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A cephalometric superimposition is an analysis of
lateral cephalograms of the same patient taken at
different times.
◦ Evaluate a patients growth pattern at different ages
◦ To evaluate changes in basal and dentoalveolar
relationships after treatment
◦ To quantify growth and treatment changes in
dentoalveolar and basal relationships.
Method of superimposing radiographs
Superimposing on a stable plane or structure
Registration on a stable landmark
Validity and reproducibility
Validity: it is the extent to which the value obtained
represents the object of interest.
◦ Planes and landmarks should be anatomically
valid and should agree with the anatomic
structures they represent
Reproducibility: it is the closeness of successive
measurements of the same object.
Methods of assessing
Dentofacial changes
Study of changes in dentofacial dimensions using
cephalometric superimposition have shown varying results
Brodie and broadbent have shown that dentofacial growth
patterns are established at a very early age and thereafter
are subject to proportional changes.
Downs and Rickkets pointed out that several angles and
dimensions change with age but in an orderly and
progressive manner
Hellman suggested that the infant face is transformed into
that of an adult face by increase in size by changes in
proportion and by adjustment in position.
Areas studied to assess changes due to growth or
treatment or both include:
◦ Changes in the overall face
◦ Changes in the maxilla and it’s dentition
◦ Changes in the mandible and its dentition
◦ Amount and direction of condylar growth
◦ Mandibular rotation
Color coding of consecutive cephalograms
suggested by ABO:
◦ Pretreatment – black
◦ Progress – blue
◦ End of treatment – red
◦ Retention - green
◦ Overall assessment of growth and treatment
changes of the facial structures
◦ Amount of change in direction of displacement
and growth of maxilla and mandible.
◦ Changes in soft tissue
◦ Changes in maxillo mandibular relationship
◦ Overall displacement of teeth.
Reference planes for superimposition-
a review
Bolton-nasion plane Broadbent
Basion nasion plane Ricketts
Anterior cranial base De coster
Sella nasion line ABO 1990
Basion horizontal Coben
a)Bolton nasion plane
Superimposition at registration point R with Bolton-nasion planes parallel
Reference plane : Bolton –Nasion plane
Registration point: midpoint of perpendicular
drawn from ‘S’ to the bolton nasion plane.
Among the first structures used for superimposition,
Broadbent based this method on observations of
dried skulls and a comparative study of cranial base
planes (Bolton-nasion, porion-nasion, sella-nasion)
in persons 3 to 18 years of age.
Bolton point may be obscured by Mastoid
Shows the downward and forward growth of the
face from beneath the cranium.
b)Sella nasion plane:
SN is a frequently used reference line that has been reported
to be relatively stable.
Reference plane- SN line
Registration point-sella
Both points S and N are located in the midsagittal
plane and are displaced a minimal degree by
movement of the head.
Steiner used SN with registration point at
sella to evaluate sagittal changes in mandibular
positions and at nasion to evaluate the position of
the maxilla through changes in the SNA angle
Unlike Steiner, Björk used sella as
registration point to assess changes in
position of both jaws.
He stated that an upward or
downward displacement of nasion may occur
with growth at the frontonasal suture.
Likewise, a posterior displacement of sella
may be induced by the remodeling of
dorsum sellae connected with the increased
size of the pituitary gland.
Sella nasion line- ABO 1990
-Shows the amount of growth change between two
serial radiographs.
-Accurate as long as the growth at the nasion is a
linear extension of the sella nasion line.
c) Basion horizontal
Coben presented the Basion horizontal concept.
Reference plane-
Plane constructed at the basion parallel
to the foramen magnum.
Registration point- basion
The SN planes are made parallel by the help of the
Basion horizontal line and it’s constant
relationship with SN.
A coordinate grid system is used to superimpose the
d) Basion - Nasion plane:
Suggested by Ricketts
Reference plane-basion nasion plane
Reference point- ‘cc’ - point of intersection
between the basion nasion plane and the
Rickett’s facial axis
He considered Ba-N plane as a line of separation
of the face from the skull and hence a basic cranial
axis for growth and structural reference.
Based on studies of laminograph
sections, Ricketts suggested that the cranial base
angle, while constant on average, exhibits a change
of 5° in either direction over a 3-year period
One may doubt the
reliability of this axis because
growth at nasion is subjected to
individual variations.
Moreover, the position of
basion is influenced by
remodeling processes on the
clivus surface and on the anterior
border of the foramen magnum
associated with growth in the SOS.
e) De Coster line
It is the sella tursica – ethmoid line.
Reliability of the various cranial base reference
planes used.
For meaningful interpretations of superimpositions they
have to be registered on stable reference landmarks.
Cranial base superimpositions are subject to error due to
the continued growth of the sos (Knott).
Bone remodelling at sella and nasion are also responsible
for further errors.
Nasion position can change in a vertical direction
(Nelson and Knott).
Melsen’s study on human autopsy material has
shown that the position of sella may change in a downward
or a downward and backward direction.
He also showed that the position of Basion changed due to
remodelling of the clivus.
