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Ch9 Functions
Self Study Note of K. N. King(2008) ‘C Programming A Modern Approach, 2nd Edition’
Ch9 Functions
9.1 Defining and Calling Functions
9.2 Function Declarations
9.3 Arguments
9.4 The return Statement
9.5 Program Termination
9.6 Recursion
Ch9 Functions
• In Chapter2, a function is simply a series of statements that have
been grouped together and given a name
• Although the term “function” comes from mathematics, C functions
don’t always resemble math functions
C functions don’t necessarily have arguments
C functions don’t necessarily compute a value
• Functions are the building blocks of C programs
We can divide a program into small pieces that are easier to understand and
modify using functions
• Functions are reusable
9.1 Defining and Calling Functions: Computing
Return type parameters
Parameters? Arguments?
• There is no general agreement on terminology.
This book Other books
Formal argument
Formal parameter
Actual argument
Actual parameter
9.1 Defining and Calling Functions: Printing a
9.1 Defining and Calling Functions: Printing a
Pun (Revised)
9.1 Defining and Calling Functions: Function
Definitions (1/3)
return-type function-name ( parameters )
• Functions may not return arrays, but there are no other restrictions on the return type
• Specifying that the return type is void indicates that the function doesn’t return a value
• Functions omit the return type
1. In C89 it will return a value of type int
2. In C99 it is illegal
• Some programmers put the return type above the function name
 Especially useful if the return type is lengthy
average (double a, double b)
return (a + b) / 2;
9.1 Defining and Calling Functions: Function
Definitions (2/3)
return-type function-name ( parameters )
• Each parameter is preceded by a specification of its type
 A separate type must be specified for each parameter, even when several parameters have the same type
• Parameters are separated by commas
• The word void should appear between the parentheses if the function has no parameters
double average (double a, b) /* WRONG */
return (a + b) / 2;
9.1 Defining and Calling Functions: Function
Definitions (3/3)
return-type function-name ( parameters )
• The body of a function body may include both declarations and statements
• Variables declared in the body of a function belong exclusively to that function
1. In C89, variable declarations must come first, before all statements in the body of a function
2. In C99, variable declarations and statements can be mixed
• The body of a function whose type is void can be empty
double average (double a, double b)
double sum; /* declaration */
sum = a + b; /* statement */
return sum / 2; /* statement */
void average (double a, double b)
Nested Function Definitions
• Some programming languages allow procedures and functions to be
nested within each other
• C does not permit the definition of one function to appear in the body of
9.1 Defining and Calling Functions: Function
Calls (1/2)
• A functions call consists of a function name followed by a
list of arguments enclosed in parentheses
If the parentheses are missing, the function won’t get called
− If it is a function with void parameter, it is a legal expression statement
but has no effect
− “statement with no effect”
• A call of a void function is always followed by a
semicolon to turn it into a statement
• A call of a non-valid function
average(x, y)
print_count( i )
print_pun( )
print_pun( );
/* WRONG*/
print_count( i );
print_pun( );
avg = average(x, y);
If (average(x, y) > 0)
printf(“Average is positiven”);
printf(“The average is %gn”, average(x, y));
Produces a value that can be stored in a variable,
tested, printed, or used in some other way
The value returned by a non-valid function can
always be discarded if it’s not needed average(x, y); /* discards return value */
Call Function Name without Parentheses Followed
• The compiler treats a function name not followed by parentheses
as a pointer to the function
The compiler can’t automatically assume that a function name without
parentheses is an error
Treats as an expression and makes this function a valid expression
pointers to
9.1 Defining and Calling Functions: Function
Calls (2/2)
• Ignore the return value seems an odd thing to do
• But it makes sense for some functions
− Return the number of characters that it prints
− We may normally discard printf’s return value since we are not interested in the number
of characters printed
C allows to put (void) before the call to make it clear that the return value of a
function is discarded
− Cast (Convert) the return value of the functions to type void
num_char = printf(“Hello World!n”);
printf(“Hello World!n”); /* discards return value */
(void) printf(“Hello World!n”);
Comma in the Function Call
• The arguments in a function call must be assignment expressions
Can’t contain commas used as operators unless they’re enclosed in parentheses
1. The comma is punctuation
2. The comma is an operator
f(a, b);
f( (a, b) );
9.1 Defining and Calling Functions: Testing
Whether a Number Is Prime
9.2 Function Declarations (1/2)
• The definition of function can be placed above the point at which it is called
• What if the function is called before its definition?
