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                                   MAMAGEMENT PLAN


The management aspect involves organization, company structures and policies to fully prepare

and equip the company with adequate knowledge on running the business as well as complying

with legal requirements. This portion also includes a clear and precise identification of duties,

responsibilities, compensations, flow of authority and manpower level requirement to direct the

members to coordination and productivity.

I. Company Structure

                                                 Board of
                                                Directors (5)

                                                                Internal Auditor
                                              Chief Executive
                                                Officer (1)

                  Productions       Human Resource       Marketing/Sales       Chief Accountant
                  Manager (1)        Manager (1)          Manager (1)                 (1)
                                                                Sales Agent        Accountant (1)
                   Purchasing                                       (5)
  Chemist (1)                     Supervisor (1)
                   Officer (1)
                                                                                   Treasurer (1)
                                       Workers (8)
                                      Personnel (2)
                                      Personnel (2)
                                        Guard (4)

                                  Fig.3.1 Company Structure
II. Manpower Requirements

General/ Administrative

          Position                  Job Description                   Job Qualifications
Board of Directors          -   Directs the company           -   Must own at least one share
                                towards excellence.               of the capital stock registered
                            -   Govern and facilitate the         in his/her name.
                                decision making of the        -   Every director must
                                company.                          continuously own at least a
                            -   Assures the credibility and       share of stock during his
                                integrity of the company.         term, otherwise, he shall
                            -   Supervise the overall             automatically cease to be a
                                operation of the business.        director.
                            -   Implement business            -   Must be capable of governing
                                policies and goals.               the business.
                                                              -   Must know and understand
                                                                  the overall operations of the
Internal Auditor            -   Expresses an opinion          -   Holds the title Certified
                                whether assertions of the         Public Accountant.
                                management in financial       -   Should have at least 3 years
                                statements are free from          of working experience.
                                material misstatements.       -   Must have objectivity and
                            -   Inspects and examine              professionalism.
                                whether internal control is   -   With good communication
                                accurate and effective.           and interpersonal skills.
                            -   Check whether the
                                financial statements are
                                free from error and fraud.
Chief Executive Officer     -   Constructs business           -   Must be a graduate of any
                                policies and                      business course.
                                recommendations to the        -   Should have at least 3 years
                                board.                            of outstanding actual work
                            -   Administer the overall            experience.
                                operation of the business.    -   Professional written and
                            -   Instructs and guides              verbal communication and
                                courses of actions                interpersonal skills.
                                throughout the operation.     -   Excellent managing skills.
Productions Manager         -   Controls and monitors the     -   Must be a graduate of any
                                overall production of the         business course.
                                product.                      -   With good managerial,
                            -   Guides, instructs and             communication and
                                motivate employees.               interpersonal skills.
                            -   Makes sure the efficiency     -   Competent and dedicated to
                                and effectiveness of the          the job.
                           -    Find ways to make the
                                company more productive
                                through effective
                                production processes.
Human Resource Personnel   -    Screens applicants and      -   Must be a graduate of
                                suggest the management          Bachelor of Science Major in
                                the most promising ones.        Human Resource
                           -    Determines procedures on        Management or any related
                                how to motivate and train       courses.
                                employees.                  -   With good interpersonal and
                           -    Ensures the preservation        communication skills.
                                of employee dignity.
Chief Accountant           -    Manage the accounts and     -   Holds the title of Certified
                                finances of the company.        Public Accountant.
                           -     Implement generally        -   With good interpersonal and
                                accepted accounting             management skills.
                                procedures.                 -   With good communication
                           -    Determines proper               skills.
                                handling of financial       -   Possess extensive knowledge
                                transactions and approves       of generally accepted
                                transactions within             standard accounting
                                designated limits.              principles.
                           -    Control the emergence of
                                inconsistencies in
                                accounting procedures.
                           -    Reports to the
                                management matters about
                                the financial statement
Accountant                 -   Primary responsibility is    -   Must be a graduate of
                               the compilation and              Bachelor of Science in
                               preparation and of               Accountancy.
                               financial statements.        -   With professionalism and
                           -                                    good communication and
                           -  Gathers and keep records          interpersonal skills.
                              of all production cost.       -   Must be a graduate of
                            - Allocates the production          Bachelor of Science in
                              cost to the products              Accountancy.
                              produced.                     -   With good communication
                            - Prepares the cost of              and interpersonal skills.
                              production report.
                           - Do bank reconciliations
                           - Make sure the
                              completeness, validity and
                              accuracy of financial
statements, per account
                                   balance and transaction
Chemist                        -    Assures the accuracy of      -   Finished a degree of Bachelor
                                    the production process.          of Science in Chemical
                               -    Test compounds and               Engineering.
                                    solutions.                   -   With good communication
                               -    Check and guarantee the          and interpersonal skills.
                                    quality of the product.      -   Ability to analyse and
                               -    Research on and develop          improve the scientific aspects
                                    the production process and       of the production.
                                    the product itself.
Treasurer                     -    Receives and authorizes       -   A graduate of Bachelor of
                                   disbursements and receipts        Science in Business
                                   of funds.                         Administration Major in
                              -    Keeps safe custody of the         Finance/Financial
                                   company’s cash.                   Management
                              -    Prepares financial reports    -   With good communication
                                   to management.                    skills.
                                                                 -   Knowledge financial analysis
                                                                     and communication.
Security Guard                -    Monitors the in and out of    -   Male
                                   employees and other           -   25-35 years old
                                   persons within the entity.    -   Must have no physical
                              -    Guards the company’s              disability.
                                   properties.                   -   Highly trained.
                              -    Responds to alarms and        -   With no criminal record or
                                   disturbances                      offense.

