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1.1. Imperial Evangelism
Shapes Indian Ethnology
Biblical stories were imposed as historical facts
to impose cultural and theological dominance.
The first section of this chapter will explain :
 Biblical Indology based on Biblical Myths
• The Noah’s Deluge
• The Curse on Ham
• The Tower of Babel
 Application of Biblical Myths
• Application to Africa
• Application to India
 Indological Legacy
Biblical Framework
When European colonialists captured various parts of the
world, their missionaries and merchants encountered
unfamiliar non-western cultures.
Very soon, European accounts were constructed to fit all
the populations of other cultures into the Biblical
1.1.1. Biblical Myths
Mosaic Ethnology / Biblical Narrative
 Biblical myths were used to interpret Asian and African
 The Noah’s Deluge
 The Curse on Ham
 The Tower of Babel
1. The Noah’s Deluge
 Great Flood of the Bible.
 Descendants of Noah repopulated the earth.
 Noah’s three sons were Ham, Shem and Japheth.
 European mapping of unfamiliar non-western cultures with the Biblical
 Debate to assign non-European community the status as per Biblical
 The narratives of natives were dismissed as ‘myths’ and ‘superstitions’.
 The Europeans considered it their moral authority, and indeed, responsibility,
to compose the ‘true history’ of all cultures.
2. The Curse on Ham
 Noah’s three sons were Ham, Shem and Japheth.
 Ham was cursed because he laughed on the nudity of Noah.
 He was cursed to live in servitude to the descendants of the other two
 This Biblical account - accepted as veritable history in Europe.
 The descendants of Ham – all dark-skinned peoples.
 Hamitic culture - barbaric, uncivilized and immoral.
Stephen R Haynes
on The Curse on Ham
For over two millennia, Bible readers have blamed Ham and his
progeny for everything from existence of slavery to serfdom to
the perpetuation of sexual license and perversion, to the
introduction of magical arts, astrology, idolatry, witchcraft and
heathen religion. They have associated Hamites with tyranny,
theft, heresy, blasphemy, rebellion, war and even deicide.
Martin Luther
on The Curse on Ham
 Ham and his descendants were possessed by ‘Satanic and
bitter hatred’.
 Using the physical attributes of the body as the basis for
moral degeneration and justification for servitude.
Origen of Alexandria (185–254 CE)
on The Curse on Ham
Look at the origin of the race and you will discover that their
father Ham, who had laughed at his father’s nakedness
deserved a judgment of this kind that his son Chanaan should
be servant to his brothers, in which case the condition of
bondage would precede the wickedness of his conduct. Not
without merit, therefore, does the discolored posterity imitate the
ignobility of the race.
1.1.2. Applications of
Biblical Myths
The Bible’s Hamitic myth, in which the
descendants of Ham were cursed by Noah into
perpetual slavery, was used by the Europeans as
the established truth to interpret the skin color of
Blacks and justify the institution of slavery.
Africa witnessed armed expeditions as well as
slave raids from Europe, transferring large
numbers of captured African peoples to distant
The institution of slavery became a major
constituent of European and American
Application to Africa
Application to Africa
 Between 1517 and 1840, it is estimated that twenty-million
Africans were captured, transported to the Americas, and
enslaved in a manner that can only be considered a holocaust.
 The Hamitic myth - provided justification for slavery.
 Respected professionals such as doctors, lawyers, politicians,
clergymen and professors’, regarded the ‘Curse of Ham’ as
historical fact.
Africans accepting Biblical Narrative
 The slave and black poetess, Phyllis Wheatley, wrote in 1773:
‘Remember Christians, Negroes black as Cain may be
refined and join the angelic train’.
William Jones
 Jones mapped Indians as the offspring of Ham, Arabs as the offspring of
Shem, and Tartars as the offspring of Japheth.
 Jones used his newly discovered Sanskrit materials to claim that the
Hindus had the character of Ham, and that Sanskrit literature was linked to
Biblical events.
 Thus, Indian linguistics was mapped onto Biblical ethnology.
Mapping Sanskrit literature onto
Biblical master narrative
 Ram – Raamah
 Kusa – Cusa (the grandson of Ham)
 Manu – Adam
 Narasimha – Nimrod
Biblical time-scales
 God had created the world in 4004 BCE, and the flood of Noah had taken place in
2349 BCE.
 Indian yugas had to be rejected because they involved huge time-spans running
into millions and billions of years.
 Mythology - Sanskrit texts that did not fit into the Bible,
 History - Whatever could fit Bible.
 Vedic and Puranic texts were digested into Biblical chronology.
 To establish his dates for the so called Aryan invasion of India, which influences
scholars to this day.
Eurocentric constructions of Indian
 William Jones’s philology became a theological project to fit Hindu
texts into a Biblical mythology.
 Hindu trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva as the degraded version
of the Christian Trinity.
 Appropriator of Hinduism in order to enhance the credibility of
 The chronology of events found in non-western texts had to fit the
time-periods mandated by the Christian officials.
In this part :
1.1.3. Indological Legacy
Indological legacy
 The earliest speakers of Sanskrit belonged to the Aryan ‘race’.
 Initial Aryan invasion from Europe to the Indian subcontinent had
brought an infusion of civilization, the Indians had later
 Europeans were needed to lift the degraded Indian brothers to their
past glory – then and now.
Indological institutions
 These Indologists set up various institutions in India in order to
interpret India from colonial perspective.
 They employed Indians as collaborators.
 Many of these institutions were created to weaken the Indian
civilization and strengthen the British side.
 Colonial Indology was based on collaborations between Western
academics and Indian scholars.