The compilers will assume that function returns an int value
− Implicit declaration
The compilers can’t check the passed arguments have the proper type
− It performs the default argument promotions
When the compilers encounter the definition of the function, and the function’s return
type is not the same as the default int type, there will be an error message
• Avoid the problem of call-before-definition
1. Arrange the program so that the definition of each function precedes all its calls
It may make the program harder to understand by putting its function definitions in an unnatural order
2. Declare each function before calling it
9.2 Function Declarations (2/2)
• Function declaration
Provides the compiler with a brief glimpse at a function whose full definition will appear later
Resembles the first line of a function definition with a semicolon added at the end
Must be consistent with the function’s definition
• Function prototype
Provides a complete description of how to call a function
1. How many arguments to supply
2. What their types should be
3. What type of result will be return
Doesn’t have to specify the names of the function’s parameters
− It’s usually best not to omit parameter names
 Document the purpose of each parameter
 Remind the programmer of the order in which arguments must appear when the function is called
− There are legitimate reasons for omitting parameter names, and some programmers prefer to do so
− The parameter names don’t have to match the names given later in the function’s definition
• C99 has adopted the rule that either a declaration or a definition of a function must be
present before any call of the function
Calling a function for which the compiler has not yet seen a declaration or definition is an error
return-type function-name ( parameters );
double average(double, double);
double average(double a, double b);
double average( );
double average(double a, double b);
Typically for defensive purposes
• If a macro happens to have the same name as
a parameter, the parameter name will be
replaced during preprocessing
• Damage the prototype in which it appears
Function Prototypes
• Put all of the function definitions before main don’t cover all problems
Some of the functions may call each other
Two functions can call each other
It won’t be feasible to put all the functions in one file
That’s why the function prototype is needed
• This declaration informs the compiler average returns a double value but
provides no information about the number and types of its parameters
• This form of function declaration is the only one allowed in K&R C
• The function prototype which parameter information is included was introduce
in C89
double average();
Function Declarations in the Body
• Nested Function Definitions
Some programming languages allow procedures and functions to be nested
within each other
C does not permit the definition of one function to appear in the body of another
• Function Declarations in the body of other functions
Is legal
The declaration is only valid in the body of this function
It is clearer to the reader which functions call which other functions
It can be a nuisance if several functions need to call in the same function
Maintenance may be hard
int main(void)
double average(double a, double a);
Combining Function Declarations
• If several functions have the same return type, we can do the combined
functions declarations
• Isn’t a good idea since it can easily cause confusion
void print_pun(void);
void print_count(int n);
void print_pun(void), print_count(int n);
9.3 Arguments (1/2)
• Parameters appear in function definitions
Dummy names that represent values to be supplied when the function is called
• Arguments are expressions appear in function calls
• Pass by value
When a function is called, each argument is evaluated and its value assigned to
the corresponding parameter
Any changes made to the parameter during the execution of the function don’t
affect the argument
9.3 Arguments (2/2)
• Pass by value
1. Advantage
We can use parameters as variables within the function
Reducing the number of genuine variable needed
2. Disadvantage
Since a function can’t return two numbers, we might try passing a pair of variables to the
function and having it modify them: Pass by address Pass by address
9.3 Arguments: Argument Conversions
• C allows function calls in which the types of the arguments don’t
match the type of the parameters
• Rules for argument conversion
1. The compiler has encountered a prototype prior to the call
The value of each argument is implicitly converted to the type of the corresponding
parameter as if by assignment
2. The compiler has not encountered a prototype prior to the call
The compiler performs the default argument promotions
a. float argument are converted to double
b. The integral promotions are performed
− char and short arguments to be converted to int
Rely on the default argument promotions is dangerous
int main(void)
double x = 3.0;
printf(“Square: %dn”, square(x) );
return 0;
int square(int n )
return n * n;
• The compiler expects an argument of type int for square
• But has given a double value instead: Calling square is undefined
1. Casting
2. Provide a prototype
before calling functions
9.3 Arguments: Array Arguments (1/2)
1. When a function parameter is a one-dimensional array
• The length of the array can be left unspecified
• The length of an array needed to pass as an additional argument
• A function has no way to check the correctness of array length
• We can also omit the parameter names for the prototype
• Don’t put brackets after an array name when passing it to a function
• A function is allowed to change the elements of an array parameter
The change is reflected in the corresponding argument
int f (int a[ ])
/* no length specified */
sizeof cannot give the correct answer for an array parameter
int sum_array(int a[], int n);
int sum_array(int [], int );
total = sum_array(b[], LEN); /* WRONG */
Be careful not to tell a function that an array argument is larger than it really is
 Will cause undefined behavior
Specify a Length for A One-Dimensional Array
• The compiler will ignore it
• Will misleading in that it suggests that inner_product can only be passed
arrays of length 3, when in fact we can pass arrays of arbitrary length
• Only be helpful for documentation
double inner_product (double v[3], double w[3]);
9.3 Arguments: Array Arguments (2/2)
2. When a function parameter is a multidimensional array
• Only the length of the first dimension may be omitted when the parameter is
Can work around this difficulty by using arrays of pointers
C99’s VLA parameters provide an even better solution to the problem
Arrays of pointers
Why only the first dimension in an array parameter can be left unspecified?
