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Major (Retd.) Pravin Singh
 MB Patel Military School
Definition of Personality
 Cambridge International dictionary
 defines:- ‘ your personality is the type of
 person you are, which is shown by way
 you behave, feel and think’.

 Longman dictionary of Contemporary
 English defines:- ‘whole nature of
 character of a person’
What is Personality
 How a person behaves, feels and thinks, how he conducts
  himself in a given set of circumstances is defined by state
  of mind.
 Mere external appearance, speech and mannerism are
  only fringes of one’s personality.
 Personality development in real sense refers to deeper
  level of a person.
 So we need to have a clear grasp of mind and how it
Necessity to know our mind
 We intend to make resolution to cultivate good
    habits, to kick bad habits.
   Very often our mind rebels forcing us to beat a retreat
    from our efforts in implementing our resolutions.
   As per Bhagwad Gita, undisciplined mind acts as our
    enemy whereas a trained mind acts as our friend.
   Can we train our mind to obey and to cooperate with
   We need to have a clear idea of the mechanism of
The fourfold functions of Mind
 1. Memory.
 2. Deliberation and
 3. Determination and Decision
 4. ‘I’ Consciousness.
1 st function of Mind: MEMORY
  The store house of memory and impression of
   our past experiences . (chitta)
  In this store house impressions of thoughts
   and actions – good or bad – are stored.
  The sum total of these impressions defines our
  ‘Chitta’ is what is known as our
  subconscious mind.
2nd Deliberation and Conceptualization
Not yet very sure mind examines the
 various options presented before it. It
 deliberates on several things.
This faculty of mind is called ‘manas’
Imagination and formation of concepts
 are also function of ‘manas’
3 rd Determination & Decision making
  ‘Buddhi’ is the faculty responsible for decision
  It has the capacity to judge the pros and cons.
  It is also the discriminatory faculty in a person which
   enables him to differentiate between real and
   unreal, what is to be done and what is to be
   avoided, what is morally right and what is wrong.
  It is also the seat of WILL POWER so essential for
   personality development and hence this aspect of
   mind concerns us the most.
4 th ‘I’ Consciousness
  All physical and mental activities ‘I eat’, ‘I hear’, ‘I
   talk’, ‘I think’ is called ‘ahamkara’ or ‘I’
  As long as ‘I’ identifies with undisciplined body-mind
   complex human life is dictated by circumstances of
   the world, we become happy with pleasurable events.
  More mind gets refined and disciplined, more does
   one gets to know the real source of ‘I 'consciousness.
  A person becomes more balanced and equipoised in
   daily life, no longer swayed by circumstances of life.
What is Character
 Every action and every thought of ours leaves an
  impression on our mind.
 These impression determine how we behave or
  respond to a given situation.
 Sum total of all our impressions defines our
 Past has defined our present.
 Present thoughts and action s will define our future.
 This is the key Principle of personality development.
What activates the body mind system
   The answer to this will help us to have better knowledge
      of ourselves.
     Ancient sages experimented with themselves – the
      sensory and mental apparatus to find this element ‘I’.
     What is the Mind of mind, the Ear of ear, the Eye of
      eye, Speech of speeches.
     Divinity of real ‘I’ remains latent till we identify it with
      body-mind and sensory system.
     The goal of life as per scriptures is to manifest the hidden
Will Power
 Strengthening of will power is the essence
  of Personality Development.
 Divine core of our personality has five
    Physical Dimension
    Energy Dimension
    Mental Dimension
    Intellectual Dimension
    Blissful Dimension
Divine core and its 5 Dimensions
 Physical Dimension consists of our body and
 Energy Dimension which performs digestion of
  food, circulation of blood and other activities of
 Mental Dimension like activities of mind
  thinking, feelings, emotions etc.
 Intellectual Dimension is determinative
  faculty, eat of discrimination and WILL POWER.
 Blissful Dimension as experienced in bliss deep
  sleep etc.
Essential qualities for PD
1. Faith in oneself
2. Think positive thoughts
3. Attitude toward failures and
4. Self reliance
5. Renunciation and Service
Essential qualities for PD
 Faith in oneself
 Faith in God comes next only to faith on oneself.
 One who cannot trust himself cannot trust God.
 If one believes ones real nature is spirit – not the body
  and mind- one would be better individual with stronger
 Think positive thoughts
 Character is repeated habits and repeated habits
  alone can transform character.
 “It is sin to think as ourselves and other as weak.”
                          Swami Vivekanand.
Essential qualities for PD
 Attitude toward failures and mistakes
 Fail and learn from failures rather than leading an inert
  existence like a wall which cannot even tell lies.
 Self reliance
 We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish
  our self to be, we have the power to make our self.
 Renunciation and Service
 Selfless service is paramount means to character
 This coupled with renunciation of selfishness and desire
  for fruits of action are the twin ideals of our nation.
Swami Vivekanand
 His ides on personality development spreads over
  nine volumes of his complete works.
 Swamiji says: “Teach yourselves,
 everyone his real nature, call upon the
 sleeping soul and see how it awakes.
 Power will come, glory will come.
 Goodness will come purity will
 come, and everything that is excellent
 will come when this sleeping soul is
 roused to self conscious activity.”
It is personality that matters
 In our families there are heads, some of them are
    successful others are not, why?
   We complain of others in our failures, we blame
    somebody or something instead of confessing our fault or
   Coming to great leaders of mankind, they were know not
    because of their thoughts, their books or speeches but
    because of their PERSONALITY.
   Personality of man is 2/3 rd and intellect, words etc are
    just 1/3 rd.
   The ideal of all education and training must be this man
    making. We try to polish outside when there is nothing
Laws of Personality Development
 A little bubble coming from the bottom of lake is not
  seen, it is seen only when it bursts on the surface.
 Similarly we can see our thoughts only after they have
  developed a great deal or after they have become
 We complain that we have no control our
  thoughts, but we can get hold of our thoughts at the
  ROOTS, before it can become thought and then
 This is how we can control our mind.
 He who controls his mind knows the secret of every
  mind and has power of every mind.
Layers of Personality
 External instrument “sthula sharira”(Body and Organs.)
 Internal instrument “Sukshma Sharira” (Mind, intellect
  and egoism.)
 Every human personality may be compared to a glass
  globe. There is same pure white light inside in the center
  of each.