Table 3.1 Manpower Requirements for General/Administrative

Sales/ Marketing

Position                       Job Description                   Job Qualifications
Marketing/Sales Manager        - Develop and create              - Must be a graduate of
                                  marketing strategies.             Bachelor of Science in
                               - Assures the market                 Business Administration
                                  visibility of the company.        Major in Marketing or
                               - Instructs and guides               other related courses.
                                  agents.                        - With excellent marketing
                               - Thoroughly study the               and management skills.
                                  market needs and how to        - With good communication
                                  supply them.                      and interpersonal skills.
                                                                 - Must have at least 2
productive years in the
Sales Agent                    -   Search for potential        -   23-35 years old
                                   buyers.                     -   Finished a college degree.
                               -   Market and sell the         -   With good communication
                                   product.                        and interpersonal skills.
                               -   Make deals and contracts    -   With pleasing personality.
                                   with customers.

Table 3.2 Manpower Requirements for sales/marketing

Direct Labor

Position                       Job Description                 Job Qualifications
Factory Workers               - Has the over-all               - Male or Female
                                  responsibility on the        - 20 years old and above
                                  process of producing the     - Must be at least a high
                                  product.                        school graduate.
                              - Puts raw materials into        - With no criminal record or
                                  process.                        offense.
                              - Guards the production
                              - Packing the final product.

Table 3.3 Manpower Requirements for Direct labor

Indirect Labor

Position                       Job Description                 Job Qualifications
Purchasing Officer             - Account all the inventory     - Finished a college degree.
                                  accounts.                    - With good communication
                               - Ensures the availability of      and interpersonal skills.
                                  all materials for            - With no criminal record or
                                  production and office use.      offense.
                               - Process acquisition slips
                                  and prepares purchase
Supervisor                     - Instructs and guides the      -   Must be a graduate of any
                                  workers in their duties.         business courses.
                               - Ensure that a group of        -   Must know how to manage
                                  subordinates properly            and deal with employees.
                                  execute their functions in   -   With good interpersonal
the production.                      and communication skills.
                               - Observe and evaluate the
                                 workers’ performance.
                               - Assist and recommends to
                                 the manager the evaluation
                                 of the subordinates.
Maintenance Personnel         - Regularly check and               -   Male
                                 maintain the productivity        -   23 years old and above
                                 of the machines and              -   Must have technical
                                 equipment.                           knowledge and experience
                              - Repair broken parts of the            on machines and
                                 machines and equipments              equipments.
                              - Ensures the cleanliness and       -   Must be at least a high
                                 orderliness of the                   school graduate.
                                 production site.                 -   With no criminal record or
Delivery Personnel            -    Safely transports the goods    -   Male
                                   to customers.                  -   23-35 years old
                              -    Maintains the quality of the   -   Must have a professional
                                   product during                     driver’s license.
                                   transportation.                -   At least a high school
                              -    Ensures that the products          graduate.
                                   would be delivered on          -   With no criminal record or
                                   time.                              offense.

Table 3.4 Manpower Requirements for Indirect Labor

III. Compensation

                                                                  Salaries and    Salaries and
                                   Number of     Salaries and
           Position                                                Wages Per       Wages Per
                                   Employees      Wages Per
                                                                    Month            Year
CEO                                    1             20000            20000          240000
Vice-President                         1             19000            19000          228000
Board of Directors                     3             19000            57000          684000
Internal Auditor                       1             13000            13000          156000
Chief Operating Officer                1             16000            16000          192000
Productions Manager                    1             14000            14000          168000
Chemist                                  1             10000           10000           120000
Purchasing Officer                       1             9000             9000           108000
Supervisor                               1             10000           10000           120000
Factory Workers                          8             7000            56000           672000
Maintenance Man                          2             7000            14000           168000
Delivery Man                             2              6000           12000           144000
Security Guard                           4              6000           24000           288000
Human Resource Manager                   1             13000           13000           156000
Marketing/Sales Manager                  1             14600           14600           175200
Sales Agent                              5             10000           50000           600000
Chief Accountant                         1             12000           12000           144000
Cost Accountant                          1             11000           11000           132000
Treasurer                                1             9500             9500           114000
Grand Total                             37            226100          384100          4609200

Table 3.5 Compensation

IV. Business Monitoring

       Pre investment Activity

               Before the execution of the business, adequate knowledge should be acquired

       whether the formulated idea is feasible or not. Indeed, enough attention must be rendered

       to this concern to be able to forecast the possibilities. This period is set to identify the

       market of the projected business and how the business will be operated and managed.

       Business Application

               This period is intended for the accomplishment of filing all the legal papers

       required for the operation of the corporation. Such legal documents include the Article of

       Incorporation to be filed in the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and business
name to the Department of Trade and Industry .Moreover, the company will also file

other requirements to other government offices.

