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Internet/Excel Exercises, page 434, text
Record your findings in a Word document and submit it online
IBM has substantial operations in many countries, including the
United States, Canada, and Germany. Go
1. Click on Historical Prices. (Or apply this exercise to a
different MNC.) Set the date range so that you can obtain
quarterly values of the U.S. stock index for the last 20 quarters.
Insert the quarterly data on a spreadsheet. Compute the
percentage change in IBM’s stock price for each quarter. Next
go to and click (under U.S.) on
S&P Composite 1500 Index, which represents the U.S. stock
market index, so that you can derive the quarterly percentage
change in the U.S. stock index over the last 20 quarters. Then
run a regression analysis with IBM’s quarterly return
(percentage change in stock price) as the dependent variable and
the quarterly percentage change in the U.S. stock market’s value
as the independent variable. (Appendix C explains how Excel
can be used to run regression analysis.) The slope coefficient
serves as an estimate of the sensitivity of IBM’s value to the
U.S. market returns. Also, check the fit of the relationship
based on the R-squared statistic.
2. Go to and click (under
“Europe”) on DAX, which represents the German stock market
index. Repeat the process described in exercise 1 so that you
can assess IBM’s sensitivity to the German stock market.
Compare the slope coefficient between the two analyses. Is
IBM’s value more sensitive to the U.S. market or the German
market? Does the U.S. market or the German market explain a
higher proportion of the variation in IBM’s returns (check
the R-squared statistic)? Offer an explanation of your results.
Lab 5 Database Security
Use the script from week 1 for the week 5 lab.
1. Create four new users
a. The first user will have full rights to the database
b. The second user grant access to the Client’s table and allow
them the rights to INSERT data into the clients table
c. The third user grant rights to create user logins and reset
d. The fourth user grant column rights to the Course_Activity
table allow access to the Course Code and Grade column.
Allow user to UPDATE a maximum of 5 times per hour.
2. Login with each user to demonstrate the rights you have
given them
a. User 1 login and create a VIEW for user 2 that just displays
the Client table
b. User 2 login and add 3 more clients to the Clients table
c. User 3 login create two new users
d. User 4 login and UPDATE two new entries for Course Code
and Grade Column for Client 1 and 2
e. For each user run the Show Privileges command to show
correct rights and permissions have been applied
3. Show Log Files: For each user show log files (since we do
not have MySQL Enterprise we cannot use the Audit function
but as a substitute we can use the built-in log file function)
4. Create a Stored Procedure with User 1 that displays describes
the database and grant user 3 access to the stored procedure.
5. Login with user 3 and demonstrate calling the Store
Procedure created in step 4.
6. Login with User 2 run an ALTER TABLE command on the
COURSE table and show results.
7. Login with User 4 and run an UPDATE command on
Course_Activity for client 1 and 2 on column Activity Code and
show results.
McAfee Audit Module Download and Installation (all
8. CHECKPOINT QUESTION: In order to proceed with the
installation of the McAfee Audit Plugin for MySQL, you will
need to gather some additional information. These checkpoint
questions will help you to clarify this task: What version of
LINUX are you running, and how do you determine this? Are
you running a 32-bit or 64-bit version of the Operating system,
and how do you determine this? How can you obtain/Where can
you download an appropriate version of the McAfee Audit
Plugin for your use? Once downloaded, how do you unpack the
package to access the plugin components? What is the path of
the plugin directory into which you must copy the
unpacked/unzipped plugin? Record your answers to these
questions, and paste them into your lab report. Download,
unpack, and copy all files where they belong. (Hint: If you are
unable to find a pre-built installation options through your
desktop controls, such as Ubuntu Software Center, you can also
download the package using a browser, or by using the wget
command line interface statement. This latter statement would
begin similar to: sudo wget…)
9. CHECKPOINT QUESTION: The installation of the plugin
is done from within the MySQL console. What is the command
you must issue to install the plugin? Record your answer in your
lab report.
10. Issue the MySQL console command to install the plugin.
11. From the MySQL console, issue the command: show
plugins;. Take a screenshot showing your successful results, and
paste it into your lab report.
Configuring the McAfee Audit Module (all environments)
12. CHECKPOINT QUESTION: Even though the McAfee
Audit Plugin in now installed, it is not yet monitoring things as
we would wish. First, the Plugin must be configured. Research
what events the plugin is capable of logging, and how to edit
the configuration to log them. What command must be entered
or what files edited in order to cause the plugin to log the
following events: Connect, Quit, Failed Login, Insert, Drop,
Create? Record the exact steps you must take and the
commands you must enter in order to begin logging the events
specified. Next, consider what actions you would need to take
to generate each of these events, and document your plan for
doing so. Paste both the configuration steps, and the commands
you will execute to test the logging of each event into your lab
13. Execute each of the actions planned in the previous step to
generate an event in the audit log.
14. Determine the location of the audit log (this is commonly
/var/lib/mysql/mysql-audit.json). Display the log contents, and
analyze them to show that each event you triggered appears in
the log. Note: the log file format is not optimized for human
readability. The default format generated by this plugin is a
.json file, which is easily read and processed for many purposes,
including generating pager or system alerts, automated threat
responses, as well as reporting. Reporting software that uses
such logs is known as Security Information and Event
Management (SIEM) software. You may also find utilities that
will read and format .json file format into a layout that is easier
for humans to read. In any event, take screen shots of your log
results, and annotate them to show that each of the required
events was captured by the log. Paste a copy of this result into
your lab report.