 Equality and beauty of central flame is the same and
  apparent inequality is only the temporal instruments of
  its expression.
 As we rise to higher and higher in scale of being, the
  medium becomes more and more translucent.
Man is Divine
 There is essentially no difference between man
  and another man. All being are alike divine.
 There is an infinite ocean of
  Existence, Knowledge and Bliss as our
  birthright, our real nature; and the difference
  between us is caused by the greater or
  lesser power to manifest that divine.
 Manifest the divinity within you, and
  everything will be harmoniously arranged
  around it.
Pleasure is not the Goal
 Pleasure is not the goal of man, but Knowledge.
 Good and evil has equal share in moulding
  character, and in some case misery is a greater
  teacher than happiness.
 Wisdom is the goal of all life.
 Man enjoys intellect more than animal enjoys its
 We must seek knowledge and wisdom to know
  self rather than being indulged in senses.
How to Change Our Character?
 Every work that we do, our thoughts and actions
  leaves such an impression on the mind, which is not
  obvious on surface but sufficiently strong beneath the
  surface, subconsciously.
 Sum total of my impressions of past is what we are
  today also defined as Character.
 If good impressions prevails character becomes good
  and vice versa.
 If you want to judge real character of man, look not at
  his great performance, every fool becomes a hero
 one time or another.
How to Change Our Character?
 Great occasions rouse even the lowest of human
  beings to some kind of greatness.
 But a really great man whose character is great
  always, the same whatever he be.
 All the actions, movements and works in the
  world, machines, cities, ships or men of war are
  simply manifestation of the will of man and this
  will is cause by character, character is
  manufactured by Karma.
 Great work requires great and persistent effort for a
  long time.
How to Change Our Character?
 The road to Good is the Toughest and the Steepest in
    the universe.
   It is a wonder that so many succeed, no wonder that so
    many fall.
   Character has to be established through a thousand
   Actions have a vibration, vibration dies out and leaves an
    impression or “sanskars” .
   Large number of impressions make Habit.
   Habit is the second nature.
   We can make and unmake habit any time.
   The only remedy for bad habit is counter habit.
How to Change Our Character?
 All he bad habits have left their impressions are
  to be controlled by good habits.
 Go on doing good things, thinking holy
  thoughts, reading good books continuously, that
  is the only way to suppress the base impressions.
 Never say a man is hopeless, because he
  represents a character, a bundle of
  habits, which can be checked by new & better
 Character is repeated habits, and repeated
  habits alone can reform character.
Influence of Thought
 It is an observed fact that when a person do evil
    actions, they become more and more evil, and when they
    do good they become stronger and stronger and learn to
    do good all the times.
   There are twofold danger in doing evil, firstly we open
    ourselves to all the evil influences surrounding us
    secondly we create evil which affects others.
   In doing good we do good to others as well.
   Like all other forces in man, these forces of good and evil
    also gather strength from outside.
   Fill yourself with idea, whatever you do think well on
    it, all your action will be magnified, transformed and
    deified by the very power of thought.
Control your Negative Emotions
 We must have four sorts of ideas.
1. We must have friendship for all.
2. We must be merciful for those who are in misery.
3. When people are happy we ought to be happy.
4. And to the wicked we must be indifferent.
 If the subject is good we will feel friendly to
  him, if the subject of thought is miserable we
  must be merciful towards it.
 If it is good we must be glad if it is evil, we must
  be indifferent.
   This attitude of mind will keep mind peaceful.
Control your Negative Emotions
 Most of the difficulties in our daily life come from
  being unable to hold our mind in that way.
 E.g. if some one does evil we want to react evil and we
  lose our power.
 Every vicious thought will rebound, every thought of
  hatred will come back to you with tremendous power
  in some form of misery with compound interest.
 Once you have put them in motion you will have to
  bear them.
 Remembering this will prevent you from doing
  wicked things.
Control your Negative Emotions
 The great secret is – absence of
 Be always ready to concede to the opinions
  of your brethren, and always try to
 That is the whole secret.
Fight on bravely, Life is short,
 Give it up to a great cause.
Change Yourself First
 We have seen the subjective world rules the objective.
 Change the subject and the object is bound to change.
 Purify yourself and the world is bound to be purified.
 The question is why should I see evil in others?
 I cannot see evil unless I be evil.
 I cannot be miserable unless I am weak.
 Things that used to make me miserable when I was a
  child, do not do so now.
 The subject changed so the object was bound to
Change Yourself First
 The man that has practiced control over himself
  cannot be acted upon by anything outside, there is
  no more slavery for him.
 His mind has become free. For him world is
 The more we grow in love and virtue and
  holiness, the more we see love virtue and holiness
 All condemnations of others really condemns
 Every step that has been really gained in this world
  has been gained by love, criticizing can never do
Take the whole Responsibility
           on Yourself
 We are responsible for what we and whatever we wish to be, we
  have the power to make ourselves.
 If we are now has been the result of our past actions, it
  certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in future can be
  produced by our present actions, so we have to know how
  to act.
 We ought to know that all misery, blow or failure has not been
  undeserved, we have paved the way with our own hands.
 Analyze any blow, you have prepared yourself for that, you did
  half and the external world did the other half.
 If self and external world are two factor I will not contribute in
  the one which is in my keeping, if I get real control blow will
  never come.
Take the whole Responsibility
             on Yourself
 Nothing makes us work so well at our best and highest as
    when all responsibility is thrown upon ourselves.
   How will you behave if I put a little baby in your hands?
   Your whole life will be changed for that moment, you
    must become selfless for time being, you will give all your
    evil ideas moment responsibility is thrown upon you.
   Your whole character will change.
   With responsibility on our shoulder we shall be at our
    highest and best, when we have nobody to grope
    towards, no devil to blame upon when we are alone
   I am responsible for my fate, I am bringer of good unto
    myself, I am bringer of evil.
Take the whole Responsibility on
 Taking responsibility of our action is the only solution to the
   Those that blame others are miserable with helpless
    brains, blaming others does not alter their position.
   Therefore, blame none for your faults, stand upon your own
    feet and take whole responsibility upon yourself.
   “This failure that I am suffering is of my own doing, and
    that very proves that it will be undone by me alone.”
   Take the responsibility and know that you are the creator of
    your own destiny.
   All the strength and succor you want is within yourself.
   Make your own future “Let the dead past bury its dead”.