Issuance of Stocks and Application of Loan

        In order to fully finance the operation of the company, such as construction of the

site, purchasing equipment and materials needed and other projected costs, Carbon Plus

Corporation will issue shares to its potential shareholders. In addition to that, the

company will also employ financing the operation through borrowing loan from Banco

De Oro (BDO).

Site Preparation

        In this period, the business shall prepare its plant and office location.      The

business would buy the land and construct the plant and office building. It might take

more or less than a year for the construction to be finished and polished.

Installation and acquisition of machineries and equipment

        During the preparation of the plant site, the management will scout all the

necessary machineries and equipment to be used in its operations. Once the plant site is

prepared for settlement, the company would then acquire and install the machineries and



Hiring and training of personnel

        Now, the company shall be open for hiring employees. It shall employ the most

competent applicant for the success of the company does not only lie with the
management but also to all its personnel. Thus, after hiring the most competent applicant

it shall now undergo through training. Here, the employee would know and understand

how the business would function.

Purchase of Raw Materials

       This is about the purchase of raw materials coming from Quezon and near areas.

This also deals with the familiarization of employees with regards to the usage of the raw

materials in the production process for them to be knowledgeable in the components of

the product.

Advertising and Promotion

       E-business will be the primary way of the company to advertise and promote

products. Creating a web page that will enable all manufacturers grab an easy access to

ordering activated carbon will be the starting point.

       Aside from e-commerce, leaflets and printed materials such as tarpaulin, banners

and streamers will be placed to every town in Quezon. Radio and TV advertisements will

soon follow as the company expand.

       Advertisements and promotions will start as soon as the company is almost 75%

ready to operate.
Start of Production and Operation

              The production of Activated Carbon will now start at this point. At this time, all

       raw materials, manpower, and machineries are ready to operate and start the production.

       Product order can now be entertained.

V. Organizational Policies


       One month before the actual operations of the business, the company will already be

       working on the recruitment, hiring and training of the employees, to condition them in the

       nature of the operations. After undergoing training and evaluation, each employee would

       be under the responsibilities of their respective department managers.

          The key personnel will be employed on a permanent basis or depending in work

       performance. However, plant workers and staff will be hired on a six-month contract and

       it’s renewable subject to the working performance of the employee.

          o Hiring

              The company will hire employees in accordance with the set of qualifications for

              each position. It will be done on a first come first serve basis, no special treatment

              would be tolerated to promote fairness.

          o Suspension

              Suspension is a common practice in the workplace as a part of the reinforcement

              procedure of the company. Negative reinforcement by B D. Skinner will be used
by Carbon Plus Corporation to motivate the employees to follow the stated

       policies, wherein, corresponding punishment will be given to employees who

       violate the policies.

   o Termination

       Employees who persistently and heavily violate the policies of the organization

       can be subjected to termination.

Office Hours

Carbon plus Corporation’s office is open Monday through Friday from 8 o’clock in the

morning to 12 o’clock in the afternoon and shall resume at 1:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon,

having a Forty (40) Office working hours in a week per personnel.

Factory Hours

       Carbon Plus Corporation’s Factory will operate six days per week from Monday

through Friday. Working hour starts at 8 o’clock in the morning to 12 o’clock in the

afternoon and shall resume at 1:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon.

       At some point in time, there are possibilities that the CEO would call the attention

of the employees and schedule them for work as necessary. . All employees are expected

to be at their work locations ready for work at their scheduled time. Persistent late arrival

to work and/ or early leaving from work will result in disciplinary actions moreover, it

may include termination.
Working days

There will 300 working days for factory employees and 248 working days for the office

personnel. Salaries for key personnel are fixed and shall be released every 15th and 30th

day of the month, moreover, salaries of operations personnel are paid weekly depending

on the number of hours they have worked.

    Months        Number of     Saturdays    Sundays        Non-           Operating
                    Days                                   working           Days
  January             31            4            4            1                 26
  February            28            4            4                              24
  March               31            5            5             3                23
  April               30            4            4             1                25
  May                 31            4            4             1                26
  June                30            5            5             1                24
  July                31            4            4                              27
  August              31            4            4             2                25
  September           30            5            5                              25
  October             31            4            4                              27
  November            30            4            4             2                24
  December            31            5            5             2                24
  TOTAL              365           52           52            13               248
                             Table 3.6 Office working days

     Months       Number of       Sundays        Non-              Operating
                    Days                        working              Days
  January              31            4             1                  26
  February             28            4                                24
  March                31            5              3                 23
  April                30            4              1                 25
  May                  31            4              1                 26
  June                 30            5              1                 24
  July                 31            4                                27
  August               31            4              2                 25
September            30             5                             25
   October              31             4                             27
   November             30             4             2               24
   December             31             5             2               24
   TOTAL               365            52            13              248

                              Table 3.7 Factory Working Days

Leave of absences

       All personnel of the company are entitled to a maximum of ten (10) days leave of

absences per operating year. The leave of absences should be filed one week before the

desired date and requires approval of the department manager. The key personnel need to

accomplish important tasks on their respective department before they can avail the leave

of absences. Moreover, they should return in the office in case urgent or important

situation happens that requires their presence.

Disciplinary Measures

1. First offense- Verbal warning

   Under this circumstance, the employee is reminded verbally about the job performed

   poorly or minor violation of company’s rules and regulations.