Indian ethnology shaped by Imperial evangelism
Colonial Indological infrastructure perpetuates
Mosaic ethnological categories
• Indian communities viewed through biblical prisms
transformed to ethnicities
• Justification of British colonialism
•1784 Asiatic Society, Calcutta
•1800 College of Fort Williams, Calcutta
•1806 East India College, England (Charles Grant had key role)
•1818 Serampore Seminary, Calcutta
•1827 Establishment of Boden Chair for studying Sanskrit (Oxford)
•1862 Haileybury and Imperialist Service College
•1883 Indian Institute at Oxford (Set up by Monier-Williams)
Monier Williams (1819 - 99)
Col Boden stated most explicitly in his will (dated Aug. 15, 1811)
that the special object of his munificent bequest was to promote
the translation of the scriptures into Sanskrit; so as to enable
his countrymen to proceed in the conversion of the natives
of India to the Christian religion.
Monier Williams (1819 - 99)
When the walls of the mighty fortress of Brahmanism are
encircled, undermined, and finally stormed by the soldiers of the
cross, the victory of Christianity must be signal and
1.2. Inventing
the Aryan Race
Idealized & romantic view of India
The Sanskrit language . . . is of a
wonderful structure; more perfect than
the Greek, more copious than the
Latin, and more exquisitely refined
than either, yet bearing to both of
them a stronger affinity . . . than could
possibly have been produced by
William Jones
The second section of this chapter will explain
 How the West’s interpretation and treatment of the Indic
materials shaped the study of Sanskrit, and
 Churned out the ‘Aryan’ racial construct, which itself would
undergo dramatic transmutations in the Western psyche.
 Devolutions of European needs and politics, rather than the
result of an objective academic study of the ‘Orient
 Resulting in ethnic conflicts and genocidal wars.
1.2.1. The Study of India
European intellectual history concerning India
Euro-centric Colonial Construct : Aryan EUROPE
Study of India
European Romanticists Colonial Indologists
AryanPro- India
European U-Turn from
glorifying to demeaning
Aryan race
German Identity need
Race science
World War-II
Rejection of Aryan race
theory in European
 European Romanticists -
 to escape the rigid framework of Judeo-Christian monotheism due to new challenges from the
modern period.
 India was discovered, and quickly became the premier vehicle for this search for their own golden
 Indologists –
 historicized classical India in a way that served colonial needs as well as the needs of the emerging
nation-states in Europe.
 Created the notion of Aryans as harbingers of civilization to all humanity.
 A glorified European ancestry was traced to these idealized Aryans.
 The European Aryans were seen as racially pure and blessed with the spiritually superior Christianity.
 A Master Aryan Race -
 German nationalist thinkers.
 European anti-Semitism used the Aryan construct to separate Europeans from Jews.
 The notion of ‘Aryan Christ’ became popular in Europe.
India inspired European
academic activity
1) Sanskrit : The discovery of Sanskrit had liberated Europeans
from their exclusive focus on the Mediterranean area as the
source of their cultural heritage.
2) Obsession for an Aryan race : Search for the origin of the
Aryans and the Hebrews, the imagined speakers of the Aryan
and Semitic language-groups.
The Translations of Sanskrit Texts
 The translations of the Zend Avesta, the Zoroastrian seminal
text, and the Bhagavad Gita (in the late 1700s) : first
approach to an Indian text
 The 1789 English translation of Kalidasa’s Shakuntala by
William Jones.
 Retranslated into German influenced many prominent
intellectuals such as Herder, Goethe, and Schiller.
Similarities among
Indo-European languages
Similarities among
Indo-European languages
The birth of Philology & Quest for
 The birth of new academic discipline - Philology - was born, and
essentially owed its beginnings to Sanskrit studies.
 How these languages are connected? It provided a great impetus to
the European quest for the origins of peoples.
 The discovery of Sanskrit had liberated Europeans from their exclusive
focus on the Mediterranean area as the source of their cultural
 Quarrel over ancestry - Aryans, lndo-Germans, Indo-Europeans, and
Sanskrit revolutionized the social
Thanks to the discovery of the ancient
language of India, Sanskrit as it is called
. . . and thanks to the discovery of the
close kinship between this language
and the idioms of the principal races of
Europe . . . a complete revolution has
taken place in the method of
studying the world’s primitive
Friedrich Max Muller
Sanskrit revolutionized the social
Europe’s ‘discovery’ of India
was a ‘re-discovery’ of
Europe’s own foundation it had
forgotten. Using this trajectory,
the East was not the ‘other’ of
the West, but its origin.
Herder ( 1744 – 1803 )
India was the mother of all
advanced civilizations
Sanskrit was the mother of Indo-European languages
Aryans (or Indo-Europeans) as
the most powerful race.
Philology to hunt the ‘birthplace of the world’s most powerful race
1.2.2. Western Indology
shaping European Identity
German Identity
Legitimizing British Rule over India
Imagining the
German Past
Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel (1772–1829)
 Germans vs France rivalry
 France – A Renaissance nation – inheritor of
Greco-Rome Civilization
 Germans – A barbarian tribes
 Schlegel wanted to prove Germans as highly
civilized nation.
 The origin of Germans from India.
Intellectual Fashion
Romanticism & Pantheism
European Politics
German-French enmity
F. Schlegel’s Second Indological U-Turn (1804-12)
Start: India was mother of all civilizations; Germans migrated from India; French are degraded
versions of Indian migrants
End: Abandons the Indian origins of all civilizations and the superiority of Indian civilizations.
Germans did not originate in India.
F. Schlegel’s First Indological U-Turn (1802-5)
Start: India superior to Greco-Roman culture and to Christianity
End: Indian religion misunderstood the original Revelation; Indian ascetics are self-destructive,
superstitious and appalling.
German Barbarian Complex
•Renaissance made France superior
•Germans declared barbarians
Rejection of Reason, Reformation, Protestantism, Enlightenment
Conversion to Catholicism
Rejection of Pantheism
Rejection of Indian Religion
F. Schlegel’s First Indological Project
Passion for India as Mother of all Civilizations
Legitimizing British
rule over Indians
A sort of family reunion
Aryan origins and superiority.
A favored race, blessed with ‘innate
beauty’ and ‘gifts of intelligence
Adolphe Pictet (1799 -1875)
 Aryan mind was monotheism.
In Europe - Aryans marched towards perfect monotheism.
In India - Lapsed into polytheism in India.
 Christianity - reviving the seed of monotheism in India.