Take the whole Responsibility on
            The infinite future is before
you , and you must always remember
that each word, thought and deed, lays
up a store for you and that as the bad
thoughts and bad works are ready to
spring upon you like tigers, so also there
is the inspiring hope that the good
thoughts and good deeds are ready with
the power of hundred thousand angels to
defend you always and forever.
How to work
 There are some who are salt of earth who work for
  work’s sake and don’t care for name fame or even
  going to heaven. They work just because good will
  come out of it.
 There are others who do good to poor and help
  mankind from still higher motives, because they
  believe in doing good and love good.
 The motive of name and fame seldom brings
  immediate results, as a rule, they come to us when
  we are old and have almost done with life.
How to work
 If a man works without any selfish motive in view , does
    he gain anything?
   Yes, he gains the highest.
   Unselfishness is more paying only people do not
    have patience to practice it.
   Love, truth and unselfishness are not merely moral
    figures of speech but they form our highest ideals.
   Real activity is combined with eternal
    calmness, calmness which cannot be ruffled, the
    balance of mind which is never disturbed, whatever
   From our experience of life we know it is the best attitude
    for work.
How to work
 How can we work if we do not have the passion
  which we generally feel for work?
 The less passion there is, the better we work.
 The calmer we are the better for us, and the more
  the amount of work we can do.
 When we let loose our feelings we waste so much
  energy, shatter our nerves, disturb our minds and
  accomplish very little work.
 Worlds greatest workers have been wonderfully calm
 person, nothing could throw them off balance.
How to work
 Inactivity must be avoided by all means. Activity always
    means resistance. Resist all evil mental and physical and
    when you have succeeded in resisting then will calmness
   “Hate nobody, resist all evil” is easy to say but it is
    practically very difficult.
   If you aim at wealth and you know world regards him who
    aims at wealth as wicked man, will dare not plunge in
    struggle for wealth, but mind will be running after money.
   This hypocrisy will serve no purpose.
   Plunge into the world, and then, after a time, when
    you have suffered and enjoyed all that is in it, will
    renunciation come, then will calmness come.
How to work
 He who always speculates what awaits him in
    future, accomplishes nothing whatsoever.
   The span of life is so short nothing can be accomplished
    in it if you go on forecasting and computing results.
   God is the only dispenser of result, leave it to Him to do
    all that.
   Every duty is holy, and devotion to duty is highest form of
    worship of God.
   By doing the duty well, duty which is in our hands
    now, we make yourself stronger and improving our
    strength in a manner step by step, we may even reach a
    state in which it shall be our privilege to do the most
    coveted and honored duties in life and in society.
Work Like a Master
 Work like a master and not like a
  slave, work incessantly, but do not do slave’s
 Ninety percent of mankind work like slaves
  and the result is misery, its all selfish work.
 Work with freedom, work through love.
 Word love is very difficult to understand, love
  never comes until there is freedom.
 Selfish work is slaves work.
 No act of love which does not bring peace
Work Like a Master
 The man who works through freedom and love cares
    nothing for result.
   But the slave wants his whipping, the servant wants his
   A public speaker wants a little applause or a little hissing
    and hooting. If he is placed in a corner you will kill him
    for he requires it. This is working through slavery.
   “Work for work sake” is easy to say and difficult to attain.
   As work is propelled by his own feelings, senses and own
    desire, selfishness.
   He works who has no ulterior motives and nothing to
    gain from work can work for work’s sake.
Doing Good to the World
 Our duty to others means helping other;
  doing good to world.
 Why should we do good to the world?
  Apparently to help the world, but really to help
 We should always try to help the world with the
  highest motive in us, but if we consider well,
  the world does not require our help at all.
 “All this beautiful world is very good,
  because it gives us time and opportunity to
  help others.”
Doing Good to the World
 The more intensely you think of well being of
  others, the more oblivious of self you become.
 Doing good to others constitute way to reveal self or
  self realization.
 Giving something to a man and ask nothing or
  want nothing in return.
 Give what you have to give, it will come back to
  you, but do not think of that now, it will come back
  multiplied thousand fold, but your attention must
  not be on that.
 Learn that whole life is giving, that nature will force
  you to give, so give willingly.
Doing Good to the World
 You come into life to accumulate, with clenched hands
    you want to take. But nature puts a hand on your
    throat and makes your hand open. Whether you will it
    or not, you have to give.
   None is there but will be compelled to give, actually in
    long run you give up everything.
   The Sun is taking up water from the ocean, to return it in
   River is continually emptying into the ocean and is
    continually filling up again.
   Bar not the exit into the ocean, moment you do that
    death seizes you.
Doing Good to the World
Wisdom, knowledge, wealth, men, s
 trength, prowess, and whatever else
 nature gathers and provides us
 with, are only for diffusion, when the
 moment of need is at hand. We
 often forget this fact, put the stamp
 of “mine only” upon the entrusted
 deposit, and pari passu, we sow the
 seed of our ruin.
Unselfishness Will Bring Success
 All outgoing energy following selfish motive will be
    frittered away, it will not cause power to you in return.
   But if restrained it will result in development of power.
   Self control produces mighty will and character.
   Foolish men do not know this secret. They want to rule
    the mankind.
   Even fool can rule the world if they work and wait.
   Majority of us do not see beyond a few years, just a narrow
    circle is our world.
   We do not have patience to look beyond, and thus we
    become immoral and wicked.
   This is our weakness and powerlessness.
Unselfishness Will Bring Success
 Selfishness is the Chief Sin, thinking of ourselves
   “I will be the last, I do not care to go to heaven, I will even
    go to hell if by doing so I can my brothers.”
   The unselfishness is the test of religion and such
    person is dear to God.
   Every successful person has behind him somewhere
    tremendous integrity, tremendous sincerity and that’s the
    cause of success in life.
   He may not be perfectly unselfish, but he must be tending
    towards it.
   Perfectly unselfish :- Christ, Buddha.
Degree of Unselfishness marks
      degree of success
 Life is ever expanding, contradiction
  is death.
 The self seeking man who is looking
  after his person comforts and
  leading a lazy life – there is no room
  even in hell.
It is Love that Pays
 Nothing else is necessary but these-

             Love, Sincerity and patience.

 Duty is seldom sweet

           It is only when love greases its wheels
 that it runs smoothly.
