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Mind Power

     Do you know what your mind is? Do you know where your mind is?
Do you know how your mind works? Most people do not know the answers
to these questions. The human mind is probably the greatest mystery in the
history of mankind. (It is in its own right a Pandora’s box) For years, or ever
since the dawn of time, people have been trying to come up with a definite
solution or answer to how the mind works, largely to no avail—all due to the
simple fact that the human mind holds no boundaries.

                      Explanation of the “Mind” made easy

We are an extraordinary creation, aren’t we? We are all endowed with a
remarkable, top quality mind, absolutely free of cost! The “mind” denotes
generally the capacities for thought, perception, emotion, will, memory, and
imagination. No scientifically designed drug or medication works as
effectively as mind power. Every man creates a world of heaven or hell out
of his mind. His mind determines his life script, expectations, and most of
his reality. We can neither give a cold shoulder to nor argue with the mind.
We can only obey its orders like an unquestionable, powerless servant. In a
way, our minds hold us captive.

        The power of the mind is like the power of water, which when
uncontrolled can wipe out cities. The same power of water, when controlled
by a man-made dam, can make land productive, besides producing

                   The “mind” is also referred to as –

      (1 )   Intellect
      (2 )   Psyche
      (3 )   Gray matter
      (4 )   Think box

        Following are some of the most extraordinary minds the world has
ever witnessed. These geniuses need no introduction:
(1 )   Marie Curie
      (2 )   Galileo Galilei
      (3 )   Johannes Kepler
      (4 )   Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
      (5 )   Alexander Graham Bell
      (6 )   Charles Darwin
      (7 )   Leonardo Da Vinci
      (8 )   Nikola Tesla
      (9 )   Wernher Von Braun

                  Are you utilizing your mind power sufficiently?

     A computer is a remarkable invention and can perform numerous tasks,
provided you know how to use it. It’s pretty useless otherwise. You don’t
need to know how it works, only how to use it. Your mind is a lot like this.
Neuroscientists since time immemorial have proclaimed that we only use
10% of our mind power. That’s a slight utilization of mind power. The
remaining 90% can be compared to an unused muscle—atrophied. This
information can be a real eye opener for many people.

   Our mind has huge potential, but unfortunately, we are not extracting
maximum benefit from it. Throughout life, we have been taught how to do
everything, but no one has ever taught us how to use our minds. Note:
people who learn how to unleash the power of their mind and use it to its full
capacity are the ones who prosper beyond their wildest expectations. It’s not
necessary to know how the invisible forces of your mind work. It’s just a
matter of simply understanding that what you habitually think about creates
your environment and all of your experiences.

                              Wandering mind

      Consider this example: Your body is sitting in a meeting, but your mind
is planning what you’ll cook for dinner. Usually, the mind goes on spinning
abundant thoughts, and the mind goes on moving all over the world—in the
past and the future. The wandering mind wanders with thoughts. When
thoughts arise, they take the mind away. The mind follows its thoughts like a
weak man who is easily influenced and follows anyone haphazardly. Blame
it on the inner commotion that goes on continuously. A sense of well-being
and the ability to think clearly are destroyed whenever thoughts or feelings
are turbulent. A sign of things to come!

        Ordinarily, the mind tends to wander when you are jetlagged
(medically referred to as “desynchronosis,” it is a physiological condition
that is a consequence of alterations to the circadian rhythms. Jet lag results
from rapid long-distance transmeridian travel as on a jet plane), stressed, and
in the midst of boring or unpleasant activities. Your mind will wander less
when you are in a happy mood, enjoying an activity, or concentrating on the
task at hand to the best of your ability.

       Scrutinize the thoughts that enter your mind. Make them act according
to the directions you give and not the other way around. This is an
interminable process. Stick with it all the time. Mental discipline of the
highest order can prevent the mind from wandering. When the mind is under
control, life becomes a joy ride. Happy “mind controlling” exercise!

