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PAGE 194
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1. Elementary schools are the first and most important educational
opportunity for many children.
2. The three most often cited purposes of elementary schools are: literacy,
citizenship education, and personal development.
3. Principals are key individuals in elementary schools.
4. Principals are viewed as doing a good job by the public.
5. Vertical organization focuses on who enters schools and how they progress
through school: horizontal organization deals with the grouping of students
during school.
6. The elementary school teacher fills a variety of roles, including a social
model and a friend.
7. There is no instructional method that is best for all.
8. Homogenous and heterogeneous grouping both have advantages and
9. Gifted education in elementary schools is currently on the upswing.
Copyright © 2005
William Kritsonis
All Rights Reserved / Forever
PAGE 195
This chapter presents information regarding elementary education. Discussions
include such topics as horizontal and vertical organization of elementary
schools, curriculum in elementary schools, the administration of elementary
schools, and elementary school teachers. Also discussed are indicators of child
abuse or neglect and techniques for teaching diverse school populations.
CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION - provided through formal classes such as
history and civics; children also experience citizenship training through
informal activities with children from a diversified cross-section of society.
CLASSROOM MATERIALS - the textbook being one, other materials are left
up to the teacher. Teachers often make their own materials or modify materials
that are given to them.
COMMON SCHOOLS - free, publicly supported schools for all children;
movement began in the mid-1800s. Common schools provided a free, basic,
common foundational education program for all children grades 1-8.
CURRICULUM - all experience provided to students in school.
ELEMENTARY COUNSELING - realization that young children also have
counseling needs. Children with emotional problems and those with
characteristics that suggest the eventual development of problems, have been
targeted for intervention.
GIFTED STUDENTS - a group of students whose abilities are above those of
most students; these students require specialized programs.
GRADED SCHOOLS - schools organized using a step system whereby students
are usually grouped according to chronological age rather than by abilities.
HETEROGENEOUS GROUPING - does not attempt to categorize students
on any specific criteria such as ability or interest. Students are randomly placed
in instructional groups (although grouping by age is characteristic of a graded
system) without any pre-selection for other characteristics.
HOMOGENEOUS GROUPINGS - places children with similar
characteristics together. Characteristics considered are: academic ability,
cultural background, psychomotor development, age, personal and social
adjustment, and interest.
PAGE 196
HORIZONTAL ORGANIZATION - students and teachers need to be organized
into instructional groups; self-contained classrooms and departmentalization.
LITERACY - reading, writing, and arithmetic. Currently schools focus not
only on instruction in the three basic academic areas, but on knowledge of the
world, science, and cultural awareness.
MANAGEMENT STYLE - a key factor in how individuals are brought into
decision making and how school district philosophies and policies are
implemented (administrative leadership style).
MILIEU - environment.
MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION - elementary aged children need an aware-
ness of the various cultures and ethnic groups that are represented in America.
NONGRADED SCHOOL - an organizational pattern for schools that use
students’ abilities for grouping rather than assigning students to certain grades
based on chronological age.
PRINCIPAL - administrator in charge of individual schools.
SCHOOL POLICIES - gives each school a unique personality; affects
disciplinary methods, academic expectations and requirements, dress codes,
curriculum, and school climate.
SELF-CONTAINED - classroom organization where students remain in the
same room with the same teacher all day.
SUPERINTENDENT - chief school administration officer in local school
THREE R’s - Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic.
VERTICAL ORGANIZATION - the plan of the school for identifying when
and who is ready to enter, as well as the procedures for regulating pupil
progress through the elementary school to a completion point.
1. What are the purposes of elementary schools?
Elementary schools in the United States are the mandatory beginning point
for public education. The purposes most frequently stressed include:
a. Literacy - began as teaching reading but expanded to include writing
and arithmetic.
b. Citizenship Education - provided through formal classes such as
history and civics; children also experience citizenship training through
informal activities with children from a diverse cross section of society.
PAGE 197
c. Personal Development - emotional, social, and physical growth are
aspects of personal development. Multicultural educational is another
area of personal development.
2. How do principals provide instructional leadership?
One of the most important functions of the principal is in the area of
instructional leadership. Instructional leadership includes all actions taken
by principals, or delegated to others, that promote learning in students.
Principals must be able to recognize poor teaching and be able to
implement ways to make teaching better. Principals should also recognize
exemplary teaching skills and should develop incentives and rewards to
encourage these teaching styles.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of graded and nongraded
Graded (standard approach to promotion): at its lowest level, gradedness
is essentially a lockstep system that encourages teachers to teach to the
group with a rigid curriculum. Definite strong points include:
a. reduces some variability among students;
b. it exposes all children to the same curriculum;
c. educational materials can be developed for chronological age interests;
d. similar chronological age among students facilitates social interactions;
e. it is efficient;
f. teachers are able to specialize their teaching by focusing on a particular
age group;
g. minimum standards can be established for each grade level.