Weakness is Death
 Weakness leads to Slavery, Weakness is
 Thousands of microbes surrounding us
  cannot harm us until we are weak.
 Thousand of miseries (like microbes) are
  surrounding us but cannot approach us
  until our mind is weakened.
 Strength is life, weakness is death.
Face the Terrible Face it Boldly
 Monkeys and Dogs chase you when you run, but if you
    face them they flee.
   We gain freedom by conquering never by running away.
   Cowards never win victories.
   We have to fight fear and troubles and ignorance if we
    expect them to flee before us.
   Do not talk about wickedness and sins in the world, DO
   Let positive, strong and helpful thoughts enter the brain.
   Lay open to these thoughts and not weakening and
    paralyzing ones.
Be Brave
 Whenever darkness comes, assert the reality and
    everything adverse must vanish.
   Mountain high though the difficulties appear, terrible and
    gloomy though all things seems, they are but delusions.
   Fear not – it is banished, Crush it, and it vanishes, stamp
    upon it and it dies.
   Think not how many times you fail, time is infinite, assert
    yourself again and again till you succeed.
   Help thyself out by thyself.
   For thou art thy greatest enemy, thou alone art thy
    greatest friend.
 Veer Bhogya Vasundhara "The Brave Shall
  Inherit the Earth" . The earth is enjoyed by
 Give up that hateful malice, that dog like
  bickering and barking at one another, and take
  your stand on good purpose, right
  means, righteous courage, and be brave.
 When you came to this world, world rejoiced
  and you cried, now live your life doing such acts
  that when you will leave this world, the world
  will cry for you and you will leave laughing.
 Let the world say what it chooses, I shall tread the
  path of duty- know this to be the line of action for a
 Let people praise you or blame you, let fortune smile
  or frown upon you, let your body fall today or after a
  Yug- see that you do not deviate from the path of
 You will be tossed again and again on the waves of
  happiness and misery, prosperity and adversity- but
  know them all to be momentary duration.
 Never care for them.
Faith in Oneself
 Let a man go down as low as possible, there must come a
    time when out of sheer desperation he will take an upward
    curve and learn to have faith in himself.
   It is better for us if we know it from the very first.
   Our first duty is not to hate ourselves, because to advance
    we must have faith in ourselves first and then in God. He
    who has no faith in himself has no faith on God.
   Whatever you think, that you will be.
   If you think yourselves weak, weak you will be, if you think
    yourselves strong, strong you will be.
   The history of world is history of few men who had faith
    in themselves.
Imitation is Bad
 As long as I live, so long do I learn.
 Point to note is that when we take anything from others,
    we must mould it after our own way. We shall to our stock
    what other has to teach, but we must be careful to keep
    intact what is essentially our own.
   None can teach another.
   You have to realise truth and work it out for yourself
    according to your nature.
   Imitation is not civilisation.
   Cowardly imitation never makes us progress.
   Learn everything that is good from others, but bring it in,
    and in your own way absorb it, do not become others.
Imitation is Bad
 The seed is put in the ground and earth, air and
  water are placed around it.
 Does it become earth, air or water ?
 No, it becomes a Plant.
 It develops after the law of its own
  growth, assimilating air, water and earth and
  covert them to plant substance………….and grows
  in plant.
 Similarly each must assimilate the spirit of
  others and yet preserve his individuality and
What is Ethics
 One idea stands out as the center of all ethical
    systems, expressed in various forms, namely, doing good
    to others.
   Extreme self abnegation is the center of all morality.
   Perfect self abnegation is abnegation of all selfishness (me
    and mine or Ahamkara or Mamta.)
   Quintessence of all ethics is the recognition of non
    individuality- that you are part of me and I of you.
   The recognition that in hurting you I hurt myself, in
    helping you I help myself.
   The recognition that there cannot possibly be death
    for me when you are alive.
Hold On to the Ideal
 That is the great first step- the real desire for ideal.
 Now do you believe you could be what you are today, had
    you not mistakes before?
   Bless your mistake then.
   If a man with an ideal makes a thousand mistakes, I am
    sure that a man without ideals will make fifty thousand.
   Therefore it better to have an ideal.
   It is thought which is the propelling force in us.
   Fill the mind with the highest thoughts, hear them day
    after day, think them month after month.
   Never mind the failures, they are the beauty of life and
    poetry of life.
Hold On to the Ideal
 Take up one idea.
 Make that one idea your life- think of it, dream
  of it, live on that idea.
 Let the brain, muscle, nerves, every part of
  body, be full of that idea, and just leave every
  other idea alone.
 This is the way to success, and this the way
  great spritual giants are produced.
 Others are mere talking machines.
The Power of Concentration
 The main difference between men and animals is power
    of concentration.
   All success in any line of work is because of this.
   We all concentrate upon things we love and we love the
    things we concentrate our minds on. E.g. Mother and
   Trouble with such concentration is that we do not control
    the mind, it controls us.
   So along with development of concentration we must
    develop power of detachment.
   We must learn only to attach the mind to one things
    exclusively, but to detach it at a moment’s notice and
    place it on something else.
Develop the Sense of Equality
 Do not pity anyone.
 Look upon all as equal.
 Equality is the sign of the free.
 He who realises that everyone else equally as
  perfect as he, and he does not have to exercise
  any power, physical, mental or moral, over his
  brother men.
 He abandons the idea that there was ever any
  man who was lower than himself.
 Then he can talk of equality, not until then.
Be Free
 Learn to feel yourself in other bodies, to know that we
    are all one.
   When you have acquired the feeling of non attachment,
    there will then be neither good nor evil for you.
   It is very hard thing to understand……………………but
   In misery and happiness the same, in success and
    defeat the same- such a mind is nearing that state
    of freedom.
   When we can do this, we shall really possess character,
    then alone we shall have taken a long step towards
    freedom, before that we are mere machines.
Be Free
 Be free, and then have any number of personalities you like.
    Then we will play like the actor who comes upon stage and
    plays the part of beggar. Contrast him with the actual beggar
    walking in the streets.
   The one enjoys his beggary while other is suffering misery
    from it.
   What is difference, one is free and other is bound.
   So long as we do not have knowledge of our real nature we are
    beggars, jostled about by every force in nature, we cry all over
    the world for help, but help never comes to us, we cry to
    imaginary beings and yet it never comes.
   But we still hope help will come, wailing and hoping and life
    passes, and play goes on.