 Justification for colonization of India. It is ethical.
 Civilization has to spread through Christian colonization.
Aryans as the most powerful
Philology to hunt the ‘birthplace of the world’s most powerful race
Jesus is
Aryanized Christ
Ernest Renan
A Hebrew Scholar
Ernest Renan and Aryan Christ
 Jesus was decoupled from Judaism; Christianity was declared to
be ‘less purely Semitic’.
 Jesus is Aryanized Christ
 Renan used philology to put Christianity on a scientific footing, by
discarding superstition and integrating it with the Enlightenment.
The danger of favoring Aryans
was that Christ
would be forgotten.
R.F. Grau (1835–93)
R.F. Grau (1835–93)
 Emphasizing the Semitic inheritance of Christianity
 Semites as the sole link between God and his new-chosen
people, the Christian faithful.
 Without Christian monotheism, the unbridled dynamism or
uncontrolled creativity of Aryans would descend into chaos.
R.F. Grau (1835–93)
‘…The marriage between Semitic spirit and Indo-
Germanic nature is sealed in heaven’. Separately,
neither had the backbone supposedly provided by
Christianity, but thanks to this wedding, they were
destined to rule the world…’
1.2.3. Arya Becomes
a Race in Europe
Arya Becomes a Race in Europe
 The word ‘Aryan’ was first coined as the name of family of
languages and peoples by Max Mueller.
 The British used the Aryan race concept to legitimize British
rule over Indians as a sort of family reunion or love affair in
which the superior British were trying to help the inferior
 In less than a century, philology turned into a source of
Joseph Arthur Comte
de Gobineau (1816–82)
 Three races – white yellow and black.
 Whites were at the top - ability to create and
spread culture.
 Superiority of the white type and, within that
type, of the Aryan family.
 Aryans invasion to explain the caste system.
Gobineau :
Caste and Race Science
 All civilizations emerged from the White race, but declined
everywhere because of intermarriages, except northern Europe.
 European Aryans, after invading India, had become debased by
mixing with the darker native races.
 In India this degeneration was slow because the invading Aryans
created caste system which prevented the racial bastardization
and degeneration of Aryans.
 Caste was made by pure whites to slow down the intermixing of
their race with inferior peoples. Indian Brahmins were degraded
H S Chamberlain:
linking Caste with Race
. . . wherever the Aryans went they became
master. The Greek, the Latin, the Kelt, the
Teuton, the Slav – all these were Aryans: of
the aborigines of the countries which they
overran scarcely a trace remains. So too
in India, it was ‘varna’ colour which
distinguished the white conquering
Arya from the defeated black man, the
Dasyu, and so laid the foundation of
Anthropologist Kenneth A.R. Kennedy :
 Both Gobineau and
Chamberlain transformed the
Aryan concept, which had its
humble origins in philological
research conducted by Jones
in Calcutta at the end of the
eighteenth century, into the
political and racial doctrines
of Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich.
Ever-Shifting Aryan construct –
from noble to race to caste
“During Gobineau’s lifetime, the old theory of the Asian origin of the European
languages and traditions, and of cultural movements from the East to the
West, increasingly gave way to speculations on primeval movements from
the West to the East, and on Aryan migrations from Europe, specifically
Northern Europe, or even the North Pole, to India. According to these
speculations, the European or Northern invaders gave their superior
culture to the Indians and then lost their superiority through mixing with the
local inhabitants and perished in a climate for which they were not suited. In
1903, E. de Michelis summarized this view by stating that Asia, and India in
particular, was not the ‘cradle’, but the ‘grave of the Aryans’.”
William Halbfass
Cradle of Civilization ???
Mining Indology to build histories of civilizations and races
in a manner that fit European supremacy.
Nazis and Aryans
 A journal called Ostara
 1908 - two issues : dedicated to Manusmriti
and race cultivation among the ancient ‘Indo-
 Hitler - a reader of journal. Veritable textbooks
for the Third Reich.
 ‘India is invoked in order to articulate and justify
ideas and programs of unparalleled arrogance
and destruction’
Blaming the Indian Civilization for
 Shifting the blame from Europeans to Indians.
 ‘high Brahminism’ as represented by the
Mimamsa school, contributed to the ‘ideological
formations of precolonial India’, and
 Nazism tried implementing this ‘at home’ in
 Led to the ‘legitimation of genocide’.
‘deep Nazism’ or ‘deep Mimamsa’?
Would it not be equally permissible
to identify this underlying structure
as ‘deep Nazism’ or ‘deep
Mimamsa’? And what will prevent us
from calling Kumarila and William
Jones ‘deep Nazis’ and Adolf Hitler a
‘deep Mimamsaka’?
After the Second World War, European
academic and social institutions made a great
effort to exorcize the Aryan race theory from
the European psyche, but they still continue to
apply these ideas to
the study of India.
1.3. Morphing
Jati-Varna into Race
In this part :
Race Science and Nasal Index
 Emergence of Race Science in Europe
 Based on vague Biblical reference points.
 Imposing it on regional and linguistic communities in India.
 Max Muller’s interpretation of Vedic literature - two racial groups -
physical features - nose-length.
 Herber Hope Risley – Nasal Index – tool for Race Science
 Separating Aryans from Non-Aryans (= black workers)
1.3.1. Converting Jati
into Race
On Jati :
Before Max Muller
 Jati is a highly localized & intricately organized social structure.
 Dynamic nature – allowing social mobility as well as occupational
 More horizontally organized than vertically stratified.
 Distinctions based on traditional or inherited social status derived
from work roles.
 Gandhi - model of ‘oceanic circle’ for the ideal Indian village society,
rather than the Western pyramidal model.
 The jati-varna system not connected with any race, ethnicity, or
Max Muller
on Caste
(caste). . . which has hitherto
proved an impediment to
conversion of the Hindus, may
in future became one of the
most powerful engines for the
conversion not merely of the
individuals, but of whole
classes of Indian society.
