people, influenza resolves on its own. But sometimes, influenza and its complications can be deadly. People at higher risk of developing flu complications include: Young children under age 5, and especially those under 2 years. Adults older than age 65 Residents of nursing homes and other long- term care facilities Pregnant women and women up to two weeks postpartum People wicth weakened immune systems People who have chronic illnesses, such as asthma, heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease and diabetes People who are very obese, with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher Though the annual influenza vaccine isn't 100 percent effective, it's still your best defense against the flu. Symptoms Initially, the flu may seem like a common cold with a runny nose, sneezing and sore throat. But colds usually develop slowly, whereas the flu tends to come on suddenly. And although a cold can be a nuisance, you usually feel much worse with the flu. Common signs and symptoms of the flu include: Fever over 100.4 F (38 C) Aching muscles Chills and sweats Headache. Dry, persistent cough Fatigue and weakness Nasal congestion Sore throat Causes Flu viruses travel through the air in droplets when someone with the infection coughs, sneezes or talks. You can inhale the droplets directly, or you can pick up the germs from an object — such as a telephone or computer key board — and then transfer them to your eyes, nose or mouth. People with the virus are likely contagious from the day or so before symptoms first appear until about five days after symptoms begin. Children and people with weakened immune systems may be contagious for a slightly longer time. Influenza viruses are constantly changing, with new strains appearing regularly. If you've had influenza in the past, your body has already made antibodies to fight that particular strain of the virus. If future influenza viruses are similar to those you've encountered before, either by having the disease or by vaccination, those antibodies may prevent infection or lessen its severity. But antibodies against flu viruses you've encountered in the past can't protect you from new influenza subtypes that can be very different immunologically from what you had before. Treatment A virus causes flu, so antibiotics cannot help, unless the flu has led to another illness caused by bacteria. Antivirals A doctor may prescribe antivirals, such as ose (Tami flu) and zona (relenza), in some circumstances. In addition, in 2018, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a new drug—baloxavir mar boxil (Xo influenza)—for acute uncomplicated influenza, or flu. People will take the drug by mouth, in a single dose. People can receive this treatment if they: are aged 12 years or over have had symptoms for fewer than 48 hours Possible side effects include diarrhea and bronchiti.Pain relief medication Pain relievers can alleviate some of the symptoms, such as a headache and body pains. 2 Various painkillers are available to purchase online . It is important to compare different products, and only take them under the advice of a medical professional. Some painkillers, such as aspirin, are not suitable for children under 12 years of age. Home remedies Individuals with flu should: stay at home avoid contact with other people where possible keep warm and rest consume plenty of liquids avoid alcohol stop smoking eat if possible It is a good idea for people that live alone to tell a relative, friend, or neighbor that they have flu and make sure someone can check in on them.
  • 5. Prevention The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends annual vaccination for everyone age 6 months or older. Each year's seasonal flu vaccine contains protection from the three or four influenza viruses that are expected to be the most common during that year's flu season. This year, the vaccine will be available as an injection and as a nasal spray. The nasal spray hasn't been available for twoyears due to questions about effectiveness.The current version is expected to be effective, according to the CDC. The nasal spray still isn't recommended for some groups, such a pregnant women, children between 2 and 4years old with asthma or wheezing, and people who have compromised immune systems.Most types of flu vaccines contain a small amount of egg protein. If you have a egg allergy — you get hives only from eating eggs, for example — you can receive the flu without any additional precautions. If you have a severe egg allergy, you should be vaccinated in a medical setting and be supervised by a doctor who is able to recognize and manage allergic conditions. Malaria Malaria is a life-threatening mosquito-borne blood disease. The Anopheles mosquito transmits it to humans. The parasites in mosquitos that spread malaria belong to the Plasmodium genus. Symptoms Doctors divide malaria symptoms into two categories : Uncomplicated and severe malaria. Uncomplicated malaria Malaria is passed on by the Anopheles mosquito. A doctor would give this diagnosis when symptoms are present, but no symptoms occur that suggest severe infection or dysfunction of the vital organs. -This form can become severe malaria without treatment, or if the host has poor or no immunity Symptoms of uncomplicated malaria typically last 6 to 10 hours and recur every second day. Some strains of the parasite can have a longer cycle or cause mixed symptoms. 3 As symptoms resemble those of flu, they may remain undiagnosed or misdiagnosed in areas where malaria is less common. In uncomplicated malaria, symptoms progress as follows, through cold, hot, and sweating stages: a sensation of cold with shivering fever , headaches, and vomiting seizures sometimes occur in younger people with the disease sweats, followed by a return to normal temperature, with tiredness In areas where malaria is common, many people recognize the symptoms as malaria and treat themselves without visiting a doctor. Severe malaria In severe malaria, clinical or laboratory evidence shows signs of vital organ dysfunction.