15. CHECKPOINT QUESTION: What has been achieved by
this lab, and what steps would remain to provide a
comprehensive security system, including reporting, monitoring,
alerting, and Automated Threat Response (automatic
countermeasures)? In your answer, give an example of a
specific example of each of these, and discuss how it would
operate (e.g., an Automated Threat Response might be to
disable a user account, or to dynamically add a firewall rule
rejecting any further traffic from a specific host computer from
which a prohibited event was generated). Record your answer in
the lab report.
Make sure to provide screenshots either from the command line
or workbench demonstrating each of these steps.
-- Table `CLIENT`
-- -----------------------------------------------------
-- -----------------------------------------------------
-- Table `COURSE`
-- -----------------------------------------------------
-- -----------------------------------------------------
-- -----------------------------------------------------
-- -----------------------------------------------------
-- Table `CORP_EXTRACT1`
-- -----------------------------------------------------
SET [email protected]_SQL_MODE;
SET [email protected]_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS;
SET [email protected]_UNIQUE_CHECKS;
-- CLIENT rows --
INSERT INTO CLIENT VALUES('C2122542','Bryson, Inc.'
,'Smithson','[email protected]' ,'DBA',47);
INSERT INTO CLIENT VALUES('C2122356','SuperLoo, Inc.'
,'Flushing','[email protected]' ,'DBA',38);
,'Singh' ,'[email protected]' ,'EAI',42);
INSERT INTO CLIENT VALUES('C2134452','Gomez Bros.'
,'Ortega' ,'[email protected]' ,'DBA',39);
INSERT INTO CLIENT VALUES('C2256716','Dome Supply'
,'Smith' ,'[email protected]' ,'ADM',41);
-- COURSE rows --
,'2005-10-03','Phung' ,'Kaanapali');
DBA' ,'2005-11-23','Browne' ,'San Mateo');
,'2005-11-30','Luss' ,'Danbury');
,'2006-01-08','Fiorillo' ,'Paramus');
,'2006-02-28','Majmundar' ,'Racine');
-- CORP_EXTRACT1 rows --
('001','C2122542','Smithson','[email protected]','Bryson,
Inc.','DBA',47,'EAI Intro','2007-03-01','Luss','Hilo','Enrolled');
('002','C2122356','Flushing','[email protected]','SuperLoo,
Inc.','DBA',38,'DBA 101','2005-10-03','Luss','Hilo','Dropped');
('003','C2172249','Bizet','[email protected]','Bryson,
Inc.','EAI',44,'EAI Intro','2007-03-01','Luss','Hilo','Enrolled');
Laboratory Report
DeVry University
College of Engineering and Information Sciences
Course Number: DBM449
Laboratory Number: 4
Laboratory Title: Spatial Indices
Note: There is no limit on how much information you will enter
under the three topics below. It is important to be clear and
complete with your comments. Like a scientist you are
documenting your progress in this week’s lab experiment.
Objectives: (In your own words what was this lab designed to
accomplish? What was its purpose?)
Understand and become familiar with current capabilities and
limitations of the OpenGIS implementation in MySQL. Learn to
create, update, and use spatial indices. Explore practical
approaches to calculating distances between points on the
Earth’s surface. Understand fundamentals of geotagging. Create
stored procedures to determine real-world distances, and to
process spatial queries returning result sets of data points
within a bounding rectangle. Explore visualization of GIS data.
Results: (Discuss the steps you used to complete your lab. Were
you successful? What did you learn? What were the results?
Explain what you did to accomplish each step. You can include
screen shots, code listings, and so on. to clearly explain what
you did. Be sure to record all results specifically directed by the
lab procedure. Number all results to reflect the procedure
number to which they correspond.)
3. DDL
5. Insert GIS Data
USE DBM449Lab4;
INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'DeVry
University' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.882844 -
INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'Museum of
Science' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.8357734 -87.7009021)' )
INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'Horseshoe
Casino' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.7869902 -87.7162545)' )
INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'Bensenville'
, GeomFromText('POINT(41.9620321 -87.976798)'));
INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'BAPS Shri
Mandir' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.8704303 -88.13295)' ) );
INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'Aurora IL' ,
GeomFromText('POINT(41.7509511 -88.3767589)' ) );
6. Explain what use GeoFromText
GeoFromText is used to populate data to spatial columns as
values are stored in internal geometry format so we need to use
the location text to convert it to format for storing geometry
data. In this case we got the point with longitude/latitude and
used to GeoFromText function format it for storage.
7. Results of insert statements
8. Select *from Location
9. Explain ASTEXT()
ASTEXT() function gets the data form binary format and
displays it in readable format. So as in this case we want to
display the Location in text format we need to convert the
geometry data to readable data by using the astext() function.
Otherwise the binary data will display the garbage values which
are not readable.
10. Show Location as-text
11. Explain
To calculate the distance between two points the mathematical
formula is used:
Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) +
Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.cos(lat1) *
The coefficient used for this formula is 3959 which shows the
results in miles.