The Bolton point could be difficult to locate in
children due to the shadow of the mastoid process
Nelson’s cephalometric study and Melsen’s
histological study on human autopsy materials
have reveled a few stable structures in the anterior
cranial base for use in superimposition.
◦ Anterior wall of sella tursica
◦ The contour of the cribriform plate of the ethmoid
◦ Trabecular system of the ethmoid air cells
◦ The median border of the orbital roof
◦ Planum sphenoidale
Superimposition methods to study
Maxillary superimposition
Palatal plane registered at ANS
anterior surface of maxilla and
point A moved posteriorly.
Downs and Brodie
on the nasal floors with
films registered at the
anterior surface of the
(Eliminate appositional
changes at ANS.)
along the palatal plane
registered at the
Superimposed the
infra-temporal fossa at
the posterior portion of
the hard palate.
registered at the common
Ptm cordinate maintaining
the basion horizontal
Superimposition on the
best fit of the internal
palatal structures.
Bjork and skeiller
Superimposition on
metallic implants
1.5 X 0.5
The structural
superimposition on the
anterior surface of the
zygomatic process of the
(Bjork and Skeiler)
According to Bjork and Skieller
Remodelling involves resorptive lowering of the
nasal floor which is greater anteriorly than
Zygomatic process underwent remodelling in the
superior part of the orbital floor and the most
inferior part of the key ridge.
Hard palate undergoes continuous resorption on its
nasal floor and apposition on the oral side.-
superimpositions are unsatisfactory
ANS and PNS undergo significant remodelling.
The best fit method provides a higher degree of
validity compared to ANS -PNS.
Two methods of maxillary superimposition
1.Structural method
2.Best fit method.
Structural method
Superimposition on the anterior contour of the
zygomatic process of maxilla.
This area is relatively stable after 8 yrs.
•On both the pretreatment
and post-treatment
•1.Trace anterior contour of
the zygomatic process
•2.Draw a line tangent to it –
construction line
•3.Trace the orbit, palate,
N-S line
Assessing maxillary rotation
•The pretreatment and post-treatment cephalograms
are superimposed on the construction line.
The amount of apposition at the orbital floor is
The superimposition is moved so that the amount of
resorption is equal to the amount of apposition at
the nasal floor.
The two tracing are stabilised.
The angle formed by the two S-N line gives the
amount of maxillary rotation.
Best fit method
If the zygomatic
process of maxilla is
not clearly defined
then the best fit
method is used.
The superimpositions
are made on the nasal
and palatal surfaces of
the hard palate that is
not influenced by tooth
•On the pretreatment and post-treatment cephalogram
maxillary structures are traced.
•The 2nd tracing is placed over the 1st tracing for best fit
alignment of
-the contour of the oral part of the palate
-the contour of the nasal floor.
-the entrance of the incisal canal.
The best fit method has low degree of validity and
minimum degree of reproducibility
Neilsen on a study of various maxillary
superimposition techniques concluded that:
◦ The best fit method significantly under estimates the
vertical displacement of skeletal and dental landmarks
◦ With the implant method and the structural method ANS
showed twice as much vertical displacement as PNS
◦ Structural method and implant method did not show any
significant differences
◦ The structural method is a valid method of assessing
maxillary growth and treatment changes
Mandibular superimposition
Bjork’s reference planes
:Stable areas for
1.Anterior contour of the chin
2.The inner contour of the
cortical plates at the inferior
border of the symphysis
3.Contours of the mandibular
4.Lower contour of the
mineralized molar tooth germ
Reference plane for mandibular superimposition –
 The mandibular plane between menton and
Tangent to the lower border.
The Mandibular outline
Bjork’s four stable
landmarks are marked
on the pretreatment
and post-treatment
The two cephalograms
are superimposed .
•This method gives a
medium to high
degree of validity and
•Mandibular rotations
are evaluated by
changes in N-S lines.
•The angle between
the two line gives the
amount of mandibular
The mandibular superimposition method
advocated by the ABO is to register on the internal
cortical outline of the symphysis with the best fit
on the mandibular canal to assess mandibular
tooth movement and incremental growth of the
Methods to assess growth vs treatment
Though the techniques described till now will assess
the amount of growth changes in a given duration of time or
the overall changes of treatment and growth during a given
treatment period they do not however differentiate between
changes produced due to growth and changes produced due
to treatment.
The following cephalometric analyses help us to assess
treatment changes against the background of natural growth
of the individual
Superimposition methods to study
treatment changes
Rickett’s twelve factor summary
Ricketts’ approach to selection of landmarks and
parameters was primarily based on the pattern of facial
Two types of landmarks were used by him .
The first types were skeletal landmarks and second dental
His 11 factor analysis of skeleton and dental relationship
later had the addition of 12th factor which encompasses
evaluation of soft tissue profile.
Rickett’s 12 factor summary analysis
Rickett’s five position analysis
The analysis is based on Rickkets short
term growth forecasting data which was obtained
on patients – both male and female of different
ages and growth patterns undergoing orthodontic
Takes into consideration two superimposition
areas to evaluate orthopedic change and two
superimposition areas to evaluate orthodontic
change against growth.