                         Mind and brain are different

     Many people walk away with the idea that the brain and the mind are
one and the same; they use the words interchangeably. However, this is far
from the truth. Cognitive psychologists assert that you use your brain for
functions such as to decide what to do when you make a mistake or for
mathematical solutions. But you don’t use your mind to do all of that. The
mind is like a little-used passageway between the heart and the brain. Using
your mind involves connecting the heart (your loves, interests, passions, and
beliefs) with the brain (logical thinking and assessment of actions and
decisions). It has been said that the human brain processes 100 teraflops;
however, the older one gets, the more that appears to be a gross

     The brain is a physical object that can be seen with the eyes and
photographed or operated on in surgery. The mind is not a physical object. It
cannot be seen with the eyes, nor can it be photographed or repaired by

        Let us compare our body to a guest house, and our mind to a guest
dwelling within it. When we die, our mind leaves our body and goes to the
next life, just like a guest leaves a guest house and goes somewhere else.
Thinking escalated him to great heights

    A renowned German philosopher named Immanuel Kant used to wake up
in the morning at 5 a.m. and flex his thinking muscles for two uninterrupted
hours. He didn’t rely on pen and paper—far from it. He sat and thought.
Gosh! What an outright, rational thinker.

      Thinking is the centerpiece for achieving results efficaciously. This
seems a bit of an understatement! In fact, thinking is largely helpful for
tasting success. So think long and deep.

                         Unlock your genius

      Mind power has a “mighty” edge over muscle power and money
power (an eternal verity). Mind power is the clear-cut, solitary winner. Take
the examples of people who achieved greatness due to their mind power:
Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Alva Edison, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa.
Mind power was the signature of their personalities.

       You can reach any of your vaulting ambitions in life even if you are
cash-strapped or don’t have a physique like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Simply
eliminate the word “impossible”—it is highly misleading—from your
vocabulary. Prepare your mind for bigger, wonderful things. Don’t set limits
on your imagination. Dream big! Gear up for your personal mission. Get to
where you were yearning to go. Don’t stop. Continue the journey. Keep
bettering yourself.

     I challenge you to shoot for the moon and achieve extraordinary results
   in your life.

                     Say au revoir to opacity—think straight

  Though we are gifted with a wonderful tool called the mind, we are
nevertheless afflicted with complexes, doubts, fears, and anxiety that cast a
dark shadow on our minds. Certain restraints we impose on ourselves, like “I
am an intellectual pygmy,” “I am bored—my life is at a standstill,” “I cannot
overcome personal barriers,” etc. stultify the effective operational capacity
of our minds. We slip into “psychological paralysis..” As a result, our
progressive journey of life comes to a massive dead stop.

     Investigate the self-destructive phrases that have a stranglehold on your
mind. Substitute them with positive autosuggestions. In this way, pre-
established, wrong ideas will be permanently removed from your mind.
Fuzziness paves the way for enlightenment. Life looks more pleasurable and
exciting than ever before. Take a bow for the person you have become
today. Nothing better than this could have ever happened to you.

                              Mental agility

  When you have mental agility, you shine like a resplendent star. You
achieve success at supersonic speed.

                          Tips for mental agility:

  (1) Do crossword puzzles and lateral thinking puzzles, and even solve
      good riddles.

  (2) Take IQ and emotional intelligence tests.

  (3) Take catnaps.

  (4) Get intellectual stimulation by learning new things.

  (5) Take much-needed vacation(s).

  (6) Do mental arithmetic.

  (7) Eat diet rich in carbohydrates, proteins, and fiber.

  (8) Play Scrabble, hangman, and dominoes.

   A person’s efficiency increases after a good mental tune-up.

                            Mind over matter
Weston (age 22) was suffering from an acute illness and had one foot in
the grave (according to a doctor’s diagnosis), so the doctor saw no hope for
his survival. However, Weston begged to differ from his doctor’s view. He
was utterly confident in his mind that he still had a long way to go in life.
Mind you, he was not giving himself false consolation, and this was proved
when he actually made a miraculous recovery from the illness. At age 75,
Weston still stands ramrod straight and also has no neurodegenerative
diseases of old age.

     Throughout Pittsburgh (where he lives), he is known by the nickname
the “Medical Wonder..”

             Good books are a repository of positive thoughts

     Education is not only restricted to acquiring diplomas, degrees, and
gold medals, but rather it is a lifelong process by which you can perpetually
improve every aspect of your life.

     Books are a powerful means of spreading knowledge. If a person does
not read good books, he’ll forever remain naïve in life. His physical age may
go up, but his mental age will be that of a 5-year-old child. The cosmic
insight that we gain by reading books is heavenly and incomparable. Books
contribute tremendously to a person’s worldview.