12. Stored procedure to calculate distance
To calculate the boundary and check the other points are within
that range on not, first we have to calculate the distance from
all the points and then need to check that the distance from the
point is within the range or not.
14. Stored procedure to calculate the boundary
15. Show points within 20miles
16. Bounding box limitations
There can be few points which are less than the 20 miles but is
not showing in the results because the Bounding box is a
17. Explain
Google maps can be used to visualize by mapping and
displaying the spatial data.
18. Query to get nearest location
SELECT B.Name, X(B.location) as longitude, Y(B.location) as
latitude, ( 3959 * acos( cos( radians(Y(center.Location)) )
* cos( radians( Y(B.location) ) )
* cos( radians( X(B.location) ) -
radians(X(center.Location)) )
+ sin( radians(Y(center.Location)) )
* sin( radians( Y(B.location) ) ) ) ) AS distance
FROM POINTS center JOIN POINTS B ON center.Name <>
WHERE center.Name = 'DeVry University'
ORDER BY Distance LIMIT 1;
19. Results of query to get nearest location
22. Format google map url for the nearest location
24. Google map result
The image is showing the route from store to friends’ home. It
shows different routes that can be taken from the source to the
Conclusions: (After completing this lab, in your own words,
what conclusions can you draw from this experience?)
In this lab I learned to work with OpenGIS support in MySQL.
Practical hands on experience on working with spatial data.
Understanding the available functions to manipulate geometry
data. I learned to develope the functions to calculate distance
between two locations and was also able to check the locations
near me with in a bounded rectangle. Finally, I was able to
generate the google map-url and seeing it visually.
Laboratory Report
DeVry University
College of Engineering and Information Sciences
Course Number: DBM449
Laboratory Number: 4
Laboratory Title: Spatial Indices
Note: There is no limit on how much information you will enter
under the three topics below. It is important to be clear and
complete with your comments. Like a scientist you are
documenting your progress in this week’s lab experiment.
Objectives: (In your own words what was this lab designed to
accomplish? What was its purpose?)
Understand and become familiar with current capabilities and
limitations of the OpenGIS implementation in MySQL. Learn to
create, update, and use spatial indices. Explore practical
approaches to calculating distances between points on the
Earth’s surface. Understand fundamentals of geotagging. Create
stored procedures to determine real-world distances, and to
process spatial queries returning result sets of data points
within a bounding rectangle. Explore visualization of GIS data.
Results: (Discuss the steps you used to complete your lab. Were
you successful? What did you learn? What were the results?
Explain what you did to accomplish each step. You can include
screen shots, code listings, and so on. to clearly explain what
you did. Be sure to record all results specifically directed by the
lab procedure. Number all results to reflect the procedure
number to which they correspond.)
3. DDL
5. Insert GIS Data
USE DBM449Lab4;
INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'DeVry
University' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.882844 -
INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'Museum of
Science' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.8357734 -87.7009021)' )
INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'Horseshoe
Casino' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.7869902 -87.7162545)' )
INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'Bensenville'
, GeomFromText('POINT(41.9620321 -87.976798)'));
INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'BAPS Shri
Mandir' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.8704303 -88.13295)' ) );
INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'Aurora IL' ,
GeomFromText('POINT(41.7509511 -88.3767589)' ) );
6. Explain what use GeoFromText
GeoFromText is used to populate data to spatial columns as
values are stored in internal geometry format so we need to use
the location text to convert it to format for storing geometry
data. In this case we got the point with longitude/latitude and
used to GeoFromText function format it for storage.
7. Results of insert statements
8. Select *from Location
9. Explain ASTEXT()
ASTEXT() function gets the data form binary format and
displays it in readable format. So as in this case we want to
display the Location in text format we need to convert the
geometry data to readable data by using the astext() function.
Otherwise the binary data will display the garbage values which
are not readable.
10. Show Location as-text
11. Explain
To calculate the distance between two points the mathematical
formula is used:
Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) +
Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.cos(lat1) *
The coefficient used for this formula is 3959 which shows the
results in miles.
12. Stored procedure to calculate distance
To calculate the boundary and check the other points are within
that range on not, first we have to calculate the distance from
all the points and then need to check that the distance from the
point is within the range or not.
14. Stored procedure to calculate the boundary
15. Show points within 20miles
16. Bounding box limitations
There can be few points which are less than the 20 miles but is
not showing in the results because the Bounding box is a
17. Explain
Google maps can be used to visualize by mapping and
displaying the spatial data.
18. Query to get nearest location
SELECT B.Name, X(B.location) as longitude, Y(B.location) as
latitude, ( 3959 * acos( cos( radians(Y(center.Location)) )
* cos( radians( Y(B.location) ) )
* cos( radians( X(B.location) ) -
radians(X(center.Location)) )
+ sin( radians(Y(center.Location)) )
* sin( radians( Y(B.location) ) ) ) ) AS distance
FROM POINTS center JOIN POINTS B ON center.Name <>
WHERE center.Name = 'DeVry University'
ORDER BY Distance LIMIT 1;
19. Results of query to get nearest location
22. Format google map url for the nearest location
24. Google map result
The image is showing the route from store to friends’ home. It
shows different routes that can be taken from the source to the
Conclusions: (After completing this lab, in your own words,
what conclusions can you draw from this experience?)