Converting Jati into Race
Western Agenda
Max Muller’s Work
on Anasa
 He made only one incidental reference to physical differences –
that noses were described differently for different tribes in the Rig
 He based this notion on a single Sanskrit word, anasa (Rig Veda:
V.29.10), that was used infrequently.
Max Muller letter to Risley
…It may be that in time the classification of skulls, hair, eyes,
and skin may be brought into harmony with the classification of
language. We may even go so far as to admit, as a postulate,
that the two must have run parallel, at least in the beginning of
all things.
1.3.2. Racial Science of
Nasal Index
Racial Science of Nasal Index
Sir Herbert Hope Risley (1851–1911)
 Aryans ‘often spoke’ of the noses of the
 Vedic nose-reference as the centerpiece
of his racist ethnology of India.
 Risley became the leading authority on
Indian ethnology.
 In 1910, Risley became president of the
Royal Anthropological Institute.
Risley’s Race Science
 He adopted the popular Race Science
measurement methods.
 Anthropometry, which measured various parts
of the head to characterize different peoples.
 The ‘gradations of type’ - the ‘gradations of
social preference’.
 “Scientific method” to detach non-Aryans from
the general body of Hindus’.
Risley’s Nasal Index
 1891 - measured Bengali heads and
 Dravidians, Santhals, and other
communities, based on nose dimensions.
 Graded various castes according to the
Nasal Index.
Risley’s Nasal Index
 Jatis as Hindu, and tribes as non-
 Vedas were interpreted – Aryan vs
 Aborigines – Vedic Dasas and Dasyus
 White vs Black Race
 North – South Divide : South America
/ South Africa
Thomas Trautmann
“…The racial theory of Indian civilization
alludes to racial attitudes of whites
towards blacks, found in the segregated
southern United States after the Civil War
and in South Africa, as a constant of
history, or rather as a transcendent fact
immune to historical changes that is as
operative in the Vedic period as it is
Aryan vs Dravidians
 Seven Races
 Aryan at the top
 Dravidian at the bottom
 Aryan intermixing with
Dravidian leading to the Caste
A hierarchy was constructed and made official.
 He became commissioner of the 1901 census of India
 Wrote on caste in Imperial Gazetteer of India. It became Template
for academicians & colonial administrators.
 Indians - 2,378 main castes and tribes (with sub-castes), and 43
 Hierarchy of castes - ‘social preference’ based on his evaluation
of ‘native public opinion’.
 Translating the dharma of Jatis as ‘race sentiment’. American
Slavery is his framework.
Critics were marginalized
and ignored.
Ambedkar Demolishes Nasal Index
‘…The measurements establish that the
Brahmin and the Untouchables belong to
the same race. From this it follows that if
the Brahmins are Aryans, the
Untouchables are also Aryans. If the
Brahmins are Dravidians the
Untouchables are also Dravidians. If the
Brahmins are Nagas, the Untouchables are
also Nagas. Such being the facts, the
theory . . . must be said to be based on a
false foundation….’

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Chapter 1 inventing the aryan race

  • 1. 1.1. Imperial Evangelism Shapes Indian Ethnology Biblical stories were imposed as historical facts to impose cultural and theological dominance.
  • 2. The first section of this chapter will explain :  Biblical Indology based on Biblical Myths • The Noah’s Deluge • The Curse on Ham • The Tower of Babel  Application of Biblical Myths • Application to Africa • Application to India  Indological Legacy
  • 3. Biblical Framework When European colonialists captured various parts of the world, their missionaries and merchants encountered unfamiliar non-western cultures. Very soon, European accounts were constructed to fit all the populations of other cultures into the Biblical framework.
  • 5. Mosaic Ethnology / Biblical Narrative  Biblical myths were used to interpret Asian and African societies.  The Noah’s Deluge  The Curse on Ham  The Tower of Babel
  • 6. 1. The Noah’s Deluge  Great Flood of the Bible.  Descendants of Noah repopulated the earth.  Noah’s three sons were Ham, Shem and Japheth.  European mapping of unfamiliar non-western cultures with the Biblical framework.  Debate to assign non-European community the status as per Biblical hierarchy.  The narratives of natives were dismissed as ‘myths’ and ‘superstitions’.  The Europeans considered it their moral authority, and indeed, responsibility, to compose the ‘true history’ of all cultures.
  • 7. 2. The Curse on Ham  Noah’s three sons were Ham, Shem and Japheth.  Ham was cursed because he laughed on the nudity of Noah.  He was cursed to live in servitude to the descendants of the other two sons.  This Biblical account - accepted as veritable history in Europe.  The descendants of Ham – all dark-skinned peoples.  Hamitic culture - barbaric, uncivilized and immoral.
  • 8. Stephen R Haynes on The Curse on Ham For over two millennia, Bible readers have blamed Ham and his progeny for everything from existence of slavery to serfdom to the perpetuation of sexual license and perversion, to the introduction of magical arts, astrology, idolatry, witchcraft and heathen religion. They have associated Hamites with tyranny, theft, heresy, blasphemy, rebellion, war and even deicide.
  • 9. Martin Luther on The Curse on Ham  Ham and his descendants were possessed by ‘Satanic and bitter hatred’.  Using the physical attributes of the body as the basis for moral degeneration and justification for servitude.
  • 10. Origen of Alexandria (185–254 CE) on The Curse on Ham Look at the origin of the race and you will discover that their father Ham, who had laughed at his father’s nakedness deserved a judgment of this kind that his son Chanaan should be servant to his brothers, in which case the condition of bondage would precede the wickedness of his conduct. Not without merit, therefore, does the discolored posterity imitate the ignobility of the race.
  • 12. The Bible’s Hamitic myth, in which the descendants of Ham were cursed by Noah into perpetual slavery, was used by the Europeans as the established truth to interpret the skin color of Blacks and justify the institution of slavery. Africa witnessed armed expeditions as well as slave raids from Europe, transferring large numbers of captured African peoples to distant lands. The institution of slavery became a major constituent of European and American economies. Application to Africa
  • 13. Application to Africa  Between 1517 and 1840, it is estimated that twenty-million Africans were captured, transported to the Americas, and enslaved in a manner that can only be considered a holocaust.  The Hamitic myth - provided justification for slavery.  Respected professionals such as doctors, lawyers, politicians, clergymen and professors’, regarded the ‘Curse of Ham’ as historical fact.