      Be an omnivorous reader. Read a wide variety of books. Keep abreast
of the new developments in your field. Have a huge appetite for knowledge.

    Note: I am not a pedant for claiming that learning only from books is an

                       Improve your powers of imagination

  Imagination is a powerful mental function that allows us to review the
past, imagine a potential future, and do things that we sometimes can’t do in
the external world. Houses, automobiles, music, books, computers, bridges,
cell phones, fast ships, office buildings, etc. are all owed to humanity’s
imagination. Imagination is very essential in creative works such as painting,
sculpture, musical composition, and literature. Every human being has an
innate imagination ability. In some it may be highly developed, and in others
it may exist in a weaker form. Imagination exists in various degrees in
different people.

       One day, a man saw his mother’s teakettle boiling. He observed that
the lid was rising from the expanding steam. His fine imagination started
from this very detail, and he gave to the world—the steam engine.

      Picture a sea made of smoked salmon, or a village built from cheese,
with trees of broccoli—no, this has nothing to do with psychedelia, but
rather the fertile imagination of Carl Warner, a British photographer whose
portfolio includes “foodscapes” or whimsical “landscapes” made from food.

      Let your imagination run wild. Swim in the ocean of imagination.
Capture the imagination of the entire world by your outstanding

                               Become success-minded

Do you know that your mind is so magnetically powerful that you can attract
anything you strongly desire to yourself? Yes, by controlling your mental
magnetism. Come to think of it, great people attract high quality things to
their life. This is not coincidence or luck. It is the result of preparing their
mind to gain abundant personal success. Quite naturally, success comes to
those who are conscious of success. Fortune gravitates to the man whose
mind is prepared to attract it, just as surely as water gravitates to the ocean.

     Contemplate on what it is that you want to attract into your life. Is it
financial abundance? Vigorous health? Traveling the world? Excelling at a
vocation? Whatever it is that you desire, you can achieve it by using mind
power. Your mind power is the ultimate source of your success.

                             Mind-control specialist

There was a self-anointed mind-control specialist who always used to give
edifying speeches on ways to tackle annoying situations with grace and
poise. Fed up with his speeches, a boy decided to get under the mind-control
specialist’s skin. The boy challenged his friends, saying that he would make
that person irritated by his antics. According to the plan, one day, the boy
invited this supposedly calm and composed mind-control specialist to his
house. The boy requested the mind-control specialist to tutor him regarding
“mental stability..” Agreeing to do this, the specialist started the lesson, but
the boy, being a prankster, began to nag him by posing nonsensical
questions. No sooner did the boy start to behave in this manner, than the
mind-control specialist lost his cool and made threatening remarks. The self-
anointed mind-control specialist failed in this litmus test. “You bet!”

                          Healthy mind = Healthy body

     A healthy mind dwells in a healthy body (i.e., mental and physical
health are undoubtedly connected). Though it sounds prosaic, this statement
is very much applicable to all of us. If your mind is cheerful, you do your
work enjoyably and energetically. If the body is fit and fine, the mind also
remains glowing and enthusiastic. Psychology gives us an insight into how
the body and mind function in a coordinated way.

  Yoga: It aims at correcting disturbances at the psychological, emotional,
and vital energy levels, thus correcting bodily disturbances. Yoga helps us
reach a state of total calmness of mind, giving deep relaxation and rest to the
body. Yoga teaches us to have deeper internal awareness. Awareness is half
the solution to the problem. Self-awareness helps us to change the fixed,
abnormal conditioning of the mind.

              Positive mindset is the prime requirement for success

    Cameron wanted to become successful with every fiber of his being.
Mental strength is by far the best of his qualities.

         Let us scan the achievements of Cameron:

      (1) At the age of 12, he met with a near-fatal accident, one month
          prior to his exams. But he recovered fast (due to the fusion of
          willpower and divine intervention) and did extraordinarily well on
          the exams.
(2) At the age of 14, he learned programming languages like C, C++,
         C#, and Java, and hardware subjects like the microprocessor,
         UNIX, LINUX, signals, and systems. As a result, Microsoft
         conferred on him the title of “Youngest Engineer in the Country.”

     (3) At the age of 20, he had a miraculous recovery from brain

     (4) At the age of 25, he became the highest paid, first-time fiction

     (5) At the age of 33, he lost his better half to cancer. He constructed a
         cancer hospital in her name.