• When a array is passed to a function, the function is given a pointer to the first element in the array
• Compiler needs the length of other dimensions to compute the address
9.3 Arguments: Variable-Length Array
• There is no direct link between n and the length of the array a
• Using a variable-length array parameter, we can explicitly state that VLA b’s
length is n
The value of the first parameter (n) specifies the length of the second parameter (b)
Order is important
There are several ways to write the prototype for this function
The length of VLA can be any expression
There is no additional error-checking
Also can be used in multidimensional VLA
int sum_array (int a[ ], int n) {
int sum_array (int n, int b[n]) {
int sum_array (int n, int c[n]); /* version 1 */
int sum_array (int n, int d[*]); /* version 2a */
int sum_array (int n, int [*]); /* version 2b */
int sum_array (int n, int e[ ]); /* version 3a */
int sum_array (int , int [ ]); /* version 3b */
int concatenate (int m, int n, int a[m], int b[n], int c[m+n])
9.3 Arguments: Using static in Array Parameter
• C99 allows to use the keyword static in the declaration of array
Allow a C compiler to generate faster instructions for accessing the array
− It can arrange to “prefetch” these elements from memory when the function is called,
before the elements are actually needed by statements within the function
static can be used only in the first dimension
int sum_array (int a[static 3], int n)
/* The length of array a is guaranteed to be at least 3 */
9.3 Arguments: Compound Literals
• In C99, we can using compound literal
Unnamed array that is created “on the fly” by simply specifying which elements it
Can determine the length of array or not which will be determined by the number of
elements in the literal
Consist of a type name within parentheses, followed by a set of values enclosed by braces
Compound literals and initializers obey the same rules
− A compound literal may contain designators
− Any uninitialized elements default to zero
Created inside a function may contain arbitrary expressions, not just constants
Is an lvalue
− The values of its elements can be changed
Can be made “read-only” by adding the word const to its type
int b[ ] = {3, 0, 3, 4, 1};
total = sum_array(b, 5);
total = sum_array((int []){3, 0, 3, 4, 1}, 5);
(int[10]) {8, 6}
9.4 The return Statements
• A non-void function must use the return statement to specify what value it will return
• The expression is often just a constant or variable
• More complex expressions are possible
• If the type of the expression in a return statement doesn’t match the function’s return
Implicitly conversion
• return statements may appear in functions whose return type is void, provide that no
expression is given
• If a non-void function reaches the end of its body and fails to execute a return statement
The behavior of the program is undefined if it attempts to use the value returned by the function
“control reached end of non-void function” in C89
return expression;
Why happens if a non-void functions attempts to execute a return
statement that has no expression?
• In C89, causes undefined behavior
• In C99, is illegal and should be detect as an error by the compiler
The compiler notice that function
doesn’t have a return statement
return Statements with Parentheses
• Why do some programmers put parentheses around the expression in a
return statement?