In this lab I learned to work with OpenGIS support in MySQL.
Practical hands on experience on working with spatial data.
Understanding the available functions to manipulate geometry
data. I learned to develope the functions to calculate distance
between two locations and was also able to check the locations
near me with in a bounded rectangle. Finally, I was able to
generate the google map-url and seeing it visually.
Laboratory Report
DeVry University
College of Engineering and Information Sciences
Course Number: DBM449
Laboratory Number: 4
Laboratory Title: Spatial Indices
Note: There is no limit on how much information you will enter
under the three topics below. It is important to be clear and
complete with your comments. Like a scientist you are
documenting your progress in this week’s lab experiment.
Objectives: (In your own words what was this lab designed to
accomplish? What was its purpose?)
Understand and become familiar with current capabilities and
limitations of the OpenGIS implementation in MySQL. Learn to
create, update, and use spatial indices. Explore practical
approaches to calculating distances between points on the
Earth’s surface. Understand fundamentals of geotagging. Create
stored procedures to determine real-world distances, and to
process spatial queries returning result sets of data points
within a bounding rectangle. Explore visualization of GIS data.
Results: (Discuss the steps you used to complete your lab. Were
you successful? What did you learn? What were the results?
Explain what you did to accomplish each step. You can include
screen shots, code listings, and so on. to clearly explain what
you did. Be sure to record all results specifically directed by the
lab procedure. Number all results to reflect the procedure
number to which they correspond.)
3. DDL
5. Insert GIS Data
USE DBM449Lab4;
INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'DeVry
University' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.882844 -
INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'Museum of
Science' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.8357734 -87.7009021)' )
INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'Horseshoe
Casino' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.7869902 -87.7162545)' )
INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'Bensenville'
, GeomFromText('POINT(41.9620321 -87.976798)'));
INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'BAPS Shri
Mandir' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.8704303 -88.13295)' ) );
INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'Aurora IL' ,
GeomFromText('POINT(41.7509511 -88.3767589)' ) );
6. Explain what use GeoFromText
GeoFromText is used to populate data to spatial columns as
values are stored in internal geometry format so we need to use
the location text to convert it to format for storing geometry
data. In this case we got the point with longitude/latitude and
used to GeoFromText function format it for storage.
7. Results of insert statements
8. Select *from Location
9. Explain ASTEXT()
ASTEXT() function gets the data form binary format and
displays it in readable format. So as in this case we want to
display the Location in text format we need to convert the
geometry data to readable data by using the astext() function.
Otherwise the binary data will display the garbage values which
are not readable.
10. Show Location as-text
11. Explain
To calculate the distance between two points the mathematical
formula is used:
Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) +
Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.cos(lat1) *
The coefficient used for this formula is 3959 which shows the
results in miles.
12. Stored procedure to calculate distance
To calculate the boundary and check the other points are within
that range on not, first we have to calculate the distance from
all the points and then need to check that the distance from the
point is within the range or not.
14. Stored procedure to calculate the boundary
15. Show points within 20miles
16. Bounding box limitations
There can be few points which are less than the 20 miles but is
not showing in the results because the Bounding box is a
17. Explain
Google maps can be used to visualize by mapping and
displaying the spatial data.
18. Query to get nearest location
SELECT B.Name, X(B.location) as longitude, Y(B.location) as
latitude, ( 3959 * acos( cos( radians(Y(center.Location)) )
* cos( radians( Y(B.location) ) )
* cos( radians( X(B.location) ) -
radians(X(center.Location)) )
+ sin( radians(Y(center.Location)) )
* sin( radians( Y(B.location) ) ) ) ) AS distance
FROM POINTS center JOIN POINTS B ON center.Name <>
WHERE center.Name = 'DeVry University'
ORDER BY Distance LIMIT 1;
19. Results of query to get nearest location
22. Format google map url for the nearest location
24. Google map result
The image is showing the route from store to friends’ home. It
shows different routes that can be taken from the source to the
Conclusions: (After completing this lab, in your own words,
what conclusions can you draw from this experience?)
In this lab I learned to work with OpenGIS support in MySQL.
Practical hands on experience on working with spatial data.
Understanding the available functions to manipulate geometry
data. I learned to develope the functions to calculate distance
between two locations and was also able to check the locations
near me with in a bounded rectangle. Finally, I was able to
generate the google map-url and seeing it visually.

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CASE STUDY InternetExcel Exercises, page 434, textRecord your.docx

  • 1. CASE STUDY Internet/Excel Exercises, page 434, text Record your findings in a Word document and submit it online IBM has substantial operations in many countries, including the United States, Canada, and Germany. Go to 1. Click on Historical Prices. (Or apply this exercise to a different MNC.) Set the date range so that you can obtain quarterly values of the U.S. stock index for the last 20 quarters. Insert the quarterly data on a spreadsheet. Compute the percentage change in IBM’s stock price for each quarter. Next go to and click (under U.S.) on S&P Composite 1500 Index, which represents the U.S. stock market index, so that you can derive the quarterly percentage change in the U.S. stock index over the last 20 quarters. Then run a regression analysis with IBM’s quarterly return (percentage change in stock price) as the dependent variable and the quarterly percentage change in the U.S. stock market’s value as the independent variable. (Appendix C explains how Excel can be used to run regression analysis.) The slope coefficient serves as an estimate of the sensitivity of IBM’s value to the U.S. market returns. Also, check the fit of the relationship based on the R-squared statistic. 2. Go to and click (under “Europe”) on DAX, which represents the German stock market index. Repeat the process described in exercise 1 so that you can assess IBM’s sensitivity to the German stock market. Compare the slope coefficient between the two analyses. Is IBM’s value more sensitive to the U.S. market or the German market? Does the U.S. market or the German market explain a higher proportion of the variation in IBM’s returns (check the R-squared statistic)? Offer an explanation of your results.