     (6) At the age of 37, he created a search engine with a simpler way of
         procuring information from the Internet.

     (7) At the age of 43, he became the proud owner of a million dollar
         car manufacturing company.

     (8) At the age of 44, he climbed Mount Everest with exuberance and

     (9) At the age of 48, he created an easy and user-friendly operating

     (10) At the age of 53, he became a notable film director by making 3
         blockbusters in 2 years.

        Take the examples of preeminent leaders like Franklin D. Roosevelt,
   Sir Winston Churchill, Clara Barton, Helen Keller, Mahatma Gandhi,
   Mother Teresa, Dr. Albert Schweitzer, and Martin Luther King, Jr.: 25%
   of them had serious physical disabilities and an additional 50% were
   abused as children or were raised in poverty. So what? It wasn’t a big
   deal for them. Their positive mindset led to their huge success.

          A person with a positive mindset has enormous strength. He makes
light of life’s problems with a concerted effort. For him, no situation is “too
big..” He refuses to entertain the possibility of defeat in life. So, folks,
develop a positive mindset. It is the biggest favor you can do to yourself.
Undoubtedly, a positive mindset is the vehicle for success.

     A Harvard University study revealed that 90% of everything a person
achieved after completing formal education, such as money, power,
authority, and fame, was based on a positive mindset, and only 10% was
based on talent or proficiency. They also found there was no connection
between academic results and lifetime earnings.

                      Battles are won and lost in the mind

     There was a Goliath-sized professional WWE (World Wrestling
Entertainment) wrestler of measurable importance living in Alaska. He was
a cult figure. Slobbering over this wrestler, a wiry man went to Alaska (with
a purpose, of course). The wiry man explained his pathetic situation and how
his landlord was threatening to throw him out of his rented house by sending
goons to kill him if he did not vacate it early. The wrestler, even after
hearing this sad story, had no soft spot for the wiry man and did not offer to
help him. This is when the wiry man thought of a plan: He began praising
the wrestler as unrivaled, a man of courage and with guts of steel. This kind
of magnanimous praise prodded the wrestler into helping the wiry man.
From this example, a conclusion can be drawn about two things:

             (a) The wiry man knew how to make impressive maneuvers.
             (b) The wrestler was unknowingly outfoxed by the wiry man.

                               Mind programming

      The human mind is compartmentalized into two parts: the conscious
and the subconscious. The conscious mind controls the limbs and organs of
our body like the movement of hands, legs, mouth, etc. The subconscious
mind is a storeroom of all your beliefs and memories (good ones, bad ones,
and important or not-so-important ones). What you think with your
conscious mind and what you feel with your body controls the activity of
your subconscious mind. It is like the software that directs your computer.

   Example: Let us assume that a farmer has an empty, open field. He
wants to plant something in it. A farmer’s sowing action is like your
conscious mind, and reaping what you have sown is like your subconscious
mind. If the farmer sows grains of rice, he will reap rice in due course.

         The Conscious Mind                   The Subconscious Mind
            Has desires                          Has no desires
            Reasons                              No choice
            Volitional                           Habitual
            Has feelings                         Has no feelings
             Thinks                               Reacts
   Averages about 40 bits of            Averages 4 billion bits of
information per second                  information per second

                         Positive and negative mental states

      There are two states of mind: a positive and a negative mental state.

       People who have a positive mental state attract prosperity, abundance,
and success. They have an “I can and I will” approach. They are always
enthusiastic and expect positive outcomes. On the other hand, people who
have a negative mental state focus on troubles, suffering, defeats, and
failures. Negative factors occupy their minds for long periods of time, and
the same gets mirrored in their actions.

   More and more people ascribe the bad state of their life to destiny. They
blame destiny for acting as the wrecker-in-chief of their dreams. But this is
not true. We are the creators of our own fate. We build our destiny with our
thoughts. The quality of our thoughts determines what we are and what we
ought to be. According to the law of attraction, if you feed positive thoughts
into your mind, good times will be ahead of you. If you allow negative
thoughts to enter your mind, bad times will be on the cards. This is simple
logic understandable to scholar and layman alike!