  • 6. Symptoms of severe malaria include: fever and chills impaired consciousness prostration, or adopting a prone position multiple convulsions deep breathing and respiratory distress abnormal bleeding and signs of anemia clinical jaundice and evidence of vital organ dysfunction Severe malaria can be fatal without treatment. Treatment Treatment aims to eliminate the Plasmodium parasite from the bloodstream. Those without symptoms may be treated for infection to reduce the risk of disease transmission in the surrounding population.The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) totreat uncomplicated malaria. Artemisinin is derived from the plant Artemisia annua , better known as sweet wormwood. It rapidly reduces the concentration of Plasmodium parasites in the bloodstream. Practitioners often combine ACT with a partner drug. ACT aims to reduce the number of parasites within the first 3 days of infection, while the partner drugs eliminate the rest. Expanding access to ACT treatment worldwide has helped reduce the impact of malaria, but the disease is becoming increasingly resistant to the effects of ACT. In places where malaria is resistant to ACT, treatment must contain an effective partner drug. The WHO has warned that no alternatives to artemisinin are likely to become available for several years. 4 Prevention There are several ways to keep malaria at bay. Vaccination Research to develop safe and effective global vaccines for malaria is ongoing, with the licensing of one vaccine already having occurred in Europe. No vaccine is yet licensed in the U.S. Seek medical attention for suspected symptoms of malaria as early as possible. Advice for travelers While malaria is not endemic to the U.S., travel to many countries around the world entails a risk. The Centers for Disease Control advise travelers to take the following precautions: find out what the risk of malaria is in the country and city or region they are visiting ask their doctor what medications they should use to prevent infection in that region obtain antimalarial drugs before leaving home. to avoid the risk of buying counterfeit drugs while abroad consider the risk for individual
  • 7. travelers, including children, older people, pregnant women, and the existing medical conditions of any travelers Travelers to places where malaria is prevalent should take precautions, for example, using mosquito nets. ensure they will have access to preventative tools, many of which are available to purchase online, including insect repellants, insecticides, pre-treated bed nets, and appropriate clothing be aware of the symptoms of malaria In emergency situations, local health authorities in some countries may carry out "fogging," or spraying areas with pesticides similar to those used in household sprays. The WHO points out that these are not harmful for people, as the concentration of pesticide is only strong enough to kills mosquitoes. While away, travelers should, where possible, avoid situations that increase the risk of being bitten by mosquitoes. Precautions include taking an air- conditioned room, not camping by stagnant water, and wearing clothes that cover the body at times when mosquitoes are most likely to be around. For a year after returning home, the traveler may be susceptible to symptoms of malaria. Donating blood may also not be possible for some time. Prevent malaria: 5 -Use mosquito red., -Cut the branches of trus around your house., -Cut grast around your house., Causes Malaria happens when a bite from the female Anopheles mosquito infects the body with Plasmodium. Only the Anopheles mosquito can transmit malaria. The successful development of the parasite within the mosquito depends on several factors, the most important being humidity and ambient temperatures. When an infected mosquito bites a human host, the parasite enters the bloodstream and lays dormant within the liver. The host will have no symptoms for an average of 10.5 days, but the malaria parasite will begin multiplying during this time. The liver then releases these new malaria parasites back into the bloodstream, where they infect red blood cells and multiply further. Some malaria parasites remain in the liver and do not circulate til later, resulting in recurrence. An unaffected mosquito acquires parasites once it feeds on a human with malaria. This restarts the cycle.