Five areas of superimposition within which are a
total of seven areas of evaluation are used to
evaluate amount and direction,
change in normal growth and
change due to treatment.
Rickett’s five position analysis
Position 1
Position 2
Position 3
Position 4
Position 5
Pitchfork analysis
The pitchfork analysis was developed by Johnston in
Used to describe the
treatment effects of
different treatment
strategies used to correct
Class II patients
Data recorded in the form
of a pitch fork
The pitchfork analysis requires that one measures
skeletal changes as actual physical displacement, rather
than apparent change in the position of a landmark due
to surface remodeling.
The pitchfork analysis employs three general
superimpositions – cranial base, maxilla and mandible.
Cranial Base
The reference structures employed are: the anterior
wall of sella turcica, the greater wings of sphenoid,
the cribriform plate, the orbital roof and the inner
surface of frontal bone.
Registration is based on the zygomatic process of the maxilla
(‘key ridge’) and the curvature of the palate.
Orientation is based on the superior and inferior surfaces of
the posterior hard palate.
W – maxillary advancement
relative to cranial base (MAX).
D – mandibular displacement
relative to maxilla (ABCH).
Both the measurements are
made parallel to MFOP
Registration is achieved by aligning the bony architecture of the
facial half of the symphysis.
Orientation is by aligning the mandibular canal or the molar tooth
germs. However, these details are often absent, difficult to see, or
distorted in the cephalogram.
In these cases, the mandibular plane can be used as a substitute
orientation line.
Mandibular regional superimposition
Measurement of change
Although the face undergoes widespread change during
orthodontic treatment, only effects that are felt at the level of
occlusion can have direct impact on the molar and incisor
For this reason, the Pitchfork analysis measures change
projected onto the plane of occlusion (i.e. parallel to the occlusal
The Pitchfork analysis uses a ‘functional’ occlusal plane (FOP)
which is defined as: “the average occlusal plane of the buccal
teeth, including canine and the first permanent molar”.
The FOP is a best-fit line passing through the occlusal overlap in
the region of the first molars, premolars and canines.
It is insensitive to incisor movement, it is representative of the
bulk of the buccal occlusion, and it is relatively stable over time.
When a two-film series is to be analyzed, the maxillae are
superimposed, and the two FOP are averaged by inspection to
yield a mean functional occlusal plane (MFOP).
When more than two films need to be analyzed, the MFOP is
obtained by averaging the initial and final functional occlusal
After establishing the MFOP, regional superimposition within
cranial base, maxilla and mandible is used to measure the various
components of antero-posterior change.
In the anterior cranial base, ‘wing point’
(W, the point at which the averaged outline of the
greater wings of the sphenoid crosses the jugum
sphenoidale) serves as the registration point, and is
used here as the cranial base reference point from
which maxillary and mandibular displacement are
Jaw growth/displacement relative
to cranial base
To measure displacement of the maxilla relative to
cranial base (MAX), the maxillary fiducial lines are
superimposed and the separation of the W points is
measured parallel to MFOP.
The separation of the D points is measured parallel
to MFOP.
This measurement represents apical base change
(ABCH), the growth/displacement of the mandible
relative to the maxillary basal bone
Thus, the mandibular displacement relative to cranial
base (MAND) can be estimated by:
These three measurements abstract the sagittal growth
of the jaws and, together with tooth movement, account
for change in molar relationship and overjet.
Tooth movement relative to basal bone.
Tooth movement is measured parallel to MFOP.
Molar crown movement is measured at the mesial contact
Root movement is measured from the point at which the long
axis is crossed by a line drawn between the apices of the
buccal roots.
Crown(total) movement is the algebraic sum of root (bodily)
movement and a component of tipping. Thus, tipping
component can be estimated by subtracting root movement
from crown movement.
Incisal movement is estimated by the displacement of the incisal edges of the
upper and lower central incisors.
Molar relationship and overjet change.
The change in molar relationship is measured by registration on
the mesial contact point of one molar (upper or lower) and
then measuring the separation of the contact point on the
The change in overjet is measured by registering on the
averaged incisal edge of the upper or lower incisors and then
measuring the displacement of the averaged incisal edge in the
other arch.
Mandibular tooth movement is measured with reference to an orientation on
MFOP and a registration on a perpendicular from MFOP erected through D.
Over-jet change
Pancherz analysis
For all the linear measurements on the before- and after-
treatment tracings,
the occlusal line (OL) and the occlusal line perpendicular
(Olp) from the first head film were used as a reference grid.
The grid was transferred from the first tracing to the second
tracing by superimposition of the tracings on the nasion-
sella line (NSL) with sella (s) as registration point.
All measurements were done parallel to OL
1. is/OLp minus
ii/OLp— Overjet.
2. ms/OLp minus
mi/OLp— Molar
relation (a positive
value indicates a distal
relation; a negative
value indicates a
normal relation).