   GIGO: GIGO, computer parlance, is often discussed under the rubric of
“Mind power.” Spelled out, it goes like this: “Garbage in, Garbage out.”
That’s what computer pundits indicate when a computer is programmed with
the wrong information and as a result yields the wrong information. The
computer is seen as a fixture of modern society that can only work with the
information you give it. The concept of GIGO holds good for the human
mind too, with the relationship between the subconscious and conscious
frequently compared to that between a computer and its programmer. To be
exact, garbage-thinking patterns in, garbage results out, and good-thinking
patterns in, good results out. Therefore, the situation demands that we install
a “firewall” in our brain similar to the one that we have on our computer to
filter what we let in. That way, when a negative thought tries to reach us, we
can envision that firewall doing its job and filtering out the negativity.

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Mind power

  • 1. Mind Power Do you know what your mind is? Do you know where your mind is? Do you know how your mind works? Most people do not know the answers to these questions. The human mind is probably the greatest mystery in the history of mankind. (It is in its own right a Pandora’s box) For years, or ever since the dawn of time, people have been trying to come up with a definite solution or answer to how the mind works, largely to no avail—all due to the simple fact that the human mind holds no boundaries. Explanation of the “Mind” made easy We are an extraordinary creation, aren’t we? We are all endowed with a remarkable, top quality mind, absolutely free of cost! The “mind” denotes generally the capacities for thought, perception, emotion, will, memory, and imagination. No scientifically designed drug or medication works as effectively as mind power. Every man creates a world of heaven or hell out of his mind. His mind determines his life script, expectations, and most of his reality. We can neither give a cold shoulder to nor argue with the mind. We can only obey its orders like an unquestionable, powerless servant. In a way, our minds hold us captive. The power of the mind is like the power of water, which when uncontrolled can wipe out cities. The same power of water, when controlled by a man-made dam, can make land productive, besides producing electricity. The “mind” is also referred to as – (1 ) Intellect (2 ) Psyche (3 ) Gray matter (4 ) Think box Following are some of the most extraordinary minds the world has ever witnessed. These geniuses need no introduction:
  • 2. (1 ) Marie Curie (2 ) Galileo Galilei (3 ) Johannes Kepler (4 ) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (5 ) Alexander Graham Bell (6 ) Charles Darwin (7 ) Leonardo Da Vinci (8 ) Nikola Tesla (9 ) Wernher Von Braun Are you utilizing your mind power sufficiently? A computer is a remarkable invention and can perform numerous tasks, provided you know how to use it. It’s pretty useless otherwise. You don’t need to know how it works, only how to use it. Your mind is a lot like this. Neuroscientists since time immemorial have proclaimed that we only use 10% of our mind power. That’s a slight utilization of mind power. The remaining 90% can be compared to an unused muscle—atrophied. This information can be a real eye opener for many people. Our mind has huge potential, but unfortunately, we are not extracting maximum benefit from it. Throughout life, we have been taught how to do everything, but no one has ever taught us how to use our minds. Note: people who learn how to unleash the power of their mind and use it to its full capacity are the ones who prosper beyond their wildest expectations. It’s not necessary to know how the invisible forces of your mind work. It’s just a matter of simply understanding that what you habitually think about creates your environment and all of your experiences. Wandering mind Consider this example: Your body is sitting in a meeting, but your mind is planning what you’ll cook for dinner. Usually, the mind goes on spinning abundant thoughts, and the mind goes on moving all over the world—in the past and the future. The wandering mind wanders with thoughts. When thoughts arise, they take the mind away. The mind follows its thoughts like a weak man who is easily influenced and follows anyone haphazardly. Blame it on the inner commotion that goes on continuously. A sense of well-being
  • 3. and the ability to think clearly are destroyed whenever thoughts or feelings are turbulent. A sign of things to come! Ordinarily, the mind tends to wander when you are jetlagged (medically referred to as “desynchronosis,” it is a physiological condition that is a consequence of alterations to the circadian rhythms. Jet lag results from rapid long-distance transmeridian travel as on a jet plane), stressed, and in the midst of boring or unpleasant activities. Your mind will wander less when you are in a happy mood, enjoying an activity, or concentrating on the task at hand to the best of your ability. Scrutinize the thoughts that enter your mind. Make them act according to the directions you give and not the other way around. This is an interminable process. Stick with it all the time. Mental discipline of the highest order can prevent the mind from wandering. When the mind is under control, life becomes a joy