  • 2. Lab 5 Database Security Use the script from week 1 for the week 5 lab. 1. Create four new users a. The first user will have full rights to the database b. The second user grant access to the Client’s table and allow them the rights to INSERT data into the clients table c. The third user grant rights to create user logins and reset passwords d. The fourth user grant column rights to the Course_Activity table allow access to the Course Code and Grade column. Allow user to UPDATE a maximum of 5 times per hour. 2. Login with each user to demonstrate the rights you have given them a. User 1 login and create a VIEW for user 2 that just displays the Client table b. User 2 login and add 3 more clients to the Clients table c. User 3 login create two new users d. User 4 login and UPDATE two new entries for Course Code and Grade Column for Client 1 and 2 e. For each user run the Show Privileges command to show correct rights and permissions have been applied 3. Show Log Files: For each user show log files (since we do not have MySQL Enterprise we cannot use the Audit function but as a substitute we can use the built-in log file function) 4. Create a Stored Procedure with User 1 that displays describes the database and grant user 3 access to the stored procedure. 5. Login with user 3 and demonstrate calling the Store Procedure created in step 4. 6. Login with User 2 run an ALTER TABLE command on the COURSE table and show results. 7. Login with User 4 and run an UPDATE command on Course_Activity for client 1 and 2 on column Activity Code and
  • 3. show results. McAfee Audit Module Download and Installation (all environments) 8. CHECKPOINT QUESTION: In order to proceed with the installation of the McAfee Audit Plugin for MySQL, you will need to gather some additional information. These checkpoint questions will help you to clarify this task: What version of LINUX are you running, and how do you determine this? Are you running a 32-bit or 64-bit version of the Operating system, and how do you determine this? How can you obtain/Where can you download an appropriate version of the McAfee Audit Plugin for your use? Once downloaded, how do you unpack the package to access the plugin components? What is the path of the plugin directory into which you must copy the unpacked/unzipped plugin? Record your answers to these questions, and paste them into your lab report. Download, unpack, and copy all files where they belong. (Hint: If you are unable to find a pre-built installation options through your desktop controls, such as Ubuntu Software Center, you can also download the package using a browser, or by using the wget command line interface statement. This latter statement would begin similar to: sudo wget…) 9. CHECKPOINT QUESTION: The installation of the plugin is done from within the MySQL console. What is the command you must issue to install the plugin? Record your answer in your lab report. 10. Issue the MySQL console command to install the plugin. 11. From the MySQL console, issue the command: show plugins;. Take a screenshot showing your successful results, and paste it into your lab report. Configuring the McAfee Audit Module (all environments)
  • 4. 12. CHECKPOINT QUESTION: Even though the McAfee Audit Plugin in now installed, it is not yet monitoring things as we would wish. First, the Plugin must be configured. Research what events the plugin is capable of logging, and how to edit the configuration to log them. What command must be entered or what files edited in order to cause the plugin to log the following events: Connect, Quit, Failed Login, Insert, Drop, Create? Record the exact steps you must take and the commands you must enter in order to begin logging the events specified. Next, consider what actions you would need to take to generate each of these events, and document your plan for doing so. Paste both the configuration steps, and the commands you will execute to test the logging of each event into your lab report. 13. Execute each of the actions planned in the previous step to generate an event in the audit log. 14. Determine the location of the audit log (this is commonly /var/lib/mysql/mysql-audit.json). Display the log contents, and analyze them to show that each event you triggered appears in the log. Note: the log file format is not optimized for human readability. The default format generated by this plugin is a .json file, which is easily read and processed for many purposes, including generating pager or system alerts, automated threat responses, as well as reporting. Reporting software that uses such logs is known as Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) software. You may also find utilities that will read and format .json file format into a layout that is easier for humans to read. In any event, take screen shots of your log results, and annotate them to show that each of the required events was captured by the log. Paste a copy of this result into your lab report. 