   Be free.
March On!
 Advance like a HERO.
 Don’t be thwarted by anything. How many days will
  this body last, with its happiness and miseries?
 When you have got the human body, then say to
  yourself………..I had reached the state of Fearlessness.
 And then as long as body endures, speak unto others
  this message of Fearlessness. “Thou art That”

“Arise, awake and stop not till
 the goal is reached.”

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Personality development

  • 1. Major (Retd.) Pravin Singh Commandant MB Patel Military School
  • 2. Definition of Personality  Cambridge International dictionary defines:- ‘ your personality is the type of person you are, which is shown by way you behave, feel and think’.  Longman dictionary of Contemporary English defines:- ‘whole nature of character of a person’
  • 3. What is Personality  How a person behaves, feels and thinks, how he conducts himself in a given set of circumstances is defined by state of mind.  Mere external appearance, speech and mannerism are only fringes of one’s personality.  Personality development in real sense refers to deeper level of a person.  So we need to have a clear grasp of mind and how it functions.
  • 4. Necessity to know our mind  We intend to make resolution to cultivate good habits, to kick bad habits.  Very often our mind rebels forcing us to beat a retreat from our efforts in implementing our resolutions.  As per Bhagwad Gita, undisciplined mind acts as our enemy whereas a trained mind acts as our friend.  Can we train our mind to obey and to cooperate with us.  We need to have a clear idea of the mechanism of mind.
  • 5.
  • 6. The fourfold functions of Mind 1. Memory. 2. Deliberation and conceptualization. 3. Determination and Decision making. 4. ‘I’ Consciousness.
  • 7. 1 st function of Mind: MEMORY  The store house of memory and impression of our past experiences . (chitta)  In this store house impressions of thoughts and actions – good or bad – are stored.  The sum total of these impressions defines our character.  ‘Chitta’ is what is known as our subconscious mind.
  • 8. 2nd Deliberation and Conceptualization Not yet very sure mind examines the various options presented before it. It deliberates on several things. This faculty of mind is called ‘manas’ Imagination and formation of concepts are also function of ‘manas’
  • 9. 3 rd Determination & Decision making  ‘Buddhi’ is the faculty responsible for decision making.  It has the capacity to judge the pros and cons.  It is also the discriminatory faculty in a person which enables him to differentiate between real and unreal, what is to be done and what is to be avoided, what is morally right and what is wrong.  It is also the seat of WILL POWER so essential for personality development and hence this aspect of mind concerns us the most.
  • 10. 4 th ‘I’ Consciousness  All physical and mental activities ‘I eat’, ‘I hear’, ‘I talk’, ‘I think’ is called ‘ahamkara’ or ‘I’ consciousness.  As long as ‘I’ identifies with undisciplined body-mind complex human life is dictated by circumstances of the world, we become happy with pleasurable events.  More mind gets refined and disciplined, more does one gets to know the real source of ‘I 'consciousness.  A person becomes more balanced and equipoised in daily life, no longer swayed by circumstances of life.
  • 11. What is Character  Every action and every thought of ours leaves an impression on our mind.  These impression determine how we behave or respond to a given situation.  Sum total of all our impressions defines our Character.  Past has defined our present.  Present thoughts and action s will define our future.  This is the key Principle of personality development.
  • 12. What activates the body mind system  The answer to this will help us to have better knowledge of ourselves.  Ancient sages experimented with themselves – the sensory and mental apparatus to find this element ‘I’.  What is the Mind of mind, the Ear of ear, the Eye of eye, Speech of speeches.  Divinity of real ‘I’ remains latent till we identify it with body-mind and sensory system.  The goal of life as per scriptures is to manifest the hidden divinity.
  • 13. Will Power  Strengthening of will power is the essence of Personality Development.  Divine core of our personality has five dimensions  Physical Dimension  Energy Dimension  Mental Dimension  Intellectual Dimension  Blissful Dimension
  • 14. Divine core and its 5 Dimensions  Physical Dimension consists of our body and sense.  Energy Dimension which performs digestion of food, circulation of blood and other activities of body.  Mental Dimension like activities of mind thinking, feelings, emotions etc.  Intellectual Dimension is determinative faculty, eat of discrimination and WILL POWER.  Blissful Dimension as experienced in bliss deep sleep etc.
  • 15. Essential qualities for PD 1. Faith in oneself 2. Think positive thoughts 3. Attitude toward failures and mistakes 4. Self reliance 5. Renunciation and Service
  • 16. Essential qualities for PD  Faith in oneself  Faith in God comes next only to faith on oneself.  One who cannot trust himself cannot trust God.  If one believes ones real nature is spirit – not the body and mind- one would be better individual with stronger character.  Think positive thoughts  Character is repeated habits and repeated habits alone can transform character.  “It is sin to think as ourselves and other as weak.” Swami Vivekanand.
  • 17. Essential qualities for PD  Attitude toward failures and mistakes  Fail and learn from failures rather than leading an inert existence like a wall which cannot even tell lies.  Self reliance  We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish our self to be, we have the power to make our self.  Renunciation and Service  Selfless service is paramount means to character development.  This coupled with renunciation of selfishness and desire for fruits of action are the twin ideals of our nation.
  • 18. Swami Vivekanand  His ides on personality development spreads over nine volumes of his complete works.  Swamiji says: “Teach yourselves, teach everyone his real nature, call upon the sleeping soul and see how it awakes. Power will come, glory will come. Goodness will come purity will come, and everything that is excellent will come when this sleeping soul is roused to self conscious activity.”
  • 19. It is personality that matters  In our families there are heads, some of them are successful others are not, why?  We complain of others in our failures, we blame somebody or something instead of confessing our fault or weakness.  Coming to great leaders of mankind, they were know not because of their thoughts, their books or speeches but because of their PERSONALITY.  Personality of man is 2/3 rd and intellect, words etc are just 1/3 rd.  The ideal of all education and training must be this man making. We try to polish outside when there is nothing inside.
  • 20. Laws of Personality Development  A little bubble coming from the bottom of lake is not seen, it is seen only when it bursts on the surface.  Similarly we can see our thoughts only after they have developed a great deal or after they have become action.  We complain that we have no control our thoughts, but we can get hold of our thoughts at the ROOTS, before it can become thought and then action.  This is how we can control our mind.  He who controls his mind knows the secret of every mind and has power of every mind.