ride. Happy “mind controlling” exercise! Mind and brain are different Many people walk away with the idea that the brain and the mind are one and the same; they use the words interchangeably. However, this is far from the truth. Cognitive psychologists assert that you use your brain for functions such as to decide what to do when you make a mistake or for mathematical solutions. But you don’t use your mind to do all of that. The mind is like a little-used passageway between the heart and the brain. Using your mind involves connecting the heart (your loves, interests, passions, and beliefs) with the brain (logical thinking and assessment of actions and decisions). It has been said that the human brain processes 100 teraflops; however, the older one gets, the more that appears to be a gross exaggeration! The brain is a physical object that can be seen with the eyes and photographed or operated on in surgery. The mind is not a physical object. It cannot be seen with the eyes, nor can it be photographed or repaired by surgery. Let us compare our body to a guest house, and our mind to a guest dwelling within it. When we die, our mind leaves our body and goes to the next life, just like a guest leaves a guest house and goes somewhere else.
  • 4. Thinking escalated him to great heights A renowned German philosopher named Immanuel Kant used to wake up in the morning at 5 a.m. and flex his thinking muscles for two uninterrupted hours. He didn’t rely on pen and paper—far from it. He sat and thought. Gosh! What an outright, rational thinker. Thinking is the centerpiece for achieving results efficaciously. This seems a bit of an understatement! In fact, thinking is largely helpful for tasting success. So think long and deep. Unlock your genius Mind power has a “mighty” edge over muscle power and money power (an eternal verity). Mind power is the clear-cut, solitary winner. Take the examples of people who achieved greatness due to their mind power: Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Alva Edison, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa. Mind power was the signature of their personalities. You can reach any of your vaulting ambitions in life even if you are cash-strapped or don’t have a physique like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Simply eliminate the word “impossible”—it is highly misleading—from your vocabulary. Prepare your mind for bigger, wonderful things. Don’t set limits on your imagination. Dream big! Gear up for your personal mission. Get to where you were yearning to go. Don’t stop. Continue the journey. Keep bettering yourself. I challenge you to shoot for the moon and achieve extraordinary results in your life. Say au revoir to opacity—think straight Though we are gifted with a wonderful tool called the mind, we are nevertheless afflicted with complexes, doubts, fears, and anxiety that cast a dark shadow on our minds. Certain restraints we impose on ourselves, like “I am an intellectual pygmy,” “I am bored—my life is at a standstill,” “I cannot overcome personal barriers,” etc. stultify the effective operational capacity
  • 5. of our minds. We slip into “psychological paralysis..” As a result, our progressive journey of life comes to a massive dead stop. Investigate the self-destructive phrases that have a stranglehold on your mind. Substitute them with positive autosuggestions. In this way, pre- established, wrong ideas will be permanently removed from your mind. Fuzziness paves the way for enlightenment. Life looks more pleasurable and exciting than ever before. Take a bow for the person you have become today. Nothing better than this could have ever happened to you. Mental agility When you have mental agility, you shine like a resplendent star. You achieve success at supersonic speed. Tips for mental agility: (1) Do crossword puzzles and lateral thinking puzzles, and even solve good riddles. (2) Take IQ and emotional intelligence tests. (3) Take catnaps. (4) Get intellectual stimulation by learning new things. (5) Take much-needed vacation(s). (6) Do mental arithmetic. (7) Eat diet rich in carbohydrates, proteins, and fiber. (8) Play Scrabble, hangman, and dominoes. A person’s efficiency increases after a good mental tune-up. Mind over matter
  • 6. Weston (age 22) was suffering from an acute illness and had one foot in the grave (according to a doctor’s diagnosis), so the doctor saw no hope for his survival. However, Weston begged to differ from his doctor’s view. He was utterly confident in his mind that he still had a long way to go in life. Mind you, he was not giving himself false consolation, and this was proved when he actually made a miraculous recovery from the illness. At age 75, Weston still stands ramrod straight and also has no neurodegenerative diseases of old age. Throughout Pittsburgh (where he lives), he is known by the nickname the “Medical Wonder..” Good books are a repository of positive thoughts Education is not only restricted to acquiring diplomas, degrees, and gold medals, but rather it is a lifelong process by which you can perpetually improve every aspect of your life. Books are a powerful means of spreading knowledge. If a person does not read good books, he’ll forever remain naïve in life. His physical age may go up, but his mental age will be that of a 5-year-old child. The cosmic insight that we gain by reading books is heavenly and incomparable. Books contribute tremendously to a person’s worldview. Be an omnivorous reader. Read a wide variety of books. Keep abreast of the new developments in your field. Have a huge appetite for knowledge. Note: I am not a pedant for claiming that learning only from books is an education. Improve your powers of imagination Imagination is a powerful mental function that allows us to review the past, imagine a potential future, and do things that we sometimes can’t do in the external world. Houses, automobiles, music, books, computers, bridges, cell phones, fast ships, office buildings, etc. are all owed to humanity’s imagination. Imagination is very essential in creative works such as painting, sculpture, musical composition, and literature. Every human being has an