  • 14. Africans accepting Biblical Narrative  The slave and black poetess, Phyllis Wheatley, wrote in 1773: ‘Remember Christians, Negroes black as Cain may be refined and join the angelic train’.
  • 15.
  • 16. William Jones  Jones mapped Indians as the offspring of Ham, Arabs as the offspring of Shem, and Tartars as the offspring of Japheth.  Jones used his newly discovered Sanskrit materials to claim that the Hindus had the character of Ham, and that Sanskrit literature was linked to Biblical events.  Thus, Indian linguistics was mapped onto Biblical ethnology.
  • 17. Mapping Sanskrit literature onto Biblical master narrative  Ram – Raamah  Kusa – Cusa (the grandson of Ham)  Manu – Adam  Narasimha – Nimrod
  • 18. Biblical time-scales  God had created the world in 4004 BCE, and the flood of Noah had taken place in 2349 BCE.  Indian yugas had to be rejected because they involved huge time-spans running into millions and billions of years.  Mythology - Sanskrit texts that did not fit into the Bible,  History - Whatever could fit Bible.  Vedic and Puranic texts were digested into Biblical chronology.  To establish his dates for the so called Aryan invasion of India, which influences scholars to this day.
  • 19. Eurocentric constructions of Indian history.  William Jones’s philology became a theological project to fit Hindu texts into a Biblical mythology.  Hindu trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva as the degraded version of the Christian Trinity.  Appropriator of Hinduism in order to enhance the credibility of Christianity.  The chronology of events found in non-western texts had to fit the time-periods mandated by the Christian officials.
  • 22. Indological legacy  The earliest speakers of Sanskrit belonged to the Aryan ‘race’.  Initial Aryan invasion from Europe to the Indian subcontinent had brought an infusion of civilization, the Indians had later degenerated.  Europeans were needed to lift the degraded Indian brothers to their past glory – then and now.
  • 23. Indological institutions  These Indologists set up various institutions in India in order to interpret India from colonial perspective.  They employed Indians as collaborators.  Many of these institutions were created to weaken the Indian civilization and strengthen the British side.  Colonial Indology was based on collaborations between Western academics and Indian scholars.
  • 24. Indian ethnology shaped by Imperial evangelism Colonial Indological infrastructure perpetuates Mosaic ethnological categories • Indian communities viewed through biblical prisms transformed to ethnicities • Justification of British colonialism •1784 Asiatic Society, Calcutta •1800 College of Fort Williams, Calcutta •1806 East India College, England (Charles Grant had key role) •1818 Serampore Seminary, Calcutta •1827 Establishment of Boden Chair for studying Sanskrit (Oxford) •1862 Haileybury and Imperialist Service College •1883 Indian Institute at Oxford (Set up by Monier-Williams) Asia/India
  • 25. Monier Williams (1819 - 99) Col Boden stated most explicitly in his will (dated Aug. 15, 1811) that the special object of his munificent bequest was to promote the translation of the scriptures into Sanskrit; so as to enable his countrymen to proceed in the conversion of the natives of India to the Christian religion.
  • 26. Monier Williams (1819 - 99) When the walls of the mighty fortress of Brahmanism are encircled, undermined, and finally stormed by the soldiers of the cross, the victory of Christianity must be signal and complete.
  • 28. Idealized & romantic view of India The Sanskrit language . . . is of a wonderful structure; more perfect than the Greek, more copious than the Latin, and more exquisitely refined than either, yet bearing to both of them a stronger affinity . . . than could possibly have been produced by accident. William Jones
  • 29. The second section of this chapter will explain :  How the West’s interpretation and treatment of the Indic materials shaped the study of Sanskrit, and  Churned out the ‘Aryan’ racial construct, which itself would undergo dramatic transmutations in the Western psyche.  Devolutions of European needs and politics, rather than the result of an objective academic study of the ‘Orient  Resulting in ethnic conflicts and genocidal wars.
  • 30. 1.2.1. The Study of India European intellectual history concerning India
  • 31. Euro-centric Colonial Construct : Aryan EUROPE Study of India European Romanticists Colonial Indologists AryanPro- India European U-Turn from glorifying to demeaning India Aryan race German Identity need Race science Nazism Holocaust World War-II Rejection of Aryan race theory in European context
  • 32.  European Romanticists -  to escape the rigid framework of Judeo-Christian monotheism due to new challenges from the modern period.  India was discovered, and quickly became the premier vehicle for this search for their own golden origin.  Indologists –  historicized classical India in a way that served colonial needs as well as the needs of the emerging nation-states in Europe.  Created the notion of Aryans as harbingers of civilization to all humanity.  A glorified European ancestry was traced to these idealized Aryans.  The European Aryans were seen as racially pure and blessed with the spiritually superior Christianity.  A Master Aryan Race -  German nationalist thinkers.  European anti-Semitism used the Aryan construct to separate Europeans from Jews.  The notion of ‘Aryan Christ’ became popular in Europe.
  • 33. India inspired European academic activity 1) Sanskrit : The discovery of Sanskrit had liberated Europeans from their exclusive focus on the Mediterranean area as the source of their cultural heritage. 2) Obsession for an Aryan race : Search for the origin of the Aryans and the Hebrews, the imagined speakers of the Aryan and Semitic language-groups.
  • 34. The Translations of Sanskrit Texts  The translations of the Zend Avesta, the Zoroastrian seminal text, and the Bhagavad Gita (in the late 1700s) : first approach to an Indian text  The 1789 English translation of Kalidasa’s Shakuntala by William Jones.  Retranslated into German influenced many prominent intellectuals such as Herder, Goethe, and Schiller.