Skeletal measuring points
3.sp/OLp— Position of
the maxillary base.— Position of
the mandibular base.— Position of
the condylar head. + ar/OLp—
Mandibular length.— Position of the
maxillary central incisor.
8.ii/OLp— Position of the
mandibular central incisor.— Position of the
maxillary permanent first
10.mi/OLp— Position of the
mandibular permanent first
Changes in the different measuring points in relation to OL,
occurring during the examination period were registered by
calculating the difference (d) in landmark position.
Changes in variables 3 to 6 represent skeletal changes,
while changes in variables 7 to 10 represent a composite
picture of skeletal and dental changes.
Variables for dental changes within the maxilla and
mandible were obtained by the following calculations
(variables 11 to 14)
•11. is/OLp (d) minus sp/OLp (d)—
Change in position of the maxillary
central incisor within the maxilla.
•12. ii/OLp (d) minus pg/OLp (d)—
Change in position of the mandibular
central incisor within the mandible.
•13. ms/OLp (d) minus sp/OLp (d)—
Change in position of the maxillary
permanent first molar within the maxilla.
•14. mi/OLp(d) minus pg/OLp(d)—
Change in position of the mandibular
permanent first molar within the
The OL/OLp reference system was chosen for
the following reasons
(1) The system is close to the problem area.
(2) The system is consistent.
The main reference point sella (s) is relatively stable
(3) All registrations are performed to only one reference line
(OLp) .
This makes it possible to relate alterations in the occlusion to
skeletal and/or dental changes and to assess the
interrelationship between these changes in and between the
two jaws.
I-point and I-curve superimposition
Standerwick et al. proposed a new orientation
plane for the purpose of cephalometric
The ACB is oriented parallel and referenced at
I-point/I-curve on the occipital condyles (OCs),
from which the other landmarks are measured
Landmarks for the use of the OC as a posterior cranial base
reference are I-point, U-point, and I-curve (Ic).
Occipital point O′ is the intersection of the ventrocaudal
contour and the anterior outlines of the OCs.
1. It was found that I-point registered superimpositions
consistently displayed a facial growth pattern that was
more consistent with the classic necropsy specimens of
children and the cephalometric studies superimposing on
implant markers.
2. By superimposition at I-point, the physiologic movement
of sella turcica, development of the airway and proportional
craniofacial development is better displayed than with
traditional ACB superimposition
Superimposition requirements of
American Board of Orthodontics
ABO guide lines recommend use of the same template to
trace the maxillary and mandibular incisor and molars so as
to maintain consistency in shape and size of teeth.
The soft tissue outline of the facial profile is required for
each tracing.
The FH line is drawn on all tracings.
Craniofacial tracings are superimposed on the anterior
cranial base (ACB).
Automatic superimpositions
The process is conducted in three stages.
Stage I: To digitise and calibrate the cephalogram through the
CCD camera, in case images are not digital.
Stage II: To extract the feature curves for the cranial base using
the best orient edge detector and Hough transform, and for the
mandible using the Laplacian of Gaussian and grouping.
Stage III: To automate the superimposition based on the clinically
available procedure and finally to display the associated results.
This procedure should typically take 5–6 min of computation.
Chen et al. reported a high precision with this method which for
the cranial base superimposition was about 0.312 cm, and the
mandible was about 0.005 cm
(A) The feature curve obtained using the grouping method.
(B) (B) The final result for mandible cephalometric superimposition.
3D superimposition
The superimposition of 3D CBCT images is used for
evaluation of growth related changes and evaluation of
treatment effects.
3D CBCT images from two different time points can be
superimposed using landmark based method or
mathematical algorithm methods.
In landmark based method, three are more landmarks on
two or more CBCT images are used for superimposition.
Once the initial superimposition is made, the software
program allows operator to move the CBCT images
manually for further fine tuning
The mathematical methods include:
1) voxel based superimposition,
2) software based technique using information
3) ICP method,
4) triple voxel based superimposition.
Voxel based superimposition method is an automated
computerised superimposition method, which eliminates
observer dependent landmark plotting.
In this method the stable anatomical structures, ACB, grey
values of each voxels between two CBCT images are
compared by the software program
In this way the software computes the rotation and
translation required in three dimensions to align the post
treatment CBCT images according to pre-treatment CBCT
It does not depend on the precision of the 3D surface
Cephalometric superimposition has been extensively
used to assess growth and treatment changes since its
introduction and has been a major research tool in the
hands of orthodontists.
Serial cephalograms have been superimposed on
stable cranial points to study changes in the face, jaws and
The 3D visualisation and volume rendering images
obtained through CBCT have opened up new vistas of
studies in craniofacial morphology and studies on growth.

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  • 3. INTRODUCTION A cephalometric superimposition is an analysis of lateral cephalograms of the same patient taken at different times. Uses: ◦ Evaluate a patients growth pattern at different ages ◦ To evaluate changes in basal and dentoalveolar relationships after treatment ◦ To quantify growth and treatment changes in dentoalveolar and basal relationships.
