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A shift in your attitude and thinking
From a Stereotype to Leader
"If you always do what you did, you will always get what you
always got."
The perception is in the eye of the beholder. "It all begins
with a thought..... An Idea."
We are all born to lead succeful lives, but our conditioning
leads us to failure.
Human Mind
Conscious Mind:- Sub-Conscious Mind:-
The part of mind This part of brain stores
thats responsible the beliefs and memories.
for logic and reasoning.
" We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an
Art but a Habit." - ARISTOTLE
The two major types of knowledge are :
▪ Spiritual Knowledge
▪ Scientific Knowledge
Though the source of aquisition of both the knowledge is
different the basis of both are the same.
Science says that all the matter is made of Atoms which is
made of sub-atomic particle : Proton,
Electron and
Spirituality states that every particle of the entire Universe
has the Trimurthy : Brahma
Vishnu and
Brahma :- The Creator
• Creator of Universe
• Created 11 Prajapatis &
7 rishis
• Father of the Human race
• Does not interfer in other
functions of the Universe
Protons - (+)
• Creates force that binds
the Nuclei
• Creates strong nuclear
force & Electromagnetic
• These forces are two of
the most basic forces
• it does not involve in the
other functions of the
Vishnu:- Preserver
or maintainer.
• preserves the equillibrium
between the Good and the
• Incarnate in various
Avatars to restore the
Dharma (moral order)
• maximum number of
Incarnations of Vishnu are
said to be 10
Neutrons - (o)
• strikes a balance between
the (+) protons and (-)
• form Isotopes of an
• maximum number of
Stable Isotope of an
element is also 10
10 Avatars of Vishnu
istopes of carbon
Shiva :- The
• Destroyer of evil and
• Destruction happens for
regeneration and transition
from evil to good.
• ArdhaNaareshwar means
having the qualities of both
Male and the Female, Yin
and Yan.
Electrons - (-)
• Electrons are lost, gained
or shared by the atom.
• Exchange or sharing of
elctrons transforms the
Atom/Ion into Molecules
and Compounds.
• Electrons also transforms
into Anion(-) and
Ardhanareeshwar Ions
Some examples for showing how the findings of both
Spirituality and Science are similar.
Physical science:
• The universe was not
always like what is
existing now.
• sound waves and other
energies reverbrate
through the Universe.
• Universe might end by
getting sucked up into a
Black Hole.
Spiritual Science:
• It was and will never be in
the same form.
• The whole universe, in its
fundamental form, is made
up of vibrating, pulsating
sound energy - "Om"
• The Universe might end
by getting sucked up
into a Black Hole.
• when Brahma
completes one day
and goes to sleep at
night, Vishnu will
inhale the Universe
and thus will end the
• A complete DNA
structure is very
important in the proper
normal growth of a
living being.
• An awakened
Kundalini is very
important for a soul's
Spiritual Knowledge vs Scientific Knowledge:
- Physical Science can provide with happiness but cannot
save from unhappines.
- Spiritual Science can never give unhappiness.
- Science is neither complete nor true as of now.
- The truth found in Spirituality is eternal and beyond time.
- For science Visiting Mars and knowing about existance of
life there is "crossing a milestone".
- But for Spirituality visiting Mars by subtle body and
returning to earth is like a "snake charmers game ".
The Physical Science cannot expalin how to attain
Bliss(Anand) which only the Spiritual science can.
"It is for this reason alone that Physical Sciences is the
first step in the learning process while Spirituality is the
final one"
Sub-Conscious Mind Power
"Reality is merely a product of your Inner Mind. You can
change your reality by changing your mind."
Conscious mind = 10% - Its the limited memory.
Subconscious and Unconscious mind = 90% - uses the
universal mind or consciousness, very powerful
The solutions to all the problems is inside the problem,
when we use our subconscious mind we get all the
necessary answers from our mind itself.
"Your time is limited so don't waste it living someone
else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma (living with the
results of other people's thinking). Don't let the noise
of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice,
and most important, have the courage to follow your
heart and intiution. They somehow already know what
you truly want to become. Everything else is
secondary." -- Steve Jobs.