Nongraded (vertical): this approach allows students to progress at their
own rate throughout the school year. Moving to higher curricular levels is
dependent on skills, knowledge, and appreciation in content areas, not time
spent. Competencies are used to determine pupils’ locations along the
curricular ladder, not the number of years in school. Extensive reporting
and record keeping are required to chart each student’s progress. Students
are provided with successful experiences, regardless of their location in the
curriculum. Probable causes for lack of popularity:
a. too much record keeping;
b. great deviation from the traditional graded approach;
c. the likelihood that teachers were trained for the graded system;
d. the likelihood that many parents do not understand the nongraded format.
PAGE 198
4. What are the roles of philosophy and policy in elementary education?
The philosophy and policies of schools give each school a unique
personality. What occurs in school and classrooms has a direct relationship
to the underlying philosophy of the school and classroom. Decisions about
goals and curriculum rest solidly upon the school’s ideas and beliefs about
the nature of the child and how the child learns; about ethics, economics,
and other great issues. Philosophy and policies of school affect
disciplinary methods, academic expectations and requirements, dress
codes, curriculum, and school climate.
5. What influences elementary schools curricula?
a. curriculum includes not only the intellectual content of subjects, but the
methods used to teach, the interactions that occur between teachers and
students, and school sponsored activities; includes all student
experiences for which the school accepts responsibilities: formal
courses, school sponsored clubs, athletics, and band;
b. curriculum results from society and subject matter specialists;
c. elementary school curriculum changes relative to the outside world;
d. school’s curriculum reflects the attitudes, values, and concerns of society.
6. What do elementary teachers do?
Elementary teachers perform many roles in facilitating the education of
their students: social model, evaluator, walking encyclopedia, moderator,
investigator, ombudsman, moral builder, leader of the group, substitute
parent, target for frustrations, and friend. The role of an elementary teacher
is to diagnose learning problems, facilitate independent learning, and
develop curriculum. Their primary role is that of instructor.
7. How can teachers utilize classroom space?
a. rugs could be added or taken away to adjust noise levels;
b. furniture could be moved to create open or closed spaces for various
types of activities;
c. certain toys should be removed if they are too distracting;
d. some activities could best be conducted outside the classroom;
e. use of learning centers;
f. spaces for individuals or small groups with materials about specific
PAGE 199
8. What are the primary modes of instruction in elementary schools?
a. question and answer activities;
b. providing individual help;
c. reading to students;
d. worksheets;
e. individual desk activities;
f. grouping.
9. What special services are available in elementary schools?
a. Special Education Services:
Public Law 94-142 required schools to:
1. locate handicapped children;
2. individually assess handicapped children;
3. develop individual educational programs for handicapped children;
4. provide appropriate services to handicapped children in the least
restrictive setting (with non-handicapped children);
5. annually review the progress of handicapped children to determine
the effectiveness of the services provided.
b. Gifted Education Services:
Gifted children have been in and out of favor more than any other
group of children. Currently, the definition of Gifted includes high
performance in creativity, leadership, and visual and performing arts.
Some program adaptations that can be made:
1. enrichment in regular classes – special materials and lessons are
2. consultant teacher – specially trained teachers consult with regular
classroom teacher to suggest activities for gifted children;
3. resource room – gifted go to resource room part of the day to work
with a gifted-education specialist;
4. mentor – community members with specialized skills work with
gifted students either individually or in small groups;
5. independent study – students allowed to carry out independent
study under the supervision of teacher;
PAGE 200
6. special interest classes – specialized content field offered to gifted
7. special schools – schools specially designed for gifted students.
c. Counseling Services
Originally developed for secondary schools, counseling services have
become common in elementary schools. The need and benefits of
elementary counseling programs have been greatly documented.
10. What are some efficient classroom management practices?
a. all is done that is possible to have the proper temperature and
b. the best use is made of available light;
c. instructional spaces are kept clean and orderly without limiting
worthwhile learning activity;
d. all students can see and hear;
e. students are moved when a better learning situation can be achieved;
f. students are helped to be as comfortable as facilities will permit;
g. seating is arranged to accommodate the best possible learning of all
h. conditions are organized so that charts, models, and other training aids
are available when needed and properly stored when not in use;
i. the classroom situation is organized to discourage interruption by other
personnel in the school;
j. students’ progress records are kept up-to-date;
k. educational equipment is organized so that it is readily available for use
with a minimum of disturbance;
l. classes are started and dismissed on time;
m. there is orderly entry by students into classrooms for beginning classes
and an orderly exit at the conclusion of classes;
n. students are kept productively busy for the full class period;
o. standards for the quality of classroom work are maintained;
p. the teacher is in the classroom prior to the arrival of students;
q. an effective lesson plan is prepared;
r. bulletin boards are well prepared with exciting learning materials that
will motivate students;
PAGE 201
s. a good, clear assignment is given;
t. safety conditions are observed;
u. the teacher’s grooming presents a model for students to emulate.