The examples of the first edition of K&R always have parentheses in return
9.5 Program Termination
• main function must have a return type
The return type of main is normally int
Older C programs often omit main’s return type
− Default return type is int
Can’t omit main’s return type in C99
− Omit the word void in main’s parameter list remains legal
− There are sometimes two main’s parameters: argc and argv
•The value returned by main is a status code
Can be tested when the program terminates in some operating systems
1. Return 0 if the program terminates normally
2. Return a value other than 0 to indicate abnormal termination
argc and argv
9.5 Program Termination: The exit Function
• Another way to terminate the program is to call the exit function
Belongs to <stdlib.h>
The argument passed to exit has the same meaning as main’s return value
− EXIT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE are macros defined in <stdlib.h>
• The difference between return and exit is that
exit causes program termination regardless of which function calls it
The return statement causes program termination only when it appears in the
main function
Ch26.2exit (0); /* normal termination */
exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); /* normal termination */
exit (EXIT_FAILURE); /* abnormal termination */
9.6 Recursion
• A function is recursive if it calls itself
• Some programming languages rely heavily on recursion, while others
don’t even allow it
C falls somewhere in the middle
• All recursive functions need some kind of termination condition in
order to prevent infinite recursion
int fact (int n)
if ( n <= 1 )
return 1;
return n * fact (n – 1);
9.6 Recursion: The Quicksort Algorithm
• Recursion is more helpful for sophisticated algorithms that require a
function to call itself two or more times
Often arise as a result of an algorithm design technique know as decide-and-
− A large problem is divided into smaller pieces that are then tackled by the same
• Quicksort
Randomly choose one number called as pivot
(Partition) Rearrange sequence to let:
− All of the numbers in the pivot’s left are smaller than pivot
− All of the numbers in the pivot’s right are larger than pivot
Sort every sub-sequence recursively until there is no sub-sequence
9.6 Recursion: The Quicksort Algorithm
• Hoare Partition Scheme
9.6 Recursion: Quicksort
Partitioning Algorithm
Sort small arrays with other methods
Making Quicksort non-recursive
Pivot choosing

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Ch9 Functions

  • 1. SC, Chen Ch9 Functions Self Study Note of K. N. King(2008) ‘C Programming A Modern Approach, 2nd Edition’
  • 2. Ch9 Functions 9.1 Defining and Calling Functions 9.2 Function Declarations 9.3 Arguments 9.4 The return Statement 9.5 Program Termination 9.6 Recursion
  • 3. Ch9 Functions • In Chapter2, a function is simply a series of statements that have been grouped together and given a name • Although the term “function” comes from mathematics, C functions don’t always resemble math functions C functions don’t necessarily have arguments C functions don’t necessarily compute a value • Functions are the building blocks of C programs We can divide a program into small pieces that are easier to understand and modify using functions • Functions are reusable
  • 4. 9.1 Defining and Calling Functions: Computing Averages Return type parameters body arguments
  • 5. Parameters? Arguments? • There is no general agreement on terminology. This book Other books parameter Formal argument Formal parameter argument Actual argument Actual parameter
  • 6. 9.1 Defining and Calling Functions: Printing a Countdown
  • 7. 9.1 Defining and Calling Functions: Printing a Pun (Revised)
  • 8. 9.1 Defining and Calling Functions: Function Definitions (1/3) return-type function-name ( parameters ) { declarations statements } • Functions may not return arrays, but there are no other restrictions on the return type • Specifying that the return type is void indicates that the function doesn’t return a value • Functions omit the return type 1. In C89 it will return a value of type int 2. In C99 it is illegal • Some programmers put the return type above the function name  Especially useful if the return type is lengthy double average (double a, double b) { return (a + b) / 2; }
  • 9. 9.1 Defining and Calling Functions: Function Definitions (2/3) return-type function-name ( parameters ) { declarations statements } • Each parameter is preceded by a specification of its type  A separate type must be specified for each parameter, even when several parameters have the same type • Parameters are separated by commas • The word void should appear between the parentheses if the function has no parameters double average (double a, b) /* WRONG */ { return (a + b) / 2; }
  • 10. 9.1 Defining and Calling Functions: Function Definitions (3/3) return-type function-name ( parameters ) { declarations statements } • The body of a function body may include both declarations and statements • Variables declared in the body of a function belong exclusively to that function 1. In C89, variable declarations must come first, before all statements in the body of a function 2. In C99, variable declarations and statements can be mixed • The body of a function whose type is void can be empty double average (double a, double b) { double sum; /* declaration */ sum = a + b; /* statement */ return sum / 2; /* statement */ } void average (double a, double b) { }