15. CHECKPOINT QUESTION: What has been achieved by this lab, and what steps would remain to provide a comprehensive security system, including reporting, monitoring, alerting, and Automated Threat Response (automatic countermeasures)? In your answer, give an example of a
  • 5. specific example of each of these, and discuss how it would operate (e.g., an Automated Threat Response might be to disable a user account, or to dynamically add a firewall rule rejecting any further traffic from a specific host computer from which a prohibited event was generated). Record your answer in the lab report. Make sure to provide screenshots either from the command line or workbench demonstrating each of these steps. -- Table `CLIENT` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `CLIENT` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `CLIENT` ( `CLIENT_NO` CHAR(8) NOT NULL, `CLIENT_COMPANY` VARCHAR(35) NOT NULL, `CLIENT_NAME` VARCHAR(35) NOT NULL, `CLIENT_EMAIL` VARCHAR(35) NULL, `CLIENT_PROGRAM` CHAR(3) NOT NULL, `CLIENT_SCORE` DECIMAL(10,0) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`CLIENT_NO`)) ENGINE = InnoDB; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table `COURSE` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `COURSE` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `COURSE` ( `COURSE_CODE` CHAR(8) NOT NULL, `COURSE_NAME` VARCHAR(35) NOT NULL, `COURSE_DATE` DATE NOT NULL, `COURSE_INSTRUCTOR` VARCHAR(35) NOT NULL,
  • 7. `COURSE_LOCATION` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, `COURSE_STATUS` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`EXTRACT_NO`)) ENGINE = InnoDB; SET [email protected]_SQL_MODE; SET [email protected]_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS; SET [email protected]_UNIQUE_CHECKS; -- CLIENT rows -- INSERT INTO CLIENT VALUES('C2122542','Bryson, Inc.' ,'Smithson','[email protected]' ,'DBA',47); INSERT INTO CLIENT VALUES('C2122356','SuperLoo, Inc.' ,'Flushing','[email protected]' ,'DBA',38); INSERT INTO CLIENT VALUES('C2123871','D&E Supply' ,'Singh' ,'[email protected]' ,'EAI',42); INSERT INTO CLIENT VALUES('C2134452','Gomez Bros.' ,'Ortega' ,'[email protected]' ,'DBA',39); INSERT INTO CLIENT VALUES('C2256716','Dome Supply' ,'Smith' ,'[email protected]' ,'ADM',41); -- COURSE rows -- INSERT INTO COURSE VALUES('DBA12345','DBA 101' ,'2005-10-03','Phung' ,'Kaanapali'); INSERT INTO COURSE VALUES('DBA12346','Advanced DBA' ,'2005-11-23','Browne' ,'San Mateo'); INSERT INTO COURSE VALUES('EAI12345','EAI Intro' ,'2005-11-30','Luss' ,'Danbury'); INSERT INTO COURSE VALUES('DBA12347','DBA 101' ,'2006-01-08','Fiorillo' ,'Paramus'); INSERT INTO COURSE VALUES('DBA12348','DBA 101' ,'2006-02-28','Majmundar' ,'Racine'); -- COURSE ACTIVITY rows -- INSERT INTO COURSE_ACTIVITY VALUES('A0000001','C2122542','DBA12345','A',NULL);
  • 8. INSERT INTO COURSE_ACTIVITY VALUES('A0000002','C2122356','DBA12347','F',NULL); INSERT INTO COURSE_ACTIVITY VALUES('A0000003','C2134452','DBA12345','B',NULL); INSERT INTO COURSE_ACTIVITY VALUES('A0000004','C2122542','DBA12346','A',NULL); INSERT INTO COURSE_ACTIVITY VALUES('A0000005','C2123871','EAI12345','A',NULL); INSERT INTO COURSE_ACTIVITY VALUES('A0000006','C2122356','DBA12345',NULL,NULL); -- CORP_EXTRACT1 rows -- INSERT INTO CORP_EXTRACT1 VALUES ('001','C2122542','Smithson','[email protected]','Bryson, Inc.','DBA',47,'EAI Intro','2007-03-01','Luss','Hilo','Enrolled'); INSERT INTO CORP_EXTRACT1 VALUES ('002','C2122356','Flushing','[email protected]','SuperLoo, Inc.','DBA',38,'DBA 101','2005-10-03','Luss','Hilo','Dropped'); INSERT INTO CORP_EXTRACT1 VALUES ('003','C2172249','Bizet','[email protected]','Bryson, Inc.','EAI',44,'EAI Intro','2007-03-01','Luss','Hilo','Enrolled'); Laboratory Report DeVry University College of Engineering and Information Sciences Course Number: DBM449 Laboratory Number: 4 Laboratory Title: Spatial Indices Note: There is no limit on how much information you will enter under the three topics below. It is important to be clear and complete with your comments. Like a scientist you are documenting your progress in this week’s lab experiment.