2. Second offense – written reprimand

   What applies to verbal warning also applies to written reprimand. In this case, the

   employee receives a memorandum or personal letter from its department manager. A

   record of employees’ violation will be kept.

3. Third and Fourth offense- suspension

   It is done when there is a severely employee mistake. The suspension period last up to

   six month period depending upon the nature of the offense done by the employee.
4. Fifth offense- Management Intervention

   In case a serious violation takes place or mistakes become frequent in performing

   specific task, the management decides a specific action applicable to the situation,

   which may further result to termination of the employee on his service.

Employee health benefits

       At the time of recruitment, there will be a physical health examination to each

applicant for the company to be sure that the personnel that will be hired are physically

healthy and mentally fit for the position. A regular quarterly check-up will also be

employed to company employees. Moreover, the company’s clinic will be open to cater

to the needs of the employees.

Employee Classification

       The eligibility to participate in various Carbon Plus Corp. Benefit Plans and other

programs is based upon the classification as an employee. While the Carbon Plus

Corporation with its rules and policies apply equally to all hourly and salaried employees,

temporary or casual employees may not utilize certain benefits and programs. Please

refer to the definitions below to determine employee classifications and eligible


1. Full- time employee- an employee who is employed on a scheduled basis for a

   normal workweek, which is 40 hours per week for the office personnel and 48 hours

   for the factory workers, including overtime and who is not classified as part-time,

   temporary, or causal.
2. Casual Employees- a person who may not be called by the company at any time for

         employment on a non-scheduled and non- recurring basis, and becomes an employee

         of the company only after reporting to work, and for the period of time during which

         the person is working.

   Probationary Period

   A six-month probability period is required for all new employees. This probationary

period provides an opportunity for new employees to evaluate their work situations and in

turn, provides the CEO an opportunity to judge their performance and suitability for

continued employment. This probationary does not represent a guarantee or contract fir

employment for the full six-months or any other period of time, and does not affect the

eligibility requirements for benefits. A written evaluation will be provided by the CEO. If

time restraints prevail, the new employee is under the probation until the evaluation has taken


   At the end of the probationary period, the CEO shall prepare a written evaluation of the

employee’s performance, and review the evaluation of the employee. The evaluation shall

take into consideration the employee’s ability to form sound relationship with the

membership, volunteers, staff, CEO and Board of Directors; progress on the job; and

professional community relationship.


   Employees may take vacations at any time during the year. They must, however,

prearrange such vacation with the CEO to avoid conflict with scheduled and other work in
the company that may require their presence. Employees may accumulate up to 15 days of

vacation time.

   Overtime Work

   Article 87 grants that work may be performed beyond eight (8) hours a day provided that

the employee is paid for the overtime work, an additional compensation equivalent to his

regular wage plus at least twenty-five (25%) percent thereof.

       o Office employees may work until 10 o’clock in the evening

       o First and Last shift of factory workers can work before their scheduled time for

           overtime provided that it is necessary and for the benefit of the entity.

    For Work Performed on                  Rate of Pay, Based     Rate of Pay, Based on
                                                   on                Overtime Rate
                                              Daily Rate
 Rest days                                       130%                      169%

 Special days                                     130%                     169%

 Rest day which is also a special                 150%                     195%
 Regular holiday                                  200%                     260%

 Regular holiday which is also a          260%                             338%
 rest day
   Table 3.8 Rates on Holidays and Overtime
   (source: Cost Accounting by Nenita Mejorada)

   Paid Holiday

   As in accordance with the labor code Art. 94, right to holiday pay, every worker shall be

paid his regular daily wage during regular holidays.
Carbon Plus Corporation may require an employee to work on any holiday but such

employee shall be paid on a compensation equivalent work on any holiday but such

employee shall be paid a compensation equivalent to twice his regular rate, and

   As used under this Article “Holiday” includes:

                 Regular Holiday                             Date
         New Year’s Day                       January 1

         Maundy Thursday                      Movable date
         Good Friday                          Movable date

         Araw ng Kagitingan                   April 9

         Labor Day                            May 1

         Independence Day                     June 12

         Eid’l Fitr                           August 20

         National Heroes Day                  Last Monday of August

         Bonifacio Day                        November 30

         Christmas Day                        December 25

                             Table 3.9 Schedule of regular holidays

        Special Non-Working Holiday              Date
        Ninoy Aquino Day                         August 21
        All Saints Day                           November 1
        Last Day of the Year                     December 31
                      Table 3.10 Schedule of Special Non- Working Holiday
VI. Legal Requirements

       For the business to be legally established and operated, the company must first comply

with different legal requirements. Thus, it shall file and process all the necessary required

documents to the following government entities before it starts its operations:

             Security and Exchange Commission

             The company shall file articles of incorporation and all other necessary

             requirements at the SEC office. This would give the entity its separate juridical


             Department of Trade and Industry

             DTI monitors businesses within the country. Thus, it is a requirement of the

             government to register all business operating inside the country.    And so, the

             company shall register the business at this office.

             Bureau of Internal Revenue

             The company must file a tax identification number at the BIR. This would oblige

             the company to pay taxes at a monthly, quarterly or annual basis.

             Department of Environment and Natural Resources

             To ensure that the company is operating in accordance with the requirements of

             DENR in the proper waste management as well as other aspects involving the

             utilization of the environment.
Land Transportation Office

The company will secure all the essential permit and licenses for the registration of

the delivery vehicle.