  • 11. Nested Function Definitions • Some programming languages allow procedures and functions to be nested within each other • C does not permit the definition of one function to appear in the body of another
  • 12. 9.1 Defining and Calling Functions: Function Calls (1/2) • A functions call consists of a function name followed by a list of arguments enclosed in parentheses If the parentheses are missing, the function won’t get called − If it is a function with void parameter, it is a legal expression statement but has no effect − “statement with no effect” • A call of a void function is always followed by a semicolon to turn it into a statement • A call of a non-valid function average(x, y) print_count( i ) print_pun( ) print_pun( ); /* WRONG*/ print_count( i ); print_pun( ); avg = average(x, y); If (average(x, y) > 0) printf(“Average is positiven”); printf(“The average is %gn”, average(x, y)); Produces a value that can be stored in a variable, tested, printed, or used in some other way The value returned by a non-valid function can always be discarded if it’s not needed average(x, y); /* discards return value */
  • 13. Call Function Name without Parentheses Followed • The compiler treats a function name not followed by parentheses as a pointer to the function The compiler can’t automatically assume that a function name without parentheses is an error Treats as an expression and makes this function a valid expression statement pointers to functions Ch17.7 expression statements Ch4.5 print_pun;
  • 14. 9.1 Defining and Calling Functions: Function Calls (2/2) • Ignore the return value seems an odd thing to do • But it makes sense for some functions printf − Return the number of characters that it prints − We may normally discard printf’s return value since we are not interested in the number of characters printed C allows to put (void) before the call to make it clear that the return value of a function is discarded − Cast (Convert) the return value of the functions to type void num_char = printf(“Hello World!n”); printf(“Hello World!n”); /* discards return value */ (void) printf(“Hello World!n”);
  • 15. Comma in the Function Call • The arguments in a function call must be assignment expressions Can’t contain commas used as operators unless they’re enclosed in parentheses 1. The comma is punctuation 2. The comma is an operator f(a, b); f( (a, b) );
  • 16. 9.1 Defining and Calling Functions: Testing Whether a Number Is Prime
  • 17. 9.2 Function Declarations (1/2) • The definition of function can be placed above the point at which it is called • What if the function is called before its definition? The compilers will assume that function returns an int value − Implicit declaration The compilers can’t check the passed arguments have the proper type − It performs the default argument promotions When the compilers encounter the definition of the function, and the function’s return type is not the same as the default int type, there will be an error message • Avoid the problem of call-before-definition 1. Arrange the program so that the definition of each function precedes all its calls It may make the program harder to understand by putting its function definitions in an unnatural order 2. Declare each function before calling it default argument promotions Ch9.3
  • 18. 9.2 Function Declarations (2/2) • Function declaration Provides the compiler with a brief glimpse at a function whose full definition will appear later Resembles the first line of a function definition with a semicolon added at the end Must be consistent with the function’s definition • Function prototype Provides a complete description of how to call a function 1. How many arguments to supply 2. What their types should be 3. What type of result will be return Doesn’t have to specify the names of the function’s parameters − It’s usually best not to omit parameter names  Document the purpose of each parameter  Remind the programmer of the order in which arguments must appear when the function is called − There are legitimate reasons for omitting parameter names, and some programmers prefer to do so − The parameter names don’t have to match the names given later in the function’s definition • C99 has adopted the rule that either a declaration or a definition of a function must be present before any call of the function Calling a function for which the compiler has not yet seen a declaration or definition is an error return-type function-name ( parameters ); double average(double, double); double average(double a, double b); double average( ); double average(double a, double b); Typically for defensive purposes • If a macro happens to have the same name as a parameter, the parameter name will be replaced during preprocessing • Damage the prototype in which it appears
  • 19. Function Prototypes • Put all of the function definitions before main don’t cover all problems Some of the functions may call each other Two functions can call each other It won’t be feasible to put all the functions in one file That’s why the function prototype is needed • This declaration informs the compiler average returns a double value but provides no information about the number and types of its parameters • This form of function declaration is the only one allowed in K&R C • The function prototype which parameter information is included was introduce in C89 double average();