11. What are some physical and behavioral indicators of possible abuse or
Physical Indicators Behavioral Indicators
Emotional Abuse and Neglect
• Height and weight significantly
below age level
• Inappropriate clothing for weather
• Scaly skin
• Poor hygiene, lice, body odor
• Child left unsupervised or
• Lack of a safe and sanitary shelter
• Unattended medical or dental needs
• Developmental lags
• Habit disorders
• Begging or stealing food
• Constant fatigue
• Poor school attendance
• Chronic hunger
• Dull, apathetic appearance
• Running away from home
• Child reports that no one cares or
looks after him/her
• Sudden onset of behavioral
extremes (conduct problems,
Physical Abuse
• Frequent injuries such as cuts,
bruises, or burns
• Wearing long sleeves in warm
• Pain despite lack of evident injury
• Inability to perform fine motor
skills because of injured hands
• Difficulty walking or sitting
• Poor school attendance
• Refusing to change clothes for
physical education
• Finding reasons to stay at school
and not go home
• Frequent complaints of harsh
treatments by parents
• Fear of adults
Sexual Abuse
• Bedwetting or soiling
• Stained or bloody underclothing
• Venereal disease
• Blood or purulent discharge from
genital or anal area
• Difficulty walking or sitting
• Excessive fears, clinging
• Unusual, sophisticated sexual
• Sudden onset of behavioral
• Poor school attendance
• Finding reasons to stay at school
and not go home
Source: Cates, D.L., Markell, M.A., & Bettenhausen, S. (1995). At risk for abuse: A teacher’s guide for
recognizing and reporting child neglect and abuse. Preventing school failure, 39(2), 6. Adapted
with permission.
PAGE 202
12. What are some socializing agents that help to transmit culture to the
a. Family;
b. School;
c. Community;
d. Neighborhood;
e. Peer group;
f. Electronic media;
g. Sports;
h. The arts;
i. Print media;
j. Workplace;
k. Technology.
13. What are the components to The Problem Method?
a. Creating the setting;
b. Establishing pupil ownership;
c. Locating and recording information;
d. Information sharing and summarization;
e. Evaluation.
PAGE 203
14. What are the four fundamental questions of The Idealized Curriculum
a. What shall be taught?
b. How shall it be taught?
c. When shall it be taught?
d. How shall what is taught be evaluated?
Copyright 2002
Dr. WA Kritsonis
PAGE 204
15. What are some selected physical and behavioral indicators of physical
abuse and neglect, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse?
Physical Indicators Behavioral Indicators
Physical Abuse–non-accidental injury to a child that may involve some beatings, burns,
strangulation, or human bites
• Unexplained bruises, swollen areas
• Welts, bite marks, bald spots
• Unexplained burns, fractures, abrasions
• Evidence of inappropriate treatment of
• Self-destructive
• Withdrawn and/or aggressive extremes
• Complaints of soreness or discomfort
• Bizarre explanation of injuries
Physical Neglect–failure to provide a child with basic necessities
• Unattended medical needs, lice, poor hygiene
• Consistent lack of supervision
• Consistent hunger, inadequate nutrition
• Consistent inappropriate clothing
• Regularly displays fatigue, listlessness
• Steals food, begs from classmates
• Frequently absent or tardy
• Reports there is no caretaker at home
Sexual Abuse–sexual exploitation, including rape, incest, fondling, and pornography
• Torn, stained or bloody underclothing
• Pain, swelling, or itching in genital area
• Venereal disease
• Frequent urinary or yeast infections
• Withdrawal, chronic depression
• Hysteria, lack of emotional control
• Inappropriate sex play, premature sex
• Excessive seductiveness
Emotional Abuse–a pattern of behavior that attacks a child’s emotional development,
i.e., name calling, put-downs, terrorization, isolation
• Speech disorders
• Delayed physical development
• Substance abuse
• Ulcer, asthma, severe allergy
• Habit disorders (sucking, rocking, biting)
• Emotional disturbance
• Neurotic traits (sleep disorders, play
• Antisocial, destructive, delinquent
Source: Adapted from guidelines posted by Safeguarding our children-united mothers (SOC-UM), at Reprinted with permission.
1. What are some advantages and disadvantages of graded and
nongraded organizations?
a. Graded advantages: reduces some variability among students; it
exposes all children to the same curriculum; educational materials can
be developed for chronological age interests; similar chronological age
among students facilitates social interactions; it is efficient; teachers are
able to specialize their teaching by focusing on a particular age group;
and minimum standards can be established for each grade level.
PAGE 205
b. Graded limitations include: locking students into certain groups
regardless of ability levels and encouraging teachers to teach to the
group with a rigid curriculum.
c. Nongraded advantages: students progress at their own rate throughout
the school year; identification of skills, knowledge, and appreciations
in content areas, not length of time, are the key to moving on to higher
curricular levels; competencies, not the number of years in school, are
used to determine pupils’ locations along the curricular sequence;
students are provided with successful experiences regardless of their
location in the curriculum.
d. Nongraded limitations include: too much record keeping; great
deviation from the traditional graded approach; the likelihood that
teachers were trained for the graded system; and the likelihood that
many parents do not understand the nongraded format.