City Government of Lucena

Carbon Plus Corporation complies with all the legal requirements in the city where

the company will be operating.

   o Zoning

   The company has submitted all the legal requirements to the Zoning Department

   on the local government located at City Hall, Lucena City.

   o Fire and Safety

   The Bureau of Fire has granted the Carbon Plus Corporation the fire and safety

   permit after the inspection by their authorized staffs.

   o Building permit

   The City Engineer’s office has given the corresponding building permit to the

   Carbon Plus Corporation after completion of all requirements needed in

   applying for the permit.

   o Business Taxes and Licenses

   Mayor’s permit, clearances from baranggay, and other legal requirements have

   been granted to the company. These clearances and permits will be renewed
every year end and business taxes will be paid to the City Hall for the validity of

        the permits and the legality of the business.

        o Sanitary Permit

        Initial inspection of the place and observation of the rules and regulations was

        conducted in a manner satisfactory to the Regional Sanitation Committee.

For employee benefits:

It is mandatory by the government to give benefits and compensations to its employees.

Thus, the company should register and file its company at the agencies below for the

payment of employee compensations.

                      Philhealth                             Pag-ibig

                                         Social Security System
Gantt Chart

Months                  Feb      Mar      Apr       May       Jun         Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec   Jan
Feasibility Study