  • 8. Cured -yes,whenever you don't fell well,go to a clinic immediately. -medical assistants will be happy to receive and assistente you. Cholera Cholera is an infectious disease that causes severewatery diarrhea , which can lead to dehydration andeven death if untreated. It is caused by eating foodor drinking water contaminated with a bacteriumcalled Vibrio cholerae . Cholera is fatal uness caused by a bacter im called vibrio choleral which offects the digestível system. Cholera was prevalent in the U.S. in the 1800s,before modern water and sewage treatmentsystems eliminated its spread by contaminatedwater. Only about 10 cases of cholera are reported Meach year in the U.S. and half of these are acquiredabroad. Rarely, contaminated seafood has caused cholera outbreaks in the U.S. However, cholera outbreaks are still a serious problem in other parts of the world. At least 150,000 cases are reported to the World Health Organization each year. The disease is most common in places with poor sanitation, crowding, war, and famine. Common locations include parts of Africa, south Asia, and Latin America. If you are traveling to one of those areas, knowing the following cholera facts can help protect you and your family. Cholera Causes Vibrio cholerae, the bacterium that causes cholera, is usually found in food or water contaminated by feces from a person with the infection. Common sources include: 6 Municipal water supplies Ice made from municipal water Foods and drinks sold by street vendors Vegetables grown with water containing human wastes Raw or undercooked fish and seafood caught in waters polluted with sewage When a person consumes the contaminated food or water, the bacteria release a toxin in the intestines that produces severe diarrhea. It is not likely you will catch cholera just from casual contact with an infected person. Cholera Symptoms Symptoms of cholera can begin as soon as a few hours or as long as five days after infection. Often, symptoms are mild. But sometimes they are very serious. About one in 20 people infected have severe watery diarrhea accompanied by vomiting, which can quickly lead to dehydration . Although many infected people may have minimal or no symptoms, they can still contribute to spread ofthe infection. Signs and symptoms of dehydration include: Rapid heart rate Loss of skin elasticity (the ability to return to original position quickly if pinched) Dry mucous membranes, including the inside of the mouth, throat, nose, and eyelids Low blood pressure Thirst Muscle cramps If not treated, dehydration can lead to shock and death in a matter of hours. Cholera Treatment and Prevention Although there is a vaccine against cholera, the CDC and World Health Organization don't normally recommend it, because it may not protect up to hal of the people who receive it anditlasts only a few months. However, you can protect yourself andyour family by using only water that has been boiled, water that has been chemically disinfected, or bottled water. Be sure to use the bottled, boiled,or chemically disinfected water for the following purposes: Drinking Preparing food or drinks Making iceBrushing your teeth Washing your face and hands Washing dishes and utensils that you use to eat or prepare food Washing fruits and vegetables To disinfect your own
  • 9. water, boil it for one minute (or 3 minutes at higher elevations) or filter and use a commercial chemical disinfectant.should also avoid raw foods, including the following: Unpeeled fruits and vegetables Unpasteurized milk and milk products Raw or undercooked meat or shellfishvFish caught in tropical reefs, which may be contaminated If you develop severe, watery diarrhea and vomiting -- particularly after eating raw shellfish or traveling to a country where cholera is epidemic -- seek medical help immediately. Cholera is highly treatable, but because dehydration can happen quickly, it's important to get cholera treatment right away. Prevent catching cholera: -Boil wate before drinking., -wash your hands ofter using to toiled Cook good well., Hydration is the mainstay of treatment for cholera.Depending on how severe the diarrhea is, treatment will consist of oral or intravenous solutions to replace lost fluids. Antibiotics whichkil the bacteria, are not part of emergency treatment for mild cases. But they can reduce the duration of diarrhea by half and also reduce the excretion of the bacteria, thus helping to prevent the spread of the disease. Cured -yes tare the patientte a clínica immediately. -por the way to the clinic give the paleet of Walter. HIV-AIDS 7 While HIV is a life-changing illness, a person can live a long and full live with it.Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks immune cells called CD4 cells, which are type of T cell.These are white blood cells that move around thebody, detecting faults and anomalies in cells as well as infections. When HIV targets and infiltrates these cells, it reduces the body's ability to combat other diseases. This increases the risk and impact of opportunistic infections and cancers. However, a person can carry HIV without experiencing symptoms for a long time.HIV is a lifelong infection. However, receiving treatment and managing the disease effectively can prevent HIV from reaching a severe level and reduce the risk of a person passing on the virus. AIDS is the most advanced stage of HIV infection. Once HIV infection develops into AIDS, infections and cancer pose a greater risk. Without treatment, HIV infection is likely to develop into AIDS as the immune system gradually wears down. However, advances in ART mean than an ever- decreasing number of people progress to this stage. Causes People transmit HIV in bodily fluids, including. blood semen vaginal secretions anal fluids breast milk In the United States, the main causes of this transfer of fluids are: anal or vaginal intercourse with a person who has HIV while not using a condom or PrEP, a preventi HIV medication for people at high risk of infection sharing equipment for injectable illicit drugs, hormones, and steroids with a person who has H A woman living with HIV who is pregnant or has recently given birth might transfer the disease to her child during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding. The risk of HIV transmitting through blood transfusions is extremely low in countries that have effective screening procedures in place for blood donations. Symptoms For the most part, infections by other bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites cause the more severe. symptoms of HIV.
  • 10. These conditions tend to progress further in people who live with HIV than in individuals with healthy immune systems. A correctly functioning immune system would protect the body against the more advanced effects of infections, and HIV disrupts this process. Early symptoms of HIV infection Sweats are an early sign of HIV, but many people do not know they have the disease for years. Some people with HIV do not show symptoms until months or even years after contracting the virus. However, around 80 percent of people may develop a set of flu-like symptoms known as acute retroviral syndrome around 2–6 weeks after the virus enters the body. The early symptoms of HIV infection may include: fever chills joint pain muscle aches sore throat sweats. particularly at night enlarged glands a red rash tiredness weakness unintentional weight loss thrush These symptoms might also result from the immune system fighting off many types of viruses. However, people who experience several of these symptoms and know of any reason they might have been at risk of contracting HIV over the last 6 weeks should take a test. 8 Asymptomatic HIV In many cases, after the symptoms of acute retroviral syndrome, symptoms might not occur for many years. During this time, the virus continues to develop and cause immune system and organ damage. Without medication that prevents the replication of the virus, this slow process can continue for an average of around 10 years. A person living with HIV often experiences no symptoms, feels well, and appears healthy. Complying rigidly to a course of ART can disrupt this phase and suppress the virus completely. Taking effective antiretroviral medications for life can halt on-going damage to the immune system. Late-stage HIV infection Without medication, HIV weakens the ability to fight infection. The person becomes vulnerable to serious illnesses. This stage is known as AIDS or stage 3 HIV. Symptoms of late-stage HIV infection may include: blurred vision diarrhea, which is usually persistent or chronic dry cough a fever of over 100 °F (37 °C) lasting for weeks night sweats permanent tiredness shortness of breath, or dyspnea swollen glands lasting for weeks unintentional weight loss white spots on the tongue or mouth During late-stage HIV infection, the risk of developing a life-threatening illness increases greatly. A person with late-stage HIV can control, prevent and treat serious conditions by taking other medications alongside HIV treatment. Prevention Preventing OIs is key to extending life expectancy with late-stage HIV. Aside from managing HIV viral exposure and take precautions, such as wearing protective gloves while changing litter Avoid foods that are at risk of contamination, suc as undercooked eggs, unpasteurized dairy and fr juice, or raw seed sprouts. Do not drink water straight from a lake or river or water in certain foreign countries. Drink bottled water or use water filters. Ask your doctor about work, home, and vacation activities to limit exposure to potential OIs. Antibiotic , antifungal, or antiparasitic drugs can help treat an oll.