  • 20. Function Declarations in the Body • Nested Function Definitions Some programming languages allow procedures and functions to be nested within each other C does not permit the definition of one function to appear in the body of another • Function Declarations in the body of other functions Is legal The declaration is only valid in the body of this function It is clearer to the reader which functions call which other functions It can be a nuisance if several functions need to call in the same function Maintenance may be hard int main(void) { double average(double a, double a); … }
  • 21. Combining Function Declarations • If several functions have the same return type, we can do the combined functions declarations • Isn’t a good idea since it can easily cause confusion void print_pun(void); void print_count(int n); void print_pun(void), print_count(int n);
  • 22. 9.3 Arguments (1/2) • Parameters appear in function definitions Dummy names that represent values to be supplied when the function is called • Arguments are expressions appear in function calls • Pass by value When a function is called, each argument is evaluated and its value assigned to the corresponding parameter Any changes made to the parameter during the execution of the function don’t affect the argument
  • 23. 9.3 Arguments (2/2) • Pass by value 1. Advantage We can use parameters as variables within the function Reducing the number of genuine variable needed 2. Disadvantage Since a function can’t return two numbers, we might try passing a pair of variables to the function and having it modify them: Pass by address Pass by address Ch11.4
  • 24. 9.3 Arguments: Argument Conversions • C allows function calls in which the types of the arguments don’t match the type of the parameters • Rules for argument conversion 1. The compiler has encountered a prototype prior to the call The value of each argument is implicitly converted to the type of the corresponding parameter as if by assignment 2. The compiler has not encountered a prototype prior to the call The compiler performs the default argument promotions a. float argument are converted to double b. The integral promotions are performed − char and short arguments to be converted to int Rely on the default argument promotions is dangerous int main(void) { double x = 3.0; printf(“Square: %dn”, square(x) ); return 0; } int square(int n ) { return n * n; } • The compiler expects an argument of type int for square • But has given a double value instead: Calling square is undefined 1. Casting 2. Provide a prototype before calling functions
  • 25. 9.3 Arguments: Array Arguments (1/2) 1. When a function parameter is a one-dimensional array • The length of the array can be left unspecified • The length of an array needed to pass as an additional argument • A function has no way to check the correctness of array length • We can also omit the parameter names for the prototype • Don’t put brackets after an array name when passing it to a function • A function is allowed to change the elements of an array parameter The change is reflected in the corresponding argument int f (int a[ ]) /* no length specified */ { … } sizeof cannot give the correct answer for an array parameter int sum_array(int a[], int n); int sum_array(int [], int ); total = sum_array(b[], LEN); /* WRONG */ Be careful not to tell a function that an array argument is larger than it really is  Will cause undefined behavior Ch12.3
  • 26. Specify a Length for A One-Dimensional Array Parameter • The compiler will ignore it • Will misleading in that it suggests that inner_product can only be passed arrays of length 3, when in fact we can pass arrays of arbitrary length • Only be helpful for documentation double inner_product (double v[3], double w[3]);
  • 27. 9.3 Arguments: Array Arguments (2/2) 2. When a function parameter is a multidimensional array • Only the length of the first dimension may be omitted when the parameter is declared Can work around this difficulty by using arrays of pointers C99’s VLA parameters provide an even better solution to the problem Arrays of pointers Ch13.7 Why only the first dimension in an array parameter can be left unspecified? • When a array is passed to a function, the function is given a pointer to the first element in the array • Compiler needs the length of other dimensions to compute the address
  • 28. 9.3 Arguments: Variable-Length Array Parameters • There is no direct link between n and the length of the array a • Using a variable-length array parameter, we can explicitly state that VLA b’s length is n The value of the first parameter (n) specifies the length of the second parameter (b) Order is important There are several ways to write the prototype for this function The length of VLA can be any expression There is no additional error-checking Also can be used in multidimensional VLA C99 int sum_array (int a[ ], int n) { … } int sum_array (int n, int b[n]) { … } int sum_array (int n, int c[n]); /* version 1 */ int sum_array (int n, int d[*]); /* version 2a */ int sum_array (int n, int [*]); /* version 2b */ int sum_array (int n, int e[ ]); /* version 3a */ int sum_array (int , int [ ]); /* version 3b */ int concatenate (int m, int n, int a[m], int b[n], int c[m+n])
  • 29. 9.3 Arguments: Using static in Array Parameter Declarations • C99 allows to use the keyword static in the declaration of array parameters Allow a C compiler to generate faster instructions for accessing the array − It can arrange to “prefetch” these elements from memory when the function is called, before the elements are actually needed by statements within the function static can be used only in the first dimension C99 int sum_array (int a[static 3], int n) /* The length of array a is guaranteed to be at least 3 */ { … }