  • 37. The birth of Philology & Quest for Origin  The birth of new academic discipline - Philology - was born, and essentially owed its beginnings to Sanskrit studies.  How these languages are connected? It provided a great impetus to the European quest for the origins of peoples.  The discovery of Sanskrit had liberated Europeans from their exclusive focus on the Mediterranean area as the source of their cultural heritage.  Quarrel over ancestry - Aryans, lndo-Germans, Indo-Europeans, and Caucasians.
  • 38. Sanskrit revolutionized the social sciences Thanks to the discovery of the ancient language of India, Sanskrit as it is called . . . and thanks to the discovery of the close kinship between this language and the idioms of the principal races of Europe . . . a complete revolution has taken place in the method of studying the world’s primitive history. Friedrich Max Muller
  • 39. Sanskrit revolutionized the social sciences Europe’s ‘discovery’ of India was a ‘re-discovery’ of Europe’s own foundation it had forgotten. Using this trajectory, the East was not the ‘other’ of the West, but its origin. Herder ( 1744 – 1803 )
  • 40.
  • 41. India was the mother of all advanced civilizations Sanskrit was the mother of Indo-European languages
  • 42. Aryans (or Indo-Europeans) as the most powerful race. Philology to hunt the ‘birthplace of the world’s most powerful race
  • 43.
  • 44. 1.2.2. Western Indology shaping European Identity German Identity Legitimizing British Rule over India
  • 45.
  • 47. Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel (1772–1829)  Germans vs France rivalry  France – A Renaissance nation – inheritor of Greco-Rome Civilization  Germans – A barbarian tribes  Schlegel wanted to prove Germans as highly civilized nation.  The origin of Germans from India.
  • 48.
  • 49. Intellectual Fashion Romanticism & Pantheism European Politics German-French enmity F. Schlegel’s Second Indological U-Turn (1804-12) Start: India was mother of all civilizations; Germans migrated from India; French are degraded versions of Indian migrants End: Abandons the Indian origins of all civilizations and the superiority of Indian civilizations. Germans did not originate in India. F. Schlegel’s First Indological U-Turn (1802-5) Start: India superior to Greco-Roman culture and to Christianity End: Indian religion misunderstood the original Revelation; Indian ascetics are self-destructive, superstitious and appalling. German Barbarian Complex •Renaissance made France superior •Germans declared barbarians
  • 50. Rejection of Reason, Reformation, Protestantism, Enlightenment Conversion to Catholicism Rejection of Pantheism Rejection of Indian Religion F. Schlegel’s First Indological Project Passion for India as Mother of all Civilizations
  • 51. Legitimizing British rule over Indians A sort of family reunion
  • 52. Aryan origins and superiority. A favored race, blessed with ‘innate beauty’ and ‘gifts of intelligence
  • 53.
  • 54. Adolphe Pictet (1799 -1875)  Aryan mind was monotheism. In Europe - Aryans marched towards perfect monotheism. In India - Lapsed into polytheism in India.  Christianity - reviving the seed of monotheism in India.  Justification for colonization of India. It is ethical.  Civilization has to spread through Christian colonization.
  • 55. Aryans as the most powerful race. Philology to hunt the ‘birthplace of the world’s most powerful race
  • 56. Jesus is Aryanized Christ Ernest Renan A Hebrew Scholar
  • 57.
  • 58. Ernest Renan and Aryan Christ  Jesus was decoupled from Judaism; Christianity was declared to be ‘less purely Semitic’.  Jesus is Aryanized Christ  Renan used philology to put Christianity on a scientific footing, by discarding superstition and integrating it with the Enlightenment.
  • 59. The danger of favoring Aryans was that Christ would be forgotten. R.F. Grau (1835–93)
  • 60. R.F. Grau (1835–93)  Emphasizing the Semitic inheritance of Christianity  Semites as the sole link between God and his new-chosen people, the Christian faithful.  Without Christian monotheism, the unbridled dynamism or uncontrolled creativity of Aryans would descend into chaos.
  • 61. R.F. Grau (1835–93) ‘…The marriage between Semitic spirit and Indo- Germanic nature is sealed in heaven’. Separately, neither had the backbone supposedly provided by Christianity, but thanks to this wedding, they were destined to rule the world…’
  • 62. 1.2.3. Arya Becomes a Race in Europe
  • 63. Arya Becomes a Race in Europe  The word ‘Aryan’ was first coined as the name of family of languages and peoples by Max Mueller.  The British used the Aryan race concept to legitimize British rule over Indians as a sort of family reunion or love affair in which the superior British were trying to help the inferior Indians.  In less than a century, philology turned into a source of racism.
  • 64. Joseph Arthur Comte de Gobineau (1816–82)  Three races – white yellow and black.  Whites were at the top - ability to create and spread culture.  Superiority of the white type and, within that type, of the Aryan family.  Aryans invasion to explain the caste system.
  • 65. Gobineau : Caste and Race Science  All civilizations emerged from the White race, but declined everywhere because of intermarriages, except northern Europe.  European Aryans, after invading India, had become debased by mixing with the darker native races.  In India this degeneration was slow because the invading Aryans created caste system which prevented the racial bastardization and degeneration of Aryans.  Caste was made by pure whites to slow down the intermixing of their race with inferior peoples. Indian Brahmins were degraded Aryans.
  • 66. H S Chamberlain: linking Caste with Race . . . wherever the Aryans went they became master. The Greek, the Latin, the Kelt, the Teuton, the Slav – all these were Aryans: of the aborigines of the countries which they overran scarcely a trace remains. So too in India, it was ‘varna’ colour which distinguished the white conquering Arya from the defeated black man, the Dasyu, and so laid the foundation of caste.
  • 67. Anthropologist Kenneth A.R. Kennedy :  Both Gobineau and Chamberlain transformed the Aryan concept, which had its humble origins in philological research conducted by Jones in Calcutta at the end of the eighteenth century, into the political and racial doctrines of Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich.