2. Describe activities performed by the principal related to the role of
instructional leadership.
a. instructional leadership and management, personnel management,
financial management, plant management, community relations and
student management;
b. principals must be able to:
1. recognize poor teaching and be able to implement better ways of
2. recognize outstanding teaching and should develop rewards and
incentives to encourage these teaching styles.
c. instructional leadership is all actions taken by the principal or delegated
to others.
3. Should schools act as “parents” to children during the school day?
Schools should act to the extent of temporarily assuming the role as a
parent by disciplining the child for breaking school rules, but morals
should not be thrust upon the child. Children learn through observing
others. That is the only way morals should be taught. Although not a
primary focus of elementary education until this century, emotional, social,
and physical growth are considered major responsibilities. In general,
parenting should be left to the parents.
4. Why is multicultural education important?
a. to enable children to understand, accept, and identify with cultural and
diverse ethnic groups other than their own; need will become more
PAGE 206
pronounced as daily interactions among culturally diverse individuals
b. elementary-aged children need an awareness of the various cultures
and diverse ethnic groups that are represented in the country; children
from these minority groups need to be able to identify with their
groups; multicultural education can greatly facilitate this process.
5. What are some effective ways for teaching students who are immigrants?
a. allow students to tell their story through narratives, role playing, and
b. offer language enrichment program;
c. encourage students to do projects using materials in their native
d. be sensitive to the problems individuals face in learning a second
e. understand the cultural, economic, and historical factors that have had a
significant impact on students;
f. teach students about their new culture;
g. use nonverbal forms of expression including music, dance, and art;
h. use peers and community members as a resource;
i. employ media in the students’ native languages;
j. offer culturally sensitive in-school and extracurricular activities and
encourage students to participate in these activities;
k. provide students with access to peer discussion and support groups that
are relevant to their interests and experiences;
l. involve parents, extended family members, and knowledgeable
community members in the student’s educational program;
m. provide students and their families with native language materials
dealing with school-related information and information about their
n. contact the Clearinghouse for Immigration Education (800-441-7192),
the National Center for Immigrant Students (617-357-8507), or the
National Coalition of Advocates for Students (617-357-8507),
organizations that disseminate information about model school
programs and organizations, teacher-made materials, relevant research,
PAGE 207
and resource lists addressing the needs of immigrant students and their
Source: Harris (1991); Nahme Huang (1989) as cited in Salend, S.J. (1998). Effective mainstreaming:
Creating inclusive classrooms (3rd
ed.). Columbus, OH: Merrill. Adapted with permission.
6. What are some of the national goals for educating Native Americans
and Alaska natives?
Goal 1: Readiness for school.
Goal 2: Maintain native languages and cultures.
Goal 3: Literacy.
Goal 4: Student academic achievement.
Goal 5: High school graduation.
Goal 6: High-quality native and non-native school personnel.
Goal 7: Safe, alcohol-free, and drug-free schools.
Goal 8: Adult education and lifelong learning.
Goal 9: Restructuring schools.
Goal 10: Parental, community, and tribal partnerships.
7. What are some effective guideline for conferencing with students?
a. demonstrate caring;
b. provide emotional support and security;
c. use active or empathic listening;
d. do not probe by asking why questions;
e. ask what, who, how questions;
f. focus on present behavior, not past behavior;
g. curtail excessive “venting”;
h. refrain from judging the student’s behavior;
i. call on students to make value judgments about their behavior; offer
suitable alternatives when necessary;
j. help students “make a plan” to increase responsible behavior.
1. Literacy refers to developing skills in reading and writing.
2. The power to operate local schools rests in the hands of the state.
PAGE 208
3. Schools were nongraded in Colonial America.
4. The term “curriculum” refers only to academic subjects taught in the school.
5. “Milieu” is another term for the classroom environment.