"No problem can be solved from the same level of
consciousness that created it." -- Albert Einstein
What is a Paradigm?
A Philosophical and Theoretical framework of any kind.
The Movement from the Old Paradigm to a New
Paradigm represents a PARADIGM SHIFT.
What triggers a Paradigm to shift?
Each existing paradigm beacons a new paradigm.
The nature of these shifts starts with a breakdown of the
current model, initiating the possibility for the breakthrough
of the new one.
"A Time of crisis is a time of CHANGE."
Rachel Naomi Remen
General Characteristics of a Paradigm Shift:-
• Paradigm shifts are necessary.
• An alternate paradigm should be available.
• Paradigms are never broken by consensus.
• Paradigm shift is constant and slow.
• The change can be at small scale or at a large scale.
Sources that could influence
an individual's mindset for
change could be small and
large like:
1. Attending a conference
2. Listening to a speaker
3. Experiencing visible societal
4. An Intiution.
Paradigm shift at Organizational Level:-
• May require change at a fundamental levels.
• Market may demand change in strategies according to
the competition.
• The senior executives should be able to recognize and
break the present paradigms and create a new more
suiting paradigm.
Paradigm Shift For An Individual:-
Its all about the perception we have and thats how we see
the world around us.
What occupies your mind -
Your Perceptions + Your State = Your Thoughts
State = Emotions, Mind, Behaviour, Actions
these propel or guide you to behave in a certain way.
These define Your Behaviour and Actions.
If you don't like the outcome of our behaviour, all you need
to do is to change your thoughts.
"Success comes out from behaviour, which starts out
as thoughts."
Emotions :-
Emotions are a way of classifying types of thinking that
tend to yield similar results.
Relations are mainly controlled by Emotions.
"Always speak well about your 'ENEMIES' after all -
they are your own creations."
Example of experience of an emotion called ANGER.
Mental Observation
• The pattern of thoughts
travels towards certain
thinking that can be
classified under Anger.
• You think more violently.
• You seperate yourself from
the object of your anger
(you versus them mentality)
Physical Observation
• You act more
• You get louder vocally.
• You grit your teeth.
• You tend to behave
- Your thoughts define the kind of person you are.
- Thoughts are the foundation on which our habits are
- These habits, depending on their nature, in turn form our
actions/behaviour - Success or the lack of it solely depends
on the actions we take.
Who we are, What we become, is a direct result of our
"Cogito ergo sum (I think therefore I am)". These words
of Descartes sum up the importance of thought processes
in humans and probably the most important reason we
differ from animals.
If you retain negative thoughts
for a long time this will have a
considerable negative effect on
your mental and physical
Having positive and good
thoughts keeps you relaxed and
stress free.
"Hold a picture of yourself long and steadily enough in your
mind's eye, and you will be drawn towards it. If you do not
conquer self, you will be conquered by self." - Napoleon
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters
compared to what lies within us."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
The general NEGATIVE emotions and thoughts that
blocks the power of sub-conscious.
Fear of Failure
Lack of Passion
Inability to Share
Lack of Commitment
"I am not capable"
"I am too Young"
"I am too Old"
"I have no time"
"It is not possible"
"I am a Victim"
How to bring the Shift from our present to that
which we desire?
A Paradigm shift in our thoughts, emotional control,
adaptation of new and more positive thought
patterns, new ways of doing things, a new
behaviour will bring a transformation in our lives.
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor
the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to
change." - Charles Darwin
IQ vs. EQ
• Uses only Facts and logics.
• Depends solely on Cognitive
• Knowing what.
• Treats everyone as same.
• Lets the situation control
• Uses limited power of
Conscious mind.
• Uses Emotions along with
• Uses Emotions in Addition
to Intelligence.
• Knowing How and Why.
• Shows motivation where
• Controlling and Managing
Emotions in our favour.
• Uses unlimited power of
Subconscious mind
Emotional Intelligence :-
It can be defined as the ability to use emotional and cognitive
thoughts effectively.