  • 21. Layers of Personality  External instrument “sthula sharira”(Body and Organs.)  Internal instrument “Sukshma Sharira” (Mind, intellect and egoism.)  Every human personality may be compared to a glass globe. There is same pure white light inside in the center of each.  Equality and beauty of central flame is the same and apparent inequality is only the temporal instruments of its expression.  As we rise to higher and higher in scale of being, the medium becomes more and more translucent.
  • 22. Man is Divine  There is essentially no difference between man and another man. All being are alike divine.  There is an infinite ocean of Existence, Knowledge and Bliss as our birthright, our real nature; and the difference between us is caused by the greater or lesser power to manifest that divine.  Manifest the divinity within you, and everything will be harmoniously arranged around it.
  • 23. Pleasure is not the Goal  Pleasure is not the goal of man, but Knowledge.  Good and evil has equal share in moulding character, and in some case misery is a greater teacher than happiness.  Wisdom is the goal of all life.  Man enjoys intellect more than animal enjoys its senses.  We must seek knowledge and wisdom to know self rather than being indulged in senses.
  • 24. How to Change Our Character?  Every work that we do, our thoughts and actions leaves such an impression on the mind, which is not obvious on surface but sufficiently strong beneath the surface, subconsciously.  Sum total of my impressions of past is what we are today also defined as Character.  If good impressions prevails character becomes good and vice versa.  If you want to judge real character of man, look not at his great performance, every fool becomes a hero one time or another.
  • 25. How to Change Our Character?  Great occasions rouse even the lowest of human beings to some kind of greatness.  But a really great man whose character is great always, the same whatever he be.  All the actions, movements and works in the world, machines, cities, ships or men of war are simply manifestation of the will of man and this will is cause by character, character is manufactured by Karma.  Great work requires great and persistent effort for a long time.
  • 26. How to Change Our Character?  The road to Good is the Toughest and the Steepest in the universe.  It is a wonder that so many succeed, no wonder that so many fall.  Character has to be established through a thousand stumbles.  Actions have a vibration, vibration dies out and leaves an impression or “sanskars” .  Large number of impressions make Habit.  Habit is the second nature.  We can make and unmake habit any time.  The only remedy for bad habit is counter habit.
  • 27. How to Change Our Character?  All he bad habits have left their impressions are to be controlled by good habits.  Go on doing good things, thinking holy thoughts, reading good books continuously, that is the only way to suppress the base impressions.  Never say a man is hopeless, because he represents a character, a bundle of habits, which can be checked by new & better ones.  Character is repeated habits, and repeated habits alone can reform character.
  • 28. Influence of Thought  It is an observed fact that when a person do evil actions, they become more and more evil, and when they do good they become stronger and stronger and learn to do good all the times.  There are twofold danger in doing evil, firstly we open ourselves to all the evil influences surrounding us secondly we create evil which affects others.  In doing good we do good to others as well.  Like all other forces in man, these forces of good and evil also gather strength from outside.  Fill yourself with idea, whatever you do think well on it, all your action will be magnified, transformed and deified by the very power of thought.
  • 29. Control your Negative Emotions  We must have four sorts of ideas. 1. We must have friendship for all. 2. We must be merciful for those who are in misery. 3. When people are happy we ought to be happy. 4. And to the wicked we must be indifferent.  If the subject is good we will feel friendly to him, if the subject of thought is miserable we must be merciful towards it.  If it is good we must be glad if it is evil, we must be indifferent.  This attitude of mind will keep mind peaceful.
  • 30. Control your Negative Emotions  Most of the difficulties in our daily life come from being unable to hold our mind in that way.  E.g. if some one does evil we want to react evil and we lose our power.  Every vicious thought will rebound, every thought of hatred will come back to you with tremendous power in some form of misery with compound interest.  Once you have put them in motion you will have to bear them.  Remembering this will prevent you from doing wicked things.
  • 31. Control your Negative Emotions  The great secret is – absence of jealousy.  Be always ready to concede to the opinions of your brethren, and always try to conciliate.  That is the whole secret. Fight on bravely, Life is short, Give it up to a great cause.
  • 32. Change Yourself First  We have seen the subjective world rules the objective.  Change the subject and the object is bound to change.  Purify yourself and the world is bound to be purified.  The question is why should I see evil in others?  I cannot see evil unless I be evil.  I cannot be miserable unless I am weak.  Things that used to make me miserable when I was a child, do not do so now.  The subject changed so the object was bound to change.
  • 33. Change Yourself First  The man that has practiced control over himself cannot be acted upon by anything outside, there is no more slavery for him.  His mind has become free. For him world is beautiful.  The more we grow in love and virtue and holiness, the more we see love virtue and holiness outside.  All condemnations of others really condemns ourselves.  Every step that has been really gained in this world has been gained by love, criticizing can never do
  • 34. Take the whole Responsibility on Yourself  We are responsible for what we and whatever we wish to be, we have the power to make ourselves.  If we are now has been the result of our past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in future can be produced by our present actions, so we have to know how to act.  We ought to know that all misery, blow or failure has not been undeserved, we have paved the way with our own hands.  Analyze any blow, you have prepared yourself for that, you did half and the external world did the other half.  If self and external world are two factor I will not contribute in the one which is in my keeping, if I get real control blow will never come.
  • 35. Take the whole Responsibility on Yourself  Nothing makes us work so well at our best and highest as when all responsibility is thrown upon ourselves.  How will you behave if I put a little baby in your hands?  Your whole life will be changed for that moment, you must become selfless for time being, you will give all your evil ideas moment responsibility is thrown upon you.  Your whole character will change.  With responsibility on our shoulder we shall be at our highest and best, when we have nobody to grope towards, no devil to blame upon when we are alone responsible.  I am responsible for my fate, I am bringer of good unto myself, I am bringer of evil.
  • 36. Take the whole Responsibility on Yourself  Taking responsibility of our action is the only solution to the problem.  Those that blame others are miserable with helpless brains, blaming others does not alter their position.  Therefore, blame none for your faults, stand upon your own feet and take whole responsibility upon yourself.  “This failure that I am suffering is of my own doing, and that very proves that it will be undone by me alone.”  Take the responsibility and know that you are the creator of your own destiny.  All the strength and succor you want is within yourself.  Make your own future “Let the dead past bury its dead”.