Multiple Choice
1. The instructional leader in the schools should be _______.
a. teachers b. department heads c. principal d. superintendent
2. The percentage of schools using a nongraded system is about _______.
a. 1% b. 10% c. 25% d. 27%
3. Characteristics of good teachers include _______.
a. stern disciplinary strategies b. likes children
c. not very organized d. all of the above
4. Grouping students with similar characteristics is _______.
a. homogeneous grouping b. heterogeneous grouping
c. differential grouping d. none of the above

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Ch. 7 Elementary Schooling in America - Dr. William Allan Kritsonis

  • 1. CHAPTER 7–ELEMENTARY SCHOOLING IN AMERICA PAGE 194 This book is protected under the Copyright Act of 1976. Uncited Sources, Violators will be prosecuted. Courtesy, National FORUM Journals CHAPTER 7 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLING IN AMERICA KEY POINTS 1. Elementary schools are the first and most important educational opportunity for many children. 2. The three most often cited purposes of elementary schools are: literacy, citizenship education, and personal development. 3. Principals are key individuals in elementary schools. 4. Principals are viewed as doing a good job by the public. 5. Vertical organization focuses on who enters schools and how they progress through school: horizontal organization deals with the grouping of students during school. 6. The elementary school teacher fills a variety of roles, including a social model and a friend. 7. There is no instructional method that is best for all. 8. Homogenous and heterogeneous grouping both have advantages and disadvantages. 9. Gifted education in elementary schools is currently on the upswing. Copyright © 2005 William Kritsonis All Rights Reserved / Forever
  • 2. SCHOOLING (2002) PAGE 195 CHAPTER 7–ELEMENTARY SCHOOLING IN AMERICA A. OVERVIEW This chapter presents information regarding elementary education. Discussions include such topics as horizontal and vertical organization of elementary schools, curriculum in elementary schools, the administration of elementary schools, and elementary school teachers. Also discussed are indicators of child abuse or neglect and techniques for teaching diverse school populations. B. KEY TERMS–DEFINITIONS CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION - provided through formal classes such as history and civics; children also experience citizenship training through informal activities with children from a diversified cross-section of society. CLASSROOM MATERIALS - the textbook being one, other materials are left up to the teacher. Teachers often make their own materials or modify materials that are given to them. COMMON SCHOOLS - free, publicly supported schools for all children; movement began in the mid-1800s. Common schools provided a free, basic, common foundational education program for all children grades 1-8. CURRICULUM - all experience provided to students in school. ELEMENTARY COUNSELING - realization that young children also have counseling needs. Children with emotional problems and those with characteristics that suggest the eventual development of problems, have been targeted for intervention. GIFTED STUDENTS - a group of students whose abilities are above those of most students; these students require specialized programs. GRADED SCHOOLS - schools organized using a step system whereby students are usually grouped according to chronological age rather than by abilities. HETEROGENEOUS GROUPING - does not attempt to categorize students on any specific criteria such as ability or interest. Students are randomly placed in instructional groups (although grouping by age is characteristic of a graded system) without any pre-selection for other characteristics. HOMOGENEOUS GROUPINGS - places children with similar characteristics together. Characteristics considered are: academic ability, cultural background, psychomotor development, age, personal and social adjustment, and interest.
  • 3. CHAPTER 7–ELEMENTARY SCHOOLING IN AMERICA PAGE 196 HORIZONTAL ORGANIZATION - students and teachers need to be organized into instructional groups; self-contained classrooms and departmentalization. LITERACY - reading, writing, and arithmetic. Currently schools focus not only on instruction in the three basic academic areas, but on knowledge of the world, science, and cultural awareness. MANAGEMENT STYLE - a key factor in how individuals are brought into decision making and how school district philosophies and policies are implemented (administrative leadership style). MILIEU - environment. MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION - elementary aged children need an aware- ness of the various cultures and ethnic groups that are represented in America. NONGRADED SCHOOL - an organizational pattern for schools that use students’ abilities for grouping rather than assigning students to certain grades based on chronological age. PRINCIPAL - administrator in charge of individual schools. SCHOOL POLICIES - gives each school a unique personality; affects disciplinary methods, academic expectations and requirements, dress codes, curriculum, and school climate. SELF-CONTAINED - classroom organization where students remain in the same room with the same teacher all day. SUPERINTENDENT - chief school administration officer in local school districts. THREE R’s - Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic. VERTICAL ORGANIZATION - the plan of the school for identifying when and who is ready to enter, as well as the procedures for regulating pupil progress through the elementary school to a completion point. C. SOME PRECEDING THOUGHTS 1. What are the purposes of elementary schools? Elementary schools in the United States are the mandatory beginning point for public education. The purposes most frequently stressed include: a. Literacy - began as teaching reading but expanded to include writing and arithmetic. b. Citizenship Education - provided through formal classes such as history and civics; children also experience citizenship training through informal activities with children from a diverse cross section of society.
  • 4. SCHOOLING (2002) PAGE 197 c. Personal Development - emotional, social, and physical growth are aspects of personal development. Multicultural educational is another area of personal development. 2. How do principals provide instructional leadership? One of the most important functions of the principal is in the area of instructional leadership. Instructional leadership includes all actions taken by principals, or delegated to others, that promote learning in students. Principals must be able to recognize poor teaching and be able to implement ways to make teaching better. Principals should also recognize exemplary teaching skills and should develop incentives and rewards to encourage these teaching styles. 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of graded and nongraded schools? Graded (standard approach to promotion): at its lowest level, gradedness is essentially a lockstep system that encourages teachers to teach to the group with a rigid curriculum. Definite strong points include: a. reduces some variability among students; b. it exposes all children to the same curriculum; c. educational materials can be developed for chronological age interests; d. similar chronological age among students facilitates social interactions; e. it is efficient; f. teachers are able to specialize their teaching by focusing on a particular age group; g. minimum standards can be established for each grade level. Nongraded (vertical): this approach allows students to progress at their own rate throughout the school year. Moving to higher curricular levels is dependent on skills, knowledge, and appreciation in content areas, not time spent. Competencies are used to determine pupils’ locations along the curricular ladder, not the number of years in school. Extensive reporting and record keeping are required to chart each student’s progress. Students are provided with successful experiences, regardless of their location in the curriculum. Probable causes for lack of popularity: a. too much record keeping; b. great deviation from the traditional graded approach; c. the likelihood that teachers were trained for the graded system; d. the likelihood that many parents do not understand the nongraded format.