  • 7. innate imagination ability. In some it may be highly developed, and in others it may exist in a weaker form. Imagination exists in various degrees in different people. One day, a man saw his mother’s teakettle boiling. He observed that the lid was rising from the expanding steam. His fine imagination started from this very detail, and he gave to the world—the steam engine. Picture a sea made of smoked salmon, or a village built from cheese, with trees of broccoli—no, this has nothing to do with psychedelia, but rather the fertile imagination of Carl Warner, a British photographer whose portfolio includes “foodscapes” or whimsical “landscapes” made from food. Let your imagination run wild. Swim in the ocean of imagination. Capture the imagination of the entire world by your outstanding achievements. Become success-minded Do you know that your mind is so magnetically powerful that you can attract anything you strongly desire to yourself? Yes, by controlling your mental magnetism. Come to think of it, great people attract high quality things to their life. This is not coincidence or luck. It is the result of preparing their mind to gain abundant personal success. Quite naturally, success comes to those who are conscious of success. Fortune gravitates to the man whose mind is prepared to attract it, just as surely as water gravitates to the ocean. Contemplate on what it is that you want to attract into your life. Is it financial abundance? Vigorous health? Traveling the world? Excelling at a vocation? Whatever it is that you desire, you can achieve it by using mind power. Your mind power is the ultimate source of your success. Mind-control specialist There was a self-anointed mind-control specialist who always used to give edifying speeches on ways to tackle annoying situations with grace and poise. Fed up with his speeches, a boy decided to get under the mind-control specialist’s skin. The boy challenged his friends, saying that he would make
  • 8. that person irritated by his antics. According to the plan, one day, the boy invited this supposedly calm and composed mind-control specialist to his house. The boy requested the mind-control specialist to tutor him regarding “mental stability..” Agreeing to do this, the specialist started the lesson, but the boy, being a prankster, began to nag him by posing nonsensical questions. No sooner did the boy start to behave in this manner, than the mind-control specialist lost his cool and made threatening remarks. The self- anointed mind-control specialist failed in this litmus test. “You bet!” Healthy mind = Healthy body A healthy mind dwells in a healthy body (i.e., mental and physical health are undoubtedly connected). Though it sounds prosaic, this statement is very much applicable to all of us. If your mind is cheerful, you do your work enjoyably and energetically. If the body is fit and fine, the mind also remains glowing and enthusiastic. Psychology gives us an insight into how the body and mind function in a coordinated way. Yoga: It aims at correcting disturbances at the psychological, emotional, and vital energy levels, thus correcting bodily disturbances. Yoga helps us reach a state of total calmness of mind, giving deep relaxation and rest to the body. Yoga teaches us to have deeper internal awareness. Awareness is half the solution to the problem. Self-awareness helps us to change the fixed, abnormal conditioning of the mind. Positive mindset is the prime requirement for success Cameron wanted to become successful with every fiber of his being. Mental strength is by far the best of his qualities. Let us scan the achievements of Cameron: (1) At the age of 12, he met with a near-fatal accident, one month prior to his exams. But he recovered fast (due to the fusion of willpower and divine intervention) and did extraordinarily well on the exams.