The emotional competencies are linked to and based on E.I.
Effects of EI at Personal level: It helps in :
1.Recognising your moodsand their effects.
2.Managing your emotions
3.Realizing one's potential
4.Being empathetic.
5.Establishing relationships.
Effects of EI at Professional level:- It helps in -
1.Establishing rapport.
2.Getting maximum results.
3.Handling difficult situations.
4.Identifying problems.
5.Generating effective solutions.
Thought Process :-
The process of using your mind to consider something
carefully is called thought process.
Thought Patterns :-
A habit of thinking in a particular way or making
assumptions about incidences, be it negative or positive, is
called thinking pattern.
Discover your thought patterns,
then act on that knowledge.
"Understanding your primary thought process is the key
to making change work."
The process of trying to understand your most
commonest thinking pattern is two-fold :
1. To avoid being blind-sided by what they won't
show you.
2. To broaden your thinking pattern whenever you can.
Your thought patterns focus naturally on areas where -
- They have learnt the most
- Gathered most experience
- Feel most at home
"What you see as "truth" is only what they let you see."
Hence whatever you do as a result, may be -
seriously flawed as well as limited.
Recognising your own thought patterns helps you make
choices that are far more likely to work well for you.
Careful reflection is vital, as is the honesty to see
what's there, whether its what you expected (or wanted)
or not.
How Fast Does this Change in Thinking Happen?
The pace at which the reprogramming of the subconscious
mind happens depends on how resistant the subconscious
will be in welcoming the change.
Emotions Thoughts
( together are responsible for)
Character / Outcome
This process involves The Three A steps.
1. Awareness.
2. Action.
3. Automation.
These three A's help us grow from the state of being in
Mind's Control
Controling the Mind
(to have knowledge of your present thoughts, emotions)
(initial efforts needed to control the usuall behaviour in a
consious way)
(conscious controling of our actions slowly becomes a
habit and The subconscious mind gets programmed by
1.) Awareness :-
W - Words
A - Actions
T - Thoughts
C - Character
H - Health
To gain mastery over your emotions, you must start by
being aware/conscious of your emotional state at all
These are few strategies that can help you become more
conscious of your internal dialogue and its content.
1.) Journal Writting
2.) Raise your Awareness
3.) Listening to Criticism
4.) Thought-Stopping
5.) Rubber-Band Snap
6. ) Emotional Awareness
7.) Meditation
The real question is,
1. What if you don’t like the way you feel about your
2. What if you wish your life was better and your reality
could be improved?
3. Whether you are depressed or ecstatic about living,
everyone wants to improve their version of reality?
2.) Actions :-
Here actions are the concious efforts we have to put in
to change the present reality into the desired one.
"Your inner world affects your outer world. "
"When the thoughts are in your control the outcome
is in your control."
As we have seen earlier
Perceptions + State = Thoughts
(state = emotions, mind, behaviour, actions)
Change in perceptions changes the emotions connected
to perception which brings a change in our action and our
You have to learn to focus on
▪ what is going well for you in your life
▪ what you desire to accomplish
“All that we are is the result of what we have
thought. The mind is everything. What we think we
become” Buddha 562-483 B.C.
“For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” Proverbs
Laws of Mind to develop a proper basis to begin the process
of change.
1.) Strong Desire
2.) Expectancy/Belief System
3.) Harmonious Attraction
4.) Relaxation
5.) Visualization
6.) Substitution
7.) Repetition
8.) Self-Concept
1.) Strong Desire:- We must TRULY WANT the outcome
we claim to seek. Not passively, but a truly burning desire
for the positive outcome.
2.) Expectancy/Belief System:- Change is achieved when
the mind TRULY believes and sincerely EXPECTS the
imagined result to happen.
What we expect to happen, indeed happens.
3.) Harmonious Attraction :-
Actions and The Law of Attraction and RAS will bring
your dream to you.
4.) Relaxation:-
In all mental working, be relaxed, gentle and unhurried, for
effort defeats itself.