  • 5. CHAPTER 7–ELEMENTARY SCHOOLING IN AMERICA PAGE 198 4. What are the roles of philosophy and policy in elementary education? The philosophy and policies of schools give each school a unique personality. What occurs in school and classrooms has a direct relationship to the underlying philosophy of the school and classroom. Decisions about goals and curriculum rest solidly upon the school’s ideas and beliefs about the nature of the child and how the child learns; about ethics, economics, and other great issues. Philosophy and policies of school affect disciplinary methods, academic expectations and requirements, dress codes, curriculum, and school climate. 5. What influences elementary schools curricula? a. curriculum includes not only the intellectual content of subjects, but the methods used to teach, the interactions that occur between teachers and students, and school sponsored activities; includes all student experiences for which the school accepts responsibilities: formal courses, school sponsored clubs, athletics, and band; b. curriculum results from society and subject matter specialists; c. elementary school curriculum changes relative to the outside world; d. school’s curriculum reflects the attitudes, values, and concerns of society. 6. What do elementary teachers do? Elementary teachers perform many roles in facilitating the education of their students: social model, evaluator, walking encyclopedia, moderator, investigator, ombudsman, moral builder, leader of the group, substitute parent, target for frustrations, and friend. The role of an elementary teacher is to diagnose learning problems, facilitate independent learning, and develop curriculum. Their primary role is that of instructor. 7. How can teachers utilize classroom space? a. rugs could be added or taken away to adjust noise levels; b. furniture could be moved to create open or closed spaces for various types of activities; c. certain toys should be removed if they are too distracting; d. some activities could best be conducted outside the classroom; e. use of learning centers; f. spaces for individuals or small groups with materials about specific topics.
  • 6. SCHOOLING (2002) PAGE 199 8. What are the primary modes of instruction in elementary schools? a. question and answer activities; b. providing individual help; c. reading to students; d. worksheets; e. individual desk activities; f. grouping. 9. What special services are available in elementary schools? a. Special Education Services: Public Law 94-142 required schools to: 1. locate handicapped children; 2. individually assess handicapped children; 3. develop individual educational programs for handicapped children; 4. provide appropriate services to handicapped children in the least restrictive setting (with non-handicapped children); 5. annually review the progress of handicapped children to determine the effectiveness of the services provided. b. Gifted Education Services: Gifted children have been in and out of favor more than any other group of children. Currently, the definition of Gifted includes high performance in creativity, leadership, and visual and performing arts. Some program adaptations that can be made: 1. enrichment in regular classes – special materials and lessons are added; 2. consultant teacher – specially trained teachers consult with regular classroom teacher to suggest activities for gifted children; 3. resource room – gifted go to resource room part of the day to work with a gifted-education specialist; 4. mentor – community members with specialized skills work with gifted students either individually or in small groups; 5. independent study – students allowed to carry out independent study under the supervision of teacher;
  • 7. CHAPTER 7–ELEMENTARY SCHOOLING IN AMERICA PAGE 200 6. special interest classes – specialized content field offered to gifted students; 7. special schools – schools specially designed for gifted students. c. Counseling Services Originally developed for secondary schools, counseling services have become common in elementary schools. The need and benefits of elementary counseling programs have been greatly documented. 10. What are some efficient classroom management practices? a. all is done that is possible to have the proper temperature and ventilation; b. the best use is made of available light; c. instructional spaces are kept clean and orderly without limiting worthwhile learning activity; d. all students can see and hear; e. students are moved when a better learning situation can be achieved; f. students are helped to be as comfortable as facilities will permit; g. seating is arranged to accommodate the best possible learning of all students; h. conditions are organized so that charts, models, and other training aids are available when needed and properly stored when not in use; i. the classroom situation is organized to discourage interruption by other personnel in the school; j. students’ progress records are kept up-to-date; k. educational equipment is organized so that it is readily available for use with a minimum of disturbance; l. classes are started and dismissed on time; m. there is orderly entry by students into classrooms for beginning classes and an orderly exit at the conclusion of classes; n. students are kept productively busy for the full class period; o. standards for the quality of classroom work are maintained; p. the teacher is in the classroom prior to the arrival of students; q. an effective lesson plan is prepared; r. bulletin boards are well prepared with exciting learning materials that will motivate students;
  • 8. SCHOOLING (2002) PAGE 201 s. a good, clear assignment is given; t. safety conditions are observed; u. the teacher’s grooming presents a model for students to emulate. 11. What are some physical and behavioral indicators of possible abuse or neglect? Physical Indicators Behavioral Indicators Emotional Abuse and Neglect • Height and weight significantly below age level • Inappropriate clothing for weather • Scaly skin • Poor hygiene, lice, body odor • Child left unsupervised or abandoned • Lack of a safe and sanitary shelter • Unattended medical or dental needs • Developmental lags • Habit disorders • Begging or stealing food • Constant fatigue • Poor school attendance • Chronic hunger • Dull, apathetic appearance • Running away from home • Child reports that no one cares or looks after him/her • Sudden onset of behavioral extremes (conduct problems, depression) Physical Abuse • Frequent injuries such as cuts, bruises, or burns • Wearing long sleeves in warm weather • Pain despite lack of evident injury • Inability to perform fine motor skills because of injured hands • Difficulty walking or sitting • Poor school attendance • Refusing to change clothes for physical education • Finding reasons to stay at school and not go home • Frequent complaints of harsh treatments by parents • Fear of adults Sexual Abuse • Bedwetting or soiling • Stained or bloody underclothing • Venereal disease • Blood or purulent discharge from genital or anal area • Difficulty walking or sitting • Excessive fears, clinging • Unusual, sophisticated sexual behavior/knowledge • Sudden onset of behavioral extremes • Poor school attendance • Finding reasons to stay at school and not go home Source: Cates, D.L., Markell, M.A., & Bettenhausen, S. (1995). At risk for abuse: A teacher’s guide for recognizing and reporting child neglect and abuse. Preventing school failure, 39(2), 6. Adapted with permission.