  • 9. Objectives: (In your own words what was this lab designed to accomplish? What was its purpose?) Understand and become familiar with current capabilities and limitations of the OpenGIS implementation in MySQL. Learn to create, update, and use spatial indices. Explore practical approaches to calculating distances between points on the Earth’s surface. Understand fundamentals of geotagging. Create stored procedures to determine real-world distances, and to process spatial queries returning result sets of data points within a bounding rectangle. Explore visualization of GIS data. Results: (Discuss the steps you used to complete your lab. Were you successful? What did you learn? What were the results? Explain what you did to accomplish each step. You can include screen shots, code listings, and so on. to clearly explain what you did. Be sure to record all results specifically directed by the lab procedure. Number all results to reflect the procedure number to which they correspond.) 3. DDL 5. Insert GIS Data USE DBM449Lab4; INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'DeVry University' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.882844 - 87.634982)')); INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'Museum of Science' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.8357734 -87.7009021)' ) );
  • 10. INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'Horseshoe Casino' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.7869902 -87.7162545)' ) ); INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'Bensenville' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.9620321 -87.976798)')); INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'BAPS Shri Mandir' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.8704303 -88.13295)' ) ); INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'Aurora IL' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.7509511 -88.3767589)' ) ); 6. Explain what use GeoFromText GeoFromText is used to populate data to spatial columns as values are stored in internal geometry format so we need to use the location text to convert it to format for storing geometry data. In this case we got the point with longitude/latitude and used to GeoFromText function format it for storage. 7. Results of insert statements 8. Select *from Location 9. Explain ASTEXT() ASTEXT() function gets the data form binary format and displays it in readable format. So as in this case we want to display the Location in text format we need to convert the geometry data to readable data by using the astext() function. Otherwise the binary data will display the garbage values which are not readable. 10. Show Location as-text
  • 11. 11. Explain To calculate the distance between two points the mathematical formula is used: Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) + Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2); The coefficient used for this formula is 3959 which shows the results in miles. 12. Stored procedure to calculate distance 13.Explain To calculate the boundary and check the other points are within that range on not, first we have to calculate the distance from all the points and then need to check that the distance from the point is within the range or not. 14. Stored procedure to calculate the boundary 15. Show points within 20miles 16. Bounding box limitations There can be few points which are less than the 20 miles but is not showing in the results because the Bounding box is a polygon. 17. Explain
  • 12. Google maps can be used to visualize by mapping and displaying the spatial data. 18. Query to get nearest location SELECT B.Name, X(B.location) as longitude, Y(B.location) as latitude, ( 3959 * acos( cos( radians(Y(center.Location)) ) * cos( radians( Y(B.location) ) ) * cos( radians( X(B.location) ) - radians(X(center.Location)) ) + sin( radians(Y(center.Location)) ) * sin( radians( Y(B.location) ) ) ) ) AS distance FROM POINTS center JOIN POINTS B ON center.Name <> B.Name WHERE center.Name = 'DeVry University' ORDER BY Distance LIMIT 1; 19. Results of query to get nearest location 22. Format google map url for the nearest location 24. Google map result The image is showing the route from store to friends’ home. It shows different routes that can be taken from the source to the destination. Conclusions: (After completing this lab, in your own words, what conclusions can you draw from this experience?)
  • 13. In this lab I learned to work with OpenGIS support in MySQL. Practical hands on experience on working with spatial data. Understanding the available functions to manipulate geometry data. I learned to develope the functions to calculate distance between two locations and was also able to check the locations near me with in a bounded rectangle. Finally, I was able to generate the google map-url and seeing it visually. Laboratory Report DeVry University College of Engineering and Information Sciences Course Number: DBM449 Laboratory Number: 4 Laboratory Title: Spatial Indices Note: There is no limit on how much information you will enter under the three topics below. It is important to be clear and complete with your comments. Like a scientist you are documenting your progress in this week’s lab experiment. Objectives: (In your own words what was this lab designed to accomplish? What was its purpose?) Understand and become familiar with current capabilities and limitations of the OpenGIS implementation in MySQL. Learn to create, update, and use spatial indices. Explore practical approaches to calculating distances between points on the Earth’s surface. Understand fundamentals of geotagging. Create stored procedures to determine real-world distances, and to process spatial queries returning result sets of data points within a bounding rectangle. Explore visualization of GIS data.
  • 14. Results: (Discuss the steps you used to complete your lab. Were you successful? What did you learn? What were the results? Explain what you did to accomplish each step. You can include screen shots, code listings, and so on. to clearly explain what you did. Be sure to record all results specifically directed by the lab procedure. Number all results to reflect the procedure number to which they correspond.) 3. DDL 5. Insert GIS Data USE DBM449Lab4; INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'DeVry University' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.882844 - 87.634982)')); INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'Museum of Science' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.8357734 -87.7009021)' ) ); INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'Horseshoe Casino' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.7869902 -87.7162545)' ) ); INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'Bensenville' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.9620321 -87.976798)')); INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'BAPS Shri Mandir' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.8704303 -88.13295)' ) ); INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'Aurora IL' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.7509511 -88.3767589)' ) ); 6. Explain what use GeoFromText GeoFromText is used to populate data to spatial columns as values are stored in internal geometry format so we need to use the location text to convert it to format for storing geometry