5.) Visualization:- Visualization should be as real, as vivid
and powerful as possible, by adding the details like :
• Colour
• Animation
• Sounds
• Fragrance
• Touch
These sensory qualities in your visualization will
horsepower the possibilities of attraction.
6.) Substitution:-It is essential that negative thought be
cancelled out and the space is filled with substituted
positive thoughts, imagery, impressions and assumptions.
This can be done by :
o Word Milding
o Changing negative statements - questions.
7.) Repetition:- The way to change an unconscious
behaviour is to repeat a new one, untill it becomes
8.) Self-Concept:-
The self concept has three different components:
• The view you have of yourself (Self image)
• How much value you place on yourself (Self esteem or
• What you wish you were really like (Ideal self)
self-image is :
• Physical Description
(your apperance)
• Social roles
(what you do in
• Personal Traits
(your qualities)
• Existential Statements
(of your internal state)
. Self Esteem
• Confidence in our
own abilities
• Self acceptance
• Not worrying about
what others think
• Optimism
• Lack of confidence
• Want to be/look like
someone else
• Always worrying
what others think
• Pessimism
Four major factors which
influence Ideal self :
• The ways in which others
(particularly significant
others) react to us.
• How we think and we
compare to others
• Our social roles
• The extent to which we
identify with other people
4 major factors that influence the self concept :
Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves
miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work
is the same. ~Francesca Reigler
Thus along with Awareness, Positive thought, affirmations
are the solutions required to reprogram the subconscious
thus getting rid of the negative thought patterns.
3.) Automatization:-
It takes 21 days to 6 weeks to consciously create a new
habit or program in our sub conscious mind. Any habit or
responce repeated or practiced for this long will be
accepted by the sub conscious as a new Program.
Automatized knowledge in our mind is a
Self-evident quality.
You get the power to evolve from being a Stereotype.

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Changing paradigm ver1

  • 1. CHANGING PARADIGM A shift in your attitude and thinking From a Stereotype to Leader
  • 2. Stereotype "If you always do what you did, you will always get what you always got." The perception is in the eye of the beholder. "It all begins with a thought..... An Idea." Leaders We are all born to lead succeful lives, but our conditioning leads us to failure.
  • 3. Human Mind Conscious Mind:- Sub-Conscious Mind:- The part of mind This part of brain stores thats responsible the beliefs and memories. for logic and reasoning. " We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an Art but a Habit." - ARISTOTLE
  • 4. The two major types of knowledge are : ▪ Spiritual Knowledge ▪ Scientific Knowledge Though the source of aquisition of both the knowledge is different the basis of both are the same.
  • 5. Science says that all the matter is made of Atoms which is made of sub-atomic particle : Proton, Electron and Neutron
  • 6. Spirituality states that every particle of the entire Universe has the Trimurthy : Brahma Vishnu and Shiva.
  • 7. Brahma :- The Creator • Creator of Universe • Created 11 Prajapatis & 7 rishis • Father of the Human race • Does not interfer in other functions of the Universe Protons - (+) • Creates force that binds the Nuclei • Creates strong nuclear force & Electromagnetic force • These forces are two of the most basic forces • it does not involve in the other functions of the Atoms.
  • 9. Vishnu:- Preserver or maintainer. • preserves the equillibrium between the Good and the Bad. • Incarnate in various Avatars to restore the Dharma (moral order) • maximum number of Incarnations of Vishnu are said to be 10 Neutrons - (o) • strikes a balance between the (+) protons and (-) electrons • form Isotopes of an element. • maximum number of Stable Isotope of an element is also 10
  • 10. 10 Avatars of Vishnu istopes of carbon
  • 11. Shiva :- The Transformer/Destroyer • Destroyer of evil and ignorance. • Destruction happens for transformation, regeneration and transition from evil to good. • ArdhaNaareshwar means having the qualities of both Male and the Female, Yin and Yan. Electrons - (-) • Electrons are lost, gained or shared by the atom. • Exchange or sharing of elctrons transforms the Atom/Ion into Molecules and Compounds. • Electrons also transforms into Anion(-) and Cation(+).