  • 68. Ever-Shifting Aryan construct – from noble to race to caste “During Gobineau’s lifetime, the old theory of the Asian origin of the European languages and traditions, and of cultural movements from the East to the West, increasingly gave way to speculations on primeval movements from the West to the East, and on Aryan migrations from Europe, specifically Northern Europe, or even the North Pole, to India. According to these speculations, the European or Northern invaders gave their superior culture to the Indians and then lost their superiority through mixing with the local inhabitants and perished in a climate for which they were not suited. In 1903, E. de Michelis summarized this view by stating that Asia, and India in particular, was not the ‘cradle’, but the ‘grave of the Aryans’.” William Halbfass
  • 69. Cradle of Civilization ??? Mining Indology to build histories of civilizations and races in a manner that fit European supremacy.
  • 70. Nazis and Aryans  A journal called Ostara  1908 - two issues : dedicated to Manusmriti and race cultivation among the ancient ‘Indo- Aryan’.  Hitler - a reader of journal. Veritable textbooks for the Third Reich.  ‘India is invoked in order to articulate and justify ideas and programs of unparalleled arrogance and destruction’
  • 71. Blaming the Indian Civilization for Nazism  Shifting the blame from Europeans to Indians.  ‘high Brahminism’ as represented by the Mimamsa school, contributed to the ‘ideological formations of precolonial India’, and  Nazism tried implementing this ‘at home’ in Germany.  Led to the ‘legitimation of genocide’.
  • 72. ‘deep Nazism’ or ‘deep Mimamsa’? Would it not be equally permissible to identify this underlying structure as ‘deep Nazism’ or ‘deep Mimamsa’? And what will prevent us from calling Kumarila and William Jones ‘deep Nazis’ and Adolf Hitler a ‘deep Mimamsaka’?
  • 73. After the Second World War, European academic and social institutions made a great effort to exorcize the Aryan race theory from the European psyche, but they still continue to apply these ideas to the study of India.
  • 75. In this part : Race Science and Nasal Index  Emergence of Race Science in Europe  Based on vague Biblical reference points.  Imposing it on regional and linguistic communities in India.  Max Muller’s interpretation of Vedic literature - two racial groups - physical features - nose-length.  Herber Hope Risley – Nasal Index – tool for Race Science  Separating Aryans from Non-Aryans (= black workers)
  • 77. On Jati : Before Max Muller  Jati is a highly localized & intricately organized social structure.  Dynamic nature – allowing social mobility as well as occupational diversification.  More horizontally organized than vertically stratified.  Distinctions based on traditional or inherited social status derived from work roles.  Gandhi - model of ‘oceanic circle’ for the ideal Indian village society, rather than the Western pyramidal model.  The jati-varna system not connected with any race, ethnicity, or genetics.
  • 78. Max Muller on Caste (caste). . . which has hitherto proved an impediment to conversion of the Hindus, may in future became one of the most powerful engines for the conversion not merely of the individuals, but of whole classes of Indian society.
  • 79. Converting Jati into Race Western Agenda
  • 80. Max Muller’s Work on Anasa  He made only one incidental reference to physical differences – that noses were described differently for different tribes in the Rig Veda.  He based this notion on a single Sanskrit word, anasa (Rig Veda: V.29.10), that was used infrequently.
  • 81. Max Muller letter to Risley …It may be that in time the classification of skulls, hair, eyes, and skin may be brought into harmony with the classification of language. We may even go so far as to admit, as a postulate, that the two must have run parallel, at least in the beginning of all things.
  • 82.
  • 83. 1.3.2. Racial Science of Nasal Index
  • 84. Racial Science of Nasal Index
  • 85. Sir Herbert Hope Risley (1851–1911)  Aryans ‘often spoke’ of the noses of the aborigines.  Vedic nose-reference as the centerpiece of his racist ethnology of India.  Risley became the leading authority on Indian ethnology.  In 1910, Risley became president of the Royal Anthropological Institute.
  • 86. Risley’s Race Science  He adopted the popular Race Science measurement methods.  Anthropometry, which measured various parts of the head to characterize different peoples.  The ‘gradations of type’ - the ‘gradations of social preference’.  “Scientific method” to detach non-Aryans from the general body of Hindus’.
  • 87. Risley’s Nasal Index  1891 - measured Bengali heads and noses.  Dravidians, Santhals, and other communities, based on nose dimensions.  Graded various castes according to the Nasal Index.
  • 88. Risley’s Nasal Index  Jatis as Hindu, and tribes as non- Hindu.  Vedas were interpreted – Aryan vs Aborigines  Aborigines – Vedic Dasas and Dasyus  White vs Black Race  North – South Divide : South America / South Africa
  • 89. Thomas Trautmann “…The racial theory of Indian civilization alludes to racial attitudes of whites towards blacks, found in the segregated southern United States after the Civil War and in South Africa, as a constant of history, or rather as a transcendent fact immune to historical changes that is as operative in the Vedic period as it is now….”
  • 90. Aryan vs Dravidians  Seven Races  Aryan at the top  Dravidian at the bottom  Aryan intermixing with Dravidian leading to the Caste System
  • 91. Risley: A hierarchy was constructed and made official.  He became commissioner of the 1901 census of India  Wrote on caste in Imperial Gazetteer of India. It became Template for academicians & colonial administrators.  Indians - 2,378 main castes and tribes (with sub-castes), and 43 races.  Hierarchy of castes - ‘social preference’ based on his evaluation of ‘native public opinion’.  Translating the dharma of Jatis as ‘race sentiment’. American Slavery is his framework.
  • 93. Ambedkar Demolishes Nasal Index Racism ‘…The measurements establish that the Brahmin and the Untouchables belong to the same race. From this it follows that if the Brahmins are Aryans, the Untouchables are also Aryans. If the Brahmins are Dravidians the Untouchables are also Dravidians. If the Brahmins are Nagas, the Untouchables are also Nagas. Such being the facts, the theory . . . must be said to be based on a false foundation….’