  • 30. 9.3 Arguments: Compound Literals • In C99, we can using compound literal Unnamed array that is created “on the fly” by simply specifying which elements it contains Can determine the length of array or not which will be determined by the number of elements in the literal Consist of a type name within parentheses, followed by a set of values enclosed by braces Compound literals and initializers obey the same rules − A compound literal may contain designators − Any uninitialized elements default to zero Created inside a function may contain arbitrary expressions, not just constants Is an lvalue − The values of its elements can be changed Can be made “read-only” by adding the word const to its type C99 int b[ ] = {3, 0, 3, 4, 1}; total = sum_array(b, 5); total = sum_array((int []){3, 0, 3, 4, 1}, 5); (int[10]) {8, 6} designated initializers Ch8.1 lvalues Ch4.2
  • 31. 9.4 The return Statements • A non-void function must use the return statement to specify what value it will return • The expression is often just a constant or variable • More complex expressions are possible • If the type of the expression in a return statement doesn’t match the function’s return type Implicitly conversion • return statements may appear in functions whose return type is void, provide that no expression is given • If a non-void function reaches the end of its body and fails to execute a return statement The behavior of the program is undefined if it attempts to use the value returned by the function “control reached end of non-void function” in C89 return expression; Why happens if a non-void functions attempts to execute a return statement that has no expression? • In C89, causes undefined behavior • In C99, is illegal and should be detect as an error by the compiler The compiler notice that function doesn’t have a return statement
  • 32. return Statements with Parentheses • Why do some programmers put parentheses around the expression in a return statement? The examples of the first edition of K&R always have parentheses in return statements
  • 33. 9.5 Program Termination • main function must have a return type The return type of main is normally int Older C programs often omit main’s return type − Default return type is int Can’t omit main’s return type in C99 − Omit the word void in main’s parameter list remains legal − There are sometimes two main’s parameters: argc and argv •The value returned by main is a status code Can be tested when the program terminates in some operating systems 1. Return 0 if the program terminates normally 2. Return a value other than 0 to indicate abnormal termination argc and argv Ch13.7
  • 34. 9.5 Program Termination: The exit Function • Another way to terminate the program is to call the exit function Belongs to <stdlib.h> The argument passed to exit has the same meaning as main’s return value − EXIT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE are macros defined in <stdlib.h> − EXIT_SUCCESS is 0 while EXIT_FAILURE is 1 • The difference between return and exit is that exit causes program termination regardless of which function calls it The return statement causes program termination only when it appears in the main function <stdlib.h> header Ch26.2exit (0); /* normal termination */ exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); /* normal termination */ exit (EXIT_FAILURE); /* abnormal termination */
  • 35. 9.6 Recursion • A function is recursive if it calls itself • Some programming languages rely heavily on recursion, while others don’t even allow it C falls somewhere in the middle • All recursive functions need some kind of termination condition in order to prevent infinite recursion int fact (int n) { if ( n <= 1 ) return 1; else return n * fact (n – 1); }
  • 36. 9.6 Recursion: The Quicksort Algorithm • Recursion is more helpful for sophisticated algorithms that require a function to call itself two or more times Often arise as a result of an algorithm design technique know as decide-and- conquer − A large problem is divided into smaller pieces that are then tackled by the same algorithm • Quicksort Randomly choose one number called as pivot (Partition) Rearrange sequence to let: − All of the numbers in the pivot’s left are smaller than pivot − All of the numbers in the pivot’s right are larger than pivot Sort every sub-sequence recursively until there is no sub-sequence
  • 37. 9.6 Recursion: The Quicksort Algorithm • Hoare Partition Scheme
  • 38. 9.6 Recursion: Quicksort Partitioning Algorithm Sort small arrays with other methods Making Quicksort non-recursive Pivot choosing

Editor's Notes

  1. example
  2. examples
  3. The original partition scheme described by C.A.R. Hoare uses two indices that start at the ends of the array being partitioned, then move toward each other, until they detect an inversion. Hoare’s scheme is more efficient than Lomuto’s partition scheme because it does three times fewer swaps on average, and it creates efficient partitions even when all values are equal. hoare的partition实现方式 i从前往后找到大于pivot的元素,j从后往前找到小于pivot的元素,然后两者swap. Lomuto partition This scheme is attributed to Nico Lomuto and popularized by Bentley in his book lomuto的partition实现方式 i指示最前面的大于pivot的元素位置,j从前往后滑动来调整元素位置。每次j碰到小于pivot的元素,则swap i位置的元素和j位置的元素,再i指向下一个大于pivot的元素。 最后,记得swap i位置的元素和最末尾的元素。