  • 9. CHAPTER 7–ELEMENTARY SCHOOLING IN AMERICA PAGE 202 12. What are some socializing agents that help to transmit culture to the child? a. Family; b. School; c. Community; d. Neighborhood; e. Peer group; f. Electronic media; g. Sports; h. The arts; i. Print media; j. Workplace; k. Technology. 13. What are the components to The Problem Method? a. Creating the setting; b. Establishing pupil ownership; c. Locating and recording information; d. Information sharing and summarization; e. Evaluation.
  • 10. W H A T S H A L L B E T A U G H T W H E N S H A L L I T B E T A U G H T HOWSHALLITBETAUGHT HOWSHALLWHATISTAUGHT BEEVALUATED T R A D I T I O N S I N N O V A T I O N S PHYSICAL A F F E C T I V E PSYCHOM OTOR MENTAL AFFECTIVECOGNITIVE EMOTIONAL SOCIAL DEDUCTIVE D I D A C T I C S P I R I T U A L I N T U I T I V E S O C I E T Y L E A R N I N G P R O C E S S SUBJECTMATTER LEARNER SCHOOLING (2002) PAGE 203 14. What are the four fundamental questions of The Idealized Curriculum (Holistic)? a. What shall be taught? b. How shall it be taught? c. When shall it be taught? d. How shall what is taught be evaluated? Copyright 2002 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Dr. WA Kritsonis 2005
  • 11. CHAPTER 7–ELEMENTARY SCHOOLING IN AMERICA PAGE 204 15. What are some selected physical and behavioral indicators of physical abuse and neglect, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse? Physical Indicators Behavioral Indicators Physical Abuse–non-accidental injury to a child that may involve some beatings, burns, strangulation, or human bites • Unexplained bruises, swollen areas • Welts, bite marks, bald spots • Unexplained burns, fractures, abrasions • Evidence of inappropriate treatment of injuries • Self-destructive • Withdrawn and/or aggressive extremes • Complaints of soreness or discomfort • Bizarre explanation of injuries Physical Neglect–failure to provide a child with basic necessities • Unattended medical needs, lice, poor hygiene • Consistent lack of supervision • Consistent hunger, inadequate nutrition • Consistent inappropriate clothing • Regularly displays fatigue, listlessness • Steals food, begs from classmates • Frequently absent or tardy • Reports there is no caretaker at home Sexual Abuse–sexual exploitation, including rape, incest, fondling, and pornography • Torn, stained or bloody underclothing • Pain, swelling, or itching in genital area • Venereal disease • Frequent urinary or yeast infections • Withdrawal, chronic depression • Hysteria, lack of emotional control • Inappropriate sex play, premature sex knowledge • Excessive seductiveness Emotional Abuse–a pattern of behavior that attacks a child’s emotional development, i.e., name calling, put-downs, terrorization, isolation • Speech disorders • Delayed physical development • Substance abuse • Ulcer, asthma, severe allergy • Habit disorders (sucking, rocking, biting) • Emotional disturbance • Neurotic traits (sleep disorders, play inhibition) • Antisocial, destructive, delinquent Source: Adapted from guidelines posted by Safeguarding our children-united mothers (SOC-UM), at Reprinted with permission. D. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES 1. What are some advantages and disadvantages of graded and nongraded organizations? a. Graded advantages: reduces some variability among students; it exposes all children to the same curriculum; educational materials can be developed for chronological age interests; similar chronological age among students facilitates social interactions; it is efficient; teachers are able to specialize their teaching by focusing on a particular age group; and minimum standards can be established for each grade level.