  • 15. data. In this case we got the point with longitude/latitude and used to GeoFromText function format it for storage. 7. Results of insert statements 8. Select *from Location 9. Explain ASTEXT() ASTEXT() function gets the data form binary format and displays it in readable format. So as in this case we want to display the Location in text format we need to convert the geometry data to readable data by using the astext() function. Otherwise the binary data will display the garbage values which are not readable. 10. Show Location as-text 11. Explain To calculate the distance between two points the mathematical formula is used: Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) + Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2); The coefficient used for this formula is 3959 which shows the results in miles. 12. Stored procedure to calculate distance 13.Explain
  • 16. To calculate the boundary and check the other points are within that range on not, first we have to calculate the distance from all the points and then need to check that the distance from the point is within the range or not. 14. Stored procedure to calculate the boundary 15. Show points within 20miles 16. Bounding box limitations There can be few points which are less than the 20 miles but is not showing in the results because the Bounding box is a polygon. 17. Explain Google maps can be used to visualize by mapping and displaying the spatial data. 18. Query to get nearest location SELECT B.Name, X(B.location) as longitude, Y(B.location) as latitude, ( 3959 * acos( cos( radians(Y(center.Location)) ) * cos( radians( Y(B.location) ) ) * cos( radians( X(B.location) ) - radians(X(center.Location)) ) + sin( radians(Y(center.Location)) ) * sin( radians( Y(B.location) ) ) ) ) AS distance FROM POINTS center JOIN POINTS B ON center.Name <> B.Name WHERE center.Name = 'DeVry University' ORDER BY Distance LIMIT 1;
  • 17. 19. Results of query to get nearest location 22. Format google map url for the nearest location 24. Google map result The image is showing the route from store to friends’ home. It shows different routes that can be taken from the source to the destination. Conclusions: (After completing this lab, in your own words, what conclusions can you draw from this experience?) In this lab I learned to work with OpenGIS support in MySQL. Practical hands on experience on working with spatial data. Understanding the available functions to manipulate geometry data. I learned to develope the functions to calculate distance between two locations and was also able to check the locations near me with in a bounded rectangle. Finally, I was able to generate the google map-url and seeing it visually. Laboratory Report DeVry University College of Engineering and Information Sciences Course Number: DBM449 Laboratory Number: 4 Laboratory Title: Spatial Indices
  • 18. Note: There is no limit on how much information you will enter under the three topics below. It is important to be clear and complete with your comments. Like a scientist you are documenting your progress in this week’s lab experiment. Objectives: (In your own words what was this lab designed to accomplish? What was its purpose?) Understand and become familiar with current capabilities and limitations of the OpenGIS implementation in MySQL. Learn to create, update, and use spatial indices. Explore practical approaches to calculating distances between points on the Earth’s surface. Understand fundamentals of geotagging. Create stored procedures to determine real-world distances, and to process spatial queries returning result sets of data points within a bounding rectangle. Explore visualization of GIS data. Results: (Discuss the steps you used to complete your lab. Were you successful? What did you learn? What were the results? Explain what you did to accomplish each step. You can include screen shots, code listings, and so on. to clearly explain what you did. Be sure to record all results specifically directed by the lab procedure. Number all results to reflect the procedure number to which they correspond.) 3. DDL 5. Insert GIS Data USE DBM449Lab4; INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'DeVry University' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.882844 -
  • 19. 87.634982)')); INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'Museum of Science' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.8357734 -87.7009021)' ) ); INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'Horseshoe Casino' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.7869902 -87.7162545)' ) ); INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'Bensenville' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.9620321 -87.976798)')); INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'BAPS Shri Mandir' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.8704303 -88.13295)' ) ); INSERT INTO Points (name, location) VALUES ( 'Aurora IL' , GeomFromText('POINT(41.7509511 -88.3767589)' ) ); 6. Explain what use GeoFromText GeoFromText is used to populate data to spatial columns as values are stored in internal geometry format so we need to use the location text to convert it to format for storing geometry data. In this case we got the point with longitude/latitude and used to GeoFromText function format it for storage. 7. Results of insert statements 8. Select *from Location 9. Explain ASTEXT() ASTEXT() function gets the data form binary format and displays it in readable format. So as in this case we want to display the Location in text format we need to convert the geometry data to readable data by using the astext() function. Otherwise the binary data will display the garbage values which are not readable.
  • 20. 10. Show Location as-text 11. Explain To calculate the distance between two points the mathematical formula is used: Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) + Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2); The coefficient used for this formula is 3959 which shows the results in miles. 12. Stored procedure to calculate distance 13.Explain To calculate the boundary and check the other points are within that range on not, first we have to calculate the distance from all the points and then need to check that the distance from the point is within the range or not. 14. Stored procedure to calculate the boundary 15. Show points within 20miles 16. Bounding box limitations There can be few points which are less than the 20 miles but is
  • 21. not showing in the results because the Bounding box is a polygon. 17. Explain Google maps can be used to visualize by mapping and displaying the spatial data. 18. Query to get nearest location SELECT B.Name, X(B.location) as longitude, Y(B.location) as latitude, ( 3959 * acos( cos( radians(Y(center.Location)) ) * cos( radians( Y(B.location) ) ) * cos( radians( X(B.location) ) - radians(X(center.Location)) ) + sin( radians(Y(center.Location)) ) * sin( radians( Y(B.location) ) ) ) ) AS distance FROM POINTS center JOIN POINTS B ON center.Name <> B.Name WHERE center.Name = 'DeVry University' ORDER BY Distance LIMIT 1; 19. Results of query to get nearest location 22. Format google map url for the nearest location 24. Google map result The image is showing the route from store to friends’ home. It shows different routes that can be taken from the source to the destination.
  • 22. Conclusions: (After completing this lab, in your own words, what conclusions can you draw from this experience?) In this lab I learned to work with OpenGIS support in MySQL. Practical hands on experience on working with spatial data. Understanding the available functions to manipulate geometry data. I learned to develope the functions to calculate distance between two locations and was also able to check the locations near me with in a bounded rectangle. Finally, I was able to generate the google map-url and seeing it visually.