  • 4. Method of superimposing radiographs Superimposing on a stable plane or structure
  • 5. Registration on a stable landmark
  • 6. Validity and reproducibility Validity: it is the extent to which the value obtained represents the object of interest. ◦ Planes and landmarks should be anatomically valid and should agree with the anatomic structures they represent Reproducibility: it is the closeness of successive measurements of the same object.
  • 7. Methods of assessing Dentofacial changes Study of changes in dentofacial dimensions using cephalometric superimposition have shown varying results Brodie and broadbent have shown that dentofacial growth patterns are established at a very early age and thereafter are subject to proportional changes. Downs and Rickkets pointed out that several angles and dimensions change with age but in an orderly and progressive manner Hellman suggested that the infant face is transformed into that of an adult face by increase in size by changes in proportion and by adjustment in position.
  • 8. Areas studied to assess changes due to growth or treatment or both include: ◦ Changes in the overall face ◦ Changes in the maxilla and it’s dentition ◦ Changes in the mandible and its dentition ◦ Amount and direction of condylar growth ◦ Mandibular rotation
  • 9. Color coding of consecutive cephalograms suggested by ABO: ◦ Pretreatment – black ◦ Progress – blue ◦ End of treatment – red ◦ Retention - green
  • 10. Objectives ◦ Overall assessment of growth and treatment changes of the facial structures ◦ Amount of change in direction of displacement and growth of maxilla and mandible. ◦ Changes in soft tissue ◦ Changes in maxillo mandibular relationship ◦ Overall displacement of teeth.
  • 11. Reference planes for superimposition- a review Bolton-nasion plane Broadbent Basion nasion plane Ricketts Anterior cranial base De coster Sella nasion line ABO 1990 Basion horizontal Coben
  • 12. a)Bolton nasion plane Superimposition at registration point R with Bolton-nasion planes parallel
  • 13. Reference plane : Bolton –Nasion plane Registration point: midpoint of perpendicular drawn from ‘S’ to the bolton nasion plane.
  • 14. Among the first structures used for superimposition, Broadbent based this method on observations of dried skulls and a comparative study of cranial base planes (Bolton-nasion, porion-nasion, sella-nasion) in persons 3 to 18 years of age. Bolton point may be obscured by Mastoid Shows the downward and forward growth of the face from beneath the cranium.
  • 16. SN is a frequently used reference line that has been reported to be relatively stable. Reference plane- SN line Registration point-sella
  • 17. Both points S and N are located in the midsagittal plane and are displaced a minimal degree by movement of the head. Steiner used SN with registration point at sella to evaluate sagittal changes in mandibular positions and at nasion to evaluate the position of the maxilla through changes in the SNA angle
  • 18. Unlike Steiner, Björk used sella as registration point to assess changes in position of both jaws. He stated that an upward or downward displacement of nasion may occur with growth at the frontonasal suture. Likewise, a posterior displacement of sella may be induced by the remodeling of dorsum sellae connected with the increased size of the pituitary gland.
  • 19. Sella nasion line- ABO 1990 -Shows the amount of growth change between two serial radiographs. -Accurate as long as the growth at the nasion is a linear extension of the sella nasion line.
  • 20. c) Basion horizontal Coben presented the Basion horizontal concept.
  • 21. Reference plane- Plane constructed at the basion parallel to the foramen magnum. Registration point- basion .
  • 22. The SN planes are made parallel by the help of the Basion horizontal line and it’s constant relationship with SN. A coordinate grid system is used to superimpose the radiographs.
  • 23. d) Basion - Nasion plane: Suggested by Ricketts
  • 24. Reference plane-basion nasion plane Reference point- ‘cc’ - point of intersection between the basion nasion plane and the Rickett’s facial axis
  • 25. He considered Ba-N plane as a line of separation of the face from the skull and hence a basic cranial axis for growth and structural reference. Based on studies of laminograph sections, Ricketts suggested that the cranial base angle, while constant on average, exhibits a change of 5° in either direction over a 3-year period
  • 26. One may doubt the reliability of this axis because growth at nasion is subjected to individual variations. Moreover, the position of basion is influenced by remodeling processes on the clivus surface and on the anterior border of the foramen magnum associated with growth in the SOS.
  • 27. e) De Coster line It is the sella tursica – ethmoid line.
  • 28. Reliability of the various cranial base reference planes used. For meaningful interpretations of superimpositions they have to be registered on stable reference landmarks. Cranial base superimpositions are subject to error due to the continued growth of the sos (Knott). Bone remodelling at sella and nasion are also responsible for further errors. Nasion position can change in a vertical direction (Nelson and Knott).