  • 13. Some examples for showing how the findings of both Spirituality and Science are similar. Physical science: • The universe was not always like what is existing now. • sound waves and other energies reverbrate through the Universe. • Universe might end by getting sucked up into a Black Hole. Spiritual Science: • It was and will never be in the same form. • The whole universe, in its fundamental form, is made up of vibrating, pulsating sound energy - "Om"
  • 14. • The Universe might end by getting sucked up into a Black Hole. • when Brahma completes one day and goes to sleep at night, Vishnu will inhale the Universe and thus will end the Universe.
  • 15. • A complete DNA structure is very important in the proper normal growth of a living being. KundaliniDNA • An awakened Kundalini is very important for a soul's enlightenment.
  • 16. Spiritual Knowledge vs Scientific Knowledge: - Physical Science can provide with happiness but cannot save from unhappines. - Spiritual Science can never give unhappiness. - Science is neither complete nor true as of now. - The truth found in Spirituality is eternal and beyond time. - For science Visiting Mars and knowing about existance of life there is "crossing a milestone". - But for Spirituality visiting Mars by subtle body and returning to earth is like a "snake charmers game ".
  • 17. The Physical Science cannot expalin how to attain Bliss(Anand) which only the Spiritual science can. "It is for this reason alone that Physical Sciences is the first step in the learning process while Spirituality is the final one"
  • 18. Sub-Conscious Mind Power "Reality is merely a product of your Inner Mind. You can change your reality by changing your mind."
  • 19. Conscious mind = 10% - Its the limited memory. Subconscious and Unconscious mind = 90% - uses the universal mind or consciousness, very powerful The solutions to all the problems is inside the problem, when we use our subconscious mind we get all the necessary answers from our mind itself.
  • 20. "Your time is limited so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma (living with the results of other people's thinking). Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice, and most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intiution. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." -- Steve Jobs. "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." -- Albert Einstein
  • 21. What is a Paradigm? A Philosophical and Theoretical framework of any kind. The Movement from the Old Paradigm to a New Paradigm represents a PARADIGM SHIFT.
  • 22. What triggers a Paradigm to shift? Each existing paradigm beacons a new paradigm. The nature of these shifts starts with a breakdown of the current model, initiating the possibility for the breakthrough of the new one. "A Time of crisis is a time of CHANGE." Rachel Naomi Remen
  • 23. General Characteristics of a Paradigm Shift:- • Paradigm shifts are necessary. • An alternate paradigm should be available. • Paradigms are never broken by consensus. • Paradigm shift is constant and slow. • The change can be at small scale or at a large scale.
  • 24. Sources that could influence an individual's mindset for change could be small and large like: 1. Attending a conference 2. Listening to a speaker 3. Experiencing visible societal crises. 4. An Intiution.
  • 25. Paradigm shift at Organizational Level:- • May require change at a fundamental levels. • Market may demand change in strategies according to the competition. • The senior executives should be able to recognize and break the present paradigms and create a new more suiting paradigm.
  • 26. Paradigm Shift For An Individual:- Its all about the perception we have and thats how we see the world around us.
  • 27. What occupies your mind - Your Perceptions + Your State = Your Thoughts State = Emotions, Mind, Behaviour, Actions these propel or guide you to behave in a certain way. These define Your Behaviour and Actions. If you don't like the outcome of our behaviour, all you need to do is to change your thoughts. "Success comes out from behaviour, which starts out as thoughts."
  • 28. Emotions :- Emotions are a way of classifying types of thinking that tend to yield similar results. Relations are mainly controlled by Emotions. "Always speak well about your 'ENEMIES' after all - they are your own creations."
  • 29. Example of experience of an emotion called ANGER. Mental Observation • The pattern of thoughts travels towards certain thinking that can be classified under Anger. • You think more violently. • You seperate yourself from the object of your anger (you versus them mentality) Physical Observation • You act more aggressively. • You get louder vocally. • You grit your teeth. • You tend to behave violently.