  • 37. Take the whole Responsibility on Yourself The infinite future is before you , and you must always remember that each word, thought and deed, lays up a store for you and that as the bad thoughts and bad works are ready to spring upon you like tigers, so also there is the inspiring hope that the good thoughts and good deeds are ready with the power of hundred thousand angels to defend you always and forever.
  • 38. How to work  WORK FOR WORK’S SAKE.  There are some who are salt of earth who work for work’s sake and don’t care for name fame or even going to heaven. They work just because good will come out of it.  There are others who do good to poor and help mankind from still higher motives, because they believe in doing good and love good.  The motive of name and fame seldom brings immediate results, as a rule, they come to us when we are old and have almost done with life.
  • 39. How to work  If a man works without any selfish motive in view , does he gain anything?  Yes, he gains the highest.  Unselfishness is more paying only people do not have patience to practice it.  Love, truth and unselfishness are not merely moral figures of speech but they form our highest ideals.  Real activity is combined with eternal calmness, calmness which cannot be ruffled, the balance of mind which is never disturbed, whatever happens.  From our experience of life we know it is the best attitude for work.
  • 40. How to work  How can we work if we do not have the passion which we generally feel for work?  The less passion there is, the better we work.  The calmer we are the better for us, and the more the amount of work we can do.  When we let loose our feelings we waste so much energy, shatter our nerves, disturb our minds and accomplish very little work.  Worlds greatest workers have been wonderfully calm person, nothing could throw them off balance.
  • 41. How to work  Inactivity must be avoided by all means. Activity always means resistance. Resist all evil mental and physical and when you have succeeded in resisting then will calmness come.  “Hate nobody, resist all evil” is easy to say but it is practically very difficult.  If you aim at wealth and you know world regards him who aims at wealth as wicked man, will dare not plunge in struggle for wealth, but mind will be running after money.  This hypocrisy will serve no purpose.  Plunge into the world, and then, after a time, when you have suffered and enjoyed all that is in it, will renunciation come, then will calmness come.
  • 42. How to work  He who always speculates what awaits him in future, accomplishes nothing whatsoever.  The span of life is so short nothing can be accomplished in it if you go on forecasting and computing results.  God is the only dispenser of result, leave it to Him to do all that.  Every duty is holy, and devotion to duty is highest form of worship of God.  By doing the duty well, duty which is in our hands now, we make yourself stronger and improving our strength in a manner step by step, we may even reach a state in which it shall be our privilege to do the most coveted and honored duties in life and in society.
  • 43. Work Like a Master  Work like a master and not like a slave, work incessantly, but do not do slave’s work.  Ninety percent of mankind work like slaves and the result is misery, its all selfish work.  Work with freedom, work through love.  Word love is very difficult to understand, love never comes until there is freedom.  Selfish work is slaves work.  No act of love which does not bring peace
  • 44. Work Like a Master  The man who works through freedom and love cares nothing for result.  But the slave wants his whipping, the servant wants his pay.  A public speaker wants a little applause or a little hissing and hooting. If he is placed in a corner you will kill him for he requires it. This is working through slavery.  “Work for work sake” is easy to say and difficult to attain.  As work is propelled by his own feelings, senses and own desire, selfishness.  He works who has no ulterior motives and nothing to gain from work can work for work’s sake.
  • 45. Doing Good to the World  Our duty to others means helping other; doing good to world.  Why should we do good to the world? Apparently to help the world, but really to help ourselves.  We should always try to help the world with the highest motive in us, but if we consider well, the world does not require our help at all.  “All this beautiful world is very good, because it gives us time and opportunity to help others.”
  • 46. Doing Good to the World  The more intensely you think of well being of others, the more oblivious of self you become.  Doing good to others constitute way to reveal self or self realization.  Giving something to a man and ask nothing or want nothing in return.  Give what you have to give, it will come back to you, but do not think of that now, it will come back multiplied thousand fold, but your attention must not be on that.  Learn that whole life is giving, that nature will force you to give, so give willingly.
  • 47. Doing Good to the World  You come into life to accumulate, with clenched hands you want to take. But nature puts a hand on your throat and makes your hand open. Whether you will it or not, you have to give.  None is there but will be compelled to give, actually in long run you give up everything.  The Sun is taking up water from the ocean, to return it in showers.  River is continually emptying into the ocean and is continually filling up again.  Bar not the exit into the ocean, moment you do that death seizes you.
  • 48. Doing Good to the World Wisdom, knowledge, wealth, men, s trength, prowess, and whatever else nature gathers and provides us with, are only for diffusion, when the moment of need is at hand. We often forget this fact, put the stamp of “mine only” upon the entrusted deposit, and pari passu, we sow the seed of our ruin.
  • 49. Unselfishness Will Bring Success  All outgoing energy following selfish motive will be frittered away, it will not cause power to you in return.  But if restrained it will result in development of power.  Self control produces mighty will and character.  Foolish men do not know this secret. They want to rule the mankind.  Even fool can rule the world if they work and wait.  Majority of us do not see beyond a few years, just a narrow circle is our world.  We do not have patience to look beyond, and thus we become immoral and wicked.  This is our weakness and powerlessness.
  • 50. Unselfishness Will Bring Success  Selfishness is the Chief Sin, thinking of ourselves first.  “I will be the last, I do not care to go to heaven, I will even go to hell if by doing so I can my brothers.”  The unselfishness is the test of religion and such person is dear to God.  Every successful person has behind him somewhere tremendous integrity, tremendous sincerity and that’s the cause of success in life.  He may not be perfectly unselfish, but he must be tending towards it.  Perfectly unselfish :- Christ, Buddha.
  • 51. Degree of Unselfishness marks degree of success Life is ever expanding, contradiction is death. The self seeking man who is looking after his person comforts and leading a lazy life – there is no room even in hell.
  • 52. It is Love that Pays  Nothing else is necessary but these- Love, Sincerity and patience.  Duty is seldom sweet It is only when love greases its wheels that it runs smoothly.
  • 53. Weakness is Death  Weakness leads to Slavery, Weakness is death.  Thousands of microbes surrounding us cannot harm us until we are weak.  Thousand of miseries (like microbes) are surrounding us but cannot approach us until our mind is weakened.  Strength is life, weakness is death.