  • 29. Melsen’s study on human autopsy material has shown that the position of sella may change in a downward or a downward and backward direction. He also showed that the position of Basion changed due to remodelling of the clivus. The Bolton point could be difficult to locate in children due to the shadow of the mastoid process
  • 30. Nelson’s cephalometric study and Melsen’s histological study on human autopsy materials have reveled a few stable structures in the anterior cranial base for use in superimposition. ◦ Anterior wall of sella tursica ◦ The contour of the cribriform plate of the ethmoid ◦ Trabecular system of the ethmoid air cells ◦ The median border of the orbital roof ◦ Planum sphenoidale
  • 32. Maxillary superimposition Broadbent Palatal plane registered at ANS anterior surface of maxilla and point A moved posteriorly.
  • 33. Downs and Brodie Superimposition on the nasal floors with films registered at the anterior surface of the maxilla (Eliminate appositional changes at ANS.)
  • 34. Moore Superimposition along the palatal plane registered at the pterygomaxillary fissure
  • 35. Reidel Superimposed the infra-temporal fossa at the posterior portion of the hard palate.
  • 36. Coben Superimpostion registered at the common Ptm cordinate maintaining the basion horizontal relationship.
  • 37. McNamara Superimposition on the best fit of the internal palatal structures.
  • 38. Bjork and skeiller Superimposition on metallic implants TANTALUM PINS- 1.5 X 0.5
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  • 41. The structural superimposition on the anterior surface of the zygomatic process of the maxilla (Bjork and Skeiler)
  • 42. According to Bjork and Skieller Remodelling involves resorptive lowering of the nasal floor which is greater anteriorly than posteriorly. Zygomatic process underwent remodelling in the superior part of the orbital floor and the most inferior part of the key ridge.
  • 43. Hard palate undergoes continuous resorption on its nasal floor and apposition on the oral side.- superimpositions are unsatisfactory ANS and PNS undergo significant remodelling. The best fit method provides a higher degree of validity compared to ANS -PNS.
  • 44. Two methods of maxillary superimposition 1.Structural method 2.Best fit method.
  • 45. Structural method BJORK & SKEILLER 1977 Superimposition on the anterior contour of the zygomatic process of maxilla. This area is relatively stable after 8 yrs.
  • 46. •On both the pretreatment and post-treatment cephalogram •1.Trace anterior contour of the zygomatic process •2.Draw a line tangent to it – construction line •3.Trace the orbit, palate, N-S line
  • 47. Assessing maxillary rotation •The pretreatment and post-treatment cephalograms are superimposed on the construction line. • The amount of apposition at the orbital floor is obtained. • The superimposition is moved so that the amount of resorption is equal to the amount of apposition at the nasal floor.
  • 48. The two tracing are stabilised. The angle formed by the two S-N line gives the amount of maxillary rotation.
  • 50. Best fit method MCNAMARA 1981 If the zygomatic process of maxilla is not clearly defined then the best fit method is used. The superimpositions are made on the nasal and palatal surfaces of the hard palate that is not influenced by tooth movement.
  • 51. •On the pretreatment and post-treatment cephalogram maxillary structures are traced. •The 2nd tracing is placed over the 1st tracing for best fit alignment of -the contour of the oral part of the palate -the contour of the nasal floor. -the entrance of the incisal canal. The best fit method has low degree of validity and minimum degree of reproducibility
  • 52. Neilsen on a study of various maxillary superimposition techniques concluded that: ◦ The best fit method significantly under estimates the vertical displacement of skeletal and dental landmarks ◦ With the implant method and the structural method ANS showed twice as much vertical displacement as PNS ◦ Structural method and implant method did not show any significant differences ◦ The structural method is a valid method of assessing maxillary growth and treatment changes
  • 53. Mandibular superimposition Bjork’s reference planes :Stable areas for superimposition: 1.Anterior contour of the chin 2.The inner contour of the cortical plates at the inferior border of the symphysis 3.Contours of the mandibular canal 4.Lower contour of the mineralized molar tooth germ
  • 54. Reference plane for mandibular superimposition – Salzmann1972  The mandibular plane between menton and gonion. Tangent to the lower border. The Mandibular outline
  • 55. Bjork’s four stable landmarks are marked on the pretreatment and post-treatment cephalogram. The two cephalograms are superimposed .
  • 56. •This method gives a medium to high degree of validity and reproducibility •Mandibular rotations are evaluated by changes in N-S lines. •The angle between the two line gives the amount of mandibular rotation.
  • 57. The mandibular superimposition method advocated by the ABO is to register on the internal cortical outline of the symphysis with the best fit on the mandibular canal to assess mandibular tooth movement and incremental growth of the mandible
  • 58. Methods to assess growth vs treatment changes Though the techniques described till now will assess the amount of growth changes in a given duration of time or the overall changes of treatment and growth during a given treatment period they do not however differentiate between changes produced due to growth and changes produced due to treatment. The following cephalometric analyses help us to assess treatment changes against the background of natural growth of the individual
  • 59. Superimposition methods to study treatment changes
  • 60. Rickett’s twelve factor summary analysis Ricketts’ approach to selection of landmarks and parameters was primarily based on the pattern of facial growth. Two types of landmarks were used by him . The first types were skeletal landmarks and second dental landmarks. His 11 factor analysis of skeleton and dental relationship later had the addition of 12th factor which encompasses evaluation of soft tissue profile.