Business Application

Financing Activities

Preparation of plant
site & acquisition of
Hiring and Training

Purchase of raw

Promotion and

Start of operation

     Table 3.11. Table form for estimated period to start the operation

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Chapter 3

  • 1. CHAPTER 3 MAMAGEMENT PLAN Introduction The management aspect involves organization, company structures and policies to fully prepare and equip the company with adequate knowledge on running the business as well as complying with legal requirements. This portion also includes a clear and precise identification of duties, responsibilities, compensations, flow of authority and manpower level requirement to direct the members to coordination and productivity. I. Company Structure Board of Directors (5) Internal Auditor (1) Chief Executive Officer (1) Productions Human Resource Marketing/Sales Chief Accountant Manager (1) Manager (1) Manager (1) (1) Sales Agent Accountant (1) Purchasing (5) Chemist (1) Supervisor (1) Officer (1) Factory Treasurer (1) Workers (8) Maintenance Personnel (2) Delivery Personnel (2) Security Guard (4) Fig.3.1 Company Structure
  • 2. II. Manpower Requirements General/ Administrative Position Job Description Job Qualifications Board of Directors - Directs the company - Must own at least one share towards excellence. of the capital stock registered - Govern and facilitate the in his/her name. decision making of the - Every director must company. continuously own at least a - Assures the credibility and share of stock during his integrity of the company. term, otherwise, he shall - Supervise the overall automatically cease to be a operation of the business. director. - Implement business - Must be capable of governing policies and goals. the business. - Must know and understand the overall operations of the business. Internal Auditor - Expresses an opinion - Holds the title Certified whether assertions of the Public Accountant. management in financial - Should have at least 3 years statements are free from of working experience. material misstatements. - Must have objectivity and - Inspects and examine professionalism. whether internal control is - With good communication accurate and effective. and interpersonal skills. - Check whether the financial statements are free from error and fraud. Chief Executive Officer - Constructs business - Must be a graduate of any policies and business course. recommendations to the - Should have at least 3 years board. of outstanding actual work - Administer the overall experience. operation of the business. - Professional written and - Instructs and guides verbal communication and courses of actions interpersonal skills. throughout the operation. - Excellent managing skills. Productions Manager - Controls and monitors the - Must be a graduate of any overall production of the business course. product. - With good managerial, - Guides, instructs and communication and motivate employees. interpersonal skills. - Makes sure the efficiency - Competent and dedicated to and effectiveness of the the job.
  • 3. employees. - Find ways to make the company more productive through effective production processes. Human Resource Personnel - Screens applicants and - Must be a graduate of suggest the management Bachelor of Science Major in the most promising ones. Human Resource - Determines procedures on Management or any related how to motivate and train courses. employees. - With good interpersonal and - Ensures the preservation communication skills. of employee dignity. Chief Accountant - Manage the accounts and - Holds the title of Certified finances of the company. Public Accountant. - Implement generally - With good interpersonal and accepted accounting management skills. procedures. - With good communication - Determines proper skills. handling of financial - Possess extensive knowledge transactions and approves of generally accepted transactions within standard accounting designated limits. principles. - Control the emergence of inconsistencies in accounting procedures. - Reports to the management matters about the financial statement accounts. Accountant - Primary responsibility is - Must be a graduate of the compilation and Bachelor of Science in preparation and of Accountancy. financial statements. - With professionalism and - good communication and - Gathers and keep records interpersonal skills. of all production cost. - Must be a graduate of - Allocates the production Bachelor of Science in cost to the products Accountancy. produced. - With good communication - Prepares the cost of and interpersonal skills. production report. - Do bank reconciliations - Make sure the completeness, validity and accuracy of financial
  • 4. statements, per account balance and transaction level. Chemist - Assures the accuracy of - Finished a degree of Bachelor the production process. of Science in Chemical - Test compounds and Engineering. solutions. - With good communication - Check and guarantee the and interpersonal skills. quality of the product. - Ability to analyse and - Research on and develop improve the scientific aspects the production process and of the production. the product itself. Treasurer - Receives and authorizes - A graduate of Bachelor of disbursements and receipts Science in Business of funds. Administration Major in - Keeps safe custody of the Finance/Financial company’s cash. Management - Prepares financial reports - With good communication to management. skills. - Knowledge financial analysis and communication. Security Guard - Monitors the in and out of - Male employees and other - 25-35 years old persons within the entity. - Must have no physical - Guards the company’s disability. properties. - Highly trained. - Responds to alarms and - With no criminal record or disturbances offense. Table 3.1 Manpower Requirements for General/Administrative Sales/ Marketing Position Job Description Job Qualifications Marketing/Sales Manager - Develop and create - Must be a graduate of marketing strategies. Bachelor of Science in - Assures the market Business Administration visibility of the company. Major in Marketing or - Instructs and guides other related courses. agents. - With excellent marketing - Thoroughly study the and management skills. market needs and how to - With good communication supply them. and interpersonal skills. - Must have at least 2
  • 5. productive years in the marketing-field. Sales Agent - Search for potential - 23-35 years old buyers. - Finished a college degree. - Market and sell the - With good communication product. and interpersonal skills. - Make deals and contracts - With pleasing personality. with customers. Table 3.2 Manpower Requirements for sales/marketing Direct Labor Position Job Description Job Qualifications Factory Workers - Has the over-all - Male or Female responsibility on the - 20 years old and above process of producing the - Must be at least a high product. school graduate. - Puts raw materials into - With no criminal record or process. offense. - Guards the production process. - Packing the final product. Table 3.3 Manpower Requirements for Direct labor Indirect Labor Position Job Description Job Qualifications Purchasing Officer - Account all the inventory - Finished a college degree. accounts. - With good communication - Ensures the availability of and interpersonal skills. all materials for - With no criminal record or production and office use. offense. - Process acquisition slips and prepares purchase orders. Supervisor - Instructs and guides the - Must be a graduate of any workers in their duties. business courses. - Ensure that a group of - Must know how to manage subordinates properly and deal with employees. execute their functions in - With good interpersonal