  • 54. Face the Terrible Face it Boldly  Monkeys and Dogs chase you when you run, but if you face them they flee.  We gain freedom by conquering never by running away.  Cowards never win victories.  We have to fight fear and troubles and ignorance if we expect them to flee before us.  Do not talk about wickedness and sins in the world, DO NOT WEAKEN IT MORE.  Let positive, strong and helpful thoughts enter the brain.  Lay open to these thoughts and not weakening and paralyzing ones.
  • 55. Be Brave  Whenever darkness comes, assert the reality and everything adverse must vanish.  Mountain high though the difficulties appear, terrible and gloomy though all things seems, they are but delusions.  Fear not – it is banished, Crush it, and it vanishes, stamp upon it and it dies.  Think not how many times you fail, time is infinite, assert yourself again and again till you succeed.  Help thyself out by thyself.  For thou art thy greatest enemy, thou alone art thy greatest friend.
  • 56. Heroism  Veer Bhogya Vasundhara "The Brave Shall Inherit the Earth" . The earth is enjoyed by Hero's.  Give up that hateful malice, that dog like bickering and barking at one another, and take your stand on good purpose, right means, righteous courage, and be brave.  When you came to this world, world rejoiced and you cried, now live your life doing such acts that when you will leave this world, the world will cry for you and you will leave laughing.
  • 57. Heroism  Let the world say what it chooses, I shall tread the path of duty- know this to be the line of action for a hero.  Let people praise you or blame you, let fortune smile or frown upon you, let your body fall today or after a Yug- see that you do not deviate from the path of Truth.  You will be tossed again and again on the waves of happiness and misery, prosperity and adversity- but know them all to be momentary duration.  Never care for them.
  • 58. Faith in Oneself  Let a man go down as low as possible, there must come a time when out of sheer desperation he will take an upward curve and learn to have faith in himself.  It is better for us if we know it from the very first.  Our first duty is not to hate ourselves, because to advance we must have faith in ourselves first and then in God. He who has no faith in himself has no faith on God.  Whatever you think, that you will be.  If you think yourselves weak, weak you will be, if you think yourselves strong, strong you will be.  The history of world is history of few men who had faith in themselves.
  • 59. Imitation is Bad  As long as I live, so long do I learn.  Point to note is that when we take anything from others, we must mould it after our own way. We shall to our stock what other has to teach, but we must be careful to keep intact what is essentially our own.  None can teach another.  You have to realise truth and work it out for yourself according to your nature.  Imitation is not civilisation.  Cowardly imitation never makes us progress.  Learn everything that is good from others, but bring it in, and in your own way absorb it, do not become others.
  • 60. Imitation is Bad  The seed is put in the ground and earth, air and water are placed around it.  Does it become earth, air or water ?  No, it becomes a Plant.  It develops after the law of its own growth, assimilating air, water and earth and covert them to plant substance………….and grows in plant.  Similarly each must assimilate the spirit of others and yet preserve his individuality and
  • 61. What is Ethics  One idea stands out as the center of all ethical systems, expressed in various forms, namely, doing good to others.  Extreme self abnegation is the center of all morality.  Perfect self abnegation is abnegation of all selfishness (me and mine or Ahamkara or Mamta.)  Quintessence of all ethics is the recognition of non individuality- that you are part of me and I of you.  The recognition that in hurting you I hurt myself, in helping you I help myself.  The recognition that there cannot possibly be death for me when you are alive.
  • 62. Hold On to the Ideal  That is the great first step- the real desire for ideal.  Now do you believe you could be what you are today, had you not mistakes before?  Bless your mistake then.  If a man with an ideal makes a thousand mistakes, I am sure that a man without ideals will make fifty thousand.  Therefore it better to have an ideal.  It is thought which is the propelling force in us.  Fill the mind with the highest thoughts, hear them day after day, think them month after month.  Never mind the failures, they are the beauty of life and poetry of life.
  • 63. Hold On to the Ideal  Take up one idea.  Make that one idea your life- think of it, dream of it, live on that idea.  Let the brain, muscle, nerves, every part of body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone.  This is the way to success, and this the way great spritual giants are produced.  Others are mere talking machines.
  • 64. The Power of Concentration  The main difference between men and animals is power of concentration.  All success in any line of work is because of this.  We all concentrate upon things we love and we love the things we concentrate our minds on. E.g. Mother and Child.  Trouble with such concentration is that we do not control the mind, it controls us.  So along with development of concentration we must develop power of detachment.  We must learn only to attach the mind to one things exclusively, but to detach it at a moment’s notice and place it on something else.
  • 65. Develop the Sense of Equality  Do not pity anyone.  Look upon all as equal.  Equality is the sign of the free.  He who realises that everyone else equally as perfect as he, and he does not have to exercise any power, physical, mental or moral, over his brother men.  He abandons the idea that there was ever any man who was lower than himself.  Then he can talk of equality, not until then.
  • 66. Be Free  Learn to feel yourself in other bodies, to know that we are all one.  When you have acquired the feeling of non attachment, there will then be neither good nor evil for you.  It is very hard thing to understand……………………but  In misery and happiness the same, in success and defeat the same- such a mind is nearing that state of freedom.  When we can do this, we shall really possess character, then alone we shall have taken a long step towards freedom, before that we are mere machines.
  • 67. Be Free  Be free, and then have any number of personalities you like. Then we will play like the actor who comes upon stage and plays the part of beggar. Contrast him with the actual beggar walking in the streets.  The one enjoys his beggary while other is suffering misery from it.  What is difference, one is free and other is bound.  So long as we do not have knowledge of our real nature we are beggars, jostled about by every force in nature, we cry all over the world for help, but help never comes to us, we cry to imaginary beings and yet it never comes.  But we still hope help will come, wailing and hoping and life passes, and play goes on.  Be free.
  • 68. March On!  Advance like a HERO.  Don’t be thwarted by anything. How many days will this body last, with its happiness and miseries?  When you have got the human body, then say to yourself………..I had reached the state of Fearlessness.  And then as long as body endures, speak unto others this message of Fearlessness. “Thou art That” “Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached.”

Editor's Notes

  1. Example suppose I met someone say after ten years, . I try to recollect when and where I met him and who he is. Inside my mind a scan starts to check if any event stored in my mind connects with that person. He is the same person I met at so and so place etc. Now I have the firm knowledge of that person.
  2. Each succeeding dimension is subtler than the preceding one and pervades it.