  • 61. Rickett’s 12 factor summary analysis
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  • 76. Rickett’s five position analysis The analysis is based on Rickkets short term growth forecasting data which was obtained on patients – both male and female of different ages and growth patterns undergoing orthodontic treatment. Takes into consideration two superimposition areas to evaluate orthopedic change and two superimposition areas to evaluate orthodontic change against growth.
  • 77. Five areas of superimposition within which are a total of seven areas of evaluation are used to evaluate amount and direction, change in normal growth and change due to treatment.
  • 78. Rickett’s five position analysis Position 1
  • 83. Pitchfork analysis The pitchfork analysis was developed by Johnston in 1985
  • 84. Used to describe the treatment effects of different treatment strategies used to correct Class II patients Data recorded in the form of a pitch fork
  • 85. Superimposition The pitchfork analysis requires that one measures skeletal changes as actual physical displacement, rather than apparent change in the position of a landmark due to surface remodeling. The pitchfork analysis employs three general superimpositions – cranial base, maxilla and mandible.
  • 86. Cranial Base The reference structures employed are: the anterior wall of sella turcica, the greater wings of sphenoid, the cribriform plate, the orbital roof and the inner surface of frontal bone.
  • 87. Maxilla Registration is based on the zygomatic process of the maxilla (‘key ridge’) and the curvature of the palate. Orientation is based on the superior and inferior surfaces of the posterior hard palate.
  • 88. W – maxillary advancement relative to cranial base (MAX). D – mandibular displacement relative to maxilla (ABCH). Both the measurements are made parallel to MFOP
  • 89. Mandible Registration is achieved by aligning the bony architecture of the facial half of the symphysis. Orientation is by aligning the mandibular canal or the molar tooth germs. However, these details are often absent, difficult to see, or distorted in the cephalogram. In these cases, the mandibular plane can be used as a substitute orientation line.
  • 91. Measurement of change Although the face undergoes widespread change during orthodontic treatment, only effects that are felt at the level of occlusion can have direct impact on the molar and incisor relationships. For this reason, the Pitchfork analysis measures change projected onto the plane of occlusion (i.e. parallel to the occlusal plane).
  • 92. The Pitchfork analysis uses a ‘functional’ occlusal plane (FOP) which is defined as: “the average occlusal plane of the buccal teeth, including canine and the first permanent molar”. The FOP is a best-fit line passing through the occlusal overlap in the region of the first molars, premolars and canines. It is insensitive to incisor movement, it is representative of the bulk of the buccal occlusion, and it is relatively stable over time.
  • 93. When a two-film series is to be analyzed, the maxillae are superimposed, and the two FOP are averaged by inspection to yield a mean functional occlusal plane (MFOP). When more than two films need to be analyzed, the MFOP is obtained by averaging the initial and final functional occlusal planes. After establishing the MFOP, regional superimposition within cranial base, maxilla and mandible is used to measure the various components of antero-posterior change.
  • 94. In the anterior cranial base, ‘wing point’ (W, the point at which the averaged outline of the greater wings of the sphenoid crosses the jugum sphenoidale) serves as the registration point, and is used here as the cranial base reference point from which maxillary and mandibular displacement are measured. Jaw growth/displacement relative to cranial base
  • 95. To measure displacement of the maxilla relative to cranial base (MAX), the maxillary fiducial lines are superimposed and the separation of the W points is measured parallel to MFOP. The separation of the D points is measured parallel to MFOP. This measurement represents apical base change (ABCH), the growth/displacement of the mandible relative to the maxillary basal bone
  • 96. Thus, the mandibular displacement relative to cranial base (MAND) can be estimated by: MAND = ABCH – MAX These three measurements abstract the sagittal growth of the jaws and, together with tooth movement, account for change in molar relationship and overjet.
  • 97. Tooth movement relative to basal bone. Tooth movement is measured parallel to MFOP. Molar crown movement is measured at the mesial contact point. Root movement is measured from the point at which the long axis is crossed by a line drawn between the apices of the buccal roots. Crown(total) movement is the algebraic sum of root (bodily) movement and a component of tipping. Thus, tipping component can be estimated by subtracting root movement from crown movement.
  • 98. Incisal movement is estimated by the displacement of the incisal edges of the upper and lower central incisors.
  • 99. Molar relationship and overjet change. The change in molar relationship is measured by registration on the mesial contact point of one molar (upper or lower) and then measuring the separation of the contact point on the other. The change in overjet is measured by registering on the averaged incisal edge of the upper or lower incisors and then measuring the displacement of the averaged incisal edge in the other arch.
  • 100. Mandibular tooth movement is measured with reference to an orientation on MFOP and a registration on a perpendicular from MFOP erected through D.
  • 102. Pancherz analysis For all the linear measurements on the before- and after- treatment tracings, the occlusal line (OL) and the occlusal line perpendicular (Olp) from the first head film were used as a reference grid. The grid was transferred from the first tracing to the second tracing by superimposition of the tracings on the nasion- sella line (NSL) with sella (s) as registration point. All measurements were done parallel to OL
  • 103.