  • 12. SCHOOLING (2002) PAGE 205 b. Graded limitations include: locking students into certain groups regardless of ability levels and encouraging teachers to teach to the group with a rigid curriculum. c. Nongraded advantages: students progress at their own rate throughout the school year; identification of skills, knowledge, and appreciations in content areas, not length of time, are the key to moving on to higher curricular levels; competencies, not the number of years in school, are used to determine pupils’ locations along the curricular sequence; students are provided with successful experiences regardless of their location in the curriculum. d. Nongraded limitations include: too much record keeping; great deviation from the traditional graded approach; the likelihood that teachers were trained for the graded system; and the likelihood that many parents do not understand the nongraded format. 2. Describe activities performed by the principal related to the role of instructional leadership. a. instructional leadership and management, personnel management, financial management, plant management, community relations and student management; b. principals must be able to: 1. recognize poor teaching and be able to implement better ways of teaching; 2. recognize outstanding teaching and should develop rewards and incentives to encourage these teaching styles. c. instructional leadership is all actions taken by the principal or delegated to others. 3. Should schools act as “parents” to children during the school day? Schools should act to the extent of temporarily assuming the role as a parent by disciplining the child for breaking school rules, but morals should not be thrust upon the child. Children learn through observing others. That is the only way morals should be taught. Although not a primary focus of elementary education until this century, emotional, social, and physical growth are considered major responsibilities. In general, parenting should be left to the parents. 4. Why is multicultural education important? a. to enable children to understand, accept, and identify with cultural and diverse ethnic groups other than their own; need will become more
  • 13. CHAPTER 7–ELEMENTARY SCHOOLING IN AMERICA PAGE 206 pronounced as daily interactions among culturally diverse individuals increase; b. elementary-aged children need an awareness of the various cultures and diverse ethnic groups that are represented in the country; children from these minority groups need to be able to identify with their groups; multicultural education can greatly facilitate this process. 5. What are some effective ways for teaching students who are immigrants? a. allow students to tell their story through narratives, role playing, and bibliotherapy; b. offer language enrichment program; c. encourage students to do projects using materials in their native language; d. be sensitive to the problems individuals face in learning a second language; e. understand the cultural, economic, and historical factors that have had a significant impact on students; f. teach students about their new culture; g. use nonverbal forms of expression including music, dance, and art; h. use peers and community members as a resource; i. employ media in the students’ native languages; j. offer culturally sensitive in-school and extracurricular activities and encourage students to participate in these activities; k. provide students with access to peer discussion and support groups that are relevant to their interests and experiences; l. involve parents, extended family members, and knowledgeable community members in the student’s educational program; m. provide students and their families with native language materials dealing with school-related information and information about their rights; n. contact the Clearinghouse for Immigration Education (800-441-7192), the National Center for Immigrant Students (617-357-8507), or the National Coalition of Advocates for Students (617-357-8507), organizations that disseminate information about model school programs and organizations, teacher-made materials, relevant research,
  • 14. SCHOOLING (2002) PAGE 207 and resource lists addressing the needs of immigrant students and their families. Source: Harris (1991); Nahme Huang (1989) as cited in Salend, S.J. (1998). Effective mainstreaming: Creating inclusive classrooms (3rd ed.). Columbus, OH: Merrill. Adapted with permission. 6. What are some of the national goals for educating Native Americans and Alaska natives? Goal 1: Readiness for school. Goal 2: Maintain native languages and cultures. Goal 3: Literacy. Goal 4: Student academic achievement. Goal 5: High school graduation. Goal 6: High-quality native and non-native school personnel. Goal 7: Safe, alcohol-free, and drug-free schools. Goal 8: Adult education and lifelong learning. Goal 9: Restructuring schools. Goal 10: Parental, community, and tribal partnerships. 7. What are some effective guideline for conferencing with students? a. demonstrate caring; b. provide emotional support and security; c. use active or empathic listening; d. do not probe by asking why questions; e. ask what, who, how questions; f. focus on present behavior, not past behavior; g. curtail excessive “venting”; h. refrain from judging the student’s behavior; i. call on students to make value judgments about their behavior; offer suitable alternatives when necessary; j. help students “make a plan” to increase responsible behavior. E. REVIEW ITEMS True-False 1. Literacy refers to developing skills in reading and writing. 2. The power to operate local schools rests in the hands of the state.
  • 15. CHAPTER 7–ELEMENTARY SCHOOLING IN AMERICA PAGE 208 3. Schools were nongraded in Colonial America. 4. The term “curriculum” refers only to academic subjects taught in the school. 5. “Milieu” is another term for the classroom environment. Multiple Choice 1. The instructional leader in the schools should be _______. a. teachers b. department heads c. principal d. superintendent 2. The percentage of schools using a nongraded system is about _______. a. 1% b. 10% c. 25% d. 27% 3. Characteristics of good teachers include _______. a. stern disciplinary strategies b. likes children c. not very organized d. all of the above 4. Grouping students with similar characteristics is _______. a. homogeneous grouping b. heterogeneous grouping c. differential grouping d. none of the above