  • 6. the production. and communication skills. - Observe and evaluate the workers’ performance. - Assist and recommends to the manager the evaluation of the subordinates. Maintenance Personnel - Regularly check and - Male maintain the productivity - 23 years old and above of the machines and - Must have technical equipment. knowledge and experience - Repair broken parts of the on machines and machines and equipments equipments. - Ensures the cleanliness and - Must be at least a high orderliness of the school graduate. production site. - With no criminal record or offense. Delivery Personnel - Safely transports the goods - Male to customers. - 23-35 years old - Maintains the quality of the - Must have a professional product during driver’s license. transportation. - At least a high school - Ensures that the products graduate. would be delivered on - With no criminal record or time. offense. Table 3.4 Manpower Requirements for Indirect Labor III. Compensation Monthly Salaries and Salaries and Number of Salaries and Position Wages Per Wages Per Employees Wages Per Month Year Employee CEO 1 20000 20000 240000 Vice-President 1 19000 19000 228000 Board of Directors 3 19000 57000 684000 Internal Auditor 1 13000 13000 156000 Chief Operating Officer 1 16000 16000 192000 Productions Manager 1 14000 14000 168000
  • 7. Chemist 1 10000 10000 120000 Purchasing Officer 1 9000 9000 108000 Supervisor 1 10000 10000 120000 Factory Workers 8 7000 56000 672000 Maintenance Man 2 7000 14000 168000 Delivery Man 2 6000 12000 144000 Security Guard 4 6000 24000 288000 Human Resource Manager 1 13000 13000 156000 Marketing/Sales Manager 1 14600 14600 175200 Sales Agent 5 10000 50000 600000 Chief Accountant 1 12000 12000 144000 Cost Accountant 1 11000 11000 132000 Treasurer 1 9500 9500 114000 Grand Total 37 226100 384100 4609200 Table 3.5 Compensation IV. Business Monitoring Pre investment Activity Before the execution of the business, adequate knowledge should be acquired whether the formulated idea is feasible or not. Indeed, enough attention must be rendered to this concern to be able to forecast the possibilities. This period is set to identify the market of the projected business and how the business will be operated and managed. Business Application This period is intended for the accomplishment of filing all the legal papers required for the operation of the corporation. Such legal documents include the Article of Incorporation to be filed in the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and business
  • 8. name to the Department of Trade and Industry .Moreover, the company will also file other requirements to other government offices. Issuance of Stocks and Application of Loan In order to fully finance the operation of the company, such as construction of the site, purchasing equipment and materials needed and other projected costs, Carbon Plus Corporation will issue shares to its potential shareholders. In addition to that, the company will also employ financing the operation through borrowing loan from Banco De Oro (BDO). Site Preparation In this period, the business shall prepare its plant and office location. The business would buy the land and construct the plant and office building. It might take more or less than a year for the construction to be finished and polished. Installation and acquisition of machineries and equipment During the preparation of the plant site, the management will scout all the necessary machineries and equipment to be used in its operations. Once the plant site is prepared for settlement, the company would then acquire and install the machineries and equipment . Hiring and training of personnel Now, the company shall be open for hiring employees. It shall employ the most competent applicant for the success of the company does not only lie with the
  • 9. management but also to all its personnel. Thus, after hiring the most competent applicant it shall now undergo through training. Here, the employee would know and understand how the business would function. Purchase of Raw Materials This is about the purchase of raw materials coming from Quezon and near areas. This also deals with the familiarization of employees with regards to the usage of the raw materials in the production process for them to be knowledgeable in the components of the product. Advertising and Promotion E-business will be the primary way of the company to advertise and promote products. Creating a web page that will enable all manufacturers grab an easy access to ordering activated carbon will be the starting point. Aside from e-commerce, leaflets and printed materials such as tarpaulin, banners and streamers will be placed to every town in Quezon. Radio and TV advertisements will soon follow as the company expand. Advertisements and promotions will start as soon as the company is almost 75% ready to operate.
  • 10. Start of Production and Operation The production of Activated Carbon will now start at this point. At this time, all raw materials, manpower, and machineries are ready to operate and start the production. Product order can now be entertained. V. Organizational Policies Employment One month before the actual operations of the business, the company will already be working on the recruitment, hiring and training of the employees, to condition them in the nature of the operations. After undergoing training and evaluation, each employee would be under the responsibilities of their respective department managers. The key personnel will be employed on a permanent basis or depending in work performance. However, plant workers and staff will be hired on a six-month contract and it’s renewable subject to the working performance of the employee. o Hiring The company will hire employees in accordance with the set of qualifications for each position. It will be done on a first come first serve basis, no special treatment would be tolerated to promote fairness. o Suspension Suspension is a common practice in the workplace as a part of the reinforcement procedure of the company. Negative reinforcement by B D. Skinner will be used
  • 11. by Carbon Plus Corporation to motivate the employees to follow the stated policies, wherein, corresponding punishment will be given to employees who violate the policies. o Termination Employees who persistently and heavily violate the policies of the organization can be subjected to termination. Office Hours Carbon plus Corporation’s office is open Monday through Friday from 8 o’clock in the morning to 12 o’clock in the afternoon and shall resume at 1:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon, having a Forty (40) Office working hours in a week per personnel. Factory Hours Carbon Plus Corporation’s Factory will operate six days per week from Monday through Friday. Working hour starts at 8 o’clock in the morning to 12 o’clock in the afternoon and shall resume at 1:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon. At some point in time, there are possibilities that the CEO would call the attention of the employees and schedule them for work as necessary. . All employees are expected to be at their work locations ready for work at their scheduled time. Persistent late arrival to work and/ or early leaving from work will result in disciplinary actions moreover, it may include termination.
  • 12. Working days There will 300 working days for factory employees and 248 working days for the office personnel. Salaries for key personnel are fixed and shall be released every 15th and 30th day of the month, moreover, salaries of operations personnel are paid weekly depending on the number of hours they have worked. Months Number of Saturdays Sundays Non- Operating Days working Days Holidays January 31 4 4 1 26 February 28 4 4 24 March 31 5 5 3 23 April 30 4 4 1 25 May 31 4 4 1 26 June 30 5 5 1 24 July 31 4 4 27 August 31 4 4 2 25 September 30 5 5 25 October 31 4 4 27 November 30 4 4 2 24 December 31 5 5 2 24 TOTAL 365 52 52 13 248 Table 3.6 Office working days Months Number of Sundays Non- Operating Days working Days Holidays January 31 4 1 26 February 28 4 24 March 31 5 3 23 April 30 4 1 25 May 31 4 1 26 June 30 5 1 24 July 31 4 27 August 31 4 2 25
  • 13. September 30 5 25 October 31 4 27 November 30 4 2 24 December 31 5 2 24 TOTAL 365 52 13 248 Table 3.7 Factory Working Days Leave of absences All personnel of the company are entitled to a maximum of ten (10) days leave of absences per operating year. The leave of absences should be filed one week before the desired date and requires approval of the department manager. The key personnel need to accomplish important tasks on their respective department before they can avail the leave of absences. Moreover, they should return in the office in case urgent or important situation happens that requires their presence. Disciplinary Measures 1. First offense- Verbal warning Under this circumstance, the employee is reminded verbally about the job performed poorly or minor violation of company’s rules and regulations. 2. Second offense – written reprimand What applies to verbal warning also applies to written reprimand. In this case, the employee receives a memorandum or personal letter from its department manager. A record of employees’ violation will be kept. 3. Third and Fourth offense- suspension It is done when there is a severely employee mistake. The suspension period last up to six month period depending upon the nature of the offense done by the employee.