  • 11. Treatment Adhering to antiretroviral treatment can reduce HIV to an undetectable viral load. No cure is currently available for HIV or AIDS. However, treatments can stop the progression of the condition and allow most people living with HIV the opportunity to live a long and relatively healthy life. Starting ART early in the progression of the virus is crucial. This improves quality of life, extends life expectancy, and reduces the risk of transmission, according to the WHO's guidelines from June 2013. More effective and better-tolerated treatments have evolved that can improve general health and quality of life by taking as little as one pill per day. A person living with HIV can reduce their viral load to such a degree that it is no longer detectable in 9 a blood test. After assessing a number of large studies, the CDC concluded that individuals who have no detectable viral load "have effectively no risk of sexually transmitting the virus to an HIV-negative partner." Medical professionals refer to this as undetectable = untransmittable (U=U). Emergency HIV pills, or post- exposure prophylaxis If an individual believes they have been exposed to the virus within the last 3 days, anti- HIV medications, called post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), may be able to stop infection. Take PEP as soon as possible after potential contact with the virus.
  • 12. 10 Conclusion Arriving até the and of this work,I came to discover my commom diseases, Influenza is a viral infection that attacks your respiratory system — your nose, throat and lungs., commonly called the flu, but it's not the same as stomach "flu" viruses that cause diarrhea and vomiting. Flu viruses travel through the air in droplets when someone with the infection coughs, sneezes or talks.lks. You can inhale the droplets directly, or you can pick up the germs from an object — such as a telephone or computer key board — and then transfer them to your eyes, nose or mouth. Malaria is a life-threatening mosquito-borne blood disease. The Anopheles mosquito transmits it to humans. The parasites in mosquitos that spread malaria belong to the Plasmodium genus. Doctors divide malaria symptoms into two categories : Uncomplicated and severe malaria. Prevent malaria-use mosquito ret, cut the Abranches do teus around your house and cut grast around your house. In severe malaria, clinical or laboratory evidence shows signs of vital organ dysfunction. Symptoms of severe malaria include: fever and chills impaired consciousness prostration. Cholera is an infectious disease that causes severewatery diarrhea , which can lead to dehydration andeven death if untreated. It is caused by eating foodor drinking water contaminated with a bacteriumcalled Vibrio cholerae. Cholera is a fatlal ilness caused by a bacterium called vibrio choleral which affects the digestível system. Cholera was prevalent in the U.S. in the 1800s,before modern water and sewage treatmentsystems eliminated its spread by contaminatedwater. Only about 10 cases of cholera are reported Meach year in the U.S. and half of these are acquiredabroad. Rarely, contaminated seafood has caused cholera outbreaks in the U.S. However, cholera outbreaks are still a serious problem in other parts of the world. At least 150,000 cases are reported to the World Health Organization each year. Vibrio cholerae, the bacterium that causes cholera, is usually found in food or water contaminated by feces from a person with the infection. Prevent catching cholera-boil wate before drinking, wash your banda ofter using to toiled Cook food well.HIV-AIDSThe risk of HIV transmitting through bloodtransfusionsis extremely low in countries that have effective screening procedures in place for blood donations. AIDS is the most advanced stage of HIV infection. Once HIV infection develops into AIDS, infections and cancer pose a greater risk.
  • 13. 11 Bibligraphy LOURENÇO,Nelson,multidisciplinar approach II.Coimbra publishing quartet-lisboa(1997). CABINDA,Manuel gouws.english language-commom diseases,transmitted the ell- Maputo 1987. 12