Editor's Notes

  1. Pg.37
  2. Pg. 39 – 40 ----- The idea of a hierarchal ‘family tree’ structure for the races has a long history in the western mind. Moses is traditionally considered to be the author of the Book of Genesis, which describes nations and races that originated from the descendants of Noah. Trautmann refers to this idea as ‘Mosaic Ethnology’. Aristotle’s ‘scale of civilizations’, when combined with Mosaic Ethnology, prepared the West to embrace a hierarchy with the white man naturally placed at the apex. This became the normative European paradigm from about 1780 to approximately 1850 CE, as successive colonial Indologists theorized and debated how best to map the Non-Europeans onto the Biblical framework.
  3. Pg. 39 - 40
  4. Pg. 40
  5. Pg. 40
  6. Pg. 40
  7. Pg. 38
  8. Pg. 41
  9. Pg. 41
  10. Pg. 43
  11. Pg. 43 ----- Through the extrapolation of coincidental syllabic similarities, Jones related the Hindu deity Ram to the Biblical Raamah, and Ram’s son Kusa to the Biblical Cusa the grandson of Ham, and so forth. Using similar-sounding names and other accidental homophones, Jones attempted to extrapolate their Biblical origins. His theory was that soon after Noah’s flood, Rama reconstituted Indian society. India was therefore one of the oldest Biblical civilizations. His project extracted Biblical correlations to verify Hindu concepts and terms. He intended to prove that the Sanskrit texts confirmed the truth of Moses’ narrative in the Bible.
  12. Pg. 44 ----- Those Indian elements that did not naturally fit into the Bible were either distorted to force them to fit, or simply rejected.
  13. Pg. 44 -45-46 ----- He perceived that all these civilizations were descendants of Ham who had fallen into idolatry. Ultimately, the Greco-Romans were saved by European Christianity, but the Hindus remained pagan.
  14. Application to Africa : Myth of Ham and African Colonizers Africa witnessed armed expeditions as well as slave raids from Europe, transferring large numbers of captured African peoples to distant lands. The institution of slavery became a major constituent of European and American economies. The Bible’s Hamitic myth, in which the descendants of Ham were cursed by Noah into perpetual slavery, was used by the Europeans as the established truth to interpret the skincolorof Blacks and justify the institution of slavery. This Hamitic myth was merged with Aryan invasion theories, and then becamethe dominant explanation for ethnic diversity in India. Appendix C traces the centrality of the Hamitic myth in the narrative that led to the recent African genocides. Application to India : Babel Myth and Indologists The leading Indologist of the late 1700s, Sir William Jones, explained the relationship between Sanskrit and European languages through the Biblical story of the Tower of Babel. Hindu mythologies and scriptures were classified as corruptions of ‘Christian Truth’, and the original peoples of India were described as descendants of Ham who went to India after Noah’s deluge. This Biblical myth became the blueprint from which later racial stereotypes and racist interpretations of Indian society were constructed. It also justified the British rule in India as a civilizing mission to rescue the Indians, who had corrupted the ‘original Biblical truth’.
  15. Pg. 47 -48 Established overarching categories and presumptions about India
  16. Pg. 47 -48
  17. Pg. 49
  18. Pg. 50
  19. Pg. 50
  20. This chapter explains how the West’s interpretation and treatment of the Indic materials shaped the study of Sanskrit, and churned out the ‘Aryan’ racial construct, which itself would undergo dramatic transmutations in the Western psyche.
  21. first, the growth and evolution of German national identity which was competing with other nascent European ethnic and nation-state identities; and second, European colonialism, particularly the British, with an overlay of missionary agendas
  22. Pg. 13
  23. Pg. 16 -----The identities of these two ancient (but partly imaginary) civilized peoples set in motion several intellectual and political tidal waves, whose ultimate impact shaped Europe and beyond.
  24. Pg. 15
  25. Pg. 15
  26. Pg. 17 ------ The study of Sanskrit revolutionized the social sciences, from history to mythology to comparative religion to ‘Race Sciences’, European identity politics was transformed forever, in ways far removed from what could have been imagined at that time.
  27. Pg. 18
  28. Pg. 27
  29. Pg. 19
  30. Pg.20-21 -------- While most historians identified the ancient Germans as the barbarian destroyers of classical Greco-Roman civilizations, Schlegel’s myth proposed that the Germanic tribes were actually ‘noble savages’ who lived in a state of natural innocence in the wilderness of Europe, defending their freedom against the decadent Romans. The nobility of their ancestral character came from their Indian Aryan roots. This played well in Schlegel’s nationalistic call to fight against injustices of Napoleonic France.
  31. Pg. 27 -28 ----- In this process, people in India who were the descendants of the ‘early Aryans’, and who represented the original homeland, had now become colonized by the Euro-Aryans to receive the ‘beneficent influence’ of modern civilization. The Euro-Aryans were fraternity brothers of the Indo-Aryans, and were bringing them ‘religious illumination and universal progress’. Pictet glorifies European colonization of India.
  32. Hidden slide
  33. Pg. 16 and Pg. 23 ----Chart Pg. 25 (Fig 3.3)
  34. Pg. 24 and 25
  35. Pg. 29
  36. Pg. 28-29
  37. Pg. 28-29
  38. Pg. 30 -
  39. Pg. 30 -
  40. Pg. 32
  41. Pg. 34
  42. Hidden slide
  43. Pg. 34-------Such theories continued to develop further throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and were very influential in political and intellectual fringe-movements around 1900. They selectively took information from Indology to build histories of civilizations and races in a manner that fit European supremacy.
  44. Pg. 35
  45. Pg. 36
  46. Pg. 13
  47. Pg. 52
  48. Pg. 52
  49. Pg. 52 ----- Nevertheless, the colonial imposition of the hierarchical view, coupled with distortions of jati in order to fit it into a racial framework, grossly distorted the characteristics of jati and greatly amplified its negative features.
  50. Pg. 53
  51. Pg. 53
  52. Pg. 54 ----- Risley took the casual Vedic nose-reference in Muller’s writings, and turned it into the centerpiece of his racist ethnology of India.
  53. Pg. 54-55
  54. Pg. 55
  55. Pg. 55 -56
  56. Pg. 56
  57. Pg. 56 -57
  58. Pg. 58
  59. Pg. 60