  • 14. 4. Fifth offense- Management Intervention In case a serious violation takes place or mistakes become frequent in performing specific task, the management decides a specific action applicable to the situation, which may further result to termination of the employee on his service. Employee health benefits At the time of recruitment, there will be a physical health examination to each applicant for the company to be sure that the personnel that will be hired are physically healthy and mentally fit for the position. A regular quarterly check-up will also be employed to company employees. Moreover, the company’s clinic will be open to cater to the needs of the employees. Employee Classification The eligibility to participate in various Carbon Plus Corp. Benefit Plans and other programs is based upon the classification as an employee. While the Carbon Plus Corporation with its rules and policies apply equally to all hourly and salaried employees, temporary or casual employees may not utilize certain benefits and programs. Please refer to the definitions below to determine employee classifications and eligible employees: 1. Full- time employee- an employee who is employed on a scheduled basis for a normal workweek, which is 40 hours per week for the office personnel and 48 hours for the factory workers, including overtime and who is not classified as part-time, temporary, or causal.
  • 15. 2. Casual Employees- a person who may not be called by the company at any time for employment on a non-scheduled and non- recurring basis, and becomes an employee of the company only after reporting to work, and for the period of time during which the person is working. Probationary Period A six-month probability period is required for all new employees. This probationary period provides an opportunity for new employees to evaluate their work situations and in turn, provides the CEO an opportunity to judge their performance and suitability for continued employment. This probationary does not represent a guarantee or contract fir employment for the full six-months or any other period of time, and does not affect the eligibility requirements for benefits. A written evaluation will be provided by the CEO. If time restraints prevail, the new employee is under the probation until the evaluation has taken place. At the end of the probationary period, the CEO shall prepare a written evaluation of the employee’s performance, and review the evaluation of the employee. The evaluation shall take into consideration the employee’s ability to form sound relationship with the membership, volunteers, staff, CEO and Board of Directors; progress on the job; and professional community relationship. Vacation Employees may take vacations at any time during the year. They must, however, prearrange such vacation with the CEO to avoid conflict with scheduled and other work in
  • 16. the company that may require their presence. Employees may accumulate up to 15 days of vacation time. Overtime Work Article 87 grants that work may be performed beyond eight (8) hours a day provided that the employee is paid for the overtime work, an additional compensation equivalent to his regular wage plus at least twenty-five (25%) percent thereof. o Office employees may work until 10 o’clock in the evening o First and Last shift of factory workers can work before their scheduled time for overtime provided that it is necessary and for the benefit of the entity. For Work Performed on Rate of Pay, Based Rate of Pay, Based on on Overtime Rate Daily Rate Rest days 130% 169% Special days 130% 169% Rest day which is also a special 150% 195% day Regular holiday 200% 260% Regular holiday which is also a 260% 338% rest day Table 3.8 Rates on Holidays and Overtime (source: Cost Accounting by Nenita Mejorada) Paid Holiday As in accordance with the labor code Art. 94, right to holiday pay, every worker shall be paid his regular daily wage during regular holidays.
  • 17. Carbon Plus Corporation may require an employee to work on any holiday but such employee shall be paid on a compensation equivalent work on any holiday but such employee shall be paid a compensation equivalent to twice his regular rate, and As used under this Article “Holiday” includes: Regular Holiday Date New Year’s Day January 1 Maundy Thursday Movable date Good Friday Movable date Araw ng Kagitingan April 9 Labor Day May 1 Independence Day June 12 Eid’l Fitr August 20 National Heroes Day Last Monday of August Bonifacio Day November 30 Christmas Day December 25 Table 3.9 Schedule of regular holidays Special Non-Working Holiday Date Ninoy Aquino Day August 21 All Saints Day November 1 Last Day of the Year December 31 Table 3.10 Schedule of Special Non- Working Holiday
  • 18. VI. Legal Requirements For the business to be legally established and operated, the company must first comply with different legal requirements. Thus, it shall file and process all the necessary required documents to the following government entities before it starts its operations: Security and Exchange Commission The company shall file articles of incorporation and all other necessary requirements at the SEC office. This would give the entity its separate juridical identity. Department of Trade and Industry DTI monitors businesses within the country. Thus, it is a requirement of the government to register all business operating inside the country. And so, the company shall register the business at this office. Bureau of Internal Revenue The company must file a tax identification number at the BIR. This would oblige the company to pay taxes at a monthly, quarterly or annual basis. Department of Environment and Natural Resources To ensure that the company is operating in accordance with the requirements of DENR in the proper waste management as well as other aspects involving the utilization of the environment.
  • 19. Land Transportation Office The company will secure all the essential permit and licenses for the registration of the delivery vehicle. City Government of Lucena Carbon Plus Corporation complies with all the legal requirements in the city where the company will be operating. o Zoning The company has submitted all the legal requirements to the Zoning Department on the local government located at City Hall, Lucena City. o Fire and Safety The Bureau of Fire has granted the Carbon Plus Corporation the fire and safety permit after the inspection by their authorized staffs. o Building permit The City Engineer’s office has given the corresponding building permit to the Carbon Plus Corporation after completion of all requirements needed in applying for the permit. o Business Taxes and Licenses Mayor’s permit, clearances from baranggay, and other legal requirements have been granted to the company. These clearances and permits will be renewed
  • 20. every year end and business taxes will be paid to the City Hall for the validity of the permits and the legality of the business. o Sanitary Permit Initial inspection of the place and observation of the rules and regulations was conducted in a manner satisfactory to the Regional Sanitation Committee. For employee benefits: It is mandatory by the government to give benefits and compensations to its employees. Thus, the company should register and file its company at the agencies below for the payment of employee compensations. Philhealth Pag-ibig Social Security System
  • 21. Gantt Chart Months Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feasibility Study Business Application Financing Activities Preparation of plant site & acquisition of machineries Hiring and Training Staffs Purchase of raw materials Promotion and Advertisements Start of operation Table 3.11. Table form for estimated period to start the operation