  • 9. (2) At the age of 14, he learned programming languages like C, C++, C#, and Java, and hardware subjects like the microprocessor, UNIX, LINUX, signals, and systems. As a result, Microsoft conferred on him the title of “Youngest Engineer in the Country.” (3) At the age of 20, he had a miraculous recovery from brain tuberculosis. (4) At the age of 25, he became the highest paid, first-time fiction writer. (5) At the age of 33, he lost his better half to cancer. He constructed a cancer hospital in her name. (6) At the age of 37, he created a search engine with a simpler way of procuring information from the Internet. (7) At the age of 43, he became the proud owner of a million dollar car manufacturing company. (8) At the age of 44, he climbed Mount Everest with exuberance and vibrancy. (9) At the age of 48, he created an easy and user-friendly operating system. (10) At the age of 53, he became a notable film director by making 3 blockbusters in 2 years. Take the examples of preeminent leaders like Franklin D. Roosevelt, Sir Winston Churchill, Clara Barton, Helen Keller, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Dr. Albert Schweitzer, and Martin Luther King, Jr.: 25% of them had serious physical disabilities and an additional 50% were abused as children or were raised in poverty. So what? It wasn’t a big deal for them. Their positive mindset led to their huge success. A person with a positive mindset has enormous strength. He makes light of life’s problems with a concerted effort. For him, no situation is “too big..” He refuses to entertain the possibility of defeat in life. So, folks,
  • 10. develop a positive mindset. It is the biggest favor you can do to yourself. Undoubtedly, a positive mindset is the vehicle for success. A Harvard University study revealed that 90% of everything a person achieved after completing formal education, such as money, power, authority, and fame, was based on a positive mindset, and only 10% was based on talent or proficiency. They also found there was no connection between academic results and lifetime earnings. Battles are won and lost in the mind There was a Goliath-sized professional WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) wrestler of measurable importance living in Alaska. He was a cult figure. Slobbering over this wrestler, a wiry man went to Alaska (with a purpose, of course). The wiry man explained his pathetic situation and how his landlord was threatening to throw him out of his rented house by sending goons to kill him if he did not vacate it early. The wrestler, even after hearing this sad story, had no soft spot for the wiry man and did not offer to help him. This is when the wiry man thought of a plan: He began praising the wrestler as unrivaled, a man of courage and with guts of steel. This kind of magnanimous praise prodded the wrestler into helping the wiry man. From this example, a conclusion can be drawn about two things: (a) The wiry man knew how to make impressive maneuvers. (b) The wrestler was unknowingly outfoxed by the wiry man. Mind programming The human mind is compartmentalized into two parts: the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious mind controls the limbs and organs of our body like the movement of hands, legs, mouth, etc. The subconscious mind is a storeroom of all your beliefs and memories (good ones, bad ones, and important or not-so-important ones). What you think with your conscious mind and what you feel with your body controls the activity of your subconscious mind. It is like the software that directs your computer. Example: Let us assume that a farmer has an empty, open field. He wants to plant something in it. A farmer’s sowing action is like your
  • 11. conscious mind, and reaping what you have sown is like your subconscious mind. If the farmer sows grains of rice, he will reap rice in due course. The Conscious Mind The Subconscious Mind Has desires Has no desires Reasons No choice Volitional Habitual Has feelings Has no feelings Thinks Reacts Averages about 40 bits of Averages 4 billion bits of information per second information per second Positive and negative mental states There are two states of mind: a positive and a negative mental state. People who have a positive mental state attract prosperity, abundance, and success. They have an “I can and I will” approach. They are always enthusiastic and expect positive outcomes. On the other hand, people who have a negative mental state focus on troubles, suffering, defeats, and failures. Negative factors occupy their minds for long periods of time, and the same gets mirrored in their actions. More and more people ascribe the bad state of their life to destiny. They blame destiny for acting as the wrecker-in-chief of their dreams. But this is not true. We are the creators of our own fate. We build our destiny with our thoughts. The quality of our thoughts determines what we are and what we ought to be. According to the law of attraction, if you feed positive thoughts into your mind, good times will be ahead of you. If you allow negative thoughts to enter your mind, bad times will be on the cards. This is simple logic understandable to scholar and layman alike! GIGO: GIGO, computer parlance, is often discussed under the rubric of “Mind power.” Spelled out, it goes like this: “Garbage in, Garbage out.” That’s what computer pundits indicate when a computer is programmed with the wrong information and as a result yields the wrong information. The computer is seen as a fixture of modern society that can only work with the information you give it. The concept of GIGO holds good for the human
  • 12. mind too, with the relationship between the subconscious and conscious frequently compared to that between a computer and its programmer. To be exact, garbage-thinking patterns in, garbage results out, and good-thinking patterns in, good results out. Therefore, the situation demands that we install a “firewall” in our brain similar to the one that we have on our computer to filter what we let in. That way, when a negative thought tries to reach us, we can envision that firewall doing its job and filtering out the negativity.