  • 30. Thoughts:- - Your thoughts define the kind of person you are. - Thoughts are the foundation on which our habits are formed. - These habits, depending on their nature, in turn form our actions/behaviour - Success or the lack of it solely depends on the actions we take. Who we are, What we become, is a direct result of our Habits.
  • 31. "Cogito ergo sum (I think therefore I am)". These words of Descartes sum up the importance of thought processes in humans and probably the most important reason we differ from animals.
  • 32. If you retain negative thoughts for a long time this will have a considerable negative effect on your mental and physical health. Having positive and good thoughts keeps you relaxed and stress free.
  • 33. "Hold a picture of yourself long and steadily enough in your mind's eye, and you will be drawn towards it. If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self." - Napoleon Hill. "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • 34. The general NEGATIVE emotions and thoughts that blocks the power of sub-conscious. Arrogance Closed-Mind Fear of Failure Lack of Passion Self-Importance Inability to Share Lack of Commitment Intolerance Impatience Ingratitude Resentment Regrets "I am not capable" "I am too Young" "I am too Old" "I have no time" "It is not possible" "I am a Victim"
  • 35. How to bring the Shift from our present to that which we desire? A Paradigm shift in our thoughts, emotional control, adaptation of new and more positive thought patterns, new ways of doing things, a new behaviour will bring a transformation in our lives. "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." - Charles Darwin
  • 36. IQ vs. EQ INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT • Uses only Facts and logics. • Depends solely on Cognitive Abilities. • Knowing what. • Treats everyone as same. • Lets the situation control us. • Uses limited power of Conscious mind. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE • Uses Emotions along with facts. • Uses Emotions in Addition to Intelligence. • Knowing How and Why. • Shows motivation where needed. • Controlling and Managing Emotions in our favour. • Uses unlimited power of Subconscious mind
  • 37. Emotional Intelligence :- It can be defined as the ability to use emotional and cognitive thoughts effectively. The emotional competencies are linked to and based on E.I.
  • 38. Effects of EI at Personal level: It helps in : 1.Recognising your moodsand their effects. 2.Managing your emotions 3.Realizing one's potential 4.Being empathetic. 5.Establishing relationships. Effects of EI at Professional level:- It helps in - 1.Establishing rapport. 2.Getting maximum results. 3.Handling difficult situations. 4.Identifying problems. 5.Generating effective solutions.
  • 39. Thought Process :- The process of using your mind to consider something carefully is called thought process. Thought Patterns :- A habit of thinking in a particular way or making assumptions about incidences, be it negative or positive, is called thinking pattern. Discover your thought patterns, then act on that knowledge.
  • 40. "Understanding your primary thought process is the key to making change work." The process of trying to understand your most commonest thinking pattern is two-fold : 1. To avoid being blind-sided by what they won't show you. 2. To broaden your thinking pattern whenever you can.
  • 41. Your thought patterns focus naturally on areas where - - They have learnt the most - Gathered most experience - Feel most at home "What you see as "truth" is only what they let you see." Hence whatever you do as a result, may be - seriously flawed as well as limited.
  • 42. Recognising your own thought patterns helps you make choices that are far more likely to work well for you. Careful reflection is vital, as is the honesty to see what's there, whether its what you expected (or wanted) or not. How Fast Does this Change in Thinking Happen? The pace at which the reprogramming of the subconscious mind happens depends on how resistant the subconscious will be in welcoming the change.
  • 43. Perception (influences) Emotions Thoughts ( together are responsible for) Actions (forms) Behaviour (defines) Character / Outcome
  • 44. This process involves The Three A steps. 1. Awareness. 2. Action. 3. Automation. 4. 5. These three A's help us grow from the state of being in Mind's Control Controling the Mind
  • 45. Awareness (to have knowledge of your present thoughts, emotions) Action (initial efforts needed to control the usuall behaviour in a consious way) Automation (conscious controling of our actions slowly becomes a habit and The subconscious mind gets programmed by repetition.)
  • 46. 1.) Awareness :- WATCH YOUR WATCH W - Words A - Actions T - Thoughts C - Character H - Health
  • 47. To gain mastery over your emotions, you must start by being aware/conscious of your emotional state at all times.