  • 104. 1. is/OLp minus ii/OLp— Overjet. 2. ms/OLp minus mi/OLp— Molar relation (a positive value indicates a distal relation; a negative value indicates a normal relation).
  • 105. Skeletal measuring points 3.sp/OLp— Position of the maxillary base.— Position of the mandibular base.— Position of the condylar head. + ar/OLp— Mandibular length.
  • 106.— Position of the maxillary central incisor. 8.ii/OLp— Position of the mandibular central incisor.— Position of the maxillary permanent first molar. 10.mi/OLp— Position of the mandibular permanent first molar
  • 107. Changes in the different measuring points in relation to OL, occurring during the examination period were registered by calculating the difference (d) in landmark position. Changes in variables 3 to 6 represent skeletal changes, while changes in variables 7 to 10 represent a composite picture of skeletal and dental changes. Variables for dental changes within the maxilla and mandible were obtained by the following calculations (variables 11 to 14)
  • 108. •11. is/OLp (d) minus sp/OLp (d)— Change in position of the maxillary central incisor within the maxilla. •12. ii/OLp (d) minus pg/OLp (d)— Change in position of the mandibular central incisor within the mandible. •13. ms/OLp (d) minus sp/OLp (d)— Change in position of the maxillary permanent first molar within the maxilla. •14. mi/OLp(d) minus pg/OLp(d)— Change in position of the mandibular permanent first molar within the mandible.
  • 109. The OL/OLp reference system was chosen for the following reasons (1) The system is close to the problem area. (2) The system is consistent. The main reference point sella (s) is relatively stable (3) All registrations are performed to only one reference line (OLp) . This makes it possible to relate alterations in the occlusion to skeletal and/or dental changes and to assess the interrelationship between these changes in and between the two jaws.
  • 110. I-point and I-curve superimposition Standerwick et al. proposed a new orientation plane for the purpose of cephalometric superimposition. The ACB is oriented parallel and referenced at I-point/I-curve on the occipital condyles (OCs), from which the other landmarks are measured
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  • 112. Landmarks for the use of the OC as a posterior cranial base reference are I-point, U-point, and I-curve (Ic). Occipital point O′ is the intersection of the ventrocaudal contour and the anterior outlines of the OCs.
  • 113. Advantages 1. It was found that I-point registered superimpositions consistently displayed a facial growth pattern that was more consistent with the classic necropsy specimens of children and the cephalometric studies superimposing on implant markers. 2. By superimposition at I-point, the physiologic movement of sella turcica, development of the airway and proportional craniofacial development is better displayed than with traditional ACB superimposition
  • 114. Superimposition requirements of American Board of Orthodontics ABO guide lines recommend use of the same template to trace the maxillary and mandibular incisor and molars so as to maintain consistency in shape and size of teeth. The soft tissue outline of the facial profile is required for each tracing. The FH line is drawn on all tracings. Craniofacial tracings are superimposed on the anterior cranial base (ACB).
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  • 116. Automatic superimpositions The process is conducted in three stages. Stage I: To digitise and calibrate the cephalogram through the CCD camera, in case images are not digital. Stage II: To extract the feature curves for the cranial base using the best orient edge detector and Hough transform, and for the mandible using the Laplacian of Gaussian and grouping. Stage III: To automate the superimposition based on the clinically available procedure and finally to display the associated results. This procedure should typically take 5–6 min of computation. Chen et al. reported a high precision with this method which for the cranial base superimposition was about 0.312 cm, and the mandible was about 0.005 cm
  • 117. (A) The feature curve obtained using the grouping method. (B) (B) The final result for mandible cephalometric superimposition.
  • 118. 3D superimposition The superimposition of 3D CBCT images is used for evaluation of growth related changes and evaluation of treatment effects. 3D CBCT images from two different time points can be superimposed using landmark based method or mathematical algorithm methods. In landmark based method, three are more landmarks on two or more CBCT images are used for superimposition. Once the initial superimposition is made, the software program allows operator to move the CBCT images manually for further fine tuning
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  • 120. The mathematical methods include: 1) voxel based superimposition, 2) software based technique using information therapy, 3) ICP method, 4) triple voxel based superimposition.
  • 121. Voxel based superimposition method is an automated computerised superimposition method, which eliminates observer dependent landmark plotting. In this method the stable anatomical structures, ACB, grey values of each voxels between two CBCT images are compared by the software program In this way the software computes the rotation and translation required in three dimensions to align the post treatment CBCT images according to pre-treatment CBCT image. It does not depend on the precision of the 3D surface models.
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  • 123. CONCLUSION Cephalometric superimposition has been extensively used to assess growth and treatment changes since its introduction and has been a major research tool in the hands of orthodontists. Serial cephalograms have been superimposed on stable cranial points to study changes in the face, jaws and dentition. The 3D visualisation and volume rendering images obtained through CBCT have opened up new vistas of studies in craniofacial morphology and studies on growth.