  • 48. These are few strategies that can help you become more conscious of your internal dialogue and its content. 1.) Journal Writting 2.) Raise your Awareness 3.) Listening to Criticism 4.) Thought-Stopping 5.) Rubber-Band Snap 6. ) Emotional Awareness 7.) Meditation
  • 49. The real question is, 1. What if you don’t like the way you feel about your reality? 2. What if you wish your life was better and your reality could be improved? 3. Whether you are depressed or ecstatic about living, everyone wants to improve their version of reality?
  • 50. 2.) Actions :- Here actions are the concious efforts we have to put in to change the present reality into the desired one. "Your inner world affects your outer world. " "When the thoughts are in your control the outcome is in your control."
  • 51. As we have seen earlier Perceptions + State = Thoughts (state = emotions, mind, behaviour, actions) Change in perceptions changes the emotions connected to perception which brings a change in our action and our behaviour.
  • 52. You have to learn to focus on ▪ what is going well for you in your life ▪ what you desire to accomplish “All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become” Buddha 562-483 B.C. “For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” Proverbs 23:7
  • 53. Laws of Mind to develop a proper basis to begin the process of change. 1.) Strong Desire 2.) Expectancy/Belief System 3.) Harmonious Attraction 4.) Relaxation 5.) Visualization 6.) Substitution 7.) Repetition 8.) Self-Concept
  • 54. 1.) Strong Desire:- We must TRULY WANT the outcome we claim to seek. Not passively, but a truly burning desire for the positive outcome. 2.) Expectancy/Belief System:- Change is achieved when the mind TRULY believes and sincerely EXPECTS the imagined result to happen. What we expect to happen, indeed happens.
  • 55. 3.) Harmonious Attraction :- Actions and The Law of Attraction and RAS will bring your dream to you.
  • 56. 4.) Relaxation:- In all mental working, be relaxed, gentle and unhurried, for effort defeats itself. RELAX!!!!
  • 57. 5.) Visualization:- Visualization should be as real, as vivid and powerful as possible, by adding the details like : • Colour • Animation • Sounds • Fragrance • Touch These sensory qualities in your visualization will horsepower the possibilities of attraction.
  • 58. 6.) Substitution:-It is essential that negative thought be cancelled out and the space is filled with substituted positive thoughts, imagery, impressions and assumptions. This can be done by : o Word Milding o Changing negative statements - questions. 7.) Repetition:- The way to change an unconscious behaviour is to repeat a new one, untill it becomes automatic.
  • 59. 8.) Self-Concept:- The self concept has three different components: • The view you have of yourself (Self image) • How much value you place on yourself (Self esteem or self-worth) • What you wish you were really like (Ideal self)
  • 60. self-image is : • Physical Description (your apperance) • Social roles (what you do in society) • Personal Traits (your qualities) • Existential Statements (of your internal state)
  • 61. . Self Esteem HIGH SELF ESTEEM LOW SELF ESTEEM • Confidence in our own abilities • Self acceptance • Not worrying about what others think • Optimism • Lack of confidence • Want to be/look like someone else • Always worrying what others think • Pessimism
  • 62. Four major factors which influence Ideal self : • The ways in which others (particularly significant others) react to us. • How we think and we compare to others • Our social roles • The extent to which we identify with other people
  • 63. 4 major factors that influence the self concept : 1) THE REACTION OF OTHERS 2) COMPARISON WITH OTHERS 3) SOCIAL ROLES 4) IDENTIFICATION
  • 64. Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same. ~Francesca Reigler Thus along with Awareness, Positive thought, affirmations are the solutions required to reprogram the subconscious thus getting rid of the negative thought patterns.
  • 65. 3.) Automatization:- It takes 21 days to 6 weeks to consciously create a new habit or program in our sub conscious mind. Any habit or responce repeated or practiced for this long will be accepted by the sub conscious as a new Program. Automatized knowledge in our mind is a Direct, Effortless, Self-evident quality.
  • 66. You get the power to evolve from being a Stereotype.